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Non-Fiction IRA If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon


FEATURES in this book:

Table of Contents


If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon
Ellen Levine
Lexile: 860
Readability: 3-5 grade
Days: 15
Grade: 4
Day 1: Page 5
Introduce Book and Activate Background Knowledge
This book is called If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon. It was written by Ellen
Levine. This book tells you what it was like to be a pioneer and travel west to Oregon in
the 1840s. It is written in question and answer format, like the If Youre Name Was
Changed at Ellis Island book we read earlier in the year.
Show a part of the 16:00 min video from Discovery Education, titled:
The Oregon Trail
The video has 7 different sections, I will probably show the first 4 on the first day to
build background knowledge and provide them with some visuals of what a wagon
train looked like.
Text Structure
This book is a non-fiction book. It gives us lots of information about a real topic. The
topic of this book is the Westward Expansion.
Skip this part if you want to. If you want the posters or the student handout
version for the 5 different kinds of non-fiction texts let me know
(There are five different kinds of non-fiction texts refer/point out posters and/or student
handout. This book is a description kind of non-fiction book because it describes what it
was like for immigrants coming to the USA).
The author has organized the book so that we can easily think about all this information.
To see how the book is organized, lets look at the table of contents. [Point as you

discuss] The author has organized this book by asking questions students might ask
when thinking about traveling west and then she answers them. The authors questions
and answers go in an order that makes sense when describing the steps a pioneer
experienced when they traveled westward into unknown territory.
We are going to keep a chart as we read this book to organize everything we learn about
the westward movement and the pioneers that moved across the United States.
Teach Tier II Words before Each Session
One of the words from our book today will be pioneer. What word? A pioneer is a
person who is among the first to settle in a region. The people who traveled west were
called pioneers because there was no one living in the western region yet. In our book it
says, It tells what it was like to be one of the early pioneers to travel to Oregon. A
pioneer is a person who is among the first to settle in a region. What word? (page 5)
Ask Questions During Reading and Model Comprehension Strategies
Make Connections [End of page 5]
What are some questions you hope get answered in this book?
Make Connections [End of Page 5]
I think there is a date we can add to our class time line that explains when the westward
movement happened in the USA. We should add what kinds of transportation methods
were/werent available at that time to our timeline, too.
Predict [End of page 5]
Can anyone predict what you think this trip was like for the thousands of people that
traveled west.
Written Response
As a class add to the Westward Expansion Chart any important information that we
read about that day.
This book is written in the same format as the book, If Youre Name Was Changed at
Ellis Island, where they ask a question and then answer it in each section of the book.
Make a list of questions you think will be asked and answered in this book. What are
some questions you have about traveling west in a covered wagon?
Sentence Composing
This book is about traveling and living in a covered wagon.

If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon

Ellen Levine
Lexile: 860
Readability: 3-5 grade
Days: 15
Grade: 4
Day 2: pp. 6-11
Develop or Activate Background Knowledge
[Have partners share what theyve written. Review events in preceding session.]
Teach Tier II Words before Each Session
One of the words from our book today will be territory. What word? A territory is an
area of land that belongs to a country. The area that is now California used to be known
as the Oregon territory. In our book it says, Back then nobody knew if the Oregon
Territory was going to be part of America or if it was going to be part of England. A
territory is an area of land that belongs to a country. What word? (page 6)
Ask Questions During Reading and Model Comprehension Strategies
Monitor Comprehension [End of page 6]
I think its important that we understand this page because it explains how the United
States ended up owning all this land on the west coast not England. Im going to re-read
this page and stop at the end of each paragraph and think out loud to make sure I
understand what this page is telling me. (Show the map at each step if that will help the
Evaluate/Infer [End of page 7]
People that traveled west were told that the land was magical that flowers bloomed all
year, the land was perfect for farming, you could get land for free, etc. Do you think all
of this was true? If some of this information was exaggerated why would people lie about
what the west was really like?
Stop at the end of each paragraph [Starting at the top of page 9]
At the end of each paragraph, or section of your discretion, stop and allow students to
add to their sketch of their covered wagon for todays written response.
Written Response
As a class add to the Westward Expansion Chart any important information that we
read about that day.
One of the sections today describes in a lot of detail what a wagon looked like both
inside and out. Draw and label all parts of the wagon. Make sure to label where different
things were stored.
Sentence Composing
could get more -- agreed that Oregon of its people --- the country that America and
England living in the new land would belong to

If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon

Ellen Levine
Lexile: 860
Readability: 3-5 grade
Days: 15
Grade: 4
Day 3: pp. 12-19
Develop or Activate Background Knowledge
[Have partners share what theyve written. Review events in preceding session.]
Teach Tier II Words before Each Session
One of the words from our book today will be elect. What word? Elect means to select
through the process of voting. Every four years in America we elect our new president by
voting. In our book it says, When pioneers gathered their wagons together at the start
of the trip, they elected a leader. Elect means to select through the process of voting.
What word? (page 14)
Ask Questions During Reading and Model Comprehension Strategies
Infer [End of page 12]
Why do you think they traveled west in large groups called wagon trains?
Infer [End of page 15]
Why do you think it was important that there was a leader (also known as a captain) for
each wagon train? What would have happened if there wasnt a captain picked to lead
each wagon train?
Analyze [End of page 17]
It is important that we understand the difference between a captain and a trail guide.
Who can help us understand the difference between these two people?
Apply/Make Connections [End of page 19]
Hmmm, if I was on one of these wagon trains 150 years ago I would have definitely
wanted a doctor on my wagon train just in case someone got sick or hurt and needed
help! What other kind of people with special skills would you want on the trip with you?
Written Response
As a class add to the Westward Expansion Chart any important information that we
read about that day.
In the next section we will read about what the pioneers packed with them in their
wagon to make the trip west. Make some predictions about what you think they packed.
Sentence Composing
The captain and the council would .

If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon

Ellen Levine
Lexile: 860
Readability: 3-5 grade
Days: 15
Grade: 4
Day 4: pp. 20-24
Develop or Activate Background Knowledge
[Have partners share what theyve written. Review events in preceding session.]
Teach Tier II Words before Each Session
One of the words from our book today will be exhaustion. What word? Exhaustion
means extreme fatigue or loss of energy. I became exhausted after running 10 miles. In
our book it says, If the wagons were too heavy, the oxen could die from exhaustion.
Exhaustion means extreme fatigue or loss of energy. What word? (page 20)
Ask Questions During Reading and Model Comprehension Strategies
Compare [End of paragraph 1 on page 20]
This reminds me of what the people traveling to Ellis Island brought with them on their
trip very little.
Think Out Loud [End of the first sentence on page 21]
Imagine having to pack all the food you and your family would need for half a year and
fit it on a wagon with everything else clothes tools, dishes, supplies, etc. Turn to you
neighbor and talk about what kind of food you would pack to keep your family alive for
half a year.
Prediction [End of page 22]
The next question is, What was the best time of year to start the trip? We know that
this trip to the west coast took about six months and that the wagon trains left from the
Midwest. We know what the weather and seasons are like here in the Midwest, so make
your best guess at what month the wagon trains left to head west. Turn and talk to your
partner about your guess.
Check your prediction [End of page 24]
Was your prediction on the best month to leave correct?
Written Response
As a class add to the Westward Expansion Chart any important information that we
read about that day.
Explain what time of year the pioneers had to leave to make a successful trip west. Make
sure you explain why they cant leave earlier or later in the year.
Sentence Composing

Pioneers made their own clothing. They had to make their own food. They also had to
make their own repairs.

If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon

Ellen Levine
Lexile: 860
Readability: 3-5 grade
Days: 15
Grade: 4
Day 5: pp. 25-31
Develop or Activate Background Knowledge
[Have partners share what theyve written. Review events in preceding session.]
Teach Tier II Words before Each Session
One of the words from our book today will be ruts. What word? A rut is a hollow track
worn into the ground. I flipped my bike when my wheels got stuck in a rut. In our book it
says, Other times you rode in the ruts made by other wagon wheels. A rut is a hollow
track worn into the ground. What word? (page 30)
Ask Questions During Reading and Model Comprehension Strategies
Infer/Think Out Loud [End of page 27]
It said that most of the time the kids rode inside the wagon as it floated across the
rivers, but it also said that sometimes wagons would tip over or get carried away by fast
moving water. It sounds like crossing rivers was a very dangerous part of the journey; I
can infer that people, most likely children, sometimes died on this part of the journey.
Think Out Loud/Form Opinions [End of page 31]
It said most of the time everyone walked alongside the wagons as they traveled along
the paths because riding inside the wagons was way too bumpy. We also know that the
wagons traveled 10 to 15 miles a day for half a year. Would this be an adventure you
would have wanted to be a part of? Why or why not? Turn and tell your partner.
Written Response
As a class add to the Westward Expansion Chart any important information that we
read about that day.
Compare and Contrast the trip to Ellis Island for an immigrant compared to what we
know so far about the pioneers trip westward.
Sentence Composing
The wagons traveled very slowly, so you could easily keep up with them.

If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon

Ellen Levine
Lexile: 860
Readability: 3-5 grade
Days: 15
Grade: 4
Day 6: pp. 32-36
Develop or Activate Background Knowledge
[Have partners share what theyve written. Review events in preceding session.]
Teach Tier II Words before Each Session
One of the words from our book today will be malaria. What word? Malaria is a disease
carried by mosquitoes that result in a person having chills and high fevers. People can
die of malaria if they dont receive medical attention. In our book it says, Both grownups and children got diseases called cholera and malaria. Malaria is a disease carried by
mosquitoes that result in a person having chills and high fevers. What word? (page 30)
Ask Questions During Reading and Model Comprehension Strategies
Summarize [End of page 34]
This section talked about 3 different dangers and difficulties the wagon trains faced on
their westward trip. What were those three difficulties?
Form Opinions/Compare and Contrast [End of page 36]
If you were on this trip where would you want to sleep at night? Turn and explain your
choice to your partner.
How do these sleeping arrangements compare to the sleeping arrangements on the
large boats that took people to Ellis Island?
Written Response
As a class add to the Westward Expansion Chart any important information that we
read about that day.
Explain how too much rain or too little rain caused major problems for the people and
the wagons traveling West on the trails.
Sentence Composing
as your wagon -- many grave markers trail as your you would pass by the side of
the went by

If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon

Ellen Levine
Lexile: 860
Readability: 3-5 grade
Days: 15
Grade: 4
Day 7: pp. 38-43
Develop or Activate Background Knowledge
[Have partners share what theyve written. Review events in preceding session.]
Teach Tier II Words before Each Session
One of the words from our book today will be bonnets. What word? A bonnet is a
traditional womens cloth hat with a brim that is tied under the chin with ribbons. In the
1860s most women never went outdoors without a bonnet. In our book it says, Another
important thing to have was a hat or bonnet. A bonnet is a traditional womens cloth
hat with a brim that is tied under the chin with ribbons. What word? (page 39)
Ask Questions During Reading and Model Comprehension Strategies
Think Aloud [End of third paragraph, page 39]
Remember when we talked about different kinds of people we would want to be a part of
our trip. I never thought I would want a shoemaker on my wagon train, but it makes
sense. Without shoes, it would be nearly impossible to walk 15 miles a day without good
Connect [End of page 43]
Has anyone had deer jerky or beef jerky? Eating jerky was the only way to eat meat on
the trip otherwise it would have spoiled. We still eat meat made this way today.
Written Response
As a class add to the Westward Expansion Chart any important information that we
read about that day.
The pioneers had to do many interesting things in order to have food to eat. Explain how
they did each of the following How did they transport eggs without breaking? How did
they make butter? How did they make meat last a long time?
Sentence Composing
After traveling for many weeks

If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon

Ellen Levine
Lexile: 860
Readability: 3-5 grade
Days: 15
Grade: 4
Day 8: pp. 44-49
Develop or Activate Background Knowledge
[Have partners share what theyve written. Review events in preceding session.]
Teach Tier II Words before Each Session
One of the words from our book today will be sagebrush. What word? Sagebrush is a
plant that comes from the daisy family that grows mostly in the dry areas in
southwestern North America. The sagebrush is known for its silvery colored leaves. In
our book it says, When it was hard to find fire wood the pioneers would burn dead
sagebrush branches. Sagebrush is a plant that comes from the daisy family that grows
mostly in the dry areas in southwestern North America. What word? (page 45)
Ask Questions During Reading and Model Comprehension Strategies
Check for Understanding [End of page 44]
Let me sure I understand this right? The kids are expected to go around and pick up
dried buffalo poop before dinner every night in order to make a fire.
Predict [End of first paragraph on page 46]
The question of this section is, What happened if you met Indians on the trail? and we
just learned that most of the territory that the pioneers crossed was land where the
Indians were living. Make a prediction what do you think happened when the pioneers
met Indians?
Infer [End of page 49]
It says that most of the real fighting between the Indians didnt start until 1850s and
Written Response
As a class add to the Westward Expansion Chart any important information that we
read about that day.
Pretend you are a pioneer traveling westward in a wagon train and one day you meet
some Indians on the path you are traveling on. Write a conversation (dialogue) between

the leader of your wagon train and the leader of the Indian tribe.
Sentence Composing
If the Indians were not friendly they might try to steal the cattle and horses. It was very
important to have guards stay awake at night and watch over the wagon train.

If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon

Ellen Levine
Lexile: 860
Readability: 3-5 grade
Days: 15
Grade: 4
Day 9: pp. 50-58
Develop or Activate Background Knowledge
[Have partners share what theyve written. Review events in preceding session.]
Teach Tier II Words before Each Session
One of the words from our book today will be harmonica. What word? A harmonica is a
small rectangular hand-held wind instrument played by blowing air into a set of holes.
The boy took his harmonica out of his pocket and played a tune. In our book it says,
Usually there was someone in the wagon train who knew how to play a harmonica or
fiddle. A harmonica is a small rectangular hand-held wind instrument played by blowing
air into a set of holes. What word? (page 50)
Ask Questions During Reading and Model Comprehension Strategies
Predict [After reading the title/question on page 50]
Turn to your partner and talk about what you think the answer to this question is going
to be.
Making connections [End of third paragraph on page 56]
Why would they have only had to put 28 stars on the American flags the pioneers made
on their trip?
Infer [End of page 56]
Who is old glory?
Written Response
As a class add to the Westward Expansion Chart any important information that we
read about that day.
Compare and contrast your life to the lives of children who traveled on the Oregon Trail.
Sentence Composing

Most people didnt carry an American flag with them on the trip, and so they had to
make one.

**You can read this next section or skip it. The pages are 59-62. There is no
vocabulary or student page to go with this section. (This would be Day 10) **

If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon

Ellen Levine
Lexile: 860
Readability: 3-5 grade
Days: 15
Grade: 4
Day 11: pp. 63-67
Develop or Activate Background Knowledge
[Have partners share what theyve written. Review events in preceding session.]
Teach Tier II Words before Each Session
One of the words from our book today will be tepees. What word? A tepee is a cone
shaped tent made of animal skin or bark commonly used by Indians. The Indians were
very good at collecting the materials needed to construct well built tepees. In our book it
says, The Indians set up their tepees outside the walls of the fort and traded with the
people at the fort. A tepee is a cone shaped tent made out of animal skin or bark
commonly used by Indians. What word? (page 63)
Ask Questions During Reading and Model Comprehension Strategies
Stop and Think [End of paragraph three on page 63]
It said it took 40 days to get to the first fort and once you got to the first fort thats
where you would stop and rest, fix things and do laundry. Imagine going 40 days without
doing laundry. Plus they were traveling on very dusty paths and only had a couple
changes of clothes to wear!
Written Response
As a class add to the Westward Expansion Chart any important information that we
read about that day.

Describe what the pioneers had to do to cross the mountains? Make sure you explain
what they did going up the mountains and what they had to do to go back down the
Sentence Composing
Along the trail there were.

If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon

Ellen Levine
Lexile: 860
Readability: 3-5 grade
Days: 15
Grade: 4
Day 12: pp. 68-72
Develop or Activate Background Knowledge
[Have partners share what theyve written. Review events in preceding session.]
Teach Tier II Words before Each Session
One of the words from our book today will be spring. What word? A spring is the flow of
water from the earth. The animals loved to drink the fresh water from the spring in the
forest. In our book it says, Steamboat Spring had water that came rushing up two to
three feet in the air from cracks in the rocks. A spring is the flow of water from the
earth. What word? (page 70)
Ask Questions During Reading and Model Comprehension Strategies
Stop and Think [End of paragraph one on page 68]
So if there were no signs and no roads how do you think thousands of pioneers crossed
the Oregon trail successfully. Turn and talk to your partner and share your ideas about
how you think they kept from getting lost.
Monitor Comprehension [End of page 72]
The continental divide is an imaginary line. Im going to sketch it up on the board to
show you what it represents. (Sketch a mountain range then show how the rivers flow
either eastward or westward depending on what side of the mountain the water is on).
Written Response
As a class add to the Westward Expansion Chart any important information that we
read about that day.

We learned about several famous landmarks that the pioneers crossed on their journey. I
will stop and pause after I read about each one. Make a quick sketch and write a couple
notes to remind yourself what each landmark was.
Chimney Rock
Soda Springs
Devils Backbone

Independence Rock
Steamboat Springs
Continental Divide/South Pass
Sentence Composing

who had traveled --- their names --- you also knew --- before you, --- carved or painted
their--- into the rock --- because many people

If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon

Ellen Levine
Lexile: 860
Readability: 3-5 grade
Days: 15
Grade: 4
Day 13: pp. 73-79
Develop or Activate Background Knowledge
[Have partners share what theyve written. Review events in preceding session.]
Teach Tier II Words before Each Session
One of the words from our book today will be moccasins. What word? Moccasins are a
soft leather shoe or slipper without a hard sole or heel made by the Indians. The
moccasins were beautifully made by hand. In our book it says, After two days of wearing
these moccasins the oxs feet would be better. Moccasins are a soft leather shoe or
slipper without a hard sole or heel made by the Indians. What word? (page 73)
Ask Questions During Reading and Model Comprehension Strategies
Predict [End of paragraph two on page 73]
Turn and talk to you partner, what do you think their trick was to fix the oxens tired
Check for Understanding [After each bullet point on page 75]
Call on someone to remind the class the answer to the other tricks reviewed on this
Make Connections [End of page 78]
Turn and talk to your partner about what you would have written about in your diary if
you would have taken this trip west.
Written Response
As a class add to the Westward Expansion Chart any important information that we

read about that day.

We learned a lot about how the pioneers traveled hundreds of miles to start their life in
Oregon. We learned that the trip was very long and wasnt easy. Imagine you and your
family are going to leave on a similar trip in a week. You have no electronics cell
phones, computers, iPods, no electricity, no batteries, no books (or a very few), no toys
or games, you will pass no restaurants or stores. Write a paragraph explaining what you
would do for the 6 month trip to entertain yourself.
Sentence Composing
First you cut a small piece of animal skin. Then you make small holes around the edges.

Additional Book Extension Activity

Using an INDEX:
a. What pages would you turn to and read if you were interested in reading
i. Devils Backbone


ii. Making repairs


iii. Crossing mountains


iv. Pioneers


v. Cooking utensils


Play Westward Trail

go to link below and selecting your profession and the team you are going to travel with.
Reading Strategies:

Make connections**



Answering Questions**

Monitoring Comprehension/Clarify**

Asking/Generate questions**


Text Structures**

Graphic Organizers (to visualize text)**




Main Idea


Draw conclusions

** = part of the 10 Credible Few strategies (from the reading group we did after school
during the 2012-2013 school year)
Highlighted in yellow = reading strategies used in Journeys

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