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se AAA cM ISWBenthem, ISW G. Morgan and Hartford Board of Bd Personne! staff member Tom ‘Karpaycheek went to the home of Sports and Solence Academy student! Interview with: vr, Cena asked hor for hare mall address. One night she reccived a n email message from Mr. Geano, in the ovenin 1¢ Wotlld sond here mafis, and tell her not 15 tell atyyone else that thay wero talking om Te, Hleusked hor if she had ap MSN messenger, He explained to her how fo got it and that Tie seiner uve Mat one Waste he Was asKIng He ‘Genao?’ and he would say that * When Tim here, I'm only Eddie. she foltie i She continued speaking about how Mr. Genao shoud be doing this, specially with Oe position he has ‘When there were other people, he was OK. But in his office, he would give har a hug end hold es hans, She wonild not got on lx For some ti She told him that she was very bus he would ask her why was she not ot lin ‘She told Ms. Hunter, who doats with payroll about allthis. She said toher that she ig not surprised at all because he doce stuff like this Ce | | ‘She showed this Bmail which is savedin her cell phone from 10/24/07 She rocelved It | {rom him, throngh her computer which fs conneeted to her coll phone, This emall was | viewed by ISW Benthons, IS g, Morgan and-Mr, Karpaycheck, ‘She showed that his user name is Nolooreo SA. ( Spanish for I docit believe ip. Nolocreo 5/A- Como estes, Estos en InvCasa, ow are you? Are you hone? BE 00: OK. Si ‘Nolooreo 51 Ok, solaments quotia decir hota, Estas chetoand con tnas personas’ ‘Arc you hating wit ther pesos NolocreosA: ‘message by Ema, but she 10 Was & student at Sports porno Academy. He asked her ifshe had an E-mall and said to here- here is mine. Add me to your list’, ‘They didn't talk much on line, A hhe would get email from him which he would sond uround 9 or 10 pn, "He would ask her where her pazent were, he would ask her if she had a boyftiond would ask her if she was talking to other people in the computer. and would always:be checking asking_: Nobody knows we'te talking on the computer. Sho would tell him." No, L ‘haven't told anyone!'He would tell her "It wouldnt be good to tell enyone that we're on the computer", He wouldnt talk to her about school, He catied her He would ask where where have you been you havent been on line for a while ‘She told her ifand nee told her to stay away from him she gol a new screen name, IM He would wee her at together, and gel very close fo ner, He would not hold her hands i ina way that he would hold and take-his hands off, but instead would hold them and keep holding the toxetbs ov ntelosk hes fy fo castodan Tony vers together, and she fold Tony swas'e ruling ber, He advised her to keep those ¢ mnils lobe Mr. Genao set her emails late at night, asking her how she was doing. ‘He asked ifshe had « Weboam and fold her tha if she lad one, they could see each other, And asked her about hav ‘The last conversation on line with him was last week when he sent her an € mail. Mr. Rudy Alvarez, the gyi teacher sald to her that he had heard a rumor. He asked her to tell him about hit. She told bim about the messages. He asked her If he kept the messages. Me told her that she should've kept thea, And told her that whether you want to or not this has to be soporte. Sho spoke about how Mr, Gango would cll her names lke *: precios, Lind, regra, She has ever heard bmn use those words wit oder shudens. Hee asked her for her cell phone, sayin ile mn ‘up, (0 get 100%, he bumped int a purpose and hand his had on be as: to watch Out beoause he gets touchy, said that she didn’t feel comfortable, He ‘would give her kisses on her cheek, hug ber a Sea ee She also provided another Bmail (refer to record, aso sent during late hours , somewhere around 10./07. MBER continoed talking about Recommend cams to hor andl told her ‘thal Mr. Genao had been at the Red Plate and he would come over and put his hands on her shoulder in a way which made her feel uncomfortable, ‘Dwo guys who graduated last yenr, they had dinner at Me Donalds, and they snid that Mr, Genao was too touchy with students. WERE dod the iiterview by speaking in detail about the impnot all these has had.on fier. She spoke about how he made hor fll disgusted when he touched her. She again stated that the way he Would hold berhands for about $ minutes and wouldat let go og them an intertwine bis herds into his, He talks to her about this schoo) in. New York. ‘Tata fe sare timo, how dificult es folnow bow io baad allthis which began dduting he mmyeas in school, ‘Her mother arrived to the home, while she was talking, She spoke only in IGMRAEHand fer daughter translated for her, ‘She reported that she has learned litle bits of pleces -1/Asi07 ot Msg rt : Mother agreed for ISW 10 rcs All stated thatthe reason wihy she did not ‘want hor fo be interviowed by TSW Morgan and me. Karpaycheck was beease lishe did gat find ito be appropriate for hero be interviewed by two men, hug and. RE A niother student [told her that she did not feel comfortable with the principal and questioned whether Jord any problem with him. She stated that ‘she told IMME the game thing that she just reported, MMMIMstated thet AER ‘confided that the principal was ohatting with her on tine and that he was also talking with bet lino. ftold hor that when the principal would talk to them or he would aa SABI! she was home alo [stated that the only person that she spoke to was two men trom the Bosrd of Ed. “Mother reported that ee usually receives calls from Ms, Collier or Ms. Mongar, fom the scbool. She sinted that the day her daughter was questioned by fhe two mens (Mr, ‘Morgan and Mr, Karpaycheck) Malle erat work es he was upsot wbout being in ‘oom with the two men alone. Mother stated that he addressed the isouo with the principal, (Mother stated thet she did ot have any concerns it regerds to the Principal, ‘Mother slated that she has two Jobs and cannot be atthe sooo! a tot but they know to call hher if they have any concerns, Mother stated that her daughtor is doing well and that she TOAUODETND mt cate, Mother ond daughter held hands while referring to their relationship, BGR ated that she leaves school at 12PM end she is basically never there, She stated ‘that sho knows what sexual haray ‘and denied that ho-has ever i dni SW asked her if she has over witnessed herself any inapproptiaie behaviors by Mf. ‘Gonzo She stated that she's here only unl 12 pan, 0 shiz das not know. ing els¢ to teport.

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