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Bosnia &

Deja Lailani

Located in Southeastern Europe, bordering the Adriatic Sea and Croatia.

Bosnia & Herzegovina declared independence from Yugoslavia
Tuesday, March. 03. 1992

Bosnians and Herzegovians live under a Federal Democratic

Population, Ranking, & Age Breakdown:

3.9 million


Age Breakdown:
00-14: M# 269,086

51.62% F# 252,189

15-24: M# 246,849

51.66% F# 231,007

25-50: M# 902,704

50.22% F# 894,787

55-64: M# 259,579

47.90% F# 282,371


M# 206,288

39.03% F#

Education Level:
Both boys and girls need 13 years of schooling.

Bosnian Croats

Bosnian Serbs

Bosnian Muslims

Roman Catholicism:
Serbian Orthodox:


Raw Aluminum:

Leather Footwear:

Vehicle Parts:

Refined Petroleum:

Bosnia & Herzegovina GDP (2015):

$ 38.1 billion USD


Per Capita Income:

$ 9,833 USD


Political Struggles:
Getting EU membership

Pre WWII situation:

Germany, Italy, and their allies Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria,
attacked Yugoslavia on 6 April 1941 and divided the country among
To avoid a battle over a Serbian-Croatian border issue, Bosnia and
Herzegovina was resurrected as a buffer area between Serbia and
Croatia. It would also allow (again) for the cultural autonomy of the
Muslim population.

Cold War situation:

In July of 1995, the Bosnian Serb commanders launched an offensive
against the eastern enclaves of Srebrenica and Zepa; they massacred
over 7,000 men in Srebrenica. The mass killing served as a tipping point
to western resolve to bring a decisive end to the conflict. Convening in
London on July 21, NATO agreed on the effective end of the dual key
policy for controlling air strikes, with authority for strikes delegated to
UNPROFOR and NATO commanders in the field. The alliance further
agreed that any future attacks on safe areas would result in a sustained
air offensive.

Present situation:
Bosnia-Herzegovina is recovering from a devastating three-year war
which accompanied the break-up of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s.
Their economic performance has deteriorated, partly because of the
global economic slowdown but mainly due to lack of progress in
improving regulatory efficiency and open-market policies.

Highlights of
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Pita Bread:
a soft, slightly
leavened flatbread
baked from wheat

Pearl Barley Soup:

Vegetables and pearl

grilled dish of minced


Daily Basis Customs:

Most people wear Western-style clothing. Urban residents pay
particular attention to their appearance and brand names. Young
people enjoy modern fashions and casual clothing. Wealthier
families have silk clothing and furs from eastern Countries.
A day usually begins with coffee (black and strong), followed by
breakfast at midmorning. Lunch is the main meal and consists of
soup, meat with a vegetable, salad, bread, and dessert. Supper is
served around 8 p.m. One's hands should remain above the table,
with elbows off the table. They also eat with their hands.
Bosnians enjoy cultural, historical, and sporting events, as well as
visiting in the home.

Famous World Renowned People:

Goran Kostic:
Taken 3

Voyo Goric:

Bosnia & Herzegovina

Current Events

#01 - Peace Brought in the Form of Justice:

April. 07. 1992 - March. 24. 2016:
1,000,000 lives were taken during war. And 21 years later after the
war ended the killer Radovan Karadzic and former Bosnian Serb
Politician was sentenced 40 years in prison. This was a gateway of hope
for Bosnia.

#02 - Bosnia Applies for EU Membership:

February 2016:
Bosnia submits a formal application to join EU. This caused ethnic
tensions to escalate in Mostar, which is known as the Most Divided

#03 - Tension between Bosnians & Croats:

April. 02. 2016:
Before elections, tension between Bosnians & Croats are majorly
escalating. Bosnia & Herzegovinas former prime minister voices
support for Azerbaijan.

#04 - Tweet the Peace

April. 04. 2016:
The foundation shared the Azerbaijan Flag and tweeted Our thoughts
are with you. they posted and launched the peace support.

#05 - Bosnia and Herzegovina works for

April. 05. 2016:
As a consequence of the armed conflicts in the Middle East there
has been a migration of a large number of the population. In particular,
we should emphasize conflicts in Syria and Northern Iraq that have led
to the exodus of a large number of refugees.

Thank you for your time and patience

through this powerpoint :)

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