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Paczki crazy

Biting into a fresh, dec-

By Brianna Welch adent Paczki could easily

be called heaven because

of the soft, irreplaceable dough or the endless,
glorious combinations of fillings. No matter what
flavor their fillings are, it can be guessed that they
will be great regardless.
Paczkis are deep-fried pieces of dough shaped
into flattened spheres, usually covered with powdered sugar, icing or bits of dried orange zest and
can be filled with confiture, which is jam, or it can
be filled with any other sweet filling. Paczkis are
made to celebrate eating fatty foods before Ash
Wednesday, which is the first day of Lent. On the
first day of Lent, many people give up rich, fatty
foods such as eggs, milk and sugar.
I love Fat Tuesday because it gives me the excuse to eat as much fatty foods as possible, senior
Stephanie Littleworth said.
Fat Tuesday is known as Shrove Tuesday,
but for the people who live in New Orleans its
more formally known as Mardi Gras. There is
a tradition, Carnival, and it refers to celebrations

beginning on or after the Christian feasts of the

Epiphany or Three King's Day and culminating on
the day before Ash Wednesday.
Paczkis are just so good, so I get so excited
when its Fat Tuesday, senior Kayla Croud.
10,000 Paczkis could be sold in two days just
at one bakery alone. It is pretty clear that some
people would do anything to get their hands on
them, like standing in line for hours at a time or
waking up early to get some.
On Fat Tuesday, one does not just eat Paczkis
the whole day, but fill up with as many fatty foods
as possible. For those who may not eat Paczkis,
there are a variety of pastries or pancakes to try.
There are so many different types of Paczkis, but
the most common flavor is Custard. Other popular ones include Chocolate Custard, strawberry
jam and raspberry jam.
I love Paczkis because they are so sweet and
fluffy, senior Alex Phan said
Fat Tuesday has been a tradition since 1699,
and it will most likely be a tradition until the end
of time.

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