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Sorcery passes from The Sorcerers' Crossing by Taisha Abelar.

Before trying
these movements, readers should purchase and read Taisha's book.

From the start of chapter 10. Reader input is needed to answer the following questions: Is the forehead stroked
in any particular direction (clockwise / counterclocwise)? Does one flick both hands in the air or only the left?
How exactly are the wrist and fingers flicked? Also, anything wrong with the pictures.

From the 3rd page of chapter 10. Reader input is needed to answer the following questions: How is the thumb
rubbed (circular, straight)? How long is it rubbed? Does one stroke several times after each thumb rub or only
once? Are the hand positions shown here correct?

From the 3rd page of chapter 10. Reader input is needed to answer the following: Is the rubbing shown here
correct? Which part of the finger is rubbed? Does one brush a single time per finger rubbing or multiple times?
Anything else shown incorrectly?

From the 3rd page of chapter 10. Reader input is needed to answer the following: Is the rubbing shown here
correct? Anything else wrong with this representation?

From the 3rd page of chapter 10. Reader input is needed to answer the following: Which part of the finger is
used? Any other corrections?

From the 3rd page of chapter 10. Reader input is needed to answer the following: Is this the correct point? How
is it pricked?

From the 4thpage of chapter 10. Reader input is needed to answer the following: Which part of the hand rubs the
chin and is the image shown correct?

From the 4th page of chapter 10. Reader input is needed to answer the following: Is the sitting position
important? Is this representation correct?

From the 4th page of chapter 10. Reader input is needed to answer the following: Is this representation correct?

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