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The Plot Against America

Nate Terry

War Amps
He lost his left leg below the knee and was seriously wounded in his right foot. The right foot is
healing and that wound should not leave him impaired. (Roth 90)
While Alvin is fighting in Germany, he loses his left leg and must be fitted with a prosthetic. The War
Amps is an NGO dedicated to helping not only veterans with amputations, but anyone with
amputations including children. They help with the cost of prosthetics and education on how to use
them, which would be extremely helpful to Alvin as the Roths are not very well off. The War Amps
could help Alvin come to grips with his missing leg, help him afford a better prosthetic, and educate
him on how to go on with his life as an amputee.

One day early in March I wandered over, uninvited, to the dead-end street backing onto the school playground where
Alvin had begun shooting craps and playing stud poker if the afternoon was warm enough and it wasnt raining. (Roth

Since Alvin is struggling with the loss of his leg after returning home, much to his familys dismay, he
takes up constant gambling with an old friend, Shushy. The National Council on Problem Gambling is
a council that is dedicated to helping people through gambling addictions, consisting of psychiatrists,
social workers, and even religious workers. They could help both Shushy and Alvin to see the damage
their gambling is doing to themselves and their respective families.

I whispered to my brother, What happened? Anti-Semitism, he whispered back. (Roth 69)

There are many examples of discrimination and anti-Semitism in the novel, two of the most prominent
examples being the murder of Phillips friend Seldons mother by KKK members, and the Roths unjust
removal from their hotel room. The International Movement Against all Forms of Discrimination and
Racism is a non-profit NGO, whose mission is to eliminate all forms of discrimination from the world.
They could help by eliminating such groups as the KKK to prevent the death of Seldons mother, and
by upholding the rights of the Roths regardless of their descent or religious beliefs.

On the Saturday after my father was offered the promotion a promotion that, above all, would answer a Depression
familys yearning for a tiny margin of financial security the four of us headed off after lunch to look around Union.
(Roth 8)

For much of the novel, the Roths are living in poverty, not having financial security or other such
luxuries due to the Great Depression. CARE International is an organization that helps families in some
of the poorest regions in the world. They help by providing economic opportunity and addressing
discrimination, both of which would help the Roths to have better job opportunities and thus, more
money and security.

Work Cited
Roth, Philip. The Plot Against America. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 2004. Print.

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