Architecture Colleger Formal 2007 PDF

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Syrian Arab Republic ® University of Aleppo Faculty of Architecture Subjects & Course description At the Faculty of Architecture University of Aleppo ISSUED: 2004 Dean of the Faculty of Architecture cane [Ea ‘The following list designs the assigned subjects and weekly actual hours, necessary to obtain the "Bachelor of Architecture" based on: five academic years containing 10 semesters. FIRST YEAR « FIRST SEMESTER WEEKLY ACTUAL HOURS THEORETICAL PRACTICAL 1 Elements of Architecture and Geometrical Drawing 10 2+ Free-hand drawing (1) - 4 3+ Mathematics, Mechanics and Equilibrium 2 2 4- Foreign language (1) 4 - 5- Arabic language 4 - 6- National Education 4 : 7- Descriptive Geometry 2 2 WEEKLY ACTUAL HOURS THEORETICAL PRACTICAL 1. Elements of Architecture and Geometrical Drawing- 0 2+ Free-hand drawing (2). - 3+ Computer aided design (1) 4- Perspective and Shade (1). 5+ History of architecture (1). 6- Foreign language (2) hehe aN! SECOND YEAR « FIRST SEMESTER WEEKLY ACTUAL HOURS THEORETICAL PRACTICAL 1- Architectural Design (1) 10 History of Architecture (2). 4 - tive and Shade (2). 2 2 4- Building Construction (1). 2 2 5+ Resistance of Materials 4 - 6- Computer Aided Design (2) - 4 « SECOND SEMESTER WEEKLY ACTUAL HOURS THEORETICAL PRACTICAL 1- Architectural design (1) : 10 2+ History of architecture (3) 3- Building Construction (2) 4- Topography and Architectural Documentation 5+ volume composition and - 4 Architectural modeling 6- Foreign language (3). 4 - Vee ne THIRD YEAR FIRST SEMESTER WEEKLY ACTUAL HOURS THEORETICAL PRACTICAL Architectural Design (2) 5 10 Executive Design (1) : Theories of Architecture (1) 4 Construction Theories. 4 - Construction Calculation, - Building Materials. portly apeeper RY ¢ SECOND SEMESTER WEEKLY ACTUAL HOURS THEORETICAL PRACTICAL 1- Architectural Design (2) : 10 2- Executive Design(2) 5 4 3+ Theories of Architecture (2) 4 - 4- Environment and Sustainable Development 2 2 5- Theories of urban planning 2 2 6- Foreign language (4) 4 - FOURTH YEAR « FIRST SEMESTER WEEKLY ACTUAL HOURS THEORETICAL PRACTICAL 1- Architectural Design (3) : 10 2- Building Installations (1) 2 2 3+ Executive Design(3) : 4 4- Reinforced Concrete 2 2 5- Urban planning (1) : 4 6- Urban Sociology 4 - * SECOND SEMESTER WEEKLY ACTUAL HOURS THEORETICAL PRACTICAL 1- Architectural design (3) : 10 2- Internal Architecture - 4 3+ Urban planning (2) 4- Building Installations (2) 5- Landscaping 6- Foreign language (5) 4 2 4 Arne FIFTH Y 3. R FIRST SEMESTER - Architectural design (4) Urban planning (3) Rehabilitation of historical sites and buildings Quantities and specifications, project Organization Real estate legislations and Urban Regulations Foreign language (6) SECOND SEMESTER The graduation project f ley WEEKLY ACTUAL HOURS THEORETICAL PRACTICAL - 10 a 4 : 4 2 2 2 z 4 WEEKLY ACTUAL HOURS THEORETICAL PRACTICAL - 18 Course description of the assigned subjects which are studied at the Faculty of Architecture according to years and semesters THE FIRST YEAR + EIRST SEMESTER 1- Elements of Architecture and Geometrical Drawing: Number of hours (weekly) 10 practical hours Course description: Principles of drawing, study of volumes in the space, study of the plan, section and facade. The work consists of weekly exercises. 2- Free-hand Drawing (1): Number of the weekly actual hours: 4 (practical) Practical exercises to strengthen free hand and proportion skills. Free hand drawing with (pencil, charcoal, ink, china ink and coloring). 3- Mathematics, Mechanics and Equilibriu Number of weekly actual hours: 2 (theoretical), 2 (practical) Course description: The determinate and their applications, the limits and the polynomials the continuity of the functions. The series. ‘The number (¢),the derivative applications differential, the definite increments ,the entire series, the definite and the indefinite integrals, the doubled integration, Tri-integration, Essential nations in deferential equations of the second degree having different forms. Applications of the differential equations in the solution of some moving problems, the analytic in the space. ‘The fundamental study of the mechanical geometry , the definition of the kinds of vectors (their sum and their tension ), the equilibrium of point and solid bodies, (smooth surfaces, rough surfaces) the necessary. directive quantities in the mechanics. Moly ° 4- Foreign language (1): Number of weekly actual hours :4 (theoretical) Course description: (General English) This course focuses mainly on reading and writing academically. It trains students to critically think and find out the topic sentence and the relationships between paragraphs. It mainly develops students writing skills at the sentence level using the logical relationships and the different types of paragraph developments. The course also helps students develop their ‘communicative skills in listening, speaking as well as the public skills use English as a way of communication, 5- Arabic Language : Number of weekly actual hours ; 4 (theoretical) Course description: Improvement of the Arabic language and report writing in Arabic. 6- National Culture : Number of weekly actual hours : 4 (theoretical) Course description Lectures dealing with Arab National ideology. 7- Descriptive geometry: Number of weekly actual hours: 2 (theoretical), 2 (practical) Course description; Definition , vertical projection on two perpendicular surfaces (Mauge Method ) Changing of the level, rotation, application, polly faces, shades, inclined surfaces and Lines, surfaces. COND SEMESTER 1- Principals of Architectural Design: Number of hours (weekly) 10 practical hours Course d The importance of the site, the orientation and the climate. The elements of the habitat (the Arabic House), analysis of the habitat. Study of some small projects. Jelly ’ 2+ Free-hand Drawing (2): Number of weekly actual hours : 4 (practical) Course description; Practical exercises in free-hand (pencil, charcoal, ink, china ink and coloration), 3- Computer aided Design (1): Numbers of weekly actual hours: 4 (practical) Course deseripti Principals of computer aided design 2D. 4- Perspective and Shade (1): Number of weekly actual hours :2 (theoretical), 2 (practical) Course description: Study of dimensions and transfer of space into surface drawing, Study of the perspective drawing, internal and axonomettic. Study of shade in 2 dimensional drawings. 5- History of Architecture (1): Numbers of weekly actual hours: 4 (theoretical) Course descriptior Pre-historic architecture, old Egyptian architecture, Old oriental architecture. 6- Foreign language (: Numbers of weekly actual hours: 4 (theoretical) Course description: This course trains students to use the oral skills that help them communicate with all aspects of daily life through dialogues as well as the use of the language as a means of functional communication. It helps students develop their skills in description and composition in the daily life activities. It mainly develops students’ writing skills at the sentence level using the logical relationships and the different types of paragraph developments. The course also helps students develop their communicative skills in listening, speaking as well as the public skills, use English as a way of communication. pert : THE SECOND YEAR « FIRST SEMESTER 1- Architectural Design (1): Number of weekly actual hours : 10 ( practical) Course description: Analyzing architectural programs and designing Habitat. 2. History of Architecture (2): Number of weekly actual hours: 4 (theoretical) Course description: The Hellenic architecture and Greek art, the Roman architecture, the Christian architecture in Syria, the Etrusque architecture, the urban planning in Classical Eras. 3- Perspective and Shade (2) Number of weekly actual hours: 2 (theoretical), 2 (practical) Course description: Architectural rendering of the facades and perspective, study of the perspective: external, internal and axonometric, Study of shade 3 dimensional drawings. 4- Building Construction (1): Number of weekly actual hours : 2 (theoretical), 2 (practical) Course description Preliminary notion dealing in the subjects of architectural construction, construction systems, different technical ways of construction, preparatory work for the site plan, foundations, walls and columns. 5- Resistance of Materials: Number of weekly actual hours: 4 (theoretical) Course description: Power static, the structure beams, ( calculation of the reaction) in the assigned structures. The internal powers in the structures (cutting powers), the forces definition-low of elasticity- the distribution of forces in the section influenced by the (axial forces) bounding moment , the cutting force, the tensional moment: HoclY > 6- Computer Aided Design (2): Number of weekly actual hours: 4 (practical) Course descriptioi Principals of computer aided design 3D. © SECOND SEMESTER - Architectural design (1): Number of weekly actual hours : 10 ( practical) Course description: Analyzing architectural programs and design of public buildings. 2- History of architecture (3): Number of weekly actual hours: 4 (theoretical) ourse description: Islamic Arab architecture, Islamic urban planning, Roman architecture in Europe, Gothic architecture, architecture in the Renaissance period, the architectural influences of Arab on the Modern European Architecture. 3- Building Construction (2): Number of weekly actual hours: 2 (theoretical), 2 (practical) Course description: Preparatory works of yards ceilings, the separation elements, dilatation and contraction joints, the thermal and the acoustic insulation of the walls , water distribution and canalization of raining water, the ways of construction and competing works in buildings. 4- Topography and Architecutral Documentation: Number of weekly actual hours: 2 (theoretical) ,2 (practical) Course description: Using of topographical instruments in architectural Documentation. S- Volume Composition and architectural Modeling: Number of weekly actual hours: 4 (practical) Course description: Training the skills of formation: Of volumes, as well as building architectural models, ply 10 6- Foreign language (3): Numbers of weekly actual hours: 4 (theoretical) Course description: (English grammer) This course teaches English grammar that is divided into teaching categorized principles that refer to people and things (nouns, pronouns and determiners). The main focus is to give information about things and nouns (adjectives, possessives, quantifiers, and qualifiers) it also trains students to build up a sentence using a transitive verb and complement. It helps students use a variety of sentence mode (positive, negative, interrogative), use of time expression, the use of conjunctions in coordinate and subordinate sentences. ele)» THE THIRD YEAR « FIRST SEMEST! 1- Architectural Design (2): Number of weekly actual hours: 10 (practical) Course description: Analyzing architectural programs and design of Habitat and public buildings. 2. Executive Design (1): Number of weekly actual hours: 4 (practical) Course description: Definition of basic principles in executive design, principles of drawing executive plans, sections and elevations, application of executive design elements on an architectural project. 3- Theories of Architecture (1): Number of weekly actual hours: 4 (theoretical) Course descriptio: ‘Theories of Architecture, the role of the building materials in architecture. 4- Construction Theories: Number of weekly actual hours: 4 (theoretical) Course descriptior Loads and construction, The theories of dwelling construction, The construction pattern and its function, Choice of appropriate construction skeleton, 5- Construction Calculation: Number of weekly actual hours: 2(theoretical), 2 (practical) Course description: Beams, Categliante theory (Maxwell low), load theory, theory of continuous structure beams three moment equations. 6- Building materials: Number of weekly actual hours: 2 (theoretical), 2 (practical) Course description: General properties of materials (stones, sand, gravel, cement, iron and other metallic materials, mechanical test of materials ( metal, concrete, stone etc...) compression, flexion, tension, traction, and traction by flexion, wall 2 * SECOND SEMESTER 1- Architectural design (2): Number of weekly actual hours : 10 ( practical) Course description: Analyzing architectural programs and design of Habitat and public buildings, choice of appropriate construction systems, principles of executive construction for site plans. 2- Executive design (2): Number of weekly actual hours: 4 (practical) Course description; ‘Application of construction systems in architectural projects, 3- Theories of Architecture (2): Number of weekly actual hou Course description: The role of the constructive thought in architecture, the conditions of architecture. (theoretical) 4- Environment and Sustainable Development: Number of weekly actual hours : 2 (theoretical), 2 (practical) Course description: Architecture between duration and sustainability, solar architecture and heating balance, solar design and heating balance, architectural design and the use of power, overcoming climate factors in hot areas, desert architecture, clay architecture and development h 5- Theories of Urban Planning: Number of weekly actual hours: 2 (theoretical), 2 (practical) Course description: - The foundation and development of the city. © The foundation of cities and common thoughts and theories of city planning, © Historical study of the city and the planning periods and effects. ~The factors which construct the planning models of the city: o Residential area © Centers of the city. © Industrial areas, the industry ©. The elements of transportation © Green areas. Common urbart design. - Future development-reserve areas. y's accommodation with the modern city. tems in the cities and planning methods, 1B \PerlYy 6- Foreign language (4): Numbers of weekly actual hours: 4 (theoretical) Course description: (Reading and listening comprehension) This course focuses on the reading and listening comprehension. It widens the students storage of vocabulary by understanding the terms and terminology. It helps students identify the main idea of the text and secondary details in the text as well as understand the new words in their context. It trains students to build up new terms by understanding the prefixes, suffixes. It helps students develop their writing capacities in order to understand the main elements in the paragraph and show the relationships between the paragraphs. It trains students on applied and practical writing so they can differentiate between the elements of the paragraph. Hoth 14 THE FOURTH YEAR + FIRST SEMESTER 1- Architectural design 3) Number of weekly actual hours: 10 (practical) Course description: Study and analysis of problems pertaining to the architectural design of public transportation elements ( railway stations, bus terminus, taxi cabs terminus, airports ,etc...). 2- Building Installations (1): Number of weekly actual hours: 2 (theoretical), 2 (practical) wurse description: Hot water systems, central heating equipment, principles of air conditioning, physiological principles of welfare (comfort, rest), caloric losses in buildings, method of heating, method of ventilating and conditioning, 3- Executive design (3): Number of weekly actual hours: 4 (practical) Course description: Choice of appropriate construction system for architectural projects, alternatives of construction systems, executive design details. 4- Reinforced concrete: Number of weekly actual hours: 2( theoretical), 2 (practical) Course description: Mechanical specifications of the concrete, steel used in reinforcement of concrete, permitted stresses in concrete and steel, combination of steel and concrete, supposition and principles considered in study of reinforced concrete, the sectors submitted to the simple bending, the section submitted to simple tension, the section submitted to the complex bending, the cutting stress, the torsion in the reinforced, rectangular slabs, the stairs and the mushroom ribbed slabs. 1S terty 5- Urban planning (1). Number of weekly actual hours: (practical) Course description: Origin and development of cities (economics, social, special), the factors leading to the selection of the city site, the habitation factor and the study of the inhabitant groups and connected services, the climate factor, topographical factor, 6- Urban sociology, Number of weekly actual hours ; 4 (theoretical) Course description: Social and political philosophies in Greece, Roman social and politics philosophies , the Christian world social philosophy, the Arab and Muslims social philosophy, new sciences in XVIII century, the industrial revolution and its influences on the social science. Long socialism and sociology, the stage of foundation of sociology , offset coast 1798-1857. Classification of sciences, definition of sociology, theories and schools, Era of experimentation inclinations (sociology, geography and ecology), human architecture (agglomeration), the civilization growth in the Arab counties. © SECOND SEMESTER 1- Architectural design (3): Number of weekly actual hours : 10 ( practical) Course description: Study and analysis of problems pertaining to the architectural design of , hotels, offices, public health buildings, universities. Internal Architecture: Number of weekly actual hours: 4 (practical) Course description: Theories and Elements of Planning Internal Architecture. 2- Urban Planning (2): Number of weekly actual hours: 4 (practical) Course description: Planning of different functional zones of a city. 16 3- Building Installations (2): Number of weekly actual hours : 2 (theoretical), 2 (practical) Course description: Light: fundamental definition of the unit of measure , light production and luminous sources, illumination of dwelling places, business centers, offices, hospitals, houses, parks, gardens, statues and pools, streets, factories and important buildings facades. Sound: Noise definition, protection against noise, sound insulation, measurement of the insulation of the sound, theories of the sound conditioning, application of the theories on the sound conditioning. Direct current cycles, alternative current cyclone. Tri phase cycles, voltage degree in cables, the electrical and technical installation in the buildings. 4- Landscaping: Number of weekly actual hours : 2 (theoretical), 2 (practical) Course description: Landscaping theories and elements, application of landscaping in existing levels and scales. 5- Foreign language (5), Number of weekly actual hours: 4 (theoretical) Course description: Discussion of architectural subjects in a foreign language (English or French). 7 pol *Y> THE FIFTH YEAR e FIRST SEMESTER 1- Architectural Design (4): Number of weekly actual hours: 10 (practical) Course description: Study and analysis of the architectural design of public centers and residential quarters. 2- Urban planning 3), Number of weekly actual hours: 4 (practical) Course description: Analysis and study of actual urban problems and planning solutions. 3- Rehabi ion of | torical sites and buildings: Number of weekly actual hours: 4 (practical) Course description: Analysis and study of actual rehabilitation problems and planning issves. 4- Quantities and specifications, Project Organization: Number of weekly actual hours: 2 (theoretical), 2 (practical) urse description: Quantities and specifications: Importance of study with the lists of specifications and quantities from the practical point of view together with the list of measurements, primary measurement list, definitive (final) ‘measurement lists, fundamental and necessary information (establishing), the list of primary measurement and final ones and all other mathematical formulas. The administration and rules of adjunction changes, ways of Perdue amounts payment, the establishing of the condition books (cahier de charges), pattern of the price list, the estimated bill, the set of technical specifications and data for materials series of the low terms and conditions. Organization and administration of the project. ‘The administration in the economies development of the projects, rule of the administration in the project elevation, the public projects and their evaluation by the administration in the development countries. 18 The project economical sides: Nature of economic problem, selection of the projects in accordance to their economical valuation, the technical side of the project and its volume. 5- Real estate legislations and Urban Regulation ‘Number of weekly actual hours: 2 (theoretical) Course description: Preliminary notions in real estate legislations and urban regulations, definition of the law and its sub divisions, sources of low contracts, real estate common properties, collusion, agreement dependence, real property rights, (register of real estate properties). 6- Foreign language (6) Number of weekly actual hours : 4 ( theoretical) Course description: Discussion of architectural subjects in a foreign language (English or French). © SECOND SEMESTER - Graduation project: Number of weekly actual hours:18 (practical) Course description: ‘The project should deal with an actual problem or need, based on city or country future plans.

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