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Still in Hell (Pt. 2 )

(The Sequel)
By: Sarah Reitmeier

Here Jyrawrdeo lies,
In front of the City of Dis,
Quaking, quite afeared for his,
With a word ,
The Messenger asks with this,
nu phone, who dis?

Im not dead.
Oh rats.

He responds with a resounding
Im not dead.
Says the Messenger,
For he had thought our hero was rather...
Not Alive.

You may pass through,

Though do bewarned,
Go past here,
And your discoveries will be less than pleasant.
Mighty and never scared,
Ignored his caution,
Now, survival is less than plausible.

Down to Circle 6,
Nothing quite as fun,
as hanging with the Heretics.
Jyrawrdeo saw these
In Burning Tombs,
What a hellish doom.
You would think they would be bunt through and through,

They keep screaming,
For there is nothing of them that is redeeming.
Smashing at their fiery enclosure,
Nothing more than wanting closure,
A tear appeared in Jyrawrdeo,
A tear of fear or a tear of Joy,
Maybe this trip was just a ploy...

Anyway, what was I saying,

Here comes Jyrawrdeo,
Heading down onto the 7th Circle,
Where the violent lie,
In three ditches,
Strangers, Trees, and Suicide,
Either way, something died,
Dont break the trees, they cry.

Burning Sand for the

Writhing in blood for the ones who killed the unknown,
And to be a tree
Will be for thee,
If you choose to die,
Before death claims thee.
Jyrawrdeo, crying, leaves.

Now, on to Circle 8,
Where the fraudulent will wait,
For the Judgememt Day.
Stock Brokers,
Economic Jokesters,
A lot of fools in suits I guess.
Now Jyrawrdeo continues to press,
Onward Onward on.

But before he goes to Circle 9,

My main man Jyrawrdeo does find,
A battle axe,
A remenant of time gone by.
Now are sweet Jyrawrdeo
Does pick up this battle axe,
With a fearful glint in his eye,
He Turns and cries.

And in his cry he does proclaim,

That he is the one of all who came,
Came to hell and havent left,
The one the only,
King of Hell.
Jyrawrdeo screams out this cry,
And his battle cry to resound,
Satan, you will be brought down!

Dashing Down to Circle 9,

Through ice and through the fire,
There is Satan, the Immoral Liar.
Running around him Jyrawrdeo goes,
Clashing and exchanging blows,
Until finally Satans head,
Comes toppleing onto the ground,
Jyrawrdeo is the King now.

Dedicated to:
Just me and myself and I.
RIP in peace heathens.

Copyright 2016 5th period graphic design class

McKinney Boyd High School
600 N Lakeforest Drive

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