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Official name of country:

Syrian Arab Republic
2. Size (square miles/kilometers):
185,180 sq km
3. Demographics: List all of the following:
A. Population: 17,064,854 people
B. Population Density (people per square kilometer or mile): 121 per square mile
C. Literacy Rate (percent of males and females with the ability to read/write): male:
91.7% female: 81% (2015 est.)
D. Infant Mortality Rate: 15.61 deaths/1,000 live births
E. Life Expectancy (male and female): Male: 72.31 years/Female: 77.21 years
F. GDP (purchasing power parity): $55.8 billion
G. Per Capita Income (GDP per capita): $5,100
4. Currency, Exchange Rate to U.S. Dollar
1 US dollar = 234.5 Syrian Pound
5. Political System/Type of Govemment
Presidential republic; highly authoritarian regime
6. Current leader(s) and Ruling party
President Bashar al-Assad, Prime Minister Wael al-Halqi,
7. Language(s)
Arabic (official), Kurdish, Armenian, Aramaic
8. Religion(s)
Muslim 87%, Christian 10%, Druze 3%, Jewish (few remaining in Damascus and Aleppo)
9. Ethnic Group(s)
Arab 90.3%, Kurds, Armenians, and other 9.7%
10. Economic Resources: (What are the main sources for people to earn a living?)
This is often listed as percentages of the population who work within sectors of the
economy, for example, Agriculture: 20%.
Agriculture: 17%. Industry: 16%. Services: 67%.
1 1. Major allies and trade partners
Export Partners: Iraq 63.8%, Saudi Arabia 11.1%, Kuwait 7%, UAE 6%, Libya 4.5%
Import Partners: Saudi Arabia 24.5%, UAE 12%, Turkey 10%, Iran 8.9%, Iraq 7.3%, China 5.5%
12. Major issues that are going on in your country e.g. Economic problems,
economic booms, wars, political anger, starvation, etc.
Ongoing civil war. The ongoing civil war has created more than 4.8 million Syrian refugees dispersed in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey - as of May 2016. As conditions continue
to deteriorate due to Syrias civil war, human trafficking has increased. Syrians remaining in the
country and those that are refugees abroad are vulnerable to trafficking. Syria is a source and
destination country for men, women and children subjected to forced labor and sex trafficking.

Syria is also a transit point for opiates, hashish, and cocaine bound for regional and Western
markets. Has a weak anti-money-laundering controls and bank privatization may leave it
vulnerable to money laundering.

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