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Jl. Babakan Madang, Bukit Sentul BOGOR- INDONESIA, telp: (o21) 87960912 Fax: (021) 87960069

CAS Activity Proposal Form

Student name:
Natasha Herjawan
Proposed activity: Yayasan JPCC (Service)
Date of starting:
Approximate time: 3 hour/meeting
Name of Adult leader (supervisor): Suroto
Position: Advisor and Supervisor
Contact detail: 087881623283


Please comment on how this activity will help you to achieve the Learning Outcomes as IB
CAS requirement?
The Yayasan JPCC is a foundation that builds and develops and improves many places around
Indonesia. It involves giving some places light, and solar panel and giving them hope for a
better future. One of their project is to make virgin coconut oil and I have been helping in
creating the virgin coconut oil and I have been enjoying myself in feeling the satisfaction of
helping others.
Learning Outcomes:
Undertake new challengesThis is a new challenge for me as it is just a start and I am still learning in the whole
process of creating the virgin coconut oil. It is not easy at all and there are so many
challenges that I have to face and that includes being near heat for a long time and
really working hard to get the best result possible for the virgin coconut oil as it will be
sold and the money goes out to the people.
Work collaboratively with othersIn doing this project, it does require many other people and I cannot do it alone. I have
to make sure that what I am doing is in sync with other people that are also doing the
job. If I do not cooperate things will get messy and chaotic.
Engage in issues of global importanceBy doing this I am actually engaging myself with the issued of global importance
because by doing this it is not for my own benefit but for others. It takes a lot of energy
and sweat to do this an dis very difficult to do especially when youre learning from
zero. However, the reward you get from this is being able to see other people smile
because of your help and your involvement in a creation that is impacting other
peoples life majorly.
Develop new skillsThis is a new skill that I am doing because making oil is not a common thing to do and
not many people does it. It takes commitment and dedication to be able to have this
skill fully. Not only it is tiring physically but you also mentally because if you are not
mentally ready for all the hard things and not set your mind on the fact that it is
helping others, t will be tough. So a skill that will be developed is controlling yourself
mentally and realizing that its for the benefit of others.

Activity Leader:
This student has given me the letter providing information about this CAS program. I am
aware of the need for evaluation and am willing to provide this.
Leaders signature:

Approved by CAS Coordinator:



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