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Top 8 Most Radical

From the


Inspiration for Today's Coolest Gadgets

By Jaime Purvis 1:51 PM, Nov 3, 2015

The 80s was known for its fashion and music, but it's the inventions that were pretty radical! Here's our list of the
top 8 inventions from the decade, many which have inspired the gadgets we use today.
1. Disposable Camera
Fujifilm invented the modern disposable camera in 1986. Buying a disposable camera wasn't too costly anymore
and it was perfect for traveling.
2. Space Shuttle
After several lunar missions in the 60s and 70s, NASA dedicated their time to invent the space shuttle that could
venture into space and return home safely. The first Space Shuttle launch was the Columbia on April 12, 1981.
3. IBM and Macintosh Personal Computers
Early computers were massive, so big that they took up an entire floor of a building. In 1984, the Macintosh
computer made its debut.
4. Compact Discs
CDs revolutionized the music industry, basically killing off cassette tapes and vinyl. In the mid-80s compact discs
took over the music world and now they are almost a memory.
The first high-def television broadcast didn't happen until the late 90s, but the invention dates back to the 70s and
80s. The Japan Broadcasting Corporation showed the FCC their technology in 1987.
6. Camcorder
Sony released the first consumer camcorder in 1983.
7. Mobile Phone
In 1983, the Dyna TAC 8000x was the first mobile phone to be commercially available. From 1983 to 2014,
worldwide mobile phone subscriptions grew to over 7 billion.
8. Doppler Radar
It was invented by Christian Andres Doppler in 1988.
TASK. Read the following questions to test your comprehension from the previous text:
1. When was this article publish?

6. What did Compact Discs (CDs) kill in the music


2. Who was the author of this news article?



7. How much did worldwide mobile subscriptions grow

3. Who invented the disposable camera?


from 1983 to 2014?


4. In which decades did the lunar missions take place? 8. Who invented the Doppler Radar?
5. When did the Macintosh computer make its debut?

9. How were early computers?
10. What was the name of the first space shuttle
launched in 1981?

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