Interlinear Old Testament LXX Greek English

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1:1 G E N E S I S 1

3588 4690
which the seed
sperma autou¢ en

of it
1722 1473

is in it,
¢ kata
autw ¢

according to type
genoV epi¢

3588 1093 2532 1096 3779 2532 1627 3588
thV ghV ¢
kai egeneto ¢
outwV ¢
1:12 kai exhnegken h
CHAPTER 1 the earth! And it was so. And [3brought forth 1the
1093 1008 5528 4687 4690 2596 1085 2532
gh ¢
botanhn ¢
cortou ¢
speiron ¢
sperma ¢
kata ¢
genoV kai
The Creation 2earth] pasturage of grass sowing seed, according to type, and
1722 746 4160-3588-2316 3588 3772 2532 3588
1:1 en ¢
arch ¢
epoihsen ¢ ton ouranon
o qeoV ¢ kai thn 2596 3665 2532 3586 2589.5 4160 2590
kaq' ¢
omoiothta ¢
kai xulon ¢
karpimon ¢
poioun ¢
In the beginning God made the heaven and the according to likeness; and [2tree 1the fruitful] producing fruit
1093 3588-1161 1093 1510.7.3 517 2532 180.2 2532
ghn 1:2 h de gh hn ¢
aoratoV ¢
kai akataskeuastoV kai 3739 3588 4690 1473 1722 1473 2596 1085 1909
ou to ¢
sperma autou en ¢ kata
autw ¢ ¢
genoV epi¢
earth. But the earth was unseen and unready, and which the seed of it is in it, according to type upon
4655 1883 3588 12 2532 4151 2316 2018
skotoV ¢
epanw ¢
thV abussou ¢
kai pneuma qeou¢ ¢
epefereto 3588 1093 2532 1492-3588-2316 3754 2570 2532 1096
thV ghV ¢
1:13 kai eiden o qeoV ¢
¢ oti ¢
kalon ¢
kai egeneto
darkness was upon the abyss, and spirit of God bore the earth. And God beheld that it was good. And there was
1883 3588 5204 2532 2036-3588-2316 1096 5457 2532
epanw ¢
tou udatoV ¢
1:3 kai eipen ¢ genhqhtw
o qeoV ¢ fwV kai 2073 2532 1096 4404 2250 5154 2532
espera ¢
kai egeneto prw+ ¢
hmera ¢
trith 1:14 kai
upon the water. And God said, Let there be light! And evening and there was morning, [2day 1the third]. And
1096 5457 2532 1492-3588-2316 3588 5457 3754 2570
egeneto fwV ¢
1:4 kai eiden ¢ to
o qeoV ¢
fwV oti ¢
kalon 2036-3588-2316 1096 5458 1722 3588 4733 3588
eipen ¢ genhqhtwsan
o qeoV ¢ ¢
fwsthreV ¢
en tw sterewmati tou
there was light. And God beheld the light that it was good. God said, Let there be luminaries in the firmament of the
2532 1316-3588-2316 303.1 3588 5457 2532 303.1 3772 1519 5337.1 1909 3588 1093 3588 1316
kai ¢
diecwrisen ¢ anameson
o qeoV ¢ ¢ kai anameson
tou fwtoV ¢ ouranou¢ eiV fausin† epi¢ thV ghV ¢
tou diacwrizein
And God parted between the light and between heaven for giving light upon the earth, to part
3588 4655 2532 2564-3588-2316 3588 5457 2250 303.1 3588 2250 2532 303.1 3588 3571 2532 1510.5
tou skotouV 1:5 kai ¢
ekalesen ¢ to
o qeoV fwV ¢
hmeran ¢
anameson ¢
thV hmeraV ¢
kai anameson ¢ kai estwsan
thV nuktoV ¢
the darkness. And God called the light, Day, between the day and between the night! And let them be
2532 3588 4655 2564 3571 2532 1096 2073 2532 1519 4592 2532 1519 2540 2532 1519 2250 2532 1519 1763
kai to ¢
skotoV ¢
ekalese ¢
nukta ¢
kai egeneto ¢
espera kai ¢ kai eiV kairouV
eiV shmeia ¢ kai eiV hmeraV
¢ ¢
kai eiV eniautouV
and the darkness he called, Night; and there was evening and for signs, and for times, and for days, and for years!
1096 4404 2250 1520 2532 2036-3588-2316 1096 2532 1510.5 1519 5337.1 1722 3588 4733 3588
egeneto prw+ ¢
hmera ¢
mia ¢
1:6 kai eipen ¢ genhqhtw
o qeoV ¢ ¢
1:15 kai estwsan ¢
eiV fausin en ¢
tw sterewmati tou
there was morning, day one. And God said, Let there be And let them be for giving light in the firmament of the
4733 1722 3319 3588 5204 2532 1510.5 1316 3772 5620 5316 1909 3588 1093 2532 1096 3779
sterewma en ¢
mesw tou ¢
udatoV ¢
kai estw ¢
diacwrizon ¢
ouranou¢ wste ¢
fainein epi¢ thV ghV kai ¢
egeneto ¢
a firmament in the midst of the water, and let it be for parting heaven, so as to shine upon the earth! And it was so.
303.1 5204 2532 5204 2532 4160-3588-2316 3588 2532 4160-3588-2316 3588 1417 5458 3588 3173
anameson ¢
udatoV ¢
kai udatoV 1:7 kai ¢
epoihsen ¢ to
o qeoV ¢
1:16 kai epoihsen ¢ touV duo
o qeoV ¢ fwsthraV
¢ ¢
touV megalouV
between water and water! And God made the And God made the two [2luminaries 1great];
4733 2532 1316-3588-2316 303.1 3588 5204 3739
sterewma ¢
kai diecwrisen ¢ anameson
o qeoV ¢ ¢
tou udatoV o 3588 5458 3588 3173 1519 746 3588 2250 2532
firmament, and God parted between the water which ¢
ton fwsthra ¢
ton megan ¢
eiV arcaV thV ¢
hmeraV kai
1510.7.3 5270 3588 4733 2532 303.1 3588 5204 3588
the [2luminary 1greater] for beginnings of the day, and
hn ¢
upokatw ¢
tou sterewmatoV ¢
kai anameson ¢
tou udatoV tou 3588 5458 3588 1640 1519 746 3588 3571 2532 3588
was underneath the firmament, and between the water ¢
ton fwsthra ¢
ton elassw ¢
eiV arcaV thV ¢ kai touV
1883 3588 4733 2532 2564-3588-2316 3588 4733 the [2luminary 1lesser] for beginnings of the night, and the
epanw ¢
tou sterewmatoV ¢
1:8 kai ekalesen ¢ to sterewma
o qeoV ¢ 792 2532 5087 1473 3588 2316 1722 3588 4733
above the firmament. And God called the firmament, ¢
asteraV ¢
1:17 kai eqeto ¢ o
autouV ¢
qeoV ¢
en tw sterewmati
3772 2532 1492-3588-2316 3754 2570 2532 1096 2073 stars. And [2put 3them 1God] in the firmament
¢ kai eiden
ouranon ¢ o qeoV ¢
¢ oti ¢
kalon ¢
kai egeneto ¢
espera 3588 3772 5620 5316 1909 3588 1093 2532 756
Heaven. And God beheld that it was good; and there was evening tou ¢
ouranou¢ wste ¢
fainein epi¢ thV ghV ¢
1:18 kai arcein
2532 1096 4404 2250 1208 2532 2036-3588-2316 of the heaven, so as to shine upon the earth, and to begin
kai egeneto prw+ ¢
hmera ¢
deutera ¢
1:9 kai eipen ¢
o qeoV 3588 2250 2532 3588 3571 2532 1316 303.1 3588 5457
and there was morning, [2day 1the second]. And God said, ¢
thV hmeraV ¢ kai diacwrizein
kai thV nuktoV ¢ ¢
anameson ¢
tou fwtoV
4863 3588 5204 3588 5270 3588 3772 1519 the day and the night, and to part between the light
sunacqhtw to ¢
udwr ¢
to upokatw tou ouranou¢ eiV 2532 303.1 3588 4655 2532 1492-3588-2316 3754 2570
Let [6come together 1the 2water 3underneath 4the 5heaven] into ¢
kai anameson ¢
tou skotouV ¢
kai eiden o qeoV ¢
¢ oti ¢
4864 1520 2532 3708 3588 3584 2532 1096 and between the darkness. And God beheld that it was good.
¢ mian
sunagwghn ¢ ¢
kai ofqhtw h ¢
xhra ¢
kai egeneto 2532 1096 2073 2532 1096 4404 2250
[2gathering 1one], and let [3appear 1the 2dry land]! And it was 1:19 kai ¢
egeneto ¢
espera ¢
kai egeneto prw+ ¢
3779 2532 4863 3588 5204 3588 5270 And there was evening and there was morning, [2day
outwV kai ¢
sunhcqh to ¢
udwr to ¢
upokatw 5067 2532 2036-3588-2316 1806 3588 5204
so. And [6gathered together 1the 2water 3underneath ¢
tetarth ¢
1:20 kai eipen ¢ exagagetw
o qeoV ¢ ta ¢
3588 3772 1519 3588 4864-1473 2532 3708 3588 1the fourth]. And God said, Let [3bring forth 1the 2waters]
tou ouranou¢ eiV taV sunagwgaV
¢ autwn ¢
¢ kai wfqh h 2062 5590 2198 2532 4071 4072 1909
4the 5heaven] into their gatherings, and [3appeared 1the ¢ yucwn
erpeta ¢ zwswn
¢ ¢
kai peteina ¢
petomena epi¢
3584 2532 2564-3588-2316 3588 3584 1093 2532 3588 reptiles [2lives 1of living], and [2winged creatures 1flying] upon
xhra ¢
1:10 kai ekalesen ¢ thn xhran
o qeoV ¢ ghn kai ta 3588 1093 2596 3588 4733 3588 3772 2532 1096
2dry land]. And God called the dry land, Earth; and the thV ghV ¢ to
kata ¢
sterewma tou ouranou¢ kai ¢
4959.1 3588 5204 2564 2281 2532 1492-3588-2316 the earth below the firmament of the heaven! And it was
susthmata twn ¢
udatwn ¢
ekalese ¢
qalassaV ¢
kai eiden ¢
o qeoV 3779 2532 4160-3588-2316 3588 2785 3588 3173 2532
outwV ¢
1:21 kai epoihsen ¢ ta khth
o qeoV ¢ ¢
ta megala kai
collections of the waters he called, Seas. And God beheld
3754 2570 2532 2036-3588-2316 985 3588 1093
so. And God made the [2whales 1great], and
oti ¢
kalon ¢
1:11 kai eipen ¢ blasthsatw
o qeoV ¢ h gh 3956 5590 2226 2062 3739 1806
that it was good. And God said, Let [3grow 1the 2earth] ¢
pasan ¢ zwwn
yuchn ¢ ¢
erpetwn a ¢
1008 5528 4687 4690 2596 1085 2532
every life of living creatures of reptiles which [3brought forth
botanhn ¢
cortou ¢
speiron ¢
sperma ¢
kata ¢
genoV kai 3588 5204 2596 1085-1473 2532 3956 4071
pasturage of grass sowing seed according to type, and ta ¢
udata ¢
kata ¢ autwn
genh ¢ kai pan peteinon
2596 3665 2532 3586 2589.5 4160 2590
1the 2waters] according to their types; and every [2winged creature
kaq' ¢
omoiothta ¢
kai xulon ¢
karpimon ¢
poioun ¢
according to likeness, and [2tree 1the fruitful] producing fruit
1:14 †Complutensian Polyglot (CP) wste fainein – so as to shine.
2 G E N E S I S 1:22
4420.2 2596 1085 2532 1492-3588-2316 3754 2570 2342 3588 1093 2532 3956 3588 4071 3588
pterwton ¢
kata ¢
genoV ¢
kai eiden ¢ oti
o qeoV ¢ ¢
kala ¢
qhrioiV thV ghV ¢
kai pasi ¢
toiV peteinoiV tou
1feathered] according to type. And God beheld that it was good. wild beasts of the earth, and to all the winged creatures of the
2532 2127 1473 3588 2316 3004 837 2532 3772 2532 3956 2062 2062.1 1909 3588 1093 3739 2192
1:22 kai euloghsen ¢ o
auta ¢
qeoV ¢
legwn ¢
auxanesqe kai ouranou¢ kai panti¢ erpetw ¢
¢ erponti epi¢ thV ghV o ¢
And [2blessed 3them 1God], saying, Grow and heaven, and to every reptile crawling upon the earth, which has
4129 2532 4137 3588 5204 1722 3588 2281 1722 1438 5590 2222 2532 3956 5528 5515 1519 1035
plhqunesqe ¢
kai plhrwsate ta ¢
udata en ¢
taiV qalassaiV ¢ yuchn
en eautw ¢ zwhV
¢ ¢
kai panta ¢
corton ¢ eiV brwsin
clwron ¢
multiply, and fill the waters in the seas! in itself breath of life, even every [2grass 1green] for food.
2532 3588 4071 4129 1909 3588 1093 2532 1096 3779 2532 1492-3588-2316 3588 3956 3745
kai ta ¢
peteina ¢
plhqunesqwsan epi¢ thV ghV ¢
kai egeneto ¢
outwV ¢
1:31 kai eiden ¢ ta panta
o qeoV ¢ ¢
And [2the 3winged creatures 1let] be multiplied upon the earth! And it was so. And God beheld all as much as
2532 1096 2073 2532 1096 4404 2250 3991 4160 2532 2400 2570 3029 2532 1096
1:23 kai egeneto ¢ kai egeneto
espera ¢ prw+ ¢ pempth
hmera ¢ ¢
epoihse kai idou¢ ¢
kala ¢
lian ¢
kai egeneto
And there was evening and there was morning, [2day 1the fifth]. he made. And behold, it was [2good 1exceedingly]. And there was
2532 2036-3588-2316 1806 3588 1093 5590 2198 2073 2532 1096 4404 2250 1622
1:24 kai eipen ¢ exagagetw
o qeoV ¢ h gh ¢ zwsan
yuchn ¢ ¢
espera ¢
kai egeneto prw+ ¢
hmera ¢
And God said, Let [3bring forth 1the 2earth 5life 4living] evening and there was morning, [2day 1the sixth].
2596 1085 5074 2532 2062 2532 2342
kata ¢
genoV ¢
tetrapoda ¢ kai qhria
kai erpeta ¢ CHAPTER 2
according to its type – four-footed, and reptiles, and wild beasts
3588 1093 2596 1085 2532 1096 3779 2532
thV ghV ¢
kata ¢
genoV ¢
kai egeneto ¢
outwV 1:25 kai Completion of Heaven and Earth
of the earth according to type! And it was so. And 2532 4931 3588 3772 2532 3588 1093
4160-3588-2316 3588 2342 3588 1093 2596 1085 ¢
2:1 kai sunetelesqhsan o ¢ kai
ouranoV h gh
epoihsen ¢ ta
o qeoV ¢
qhria thV ghV ¢
kata ¢
genoV And [6were completed 1the 2heaven 3and 4the 5earth],
God made the wild beasts of the earth according to type, 2532 3956 3588 2889 1473 2532 4931-3588-2316 1722 3588
2532 3588 2934 2596 1085-1473 2532 3956 3588 2062 kai paV o ¢
kosmoV ¢
autwn ¢
2:2 kai sunetelesen ¢ en th
o qeoV
kai ta kthnh ¢
kata ¢
genoV ¢ kai panta
autwn ¢ ¢
ta erpeta and all the cosmos of them. And God completed in the
and the cattle according to their type, and all the reptiles 2250 3588 1622 3588 2041-1473 3739 4160 2532 2664
3588 1093 2596 1085 2532 1492-3588-2316 3754 2570 ¢ th ekth
hmera ¢ ¢
ta erga autou¢ a ¢
epoihse ¢
kai katepause
thV ghV ¢
kata ¢
genoV ¢
kai eiden ¢ oti
o qeoV ¢ ¢
kala [2day 1sixth] his works which he did. And he rested
of the earth according to type. And God beheld that it was good. 3588 2250 3588 1442 575 3956 3588 2041-1473 3739
2532 2036-3588-2316 4160 444 2596 1504 th ¢
hmera ¢
th ebdomh apo¢ pantwn
¢ ¢
twn ergwn autou¢ wn
1:26 kai eipen ¢ poihswmen
o qeoV ¢ ¢
anqrwpon kat' ¢
eikona on the [2day 1seventh] from all his works which
And God said, Let us make man according to [2image 4160 2532 2127-3588-2316 3588 2250 3588 1442
2251 2532 2596 3669 2532 756 3588 ¢
epoihse ¢
2:3 kai euloghsen ¢ thn hmeran
o qeoV ¢ ¢
thn ebdomhn
hmeteran kai kaq' ¢
omoiwsin ¢
kai arcetwsan twn he did. And God blessed the [2day 1seventh],
1our], and according to likeness! And let them control the 2532 37 1473 3754 1722 1473 2664 575 3956 3588
2486 3588 2281 2532 3588 4071 3588 3772 ¢
kai hgiasen authn ¢ en auth
¢ oti ¢ katepausen
¢ apo¢ pantwn
¢ twn
icquwn thV ¢
qalasshV ¢
kai twn peteinwn tou ouranou¢ and sanctified it; for in it he rested from all
fishes of the sea, and the winged creatures of the heaven, 2041-1473 3739 756-3588-2316 4160 3778 3588 976
2532 3588 2934 2532 3956 3588 1093 2532 3956 3588 2062 ¢
ergwn autou¢ wn ¢
hrxato ¢ poiein
o qeoV ¢ ¢ h
2:4 auth ¢
¢ kai pashV
kai twn kthnwn ¢ thV ghV ¢
kai pantwn ¢
twn erpetwn his works – which God began to do. This is the book
and the cattle, and all the earth, and all the reptiles 1078 3772 2532 1093 3753 1096 3588 2250
3588 2062.1 1909 3588 1093 2532 4160-3588-2316 ¢
genesewV ouranou¢ kai ghV ¢
ote ¢
egeneto h ¢
twn ¢
erpontwn epi¢ thV ghV ¢
1:27 kai epoihsen ¢
o qeoV of the origin of heaven and earth, when it became, in the day
of the ones crawling upon the earth! And God made 4160 3588 2316 3588 3772 2532 3588 1093 2532 3956
3588 444 2596 1504 2316 4160 1473 ¢
epoihse o ¢
qeoV ¢ kai thn ghn
ton ouranon 2:5 kai pan
ton anqrwpon kat' ¢
eikona qeou¢ ¢
epoihsen ¢
auton [2made 1God] the heaven and the earth, and every
man. According to the image of God he made him. 5515 68 4253 3588 1096 1909 3588 1093 2532 3956
730 2532 2338 4160 1473 2532 2127 ¢ agrou¢ pro
clwron ¢
tou genesqai epi thV ghV ¢
kai panta
arsen ¢
kai qhlu ¢
epoihsen ¢
autouV 1:28 kai ¢
euloghsen green field before it existed upon the earth, and all
Male and female he made them. And [2blessed 5528 68 4253 3588 393 3756 1063 1026
1473 3588 2316 3004 837 2532 4129 2532 ¢
corton agrou¢ pro ¢
tou anateilai ou ¢
gar ebrexen
¢ o
autouV ¢
qeoV ¢
legwn ¢
auxanesqe ¢
kai plhqunesqe kai grass of the field before its rising, [4did not 1for 5rain
3them 1God], saying, Grow and multiply, and 3588 2316 1909 3588 1093 2532 444 3756 1510.7.3
4137 3588 1093 2532 2634 1473 2532 756 ¢
kurioV o ¢
qeoV epi¢ thn ghn ¢
kai anqrwpoV ouk hn
plhrwsate thn ghn ¢
kai katakurieusate authV ¢
¢ kai arcete 2the lord 3God] upon the earth, and [3man 2no 1there was]
fill the earth, and dominate it! And control 2038 1473 4077-1161 305 1537 3588
3588 2486 3588 2281 2532 3588 4071 3588 ¢
ergazesqai ¢
authn ¢ de
2:6 phgh ¢
anebainen ek thV
twn icquwn thV ¢
qalasshV ¢
kai twn peteinwn tou to work it. But a spring ascended from out of the
the fishes of the sea, and the winged creatures of the 1093 2532 4222 3956 3588 4383 3588 1093
3772 2532 3956 3588 2934 2532 3956 3588 1093 2532 ghV ¢
kai epotize ¢
pan to proswpon thV ghV
ouranou¢ kai pantwn
¢ ¢ kai pashV
twn kthnwn ¢ thV ghV kai earth, and it watered all the face of the earth.
heaven, and all the cattle, and all of the earth, and
pantwn twn
3588 2062
¢ twn
3588 2062.1
erpontwn epi¢
1909 3588 1093
thV ghV
God Shapes Man
all of the reptiles of the ones crawling upon the earth! 2532 4111-3588-2316 3588 444 5522 2983
2:7 kai ¢
eplasen ¢ ton anqrwpon
o qeoV ¢ coun ¢
2532 2036-3588-2316 2400 1325 1473 3956 5528 And God shaped the man, [2dust 1taking]
1:29 kai eipen ¢ idou¢
o qeoV ¢
dedwka ¢
umin ¢
panta ¢
And God said, Behold, I have given to you every grass 575 3588 1093 2532 1720 1519 3588 4383-1473
apo¢ thV ghV kai ¢
enefushsen eiV to ¢
proswpon autou¢
4702 4687 4690 3739 1510.2.3 1883 3588 1093 from the earth. And he breathed into his face
sporimon ¢
speiron ¢
sperma o ¢
estin epanw thV ghV 4157 2222 2532 1096 3588 444 1519 5590 2198
fit for sowing a sowing of seed which is upon the earth, ¢ zwhV
pnohn ¢ ¢
kai egeneto o ¢
anqrwpoV ¢ zwsan
eiV yuchn ¢
2532 3956 3586 3739 2192 1722 1438 2590 4690 breath of life, and [2became 1man] a [2soul 1living].
kai pan ¢
xulon o ¢
ecei en ¢ karpon
eautw ¢ spermatoV
¢ 2532 5452-3588-2316 3857 1722 * 2596
and every tree which has in itself a fruit seed 2:8 kai ¢
efuteusen ¢ paradeison
o qeoV ¢ en ¢ kata
Eden ¢
4702 1473 1510.8.3 1519 1035 2532 3956 3588 And God planted paradise in Eden according to
sporimou ¢
umin ¢
estai ¢
eiV brwsin ¢
1:30 kai pasi toiV 395 2532 5087 1563 3588 444 3739 4111
fit for sowing; to you it will be for food, and to all the ¢ kai eqeto
anatolaV ¢ ekei¢ ¢
ton anqrwpon on ¢
the east, and he put there the man whom he shaped.
2:9 G E N E S I S 3
2532 1816 3588 2316 2089 1537 3588 1093 3956 * 5590 2198 3778 3686 1473 2532
2:9 kai exaneteilen o ¢
qeoV ¢
eti ek thV ghV pan ¢
Adam ¢ zwsan
yuchn ¢ ¢
touto ¢
onoma ¢ 2:20 kai
And [2caused to rise up 1God] yet from the earth every 1Adam] – [2life 1the living], this was the name to it. And
3586 5611 1519 3706 2532 2570 1519 1035 2532 3588 2564-* 3686 3956 3588 2934 2532 3956 3588
xulon ¢
wraion ¢
eiV orasin ¢ eiV brwsin
kai kalon ¢ kai to ¢
ekalesen ¢
Adam ¢
onomata ¢
pasi ¢
toiV kthnesi ¢
kai pasi toiV
[2tree 1beautiful] to the sight, and good for food, and the Adam called names to all the cattle, and to all the
3586 3588 2222 1722 3319 3588 3857 2532 3588 3586 4071 3588 3772 2532 3956 3588 2342 3588
xulon ¢ en
thV zwhV ¢
mesw tou ¢
paradeisou kai to ¢
xulon ¢
peteinoiV tou ouranou¢ kai pasi
¢ ¢
toiV qhrioiV tou
tree of life in the midst of the paradise, and the tree, winged creatures of the heaven, and to all the wild beasts of the
3588 1492 1110 2570 2532 4190 4215-1161 68 3588-1161 * 3756 2147 998 3664 1473
tou ¢
eidenai ¢ kalou¢ kai ponhrou¢
gnwston ¢ de
2:10 potamoV agrou¢ tw de ¢ ouc
Adam ¢ bohqoV
eureqh ¢
¢ omoioV ¢
the one to know knowing good and evil. And a river field; but to Adam there was not found a helper likened to him.
1607 1537 * 4222 3588 3857 1564 2532 1911 2962 3588 2316 1611 1909
ekporeuetai ex ¢ potizein
Eden ¢ ¢
ton paradeison ¢
ekeiqen 2:21 kai ¢
epebale ¢
kurioV o ¢
qeoV ¢
ekstasin epi¢
goes forth from Eden to water the paradise; from there And [3put 1the lord 2God] a change of state over
873 1519 5064 746 3686 3588 1520 3588 * 2532 5258.1 2532 2983 1520 3588 4125-1473
aforizetai eiV ¢
tessaraV ¢
arcaV ¢
2:11 onoma tw eni¢ ¢
ton Adam ¢
kai upnwse ¢
kai elabe ¢
mian ¢ autou¢
twn pleurwn
it separates into four sources. The name to the one Adam, and he slept. And he took one of his ribs,
* 3778 3588 2944 3956 3588 1093 * 2532 378 4561 473 1473 2532 3618
Fiswn ¢
outoV o ¢
kuklwn ¢
pasan ¢
thn ghn Euilat ¢
kai aneplhrwse ¢
sarka ant' ¢
authV ¢
2:22 kai wkodomhse
is Phison. This is the one encircling all the land of Havilah – and supplied flesh against it. And [3built
1563 3739 1510.2.3 3588 5553 3588-1161 5553 3588 2962 3588 2316 3588 4125 3739 2983 575 3588
ekei¢ ou ¢
esti to ¢
crusion 2:12 to de ¢ thV
crusion ¢
kurioV o ¢
qeoV ¢ hn
thn pleuran ¢
elaben apo¢ tou
[5there 1where 4is 2the 3gold]. And the gold 1the lord 2God] the rib which he took from
1093-1565 2570 2532 1563 1510.2.3 3588 440 2532 3588 * 1519 1135 2532 71 1473 4314 3588 *
ghV ekeinhV ¢
kalon kai ekei¢ estin o ¢
anqrax kai o ¢
Adam eiV ¢
gunaika kai ¢
hgagen ¢
authn ¢
proV ton Adam
of that land is good, and there is the carbuncle and the Adam into a woman. And he led her to Adam.
3037 3588 4237.1 2532 3686 3588 4215 2532 2036-* 3778 3568 3747 1537 3588 3747-1473
liqoV o ¢
prasinoV 2:13 kai ¢
onoma tw ¢
potamw ¢
2:23 kai eipen ¢ touto
Adam ¢ ¢ ek
nun ostoun ¢
twn ostewn mou
[2stone 1leek colored]. And the name to the [2river And Adam said, This now is bone from my bones,
3588 1208 * 3778 3588 2944 3956 3588 1093 2532 4561 1537 3588 4561-1473 3778 2564 1135
tw deuterw ¢
Gewn ¢
outoV o ¢
kuklwn ¢
pasan thn ghn kai sarx ek ¢ mou auth
thV sarkoV ¢ klhqhsetai
¢ ¢
1second] is Gihon. This is the one encircling all the land and flesh from my flesh; she shall be called woman,
* 2532 3588 4215 3588 5154 * 3778 3754 1537 3588 435 1473 2983 1752 3778
AiqiopiaV 2:14 kai o ¢ o
potamoV ¢
tritoV ¢
TigriV ¢
outoV ¢
oti ek ¢ authV
tou androV ¢ elhfqh
¢ ¢
2:24 eneken ¢
of Ethiopia. And the [2river 1third] is the Tigris. This is for from the man she was taken. Because of this
2641 444 3588 3962-1473 2532 3588 3384 2532
3588 4313 2713 * 3588-1161 ¢
kataleiyei ¢
anqrwpoV ¢ autou¢ kai thn mhtera
ton patera ¢ kai
o ¢
proporeuomenoV ¢
katenanti ¢
Assuriwn o de [2shall leave 1man] his father and mother, and
the one going forth over against the Assyrians. And the
4347 3588 1135-1473 2532 1510.8.6 3588 1417
4215 3588 5067 * 2532 2983 ¢
proskollhqhsetai th gunaika ¢
¢ autou¢ kai esontai oi ¢
potamoV o ¢
tetartoV ¢
EufrathV 2:15 kai ¢
elabe shall cleave to his wife, and [3shall be 1the 2two]
[2river 1fourth] is the Euphrates. And [3took
1519 4561 1520 2532 1510.7.6 3588 1417 1131 3739 5037
2962 3588 2316 3588 444 3739 4111 2532 5087 ¢
eiV sarka ¢
mian ¢
2:25 kai hsan oi ¢
duo gumnoi¢ o te
kurioV o ¢
qeoV ¢
ton anqrwpon on ¢
eplase ¢
kai eqeto for [2flesh 1one]. And [3were 1the 2two] naked, both
1the lord 2God] the man whom he shaped, and put
* 2532 3588 1135-1473 2532 3756 153
1473 1722 3588 3857 2038 1473 2532 5442 ¢ kai h
Adam ¢ autou¢ kai ouk
gunh ¢
¢ en
auton ¢
tw paradeisw ¢
ergazesqai ¢ kai fulassein
auton ¢
Adam and his wife. And they were not ashamed.
him in the paradise to work it and to guard.
2532 1781 2962 3588 2316 3588 * 3004
2:16 kai eneteilato ¢
kurioV o ¢
qeoV ¢
tw Adam ¢
legwn CHAPTER 3
And [3gave charge 1the lord 2God] to Adam, saying,
575 3956 3586 3588 1722 3588 3857 1035 The Fall of Man
apo¢ ¢ xulou
pantoV ¢ tou en tw ¢
paradeisw ¢
From all of a tree of the one in the paradise [2food 3588-1161 3789 1510.7.3 5429 3956 3588
3:1 o de ¢
ofiV hn ¢
fronimwtatoV ¢
pantwn twn
2068 575-1161 3588 3586 3588 1097 2570
fagh 2:17 apo¢ de ¢
tou xulou tou ¢
ginwskein ¢
kalon But the serpent was most skilled of all the
1you shall eat], but from the tree of the knowing good 2342 3588 1909 3588 1093 3739 4160 2962
qhriwn twn epi¢ ¢
epoihse ¢
thV ghV
kurioV wn
2532 4190 3756 2068 575 1473 3588-1161-302
¢ ou
kai ponhron ¢
fagesqe ap' autou¢ h d' an wild beasts, of the ones upon the earth whom [3made 1the lord
and evil, you shall not eat from it; but in whatever 3588 2316 2532 2036 3588 3789 3588 1135 5100-3754
o ¢
qeoV kai ¢
eipen o ¢
ofiV th gunaiki¢ ti oti
2250 2068 575 1473 2288 599
hmera ¢
faghte ap' autou¢ qanatw
¢ ¢
apoqaneisqe 2God]. And [3said 1the 2serpent] to the woman, For why
day you should eat from it, to death you shall die. 2036 3588 2316 3766.2 2068 575 3956 3586 3588
eipen o ¢ ou mh faghte
qeoV ¢ apo¢ pantoV
¢ xulou
¢ tou
said God, No way should you eat from all of a tree of the
God Makes Woman 3857 2532 2036 3588 1135 575 2590 3588
2532 2036 2962 3588 2316 3756 2570 1510.1 ¢
paradeisou ¢
3:2 kai eipen h ¢
gunh apo¢ karpou¢ tou
2:18 kai eipe ¢
kurioV o ¢
qeoV ou ¢ einai
kalon ¢ paradise? And [3said 1the 2woman], From fruit of the
And [3said 1the lord 2God], It is not good [3to be 3586 3588 3857 2068 575-1161 3588 2590
3588 444 3441 4160 1473 998 2596 ¢
xulou tou ¢
paradeisou ¢
fagomeqa 3:3 apo¢ de tou karpou¢
ton ¢
anqrwpon ¢
monon ¢
poihswmen ¢
autw ¢ kat'
bohqon tree of the paradise we shall eat; but from the fruit
1for the 2man] alone, let us make for him a helper according to 3588 3586 3739 1510.2.3 1722 3319 3588 3857
1473 2532 4111-3588-2316 2089 1537 3588 1093 3956 tou ¢
xulou o estin en ¢
mesw tou ¢
auton ¢
2:19 kai eplasen ¢ eti
o qeoV ¢ ek ¢
thV ghV panta of the tree which is in the middle of the paradise,
him! And God shaped yet from out of the earth all 2036-3588-2316 3756-2068 575 1473 3762.1 680 1473
3588 2342 3588 68 2532 3956 3588 4071 ¢
eipen ¢ ou fagesqe
o qeoV ¢ ap' ¢
autou¢ ou de mh ayhsqe autou¢
ta ¢
qhria tou agrou¢ kai panta
¢ ta ¢
peteina God said, Eat not from it, nor touch it!
the wild beasts of the field, and all the winged creatures 2443 3361 599 2532 2036 3588 3789
3588 3772 2532 71 1473 4314 3588 * 1492 ¢
ina mh ¢
apoqanhte 3:4 kai ¢
eipen o ¢
tou ouranou¢ kai ¢
hgagen ¢ proV ton Adam
auta ¢ ¢
idein that you should not die. And [3said 1the 2serpent]
of the heaven. And he led them to Adam, to behold 3588 1135 3756 2288 599 1492 1063
5100 2564 1473 2532 3956 3739 502 2564 1473 th gunaiki¢ ou ¢
qanatw ¢
apoqaneisqe ¢
3:5 hdei gar
ti ¢
kalesei ¢ kai
auta pan o an ¢
ekalesen auto¢ to the woman, Not to death will you die. [3knows 1For
what he would call them. And all what ever [2called 3it
4 G E N E S I S 3:6
3588 2316 3754 3739 302 2250 2068 575 1473 3588 1093 1909 3588 4738-1473 2532 3588 2836 4198
o ¢
qeoV ¢
oti h an ¢
hmera ¢
faghte ap' autou¢ thV ghV epi¢ tw ¢
sthqei sou kai th ¢ poreush
koilia ¢
2God] that in which ever day you should eat of it, the earth. Upon your breast and belly you shall go,
1272 1473 3588 3788 2532 1510.8.5 5613 2532 1093 2068 3956 3588 2250 3588 2222-1473
dianoicqhsontai ¢ oi
umwn ¢
ofqalmoi¢ kai esesqe wV kai ghn ¢
fagh ¢
pasaV ¢
taV hmeraV ¢ sou
thV zwhV
[3will be opened wide 1your 2eyes], and you will be as and earth you shall eat all the days of your life.
2316 1097 2570 2532 4190 2532 1492 2532 2189 5087 303.1 1473 2532 303.1
qeoi¢ ¢
ginwskonteV ¢ kai ponhron
kalon ¢ 3:6 kai ¢
eiden 3:15 kai ¢
ecqran ¢
qhsw ¢
anameson ¢
sou kai anameson
gods, knowing good and evil. And [3beheld And [2hatred 1I will put] between you and between
3588 1135 3754 2570 3588 3586 1519 1035 2532 3754 3588 1135 2532 303.1 3588 4690-1473 2532 303.1
h ¢
gunh ¢
oti ¢
kalon to ¢
xulon ¢
eiV brwsin ¢
kai oti ¢ kai anameson
thV gunaikoV ¢ ¢
tou spermat ¢ sou kai anameson
oV ¢
1the 2woman] that [3is good 1the 2tree] for food, and that the woman; and between your seed and between
701 3588 3788 1492 2532 5611-1510.2.3 3588 3588 4690-1473 1473 1473-5083 2776 2532
areston toiV ¢ idein
ofqalmoiV ¢ kai wrai¢on
¢ esti tou ¢ authV
tou spermatoV ¢ autoV
¢ sou thrhsei
¢ ¢ kai
it is pleasing to the eyes to behold, and is beautiful her seed. He will give heed to your head, and
2657 2532 2983 3588 2590 1473 2068 2532 1473 5083 1473 4418 2532 3588 1135
katanohsai ¢
kai labousa ¢
tou karpou¢ autou¢ efage kai ¢
su thrhseiV autou¢ pternan
¢ 3:16 kai th gunaiki¢
for contemplating. And having taken the fruit of it, she ate, and you will give heed to his heel. And to the woman
1325 2532 3588 435-1473 3326 1473 2532 2068 2532 2036 4129 4129 3588 3077-1473 2532 3588
edwke kai tw andri¢ authV
¢ met' authV ¢
¢ kai efagon 3:7 kai ¢
eipe ¢
plhqunwn ¢
plhqunw ¢
taV lupaV sou kai touV
she gave also to her husband with her, and they ate. And he said, In multiplying I will multiply your distresses, and
1272 3588 3788 3588 1417 2532 1097 4726-1473 1722 3077 5088 5043 2532 4314 3588
dihnoicqhsan oi ofqalmoi¢ twn ¢
duo ¢
kai egnwsan ¢
stenagmouV sou en lupaiV ¢
texh ¢
tekna kai proV ton
[5were opened wide 1the 2eyes 3of the 4two], and they knew your moanings. In distresses you will bear children, and to
3754 1131-1510.7.6 2532 4475.2 5444 4808 2532 435-1473 3588 654.1-1473 2532 1473 1473-2961
oti gumnoi¢ hsan
¢ kai ¢
errayan ¢
fulla ¢
sukhV kai ¢
andra sou h ¢ sou kai autoV
apostrofh ¢ sou kurieusei
that they were naked. And they sewed leaves of a fig-tree, and your husband your submission, and he will dominate you.
4160 1473 4023.1 2532 191 3588 3588-1161 * 2036 3754 191 3588
epoihsan ¢
autoiV ¢
perizwmata 3:8 kai ¢
hkousan thV 3:17 tw de ¢
Adam ¢
eipen ¢
oti ¢
hkousaV thV
made to themselves loincloths. And they heard the And to Adam he said, Because you hearkened to the
5456 2962 3588 2316 4043 1722 3588 3857 5456 3588 1135-1473 2532 2068 575 3588 3586 3739
fwnhV¢ kuriou
¢ tou qeou¢ peripatountoV
¢ en ¢
tw paradeisw ¢ thV gunaikoV
fwnhV ¢
¢ sou kai efageV apo¢ tou xulou
¢ ou
voice of the lord God walking in the paradise voice of your wife, and ate from the tree of which
3588 1168.1 2532 2928 3739 5037 * 2532 3588 1781 1473 3778 3441 3361 2068 575
to ¢ kai
deilinon ¢
ekrubhsan o te ¢
Adam kai h ¢
eneteilamhn soi ¢
toutou ¢
monou mh ¢ ap'
at dusk. And [5hid 1both 2Adam 3and I gave charge to you, saying, This alone you are not to eat from
1135-1473 575 4383 2962 3588 2316 1722 3319 1473 2068 1944 3588 1093 1722 3588 2041-1473
gunh¢ autou¢ apo¢ proswpou
¢ ¢
kuriou tou qeou¢ en ¢
mesw ¢
autou¢ efageV ¢
epikataratoV h gh en ¢
toiV ergoiV sou
4his wife] from the face of the lord God in the midst it – and you ate; accursed is the land among your works;
3588 3586 3588 3857 2532 2564-3588-2316 3588 1722 3077 2068 1473 3956 3588 2250 3588 2222-1473
tou ¢
xulou tou ¢
paradeisou ¢
3:9 kai ekalesen ¢ ton
o qeoV ¢
en lupaiV ¢
fagh ¢ pasaV
authn ¢ ¢
taV hmeraV ¢ sou
thV zwhV
of the tree of the paradise. And God called in distresses you will eat it all the days of your life.
* 2532 2036 1473 * 4226 1510.2.2 2532 173 2532 5146 393 1473 2532 2068
Adam ¢
kai eipen ¢
autw ¢
Adam pou ei 3:10 kai ¢
3:18 akanqaV ¢
kai tribolouV anatelei¢ soi ¢
kai fagh
Adam, and said to him, Adam, Where are you? And Thorn-bushes and thistles will rise to you, and you will eat
2036 1473 3588 5456-1473 191 4043 1722 3588 5528 3588 68 1722 2402 3588 4383-1473
eipen ¢
autw thV fwnhV ¢
¢ sou hkousa ¢
peripatountoV en ¢
ton corton tou agrou¢ 3:19 en ¢
idrwti ¢
tou proswpou sou
he said to him, [2your voice 1I heard] while walking in the grass of the field. By sweat of your face
3588 3857 2532 5399 3754 1131-1510.2.1 2532 2928 2068 3588 740-1473 2193 3588 654 1473 1519 3588
tw ¢
paradeisw ¢
kai efobhqhn ¢
oti ¢ eimi kai ekrubhn
gumnoV ¢ ¢
fagh ¢
ton arton ¢
sou ewV ¢
tou apostreyai se eiV thn
the paradise, and I feared, for I am naked, and I hid. you will eat your bread, until the returning you into the
2532 2036 1473 3588 2316 5100 312 1473 1093 1537 3739 2983 3754 1093 1510.2.2 2532
3:11 kai ¢
eipen ¢
autw o ¢
qeoV tiV ¢
anhggeile¢ soi ghn ex hV ¢
elhfqhV ¢
oti gh ei kai
And [2said 3to him 1God], Who announced to you earth from out of which you were taken. For earth you are and
3754 1131-1510.2.2 1508 575 3588 3586 3739 1781 1519 1093 565 2532 2564-* 3588 3686
oti ¢ ei
gumnoV ei mh apo¢ tou xulou
¢ ou ¢
eneteilamhn eiV ghn ¢
apeleush 3:20 kai ¢
ekalesen ¢
Adam to ¢
that you are naked, unless from the tree of which I gave charge unto earth you will go. And Adam called the name
1473 3778 3441 3361 2068 575 1473 3588 1135-1473 2222 3754 1473 1510.7.3 3384 3956 3588
soi ¢
toutou ¢
monou mh ¢ ap'
fagein autou¢ thV gunaikoV¢ autou¢ Zwh ¢
¢ oti ¢ hn
auth ¢
mhthr ¢
pantwn twn
to you, saying, This alone you are not to eat from it – of his wife, Zoe†, for she was mother of all the
2068 2532 2036-* 3588 1135 3739 1325 2198 2532 4160 2962 3588 2316 3588 * 2532
efageV 3:12 kai ¢
eipen ¢
o Adam h ¢
gunh hn ¢
edwkaV ¢
zwntwn ¢
3:21 kai epoihse ¢
kurioV o ¢
qeoV ¢ kai
tw Adam
you ate. And Adam said, The woman whom you gave living. And [3made 1the lord 2God] to Adam and
3326 1473 3778 1473-1325 575 3588 3586 2532 2068 3588 1135-1473 5509 1193 2532 1746 1473
met' emou¢ auth
¢ moi edwken
¢ apo¢ tou xulou
¢ ¢
kai efagon th gunaiki¢ autou¢ citwnaV
¢ ¢
dermatinouV ¢
kai enedusen ¢
to be with me, she gave to me from the tree, and I ate. his wife garments of skins, and he clothed them.
2532 2036 2962 3588 2316 3588 1135 5100 3778 2532 2036-3588-2316 2400 * 1096 5613 1520 1537
3:13 kai eipe ¢
kurioV o ¢
qeoV th gunaiki¢ ti ¢
touto ¢
3:22 kai eipen ¢ idou¢
o qeoV ¢
Adam ¢
gegonen wV eiV ex
And [3said 1the lord 2God] to the woman, What is this And God said, Behold, Adam has become as one of
4160 2532 2036 3588 1135 3588 3789 538 1473 1473 3588 1097 2570 2532 4190 2532 3568 3379
epoihsaV ¢
kai eipen h ¢
gunh o ¢
ofiV ¢
hpathse me ¢ tou ginwskein
hmwn ¢ ¢ kai ponhron
kalon ¢ kai nun mhpote
you did? And [3said 1the 2woman], The serpent deceived me, us, to know good and evil. And now, lest at any time
2532 2068 2532 2036 2962 3588 2316 3588 3789 1614 3588 5495 2532 2983 575 3588 3586
kai efagon ¢
3:14 kai eipe ¢
kurioV o ¢
qeoV tw ¢
ofei ¢
ekteinh ¢
thn ceira ¢
kai labh apo¢ tou xulou
and I ate. And [3said 1the lord 2God] to the serpent, he might stretch out the hand, and should take from the tree
3754 4160 3778 1944 1473 575 3956 3588 2222 2532 2068 2532 2198 1519 3588 165 2532
oti ¢
epoihsaV ¢
touto ¢
epikataratoV su apo¢ pantwn
¢ ¢
thV zwhV ¢
kai fagh ¢
kai zhsetai ¢
eiV ton aiwna 3:23 kai
Because you did this, accursed are you from all of life, and should eat, and will live into the eon – that
3588 2934 2532 575 3956 3588 2342 3588 1909 1821 1473 2962 3588 2316 1537 3588 3857
¢ kai apo¢ pantwn
twn kthnwn ¢ ¢
twn qhriwn twn epi¢ ¢
exapesteilen ¢ kurioV
auton ¢ o ¢
qeoV ek ¢
tou paradeisou
the cattle, and from all the wild beasts of the ones upon [3ejected 4him 1the lord 2God ] from the paradise

3:20 †or life.

3:24 G E N E S I S 5
3588 5172 2038 3588 1093 1537 3739 2983 3756 1097 3361 5441 3588 80-1473 1510.2.1-1473
thV ¢
trufhV ¢
ergazesqai thn ghn ex hV ¢
elhfqh ou ¢
ginwskw mh ¢
fulax tou adelfou¢ mou eimi¢ egw
of the delicacy, to work the earth from which he was taken. I do not know, [2not 3the keeper 4of my brother 1I am].
2532 1544 3588 * 2532 2733.1 1473 561 2532 2036-2962 5100 4160 5456 129
3:24 kai exebale ¢
ton Adam ¢
kai katwkisen ¢ apenanti
auton ¢ ¢ kurioV
4:10 kai eipe ¢ ti ¢
pepoihkaV fwnh ¢ ¢
And he cast out Adam, and settled him before And the lord said, What did you do? The voice of the blood
3588 3857 3588 5172 2532 5021 3588 5502 2532 3588 3588 80-1473 994 4314 1473 1537 3588 1093 2532
tou paradeisou thV ¢ kai etaxe
trufhV ¢ ¢ kai thn
ta ceroubim tou adelfou¢ sou ¢ proV me ek
boa thV ghV 4:11 kai
the paradise of the delicacy, and ordered the cherubim, and the of your brother yells to me from the ground. And
5394.1 4501 3588 4762 5442 3588 3598 3568 1944 1473 575 3588 1093 3739 5462.2
floginhn ¢
romfaian ¢
thn strefomenhn ¢
fulassein ¢
thn odon nun ¢
epikataratoV su apo¢ thV ghV h ¢
flaming [2broadsword 1turning], to guard the way now, accursed are you from the earth which gaped wide
3588 3586 3588 2222 3588 4750-1473 1209 3588 129 3588 80-1473 1537
tou ¢
xulou ¢
thV zwhV to ¢
stoma ¢ dexasqai
authV ¢ to ¢
aima tou adelfou¢ sou ek
of the tree of life. her mouth to take the blood of your brother from
3588 5495-1473 3753 2038 3588 1093 2532 3756
CHAPTER 4 ¢ sou
thV ceiroV ¢
4:12 ote ¢
erga thn ghn kai ou
your hand. When you work the ground, and it does not
4369 3588 2479-1473 1325 1473 4730.1
Cain and Abel ¢
prosqhsei ¢ authV
thn iscun ¢ ¢ i¢
douna soi ¢
*-1161 1097 * 3588 1135-1473 2532 add [2her strength 1to give] to you; then in moaning
¢ de
4:1 Adam ¢
egnw ¢
Euan ¢ autou¢ kai
thn gunaika 2532 5141 1510.8.2 1909 3588 1093 2532 2036-*
And Adam knew Eve his wife. And ¢
kai tremwn ¢
esh epi¢ thV ghV 4:13 kai eipe Ka+n
4815 5088 3588 * 2532 2036 2932 and trembling you will be upon the earth. And Cain said
sullabousa ¢
eteke ton Ka+n kai ¢
eipen ¢
ekthsamhn 4314 2962 3173 3588 156-1473 3588 863 1473
conceiving, she bore Cain, and said, I acquired ¢
proV kurion ¢
meizwn h ¢ mou tou afeqhnai
aitia ¢ me
444 1223 3588 2316 2532 4369 5088 to the lord, [2is too great 1My fault] to forgive me.
anqrwpon ¢
dia tou qeou¢ 4:2 kai ¢
proseqeto ¢
tekein 1487 1544 1473 4594 575 4383 3588 1093
a man through God. And she added to bear 4:14 ei ¢
ekballeiV ¢
me shmeron apo¢ proswpou
¢ thV ghV
3588 80-1473 3588 * 2532 1096-* 4166 If you cast me today from the face of the earth,
¢ autou¢ ton ¢Abel kai
ton adelfon ¢
egeneto ¢Abel poimhn
¢ 2532 575 3588 4383-1473 2928 2532 1510.8.1 4730.1
his brother, Abel. And Abel became a shepherd kai apo¢ tou proswpou
¢ ¢
sou krubhsomai ¢
kai esomai ¢
4263 *-1161 1510.7.3 2038 3588 1093 2532 and from your face, I will hide, and I will be moaning
probatwn Ka+n de hn ¢
ergazomenoV thn ghn 4:3 kai 2532 5141 1909 3588 1093 2532 1510.8.3 3956 3588 2147
of sheep, but Cain was working the land. And ¢
kai tremwn epi¢ thV ghV ¢
kai estai paV o ¢
1096 3326 2250 5342-* 575 3588 2590 and trembling upon the earth; and it will be all the ones finding
egeneto ¢
meq' hmeraV ¢
hnegke Ka+n apo¢ twn karpwn
¢ 1473 615 1473 2532 2036 1473 2962 3588 2316
it came to pass after some days, Cain brought from the fruits me apoktenei¢ me ¢
4:15 kai eipen ¢
autw ¢
kurioV o ¢
3588 1093 2378 3588 2962 2532 * 5342 me will kill me. And [3said 4to him 1the lord 2God],
thV ¢
ghV qusian ¢
kuriw tw 4:4 kai ¢Abel hnegke
¢ 3756 3779 3956 3588 615 * 2033 1556
of the land a sacrifice to the lord. And Abel brought ¢
ouc outw paV o ¢
apokteinaV ¢
Ka+n epta ¢
2532 1473 575 3588 4416 3588 4263-1473 2532 Not so, all killing Cain [3seven times 2by punishing
kai autoV apo¢ twn prwtotokwn
¢ ¢
twn probatwn autou¢ kai 3886 2532 5087 2962 3588 2316 4592 3588
also himself from the first-born of his sheep, and ¢
paralusei ¢
kai eqeto ¢
kurioV o ¢
qeoV ¢ tw
575 3588 4720.1-1473 2532 1896-3588-2316 1909 * 1will be disabled]. And [3put 1the lord 2God] a sign to
apo¢ ¢
twn steatwn ¢
autwn kai ¢
epeiden ¢
o qeoV epi¢ ¢Abel * 3588 3361 337 1473 3956 3588 2147
from his fatlings. And God looked upon Abel Ka+n tou mh ¢
anelein ¢ panta
auton ¢ ¢
ton euriskonta
2532 1909 3588 1435-1473 1909-1161 * 2532 1909 Cain [4to not 5do away with 6him 1for all 2finding
kai epi¢ ¢
toiV dwroiV autou¢ 4:5 epi¢ de Ka+n kai epi¢ 1473 1831 1161 * 575 4383 3588 2316
and upon his gifts. But upon Cain and upon ¢
auton ¢
4:16 exhlqe de Ka+n apo¢ proswpou
¢ tou qeou¢
3588 2378-1473 3756 4337 2532 3076-3588-* 3him]. [3went forth 1And 2Cain] from the face of God,
taiV qusiaiV autou¢ ou ¢
prosesce ¢
kai eluphse ton Ka+n 2532 3611 1722 1093 * 2713 * 2532
his sacrifices, he did not take heed. And Cain fretted ¢
kai wkhsen en gh Na+d ¢
katenanti ¢
Eden 4:17 kai
3029 2532 4844.1 3588 4383 2532 2036 and he lived in the land of Nod, over against Eden. And
lian ¢
kai sunepese tw ¢
proswpw ¢
4:6 kai eipe 1097-* 3588 1135-1473 2532 4815 5088 3588
exceedingly, and became downcast in the face. And [3said ¢
egnw ¢ autou¢ kai
Ka+n thn gunaika ¢
sullabousa ¢
eteke ton
2962 3588 2316 3588 * 2444 4036 1096 Cain knew his wife. And she, conceiving, bore
kurioV o ¢
qeoV tw Ka+n inati¢ perilupoV
¢ ¢
egenou * 2532 1510.7.3 3618 4172 2532 2028 3588 4172
1the lord 2God] to Cain, Why [2dejected 1are you], ¢
Enwc kai hn ¢ polin
oikodomwn ¢ ¢
kai epwnomase ¢
thn polin
2532 2444 4844.1 3588 4383 3756-302 3723 Enoch. And he was building a city, and he named the city
kai inati¢ sunepese
¢ to ¢
proswp ¢ sou
on ¢
4:7 ouk an orqwV 1909 3588 3686 3588 5207-1473 * 1080 1161
and why is [2downcast 1your face]? If not rightly epi¢ tw onomati
¢ tou uiou¢ autou¢ Enwc
¢ ¢
4:18 egennhqh de
4374 3723 1161 3361 1244 264 2270 after the name of his son Enoch. [3was born 1And
prosenegkhV ¢
orqwV de mh ¢
dielhV ¢
hmarteV ¢
hsucason 3588 * * 2532 * 1080 3588 *
you brought, [3rightly 1but 2not] divided, you sinned? Be still, tw ¢
Enwc ¢
Ga+dad kai Ga+dad egennhse ¢
ton Maihl
4314 1473 3588 654.1-1473 2532 1473 756 1473 2to Enoch] Irad; and Irad procreated Mehujael;
proV se h apostrofh ¢
¢ autou¢ kai su arxeiV autou¢ 2532 * 1080 3588 * 2532 *
to you shall be his submission, and you will control him! ¢
kai Maihl ¢
egennhse ¢ kai Maqousala
ton Maqousala ¢
2532 2036-* 4314 * 3588 80-1473 1330 and Mehujael procreated Methusael; and Methusaela
¢ Ka+n proV ¢Abel ton adelfon
4:8 kai eipe ¢ autou¢ dielqwmen
¢ 1080 3588 * 2532 2983 1438 *
And Cain said to Abel his brother, Let us go ¢
egennhse ¢
ton Lamec ¢
4:19 kai elaben ¢
eautw ¢
1519 3588 3977.1 2532 1096 1722 3588 1510.1-1473 procreated Lamech. And [2took 3to himself 1Lamech]
eiV to ¢
pedion kai ¢
egeneto en tw ¢
einai ¢
autouV 1417 1135 3686 3588 1520 * 2532 3686
into the plain. And it came to pass in their being ¢
duo ¢
gunaikaV ¢
onoma th ¢ Adda
mia ¢ ¢
kai onoma
1722 3588 3977.1 450-* 1909 * 3588 80-1473 two wives; the name to the one was Adah, and the name
en ¢ anesth
tw pediw ¢ Ka+n epi¢ ¢ autou¢
Abel ton adelfon 3588 1208 * 2532 5088-* 3588 *
in the plain, Cain rose up against Abel his brother, th ¢
deutera ¢
Sella 4:20 kai ¢
eteken ¢ ton Iwbhl
Adda ¢
2532 615 1473 2532 2036 2962 3588 2316 to the second was Zillah. And Adah bore Jabel,
kai apekteinen ¢
auton 4:9 kai ¢¢
kurioV o ¢
qeoV 3778 1510.7.3 3962 3611 1722 4633 2934.1
and killed him. And [3said 1the lord 2God] ¢
outoV hn ¢ oikountwn
pathr ¢ ¢ kthnotrofwn
en skhnaiV ¢
4314 * 4226 1510.2.3 * 3588 80-1473 2532 2036 this one was father of the ones living in tents, grazing cattle.
proV Ka+n pou ¢
estin ¢Abel o ¢ sou kai eipen
adelfoV ¢
to Cain, Where is Abel your brother? And he said,
6 G E N E S I S 4:21
2532 3686 3588 80-1473 * 3778 1510.7.3 2532 1096 3956 3588 2250 * 3739 2198
4:21 kai onoma ¢ autou¢ Ioubal
tw adelfw ¢ ¢
outoV hn ¢
5:5 kai egenonto ¢
pasai ai ¢
hmerai ¢
Adam aV ¢
And the name to his brother was Jubal, this one was And came to pass all the days of Adam which he lived,
3588 2610.1 5568.1 2532 2788 *-1161 2532 5144 2532 1765.1 2094 2532 599 2198 1161
o ¢
katadeixaV ¢
yalthrion ¢
kai kiqaran ¢ de kai
4:22 Sella ¢
triakonta ¢
kai ennakosia ¢
eth ¢
kai apeqanen ¢
5:6 ezhse de
the one introducing the psaltery and the harp. But Zillah also thirty and nine hundred years, and he died. [3lived 1And
1473 5088 3588 * 2532 1510.7.3 4973.3 5471 * 4002 2532 1250 2094 2532 1080 3588 *
auth ¢
eteke ¢
ton Qobel kai hn ¢
sfurokopoV ¢
calkeuV Shq ¢
pente ¢
kai diakosia ¢
eth ¢
kai egennhse ¢
ton EnwV
herself bore Tubal-cain, and he was a hammer-smith brazier 2Seth] five and two hundred years, and he procreated Enos.
5475 2532 4604 79-1161 * * 2532 2198-* 3326 3588 1080-1473 3588 * 2033
calkou¢ kai sidhrou
¢ ¢ de
adelfh ¢
Qobel ¢
Noema ¢
5:7 kai ezhse ¢ to
Shq meta ¢
gennhsai ¢ ton EnwV
auton ¢ epta
of brass and of iron. And the sister of Tubal-cain was Naamah. And Seth lived after his procreating Enos, seven
2036 1161 * 3588 1438 1135 * 2532 * 2094 2532 2035.1 2532 1080 5207 2532 2364
4:23 eipe de ¢
Lamec taiV eautou¢ gunaixin
¢ Adda
¢ kai Sella
¢ ¢
eth ¢
kai eptakosia ¢
kai egennhsen ¢ kai qugateraV
uiouV ¢
[3said 1And 2Lamech] to his own wives, Adah and Zillah, years and seven hundred; and he procreated sons and daughters.
191 1473 3588 5456 1135 * 1801 1473 2532 1096 3956 3588 2250 * 1427 2532
akousate¢ mou thV fwnhV
¢ gunaikeV
¢ ¢
Lamec ¢
enwtisasqe¢ mou 5:8 kai ¢
egenonto ¢
pasai ai ¢
hmerai Shq ¢
dwdeka kai
Hear my voice, O wives of Lamech! Give ear to my And came to pass all the days of Seth, twelve and
3588 3056 3754 435 615 1519 5134 1473 1765.1 2094 2532 599 2532 2198-* 2094
touV logouV ¢
oti ¢
andra ¢
apekteina ¢
eiV trauma emoi¢ ¢
ennakosia ¢
eth ¢
kai apeqane ¢
5:9 kai ezhsen ¢ eth
EnwV ¢
words! for [2a man 1I killed] for giving a wound to me, nine hundred years, and he died. And Enos lived [3years
2532 3495 1519 3468 1473 3754 2034 1540 1767.3 2532 1080 3588 * 2532
kai neaniskon ¢
eiV mwlwpa emoi¢ ¢
4:24 oti ¢
eptakiV ¢
ekaton ¢
enenhkonta ¢
kai egennhse ton Ka+nan 5:10 kai
and a young man for giving a stripe to me. For [2seven times 1a hundred 2ninety], and he procreated Cainan. And
1556 1537 * 1537-1161 * 1441 2198-* 3326 3588 1080-1473 3588 * 4002.1
ekdedikhtai ek Ka+n ek de ¢
Lamec ¢
ebdomhkontakiV ¢
ezhsen ¢ meta
EnwV ¢ to gennhsai
¢ ¢ ton Ka+nan pentekaideka
auton ¢
1punishment] is for Cain, but for Lamech, seventy times Enos lived after his procreating Cainan, fifteen
2033 1097 1161 * * 3588 1135-1473 2532 2094 2532 2035.1 2532 1080 5207 2532 2364
epta ¢
4:25 egnw de ¢
Adam ¢
Euan ¢ autou¢ kai
thn gunaika ¢
eth ¢
kai eptakosia ¢
kai egennhsen ¢ kai qugateraV
uiouV ¢
seven. [3knew 1And 2Adam] Eve his wife. And years and seven hundred, and he procreated sons and daughters.
4815 5088 5207 2532 2028 3588 3686-1473 2532 1096 3956 3588 2250 * 4002
sullabousa ¢
eteken ¢
uion ¢
kai epwnomase to ¢
onoma autou¢ 5:11 kai ¢
egenonto ¢
pasai ai ¢
hmerai ¢
EnwV ¢
conceiving, she bore a son, and named his name And came to pass all the days of Enos, five
* 3004 1817 1063 1473 3588 2316 4690 2094 2532 1765.1 2532 599 2532 2198-*
Shq ¢
legousa ¢
exanesthse gar moi o ¢
qeoV ¢
sperma ¢
eth ¢
kai ennakosia ¢
kai apeqane ¢
5:12 kai ezhse Ka+nan
Seth, saying, [3raised up 1For 4to me 2God 6seed years and nine hundred, and he died. And Cainan lived
2087 473 * 3739 615-* 2532 1440 2532 1540 2094 2532 1080 3588
eteron anti¢ ¢Abel on ¢
apekteine Ka+n 4:26 kai ¢
ebdomhkonta kai ¢
ekaton ¢
eth kai ¢
egennhse ton
5another] instead of Abel, whom Cain killed. And seventy and a hundred years, and he procreated
3588 * 1096 5207 2028-1161 3588 3686-1473 * * 2532 2198-* 3326 3588 1080-1473
tw Shq egeneto ¢
uioV ¢
epwnomase de to ¢
onoma autou¢ EnwV
¢ ¢
Malelehl ¢
5:13 kai ezhse ¢ to
Ka+nan meta ¢
gennhsai ¢
to Seth was born a son. And he named his name Enos; Mahalaleel. And Cainan lived after his procreating
3778 1679 1941 3588 3686 2962 3588 2316
outoV ¢
hlpisen ¢
epikaleisqai ¢
to onoma ¢
kuriou tou qeou¢ 3588 * 5062 2532 2035.1 2094 2532
ton Malelehl ¢
tessarakonta ¢
kai eptakosia ¢
eth kai
this one hoped to call upon the name of the lord God. Mahalaleel, forty and seven hundred years, and
1080 5207 2532 2364 2532 1096 3956
egennhsen ¢ kai qugateraV
uiouV ¢ ¢
5:14 kai egenonto ¢
he procreated sons and daughters. And came to pass all
3588 2250 * 1176 2094 2532 1765.1 2532 599
Genealogy of Adam ¢
ai hmerai Ka+nan ¢
deka ¢
eth ¢
kai ennakosia ¢
kai apeqane
3778 3588 976 1078 444 3739 the days of Cainan, ten years and nine hundred, and he died.
¢ h
5:1 auth ¢
bibloV ¢
genesewV ¢
anqrwpwn h 2532 2198-* 4002 2532 1835 2532 1540
This is the book of the origin of men in which ¢
5:15 kai ezhse ¢ pente
Malelehl ¢ ¢
kai exhkonta ¢
kai ekaton
2250 4160-3588-2316 3588 * 2596 1504 2316 And Mahalaleel lived five and sixty and a hundred
hmera ¢
epoihsen ¢ ton Adam
o qeoV ¢ kat' ¢
eikona qeou¢ 2094 2532 1080 3588 * 2532 2198-*
day God made Adam. According to the image of God ¢
eth ¢
kai egennhse ¢
ton Iared ¢
5:16 kai ezhse ¢
4160 1473 730 2532 2338 4160 1473 years, and he procreated Jared. And Mahalaleel lived
epoihsen ¢
auton ¢
5:2 arsen ¢
kai qhlu ¢
epoihsen ¢
autouV 3326 3588 1080-1473 3588 * 2094 5144 2532
he made him. Male and female he made them, ¢ to
meta ¢
gennhsai ¢ ton Iared
auton ¢ ¢
eth ¢
triakonta kai
2532 2127 1473 2532 2028 3588 3686-1473 after his procreating Jared, [4years 1thirty 2and
kai euloghsen ¢ kai
autouV ¢
epwnomase to ¢
onoma autou¢
2035.1 2532 1080 5207 2532 2364 2532
and he blessed them. And he named his name ¢
eptakosia ¢
kai egennhsen ¢ kai qugateraV
uiouV ¢ 5:17 kai
* 3739 2250 4160 1473 2198 1161
Adam h ¢
hmera ¢
epoihsen ¢
autouV ¢
5:3 ezhse de 3seven hundred], and he procreated sons and daughters. And
Adam, in which day he made them. [3lived 1And 1096 3956 3588 2250 * 2094 4002
egenonto ¢
pasai ai ¢
hmerai ¢
Malelehl ¢
eth ¢
* 5144 2532 1250 2094 2532 1080
Adam ¢
triakonta ¢
kai diakosia† ¢
eth ¢
kai egennhse came to pass all the days of Mahalaleel [6years 1five
2Adam] thirty and two hundred years. And he procreated a son 2532 1767.3 2532 3637.2 2532 599 2532
kai ¢
enenhkonta kai ¢
oktakosia ¢
kai apeqane 5:18 kai
2596 3588 2397-1473 2532 2596 3588 1504-1473
kata ¢ autou¢ kai kata
thn idean ¢ ¢
thn eikona autou¢ 2and 3ninety 4and 5eight hundred], and he died. And
according to his shape, and according to his image; 2198-* 1417 2532 1835 2094 2532 1540 2532
ezhsen ¢
Iared ¢
duo ¢
kai exhkonta ¢
eth ¢
kai ekaton kai
2532 2028 3588 3686-1473 * 1096-1161 3588
kai epwnomase ¢
to onoma autou¢ Shq ¢
5:4 egenonto de ai Jared lived two and sixty years and a hundred, and
and he named his name, Seth. And came to pass the 1080 3588 * 2532 2198-* 3326 3588
egennhse ¢
ton Enwc 5:19 kai ¢
ezhsen ¢
Iared ¢ to
2250 * 3739 2198 3326 3588 1080-1473 3588 *
hmerai ¢
Adam aV ¢
ezhse ¢ to gennhsai
meta ¢ ¢ ton Shq
auton he procreated Enoch. And Jared lived after
days of Adam which he lived after his procreating Seth, 1080-1473 3588 * 3637.2 2094 2532 1080
gennhsai ¢ ton Enwc
auton ¢ ¢
oktakosia ¢
eth ¢
kai egennhsen
2094 2035.1 2532 1080 5207 2532 2364
eth ¢
eptakosia ¢
kai egennhsen ¢ kai qugateraV
uiouV ¢ his procreating Enoch, eight hundred years, and he procreated
[2years 1seven hundred], and he procreated sons and daughters. 5207 2532 2364 2532 1096 3956 3588 2250
¢ kai qugateraV
uiouV ¢ ¢
5:20 kai egenonto ¢
pasai ai ¢
sons and daughters. And came to pass all the days
5:3 †See 1709 Lambert Bos LXX for variants.
5:21 G E N E S I S 7
* 1417 2532 1835 2532 1765.1 2094 2532 599
Iared ¢ kai exhkonta
duo ¢ ¢
kai ennakosia ¢
eth ¢
kai apeqane CHAPTER 6
of Jared, two and sixty and nine hundred years, and he died.
2532 2198-* 4002 2532 1835 2532 1540 2094
5:21 kai ezhsen ¢ pente
Enwc ¢ ¢
kai exhkonta ¢
kai ekaton ¢
eth Noah Finds Favor
And Enoch lived five and sixty and a hundred years, 2532 1096 2259 756 3588 444 4183
2532 1080 3588 * 2100 1161
6:1 kai egeneto hnika ¢
¢ hrxanto ¢
oi anqrwpoi polloi¢
kai egennhse ¢ 5:22 euhresthse
ton Maqousala ¢ de And it came to pass when [3began 2men 1many]
and he procreated Methuselah. [3was well-pleasing 1And 1096 1909 3588 1093 2532 2364 1080 1473
* 3588 2316 2532 2198-* 3326 3588 1080-1473
ginesqai epi¢ thV ghV ¢
kai qugatereV ¢
egennhqhsan ¢
Enwc ¢
tw qew kai ezhsen ¢ meta
Enwc ¢ to ¢
gennhsai ¢
auton to become upon the earth, and daughters were born to them.
2Enoch] to God. And Enoch lived after his procreating 1492 1161 3588 5207 3588 2316 3588 2364
3588 * 1250 2094 2532 1080 5207
6:2 idonteV de oi uioi¢ tou qeou¢ ¢
taV qugateraV
¢ diakosia
ton Maqousala ¢ ¢
eth ¢
kai egennhsen ¢
uiouV [5were beholding 1And 2the 3sons 4of God] the daughters
Methuseleh, two hundred years, and he procreated sons 3588 444 3754 2570-1510.2.6 2983 1438
2532 2364 2532 1096 3956 3588 2250
twn anqrwpwn ¢
oti kalai¢ eisin ¢
elabon ¢
kai qugateraV 5:23 kai ¢
egenonto ¢
pasai ai ¢
hmerai of men, that they are good, that they took to themselves
and daughters. And came to pass all the days 1135 575 3956 3739 1586 2532 2036
* 4002 2532 1835 2532 5145 2094 2532
gunaikaV apo¢ ¢
paswn wn ¢
exelexanto 6:3 kai ¢
Enwc ¢
pente ¢
kai exhkonta ¢
kai triakosia ¢
eth 5:24 kai women from all of whom they chose. And [3said
of Enoch, five and sixty and three hundred years. And 2962 3588 2316 3766.2 2650 3588 4151-1473
2100-* 3588 2316 2532 3756 2147 3754
kurioV o ¢
qeoV ou mh ¢
katameinh to ¢ a
pneum ¢ mou
euhresthsen ¢
Enwc ¢ kai ouc
tw qew ¢
eurisketo ¢
oti 1the lord 2God], No way should [2stay 1my spirit]
Enoch was well-pleasing to God. And he was not found, for 1722 3588 444-3778 1223 3588 1510.1-1473
3346 1473 3588 2316 2532 2198-*
en ¢
toiV anqrwpoiV ¢
toutoiV ¢
dia to ¢
einai ¢
meteqhken ¢ o
auton ¢
qeoV 5:25 kai ¢
ezhse ¢
Maqousala with these men, on account of their being
[2transposed 3him 1God]. And Methuselah lived 4561 1510.8.6 1161 3588 2250-1473 1540 1501
2033 2532 3589 2532 1540 2532 1080 3588
sarkaV ¢
esontai de ai ¢
hmerai ¢
autwn ¢
ekaton ¢
¢ kai ogdohkonta kai ekaton†
epta ¢ ¢
kai egennhse ton flesh; [3will be 1and 2their days] a hundred twenty
seven and eighty and a hundred years, and he procreated 2094 3588-1161 1095.2 1510.7.6 1909 3588 1093 1722 3588
* 2532 2198-* 3326 3588 1080-1473
eth 6:4 oi de ¢
giganteV ¢
hsan epi¢ thV ghV en taiV
Lamec ¢
5:26 kai ezhse ¢ meta
Maqousala ¢ to gennhsai
¢ ¢
auton years. And the giants were upon the earth in
Lamech. And Methuselah lived after his procreating 2250-1565 2532 3326 1565 5613-302 1531
3588 * 1417 2532 3589 2532 2035.1 2094 2532
hmeraiV ¢
ekeinaiV ¢ wV an
kai met' ekeino ¢
ton Lamec ¢ kai ogdohkonta kai eptakosia
duo ¢ ¢
eth kai those days. And after that, [4continually 5entered
Lamech, two and eighty and seven hundred years, and 3588 5207 3588 2316 4314 3588 2364 3588 444 2532
1080 5207 2532 2364 2532 1096 3956
oi uioi¢ tou qeou¢ ¢
proV taV qugateraV ¢
twn anqrwpwn kai
egennhsen ¢ kai qugateraV
uiouV ¢ ¢
5:27 kai egenonto ¢
pasai 1the 2sons 3of God] to the daughters of men, and
he procreated sons and daughters. And came to pass all 1080 1438 1565 1510.7.6 3588 1095.2 3588
3588 2250 * 3739 2198 1767 2532 1835
egennwsan ¢
eautoiV ¢
ekeinoi ¢
hsan oi ¢
giganteV oi
ai ¢
hmerai ¢
Maqousala aV ¢
ezhsen ¢ kai exhkonta
ennea ¢ procreated for themselves. Those were the giants, the ones
the days of Methuselah which he lived, nine and sixty 575 165 3588 444 3588 3687.1 1492
2532 1765.1 2094 2532 599 2532 2198-*
ap' ¢
aiwnoV oi ¢
anqrwpoi oi onomastoi¢ ¢
6:5 idwn
kai ennakosia ¢
eth ¢
kai apeqane ¢
5:28 kai ezhse ¢
Lamec from the eon, the [2men 1renowned]. [4beholding
and nine hundred years, and he died. And Lamech lived 1161 2962 3588 2316 3754 4129 3588 2549
3638 2532 3589 2532 1540 2094 2532 1080
de ¢
kurioV o ¢
qeoV ¢
oti ¢
eplhqunqhsan ai ¢
¢ kai ogdohkonta
oktw ¢ ¢
kai ekaton ¢
eth ¢
kai egennhsen 1And 2the lord 3God] that [4were multiplying 1the 2evils
eight and eighty and a hundred years, and he procreated 3588 444 1909 3588 1093 2532 3956 5100 1269.4 1722
5207 2532 2028 3588 3686-1473 * 3004
twn anqrwpwn epi¢ thV ghV ¢
kai paV tiV dianoeitai en
uion 5:29 kai ¢
epwnomase to ¢
onoma autou¢ Nwe
¢ ¢
legwn 3of men] upon the earth, and all that man considered in
a son. And he named his name, Noah, saying, 3588 2588-1473 1960 1909 3588 4190 3956 3588
3778 1267.3 1473 575 3588 2041-1473 2532 575
¢ autou¢ epimelwV
th kardia ¢ epi¢ ta ponhra
¢ ¢
pasaV taV
outoV ¢
dianapausei ¢ apo¢ twn ergwn
hmaV ¢ ¢ kai apo¢
hmwn his heart was diligently upon the wicked things all the
This one will rest us from our works, and from 2250 2532 1760-2316 3754 4160 3588 444
3588 3077 3588 5495-1473 2532 575 3588 1093 3739 ¢
hmeraV ¢
6:6 kai enequmhqh ¢ oti
o qeoV ¢ ¢
epoihse ¢
ton anqrwpon
twn lupwn ¢ hmwn
twn ceirwn ¢ kai apo¢ thV ghV hV days, and God pondered that he made the man
the distresses of our hands, and from the earth of which 1909 3588 1093 2532 1269.4 2532 2036 3588 2316
2672 2962 3588 2316 2532 2198-* 3326 epi¢ thV ghV ¢
kai dienohqh ¢
6:7 kai eipen o ¢
kathrasato ¢
kurioV o ¢
qeoV ¢
5:30 kai ezhse ¢
Lamec ¢
meta upon the earth, and he considered it. And [2said 1God],
[3cursed 1the lord 2God]. And Lamech lived after 524.1 3588 444 3739 4160 575 4383
3588 1080-1473 3588 * 4001 2532 1835 2532 ¢
apaleiyw ¢
ton anqrwpon on ¢
epoihsa apo¢ proswpou
to ¢
gennhsai ¢ ton Nwe
auton ¢ ¢
pentakosia ¢
kai exhkonta kai I will wipe away the man, whom I made, from the face
his procreating Noah, five hundred and sixty and 3588 1093 575 444 2193 2934 2532 575 2062
4002 2094 2532 1080 5207 2532 2364 2532 thV ghV apo¢ anqrwpou
¢ ¢
ewV ¢
kthnouV kai apo¢ erpetwn
pente ¢
eth ¢
kai egennhsen ¢ kai qugateraV
uiouV ¢ 5:31 kai of the earth; from man unto beast, and from the reptiles
five years, and he procreated sons and daughters. And 2193 3588 4071 3588 3772 3754 3338 3754
1096 3956 3588 2250 * 2035.1 2532 ¢
ewV ¢
twn peteinwn tou ¢
ouranou¢ oti ¢
metemelhqhn† ¢
egenonto ¢
pasai ai ¢
hmerai ¢
Lamec ¢
eptakosia kai unto the winged creatures of the heaven; for I repented that
came to pass all the days of Lamech, seven hundred and 4160 1473 *-1161 2147 5484 1726 2962 3588
4004 5140 2094 2532 599 2532 1510.7.3-* ¢
epoihsa ¢ 6:8 Nwe
autouV ¢ de ¢
eure ¢
carin ¢ kuriou
enantion ¢ tou
penthkonta ¢
tria ¢
eth ¢
kai apeqane 5:32 kai ¢
hn Nwe I made them. But Noah found favor before the lord
fifty three years, and he died. And Noah was 2316 3778-1161 3588 1078 * * 444
2094 4001 2532 1080 5140 5207 3588 * qeou¢ ¢
6:9 autai de ai ¢
geneseiV ¢
Nwe ¢
Nwe ¢
etwn ¢
pentakosiwn ¢
kai egennhse ¢ ton Shm
treiV uiouV God. And these are the origins of Noah. Noah [2man
[2years old 1five hundred] and he procreated three sons, Shem, 1342 5046-1510.6 1722 3588 1074-1473 3588 2316
3588 * 2532 3588 * ¢
dikaioV ¢
teleioV wn en th ¢ autou¢
genea tw ¢
ton Cam kai ton Iafeq 1was a just] being perfect in his generation; [3to God
Ham, and Japheth. 2100 * 1080 1161 * 5140
euhresthse ¢
Nwe ¢
6:10 egennhse de ¢
Nwe treiV
2was well-pleasing 1Noah]. [3procreated 1And 2Noah] three
5:25 †See Bos for variants.
6:7 †CP enequmhqhn – I pondered.
8 G E N E S I S 6:11
5207 3588 * 3588 * 3588 * 5351 1519 3588 2787 2443 5142 3326 4572
¢ ton Shm
uiouV ton Cam ¢
ton Iafeq ¢
6:11 efqarh eiV ¢ ina
thn kibwton ¢ ¢
trefhV ¢ seautou¢
sons, Shem, Ham, Japheth. [4was corrupt into the ark, that you may maintain them with yourself –
1161 3588 1093 1726 3588 2316 2532 4130 3588 730 2532 2338 1510.8.6 575 3956 3588 3732
de h gh ¢
enantion tou qeou¢ kai eplhsqh
¢ h ¢
arsen ¢
kai qhlu ¢
esontai 6:20 apo¢ ¢
pantwn ¢
twn ornewn
1But 2the 3earth] before God, and [3was filled 1the male and female they shall be. From all the fowl
1093 93 2532 1492 2962 3588 2316 2596 1085 2532 575 3956 3588 2934 2596
gh ¢
adikiaV 6:12 kai ¢ ¢
kurioV o ¢
qeoV ¢
kata ¢
genoV kai apo¢ pantwn
¢ ¢ kata
twn kthnwn ¢
2earth] with iniquity. And [3beheld 1the lord 2God] according to type, and from all the cattle according to
3588 1093 2532 1510.7.3 2704 3754 2704 3956 1085 2532 575 3956 3588 2062 3588 2062.1 1909
thn ghn kai hn ¢
katefqarmenh ¢
oti ¢
katefqeire ¢
pasa ¢
genoV kai apo¢ ¢
pantwn ¢
twn erpetwn ¢
twn erpontwn epi¢
the earth, and it was being corrupted, for [3corrupted 1all type, and from all the reptiles crawling upon
4561 3588 3598-1473 1909 3588 1093 2532 2036 3588 1093 2596 1085-1473 1417.1 575 3956
sarx ¢ autou¢ epi¢
thn odon thV ghV 6:13 kai ¢
eipe thV ghV ¢
kata ¢
genoV ¢
autwn ¢ duo
duo ¢ apo¢ ¢
2flesh] his way upon the earth. And [3said the earth according to their type; two by two from all
2962 3588 2316 3588 * 2540 3956 444 1525 4314 1473 5142 3326 1473 730 2532
kurioV o ¢
qeoV tw ¢
Nwe ¢ pantoV
kairoV ¢ ¢
anqrwpou ¢
eiseleusontai proV se ¢
trefesqai meta ¢
¢ sou arsen kai
1the lord 2God] to Noah, Time for every man shall enter to you, to be maintained with you, male and
2240 1726 1473 3754 4130 3588 1093 93 2338 1473-1161 2983 4572 575 3956 3588
hkei ¢
enantion ¢
mou oti ¢
eplhsqh h gh ¢
adikiaV ¢
qhlu 6:21 su de ¢
lhyh ¢
seautw apo¢ pantwn
¢ twn
comes before me; for [3is filled 1the 2earth] with iniquity female. But you shall take to yourself from all of the
575 1473 2532 2400 1473 2704-1473 2532 1033 3739 2068 2532 4863
ap' ¢
autwn kai idou¢ ¢ katafqeirw
egw ¢ autouV kai ¢
brwmatwn a ¢
edesqe ¢
kai sunaxeiV
by means of them. And behold, I lay them waste, and foods which you shall eat, and you shall bring them together
3588 1093 4160 3767 4572 2787 1537 4314 4572 2532 1510.8.3 1473 2532 1565 2068 2532
thn ghn ¢
6:14 poihson oun ¢
seautw ¢
kibwton ek proV seauton ¢
¢ kai estai soi ¢
kai ekeinoiV ¢ 6:22 kai
the earth. Make then for yourself an ark from to yourself, and it shall be to you and to them to eat. And
3586 5068 3555 4160 2596 4160-* 3956 3745 1781 1473 2962
xulwn ¢
tetragwnwn ¢
nossiaV ¢
poihseiV ¢
kata ¢
epoihse ¢ panta
Nwe ¢ ¢
osa ¢
eneteilato ¢
kurioV ¢
[2wood 1four-cornered]! Nested compartments you shall make among Noah did all as much as [3gave charge 4to him 1the lord
3588 2787 2532 805.3 1473 2081 2532 3588 2316 3779 4160
¢ kai asfaltwseiV
thn kibwton ¢ authn ¢
¢ eswqen kai o ¢
qeoV ¢
outwV ¢
the ark, and you shall apply asphalt to it – from inside and 2God] – so he did.
1855 3588 805.2 2532 3779 4160
exwqen th ¢
asfaltw ¢
6:15 kai outw ¢
poihseiV CHAPTER 7
from outside with the asphalt. And so you shall make
3588 2787 5145 4083 3588 3372 3588 2787
¢ triakosiwn
thn kibwton ¢ ¢
phcewn to ¢
mhkoV thV kibwtou¢ The Flood
the ark – three hundred cubits the length of the ark, 2532 2036 2962 3588 2316 4314 * 1525
2532 4004 4083 3588 4114 2532 5144 4083 ¢
7:1 kai eipe ¢
kurioV o ¢
qeoV ¢
proV Nwe ¢
kai penthkonta ¢
phcewn to ¢
platoV ¢
kai triakonta ¢
phcewn And [3said 1the lord 2God] to Noah, Enter,
and fifty cubits the width, and thirty cubits 1473 2532 3956 3588 3624-1473 1519 3588 2787 3754 1473-1492
3588 5311 1473 1996 4160 3588 su kai paV o ¢ oV
oik ¢ sou eiV thn kibwton ¢
¢ oti ¢
se eidon
to ¢
uyoV ¢
authV ¢
6:16 episunagwn ¢
poihseiV ton you and all your house into the ark! for I beheld you
the height of it. By an assembling, you shall make the 1342 1726 1473 1722 3588 1074-3778 575-1161
2787 2532 1519 4083 4931 1473 509 ¢
dikaion ¢
enantion mou en th ¢ tauth
genea ¢ 7:2 apo¢ de
¢ kai eiV phcun
kibwton ¢ ¢
sunteleseiV authn ¢
¢ anwqen as just before me among this generation. And of
ark; and by a cubit you shall complete it from above; 3588 2934 3588 2513 1521 4314 1473 2033 2033
3588-1161 2374 3588 2787 4160 1537 4104.4 ¢ twn kaqarwn
twn kthnwn ¢ eisagage
¢ proV se ¢ epta
epta ¢
thn de quran thV kibwtou¢ poihseiV
¢ ek ¢
plagiwn the [2cattle 1clean], bring in for yourself seven by seven,
but the door of the ark you shall make from out of the side. 730 2532 2338 575-1161 3588 2934 3588 3361 2513
2603.4 1377.1 2532 5155.2 4160 ¢
arsen ¢
kai qhlu apo¢ de ¢ twn
twn kthnwn ¢
mh kaqarwn
katagaia ¢
diwrofa kai ¢
triwrofa ¢
poihseiV male and female! but from the cattle of the ones not clean,
[3with ground 4second stories 5and 6third stories 1You shall make 1417.1 730 2532 2338 2532 575 3588 4071
1473 1473-1161 2400 1863 3588 2627 5204 ¢ duo
duo ¢ ¢
arsen ¢
kai qhlu 7:3 kai apo¢ twn peteinwn
authn ¢ de idou¢
6:17 egw ¢
epagw ton kataklusmon ¢
¢ udwr two by two, male and female. And from the winged creatures
2it]. And I, behold, I bring the flood of water 3588 3772 3588 2513 2033 2033 730 2532
1909 3588 1093 2704 3956 4561 1722 3739 1510.2.3 tou ouranou¢ twn ¢
kaqarwn ¢
epta ¢
epta ¢
arsen kai
epi¢ thn ghn ¢
katafqeirai ¢
pasan ¢
sarka en h esti¢ of the heaven, of the clean, seven by seven, male and
upon the earth to lay waste all flesh in which is 2338 2532 575 3956 3588 4071 3588 3361
4151 2222 5270 3588 3772 2532 3745 302 1510.3 ¢
qhlu kai apo¢ pantwn
¢ ¢
twn peteinwn twn mh
pneuma ¢ upokatw
zwhV ¢ ¢
tou ouranou¢ kai osa an h female; and from all the winged creatures of the ones not
a breath of life underneath the heaven. And as much as might be 2513 1417.1 730 2532 2338 1303.5 4690
1909 3588 1093 5053 2532 2476 3588 ¢
kaqarwn ¢ duo
duo ¢ ¢
arsen ¢
kai qhlu ¢
diaqreyai ¢
epi¢ thV ghV teleuthsei
¢ ¢
6:18 kai sthsw thn clean, two by two, male and female, to maintain seed
upon the earth shall come to an end. And I will establish 1909 3956 3588 1093 2089-1063 2250 2033 1473
1242-1473 4314 1473 1525-1161 1519 3588 2787 epi¢ ¢
pasan thn ghn ¢ gar
7:4 eti ¢
hmerwn ¢
epta ¢
diaqhkhn mou proV se ¢
eiseleush de eiV ¢
thn kibwton upon all the earth. For yet [2days 1seven] I
my covenant with you. And you shall enter into the ark, 1863 5205 1909 3588 1093 5062 2250 2532
1473 2532 3588 5207-1473 2532 3588 1135-1473 2532 3588 1135 3588 ¢
epagw ¢ epi¢
ueton thn ghn ¢
tessarakonta ¢
hmeraV kai
su kai oi uioi¢ sou kai h ¢ sou kai ai
gunh ¢
gunaikeV twn will bring rain upon the earth forty days and
you and your sons, and your wife, and the wives 5062 3571 2532 1813 3956 3588 389.1
5207-1473 3326 1473 2532 575 3956 3588 2934 2532 ¢
tessarakonta ¢
nuktaV ¢
kai exaleiyw ¢
pan to anasthma
¢ sou
uiwn ¢ sou
meta 6:19 kai apo¢ pantwn
¢ ¢ kai
twn kthnwn forty nights. And I will wipe away every height
of your sons with you. And from all the cattle, and 3739 4160 575 4383 3956 3588 1093 2532
575 3956 3588 2062 2532 575 3956 3588 2342 o ¢
epoihsa apo¢ proswpou
¢ ¢
pashV thV ghV 7:5 kai
apo¢ pantwn
¢ ¢ kai apo¢ pantwn
twn erpetwn ¢ ¢
twn qhriwn which I made from the face of all the earth. And
from all the reptiles, and from all the wild beasts, 4160-* 3956 3745 1781 1473 2962
2532 575 3956 4561 1417.1 575 3956 1521 ¢
epoihse ¢ panta
Nwe ¢ ¢
osa ¢
eneteilato ¢
kurioV ¢
kai apo¢ pashV
¢ ¢ duo
sarkoV ¢ duo
¢ apo¢ pantwn
¢ ¢
eisaxeiV Noah did all as much as [3gave charge 4to him 1the lord
and from all flesh, two by two from all you shall bring 3588 2316 *-1161 1510.7.3 2094 1812 2532 3588
o ¢
qeoV ¢ de
7:6 Nwe hn ¢
etwn ¢
exakosiwn kai o
2God]. And Noah was [2years old 1six hundred], and the
7:7 G E N E S I S 9
2627 3588 5204 1096 1909 3588 1093 1525 2250 2532 5062 3571 2532 4129 3588 5204
¢ tou
kataklusmoV ¢
udatoV ¢
egeneto epi¢ thV ghV ¢
7:7 eishlqe ¢
hmeraV ¢
kai tessarakonta ¢
nuktaV ¢
kai eplhqunqh to ¢
flood of the water came upon the earth. [3entered days and forty nights. And [3multiplied 1the 2water]
1161 * 2532 3588 5207-1473 2532 3588 1135-1473 2532 3588 2532 1869 3588 2787 2532 5312 575 3588 1093
de ¢
Nwe kai oi uioi¢ autou¢ kai h ¢ autou¢ kai ai
gunh ¢
kai ephre ¢ kai uywqh
thn kibwton ¢ apo¢ thV ghV
1And 2Noah], and his sons, and his wife, and the and lifted up the ark, and raised it up high from the earth.
1135 3588 5207-1473 3326 1473 1519 3588 2787 1223 2532 1947.2 3588 5204 2532 4129 4970
gunaikeV ¢ autou¢ met' autou¢ eiV thn kibwton
twn uiwn ¢ dia
¢ ¢
7:18 kai epekratei to ¢
udwr ¢
kai eplhquneto ¢
wives of his sons with him, into the ark, because of And [3prevailed 1the 2water] and multiplied exceedingly
3588 5204 3588 2627 2532 575 3588 4071 1909 3588 1093 2532 2018 3588 2787 1883 3588
to udwr tou kataklusmou¢ 7:8 kai apo¢ twn peteinwn
¢ epi¢ thV ghV kai ¢
epefereto h ¢ epanw
kibwtoV ¢ tou
the water of the flood. And from the winged creatures upon the earth. And [3was borne 1the 2ark] upon the
3588 2513 2532 575 3588 4071 3588 3361 5204 3588-1161 5204 1947.2 4970 4970
twn ¢ kai apo¢ twn peteinwn
kaqarwn ¢ twn mh ¢
udatoV 7:19 to de ¢
udwr ¢
epekratei ¢
sfodra ¢
of the clean, and from the winged creatures of the ones not water. But the water prevailed exceedingly exceedingly
2513 2532 575 3588 2934 3588 2513 2532 575 3588 1909 3588 1093 2532 2572 3956 3588 3735 3588
¢ kai apo¢ twn kthnwn
kaqarwn ¢ twn ¢ kai apo¢ twn
kaqarwn epi¢ thV ghV ¢
kai ekaluye ¢
panta ta ¢
orh ta
clean, and from the cattle of the ones clean, and from the upon the earth, and covered all the [2mountains
2934 3588 3361 2513 2532 575 3588 2342 2532 5308 3739 1510.7.3 5270 3588 3772 1178
¢ twn
kthnwn ¢ kai apo¢ twn qhriwn
mh kaqarwn ¢ kai ¢ a
uyhla hn ¢
upokatw tou ouranou¢ ¢
7:20 dekapente
cattle of the ones not clean, and from the wild beasts, and 1high] which were underneath the heaven. Fifteen
575 3956 3588 2062.1 1909 3588 1093 1417.1 4083 1883 5312 3588 5204 2532 1943 3956
apo¢ pantwn
¢ twn ¢
erpontwn epi¢ thV ghV ¢ duo
7:9 duo ¢ ¢
phceiV ¢
epanw ¢
uywqh to ¢
udwr ¢
kai epekaluye ¢
from all of the ones crawling upon the earth, two by two cubits above was [3raised 1the 2water], and it covered over all
1525 4314 * 1519 3588 2787 730 2532 2338 2505 3588 3735 3588 5308 2532 599 3956 4561
eishlqon ¢
proV Nwe eiV thn kibwton ¢
¢ arsen ¢
kai qhlu ¢
kaqa ta ¢
orh ta ¢
uyhla ¢
7:21 kai apeqane ¢
pasa sarx
they entered with Noah into the ark, male and female, as the [2mountains 1high]. And there died all flesh
1781 1473 3588 2316 2532 1096 3326 2795 1909 3588 1093 3588 4071 2532 3588
eneteilato ¢
autw o ¢
qeoV ¢
7:10 kai egeneto ¢
meta ¢
kinoumenh epi¢ thV ghV twn ¢
peteinwn kai twn
[2gave charge 3to him 1God]. And it came to pass after moving upon the earth of the winged creatures, and of the
3588 2033 2250 2532 3588 5204 3588 2627 1096 2934 2532 575 2342 2532 3956 2062 2795
¢ hmeraV
taV epta ¢ kai to ¢
udwr tou kataklusmou¢ egeneto
¢ ¢
kthnwn kai apo¢ qhriwn
¢ kai pan ¢ kinoumenon
erpeton ¢
the seven days, and the water of the flood came cattle, and from wild beasts, and every reptile moving
1909 3588 1093 1722 3588 1812.1 2094 1722 3588 2222 1909 3588 1093 2532 3956 444 2532 3956 3745
epi¢ thV ghV 7:11 en tw exakosiostw ¢
¢ etei en th ¢
zwh epi¢ thV ghV ¢
kai paV anqrwpoV ¢
7:22 kai panta ¢
upon the earth. In the six hundredth year in the life upon the earth, and every man, and all as much as
3588 * 3588 1208 3376 1442 2532 1497.2 3588 2192 4157 2222 2532 3956 3739 1510.7.3 1909 3588 3584
tou Nwe ¢
tou deuterou ¢ ebdomh
mhnoV ¢ ¢
kai eikadi tou ¢
ecei ¢
pnohn ¢
zwhV kai pan o hn epi¢ ¢
thV xhraV
of Noah, the second month, seventh and twentieth of the have the breath of life, and all which was upon the dry land
3376 3588 2250-3778 4486 3956 3588 4077 3588 599 2532 1813 3956 3588 389.1 3739
¢ th hmera
mhnoV ¢ tauth
¢ ¢
erraghsan ¢
pasai ai phgai¢ thV ¢
apeqane ¢
7:23 kai exhleiye pan to ¢
anasthma o
month, in this day, [6tore 1all 2the 3springs 4of the died. And he wiped away every height which
12 2532 3588 2674.1 3588 3772 455 1510.7.3 1909 4383 3956 3588 1093 575 444 2193
abussou kai oi ¢
katarraktai tou ouranou¢ hnewcqhsan
¢ hn epi¢ ¢
proswpou ¢
pashV thV ghV apo¢ anqrwpou
¢ ¢
5abyss], and the torrents of the heaven were opened. was upon the face of all the earth, from man unto
2532 1096 5205 1909 3588 1093 5062 2250 2532 2934 2532 2062 2532 3588 4071 3588 3772
7:12 kai egeneto ¢ epi¢ thV ghV tessarakonta
uetoV ¢ ¢
hmeraV kai ¢
kthnouV ¢ kai twn peteinwn
kai erpetwn ¢ tou ouranou¢
And [2was 1rain] upon the earth forty days and beast, and reptiles, and the winged creatures of the heaven;
5062 3571 1722 3588 2250-3778 1525 * 2532 1813 575 3588 1093 2532 2641 3441
tessarakonta ¢
nuktaV ¢ tauth
7:13 en th hmera ¢ ¢
eishlqe ¢
Nwe ¢
kai exhleifqhsan apo¢ thV ghV ¢
kai kateleifqh ¢
forty nights. In this day entered Noah, and they were wiped away from the earth; and he left behind only
* * * 3588 5207 * 2532 3588 1135 * 2532 * 2532 3588 3326 1473 1722 3588 2787 2532
Shm ¢
Cam Iafeq oi uioi¢ Nwe
¢ kai h ¢ Nwe
gunh ¢ kai ¢
Nwe kai oi met' autou¢ en th ¢
kibwtw 7:24 kai
Shem, Ham, Japheth, the sons of Noah, and the wife of Noah, and Noah and the ones with him in the ark. And
3588 5140 1135 3588 5207-1473 3326 1473 1519 3588 2787 5312 3588 5204 1909 3588 1093 2250 1540
ai treiV gunaikeV ¢ autou¢ met' autou¢ eiV thn kibwton
twn uiwn ¢ ¢
uywqh to ¢
udwr apo¢ thV ghV hmeraV
¢ ¢
the three wives of his sons with him into the ark. [3was raised up high 1the 2water] from the earth [3days 1a hundred
2532 3956 3588 2342 2596 1085 2532 3956 3588 4004
7:14 kai panta ¢
ta qhria ¢
kata ¢
genoV ¢
kai panta ta ¢
And all the wild beasts according to type, and all the 2fifty].
2934 2596 1085 2532 3956 2062 2795 1909 3588
kthnh ¢
kata ¢
genoV ¢ kinoumenon
kai pan erpeton ¢ epi¢ thV
cattle according to type, and every reptile moving upon the CHAPTER 8
1093 2596 1085 2532 3956 4071 2596
ghV ¢
kata ¢
genoV kai pan ¢
peteinon ¢
earth, according to type, and every winged creature according to
The Ark Settles on Ararat
2532 363-3588-2316 3588 * 2532 3956 3588
1085 1525 4314 * 1519 3588 2787 1417.1 ¢
8:1 kai anemnhsqh ¢ tou Nwe
o qeoV ¢ ¢
kai pantwn twn
genoV ¢
7:15 eishlqon ¢
proV Nwe ¢ duo
eiV thn kibwton ¢ duo
type, they entered with Noah, into the ark, two by two, And God called to mind Noah, and all of the
2342 2532 3956 3588 2934 2532 3956 3588
730 2532 2338 575 3956 4561 1722 3739 1510.2.3 4151 ¢
qhriwn ¢
kai pantwn twn ¢
kthnwn ¢
kai pantwn twn
arsen ¢
kai qhlu apo¢ pashV
¢ ¢ en w
sarkoV ¢
esti ¢
pneuma wild beasts, and all of the cattle, and all of the
male and female, from all flesh in which there is a breath 4071 2532 3956 3588 2062.1 3745
2222 2532 3588 1531 730 2532 2338 ¢
peteinwn ¢
kai pantwn twn ¢
erpetwn ¢
zwhV 7:16 kai ta ¢
eisporeuomena ¢
arsen ¢
kai qhlu winged creatures, and all of the crawling things, as much as
of life. And the ones entering, male and female, 1510.7.3 3326 1473 1722 3588 2787 2532 1863-3588-2316
575 3956 4561 1525 2505 1781-3588-2316 3588 * hn met' autou¢ en th ¢ kai
kibwtw ¢
ephgagen ¢
o qeoV
apo¢ pashV
¢ ¢ eishlqe
sarkoV ¢ ¢ eneteilato
kaqa ¢ ¢ tw Nwe
o qeoV ¢ was with him in the ark. And God brought
from all flesh, entered as God gave charge to Noah. 4151 1909 3588 1093 2532 2869 3588 5204 2532
2532 2808 2962 3588 2316 3588 2787 1855 ¢
pneuma epi¢ thn ghn ¢
kai ekopase to ¢
udwr 8:2 kai
kai ¢
ekleise ¢
kurioV o ¢
qeoV thn kibwton ¢
¢ exwqen a wind upon the earth, and [3abated 1the 2water]. And
And [3locked 1the lord 2God] the ark from outside 601 3588 4077 3588 12 2532 3588
1473 2532 1096 3588 2627 5062 ¢
apekalufqhsan ai phgai¢ thV ¢
abussou kai oi
autou¢ ¢
7:17 kai egeneto o ¢ tessarakonta
kataklusmoV ¢ were revealed the springs of the abyss and the
of it. And came to pass the flood forty
10 G E N E S I S 8:3
2674.1 3588 3772 2532 4912 3588 5205 2532 1492 3754 1587 3588 5204 575 4383 3588
katarraktai tou ouranou¢ kai sunesceqh
¢ o ¢
uetoV ¢
kai eiden ¢
oti ¢
exelipe to ¢
udwr apo¢ proswpou
¢ thV
torrents of the heaven. And [3was constrained 1the 2rain] And he beheld that [3subsided 1the 2water] from the face of the
575 3588 3772 2532 1737.1 3588 5204 4198 1093 1722-1161 3588 3376 1208 1442 2532 1497.2
apo¢ tou ouranou¢ 8:3 kai enedidou
¢ to ¢
udwr ¢
poreuomenon ghV 8:14 en de tw mhni¢ ¢
deuterw ¢
ebdomh ¢
kai eikadi
from the heaven. And [3gave way 1the 2water] going earth. And in the [2month 1second], seventh and twentieth
575 3588 1093 2532 1641 3588 5204 3326 4004 3588 3376 3583 3588 1093 2532 2036 2962
apo¢ thV ghV ¢
kai hlattonouto to ¢
udwr ¢ penthkonta
meta ¢ tou ¢ exhranqh
mhnoV ¢ h gh ¢
8:15 kai eipe ¢
from the earth; and [3was lessened 1the 2water] after fifty of the month, [3was dried 1the 2earth]. And [3said 1the lord
2532 1540 2250 2532 2523 3588 2787 1722 3588 2316 4314 * 3004 1831 1537 3588
kai ekaton ¢
hmeraV 8:4 kai ¢
ekaqisen h ¢ en
kibwtoV o ¢
qeoV ¢
proV Nwe ¢
legwn ¢
8:16 exelqe ek thV
and a hundred days. And [3settled 1the 2ark] in 2God] to Noah, saying, Come forth from out of the
3588 1442 3376 1442 2532 1497.2 3588 3376 1909 2787 1473 2532 3588 1135-1473 2532 3588 5207-1473 2532 3588
tw ebdomw mhni¢ ¢
ebdomh ¢
kai eikadi tou ¢ epi¢
mhnoV kibwtou¢ su kai h ¢ sou kai oi
gunh uioi¢ sou kai ai
the seventh month, the seventh and twentieth of the month, upon ark, you and your wife, and your sons, and the
3588 3735 3588 * 3588-1161 5204 4198 1135 3588 5207-1473 3326 1473 2532 3956 4561 575
ta ¢
orh ta ¢
Ararat 8:5 to de ¢
udwr ¢
poreuomenon ¢
gunaikeV ¢ sou
twn uiwn ¢ sou
meta ¢
8:17 kai pasa sarx apo¢
the mountains of Ararat. And the water going forth wives of your sons with you! And all flesh from
1641 2193 3588 1181 3376 3588 4413 3588 4071 2193 2934 2532 3956 2062 2795
hlattonouto ¢
ewV tw ¢
dekatw ¢
mhnoV th ¢
prwth tou ¢
peteinwn ¢
ewV ¢
kthnwn kai pan ¢ kinoumenon
erpeton ¢
lessened unto the tenth month. In the first of the winged creatures unto cattle, and every reptile moving
3376 3708 3588 2776 3588 3735 2532 1909 3588 1093 1806 3326 4572 2532 837 2532
mhnoV ¢
¢ wfqhsan ai kefalai¢ twn ¢
orewn 8:6 kai epi¢ thV ghV ¢
exagage ¢ seautou¢ kai
meta ¢
auxanesqe kai
month, [5appeared 1the 2heads 3of the 4mountains]. And upon the earth, lead out with yourself! And grow and
1096 3326 5062 2250 455-* 3588 4129 1909 3588 1093 2532 1831-* 2532 3588
egeneto ¢ tessarakonta
meta ¢ ¢
hmeraV ¢
hnewxe ¢
Nwe thn ¢
plhqunesqe epi¢ thV ghV ¢
8:18 kai exhlqe ¢
Nwe kai h
it came to pass after forty days, Noah opened the multiply upon the earth! And Noah came forth, and
2376 3588 2787 3739 4160 2532 649 3588 1135-1473 2532 3588 5207-1473 2532 3588 1135 3588 5207-1473
qurida thV kibwtou¢ hn ¢
epoihse kai ¢
apeseteile ton ¢ autou¢ kai oi
gunh uioi¢ autou¢ kai ai gunaikeV
¢ ¢ autou¢
twn uiwn
window of the ark which he made. And he sent forth the his wife, and his sons, and the wives of his sons
2876 3588 1492 1487 2869 3588 5204 2532 1831
koraka ¢ ei
tou idein ¢
kekopake to ¢
udwr ¢
8:7 kai exelqwn 3326 1473 2532 3956 3588 2342 2532 3956 3588
met' autou¢ ¢
8:19 kai panta ta ¢
qhria ¢
kai panta ta
crow to see if [3abated 1the 2water]. And going forth with him. And all the wild beasts, and all the
3756-390 2193 3588 3583 3588 5204 575 3588 1093 2934 2532 3956 4071 2532 3956 2062 2795
ouk anestreyen ¢
ewV ¢
tou xhranqhnai to ¢
udwr apo¢ thV ghV ¢
kthnh ¢
kai pan peteinon ¢ kinoumenon
kai pan erpeton ¢
it returned not until the drying of the water from the earth. cattle, and every winged creature, and every reptile moving
2532 649 3588 4058 3694 1473 1492 1487 1909 3588 1093 2596 1085-1473 1831 1537 3588
8:8 kai ¢
apesteile ¢ opisw
thn peristeran ¢ autou¢ idein
¢ ei epi¢ thV ghV ¢
kata ¢
genoV ¢ exhlqosan
autwn ¢ ek thV
And he sent the dove after it to see if upon the earth, according to their type, came forth from the
2869 3588 5204 575 3588 1093 2532 3756 2147
kekopake to ¢
udwr apo¢ thV ghV ¢
8:9 kai ouc eurousa 2787 2532 3618-* 2379 3588 2316
[3abated 1the 2water] from the earth. And [3no 4finding kibwtou¢ ¢
8:20 kai wkodomhse ¢ qusiasthrion
Nwe ¢ tw ¢
3588 4058 372 3588 4228-1473 390 4314
ark. And Noah built an altar to the lord.
h ¢ anapausin
peristera ¢ ¢ authV
toiV posin ¢ anestreye
¢ proV 2532 2983 575 3956 3588 2934 3588 2513 2532 575
1the 2dove] rest for her feet, returned to ¢
kai elaben apo¢ pantwn
¢ ¢ twn kaqarwn
twn kthnwn ¢ kai apo¢
1473 1519 3588 2787 3754 5204 1510.7.3 1909 3956 3588 4383
And he took from all the [2cattle 1clean], and from
¢ eiV thn kibwton
auton ¢ udwr
¢ oti ¢ hn epi¢ pan to proswpon
¢ 3956 3588 4071 3588 2513 2532 399
him into the ark, for water was upon all the face ¢
pantwn ¢
twn peteinwn ¢ kai anhnegken
twn kaqarwn ¢
3588 1093 2532 1614 3588 5495 2983 1473 4314
all the [2winged creatures 1clean], and offered
thV ghV ¢
kai ekteinaV ¢
thn ceira ¢
elaben ¢ proV
authn 1519 3646.1 1909 3588 2379 2532
of the earth. And stretching out the hand, he took her to eiV ¢
olokautwsin epi¢ to qusiasthrion
¢ 8:21 kai
1473 2532 1521 1473 1519 3588 2787 2532
them for a whole burnt-offering upon the altar. And
auton ¢
kai eishgagen ¢ eiV
authn ¢
thn kibwton 8:10 kai 3750.1-2962 3744 2175 2532 2036 2962
himself, and he brought her into the ark. And ¢
wsfranqh ¢
kurioV ¢
osmhn ¢
euwdiaV ¢
kai eipe ¢
1907 2089 2250 2033 2087 3825 1821 3588
the lord smelled the scent of pleasant aroma. And [3said 1the lord
episcwn ¢
¢ eti ¢
hmeraV ¢
epta ¢
eteraV ¢
palin ¢
exapesteile thn 3588 2316 1269.4 3756-4369 2089 2672 3588
waiting still [3days 2seven 1another], again he sent out the o ¢
qeoV ¢
dianohqeiV ¢
ou prosqhsw ¢
eti ¢
katarasasqai thn
4058 1537 3588 2787 2532 390 4314 1473
2God], In considering, I will not add yet to curse the
¢ ek
peristeran thV kibwtou¢ 8:11 kai anestreye
¢ ¢
proV auton 1093 1223 3588 2041 3588 444 3754 1460.3
dove from the ark. And [3returned 4to 5him ghn ¢
dia ta ¢
erga ¢
twn anqrwpwn ¢
oti ¢
3588 4058 2532 2192 5444 1636 2595 1722 3588
earth on account of the works of men, for [4clings
h ¢ kai eice
peristera ¢ ¢
fullon ¢
elaiaV ¢
karfoV en tw 3588 1271 3588 444 1909 3588 4190 1537
1the 2dove]; and she had [3leaf 2of an olive 1a twig] in h ¢
dianoia ¢
tou anqrwpou epi¢ ta ¢
ponhra ek
4750-1473 2532 1097-* 3754 2869 3588 5204 575
1the 2thought 3of man] upon the wicked things from
stomati authV ¢
¢ kai egnw ¢
Nwe ¢
oti ¢
kekopake to ¢
udwr apo¢ 3503-1473 3756 4369 3767 2089 3960 3956
her mouth; and Noah knew that [3abated 1the 2water] from ¢
neothtoV ¢ ou
autou ¢
prosqhsw ¢
oun eti ¢
pataxai ¢
3588 1093 2532 1907 2089 2250 2033 2087
his youth. I will not add then still to strike all
thV ghV 8:12 kai episcwn ¢
¢ eti ¢
hmeraV ¢
epta ¢
eteraV 4561 2198 2531 4160 3956 3588 2250 3588
the earth. And waiting still [3days 2seven 1another]; ¢
sarka ¢
zwsan ¢ epoihsa
kaqwV ¢ ¢
8:22 pasaV ¢
taV hmeraV thV
3825 1821 3588 4058 2532 3756-4369 3588
[2flesh 1living] as I did. All the days of the
palin ¢
exapesteile ¢ kai ou proseqeto
thn peristeran ¢ tou 1093 4690 2532 2326 5592 2532 2738 2330
again he sent out the dove; and she proceeded not ghV ¢
sperma ¢ yucoV
kai qerismoV ¢ ¢
kai kauma ¢
1994 4314 1473 2089 2532 1096 1722 3588
earth, seed and harvest, chilliness and sweltering heat, summer
epistreyai ¢ eti
proV auton ¢ ¢
8:13 kai egeneto en tw 2532 1437.2 2250 2532 3571 3756 2664
to return to him again. And it came to pass in the ¢
kai ear ¢
hmeran ¢
kai nukta ou ¢
1520 2532 1812.1 2094 1722 3588 2222 3588 * 3588 4413
and spring, day and night, will not be caused to cease.
eni¢ kai exakosiostw ¢
¢ etei ¢ tou Nwe
en th zwh ¢ ¢
tou prwtou
one and six hundredth year in the life of Noah, the first CHAPTER 9
3376 1520 3588 3376 1587 3588 5204 575 3588 1093
¢ mia
mhnoV ¢ tou ¢ exelipe
mhnoV ¢ to ¢
udwr apo¢ thV ghV
month, day one of the month, [3subsided 1the 2water] from the earth. God’s Covenant with Noah
2532 601-* 3588 4721 3588 2787 3739 4160 2532 2127-3588-2316 3588 * 2532 3588 5207-1473
kai apekaluye ¢ thn steghn
Nwe ¢ thV kibwtou¢ hn ¢
epoihse ¢
9:1 kai euloghsen ¢ ton Nwe
o qeoV ¢ ¢ autou¢
kai touV uiouV
And Noah uncovered the roof of the ark which he made. And God blessed Noah, and his sons,
9:2 G E N E S I S 11
2532 2036 1473 837 2532 4129 2532 4137 303.1 3956 5590 2198 3745 1510.2.3 3326 1473 1519
kai eipen ¢
autoiV ¢
auxanesqe ¢
kai plhqunesqe ¢
kai plhrwsate ¢
anameson ¢
pashV ¢ zwshV
yuchV ¢ ¢
osa esti¢ ¢ eiV
meq' umwn
and said to them, Grow and multiply, and fill between every [2soul 1living], as many as are with you for
3588 1093 2532 2634 1473 2532 3588 5401 1074 166 3588 5115-1473 5087 1722 3588 3507
thn ghn ¢
kai katakurieusate ¢
authV 9:2 kai o ¢
foboV ¢
geneaV ¢
aiwniouV ¢
9:13 to toxon ¢
mou tiqhmi ¢
en th nefelh
the earth, and dominate it! And the fear [2generations 1eternal]. [2my bow 1I put] in the cloud,
1473 2532 3588 5156 1510.8.3 1909 3956 3588 2342 2532 1510.8.3 1519 4592 1242 303.1 1473 2532 3588
umwn kai o ¢
tromoV ¢
estai epi¢ ¢
pasi ¢
toiV qhrioiV ¢
kai estai ¢ diaqhkhV
eiV shmeion ¢ ¢
anameson emou¢ kai thV
of you and trembling will be upon all the wild beasts and it will be for a sign of covenant between me and the
3588 1093 1909 3956 3588 4071 3588 3772 1093 2532 1510.8.3 1722 3588 4921.2-1473 3507
thV ghV epi¢ ¢
panta ta ¢
peteina tou ouranou¢ ghV ¢
9:14 kai estai ¢ me
en tw sunnefein ¢
of the earth, upon all the winged creatures of the heaven, earth. And it will be in my collecting together the clouds
2532 1909 3956 3588 2795 1909 3588 1093 2532 1909 3588 1093 3708 3588 5115 1722 3588 3507 2532
kai epi¢ ¢
panta ta ¢
kinoumena epi¢ thV ghV kai epi¢ thn ghn ¢
ofqhsetai to ¢
toxon ¢
en th nefelh 9:15 kai
and upon all the things moving upon the earth, and upon the earth, [3will be seen 1the 2bow] in the cloud. And
1909 3956 3588 2486 3588 2281 5259 5495 3403 3588 1242-1473 3739 1510.2.3 303.1 1473
epi¢ ¢
pantaV ¢
touV icquaV thV ¢
qalasshV upo¢ ¢
ceiraV ¢
mnhsqhsomai ¢
thV diaqhkhV mou h ¢
estin anameson emou¢
upon all the fishes of the sea. Under your hands I will remember my covenant which is between me
1473-1325 2532 3956 2062 3739 1510.2.3 2198 2532 1473 2532 303.1 3956 5590 2198 1722 3956 4561
¢ dedwka
umin ¢ ¢ o
9:3 kai pan erpeton esti zwn ¢ kai anameson
kai umwn ¢ ¢
pashV ¢ zwshV
yuchV ¢ en ¢
pash sarki¢
I have given them to you. And every reptile which is living and you, and between every [2soul 1living] among all flesh.
1473-1510.8.3 1519 1035 5613 3001 5528 1325 2532 3756 1510.8.3 2089 3588 5204 1519 2627
¢ estai
umin ¢ ¢
eiV brwsin ¢
wV lacana ¢
cortou ¢
dedwka kai ouk ¢
estai ¢
eti to ¢
udwr ¢
eiV kataklusmon
shall be to you for food; as [3vegetation 4of grass 1I have given And there will not be any longer the water for a flood
1473 3588 3956 4133 2907 1722 129 5590 5620 1813 3956 4561 2532 1510.8.3 3588 5115-1473
umin ta ¢
panta 9:4 plhn ¢
kreaV en ¢
aimati ¢
yuchV ¢
wste ¢
exaleiyai ¢
pasan ¢
sarka ¢
9:16 kai estai ¢
to toxon mou
5to you 2all]. Except [3meat 4with 5the blood 6of life so as to wipe away all flesh. And [2will be 1my bow]
3756 2068 2532-1063 3588 5212 129 1722 3588 3507 2532 3708 1473 3588 3403 1242
ou ¢
fagesqe 9:5 kai gar to ¢
umeteron ¢
aima en ¢
th nefelh ¢
kai oyomai ¢ tou mnhsqhnai
authn ¢ ¢
1you shall not 2eat]. For even your blood – in the cloud; and I will see it to remember [2covenant
3588 5590-1473 1537 5495 3956 3588 2342 166 303.1 1473 2532 3588 1093 2532 303.1 5590
twn ¢ umwn
yucwn ¢ ek ¢
ceiroV ¢
pantwn ¢
twn qhriwn ¢
aiwnion ¢
anameson emou¢ kai thV ghV ¢
kai anameson ¢
of the blood of your lives at the hand of all the wild beasts 1the eternal] between me and the earth, and between [2soul
1567 1473 2532 1537 5495 444 80 2198 3739 1510.2.3 1722 3956 4561 1909 3588 1093 2532
ekzhthsw auto¢ kai ek ¢
ceiroV ¢
anqrwpou adelfou¢ ¢
zwshV h ¢
estin en pasi sarki¢ epi¢ thV ghV 9:17 kai
I shall require it, and from the hand of a man’s brother 1the living] which is in all flesh upon the earth. And
1567 1473 3588 1632 129 444 2036-3588-2316 3588 * 3778 3588 4592 3588 1242
ekzhthsw auto¢ 9:6 o ¢
ekcewn ¢
aima ¢
anqrwpou ¢
eipen ¢ tw Nwe
o qeoV ¢ ¢
touto to ¢
shmeion thV ¢
I shall require it. The one shedding blood of a man, God said to Noah, This is the sign of the covenant
473 3588 129-1473 1632 3754 1722 1504 3739 1303 303.1 1473 2532 303.1 3956 4561
anti¢ ¢
tou aimatoV autou¢ ekcuqhsetai
¢ ¢
oti en ¢
eikoni hV ¢
dieqemhn ¢
anameson emou¢ kai anameson
¢ ¢
pashV ¢
in return his blood shall be shed; for in the image of which I ordained between me and between all flesh
2316 4160 3588 444 1473-1161 837 2532 3739 1510.2.3 1909 3588 1093
qeou¢ ¢
epoihsa ¢
ton anqrwpon ¢ de auxanesqe
9:7 umeiV ¢ kai h estin epi¢ thV ghV
of God I made the man. But you grow, and which is upon the earth.
4129 2532 4137 3588 1093 2532 4129 1909
plhqunesqe ¢
kai plhrwsate thn ghn ¢
kai plhqunesqe epi¢ Shem, Ham and Japheth
multiply, and fill the earth, and multiply upon 1510.7.6-1161 3588 5207 * 3588 1831
3588 1093 2532 2036-3588-2316 3588 * 2532 3588 5207-1473 ¢
9:18 hsan de oi uioi¢ Nwe
¢ oi ¢
thV ghV† ¢
9:8 kai eipen ¢ tw Nwe
o qeoV ¢ ¢ autou¢
kai toiV uioV And these were the sons of Noah, the ones coming forth
the earth! And God said to Noah, and to his sons, 1537 3588 2787 * * * *-1161 1510.7.3
3004 2400 1473 450 3588 1242-1473 1473 2532 ek thV kibwtou¢ Shm Cam ¢
Iafeq Cam de hn
legwn 9:9 idou¢ ¢ anisthmi
egw ¢ ¢
thn diaqhkhn ¢
mou umin kai from the ark, Shem, Ham, Japheth. And Ham was
saying, Behold, I raise up my covenant to you, and 3962 * 5140-3778 1510.2.6 3588 5207 *
3588 4690-1473 3326 1473 2532 3956 5590 2198 3326 ¢ Canaan
pathr ¢ ¢ i¢ eisin
9:19 treiV outo oi uioi¢ Nwe
tw spermati ¢ meq' umaV
umwn ¢ ¢
9:10 kai pash ¢ zwsh
yuch ¢ meq' father of Canaan. These three are the sons of Noah.
to your seed after you, and every [2soul 1living] after 575 3778 1289 1909 3956 3588 1093
1473 575 3732 2532 575 2934 2532 3956 3588 2342 apo¢ ¢
toutwn ¢
diesparhsan epi¢ ¢
pasan thn ghn
¢ apo¢ ornewn
umwn ¢ kai apo¢ kthnwn
¢ kai pasi
¢ ¢
toiV qhrioiV From these, men were disseminated upon all the earth.
you, from fowls and from cattle, and with all the wild beasts 2532 756 * 444 1092 1093
3588 1093 3745 1510.2.3 3326 1473 575 3956 3588 9:20 kai ¢
hrxato ¢
Nwe ¢
anqrwpoV ¢
gewrgoV ghV
thV ghV ¢
osa esti¢ ¢ apo¢ pantwn
meq' umwn ¢ twn And [3began 1Noah 2the man] to be a farmer of the land.
of the earth, as many as are with you, from all the ones 2532 5452 290 2532 4095 1537 3588 3631
1831 1537 3588 2787 2532 2476 3588 kai ¢
efuteusen ¢
ampelwna ¢
9:21 kai epien ek ¢
tou oinou
exelqontwn ek thV kibwtou¢ 9:11 kai sthsw
¢ thn And he planted a vineyard, and drank from the wine,
coming forth from out of the ark. And I will establish 2532 3184 2532 1132.1 1722 3588 3624-1473
1242-1473 4314 1473 2532 3756 599 3956 4561 ¢
kai emequsqh ¢
kai egumnwqh en ¢
tw oikw autou¢
diaqhkhn ¢ kai ouk
mou proV umaV ¢
apoqaneitai ¢
pasa sarx and became intoxicated, and became naked in his house.
my covenant with you, and [3will not 4die 1all 2flesh] 2532 1492 * 3588 3962 * 3588 1132.2
2089 575 3588 5204 3588 2627 2532 3756 ¢
9:22 kai eide Cam o ¢ Canaan
pathr ¢ ¢
thn gumnwsin
eti ¢
apo¢ tou udatoV tou kataklusmou¢ kai ouk And [5looked at 1Ham 2the 3father 4of Canaan] the nakedness
any longer from the water of the flood; and there shall not 3588 3962-1473 2532 1831 312 3588 1417
1510.8.3 2089 2627 5204 3588 2704 3956 ¢ autou¢ kai exelqwn
tou patroV ¢ ¢
anhggeile ¢
toiV dusin
estai ¢
eti kataklusmoV ¢
¢ udatoV ¢
tou katafqeirai ¢
pasan of his father; and going forth, he announced it [2two
be any longer a flood of water to lay waste all 80 1473 1854 2532 2983 * 2532
3588 1093 2532 2036-2316 4314 * 3778 3588 4592 ¢ autou¢
adelfoiV ¢
exw 9:23 kai ¢
labonteV Shm kai
thn ghn ¢
9:12 kai eipen ¢ proV Nwe
o qeoV ¢ ¢ to
touto ¢
shmeion 3brothers 1to his] outside. And [4taking 1Shem 2and
the earth. And God said to Noah, This is the sign * 3588 2440 2007 1909 3588 1417 3577 1473 2532
3588 1242 3739 1473 1325 303.1 1473 2532 1473 2532 ¢
Iafeq ¢
to imation ¢
epeqento epi¢ ta duo
¢ ¢
nwta ¢ kai
thV ¢
diaqhkhV o ¢ didwmi
egw ¢ ¢
anameson emou¢ kai umwn
¢ kai 3Japheth] the cloak, placed it upon [2two 3backs 1their], and
of the covenant which I execute between me and you, and 4198 3693.4 2532 4780 3588 1132.2
eporeuqhsan ¢ kai sunekaluyan
opisqofanwV ¢ ¢
thn gumnwsin
went backwards, and they covered up the nakedness
9:7 †CP & Six add kai katakurieusate authV – and dominate it.
12 G E N E S I S 9:24
3588 3962-1473 2532 3588 4383-1473 3393.4 1510.7.3 1095.2 2952.2 1726 2962 3588
¢ autwn
tou patroV ¢ kai to ¢
proswpon ¢
autwn ¢
opisqofanwV hn ¢
gigaV ¢
kunhgoV ¢
enantion ¢
kuriou tou
of their father; and their face was backwards, was a giant hunter with hounds before the lord
2532 3588 1132.2 3588 3962-1473 3756 1492 2316 1223 3778 2046 5613 * 1095.2
kai thn ¢
gumnwsin ¢ autwn
tou patroV ¢ ouk ¢
eidon qeou¢ dia
¢ ¢
touto ¢
erousin wV ¢
Nembrwd ¢
and [3the 4nakedness 5of their father 1they did not 2look at]. God. On account of this they shall say, As Nimrod a giant
1594 1161 * 575 3588 3631 2532 1097 3745 2952.2 1726 2962 2532 1096
9:24 exenhye de ¢
Nwe apo¢ tou oinou
¢ ¢
kai egnw ¢
osa ¢
kunhgoV ¢
enantion ¢
kuriou 10:10 kai ¢
[3sobered up 1And 2Noah] from the wine, and knew as much as hunter with hounds before the lord. And came to pass
4160 1473 3588 5207 1473 3588 3501 2532 2036 746 3588 932-1473 * 2532 * 2532
epoihsen ¢
autw o ¢ autou¢ o
uioV ¢
newteroV ¢
9:25 kai eipen ¢
arch ¢ autou¢ Babulwn
thV basileiaV ¢ ¢
kai Orec kai
[4did 5to him 3son 1his 2younger]. And he said, the beginning of his kingdom – Babel, and Erech, and
1944 * 3816 3610 1510.8.3 * 2532 * 1722 3588 1093 * 1537
epikataratoV ¢
Canaan paiV ¢
oikethV ¢
estai ¢ kai Calannh
Arcad ¢ en th gh ¢
Senaar 10:11 ek
Accursed be Canaan – a child, [2a domestic servant 1he will be] Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. From out of
3588 80-1473 2532 2036 2128 2962 3588 3588 1093-1565 1831 * 2532 3618 3588
¢ autou¢
toiV adelfoiV ¢
9:26 kai eipen euloghtoV¢ kurioV
¢ o thV ¢
ghV ekeinhV ¢
exhlqen ¢
Asour kai ¢
wkodomhse thn
to his brothers. And he said, Blessed be the lord that land came forth Assyria. And he built
2316 3588 * 2532 1510.8.3-* 3816 3610 1473 * 2532 303.1 * 3778 3588 4172
¢ tou Shm
qeoV ¢
kai estai ¢ paiV
Canaan ¢
oikethV autou¢ Nineui¢ ¢
kai anameson ¢
Calac ¢ h
10:12 auth ¢
God of Shem, and Canaan will be [3servant 2domestic 1his]. Nineveh, also in the midst of Calah – this is the [2city
4115-3588-2316 3588 * 2532 2730 1722 3588 3173 2532 * 1080 3588 * 2532
9:27 platunai ¢ tw Iafeq
o qeoV ¢ ¢
kai katoikhsatw en toiV ¢
megalh ¢ egennhse
10:13 kai Mesaraeim ¢ ¢ kai
touV Loudieim
May God widen to Japheth, and let him dwell in the 1great]. And Mizraim procreated the Ludim, and
4630 3588 * 2532 1096-* 3816-1473 3588 * 2532 3588 * 2532 3588 *
skhnwmasi tou Shm ¢
kai genhqhtw Canaan paiV autwn ¢
touV Nefqoueim ¢ kai touV Labieim
kai touV Aineiamieim ¢
tents of Shem, and let Canaan become their servant. the Naphtuhim, and the Anamim, and the Lehabim,
2198 1161 * 3326 3588 2627 5145 2532 3588 * 2532 3588 * 3606
9:28 ezhse de ¢
Nwe ¢ ton kataklusmon
meta ¢ triakosia
¢ ¢ kai touV Caslwnieim
10:14 kai touV Patroswnieim ¢ oqen
[3lived 1And 2Noah] after the flood three hundred and the Pathrusim and the Casluhim, from where
4004 2094 2532 1096 3956 3588 2250 1831 * 2532 3588 * *-1161
penthkonta ¢
eth 9:29 kai ¢
egenonto ¢
pasai ai ¢
hmerai exhlqe ¢
Fulistieim ¢ 10:15 Canaan
kai touV Kafqorieim ¢ de
fifty years. And [5were 1all 2the 3days came forth the Philistines, and the Caphtorim. And Canaan
* 1765.1 4004 2094 2532 599 1080 3588 * 4416 2532 3588 *
Nwe ¢
ennakosia ¢
penthkonta ¢
eth ¢
kai apeqanen ¢
egennhse ¢
ton Sidwna ¢
prwtotokon ¢
10:16 kai ton Cettaion
4of Noah] nine hundred fifty years, and he died. procreated Sidon the first-born, and the Hittite,
2532 3588 * 2532 3588 * 2532 3588 *
kai ton Iebousaion ¢
kai ton Amorraion ¢
kai ton Gergesaion
and the Jebusite, and the Amorite, and the Girgasite,
2532 3588 * 2532 3588 * 2532 3588 *
The Generations of Noah ¢ kai ton Aroukaion
kai ton Euaion ¢ ¢
10:17 kai ton Asennaion
3778-1161 3588 1078 3588 5207 * and the Hivite, and the Arkite, and the Sinite,
10:1 autai de ai ¢
geneseiV twn ¢ Nwe
uiwn ¢ 3588 * 2532 3588 * 2532 3588 *
And these are the generations of the sons of Noah – ¢
10:18 ton Aradion ¢
kai ton Samaraion kai ton Amaqi¢
* * * 2532 1080 1473 5207 3326 3588 the Arvadite, and the Zemarite, and the Hamathite,
Shm ¢
Cam Iafeq ¢
kai egennhqhsan ¢ uioi¢ meta
autoiV ¢ ton 2532 3326 3778 1289 3588 5443 3588 *
Shem, Ham, Japheth. And were born to them sons after the ¢ touta
kai meta ¢ ¢
diesparhsan ai fulai¢ twn ¢
2627 5207 * * 2532 *
and after these were scattered the tribes of the Canaanites.
kataklusmon 10:2 uioi¢ ¢
Iafeq ¢
Gamer ¢
kai Magwg 2532 1096 3588 3725 3588 * 575
10:19 kai egeneto ta ¢
oria twn ¢
Cananaiwn apo¢
flood. The sons of Japheth – Gomer, and Magog, And [5were 1the 2boundaries 3of the 4Canaanites] from
2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 * * 2193 2064 1519 * 2532 * 2193 2064
kai Mada+ kai Iwuan ¢ kai Mosoc
kai Qobel ¢ ¢
kai QeiraV ¢
SidwnoV ¢
ewV ¢
elqein ¢
eiV Gerara ¢
kai Gazan ¢
ewV ¢
and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. Sidon unto the coming into Gerar and Gaza, unto the coming
2532 5207 * * 2532 * 2532
10:3 kai uioi¢ ¢
Gamer ¢
Ascanaz ¢
kai Reifaq kai 2193 * 2532 * * 2532 * 2193 *
ewV ¢
Sodomwn ¢
kai GomorraV ¢Adama kai Sebweim ¢
¢ ewV ¢
And the sons of Gomer – Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and unto Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboim, unto Lasha.
* 2532 5207 * * 2532 * 3778 3588 5207 * 1722 3588 5443-1473
Qogwrma 10:4 kai uioi¢ ¢
Iwuan ¢ kai QarseiV
Elisa ¢ ¢
10:20 outoi oi uioi¢ Cam en ¢ autwn
taiV fulaiV ¢
Togarmah. And the sons of Javan – Elisha, and Tarshish, These are the sons of Ham among their tribes,
* * 1537 3778 873 3520 2596 1100-1473 1722 3588 5561-1473 2532
Kitoi ¢
Rodioi 10:5 ek ¢
toutwn ¢
afwrisqhsan ¢
nhsoi ¢
kata ¢
glwssaV ¢
autwn en ¢
taiV cwraiV ¢
autwn kai
Kittim, Dodanim. From out of these were separated islands according to their languages, among their regions, and
3588 1484 1722 3588 1093-1473 1538 2596 1100 1722 3588 1484-1473 2532 3588 * 1080 2532
twn ¢
eqnwn en th gh autwn ¢
¢ ekastoV ¢
kata ¢
glwssan en ¢
toiV eqnesin ¢
autwn 10:21 kai tw Shm ¢
egennhqh kai
of the nations in their land, each according to tongue, among their nations. And to Shem was born, even
1722 3588 5443-1473 2532 1722 3588 1484-1473 1473 3962 3956 3588 5207 * 80 *
en ¢ autwn
taiV fulaiV ¢ kai en ¢
toiV eqnesin ¢
autwn ¢
autw patri¢ ¢
pantwn ¢ ¢Eber
twn uiwn ¢ Iafeq
adelfw ¢
among their tribes, and among their nations. to him, the father of all the sons of Eber, brother of Japheth
5207-1161 * * 2532 * * 2532 3588 3173 5207 * * 2532 * 2532
10:6 uioi¢ de Cam ¢ Foud kai
CouV kai Mesaraeim ¢
tou meizonoV 10:22 uioi¢ Shm ¢
Ailam ¢
kai Asour kai
And the sons of Ham – Cush, and Mizraim, Phut, and the greater. Sons of Shem – Elam, and Asshur, and
* 5207-1161 * * 2532 * 2532
Canaan 10:7 uioi¢ de CouV ¢ kai Eueila
Saba ¢ kai * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 5207
Arfaxad ¢
kai Loud kai Aram ¢
kai Ka+nan 10:23 kai uioi¢
Canaan. And the sons of Cush – Seba and Havilah, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram, and Cainan. And the sons
* 2532 * 2532 * 5207-1161 *
¢ kai Regma
Sabaqa ¢ ¢ uioi¢ de
kai Sabaqaka ¢
Regma * * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532
Aram ¢
WV kai Oul kai Gaqer ¢
kai Mosoc 10:24 kai
Sabtah, and Raamah, and Sabtechah. And the sons of Raamah -
* 2532 * *-1161 1080 3588 *
of Aram – Uz, and Hul, and Gether, and Mash. And
Seba ¢
kai Dadan 10:8 CouV de ¢
egennhse ¢
ton Nembrwd * 1080 3588 * 2532 * 1080 3588
Arfaxad ¢
egennhse ¢ kai Ka+nan
ton Ka+nan ¢ egennhse
¢ ton
Sheba and Dedan. And Cush procreated Nimrod.
Arphaxad procreated Cainan; and Cainan procreated
3778 756 1510.1 1095.2 1909 3588 1093 3778
outoV ¢
hrxato ¢
einai ¢
gigaV epi¢ thV ghV ¢
10:9 outoV * *-1161 1080 3588 * 2532 3588 *
¢ Sala
Sala ¢ de ¢
egennhse ton ¢Eber 10:25 kai tw ¢Eber
This one began to be a giant upon the earth. This one
Salah; and Salah procreated Eber. And to Eber
10:26 G E N E S I S 13
1080 1417 5207 3686 3588 1520 * 3754 2400 1085 1520 2532 5491 1520 3956 2532 3778
egennhqhsan ¢ uioi¢ onoma
duo ¢ tw eni¢ Falek
¢ ¢
oti idou¢ ¢
genoV en ¢
kai ceiloV en ¢
pantwn ¢
kai touto
were born two sons, the name given to the one was Peleg; for Behold, there is [2kind 1one] and [2lip 1one] for all, and this
1722 3588 2250-1473 1266 3588 1093 756 4160 3588 3568 3756-1587 1537 1473
en ¢
taiV hmeraiV autou¢ diemerisqh
¢ h gh ¢
hrxanto ¢
poihsai ta ¢
nun ouk ekleiyei ex ¢
in his days [3was divided into parts 1the 2earth]; they began to do. The things now shall not fail from them,
2532 3686 3588 80-1473 * *-1161 3956 3745 302 2007 4160 1205 2532
kai onoma ¢ autou¢ Iektan
tw adelfw ¢ ¢ de
10:26 Iektan ¢
panta ¢
osa ¢
an epiqwntai ¢
poiein ¢
11:7 deute kai
and the name of his brother was Joktan. And Joktan all as much as they might attempt to do. Come, and
1080 3588 * 2532 * 2532 3588 * 2532 2597 4797 1100-1473 2443 3361
egennhse ¢ kai Salef
ton Ielmodad ¢ ¢
kai ton Asaramwq kai ¢
katabanteV ¢
sugcewmen ¢
glwssan autwn ¢
¢ ina mh
procreated Almodad, and Sheleph, and Hazarmaveth, and going down, let us confound their language, that they should not
* 2532 3588 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 191 1538 3588 5456 3588 4139 2532
Ierac ¢ kai Aizhl
10:27 kai ton Odorram ¢ kai Dekla
¢ 10:28 kai ¢
akouswsin ¢
ekastoV ¢ tou
thV fwnhV ¢
plhsion 11:8 kai
Jerah and Hadoram, and Uzal, and Diklah, and [2hearken to 1each] the voice of the neighbor. And
* 2532 3588 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 3588 1289-2962 1473 1564 1909 3588 4383 3956
¢ kai ton Abimehl
Gebal ¢ kai Saban
¢ ¢ kai ton
10:29 kai Oufeir ¢
diespeire ¢
kurioV ¢ ekeiqen
autouV ¢ epi¢ ton proswpon
¢ ¢
Obal and Abimael Sheba, and Ophir, and the lord scattered them from there upon the face of all
* 2532 * 3956 3778 5207 * 2532 3588 1093 2532 3973 3618 3588 4172 2532 3588
¢ kai Iwbab
Eueilat ¢ panteV
¢ ¢
outoi uioi¢ ¢
Iektan 10:30 kai thV ghV ¢
kai epausanto ¢
oikodomounteV ¢
thn polin kai ton
Havilah, and Jobab. All these were sons of Joktan. And the earth; and they ceased building the city and the
1096 3588 2731-1473 575 * 2193 2064 1519 4444 1223 3778 2564 3588 3686 1473
egeneto h ¢
katoikhsiV ¢ apo¢ Massh
autwn ¢
¢ ewV ¢
elqein eiV ¢
purgon ¢
11:9 dia ¢
touto ¢
eklhqh to ¢
onoma ¢
[2was 1their dwelling] from Mesha unto the coming into tower. On account of this [4was called 1the 2name 3of it]
* 3735 395 3778 5207 * 4799 3754 1563 4797-2962 3588 5491 3956
Swfhra ¢
¢ oroV ¢
anatolwn ¢
10:31 outoi uioi¢ Shm ¢
sugcusiV ¢
oti ekei¢ sunecee
¢ ¢
kurioV ¢
ta ceilh ¢
Sephar, a mountain of the east. These are the sons of Shem Confusion, because there the lord confounded the lips of all
1722 3588 5443-1473 2596 1100-1473 1722 3588 1093 2532 1564 1289 1473 3588 2962 1909
en ¢ autwn
taiV fulaiV ¢ kata
¢ ¢
glwssaV ¢ en
autwn thV ghV ¢
kai ekeiqen ¢
diespeiren ¢ o
autouV ¢
kurioV epi¢
among their tribes, according to their languages, among the earth, and from there [3scattered 4them 1the 2 lord] upon
3588 5561-1473 2532 1722 3588 1484-1473 3778 4383 3956 3588 1093
taiV cwraiV ¢ kai en
autwn ¢
toiV eqnesin ¢
autwn ¢
10:32 autai ¢
proswpon ¢
pashV thV ghV
their regions, and among their nations. These are the face of all the earth.
3588 5443 5207 * 2596 1078-1473
ai fulai¢ uiwn
¢ ¢
Nwe ¢
kata ¢
geneseiV ¢
the tribes of the sons of Noah, according to their generations, Generations of Shem
2596 1484-1473 575 3778 1289 3520 flood 2532 3778 3588 1078 * 2532
kata ¢
eqnh ¢
autwn apo¢ ¢
toutwn ¢
diesparhsan ¢
nhsoi 11:10 kai ¢
autai ai ¢
geneseiV Shm kai
according to their nations. From these were scattered islands And these are the generations of Shem. And
3588 1484 1909 3588 1093 3326 3588 2627 1510.7.3-* 1540 2094 3753 1080 3588 *
twn ¢
eqnwn epi¢ thV ghV meta
¢ ton kataklusmon
¢ hn Shm ¢
ekaton ¢
etwn ¢
ote ¢
egennhse ¢
ton Arfaxad
of the nations upon the earth after the flood. Shem was a hundred years old when he procreated Arphaxad,
1208 2094 3326 3588 2627 2532 2198-*
deuterou ¢
etouV ¢ ton kataklusmon
meta ¢ ¢
11:11 kai ezhse Shm
CHAPTER 11 the second year after the flood. And Shem lived
3326 3588 1080-1473 3588 * 4002 2532 5144 2532
Tower of Confusion ¢ to gennhsai
meta ¢ ¢ ton Arfaxad
autoV ¢ pente
¢ ¢
kai triakonta kai
2532 1510.7.3 3956 3588 1093 5491 1520 2532 5456
after his procreating Arphaxad, five and thirty and
11:1 kai hn ¢
pasa h gh ¢
ceiloV en ¢
kai fwnh 5145 2094 2532 1080 5207 2532 2364 2532
And [4was 1all 2the 3earth 6lip 5one], and [2voice triakosiaV ¢
eth ¢
kai egennhsen ¢ kai qugateraV
uiouV ¢ kai
1520 3956 2532 1096 1722 3588 2795-1473
three-hundred years, and he procreated sons and daughters, and
mia ¢
pasi ¢
11:2 kai egeneto en ¢
tw kinhsai ¢
autouV 599 2532 2198-* 1540 5144
1one] to all. And it came to pass in their moving ¢
apeqane 11:12 kai ¢
ezhsen ¢
Arfaxad ¢
ekaton ¢
575 395 2147 3977.1 1722 1093 * 2532
he died. And Arphaxad lived a hundred thirty
apo¢ anatolwn
¢ euron
¢ ¢
pedion en gh ¢
Sennaar kai 4002 2094 2532 1080 3588 * 2532
from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and ¢
pente ¢
eth kai ¢
egennhse ton ¢
Ka+nan 11:13 kai
2730 1563 2532 2036 444 3588 4139-1473
five years, and he procreated Cainan. And
katwkhsan ekei¢ ¢
11:3 kai eipen ¢
anqrwpoV ¢ autou¢
tw plhsion 2198-* 3326 3588 1080-1473 3588 * 2094
they dwelt there. And [2said 1a man] to his neighbor, ¢
ezhsen Arfaxad ¢ to
¢ meta ¢
gennhsai ¢ ton Ka+nan eth
auton ¢
1205 4141.2 4141.4 2532 3701.1 1473 4442 2532
Arphaxad lived after his procreating Cainan, [3years
¢ plinqeuswmen
deute ¢ ¢
plinqouV ¢
kai opthswmen ¢ puri¢ kai
autaV 5145 5144 2532 1080 5207 2532 2364
Come let us make bricks, and let us bake them in fire. And ¢
triakosia ¢
triakonta ¢
kai egennhsen ¢ kai qugateraV
uiouV ¢
1096 1473 3588 4141.4 1519 3037 2532 805.2 1510.7.3 1three hundred 2thirty], and he procreated sons and daughters,
egeneto ¢
autoiV h ¢
plinqoV ¢
eiV liqon ¢
kai asfaltoV hn 2532 599 2532 2198-* 1540 2532 5144 2094
[3became 4to them 1the 2brick] as stone, and asphalt was ¢
kai apeqane ¢
kai ezhse ¢ ekaton
Ka+nan ¢ ¢
kai triakonta ¢
1473 3588 4081 2532 2036 1205 3618 and he died. And Cainan lived a hundred and thirty years,
¢ o
autoiV ¢
phloV ¢
11:4 kai eipon ¢
deute ¢
oikodomhswmen 2532 1080 3588 * 2532 2198-* 3326 3588
their mortar. And they said, Come let us build ¢
kai egennhse ¢
ton Sala kai ¢
ezhse ¢ to
Ka+nan meta
1438 4172 2532 4444 3739 3588 2776 1510.8.3 2193 and he procreated Salah. And Cainan lived after
eautoiV ¢
polin ¢
kai purgon ou h ¢ estai
kefalh ¢ ¢
ewV 1080-1473 3588 * 2094 5145 5144 2532
to ourselves a city and tower of which the top will be unto ¢
gennhsai ¢
autw ton Sala eth ¢
triakosia ¢
triakonta kai
3588 3772 2532 4160 1438 3686 4253 3588 his procreating Salah, [3years 1three hundred 2thirty], and
tou ouranou¢ kai ¢
poihswmen ¢
eautoiV ¢
onoma pro tou 1080 5207 2532 2364 2532 599 2532
the heaven. And let us make to ourselves a name before the ¢
egennhsen ¢ kai qugateraV
uiouV ¢ ¢
kai apeqane 11:14 kai
1289 1909 4383 3956 3588 1093 2532 he procreated sons and daughters, and he died. And
diasparhnai epi¢ ¢
proswpou ¢
pashV thV ghV 11:5 kai 2198-* 1540 5144 2094 2532 1080
being scattered upon the face of all the earth. And ¢
ezhse ¢
Sala ¢
ekaton ¢
triakonta ¢
eth kai ¢
2597-2962 1492 3588 4172 2532 3588 4444 3739 Salah lived a hundred thirty years, and he procreated
katebh ¢
kurioV ¢
idein ¢
thn polin ¢
kai ton purgon on 3588 * 2532 2198-* 3326 3588 1080-1473
the lord went down to look at the city and the tower, which ton ¢Eber 11:15 kai ¢
ezhse ¢ to
Sala meta ¢
gennhsai auton
3618 3588 5207 3588 444 2532 2036-2962 Eber. And Salah lived after his procreating
wkodomhsan oi uioi¢ twn anqrwpwn
¢ ¢ kurioV
11:6 kai eipe ¢ 3588 * 5145 5144 2094 2532 1080
[4built 1the 2sons 3of men]. And the lord said, ton ¢Eber triakosia
¢ ¢
triakonta ¢
eth ¢
kai egennhsen
Eber, three hundred thirty years, and he procreated
14 G E N E S I S 11:16
5207 2532 2364 2532 599 2532 2198-* 3588 1135 * * 2532 3686 3588 1135
¢ kai qugateraV
uiouV ¢ ¢
kai apeqane 11:16 kai ¢
ezhsen ¢Eber th gunaiki¢ ¢Abram ¢
Sara ¢
kai onoma th gunaiki¢
sons and daughters, and he died. And Eber lived of the wife of Abram was Sarai, and the name of the wife
1540 5144 5064 2094 2532 1080 3588 * * * 2364 * 2532 3962
ekaton ¢
triakonta ¢
tessara ¢
eth ¢
kai egennhse ¢
ton Falek ¢
Nacwr ¢
Melca ¢
qugathr ¢
Aran kai ¢
a hundred thirty four years, and he procreated Peleg. of Nahor was Milcha, daughter of Haran. And he was the father
2532 2198-* 3326 3588 1080-1473 3588 * * 2532 3962 * 2532 1510.7.3-* 4723
11:17 kai ezhsen ¢Eber meta
¢ to ¢
gennhsai ¢ ton Falek
auton ¢ ¢
Melca ¢ Iesca
kai pathr ¢ 11:30 kai ¢
hn Sara ¢
And Eber lived after his procreating Peleg, of Milcha, and father of Iscah. And Sarai was sterile,
2094 5145 1440 2532 1080 5207 2532 3756 5043.1 2532 2983-* 3588
eth ¢
triakosia ¢
ebdomhkonta ¢
kai egennhsen ¢
uiouV ¢
kai ouk eteknopoiei 11:31 kai ¢
elabe ¢ ton
[3years 1three hundred 2seventy], and he procreated sons and not able to produce children. And Terah took
2532 2364 2532 599 2532 2198-* 5144 * 5207-1473 2532 3588 * 5207 * 5207 3588
kai qugateraV ¢
kai apeqane ¢
11:18 kai ezhse ¢ triakonta
Falek ¢ ¢Abram uion autou¢ kai ton Lwt uion
¢ ¢
Aran ¢
uion tou
and daughters, and he died. And Peleg lived thirty Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran, the son
2532 1540 2094 2532 1080 3588 * 2532 5207-1473 2532 3588 * 3588 3565-1473 1135
kai ekaton ¢
eth ¢
kai egennhse ton Ragau¢ 11:19 kai uiou¢ autou¢ kai thn Saran
¢ ¢
thn numfhn autou¢ ¢
and a hundred years, and he procreated Reu. And of his son, and Sarai his daughter-in-law, the wife
2198-* 3326 3588 1080-1473 3588 * 1767 2532 * 3588 5207-1473 2532 1806 1473 1537 3588
ezhse ¢ meta
Falek ¢ to ¢
gennhsai ¢ ton Ragau¢ ennea
auton ¢ kai ¢Abram tou uiou¢ autou¢ kai exhgagen
¢ ¢ ek
autouV thV
Peleg lived after his procreating Reu, nine and of Abram his son. And he led them from out of the
5561 3588 * 4198 1519 3588 1093 * 2532
1250 2094 2532 1080 5207 2532 2364 2532 ¢
cwraV twn ¢ poreuqhnai
Caldaiwn ¢ ¢
eiV thn ghn Canaan kai
diakosia ¢
eth ¢
kai egennhsen ¢ kai qugateraV
uiouV ¢ kai
two hundred years, and he procreated sons and daughters, and region of the Chaldeans to go into the land of Canaan. And
2064 2193 * 2532 2730 1563 2532 1096
599 2532 2198-* 1540 5144 2532 1417 ¢
hlqon ¢
ewV ¢ kai katwkhsen
Caran ¢ ekei¢ ¢
11:32 kai egenonto
apeqane ¢
11:20 kai ezhse Ragau¢ ekaton
¢ ¢
triakonta ¢
kai duo
he died. And Reu lived a hundred thirty and two they came unto Haran and dwelt there. And were
3588 2250 * 1722 * 1250 4002 2094 2532
2094 2532 1080 3588 * 2532 2198-* ai ¢
hmerai ¢
Qara en ¢ diakosia
Caran ¢ ¢
pente ¢
eth kai
eth ¢
kai egennhse ¢
ton Serouc ¢
11:21 kai ezhse Ragau¢
years. and he procreated Serug. And Reu lived the days of Terah in Haran, two hundred five years; and
599-* 1722 *
3326 3588 1080-* 3588 * 1250 2033 2094 ¢
apeqane ¢ en Caran
Qara ¢
¢ to
meta ¢
gennhsai ¢ ton Serouc
auton ¢ diakosia
¢ epta ¢
¢ eth
after his procreating Serug two hundred seven years, Terah died in Haran.
2532 1080 5207 2532 2364 2532 599 2532
kai egennhsen ¢ kai qugateraV
uiouV ¢ ¢
kai apeqane 11:22 kai CHAPTER 12
and he procreated sons and daughters, and he died. And
2198-* 1540 5144 2094 2532 1080 3588
ezhse ¢ ekaton
Serouc ¢ ¢
triakonta ¢
eth ¢
kai egennhse ton Abram and Lot Enter Canaan
Serug lived a hundred thirty years, and he procreated 2532 2036-2962 3588 * 1831 1537
¢ kurioV
12:1 kai eipe ¢ tw ¢Abram exelqe
¢ ek
* 2532 2198-* 3326 3588 1080-1473
Nacwr 11:23 kai ¢
ezhse ¢ meta
Serouc ¢ to ¢
gennhsai ¢
auton And the lord said to Abram, Come forth from out of
Nahor. And Serug lived after his procreating 3588 1093-1473 2532 1537 3588 4772-1473 2532 1537 3588
thV ghV sou kai ek ¢ sou kai ek
thV suggeneiaV tou
3588 * 2094 1250 2532 1080 5207
ton Nacwr ¢
eth ¢
diakosia ¢
kai egennhsen ¢
uiouV your land, and from your kin, and from the
Nahor, [2years 1two hundred], and he procreated sons 3624 3588 3962-1473 2532 1204 1519 3588 1093 3739 302
oikou ¢ sou
tou patroV ¢
kai deuro eiV thn ghn hn an
2532 2364 2532 599 2532 2198-1473 2094
kai qugateraV ¢
kai apeqane ¢
11:24 kai ezhse ¢ eth
Nacwr ¢ house of your father, and come into the land which ever
and daughters, and he died. And Nahor lived [3years 1473-1166 2532 4160 1473 1519 1484
soi deixw 12:2 kai ¢
poihsw se eiV ¢
1440 1767 2532 1080 3588 * 2532
ebdomhkonta ¢
ennea ¢
kai egennhse ¢
ton Qara 11:25 kai I shall show to you. And I will make you into [2nation
1seventy 2nine], and he procreated Terah. And 3173 2532 2127 1473 2532 3170 3588 3686-1473
mega ¢
kai euloghsw se ¢
kai megalunw to ¢
onoma¢ sou
2198-* 3326 3588 1080-1473 3588 * 2094
ezhse ¢
Nacwr ¢ to
meta ¢
gennhsai ¢ ton Qara
auton ¢ ¢
eth 1a great], and I will bless you, and I will magnify your name,
Nahor lived after his procreating Terah, [3years 2532 1510.8.2 2127 2532 2127 3588
kai esh ¢
euloghmenoV 12:3 kai ¢
euloghsw touV
1540 1501.3 2532 1080 5207 2532 2364
ekaton ¢
eikosiennea ¢
kai egennhsen ¢ kai qugateraV
uiouV ¢ and you will be a blessing. And I will bless the ones
1a hundred 2twenty-nine], and he procreated sons and daughters, 2127 1473 2532 3588 2672 1473 2672
¢ aV
eulogount ¢ se kai touV ¢
katarwmenouV se ¢
2532 599 2532 2198-* 1440 2094 2532
kai apeqane ¢
11:26 kai ezhse ¢ ebdomhkonta
Qara ¢ ¢
eth kai blessing you; and the ones cursing you, I will curse.
and he died. And Terah lived seventy years and 2532 1757 1722 1473 3956 3588 5443 3588
kai ¢
eneuloghqhsontai en soi ¢
pasai ai fulai¢ thV
1080 3588 * 2532 3588 * 2532 3588 *
egennhse ton ¢Abram kai ton Nacwr
¢ kai ton Aran
¢ And [6will be blessed 7by 8you 1all 2the 3tribes 4of the
he procreated Abram and Nahor and Haran. 1093 2532 4198-* 2509 2980 1473
ghV ¢
12:4 kai eporeuqh ¢Abram kaqaper
¢ ¢
elalhsen ¢
5earth]. And Abram went just as [2spoke 3to him
Generations of Terah 2962 2532 3634.2 3326 1473 * *-1161 1510.7.3
3778-1161 3588 1078 * * ¢
kurioV ¢
kai wceto met' autou¢ Lwt ¢Abram de hn
11:27 ¢
autai de ai ¢
geneseiV ¢
Qara ¢
Qara 1the lord]. And [2set out 3with 4him 1Lot]. And Abram was
And these are the generations of Terah. Terah 2094 1440.3 3753 1831 1537
1080 3588 * 2532 3588 * 2532 3588 * ¢
etwn ¢
ebdomhkontapente ¢
ote ¢
exhlqen ek
egennhse ton ¢Abram kai ton ¢
Nacwr kai ton ¢
Aran [2years old 1seventy-five] when he came forth from out of
procreated Abram, and Nahor, and Haran. * 2532 2983 * 3588 1135-1473
2532 * 1080 3588 * 2532 599-* ¢
Caran 12:5 kai ¢
elaben ¢Abram Saran
¢ ¢ autou¢
thn gunaika
kai ¢
Aran ¢
egennhse ton Lwt 11:28 kai ¢
apeqanen ¢
Aran Haran. And Abram took Sarai his wife,
And Haran procreated Lot. And Haran died 2532 3588 * 5207 3588 80-1473 2532 3956 3588
1799 * 3588 3962 1722 3588 1093 3739 ¢
kai ton Lwt uion tou adelfou¢ autou¢ kai panta
¢ ta
enwpion ¢ tou patroV
Qara ¢ en th gh h and Lot the son of his brother, and all
in the presence of Terah his father, in the land in which 5224-1473 3745 2932 2532 3956 5590
1080 1722 3588 5561 3588 * 2532 ¢
uparconta ¢ osa
autwn ¢ ¢
ekthsanto ¢
kai pasan ¢
egennhqh en th ¢
cwra twn ¢
Caldaiwn 11:29 kai their possessions, as much as they acquired, and every soul
he was procreated, in the region of the Chaldeans. And 3739 2932 1537 * 2532 1831
2983 * 2532 * 1438 1135 3686 hn ¢
ekthsanto ek ¢
Caran kai ¢
elabon ¢Abram kai ¢
Nacwr ¢
eautoiV ¢
gunaikaV ¢
onoma which they acquired from out of Haran. And they went forth
[4took 1Abram 2and 3Nahor] to themselves wives. The name
12:6 G E N E S I S 15
4198 1519 1093 * 2532 1525 1519 3588 1093 1867 1473 4314 * 2532 1521 1473 1519 3588
poreuqhnai eiV ghn ¢
Canaan ¢
kai eishlqon eiV thn ghn ¢
ephnesan ¢ proV Faraw
authn ¢ ¢
kai eishgagon ¢ eiV ton
to go into the land of Canaan. And they entered into the land praised her to Pharaoh; and they brought her into the
* 2532 1353-* 3588 1093 2193 3588 3624 * 2532 3588 * 2095 5530
Canaan ¢
12:6 kai diwdeusen ¢Abram ¢
thn ghn ewV tou ¢
oikon ¢
Faraw 12:16 kai tw ¢Abram eu ¢
of Canaan. And Abram traveled through the land unto the house to Pharaoh. And [2Abram 3well 1they treated]
5117 * 1909 3588 1409.2 3588 5308 3588-1161 * 1223 1473 2532 1096 1473 4263 2532
topou ¢
Sucem epi¢ thn drun thn uyhlhn
¢ oi de ¢
Cananaioi di' ¢
authn ¢
kai egenonto ¢
autw ¢
probata kai
place of Shechem unto the [2oak 1high]. And the Canaanites on account of her, and there existed to him sheep, and
5119 2730 3588 1093 2532 3708-2962 3588 * 3448 2532 3688 2532 3816 2532 3814 2532
¢ katwkoun
tote ¢ thn ghn ¢
12:7 kai wfqh ¢
kurioV tw ¢Abram ¢
moscoi ¢
kai onoi ¢
kai paideV ¢
kai paidiskai kai
then dwelt the land. And the lord appeared to Abram, calves, and donkeys, and manservants, and maidservants, and
2532 2036 1473 3588 4690-1473 1325 3588 1093-3778 2254.2 2532 2574 2532 2082.1-3588-2316 3588 *
kai eipen ¢
autw ¢
tw spermati¢ sou dwsw
¢ ¢
thn ghn tauthn ¢
hmionoi ¢
kai kamhloi ¢
12:17 kai htasen ¢
kurioV ton Faraw¢
and said to him, [3to 4your seed 1I will give 2this land]. mules and camels. And the lord chastised Pharaoh
2532 3618 1563 * 2379 3588 2962 2083.2 3173 2532 4190 2532 3588 3624-1473
kai wkodomhsen ekei¢ ¢Abram ¢
qusiasthrion tw ¢
kuriw ¢
etasmoiV ¢
megaloiV kai ¢ kai ton oikon
ponhroiV ¢ autou¢
And [2built 3there 1Abram] an altar to the lord, [4chastisements 1with great 2and 3severe], and his house,
3588 3708 1473 2532 868 1564 1519 3588 4012 * 3588 1135 * 2564
tw ¢
ofqenti ¢
autw ¢
12:8 kai apesth ¢
ekeiqen eiV to peri¢ ¢
SaraV ¢ ¢Abram
thV gunaikoV ¢
12:18 kalesaV
to the one appearing to him. And he left from there into the on account of Sarai the wife of Abram. [3calling
3735 2596 395 * 2532 2476 1563 1161 * 3588 * 2036 5100 3778 4160 1473
oroV ¢
kata ¢ Baiqhl
anatolaV ¢ ¢
kai esthsen ekei¢ de ¢
Faraw ¢
ton ¢Abram eipe ti ¢
touto ¢ aV
epoihs ¢ moi
mountain according to the east of Beth-el. And he set up there 1And 2Pharaoh] Abram, said, What is this you did to me,
3588 4633-1473 1722 * 2596 2281 2532 3754 3756-518 1473 3754 1135 1473-1510.2.3 2444
¢ autou¢ en Baiqhl
thn skhnhn ¢ kata
¢ ¢
qalassan kai Agge¢ ¢
oti ¢
ouk aphggeil ¢ moi
aV ¢
oti ¢ sou estin
gunh ¢ 12:19 inati¢
his tent in Beth-el according to the west, and Hai that you reported not to me that [2wife 1she is your]? Why
2596 395 2532 3618 1563 2379 2036 3754 79-1473 1510.2.3 2532 2983 1473
kata ¢ kai
anatolaV ¢
wkodomhsen ekei¢ ¢
qusiasthrion ¢
eipaV ¢
oti ¢ mou
adelfh esti¢ kai ¢
elabon ¢
according to the east. And he built there an altar did you say that, [2my sister 1She is]; and I took her
3588 2962 2532 1941 1909 3588 3686 2962 1683 1519 1135 2532 3568 2400 3588 1135-1473 1725
tw ¢ kai epekalesato
kuriw ¢ epi¢ tw ¢
onomati ¢
kuriou ¢ eiV gunaika
emautw ¢ kai nun idou¢ h ¢ sou enantion
gunh ¢
to the lord, and he called upon the name of the lord. to myself as wife? And now, behold, your wife is before
2532 522-* 2532 4198 4759.2 1722 1473 2983 665.1 2532 1781-*
12:9 kai aphren ¢Abram kai poreuqeiV
¢ estratopedeusen
¢ en sou ¢
labwn ¢
apotrece 12:20 kai ¢
eneteilato ¢
And Abram departed; and going he encamped in you – taking her run from me! And Pharaoh charged
3588 2048 435 4012 * 4850.1 1473 2532 3588
th erhmw ¢
andrasi peri¢ ¢Abram sumpropemyai
¢ ¢
auton kai thn
the wilderness. the men concerning Abram, to escort him out, and
1135-1473 2532 3956 3745 1510.7.3 1473 2532 * 3326
Abram and Sarai in Egypt ¢ autou¢ kai panta
gunaika ¢ ¢
osa hn ¢ kai Lwt met'
his wife, and all, as much as was his, and Lot with
2532 1096 3042 1909 3588 1093 2532
12:10 kai ¢
egeneto ¢
limoV epi¢ thV ghV kai 1473
And there was a famine upon the land. And him.
2597-* 1519 * 3939 1563 3754
katebh ¢Abram eiV ¢
Aigupton ¢
paroikhsai ekei¢ ¢
Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there, for CHAPTER 13
1765 3588 3042 1909 3588 1093 1096-1161
eniscusen o ¢
limoV epi¢ thV ghV ¢
12:11 egeneto de
[3grew in strength 1the 2famine] upon the land. And it was Abram and Lot Part
2259 1448-* 1525 1519 * 2036-* 305 1161 * 1537 * 1473
hnika ¢
hggisen ¢Abram ¢ eiV Aigupton
eiselqein ¢ ¢
eipen ¢Abram ¢
13:1 anebh de ¢Abram ex ¢
Aiguptou ¢
when Abram approached to enter into Egypt, Abram said [3ascended 1And 2Abram] from out of Egypt, he,
* 3588 1135-1473 1097-1473 3754 1135 2532 3588 1135-1473 2532 3956 3588 1473 2532 * 3326
Sara th gunaiki¢ autou¢ ¢
ginwskw ¢
egw ¢
oti ¢
gunh kai h ¢ autou¢ kai panta
gunh ¢ ta autou¢ kai Lwt met'
to Sarai his wife, I know that [3woman and his wife, and all of his, and Lot with
2146.1 1510.2.2 1510.8.3 3767 5613 302 1473 1519 3588 2048 *-1161 1510.7.3 4145
euproswpoV ei ¢
12:12 estai oun wV an autou¢ eiV ¢
thn erhmon 13:2 ¢Abram de hn ¢
2a good-looking 1you are]. It will be then as when him, into the wilderness. And Abram was [2rich
1492 1473 3588 * 2046 3754 1135-1473 4970 1722 2934 2532 694 2532 5553 2532
idwsi¢ se oi ¢
Aiguptioi ¢
erousin ¢
oti ¢ autou¢
gunh ¢
sfodra en ¢
kthnesi ¢ kai crusiw
kai arguriw ¢ 13:3 kai
[3shall see 4you 1the 2Egyptians] they will say that his wife 1exceedingly] in cattle, and silver, and gold. And
1510.2.3 3778 2532 615 1473 1473 1161 4046 4198 3606 2064 1519 3588 2048 2193 *
estin auth ¢
kai apoktenousi me se de ¢
peripoihsontai ¢
eporeuqh ¢
oqen ¢
hlqen ¢
eiV thn erhmon ¢
ewV ¢
is this one, and they will kill me, [3you 1and 2procure]. he went from where he came into the wilderness, unto Beth-el,
2193 3588 5117 3739 1510.7.3 3588 4633-1473 3588 4387
2036 3767 3754 79-1473 1510.2.1 3704 302 2095 ¢
ewV ¢
tou topou ou hn h ¢ autou¢ to
skhnh ¢
12:13 eipe¢ oun oti ¢ autou¢ eimi
adelfh ¢
opwV an eu
Say then that! [2his sister 1I am]. so that [2good unto the place where [3was 1his tent 2formerly],
303.1 * 2532 303.1 * 1519 3588 5117
1473 1096 1223 1473 2532 2198 3588 ¢
anameson ¢ kai anameson
Baiqhl ¢ Agge 13:4 eiV ¢
ton topon
moi ¢
genhtai ¢
dia se ¢
kai zhsetai h
3to me 1it may become] on account of you, and [2shall live between Beth-el and between Hai; unto the place
3588 2379 3739 4160 1563 3588 746 2532
5590-1473 1752 1473 1096-1161 2259 tou ¢ ou
qusiasthriou ¢
epoihsen ekei¢ thn ¢
archn kai
yuch ¢
¢ mou enek ¢
en sou ¢
12:14 egeneto de ¢
1my soul] because of you. And it came to pass when of the altar which he made there at the beginning. And
1941 1563 * 3588 3686 2962 2532
1525-* 1519 * 1492 3588 * ¢
epekalesato ekei¢ ¢Abram to ¢
onoma ¢
kuriou 13:5 kai
eishlqen ¢Abram eiV Aigupton
¢ ¢
idonteV oi ¢
Abram entered into Egypt, [3were looking at 1the 2Egyptians] [2called upon 6there 1Abram 3the 4name 5of the lord]. And
* 3588 4848 3326 * 1510.7.3 4263
3588 1135-1473 3754 2570 1510.7.3 4970 Lwt tw ¢
sumporeuomenw ¢ ¢Abram hn
meta ¢
thn ¢ autou¢
gunaika ¢
oti ¢
kalh hn ¢
his wife, for [3beautiful 1she was 2exceedingly]. to Lot, the one going forth with Abram, was sheep,
2532 1016 2532 2934 2532 3756 5562 1473
2532 1492 1473 3588 758 * 2532 ¢
kai boeV ¢
kai kthnh 13:6 kai ouk ¢
ecwrei ¢
12:15 kai ¢
eidon ¢
authn oi ¢
arconteV ¢
Faraw kai
And [4beheld 5her 1the 2rulers 3of Pharaoh], and and oxen, and cattle. And [3did not 4have space 5for them
16 G E N E S I S 13:7
3588 1093 2730 260 3754 1510.7.3 3588 5224-1473 3754 3956 3588 1093 3739 1473 3708 1473 1325
h gh ¢ ama
katoikein ¢ ¢
oti hn ¢
ta uparconta ¢
autwn ¢
13:15 oti ¢
pasan thn ghn hn ¢ soi
su oraV ¢
1the 2land] to dwell together, for [2were 1their possessions] That all the land which you see, [3to you 1I will give
4183 2532 3756-1410 2730 260 2532 1473 2532 3588 4690-1473 2193 3588 165 2532
¢ kai ouk hdunanto
polla ¢ katoikein ¢
¢ ama 13:7 kai ¢ kai tw
authn ¢
spermat ¢
i¢ sou ewV ¢
tou aiwnoV 13:16 kai
many, and they were not able to dwell together. And 2it], and to your seed, unto the eon. And
1096 3163 303.1 3588 4166 3588 2934 3588 4160 3588 4690-1473 5613 3588 285 3588 1093
egeneto ¢
mach ¢
anameson ¢
twn poimenwn twn ¢ tou
kthnwn ¢
poihsw to ¢
sperma sou wV ¢
thn ammon thV ghV
there was a battle between the herdsmen of the cattle I will make your seed as the sand of the earth.
* 2532 303.1 3588 4166 3588 2934 3588 * 1487 1410 5100 1821.2 3588 285 3588 1093
¢Abram ¢
kai anameson ¢
twn poimenwn twn ¢ tou Lwt
kthnwn ei ¢
dunatai¢ tiV ¢
exariqmhsai ¢
thn ammon thV ghV
of Abram, and between the herdsmen of the cattle of Lot. If [2is able 1anyone] to count out the sand of the earth,
3588-1161 * 2532 3588 * 5119 2730 3588 1093 2532 3588 4690-1473 1821.2 450
oi de ¢ kai oi
Cananaioi ¢ tote
Ferezaioi ¢ katwkoun
¢ thn ghn kai to ¢
sperma ¢
sou exariqmhqhsetai ¢
13:17 anastaV
And the Canaanites and the Perizzites then inhabited the land. then [2your seed 1they shall count out]. In rising up,
2036 1161 * 3588 * 3361 1510.5 3163
13:8 eipe de ¢Abram tw Lwt mh ¢
estw ¢
mach 1353 3588 1093 1519 5037 3588 3372 1473 2532 1519
diodeuson thn ghn eiV te to ¢
mhkoV ¢ kai eiV
[3said 1And 2Abram] to Lot, Do not let there be a battle
you travel through the land unto both the length of it and unto
303.1 1473 2532 1473 2532 303.1 3588 4166-1473 2532
anameson emou¢ kai sou kai anameson
¢ ¢
twn poimenwn sou kai 3588 4114 3754 1473 1325 1473 2532 3588 4690-1473
to ¢
platoV ¢
oti soi ¢
dwsw ¢ kai tw spermat
authn ¢ i¢ sou
between me and you, and between your herdsmen and
the width; for to you I shall give it, and to your seed,
303.1 3588 4166-1473 3754 444 80 1510.2.4
ana meson twn poimenwn ¢
mou oti ¢
anqrwpoi adelfoi¢ esmen
¢ 1519 3588 165 2532 643.2 * 2064
eiV ¢
ton aiwna 13:18 kai ¢
aposkhnwsaV ¢Abram elqwn
between my herdsmen! for [2men 4brothers 3are
into the eon. And moving his tent, Abram came and
1473 3756 2400 3956 3588 1093 1726 1473
hmeiV 13:9 ouk idou¢ ¢
pasa h gh ¢
enantion sou 2730 4012 3588 1409.2 3588 * 3739 1510.7.3 1722
katwkhse peri¢ ¢
thn drun thn Mambrh h hn en
1we]. [3not 1Behold 4all 5the 6earth 7before 8you
dwelt around the oak of Mamre, which was in
1510.2.3 1316 575 1473 1487 1473 1519 710 1473
esti ¢
diacwrisqhti ap' emou¢ ei su eiV ¢ egw
aristera ¢ * 2532 3618 1563 2379 3588 2962
¢ kai wkodomhsen
Cebrwn ¢ ekei¢ qusiasthrion
¢ tw ¢
2is]? Part yourself from me! If you go to the left, I will go Hebron. And he built there an altar to the lord.
1519 1188 1487-1161 1473 1519 1188 1473 1519 710
eiV dexia ei de su eiV ¢
dexia ¢
egw ¢
eiV aristera
to the right; but if you go to the right, I will go to the left. CHAPTER 14
2532 1869-* 3588 3788 1896
13:10 kai ¢
eparaV Lwt ¢ autou¢ epeide
tou ofqalmouV ¢
And Lot, lifting up his eyes, looked upon Abram Rescues Lot
3956 3588 4066 3588 * 3754 3956 1510.7.3 1096-1161 1722 3588 932 3588 *
pasan ¢
thn pericwron ¢
tou Iordanou ¢
oti ¢
pasa hn ¢
14:1 egeneto de ¢ th Amarfal
en th basileia ¢
all the place round about the Jordan, that all was And it came to pass in the kingdom of Amraphel
4222 4253 3588 2690 3588 2316 * 2532 935 * 2532 * 935 * 2532
potizomenh pro ¢
tou katastreyai ¢
ton qeon ¢
Sodoma kai ¢
basilewV ¢
Sennaar kai ¢
Ariwc ¢
basileuV ¢
Elasar kai
watered (before the eradicating by God of Sodom and king of Shinar, and Arioch king of Ellasar, and
* 5613 3588 3857 3588 2316 2532 5613 3588 1093 * 935 * 2532 * 935
Gomorra wV o ¢
paradeisoV tou qeou¢ kai wV h gh ¢
Codollogomor ¢
basileuV ¢
Ailam kai ¢
Qargal ¢
Gomorrah) as the paradise of God, and as the land Chedorlaomer king of Elam, and Tidal king
* 2193 2064 1519 * 2532 1586-* 1484 4160 4171 3326 * 935
Aiguptou ¢
ewV ¢ eiV Zogora
elqein ¢ ¢
13:11 kai exelexato Lwt ¢
eqnwn ¢
14:2 epoihsan ¢
polemon ¢ Balla
meta ¢ basilewV
of Egypt unto coming into Zoar. And Lot chose of nations, they made war with Bera king
1438 3956 3588 4066 3588 * 2532 * 2532 3326 * 935 * 2532
eautw ¢
pasan ¢
thn pericwron ¢
tou Iordanou kai ¢
Sodomwn kai ¢
meta ¢
Barsa ¢
basilewV ¢
GomorraV kai
to himself all the place round about the Jordan. And of Sodom, and with Birsha king of Gomorrah, and
522-* 575 395 2532 1316 1538 575 3326 * 935 * 2532 * 935
¢ Lwt apo¢ anatolwn
aphre ¢ kai diecwrisqhsan
¢ ¢
ekastoV apo¢ ¢ Sennaar
meta ¢ basilewV
¢ ¢
Adama ¢
kai Sumor ¢
Lot departed from the east. And they were parted, each from with Shinab king of Admah, and Shemeber king
3588 80-1473 *-1161 2730 1722 1093 * 2532 935 * 3778 1510.2.3 * 3956
tou adelfou¢ autou¢ 13:12 ¢Abram de ¢
katwkhsen en gh ¢
Sebweim ¢ Balak
kai basilewV ¢ auth
¢ esti¢ Shgwr
¢ ¢
14:3 panteV
his brother. And Abram dwelt in the land of Zeboiim, and king Bela – this is Zoar. All
* *-1161 2730 1722 4172 3588 4066 3778 4856 1909 3588 5327 3588 252 3778
Canaan ¢
Lwt de katwkhsen ¢
en polei twn ¢
pericwran ¢
outoi ¢
sunefwnhsan epi¢ ¢
thn faragga ¢ auth
thn alukhn ¢
of Canaan, and Lot dwelt in a city of the place round about, these joined in harmony upon the [2ravine 1salty], this
2532 4637 1722 * 3588-1161 444 3588 3588 2281 3588 251 1427 2094 1473
kai eskhnwsen en ¢
SodomoiV 13:13 oi de ¢
anqrwpoi oi h ¢
qalassa ¢
twn alwn ¢
14:4 dwdeka ¢
eth autoi¢
and he pitched a tent in Sodom. But the men being the sea of salts. Twelve years they
1722 * 4190 2532 268 1726 3588 2316 1398 3588 * 3588-1161 5151.2
en ¢
SodomoiV ponhroi¢ kai amartwloi¢ enantion
¢ tou qeou¢ ¢
edouleusan tw ¢
Codollogomor tw de ¢
in Sodom were wicked and sinners before God, slaved to Chedorlaomer, but in the thirteenth
4970 2094 868 1722-1161 3588 5065
sfodra ¢
etei ¢
apesthsan 14:5 en de tw ¢
exceedingly. year they revolted. And in the fourteenth
2094 2064-* 2532 3588 935 3326 1473 2532
etei ¢
hlqe ¢ kai oi
Codollogomor ¢ met' autou¢ kai
God Promises Land year Chedorlaomer came and the kings with him. And
3588 1161 2316 2036 3588 * 3326
13:14 o de ¢
qeoV ¢
eipe tw ¢Abram ¢
meta 2629 3588 1095.2 3588 1722 * *
katekoyan ¢
touV gigantaV touV ¢ Karna+n
en Astarwq
And God said to Abram, after they cut in pieces the giants, of the ones in Astaroth Karnaim,
3588 1316-3588-* 575 1473 308 3588
to ¢
diacwrisqhnai ton Lwt ap' autou¢ ¢
anableyaV toiV 2532 1484 2478 260 1473 2532 3588 *
kai eqnh ¢
iscura ¢
ama ¢
autoiV ¢
kai touV EmmaiouV
Lot parted from him, Look up with
and [2nations 1the strong] together with them, and the Emim
3788-1473 2532 1492 575 3588 5117 3739 3568 1473
¢ sou kai ide
ofqalmoiV ¢ apo¢ tou topou
¢ ou nun su 1722 * 3588 4172 2532 3588 * 3588 1722
en ¢
Sauh th ¢
polei ¢
14:6 kai touV CorraiouV touV en
your eyes, and behold from the place which [3now 1you
in Shaveh the city, and the Horites, the ones in
1510.2.2 4314 1005 2532 3047 2532 395 2532 2281
ei ¢ kai liba
proV borran ¢ ¢ kai qalassan
kai anatolhn ¢ 3588 3735 * 2193 3588 5059.2 3588 *
toiV oresi Seir ¢
ewV ¢
thV terebinqou ¢
thV Faram
2are], to the north and south, and east, and west!
the mountains of Seir, unto the terebinth tree of El-paran,
14:7 G E N E S I S 17
3739 1510.2.3 1722 3588 2048 2532 390 1510.2.3 1722 710 * 2532 654
h estin en th ¢
erhmw 14:7 kai ¢
anastreyanteV estin en ¢ Damaskou¢
aristera 14:16 kai ¢
which is in the wilderness. And returning, is at the left of Damascus. And he returned
2064 1909 3588 4077 3588 2920 3778 1510.2.3 * 3956 3588 2462 * 2532 * 3588 80-1473
hlqon epi¢ thn phghn
¢ thV krisewV
¢ ¢
auth esti¢ ¢
KadhV ¢
pasan ¢
thn ippon ¢
Sodomwn kai Lwt ton ¢ autou¢
they came upon the Spring of Judgment, this is Kadesh. all the cavalry of Sodom; and [2Lot 3the son 4of his brother
2532 2629 3956 3588 758 * 2532 654 2532 3956 3588 5224-1473 2532 3588 1135
kai ¢
katekoyan ¢
pantaV ¢
touV arcontaV ¢
Amalhk kai ¢
apestreye ¢
kai panta ¢
ta uparconta autou¢ kai taV gunaikaV
And they cut in pieces all the rulers of Amalek, and 1he returned], and all his possessions, and the women,
3588 * 3588 2730 1722 * 2532 3588 2992 1831 1161 935 *
touV AmorraiouV touV ¢
katoikountaV en ¢
Asasonqamar ¢
kai ton laon ¢
14:17 exhlqe de ¢ Sodomwn
basileuV ¢
the Amorites, of the ones dwelling in Hazezon-tamar. and the people. [4came forth 1And 2the king 3of Sodom]
1831-1161 935 * 2532 935 1519 4877 1473 3326 3588 654-1473 575 3588
14:8 ¢
exhlqe de ¢
basileuV ¢
Sodomwn kai ¢
basileuV ¢
eiV sunanthsin ¢ meta
autw ¢ to ¢
apostreyai auton apo¢ thV
And came forth the king of Sodom, and the king to meet him, after his returning from the
* 2532 935 * 2532 935 * 2871 3588 * 2532 3588 935 3588 3326
GomorraV ¢ Adama
kai basileuV ¢ ¢ Sebweim
kai basileuV ¢ ¢
kophV ¢
tou Codollogomor ¢
kai twn basilewn twn met'
of Gomorrah, and the king of Admah, and the king of Zeboiim, slaughter of Chedorlaomer, and the kings with
2532 935 * 3778 1510.2.3 * 2532 3904.4 1473 1519 3588 2835.1 3588 * 3778 1510.7.3 3588 3977.1
¢ Balak
kai basileuV ¢ ¢
auth esti¢ ¢ kai paretaxanto
Shgwr ¢ autou¢ eiV thn koilada
¢ ¢
thn Sauh ¢
touto hn to ¢
and the king of Bela – this is Zoar. And they deployed him, into the valley of Shaveh – this was the plain
1473 1519 4171 1722 3588 2835.1 3588 252 4314 935
autoiV ¢
eiV polemon ¢ th alukh
en th koiladi ¢ 14:9 proV ¢
themselves for war in the [2valley 1salty] against of the king.
* 935 * 2532 * 935 1484
¢ basilea
Codollogomor ¢ Ailam
¢ ¢ basilea
kai Qargal ¢ eqnwn
¢ Melchisedek King of Salem
Chedorlaomer king of Elam, and Tidal king of nations, 2532 * 935 * 1627
2532 * 935 * 2532 * 935 * 14:18 kai ¢ basileuV
Melcisedek ¢ Salhm
¢ ¢
¢ basilea
kai Amarfal ¢ Sennaar
¢ kai Ariwc
¢ basilea
¢ Elaswr
¢ And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth
and Amraphel king of Shinar, and Arioch king of Ellasar – 740 2532 3631 1510.7.3-1161 2409 3588 2316 3588 5310
3588 5064 935 4314 3588 4002 3588-1161 ¢
artouV ¢
kai oinon hn de ¢ tou qeou¢
iereuV ¢
tou uyistou
oi ¢
tessareV ¢ proV
basileiV ¢
touV pente 14:10 h de bread loaves and wine. And he was priest of God the highest.
the four kings against the five. And the 2532 2127 1473 2532 2036 2127-*
2835.1 3588 252 5421 805.2 5343 1161 935 14:19 kai ¢
euloghse auton kai ¢
eipen ¢
euloghmenoV ¢Abram
¢ h
koilaV ¢ freata
alukh ¢ ¢
asfaltou ¢
efuge de ¢
basileuV And he blessed him. And he said, Abram, a blessing
[2valley 1salty] had wells of asphalt, [4fled 1and 2the king 3588 2316 3588 5310 3739 2936 3588 3772 2532 3588 1093
* 2532 935 * 2532 1706 1563 ¢
tw qew ¢
tw uyistw oV ¢
ektise ¢ kai thn ghn
ton ouranon
Sodomwn ¢ GomorraV
kai basileuV ¢ ¢
kai enepeson ekei¢ to God the highest, who created the heaven and the earth.
3of Sodom], and the king of Gomorrah, and they fell in there; 2532 2128 3588 2316 3588 5310 3739 3860
3588-1161 2641 5343 1519 3588 3714 14:20 kai ¢ o
euloghtoV ¢ o
qeoV ¢
uyistoV oV ¢
oi de ¢
kataleifqenteV ¢
efugon ¢
eiV thn oreinhn And blessed be God the highest who delivered up
and the ones being left behind fled into the mountainous area. 3588 2190-1473 5297.1 1473 2532 1325 1473
2983-1161 3588 2462 3956 3588 * 2532 ¢ sou upoceiriouV
touV ecqrouV ¢ soi ¢
kai edwken ¢
14:11 elabon de thn ¢
ippon ¢
pasan ¢
thn Sodomwn kai your enemies under your hands to you. And [2gave 3to him
And they took [2the 3cavalry 1all] of Sodom and * 1181 575 3956 2036-1161 935
* 2532 3956 3588 1033-1473 2532 565 ¢Abram ¢
dekathn apo¢ ¢
pantwn ¢ de
14:21 eipe ¢
GomorraV ¢
kai panta ¢
ta brwmata ¢ kai aphlqon
autwn ¢ 1Abram] a tenth from all. And said the king
Gomorrah, and all their foods, and they went forth. * 4314 * 1325 1473 3588 435 3588-1161 2462
2983-1161 2532 3588 * 3588 5207 3588 80 ¢
Sodomwn proV ¢Abram doV moi ¢
touV andraV thn de ¢
14:12 elabon de ¢ tou
kai ton Lwt ton uion adelfou¢ of Sodom to Abram, Give to me the men, but the cavalry
And they took also Lot, the son of the brother 2983 4572 2036 1161 * 4314 3588
* 2532 3588 643.1-1473 2532 599.5 1510.7.3-1063 ¢
labe ¢
seautw ¢
14:22 eipe de ¢Abram proV ton
¢Abram ¢ autou¢ kai apwconto
kai thn aposkeuhn ¢ hn gar you take to yourself! [3said 1And 2Abram] to the
of Abram, and his belongings, and moved – for he was 935 * 1614 3588 5495-1473 4314 2962
2730 1722 * 3854 1161 3588 ¢ Sodomwn
basilea ¢ ¢
ektenw ¢ a
thn ceir ¢ mou proV kurion
katoikwn en ¢
SodomoiV ¢
14:13 paragenomenoV de twn king of Sodom, I will stretch out my hand to the lord
dwelling in Sodom. [5coming 1And 3of the 3588 2316 3588 5310 3739 2936 3588 3772 2532 3588 1093
391.2 5100 518 * ton qeon ¢
¢ ton uyiston oV ¢
ektise ¢ kai thn ghn
ton ouranon
anaswqentwn tiV ¢
aphggeilen ¢Abram God the highest, who created the heaven and the earth,
4ones being rescued 2a certain person], reported to Abram, 1487 575 4683.1 2193 4968.1 5266
3588 4009.2 1473-1161 2730 4314 3588 1409.2 3588 * 14:23 ei apo¢ ¢
spartiou ¢
ewV ¢
sfurwthroV ¢
tw ¢
perath ¢ de katwkei
autoV ¢ proV th dru+ th ¢
Mambrh that not [2from 3the string 4unto 5the knob 6of the shoe
to the traveler. And he dwelt at the oak of Mamre 2983 575 3956 3588 4674 2443
* 3588 80 * 2532 3588 80 * ¢
lhyomai apo¢ ¢
pantwn twn swn ¢
Amorraiou tou adelfou¢ Escwl
¢ kai tou adelfou¢ Eunan
1will I take for myself] from all of your things, that
the Amorite of the brother of Eshcol, and the brother of Aner,
3361-2036 3754 1473 4148 3588 *
3739 1510.7.6 4945.1 3588 * 191 1161 ¢
mh eiphV ¢
oti ¢
egw ¢
eploutisa ton ¢Abram
oi ¢
hsan ¢
sunwmotai tou ¢Abram ¢
14:14 akousaV de
who were confederates of Abram. [3having heard 1And you should not have said that, I enriched Abram;
4133 3739 2068 3588 3495 2532 3588 3310
* 3754 162 * 3588 80-1473 14:24 plhn wn ¢
efagon oi ¢
neaniskoi ¢
kai thn meridoV
¢Abram ¢
oti ¢
hcmalwteutai Lwt o ¢ autou¢
2Abram] that [4has been captured 1Lot 2the son 3of his brother], except what [3ate 1the 2young men] and the portion
3588 435 3588 4848 3326 1473 *
705 3588 2398 3615.3 1473 5145 twn ¢ twn
andrwn ¢
sumporeuqentwn met' emou¢ Escwl
hriqmhse ¢
touV idiouV ¢
oikogeneiV autou¢ triakosiouV
counted out [2own 3native-born servants 1his], three hundred of the men, of the ones going with me, Eshcol,
* * 3778 2983 3310
1176 2532 3638 2532 2193 * 2532 1968 ¢ Mambrh
Aner ¢ outoi
¢ ¢
lhyontai ¢
deka ¢ kai katediwxen
kai oktw ¢ ¢
ewV Dan ¢
14:15 kai epepesen
ten and eight. And he pursued unto Dan. And he fell Aner, Mamre; these will take for themselves a portion.
1909 1473 3588 3571 1473 2532 3588 3816-1473 2532
ep' ¢ thn nukta
autouV ¢ ¢ kai oi
autoV ¢
paideV autou¢ kai
upon them at night, he and his manservants. And
3960 1473 2532 2614 1473 2193 * 3739
epataxen ¢ kai katediwxen
autouV ¢ ¢ ewV
autouV ¢ ¢
Cobal h
he struck them, and pursued them unto Hobah, which
18 G E N E S I S 15:1
1473 496.3 240 3588-1161 3732 3756
auta ¢
antiproswpa ¢
allhloiV ta de ¢
ornea ou
them facing one another; but the birds he did not
1244 2597 1161 3732 1909 3588 4983 3588
God Promises Offspring ¢
dieile ¢
15:11 katebh de ¢
ornea epi¢ ¢
ta swmata ta
3326-1161 3588 4487-3778 1096 4487 divide. [3came down 1And 2birds] upon the [3bodies
15:1 meta de ta ¢
rhmata ¢
tauta ¢
egenhqh ¢
rhma 1371.1 1473 2532 4776 1473 *
And after these words came the word ¢
dicotomhmata ¢
autwn ¢
kai sunekaqisen ¢
autoiV ¢Abram
2962 4314 * 1722 3705 3004 3361 5399 1pieces 2of their], and [2sat down 3with them 1Abram].
kuriou proV ¢Abram en ¢
oramati ¢
legwn mh fobou¢
of the lord to Abram in a vision, saying, Do not fear 4012-1161 2246 1424 1611
15:12 peri¢ de ¢
hliou ¢
dusmaV ¢
* 1473 5231.3 1473 3588 3408-1473 4183 1510.8.3 And about [2of the sun 1the descent] a change of state
¢Abram egw
¢ uperaspizw
¢ sou o ¢ sou poluV
misqoV ¢ ¢
Abram, I will shield you. Your wage [3much 1will be 1968 3588 * 2532 2400 5401 4652 3173
epepese tw ¢Abram kai idou¢ ¢
foboV† ¢ megaV
skoteinoV ¢
4970 3004 1161 * 1203 2962 5100 fell upon Abram. And behold, [3fear 2dark 1a great]
sfodra ¢
15:2 legei de ¢Abram ¢
despota kurie† ti
2exceedingly]. [3says 1And 2Abram], Master, O lord, what 1968 1473 2532 2046 4314 * 1097
epipiptei ¢
autw ¢
15:13 kai erreqh proV ¢Abram ginwskwn
1473-1325 1473-1161 630 815 3588-1161 5207 fell upon him. And it was said to Abram, In knowing
moi dwseiV ¢ de apoluomai
egw ¢ ¢
ateknoV o de ¢
will you give to me, for I am wasting away childless, but the son 1097 3754 3941 1510.8.3 3588 4690-1473
gnwsh ¢
oti ¢
paroikon ¢
estai to ¢
sperma sou
* 3588 3615.3-1473 3778 * you will know that [3a sojourner 2will be 1your seed]
Masek ¢ mou
thV oikogenouV ¢
outoV ¢
of Masek of my native-born maid servant, this Damascus 1722 1093 3756 2398 2532 1402 1473 2532
en gh ¢
ouk idia ¢
kai doulwsousin ¢ kai
* 2532 2036-* 1894 1473 3756-1325 in a land not their own, and they will enslave them, and
Eliezer ¢
15:3 kai eipen ¢Abram epeidh
¢ emoi¢ ouk edwkaV
Eliezer is heir? And Abram said, Since to me you gave not 2559 1473 2532 5013 1473 5071
kakwsousin ¢ kai tapeinwsousin
autouV ¢ ¢ tetrakosia
autouV ¢
4690 3588 1161 3615.3-1473 2816 will afflict them, and humble them four hundred
sperma† o de ¢ mou
oikogenhV ¢
a seed, then my native-born servant will be heir 2094 3588-1161 1484 3739 302 1398
eth 15:14 to de ¢
eqnoV w an ¢
1473 2532 2117.1 5456 2962 1096 4314 years. But the nation which ever they may be slave to,
me 15:4 kai ¢
euquV ¢
fwnh ¢
kuriou† ¢
egeneto proV
to me. And straightly the voice of the lord came to 2919-1473 3326-1161 3778 1831 5602
¢ egw
krinw ¢ ¢ de
meta ¢
tauta ¢
exeleusontai ¢
1473 3004 3756 2816 1473 3778 I will judge. And after these things they shall come forth here
¢ legousa
auton ¢ ou ¢
klhronomhsei se ¢
him, saying, [2will not 3be heir 4to you 1This one], 3326 643.1 4183 1473-1161 565 4314
¢ aposkeuhV
meta ¢ ¢
pollhV 15:15 su de ¢
apeleush proV
243 1831 1537 1473 3778 2816 1473 with [2belongings 1much]. But you shall go forth to
alloV ¢
exeleusetai ek ¢
sou outoV ¢
klhronomhsei se
another will come forth from you, this one will be heir to you. 3588 3962-1473 3326 1515 2290 1722 1094
touV pateraV ¢
sou met' eirhnhV ¢
tafeiV† en ¢
1806-1161 1473 1854 2532 2036 1473 308 1211 your fathers with peace, being entombed in [2old age
15:5 exhgage de auton ¢
¢ exw ¢
kai eipen ¢ anableyon
autw ¢ dh
And he led him outside, and said to him, Look up indeed 2570 5067-1161 1074 654
kalw ¢
15:16 tetarth de ¢
genea ¢
1519 3588 3772 2532 705 3588 792 1487 1410 1a good]. And the fourth generation shall return
¢ kai ariqmhson
eiV ton ouranon ¢ ¢
touV asteraV ei ¢
into the heaven, and count out the stars, if you are able 5602 3768-1063 378 3588 266 3588
wde ¢
oupw gar ¢
anapeplhrwntai ai ¢
amartiai twn
1821.2 1473 2532 2036 3779 1510.8.3 3588 4690-1473 here, for not yet have [5been filled up 1the 2sins 3of the
exariqmhsai ¢ kai eipen
autouV ¢ ¢
outwV ¢
estai ¢
to sperma sou
to count them! And he said, Thus will be your seed. * 2193 3588 3568 1893-1161 3588 2246 1096
Amorraiwn ¢
ewV tou nun 15:17 epei¢ de o ¢
hlioV ¢
2532 4100-* 3588 2316 2532 3049 4Amorites] unto the present. And when the sun was
15:6 kai ¢
episteusen ¢Abram tw ¢
qew ¢
kai elogisqh
And Abram trusted† in God, and it was imputed 4314 1424 5395 1096 2532 2400 2823
proV dusmaV flox ¢
egeneto kai idou¢ ¢
1473 1519 1343 2036-1161 4314 1473 1473 3588 in descent, a flame came, and behold, there was an oven
¢ eiV dikaiosunhn
autw ¢ ¢ de
15:7 eipe ¢ egw
proV auton ¢ o
2585.2 2532 2985 4442 3739 1330
to him for righteousness. And he said to him, I am the ¢
kapnizomenoV ¢
kai lampadeV ¢ ai
puroV ¢
2316 3588 1806 1473 1537 5561 * 5620 smoking; and there were lamps of fire which went through
¢ o
qeoV ¢ se ek
exagagwn ¢
cwraV ¢
Caldaiwn ¢
303.1 3588 1371.1-3778 1722 3588
God leading you from out of the place of the Chaldeans, so as ¢
anameson twn ¢
dicotomhmatwn ¢
toutwn 15:18 en th
1325 1473 3588 1093-3778 2816 2036-1161 in the midst of these pieces. In
¢ i¢ soi
douna ¢
thn ghn tauthn ¢
klhronomhsai ¢ de
15:8 eipe
2250-1565 1303-2962 1242 3588 *
to give to you this land to inherit. And he said, ¢ ekeinh
hmera ¢ ¢
dieqeto ¢
kurioV ¢
diaqhkhn tw ¢Abram
1203 2962 2596-5100 1097 3754 2816 1473 that day the lord ordained a covenant with Abram,
despota ¢
kurie† ¢ ti gnwsomai
kata ¢ ¢
oti klhronomhsw ¢ ¢
3004 3588 4690-1473 1325 3588 1093-3778 575 3588
Master, O lord, how will I know that I will inherit it? ¢
legwn ¢
tw spermati¢ sou dwsw
¢ ¢
thn ghn tauthn apo¢ tou
2036-1161 1473 2983 1473 1151 5148.1 saying, To your seed I will give this land, from the
¢ de
15:9 eipe ¢ labe
autw ¢ moi ¢
damalin ¢
4215 * 2193 3588 4215 3588 3173 *
And he said to him, Take for me a heifer being three years old, potamou¢ Aiguptou
¢ ¢
ewV tou potamou¢ tou ¢
megalou ¢
2532 137.1 5148.1 2532 2919.1 5148.1 river of Egypt unto the river of the great Euphrates,
kai aiga ¢
trietizousan ¢ trietizonta
kai krion ¢
3588 * 2532 3588 * 2532 3588 *
and a goat being three years old, and a ram being three years old, ¢
15:19 touV KenaiouV ¢
kai touV KenezaiouV ¢
kai touV KedmwnaiouV
2532 5167 2532 4058 2983-1161 1473 the Kenites, and the Kennizzites, and the Kadmonites,
kai trugona ¢
kai peristeran ¢
15:10 elabe de ¢
autw 2532 3588 * 2532 3588 * 2532 3588 *
and a turtle-dove, and a pigeon! And he took to himself ¢
15:20 kai touV CettaiouV ¢
kai touV FerezaiouV ¢
kai touV Rafaeim
3956 3778 2532 1244 1473 3319 2532 5087 and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Raphaim,
panta ¢
tauta ¢
kai dieilen ¢ mesa
auta ¢ ¢
kai eqhken 2532 3588 * 2532 3588 * 2532 3588
all these, and he divided them in the middle, and put ¢
15:21 kai touV AmwrraiouV ¢
kai touV CananaiouV kai touV
and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the
* 2532 3588 *
15:2 †CP omits. ¢
GergesaiouV ¢
kai touV IebousaiouV
Girgashites, and the Jebusites.
15:3 †CP teknon – child.
15:4 †CP qeou – God.
15:12 †CP gnofoV – dimness.
15:6 †or believed.
15:15 †See Bos for variants.
15:8 †CP adds qee – God.
16:1 G E N E S I S 19
3588 2959-1473 2532 5013 5259 3588 5495-1473
CHAPTER 16 ¢ sou kai tapeinwqhti
thn kurian ¢ upo¢ ¢
taV ceiraV ¢
your lady, and be humble under her hands!
2532 2036 1473 3588 32 2962 4129
Sarai and Hagar ¢
16:10 kai eipen ¢
auth o ¢
aggeloV ¢
kuriou ¢
*-1161 3588 1135 * 3756-5088 1473 And [4said 5to her 1the 2angel 3of the lord], In multiplying
16:1 Sara de h ¢ ¢Abram
gunh ¢
ouk 'etikten autw 4129 3588 4690-1473 2532 3756 705
And Sarai, the wife of Abram, bore not to him. ¢
plhqunw to ¢
sperma sou kai ouk ¢
1510.7.3-1161 1473 3814 * 3739 3686 I will multiply your seed, and it shall not be counted
hn de ¢
auth ¢
paidiskh ¢
Aiguptia h ¢
575 3588 4128
But there was to her a maidservant, an Egyptian, whose name apo¢ ¢
tou plhqouV
* 2036 1161 * 4314 * 2400 because of the multitude.
¢Agar ¢
16:2 eipe de ¢
Sara proV ¢Abram idou¢
was Hagar. [3said 1And 2Sarai] to Abram, Behold,
4788-1473 2962 3588 3361 5088 1525 3767 Birth of Ishmael
sunekleis e¢ me kurioV
¢ tou mh ¢
tiktein ¢
eiselqe oun 2532 2036 1473 3588 32 2962 2400
[2closed me up 1the lord] to not bear. Enter then ¢
16:11 kai eipen ¢
auth o ¢
aggeloV ¢
kuriou idou¢
4314 3588 3814-1473 2443 5043.1 1537 And [4said 5to her 1the 2angel 3of the lord], Behold,
proV thn paidiskhn mou ¢
ina ¢
teknopoihswmai ex 1473 1722 1064 2192 2532 5088 5207 2532
to my maidservant, that I may produce children from su en gastri¢ ¢
eceiV ¢
kai texh ¢
uion kai
1473 5219 1161 * 3588 5456 * 2532 you [2in 3the womb 1have a child], and you shall bear a son, and
¢ uphkouse
authV ¢ de ¢ SaraV
¢Abram thV fwnhV ¢ 16:3 kai 2564 3588 3686-1473 * 3754 1873-2962 3588
her! [3obeyed 1And 2Abram] the voice of Sarai. And ¢
kaleseiV ¢
to onoma autou¢ Ismahl ¢
¢ oti ¢
ephkouse ¢
kurioV th
2983 3588 1135 * * 3588 * 3588 you shall call his name, Ishmael, for the lord heeded
labousa h ¢ ¢Abram
gunh ¢Agar thn Aiguptian
¢ thn 5014-1473 3778 1510.8.3 67.1 444 3588
[4having taken 1the 2wife 3of Abram] Hagar the Egyptian ¢
tapeinwsei sou ¢
16:12 outoV ¢
estai ¢
agroikoV ¢
anqrwpoV ai
1438 3814 3326 1176 2094 3588 3611 * your humiliation. This one will be a rugged man;
¢ paidiskhn
eauthV ¢ ¢ deka
meta ¢ ¢
eth ¢
tou oikhsai ¢Abram 5495-1473 1909 3956 2532 3588 5495 3956 1909
her maidservant, after ten years of living with Abram ¢
ceireV autou¢ epi¢ ¢
pantaV kai ai ¢
ceireV ¢
pantwn ep'
1722 1093 * 2532 1325 1473 3588 * his hands will be upon all, and the hands of all upon
en gh ¢
Canaan kai ¢
edwken ¢
authn tw ¢Abram 1473 2532 2596 4383 3956 3588 80-1473
in the land of Canaan, and she gave her to Abram ¢ kai
auton ¢
kata ¢
proswpon ¢
pantwn ¢ autou¢
twn adelfwn
435-1473 1473 1135 2532 1525 4314 * 2532 him. And [2before 3the face 4of all 5his brothers
andri¢ authV
¢ autw
¢ gunaika
¢ ¢
16:4 kai eishlqe proV ¢Agar kai 2730 2532 2564-* 3686 2962 3588
her husband to him for wife. And he entered to Hagar, and ¢
katoikhsei ¢
16:13 kai ekalese ¢
onoma ¢
kuriou tou
4815 2532 1492 3754 1722 1064 2192 1he will dwell]. And she called the name of the lord, the one
sunelabe ¢
kai eiden ¢
oti en gastri¢ ¢
ecei 2980 4314 1473 1473 3588 2316 3588 1896
she conceived. And she saw that [2in 3the womb 1she had a child], ¢
lalountoV ¢ su†
proV authn o ¢
qeoV o ¢
2532 818 3588 2959 1726 1473 2036 speaking to her, You, the God, the one looking upon
kai htimasqh h ¢ enantion
kuria ¢ ¢
authV ¢
16:5 eipe 1473 3754 2036 2532-1063 1799.1 1492 3708
and [3was dishonored 1the 2lady] before her. [3said ¢
me oti ¢
eipe ¢
kai gar enwpion ¢
eidon ¢
1161 * 4314 * 91 1537 1473 me; for she said, For even face to face I beheld the one appearing
de ¢
Sara ¢
proV ¢Abram adikoumai ek sou 1473 1752 3778 2564 3588 5421 5421
1And 2Sarai] to Abram, I am being wronged because of you. moi ¢
16:14 eneke ¢
toutou ¢
ekalese to ¢
frear ¢
1473 1325 3588 3814-1473 1519 3588 2859-1473 1492-1161 to me. Because of this she called the well, Well
¢ dedwka
egw ¢ ¢
thn paidiskhn ¢
mou eiV ton kolpon ¢
sou idousa de 3739 1799 1492 2400 303.1 * 2532
I gave my maidservant to your bosom. And seeing ou ¢
enwpion ¢
eidon idou¢ ¢
anameson ¢
KadhV kai
3754 1722 1064 2192 818 1726 of which [2Face to Face 1I Beheld]. Behold, it is between Kadesh and
oti en gastri¢ ¢
ecei ¢
htimasqhn ¢
enantion 303.1 * 2532 5088-* 3588 * 5207
that [2a child in 3the womb 1she had] I was dishonored before ¢
anameson ¢
Bered ¢
16:15 kai eteken ¢Agar tw ¢Abram ¢
1473 2919-3588-2316 303.1 1473 2532 1473 2036 between Bared. And Hagar bore to Abram a son.
¢ krinai
authV ¢ ¢
o qeoV ¢
anameson emou¢ kai sou ¢
16:6 eipe 2532 2564-* 3588 3686 3588 5207-1473 3739 5088
her. May God judge between me and you. [3said ¢
kai ekalesen Abram to ¢
onoma tou uiou¢ autou¢ on ¢
1161 * 4314 * 2400 3588 3814-1473 And Abram called the name of his son, whom [2bore
de ¢Abram ¢
proV Saran idou¢ h ¢
paidiskh sou 1473 * * *-1161 1510.7.3 2094
1And 2Abram] to Sarai, Behold, your maidservant ¢
autw ¢Agar ¢
Ismahl 16:16 ¢Abram de hn ¢
1722 3588 5495-1473 5530 1473 5613-302 1473-701 3to him 1Hagar], Ishmael. And Abram was [2years old
en taiV cersi¢ sou ¢
crw ¢ wV an
auth ¢
soi areston 3589.1 2259 5088-* 3588 * 3588 *
is in your hands, treat her however [2pleasing to you ¢ hnika
ogdohkontaex ¢
¢ eteken ¢Agar tw ¢Abram ton Ismahl
1510.3 2532 2559 1473 * 2532 590.2 1eighty-six] when Hagar bore to Abram, Ishmael.
h kai ¢
ekakwsen ¢ Sara
authn ¢ ¢
kai apedra
1might be]. And [2maltreated 3her 1Sarai], and she ran away CHAPTER 17
575 4383-1473 2147 1161 1473 32
apo¢ ¢
proswpou ¢
authV ¢
16:7 eure de ¢ aggeloV
authn ¢
from her face. [4found 1And 5her 2the angel Covenant and Circumcision
2962 1909 3588 4077 3588 5204 1722 3588 2048 1096 1161 * 2094 1768
kuriou epi¢ thV phghV ¢
¢ tou udatoV en th ¢
erhmw ¢
17:1 egeneto de ¢Abram etwn
¢ ¢
3of the lord] upon the spring of water in the wilderness, [3was 1And 2Abram 5years old 4ninety-nine],
1909 3588 1093 1722 3588 3598 * 2532 2036 1473 3588 2532 3708-2962 3588 * 2532 2036 1473 1473
epi¢ thV ghV en ¢ Sour
th odw ¢
16:8 kai eipen ¢
auth o ¢
kai wfqh ¢
kurioV tw ¢Abram ¢
kai eipen ¢
autw ¢
upon the land in the way of Shur. And [4said 5to her 1the and the lord appeared to Abram, and he said to him, I
32 2962 * 3814 * 4159 1510.2.1 3588 2316-1473 2100 1799 1473 2532
aggeloV ¢
kuriou ¢Agar paidiskh
¢ ¢
SaraV ¢
poqen eimi o ¢ sou
qeoV ¢
euarestei ¢ on
enwpi ¢ mou kai
2angel 3of the lord], Hagar, maidservant of Sarai, from what place am your God, you are well-pleasing before me – then
2064 2532 4226 4198 2532 2036 575 4383 1096 273 2532 5087 3588 1242-1473
erch kai pou ¢
poreuh ¢
kai eipen apo¢ ¢
proswpou ¢
ginou ¢
amemptoV 17:2 kai ¢
qhsomai ¢
thn diaqhkhn mou
do you come, and where do you go? And she said, [3from 4the face be blameless! And I will establish my covenant
* 3588 2959-1473 1473 590.2 2036 303.1 1473 2532 303.1 1473 2532 4129 1473
SaraV ¢ mou egw
thV kuriaV ¢ apodidraskw
¢ ¢
16:9 eipe ¢
anameson emou¢ kai anameson
¢ ¢
sou kai plhqunw se
5of Sarai 6my lady 1I 2am running away]. [5said between me and between you, and I will multiply you
1161 1473 3588 32 2962 654 4314
de ¢
auth ¢
aggeloV o ¢
kuriou ¢
apostrafhqi proV
1And 6to her 2the 3angel 4of the lord], You return to 16:13 †CP adds ei – are.
20 G E N E S I S 17:3
4970 2532 4098-* 1909 4383-1473 4059 3588 3615.3 3588 3614-1473
sfodra 17:3 kai ¢
epesen Abram epi¢ ¢
proswpon autou¢ ¢
peritmhqhsetai o ¢
oikogenhV ¢ sou
thV oikiaV
exceedingly. And Abram fell upon his face. he shall be circumcised – the native-born servant of your house,
2532 2980 1473 3588 2316 3004 2532 2400 3588 2532 3588 696.1 2532 1510.8.3 3588 1242-1473
kai elalhsen ¢
autw o ¢
qeoV ¢
legwn 17:4 kai idou¢ h kai o ¢
argurwnhtoV ¢
kai estai h ¢
diaqhkh mou
And [2spoke 3to him 1God], saying, And behold, and the one bought with silver. And [2will be 1my covenant]
1242-1473 3326 1473 2532 1510.8.2 3962 4128 1909 3588 4561-1473 1519 1242 166 2532
diaqhkh ¢
mou meta ¢
sou kai esh ¢ plhqouV
pathr ¢ epi¢ ¢ umwn
thV sarkoV ¢ eiV diaqhkhn
¢ ¢
aiwnion 17:14 kai
my covenant is with you, and you will be father of a multitude upon your flesh for [2covenant 1an eternal]. And
1484 2532 3756 2564 2089 3588 564 730 3739 3756 4059
eqnwn 17:5 kai ou ¢
klhqhsetai ¢
eti to ¢
aperitmhtoV ¢
arsen oV ou ¢
of nations. And [2will not 3be called 4any longer the uncircumcised male who shall not be circumcised
3686-1473 * 235 1510.8.3 3588 3686-1473 * 3588 4561 3588 203-1473 1722 3588 2250 3588
onoma¢ sou ¢Abram all' estai
¢ to ¢
onoma¢ sou ¢
Abraam thn ¢
sarka ¢ autou¢ en
thV akrobustiaV th ¢
hmera th
1your name], Abram; but [2will be 1your name] Abraham, in the flesh of his foreskin in the [2day
3754 3962 4183 1484 5087 1473 2532 3590 1842 3588 5590-1565 1537 3588
oti ¢
patera ¢
pollwn ¢
eqnwn ¢
teqeika¢ se 17:6 kai ¢
ogdoh ¢
exoloqreuqhsetai h ¢ ekeinh
yuch ¢ ek tou
for [3father 4of many 5nations 1I have appointed 2you]. And 1eighth], [2shall be utterly destroyed 1that soul] from
837 1473 4970 4970 2532 5087 1473 1085-1473 3754 3588 1242-1473 1286.1 2532
auxanw ¢
se sfodra ¢
sfodra ¢
kai qhsw se ¢
genouV authV ¢
¢ oti ¢
thn diaqhkhn ¢
mou dieskedase 17:15 kai
I will increase you exceedingly exceedingly. And I will establish you its race, for my covenant he effaced. And
1519 1484 2532 935 1537 1473 1831 2532 2036-3588-2316 3588 * * 3588 1135-1473 3756
eiV eqnh ¢ ek
kai basileiV ¢
sou exeleusontai 17:7 kai ¢
eipen ¢ tw
o qeoV ¢
Abraam ¢
Sara h ¢ sou
gunh ou
for nations; and kings [2from 3you 1will come forth]. And God said to Abraham, Sarai your wife – [2shall not
2476 3588 1242-1473 303.1 1473 2534 303.1 2564 3588 3686-1473 * 235 * 1510.8.3 3588
sthsw ¢
thn diaqhkhn ¢
mou anameson emou¢ kai anameson
¢ ¢
klhqhsetai to ¢
onoma ¢ Sara
authV ¢ ¢ Sarra
alla ¢ ¢
estai to
I will establish my covenant between me and between 3be called 1her name] Sarai, but, Sarah will be
1473 2532 303.1 3588 4690-1473 3326 1473 1519 3588 3686-1473
sou† kai anameson ¢
tou spermat ¢ sou meta
oV ¢ se eiV taV ¢
onoma ¢
you, and between your seed after you, unto her name.
1074-1473 1519 1242 166 1510.1 1473 2316 2532
¢ autwn
geneaV ¢ ¢
eiV diaqhkhn ¢
aiwnion ¢ i¢ sou qeoV
eina ¢ kai The Promise of a Son
their generations, for [2covenant 1an eternal], to be your God, and 2127-1161 1473 2532 1325 1473 1537
3588 4690-1473 3326 1473 2532 1325 1473 2532 3588 17:16 ¢
euloghsw de ¢
authn kai ¢
dwsw soi ex
tou spermat ¢ sou meta
oV ¢ se ¢
17:8 kai dwsw soi kai tw And I will bless her, and give to you from
with your seed after you. And I will give to you and to 1473 5043 2532 2127 1473 2532 1510.8.3 1519 1484
4690-1473 3326 1473 3588 1093 3739 3939 3956 3588 ¢ teknon
authV ¢ ¢
kai euloghsw ¢
auto¢ kai estai ¢
eiV eqnh
spermati¢ sou meta
¢ se thn ghn hn ¢
paroikeiV ¢
pasan thn her a child. And I will bless it, and it will be for nations;
your seed after you the land which you sojourn, all the 2532 935 1484 1537 1473 1510.8.6 2532
1093 * 1519 2697 166 2532 1510.8.1 ¢ eqnwn
kai basileiV ¢ ex autou¢ esontai
¢ 17:17 kai
ghn Canaan ¢
eiV katascesin ¢
aiwnion ¢
kai esomai and kings of nations [2from 3him 1will be]. And
land of Canaan for [2possession 1an eternal]. And I myself will be 4098-* 1909 4383-1473 2532 1070 2532 2036
1473 1519 2316 2532 2036-3588-2316 4314 * 1473 ¢
epesen ¢ epi¢ proswpon
Abraam ¢ autou¢ kai egelase
¢ ¢
kai eipen
¢ eiV qeon
autoiV ¢ ¢
17:9 kai eipen ¢ proV Abraam
o qeoV ¢ su Abraham fell upon his face and laughed. And he said
to them for God. And God said to Abraham, You 1722 3588 1271-1473 3004 1487 3588 1541
1161 3588 1242-1473 1301 2532 3588 4690-1473 en th ¢ autou¢ legwn
dianoia ¢ ei tw ekatontaetei¢
de ¢
thn diaqhkhn ¢
mou diathrhseiV kai tw ¢
sperma sou in his mind, saying, Shall to the hundred year old
also [2my covenant 1shall observe], and your seed 1096 5207 2532 1487 3588 * 1767.3 2094
3326 1473 1519 3588 1074-1473 2532 3778 3588 ¢
genhsetai ¢
uioV kai ei h ¢
Sarra ¢
ennenhkonta ¢
¢ se
meta eiV ¢ autwn
taV geneaV ¢ 17:10 kai ¢
auth h be a son? And shall Sarah at ninety years
after you for their generations. And this is the 5088 2036 1161 * 4314 3588 2316 *
1242 3739 1301 303.1 1473 2532 1473 2532 ¢
texetai ¢
17:18 eipe de ¢
Abraam ¢ Ismahl
proV ton qeon ¢
diaqhkh hn ¢
diathrhseiV ¢
anameson emou¢ kai umwn
¢ kai bear? [3said 1And 2Abraham] to God, Ishmael,
covenant which you shall observe between me and you, and 3778 2198 1726 1473 2036 1161 3588
303.1 3588 4690-1473 3326 1473 4059 ¢
outoV ¢
zhtw ¢
enantion sou ¢
17:19 eipe de o
anameson ¢
tou spermat ¢ sou meta
oV ¢ se ¢
peritmhqhsetai this one, let him live before you! [3said 1And
between your seed after you. [4shall be circumcised 2316 4314 * 3483 2400 * 3588 1135-1473
1473 3956 732.1 2532 4059 ¢
qeoV ¢
proV Abraam nai idou¢ ¢
Sarra h ¢ sou
umin pan ¢
arsenikon ¢
17:11 kai peritmhqhsesqe 2God] to Abraham, Yes, behold, Sarah your wife
3to you 1Every 2male]. And you shall be circumcised of 5088 1473 5207 2532 2564 3588 3686-1473
3588 4561 3588 203-1473 2532 1510.8.3 1510 4592 ¢
texetai¢ soi ¢
uion kai ¢
kaleseiV to ¢
onoma autou¢
thn sarka ¢ umwn
thV akrobustiaV ¢
¢ kai estai ¢
eiV shmeion will bear to you a son, and you shall call his name
the flesh of your foreskin. And it will be for a sign * 2532 2476 3588 1242-1473 4314 1473
1242 303.1 1473 2532 1473 2532 3813 ¢
Isaak kai ¢
sthsw thn ¢
diaqhkhn mou proV ¢
diaqhkhV ¢
anameson emou¢ kai umwn
¢ ¢
17:12 kai paidion Isaac; and I will establish my covenant with him,
of covenant between me and you. And a male child 1519 1242 166 2532 3588 4690-1473 3326
3638 2250 4059 1473 3956 732.1 1519 eiV ¢
diaqhkhn ¢
aiwnion kai tw ¢
spermati autou¢ met'
¢ hmerwn
oktw ¢ peritmhqhsetai
¢ ¢
umin pan ¢ eiV
arsenikon for [2covenant 1an eternal], and to his seed after
eight days old shall be circumcised by you – every male into 1473 4012-1161 * 2400 1873 1473
3588 1074-1473 3588 3615.3 3588 3614-1473 ¢
auton 17:20 peri¢ de ¢
Ismahl idou¢ ¢
ephkousa¢ sou
¢ umwn
taV geneaV ¢ o ¢
oikogenhV ¢ sou
thV oikiaV him. And concerning Ishmael, behold, I heeded you.
your generations; the native-born servant of your house, 2532 2400 2127 1473 2532 837 1473 2532
2532 3588 696.1 575 3956 5207 245 kai idou¢ ¢
euloghsw ¢ kai auxanw
auton ¢ ¢ kai
kai o ¢
argurwnhtoV apo¢ ¢ uiou
pantoV ¢ allotriou
¢ And behold, I shall bless him, and I will increase him, and
and the one bought with silver, from every son of an alien 4129 1473 4970 1427 1484 1080
3739 3756-1510.2.3 1537 3588 4690-1473 4061 ¢
plhqunw ¢ sfodra
auton ¢ ¢
dwdeka ¢
eqnh ¢
oV ¢
ouk estin ek ¢
tou spermat ¢ sou
oV ¢
17:13 peritomh I will multiply him exceedingly. Twelve nations he will procreate,
who is not from your seed. By circumcision 2532 1325 1473 1519 1484 3173 3588 1161
kai dwsw auton ¢
¢ eiV eqnoV ¢
mega 17:21 thn de
and I will make him for [2nation 1a great]. But
17:7 †See Bos for variants. 1242-1473 2476 4314 * 3739 5088
diaqhkhn ¢
mou sthsw ¢
proV Isaak on ¢
texeta i¢
my covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom [2shall bear
17:22 G E N E S I S 21
1473 * 1519 3588 2540-3778 1722 3588 1763 3588 2983 740 2532 2068 2532 3326 3778 3928
soi ¢
Sarra ¢ touton
eiV ton kairon ¢ en tw ¢ tw
eniautw ¢
lhyomai ¢
arton ¢
kai fagesqe ¢ touto
kai meta ¢ pareleusesqe
3to you 1Sarah] at this time in [2year I will bring bread, and you shall eat, and after this you shall go
2087 4931-1161 2980 4314 1473 2532 1519 3588 3598-1473 3739-1752 1578 4314 3588
eterw ¢
17:22 sunetelese de ¢
lalwn ¢ kai
proV auton ¢ umwn
eiV thn odon ¢ ¢
ou eneken ¢
exeklinate proV ton
1another]. And he completed speaking to him. And in your journey, because of which you turned aside to
305-3588-2316 575 * 2532 2983-* 3816-1473 2532 2036 3779 4160 2531 2046
anebh ¢
o qeoV apo¢ ¢
Abraam 17:23 kai ¢
elaben ¢
Abraam ¢ umwn
paida ¢ kai eipan
¢ ¢
outw ¢
poihson ¢ eirhkaV
kaqwV ¢
God ascended from Abraham. And Abraham took your servant. And they said, Thus do as you have said!
* 3588 5207-1473 2532 3956 3588 3615.3-1473 2532 4692-* 1909 3588 4633 4314 * 2532
¢ ton uion
Ismahl ¢ autou¢ kai pantaV
¢ ¢ autou¢
touV oikogeneiV ¢
18:6 kai espeusen ¢ epi¢ thn skhnhn
Abraam ¢ proV Sarran
¢ kai
Ishmael, his son, and all his native-born servants, And Abraham hastened unto the tent to Sarah. And
2532 3956 3588 696.1 2532 3956 730 3588 2036 1473 4692 2532 5445.2 5140 3358 4585
kai pantaV touV ¢
argurwnhtouV kai pan ¢
arsen twn ¢
eipen ¢ speuson
auth ¢ ¢
kai furason ¢ metra
tria ¢ ¢
and all the ones bought with silver, and every male of the he said to her, Hasten and mix up three measures of fine flour,
435 3588 1722 3588 3624 * 2532 4059 3588 2532 4160 1470.1 2532 1519 3588 1016
¢ twn en
andrwn ¢
tw oikw ¢
Abraam ¢
kai perieteme taV ¢
kai poihson ¢
egkrufiaV ¢
18:7 kai eiV taV boaV
men in the house of Abraham. And he circumcised and make a cake baked in hot ashes! And [2to 3the 4oxen
203-1473 1722 3588 2540 3588 2250 1565 5143-* 2532 2983 527 3446.2 2532 2570
¢ autwn
akrobustiaV ¢ en tw ¢ thV
kairw ¢
hmeraV ¢
ekeinhV ¢
edramen ¢ kai elabe
Abraam ¢ ¢ moscarion
apalon ¢ kai ¢
their foreskins in [2time 3of the 4day 1that], 1Abraham ran], and he took a tender [3young calf 1and 2good],
2505 2980 1473 3588 2316 *-1161 2532 1325 3588 3816 2532 5035.1 3588 4160 1473
¢ elalhsen
kaqa ¢ ¢
autw o ¢
qeoV ¢ de
17:24 Abraam ¢
kai edwke tw paidi¢ ¢
kai etacune ¢
tou poihsai auto¢
as [2spoke 3to him 1God]. And Abraham and gave it to the servant; and he hastened to prepare it.
1768 1510.7.3 2094 2259 4059 3588 2983-1161 1016.2 2532 1051 2532 3588 3446.2 3739
ennenhkontaenn ¢ hn
ea ¢
etwn ¢
hnika ¢
perieteme thn ¢
18:8 elabe de ¢
bouturon ¢
kai gala kai to ¢
moscarion o
[2ninety-nine 1was] years old when he circumcised the And he took butter, and milk, and the young calf which
4561 3588 203-1473 *-1161 3588 4160 2532 3908 1473 2532 2068 1473-1161
sarka thV ¢ autou¢
akrobustiaV 17:25 ¢ de
Ismahl o ¢
epoihse ¢
kai pareqhken ¢
autoiV ¢
kai efagon ¢ de
flesh of his foreskin. And Ishmael he prepared, and placed it near to them, and they ate. And he
5207-1473 1510.7.3 2094 1183.1 2259 4059
¢ autou¢ hn
uioV ¢
etwn ¢
dekatriwn ¢
hnika ¢
perietemeto 3936 1473 5259 3588 1186 2036-1161 4314
pareisthkei ¢ upo¢
autoiV to ¢
dendron ¢ de
18:9 eipe proV
his son was [2years old 1thirteen] when he circumcised
stood beside them under the tree. And he said to
3588 4561 3588 203-1473 1722 3588 2540 3588 1473 4226 * 3588 1135-1473 3588 1161 611 2036
thn sarka ¢ autou¢ 17:26 en tw kairw
thV akrobustiaV ¢ thV ¢ pou
auton ¢
Sarra h ¢ sou o
gunh de ¢ eipen
apokriqeiV ¢
the flesh of his foreskin. In [2time 3of the him, Where is Sarah your wife? And answering he said,
2250 1565 4059-* 2532 * 3588 2400 1722 3588 4633 2036-1161 1879.1
hmeraV ¢
ekeinhV ¢
perietmhqh ¢
Abraam ¢
kai Ismahl o idou¢ en th ¢
skhnh ¢ de
18:10 eipe ¢
4day 1that] Abraham was circumcised, and Ishmael Behold, in the tent. And he said, Returning,
5207-1473 2532 3956 3588 435 3588 3624-1473 2532 2240 4314 1473 2596 3588 2540-3778 1519
¢ autou¢
uioV ¢
17:27 kai panteV oi ¢
andreV ¢
tou oikou autou¢ kai ¢
hxw proV se ¢
kata ton ¢ touton
kairon ¢ eiV
his son, and all the males of his house, and I will come to you according to this time to
3588 3615.3 2532 3588 696.1 1537 5610 2532 2192 5207 * 3588 1135-1473 *-1161
oi ¢
oikogeneiV kai oi ¢
argurwnhtoi ex ¢
wraV ¢
kai exei ¢
uion ¢
Sarra h ¢ sou
gunh ¢
Sarra de
the native-born servants, and the ones bought with silver from the hour; and [3will have 4a son 1Sarah 2your wife]. And Sarah
241 1484 191 4314 3588 2374 3588 4633 1510.6 3693 1473
¢ eqnwn
allogenwn ¢ ¢
hkouse ¢
proV thn quran thV ¢ ousa
skhnhV ¢ ¢
opisqen autou¢
foreign nations. heard by the door of the tent, being behind him.
*-1161 2532 * 4245 4260
CHAPTER 18 ¢ de
18:11 Abraam ¢
kai Sarra ¢
presbuteroi ¢
And Abraham and Sarah were older, advanced
2250 1587 1161 * 1096 3588 1134
The LORD Appears at Mamre ¢
hmerwn ¢
exelipe de ¢
Sarra ¢
ginesqai ta ¢
3708 1161 1473 3588 2316 4314 3588 1409.2 3588 of days, [3ceased 1and 2Sarah] to be in the feminine ways.
18:1 wfqh de ¢
autw o ¢
qeoV proV th dru+ th 1070 1161 * 1722 1438 3004 3768-3303
[3appeared 1And 4to him 2God] before the oak ¢
18:12 egelase de ¢
Sarra en ¢
eauth ¢
legousa ¢
oupw men
* 2521-1473 1909 3588 2374 3588 4633-1473 [3laughed 1And 2Sarah] in herself, saying, For not yet
Mambrh ¢
kaqhmenou autou¢ epi¢ thV quraV
¢ ¢ autou¢
thV skhnhV 1473-1096 2193 3588 3568 3588 1161 2962-1473
in Mamre, at his sitting near the door of his tent ¢
moi gegonen ¢
ewV tou nun o de ¢ oV
kuri ¢ mou
3314 308-1161 3588 3788-1473 has it happened to me until now, and my lord
meshmbriaV 18:2 ¢
anableyaV de toiV ¢ autou¢
ofqalmoiV 4245 2532 2036-2962 4314 * 5100
at midday. And lifting up his eyes ¢
presbuteroV 18:13 kai ¢ kurioV
eipe ¢ ¢
proV Abraam ti
1492 2532 2400 5140 435 2476 1883 1473 is older. And the lord said to Abraham, Why
eide kai idou¢ ¢
treiV andreV ¢
eisthkeisan ¢
epanw autou¢ 3754 1070-* 1722 1438 3004 686-1065 230
he saw; and behold, three men had set upon him. ¢
oti ¢
egelase ¢
Sarra ¢ legousa
en eauth ¢ ¢ ge
ara ¢
2532 1492 4370 1519 4877 1473 575 is it that Sarah laughed in herself, saying, Indeed is it truly so
kai ¢
idwn ¢
prosedramen eiV ¢
sunanthsin ¢
autoiV apo¢ 5088 1473-1161 1095 3361 101
And seeing, he ran up to meet with them from ¢
texomai ¢ de
egw ¢
geghraka 18:14 mh ¢
3588 2374 3588 4633-1473 2532 4352 1909 I will bear, and I have grown old? Is [2impossible
thV ¢
quraV thV ¢ autou¢
skhnhV kai ¢
prosekunhsen epi¢ 3844 2962 4487 1519 3588 2540-3778 1519 5610
the door of his tent. And he did obeisance upon ¢ kuriw
para ¢ ¢
rhma eiV ton kairon¢ touton
¢ ¢
eiV wraV
3588 1093 2532 2036 2962 1487 686 2147 3to 4the lord 1the saying]? At this time to the hour
thn ghn 18:3 kai ¢
eipe ¢
kurie ei ¢
ara ¢
euron 390 4314 1473 2532 1510.8.3 3588 * 5207
the ground. And he said, O Lord, if surely I found ¢
anastreyw proV se ¢
kai estai th ¢
Sarra ¢
5484 1726 1473 3361-3928 3588 3816-1473 I will return to you, and there will be to Sarah a son.
carin ¢
enantion sou ¢
mh parelqhV ton ¢ a
paid ¢ sou 720 1161 * 3004 3756 1070
favor before you, you should not go by your servant. ¢
18:15 hrnhsato de ¢
Sarra ¢
legousa ouk ¢
2983 1211 5204 2532 3538 3588 [3denied 1But 2Sarah], saying, I did not laugh;
18:4 ¢
lhfqhtw dh ¢
udwr kai ¢
niyatwsan touV 5399-1063 2532 2036 1473 3780 235 1070
Let there be taken now water, and let them wash ¢
efobhqh gar kai ¢
eipen ¢
auth ouci all' ¢
4228-1473 2532 2711 5259 3588 1186 2532 for she feared. And he said to her, No, but you laughed!
podaV ¢
umwn ¢
kai katayuxate upo¢ to ¢
dendron 18:5 kai 1817-1161 1564 3588 435 2601.2 1909
your feet, and be cooled under the tree! And ¢
18:16 exanastanteV de ¢
ekeiqen ¢
oi andreV ¢
katebleyan epi¢
And having risen up from there, the men looked down upon
22 G E N E S I S 18:17
4383 * 2532 * *-1161 4848 2036 3568 756 2980 4314 3588 2962-1473 1473-1161
proswpon ¢
Sodomwn ¢
kai GomorraV ¢ de
Abraam ¢
suneporeueto ¢
eipe nun ¢
hrxamhn ¢
lalhsai ¢ on
proV ton kuri ¢ mou egw
¢ de
the face of Sodom and Gomorrah. And Abraham went said, Now that I began to speak to my Lord, and I
3326 1473 4850.1 1473 3588-1161 2962 2036 1510.2.1 1093 2532 4700 1437-1161 1641 3588
¢ sumpropempwn
met' autwn ¢ ¢
autouV 18:17 o de ¢
kurioV ¢
eipe eimi¢ gh ¢
kai spodoV ¢ de
18:28 ean ¢
elattonwqwsin oi
with them, escorting them. And the lord said, am earth and ashes. But if [4may be lessened 1the
3766.2 2928 575 * 3588 3816-1473 3739 1473 4160 4004 1342 1519 5063.2 622
¢ kruyw
ou mh ¢ apo¢ Abraam
¢ ¢ mou a
tou paidoV ¢ poiw
egw ¢ ¢
penthkonta ¢
dikaioi eiV ¢
tessarakontapente ¢
No way shall I hide from Abraham my servant what I do. 2fifty 3just] to forty-five, will you destroy
* 1161 1096 1510.8.3 1519 1752 3588 4002 3956 3588 4172 2532 2036 3766.2
18:18 Abraam de ¢
ginomenoV ¢
estai eiV ¢
eneken ¢
twn pente ¢
pasan ¢
thn polin kai ¢
eipen ou mh
[3to Abraham 1But 2coming to pass], he will be made into because of the five, all the city? And he said, No way
1484 3173 2532 4183 2532 1757 1722 622 1437 2147 1563 5063.2 2532
eqnoV ¢
mega kai polu¢ ¢
kai eneuloghqhsontai en ¢
apolesw ¢ eurw
ean ¢ ekei¢ tessarakontapente
¢ 18:29 kai
[4nation 1a great 2and 3populous], and [6shall be blessed 7by will I destroy if I find there forty-five. And
1473 3956 3588 1484 3588 1093 1492-1063 4369 2089 2980 4314 1473 2532 2036 1437-1161
¢ panta
autw ¢ ta ¢
eqnh thV ghV ¢
18:19 hdein gar ¢
proseqhken ¢
eti ¢
lalhsai ¢ kai
proV auton ¢
eipen ean de
8him 1all 2the 3nations 4of the 5earth]. For I had known he added yet to speak to him. And he said, But if
3754 4929 3588 5207-1473 2532 3588 3624-1473 3326 1473 2147 1563 5062 2532 2036 3766.2
oti ¢
suntaxei ¢ autou¢ kai tw oikw
toiV uioiV ¢ autou¢ met' auton
¢ ¢
eureqwsin ekei¢ ¢
tessarakonta kai ¢
eipen ou mh
that he will order his sons, and his house after him; there may be found there forty? And he said, No way
2532 5442 3588 3598 2962 3588 4160 1343 622 1752 3588 5062 2532 2036
kai fulaxousi ¢ kuriou
taV odouV ¢ ¢ dikaiosunhn
tou poiein ¢ ¢
apolesw ¢
eneken ¢
twn tessarakonta ¢
18:30 kai eipe
and they will guard the ways of the lord, to do righteousness should I destroy because of the forty. And he said,
2532 2920 3704 302 1863-2962 1909 * 3956 3385 2962 1437 2980 1437-1161 2147
kai krisin ¢
opwV ¢
an epagagh ¢
kurioV epi¢ Abraam
¢ ¢
panta mh ti ¢
kurie ¢ lalhsw
ean ¢ ¢ de
ean ¢
and judgment; that the lord may bring upon Abraham all Much less, O Lord, if I may speak, but if there may be found
3745 2980 4314 1473 2036 1161 2962 1563 5144 2532 2036 3766.2 622 1752 3588
osa ¢
elalhse ¢
proV auton ¢
18:20 eipe ¢
kurioV ekei¢ triakonta
¢ ¢
kai eipen ou mh ¢
apolesw ¢
eneken twn
as much as he said to him. [3said 1And 2the lord], there thirty? And he said, No way will I destroy because of the
2906 * 2532 * 4129 4314 1473 2532 5144 2532 2036 1894 2192 2980 4314
¢ Sodomwn
kraugh ¢ ¢
kai GomorraV ¢
peplhquntai proV me kai ¢
triakonta ¢
18:31 kai eipen epeidh ¢
¢ ecw ¢
lalhsai proV
The cry of Sodom and Gomorrah has multiplied towards me, and thirty. And he said, Since I have taken to speak to
3588 266-1473 3173 4970 2597 3588 2962 1437-1161 2147 1563 1501 2532 2036
ai ¢ autwn
amartiai ¢ megalai
¢ ¢
sfodra ¢
18:21 katabaV ¢
ton kurion ¢ de
ean ¢
eureqwsin ekei¢ eikosi
¢ ¢
kai eipen
their sins are great, exceedingly. Going down the Lord, but if there may be found there twenty? And he said,
3767 3708 1487 2596 3588 2906-1473 3588 3766.2 622 1437 2147 1563 1501 2532
oun ¢
oyomai ei ¢
kata ¢ autwn
thn kraughn ¢ thn ou mh ¢
apolesw ¢ eurw
ean ¢ ekei¢ eikosi
¢ 18:32 kai
then, I will see if it is according to their cry, the cry No way will I destroy if I should find there twenty. And
2064 4314 1473 4931 1490 2443 1097 2036 3385 2962 1437 2980 2089 530 1437-1161
ercomenhn ¢
proV me suntelountai ei de mh ¢
ina ¢
gnw ¢
eipe mh ti ¢
kurie ¢ lalhsw
ean ¢ ¢ apax
eti ¢ ¢ de
coming to me that they exhaust; and if not, that I may know. he said, Much less, O Lord, if I may speak still once more, but if
2532 654 1564 3588 435 2064 2147 1563 1176 2532 2036 3766.2 622
18:22 kai ¢
apostreyanteV ¢
ekeiqen oi ¢
andreV ¢
hlqon ¢
eureqwsin ekei¢ deka
¢ ¢
kai eipen ou mh ¢
And turning back from there, the men came there may be found there ten? And he said, No way will I destroy
1519 * *-1161 2089-1510.7.3 2476 1726 1752 3588 1176 565 1161 2962 5613
eiV ¢
Sodoma ¢ de
Abraam ¢ hn
eti ¢
esthkwV ¢
enantion ¢
eneken ¢
twn deka ¢
18:33 aphlqe de ¢
kurioV wV
unto Sodom. And Abraham was still standing before because of the ten. [3went forth 1And 2the lord] as
2962 2532 1448-* 2036 3361 3973 2980 3588 * 2532 * 654
kuriou ¢
18:23 kai eggisaV ¢
Abraam ¢
eipe mh ¢
epausato ¢
lalwn ¢
tw Abraam ¢
kai Abraam ¢
the lord. And Abraham approaching, said, You would not he ceased speaking to Abraham, and Abraham returned
4881 1342 3326 765 2532 1510.8.3 3588 1519 3588 5117-1473
sunapoleshV ¢
dikaion ¢ asebouV
meta ¢ ¢
kai estai o ¢
eiV ton topon autou¢
destroy together the just with the impious, and [3will be 1the to his place.
1342 5613 3588 765 1437 1510.3 4004
dikaioV wV o ¢
asebhV 18:24 ean ¢
¢ wsi ¢
2just] as the impious? If there might be fifty CHAPTER 19
1342 1722 3588 4172 622 1473 3756-447
dikaioi en ¢
th polei ¢
apoleiV ¢ ouk anhseiV
autouV ¢
just in the city, will you destroy them? Will you not spare
Eradication of Sodom and Gomorrah
2064 1161 3588 1417 32 1519 * 2073
3956 3588 5117 1752 3588 4004 1342 1437 ¢
19:1 hlqon de oi ¢ aggeloi
duo ¢ ¢
eiV Sodoma ¢
panta ¢
ton topon ¢
eneke ¢
twn penthkonta ¢
dikaiwn ¢
all the place because of the fifty just, if [5came 1And 2the 3two 4angels] into Sodom at evening.
*-1161 2521 3844 3588 4172 * 1492-1161
1510.3 1722 1473 3365 1473 4160 Lwt de ¢
ekaqhto ¢ thn polin
para ¢ ¢
Sodomwn ¢ de
wsin ¢ 18:25 mhdamwV
en auth ¢ su ¢
there should be so in it? By no means shall you do And Lot settled by the city of Sodom. And seeing,
* 1817 1519 4877 1473 2532 4352
5613 3588 4487-3778 3588 615 1342 3326 765 ¢
Lwt exanesth ¢
eiV sunanthsin ¢ kai prosekunhse
autoiV ¢
wV to ¢
rhma ¢
touto ¢
tou apokteinai ¢
dikaion ¢ asebouV
meta ¢
as this saying, to kill the just with the impious, Lot rose up to meet them, and did obeisance with
3588 4383 1909 3588 1093 2532 2036 2400
2532 1510.8.3 3588 1342 5613 3588 765 3365 3588 tw ¢
proswpw epi¢ thn ghn 19:2 kai ¢
eipen idou¢
kai estai o ¢
dikaioV wV o ¢ mhdamwV
asebhV ¢ o
and [3shall be 1the 2just] as the impious; by no means, O one his face upon the ground. And he said, Behold
2962 1578 1519 3588 3624 3588 3816-1473 2532
2919 3956 3588 1093 3756 4160 2920 ¢
kurioi ¢
ekklinate eiV ton ¢
oikon ¢ umwn
tou paidoV ¢ kai
krinwn ¢
pasan thn ghn ou ¢
poihseiV ¢
judging all the earth. Will you not execute judgment? lords, turn aside to the house of your servant, and
2647 2532 3538 3588 4228-1473 2532 3719
2036 1161 2962 1437 1510.3 1722 * ¢
katalusate ¢
kai niyasqe ¢
touV podaV ¢ kai orqrisanteV
umwn ¢
18:26 eipe ¢
kurioV ean ¢
¢ wsin en ¢
[3said 1And 2the lord], If there should be in Sodom rest up, and wash your feet! that rising early
565 1519 3588 3598-1473 2532 2036 3780 235
4004 1342 1722 3588 4172 863 3956 ¢
apeleusesqe eiV ¢ umwn
thn odon ¢ kai eipon
¢ ouci all'
penthkonta ¢
dikaioi ¢
en th polei ¢
afhsw ¢
fifty just in the city, I will leave off doing so to all you may go forth into your way. And they said, No, but
1722 3588 4113 2647 2532 2600.1
3588 5117 1223 1473 2532 611-* en th ¢
plateia ¢
katalusomen 19:3 kai ¢
ton topon di' ¢
autouV ¢ Abraam
18:27 kai apokriqeiV ¢
the place on account of them. And Abraham responding in the square we will rest up. And he constrained
19:4 G E N E S I S 23
1473 2532 1578 4314 1473 2532 1525 1473 243 1510.2.3 1722 3588 4172 1806
autouV ¢
kai exeklinan proV ¢
auton ¢
kai eishlqon soi ¢
alloV ¢
estin en th ¢
polei ¢
them, and they turned aside towards him, and entered 4to you 3other 1there is] in the city you lead them out
1519 3588 3624-1473 2532 4160 1473 4224 1537 3588 5117-3778 3754 1473 622 3588
eiV ton ¢
oikon autou¢ kai ¢
epoihsen ¢
autoiV ¢
poton ek tou ¢
topou ¢
toutou ¢
19:13 oti ¢ apollumen
hmeiV ¢ ton
unto his house. And he made for them a banquet, of this place! For we destroy
2532 106 4070.1 1473 2532 2068 5117-3778 3754 5312 3588 2906-1473
kai ¢
azumouV ¢
epeyen ¢
autoiV kai ¢
efagon ¢
topon ¢
touton ¢
oti ¢
uywqh h ¢ autwn
kraugh ¢
and [2unleavened breads 1he baked] for them, and they ate. this place. For [2was raised up high 1their cry]
4253 3588 2837 3588 435 3588 4172 3588 1725 2962 2532 649 1473 2962 1625.3
19:4 pro ¢
tou koimhqhnai oi ¢
andreV thV ¢
polewV oi ¢
enanti ¢
kuriou ¢
kai apesteilen hmaV¢ kurioV
¢ ¢
Before putting to bed, the men of the city, the before the lord, and [2sent 3us 1the lord] to obliterate
* 4033 3588 3614 575 3495 1473 1831 1161 * 2532 2980 4314 3588
Sodomitai ¢
periekuklwsan ¢
thn oikian apo¢ ¢
neaniskou ¢
authn ¢
19:14 exhlqe de Lwt ¢
kai elalhse proV touV
Sodomites, surrounded the house, from the young man it. [3went forth 1And 2Lot] and spoke to
2193 4245 537 3588 2992 260 2532 1059.2-1473 3588 2983 3588 2364-1473 2532
ewV ¢
presbuterou ¢
apaV o ¢
laoV ¢
ama 19:5 kai ¢ autou¢ touV
gambrouV ¢
eilhfotaV ¢
taV qugateraV autou¢ kai
unto the older, all the people together. And his sons-in-law, the ones taking his daughters. And
1573.1 3588 * 2532 3004 4314 1473 4226 2036 450 2532 1831 1537 3588 5117-3778
exekalounto ton Lwt kai ¢
elegon ¢ pou
proV auton ¢
eipen ¢
anasthte ¢
kai exelqete ek ¢
tou topou ¢
they called forth Lot. And they said to him, Where he said, Rise up, and come forth from out of this place,
1510.2.6 3588 435 3588 1525 4314 1473 3588 3571 3754 1625.3 3588 4172 1380 1161
eisin oi ¢
andreV oi ¢
eiselqonteV ¢
proV se thn nukta ¢
oti ¢
ektribei ¢
kurioV thn ¢
polin ¢
edoxe de
are they, the men, the ones entering to you this night? for the lord is obliterating the city. [4he seemed 1But
1806 1473 4314 1473 2443 4773.1 1473 1070.1 1726 3588 1059.2-1473 2259-1161
exagage ¢ proV hmaV
autouV ¢
¢ ina ¢
suggenwmeqa ¢
autoiV ¢
geloiazein ¢
enantion ¢ autou¢
twn gambrwn ¢ de
19:15 hnika
Lead them to us, that we may be intimate with them! 5to be joking 2before 3his sons-in-law]. And when
1831 1161 * 4314 1473 4314 3588 4290.1 3722 1096 4704 3588 32 3588 * 3004
19:6 exhlqe de Lwt ¢ proV to
proV autouV ¢
proquron ¢
orqroV ¢
egeneto ¢
espoudazon oi ¢
aggeloi ¢
ton Lwt legonteV
[3came forth 1And 2Lot] to them, to the threshold, dawn came [3hurried 1the 2angels] Lot, saying,
3588 1161 2374 4357.5 3694 1473 2036-1161 450 2983 3588 1135-1473 2532 3588 1417 2364
thn de ¢
quran ¢
prosewxen ¢
opisw autou¢ ¢ de
19:7 eipe ¢
anastaV ¢
labe ¢ a
thn gunaik ¢ sou kai taV duo
¢ ¢
[3the 1and 4door 2he shut] behind him. And he said In rising up, take your wife and [2two 3daughters
4314 1473 3365 80 3361-4188.2 1473 3739 2192 2532 1831 2443 3361 2532 1473
proV ¢
autouV ¢
mhdamwV adelfoi¢ ¢
mh ponhreushsqe sou aV ¢
eceiV ¢
kai exelqe ¢
ina mh kai su
to them, By no means, brethren, should you do wickedly. 1your] whom you have, and come forth! that [3not 4also 1you
1510.2.6-1161 1473 1417 2364 3739 3756-1097 435 4881 3588 458 3588 4172
19:8 eisi¢ de moi ¢ qugatereV
duo ¢ ai ¢
ouk egnwsan ¢
andra ¢
sunapolh taiV ¢
anomiaiV thV ¢
But there are to me two daughters who knew not a man. 2should] be destroyed together in the lawlessnesses of the city.
1806 1473 4314 1473 2532 5530 1473 2505 302 700 2532 5015 2532 2902 3588 32 3588
exaxw ¢ proV umaV
autaV ¢ kai crasqe
¢ ¢ kaqa
autaiV ¢ an areskoi
¢ ¢
19:16 kai etaracqhsan ¢
kai ekrathsan oi ¢
aggeloi thV
I will lead them to you, and you treat them as pleases And they were disturbed, and [3held 1the 2angels]
1473 3440 1519 3588 435-3778 3361 4160 5495-1473 2532 3588 5495 3588 1135-1473 2532 3588 5495
¢ monon
umin ¢ ¢
eiV touV andraV ¢
toutouV mh ¢
poihshte ¢ autou¢ kai thV ceiroV
ceiroV ¢ thV gunaikoV
¢ autou¢ kai twn ceirwn
you! Only to these men you should not do his hand, and the hand of his wife, and the hands
94 3739-1752 1525 5259 3588 4629.2 3588 3588 1417 2364 1473 1722 3588 5339-2962 1473
adikon ¢
ou eineken ¢
eishlqon upo¢ ¢
thn skephn twn ¢
twn duo ¢
qugaterwn autou¢ en ¢
tw feisasqai ¢
kurion autou¢
unjustly, because they entered under the protection [2two 3daughters 1of his], in the lord sparing him.
1385-1473 2036-1161 1473 868 1563 1525 2532 1096 2259 1806 1473 1854 2532
¢ mou
dokwn ¢
19:9 eipan de ¢ aposta
autw ¢ ekei¢ eishlqeV
¢ ¢
19:17 kai egeneto ¢
hnika ¢
exhgagon ¢ exw
autouV ¢ kai
of my beams. And they said to him, You left there to enter here And it came to pass when they led them outside, and
3939 3361-2532 2920 2919 3568 3767 1473 2036 4982 4982 3588 4572 5590 3361
¢ mh kai krisin
paroikein ¢ ¢
krinein nun oun se ¢
eipon ¢
swzwn ¢
swze thn seautou¢ yuchn
¢ mh
to sojourn, and not [2with judgment 1to judge]. Now then to you said, By escaping escape with your own life! You should not
2559 3123 2228 1565 2532 3849 4017 1519 3588 3694 3366 2476 1722 3956 3588
kakwsomen ¢
mallon h ¢
ekeinouV ¢
kai parebiazonto ¢
peribleyh eiV ta ¢
opisw mhde¢ sthV en ¢
pash th
we will inflict evil rather than them. And they were pressing look round about to the rear, nor stand in any
3588 435 3588 * 4970 2532 1448 4937 4066 1519 3588 3735 4982 3379
to ¢
andra ¢
ton Lwt sfodra ¢
kai hggisan ¢
suntriyai ¢
pericwrw eiV to ¢
oroV ¢
swzou mhpote
the man Lot exceedingly, and they approached to break round about place. [2into 3the 4mountain 1Escape]! lest at any time
3588 2374 1614 1161 3588 435 3588 5495 4838 2036 1161 * 4314
thn quran ¢
19:10 ekteinanteV de oi ¢
andreV ¢
taV ceiraV ¢
sumparalhfqhV ¢
19:18 eipe de Lwt proV
the door. [4stretching out 1And 2the 3men] the hands, you may be taken along with them. [3said 1And 2Lot] to
1531.1 3588 * 4314 1438 1519 3588 3624 2532 1473 1189 2962 1894 2147 3588 3816-1473
eisespasanto ton Lwt proV ¢
eautouV ¢
eiV ton oikon kai ¢ deomai
autouV ¢ ¢
kurie ¢ euren
19:19 epeidh ¢ o paiV sou
drew Lot towards themselves into the house, and them, I beseech, O lord, since [2found 1your servant]
3588 2374 3588 3624 608 3588-1161 435 3588 5484 1726 1473 2532 3170 3588 1343-1473
thn quran tou ¢
oikou ¢
apekleisan ¢
19:11 touV de andraV touV ¢
carin† ¢ sou kai emegalunaV
enantion ¢ ¢
thn dikaiosunhn sou
the door of the house they locked. And the men favor before you, and you magnified your righteousness,
1510.6 1909 3588 2374 3588 3624 3960 1722 516.3 3739 4160 1909 1473 3588 2198 3588 5590-1473 1473-1161
ontaV epi¢ thV quraV
¢ tou ¢
oikou ¢
epataxan en ¢
aorasia o ¢ ep'
poieiV eme¢ tou zhn ¢ mou egw
thn yuchn ¢ de
being at the door of the house were struck with inability to see, which you do unto me, that [2may live 1my soul], but I
575 3397 2193 3173 2532 3886 2212 3756 1410 1295 1519 3588 3735 3361
apo¢ mikrou¢ ewV
¢ ¢
megalou ¢
kai pareluqhsan ¢
zhtounteV ou ¢
dunhsomai ¢
diaswqhnai eiV to ¢
oroV mh
from small unto great, and they were disabled in seeking will not be able to come through safe into the mountain, lest
3588 2374 2036 1161 3588 435 4314 * 1510.2.6 2638 1473 3588 2556 2532 599 2400 3588
thn quran ¢
19:12 eipon de oi ¢
andreV proV Lwt eisi¢ ¢
katalabh me ta ¢
kaka ¢
kai apoqanw 19:20 idou¢ h
the door. [4said 1And 2the 3men] to Lot, Are there [2overtake 3me 1evils] and I die. Behold,
1473 5602 1059.2 2228 5207 2228 2364 2228 1536
soi ¢
wde gambroi¢ h uioi¢ h ¢
qugatereV h ¢
[2to you 3here 1in-laws], or sons or daughters? Or if [2any 19:19 †Ald. & Six. eleoV – mercy.
24 G E N E S I S 19:21
4172-3778 1451 3588 2703-1473 1563 3739 1510.2.3 2521 1722 3588 3735 2532 3588 1417 2364 1473 3326
poliV ¢
auth ¢ tou katafugein
egguV ¢ me ekei¢ h esti ¢
ekaqhto en ¢
tw orei kai ai ¢ qugatereV
duo ¢ autou¢ met'
this city is near for me to take refuge there, which is settled in the mountain, and the two daughters of his with
3397 1563 4982 3756 3397 1510.2.3 2532 1473 5399-1063 2730 1722 * 2532 2730
¢ ekei¢ swqhsomai
mikra ¢ ou ¢
mikra esti kai autou¢ efobhqh
¢ ¢
gar katoikhsai en ¢ kai
Shgwr ¢
small, there I will be delivered. [2not 3a small thing 1Is it] that him; for he feared dwelling in Zoar. And he dwelt
2198 3588 5590-1473 1752 1473 2532 2036 1473 1722 3588 4693 1473 2532 3588 1417 2364 1473 3326
zhsetai h yuch ¢
¢ mou enek ¢
en sou ¢
19:21 kai eipen ¢
autw en tw ¢ autoV
sphlaiw ¢ kai ai ¢ qugatereV
duo ¢ autou¢ met'
[2will live 1my soul] because of you? And he said to him, in the cave, he and the two daughters of his with
2400 2296 1473 3588 4383 1909 3588 4487-3778 1473 2036 1161 3588 4245 4314 3588 3501
idou¢ ¢
eqaumasa¢ sou to ¢
proswpon epi¢ tw rhmati
¢ ¢
toutw autou¢ ¢
19:31 eipe de h ¢
presbutera ¢
proV thn newteran
Behold, I admired your countenance over this saying, him. [4said 1And 2the 3elder] to the younger,
3588 3361 2690 3588 4172 4012 3739 3588 3962-1473 4245 2532 3762-1510.2.3 11909 3588 1093
tou mh ¢
katastreyai ¢
thn polin peri¢ hV o ¢ hmwn
pathr ¢ presbuteroV
¢ ¢ estin epi¢
kai oudeiV thV ghV
that I should not eradicate the city, concerning of which Our father is older, and there is no one upon the land
2980 4692 3767 3588 4982 1563 3756 1063 3739 1525 4314 1473 5613 2520 3956 3588 1093
elalhsaV ¢
19:22 speuson ¢
oun tou swqhnai ekei¢ ou gar oV ¢
eiseleusetai ¢ wV
proV hmaV ¢
kaqhkei ¢
pash th gh
you spoke. You hasten then to escape there, [3not 1for who will enter to us, as it is fit in all the earth.
1410 3588 4160 4229 2193 3588 2064-1473 1563 1204 2532 4222 3588 3962-1473 3631
dunhsomai ¢
tou poihsai ¢
pragma ¢
ewV ¢ se ekei¢
tou elqein ¢ kai potiswmen
19:32 deuro ¢ ¢ hmwn
ton patera ¢ oinon
2I will] be able to do the thing until you go there! Come and we should give [3to drink 1our father 2wine],
1223 3778 2564 3588 3686 3588 4172-1565 * 2532 2837 3326 1473 2532 1817 1537
dia ¢
touto ¢
ekalese ¢
to onoma ¢
thV polewV ¢
ekeinhV ¢
Sugwr ¢
kai koimhqwmen met' autou¢ kai exanasthswmen
¢ ek
On account of this he called the name of that city, Zoar. and we should go to bed with him, that we might raise up [2from
3588 2246 1831 1909 3588 1093 2532 * 1525 3588 3962-1473 4690 4222-1161 3588
19:23 o ¢
hlioV ¢
exhlqen epi¢ thn ghn ¢
kai Lwt eishlqen ¢ hmwn
tou patroV ¢ sperma
¢ ¢
19:33 epotisan de ton
The sun came up upon the earth, and Lot entered 3our father 1seed]. And they gave [3to drink
1519 * 2532 2962 1026 1909 * 2532 3962-1473 3631 1722 3588 3571-1565 2532 1525
eiV ¢
Shgwr 19:24 kai ¢
kurioV ¢
ebrexen epi¢ ¢
Sodoma kai ¢ autwn
patera ¢ oinon
¢ en th nukti¢ ekeinh
¢ kai ¢
into Zoar. And the lord rained upon Sodom and 1their father 2wine] in that night. And entering,
* 2303 2532 4442 3844 2962 1537 3772 3588 4245 2837 3326 3588 3962-1473 1722 3588
Gomorra ¢
qeion ¢ kuriou
kai pur para ¢ ex ouranou¢ h ¢
presbutera ¢
ekoimhqh ¢ tou patroV
meta ¢ authV
¢ en th
Gomorrah sulphur and fire from the lord from out of heaven. the elder went to bed with her father in
2532 2690 3588 4172-3778 2532 3956 3588 3571-1565 2532 3756 1492 1722 3588 2837-1473
19:25 kai ¢
katestreye ¢
taV poleiV ¢
tautaV ¢
kai pasan thn nukti¢ ekeinh
¢ kai ouk ¢
hdei en ¢
tw koimhqhnai ¢
And he eradicated these cities, and all the that night, and he did not know about her going to bed
4066 2532 3956 3588 2730 1722 3588 2532 450 1096-1161 1722 3588 1887 2532
pericwron ¢
kai pantaV touV ¢
katoikountaV en taiV ¢
kai anasthnai ¢
19:34 egeneto de en ¢
th epaurion kai
place round about, and all the ones dwelling in the and rising up. And it came to pass in the next day, and
4172 2532 3588 393 1537 3588 1093 2036 3588 4245 4314 3588 3501 2400 2837
polesi kai ta ¢
anatellonta ek thV ghV ¢
eipen h ¢
presbutera ¢
proV thn newteran idou¢ ¢
cities, and the things rising from out of the ground. [3said 1the 2elder] to the younger, Behold, I went to bed
5504 3326 3588 3962-1473 4222 1473
cqeV ¢ tou patroV
meta ¢ hmwn
¢ potiswmen
¢ ¢
Lot’s Wife Becomes a Monument of Salt yesterday with our father. We should give [3to drink 1him
2532 1914 3588 1135-1473 1519 3588 3694 3631 2532 1722 3588 3571-3778 2532 1525 2837
19:26 kai ¢
epebleyen h ¢ autou¢ eiV
gunh ta ¢
opisw ¢
oinon kai en th nukti¢ tauth
¢ ¢
kai eiselqousa ¢
And [2looked 1his wife] unto the rear, 2wine] also in this night, and entering, you go to bed
2532 1096 4739.1 251 3719 3326 1473 2532 1817 1537 3588 3962-1473
kai ¢
egeneto ¢
sthlh ¢
aloV 19:27 ¢
wrqrise met' autou¢ kai ¢
exanasthswmen ek ¢ hmwn
tou patroV ¢
and she became a monument of salt. [3rose early with him! that we might raise up [2from 3our father
1161 * 4404 1519 3588 5117 3739 4690 4222-1161 2532 1722 3588 3571-1565
de ¢
Abraam tw prw+ eiV ton ¢
topon ou ¢
sperma ¢
19:35 epotisan de kai en th nukti¢ ekeinh
1And 2Abraham] in the morning to the place of which 1seed]. And they gave to drink also in that night
2476 1726 2962 2532 1914 1909 3588 3962-1473 3631 2532 1525 3588 3501
eisthkei ¢
enantion ¢
kuriou 19:28 kai ¢
epebleyen epi¢ ¢ autwn
ton patera ¢ ¢
oinon kai ¢
eiselqousa h ¢
he had stood before the lord. And he looked upon [2for their father 1wine]. And entering, the younger
4383 * 2532 * 2532 1909 4383 3588 2837 3326 3588 3962-1473 2532 3756 1492 1722
proswpon ¢
Sodomwn ¢
kai GomorraV kai epi¢ ¢
proswpon thV ¢
ekoimhqh ¢ tou patroV
meta ¢ authV
¢ kai ouk ¢
hdei en
the face of Sodom and Gomorrah, and upon the face of the went to bed with her father. And he did not know about
4066 2532 1492 2532 2400 305 5395 3588 2837-1473 2532 450 2532 4815
pericwrou ¢
kai eide kai idou¢ ¢
anebaine flox ¢
tw koimhqhnai ¢
authn† ¢
kai anasthnai ¢
19:36 kai sunelabon
place round about. And he saw. And behold, [2ascended 1a flame] her going to bed and rising up. And [5conceived
1537 3588 1093 5616 822 2575 2532 3588 1417 2364 * 1537 3588 3962-1473 2532
ek thV ghV wsei¢ atmiV
¢ kaminou
¢ 19:29 kai ai ¢ qugateraV
duo ¢ Lwt ek ¢ autwn
tou patroV ¢ 19:37 kai
from out of the earth, as vapor of a furnace. And 1the 2two 3daughters 4of Lot] from their father. And
1096 1722 3588 1625.3-3588-2316 3956 3588 4172 3588 5088 3588 4245 5207 2532 2564 3588 3686-1473
egeneto en ¢
tw ektriyai ¢ pasaV
ton qeon ¢ ¢
taV poleiV thV ¢
eteken h ¢
presbutera ¢
uion ¢
kai ekalese to ¢
onoma autou¢
it came to pass in God obliterating all the [2cities [3bore 1the 2elder] a son, and she called his name
4040 3403-3588-2316 3588 * 2532 1821 3588 * 3004 1537 3588 3962-1473 3778 3962
perioikou ¢
emnhsqh ¢
o qeoV ¢
tou Abraam ¢
kai exapesteile ton ¢
Mwab ¢
legousa ek ¢ mou outoV
tou patroV ¢ ¢
1adjacent], God remembered Abraham, and he sent out Moab, saying, He is from my father. This one is father
* 1537 3319 3588 2692 1722 3588 2690-2962 * 2193 3588 4594 2250 5088 1161
Lwt ek ¢
mesou thV ¢ en
katastrofhV ¢
tw katastreyai ¢
Mwabitwn ¢
ewV ¢
thV shmeron ¢
hmeraV ¢
19:38 eteke de
Lot from the middle of the final event, in the eradicating of the Moabites, unto today’s day. [5bore 1And
3588 4172 1722 3739 2730 1722 1473 * 2532 3588 3501 5207 2532 2564 3588 3686-1473 *
taV poleiV en aiV ¢
katwkei ¢ Lwt
en autaiV kai h ¢
newtera ¢ kai ekalese
uion ¢ ¢
to onoma autou¢ Ammon
the cities in which [2dwelt 3in 4them 1Lot]. 4also 2the 3younger] a son, and she called his name Ammon,

Incest Between Lot and His Daughters

1831 1161 * 1537 * 2532 19:33 †CP & Six. auton – his.
19:30 exhlqe de Lwt ek ¢
Shgwr kai
[3came forth 1And 2Lot] from out of Zoar, and 19:35 †CP & Six. auton – his.
20:1 G E N E S I S 25
5207 1085-1473 3778 3962 * 2193 2564 3956 3588 3816-1473 2532 2980 3956 3588
uioV ¢
genouV mou ¢
outoV ¢
pathr ¢
Ammonitwn ¢
ewV ¢
ekalese ¢
pantaV ¢
touV paidaV autou¢ kai elalhse
¢ ¢
panta ta
he is a son of my family. This one is father of the Ammonites until he called all his servants. And he spoke all
3588 4594 2250 4487-3778 1519 3588 3775-1473 5399 1161 3956
thV shmeron ¢
hmeraV ¢
rhmata ¢
tauta eiV ta ¢
wta ¢ efobhqhsan
autwn ¢ de ¢
today’s day. these words into their ears. [5feared 1And 2all
3588 444 4970 2532 2564-*
CHAPTER 20 oi ¢
anqrwpoi† ¢
sfodra 20:9 kai ¢
ekalesen ¢
3the 4men] exceedingly. And Abimelech called
3588 * 2532 2036 1473 5100 3778 4160
Abraham Deceives Abimelech ton ¢
Abraam kai ¢
eipen ¢
autw ti ¢
touto ¢
2532 2795 1564 * 1519 1093 Abraham. And he said to him, What is this you did
20:1 kai ¢
ekinhsen ¢
ekeiqen ¢
Abraam eiV ghn 1473 3385 264 1519 1473 3754 1863 1909 1473
And [2moved 3from there 1Abraham] into the land ¢ mhti
hmin ¢ ¢
hmartomen eiV se ¢
oti ¢
ephgageV ep' eme¢
4314 3047 2532 3611 303.1 * 2532 303.1 to us, lest we sinned against you, that you bring upon me
proV ¢
liba ¢
kai wkhsen ¢
anameson ¢
KadhV ¢
kai anameson 2532 1909 3588 932-1473 266 3173 2041
towards the south, and lived between Kadesh and between kai epi¢ ¢ mou amartian
thn basileian ¢ ¢
megalhn ¢
* 2532 3939 1722 * 2036 1161 * and upon my kingdom [2sin 1a great]? A work
Sour kai parwkhsen ¢
en GeraroiV ¢
20:2 eipe de ¢
Abraam 3739 3762 4160 4160 1473 2036 1161
Shur, and sojourned in Gerar. [3said 1And 2Abraham] o ¢ poihsei
ouqeiV ¢ ¢ aV
pepoihk ¢ moi ¢
20:10 eipe de
4012 * 3588 1135-1473 3754 79-1473 1510.2.3 which no one will do, you have done to me. [3said 1And
peri¢ ¢
SarraV thV gunaikoV ¢
¢ autou¢ oti ¢ mou estin
adelfh ¢ * 3588 * 5100 1749.1 4160 3778
concerning Sarah his wife, that, [2my sister 1She is]. ¢
Abimelec tw ¢
Abraam ti ¢
enidwn ¢
epoihsaV ¢
5399-1063 2036 3754 1135-1473 1510.2.3 3379 2Abimelech] to Abraham, What seeing did you do this?
efobhqh gar eipein ¢
¢ oti ¢ mou esti¢
gunh ¢
mhpote 2036 1161 * 2036-1063 686 3756-1510.2.3
For he feared to say that, [2my wife 1She is], lest at any time ¢
20:11 eipe de ¢
Abraam ¢
eipa gar ¢
ara ¢
ouk esti
615 1473 3588 435 3588 4172 1223 [3said 1And 2Abraham], For I said, Surely there is not
apokteinwsin ¢ oi
auton ¢
andreV thV ¢
polewV di' 2317 1722 3588 5117-3778 1473 5037 615 1752
[5should kill 6him 1the 2men 3of the 4city] on account of ¢
qeosebeia ¢
en tw topw ¢
toutw eme¢ te ¢
apoktenousin ¢
1473 649 1161 * 935 * 2532 godliness in this place, [3me 1and 2they will kill] because
¢ apesteile
authn ¢ de ¢
Abimelec ¢ Gerarwn
basileuV kai 3588 1135-1473 2532-1063 230 79 1473-1510.2.3
her. [5sent 1So 2Abimelech 3king 4of Gerar], and ¢ mou
thV gunaikoV ¢ adelfh
20:12 kai gar alhqwV ¢ mou estin
2983 3588 * 2532 1525-3588-2316 4314 * of my wife. For also truly [2sister 1she is my]
elabe ¢
thn Sarran ¢
20:3 kai eishlqen ¢ proV Abimelec
o qeoV ¢ 1537 3962 235 3756 1537 3384 1096-1161 1473
he took Sarah. And God entered to Abimelech ek ¢
patroV all' ouk ek ¢
mhtroV ¢
egenhqh de moi
1722 5258 3588 3571 2532 2036 2400 1473 599 from my father, but not from my mother; and she became to me
en ¢
upnw thn ¢
nukta ¢
kai eipen idou¢ ¢
su apoqnhskeiV 1519 1135 1096-1161 2259 1806 1473 3588
by sleep in the night. And he said, Behold, you die ¢
eiV gunaika ¢
20:13 egeneto de ¢
hnika ¢
exhgage me o
4012 3588 1135 3739 2983 3778-1161 1510.2.3 for wife. And it happened when [2led 3me
peri¢ ¢ hV
thV gunaikoV ¢
elabeV ¢
auth de esti 2316 1537 3588 3624 3588 3962-1473 2532 2036 1473 3778
on account of the woman of whom you took, for she is ¢
qeoV ek ¢
tou oikou ¢ mou kai eipa
tou patroV ¢ ¢ tauthn
auth ¢
4924 435 *-1161 3756 680 1God] from the house of my father, and I said to her, This
¢ andri¢
sunwkhkuia ¢
20:4 Abimelec de ouc ¢
hyato 3588 1343 4160 1519 1473 1519 3956 5117 3739
living with a man. And Abimelech [3not 1touched ¢
thn dikaiosunhn ¢
poihseiV eiV eme¢ eiV panta
¢ ¢
topon ou
1473 2532 2036 2962 1484 50 2532 1342 righteousness you will do for me in every place of which
¢ kai eipe
authV ¢ ¢
kurie ¢
eqnoV ¢
agnooun kai ¢
dikaion 302 1525 1563 2036 1473 3754 80 1473-1510.2.3
2her]. And he said, O Lord, [2a nation 3ignorant 4and 5just an ¢
eiselqwmen ekei¢ eipon
¢ eme¢ ¢
oti ¢ mou estin
adelfoV ¢
622 3756 1473 1473 2036 79 ever I enter; there you say of me that, [2brother 1He is my]!
apoleiV† 20:5 ouk ¢ moi
autoV ¢
eipen ¢
adelfh 2983 1161 * 5507 1323 2532
1will you destroy]? [3not 2he 4to me 1Said], [2sister ¢
20:14 elabe de ¢
Abimelec ¢
cilia ¢
didracma kai
1473-1510.2.3 2532 1473 1473-2036 80 1473-1510.2.3 1722 [3took 1And 2Abimelech] a thousand double-drachmas, and
mou esti¢ ¢ moi eipen
kai auth ¢ ¢
adelfoV ¢
mou estin en 4263 2532 3448 2532 3816 2532 3814 2532
1She is my]; and she said to me, [2brother 1He is my]? With ¢
probata ¢
kai moscouV ¢
kai paidaV ¢
kai paidiskaV kai
2513 2588 2532 1722 1343 5495 4160 3778 sheep, and calves, and manservants, and maidservants, and
¢ kardia
kaqara ¢ kai en ¢
dikaiosunh ¢
ceirwn ¢
epoihsa ¢
touto 1325 3588 * 2532 591 1473 * 3588
a clean heart, and with righteousness of hands I did this. ¢
edwke tw ¢
Abraam ¢
kai apedwken ¢
autw ¢
Sarran thn
2036 1161 1473 3588 2316 2596 5258 2504 1097 gave to Abraham, and he gave back to him Sarah
20:6 eipe de ¢
autw o ¢
qeoV ¢
kaq' upnon ¢ egnwn
kagw ¢ 1135-1473 2532 2036-* 3588 *
[3said 1And 4to him 2God] by sleep, And I knew ¢ autou¢
gunaika 20:15 kai ¢
eipen ¢
Abimelec tw ¢
3754 1722 2513 2588 4160 3778 2532 5339 1473 his wife. And Abimelech said to Abraham,
oti en ¢ kardia
kaqara ¢ epoihsaV
¢ ¢
touto ¢
kai efeisamhn sou 2400 3588 1093-1473 1726 1473 3739 302 1473-700
that with a clean heart you did this, and I spared you idou¢ h ¢ sou ou
gh mou enantion an ¢
soi areskh
3588 3361 264 1473 1519 1473 1752 3778 Behold, my land is before you, which ever it may please you,
tou mh ¢ se
amartein eiV eme¢ eneka
¢ ¢
toutou 2730 3588-1161 * 2036 2400 1325
for [2to not 3sin 1you] against me; because of this ¢
katoikei 20:16 th de ¢
Sarra ¢
eipen idou¢ ¢
3756 863 1473 3588 680 1473 3568-1161 dwell there! And to Sarah he said, Behold, I have given
ouk ¢ a
afhk ¢ se ¢
tou ayasqai ¢
authV 20:7 nun de 5507 1323 3588 80-1473 3778 1510.8.3
I did not let you touch her. And now ¢
cilia ¢
didracma tw ¢ sou
adelfw ¢
tauta ¢
591 3588 1135 3588 444 3754 4396-1510.2.3 2532 a thousand double-drachmas to your brother, these will be
apodoV ¢
thn gunaika tw ¢
anqrwpw ¢
oti ¢
profhthV esti¢ kai 1473 1519 5092 3588 4383-1473 2532 3956 3588 3326
give back the wife of the man, for he is a prophet, and soi ¢
eiV timhn ¢
tou proswpou ¢
sou kai pasaiV taiV ¢
4336 4012-1473 2532 2198 1490 to you for the value of your person, and all the ones with
proseuxetai peri¢ sou ¢
kai zhsh ei de mh 1473 2532 3956 226 4336 1161
he will pray for your account, and you shall live. But if you do not ¢
sou kai panta ¢
alhqeuson ¢
20:17 proshuxato de
591 1097 3754 599 1473 2532 3956 you; and [2in all things 1you be truthful]! [3prayed 1And
apodidwV ¢
gnwsh ¢
oti ¢
apoqanh su ¢
kai panta * 4314 3588 2316 2532 2390-3588-2316 3588 *
give back, you shall know that you shall die, you and all ¢
Abraam ¢ kai iasato
proV ton qeon ¢ ¢ ton Abimelec
o qeoV ¢
3588 4674 2532 3719-* 4404 2532 2Abraham] to God. And God healed Abimelech,
ta sa 20:8 kai ¢
wrqrisen ¢
Abimelec tw prw+ kai
yours. And Abimelech rose early in the morning, and
20:8 †CP andreV – men.
20:4 †CP apokteneiV – will you kill.
26 G E N E S I S 20:18
2532 3588 1135-1473 2532 3588 3814-1473 2532 5088 3326 3588 5207-1473 * 4642 1161 5316 3588
¢ autou¢ kai taV paidiskaV
kai thn gunaika ¢ autou¢ kai etekon
¢ ¢ tou uiou¢ mou Isaak
meta ¢ ¢ de
21:11 sklhron ¢
efanh to
and his wife, and his maidservants, and they bore. with my son Isaac. [6hard 1But 4appeared 2the
3754 4788 4788-2962 1855 3956 3588 4487 4970 1726 * 4012 3588 5207-1473
20:18 oti ¢
sugkleiwn ¢
sunekleise ¢
kurioV ¢
exwqen ¢
pasan thn ¢
rhma ¢
sfodra ¢
enantion ¢
Abraam peri¢ tou uiou¢ autou¢
For in closing up, the lord closed up outside every 3saying 5very] before Abraham concerning his son
3388 1722 3588 3624 * 1752 * 3588 * 2036 1161 3588 2316 3588 *
mhtran en tw ¢
oikw ¢
Abimelec ¢
eneken ¢
SarraV thV ¢
Ismahl ¢
21:12 eipe de o ¢
qeoV tw ¢
womb in the house of Abimelech, because of Sarah the Ishmael. [3said 1And 2God] to Abraham,
1135 * 3361 4642 1510.5 1726 1473 4012 3588
¢ Abraam
gunaikoV ¢ mh sklhron ¢
¢ estw ¢
enantion sou peri¢ tou
wife of Abraham. [2not 4hard 1Let it 3be] before you on account of the
3813 2532 4012 3588 3814 3956 3745
paidiou kai peri¢ ¢
thV paidiskhV ¢
panta ¢
child, and on account of the maidservant! All as much
302 2036 1473 * 191 3588
Birth of Isaac an ¢
eiph soi ¢
Sarra ¢
akoue thV
2532 2962 1980 3588 * 2505 2036 as [2should have said 3to you 1Sarah], you hearken to
21:1 kai kurioV ¢
epeskeyato ¢
thn Sarran ¢ eipe
kaqa ¢ 5456-1473 3754 1722 * 2564 1473 4690
And the lord visited Sarah as he said, ¢ authV
fwnhV ¢
¢ oti en ¢ klhqhseta
Isaak ¢ i¢ soi ¢
2532 4160-2962 3588 * 2505 2980 2532 her voice! for by Isaac [2shall be called 3to you 1a seed].
kai epoihse ¢
kurioV th ¢
Sarra ¢ elalhse
kaqa ¢ 21:2 kai 2532 3588 5207 1161 3588 3814-3778 1519
and the lord did to Sarah as he spoke. And 21:13 kai ton ¢
uion de ¢
thV paidiskhV ¢
tauthV eiV
4815 5088 3588 * 5207 1519 3588 1094 [2also 3the 4son 1But] of this maidservant [2into
sullabousa ¢
eteke tw ¢
Abraam ¢
uion eiV to ¢
ghraV 1484 3173 4160 1473-3754 4690 4674 1510.2.3
conceiving, she bore to Abraham a son in his old age, ¢
eqnoV ¢
mega ¢
poihsw ¢ oti
auton ¢ ¢
sperma son estin
1519 3588 2540 2505 2980 1473 2962 2532 4nation 3a great 1I will make], for he [3seed 2your 1is].
¢ kaqa
eiV ton kairon ¢ elalhsen
¢ ¢
autw ¢
kurioV 21:3 kai 450 1161 * 4404 2532 2983
in the time as [2spoke 3to him 1the lord]. And ¢
21:14 anesth de ¢
Abraam to prw+ ¢
kai elaben
2564-* 3588 3686 3588 5207-1473 3588 1096 [3rose up 1And 2Abraham] in the morning, and took
ekalesen ¢ to
Abraam ¢
onoma tou uiou¢ autou¢ tou ¢
genomenou 740 2532 779 5204 2532 1325 3588 * 2532
Abraham called the name of his son, the one born ¢
artouV ¢
kai askon ¢
udatoV ¢
kai edwke th ¢Agar kai
1473 3739 5088 1473 * * 4059 bread loaves and a leather bag of water; and he gave to Hagar, and
¢ on
autw ¢
eteken ¢
autw ¢
Sarra ¢
Isaak ¢
21:4 perieteme 2007 3588 3813 1909 3588 5606-1473 2532 649
to him whom [2bore 3to him 1Sarah] – Isaac. [3circumcised ¢
epeqhken ¢
to paidion epi¢ twn wmwn
¢ ¢
authV ¢
kai apesteilen
1161 * 3588 * 3588 3590 2250 2505 he placed the male child upon her shoulders, and he sent
de ¢
Abraam ton ¢
Isaak th ¢
ogdoh ¢
hmera ¢
kaqa 1473 565-1161 4105 2596 3588 2048 2596
1And 2Abraham] Isaac on the eighth day as ¢ apelqousa
authn ¢ de ¢
eplanato kata ¢
¢ thn erhmon ¢
1781 1473 3588 2316 2532 * 1510.7.3 her. And she went forth wandering about the wilderness by
eneteilato ¢
autw o ¢
qeoV 21:5 kai ¢
Abraam hn 3588 5421 3588 3727 1587 1161 3588 5204
[2gave charge 3to him 1God]. And Abraham was to ¢
frear tou ¢
orkou ¢
21:15 exelipe de to ¢
1540 2094 2259 1096 1473 * 3588 5207-1473 the Well of the Oath. [4ceased 1But 2the 3water]
ekaton ¢
etwn ¢ egeneto
hnika ¢ ¢
autw ¢ o
Isaak ¢ autou¢
uioV 1537 3588 779 2532 4495 3588 3813
a hundred years old when [3was born 4to him 1Isaac 2his son]. ek tou askou¢ ¢
kai erriye to ¢
2036 1161 * 1071 1473 4160 2962 coming from out of the leather bag, and she tossed the male child
21:6 eipe de ¢
Sarra ¢
gelwta¢ moi ¢
epoihse ¢
kurioV 5270 1520 1640.1 565-1161 2521
[3said 1And 2Sarah], [3laughter 4to me 2caused 1The lord], ¢
upokatw ¢ elathV
miaV ¢ ¢
21:16 apelqousa de ¢
3739-1063-302 191 4796 1473 2532 2036 underneath one fir tree. And going forth she sat down
oV gar an ¢
akoush ¢ i¢
sugcareita ¢
moi 21:7 kai eipe 561 1473 3113 5616 5115 1000 2036-1063 3766.2
for whoever may hear will rejoice along with me. And she said, ¢
apenanti autou¢ makroqen
¢ wsei¢ toxou
¢ ¢ eipe
bolhn ¢ gar ou mh
5100 312 3588 * 3754 2337 3813 before him, far off as a bow shot. For she said, no way
tiV anaggelei¢ tw ¢
Abraam ¢
oti ¢
qhlazei ¢
paidion 1492 3588 2288 3588 3813-1473 2532 2523 561
Who will announce to Abraham that [2nurses 3a male child ¢
idw ¢
ton qanaton ¢ mou kai ekaqisen
tou paidiou ¢ ¢
* 3754 5088 5207 1722 3588 1094-1473 2532 837 shall I see the death of my child. And she sat before
Sarra ¢
oti ¢
etekon ¢ en
uion ¢
tw ghra mou ¢
21:8 kai huxhqh 1473 310-1161 3588 3813 2799 1522
1Sarah], for I bore a son in my old age. And [3grew autou¢ anabohsan
¢ de to paidion ¢
¢ eklausen ¢
21:17 eishkouse
3588 3813 2532 580.1 2532 4160-* him. And yelling out the child wept. [3listened to
to ¢
paidion kai ¢
apegalaktisqh kai ¢
epoihsen ¢
Abraam 1161 3588 2316 3588 5456 3588 3813 1537 3588 5117 3739
1the 2child] and was weaned. And Abraham made de o ¢
qeoV ¢ tou
thV fwnhV ¢ ek
paidiou ¢
tou topou ou
1403 3173 3588 2250 580.1 * 3588 1But 2God] the voice of the child from the place where
dochn ¢
megalhn h ¢
hmera ¢
apegalaktisqh ¢
Isaak o 1510.7.3 2532 2564 32 2316 3588 * 1537
[2banquet 1a great] the day [3was weaned 1Isaac hn ¢
kai ekalesen ¢
aggeloV qeou¢ thn ¢Agar ek
5207-1473 he was. And [3called 1an angel 2of God] Hagar from out of
¢ autou¢
uioV 3588 3772 2532 2036 1473 5100 1510.2.3 * 3361-5399
2his son]. tou ouranou¢ kai eipen
¢ ¢
auth ti estin ¢Agar mh fobou¢
the heaven, and said to her, What is it, Hagar? Fear not!
Hagar Cast Out 1873 1063 3588 2316 3588 5456 3588 3813-1473
epakhkoe gar o ¢
qeoV ¢
thV fwnhV ¢ sou
tou paidiou
1492 1161 * 3588 5207 * 3588 [3has heeded 1for 2God] the voice of your child
21:9 idousa de ¢
Sarra ¢
ton uion ¢Agar thV
[3beholding 1And 2Sarah] the son of Hagar the 1537 3588 5117 3739 1510.2.3 450 2532 2983
ek ¢
tou topou ou estin ¢
21:18 anasthqi ¢
kai labe
* 3739 1096 3588 * 3815 3326 from out of the place where he is. Rise up and take
AiguptiaV oV ¢
egeneto tw ¢
Abraam ¢
paizonta ¢
Egyptian, who was born to Abraham, playing with 3588 3813 2532 2902 3588 5495-1473 1473 1519 1063
to ¢ kai krathson
paidion ¢ th ceiri¢ sou auto¢ eiV gar
* 3588 5207-1473 2532 2036 3588 * the child, and hold [2in your hand 1it]! [4into 1For
Isaak tou uiou¢ authV
¢ ¢
21:10 kai eipe tw ¢
Isaac her son, that she said to Abraham, 1484 3173 4160 1473 2532 455-3588-2316 3588
eqnoV ¢
mega ¢
poihsw auto¢ 21:19 kai anewxen
¢ ¢ touV
o qeoV
1544 3588 3814-3778 2532 3588 5207-1473 3756 6nation 5a great 2I will make 3it]. And God opened
ekbale ¢
thn paidiskhn ¢
tauthn ¢ authV
kai ton uion ¢ ou
You cast out this maidservant and her son, 3788-1473 2532 1492 5421 5204 2198 2532
¢ authV
ofqalmouV ¢ kai ¢
eide ¢
frear ¢
udatoV ¢
zwntoV kai
1063 3361 2816 3588 5207 3588 3814
gar mh ¢
klhronomhsei o ¢ thV
uioV ¢
paidiskhV her eyes. And she saw a well [2water 1of living]. And
for [5shall not 6be heir 1the 2son 3of the 4maidservant]
21:20 G E N E S I S 27
4198 2532 4130 3588 779 3588 5204 2532 4222 5421-3778 1223 3778 2028 3588 3686 3588
eporeuqh ¢
kai eplhse ¢
ton askon ¢
tou udatoV ¢
kai epotise ¢ touto
frear ¢ ¢
21:31 dia ¢ epwnomase
touto ¢ to ¢
onoma tou
she went and filled the leather bag of water, and gave a drink this well. Because of this [4was named 1the 2name
3588 3813 2532 1510.7.3-3588-2316 3326 3588 3813 2532 5117-1565 5421 3726.1 3754 1563 3660
to ¢
paidion ¢
21:20 kai hn o qeoV ¢ tou paidiou
meta ¢ kai ¢
topou ¢
ekeinou ¢
frear orkismou¢ ¢
oti ¢
ekei¢ wmosan
to the child. And God was with the child. And 3of that place], Well of the Oath, for there [2swore by an oath
837 2532 2730 1722 3588 2048 1096-1161 297 2532 1303 1242 1722 3588 5421
huxhqh ¢
kai katwkhsen en th ¢
erhmw ¢
egeneto de ¢
amfoteroi ¢
21:32 kai dieqento ¢
diaqhkhn en ¢
tw freati
he grew, and he dwelt in the wilderness. And he became 1both]. And they ordained a covenant at the Well
5115.1 2532 2730 1722 3588 2048 * 3588 3726.1 450 1161 * 2532 *
toxothV ¢
21:21 kai katwkhsen en th ¢
erhmw ¢
Faran tou orkismou¢ anesth
¢ de ¢
Abimelec ¢
kai Ocozaq
a bowman. And he dwelt in the wilderness in Parah. of the Oath. [3rose up 1And 2Abimelech], and Ahuzzath
2532 2983 1473 3588 3384-1473 1135 1537 1093
kai ¢
elaben ¢
autw h ¢
mhthr ¢
autou gunaika ek ghV 3588 3563.4-1473 2532 * 3588 751.2
o ¢ autou¢ kai Ficol
numfagwgoV ¢ o ¢
And [2took 3to him 1his mother] a wife from the land his groomsman, and Phichol the commander-in-chief
Aiguptou 3588 1411-1473 2532 1994 1519 3588 1093 3588
thV dunamewV autou¢ kai epestreyan
¢ eiV thn ghn twn
of Egypt.
of his force, and they returned to the land of the
* 2532 5452-* 723.2 1909
Abraham’s Covenant with Abimelech ¢
Fulistieim 21:33 kai ¢
efuteusen Abraam ¢
¢ arouran epi¢
1096-1161 1722 3588 2540-1565 2532 Philistines. And Abraham planted plowed fields near
21:22 ¢
egeneto de en tw ¢ ekeinw
kairw ¢ kai 3588 5421 3588 3727 2532 1941 1563 3588 3686
And it came to pass in that time, that tw ¢
freati tou ¢
orkou kai ¢
epekalesato ekei¢ to ¢
2036-* 2532 * 3588 3563.4-1473 the Well of the Oath. And he called there the name
eipen ¢
Abimelec kai ¢
Ocozaq o ¢ autou¢
numfagwgoV 2962 2316 166 3939 1161 * 1722
Abimelech spoke, along with Ahuzzath his groomsman, ¢
kuriou ¢ aiwnioV
qeoV ¢ ¢
21:34 parwkhse de ¢
Abraam en
2532 * 3588 751.2 3588 1411-1473 4314 of the lord, God eternal. [3sojourned 1And 2Abraham] in
kai Ficol o ¢
arcistrathgoV ¢
thV dunamewV autou¢ proV 3588 1093 3588 * 2250 4183
and Phichol the commander-in-chief of his force, to th gh twn ¢ hmeraV
Fulistieim ¢ ¢
* 3004 3588 2316 3326 1473 1722 3956 3739 302 the land of the Philistines [2days 1many].
Abraam ¢
legwn o ¢ meta
qeoV ¢ sou en ¢
pasin oiV an
Abraham, saying, God is with you in all things what ever CHAPTER 22
4160 3568 3767 3660 1473 3588
poihV 21:23 nun oun ¢
omos ¢
on moi ton
you should do. Now then swear by an oath to me Abraham Offers Isaac
2316 3361 91 1473 3366 3588 4690-1473 2532 1096 3326 3588 4487-3778 3588
qeon mh ¢
adikhsein me mhde¢ to ¢
sperma mou 22:1 kai ¢
egeneto ¢ ta
meta ¢
rhmata ¢
tauta o
by God that you will not wrong me, nor my seed, And it came to pass after these words,
3366 3588 3686-1473 235 2596 3588 1343 3739 2316 3985 3588 * 2532 2036 1473 *
mhde¢ to ¢
onoma ¢ kata
¢ mou alla ¢ ¢
thn dikaiosunhn hn ¢ epeirase
qeoV ¢ ¢
ton Abraam ¢
kai eipen ¢
autw ¢
nor my name! but according to the righteousness which God tested Abraham, and said to him, Abraham,
4160 3326 1473 4160 3326 1473 2532 3588 1093 * 2532 2036 2400 1473 2532 2036 2983
epoihsa ¢ sou poihseiV
meta ¢ met' emou¢ kai th gh ¢
Abraam ¢
kai eipen idou¢ ¢
egw ¢
22:2 kai eipe ¢
I did with you, you shall do with me, and in the land Abraham. And he said, Behold, it is I. And he said, Take
3739 1473 3939 1722 1473 2532 2036-* 3588 5207-1473 3588 27 3739 25 3588 * 2532
h su ¢
parwkhsaV en ¢
auth 21:24 kai ¢
eipen ¢
Abraam ¢ sou ton agaphton
ton uion ¢ on ¢
hgaphsaV ¢ kai
ton Isaak
where you sojourned in it. And Abraham said, your son, the beloved, whom you loved – Isaac! And
1473 3660 2532 1651-* 3588 4198 1519 3588 1093 3588 5308 2532 399 1473
¢ omoumai
egw ¢ 21:25 kai ¢
hlegxen ¢
Abraam ton ¢
poreuqhti eiV thn ghn ¢
thn uyhlhn ¢
kai anenegke ¢
I will swear by an oath. And Abraham reproved go into the [2land 1high], and offer him
* 4012 3588 5421 3588 5204 3739 1563 1519 3645.2 1909 1520 3588 3735 3739 302
Abimelec peri¢ ¢
twn freatwn ¢
tou udatoV wn ekei¢ eiV olokarpwsin
¢ ef' en twn ¢
orewn wn an
Abimelech on account of the wells of water, which there as a whole offering upon one of the mountains! which ever
851 3588 3816 3588 * 2532 2036 1473-2036 450 1161 * 4404
afeilonto oi ¢
paideV ¢
tou Abimelec ¢
21:26 kai eipen ¢
soi eipw ¢
22:3 anastaV de ¢
Abraam to prw+
[4removed 1the 2servants 3of Abimelech]. And [2said I may tell you. [3rising up 1And 2Abraham] in the morning,
1473 * 3756-1097 5100 4160 3588 4487-3778 1977.2 3588 3688-1473 3880-1161 3326 1438 1417 3816
autw ¢
Abimelec ¢
ouk egnwn ¢
tiV epoihse ¢
to rhma touto ¢
epesaxe ¢
thn onon autou¢ parelabe
¢ de meq' eautou¢ duo
¢ paidaV
3to him 1Abimelech], I do not know who did this matter, saddled his donkey, and he took with himself two servants,
3761 1473 1473-518 3761 1473 191 237.1 4594 2532 * 3588 5207-1473 2532 4977 3586 1519 3645.2
oude¢ su moi aphggeilaV
¢ oude¢ egw ¢
¢ hkousa all' h ¢
shmeron ¢ ton uion
kai Isaak ¢ autou¢ kai scisaV
¢ ¢
xula ¢
eiV olokarpwsin
nor you reported it to me, nor I heard – but only today. and Isaac his son. And splitting wood for a whole offering,
2532 2983-* 4263 2532 3448 2532 1325 3588 450 4198 2532 2064 1909 3588 5117 3739
21:27 kai elaben ¢ probata
Abraam ¢ ¢
kai moscouV ¢
kai edwke tw ¢
anastaV ¢
eporeuqh kai ¢
hlqen epi¢ ¢
ton topon on
And Abraham took sheep and calves, and gave [2rising up 3to go 1and], they came upon the place which
* 2532 1303 297 1242 2532 2036 1473 588 2316 3588 2250 3588 5154 2532
Abimelec ¢
kai dieqento ¢
amfoteroi ¢
diaqhkhn 21:28 kai ¢
eipen ¢
autw o ¢
qeoV ¢
th hmera th ¢
trith 22:4 kai
to Abimelech, and [2ordained 1both 3a covenant]. And [2spoke 3to him 1God], [3day 1on the 2third]. And
2476-* 2033 285.1 4263 3441 2532 308-* 3588 3788-1473 1492 3588 5117
esthsen ¢ epta
Abraam ¢ amnadaV
¢ ¢
probatwn ¢
monaV 21:29 kai ¢
anableyaV ¢
Abraam ¢ autou¢ eide
toiV ofqalmoiV ¢ ton ¢
Abraham set seven ewe-lambs of sheep alone. And Abraham looking up with his eyes saw the place
2036-* 3588 * 5100 1510.2.6 3588 2033 285.1 3113 2532 2036-* 3588 3816-1473 2523
eipen ¢
Abimelec ¢
tw Abraam ti ¢ amnadeV
eisin ai epta ¢ ¢
makroqen ¢
22:5 kai eipen ¢ toiV paisin
Abraam ¢ autou¢ kaqisate
Abimelech said to Abraham, What are the seven ewe-lambs far off. And Abraham said to his servants, You sit
3588 4263 3778 3739 2476 3441 2532 2036 847 3326 3588 3688 1473-1161 2532 3588 3808 1330
twn probatwn ¢
toutwn aV ¢
esthsaV ¢
monaV ¢
21:30 kai eipen autou¢ meta ¢
¢ thV onou ¢ de kai to paidarion
egw ¢ ¢
of sheep – these, which you set alone? And he said, here with the donkey! and I and the lad will go through
3754 3588 2033 285.1 3778 2983 3844 1473 2193 5602 2532 4352 390 4314 1473
oti ¢
taV epta ¢
amnadaV ¢
tautaV ¢
lhyh par emou¢ ¢
ewV ¢
wde kai ¢
proskunhsanteV ¢
anastreyomen ¢
proV umaV
that, [4seven 5ewe-lambs 3these 1You shall take 2of] of mine, unto here. And doing obeisance we will return to you.
2443 1510.3 1473 1519 3142 3754 1473 3736 3588 2983 1161 * 3588 3586 3588 3645.2 2532
ina ¢ i¢
ws moi ¢
eiV marturion ¢
oti egw ¢
¢ wruxa to ¢
22:6 elabe de ¢
Abraam ¢
ta xula thV ¢
olokarpwsewV kai
that they should be to me for a testimony that I dug [3took 1And 2Abraham] the wood for the whole offering, and
28 G E N E S I S 22:7
2007 * 3588 5207-1473 2983-1161 3326 5495 3660 3004 2962 3756-1752 4160 3588
epeqhken ¢ tw uiw
Isaak ¢ autou¢ elabe
¢ de ¢ ceiraV
meta ¢ ¢
wmosa ¢
legei ¢
kurioV ¢
ou eineken ¢
epoihsaV to
placed it upon Isaac his son. And he took with his hands I swear by an oath, says the lord, because you did
3588 4442 2532 3588 3162 2532 4198 3588 1417 260 4487-3778 2532 3756 5339 3588 5207 1473 3588 27
to pur kai thn macairan ¢
kai eporeuqhsan oi ¢
duo ¢
ama ¢
rhma ¢ kai ouk
touto ¢
efeisw ¢ sou tou agaphtou¢
tou uiou
the fire and the knife; and [3went 1the 2two] together. this saying, and you did not spare [3son 1your 2beloved]
2036 1161 * 4314 * 3588 3962-1473 3962 1223 1473 2229 2127 2127 1473 2532
22:7 eipe de ¢ proV Abraam
Isaak ¢ ¢ autou¢ pater
ton patera ¢ di' eme¢ 22:17 h mhn
¢ ¢
eulogwn ¢
euloghsw se kai
[3said 1And 2Isaac] to Abraham his father, Father. on account of me. Assuredly in blessing, I will bless you, and
3588 1161 2036 5100 1510.2.3 5043 2036-1161 2400 3588 4129 4129 3588 4690-1473 5613 3588 792
o de ¢
eipe ti esti ¢
teknon ¢ de
eipe idou¢ to ¢
plhqunwn ¢
plhqunw to ¢
sperma ¢
sou wV touV asteraV
And he said, What is it child? And he said, Behold, the in multiplying I will multiply your seed as the stars
4442 2532 3588 3586 4226 1510.2.3 3588 4263 3588 1519 3588 3772 2532 5613 3588 285 3588 3844 3588 5491 3588
pur kai ta ¢
xula pou esti to ¢
probaton to eiV tou ¢
ouranou¢ kai wV thn ammon ¢ to
thn para ¢
ceiloV thV
fire and the wood, where is the sheep – the one for of the heaven, and as the sand by the edge of the
3645.2 2036 1161 * 3588 2316 3708 2281 2532 2816 3588 4690-1473 3588 4172 3588
olokarpwsin ¢
22:8 eipe de ¢
Abraam o qeoV ¢
¢ oyetai ¢
qalasshV ¢
kai klhronomhsei ¢
to sperma ¢
sou taV poleiV twn
a whole offering? [3said 1And 2Abraham], God will see sea. And [2will inherit 1your seed] the cities of your
1438 4263 1519 3645.2 5043 4198 5227 2532 1757 1722 3588 4690-1473
eautw ¢
probaton ¢
eiV olokarpwsin ¢
teknon ¢
poreuqenteV ¢
upenantiwn ¢
22:18 kai eneuloghqhsontai ¢
en tw spermati¢ sou
to himself a sheep for a whole offering, child. [3going opponents. And [6will be blessed 7by 8your seed
1161 297 260 2064 1909 3588 5117 3956 3588 1484 3588 1093 446.2 5219 3588
de ¢
amfoteroi ¢
ama ¢
22:9 hlqon epi¢ ¢
ton topon ¢
panta ta ¢
eqnh thV ghV ¢
anq' wn uphkousaV thV
1And 2both] together, they came upon the place 1all 2the 3nations 4of the 5earth]; because you obeyed
3739 2036 1473 3588 2316 2532 3618 1563 1699 5456 654 1161 * 4314 3588
on ¢
eipen ¢
autw o ¢
qeoV kai ¢
wkodomhsen ekei¢ ¢ fwnhV
emhV ¢ ¢
22:19 apestrafh de ¢
Abraam proV touV
which [2spoke 3to him 1God]. And [2built 3there my voice. [3returned 1And 2Abraham] to
* 3588 2379 2532 2007 3588 3586 3816-1473 2532 450 4198 260 1909 3588
Abraam to ¢
qusiasthrion ¢
kai epeqhke ta ¢
xula ¢
paidaV autou¢ kai anastanteV
¢ ¢
eporeuqhsan ¢
ama epi¢ to
1Abraham] the altar. And he placed upon it the wood. his servants. And rising up they went together to the
2532 4846.1 * 3588 5207-1473 2007 5421 3588 3727 2532 2730-* 1909 3588 5421
kai ¢
sumpodisaV ¢ ton uion
Isaak ¢ autou¢ epeqhken
¢ ¢
frear tou ¢
orkou ¢
kai katwkhsen ¢ epi¢ to
Abraam ¢
And binding [3hand and foot 1Isaac 2his son], he placed Well of the Oath. And Abraham dwelt near the Well
1473 1909 3588 2379 1883 3588 3586 2532 3588 3727 1096-1161 3326 3588 4487-3778
¢ epi¢
auton to ¢
qusiasthrion ¢
epanw ¢
twn xulwn 22:10 kai tou ¢
orkou ¢
22:20 egeneto de ¢ ta rhmata
meta ¢ ¢
him upon the altar upon the wood. And of the Oath. And it came to pass after these words,
1614-* 3588 5495-1473 2983 3588 3162 2532 312 3588 * 3004 2400 5088
exeteinen ¢
Abraam ¢ autou¢ labein
thn ceira ¢ thn macairan
¢ ¢
kai anhggelh ¢
tw Abraam ¢
legonteV idou¢ ¢
Abraham stretched his hand to take the knife that it was announced to Abraham, saying, Behold, [3has born
4969 3588 5207-1473 2532 2564 1473 32 *-2532 1473 5207 3588 * 3588 80-1473
sfaxai ¢ autou¢
ton uion ¢
22:11 kai ekalesen auton ¢
¢ aggeloV ¢ kai
Melca ¢
auth ¢
uiouV tw ¢
Nacwr tw ¢ sou
to slay his son. And [3called 4him 1an angel 1even Milcah 2herself] sons to Nahor your brother.
2962 1537 3588 3772 2532 2036 * 3588-* 4416 2532 3588 * 80-1473 2532
kuriou ek tou ouranou¢ kai eipen
¢ ¢
Abraam ¢
22:21 ton Wx prwtotokon ¢
kai ton Baux ¢ autou¢ kai
2of the lord] from out of the heaven. And he said, Abraham, Huz first-born, and Buz his brother, and
* 3588 1161 2036 2400 1473 2532 2036 3588 * 3962 * 2532 3588 * 2532
Abraam o de ¢
eipen idou¢ ¢
egw 22:12 kai ¢
eipe ¢ patera
ton Kamouhl ¢ ¢
Surwn ¢
22:22 kai ton Cazaq kai
Abraham. And he said, Behold, it is I. And he said, Kemuel father of the Syrians, and Chesed, and
3361 1911 3588 5495-1473 1909 3588 3808 3588 * 2532 3588 * 2532 3588 * 2532 3588 *
mh ¢
epibalhV ¢ a
thn ceir ¢ sou epi¢ to ¢
paidarion ton Azau¢ kai ton FalaV kai ton Ieldaf
¢ kai ton Baqouhl
You should not put your hand upon the lad, Hazo, and Pildash, and Jidlaph and Bethuel.
3366 4160 1473 3367 3568-1063 1097 *-1161 1080 3588 * 3638-3778
mhde¢ poihshV
¢ ¢
autw ¢
mhden ¢
nun gar egnwn ¢ de egennhse
22:23 Baqouhl ¢ ¢
thn Rebekkan ¢ outoi
oktw ¢
nor should you do anything to him by any means. For now I know And Bethuel procreated Rebekah. These are the eight
3754 5399-1473 3588 2316 2532 3756-5339 3588 5207 1473 3588 5207 3739 5088-* 3588 * 3588 80 *
oti ¢ su ton qeon
fobh ¢ kai ouk efeisw
¢ ¢
tou uiou sou tou uioi¢ ouV ¢
eteke ¢ tw Nacwr
Melca ¢ ¢ Abraam
tw adelfw ¢
that you fear God, and spared not [3son 1your sons whom Milcah bore to Nahor the brother of Abraham.
27 1223 1473 2532 308-* 3588 2532 3588 3825.1-1473 3739 3686 * 5088
agaphtou¢ di' eme¢ 22:13 kai anableyaV
¢ ¢ toiV
Abraam 22:24 kai h ¢ autou¢ h
pallakh ¢
onoma ¢
Reman ¢
2beloved] on account of me. And Abraham looking up with And his concubine, whose name was Reumah, bore
3788-1473 1492 2532 2400 2919.1 1520 2722 2532 1473 3588 * 2532 3588 * 2532 3588 * 2532 3588
¢ autou¢ eide
ofqalmoiV ¢ kai idou¢ ¢ eiV
krioV ¢
katecomenoV ¢
kai auth ¢
ton Taad ¢
kai ton Gaen ¢
kai ton TocoV kai ton
his eyes, saw. And behold, [2ram 1one] being held even herself, Tebah, and Gaham, and Thahash, and
1519 5452.1 4521.2 3588 2768 2532 4198-* *
en ¢
futw ¢
sabek twn ¢
keratwn ¢
kai eporeuqh ¢
Abraam ¢
in a plant of a thicket by the horns. And Abraham went Maachah.
2532 2983 3588 2919.1 2532 399 1473 1519 3645.2
kai elabe ¢ kai anhnegken
ton krion ¢ ¢ eiV olokarpwsin
auton ¢ CHAPTER 23
and took the ram, and he offered it for a whole offering
473 * 3588 5207-1473 2532 2564-*
anti¢ ¢ tou uiou¢ autou¢
Isaak ¢
22:14 kai ekalesen ¢
Abraam The Death and Burial of Sarah
instead of Isaac his son. And Abraham called 1096 1161 3588 2222 * 2094 1540
3588 3686 3588 5117-1565 2962 1492 2443 2036 ¢
23:1 egeneto de h ¢ SarraV
zwh ¢ ¢
eth ¢
to ¢
onoma ¢
tou topou ¢
ekeinou ¢
kurioV ¢
eiden ¢
ina ¢
eipwsi [5was 1And 2the 3life 4of Sarah 8years 6a hundred
the name of that place, The lord saw; that they may say 1501.5 2532 599-* 1722 3588 4172 *
4594 1722 3588 3735 2962 3708 2532 ¢
eikosiepta ¢
23:2 kai apeqane ¢
Sarra ¢
en th polei ¢
shmeron en tw ¢ ¢
kurioV ¢
wfqh 22:15 kai 7twenty-seven]. And Sarah died in the city of Arba,
today, [3in 4the 5mountain 1the lord 2was seen]. And 3739 1510.2.3 1722 3588 2836.4 3778 1510.2.3 * 1722 3588
2564 32 2962 3588 * 1208 h estin en ¢
tw koilwmati ¢
auth ¢
esti ¢ en
Cebrwn th
ekalesen ¢
aggeloV ¢
kuriou ¢
ton Abraam ¢
deuteron which is in the hollow – this is Hebron in the
[3called 1the angel 2of the lord] Abraham a second time 1093 * 2064 1161 * 2875 * 2532
1537 3588 3772 3004 2596 1683 gh ¢
Canaan ¢
hlqe de ¢
Abraam ¢
koyasqai ¢
Sarran kai
ek tou ouranou¢ legwn
¢ 22:16 kat' emautou¢ land of Canaan. [3came 1And 2Abraham] to lament Sarah, and
from out of the heaven, saying, According to myself
23:3 G E N E S I S 29
3996 2532 450-* 575 3588 3498-1473 2532 3775 1726 3588 2992 3588 1093 1894 4314 1510.2.2
penqhsai ¢
23:3 kai anesth ¢ apo¢ tou nekrou¢ autou¢ kai
Abraam ¢
wta ¢ tou laou¢
enantion thV ¢ proV emou¢ ei
ghV epeidh
to mourn. And Abraham rose up from his dead. And ears before the people of the land, Since [2with me 1you are]
2036-* 3588 5207 * 3004 3941 191 1473 3588 694 3588 68 2983 3844 1473
eipen ¢
Abraam toiV uioiV Cet ¢
legwn ¢
23:4 paroikoV ¢
akous ¢ mou to
on ¢
argurion tou agrou¢ labe
¢ par' emou¢
Abraham said to the sons of Heth, saying, [2a sojourner hear me! The silver for the field, you take from me!
2532 3927 1473-1510.2.1 3326 1473 1325 3767 1473 2532 2290 3588 3498-1473 1563 611
kai ¢
parepidhmoV ¢ eimi
egw meq' ¢
umwn ¢
dote oun moi ¢
kai qayw ton ¢ mou ekei¢
nekron ¢
23:14 apekriqh
3and 4an immigrant 1I am] among you. Give then to me and I will entomb my dead there. [3answered
2934.3 5028 3326 1473 2532 2290 1161 * 3588 * 3004 3780 2962
kthsin ¢
tafou meq' ¢
umwn ¢
kai qayw de ¢
Efrwn tw ¢
Abraam ¢
legwn 23:15 ouci¢ ¢
a possession of a burying-place among you! and I will entomb 1And 2Ephron] Abraham, saying, Not so O lord,
3588 3498-1473 575 1473 611-1161 3588 5207 191-1063 5071 1323 694 235 5100
¢ mou ap'
ton nekron emou¢ ¢
23:5 apekriqhsan de oi uioi¢ ¢
akhkoa ¢
gar tetrakosiwn ¢
didracmwn ¢ alla
arguriou ¢ ti
my dead away from me. And answered the sons for I heard four hundred double-drachmas of silver; but what
* 4314 * 3004 3361 2962 191-1161 302 1510.4-3778 303.1 1473 2532 1473 1473-1161 3588 3498-1473
Cet ¢
proV Abraam ¢
legonteV ¢
mh kurie ¢
23:6 akouson de an ¢ touto anameson
eih ¢ emou¢ kai sou su de ¢ sou
ton nekron
of Heth to Abraham, saying, No, O lord. But hear ever may this be between me and you? But you [2your dead
1473 935 3844 2316 1473 1510.2.2 1722 1473 1722 2290 2532 191-* 3588 * 2532
hmwn ¢
basileuV ¢ qeou¢
para su ei en ¢ en
hmin ¢
qayon ¢
23:16 kai hkousen ¢
Abraam ¢
tou Efrwn kai
us; [5as a king 6by 7God 1you 2are 3with 4us]. [3in 1entomb]! And Abraham hearkened to Ephron. And
3588 1588 3419 1473 2290 3588 3498-1473 600-* 3588 * 3588 694 3739
¢ mnhmeioiV
toiV eklektoiV ¢ ¢ qayon
hmwn ¢ ¢ sou
ton nekron ¢
apekatesthsen ¢
Abraam tw ¢
Efrwn to ¢
argurion o
5choice 6sepulchres 4our 1You entomb 2your dead]! Abraham restored to Ephron the silver, which
3762-1063 1473 3766.2 2967 3588 3419-1473 575 2980 1519 3588 3775 3588 5207 * 5071
¢ gar hmwn
oudeiV ¢ ou mh ¢
kwlusei ¢ autou¢ apo¢
to mnhmeion ¢
elalhsen eiV ta ¢
wta twn ¢
uiwn Cet ¢
for not one of us in any way will withold his sepulchre from he spoke into the ears of the sons of Heth – four hundred
1473 3588 2290 3588 3498-1473 1563 450-1161 1323 694 1384 1713
sou tou qayai ¢ sou ekei¢
ton nekron ¢ de
23:7 anastaV ¢
didracma ¢
arguriou ¢
dokimou ¢
you to entomb your dead there. And rising up, double-drachmas [2silver 1of unadulterated] of merchants.
* 4352 3588 2992 3588 1093 3588 5207 3588 2532 2476 3588 68 * 3739 1510.7.3 1722
Abraam ¢
prosekunhse tw ¢
law thV ghV toiV ¢ tou
uioiV 23:17 kai ¢
esth o ¢ Efrwn
agroV ¢ oV hn en
Abraham did obeisance to the people of the land, to the sons And [4is 1the 2field 5of Ephron 3which] was in
* 2532 2980 4314 1473 * 3004 3588 1362 4693 3739 1510.2.3 2596 4383 *
Cet 23:8 kai ¢
elalhse ¢ Abraam
proV autouV ¢ ¢
legwn ¢ sphlaiw
tw diplw ¢ oV esti ¢
kata ¢
proswpon ¢
of Heth. And [2spoke 3to 4them 1Abraham], saying, Double Cave, which is against the face of Mamre.
1487 2192 3588 5590-1473 5620 2290 3588 3498-1473 3588 68 2532 3588 4693 3739 1510.7.3 1722 1473 2532
ei ¢
ecete ¢ umwn
th yuch ¢
¢ wste ¢
qayai ¢ mou
ton nekron o ¢ kai to
agroV ¢
sphlaion o hn en ¢ kai
If you have it in your soul so as to entomb my dead The field and the cave which was in it, and
575 4383-1473 191 1473 2532 2980 4012 3956 1186 3739 1510.7.3 1722 3588 68 3739 1510.2.3 1722 3588
apo¢ ¢
proswpou ¢
mou akousate¢ mou kai lalhsate
¢ peri¢ ¢
pan dendron o hn en ¢ o
tw agrw estin en toiV
away from my presence, hear me, and speak about every tree which was in the field, which is in
1473 * 3588 3588 * 2532 1325 1473 3725-1473 2945 3588 * 1519 2934.3
emou¢ Efrwn
¢ tw tou ¢
Saar ¢
23:9 kai dotw moi ¢
orioiV autou¢ kuklw
¢ 23:18 tw ¢ eiV kthsin
Abraam ¢
me to Ephron, the son of Zohar! And let him give to me its borders round about, came to Abraham for a possession
3588 4693 3588 1362 3739 1510.2.3 1473 3588 1510.6 1722 1726 3588 5207 * 2532 3956 3588 1531
to sphlaion ¢ o
to diploun estin autou¢ to on en ¢ twn uiwn
enantion ¢ Cet ¢
kai pantwn twn ¢
the [2cave 1double] which is his – the one being in before the sons of Heth, and all the ones entering
3313 3588 68-1473 694 3588 514 1325 1519 3588 4172 3326-1161 3778 2290-*
merei tou agrou¢ autou¢ arguriou
¢ tou axiou
¢ ¢
dotw ¢
eiV thn polin ¢ de
23:19 meta ¢
tauta ¢
eqayen ¢
a part of his field. [4of silver 3for its worth 1Let him give into the city. And after these things Abraham entombed
1473-1473 1722 1473 1519 2934.3 3419 * 3588 1135-1473 1722 3588 4693 3588 68
moi auto¢ en ¢ eiV
umin ¢
kthsin ¢
mnhmeiou ¢ autou¢ en
Sarran thn gunaika tw ¢ tou
sphlaiw agrou¢
2it to me], [4among 5you 1for 2a possession 3of a memorial]. Sarah his wife in the cave of the field
*-1161 2521 1722 3319 3588 5207 3588 1362 3739 1510.2.3 561 * 3778 1510.2.3
¢ de
23:10 Efrwn ¢
ekaqhto en ¢
mesw twn ¢
uiwn ¢
tw diplw o ¢
estin apenanti ¢ auth
Mambrh ¢ esti¢
And Ephron was sitting down in the midst of the sons at Double Cave, which is before Mamre; this is
* 1722 3588 1093 * 2532 2964 3588
* 611-1161 * 3588 * 4314 * ¢ en
Cebrwn th gh ¢
Canaan ¢
23:20 kai ekurwqh o
Cet ¢ de
apokriqeiV ¢
Efrwn o ¢ proV Abraam
CettaioV ¢
of Heth. And responding Ephron the Hittite [2to 3Abraham Hebron in the land of Canaan. And [3was validated 1the
68 2532 3588 4693 3739 1510.7.3 1722 1473 3588 *
2036 191 3588 5207 * 2532 3588 ¢ kai to
agroV ¢
sphlaion o hn en ¢ tw Abraam
autw ¢
eipen ¢
akouontwn twn ¢
uiwn Cet kai twn
1spoke] in the hearing of the sons of Heth, and [2the ones 2field], and the cave which was in it to Abraham
1519 2934.3 5028 3844 3588 5207 *
1531 1519 3588 4172 3956 3004 3844 ¢
eiV kthsin ¢
tafou ¢ twn uiwn
para ¢ Cet
eisporeuomenwn eiV ¢
thn polin ¢
pantwn ¢
legwn 23:11 par'
3entering 4into 5the 6city 1of all], saying, By for a possession of a burying-place from the sons of Heth.
1473 1096 2962 2532 191 1473 3588 68 2532 3588
emoi¢ genou¢ ¢
kurie ¢
kai akous ¢ mou ton agron
on ¢ kai to CHAPTER 24
me let it be, O lord, and hear me! The field and the
4693 3588 1722 1473 1473-1325 1726 3956 3588
sphlaion to en ¢ soi didwmi
autw ¢ ¢
enantion ¢
pantwn twn The Search for a Wife
cave in it I give to you. Before all 2532 * 1510.7.3 4245 4260
4177-1473 1325 1473 2290 3588 24:1 kai ¢
Abraam hn ¢
presbuteroV ¢
¢ mou
politwn ¢
dedwka¢ soi ¢
qayon ton And Abraham was older, advancing
of my fellow-countrymen I have given it to you. You entomb 2250 2532 2962 2127 3588 * 2596
3498-1473 2532 4352-* 1726 3588
hmerwn kai ¢
kurioV ¢
huloghse ¢
ton Abraam kata¢
¢ sou
nekron 23:12 kai ¢
prosekunhsen ¢
Abraam ¢
enantion tou of days. And the lord blessed Abraham according to
your dead. And Abraham did obeisance before the 3956 2532 2036-* 3588 3816-1473 3588
2992 3588 1093 2532 2036 3588 * 1519 3588
panta 24:2 kai ¢
eipen ¢
Abraam tw paidi¢ autou¢ tw
laou¢ thV ghV ¢
23:13 kai eipe tw ¢
Efrwn eiV ta all things. And Abraham said to his servant, to the
people of the land. And he said to Ephron in the 4245 3588 3614-1473 3588 758 3956
presbuterw ¢ autou¢ tw
thV oikiaV ¢
arconti ¢
elder of his house, to the one in charge of all
30 G E N E S I S 24:3
3588-1473 5087 3588 5495-1473 5259 3588 3382-1473 2532 2532 2838.1 3588 2574 1854 3588 4172 3844
twn autou¢ qeV thn ceir
¢ a¢ sou upo¢ ¢ mou
ton mhron 24:3 kai ¢
24:11 kai ekoimise ¢
taV kamhlouV ¢
exw thV ¢
polewV ¢
his things, Put your hand under my thigh! And And he rested the camels outside of the city by
1844 1473 2962 3588 2316 3588 3772 2532 3588 2316 3588 5421 3588 5204 3588 4314 3796 2259
exorkiw¢ se kurion
¢ ¢ tou
ton qeon ouranou¢ kai ton qeon
¢ to ¢
frear tou ¢
udatoV to proV oye¢ ¢
I adjure you by the lord God of the heaven, and the God the Well of the Water, towards late in the day, when
3588 1093 2443 3361 2983 1135 3588 5207-1473 1607-3588 5200.2 2532 2036 2962
thV ghV ¢
ina mh ¢
labhV ¢
gunaika tw ¢ mou
uiw ¢
ekporeuontai ai ¢
udreuomenai ¢
24:12 kai eipe ¢
of the earth, that you should not take a wife to my son the women came forth drawing water. And he said, O lord
* 575 3588 2364 3588 * 3326 3739 1473 3588 2316 3588 2962-1473 * 2137 1726
¢ apo¢ twn qugaterwn
Isaak ¢ twn ¢
Cananaiwn meq' wn ¢
egw o ¢ tou kuriou
qeoV ¢ mou ¢
Abraam ¢
euodwson ¢
Isaac from the daughters of the Canaanites, with whom I God of my master Abraham, prosper the way before
3611 1722 1473 237.1 1519 3588 1093-1473 3739 1473 4594 2532 4160 1656 3326 3588 2962-1473 *
oikw en ¢
autoiV 24:4 all' h eiV thn ghn mou ou emou¢ shmeron
¢ ¢
kai poihson ¢
eleoV ¢ tou kuriou
meta ¢ mou Abraam
live among them. But only unto my land of which me today, and perform mercy with my master Abraham!
1096 4198 2532 1519 3588 5443-1473 2532 2983 2400 1473 2476 1909 3588 4077 3588 5204 3588-1161
egenomhn ¢
poreush ¢ mou kai lhyh
kai eiV thn fulhn ¢ 24:13 idou¢ ¢ esthka
egw ¢ epi¢ thn phghn
¢ tou udatoV
¢ ai de
I was shall you go, and unto my tribe. And you shall take Behold, I stand near the spring of water, and the
1135 3588 5207-1473 * 1564 2036 1161 4314 2364 3588 444 3611 3588 4172 1607
¢ tw uiw
gunaika ¢ mou ¢ ekeiqen
Isaak ¢ ¢
24:5 eipe de proV ¢
qugatereV twn ¢
anqrwpwn ¢
oikountwn ¢
thn polin ¢
a wife for my son Isaac from there. [4said 1And 5to daughters of the men living in the city come forth
1473 3588 3816 3379 3756 1014 3588 1135 501 5204 2532 1510.8.3 3588 3933 3739 302
¢ o
auton paiV ¢
mhpote ou ¢
boulhtai h ¢
gunh ¢
antlhsai ¢
udwr ¢
24:14 kai estai h ¢
parqenoV h an
6him 2the 3servant], If at any time [4not 3wills 1the 2woman] to draw water. And it shall be the virgin, who ever
4198 3326 1473 3694 1519 3588 1093-3778 654 1473 2036 1945.2 3588 5201-1473 2443
poreuqhnai met' emou¢ opisw
¢ ¢
eiV thn ghn tauthn ¢
apostreyw ¢ eipw
egw ¢ ¢
epiklinon ¢ sou
thn udrian ¢
to go with me back into this land, shall I return I should have said, Incline your water-pitcher! that
3588 5207-1473 1519 3588 1093 3606 1831 1564 4095 2532 2036 1473 4095-1473 2532
ton uion ¢
¢ sou eiV thn ghn oqen ¢
exhlqeV ¢
ekeiqen ¢
piw kai ¢
eiph moi ¢ su
pie kai
your son into the land from where you came forth from there? I might drink. And she should have said to me, You drink! and
2036 1161 4314 1473 * 4337 4572 3588 2574-1473 4222 2193 302 3973
24:6 eipe de ¢ Abraam
proV auton ¢ ¢
prosece ¢
seautw ¢
taV kamhlouV ¢
sou potiw ¢
ewV an ¢
[3said 1And 4to 5him 2Abraham], Take heed to yourself [2your camels 1I will water] until whenever they cease
3361 654 3588 5207-1473 1563 2962 4095 3778 2090 3588 3816-1473 3588 *
mh ¢
apostreyhV ¢ mou ekei¢
ton uion ¢
24:7 kurioV ¢
pinousai ¢
tauthn ¢
htoimasaV tw paidi¢ sou ¢
tw Isaak
that you should not return my son there. The lord to drink – this one you prepared for your servant Isaac,
3588 2316 3588 3772 2532 3588 2316 3588 1093 3739 2983 1473 2532 1722 3778 1097 3754 4160 1656 3326 3588
o ¢ tou
qeoV ouranou¢ kai o ¢ thV
qeoV ghV oV ¢
elabe¢ me kai en ¢
toutw ¢
gnwsomai ¢
oti ¢
epoihsaV ¢
eleoV ¢ tou
God of the heaven, and the God of the earth, who took me and in this I will know that you executed mercy with
1537 3588 3624 3588 3962-1473 2532 1537 3588 1093 3739 2962-1473 * 2532 1096 4253 3588
ek ¢
tou oikou ¢ mou
tou patroV kai ek thV ghV hV ¢ mou Abraam
kuriou ¢ 24:15 kai ¢
egeneto pro tou
from [2house 1my father’s], and from the land of which my master Abraham. And it came to pass before
1080 3739 2980 1473 2532 3739 3660 1473 4931 1473 2980 1722 3588 1271-1473 2532 2400
egennhqhn oV ¢
elalhse¢ moi kai oV ¢
wmose¢ moi ¢
suntelesai ¢ lalounta
auton ¢ ¢ autou¢ kai idou¢
en th dianoia
I was born, who spoke to me, and who swore by an oath to me, completing his speaking in his mind, that behold,
3004 1473 1325 3588 1093-3778 2532 3588 4690-1473 * 1607 3588 5088 * 5207 *
legwn soi ¢
dwsw ¢
thn ghn tauthn ¢
kai tw spermati¢ sou ¢
Rebekka ¢
exeporeueto h ¢
tecqeisa ¢ uiw
Baqouhl ¢ MelcaV
saying, To you I will give this land and your seed – Rebekah came forth – the one born to Bethuel, son of Milcah,
1473 649 3588 32-1473 1715 1473 2532 3588 1135 * 80-1161 * 2192 3588
¢ apostelei¢ ton aggelon
autoV ¢ autou¢ emprosq
¢ ¢ sou kai
en ¢ Nacwr
thV gunaikoV ¢ adelfou¢ de Abraam
¢ ¢
ecousa thn
he will send his angel in front of you, and the wife of Nahor, and brother of Abraham, having the
2983 1135 3588 5207-1473 1564 1437-1161 5201 1909 3588 5606-1473 3588-1161 3933
lhyh ¢
gunaika ¢ mou
tw uiw ¢
ekeiqen ¢ de
24:8 ean ¢
udrian epi¢ ¢
twn wmwn ¢
authV 24:16 h de ¢
you shall take a wife, for my son from there. And if water-pitcher upon her shoulders. And the virgin
3361 2309 3588 1135 4198 3326 1473 1519 3588 1510.7.3 2570 3588 3799 4970 3933-1510.7.3
mh ¢
qelh h ¢
gunh ¢
poreuqhnai ¢ sou eiV thn
meta hn ¢ th
kalh ¢
oyei ¢
sfodra ¢
parqenoV hn
[3should not 4want 1the 2woman] to go with you into was good in the appearance – exceedingly. She was a virgin,
1093-3778 2513-1510.8.2 575 3588 3727-3778 3440 3588 435-3756 1097 1473 2597-1161 1909 3588 4077 4130
ghn tauthn ¢ esh
kaqaroV ¢ ¢
apo¢ tou orkou ¢
toutou ¢
monon ton anhr ¢
¢ ouk egnw ¢ katabasa
authn ¢ de epi¢ thn phghn ¢
¢ eplhse
this land, you will be clean from this oath. Only no man knew her. And coming upon the spring, she filled
5207-1473 3361 654 1563 2532 5087 3588 5201-1473 2532 305 2010.1 1161 3588
¢ mou mh
uion ¢
apostreyhV ekei¢ ¢
24:9 kai eqhken ¢ authV
thn udrian ¢ ¢
kai anebh ¢
24:17 epedrame de o
[3my son 1you should not 2return] there. And [3put her water-pitcher, and ascended. [4ran 1And 2the
3588 3816 3588 5495-1473 5259 3588 3382 * 3816 1519 4877 1473 2532 2036 4222-1473
o paiV ¢ autou¢ upo¢
thn ceira ¢ Abraam
ton mhron ¢ paiV ¢
eiV sunanthsin ¢ kai eipe
auth ¢ ¢
potis ¢ me
1the 2servant] his hand under the thigh of Abraham 3servant] to meet with her, and he said, Give me to drink
3588 2962-1473 2532 3660 1473 4012 3397 5204 1537 3588 5201-1473 3588
¢ autou¢ kai wmosen
tou kuriou ¢ ¢ peri¢
autw mikron ¢
¢ udwr ek ¢ sou
thV udriaV 24:18 h
his master. And he swore by an oath to him on account of a little water from out of your water-pitcher!
3588 4487-3778 2532 2983 3588 3816 1176 1161 2036 4095 2962 2532 4692 2532 2507 3588
tou rhmatoV ¢
toutou 24:10 kai ¢
elaben o paiV ¢
deka de ¢
eipe ¢
pie ¢
kurie ¢
kai espeuse ¢ thn
kai kaqeile
this saying. And [3took 1the 2servant] ten And she said, Drink, O lord! And she hastened and lowered the
2574 575 3588 2574 3588 2962-1473 2532 575 3956 5201 1909 3588 1023-1473 2532 4222-1473 2193
kamhlouV apo¢ twn kamhlwn
¢ ¢ autou¢ kai apo¢ pantwn
tou kuriou ¢ ¢
udrian epi¢ ton braciona
¢ ¢ kai epotisen
authV ¢ ¢ ewV
auton ¢
camels from the camels of his master, and from all water-pitcher upon her arm, and gave him to drink until
3588 18 3588 2962-1473 3326 1438 2532 450 3973 4095 2532 2036 2532 3588 2574-1473
twn agaqwn ¢ autou¢ meq' eautou¢ kai anastaV
tou kuriou ¢ ¢
epausato ¢
pinwn ¢
24:19 kai eipe ¢ sou
kai taiV kamhloiV
the good things of his master with himself. And rising up he ceased drinking. And she said, Also to your camels
4198 1519 3588 * 1519 3588 4172 * 5200.2 2193 302 3956 4095
eporeuqh eiV ¢
thn Mesopotamian eiV ¢
thn polin ¢
Nacwr ¢
udreusomai ¢
ewV an ¢
pasai ¢
he went into Mesopotamia, into the city of Nahor. I will draw water until whenever all should have drunk.
2532 4692 2532 1573.2 3588 5201
24:20 kai ¢
espeuse kai ¢
exekenwse ¢
thn udrian
And she hastened and emptied out the water-pitcher
24:21 G E N E S I S 31
1519 3588 4223.1 2532 5143 2089 1909 3588 5421 2036 1473 1204 1525 2128 2962 2444
eiV to ¢
potisthrion ¢
kai edramen ¢
eti epi¢ to ¢
frear ¢
eipen ¢
autw ¢
deuro ¢
eiselqe ¢ kuriou
euloghtoV ¢ inati¢
into the channel, and ran yet again unto the well he said to him, Come, enter blessed of the lord! Why
501 5204 2532 5200.2 3956 3588 2574 2476 1854 1473-1161 2090 3588 3614 2532 5117
antlhsai ¢
udwr kai ¢
udreusato ¢
pasaiV ¢
taiV kamhloiV ¢
esthkaV ¢
exw ¢ de
egw ¢
htoimasa ¢
thn oikian ¢
kai topon
to draw water. And she drew water for all the camels. stand outside? For I prepared the residence, and a place
3588-1161 444 2648 1473 2532 3902.1 3588 2574 1525 1161 3588 444 1519 3588
24:21 o de ¢
anqrwpoV ¢
katemanqanen ¢ kai paresiwpa
authn ¢ taiV ¢
kamhloiV ¢
24:32 eishlqe de o ¢
anqrwpoV eiV thn
And the man studied her, and remained silent for the camels. [4entered 1And 2the 3man] into the
3588 1097 1487 2137-2962 3588 3598-1473 2228 3756 3614 2532 642.1 3588 2574 2532 1325 892
tou gnwnai ei ¢
euodwse ¢
kurioV ¢ autou¢ h
thn odon ou ¢
oikian ¢
kai apesaxe ¢
taV kamhlouV ¢
kai edwken ¢
to know if the lord prospered his way or not. residence. And he unharnessed the camels, and gave straw
1096-1161 2259 3973 3956 3588 2574 2532 5527 3588 2574 2532 5204 3588 4228-1473
24:22 egeneto de ¢
hnika ¢
epausanto ¢
pasai ai ¢
kamhloi ¢
kai cortasmata taiV ¢
kamhloiV ¢
kai udwr ¢ autou¢
toiV posin
And it came to pass when [4ceased 1all 2the 3camels] and fodder to the camels, and water for his feet,
4095 2983 3588 444 1801.1 5552 303 2532 3588 4228 3588 435 3588 3326 1473 2532
pinousai ¢
elaben o ¢
anqrwpoV ¢
enwtia ¢ ana
crusa ¢ kai toiV posi¢ twn ¢ twn met' autou¢
andrwn 24:33 kai
drinking, [3took 1the 2man] ear-rings of gold worth up to and for the feet of the men with him. And
1406 3643.3 2532 1417 5568.8 1909 3588 3908 1473 740 2068 2532 2036 3766.2
dracmhn ¢
olkhV ¢ yellia
kai duo ¢ epi¢ taV ¢
pareqhken autoiV ¢
¢ artouV ¢ kai eipen
fagein ¢ ou mh
a drachma scale-weight, and two bracelets, and put them upon he placed near them bread loaves to eat. And he said, No way
5495-1473 1176 5552 3643.3 1473 2068 2193 3588 2980 1473 3588 4487-1473 2532 2036
ceiraV ¢ deka
authV ¢ ¢
cruswn ¢
olkh ¢
autwn ¢
fagw ¢
ewV ¢
tou lalhsai me ta ¢
rhmata¢ mou kai eipe
her hands – ten pieces of gold scale-weight was their weight. will I eat until speaking my words. And he said,
2532 1905 1473 2532 2036 2364-5100 1510.2.2 2980 2532 2036 3816 * 1473 1510.2.1
24:23 kai ephrwthsen ¢ kai eipe
authn ¢ qugathr
¢ ¢
tinoV ei ¢
lalhson ¢
24:34 kai eipe paiV ¢
Abraam ¢ eimi¢
And he asked her, and said, Whose daughter are you? Speak! And he said, A servant of Abraham I am.
312 1473 1487 1510.2.3 3844 3588 3962-1473 5117 1473 2962-1161 2127 3588 2962-1473 4970
anaggeil ¢ moi
on ei ¢
esti ¢ tw patri¢ sou topoV
para ¢ ¢
hmin ¢
24:35 kurioV de ¢
huloghse ton ¢ mou sfodra
kurion ¢
Announce to me if there is by your father a place for us And the lord blessed my master exceedingly;
3588 2647 3588 1161 2036 1473 2364 2532 5312 2532 1325 1473 4263 2532
tou katalusai 24:24 h de ¢
eipen ¢
autw ¢
qugathr ¢
kai uywqh ¢
kai edwken ¢
autw ¢
probata kai
to rest up! And she said to him, [2the daughter and he was raised up high, and he gave to him sheep, and
* 1510.2.1 3588 * 3739 5088 3588 3448 2532 694 2532 5553 2532 3816
Baqouhl eimi¢ tou ¢
MelcaV on ¢
eteke tw ¢
moscouV ¢
kai argurion ¢
kai crusion ¢
kai paidaV
3of Bathuel 1I am], the son of Milcah, whom she bore to calves, and silver, and pieces of gold, and manservants,
* 2532 2036 1473 2532 892 2532 5527 2532 3814 2574 2532 3688 2532 5088
Nacwr ¢
24:25 kai eipen autw ¢
¢ kai acura ¢
kai cortasmata ¢
kai paidiskaV ¢
kamhlouV ¢
kai onouV 24:36 kai ¢
Nahor. And she said to him, Also [2straw 3and 4fodder and maidservants, camels, and donkeys. And [5bore
4183 3844 1473 2532 5117 3588 2647 2532 * 3588 1135 3588 2962-1473 5207 1520 3588 2962-1473
polla ¢ kai topoV
par' hmin ¢ ¢
tou katalusai 24:26 kai ¢
Sarra h ¢ tou kuriou
gunh ¢ mou ¢
uion ¢
ena ¢ mou
tw kuriw
1there is much] by us, and a place to rest up. And 1Sarah 2the 3wife 4of my master] a son, one to my master
2106 3588 444 4352 3588 2962 2532 3326 3588 1095-1473 2532 1325 1473 3745 1510.7.3
eudokhsaV o ¢
anqrwpoV ¢
prosekunhse tw ¢ kai
kuriw ¢ to
meta ¢
ghrasai auton ¢
¢ kai edwken autw ¢
¢ osa hn
[3finding favor 1the 2man], did obeisance to the lord, and after his growing old. And he gave to him as much as was
2036 2128 2962 3588 2316 3588 2962-1473 1473 2532 3726-1473 3588 2962-1473 3004
eipen 24:27 euloghtoV¢ kurioV
¢ o ¢ tou kuriou
qeoV ¢ mou ¢
autw ¢
24:37 kai wrikise¢ me o ¢ oV
kuri ¢ mou ¢
said, Blessed be the lord God of my master his. And [2bound me by an oath 1my master], saying,
* 3739 3756-1459 3588 1343 2532 3588 3756 2983 1135 3588 5207-1473 575 3588 2364
Abraam oV ¢
ouk egkatelipe ¢
thn dikaiosunh kai thn ou ¢
lhyh ¢
gunaika ¢ mou
tw uiw apo¢ twn qugaterwn
Abraham, who abandoned not righteousness and You shall not take a wife for my son from the daughters
225 575 3588 2962-1473 1473-5037-2137 2962 3588 * 1722 3739 1473 3939 1722 3588 1093-1473
alhqeian apo¢ tou kuriou
¢ mou eme¢ te euodwse
¢ ¢
kurioV twn ¢
Cananaiwn en oiV ¢ paroikw
egw ¢ en th ¢
gh autwn
truth from my master. [2indeed prospered me 1The lord] of the Canaanites, in which I sojourned in their land.
1519 3624 3588 80 3588 2962-1473 2532 235 1519 3588 3624 3588 3962-1473 4198 2532
eiV ¢
oikon tou adelfou¢ tou kuriou
¢ mou 24:28 kai 24:38 all' eiV ¢
ton oikon ¢ mou poreush
tou patroV ¢ kai
to the house of the brother of my master. And But unto the house of my father you should go, and
5143 3588 3816 312 1519 3588 3624 3588 1519 3588 5443-1473 2532 2983 1135 3588 5207-1473
dramousa h paiV ¢
anhggeilen eiV ¢
ton oikon thV ¢ mou kai lhyh
eiV thn fulhn ¢ ¢
gunaika ¢ mou
tw uiw
running, the maidservant announced in the house to my tribe; and you shall take a wife for my son.
3384-1473 2596 3588 4487-3778 3588-1161 * 2036-1161 3588 2962-1473 3379 3756-4198 3588
¢ authV
mhtroV ¢ kata
¢ ta rhmata
¢ ¢
tauta 24:29 th de ¢
Rebekka ¢
24:39 eipa de tw ¢ mou mh
kuriw ¢ pote ou poreuqh
¢ h
to her mother about these words. And to Rebekah And I said to my master, Perhaps [3should not go 1the
80-1510.7.3 3739 3686 * 2532 5143-* 1135 3326 1473 2532 2036 1473 2962 3588
¢ hn
adelfoV w ¢
onoma ¢
Laban ¢
kai edrame ¢
Laban ¢
gunh met' emou¢ 24:40 kai ¢ e¢
eip moi ¢
kurioV o
there was a brother whose name was Laban. And Laban ran 2woman] with me. And he said to me, The lord
4314 3588 444 1854 1909 3588 4077 2532
proV ton anqrwpon ¢
exw epi¢ ¢
thn phghn 24:30 kai 2316 3739 2100 1726 1473 1473
¢ w
qeoV ¢
euhresthsa ¢
enantion autou¢ autoV
to the man outside near the spring. And God in whom I was found well-pleasing before him, he
1096 2259 1492 3588 1801.1 2532 3588 5568.8 1909
egeneto ¢
hnika ¢
eide ¢
ta enwtia ¢
kai ta yellia epi¢ 1821 3588 32-1473 3326 1473 2532 2137 3588
exapostelei¢ ton aggelon
¢ ¢ sou kai euodwsei
autou¢ meta ¢ thn
it came to pass when he saw the ear-rings, and the bracelets upon will send out his angel with you, and prosper
3588 5495 3588 79-1473 2532 3753 191 3588 4487
taV ceiraV thV adelfhV ¢
¢ autou¢ kai ote ¢
hkouse ¢
ta rhmata 3598-1473 2532 2983 1135 3588 5207-1473 1537
¢ sou kai lhyh
odon ¢ ¢
gunaika ¢ mou
tw uiw ek
the hands of his sister, and when he heard the words your way. And you will take a wife for my son from out of
* 3588 79-1473 3004 3779 2980 1473
RebekkaV ¢ autou¢ legoushV
thV adelfhV ¢ ¢
outw ¢
lelalhke¢ moi 3588 5443-1473 2532 1537 3588 3624 3588 3962-1473
¢ mou kai ek
thV fulhV ¢
tou oikou ¢ mou
tou patroV
of Rebekah his sister, saying, So spoke to me
my tribe, and from out of the house of my father.
3588 444 2532 2064 4314 3588 444 2476
o ¢
anqrwpoV ¢
kai hlqe ¢
proV ton anqrwpon ¢
esthkotoV 5119 121 1510.8.2 575 3588 685-1473
24:41 tote ¢
aqwoV ¢
esh apo¢ ¢ mou
thV araV
the man; that he came to the man standing
Then [2innocent 1you will be] concerning my oath.
1473 1909 3588 2574 1909 3588 4077 2532
autou¢ epi¢ twn kamhlwn
¢ epi¢ ¢
thV phghV 24:31 kai 2259-1063 1437 2064 1519 3588 5443-1473 2532
¢ gar ean
hnika ¢ ¢
elqhV ¢ mou kai
eiV thn fulhn
by himself by the camels near the spring. And
For when ever you should have come to my tribe, and
32 G E N E S I S 24:42
3361 1473 1325 2532 1510.8.2 121 2962-1473 3588 5207-1473 1487 3767 4160-1473 1656
mh soi ¢
dwsi kai ¢
esh ¢
aqwoV ¢ mou
kuriou ¢ autou¢
tw uiw 24:49 ei ¢ umeiV
oun poieite ¢ eleoV
[2not 4to you 1they should 3give her], then you will be innocent of my master, for his son. If then you do mercy
575 3588 3726.1-1473 2532 2064 4594 1909 2532 1343 4314 3588 2962-1473 518 1473 2443
apo¢ tou orkismou¢ mou ¢
24:42 kai elqwn ¢
shmeron epi¢ ¢
kai dikaiosunhn ¢ on
proV ton kuri ¢ mou apaggeilat
¢ e¢ moi ¢
concerning my oath. And coming today upon and righteousness to my master, report to me that
3588 4077 2036 2962 3588 2316 3588 2962-1473 * 1994 1519 1188 2228 710 611-1161
thn phghn¢ eipa
¢ ¢
kurie o ¢ tou kuriou
qeoV ¢ mou Abraam ¢ ¢
epistreyw eiV ¢
dexia h ¢
aristera ¢ de
24:50 apokriqeiV
the spring, I said, O lord, the God of my master Abraham; I might turn to the right or left! And answering
1487 1473 2137 3588 3598-1473 1722 3739 3568 1473 4198 * 2532 * 2036 3844 2962 1831 3588
ei ¢ thn odon
su euodoiV ¢ mou en h ¢ poreuomai
nun egw ¢ ¢
Laban ¢
kai Baqouhl ¢
eipon para¢ kuriou
¢ ¢
exhlqe to
if you prosper my way, in which now I go Laban and Bethuel said, From the lord came forth
1722 1473 2400 2186 1909 3588 4077 3588 5204 4229-3778 3756-1410 1473 471 2556 2228
en ¢ 24:43 idou¢
auth ¢
efesthka epi¢ thV phghV ¢
¢ tou udatoV ¢
pragma ¢
touto ¢
ou dunhsomeqa¢ ¢
soi anteipein ¢ h
by it, behold, I stand near the spring of water, this thing, we will not be able to contradict bad or
2532 3588 2364 3588 444 3588 4172 1607 2570 2400 * 1799 1473 2983
kai ai qugatereV twn ¢
anqrwpwn thV ¢
polewV ¢
ekporeuontai ¢
kalon 24:51 idou¢ ¢
Rebekka ¢ on
enwpi ¢ sou ¢
and the daughters of the men of the city came forth good. Behold, Rebekah is before you, in taking her,
501 5204 2532 1510.8.3 3588 3933 3739 302 1473 665.1 2532 1510.5 1135 3588 5207 3588 2962-1473 2505
antlhsai ¢
udwr ¢
kai estai h ¢
parqenoV h an ¢
egw ¢
apotrece ¢
kai estw ¢ tw
gunh ¢ tou kuriou
uiw ¢ sou ¢
to draw water, and it will be the virgin to whom ever I run! and let her be wife to the son of your master! as
2036 4222 1473 1537 3588 5201-1473 2980-2962 1096-1161 1722 3588 191 3588
eipw ¢
potis ¢
on me ek ¢ sou
thV udriaV ¢
elalhse ¢
kurioV ¢
24:52 egeneto de en ¢
tw akousai ton
should say, [4to drink 1Give me 5from 6your water-pitcher the lord spoke. And taking place in the hearing of the
3397 5204 2532 2036 1473 2532-1473 3816 3588 * 3588 4487-3778 4352
mikron ¢
¢ udwr ¢
24:44 kai eiph moi kai su ¢
paida ¢
tou Abraam ¢
twn rhmatwn ¢
autwn ¢
2a little 3water]! And she should have said to me, You also servant of Abraham their words, he did obeisance
4095 2532 3588 2574-1473 5200.2 3778 3588 1909 3588 1093 3588 2962 2532 1627 3588
pie ¢
kai taiV kamhloiV ¢
sou udreusomai ¢ h
auth epi¢ thn ghn ¢
kuriw tw ¢
24:53 kai exenegkaV o
drink, and to your camels I will draw water. This is the upon the ground to the lord. And [3brought forth 1the
1135 3739 2090-2962 3588 1438 2324 3816 4632 693 2532 5552 2532 2441
gunh hn ¢
htoimase ¢
kurioV tw eautou¢ ¢
qeraponti paiV ¢
skeuh ¢
argura ¢
kai crusa kai ¢
woman whom the lord prepared for his own attendant 2servant] items made of silver and of gold. And [2clothes
* 2532 1722 3778 1097 3754 4160 1656 1325 3588 * 2532 1435 1325 3588 80-1473
¢ kai en
Isaak ¢
toutw ¢
gnwsomai ¢
oti ¢
pepoihkaV ¢
eleoV ¢
edwke ¢
th Rebekka ¢
kai dwra ¢
edwke ¢ authV
tw adelfw ¢
Isaac; and in this you will know that you have done mercy 1he gave] to Rebekah, and [2gifts 1he gave] to her brother,
3588 2962-1473 * 2532 1096 4253 3588 2532 3588 3384-1473 2532 2068 2532 4095 2532 1473
¢ mou Abraam
tw kuriw ¢ ¢
24:45 kai egeneto pro tou kai th mhtri¢ authV
¢ ¢
24:54 kai efagon ¢
kai epion ¢
kai autoV
to my master Abraham. And it came to pass before the and to her mother. And they ate and drank. And he
4931 1473 2980 1722 3588 1271-1473 2117.1 2532 3588 435 3588 3326 1473 1510.6 2532 2837 2532
suntelesai me ¢
lalounta en th ¢ mou euquV
dianoia ¢ kai oi ¢
andreV oi met' ¢
autou¢ onteV ¢
kai ekoimhqhsan kai
completing my speaking in my mind, straightway and the men [2with 3him 1being] went to sleep. And
* 1607 2192 3588 5201 1909 3588 450 4404 2036 1599-1473 2443 565
Rebekka ¢
exeporeueto ¢
ecousa ¢
thn udrian epi¢ twn ¢ prw+
anastaV ¢
eipen ¢
ekpemyate ¢
me ina ¢
Rebekah came forth having the water-pitcher upon the rising up in the morning, he said, Send me forth! that I may go forth
5606 2532 2597 1909 3588 4077 2532 5200.2 4314 3588 2962-1473 2036 1161 3588 80-1473 2532
wmwn ¢
kai katebh epi¢ thn phghn
¢ kai udreusato
¢ ¢ ion
proV ton kur ¢ mou 24:55 eipon
¢ de oi adelfoi¢ authV
¢ kai
shoulders, and she went down to the spring, and she drew water. to my master. [5said 1And 2her brothers 3and
2036-1161 1473 4222-1473 2532 4692 3588 3384 3306 3588 3933 3326 1473 2250
eipa de ¢
auth ¢
potis ¢ me
on 24:46 kai ¢
speusasa h ¢
mhthr ¢
meinatw h ¢
parqenoV ¢ hmeraV
meq' hmwn ¢
And I said to her, Give me a drink! And she hastened 4mother], Let [3remain 1the 2virgin] with us [3days
2507 3588 5201 1909 3588 1023-1473 575 1438 5616 1176 2532 3326 3778 565 3588-1161
¢ thn udrian
kaqeile ¢ epi¢ ton braciona
¢ ¢ af' eauthV
authV ¢ wsei¢ ¢
deka ¢ touto
kai meta ¢ ¢
apeleusetai 24:56 o de
to lower the water-pitcher upon her arm from herself, 1about 2ten]! and after this she shall go forth. And he
2532 2036 4095-1473 2532 3588 2574-1473 4222 2036 4314 1473 3361 2722 1473 2532 2962 2137
kai eipe ¢ su
pie ¢
kai taV kamhlouV ¢
sou potiw ¢
eipe ¢ mh
proV autouV ¢
katecete ¢
me kai kurioV ¢
and she said, You drink! and [2your camels 1I will water]. said to them, Do not hold me, for the lord prospered
2532 4095 2532 3588 2574 4222 2532 3588 3598-1473 1599 1473 2443 565 4314 3588
kai ¢
epion kai taV ¢
kamhlouV ¢
epotise 24:47 kai ¢ mou ekpemyate
thn odon ¢ me ¢
ina ¢
apelqw proV ton
And I drank, and [2the 3camels 1she watered]. And my way! Send me! that I may go forth to
2065 1473 2532 2036 2364-5100 1510.2.2 3588 1161 2962-1473 2036-1161 2564 3588 3816
hrwthsa ¢ kai eipa
authn ¢ ¢
qugathr ¢
tinoV ei h de ¢ on
kuri ¢ mou 24:57 eipon de ¢
kaleswmen ¢
thn paida
I asked her, and said, Whose daughter are you? And my master. And they said, We should call the maidservant,
5346 2364 * 1510.2.1 5207 * 2532 2065 3588 4750-1473 2532 2564 3588
efh ¢
qugathr ¢
Baqouhl eimi¢ ¢
uiou Nacwr ¢
kai erwthswmen to ¢
stoma ¢
authV ¢
24:58 kai ekalesan thn
she said, [2the daughter 3of Bethuel 1I am], son of Nahor, and we should ask by her mouth. And they called
3739 5088 1473 * 2532 4060 1473 3588 * 2532 2036 1473 4198 3326 3588 444-3778
on ¢
eteken ¢
autw Melca kai ¢
perieqhka ¢ ta
auth ¢
Rebekkan ¢ poreush
kai eipon auth ¢ ¢ tou anqrwpou
meta ¢ ¢
whom [2bore 3to him 1Milcah]. And I put on her the Rebekah, and said to her, Will you go with this man?
1801.1 2532 3588 5568.8 4012 3588 5495-1473 2532 3588 1161 2036 4198 2532 1599 *
enwtia kai ta ¢
yellia peri¢ taV ceiraV
¢ ¢
authV 24:48 kai h de ¢
eipe ¢
poreusomai ¢
24:59 kai exepemyan ¢
ear-rings, and the bracelets about her hands. And And she said, I will go. And they sent forth Rebekah
2106 4352 3588 2962 2532 2127 2962 3588 79-1473 2532 3588 5224-1473 2532 3588 3816
eudokhsaV ¢
prosekunhsa tw ¢ kai euloghsa
kuriw ¢ ¢
kurion ¢ autwn
thn adelfhn ¢ kai ta ¢
uparconta ¢ kai ton paida
authV ¢
finding favor, I did obeisance to the lord. And I blessed the lord their sister, and her possessions, and the servant
3588 2316 3588 2962-1473 * 3739 2137 1473 1722 3588 * 2532 3588 3326 1473 2532 2127
¢ tou kuriou
ton qeon ¢ mou ¢
Abraam oV ¢
euodwse¢ me en ¢
tou Abraam kai touV met' autou¢ 24:60 kai euloghsan
God of my master Abraham, who prospered me in of Abraham, and the ones with him. And they blessed
3598 225 2983 3588 2364 3588 80 3588 * 2532 2036 1473 79 1473 1510.2.2 1096 1519
odw ¢
alhqeiaV ¢ thn qugatera
labein ¢ tou adelfou¢ tou ¢
Rebekkan ¢
kai eipon ¢ adelfh
auth ¢ hmwn
¢ ei ¢
ginou eiV
the way of truth, to take the daughter of the brother Rebekah, and said to her, [3sister 2our 1You are], become for
24:61 G E N E S I S 33
5505 3461 2532 2816 3588 4690-1473 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 *
ciliadaV ¢
muriadwn ¢
kai klhronomhsatw to ¢
sperma sou Gefar ¢ kai Enwc
kai Afeir ¢ ¢ kai Raga
kai Abida ¢
a thousand myriads, and [2inherit 1let your seed] were Ephah, and Epher, and Hanoch, and Abida, and Eldaah.
3588 4172 3588 5227 450-1161 * 3956 3778 1510.7.6 5207 * 1325 1161 *
taV poleiV twn ¢
upenantiwn ¢
24:61 anastasa ¢
de Rebekka ¢
panteV ¢
outoi ¢
hsan uioi¢ CettouraV
¢ ¢
25:5 edwke de ¢
the cities of your opponents! And rising up, Rebekah All these were sons of Keturah. [3gave 1And 2Abraham]
2532 3588 10.3-1473 1910 1909 3588 2574 2532 3956 3588 5224-1473 * 3588 5207-1473 2532
kai ai ¢
abrai ¢
authV ¢
epebhsan epi¢ ¢
taV kamhlouV kai ¢
panta ta ¢
uparconta autou¢ Isaak
¢ ¢ autou¢
tw uiw 25:6 kai
and her handmaidens mounted upon the camels, and all his possessions to Isaac his son. And
4198 3326 3588 444 2532 353 3588 3816 3588 5207 3588 3825.1-1473 1325-* 1390
eporeuqhsan ¢ tou anqrwpou
meta ¢ kai ¢ o
analabwn paiV toiV ¢ twn pallakwn
uioiV ¢
¢ autou¢ edwken ¢
Abraam ¢
they went with the man. And taking the girl to the sons of his concubines Abraham gave gifts.
3588 * 565 *-1161 1279 2532 1821 1473 575 * 3588 5207-1473 2089
thn Rebekkan ¢
aphlqen ¢ de dieporeueto
24:62 Isaak ¢ kai ¢
exapesteilen ¢ apo¢ Isaak
autouV ¢
¢ tou uiou¢ autou¢ eti
Rebekah, he went forth. And Isaac was traveling over And he sent them from Isaac his son [2still
1223 3588 2048 2596 3588 5421 3588 3706 1473-1161 2198 1473 4314 395 1519 1093 395
dia ¢
thV erhmou ¢ to
kata ¢
frear thV ¢
orasewV ¢ de
autoV ¢
zwntoV autou¢ proV ¢ eiV ghn
anatolaV ¢
through the wilderness by the Well of the Vision. And he 3living 1while he was] towards the east into the land of the east.
2730 1722 3588 1093 3588 4314 3047 2532 3778-1161 3588 2094 2250 2222 *
katwkei en th gh th proV ¢
liba 24:63 kai ¢
25:7 tauta de ta ¢
eth ¢
hmerwn ¢
zwhV ¢
dwelt in the land towards the south. And And these were the years of the days of the life of Abraham,
1831-* 96.1 1519 3588 3977.1 4314 1166.2 3745 2198 1540 1440.3 2094 2532
exhlqen ¢
Isaak ¢
adoleschsai ¢ proV
eiV tw pediw ¢
deilhn ¢
osa ¢
ezhsen ¢
ekaton ¢
ebdomhkontapente ¢
eth 25:8 kai
Isaac came forth to meditate in the plain towards afternoon. as many as he lived, a hundred seventy-five years. And
2532 308 3588 3788-1473 1492 2574 1587 599-* 1722 1094 2570 4246
kai ¢
anableyaV ¢ autou¢ eide
toiV ofqalmoiV ¢ ¢
kamhlouV ¢ apeqanen
ekleipwn ¢ ¢ en
Abraam ¢
ghra ¢
kalw ¢
And looking up with his eyes, he saw camels failing, Abraham died in [2old age 1a good], an old man
2064 2532 308-* 3588 3788 2532 4134 2250 2532 4369 4314 3588 2992-1473
ercomenaV ¢
24:64 kai anableyasa ¢
Rebekka ¢
toiV ofqalmoiV ¢
kai plhrhV ¢ kai
hmerwn ¢
proseteqh ¢ autou¢
proV ton laon
coming. And Rebekah looking up with the eyes, and full of days. And he was added to his people.
1492 3588 * 2532 2665.3 575 3588 2574 2532 2532 2290 1473 * 2532 * 3588 1417 5207
¢ ton Isaak
eide ¢ kai katephdhsen
¢ apo¢ thV kamhlou
¢ 24:65 kai ¢
25:9 kai eqayan ¢ Isaak
auton ¢ kai Ismahl
¢ oi ¢
duo uioi¢
saw Isaac, and she leaped down from the camel. And And [4entombed 5him, 1Isaac 2and 3Ishmael] [2two 3sons
2036 3588 3816 5100 1510.2.3 3588 444-1565 3588 1473 1519 3588 4693 3588 1362 1519 3588 68 *
eipe tw paidi¢ tiV estin o ¢
anqrwpoV ¢
ekeinoV o autou¢ eiV to sphlaion
¢ ¢ eiV ton agron
to diploun ¢ Efrwn
she said to the servant, Who is that man 1his], in the [2cave 1double], in the field of Ephron
4198 1722 3588 3977.1 1519 4877 1473 2036-1161 3588 * 3588 * 3739 1510.2.3 561 *
poreuomenoV en tw ¢ eiV sunanthsin
pediw ¢ ¢ eipe
hmwn ¢ de tou ¢
Saar ¢
tou Cettaiou oV ¢
estin apenanti ¢
going in the plain to meet us? And said the son of Zohar the Hittite, which is before Mamre;
3588 3816 3778 3588 2962-1473 3588-1161 2983 3588 3588 68 2532 3588 4693 3739 2932-*
o paiV ¢
outoV o ¢ oV
kuri ¢ mou h de ¢
labousa to ¢ kai to
25:10 ton agron ¢
sphlaion o ¢
ekthsato ¢
the servant, This is my master. And she having taken the the field and the cave which Abraham acquired
2327.1 4016 2532 1334 3588 3844 3588 5207 3588 * 1563 2290 * 2532
qeristron ¢
periebaleto 24:66 kai ¢
dihghsato o ¢ twn uiwn
para ¢ tou Cet ekei¢ ¢
eqayan ¢
Abraam kai
lightweight covering put it on. And [3described 1the from the sons of Heth. There they entombed Abraham and
3816 3588 * 3956 3588 4487 3739 4160 * 3588 1135-1473 1096-1161 3326 3588
paiV tw ¢
Isaak ¢
panta ta ¢
rhmata a ¢
epoihsen ¢ thn gunaika
Sarran ¢ autou¢ ¢
25:11 egeneto de ¢ to
2servant] to Isaac all the words which he did. Sarah his wife. And it came to pass after the
1525 1161 * 1519 3588 3624 3588 3384-1473 599 * 2127-3588-2316 3588 * 5207-1473
24:67 eishlqe de ¢ eiV ton oikon
Isaak ¢ ¢ autou¢
thV mhtroV ¢ Abraam
apoqanein ¢ ¢
euloghsen ¢ ton Isaak
o qeoV ¢ uion
¢ autou¢
[3entered 1And 2Isaac] into the house of his mother, dying of Abraham, God blessed Isaac his son.
2532 2983 3588 * 2532 1096 1473 1135 2532 2532 2730-* 3844 3588 5421 3588 3706
kai elabe ¢
thn Rebekkan ¢
kai egeneto autou¢ gunh
¢ kai ¢
kai katwkhsen ¢ para
Isaak ¢ to frear
¢ thV ¢
and took Rebekah, and she became his wife. And And Isaac dwelt by the Well of the Vision.
25 1473 2532 3870-* 4012 *
hgaphsen ¢ kai
authn ¢
pareklhqh ¢
Isaak peri¢ ¢
he loved her. And Isaac was comforted concerning Sarah Generations of Ishmael
3588 3384-1473 3778-1161 3588 1078 * 3588 5207
¢ autou¢
thV mhtroV ¢
25:12 autai de ai ¢
geneseiV ¢
Ismahl ¢
tou uiou
his mother. And these are the origins of Ishmael, the son
* 3739 5088-* 3588 * 3588 3814
Abraam on ¢
eteken ¢Agar h ¢ h
Aiguptia ¢
CHAPTER 25 of Abraham, whom Hagar bore (the Egyptian maidservant
* 3588 * 2532 3778 3588 3686 3588
Death of Abraham ¢
SarraV ¢
tw Abraam ¢
25:13 kai tauta ¢
ta onomata twn
4369 1161 * 2983 1135 3739
of Sarah) to Abraham. And these are the names of the
25:1 prosqemenoV de ¢
Abraam ¢
elabe ¢
gunaika h 5207 * 2596 3686 3588 1074-1473
[3added 1And 2Abraham] to take a wife whose ¢
uiwn ¢
Ismahl kat' ¢
onomata ¢ autou¢
twn genewn
3686 * 5088-1161 1473 3588 *
sons of Ishmael, according to the names of his generations.
onoma ¢
Cettoura ¢
25:2 eteke de ¢
autw ¢
ton Zembran 4416 * * 2532 * 2532 *
name was Keturah. And she bore to him Zimran, ¢
prwtotokoV ¢
Ismahl ¢
Nabewq ¢
kai Khdar ¢
kai Nabdehl
2532 3588 * 2532 3588 * 2532 3588 * 2532 3588
First-born of Ishmael, Nebajoth, and Kedar, and Adbeel,
kai ton Iektan ¢
kai ton Madal ¢
kai ton Madiam kai ton 2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 *
and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and ¢
kai Massan ¢ kai Idouma
25:14 kai Masman ¢ kai Massh
* 2532 3588 * *-1161 1080 3588 and Mibsam, and Mishma, and Dumah, and Massa,
Iesbok kai ton Swie¢ ¢ de
25:3 Iektan ¢
egennhse ton 2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532
Ishbak, and Shuah. And Jokshan procreated ¢ kai Qeman
25:15 kai Coldad ¢ kai Ietour
¢ kai NafeiV
¢ kai
* 2532 3588 * 5207-1161 * 1096 *
and Hadar, and Tema, and Jetur, and Naphish, and
¢ kai ton Dedan
Saba ¢ uioi¢ de ¢
Dedan ¢
egenonto ¢
Assourieim * 3778 1510.2.6 3588 5207 * 2532 3778
Sheba and Dedan. And sons of Dedan were the Asshurim, ¢
Kedema ¢ i¢ eisin oi
25:16 outo uioi¢ Ismahl
¢ ¢
kai tauta
2532 * 2532 * 5207-1161 * Kedemah. These are the sons of Ishmael, and these are
¢ kai Lawmieim
kai Lattousieim ¢ 25:4 uioi¢ de ¢
Madiam 3588 3686 1473 1722 3588 4633-1473 2532 1722 3588
and Letushim, and Leummim. And the sons of Midian ta ¢
onomata ¢
autwn en ¢ autwn
taiV skhnaiV ¢ kai en taiV
the names of them by their tents, and by
34 G E N E S I S 25:17
1886-1473 1427 758 2596 1484-1473 1510.7.3 2094 1835 3753 5088 1473 *
epaulesin ¢
autwn ¢
dwdeka ¢
arconteV ¢
kata ¢
eqnh ¢
autwn hn ¢
etwn ¢
exhkonta ¢
ote ¢
eteken ¢ Rebekka
autouV ¢
their properties – twelve rulers according to their nation. was [2years old 1sixty] when [2bore 3them 1Rebekah].
2532 3778 3588 2094 3588 2222 * 1540 837 1161 3588 3495 2532 1510.7.3-* 444
25:17 kai tauta ta ¢
eth thV ¢ Ismahl
zwhV ¢ ¢
ekaton ¢
25:27 huxhqhsan de oi ¢
neaniskoi ¢
kai hn Hsau¢ anqrwpoV
And these are the years of the life of Ishmael, a hundred [4grew 1And 2the 3young]. And Esau was a man
5144.4 2094 2532 1587 599 2532 4369 1492 2952.1 67.1 *-1161 444
triakontaepta ¢
¢ eth ¢ apeqane
kai ekleipwn ¢ ¢
kai proseteqh ¢
eidwV ¢
kunhgein ¢
agroikoV Iakwb ¢
¢ de anqrwpoV
thirty-seven years; and failing, he died. And he was added knowing to hunt with hounds – rugged; but Jacob [2man
4314 3588 1085-1473 2730-1161 575 * 2193 571.1 3611 3614 25 1161 *
proV to ¢
genoV autou¢ ¢
25:18 katwkhse de apo¢ Euilat ¢
¢ ewV ¢
aplastoV ¢
oikwn ¢
oikian ¢
25:28 hgaphse de ¢
to his family. And he dwelt from Havilah unto 1was a simple] living in a residence. [3loved 1But 2Isaac]
* 3739 1510.2.3 2596 4383 * 2193 2064 3588 * 3754 3588 2339-1473 1035 1473 *-1161
¢ h
Sour esti ¢
kata ¢
proswpon ¢
Aiguptou ¢
ewV ¢
elqein ¢
ton Hsau¢ oti h ¢
qhra autou¢ brwsiV
¢ ¢
autw ¢
Rebekka de
Shur, which is against the face of Egypt, unto coming Esau, for his hunting food for him. But Rebekah
4314 * 2596 4383 3956 3588 80-1473 25 3588 *
proV AssuriouV ¢ proswpon
kata ¢ ¢
pantwn ¢ autou¢
twn adelfwn ¢
hgapa ¢
ton Iakwb
to Assyrian. By the face of all his brethren loved Jacob.
katwkhse Esau Sells the Right of the First-born
he dwelt.
2192.2 1161 * 2192.1 2064 1161 *
25:29 hyhse de ¢
Iakwb ¢
eyhma ¢
hlqe de Hsau¢
Generations of Isaac [3boiled 1And 2Jacob] stew; [3came 1and 2Esau]
2532 3778 3588 1078 * 3588 5207 1537 3588 3977.1 1587 2532 2036-* 3588
25:19 kai ¢
autai ai ¢
geneseiV ¢
Isaak ¢
tou uiou ek ¢
tou pediou ¢
ekleipwn ¢
25:30 kai eipen Hsau¢ tw
And these are the generations of Isaac the son from out of the plains – failing. And Esau said
* * 1080 3588 * 1510.7.3 * 1089-1473 575 3588 2192.1 4450-3778 3754
Abraam ¢
25:20 Abraam ¢
egennhse ¢
ton Isaak hn ¢
Iakwb ¢ on
geus ¢ me apo¢ tou eyhmatoV
¢ purrou¢ toutou
¢ ¢
of Abraham. Abraham procreated Isaac. [3was to Jacob, Let me taste from [2stew 1this spicy] for
1161 * 2094 5062 3753 2983 3588 1587 1223 3778 2564 3588 3686-1473 *
de ¢
Isaak ¢
etwn ¢
tessarakonta ¢
ote ¢
elabe thn ¢
ekleipw ¢
dia ¢ eklhqh
touto ¢ ¢
to onoma autou¢ Edwm
1And 2Isaac 5years old 4forty] when he took I fail; on account of this [2was called 1his name] Edom.
* 2364 * 3588 * 1438 1519 1135 2036 1161 * 3588 * 591 1473 4594
Rebekkan ¢ Baqouhl
qugatera ¢ ¢
tou Surou ¢
eautw ¢
eiV gunaika ¢
25:31 eipe de ¢
Iakwb tw Hsau¢ ¢
apodou moi ¢
Rebekah daughter of Bethuel the Syrian to himself for wife. [3said 1And 2Jacob] to Esau, Give to me today
1189 1161 * 2962 4012 * 3588 4415-1473 1532 2036-* 2400
25:21 edeeto de ¢
Isaak ¢
kuriou peri¢ ¢
RebekkaV ta ¢ ia
prwtotok ¢ sou 25:32 kai ¢
eipen Hsau¢ idou¢
[3beseeched 1And 2Isaac] the lord concerning Rebekah your rights as first-born. And Esau said, Behold,
3588 1135-1473 3754 4723-1510.7.3 1522 1161 1473 1473 4198 5053 2532 2444 1473 3778
thV gunaikoV ¢
¢ autou¢ oti ¢ hn
steira ¢
eishkouse de autou¢ ¢ poreuomai
egw ¢ ¢
teleutan ¢
kai inati¢ moi ¢
his wife, for she was sterile; [4listened 1and 2his I am going to come to an end, and what to me are these,
3588 2316 2532 4815 1722 1064 * 3588 3588 4415 2532 2036 1473 *
o ¢
qeoV ¢
kai sunelaben en gastri¢ ¢
Rebekka h ta ¢
prwtotokia 25:33 kai ¢
eipen ¢
autw ¢
3God], and [3conceived 4in 5the womb 1Rebekah the rights of the first-born? And [2said 3to him 1Jacob],
1135-1473 4640 1161 3588 3813 1722 1473 3660 1473 4594 2532 3660
¢ autou¢
gunh ¢
25:22 eskirtwn de ta ¢
paidia en ¢
auth ¢
omos ¢
on moi ¢
shmeron kai ¢
2his wife]. [4leaped 1And 2the 3male babies] in her. You swear by an oath to me today! And he swore by an oath
2036-1161 1487 3779 1473 3195 1096 2444 1473 1473 591 1161 * 3588 4415 3588
¢ de
eipe ei ¢
outw moi ¢
mellei ¢
ginesqai ¢
inati¢ moi ¢
autw ¢
apedoto de Hsau¢ ta ¢
prwtotokia tw
And she said, If thus [3to me 1is about 2to happen], why [2to me to him. [3gave 1And 2Esau] the rights of the first-born
3778 4198-1161 4441 3844 2962 2532 * *-1161 1325 3588 * 740 2532 2192.1
touto ¢
eporeuqh de ¢
puqesqai ¢ kuriou
para ¢ 25:23 kai ¢
Iakwb 25:34 Iakwb ¢
¢ de edwke tw Hsau¢ ¢
arton ¢
kai eyhma
1is this]? And she went to inquire of the lord. And to Jacob. And Jacob gave to Esau bread and stew
2036-2962 1473 1417 1484 1722 1064-1473 1510.2.6 2532 5316.2 2532 2068 2532 4095 2532 450 3634.2 2532
¢ kurioV
eipe ¢ auth¢ duo¢ ¢
eqnh en gastri¢ sou eisi¢ kai fakou¢ ¢
kai efage ¢
kai epie ¢ wceto
kai anastaV ¢ kai
the lord said to her, Two nations [2in 3your womb 1are]; and of lentils. And he ate and drank, and rising up he set out. And
1417 2992 1537 3588 2836-1473 1291 2532 5336.3-* 3588 4415
¢ laoi¢
duo ek ¢ sou diastalhsontai
thV koiliaV ¢ kai ¢
efaulisen Hsau¢ ¢
ta prwtotokia
two peoples from out of your belly will draw apart. And Esau treated as worthless the rights of the first-born.
2992 2992 5242 2532 3588 3173
laoV laou¢ ¢
uperexei kai o ¢
meizwn CHAPTER 26
one people [2another people 1will be superior over]; and the greater
1398 3588 1640 2532 4137
douleusei tw ¢
elassoni 25:24 kai ¢
eplhrwqhsan Isaac Deceives Abimelech
will be a servant to the lesser. And were fulfilled 1096-1161 3042 1909 3588 1093 5565
3588 2250 3588 5088-1473 2532 3592 1510.7.3 1324 ¢
26:1 egeneto de ¢
limoV epi¢ thV ghV cwriV
ai ¢
hmerai ¢ authn
tou tekein ¢ kai ¢
thde hn ¢
diduma And there became a famine upon the land, separate from
the days for her to bear. And thus there were twins
3588 3042 3588 4387 3739 1096 1722 3588 5550 3588
1722 3588 2836-1473 1831-1161 3588 4416 tou limou¢ tou proteron
¢ oV ¢
egeneto en ¢
tw cronw tou
en th ¢ authV
koilia ¢ ¢
25:25 exhlqe de o ¢
prwtotokoV the famine formerly, which happened in the time
in her belly. And came forth the first-born
* 4198 1161 * 4314 * 935
4449.1 3650 2532 5616 1392.1 1160.3 2028-1161 3588 ¢
Abraam ¢
eporeuqh de ¢ proV Abimelec
Isaak ¢ ¢
purrakhV ¢
oloV kai wsei¢ dora
¢ dasuV
¢ ¢
epwnomase de to of Abraham. [3went 1And 2Isaac] to Abimelech king
fiery red entirely, and of [2skin 1hairy]. And she named
* 1519 * 3708 1161 1473
3686-1473 * 2532 3326 3778 1831 3588 ¢
Fulistieim eiV ¢
Gerara ¢
26:2 wfqh de ¢
onoma autou¢ Hsau¢ 25:26 kai ¢ touto
meta ¢ ¢
exhlqen o of the Philistines in Gerar. [3appeared 1And 4to him
his name Esau. And after this came forth
80-1473 2532 3588 5495-1473 1949 3588 4418 2962 2532 2036 3361 2597 1519 *
¢ autou¢ kai h
adelfoV ceir autou¢ epeilhmmenh
¢ thV ¢
pternhV ¢
kurioV ¢
kai eipe mh ¢ eiV Aigupton
katabhV ¢
his brother, and his hand took hold of the heel 2the lord], and said, You should not go down into Egypt,
* 2532 2564 3588 3686-1473 * *-1161 2730-1161 1722 3588 1093 3739 302 1473-2036 2532
Hsau¢ kai ¢
ekalese to ¢
onoma autou¢ Iakwb
¢ ¢ de
Isaak ¢
katoikhson de en th gh h ¢
an soi eipw 26:3 kai
of Esau. And she called his name Jacob. And Isaac but dwell in the land! which ever I should tell you. And
26:4 G E N E S I S 35
3939 1722 3588 1093-3778 2532 1510.8.1 3326 1473 2532 2127 3956 3588 2992-1473 3004 3956 3588 680 3588
paroikei ¢
en th gh tauth ¢
kai esomai ¢ sou kai euloghsw
meta ¢ panti¢ tw ¢ autou¢ legwn
law ¢ paV o ¢
ayamenoV† tou
sojourn in this land! And I will be with you, and I will bless to all his people, saying, Any one touching
1473 1473-1063 2532 3588 4690-1473 1325 3956 3588 444-3778 2532 3588 1135-1473 2288 1777
se soi gar kai tw ¢
spermati¢ sou dwsw
¢ ¢
pasan thn ¢
anqrwpou ¢
toutou ¢ autou¢ qanatw
kai thV gunaikoV ¢ ¢
you. For to you and your seed I will give all this man and his wife [3unto death 2liable
1093-3778 2532 2476 3588 3727-1473 3739 3660 1510.8.3 4687 1161 * 1722 3588 1093-1565 2532
ghn tauthn kai ¢
sthsw ¢
ton orkon mou on ¢
wmosa ¢
estai ¢
26:12 espeire de ¢ en
Isaak th ¢
gh ekeinh kai
this land. And I will establish my oath, which I swore 1will be]. [3sowed 1And 2Isaac] in that land. And
3588 * 3588 3962-1473 2532 4129 3588 2147 1722 3588 1763-1565 1543.2 2915
tw ¢
Abraam tw patri¢ sou 26:4 kai ¢
plhqunw to ¢
euren ¢ ekeinw
en tw eniautw ¢ ekatosteuousan
¢ ¢
to Abraham your father. And I will multiply he found in that year [2bearing a hundred fold 1barley],
4690-1473 5613 3588 792 3588 3772 2532 1325 3588 2127 1161 1473 2962 2532 5312 3588
sperma ¢
sou wV touV asteraV tou ouranou¢ kai dwsw
¢ tw ¢
euloghse de ¢ kurioV
auton ¢ ¢
26:13 kai uywqh o
your seed as the stars of the heaven. And I will give [3blessed 1and 4him 2the lord]. And [3was exalted 1the
4690-1473 3956 3588 1093-3778 2532 2127 1722 444 2532 4260 3173 1096 2193 3739
spermati¢ sou pasan
¢ ¢
thn ghn tauthn ¢
kai euloghqhsontai en ¢
anqrwpoV ¢
kai probainwn ¢
meizwn ¢
egeneto ¢
ewV ou
your seed all this land. And shall be blessed by 2man], and [2advancing 3greatly 1was], until of which time
3588 4690-1473 3956 3588 1484 3588 1093 446.2 3173 1096 4970 1096-1161 1473
tw spermati¢ sou panta
¢ ¢
ta eqnh thV ghV 26:5 anq' wn ¢
megaV ¢
egeneto ¢
sfodra ¢
26:14 egeneto de ¢
your seed all the nations of the earth; because [3great 1he became 2exceedingly]. And there became to him
5219 * 3588 3962-1473 3588 1699 5456 2532 2934 4263 2532 2934 1016 2532 1091 4183
uphkousen ¢
Abraam o ¢ sou
pathr ¢ fwnhV
thV emhV ¢ kai ¢
kthnh ¢
probatwn ¢
kai kthnh ¢
bown ¢
kai gewrgia ¢
[3obeyed 1Abraham 2your father] my voice, and herds of sheep, and herds of oxen, and [2farms 1many].
5442 3588 4366.2-1473 2532 3588 1785-1473 2206 1161 1473 3588 *
efulaxe ta ¢
prostagmata¢ mou kai taV entolaV
¢ mou ¢
ezhlwsan de ¢ oi
auton ¢
guarded my orders, and my commandments, [4envied 1And 5him 2the 3Philistines].
2532 3588 1345-1473 2532 3588 3544.1-1473 2730
kai ta ¢
dikaiwmata¢ mou kai ta ¢
nomima¢ mou ¢
26:6 katwkhse Combat Over the Wells
and my ordinances, and my laws. [3dwelt
2532 3956 3588 5421 3739 3736 3588 3816
1161 * 1722 * 1905 1161 3588 435 ¢
26:15 kai panta ¢
ta freata a ¢
wruxan oi ¢
de ¢
Isaak en GeraroiV ¢
26:7 ephrwthsan de oi ¢
andreV And all the wells which [4dug 1the 2servants
1And 2Isaac] in Gerar. [6asked 1And 2the 3men
3588 3962-1473 1719.2 1473 1722 3588 5550 3588
3588 5117 4012 * 3588 1135-1473 2532 ¢ autou¢ enefraxan
tou patroV ¢ ¢
auta en tw ¢
cronw tou
tou ¢
topou peri¢ ¢
RebekkaV ¢ autou¢ kai
thV gunaikoV 3of his father] [3obstructed 4them 5in 6the 7time
4of the 5place] concerning Rebekah his wife. And
3962-1473 3588 * 2532 4130 1473 1093
2036 79 1473-1510.2.3 5399-1063 2036 3754 1135 ¢ autou¢ oi
patroV ¢ kai eplhsan
Fulistieim ¢ ¢ ghV
eipen ¢ mou estin
adelfh ¢ ¢
efobhqh gar eipein ¢
¢ oti ¢
gunh 8of his father 1the 2Philistines], and filled them with earth.
he said, [2sister 1She is my], for he feared to say that, [2wife
2036 1161 * 4314 * 565 575 1473
1473-1510.2.3 3379 615 1473 3588 435 ¢
26:16 eipe de ¢
Abimelec proV Isaak ¢
¢ apelqe af' ¢
mou esti¢ mh pote ¢
apokteinwsin ¢ oi
auton ¢
andreV [3said 1And 2Abimelech] to Isaac, Go forth from us!
1She is my], lest at any time [5should kill 6him 1the 2men
3754 1415 1473 1096 4970 2532
3588 5117 4012 * 3754 5611 3588 ¢
oti ¢
dunatwteroV ¢ egenou
hmwn ¢ ¢
sfodra 26:17 kai
tou ¢
topou peri¢ ¢
RebekkaV ¢
oti ¢
wraia th for [3mightier than 4us 1you became 2exceedingly]. And
3of the 4place] on account of Rebekah; for [4beautiful 1her
565-* 1564 2532 2647 1722 3588 5327
3799 1510.7.3 1096-1161 4187.2 1563 ¢
aphlqen ¢ ekeiqen
Isaak ¢ ¢
kai katelusen en th ¢
oyei hn ¢
26:8 egeneto de ¢
polucronioV ekei¢ Isaac went forth from there. And he rested up in the ravine
2appearance 3was]. And he became long-lived there.
* 2532 2730 1563 2532 3825 * 3736
2532 3879 * 3588 935 * 1223 ¢
Gerarwn ¢
kai katwkhsen ekei¢ ¢
26:18 kai palin Isaak ¢
¢ wruxe
kai parakuyaV ¢
Abimelec o ¢ Gerarwn
basileuV ¢ ¢
dia of Gerar, and dwelt there. And again Isaac dug
And [5leaned over 1Abimelech 2the 3king 4of Gerar] through
3588 5421 3588 5204 3739 3736 3588 3816 *
3588 2376 1492 3588 * 3815 3326 * ¢
ta freata ¢
tou udatoV a ¢
wruxan oi ¢
paideV ¢
thV quridoV ¢
eide ¢
ton Isaak ¢
paizonta ¢ RebekkaV
meta ¢
the wells of water which [5dug 1the 2servants 3of Abraham
the window, and saw Isaac playing with Rebekah
3588 3962-1473 2532 1719.2 1473 3588 * 3326
3588 1135-1473 2564 1161 * 3588 ¢ autou¢ kai enefraxan
tou patroV ¢ ¢ oi
auta ¢ meta
Fulistieim ¢
¢ autou¢
thV gunaikoV ¢
26:9 ekalese de ¢
Abimelec ton 4his father]; and [3obstructed 4them 1the 2Philistines], after
his wife. [3called 1And 2Abimelech]
3588 599 * 3588 3962-1473 2532 2028
* 2532 2036 1473 686 1065 1135-1473 1510.2.3 ¢ Abraam
to apoqanein ¢ ¢ autou¢ kai epwnomasen
ton patera ¢
Isaak ¢
kai eipen ¢
autw ¢
ara ge ¢ sou
gunh esti¢ the dying of Abraham his father. And he named
Isaac, and said to him, So indeed [2your wife 1is she]?
1473 3686 2596 3588 3686 3739 3687
5100 3754 2036 79 1473-1510.2.3 2036 1161 1473 ¢ onomata
autoiV ¢ ¢
kata ta ¢
onomata a ¢
ti ¢
oti ¢
eipaV ¢ mou estin
adelfh ¢ ¢
eipe de ¢
autw them with names according to the names which [2named
Why is it that you said, [2sister 1She is my]? [3said 1And 4to him
3588 3962-1473 2532 3736 3588 3816 *
* 2036 1063 3379 599 1223 o ¢ autou¢
pathr ¢
26:19 kai wruxan oi ¢
paideV ¢
Isaak ¢
eipa gar mh pote ¢
apoqanw di' 1his father]. And [4dug 1the 2servants 3of Isaac]
2Isaac], I said it for lest at any time I might die on account of
1722 3588 5327 * 2532 2147 1563 5421 5204
1473 2036 1161 1473 * 5100 3778 en th ¢
faraggi ¢
Gerarwn ¢
kai euron ekei¢ frear
¢ ¢
authn ¢
26:10 eipe de ¢
autw ¢
Abimelec ti ¢
touto in the ravine of Gerar, and found there a well of [2water
her. [3said 1And 4to him 2Abimelech], What is this
2198 2532 3164 3588 4166 *
4160 1473 3397 2837 5100 3588 ¢
zwntoV 26:20 kai ¢
emacesanto oi ¢
poimeneV ¢
epoihsaV ¢ mikrou¢
hmin ¢
ekoimhqh tiV tou 1living]. And [4did combat 1the 2shepherds 3of Gerar]
you did to us? Is it a small thing [4went to bed 1if someone
3326 3588 4166 * 5335 1473 1510.1 3588
1085 1473 3326 3588 1135-1473 2532 1863 1909 ¢ twn poimenwn
meta ¢ ¢
Isaak ¢
faskonteV ¢
autwn ¢
einai to
genouV mou ¢ thV gunaikoV
meta ¢ sou kai ephgageV
¢ ef' with the shepherds of Isaac, maintaining [4theirs 3to be 1the
3kind 2of my] with your wife, and you brought upon
5204 2532 2564 3588 3686 3588 5421 93-*
1473 52 4929 1161 * ¢
udwr kai ¢
ekalesan to ¢
onoma tou ¢
freatoV ¢
hmaV ¢
¢ agnoian ¢
26:11 sunetaxe de ¢
Abimelec 2water]. And they called the name of the well, Injustice,
us a sin of ignorance? [3gave orders 1And 2Abimelech]
91-1063 1473 522-1161 1564 3736
hdikhsan gar ¢
auton ¢
26:21 aparaV de ¢
ekeiqen ¢
for they wronged him. And departing from there he dug

26:11 †Ald. aptomenoV – touching.

36 G E N E S I S 26:22
5421 2087 2919-1161 2532 4012 1565 3588 4139 2532 1821-1473 * 2532 599.5
frear ¢
eteron ¢
ekrinonto de kai peri¢ ¢
ekeinou tw ¢ kai exapesteilen
plhsion ¢ ¢ Isaak
autouV ¢ kai apwconto
[2well 1another]. And they quarreled also on account of that well. to the neighbor. And [2sent them out 1Isaac], and they moved
2532 2028 3588 3686 1473 2189.3-* 522-1161 575 1473 3326 4991 1096-1161 1722
kai epwnomase to ¢
onoma autou¢ ecqria
¢ ¢
26:22 aparaV de ap' autou¢ meta
¢ swthriaV
¢ ¢
26:32 egeneto de en
And he named the name of it, Hatred. And departing away from him with safety. And it came to pass in
1564 3736 5421 2087 2532 3756 3164 3588 2250-1565 2532 3854 3588 3816 *
ekeiqen ¢
wruxe ¢
frear ¢
eteron kai ouk ¢
emacesanto th ¢ ekeinh
hmera ¢ ¢
kai paragenomenoi oi ¢
paideV ¢
from there, he dug [2well 1another]. And they did not do combat that day, also [4coming 1the 2servants 3of Isaac]
4012 1473 2532 2028 3588 3686 1473 2148.3-* 3004 518 1473 4012 3588 5421 3739 3736 2532
peri¢ autou¢ kai epwnomase
¢ ¢
to onoma autou¢ eurucwria
¢ legwn
¢ ¢
aphggeilan ¢ peri¢
autw ¢
tou freatoV ou ¢
wruxan kai
over it. And he named the name of it, Expanse, saying, reported to him concerning the well which they dug, and
1360 3568 4115-2962 1473 2532 837-1473 1909 2036 3756 2147 5204 2532 2564 1473
dioti ¢
nun eplatune ¢
kurioV ¢ kai huxhsen
hmin ¢ ¢
hmaV epi¢ ¢
eipan ouc ¢
euromen ¢
udwr 26:33 kai ¢
ekalesen auto¢
Because now the lord widened us, and caused us to grow upon said, We did not find water. And he called it,
3588 1093 305-1161 1564 1909 3588 5421 3727 1223 3778 2564 3686 3588 4172-1565
thV ghV ¢
26:23 anebh de ¢
ekeiqen epi¢ to ¢
frear ¢
orkoV ¢
dia ¢
touto ¢
ekalesen ¢
onoma ¢
th polei ¢
the earth. And he ascended from there towards the Well Oath. On account of this he called the name of that city,
3588 3727 2532 3708 1473 2962 1722 3588 5421 3727 2193 3588 4594 2250 1510.7.3 1161
tou ¢
orkou ¢
26:24 kai wfqh ¢
kurioV ¢
en th ¢
Frear ¢
orkou ¢
ewV ¢
thV shmeron ¢
hmeraV 26:34 hn de
of the Oath. And [2appeared 3to him 1the lord] in Well of Oath, unto today’s day. [3was 1And
3571-1565 2532 2036 1473 1510.2.1 3588 2316 * 3588 * 2094 5062 2532 2983 1135 * 3588
nukti¢ ekeinh
¢ ¢
kai eipen ¢ eimi
egw o ¢ Abraam
qeoV ¢ tou Hsau¢ etwn
¢ ¢
tessarakonta ¢
kai elabe ¢
gunaika ¢ thn
that night, and said, I am the God of Abraham 2Esau 5years old 4forty] and he took a wife – Judith the
3962-1473 3361 5399 3326 1473 1063 1510.2.1 2532 2127 2364 * 3588 * 2532 3588 * 2364
¢ sou mh
patroV fobou¢ meta
¢ sou gar eimi ¢
kai euloghsw ¢
qugatera ¢
Bewr ¢
tou Cettaiou ¢
kai thn Basemaq ¢
your father. Do not fear! [3with 4you 1for 2I am]. And I will bless daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Bashemath daughter
1473 2532 4129 3588 4690-1473 1223 * 3588 * 3588 * 2532 1510.7.6 2051 3588 *
se ¢
kai plhqunw to ¢
sperma sou di' ¢
Abraam ton ¢
Elwm ¢
tou Cettaiou ¢
26:35 kai hsan ¢
erizousai ¢
tw Isaak
you, and I will multiply your seed because of Abraham of Elon the Hittite. And they were contending with Isaac
3962-1473 2532 3618 1563 2379 2532 2532 3588 *
¢ sou
patera ¢
26:25 kai wkodomhsen ekei¢ qusiasthrion
¢ kai ¢
kai th Rebekka
your father. And he built there an altar, and and Rebekah.
1941 3588 3686 2962 2532 4078 1563 3588
epekalesato to ¢
onoma ¢
kuriou ¢
kai ephxen ekei¢ thn
called upon the name of the lord, and he pitched there CHAPTER 27
4633-1473 3736 1161 1563 3588 3816 * 5421
¢ autou¢ wruxan
skhnhn ¢ de ekei¢ oi ¢
paideV ¢
Isaak ¢
frear Rebekah Deceives Isaac
his tent. [5dug 1And 7there 2the 3servants 4of Isaac 6a well] 1096-1161 3326 3588 1095 3588 *
1722 3588 5327 ¢ de
27:1 egeneto ¢ to
meta ¢
ghrasai ¢
ton Isaak
en th faraggi ¢
Gerarwn And it came to pass after the growing old of Isaac,
in the ravine Gerar. 2532 270.1 3588 3788-1473 3588 3708 2532
kai ¢
hmblunqhsan oi ofqalmoi¢ autou¢ tou ¢
oran kai
Isaac’s Covenant with Abimelech that [2were blunted 1his eyes] to see. And
2532 * 4198 4314 1473 575 2564 * 3588 5207 1473 3588 4245 2532 2036
26:26 kai ¢
Abimelec ¢
eporeuqh proV ¢
auton apo¢ ¢
ekalesen Hsau¢ ton uion
¢ autou¢ ton presbuteron
¢ ¢
kai eipen
And Abimelech went to him from he called Esau [3son 1his 2older], and said
* 2532 * 3588 3563.4-1473 2532 * 1473 5207-1473 2532 2036 2400 1473 2532 2036
Gerarwn ¢
kai Ocozaq o ¢ autou¢ kai Ficol
numfagwgoV ¢ ¢
autw uie¢ mou ¢
kai eipen idou¢ ¢
egw ¢
27:2 kai eipen
Gerar, and Ahuzzath his groomsman, and Phichol to him, O my son. And he said, Behold, it is I. And he said,
3588 751.2 3588 1411-1473 2532 2036 2400 1095 2532 3756 1097 3588 2250 3588
o ¢
arcistrathgoV ¢
thV dunamewV autou¢ ¢
26:27 kai eipen idou¢ ¢
geghraka kai ou ¢
ginwskw ¢
thn hmeran thV
the commander-in-chief of his force. And [2said Behold, I have grown old, and I do not know the day
1473 * 2444 2064 4314 1473 1473-1161 3404 5054-1473 3568 3767 2983 3588 4632-1473
autoiV Isaak ¢
¢ inati¢ hlqete ¢ de emishsate
proV me umeiV ¢ ¢ mou
teleuthV 27:3 nun oun ¢
labe to skeu¢ oV
¢ sou
3to them 1Isaac], Why did you come to me; for you detested of my decease. Now then, take your hunting equipment,
1473 2532 649 1473 575 1473 3588-1161 2036 3588-5037 5329.1 2532 3588 5115 2532 1831 1519 3588 3977.1 2532
me ¢
kai apesteilate me af' ¢
umwn 26:28 oi de ¢
eipan thn te ¢
faretran ¢
kai to toxon ¢
kai exelqe ¢ kai
eiV to pedion
me, and you sent me from you? And they said, both the quiver and the bow! and go forth into the plain, and
1492 3708 3754 2962 1510.7.3 3326 1473 2532 2036 2340 1473 2339 2532 4160 1473 1475.1 5613
idonteV ¢
ewrakamen ¢
oti ¢
kurioV hn ¢ sou kai eipamen
meta ¢ ¢
qhreus ¢ moi
on ¢
qhran ¢ on
27:4 kai poihs ¢ moi ¢
edesmata wV
Seeing, we have seen that the lord was with you. And we said, hunt for me game! And make for me food as
1096 685 303.1 1473 2532 303.1 1473 2532 5368-1473 2532 5342 1473 2443 2068 3704 2127
genesqw ¢
ara ¢
anameson ¢ kai anameson
hmwn ¢ sou kai ¢ egw
filw ¢ ¢
kai enegke¢ moi ¢
ina ¢
fagw ¢
opwV ¢
Let there become an oath between us and between you! And I am fond of, and bring it to me! that I may eat, so that [2may bless
1303 3326 1473 1242 3361 4160 1473 3588 5590-1473 4250 3588 599-1473 *-1161
diaqhsomeqa ¢ sou diaqhkhn
meta ¢ 26:29 mh ¢
poihsai se h ¢ mou prin
yuch h ¢ me 27:5 Rebekka
apoqanein ¢ de
we will ordain with you a covenant. You shall not do 3you 1my soul] before my dying. And Rebekah
3326 1473 2556 2530 3756-948 1473 1473 2532 191 2980-* 4314 * 3588 5207-1473 4198
meq' ¢ kakon
hmwn ¢ kaqoti
¢ ¢
ouk ebdeluxameqa¢ se ¢ kai
hmeiV ¢
hkouse ¢
lalountoV ¢ proV Hsau¢ ton uion
Isaak ¢ autou¢ eporeuqh
[2with 3us 1evil], in so far as [2did not abhor 3you 1we], and heard Isaac speaking to Esau his son. [3went
3739 5158 5530 1473 2573 2532 1821-1473 1161 * 1519 3588 3977.1 2340 2339 3588 3962-1473
on ¢
tropon ¢
ecrhsameqa¢ sou kalwV
¢ kai exapesteilam
¢ ¢ se
en de Hsau¢ eiV to ¢ qhreusai
pedion ¢ ¢
qhran tw patri¢ autou¢
which manner we treated you well, and we sent you out 1And 2Esau] into the plain to hunt game for his father.
3326 1515 2532 3568 2128-1473 5259 2962 *-1161 2036 4314 * 3588 5207 1473 3588
¢ eirhnhV
meta ¢ kai nun ¢
upo¢ kuriou
euloghmenoV su ¢ ¢
27:6 Rebekka de ¢
eipe ¢
proV Iakwb ¢
ton uion ¢ ton
in peace. And now, you are being blessed by the lord. And Rebekah said to Jacob [3son 1her
2532 4160 1473-1403 2532 2068 2532 4095 1640 1492 191 3588 3962-1473 2980 4314 * 3588
26:30 kai epoihsen ¢ dochn
autoiV ¢ ¢
kai efagon ¢
kai epion ¢
elassw ¢
ide ¢
hkousa tou patroV¢ sou lalountoV
¢ proV Hsau¢ ton
And he made a banquet for them. And they ate and drank. 2lesser †], See! I heard your father speaking to Esau
2532 450 4404 3660 1538
26:31 kai anastanteV to prw+ ¢
wmosen ¢
And rising up in the morning, [2swore by an oath 1each] 27:6 †CP newteron – younger.
27:7 G E N E S I S 37
80-1473 3004 5342 1473 2339 2532 4160
¢ sou legontoV
adelfon ¢ ¢
27:7 enegk ¢ moi
on ¢
qhran ¢ on
kai poihs ¢ Jacob Deceives Isaac
your brother, saying, Bring to me game, and make 2532 2036-* 3588 3962-1473 1473 * 3588
1473-1475.1 2443 2068 2127 1473 1726 2962 ¢
27:19 kai eipen ¢
Iakwb tw patri¢ autou egw
¢ Hsau¢ o
moi edesmata ¢
ina ¢
fagwn ¢
euloghsw se ¢
enantion ¢
kuriou And Jacob said to his father, I am Esau
food for me! that eating, I may bless you before the lord, 4416-1473 4160 2505 2980 1473 450
4253 3588 599-1473 3568 3767 5207-1473 191 ¢
prwtotok ¢ sou pepoihka
oV ¢ ¢ elalhs
kaqa ¢ ¢
aV ¢
moi anastaV
pro ¢ me
tou apoqanein 27:8 nun oun uie¢ mou ¢
akous ¢
on your first-born. I did as you told me. In rising up
before my dying. Now then, O my son, hear 2523 2532 2068 575 3588 2339-1473 3704 2127
1473 2505 1473 1473-1781 2532 4198 1519 3588 ¢
kaqison ¢
kai fage apo¢ thV qhraV
¢ ¢
mou opwV ¢
¢ egw
mou kaqa ¢ soi entellomai
¢ ¢ eiV
27:9 kai poreuqeiV ta come take a seat and eat from my game! that [2may bless
me as I give charge to you! And going unto the 1473 3588 5590-1473 2036 1161 * 3588 5207-1473
4263 2983 1473 1564 1417 2056 527 2532 me h ¢ sou
yuch ¢
27:20 eipe de ¢ tw uiw
Isaak ¢ autou¢
probata ¢
labe moi ¢
ekeiqen ¢ erifouV
duo ¢ ¢ kai
apalouV 3me 1your soul]. [3said 1And 2Isaac] to his son,
sheep, you take for me from there two kids, tender and 5100 3778 3739 5036 2147 5599 5043 3588 1161 2036
2570 2532 4160 1473 1475.1 3588 3962-1473 5613 ti ¢ o
touto tacu¢ ¢
eureV w ¢
teknon o de ¢
¢ kai poihsw
kalouV ¢ ¢ edesmata
autouV ¢ tw patri¢ sou wV What is this which so quickly you found, O child? And he said,
good! And I will make them for food for your father as 3739 3860 2962 3588 2316-1473 1726 1473
5368 2532 1533 3588 3962-1473 2532 o ¢
paredwke ¢
kurioV o ¢ sou
qeoV ¢ mou
filei¢ ¢
27:10 kai eisoiseiV tw patri¢ sou kai that which [3delivered up 1the lord 2your God] before me.
he is fond of. And you shall carry them in to your father, and 2036 1161 * 3588 * 1448 1473 2532
2068 3704 2127 1473 3588 3962-1473 4253 3588 ¢
27:21 eipe de ¢
Isaak tw ¢
Iakwb ¢
eggis ¢
on moi kai
fagetai ¢
opwV ¢
euloghsh se o ¢ sou
pathr pro tou [3said 1And 2Isaac] to Jacob, Approach me, and
he shall eat, that [2may bless 3you 1your father] before 5584 1473 5043 1487 1473 1510.2.2 3588 5207-1473 *
599-1473 2036 1161 * 4314 * 3588 ¢
yhlafhsw ¢
se teknon ei su ei o ¢ mou Hsau¢
¢ auton
apoqanein ¢ ¢
27:11 eipe de ¢
Iakwb ¢
proV Rebekkan thn I shall handle you child, to see if you are my son Esau
his dying. [3said 1And 2Jacob] to Rebekah 2228 3756 1448 1161 * 4314 * 3588
3384-1473 1510.2.3 3588 80-1473 435 1160.3 1473-1161 h ou ¢
27:22 hggise de ¢
Iakwb ¢ ton
proV Isaak
mhtera ¢
¢ autou¢ estin o ¢ mou anhr
adelfoV ¢ dasuV
¢ ¢ de
egw or not! [3approached 1And 2Jacob] to Isaac
his mother, [2is 1My brother 4man 3a hairy], and I am 3962-1473 2532 5584 1473 2532 2036 3588-3303
435 3006 3379 5584 1473 ¢ autou¢ kai
patera ¢
eyhlafhsen ¢ kai eipen
auton ¢ h men
anhr ¢
leioV ¢ pote
27:12 mh ¢
yhlafhsh me his father. And he handled him, and said, Indeed the
[2man 1a smooth]; lest at any time [2should handle 3me 5456 5456 * 3588-1161 5495 5495 *
3588 3962-1473 2532 1510.8.1 1726 1473 5613 2706 ¢ fwnh
fwnh ¢ ¢
Iakwb ai de ¢
ceireV ¢
ceireV Hsau¢
o pathr ¢
¢ mou kai esomai ¢
enantion autou¢ wV katafronwn
¢ voice is the voice of Jacob, but the hands are the hands of Esau.
1my father], and I will be before him as disdained, 2532 3756 1921 1473 1510.7.6 1063 3588 5495-1473
2532 1863 1909 1683 2671 2532 3756 2129 27:23 kai ouk ¢
epegnw auton ¢
¢ hsan ¢
gar ai ceireV autou¢
kai epaxw ep' ¢ kataran
emauton ¢ ¢
kai ouk eulogian And he did not recognized him, [3were 1for 2his hands]
and I shall bring upon myself a curse, and not a blessing. 5613 3588 5495 * 3588 80-1473 1160.3 2532 2127
2036 1161 1473 3588 3384 1909 1473 3588
wV ai ceireV Hsau¢ tou adelfou¢ autou¢ daseiai
¢ kai euloghsen
27:13 eipe de ¢
autw h ¢
mhthr ep' eme¢ h as the hands of Esau his brother – hairy; and he blessed
[4said 1And 5to him 2the 3mother], Upon me be 1473 2532 2036 1473 1510.2.2 3588 5207-1473 * 3588 1161
2671-1473 5043 3440 1873 1473 3588 5456 2532
auton ¢
27:24 kai eipe su ei o ¢ mou Hsau¢ o
uioV de
katara ¢
sou teknon ¢
monon ¢
epakous ¢ mou thV fwnhV
on ¢ kai him. And he said, You are my son Esau? And
your curse, child. Only you heed my voice! And 2036 1473
4198 5342 1473 4198-1161 2983
eipen ¢
poreuqeiV ¢
¢ enegke¢ moi 27:14 poreuqeiV ¢
¢ de elabe he said, I am.
in going bring them to me! And going, he took them,
2532 5342 3588 3384 2532 4160 3588 3384-1473 Jacob’s Blessing
kai hnegke th mhtri¢ ¢
kai epoihsen h ¢
mhthr autou¢ 2532 2036 4317 1473 2532 2068 575
and brought them to the mother. And [2made 1his mother] ¢
27:25 kai eipe ¢
prosagage¢ moi ¢
kai fagomai apo¢
1475.1 2505 5368 3588 3962-1473 2532 And he said, Bring to me! and I will eat from
edesmata ¢ efilei
kaqa ¢ o ¢ autou¢
pathr 27:15 kai 3588 2339-1473 5043 2443 2127 1473 3588 5590-1473 2532
food as [2was fond of 1his father]. And ¢
thV qhraV ¢
sou teknon ¢
ina ¢
euloghsh se h ¢ mou kai
2983-* 3588 4749 * 3588 5207 1473 your game, child, that [2may bless 3you 1my soul]. And
labousa ¢
Rebekka ¢
thn stolhn Hsau¢ ¢
tou uiou ¢
authV 4374 1473 2532 2068 2532 1533 1473 3631
Rebekah having taken the apparel of Esau [3son 1her ¢
proshnegken ¢
autw ¢
kai efage ¢
kai eishnegken ¢ oinon
autw ¢
3588 4245 3588 2570 3739 1510.7.3 3844 1473 1722 he brought it near to him, and he ate; and he carried to him wine,
tou presbuterou ¢
thn kalhn h hn par' ¢ en
auth 2532 4095 2532 2036 1473 * 3588 3962-1473
2elder], the goodly, which was by her in ¢
kai epie ¢
27:26 kai eipen ¢
autw ¢ o
Isaak ¢ autou¢
3588 3624 1746 * 3588 5207 1473 3588 3501 and he drank. And [3said 4to him 1Isaac 2his father],
tw oikw ¢
enedusen ¢ ton uion
Iakwb ¢ ¢ ton newteron
authV ¢ 1448 1473 2532 5368 1473 5043 2532 1448
the house, she put it on Jacob [3son 1her 2younger]. ¢
eggis ¢
on ¢
moi kai filhs ¢ me teknon
on ¢ ¢
27:27 kai eggisaV
2532 3588 1192 3588 2056 4060 1909 3588 Approach me, and kiss me child! And approaching,
27:16 kai ta ¢
dermata twn ¢
erifwn ¢
perieqhken epi¢ touV 5368 1473 2532 3750.1 3588 3744 3588 2440-1473
And [2the 3skins 4of the 5kids 1she put] upon ¢
efilhsen ¢ kai wsfranqh
auton ¢ ¢ twn imatiwn
thn osmhn ¢ autou¢
1023-1473 2532 1909 3588 1131 3588 5137-1473 he kissed him. And he smelled the scent of his garments,
bracionaV autou¢ kai epi¢ ¢
ta gumna ¢
tou trachlou autou¢ 2532 2127 1473 2532 2036 2400 3744 3588 5207-1473
his arms, and upon the naked parts of his neck. ¢
kai euloghsen ¢ kai eipen
auton ¢ idou¢ ¢
osmh tou uiou¢ mou
2532 1325 3588 1475.1 2532 3588 740 3739 and blessed him, and said, Behold, the scent of my son
27:17 kai edwke ta ¢
edesmata ¢
kai touV artouV ouV 5613 3744 68 4134 3739 2127-2962 2532
And she gave the foods and the bread loaves which wV ¢
osmh agrou¢ plhrouV
¢ on ¢
euloghse ¢
kurioV 27:28 kai
4160 1519 3588 5495 * 3588 5207-1473 2532 is as the scent [2field 1of a full] which the lord blessed; and
epoihsen eiV ¢
taV ceiraV ¢
Iakwb tou uiou¢ authV
¢ 27:18 kai 1325 1473 3588 2316 575 3588 1408.1 3588 3772
she made unto the hands of Jacob her son. And ¢
dwh soi o ¢
qeoV apo¢ thV drosou
¢ tou ouranou¢
1533 3588 3962-1473 2036-1161 3962 3588 1161 2036 may [2give 3to you 1God] from the dew of the heaven,
eishnegke tw patri¢ autou¢ eipe
¢ de ¢
pater o de ¢
he carried in to his father. And he said, Father! And he said, 2532 575 3588 4096 3588 1093 2532 4128 4621
kai apo¢ thV piothtoV
¢ thV ghV ¢
kai plhqoV ¢
2400 1473 5100 1510.2.2 1473 5043 and from the fatness of the earth, and a multitude of grain
idou¢ ¢ tiV ei
egw ¢
su teknon
Behold, it is I, who are you child? 2532 3631 2532 1398 1473 1484 2532
kai oinou ¢
27:29 kai douleusatws ¢ soi
an ¢
eqnh kai
and wine. And let [2be slave 3to you 1nations]! And
38 G E N E S I S 27:30
4352 1473 758 2532 1096 2962 2532 3956 3588 80-1473 4160 1473 3610
proskunhsatws ¢ soi
an ¢
arconteV kai ¢
ginou ¢
kurioV ¢
kai pantaV ¢ autou¢ pepoihka
touV adelfouV ¢ autou¢ oiketaV
let [2do obeisance 3to you 1rulers]! And you become master and [2all 3his brothers 1I made] his servants,
3588 80-1473 2532 4352 1473 3588 5207 4621 2532 3631 4741 1473 1473-1161 5100
tou adelfou¢ sou ¢
kai proskunhsousi¢ soi oi uioi¢ ¢
sitw kai ¢
oinw ¢
esthrixa ¢
auton soi de ti
of your brother! And [4will do obeisance 5to you 1the 2sons [3with grain 4and 5wine 1to support 2him] – then to you what
3588 3962-1473 3588 2672 1473 1944 4160 5043 2036 1161 * 4314 3588 3962-1473
¢ sou
tou patroV o ¢
katarwmen ¢ se
oV ¢
epikataratoV ¢
poihsw ¢
teknon ¢
27:38 eipe de Hsau¢ proV ton patera
¢ autou¢
3of your father]. The one cursing you will be accursed, may I do child? [3said 1And 2Esau] to his father,
3588-1161 2127 1473 2127 2532 3361 2129 1520 1473 1510.2.3 3962 2127
o de ¢
eulogwn se ¢
euloghmenoV 27:30 kai mh ¢
eulogia ¢
mia soi ¢
esti ¢
pater ¢
and the one blessing you will be for a blessing. And [2not 4blessing 3one 5in you 1Is there], O father? [2bless
1096 3326 3588 3973 * 2127 1211 2504 3962 2660 1161 * 310
egeneto ¢
meta to ¢
pausasqai ¢
Isaak ¢
eulogounta dh kame¢ ¢
pater ¢
katanucqentoV de ¢ anebohse
Isaak ¢
it came to pass after the ceasing of Isaac blessing 1Indeed] me also father! [3being vexed 1And 2Isaac], [2yelled out
* 3588 5207-1473 2532 1096 5613 1831-* 5456 * 2532 2799 611 1161 *
Iakwb ¢ autou¢ kai egeneto
ton uion ¢ wV ¢
exhlqen ¢
Iakwb ¢
fwnh Hsau¢ ¢
kai eklausen ¢ de
27:39 apokriqeiV ¢
Jacob his son, that it happened as Jacob went forth 3a sound 1Esau], and he wept. [4answering 1And 2Isaac
575 4383 * 3588 3962-1473 2532 * 3588 3588 3962-1473 2036 1473 2400 575 3588 4096 3588
apo¢ ¢
proswpou ¢
Isaak ¢ autou¢ kai Hsau¢ o
tou patroV o ¢
pathr autou¢ eipen
¢ ¢
autw idou¢ apo¢ thV piothtoV
¢ thV
from the face of Isaac his father, that Esau 3his father] said to him, Behold, from the fatness of the
80-1473 2064 575 3588 2339 2532 4160 1093 1510.8.3 3588 2731-1473 2532 575 3588 1408.1 3588
adelfoV ¢
¢ autou¢ hlqen apo¢ ¢
thV qhraV 27:31 kai ¢
epoihse ghV ¢
estai h ¢
katoikhs ¢ sou kai apo¢ thV drosou
iV ¢ tou
his brother came from the hunt. And he made earth will be your dwelling, and from the dew of the
2532 1473 1475.1 2532 4374 3588 3962-1473 2532 3772 509 2532 1909 3588 3162-1473 2198
kai autoV ¢
edesmata ¢
kai proshnegke tw patri¢ autou¢ kai ¢
ouranou¢ anwqen 27:40 kai epi¢ th macaira
¢ sou zhsh
also himself food, and brought it near his father. And heaven above. And upon your sword you shall live,
2036 3588 3962 450 3588 3962-1473 2532 2068 2532 3588 80-1473 1398 1510.8.3-1161
eipe tw patri¢ anasthtw
¢ o ¢ mou kai fagetw
pathr ¢ kai tw ¢ sou
adelfw ¢
douleuseiV ¢
estai de
he said to the father, Rise up my father, and eat and [2of your brother 1you will be a servant]. And it will be
575 3588 2339 3588 5207-1473 3704 2127 1473 3588 2259 302 2507 2532 1590 3588 2218-1473
apo¢ ¢
thV qhraV ¢
tou uiou¢ autou¢ opwV ¢
euloghsh me h ¢
hnika an ¢
kaqelhV ¢
kai eklushV ¢ autou¢
ton zugon
from the game of his son! that [2may bless 3me when ever you should demolish and loosen his yoke
5590-1473 2532 2036 1473 * 3588 3962-1473 575 3588 5137-1473
¢ sou
yuch ¢
27:32 kai eipen ¢
autw ¢ o
Isaak ¢ autou¢
pathr apo¢ tou trachlou
¢ sou
1your soul]. And [3said 4to him 1Isaac 2his father], from your neck.
5100 1510.2.2 1473 3588 1161 2036 1473 1510.2.1 3588 5207-1473
tiV ei su o de ¢
eipen ¢ eimi
egw o ¢ sou
Who are you? And he said, I am your son, Esau Seeks to Kill Jacob
3588 4416 * 1839 1161 * 2532 1465.1-* 3588 * 4012 3588
o ¢
prwtotokoV Hsau¢ ¢
27:33 exesth de ¢
Isaak 27:41 kai ¢
enekotei Hsau¢ tw ¢
Iakwb peri¢ thV
the first-born, Esau. [3was amazed 1And 2Isaac And Esau was angry at Jacob on account of the
1611 3173 4970 2532 2036 5100 2129 3739 2127 1473 3588 3962-1473 2036
ekstasin ¢
megalhn ¢
sfodra ¢
kai eipe tiV ¢
eulogiaV hV ¢
euloghsen ¢ o
auton ¢ autou¢ eipe
pathr ¢
6change of state 5great 4with an exceedingly]. And he said, Who blessing of which [2blessed 3him 1his father]. [3said
3767 3588 2340 1473-2339 2532 1533 1473 1161 * 1722 3588 1271-1473 1448 3588 2250
oun o ¢
qhreusaV ¢
moi qhran ¢
kai eisenegkaV moi de Hsau¢ en th ¢ autou¢ eggisatwsan
dianoia ¢ ai ¢
then is the one hunting game for me, and carrying it in to me? 1And 2Esau] in his mind, Let approach the days
2532 2068 575 3956 4253 3588 2064-1473 2532 2127 3588 3997 3588 3962-1473 2443 615 * 3588
kai efagon apo¢ pantwn
¢ pro ¢ se
tou elqein ¢
kai euloghsa tou ¢
penqouV ¢ mou
tou patroV ¢
ina ¢
apokteinw ¢
Iakwb ton
And I ate from all before your coming, and blessed of the mourning of my father! that I may kill Jacob
1473 2532 2127 1510.5 1096-1161 2259 80-1473 518-1161 * 3588 4487
¢ kai euloghmenoV
auton ¢ ¢
estw ¢
27:34 egeneto de ¢
hnika ¢ mou
adelfon ¢
27:42 aphggelh de ¢
Rebekka ta ¢
him, and a blessing let it be! And it happened when my brother. And were reported to Rebekah the words
191-* 3588 4487 3588 3962-1473 * 310 * 3588 5207 1473 3588 4245 2532 3992
hkousen Hsau¢ ta rhmata
¢ ¢ autou¢ Isaak
tou patroV ¢ anebohse
¢ Hsau¢ ¢
tou uiou ¢ tou presbuterou
authV ¢ ¢
kai pemyasa
Esau heard the words of his father Isaac, he yelled out of Esau [3son 1her 2elder]. And sending forth,
5456 3173 2532 4089 4970 2532 2036 2564 * 3588 5207 1473 3588 3501 2532 2036
¢ megalhn
fwnhn ¢ kai ¢ sfodra
pikran ¢ kai ¢
eipen ¢
ekalesen ¢
Iakwb ¢
ton uion ¢ ton newteron
authV ¢ ¢
kai eipen
[5voice 1with a great 2and 4bitter 3exceedingly]. And he said, she called Jacob [3son 1her 2younger], and she said
2127 1211 2504 3962 2036-1161 1473 1473 2400 * 3588 80-1473 546 1473 3588
euloghson dh kame¢ ¢
pater ¢ de
27:35 eipe ¢
autw ¢
autw idou¢ Hsau¢ o ¢ sou apeilei¢
adelfoV soi tou
You bless indeed also me father! And he said to him, to him, Behold, Esau, your brother threatens you –
2064 3588 80-1473 3326 1388 2983 3588 2129-1473 615 1473 3568 3767 5043 191 1473 3588
elqwn o ¢ sou meta
adelfoV ¢ dolou
¢ ¢
elabe ¢ sou
thn eulogian ¢ i¢ se
apokteina 27:43 nun oun ¢
teknon ¢
akous ¢ mou thV
In coming, your brother with cunning took your blessing. to kill you. Now then, child, hear my
2532 2036 1346 2564 3588 3686-1473 * 5456 2532 450 590.2 1519 3588 * 4314
27:36 kai eipe ¢
dikaiwV ¢
eklhqh to ¢
onoma autou¢ Iakwb
¢ ¢ kai anastaV
fwnhV ¢ apodraqi
¢ eiV ¢
thn Mesopotamian proV
And he said, Justly was [2called 1his name] Jacob. voice! and rising up run away into Mesopotamia to
4418.1-1063 1473 2235 1208-3778 3588-5037 * 3588 80-1473 1519 * 2532 3611 3326
epternike gar me ¢
hdh ¢
deuteron ¢
touto ta te ¢
Laban ¢ mou eiV Carran
ton adelfon ¢ ¢
27:44 kai oikhson met'
For he has stomped upon me already this second time. Even Laban my brother in Haran! And live with
4415-1473 2983 2532 3568 2983 3588 1473 2250-5100 2193 3588 654 3588 2372 2532
¢ a
prwtotoki ¢ mou ¢
eilhfe kai nun ¢
elabe thn autou¢ hmeraV
¢ ¢
tinaV ¢
27:45 ewV ¢
tou apostreyai ¢ kai
ton qumon
my rights of the first-born he has taken, and now he took him some days! until the turning back the rage and
2129-1473 2532 2036-* 3588 3962-1473 3756 3588 3709 3588 80-1473 575 1473 2532 1950
¢ mou kai
eulogian ¢
eipen Hsau¢ tw patri¢ autou¢ ouc ¢ tou adelfou¢ sou
thn orghn apo¢ sou kai epilaqhtai
my blessing. And Esau said to his father, Do you not the anger of your brother from you, and he should forget
5275 1473 2129 3962 611-1161 3739 4160 1473 2532 649 3343
upelipou moi ¢
eulogian ¢
pater ¢ de
27:37 apokriqeiV a ¢
pepoihkaV ¢
autw kai ¢
aposteilasa ¢
leave behind to me a blessing, O father? And answering what you have done to him. And sending, I will fetch
* 2036 3588 * 1487 2962 1473 4160 1473 1473 1564 3379 815.1 575 3588 1417
¢ eipe
Isaak ¢ tw Hsau¢ ei ¢
kurion ¢ pepoihk
auton ¢ a ¢ sou ¢
se ekeiqen mh pote ¢
apoteknwqw apo¢ twn duo
Isaac said to Esau, If [3master 2him 1I made] of you, you from there, lest at any time I should be childless from the two
27:46 G E N E S I S 39
1473 1722 2250 1520 2036 1161 * 4314 * 1726 * 3588 3962-1473 2532 4198-*
¢ en hmera
umwn ¢ mia
¢ ¢
27:46 eipe de ¢
Rebekka ¢
proV Isaak ¢
enantion ¢ tou patroV
Isaak ¢ autou¢ ¢
28:9 kai eporeuqh Hsau¢
of you in [2day 1one]. [3said 1And 2Rebekah] to Isaac, before Isaac his father, that Esau went
4360 3588 2222-1473 1223 3588 2364 3588 5207 4314 * 2532 2983 3588 * 2364 * 3588
proswcqika ¢ mou dia
th zwh ¢ ¢
taV qugateraV twn ¢
uiwn ¢ kai elabe
proV Ismahl ¢ ¢
thn Maeleq ¢
qugatera ¢
Ismahl tou
I loathe my life, on account of the daughters of the sons to Ishmael, and he took Mahalath daughter of Ishmael, the
* 1487 2983-* 1135 575 3588 2364 3588 5207 * 79 * 4314 3588 1135-1473
Cet ei ¢
lhyetai ¢ gunaika
Iakwb ¢ apo¢ twn qugaterwn
¢ thV ¢ Abraam
uiou ¢ ¢ Nabewq
adelfhn ¢ ¢ autou¢
proV taiV gunaixin
of Heth. If Jacob shall take a wife from the daughters son of Abraham, sister of Nebajoth, to his wives,
1093-3778 2444 1473 3588 2198 1135 2532 1831-* 575 3588 5421 3588
ghV tauthV ¢
inati moi to zhn ¢
gunaika ¢
28:10 kai exhlqen ¢
Iakwb apo¢ tou freatoV
¢ tou
of this land, why is it for me to live? as a wife. And Jacob went forth from the Well of the
3727 2532 4198 1519 *
orkou ¢
kai eporeuqh ¢
eiV Carran
CHAPTER 28 Oath, and went into Haran.

Jacob Sent to Laban The Stairway to Heaven

4341 1161 * 3588 * 2127 2532 528 5117 2532 2837 1563
28:1 proskalesamenoV de ¢ ton Iakwb
Isaak ¢ euloghsen
¢ 28:11 kai ¢
aphnthse ¢
topw ¢
kai ekoimhqh ekei¢
[3having called 1And 2Isaac] Jacob, blessed And he encountered a place, and slept there,
1473 2532 1781 1473 3004 3756 2983 1135 1416 1063 3588 2246 2532 2983 575 3588 3037
¢ kai eneteilato
auton ¢ ¢
autw ¢
legwn ou ¢
lhyh ¢
gunaika ¢
edu gar o ¢
hlioV ¢
kai elaben apo¢ twn ¢
him, and gave charge to him, saying, Not shall you take a wife [4went down 1for 2the 3sun]. And he took from one of the stones
1537 3588 2364 3588 * 450 3588 5117 2532 5087 4314 2776-1473 2532 2837
ek ¢
twn qugaterwn twn ¢
Cananaiwn ¢
28:2 anastaV tou ¢
topou ¢
kai eqhke ¢ autou¢ kai ekoimhqh
proV kefalhV ¢
from the daughters of the Canaanites. Having risen up, of the place, and put it at his head, and went to sleep
590.2 1519 3588 * 1519 3588 3624 * 1722 3588 5117-1565 2532 1797 2532 2400
apodraqi eiV ¢
thn Mesopotamian ¢
eiV ton oikon ¢
Baqouhl en tw ¢
topw ¢
ekeinw 28:12 kai ¢
enupniasqh kai idou¢
you run away unto Mesopotamia to the house of Bethuel in that place. And he dreamed. And behold,
3588 3962 3588 3384-1473 2532 2983 4572 1564 2824.2 4741 1722 3588 1093 3739 3588
¢ thV mhtroV
tou patroV ¢ sou ¢
kai labe ¢
seautw ¢
ekeiqen ¢
klimax ¢
esthrigmenh en th gh hV h
the father of your mother! and take to yourself from there there was a stairway being supported by the earth, of which the
1135 1537 3588 2364 * 3588 80 3588 2776 864 1519 3588 3772 2532 3588 32 3588 2316
gunaika ek ¢
twn qugaterwn ¢
Laban tou adelfou¢ thV ¢ afikneito
kefalh ¢ eiV ton ouranon
¢ kai oi ¢
aggeloi tou qeou¢
a wife from the daughters of Laban the brother top arrived in the heaven. And the angels of God
3384-1473 3588 1161 2316-1473 2127 1473 305 2532 2597 1909 1473 3588-1161 2962
¢ sou
mhtroV 28:3 o de ¢ mou
qeoV ¢
euloghsai se ¢
anebainon ¢
kai katebainon ep' ¢
auth 28:13 o de ¢
of your mother! And [2my God 1may 3bless] you, ascended and descended upon it. And the lord
2532 837 1473 2532 4129 1473 2532 1510.8.2 1519 1991 1909 1473 2532 2036 1473 3588 2316 *
kai auxhsai se ¢
kai plhqunai se ¢
kai esh eiV ¢
epesthrikto ep' ¢ kai eipen
authV ¢ ¢ o
egw ¢ Abraam
qeoV ¢
and increase you, and multiply you; and you will be for stayed upon it. And he said, I am the God of Abraham
4864 1484 2532 1325 1473 3588 2129 3588 3962-1473 2532 3588 2316 * 3361 5399 3588 1093
¢ eqnwn
sunagwgaV ¢ ¢
28:4 kai dwh soi ¢
thn eulogian ¢ sou kai o
tou patroV ¢ Isaak
qeoV ¢ mh fobou¢ h gh
gatherings of nations. And may he give to you the blessing your father, and the God of Isaac. Do not fear! The land
* 3588 3962-1473 1473 2532 3588 4690-1473 1909 3739 1473 2518 1909 1473 1473 1325 1473
Abraam ¢ mou soi
tou patroV kai tw ¢
spermati¢ sou ef' hV ¢
su kaqeudeiV ep' ¢ soi
authV ¢
dwsw ¢
of Abraham, my father, to you, and your seed of which you sleep upon it, to you I will give it,
3326 1473 2816 3588 1093 3588 3939.1-1473 3739 2532 3588 4690-1473 2532 1510.8.3 3588 4690-1473 5613
¢ se
meta ¢
klhronomhsai ¢ wV
thn ghn thV paroikhse ¢ sou hn ¢
kai tw spermat ¢
i¢ sou 28:14 kai estai ¢
to sperma sou wV
after you; to inherit the land of your sojourning, which and to your seed. And [2will be 1your seed] as
1325-3588-2316 3588 * 2532 649-* 285 3588 1093 2532 4115 1909 2281 2532
edwken ¢ tw
o qeoV ¢
Abraam 28:5 kai ¢
apesteilen ¢
Isaak ¢
ammoV thV ghV ¢
kai platunqhsetai epi¢ qalassan
¢ kai
God gave to Abraham. And Isaac sent sand of the earth. And it will be widened unto the west, and
3588 * 2532 4198 1519 3588 * 4314 3047 2532 1005 2532 1909 395 2532 1757
ton ¢
Iakwb kai ¢
eporeuqh eiV ¢
thn Mesopotamian proV ¢
liba ¢ kai epi¢ anatolaV
kai borran ¢ kai eneuloghqhsontai
Jacob. And he went into Mesopotamia to south, and north, and unto the east. And shall be blessed
* 3588 5207 * 3588 * 80 * 1722 1473 3956 3588 5443 3588 1093 2532 1722 3588 4690-1473
Laban ¢ Baqouhl
ton uion ¢ ¢
tou Surou ¢ RebekkaV
adelfon ¢ ¢
en soi pasai ai fulai¢ thV ghV ¢
kai en tw spermati¢ sou
Laban the son of Bethuel the Syrian, brother of Rebekah, by you all the tribes of the earth, and by your seed.
3588 3384 * 2532 * 1492 1161 2532 2400 1473 1510.2.1 3326 1473 1314 1473 1722
¢ Iakwb
thV mhtroV ¢ kai Hsau¢ ¢
28:6 idwn de 28:15 kai idou¢ ¢ eimi
egw ¢ sou diafulasswn
meta ¢ se en
the mother of Jacob and Esau. [3having seen 1And And behold, I am with you, guarding you in
* 3754 2127-* 3588 * 2532 649 3588 3598 3956 3739 302 4198 2532 654
Hsau¢ ¢
oti ¢
euloghsen Isaak ton ¢
Iakwb ¢
kai apesteilen th ¢
odw† pash ou an ¢
poreuqhV kai ¢
2Esau] that Isaac blessed Jacob, and sent him [2way 1every] of which ever you may go. And I will return
1519 3588 * * 2983 1438 1135 1473 1519 3588 1093-3778 3754 3766.2 1473-1459 2193
eiV ¢
thn Mesopotamian ¢
SuriaV ¢ eautw
labein ¢ ¢
gunaika se ¢
eiV thn ghn tauthn ¢
oti ou mh ¢
se egkatalipw ¢
into Mesopotamia of Syria to take to himself a wife you to this land, for no way would I abandon you until
1564 1722 3588 2127-1473 1473 2532 1781 1473 3004 3588 4160-1473 3956 3745 2980 1473 2532
ekeiqen ¢ auton
en tw eulogein ¢ kai eneteilato
¢ ¢ legwn
autw ¢ tou poihsai¢ me panta
¢ ¢
osa ¢
elalhsa¢ soi 28:16 kai
from there – in the blessing him, and gave charge to him, saying, my doing all as much as I spoke to you. And
3756 2983 1135 3588 2364 3588 * 1825-* 1537 3588 5258-1473 2532 2036 3754
ou ¢
lhyh ¢
gunaika twn ¢
qugaterwn twn ¢
Cananaiwn ¢
exhgerqh ¢ ek
Iakwb ¢
tou upnou autou¢ kai eipen
¢ ¢
You shall not take a wife of the daughters of the Canaanites, Jacob awoke from out of his sleep. And he said that,
2532 191-* 3588 3962 2532 3588 3384 1473 1510.2.3-2962 1722 3588 5117-3778 1473-1161 3756 1492
28:7 kai hkousen ¢
Iakwb ¢ kai thV mhtroV
tou patroV ¢ autou¢ ¢
esti ¢
kurioV en tw ¢
topw ¢
toutw ¢ de
egw ouk ¢
that Jacob hearkened to [2father 3and 4mother 1his], The lord is in this place, but I had not known it.
2532 4198 1519 3588 * * 1492-1161 2532 5399 2532 2036 5613 5398 3588 5117-3778
kai eporeuqh ¢ SuriaV
eiV thn Mesopotamian ¢ ¢ de
28:8 idwn ¢
28:17 kai efobhqh ¢
kai eipen wV ¢ o
foberoV ¢
topoV ¢
and went into Mesopotamia of Syria, and seeing, And he feared, and said, How fearful this place.
2532 * 3754 4190-1510.2.6 3588 2364 *
kai Hsau¢ oti
¢ ponhrai¢ eisin ai ¢
qugatereV ¢
even Esau, that [4are wicked 1the 2daughters 3of Canaan] 28:15 †CP gh – land.
40 G E N E S I S 28:18
3756-1510.2.3 3778 237.1 3624 2316 2532 3778 3588 5421 1519 3588 5117-1473 2036 1161 1473 *
ouk esti ¢
touto all' h ¢
oikoV qeou¢ ¢
kai auth h ¢
freatoV ¢
eiV ton topon autou¢ 29:4 eipe
¢ de ¢
autoiV ¢
Is not this none other than the house of God, and this the well into its place. [3said 1And 4to them 2Jacob],
4439 3588 3772 2532 450-* 4404 80 4159 1510.2.5 1473 3588 1161 2036 1537
pulh tou ouranou¢ ¢
28:18 kai anesth ¢ to prw+
Iakwb adelfoi¢ poqen
¢ este¢ ¢ oi
umeiV de ¢
eipan ek
gate of heaven. And Jacob rose up in the morning, Brethren, from what place are you? And they said, [2from
2532 2983 3588 3037 3739 5294 1563 4314 2776-1473 * 1510.2.4 2036-1161 1473 1097 * 3588
kai elabe ¢
ton liqon on ¢
upeqhken ekei¢ proV kefalhV
¢ autou¢ ¢ esmen
Carran ¢ ¢ de
29:5 eipe ¢ ginwskete
autoiV ¢ ¢
Laban ton
and took the stone which he placed there at his head. 3Haran 1We are]. And he said to them, You know Laban the
2532 2476 1473 4739.1 2532 2022 1637 1909 3588 5207 * 3588-1161 2036 1097 2036-1161
kai esthsen ¢ sthlhn
auton ¢ ¢
kai epeceen ¢
elaion epi¢ to ¢ Nacwr
uion ¢ oi de ¢
eipan ¢
ginwskomen ¢ de
29:6 eipe
And he set it as a monument, and poured oil upon the son of Nahor? And they said, We know him. And he said
206.1 1473 2532 2564 3588 3686 3588 5117-1565 1473 5198 3588-1161 2036 5198 2532
akron ¢
authV ¢
28:19 kai ekalese to ¢
onoma ¢
tou topou ¢
ekeinou ¢
autoiV ¢
ugiainei oi de ¢
eipan ¢
ugiainei kai
top of it. And he called the name of that place, to them, Is he in health? And they said, He is in health, and
3624 2316 2532 * 1510.7.3 3686 3588 4172 2400 * 3588 2364-1473 2064 3326 3588 4263
oikoV qeou¢ ¢
kai LammaouV† hn ¢
onoma th ¢
polei idou¢ ¢ h
Rachl ¢
qugathr ¢
autou¢ hrceto ¢ twn probatwn
meta ¢
House of God, and Lam-luz was the name to the city behold, Rachel his daughter comes with the sheep.
3588 4387 2532 2172-* 2171 3004 1437 2532 2036-* 2089-1510.2.3 2250 4183 3768
to ¢
proteron 28:20 kai ¢
huxato ¢
Iakwb ¢
euchn ¢
legwn ¢
ean 29:7 kai ¢
eipen ¢
Iakwb ¢ estin
eti ¢ ¢
hmera ¢
pollh oupw
formerly. And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If And Jacob said, There is still [2day 1much], for not yet
1510.3 2962 3588 2316 3326 1473 2532 1314 5610 4863 3588 2934 4222 3588
h ¢
kurioV o ¢
qeoV met' emou¢ kai diafulaxh
¢ ¢
wra ¢
sunacqhnai ta ¢
kthnh ¢
potisanteV ta
[3should be 1the lord 2God] with me, and should guard is the hour [3to come together 1for the 2herds]; having watered the
1473 1722 3588 3598-3778 3739 1473 4198 2532 1325 4263 565 1006 3588-1161 2036
me en th ¢ tauth
odw ¢ h ¢ poreuomai
egw ¢ ¢
kai dwh ¢
probata ¢
apelqonteV ¢
boskete 29:8 oi de ¢
me in this journey which I go, and should give sheep, sending them forth graze them! And they said,
1473 740 2068 2532 2440 4016 2532 3756 1410 2193 3588 4863 3956 3588
moi ¢
arton ¢ kai imation
fagein ¢ ¢
peribalesqai 28:21 kai ou ¢
dunhsomeqa ¢
ewV ¢
tou sunacqhnai ¢
pantaV touV
to me bread to eat, and a cloak to put on, and We are not able until the coming together of all the
654 1473 3326 4991 1519 3588 3624 3588 3962-1473 4166 2532 617 3588 3037 575 3588 4750
¢ swthriaV
apostreyei me meta ¢ eiV ¢
ton oikon ¢ mou
tou patroV ¢
poimenaV ¢
kai apokuliswsi ¢
ton liqon apo¢ tou stomatoV
will return me with safety unto the house of my father, shepherds, for they should roll away the stone from the mouth
2532 1510.8.3-2962 1473 1519 2316 2532 3588 3037-3778 3588 5421 2532 4222 3588 4263 2089
kai estai ¢ oV
kuri ¢ moi eiV qeon¢ 28:22 kai o ¢
liqoV ¢
outoV tou ¢
freatoV ¢
kai potioumen ta ¢
probata ¢
29:9 eti
and the lord will be to me for God, and this stone of the well, and we shall water the sheep. While
3739 2476 4739.1 1510.8.3 1473 3624 2316 2532 1473 2980 1473 2532 2400 * 3588 2364
on ¢
esthsa ¢
sthlhn ¢
estai moi ¢
oikoV qeou¢ kai autou¢ lalountoV
¢ ¢
autoiV kai idou¢ ¢ h
Rachl ¢
which I set as a monument, will be to me a house of God. And he was speaking to them, and behold, Rachel the daughter
3956 3739 1437 1473-1325 1181 586 * 2064 3326 3588 4263 3588 3962-1473 1473-1063
pantwn wn ¢
ean moi dwV ¢
dekathn ¢
apodekatwsw ¢
Laban ¢
hrceto ¢ twn probatwn
meta ¢ ¢ authV
tou patroV ¢ auth
¢ gar
all, what ever, you should give to me, [2a tenth 1I will tithe] of Laban comes with the sheep of her father. For she
1473 1473 1006 3588 4263 3588 3962-1473 1096-1161
¢ soi
auta ¢
eboske ¢
ta probata ¢ authV
tou patroV ¢ ¢
29:10 egeneto de
of it to you. grazed the sheep of her father. And it came to pass
5613 1492-* 3588 * 3588 2364 * 80
wV eiden ¢ thn Rachl
Iakwb ¢ ¢
thn qugatera ¢
Laban adelfou¢
as Jacob saw Rachel, the daughter of Laban, brother
3588 3384-1473 2532 3588 4263 * 3588 80
Jacob Meets Rachel and Laban ¢ autou¢ kai ta
thV mhtroV ¢
probata ¢
Laban tou adelfou¢
2532 1808-* 3588 4228 4198 1519 1093 of his mother, and the sheep of Laban, the brother
29:1 kai exaraV ¢ touV podaV
Iakwb ¢ ¢
eporeuqh eiV ghn 3588 3384-1473 2532 4334 * 617 3588
And Jacob lifting his feet, went into the land ¢ autou¢ kai proselqwn
thV mhtroV ¢ ¢
Iakwb ¢
apekulise ton
395 4314 * 3588 5207 * 3588 * 80-1161 of his mother; and coming forward, Jacob rolled away the
¢ proV Laban
anatolwn ¢ ¢ Baqouhl
ton uion ¢ ¢
tou Surou ¢ de
adelfon 3037 575 3588 4750 3588 5421 2532 4222 3588
of the east to Laban, the son of Bethuel the Syrian, and brother ¢
liqon apo¢ tou stomatoV
¢ tou ¢
freatoV ¢
kai epotize ta
* 3384 * 2532 * 2532 3708 2532 stone from the mouth of the well. And he watered the
RebekkaV ¢ Iakwb
mhtroV ¢ kai Hsau¢ ¢
29:2 kai ora kai 4263 * 3588 80 3588 3384-1473 2532
of Rebekah, mother of Jacob and Esau. And he saw, and ¢
probata ¢
Laban tou adelfou¢ thV mhtroV
¢ autou¢ 29:11 kai
2400 5421 1722 3588 3977.1 1510.7.6-1161 1563 5140 sheep of Laban, the brother of his mother. And
idou¢ ¢
frear en tw pediw ¢
¢ hsan de ekei¢ tria
¢ 5368-* 3588 * 2532 994 3588 5456-1473
behold, there was a well in the plain. And there were there three ¢
efilhsen ¢
Iakwb ¢
thn Rachl kai ¢
bohsaV th ¢ autou¢
4168 4263 373 1909 1473 1537-1063 Jacob kissed Rachel. And yelling with his voice
poimnia ¢
probatwn ¢
anapauomena ep' autou¢ ek gar 2799 2532 518 3588 * 3754 80
flocks of sheep resting near it, for from out of ¢
eklause ¢
29:12 kai aphggeile ¢
th Rachl ¢
oti ¢
3588 5421-1565 4222 3588 4168 3037 1161 he wept. And he reported to Rachel that [2a brother†
tou freatoV ¢
ekeinou ¢
epotizon ta ¢
poimnia ¢
liqoV de 3588 3962-1473 1510.2.3 2532 3754 5207 * 1510.2.3
that well they watered the flocks. [4stone 1And ¢ authV
tou patroV ¢ esti¢ ¢
kai oti ¢
uioV ¢
RebekkaV esti¢
1510.7.3 3173 1909 3588 4750 3588 5421 2532 3of her father 1he is], and that [2a son 3of Rebekah 1he is].
hn ¢
megaV epi¢ ¢
tw stomati tou ¢
freatoV 29:3 kai 2532 5143 518 3588 3962-1473 2596 3588
2there was 3a great] upon the mouth of the well. And kai ¢
dramousa ¢
aphggeile tw patri¢ authV
¢ kata
¢ ta
4863 1563 3956 3588 4168 2532 617 And she ran to report to her father concerning
sunhgonto ekei¢ ¢
panta ta ¢
poimnia ¢
kai apekulion 4487-3778 1096-1161 5613 191-*
[4came together 5there 1all 2the 3flocks]. And they rolled away ¢
rhmata ¢
tauta ¢
29:13 egeneto de wV ¢
hkouse ¢
3588 3037 575 3588 4750 3588 5421 2532 4222 these words. And it came to pass as Laban heard
ton liqon apo¢ tou stomatoV
¢ tou ¢
freatoV ¢
kai epotizon 3588 3686 * 3588 5207 3588 79-1473 5143 1519
the stone from the mouth of the well, and they watered to ¢
onoma ¢
Iakwb ¢ thV adelfhV
tou uiou ¢ autou¢ edramen
¢ eiV
3588 4263 2532 600 3588 3037 1909 3588 4750 3588 the name Jacob, the son of his sister, he ran to
ta probata ¢
kai apokaqistwn ¢
ton liqon epi¢ to stoma
¢ tou 4877 1473 2532 4033.2 1473 5368 2532
the sheep, and restored the stone upon the mouth of the ¢
sunanthsin autou¢ kai perilabwn
¢ ¢ efilhse
auton ¢ kai
meet him. And taking hold of him, he kissed him and

28:19 †See Bos for variants.

29:12 †i.e. a nephew.
29:14 G E N E S I S 41
1521 1473 1519 3588 3624-1473 2532 1334 3588 3756 4012 * 1398 3844 1473 2532 2444
eishgagen ¢ eiV
auton ¢
ton oikon autou¢ kai ¢
dihghsato tw ou peri¢ ¢ edouleusa
Rachl ¢ ¢ soi kai inati¢
brought him into his house. And he described to was it not on account of Rachel I served for you, and why did
* 3956 3588 3056-3778 2532 2036 1473 3884 1473 2036 1161 * 3756-1510.2.3 3779
Laban ¢
pantaV ¢
touV logouV ¢
toutouV ¢
29:14 kai eipen ¢
autw ¢
parelogisw me 29:26 eipe de ¢
Laban ¢
ouk estin ¢
Laban all these matters. And [2said 3to him you mislead me? [3said 1And 2Laban], It is not so
* 1537 3588 3747-1473 2532 1537 3588 4561-1473 1722 3588 5117-1473 1325 3588 3501 4250 3588 4245
Laban ek ¢ mou kai ek
twn ostwn ¢ mou
thV sarkoV ¢
en tw topw ¢ dounai
hmwn ¢ ¢
thn newteran prin ¢
thV presbuteraV
1Laban], From out of my bones, and from out of my flesh in our place to give the younger before the elder.
1510.2.2 1473 2532 1510.7.3 3326 1473 3376 2250 2036 4931 3767 3588 1442-3778 2532 1325 1473
ei su kai hn met' autou¢ mhna
¢ ¢
hmerwn ¢
29:15 eipe ¢
29:27 sunteleson ¢
oun ta ebdoma ¢
tauthV ¢
kai dwsw soi
are you. And he was with him a month of days. [3said You complete then these sevenths and I will give to you
1161 * 3588 * 3754 1063 80 1473-1510.2.2 2532 3778 473 3588 2039 3739 2038 3844
de ¢
Laban tw ¢
Iakwb ¢
oti ¢ mou ei
gar adelfoV ¢
kai tauthn anti¢ thV ergasiaV
¢ hV ¢
erga par'
1And 2Laban] to Jacob that, For [2brother 1you are my], also this woman for the work of which you will work for
3756 1398 1473 1431 518 1473 1473 2089 2033 2094 2087 4160 1161 *
ou ¢
douleuseiV moi ¢
dwrean ¢
apaggeil ¢ moi
on ¢
emoi¢ eti ¢
epta ¢
eth ¢
etera ¢
29:28 epoihse de ¢
you shall not be a slave to me without charge, you tell to me me, yet [2seven 3years 1another]. [3did 1And 2Jacob]
5100 3588 3408-1473 1510.2.3 3779 2532 378 3588 1442-3778 2532 1325
tiV o ¢ sou esti¢
misqoV ¢
outwV ¢
kai aneplhrwse ta ¢
ebdoma ¢
tauthV kai ¢
what your wage is? so, and fulfilled these her sevenths. And [2gave
1473 * * 3588 2364-1473 1473 1135
Jacob Marries Leah and Rachel ¢
autw ¢
Laban ¢ thn qugatera
Rachl ¢ autou¢ autw
¢ ¢
3to him 1Laban] Rachel his daughter, to him as wife.
3588 * 1510.7.6 1417 2364 3686
29:16 tw de ¢
Laban ¢
hsan ¢ qugatereV
duo ¢ ¢
onoma 1325 1161 * 3588 2364-1473 * 3588
29:29 edwke de ¢
Laban th qugatri¢ autou¢ ¢ thn
And to Laban there were two daughters, the name
[3gave 1And 2Laban 7to his daughter 4Bilhah 5the
3588 3173 * 2532 3686 3588 3501 *
th ¢
meizoni ¢
Leia ¢
kai onoma th ¢
newtera ¢
Rachl 3814 2532 1525 4314 * 25-1161
paidiskhn ¢
29:30 kai eishlqe ¢ hgaphse
proV Rachl ¢ de
of the older – Leah, and the name of the younger – Rachel.
6maidservant]. And he entered to Rachel. And he loved
3588-1161 3788 * 772 *-1161 1510.7.3
29:17 oi de ofqalmoi¢ LeiaV
¢ ¢
asqeneiV ¢ de
Rachl hn * 3123 2228 * 2532 1398 1473 2033 2094
¢ mallon
Rachl ¢ h ¢ kai edouleusen
Leian ¢ ¢ epta
autw ¢ ¢
But the eyes of Leah were weak, but Rachel was
Rachel rather than Leah. And he served him [2seven 3years
2570 3588 1491 2532 5611 3588 3799 4970
¢ tw
kalh ¢
eidei ¢
kai wraia ¢
th oyei ¢
sfodra 2087
good to the sight, and beautiful in appearance – exceedingly.
25 1161 * 3588 * 2532 2036 1398
29:18 hgaphse de ¢
Iakwb ¢ kai eipe
thn Rachl ¢ ¢
[3loved 1And 2Jacob] Rachel. And he said, I will serve Leah Bears Reuben, Simeon, Levi and Judah
1473 2033 2094 4012 * 3588 2364 1473 3588 3501 1492 1161 2962 3754 3404-*
soi epta ¢
¢ eth peri¢ Rachl
¢ thV qugatroV
¢ sou ¢
thV newteraV ¢
29:31 idwn de ¢
kurioV ¢
oti ¢
miseitai ¢
you seven years for Rachel [3daughter 1your 2younger]. [3seeing 1And 2the lord] that Leah was detested,
2036 1161 1473 * 957 1325-1473 455 3588 3388-1473 *-1161 1510.7.3 4723 2532
29:19 eipe de ¢
autw ¢
Laban ¢
beltion ¢ i¢ moi
douna ¢
hnoixe ¢
thn mhtran ¢ Rachl
authV ¢ de hn ¢
steira 29:32 kai
[3said 1And 4to him 2Laban], Better for me to give he opened her womb. But Rachel was sterile. And
1473 1473 2228 1325-1473 1473 435 2087 4815-* 2532 5088 5207 3588 * 2564-1161 3588
authn soi h ¢ i¢ me
douna ¢
authn andri¢ eterw
¢ ¢
sunelabe Leia ¢
¢ kai eteken ¢ tw Iakwb
uion ¢ ¢
ekalese de to
her to you, than for me to give her [2man 1to another]. Leah conceived and bore a son to Jacob. And she called
3611 3326 1473 2532 1398-* 4012 3686-1473 * 3004 1360 1492 1473 2962 3588
oikhson met' emou¢ 29:20 kai ¢
edouleusen ¢
Iakwb peri¢ ¢
onoma ¢ legousa
autou¢ Roubhn ¢ ¢
dioti ¢ e¢ mou kurioV
eid ¢ thn
You live with me! And Jacob served for his name, Reuben, saying, Because [2saw 3my 1the lord] the
* 2033 2094 2532 1510.7.6 1726 1473 5613 2250 5014 2532 1325 1473 5207 3568 3767 25 1473 3588
¢ epta
Rachl ¢
¢ eth ¢
kai hsan ¢
enantion autou¢ wV hmerai
¢ ¢
tapeinwsin ¢
kai edwke¢ moi ¢ nun oun agaphsei
uion ¢ me o
Rachel seven years, and they were before him as [2days humiliation, and he gave to me a son; now then [2will love 3me
3641 3844 3588 25-1473 1473 2036 435-1473 2532 4815 3825 * 2532 5088
oligai ¢
para to ¢ auton
agapan ¢ authn
¢ ¢
29:21 eipe ¢ mou
anhr ¢
29:33 kai sunelabe ¢
palin ¢
Leia ¢
kai eteken
1a few], because of his love for her. [3said 1my husband]. And [3conceived 1again 2Leah] and bore
1161 * 3588 * 1325 1473 3588 1135-1473 5207 1208 3588 * 2532 2036 3754 191-2962
de ¢
Iakwb tw ¢
Laban doV moi ¢ a
thn gunaik ¢ mou ¢ deuteron
uion ¢ ¢
tw Iakwb ¢
kai eipen ¢
oti ¢
hkouse ¢
1And 2Jacob] to Laban, Give to me my wife, [2son 1a second] to Jacob. And she said, For the lord heard
4137 1063 3588 2250 3704 1525 4314 1473 3754 3404 2532 4327.1 1473 2532 3778
peplhrwntai gar ai ¢
hmerai ¢
opwV ¢
eiselqw ¢
proV authn ¢
oti ¢
misoumai ¢
kai prosedwke¢ moi ¢
kai touton
[4are fulfilled 1for 2the 3days] so as to enter to her! that I am detested, and he gave in addition to me also this one.
4863 1161 * 3956 3588 435 3588 2564-1161 3588 3686-1473 * 2532 4815
29:22 sunhgage de ¢
Laban ¢
pantaV ¢
touV andraV tou ¢
ekalese de ¢
to onoma autou¢ Sumewn
¢ ¢
29:34 kai sunelaben
[3brought together 1And 2Laban] all the men of the And she called his name, Simeon. And she conceived
5117 2532 4160 1062 2532 1096 2073 2089 2532 5088 5207 2532 2036 1722 3588 3568 2540 4314
topou ¢
kai epoihse ¢
gamon 29:23 kai ¢
egeneto ¢
espera ¢
eti ¢
kai eteken ¢
uion ¢
kai eipen en tw nun ¢ proV
place, and he made a wedding. And it became evening. again and bore a son. And she said, In the present time [3by
2532 2983-* * 3588 2364-1473 1521 1473 4314 1473 1510.8.3 3588 435-1473 5088-1063 1473 5140 5207
¢ Leian
kai labwn ¢ ¢ autou¢ eishgagen
thn qugatera ¢ ¢ proV
authn ¢
emou¢ estai o ¢ mou
anhr ¢
etekon ¢ treiV uiouV
gar autw ¢
And taking Leah his daughter, he brought her to 4me 2will be 1my husband], for I bore to him three sons.
* 2532 1525 4314 1473 * 1325 1161 1223 3778 2564 3588 3686-1473 * 2532
Iakwb ¢
kai eishlqe ¢ Iakwb
proV authn ¢ ¢
29:24 edwke de ¢
dia ¢ ekalese
touto ¢ ¢
to onoma autou¢ Leu+ 29:35 kai
Jacob, and [2entered 3to 4her 1Jacob]. [3gave 1And On account of this she called his name, Levi. And
* * 3588 2364-1473 * 3588 3814-1473 4815 2089 5088 5207 2532 2036 3568 2089 3778
Laban ¢ th qugatri¢ autou¢ Zelfan
Leia ¢ thn paidiskhn
¢ autou¢ ¢
sullabousa ¢
eti ¢
eteken ¢
uion ¢
kai eipe ¢
nun eti ¢
2Laban] Leah his daughter Zilpah his maidservant. conceiving again she bore a son. And she said, Now yet this
1096-1161 4404 2532 2400 1510.7.3 * 1843 2962 1223 3778 2564 3588
29:25 egeneto de toprw+ kai idou¢ hn ¢
Leia ¢
exomologhsomai kuriw¢ ¢
dia ¢
touto ¢
ekalese to
And it happened in the morning, and behold, there was Leah. I will acknowledge to the lord. On account of this she called
2036 1161 * 3588 * 5100 3778 4160 1473 3686-1473 * 2532 2476 3588 5088
eipe de ¢
Iakwb ¢
tw Laban ti ¢
touto ¢ aV
epoihs ¢ moi ¢
onoma autou¢ Ioudan
¢ ¢
kai esth ¢
tou tiktein
[3said 1And 2Jacob] to Laban, What is this you did to me, his name, Judah. And she stopped bearing.
42 G E N E S I S 30:1
2532 2036-* 3107 1473 3754 3106-1473 3588
CHAPTER 30 ¢ Leia
30:13 kai eipe ¢ makaria
¢ egw
¢ oti
¢ ¢ i¢ me
makarious ai
And Leah said, Blessed am I, for [3declare me happy 1the
1135 2532 2564 3588 3686-1473 *
Bilhah Bears Dan and Naphtali ¢
gunaikeV ¢
kai ekalese ¢
to onoma autou¢ Ashr
1492 1161 * 3754 3756-5088 3588 2women]. And she called his name, Asher.
30:1 idousa de ¢
Rachl ¢
oti ¢
ou tetoke tw
[3saw 1And 2Rachel] that she has not borne
* 2532 2206-* 3588 79-1473 2532 2036
Leah Bears Issachar, Zebulun, and Dinah
Iakwb ¢
kai ezhlwse ¢ thn adelfhn
Rachl ¢ authV
¢ kai eipe
¢ 4198 1161 * 1722 2250 2326
to Jacob. And Rachel envied her sister. And she said ¢
30:14 eporeuqh de ¢
Roubhn en ¢
hmera qerismou¢
3588 * 1325 1473 5043 1490 5053-1473 [3went 1And 2Reuben] in the day [2harvest
tw Iakwb doV moi ¢
tekna ei de mh ¢
teleuthsw ¢
egw 4447.1 2532 2147 3373.1 3128.2 1722 3588
to Jacob, Give to me a child! and if not, I will come to an end. ¢
purwn kai ¢
eure ¢
mhla ¢
mandragorwn en tw
2373 1161 * 3588 * 2036 1473 1of the wheat], and he found apples of mandrakes in the
30:2 qumwqeiV de ¢
Iakwb ¢
th Rachl ¢
eipen ¢
auth 68 2532 5342 1473 4314 * 3588 3384-1473
[3being enraged 1And 2Jacob] with Rachel, said to her, ¢ kai
agrw ¢
hnegken ¢ proV Leian
auta ¢ ¢ autou¢
thn mhtera
3361 473 2316 1473 1510.2.1 3739 4732.1 1473 2590 field. And he brought them to Leah his mother.
mh anti¢ qeou¢ ¢ eimi
egw oV ¢
esterhse¢ se karpon
¢ 2036 1161 * 3588 * 3588 79-1473 1325
[3not 4in place 5of God 1I 2am] who deprived you of the fruit ¢
eipe de ¢
Rachl th ¢
Leia th ¢ authV
adelfh ¢ doV
2836 2036 1161 * 3588 * 2400 [3said 1And 2Rachel] to Leah her sister, Give
koiliaV ¢
30:3 eipe de ¢
Rachl tw ¢
Iakwb idou¢ 1473 3588 3128.2 3588 5207-1473 2036 1161
of the belly? [3said 1And 2Rachel] to Jacob, Behold, moi twn ¢ tou uiou¢ sou
mandragorwn ¢
30:15 eipe de
3588 3814-1473 * 1525 4314 1473 2532 5088 to me of the mandrakes of your son! [3said 1And
h ¢
paidiskh ¢ eiselqe
mou Balla ¢ ¢ kai texetai
proV authn ¢ * 3756 2425 1473 3754 2983 3588 435-1473 3361
my maidservant Bilhah. Enter to her! and she will bear ¢
Leia ouc ¢ soi
ikanon ¢
oti ¢
elabeV ¢
ton andra mou mh
1909 3588 1119-1473 2532 5043.1 2504 1537 2Leah], Is it not fit to you that you took my man, shall
epi¢ ¢
twn gonatwn ¢
mou kai teknopoihsomai ¢
kagw ex 2532 3588 3128.2 3588 5207-1473 2983 2036
upon my knees, and [2will produce children 1even I] from kai touV ¢
mandragoraV tou uiou¢ mou ¢
lhyh ¢
1473 2532 1325 1473-* 3588 3814-1473 also [2of the 3mandrakes 4of my son 1you take]? [3said
authV ¢
30:4 kai edwken ¢ Ballan
autw ¢ ¢
thn paidiskhn ¢
authV 1161 * 3756 3779 2837 3326 1473 3588
her. And she gave Bilhah to him – her maidservant de ¢
Rachl ¢
ouc outwV ¢
koimhqhtw ¢ sou thn
1473 1135 2532 1525 4314 1473 * 2532 1And 2Rachel], Not so, let him go to bed with you
¢ gunaika
autw ¢ ¢
kai eishlqe ¢ Iakwb
proV authn ¢ 30:5 kai 3571-3778 473 3588 3128.2 3588 5207-1473
to him as wife. And [2entered 3to 4her 1Jacob]. And ¢
nukta ¢
tauthn anti¢ ¢ tou uiou¢ sou
twn mandragorwn
4815 * 3588 3814 * 2532 5088 this night in return for the mandrakes of your son.
sunelabe ¢ h
Balla ¢
paidiskh ¢
Rachl ¢
kai eteke 1525 1161 * 1537 68 2073 2532
[5conceived 1Bilhah 2the 3maidservant 4of Rachel]. And she bore ¢
30:16 eishlqe de Iakwb ex agrou¢ ¢
esperaV kai
3588 * 5207 2532 2036-* 2919 1473 3588 2316 [3entered 1And 2Jacob] from out of the field at evening. And
tw Iakwb ¢
uion ¢ Rachl
30:6 kai eipe ¢
¢ ekrine¢ moi o ¢
qeoV 1831 * 1519 4877 1473 2532 2036 4314 1473
to Jacob a son. And Rachel said, [2judged 3me 1God], ¢
exhlqe ¢ eiV sunanthsin
Leia ¢ ¢ kai eipe
autw ¢ proV eme¢
2532 1873 3588 5456-1473 2532 1325 1473 5207 1223 came forth Leah to meet him. And she said, [2to 3me
kai ephkouse thV fwnhV ¢
¢ mou kai edwke¢ moi ¢ dia
uion ¢ 1525 4594 3409-1063 1473 473 3588
and he heeded my voice, and he gave to me a son through ¢
eiseleush ¢
shmeron ¢
memisqwmai gar se anti¢ twn
3778 1223 3778 2564 3588 3686-1473 * 1You shall enter] today, for I have hired you in return for the
touto ¢
dia ¢
touto ¢
ekalese to ¢
onoma autou¢ Dan 3128.2 3588 5207-1473 2532 2837 3326 1473
this one. On account of this she called his name, Dan. ¢
mandragorwn tou uiou¢ mou kai ¢
ekoimhqh ¢
met' authV
2532 4815 2089 * 3588 3814 * mandrakes of my son. And he went to bed with her
30:7 kai sunelaben ¢
eti ¢ h
Balla ¢
paidiskh ¢
Rachl 3588 3571-1565 2532 1873-3588-2316 * 2532
And [5conceived 6again 1Bilhah 2the 3maidservant 4of Rachel]. ¢
thn nukta ¢
ekeinhn 30:17 kai ¢
ephkousen ¢ LeiaV
o qeoV ¢ kai
2532 5088 5207 1208 3588 * 2532 2036-* that night. And God heeded Leah. And
kai eteken ¢ deuteron
uion ¢ ¢
tw Iakwb ¢ Rachl
30:8 kai eipe ¢ 4815 5088 5207 3991 3588 * 2532
And she bore [2son 1a second] to Jacob. And Rachel said, ¢
sullabousa ¢
eteke ¢
uion pempton tw ¢
Iakwb 30:18 kai
4815 1473 3588 2316 2532 4962 3588 79-1473 conceiving, she bore [2son 1a fifth] to Jacob. And
sunelabeto¢ moi o ¢
qeoV ¢
kai sunestrafhn ¢ mou
th adelfh 2036-* 1325-3588-2316 1473 3588 2316 3588 3408-1473 438.1
[2aided 3me 1God], and I was twisted by my sister, ¢ Leia
eipe ¢ dedwk
¢ e¢ moi o ¢
qeoV ¢ mou anq' wn
ton misqon
2532 1410 2532 2564 3588 3686-1473 * Leah said, [2gave 3to me 1God] my wage because
kai hdunasqhn ¢
kai ekalese ¢
to onoma autou¢ Nefqaleim
¢ 1325 3588 3814-1473 3588 435-1473 2532 2564
and I was able. And she called his name, Naphtali. ¢
edwka ¢
thn paidiskhn mou tw andri¢ mou kai ¢
I gave my maidservant to my husband. And she called
Zilpah Bears Gad and Asher 3588 3686-1473
* 3739 1510.2.3 3408 2532
to onoma ¢
autou¢ Issacar o esti ¢
misqoV 30:19 kai
1492 1161 * 3754 2476 3588 5088
30:9 eide de ¢
Leia ¢
oti ¢
esth ¢
tou tiktein his name, Issachar, which is, Wage. And
[3saw 1And 2Leah] that she stopped bearing. 4815 2089 * 2532 5088 5207 1622 3588
sunelaben ¢
eti ¢
Leia kai ¢
eteken ¢
uion ¢
ekton tw
2532 2983 * 3588 3814-1473 2532 1325
kai ¢
elabe ¢
Zelfan thn ¢
paidiskhn ¢
authV kai ¢
edwken [2conceived 3again 1Leah]. And she bore [2son 1a sixth]
And she took Zilpah her maidservant, and gave * 2532 2036-* 1433-3588-2316 1473 1435
Iakwb ¢ Leia
30:20 kai eipe ¢ dedwrhtai
¢ ¢
o qeoV moi ¢
1473 3588 * 1135 2532 4815 *
¢ tw
authn ¢
Iakwb ¢
gunaika 30:10 kai ¢
sunelabe ¢
Zelfa to Jacob. And Leah said, God has presented to me [2gift
her to Jacob as wife. And [5conceived 1Zilpah 2570 1722 3588 3568 2540 140-1473 3588 435-1473
kalon en tw nun ¢ airetiei¢ me
kairw o ¢ mou
3588 3814 * 2532 5088 3588 * 5207
h ¢
paidiskh ¢
LeiaV kai ¢
eteke tw ¢
Iakwb ¢
uion 1a good] in the present time, [2will select me 1my man]
2the 3maidservant 4of Leah]. And she bore to Jacob a son. 5088-1063 1473 1803 5207 2532 2564 3588 3686-1473
etekon gar ¢ ex uiouV
autw ¢ kai ekalese
¢ ¢
to onoma autou¢
2532 2036-* 1722 5189.1 2532 2028 3588
30:11 kai ¢ Leia
eipe ¢ en ¢
tuch kai ¢
epwnomase to for having borne to him six sons. And she called his name,
And Leah said, I am in good luck. And she named * 2532 3326 3778 5088 2364 2532
Zaboulwn 30:21 kai ¢ touto
meta ¢ ¢
eteke ¢
qugatera kai
3686-1473 * 2532 4815 2089 * 3588
onoma autou¢ Gad ¢
30:12 kai sunelaben ¢
eti ¢ h
Zelfa Zebulun. And after this she bore a daughter, and
his name, Gad. And [5conceived 6again 1Zilpah 2the 2564 3588 3686-1473 *
ekalese ¢
to onoma ¢ Dina
authV ¢
3814 * 2532 5088 3588 * 5207 1208
paidiskh ¢
LeiaV ¢
kai eteke ¢
tw Iakwb ¢ deuteron
uion ¢ she called her name, Dinah.
3maidservant 4of Leah]. And she bore to Jacob [2son 1a second].
30:22 G E N E S I S 43
3408 2532 1873 1473 3588 1343-1473
Rachel Bears Joseph ¢
misqoV ¢
30:33 kai epakousetai¢ moi h ¢
dikaiosunh mou
3403 1161 3588 2316 3588 * 2532 a wage. And [2will take heed 3to me 1my righteousness]
30:22 emnhsqh de o ¢
qeoV ¢
thV Rachl kai 1722 3588 2250 3588 1887 3754 1510.2.3 3588 3408-1473 1799
[3remembered 1And 2God] Rachel. And ¢
en th hmera ¢
th epaurion ¢
oti ¢ o
estin ¢ mou enwpi
misqoV ¢ on¢
1873 1473 3588 2316 2532 455 1473 3588 3388 in the [2day 1next]; for [2is 1my wage] before
ephkousen ¢ o
authV ¢
qeoV ¢
kai anewxen ¢ thn mhtran
authV ¢ 1473 3956 3739-302 3361 1510.3 4473.1 2532 1258.1
[2heeded 3her 1God], and he opened her womb. sou pan o an mh h ¢
ranton ¢
kai dialeukon
2532 4815 5088 3588 * 5207 2036 1161 you – all which might not be speckled and white-mixed
30:23 kai sullabousa ¢
eteke ¢
tw Iakwb ¢
uion ¢
eipe de 1722 3588 137.1 2532 5316.1 1722 3588 704 2813
And conceiving, she bore to Jacob a son. [3said 1And en taiV aixi¢ ¢ en
kai faion ¢
toiV arnasi ¢
* 851-3588-2316 1473 3588 3681 2532 2564 among the goats, and gray among the rams, [2stolen
Rachl ¢ o qeoV
afeile ¢ mou ¢
to oneidoV ¢
30:24 kai ekalese 1510.8.3 3844 1473 2036 1161 1473 *
2Rachel], God removed from me the scorn. And she called ¢
estai par' emoi¢ ¢
30:34 eipe de ¢
autw ¢
3588 3686-1473 * 3004 4369-3588-2316 1473 1will be as] by me. [3said 1And 4to him 2Laban],
to ¢
onoma autou¢ ¢
Iwshf ¢
legousa ¢
prosqetw ¢
o qeoV moi 1510.5 2596 3588 4487-1473 2532 1291
his name Joseph, saying, God added to me ¢
estw ¢
kata to ¢ a
rhm ¢ sou 30:35 kai ¢
5207 2087 1096-1161-5613 5088-* Let it be according to your word! And he drew apart
uion ¢
eteron ¢
30:25 egeneto de wV ¢
eteke ¢
Rachl 1722 3588 2250-1565 3588 5131 3588 4473.1 2532
[2son 1another]! And it came to pass when Rachel bore en th ¢ ekeinh
hmera ¢ ¢
touV tragouV ¢
touV rantouV kai
3588 * 2036-* 3588 * 649 1473 2443 in that day the [2he-goats 1speckled], and
ton Iwshf ¢
eipen ¢
Iakwb tw ¢
Laban ¢
aposteil ¢ me
on ¢
ina 3588 1258.1 2532 3956 3588 137.1 3588 4473.1 2532 3588
Joseph, Jacob said to Laban, Send me that ¢
touV dialeukouV ¢
kai pasaV ¢
taV aigaV ¢
taV rantaV kai taV
565 1519 3588 5117-1473 2532 1519 3588 1093-1473 the white-mixed, and all the goats, the speckled and the
apelqw eiV ton ¢
topon mou kai eiV thn ghn mou 1258.1 2532 3956 5316.1 3739 1510.7.3 1722 3588
I may go forth into my place, and unto my land! ¢
dialeukouV ¢ o
kai pan faion hn en toiV
591 1473 3588 1135-1473 2532 3588 3813-1473 4012 white-mixed, and all gray, the one which was among the
30:26 apodoV moi ¢ aV
taV gunaik ¢ mou kai ta paidia
¢ mou peri¢ 704 2532 1325 1223 5495 3588 5207-1473 2532
Give to me my wives, and my children! for ¢
arnasi ¢
kai edwke ¢ ceiroV
dia ¢ ¢ autou¢
twn uiwn 30:36 kai
3739 1398 1473 2443 565 1473-1063 1097 rams. And he gave by the hand of his sons. And
wn ¢
dedouleuka¢ soi ¢
ina ¢
apelqw ¢
su gar ginwskeiV 868 3598 5140 2250 303.1 1473 2532
whom I have served to you, that I might go forth. For you know ¢
apesthsen ¢
odon ¢
triwn ¢
hmerwn ¢
anameson ¢
autwn kai
3588 1397 3739 1398 1473 2036 1161 1473 he left a journey of three days between them and
¢ hn
thn douleian ¢
dedouleuka¢ soi ¢
30:27 eipe de ¢
autw 303.1 * *-1161 4165 3588 4263 *
the servitude which I have served you. [3said 1And 4to him ¢
anameson ¢ Iakwb
Iakwb ¢ de epoimaine
¢ ¢
ta probata ¢
* 1487 2147 5484 1726 1473 3634.3 302 between Jacob. And Jacob tended the flocks of Laban –
Laban ei ¢
euron ¢
carin ¢ sou oiwnisamhn
enantion ¢ an 3588 5275 2983 1161 1438 *
2Laban], If I found favor before you, could I foretell even – ta ¢
upoleifqenta ¢
30:37 elabe de ¢
eautw ¢
2127 1473 3588 2316 3588 4674 1529 1291 the ones left behind. [3took 1And 4to himself 2Jacob]
euloghse¢ me o ¢
qeoV th sh ¢
eisodw ¢
30:28 diasteilon 4464 4769.3 5515 2532 2594.3 2532 4112.1
[2blessed 3me 1God] in your entrance. You draw ¢
rabdon ¢
sturakinhn ¢
clwran ¢
kai karuinhn ¢
kai platanou
3588 3408-1473 4314 1473 2532 1325 2036 1161 a rod [2poplar 1of green], and of walnut, and of the plane tree.
¢ sou proV me
ton misqon ¢
kai dwsw ¢
30:29 eipe de 2532 3012.2 1473 * 3013.1 3022 4058.6
your wage from me! and I will give it. [3said 1And ¢
kai elepisen ¢ Iakwb
autaV ¢ lepismata
¢ ¢
leuka ¢
* 1473 1473 1097 3739 1398 1473 2532 And [2peeled 3them 1Jacob 5peels 4into white], tearing away
Iakwb ¢
autw su ¢
ginwskeiV a ¢
dedouleuka¢ soi kai 3588 5515 5316-1161 1909 3588 4464 3588 3022
2Jacob] to him, You know in what I served you, and to ¢ efaineto
clwron ¢ de epi¢ ¢
taiV rabdoiV to ¢
3745 1510.7.3 2934 1473 3326 1473 3397 1063 the green. And there appeared upon the rods the white
osa hn ¢
kthnh sou met' emou¢ ¢ gar
30:30 mikra 3739 3012.2 4164 2532 3908 3588 4464
how much [3was 2cattle 1of your] with me. [3little 1For o ¢
elepise ¢
poikilon ¢
30:38 kai pareqhke ¢
taV rabdouV
1510.7.3 3745 1473-1510.7.3 1726 1473 2532 837 which he peeled – varying. And he placed the rods
hn ¢
osa soi hn ¢ mou¢ kai huxhqh
enantion ¢ 3739 3012.2 1722 3588 3025 3588 4223.1
2there was] as much as was to you before me, and it was grown aV ¢
elepisen en ¢
toiV lhnoiV twn ¢
1519 4128 2532 2127 1473 2962 1909 3588 4228-1473 which he peeled at the watering troughs of the channels
eiV plhqoV ¢
kai euloghse¢ se
kurioV epi¢ tw podi¢ mou 3588 5204 2443 5613-302 2064 3588 4263 4095
into a multitude; and [2blessed 3you 1the lord] by my foot. tou ¢
udatoV ¢
ina wV an ¢
elqwsi ta ¢
probata ¢
3568 3767 4219 4160 2504 1683 3624 of the water. That whenever [3came 1the 2flocks] to drink
nun oun ¢
pote ¢
poihsw ¢
kagw ¢
emautw ¢
oikon 1799 3588 4464 2064-1473 1519 3588 4095
Now then, when shall [2produce 1I also] for myself a house? ¢
enwpion ¢
twn rabdwn ¢
elqontwn ¢
autwn eiV to ¢
2532 2036-* 1473 5100 1473-1325 2036 in front of the rods of those having come to drink,
30:31 kai ¢ Laban
eipe ¢ ¢
autw ti ¢
soi dwsw ¢
eipe 1461.1 3588 4263 1519 3588 4464 2532
And Laban said to him, What shall I give to you? [3said ¢
egkisshswsi ¢
ta probata ¢
eiV taV rabdouV 30:39 kai
1161 1473 * 3756-1325 1473 3762 1437 the rods should stimulate the flocks at the rods. And
de ¢
autw ¢
Iakwb ¢
ou dwseiV moi ¢
ouqen ¢
ean 5088 3588 4263 1258.1 2532 4164 2532 4699.2
etikton ta ¢
probata ¢
dialeuka ¢
kai poikila ¢
kai spodoeidh
1And 4to him 2Jacob], You shall not give to me anything. If [3bore 1the 2flocks] white-mixed, and colored, and ashen
4160 1473 3588 4487-3778 3825 4165 3588
poihshV moi to ¢
rhma ¢
touto ¢
palin ¢
poimanw ta 4473.1 3588 1161 286 1291 * 2532
ranta 30:40 touV de ¢ diesteilen
amnouV ¢ ¢
Iakwb kai
you should do for me this word, again I will tend speckled. [4the 1And 5lambs 3drew apart 2Jacob]. And
4263-1473 2532 5442
probata¢ sou kai fulaxw
¢ 2476 1726 3588 4263 2919.1 1258.1 2532 3956
¢ twn probatwn
esthsen† enantion ¢ ¢ dialeukon
krion ¢ kai pan
your flocks, and guard them. he set [3before 4the 5sheep 1a ram 2white-mixed], and every
4164 1722 3588 286 2532 1316 1438 4168
Jacob’s Wage ¢
poikilon en ¢ kai diecwrisen
toiV amnoiV ¢ ¢
eautw ¢
3928 3956 3588 4263-1473 4594 2532 colored one among the lambs. And he parted to himself flocks
30:32 parelqetw ¢
panta ta ¢
probata¢ sou shmeron
¢ kai 2596 1438 2532 3756 3396 1473 1519 3588 4263 *
Let [3go by 1all 2your flocks] today, and ¢ kai ouk
kaq' eauton ¢
emixen ¢ eiV ta probata
auta ¢ ¢
1316 1564 3956 4263 5316.1 1722 3588 704 for himself, and did not mix them into the flocks of Laban.
diacwrison ¢
ekeiqen ¢
pan probaton ¢ en
faion ¢
toiV arnasi 1096-1161 1722 3588 2540 3739 1461.1
you part from there every [2sheep 1gray] among the rams, ¢
30:41 egeneto de en ¢ w
tw kairw ¢
2532 3956 1258.1 2532 4473.1 1722 3588 137.1 1510.8.3 1473 And it came to pass in the time [3which 4he stimulated
kai pan dialeukon ¢ en
kai ranton taiV aixin ¢
¢ estai moi
and all white-mixed and speckled among the goats! It will be to me
30:40 †CP eqhken – he put.
44 G E N E S I S 30:42
3588 4263 1722 1064 2983 5087 * 3588 1510.8.3 1473 3408 2532 5088 3956 3588 4263
ta ¢
probata en gastri¢ ¢
lambanonta ¢
eqhken ¢
Iakwb taV ¢
estai ¢ kai
sou misqoV ¢
texetai ¢
panta ta ¢
1the 2flocks] in the womb, [2taking them 3put 1Jacob] the will be your wage, then [4would bear 1all 2the 3flocks]
4464 1726 3588 4263 1722 3588 3025 3588 4164 1437-1161 2036 3588 3022 1510.8.3 1473
rabdouV ¢ twn probatwn
enantion ¢ ¢
en toiV lhnoiV tou ¢
poikila ¢ de
ean ¢
eiph ta leuka ¢
¢ estai sou
rods before the flocks at the watering troughs for the colored. And if he should have said, The white will be your
1461.1 1473 2596 3588 4464 2259-1161-302 3408 2532 5088 3956 3588 4263 3022 2532
egkisshsai ¢ kata
auta ¢ taV rabdouV
¢ ¢ d an
30:42 hnika ¢ kai texetai
misqoV ¢ ¢
panta ta ¢
probata ¢ 31:9 kai
purpose of stimulating them by the rods. But whenever wage, then [4would bear 1all 2the 3flocks] white. And
5088 3588 4263 3756 5087 1096 1161 851-3588-2316 3956 3588 2934 3588 3962-1473 2532 1325
etekon ta ¢
probata ouk ¢
etiqei ¢
egeneto de ¢
afeileto ¢ panta
o qeoV ¢ ¢
ta kthnh ¢ umwn
tou patroV ¢
¢ kai edwke¢
[3bore 1the 2flocks] he did not place them. [4became 1And God removed all the herds of your father, and he gave
3588 767 3588 * 3588-1161 1978 3588 * 1473-1473 2532 1096 2259 1461.1
ta ¢
ashma ¢
tou Laban ta de ¢
epishma ¢
tou Iakwb ¢
moi auta ¢
31:10 kai egeneto ¢
hnika ¢
2the 3unmarked] Laban’s, and the marked Jacob’s. them to me. And it came to pass when [3were stimulated
2532 4147 3588 444 4970 4970 3588 4263 1722 1064 2983 2532 1492 3588
30:43 kai eplouthsen o ¢
anqrwpoV ¢
sfodra ¢
sfodra ta ¢
probata en gastri¢ ¢
lambanonta ¢
kai eidon toiV
And [3became rich 1the 2man] exceedingly, exceedingly. 1the 2flocks], in the womb conceiving, that I saw [2with
2532 1096 1473 2934 4183 2532 1016 2532 3816 3788-1473 1473 1722 3588 5258 2532 2400 3588 5131
kai egeneto ¢ kthnh
autw ¢ ¢ kai boeV
polla ¢ ¢
kai paideV ¢ mou auta
ofqalmoiV ¢ en ¢
tw upnw kai idou¢ oi ¢
And there was to him [2cattle 1much], and oxen, and manservants, 3my eyes 1them] in sleep. And behold, the he-goats
2532 3814 2532 2574 2532 3688 2532 3588 2919.1 305 1909 3588 4263 2532 3588 137.1
kai paidiskai ¢
kai kamhloi kai onoi kai oi krioi¢ anabainonteV
¢ epi¢ ta probata
¢ ¢
kai taV aigaV
and maidservants, and camels, and donkeys. and the rams ascended upon the flocks, and the she-goats
1258.1 2532 4164 2532 4699.2 4473.1 2532
dialeukoi ¢
kai poikiloi ¢ rantoi¢
kai spodoeideiV 31:11 kai
white-mixed and colored and ashen speckled. And
2036 1473 3588 32 3588 2316 2596 5258 *
Jacob’s Flight from Laban ¢ e¢
eip moi o ¢
aggeloV tou qeou¢ kaq' ¢
upnon ¢
191 1161 * 3588 4487 3588 5207 [4said 5to me 1the 2angel 3of God] during sleep, Jacob.
31:1 hkouse de ¢
Iakwb ta ¢
rhmata twn ¢
uiwn 1473-1161 2036 5100 1510.2.3 2532 2036 308
[3heard 1And 2Jacob] the utterances of the sons ¢ de
egw ¢
eipa ti esti 31:12 kai ¢
eipen ¢
* 3004 2983-* 3956 3588 3588 And I said, What is it? And he said, Look up
Laban ¢
legontwn ¢
eilhfen ¢
Iakwb ¢
panta ta tou 3588 3788-1473 2532 1492 3588 5131 2532 3588 2919.1
of Laban, saying, Jacob has taken all the things toiV ofqalmoiV ¢
¢ sou kai ide ¢
touV tragouV ¢
kai touV kriouV
3962-1473 2532 1537 3588 3588 3962-1473 4160 with your eyes, and see the he-goats and the rams
¢ hmwn
patroV ¢ kai ek twn ¢ hmwn
tou patroV ¢ pepoihke
¢ 305 1909 3588 4263 2532 3588 137.1 1258.1
of our father. And by the things of our father he has produced ¢
anabainontaV epi¢ ta probata
¢ ¢
kai taV aigaV ¢
3956 3588 1391-3778 2532 1492-* 3588 4383 ascending upon the flocks, and the she-goats – white-mixed
pasan ¢
thn doxan ¢
tauthn ¢
31:2 kai eiden ¢ to
Iakwb ¢
proswpon 2532 4164 2532 4699.2 4473.1 3708-1063
all this glory. And Jacob saw the face kai ¢
poikilouV kai ¢
spodoeideiV ¢
rantouV ¢
ewraka gar
3588 * 2532 2400 3756-1510.7.3 4314 1473 5616 5504 and colored and ashen speckled! For I have seen
tou Laban kai idou¢ ouk hn ¢ wsei¢ cqeV
proV auton 3745 1473 * 4160 1473 1510.2.1 3588
of Laban; and behold, he was not for him as yesterday ¢
osa soi ¢
Laban poiei¢ ¢ eimi
31:13 egw o
2532 5154 2250 2036 1161 2962 4314 as much as [3to you 1Laban 2does]. I am
kai trithn ¢
hmeran ¢
31:3 eipe de ¢
kurioV proV 2316 3588 3708 1473 1722 5117 2316 3739
and the third day before. [3said 1And 2the lord] to ¢ o
qeoV ¢
ofqeiV soi en ¢
topw qeou¢ ou
* 654 1519 3588 1093 3588 3962-1473 2532 1519 God, the one appearing to you in the place of God, of which
Iakwb ¢
apostrefou ¢ sou
eiV thn ghn tou patroV kai eiV 218 1473 1563 4739.1 2532 2172 1473 1563 2171
Jacob, Return to the land of your father, and to ¢
hleiy ¢
aV moi ekei¢ sthlhn
¢ ¢
kai huxw moi ekei¢ euchn
3588 1074-1473 2532 1510.8.1 3326 1473 649 you anointed to me there a monument, and vowed to me there a vow.
thn genean ¢
¢ sou kai esomai ¢ sou
meta ¢
31:4 aposteilaV 3568 3767 450 2532 1831 1537 3588 1093-3778 2532
your family! and I will be with you. [3sending ¢
nun oun anasthqi ¢
kai exelqe ek ¢
thV ghV tauthV kai
1161 * 2564 * 2532 * 1519 3588 3977.1 Now then, rise up and go forth from out of this land! And
de ¢
Iakwb ¢
ekalese ¢
Leian ¢
kai Rachl eiV to ¢
pedion 565 1519 3588 1093 3588 1078-1473 2532 611
1And 2Jacob], called Leah and Rachel to the plain ¢
apelqe ¢ wV
eiV thn ghn thV genese ¢ sou 31:14 kai apokriqeisai
3739 1510.7.3 3588 4168 2532 2036 1473 3708-1473 go forth into the land of your birth! And answering
ou hn ta ¢
poimnia ¢
31:5 kai eipen ¢
autaiV ¢ egw
orw ¢ * 2532 * 2036 1473 3361-1510.2.3 1473 2089 3310 2228
where [3were 1the 2flocks]. And he said to them, I see ¢ kai Leia
Rachl ¢ eipon
¢ ¢
autw ¢
mh estin hmin ¢
¢ eti ¢
meriV h
3588 4383 3588 3962-1473 3754 3756-1510.2.3 4314 Rachel and Leah said to him, Is there not to us still a portion or
to ¢
proswpon tou ¢ umwn
patroV ¢ ¢
oti ¢
ouk esti proV 2817 1722 3588 3624 3588 3962-1473 3756
the face of your father, that it is not towards ¢ en
klhronomia ¢
tw oikw ¢ hmwn
tou patroV ¢ 31:15 ouc
1473 5613 5504 2532 5154 2250 3588-1161 2316 3588 inheritance in the house of our father? Are we not
emou¢ wV cqeV ¢
kai trithn ¢
hmeran o de ¢ tou
qeoV 5613 3588 245 3049 1473 4097-1063 1473
me as yesterday and the third day before. But the God wV ai ¢
allotriai ¢
lelogismeqa ¢
autw ¢
peprake gar ¢
[2as 3the 4aliens 1considered] to him? For he has sold us,
3962-1473 1510.7.3 3326 1473 2532 1473
¢ mou hn
patroV met' emou¢ 31:6 kai autai¢ 2532 2719 2603.3 3588 694-1473 3956
of my father was with me. [2also 3you yourselves ¢
kai katefage ¢
katabrwsei to ¢
argurion ¢
hmwn ¢
31:16 panta
and by eating up, he devoured our silver. All
1161 1492 3754 1722 3956 3588 2479-1473 1398 3588
de ¢
oidate ¢
oti en ¢
pash th ¢ mou
iscu+ ¢
dedouleuka tw 3588 4149 2532 3588 1391 3739 851 3588 2316 3588
1But] know that with all my strength I have served to ¢
ton plouton ¢
kai thn doxan hn ¢
afeileto o ¢
qeoV tou
the riches and the glory which [4removed 1the 2God
3962-1473 3588 1161 3962-1473 3878.1 1473 2532
patri¢ umwn
¢ 31:7 o de ¢ umwn
pathr ¢ parekrousato
¢ me kai 3962-1473 1473-1510.8.3 2532 3588 5043-1473 3568 3767
your father. But your father cheated me, and ¢ hmwn
patroV ¢ ¢ estai
hmin ¢ ¢
kai toiV teknoiV ¢
hmwn nun oun
3of our father] will be ours and our children’s. Now then
236 3588 3408-1473 3588 1176 286 2532 3756
hllaxe ¢ mou twn
ton misqon ¢
deka ¢
amnwn kai ouk 3745 1473-2046 3588 2316 4160 450
bartered my wage for the ten lambs. And [4did not ¢
osa ¢
soi eirhken o ¢
qeoV ¢
poiei ¢
31:17 anastaV
as much as [2has said to you 1God], you do! [3rising up
1325 1473 3588 2316 3588 3962-1473 2554
edwken ¢
autw o ¢
qeoV ¢ mou
tou patroV ¢
kakopoihsai¢ 1161 * 2983 3588 1135-1473 2532 3588 3813-1473
5give 6to him 1the 2God 3of my father] the power to do evil de ¢
Iakwb ¢
elabe ¢
taV gunaikaV autou¢ kai ta paidia
¢ autou¢
1And 2Jacob], took his wives, and his children
1473 1437 3779 2036 3588 4164
me ¢ outwV
31:8 ean ¢ ¢
eiph ta ¢
against me. If thus he should have said, The colored
31:18 G E N E S I S 45
1909 3588 2574 2532 520 3956 3588 2532 3588 2364-1473 3568 1161 875.2 4238
epi¢ ¢
taV kamhlouV 31:18 kai ¢
aphgage ¢
panta ta kai taV ¢
qugateraV mou nun de ¢
afronwV ¢
upon the camels. And he took away all and my daughters. Now then [2unwisely 1you acted].
5224-1473 2532 3956 3588 643.1-1473 3739 2532 3568 2480 3588 5495-1473 2554 1473
uparconta autou¢ kai pasan
¢ ¢ autou¢ hn
thn aposkeuhn ¢
31:29 kai nun iscuei h ¢
ceir mou kakopoihsai¢ se
his possessions, and all his belongings, which And now [2is strong 1my hand] to do evil against you.
4046 1722 3588 * 2532 3956 3588-1473 3588-1161 2316 3588 3962-1473 5504 2036 4314 1473 3004
periepoihsato en th ¢ kai panta
Mesopotamia ¢ ta autou¢ o de ¢ tou patroV
qeoV ¢ sou cqeV ¢
eipe ¢
proV me legwn
he procured in Mesopotamia, and all his things But the God of your father yesterday said to me, saying,
565 4314 * 3588 3962-1473 1519 1093 * 5442 4572 3379 2980 3326
¢ proV Isaak
apelqein ¢ ton patera
¢ autou¢ eiV ghn ¢
Canaan ¢
fulaxon ¢
seauton ¢ pote
mh ¢
lalhshV ¢
to go forth to Isaac his father, in the land of Canaan. Guard yourself! lest at any time you should speak [2against
*-1161 3634.2 2751 3588 4263-1473 2813 1161 * 4190 3568 3767 4198 1939-1063
31:19 Laban ¢
de wceto ¢
keirai ¢
ta probata ¢
autou¢ ekleye de ¢
Iakwb ¢
ponhra 31:30 nun oun ¢
peporeusai ¢ gar
And Laban set out to shear his flocks, [3stole 1and 3Jacob 1evil]. Now then, you go! For with desire
* 3588 1497 3588 3962-1473 2928 1937 565 1519 3588 3624 3588 3962-1473 2444
Rachl ¢
ta eidwla ¢ authV
tou patroV ¢ ¢
31:20 ekruye ¢
epequmhsaV ¢ eiV
apelqein ¢
ton oikon ¢ sou
tou patroV inati¢
2Rachel] the idols of her father. [3hid the fact from you desired to go forth unto the house of your father; why did
1161 * * 3588 * 3588 3361 312 1473 2813 3588 2316-1473 611-1161 * 2036
de ¢
Iakwb ¢
Laban ¢
ton Suron tou mh ¢
anaggeilai ¢
autw ¢
ekleyaV ¢ mou
touV qeouV ¢ de
31:31 apokriqeiV ¢
Iakwb ¢
1And 2Jacob] Laban the Syrian, so as not to announce to him you steal my gods? And answering Jacob said
3754 590.2 2532 590.2 1473 2532 3588 3588 * 2036-1063 3379 851 3588
oti ¢
apodidraskei ¢
31:21 kai apedra ¢
autoV kai ta ¢
tw Laban ¢
eipa ¢ pote
gar mh ¢
afelh taV
that he is running away. And he ran away, himself and to Laban, For I said, Lest at any time you should remove
1473-3956 2532 1224 3588 4215 2532 3729 2364-1473 575 1473 2532 3956 3588 1699 2532
autou¢ panta
¢ ¢
kai diebh ton potamon ¢
¢ kai wrmhsen ¢
qugateraV sou ap' emou¢ kai panta
¢ ¢
ta ema 31:32 kai
all of his. And he passed over the river, and he advanced your daughters from me, and all my things. And
1519 3588 3735 * 312-1161 2036-* 3844 3739-302 2147 3588 2316-1473
eiV to ¢
oroV ¢
Galaad 31:22 ¢
anhggelh de ¢
eipen Iakwb par' w an ¢
eurhV ¢ sou
touV qeouV
unto the mountain of Gilead. And it was announced Jacob said, By whomsoever you should find your gods,
* 3588 * 3588 2250 3588 5154 3754 590.2-* 3756-2198 1726 3588 80-1473 1921 5100
Laban ¢
tw Surw th ¢
hmera ¢
th trith ¢
oti ¢
apedra ¢
Iakwb ¢
ou zhsetai ¢
enantion ¢ hmwn
twn adelfwn ¢ ¢
epignwqi ti
to Laban the Syrian on the [2day 1third] that Jacob ran away. he shall not live before our brethren. Recognize what
2532 3880 3956 3588 80-1473 3326 1510.2.3 3844 1473 3588 4674 2532 2983 2532
¢ pantaV
31:23 kai paralabwn ¢ touV ¢ autou¢ meq'
adelfouV esti par' emoi¢ twn swn ¢
kai labe kai
And taking all the ones of his brethren with is from me of the things of yours, and take them! And
1438 1377 3694 1473 3598 2250 2033 2532 3756 1921 3844 1473 3762 3756
eautou¢ ediwxen
¢ ¢
opisw autou¢ odon
¢ ¢ epta
hmerwn ¢ kai ouk ¢
epegnw par' ¢
autw ¢
ouden ouk
himself, he pursued after him [3journey 2days 1seven]. And he did not recognize among what was his – not one thing. [3did not
2638 1473 1722 3588 3735 * 2064 1161 1492 1161 * 3754 * 3588 1135-1473 2813
katelaben auton ¢
¢ en tw orei ¢
Galaad ¢
31:24 hlqe de ¢
hdei de ¢
Iakwb ¢
oti ¢
Rachl h gunh ¢
¢ autou¢ ekleyen
he overtook him in the mountain of Gilead. [3came 1And 4know 1But 2Jacob] that Rachel his wife stole
3588 2316 4314 * 3588 * 2596 5258 3588 3571 2532 1473 1525-1161 * 2045 1519 3588 3624
o ¢
qeoV ¢
proV Laban ¢
ton Suron kaq' ¢
upnon thn ¢
nukta kai ¢
autouV ¢ de
31:33 eiselqwn ¢
Laban ¢
hreunhsen ¢
eiV ton oikon
2God] to Laban the Syrian during sleep in the night, and them. And entering, Laban searched in the house
2036 1473 5442 3379 2980 4314 * 2532 3756 2147 2532 1831 1537
eipen ¢
autw ¢
fulaxai ¢ pote
mh ¢
lalhshV proV ¢
LeiaV kai ouc ¢
euren kai ¢
exhlqen ek
he said to him, Guard! lest at any time you should speak [2against of Leah, and he did not find. And he came forth from out of
* 4190 3588 3624 * 2532 2045 3588 3624 * 2532
¢ ponhra
Iakwb ¢ ¢
tou oikou ¢
LeiaV ¢
kai hreunhse ¢
ton oikon ¢
Iakwb kai
3Jacob 1evil]. the house of Leah, and he searched the house of Jacob, and
1722 3588 3624 3588 1417 3814 2532 3756 2147
Laban Quarrels with Jacob en tw ¢
oikw twn ¢ paidiskwn
duo ¢ kai ouc ¢
2532 2638-* 3588 * *-1161
in the house of the two maidservants, and he did not find.
31:25 kai ¢
katelabe ¢
Laban ton ¢
Iakwb ¢ de
Iakwb 1525-1161 2532 1519 3588 3624 * *-1161
And Laban overtook Jacob. And Jacob ¢
eishlqe de ¢
kai eiV ton oikon ¢
Rachl ¢ de
31:34 Rachl
4078 3588 4633-1473 1722 3588 3735 *-1161 And he entered also into the house of Rachel. And Rachel
ephxe ¢ autou¢ en
thn skhnhn tw ¢
orei ¢
Laban de 2983 3588 1497 2532 1685 1473 1519 3588 4522.1 3588
pitched his tent in the mountain. And Laban ¢
elabe ¢
ta eidwla ¢
kai enebalen ¢ eiV ta sagmata
auta ¢ thV
took the idols, and put them in the packsaddles of the
2476 3588 80-1473 1722 3588 3735 *
esthse ¢ autou¢ en
touV adelfouV tw ¢
orei ¢
Galaad 2574 2532 1940 1473 2532 2036 3588
stationed his brethren in the mountain of Gilead. ¢
kamhlou ¢
kai epekaqisen ¢
autoiV 31:35 kai ¢
eipe tw
2036 1161 * 3588 * 5100 4160 2444 camel, and sat on them. And she said
31:26 eipe de ¢
Laban ¢
tw Iakwb ti ¢
epoihsaV inati¢ 3962-1473 3361 917 5342 2962 3756-1410
[3said 1And 2Laban] to Jacob, What did you do? Why patri¢ authV
¢ mh ¢
barewV ¢
fere ¢
kurie ou dunhsomai
2931 590.2 2532 2829.1 1473 2532 520 to her father, Do not [2heavily 1bear], O master, I shall not be able
krufh ¢
apedraV ¢
kai eklopoforhs ¢ me kai aphgageV
aV ¢ 450 1799 1473 3754 3588 2596 1479.1 3588 1135
did you secretly run away, and ransacked me, and took away ¢
anasthnai ¢ on
enwpi ¢
¢ sou oti ta ¢ twn gunaikwn
kat' eqismon ¢
3588 2364-1473 5613 163.1 3162 2532 to rise up before you, for the custom of women
taV qugateraV ¢
mou wV aicmalwtidaV ¢
macaira 31:27 kai 1473-1510.2.3 2045-* 1161 * 1722 3650 3588 3624
my daughters as captives taken by sword? For ¢
moi estin ¢
hreunhse de Laban en ¢
olw tw ¢
1487 312 1473 1821 302 1473 3326 is to me. [3searched 1And 2Laban] in the entire house,
ei ¢
anhggeil ¢
aV moi ¢
exapesteila an se ¢
meta 2532 3756 2147 3588 1497 3710
if you announced to me, I would have sent out even you with kai ouc ¢
eure ta ¢
eidwla ¢
31:36 wrgisqh
2167 2532 3326 3451 2532 5178.2 2532 2788 and he did not find the idols. [3was provoked to anger
eufrosunhV ¢ mousikwn
kai meta ¢ kai tumpanwn
¢ ¢
kai kiqaraV 1161 * 2532 3164 3588 * 611-1161
gladness, and with music, and tambourines, and harps. de ¢
Iakwb ¢
kai emacesato tw ¢
Laban ¢ de
2532 3756 515 2705 3588 3813-1473 1And 2Jacob], and he quarreled with Laban. And responding
31:28 kai ¢
ouk hxiwqhn ¢
katafilhsai† ta ¢ mou
paidia * 2036 3588 * 5100 3588 92-1473 2532 5100
And not am I worthy to kiss my children, ¢ eipe
Iakwb ¢ ¢
tw Laban ti to ¢
adikhma¢ mou kai ti
Jacob said to Laban, What is my offence? and what is
3588 265-1473 3754 2614 3694 1473 2532 3754
to ¢
amarthma¢ mou oti
¢ ¢
katediwxaV ¢
opisw mou ¢
31:37 kai oti
31:28 †CP kathxiwqhn filhsai – deemed worthy to kiss.
my sin, that you pursued after me? and that
46 G E N E S I S 31:38
2045 3956 3588 4632 3588 3624 5100 2147 1473 2983 1161 * 3037 2476 1473
hreunhsaV ¢
panta ¢ tou oikou
ta skeuh ¢ mou ti ¢
eureV sou ¢
31:45 labwn de ¢
Iakwb ¢
liqon ¢
esthsen ¢
you searched all the items of my house? What did you find you. [3taking 1And 2Jacob] a stone, established it
575 3956 3588 4632 3588 3624-1473 5087 5602 1799 4739.1 2036 1161 * 3588 80-1473
apo¢ pantwn
¢ ¢ tou oikou
twn skeuwn ¢ sou ¢
qeV wde ¢
enwpion ¢
sthlhn ¢
31:46 eipe de ¢
Iakwb ¢ autou¢
toiV adelfoiV
from all the items of your house? Put here before as a monument; [3said 1And 2Jacob] to his brethren,
3588 80-1473 2532 3588 80-1473 2532 1651 4816 3037 2532 4816 3037 2532
¢ sou kai twn adelfwn
twn adelfwn ¢ mou kai elegxatwsan
¢ ¢
sullegete ¢
liqouV ¢
kai sunelexan ¢
liqouV kai
your brethren and my brethren, and let them reprove Collect together stones! And they collected together stones. And
303.1 3588 1417 1473 3778 1473 1501 2094 4160 1015 2532 2068 1563 1909 3588 1015 2532
anameson ¢ hmwn
twn duo ¢ ¢ a
31:38 taut ¢ moi eikosin
¢ ¢
eth ¢
epoihsan ¢ kai efagon
bounon ¢ ekei¢ epi¢ tou bounou†
¢ 31:47 kai
between the two of us! These twenty years they made a hill. And they ate there upon the hill. And
1473 1510.2.1 3326 1473 3588 4263-1473 2532 3588 137.1-1473 2564 1473 * 1015 3588 3140 3588-1161 *
¢ eimi
egw ¢ sou ta
meta ¢
probata¢ sou kai ai ¢ eV
aig ¢ sou ¢
ekalesen ¢ Laban
auton ¢ ¢ thV
bounoV ¢ o de
marturiaV ¢
I am with you; your flocks and your goats [2called 3it 1Laban], Hill of the Witness, but Jacob
3756 815.1 2919.1 3588 4263-1473 3756 2564 1473 1015 3144 2036 1161 *
ouk ¢
hteknwqhsan ¢
kriouV ¢
twn probatwn sou ou ¢
ekalesen ¢ bounoV
auton ¢ martuV
¢ ¢
31:48 eipe de ¢
were not barren, and the rams of your flocks I did not called it, The Hill is Witness. [3said 1And 2Laban],
2719 2340.1 3756 5342 3588 1015-3778 3140 303.1 1473 2532 1473 4594
katefagon ¢
31:39 qhrialwton† ouk ¢
enhnoca¢ o ¢ outoV
bounoV ¢ marturei¢ anameson
¢ emou¢ kai sou shmeron
eat. That taken by wild beasts I have not brought this hill witnesses between me and you today.
1473 1473 660.1 3844 1683 2809 2250 2532 1223 3778 2564 3588 3686 3588 5117 1015-*
soi ¢ apetinnuon
egw ¢ par' emautou¢ klemmata
¢ ¢
hmeraV kai ¢
dia ¢
touto ¢
eklhqh to ¢
onoma tou ¢
topou ¢
to you. I paid for them by myself, even thefts by day, and Because of this [5was called 1the 2name 3of the 4place], Hill
2809 3571 1096 3588 2250 4776.2 3140 2532 3588 3706 3739 2036 1896-3588-2316
klemmata ¢
nuktoV ¢
31:40 egenomhn ¢
thV hmeraV ¢
sugkaiomenoV marturei¢ 31:49 kai h ¢
orasiV hn ¢
eipen ¢
epeidoi ¢
o qeoV
thefts by night. I was [4by day 1burning with Witnesses. And the vision, which he said, Let God look
3588 2738 2532 3588 3801.1 3588 3571 2532 303.1 1473 2532 1473 3754 868 2087 575
tw ¢
kaumati kai tw ¢
pagetw thV ¢ kai
nuktoV ¢
anameson ¢
emou¢ kai sou oti ¢
aposthsomeqa ¢
eteroV apo¢
2the 3sweltering heat], and with the icy coldness of the night. And between me and you, is that we will leave the other from
868 3588 5258 1473 575 3588 3788-1473 3778 3588 2087 1487 5013 3588 2364-1473
afistato o ¢
upnoV mou apo¢ twn ofqalmwn
¢ mou 31:41 taut
¢ a¢ ¢
tou eterou 31:50 ei ¢
tapeinwseiV ¢
taV qugateraV mou
[3departed 2sleep 1my] from my eyes. These the other. If you shall humble my daughters,
1473 1501 2094 1473 1510.2.1 1722 3588 3614-1473 1398 1487 2983 1135 1909 3588 2364-1473 3708
moi eikosin ¢
eth ¢ eimi
egw en ¢ sou
th oikia ¢
edouleusa¢ ei ¢
labhV ¢
gunaikaV epi¢ taiV qugatrasi
¢ ¢
mou ora
twenty years I am in your residence. I served if you should take wives over my daughters, you see
1473 1180 2094 473 3588 1417 2364 1473 3762 3326 1473 1510.2.3 3708 3588 2316 3144 3342
soi dekatessara ¢
eth anti¢ twn duo
¢ ¢
qugaterwn sou ¢ meq'
ouqeiV ¢ estin orwn
hmwn o ¢ martuV
qeoV ¢ metaxu
you fourteen years for [2two 3daughters 1your], no one [2with 3us 1is] seeing – God is witness between
2532 1803 2094 1722 3588 4263-1473 2532 3884 1473 2532 3342 1473 2532 2036-* 3588 *
kai ex ¢
eth en ¢
toiV probatoiV ¢
sou kai parelogisw emou¢ kai metaxu¢ sou† ¢ Laban
31:51 kai eipe ¢ ¢
tw Iakwb
and six years among your sheep, and you cheated me and between you. And Laban said to Jacob,
3588 3408-1473 1176 285.1 1508 3588 2316 3588 2400 3588 1015-3778 2532 3588 4739.1 3739 2476
¢ mou deka
ton misqon ¢ ¢
amnasin 31:42 ei mh o ¢ tou
qeoV idou¢ o ¢ outoV
bounoV† ¢ kai h ¢
sthlh hn ¢
my wage by ten ewe-lambs. Unless the God Behold, this hill, and the monument which I stood
3962-1473 * 2532 3588 5401 * 1510.7.3 1473 303.1 1473 2532 1473 3140 3588 1015-3778
¢ mou Abraam
patroV ¢ kai o ¢
foboV ¢
Isaak hn moi ¢
anameson emou¢ kai sou 31:52 †marturei¢ o ¢ outoV
bounoV ¢
of my father Abraham, and the fear of Isaac was with me, between me and you; [2witnesses 1this hill],
3568 302 2756-1473 1821 3588 5014-1473 2532 3588 4739.1 3739 2476 1473 3140 1437-5037-1063
nun an ¢ me
kenon ¢
exapesteilaV ¢
thn tapeinws ¢ mou
in kai h ¢
sthlh hn ¢
esthsa ¢ marturei ean
auth ¢ te gar
now then would [2me empty 1you have sent]. My humiliation and the monument which I stood – it witnesses. For if
2532 3588 2873 3588 5495-1473 1492-3588-2316 2532 1651 1224 1473 4314 1473 3366 1473 1224 4314
kai to ¢ mou eiden
kopon† twn ceirwn ¢ ¢ kai hlegx
o qeoV ¢ e¢ ¢
diabw ¢ proV se
egw ¢
mhde su ¢
diabhV proV
and the toil of my hands God saw, and he reproved I pass over, I to you, neither shall you pass over to
1473 5504 611-1161 * 2036 3588 * 1473 3588 1015-3778 2532 3588 4739.1-3778 1909 2549
se cqeV ¢ de
31:43 apokriqeiV ¢
Laban ¢
eipe tw ¢
Iakwb me ¢ touton
ton bounon ¢ ¢
kai thn sthlhn ¢
tauthn epi¢ kakia
you yesterday. And responding Laban said to Jacob, me beyond this hill and this monument, for evil.
3588 2364 2364-1473 2532 5207 5207-1473 2532 3588 3588 2316 * 2532 3588 2316 * 2919
ai ¢
qugatereV ¢
qugatereV mou kai uioi¢ uioi¢ mou kai ta 31:53 o ¢ Abraam
qeoV ¢ kai o ¢ Nacwr
qeoV ¢ krinei¢
The daughters are my daughters, and the sons my sons, and the The God of Abraham and the God of Nahor judges
2934 2934-1473 2532 3956 3745 1473 3708 1699-1510.2.3 303.1 1473 2532 3660-* 2596
kthnh ¢
kthnh ¢
mou kai panta ¢
osa su ¢ ema
oraV ¢ esti ¢
anameson ¢
hmwn ¢
31:54 kai wmosen ¢
Iakwb ¢
cattle my cattle; and all as much as you see is mine, between us. And Jacob swore by an oath according to
2532 3588 2364-1473 5100 4160 3778 3588 5401 3588 3962-1473 * 2532 2380-* 2378
kai twn ¢
qugaterwn mou ti ¢
poihsw ¢
tautaiV ¢
tou fobou ¢ autou¢ Isaak
tou patroV ¢
¢ kai equse ¢
and the property of my daughters. What shall I do with these women the fear of his father Isaac. And he sacrificed a sacrifice
1722 3588 3735 2532 2564 3588 80-1473 2532
4594 2228 3588 5043 1473 3739 5088 en tw ¢
orei ¢
kai ekalese ¢ autou¢ kai
touV adelfouV
shmeron h ¢
toiV teknoiV ¢
autwn oiV ¢
etekon in the mountain, and he called his brethren; and
today or the children of them whom they bore? 2068 2532 4095 2532 2837 1722 3588 3735
efagon ¢
kai epion ¢
kai ekoimhqhsan en tw ¢
Laban and Jacob Make a Covenant they ate and drank, and they went to sleep in the mountain.
3568 3767 1204 1303 1242 450 1161 * 4404 2705 3588
31:44 nun oun ¢
deuro ¢
diaqwmen ¢
diaqhkhn ¢
31:55 anastaV de ¢
Laban toprw+ ¢
katefilhse touV
Now then, come here, we should ordain a covenant, [3rising up 1And 2Laban] in the morning, kissed the
1473 2532 1473 2532 1510.8.3 1519 3142 303.1 1473 2532
¢ kai su
egw ¢
kai estai ¢
eiV marturion ¢
anameson emou¢ kai
I and you, and it will be a testimony between me and 31:46 †CP adds kai epion – and drank.
31:50 †CP anameson emou kai sou – between me and you.
31:39 †CP qhriobrwton – devoured by wild beasts. 31:51 †Ald. swroV – heap.
31:42 †CP ponon – toil. 31:52 †See Bos for variants.
32:1 G E N E S I S 47
5207 2532 3588 2364 1473 2532 2127 1473 2532 2095 1473 4160 2427 1473 575 3956
¢ kai taV qugateraV
uiouV ¢ autou¢ kai euloghsen
¢ ¢ kai
autouV eu se ¢
poihsw ¢
32:10 ikanousqw moi apo¢ pashV
sons and daughers of his, and he blessed them. And [2good 3to you 1I will do]. It is fit to me for all
654-* 565 1519 3588 5117-1473 1343 2532 575 3956 225 3739 4160
¢ Laban
apostrafeiV ¢ ¢
aphlqen ¢
eiV ton topon autou¢ ¢
dikaiosunhV kai apo¢ pashV
¢ ¢
alhqeiaV hV ¢
Laban turned and went forth to his place. righteousness, and of all truth, of which you did
3588 3816-1473 1722-1063 3588 4464-1473 3778 1224
CHAPTER 32 tw paidi¢ sou en gar th ¢
rabdw ¢
mou tauth ¢
to your servant; for with [2my rod 1this] I passed over
3588 *-3778 3568-1161 1096 1519 1417 3925
Jacob Fears Esau ¢
ton Iordanhn ¢
touton nuni¢ de ¢
gegona eiV ¢ parembolaV
duo ¢
2532 * 565 1519 3588 1438 3598 2532 this Jordan, and now I exist in two camps.
32:1 kai ¢
Iakwb ¢
aphlqen eiV thn eautou¢ odon
¢ kai 1807 1473 1537 5495 3588 80-1473 1537 5495
And Jacob went forth into his own way. And 32:11 exelou¢ me ek ¢
ceiroV tou adelfou¢ mou ek ¢
308 1492 3925 2316 3924.2 Rescue me from the hand of my brother, from the hand
anableyaV ¢
eide ¢ qeou¢
parembolhn ¢
parembeblhkuian * 3754 5399-1473 1473 3379 2064 3960
having looked up, he saw the camp of God encamped. Hsau¢ ¢ foboumai
oti ¢ ¢ auton
egw ¢ mh
¢ pote elqwn
¢ pataxh
2532 4876 1473 3588 32 3588 2316 2036 of Esau! For I fear him, lest coming he should strike
kai sunhnthsan ¢ oi
autw ¢
aggeloi tou qeou¢ ¢
32:2 eipe 1473 2532 3384 1909 5043 1473-1161 2036 2095
And [4met with 5him 1the 2angels 3of God]. [3said ¢
me kai mhtera epi¢ teknoiV
¢ 32:12 su de ¢
eipaV eu
1161 * 2259 1492 1473 3925 2316 3778 me, and the mother with children. But you, you said, [3good
de ¢
Iakwb ¢ eiden
hnika ¢ ¢ parembolh
autouV ¢ qeou¢ ¢
auth 1473 4160 2532 5087 3588 4690-1473 5613 3588
1And 2Jacob], when he saw them, [2the camp 3of God 1This is]. se ¢
poihsw ¢
kai qhsw to ¢
sperma sou wV thn
2532 2564 3588 3686 3588 5117-1565 3925 2you 1I will do], and I will establish your seed as the
kai ¢
ekalese to ¢
onoma tou ¢
topou ¢
ekeinou parembolai¢ 285 3588 2281 3739 3756-705 5259 3588
And he called the name of that place, Camps. ¢
ammon thV ¢
qalasshV h ¢
ouk ariqmhqhsetai upo¢ tou
649 1161 * 32 1715 1473 4314 sand of the sea, which shall not be counted by the
32:3 apesteile de ¢
Iakwb ¢
aggelouV ¢
emprosqen autou¢ proV 4128 2532 2837 1563 3588 3571-1565
[3sent 1And 2Jacob] messengers in front of him to ¢
plhqouV ¢
32:13 kai ekoimhqh ekei¢ thn nukta
¢ ¢
* 3588 80-1473 1519 1093 * 1519 5561 multitude. And he went to sleep there that night.
Hsau¢ ton adelfon
¢ autou¢ eiV ghn ¢ eiV
Sheir ¢
cwran 2532 2983 3739 5342 1435 2532 1821
Esau his brother, into the land of Seir into the region kai ¢
elaben wn ¢
efere ¢
dwra ¢
kai exapesteilen
* 2532 1781 1473 3004 3779 And he took [2of which 3he brought 1gifts], and he sent
Edwm 32:4 kai ¢
eneteilato ¢
autoiV ¢
legwn ¢
outwV * 3588 80-1473 137.1 1250 5131
of Edom. And he gave charge to them, saying, Thus Hsau¢ ¢ autou¢ 32:14 aigaV
tw adelfw ¢ ¢
diakosiaV ¢
2046 3588 2962-1473 * 3779 3004 3588 3816-1473 to Esau his brother; goats – two hundred; he-goats –
ereite ¢ mou Hsau¢ outwV
tw kuriw ¢ ¢
legei o paiV sou 1501 4263 1250 2919.1 1501 2574
you shall say to my master Esau; Thus says your servant ¢
eikosi ¢
probata ¢
diakosia ¢ eikosi
kriouV ¢ ¢
32:15 kamhlouV
* 3326 * 3939 2532 5549 2193 3588 twenty; sheep – two hundred; rams – twenty; camels
Iakwb ¢
meta ¢
Laban ¢
parwkhsa ¢
kai ecronisa ¢
ewV tou 2337 2532 3588 3813-1473 5144 1016
Jacob, [2with 3Laban 1I sojourned], and passed time until the ¢
qhlazousaV kai ta ¢ autwn
paidia ¢ ¢
triakonta ¢
3568 2532 1096 1473 1016 2532 3688 2532 4263 nursing and their offspring – thirty; oxen –
nun ¢
32:5 kai egenonto¢ moi ¢
boeV ¢
kai onoi ¢
kai probata 5062 5022 1176 3688 1501 2532 4454 1176
present. And came to me oxen, and donkeys, and sheep, ¢
tessarakonta ¢
taurouV ¢
deka ¢
onouV ¢
eikosi ¢
kai pwlouV ¢
2532 3816 2532 3814 2532 649 312 forty; bulls – ten; donkeys – twenty; and foals – ten.
kai paideV ¢
kai paidiskai ¢
kai apesteila ¢
anaggeilai 2532 1325 1473 1223 5495 3588 3816-1473 4168
and manservants, and maidservants. And I sent to announce ¢
32:16 kai edwken ¢ dia
auta ¢ ceiroV
¢ toiV paisin
¢ autou¢ poimnion
3588 2962-1473 * 2443 2147 3588 3816-1473 5484 And he gave them by hand to his servants a flock
tw kuriw ¢
¢ mou Hsau¢ ina ¢
eurh o paiV sou ¢
carin 2596-3441 2036-1161 3588 3816-1473 4313
to my master Esau, that [2might find 1your servant] favor ¢
kata monaV ¢ de
eipe toiV ¢ autou¢
paisin ¢
1726 1473 2532 390 3588 32 4314 alone. And he said to his servants, You go forth
enantion sou 32:6 kai ¢
anestreyan oi ¢
aggeloi proV 1715 1473 2532 1292 4160 303.1 4167
before you. And [3returned 1the 2messengers] to ¢
emprosq ¢ mou kai diasthma
en ¢ ¢
poieite ¢
anameson ¢
* 3004 2064 4314 3588 80-1473 * 2532 in front of me, and [2a space 1make] between flock
Iakwb ¢
legonteV ¢
hlqomen ¢ sou Hsau¢ kai
proV ton adelfon 2532 4167 2532 1781 3588 4413 3004 1437
Jacob, saying, We came to your brother Esau. And ¢
kai poimnhV ¢
32:17 kai eneteilato tw ¢
prwtw ¢
legwn ¢
2400 1473 2064 1519 4877 1473 2532 5071 and flock. And he gave charge to the first, saying, If
idou¢ autoV ¢
¢ ercetai ¢
eiV sunanths ¢ sou kai tetrakosioi
in ¢ 1473-4876 * 3588 80-1473 2532 2065 1473
behold, he is coming to meet you, and four hundred ¢
soi sunanthsh Hsau¢ o ¢ mou kai erwta
adelfoV ¢ se
435 3326 1473 5399 1161 * 4970 2532 [3should meet you 1Esau 2my brother], and he should ask you,
andreV met' autou¢ 32:7 efobhqh
¢ de ¢
Iakwb ¢
sfodra kai 3004 5100 1510.2.2 2532 4226 4198 2532 5100 3778
men with him. [3feared 1And 2Jacob] exceedingly, and ¢
legwn ¢
tinoV ei kai pou ¢
poreuh ¢
kai tinoV ¢
639 2532 1244 3588 2992 3588 3326 1438 saying, Who are you? and where might you go? and who are these
hporeito ¢
kai dieile ¢
ton laon ton meq' eautou¢ 3588 4313 1473 2046 3588 3816-1473
he was perplexed. And he divided the people, the one with himself, ta ¢
proporeuomena¢ sou ¢
32:18 ereiV ¢ sou
tou paidoV
2532 3588 1016 2532 3588 4263 1519 1417 3925 2532 going before you? You shall say, Your servant
kai touV boaV ¢
kai ta probata ¢ parembolaV
eiV duo ¢ 32:8 kai * 1435 649 3588 2962-1473 * 2532 2400 1473
and the oxen, and the sheep into two camps. And ¢ dwra
Iakwb ¢ ¢
apestalke ¢ mou Hsau¢ kai idou¢
tw kuriw ¢
2036-* 1437 2064-* 1519 3925 1520 2532 Jacob [2gifts 1has sent] to my master Esau. And behold, he
eipen ¢ ean
Iakwb ¢
¢ elqh Hsau¢ ¢ mian
eiV parembolhn ¢ kai 3694 1473 2532 1781 3588 4413 2532 3588
Jacob said, If Esau should come into [2camp 1one] and ¢
opisw ¢
hmwn ¢
32:19 kai eneteilato tw ¢
prwtw kai tw
2875-1473 1473 1510.8.3 3588 3925 3588 1208 1519 3588 is behind us. And he gave charge to the first, and to the
koyh authn ¢
¢ estai h ¢h
parembolh ¢
deutera eiV to 1208 2532 3588 5154 2532 3956 3588 4313
should smite it, [4will be 1the 3camp 2second] for ¢
deuterw kai tw ¢
tritw ¢
kai pasi toiV ¢
4982 2036 1161 * 3588 2316 3588 3962-1473 second, and to the third, and to all the ones going before
swzesqai ¢
32:9 eipe de ¢
Iakwb o ¢ tou patroV
qeoV ¢ mou 3694 3588 4168-3778 3004 2596 3588 4487-3778
delivering. [3said 1And 2Jacob], The God of my father ¢
opisw ¢ toutwn
twn poimniwn ¢ ¢
legwn ¢
kata ¢
to rhma ¢
* 2532 3588 2316 3588 3962-1473 * 2962 3588 behind these flocks, saying, According to this saying
Abraam ¢ tou patroV
kai o
qeoV ¢ mou Isaak ¢ kurie
¢ o 2980 * 1722 3588 2147-1473 1473 2532
Abraham, and the God of my father Isaac, O lord, the one ¢
lalhsate Hsau¢ en tw ¢ umaV
eurein ¢ auton
¢ 32:20 kai
2036 1473 665.1 1519 3588 1093 3588 1078-1473 2532 you speak to Esau when you find him! And
eipwn moi ¢
apotrece ¢ wV
eiV thn ghn thV genese ¢ sou kai
saying to me, Run to the land of your birth! and
48 G E N E S I S 32:21
2046 2400 3588 3816-1473 * 3854 3694 3686-1473 3739 1510.2.3 2298 2532 2127 1473
ereite idou¢ o paiV sou ¢ paraginetai
Iakwb ¢ ¢
opisw ¢
onoma¢ mou o† esti ¢
qaumaston†† kai ¢
euloghsen ¢
you shall say, Behold, your servant Jacob comes after my name, which is wonderful? And he blessed him
1473 2036-1063 1837.2 3588 4383-1473 1722 3588 1563 2532 2564-* 3588 3686 3588 5117-1565
¢ eipe
hmwn ¢ gar ¢
exilasomai to ¢
proswpon autou¢ en toiV ekei¢ ¢
32:30 kai ekalesen ¢
Iakwb to onoma ¢
tou topou ¢
us. For he said, I will appease his face by the there. And Jacob called the name of that place,
1435 3588 4313 1473 2532 3326 3778 3708 1491 2316 1492-1063 3588 2316 4383 4314 4383 2532
dwroiV ¢
toiV proporeuomenoiV autou¢ kai meta
¢ touto
¢ ¢
oyomai ¢
eidoV qeou¢ ¢
eidon ¢ proswpon
gar ton qeon ¢ ¢
proV proswpon kai
gifts going before him; and after this I will see Sight of God. For I saw God face to face, and
3588 4383-1473 2481-1063 4327 3588 4982 1473 3588 5590 393 1161 1473 3588
to ¢
proswpon ¢
autou¢ iswV gar ¢
prosdexetai to ¢
eswqh mou h ¢ 32:31 aneteile
yuch ¢ de ¢
autw o
his countenance, for perhaps he will favorably receive [3was delivered 1my 2life]. [4arose 1And 5to him 2the
4383-1473 2532 4313 3588 1435 2596 2246 2259 3928 3588 1491 3588 2316 1473-1161 1979.1
proswpon mou 32:21 kai ¢
proeporeueto ta ¢
dwra ¢
kata ¢
hlioV ¢ parhlqe
hnika ¢ ¢
to eidoV tou qeou¢ ¢ de epeskaze
autoV ¢
my person. And [3went before 1the 2gifts] 3sun] when he went by the form of God, but he was limping
4383-1473 1473-1161 2837 3588 3571-1565 1722 3588 3382-1473 1752 3778 3766.2 2068 3588
proswpon autou¢ autoV
¢ de ekoimhqh
¢ ¢
thn nukta ¢
ekeinhn en tw mhrw ¢
¢ autou¢ 32:32 eneken ¢
toutou ¢
ou mh fagwsin oi
his face. And he went to sleep that night in in his thigh. Because of this, no way [4eat 1do the
3588 3925 450-1161 3588 3571-1565 2983 5207 * 3588 3505.5 3739 3487.1 3739 1510.2.3
th ¢
parembolh ¢ de thn nukta
32:22 anastaV ¢ ¢
ekeinhn ¢
elabe uioi¢ Israhl
¢ ¢
to neuron o ¢
enarkhsen o estin
the camp. And rising that night, he took 2sons 3of Israel] the nerve by which he was paralyzed, which is
3588 1417 1135 2532 3588 1417 3814 2532 3588 1733 1909 3588 4114 3588 3382 2193 3588 2250-3778 3754
¢ gunaikaV
taV duo ¢ ¢ paidiskaV
kai taV duo ¢ kai ta ¢
endeka epi¢ ¢
tou platouV tou ¢
mhrou¢ ewV ¢
thV hmeraV ¢
tauthV ¢
the two wives, and the two maidservants, and the eleven upon the wide part of the thigh, until this day. For
3813 1473 2532 1224 3588 1225.1 3588 * 680 3588 4114 3588 3382 * 3588 3505.5
¢ autou¢ kai diebh
paidia ¢ ¢
thn diabasin tou ¢
Iabwc ¢
hyato ¢
tou platouV tou mhrou¢ Iakwb
¢ tou ¢
children of his, and he passed over the ford of the Jabbok. he touched the wide part of the thigh of Jacob, of the nerve,
2532 2983 1473 2532 1224 3588 5493 2532 3739 3487.1
32:23 kai elaben ¢ kai diebh
autouV ¢ ¢
ton ceimarroun kai w ¢
And he took them, and passed over the rushing stream, and in which he was paralyzed.
1226.3 3956 3588 1473
diebibase ¢
panta ta autou¢
he caused to pass over all the ones of his. CHAPTER 33

Jacob Wrestles with God Jacob and Esau Reunite

5275 1161 * 3441 2532 3822.2 308 1161 * 1492 2532 2400 * 3588
32:24 upeleifqh de ¢
Iakwb ¢
monoV ¢
kai epalaien ¢
33:1 anableyaV de ¢
Iakwb ¢ kai idou¢
eide Hsau¢ o
[3was left behind 1And 2Jacob] alone, and [2wrestled [3looking up 1And 2Jacob] saw. And behold, Esau
444 3326 1473 2193 4404 1492-1161 3754 80-1473 2064 2532 5071 435 3326 1473
anqrwpoV ¢
met' autou¢ ewV prw+ ¢ de
32:25 eide ¢
oti ¢ autou¢ ercomenoV
adelfoV ¢ ¢
kai tetrakosioi ¢
andreV met' autou¢
1a man] with him until morning. And he saw that his brother was coming, and four hundred men with him.
3756-1410 4314 1473 2532 680 3588 4114 2532 1244-* 3588 3813 1909 * 2532 1909 * 2532
ou dunatai proV auton ¢
¢ kai hyato ¢
tou platouV ¢ ta paidia
kai dieilen Iakwb ¢ epi¢ Leian
¢ kai epi¢ Rachl
¢ kai
he was not able to prevail against him; and he touched the wide part And Jacob divided the servants unto Leah and unto Rachel, and
3588 3382-1473 2532 3487.1 3588 4114 3588 3382 3588 1417 3814 2532 4160 3588 1417 3814 2532
tou mhrou¢ autou¢ kai enarkhse
¢ to ¢
platoV tou mhrou¢ ¢ paidiskaV
taV duo ¢ ¢
33:2 kai epoihse ¢ paidiskaV
taV duo ¢ kai
of his thigh, and he paralyzed the wide part of the thigh the two maidservants. And he made the two maidservants and
3588 5207-1473 1722 4413 2532 * 2532 3588 3813-1473
* 1722 3588 3822.2-1473 3326 1473 2532 2036 ¢ autwn
touV uiouV ¢ en ¢
prwtoiV ¢ kai ta paidia
kai Leian ¢ authV
Iakwb en ¢
tw palaiein ¢ met' autou¢
auton ¢
32:26 kai eipen
of Jacob in his wrestling with him. And he said their sons go in first, and Leah and her children
3694 2532 * 2532 * 2078 1473-1161
1473 649 1473 305 1063 3588 3722 ¢
opisw kai ¢
Rachl kai ¢
Iwshf ¢
escatouV ¢ de
33:3 autoV
autw ¢
aposteil ¢
on me ¢
anebh gar o ¢
to him, You send me away! [4ascended 1for 2the 3dawn]. after, and Rachel and Joseph last. But he
4281 1715 1473 2532 4352 3588 1093
3588 1161 2036 3766.2 1473-649 1437 3361 1473 ¢
prohlqen ¢
emprosqen ¢ kai prosekunhsen
autwn ¢ thn ghn
o de ¢
eipen ou mh ¢
se aposteilw ¢ mh
ean me
And he said, No way will I send you away if [2not 4me went forth in front of them, and did obeisance on the ground
2034 2193 1448 3588 80-1473 2532
2127 2036-1161 1473 5100 3588 3686 ¢
eptakiV ¢
ewV ¢
eggisai tw adelfou¢ autou¢ 33:4 kai
euloghshV ¢ de
32:27 eipe ¢
autw ti to ¢
1you should 3bless]. And he said to him, What [3name seven times, while approaching to his brother. And
4370-* 1519 4877 1473 2532 4033.2
1473 1510.2.3 3588 1161 2036 * ¢
prosedramen Hsau¢ eiV sunanthsin
¢ ¢ kai
autw ¢
sou ¢ o
estin de ¢
eipen ¢
2your 1is]? And he said, Jacob. Esau ran up to meet him. And taking hold of
1473 5368 2532 4363 1909 3588 5137-1473
¢ efilhse
auton ¢ ¢
kai prosepesen epi¢ ¢
ton trachlon autou¢
Jacob’s Name Changed to Israel him, he kissed him. And he fell upon his neck.
2532 2036 1473 3756 2564 2089 2532 2705 1473 2532 2799 297 2532
32:28 kai eipen ¢
autw ou ¢
klhqhsetai ¢
eti ¢
kai katefilhsen auton ¢
¢ kai eklausan ¢
amfoteroi 33:5 kai
And he said to him, [3not 2shall 5be called 4any longer And he kissed him, and they [2wept 1both]. And
3588 3686-1473 * 235 * 1510.8.3 3588 3686-1473 308-* 1492 3588 1135 2532 3588 3813 2532
to ¢
onoma¢ sou ¢
Iakwb all' Israhl ¢
¢ estai to ¢
onoma¢ sou ¢
anableyaV Hsau¢ eide
¢ ¢
taV gunaikaV kai ta ¢
paidia kai
1your name] Jacob, but Israel will be your name; Esau looking up, he saw the women and the children. And
2089 1765 3326 2316 2532 3326 444 2036 5100 3778 1473 1510.2.3 3588 1161 2036 3588
oti ¢
eniscusaV ¢
meta qeou¢ kai met' ¢
anqrwpwn ¢
eipe ti ¢ a
taut ¢ soi ¢
estin o de ¢
eipe ta
for you grew in strength against God, and against [2men he said, What [2these 3to you 1are]? And he said, The
1415 2065 1161 * 2532 2036 312 3813 3739 1653-3588-2316 3588 3816-1473 2532
dunatoV ¢
32:29 hrwthse de ¢
Iakwb ¢
kai eipen ¢
anaggeil ¢
on ¢ oiV
paidia ¢
hlehsen ¢
o qeoV ¢ a
ton paid ¢ sou 33:6 kai
1mighty]. [3asked 1And 2Jacob] and said, Announce children which God showed mercy on your servant. And
1473 3588 3686-1473 2532 2036 2444 3778 2065-1473 3588 4331 3588 3814 2532 3588 5043-1473 2532
moi to ¢
onoma ¢
¢ sou kai eipen inati¢ touto
¢ ¢ su to
erwtaV ¢
proshggisan ai ¢
paidiskai kai ta ¢
tekna ¢
autwn kai
to me your name! And he said, Why is this you ask [5drew near 1the 2maidservants 3and 4their children], and

32:29 †—††CP & Six. omit.

33:7 G E N E S I S 49
4352 2532 4331-* 2532 3588 5043-1473 4160 4633 1223 3778 2564 3588
prosekunhsan ¢
33:7 kai proshggise ¢ kai ta tekna
Leia ¢ ¢
authV ¢
epoihse ¢
skhnaV ¢
dia ¢
touto ¢
ekalese to
did obeisance. And Leah drew near and her children, 1he made 2tented shelters]. On account of this they call the
2532 4352 2532 3326 3778 4331 * 2532 3686 3588 5117-1565 4633 2532 2064-* 1519
kai prosekunhsan ¢ tauta
kai meta ¢ proshggise
¢ ¢
Rachl kai ¢
onoma ¢
tou topou ¢
ekeinou ¢
skhnai¢ 33:18 kai hlqen ¢ eiV
and they did obeisance. And after this [4drew near 1Rachel 2and name of that place, Tents†. And Jacob came to
* 2532 4352 2532 2036 5100 3778 * 4172 * 3739 1510.2.3 1722 1093 *
Iwshf ¢
kai prosekunhsan ¢
33:8 kai eipe ti ¢ a
taut ¢ ¢
Salhm ¢
polin ¢
Sikhmwn h estin en gh ¢
3Joseph], and they did obeisance. And he said, What [2these Shalem, a city of Shechem, which is in the land of Canaan,
1473 1510.2.3 3956 3588 3925-1473 3739 528 3753 2064 1537 3588 * * 2532
soi esti¢ ¢
pasai ai parembolai¢ autai
¢ aiV ¢
aphnthka ¢
ote ¢
hlqen ek ¢
thV MesopotamiaV ¢
SuriaV kai
3to you 1are], all these camps which I have met? when he returned back from Mesopotamia Syria. And
3588 1161 2036 2443 2147 3588 3816-1473 5484 3924.2 2596 4383 3588 4172 2532
o de ¢
eipen ¢
ina ¢
eurh o paiV sou ¢
carin ¢
parenebalen ¢
kata ¢
proswpon thV ¢
polewV 33:19 kai
And he said, that [2should find 1your servant] favor he camped before the face of the city. And
1726 1473 2962 2036 1161 * 1510.2.3 1473 2932 3588 3310 3588 68 3739 2476 1563 3588
¢ sou kurie
enantion ¢ ¢
33:9 eipe de Hsau¢ ¢
esti moi ¢
ekthsato ¢
thn merida tou agrou¢ ou ¢
esthsen ekei¢ thn
before you, O master. [3said 1And 2Esau], There is to me he acquired the portion of the field which sat there
4183 80 1510.5 1473 3588 4674 2036 1161 4633-1473 3844 * 3962 * 1540
¢ adelfe¢
polla ¢
estw soi ta sa ¢
33:10 eipe de ¢ autou¢ para
skhnhn ¢ Emwr
¢ ¢ Sucem
patroV ¢ ¢
much, O brother, let [3be 4yours 2things 1your]! [3said 1And by his tent, from Hamor father of Shechem, for a hundred
* 1487 2147 5484 1726 1473 1209 3588 1435 1223 3588 286 2532 2476 1563 2379 2532 1941
Iakwb ei ¢
euron ¢
carin ¢ sou dexai
enantion ¢ ¢
ta dwra ¢ twn
dia ¢
amnwn ¢
33:20 kai esthsen ekei¢ qusiasthrion
¢ ¢
kai epekalesato
2Jacob], If I found favor before you, take the gifts by lambs. And he set up there an altar, and called upon
1699 5495 1752 3778 1492 3588 4383-1473 5613 302 3588 2316 *
¢ ceirwn
emwn ¢
¢ eneken ¢
toutou ¢
eidon ¢
to proswp ¢ sou wV an
on ¢ Israhl
ton qeon ¢
my hands! Because of this I saw your face, as if the God of Israel.
5100 1492 4383 2316 2532 2106
tiV idoi ¢
proswpon qeou¢ ¢
kai eudokhseiV
one may have seen the face of God, and you shall think well of
1473 2983 3588 2129-1473 3739 5342 1473
me ¢
33:11 labe taV ¢ mou aV
eulogiaV ¢
hnegka¢ soi Dinah is Humbled by Shechem
me. Take the things of my blessing, which I brought to you! 1831-1161 * 3588 2364 *-3739 5088
3754 1653 1473 3588 2316 2532 1510.2.3 1473 ¢
34:1 exhlqe de ¢
Dina h ¢
qugathr ¢ hn
LeiaV ¢
oti ¢ e¢
hlehs me o ¢
qeoV ¢
kai esti moi And went forth Dinah, the daughter whom Leah bore
for [2showed mercy 3on me 1God], and there is to me 3588 * 2648 3588 2364 3588 1472.2
3956 2532 971 1473 2532 2983 2532 2036 ¢
tw Iakwb ¢ taV qugateraV
katamaqein ¢ twn ¢
panta ¢
kai ebiasato auton ¢
¢ kai elabe ¢
33:12 kai eipen to Jacob, to study the daughters of the native inhabitants.
all things. And he forced him, and he took. And he said, 2532 1492 1473 * 3588 5207 * 3588
522 4198 1909 2117 2036-1161 1473 34:2 kai ¢
eiden ¢ Sucem
authn ¢ o ¢ Emmwr
uioV ¢ o
aparanteV ¢
poreuswmeqa ¢
ep' euqeian ¢ de
33:13 eipe ¢
autw And [2beheld 3her 1Shechem], the son of Hamor the
Departing we will go straight. And he said to him, * 3588 758 3588 1093 2532 2983 1473 2837
3588 2962-1473 1097 3754 3588 3813 527 2532 ¢ o
EuaioV ¢
arcwn thV ¢ authn
ghV kai labwn ¢ ekoimhqh
o ¢ oV
kuri ¢ mou ginwskei
¢ ¢
oti ta ¢
paidia ¢
apalwtera kai Hivite, the ruler of the land. And taking her, he went to bed
My master knows that the children are tender, and 3326 1473 2532 5013 1473 2532 4337
3588 4263 2532 3588 1016 3068.2 1909 1473 1437 3767 ¢ kai etapeinwsen
met' authV ¢ ¢
authn 34:3 kai ¢
ta ¢
probata kai ai ¢
boeV ¢
loceuontai ep' eme¢ ean
¢ oun with her, and humbled her. And he took heed
the sheep and the oxen are giving birth to me. If then 3588 5590 * 3588 2364 * 2532 25
2614 1473 2250 1520 599 3956 3588 th ¢ DinaV
yuch ¢ ¢ Iakwb
thV qugatroV ¢ kai ¢
katadiwxw ¢ hmeran
auta ¢ ¢
mian ¢
apoqanountai ¢
panta ta to the soul of Dinah the daughter of Jacob. And he loved
I should drive them [2day 1one more 6will die 3all 4the 3588 3933 2532 2980 2596 3588 1271 3588
2934 4281 3588 2962-1473 1715 3588 ¢
thn parqenon ¢
kai elalhse ¢
kata ¢
thn dianoian thV
kthnh ¢
33:14 proelqetw o ¢ oV
kuri ¢
¢ mou emprosqen tou the virgin, and he spoke concerning the thought
5cattle]. Let [2go forth 1my master] in front of 3933-1473 2036 * 4314 * 3588
3816-1473 1473-1161 1765 1722 3588 3598 2596 ¢
parqenou auth ¢ de
34:4 eipe ¢
Sucem ¢
proV Emmwr ton
¢ autou¢ egw
paidoV ¢ de eniscusw
¢ ¢ kata
en th odw ¢ of her virgin state. And said Shechem to Hamor
his servant! and I shall gain strength in the way according to 3962-1473 3004 2983 1473 3588 3816-3778 1519
4981 3588 4197.1 3588 1726 1473 2532 2596 ¢ autou¢ legwn
patera ¢ ¢
labe moi ¢ tauthn
thn paida ¢ eiV
¢ thV
scolhn ¢
poreusewV ¢
thV enantion ¢
mou kai kata his father, saying, Take for me this maidservant for
the ease of the trek before me, and according to 1135 *-1161 191 3754 3392 3588 5207
4228 3588 3808 2193 3588 2064-1473 4314 3588 2962-1473 ¢
gunaika ¢ de
34:5 Iakwb ¢
hkousen ¢
oti ¢
emianen o ¢
poda twn paidariwn ¢
¢ ewV ¢ me proV ton kuri
tou elqein ¢ on¢ mou a wife. And Jacob heard that [4defiled 1the 2son
the foot of the youngsters, until my coming to my master * * 3588 2364-1473 3588 1161 5207-1473
1519 * 2036 1161 * 2641 3326 1473 ¢
Emmwr ¢
Dinan ¢ autou¢ oi
thn qugatera de uioi¢ autou¢
¢ 33:15 eipe
eiV Sheir ¢ de Hsau¢ kataleiyw
¢ ¢ sou
meta 3of Hamor] Dinah his daughter. But his sons
in Seir. [3said 1And 2Esau], I will leave behind with you 1510.7.6 3326 3588 2934-1473 1722 3588 3977.1 3902.1
575 3588 2992 3588 3326 1473 3588 1161 2036 2444 ¢
hsan ¢ twn kthnwn
meta ¢ autou¢ en ¢ paresiwphse
tw pediw ¢
apo¢ tou laou¢ tou met' emou¢ o de ¢
eipen inati¢ were with his cattle in the plain. [3remained silent
some of the people of the ones with me. And he said, Why 1161 * 2193 3588 2064-1473 1831-1161
3778 2425 3754 2147 5484 1726 1473 2962 de ¢
Iakwb ¢
ewV ¢ autouV
tou elqein ¢ ¢
34:6 exhlqe de
touto ¢
ikanon ¢
oti ¢
euron ¢
carin ¢
enantion ¢
sou kurie 1And 2Jacob] until they came. And came forth
this? It is enough that I found favor before you, O lord. * 3588 3962 * 4314 * 2980 1473
654 1161 * 1722 3588 2250-1565 1519 3588 ¢ o
Emmwr ¢ Sucem
pathr ¢ ¢
proV Iakwb ¢
lalhsai ¢
33:16 apestreye de Hsau¢ en th ¢ ekeinh
hmera ¢ eiV thn Hamor the father of Shechem to Jacob to speak to him.
[3returned 1And 2Esau] in that day unto 3588-1161 5207 * 2064 1537 3588 3977.1 5613-1161
3598-1473 1519 * 2532 * 522 1519 4633 34:7 oi de uioi¢ Iakwb
¢ ¢
hlqon ek ¢
tou pediou wV de
¢ autou¢ eiV Sheir
odon ¢ ¢ apairei
33:17 kai Iakwb ¢ ¢
eiV skhnaV And the sons of Jacob came from the plain. And as
his journey to Seir. And Jacob departed to Tents. 191 2660 3588 435 2532 3077.1-1510.7.3
2532 4160 1438 1563 3614 2532 3588 2934-1473 ¢
hkousan ¢
katenughsan oi ¢
andreV kai ¢ hn
kai epoihsen ¢ ekei¢ oikiaV
eautw ¢ ¢
kai toiV kthnesin autou¢ they heard, [3were vexed 1the 2men], and it was distressing
And he made himself there a residence, and [3for his cattle

33:17 †i.e. Succoth.

50 G E N E S I S 34:8
1473 4970 3754 809 4160 1722 * 3361-1522 1473 3588 4059 2983
¢ sfodra
autoiV ¢ ¢
oti ¢
aschmon ¢
epoihsen en ¢
Israhl ¢
mh eisakoushte ¢ tou
hmwn ¢
peritemnhsqe ¢
to them exceedingly. For [2an indecent act 1he did] in Israel, you should not listen to us, of the being circumcised, taking
2837 3326 3588 2364 * 2532 3756 3779 3588 2364-1473 565 2532 700
koimhqeiV ¢ thV qugatroV
meta ¢ Iakwb
¢ kai ¢
ouc outwV ¢ hmwn
thn qugatera ¢ apeleusomeqa
¢ ¢
34:18 kai hresan
going to bed with the daughter of Jacob. And not thus our daughter, we shall go forth. And [3were pleasing
1510.8.3 2532 2980-* 1473 3004 * 3588 3056 1726 * 2532 1726 * 3588 5207
estai ¢
34:8 kai elalhsen ¢ autoiV
Emmwr ¢ ¢
legwn ¢
Sucem oi ¢
logoi ¢ Emmwr
enantion ¢ kai enantion
¢ Sucem
¢ ¢
tou uiou
shall it be. And Hamor spoke to them, saying, Shechem 1the 2words] before Hamor, and before Shechem the son
3588 5207-1473 4255 3588 5590 3588 2364-1473 1325 * 2532 3756 5549 3588 3495 3588
o ¢ mou proeileto
uioV ¢ th ¢ thn qugatera
yuch ¢ umwn
¢ dote
¢ ¢
Emmwr 34:19 kai ouk ¢
ecronisen o ¢
neaniskoV tou
my son prefers [2in his 3soul 1your daughter]. Give of Hamor. And [3did not 4pass time 1the 2young man]
3767-1473 1473 1135 2532 1918 1473 4160 3588 4487-3778 1460.3-1063 3588 2364 *
¢ autw
oun authn ¢ gunaika
¢ ¢
34:9 kai epigambreusasqe ¢
hmin ¢
poihsai to ¢
rhma ¢
touto ¢
enekeito gar th qugatri¢ Iakwb
her then to him as wife! And be allied by marriage to us! to do this word, for he clung to the daughter of Jacob.
3588 2364-1473 1325 1473 2532 3588 2364-1473 1473-1161 1510.7.3 1741 3956 3588 1722 3588 3624
taV qugateraV ¢ dote
umwn ¢ ¢ kai taV qugateraV
hmin ¢ ¢
hmwn ¢ de hn
autoV ¢
endoxotatoV ¢
pantwn twn ¢
en tw oikw
[3your daughters 1You give 2us], and [2our daughters And he was most honorable of all of the ones in the house
2983 3588 5207-1473 2532 1722 1473 2730 3588 3962-1473 2064 1161 * 2532 * 3588
labete ¢ umwn
toiV uioiV ¢ 34:10 kai en ¢ katoikeite
hmin ¢ tou patroV ¢
¢ autou¢ 34:20 hlqe de ¢ kai Sucem
Emmwr ¢ o
1you take] for your sons! And [2with 3us 1dwell]! of his father. [6came 1And 2Hamor 3and 4Shechem
2532 3588 1093 2400 4116 1726 1473 2730 5207-1473 4314 3588 4439 3588 4172-1473 2532 2980
kai h gh idou¢ ¢
plateia ¢ umwn
enantion ¢ katoikeite
¢ ¢ autou¢ proV thn pulhn
uioV ¢ ¢
thV polewV ¢ kai elalhsan
autwn ¢
And the land – behold, it is spacious before you; you dwell 5his son] to the gate of their city, and spoke
2532 1710 1909 1473 2532 2932 1722 1473 4314 3588 435 3588 4172-1473 3004 3588
kai emporeuesqe ¢ kai ktasqe
ep' authV ¢ en ¢
auth ¢
proV touV andraV ¢
thV polewV ¢
autwn ¢
legonteV 34:21 oi
and do trade in it, and acquire possessions in it! to the men of their city, saying,
2036 1161 * 4314 3588 3962-1473 2532 4314 444-3778 1516-1510.2.6 3326 1473 3611 1909
34:11 eipe de ¢
Sucem ¢ authV
proV ton patera ¢ kai proV ¢
anqrwpoi ¢
outoi eirhnikoi¢ eisi
¢ meq' ¢
hmwn ¢
oikeitwsan epi¢
[3said 1And 2Shechem] to her father, and to These men are peaceable with us; let them live upon
3588 80-1473 2147 5484 1726 1473 2532 3588 1093 2532 1710 1722 1473 3588-1161 1093 2400
¢ authV
touV adelfouV ¢ euroimi
¢ ¢
carin ¢
enantion ¢ kai
umwn ¢
thV ghV kai emporeuesqwsan en ¢ h de
auth gh idou¢
her brothers, I want to find favor before you, and the land, and let them trade in it! And the land, behold,
3739 1437 2036 1325 4129 4116 1726 1473 3588 2364-1473 2983
o ¢
ean ¢
eiphte ¢
dwsomen ¢
34:12 plhqunate ¢
plateia ¢ autwn
enantion ¢ taV qugateraV
¢ ¢
autwn lhyomeqa
what ever you should have said we will give. You multiply it is spacious before them; [4of their daughters 1we shall take
3588 5340.1 4970 2532 1325 2530 302 1473 1135 2532 3588 2364 1473-1325
thn fernhn ¢
sfodra ¢
kai dwsw ¢
kaqoti an ¢
hmin ¢
gunaikaV ¢
kai taV qugateraV ¢ dwsomen
hmwn ¢
the dowry exceedingly! and I will give in so far as whatever 2to ourselves 3wives], and [2daughters 1we shall give our]
2036 1473 2532 1325 1473 3588 1473 1722 3778 3440 3666 1473 3588
eiphte¢ moi kai ¢
dwsete¢ moi thn ¢
autoiV 34:22 en ¢
toutw ¢
monon ¢
omoiwqhsontai ¢ oi
you should have said to me. And you shall give to me to them. In this only will [3be like 4us 1the
3816-3778 1519 1135 444 3588 2730 3326 1473 5620 1510.1 2992 1520
¢ tauthn
paida ¢ ¢
eiV gunaika ¢
anqrwpoi ¢ meq' hmwn
tou katoikein ¢
¢ wste ¢
einai ¢
laon ¢
this child as wife. 2men], to dwell with us, so as to be [2people 1one] –
1722 3588 4059 1473 3956 732.1 2505 2532
en tw ¢
peritemnesqai ¢
hmwn pan ¢ kaqa
arsenikon ¢ kai
Treachery of Jacob’s Sons in the being circumcised of us every male, as also
611 1161 3588 5207 * 3588 1473 4059 2532 3588 2934-1473 2532
34:13 ¢
apekriqhsan de oi uioi¢ ¢
Iakwb tw autoi¢ peritetmhntai
¢ 34:23 kai ta ¢
kthnh ¢ kai
[5responded 1And 2the 3sons 4of Jacob] they have been circumcised. And their cattle, and
* 2532 * 3588 3962-1473 3326 1388 2532 3588 5074 2532 3588 5224-1473 3756 1473
Sucem ¢ tw
kai Emmwr patri¢ autou¢ meta
¢ dolou
¢ kai ta ¢
tetrapoda kai ta ¢
uparconta ¢ ouc
autwn ¢
to Shechem and Hamor his father with treachery. And the four-footed animals, and their possessions – [2not 4ours
2980 1473 3754 3392 * 3588 79-1473 1510.8.3 3440 1722 3778 3666 1473 2532
elalhsan ¢
autoiV ¢
oti ¢
emianan ¢
Dina ¢ autwn
thn adelfhn ¢ ¢
estai ¢
monon en ¢
toutw ¢
omoiwqwmen ¢ kai
they spoke to them, for they defiled Dinah their sister. 1will they 3be]? Only in this, should we be like them, and
2532 2036 1473 * 2532 * 3588 80 3611 3326 1473 2532 1522 * 2532
34:14 kai ¢
eipon ¢
autoiV ¢
Sumewn kai Leui¢ oi adelfoi¢ ¢
oikhsousi ¢
meq' hmwn ¢
34:24 kai eishkousan ¢ kai
And said to them Simeon and Levi the brothers they will live with us. And they listened to Hamor and
* 3756-1410 4160 3588 4487-3778 1325
DinaV ¢
ou dunhsomeqa ¢
poihsai to ¢
rhma ¢
touto ¢
dounai * 3588 5207-1473 2532 3956 3588 1607 3588
Sucem tou uiou¢ autou¢ kai panteV
¢ oi ¢
ekporeuomenoi thn
of Dinah, We shall not be able to do this matter, to give Shechem his son, and all the ones going forth at the
3588 79-1473 444 3739 2192 203 1510.2.3-1063
¢ hmwn
thn adelfhn ¢ anqrwpw
¢ oV ¢
ecei ¢
akrobustian ¢
esti gar 4439 3588 4172-1473 2532 4059 3588 4561
pulhn ¢
thV polewV ¢ kai perietemonto
autwn ¢ thn ¢
our sister to a man who has a foreskin, for it is gate of their city. And they were circumcised in the flesh
3681 1473 3440 1722 3778 3666 1473
oneidoV ¢
hmin ¢
34:15 monon en ¢
toutw ¢
omoiwqhsomeqa ¢
umin 3588 203-1473 3956 730 1096-1161
¢ autwn
thV akrobustiaV ¢ paV ¢
arsen ¢
34:25 egeneto de
scorn to us. Only in this we will be like you,
of their foreskin – every male. And it came to pass
2532 2730 1722 1473 1437 1096 5613
kai katoikhsomen en ¢ ean
umin ¢ ¢
genhsqe wV 1722 3588 2250 3588 5154 3753 1510.7.6 1722 3588 4192
en th ¢
hmera th ¢
trith ¢
ote ¢
hsan en tw ¢
and dwell among you, if you should become as
in the [2day 1third], when they were in misery,
1473 2532 1473 1722 3588 4059 1473-3956 3956
¢ kai
hmeiV ¢ en
umeiV ¢
tw peritmhqhnai ¢
umwn pan 2983 3588 1417 5207 * * 2532 * 80
labonteV oi ¢ uioi¢ Iakwb
duo ¢ ¢ kai Leui¢ adelfoi¢
us and we you, in the circumcision [3of yours 1of every
[11taking 1the 2two 3sons 4of Jacob 5Simeon 6and 7Levi 8brothers
732.1 2532 1325 3588 2364-1473 1473 2532
¢ 34:16 kai dwsomen
arsenikon ¢ ¢
taV qugateraV ¢ umin
hmwn ¢ kai * 1538 3588 3162-1473 2532 1525 1519 3588
DinaV ¢
ekastoV ¢
thn macairan autou¢ kai eishlqon
¢ eiV thn
2male]. And we will give our daughters to you, and
9of Dinah 10each] his sword, even entered to the
575 3588 2364-1473 2983 1473 1135 2532
apo¢ twn qugaterwn
¢ ¢ lhyomeqa
umwn ¢ ¢
hmin ¢
gunaikaV kai 4172 806 2532 615 3956 732.1 3588
polin ¢ kai apekteinan
asfalwV ¢ pan ¢
arsenikon 34:26 ton
from your daughters we will take to ourselves wives, and
city safely, and killed every male.
3611 3844 1473 2532 1510.8.4 1085 1520 1437-1161
oikhsomen ¢ kai esomeqa
par' umin ¢ ¢
genoV en ¢ de
34:17 ean 5037 * 2532 * 3588 5207-1473 615 1722
te ¢
Emmwr ¢
kai Sucem ¢ autou¢ apekteinan
ton uion ¢ en
we will live by you, and we will be [2race 1one]. But if
Also Hamor and Shechem his son they killed by
34:27 G E N E S I S 51
4750 3162 2532 2983 3588 * 1537 3588 3624 2250 2347 3739 1510.7.3 3326 1473 2532 1295 1473
stomati ¢
macairaV ¢
kai elabon ¢
thn Dinan ek ¢
tou oikou ¢
hmera ¢
qliyewV oV hn met' emou¢ kai diesws
¢ e¢ me
the mouth of the sword. And they took Dinah from the house the day of affliction, who was with me, and preserved me
3588 * 2532 1831 3588-1161 5207 * 1722 3588 3598 3739 4198 2532 1325 3588 *
tou Sucem ¢
kai exhlqon 34:27 oi de uioi¢ Iakwb
¢ en ¢ h
th odw ¢
eporeuqhn ¢
35:4 kai edwkan ¢
tw Iakwb
of Shechem, and went forth. And the sons of Jacob in the way which I went. And they gave to Jacob
1525 1909 3588 5134.1 2532 1283 3588 4172 1722 3588 2316 3588 245 3739 1510.7.6 1722 3588 5495-1473
eishlqon epi¢ touV traumatiaV
¢ kai dihrpasan
¢ ¢
thn polin en ¢ touV allotriouV
touV qeouV ¢ oi ¢
hsan ¢ autwn
en taiV cersin ¢
entered unto the wounded, and plundered the city in [3gods 1the 2alien], which were in their hands,
3739 3392 * 3588 79-1473 2532 3588 2532 3588 1801.1 3588 1722 3588 3775-1473 2532 2633.1
h ¢
emianan ¢
Dinan ¢ autwn
thn adelfhn ¢ 34:28 kai ta kai ta ¢
enwtia ta en ¢ autwn
toiV wsin ¢ kai ¢
which [3was defiled 1Dinah 2their sister]. And and the ear-rings in their ears. And [2hid
4263-1473 2532 3588 1016-1473 2532 3588 3688-1473 1473 * 5259 3588 5059.2 3588 1722 *
probata ¢ kai touV boaV
autwn ¢ autwn ¢
¢ kai touV onouV ¢
autwn ¢ Iakwb
auta ¢ upo¢ ¢
thn terebinqon thn en ¢
their sheep, and their oxen, and their donkeys, 3them 1Jacob] under the turpentine tree, the one in Shechem.
3745 1510.7.3 1722 3588 4172 2532 3745 1510.7.3 1722 2532 622 1473 2193 3588 4594 2250 2532
osa hn en th ¢
polei ¢
kai osa hn en kai ¢
apwlesen auta ¢
¢ ewV ¢
thV shmeron ¢
hmeraV 35:5 kai
as much as was in the city, and as much as was in And he destroyed them unto today’s day. And
3588 3977.1 2983 2532 3956 3588 4983-1473 1808-* 1537 * 2532 1096 5401 2316
tw pediw ¢
¢ elabon 34:29 kai ¢
panta ta ¢
swmata ¢
autwn ¢
exhren ¢
Israhl ek ¢
Sikimwn kai ¢
egeneto ¢
foboV qeou¢
the plain, they took. And all their persons, Israel lifted away from Shechem. And there was a fear of God
2532 3956 3588 643.1-1473 2532 3588 1135-1473 1909 3588 4172 3588 2945 1473 2532 3756
kai pasan ¢ autwn
thn aposkeuhn ¢ ¢
kai taV gunaikaV ¢
autwn epi¢ ¢
taV poleiV ¢
taV kuklw ¢
autwn kai ou
and all their belongings, and their women upon the cities round about them. And they did not
162 2532 1283 3745 1510.7.3 1722 3588 2614 3694 3588 5207 * 2064 1161 *
hcmalwteusan ¢
kai dihrpasan ¢
osa hn en th ¢
katediwxan ¢
opisw ¢ Israhl
twn uiwn ¢ ¢
35:6 hlqe de ¢
they captured. And they plundered as much as was in the pursue after the sons of Israel. [3came 1And 2Jacob]
4172 2532 3745 1510.7.3 1722 3588 3614 2036 1161 1519 * 3739 1510.2.3 1722 1093 * 3739 1510.2.3
polei ¢
kai osa hn en ¢
taiV oikiaiV ¢
34:30 eipe de eiV ¢ h
Louza estin en gh ¢
Canaan h esti
city, and as much as was in the houses. [3said 1And into Luz, which is in the land of Canaan, which is
* 4314 * 2532 * 3404.1-1473 4160 * 1473 2532 3956 3588 2992 3739 1510.7.3 3326 1473
Iakwb ¢ kai Leui¢ mishton
proV Sumewn ¢ me ¢
pepoihkate ¢
Baiqhl ¢ kai paV o
autoV ¢
laoV oV hn met' autou¢
2Jacob] to Simeon and Levi, [2me detested 1You have made], Beth-el, he and all the people who were with him.
5620 4190 1473 1510.1 3956 3588 2730 3588 2532 3618 1563 2379 2532 2564 3588
wste ¢ me
ponhron ¢
einai ¢
pasi toiV ¢
katoikousi thn 35:7 kai ¢
wkodomhsen ekei¢ qusiasthrion
¢ ¢
kai ekalese to
so as [3wicked 1for me 2to be] to all the ones dwelling the And he built there an altar, and he called the
1093 1722 5037 3588 * 2532 1722 3588 * 3686 3588 5117 * 1563-1063 5316 1473 3588
ghn en te ¢
toiV CananaioiV kai en ¢
toiV FerezaioiV ¢
onoma tou ¢
topou ¢
Baiqhl ekei¢ gar efanh
¢ ¢
autw o
land, among both the Canaanites and among the Perizzites. name of the place, Beth-el, for there [2appeared 3to him
1473-1161 3641.1-1510.2.1 1722 706 2532 4863 1909 2316 1722 3588 590.2-1473 575 4383 *
¢ de
egw ¢ eimi en
oligostoV ¢ kai sunacqenteV
ariqmw ¢ ep' ¢
qeoV en tw ¢
apodidraskein ¢ apo¢ proswpou
auton ¢ Hsau¢
And I am very few in number. And gathering against 1God] in his running away from the face of Esau
1473 4792.1-1473 2532 1625.3 1473 2532 3588 3588 80-1473 599 1161 * 3588 5162
eme¢ sugkoyousi
¢ me ¢
kai ektribhsomai ¢ kai o
egw tou adelfou¢ autou¢ ¢
35:8 apeqane de ¢
Deborra h ¢
me, they shall cut me down, and I shall be obliterated, I and his brother. [6died 1And 2Deborah 3the 4nurse
3624-1473 3588 1161 2036 235 5616 4204 5530 * 2532 2290 2736 * 5259
¢ oV
oik ¢ mou 34:31 oi de eipon all' wsei¢ pornh
¢ ¢
crhsontai ¢
RebekkaV ¢
kai etafh ¢
katwteron ¢ upo¢
my house. And they said, But as a harlot they treated 5of Rebekah], and they entombed her below Beth-el, under
3588 79-1473 3588 904.1 2532 2564- 3588 3686 1473 904.1
¢ hmwn
th adelfh ¢ ¢
thn balanon ¢
kai ekalesen ¢
Iakwb to onoma ¢ balanoV
authV ¢
our sister. the acorn tree, and Jacob called the name of it, Acorn tree
CHAPTER 35 of Mourning.

Jacob Builds an Altar at Beth-el God Changes Jacob’s Name to Israel

2036 1161 3588 2316 4314 * 450 305 3708 1161 3588 2316 3588 * 2089 1722 *
35:1 eipe de o ¢
qeoV ¢ anastaV
proV Iakwb ¢ anabhqi
¢ ¢
35:9 wfqh de o ¢
qeoV ¢
tw Iakwb eti ¢
¢ en Louza
[3said 1And 2God] to Jacob, Rising up, ascend [3appeared 1And 2God] to Jacob still in Luz,
1519 3588 5117 * 2532 3611 1563 2532 4160 1563 3753 3854 1537 * 3588 * 2532
eiV ¢
ton topon ¢
Baiqhl kai ¢
oikei ekei¢ ¢
kai poihson ekei¢ ¢
ote ¢
paregeneto ek ¢
MesopotamiaV ¢
thV SuriaV kai
unto the place Beth-el! And live there, and make there when he came from out of Mesopotamia of Syria. And
2379 3588 2316 3588 3708 1473 1722 2127 1473 3588 2316 2532 2036 1473 3588 2316
qusiasthrion tw ¢
qew tw ¢
ofqenti soi en ¢
euloghsen ¢ o
auton ¢
qeoV ¢
35:10 kai eipen ¢
autw o ¢
an altar to God! to the one appearing to you in [2blessed 3him 1God]. And [2said 3to him 1God],
3588 590.2 575 4383 * 3588 80-1473 3588 3686-1473 3756-2564 2089 * 235 *
tw apodidraskein apo¢ proswpou
¢ Hsau¢ tou adelfou¢ sou to ¢
onoma¢ sou ou klhqhsetai
¢ ¢
eti ¢ all' Israhl
Iakwb ¢
the running away from the face of Esau your brother. Your name shall not be called any longer Jacob, but Israel
2036 1161 * 3588 3624-1473 2532 3956 3588 3326 1510.8.3 3588 3686-1473 2532 2564 3588 3686-1473 *
35:2 eipe de ¢
Iakwb ¢
tw oikw autou¢ kai pasi
¢ toiV met' ¢
estai to ¢
onoma¢ sou kai ekalese
¢ to ¢
onoma autou¢ Israhl
[3said 1And 2Jacob] to his house, and to all the ones with will be your name. And he called his name Israel.
1473 142 3588 2316 3588 245 1537 3319-1473 2036 1161 1473 3588 2316 1473 3588 2316-1473 837
autou¢ arate ¢ touV allotriouV
touV qeouV ¢ ek ¢
mesou ¢
umwn ¢
35:11 eipe de ¢
autw o ¢
qeoV ¢ o
egw ¢ sou auxanou
qeoV ¢
him, Take away [3gods 1the 2alien] from your midst, [3said 1And 4to him 2God], I am your God. Grow
2532 2511 2532 236 3588 4749-1473 2532 2532 4129 1484 2532 4864 1484 1510.8.6 1537
kai kaqarisqhte ¢
kai allaxate ¢ umwn
taV stolaV ¢ 35:3 kai ¢
kai plhqunou ¢
eqnh kai sunagwgai¢ eqnwn
¢ ¢
esontai ek
and cleanse and change your robes! And and multiply! Nations and gatherings of nations will be from
450 305 1519 * 2532 4160 1563 1473 2532 935 1537 3588 3751-1473 1831
anastanteV ¢
anabwmen eiV ¢
Baiqhl ¢
kai poihswmen ekei¢ ¢ ek
sou kai basileiV ¢ sou exeleusontai
thV osfuoV ¢
rising up, let us ascend unto Beth-el, and let us make there you, and kings [2from 3your loin 1shall come forth].
2379 3588 2316 3588 1873 1473 1722 2532 3588 1093 3739 1325 * 2532 * 1473
qusiasthrion tw ¢
qew tw ¢
epakousanti¢ mou en 35:12 kai thn ghn hn ¢
edwka ¢
Abraam ¢ soi
kai Isaak
an altar to God! to the one taking heed of me in And the land which I gave Abraham and Isaac, [3to you
52 G E N E S I S 35:13
1325 1473 2532 3588 4690-1473 3326 1473 1325
dedwka ¢ kai
authn tw ¢
spermati¢ sou meta
¢ se ¢
dwsw Generations of Jacob and the Death of Isaac
1I give 2it]. And to your seed after you I shall give 1510.7.6 1161 3588 5207 * 1427
3588 1093-3778 305 1161 3588 2316 575 1473 35:22 ¢
hsan de oi uioi¢ ¢
Iakwb ¢
thn gh tauthn ¢
35:13 anebh de o ¢
qeoV ap' autou¢ [5were 1And 2the 3sons 4of Jacob] twelve.
this land. [3ascended 1And 2God] from him, 5207 * 4416 * * * *
1537 3588 5117 3739 2980 3326 1473 2532 35:23 uioi¢ ¢
LeiaV ¢
prwtotokoV ¢
Iakwb ¢ Sumewn
Roubhn ¢ Leui¢
ek ¢
tou topou ou ¢
elalhse met' autou¢ 35:14 kai The sons of Leah, the first-born of Jacob, Reuben, Simeon, Levi,
from the place where he spoke with him. And * * * 5207-1161 * *
2476-* 4739.1 1722 3588 5117 3739 2980 3326 ¢
IoudaV ¢
Issacar ¢
Zaboulwn 35:24 uioi¢ de ¢
Rachl ¢
esthsen ¢ sthlhn
Iakwb ¢ ¢
en tw topw w ¢
elalhse met' Judah, Issachar, Zebulun. And the sons of Rachel, Joseph
Jacob set up a monument in the place in which [2spoke 3with 2532 * 5207-1161 * 3814
1473 3588 2316 4739.1 3035 2532 4689 1909 ¢
kai Beniamin 35:25 uioi¢ de ¢
BallaV ¢
autou¢ o ¢
qeoV ¢
sthlhn ¢
liqinhn ¢
kai espeisen ep' and Benjamin. And the sons of Bilhah the maidservant
4him 1God] – [2monument 1a stone]. And he offered upon * * 2532 * 5207-1161 *
1473 4700.2 2532 2022 1909 1473 1637 2532 ¢
Rachl ¢
Dan kai Nefqaleim 35:26 uioi¢ de ¢
¢ spondhn
authn ¢ kai epeceen
¢ ep' authn ¢
¢ elaion 35:15 kai of Rachel, Dan and Naphtali. And the sons of Zilpah
it a libation, and he poured upon it olive oil. And 3814 * * 2532 * 3778 5207 *
2564-* 3588 3686 3588 5117 1722 3739 2980 3326 ¢
paidiskhV ¢
LeiaV ¢ outoi
Gad kai Ashr ¢ uioi¢ ¢
ekalesen ¢
Iakwb to onoma tou ¢
topou en w ¢
elalhse met' the maidservant of Leah, Gad and Asher. These are the sons of Jacob,
Jacob called the name of the place in which [2spoke 3with 3588 1096 1473 1722 * 3588 *
1473 1563 3588 2316 * oi ¢
egenonto ¢
autw en ¢ thV SuriaV
Mesopotamia ¢
autou¢ ekei¢ o ¢
qeoV ¢
Baiqhl the ones who were born to him in Mesopotamia of Syria.
4him 5there 1God], Beth-el. 2064 1161 * 4314 * 3588 3962-1473 1519
35:27 hlqe de ¢
Iakwb ¢ ton patera
proV Isaak ¢ autou¢ eiV
[3came 1And 2Jacob] to Isaac his father in
Death of Rachel * 1519 4172 3588 3977.1 3778 1510.2.3 * 1722
522 1161 * 1537 * 4078 ¢ eiV
Mambrh ¢
polin tou ¢
pediou ¢ esti¢
auth ¢
Cebrwn en
35:16 aparaV de ¢
Iakwb ek Baiqhl ¢
¢ ephxe Mamre, in a city of the plain – this is Hebron, in
[3departed 1And 2Jacob] from Beth-el, and he pitched
1093 * 3739 3939 * 2532 *
3588 4633-1473 1900 3588 4444 * gh ¢
Canaan ou ¢
parwkhsen ¢
Abraam kai ¢
thn ¢ autou¢
skhnhn ¢
epekeina tou ¢
purgou ¢
Gader the land of Canaan, where [4sojourned 1Abraham 2and 3Isaac].
his tent beyond the tower of Gader.
1096-1161 3588 2250 * 3739 2198 2094
1096-1161 2259 1448 * 3588 2064 ¢
35:28 egenonto de ai ¢
hmerai ¢
Isaak aV ¢
ezhsen ¢
egeneto de ¢
hnika ¢
hggisen ¢
Cabraqa ¢
tou elqein And were the days of Isaac which he lived, [3years
And it came to pass when he approached Chabratha, to come
1540 3589 2532 1587 * 599
1519 3588 * 5088-* 2532 1722 3588 5088 ¢
ekaton ¢
ogdohkonta ¢ Isaak
35:29 kai ekleipwn ¢ apeqane
eiV ¢
thn Efraqa ¢
eteke ¢
Rachl kai en tw ¢
tiktein 1a hundred 2eighty]. And failing, Isaac died.
into Ephrath, Rachel bore. And in the giving birth
2532 4369 4314 3588 1085 4245 2532 4134
1425.1 1096-1161 1722 3588 ¢
kai proseteqh ¢
proV to genoV autou¢ presbuteroV
¢ ¢
kai plhrhV
edustokhsen 35:17 ¢
egeneto de en tw And he was added to his family, older and full
she suffered birth pangs. And it came to pass in
2250 2532 2290 1473 * 2532 * 3588 1417 5207
4645.1-1473 5088 2036 1473 3588 3103.1 ¢ kai eqayan
hmerwn ¢ ¢ Hsau¢ kai Iakwb
auton ¢ oi ¢ uioi¢
¢ authn
sklhrwV ¢ ¢
tiktein ¢
eipen ¢
auth h ¢
maia of days. And [7entombed 8him 1Esau 2and 3Jacob 5two 6sons
her harshly bearing, [3said 4to her 1the 2midwife],
2293 2532-1063 3778 1473 1510.2.3 5207 autou¢
qarsei kai gar ¢ oV
out ¢ soi estin ¢
uioV 4his].
Be of courage! for also this [3to you 1is 2a son].
1096-1161 1722 3588 863-1473 3588 5590
35:18 egeneto de en tw ¢
afienai ¢ thn yuchn
authn ¢ CHAPTER 36
And it came to pass in her letting go the soul,
599-1063 2564 3588 3686-1473 5207 3601-* The Generations of Esau
apeqnhske gar ¢
ekalese to ¢
onoma autou¢ uioV
¢ odunhV
¢ mou
for she was dying, she called his name, Son of my Grief; 3778-1161 3588 1078 * 1473 1510.2.3
36:1 autai de ai ¢
geneseiV Hsau¢ ¢ estin
3588 1161 3962 2564 3588 3686-1473 *
o de ¢
pathr ¢
ekalese to ¢
onoma autou¢ ¢
Beniamin And these are the generations of Esau – he is
but the father called his name, Benjamin. * *-1161 2983 1135 1438 575 3588
Edwm 36:2 Hsau de ¢
elabe ¢
gunaikaV ¢
eautw apo¢ twn
599 1161 * 2532 2290 1722 3588 3598
35:19 apeqane de ¢
Rachl ¢
kai etafh ¢
en th odw Edom. And Esau took wives to himself from the
2364 3588 * 3588 * 2364 * 3588
[3died 1And 2Rachel], and she was entombed in the way ¢
qugaterwn twn ¢
Cananaiwn ¢
thn Ada ¢
qugatera ¢
Elwm tou
* 3778 1510.2.3 * 2532 2476-* daughters of the Canaanites – Adah, daughter of Elon the
Efraqa ¢ esti¢
auth ¢
Bhqleem ¢
35:20 kai esthsen ¢
* 2532 3588 * 2364 * 3588 5207
of Ephrath, this is Beth-lehem. And Jacob set up ¢
Cettaiou ¢
kai thn Elibama ¢
qugatera ¢
Enan ¢
tou uiou
4739.1 1909 3588 3419-1473 3778 1510.2.3 4739.1 Hittite; and Aholibamah, daughter of Anah the son
sthlhn epi¢ tou mnhmeiou
¢ authV
¢ auth
¢ esti¢ ¢
* 3588 * 2532 3588 * 2364
a monument for her memorial. This is the monument ¢
Sebagwn ¢
tou Euaiou ¢
36:3 kai thn Basemaq ¢
1909 3588 3419 * 2193 3588 2250-3778
epi¢ tou ¢
mnhmeiou ¢
Rachl ¢
ewV thV ¢
hmeraV ¢
tauthV of Zibeon the Hivite; and Bashemath, daughter
upon the tomb of Rachel, until this day. * 79 * 5088 1161 1473
Ismahl ¢ Nabaiwq
adelfhn ¢ ¢
36:4 eteke de ¢
1096-1161 2259 2730-* 1722 3588
35:21 egeneto de ¢
hnika ¢
katwkhsen ¢
Israhl en th of Ishmael, sister of Nebajoth. [3bore 1And 4to him
And it came to pass when Israel dwelt in * 3588 * 2532 * 5088 3588 * 2532
Ada ¢ kai Basemaq
ton ElifaV ¢ ¢
eteke ¢
ton Ragouhl 36:5 kai
1093-1565 4198-* 2532 2837 3326 * 3588
gh ekeinh ¢
eporeuqh ¢ kai ekoimhqh
Roubhm ¢ ¢ BallaV
meta ¢ thV 2Adah] Eliphaz; and Bashemath bore Reuel. And
that land, Reuben went and bedded with Bilhah, the * 5088 3588 * 2532 3588 * 2532 3588 *
Elibama ¢
eteke ¢ kai ton Ieglom
ton IeouV ¢ kai ton Kore¢
3825.1 3588 3962-1473 * 2532 191-* 2532
¢ tou patroV
pallakhV ¢ autou¢ Iakwb ¢
¢ kai hkousen ¢ kai
Israhl Aholibamah bore Jeush, and Jaalam, and Korah.
concubine of his father Jacob. And Israel heard, and 3778 5207 * 3588 1096 1473 1722 1093
outoi uioi¢ Hsau¢ oi ¢
egenonto ¢
autw en gh
4190 5316 1726 1473
¢ efanh
ponhron ¢ ¢ autou¢
enantion These are the sons of Esau, born to him in the land
[2wicked 1it appeared] before him. * 2983 1161 * 3588 1135-1473 2532 3588
Canaan ¢
36:6 elabe de Hsau¢ taV gunaikaV
¢ autou¢ kai touV
of Canaan. [3took 1And 2Esau] his wives, and
36:7 G E N E S I S 53
5207-1473 2532 3588 2364-1473 2532 3956 3588 4983 2532 3778 5207 * 5207 * 2232
¢ autou¢ kai taV qugateraV
uiouV ¢ autou¢ kai panta
¢ ta ¢
swmata ¢
36:17 kai outoi uioi¢ ¢ uiou
Ragouhl ¢ Hsau¢ ¢
his sons, and his daughters, and all the persons And these were the sons of Reuel, son of Esau – prince
3588 3624-1473 2532 3956 3588 5224-1473 2532 3956 3588 * 2232 * 2232 * 2232 *
tou oikou autou¢ kai panta
¢ ¢
ta uparconta autou¢ kai panta
¢ ta ¢
Nacwq ¢
hgemwn Zare¢ ¢
hgemwn Some¢ ¢
hgemwn Moze¢
of his house, and all his possessions, and all the Nahath, prince Zerah, prince Shammah, prince Mizzah.
2934 2532 3956 3745 2932 2532 3956 3745 3778 2232 * 1722 1093 * 3778
kthnh ¢
kai panta ¢
osa ¢
ekthsato ¢
kai panta ¢
osa ¢
outoi ¢
hgemoneV ¢ en
Ragouhl gh ¢
Edwm ¢
cattle, and all as much as he acquired, and all as much as These were the princes of Reuel in the land of Edom. These were
4046 1722 1093 * 2532 4198-* 1537 5207 * 1135 * 3778-1161
periepoihsato en gh ¢
Canaan ¢
kai eporeuqh Esau¢ ek uioi¢ ¢
Basemaq ¢ Hsau¢
gunaikoV ¢
36:18 outoi de
he procured in the land of Canaan. And Esau went from the sons of Bashemath, wife of Esau. And these were
1093 * 575 4383 * 3588 80-1473 5207 * 1135 * 2232 * 2232
ghV ¢
Canaan apo¢ proswpou
¢ ¢
Iakwb tou adelfou¢ autou¢ uioi¢ ¢
ElibemaV ¢ Hsau¢
gunaikoV ¢ IeouV
hgemwn ¢ hgemwn
the land of Canaan, from the face of Jacob his brother. the sons of Aholibamah, wife of Esau – prince Jeush, prince
1510.7.3-1063 1473 3588 5224 4183 3588 3611 * 2232 * 3778 2232 *
36:7 hn gar ¢ ta
autwn ¢
uparconta ¢
polla ¢
tou oikein ¢
Ieglom ¢
hgemwn Kore¢ ¢
outoi ¢
hgemoneV ¢
For it was that their possessions were many to live Jaalam, prince Korah. These were the princes of Aholibamah,
260 2532 3756-1410 3588 1093 3588 3939.1-1473 2364 * 1135 * 3778 5207
ama ¢
kai ouk hdunato h gh ¢
thV paroikhsewV ¢
autwn ¢ Ana
qugatroV ¢ ¢ Hsau¢
gunaikoV ¢
36:19 outoi uioi¢
together. And [4was not able 1the 2land 3of their sojourning] daughter of Anah, wife of Esau. These were the sons
5342 1473 575 3588 4128 3588 5224-1473 * 2532 3778 2232-1473 3778 1510.2.6 5207
ferein ¢ apo¢
autouV ¢
tou plhqouV ¢
twn uparcontwn ¢
autwn Hsau¢ kai ¢
outoi ¢
hgemoneV ¢
autwn ¢ i¢ eisin
outo uioi¢
to bear them, because of the multitude of their possessions. of Esau. And these were their princes. These are sons
* 3778-1161 5207 * 3588 *
Esau Dwells in Seir ¢
Edwm ¢
36:20 outoi de uioi¢ ¢ tou Corraiou
Sheir ¢
of Edom. And these were the sons of Seir the Horite,
2730 1161 * 1722 3588 3735 * *
36:8 katwkhse de ¢
Hsau¢ en tw orei ¢ Hsau¢
Sheir 3588 2730 3588 1093 * * *
tou katoikountoV thn ghn ¢ Swbal
Lwtan ¢ ¢
[3dwelt 1And 2Esau] in the mountain of Seir. Esau, of the one dwelling the land – Lotan, Shobal, Zibeon,
1473 1510.2.3 * 3778-1161 3588 1078 *
¢ estin Edwm
autoV ¢ ¢
36:9 autai de ai ¢
geneseiV Hsau¢ * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 3778
Ana ¢
36:21 kai Lhswn ¢ kai Riswn
kai Asar ¢ ¢
he is Edom. And these are the generations of Esau, Anah, and Dishon, and Ezer, and Dishan. These were
3962 * 1722 3588 3735 * 2532 3778 2232 3588 * 3588 5207 * 1722 3588 1093
¢ Edwm
patroV ¢ en ¢
tw orei ¢
Sheir ¢
36:10 kai tauta ¢
hgemoneV tou ¢
Corraiou tou ¢ Sheir
uiou ¢ en th gh
father of Edom in the mountain of Seir. And these were the princes of the Horite, of the son of Seir, in the land
3588 3686 3588 5207 * * 5207 * 1135
to onomata twn ¢ Hsau¢
uiwn ¢ uioV
ElifaV ¢ Ada
¢ ¢
gunaikoV * 1096-1161 5207 * * 2532 *
the names of the sons of Esau – Eliphaz son of Adah, wife ¢
Edwm ¢
36:22 egenonto de uioi¢ Lwtan
¢ Corri¢ kai Eman
* 2532 * 5207 * 1135 *
of Edom. And were born sons of Lotan – Hori and Heman.
79-1161 * * 3778-1161 5207
Hsau¢ ¢
kai Ragouhl ¢ Basemaq
uioV ¢ ¢ Hsau¢
gunaikoV ¢ de
adelfh ¢
Lwtan ¢
Qemna ¢
36:23 outoi de uioi¢
of Esau, and Reuel, son of Bashemath wife of Esau. And the sister of Lotan – Timna. And these were the sons
1096-1161 * 5207 * * * * * * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 *
36:11 egenonto ¢
de ElifaV uioi¢ Qeman
¢ Wmar
¢ Swfar
¢ Goqom
¢ ¢
Swbal ¢
Gwlam kai Manacaq ¢
kai Gebhl ¢
kai Swfan
And born to Eliphaz – sons Teman, Omar, Zepho, Gatam, of Shobal – Golam, and Manahath, and Ebal, and Shepho,
2532 * *-1161 1510.7.3 3825.1 * 3588 2532 * 2532 3778 5207 * *
kai Kainez ¢ de
36:12 Qamna hn ¢
pallakh ¢
ElifaV tou ¢
kai Wman 36:24 kai ¢
outoi uioi¢ ¢
Sebegwn Aiai¢
and Kenaz. And Timnah was a concubine of Eliphaz, the and Onam. And these were the sons of Zibeon – Ajah
5207 * 2532 5088 3588 * 3588 * 3778 2532 * 3778 * 3739 2147 3588 2387.1 1722 3588
¢ Hsau¢
uiou ¢
kai eteke ¢
tw ElifaV ¢ outoi
ton Amalhk ¢ ¢
kai Enan ¢
outoV ¢
Enan oV ¢
eure ¢
ton iamein† en th
son of Esau. And she bore to Eliphaz, Amalek. These were and Anah; this Anah is who found the mules in the
5207 * 1135 * 3778-1161 5207 2048 3753 3500.1 3588 5268 * 3588
uioi¢ ¢
Ada ¢ Hsau¢
gunaikoV ¢
36:13 outoi de uioi¢ ¢
erhmw ¢
ote ¢
eneme ¢
ta upozugia ¢ tou
the sons of Adah, wife of Esau. And these are the sons wilderness when he was feeding the beasts of burden of Zibeon
* * * * 2532 * 3778 1510.7.6 3962-1473 3778-1161 5207 * *
Ragouhl ¢
Nazeq† Zare¢ Zome¢ kai Moze¢ ¢
outoi ¢
hsan ¢ autou¢
patroV ¢
36:25 outoi de uioi¢ ¢
Enan ¢
of Reuel – Nahath, Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah. These were his father. And these were the sons of Anah – Dishon,
5207 * 1135 * 3778-1161 2532 * 2364 * 3778-1161
uioi¢ ¢
Basemaq ¢ Hsau¢
gunaikoV ¢
36:14 outoi de ¢
kai ElibemaV ¢
qugathr ¢
Enan ¢
36:26 outoi de
the sons of Bashemath wife of Esau. And these were and Aholibama was daughter of Anah. And these were
5207 * 2364 * 3588 5207 *
uioi¢ ¢
OlibemaV ¢ Ana
qugatroV ¢ tou ¢ Sebegwn
uiou ¢ 5207 * * 2532 * 2532 * 2532
uioi¢ Dhswn ¢
Abada ¢
kai Asba ¢
kai Iqran kai
the sons of Aholibamah daughter of Anah, of the son of Zibeon the sons of Dishon – Hemdan, and Eshban, and Ithran, and
1135 * 5088-1161 3588 * 3588 * 2532 * 3778-1161 5207 * * 2532
¢ Hsau¢
gunaikoV ¢
eteke de tw Hsau¢ ¢
ton IeouV kai ¢
Carran ¢
36:27 outoi de uioi¢ ¢
Asar ¢
Balaam kai
wife of Esau; and she bore to Esau Jeush, and Cheran. And these were the sons of Ezer – Bilhan, and
3588 * 2532 3588 * 3778 2232 5207 * 2532 * 3778-1161 5207 *
¢ kai ton Kore¢
ton Ieglom ¢
36:15 outoi ¢
hgemoneV uioi¢ ¢ kai Oukam
Zoukam ¢ ¢
36:28 outoi de uioi¢ ¢
Jaalam, and Korah. These were the princes, sons Zaavan, and Akan. And these were the sons of Dishan –
* 5207 * 4416 * 2232 * * 2532 * 3778-1161 2232 *
Hsau¢ uioi¢ ¢
ElifaV ¢
prwtotokou Hsau¢ ¢ Qeman
hgemwn ¢ ¢
WV kai Arran ¢
36:29 outoi de ¢
hgemoneV Corri¢
of Esau. The sons of Eliphaz first-born of Esau – prince Teman, Uz and Aran. And these were the princes of Horites –
2232 * 2232 * 2232 * 2232 2232 * 2232 * 2232 * 2232
¢ Wmar
hgemwn ¢ hgemwn
¢ Swfar
¢ hgemwn
¢ Kenez
¢ ¢
36:16 hgemwn ¢
hgemwn ¢
Lwtan ¢
hgemwn ¢
Swbal ¢
hgemwn ¢
Sebegwn ¢
prince Omar, prince Zepho, prince Kenaz, prince prince Lotan, prince Shobal, prince Zibeon, prince
* 2232 * 2232 * 3778 2232 * 2232 * 2232 * 2232 *
Kore¢ ¢ Goqa
hgemwn ¢ ¢ Amalhk
hgemwn ¢ outoi
¢ ¢
hgemoneV ¢
Ana ¢ Dhswn
36:30 hgemwn ¢ ¢ Asar
hgemwn ¢ hgemwn
¢ Rhswn
Korah, prince Gatam, prince Amalek. These were the princes Anah, prince Dishon, prince Ezer, prince Dishan.
* 1722 1093 * 3778-1161 5207 * 3778 2232 * 1722 3588 2231-1473 1722
ElifaV en gh ¢ outoi de
IdoumaiaV uioi¢ ¢
Ada ¢
outoi ¢
hgemoneV Corri¢ en ¢
taiV hgemoniaiV ¢ en
of Eliphaz in the land of Edom; and these were the sons of Adah. These were the princes of Hori, in their governing in

36:13 †See Bos for variants. 36:24 †or transliteration – hot springs.
54 G E N E S I S 36:31
1093 * 2532 3778 3588 935 3588
gh ¢
Edwm ¢
36:31 kai outoi oi ¢ oi
basileiV CHAPTER 37
the land of Edom. And these were the kings, the ones
936 1722 1093 * 4253 3588 936
basileusanteV en gh ¢
Edwm pro ¢
tou basileusai Joseph’s Dreams
reigning in the land of Edom before the reigning 2730 1161 * 1722 3588 1093 3739 3939
935 1722 * 2532 936 1722 * *
37:1 katwkei de ¢ en th gh ou
Iakwb ¢
¢ en Israhl
basilea ¢ ¢
36:32 kai ebasileusen ¢
en Edwm ¢
Balak [3dwelt 1And 2Jacob] in the land of which [2sojourned
of a king in Israel. And [4reigned 5in 6Edom 1Balak 3588 3962-1473 1722 1093 * 3778 3588
5207 3588 * 2532 3686 3588 4172-1473 *
o ¢ autou¢ en
pathr gh ¢
Canaan ¢
37:2 autai ai
¢ tou Baiwr
uioV ¢ ¢
kai onoma th ¢
polei autou¢ Dennaba
¢ 1his father] in the land of Canaan. These are the
2son 3of Beor], and the name of his city – Dinhabah. 1078 * *-1161 1176 2532 2033 2094
599 1161 * 2532 936 473 1473
geneseiV ¢
Iakwb ¢ de
Iwshf ¢
deka kai ¢
epta ¢
36:33 apeqane de ¢
Balak ¢
kai ebasileusen ant' autou¢ generations of Jacob. And Joseph [2ten 3and 4seven 5years old
[3died 1And 2Balak], and there reigned instead of him – 1510.7.3 4165 3588 4263 3588 3962-1473 3326 3588
* 5207 * 1537 * 599 1161
hn ¢
poimainwn ta ¢
probata ¢ autou¢ meta
tou patroV ¢ twn
Iwbab ¢ Zara
uioV ¢ ek ¢
BosorraV ¢
36:34 apeqane de 1was] tending the sheep of his father with
Jobab, son of Zerah, from Bozrah. [3died 1And 80-1473 1510.6 3501 3326 3588 5207 * 2532
* 2532 936 473 1473 * 1537 3588
¢ autou¢ wn
adelfwn ¢
neoV ¢
meta ¢
twn uiwn ¢
BallaV kai
Iwbab ¢
kai ebasileusen ant' autou¢ ¢
Asom ek thV his brothers, being young among the sons of Bilhah, and
2Jobab], and reigned instead of him – Husham, from the 3326 3588 5207 * 3588 1135 3588 3962-1473
1093 * 599 1161 * 2532 936
¢ twn uiwn
meta ¢ ¢
ZelfaV ¢
twn gunaikwn ¢ autou¢
tou patroV
ghV Qemanwn ¢
36:35 apeqane de ¢
Asom ¢
kai ebasileusen with the sons of Zilpah, the wives of his father.
land of Temani. [3died 1And 2Husham], and reigned 2702-1161 2596 * 5589.2 4190 4314 *
473 1473 * 5207 * 3588 1581 *
¢ de ¢
kata ¢
Iwshf ¢
yogon ¢ proV Israhl
ponhron ¢
ant' autou¢ Adad
¢ ¢ Barad
uioV ¢ o ¢
ekkoyaV ¢
Madiam And they brought against Joseph [2fault 1a bad] to Israel
instead of him, Hadad son of Bedad, the one cutting off Midian 3588 3962-1473 *-1161 25 3588 *
1722 3588 3977.1 * 2532 3686 3588 4172-1473 *
ton ¢ autwn
patera ¢ 37:3 ¢ de
Iakwb ¢
hgapa ton ¢
en ¢ Mwab
tw pediw ¢ ¢
kai onoma ¢
th polei autou¢ Geqem
¢ their father. But Jacob loved Joseph
in the plain of Moab. And the name of his city – Getham. 3844 3956 3588 5207-1473 3754 5207 1094
599 1161 * 2532 936 473 1473
para ¢
pantaV touV uiouV ¢
¢ autou¢ oti ¢
uioV ¢
36:36 apeqane de ¢
Adad ¢
kai ebasileusen ant' autou¢ beyond all his sons, for [3the son 4of old age
[3died 1And 2Hadad], and reigned instead of him – 1510.7.3 1473 4160-1161 1473 5509 4164
* 1537 * 599 1161 * 2532
hn ¢
autw ¢
epoihse de ¢
autw ¢
citwna ¢
¢ ek
Samaa ¢
MasekkaV ¢
36:37 apeqane de ¢
Samaa kai 1he was 2to him]. And he made for him [2garment 1a colored].
Samiah from Masrekah. [3died 1And 2Samiah], and 1492 1161 3588 80-1473 3754 1473 3588 3962
936 473 1473 * 1537 * 3588
37:4 idonteV de oi ¢
adelfoi¢ autou¢ oti ¢ o
auton ¢
ebasileusen ant' autou¢ ¢ ek
Saoul ¢
Rowbwq thV [3seeing 1And 2his brothers] that [4him 1the 2father
reigned instead of him – Saul from Rehoboth of the place 5368 1537 3956 3588 5207-1473 3404 1473
3844 4215 599 1161 * 2532 936
filei¢ ek ¢
pantwn ¢ autou¢ emishsan
twn uiwn ¢ ¢
¢ potamon
para ¢ ¢
36:38 apeqane de ¢ kai ebasileusen
Saoul ¢ 3was fond of] over all of his sons, they detested him,
by the river. [3died 1And 2Saul], and reigned 2532 3756 1410 2980 1473 3762 1516
473 1473 * 5207 * 599 1161
kai ouk ¢
hdunanto ¢
lalein ¢
autw ¢
ouden ¢
ant' autou¢ ¢
Balenwn ¢ Acobwr
uioV ¢ ¢
36:39 apeqane de and were not able to speak to him, not one thing peaceable.
instead of him – Baal-hanan son of Achbor. [5died 1And 1797 1161 * 1798 518 1473
* 5207 * 2532 936 473 1473
¢ de
37:5 enupniasqeiV ¢
Iwshf ¢
enupnion ¢
aphggeilen auto¢
Balenwn ¢ Acobwr
uioV ¢ ¢
kai ebasileusen ant' autou¢ [3dreaming 1And 2Joseph] a dream, reported it
2Baal-hanan 3son 4of Achbor], and reigned instead of him – 3588 80-1473 2532 2036 1473 191
* 5207 * 2532 3686 3588 4172-1473 *
¢ autou¢
toiV adelfoiV 37:6 kai ¢
eipen ¢
autoiV ¢
Araq ¢ Barad
uioV ¢ ¢
kai onoma th ¢
polei autou¢ Fogwr
¢ to his brothers. And he said to them, Hear
Arad, son of Barad; and the name of his city – Phogor; 3588 1798-3778 3739 1797 3633
tou ¢ toutou
enupniou ¢ ou ¢
enupniasqhn 37:7 ¢
3686-1161 3588 1135 * 2364 *
onoma de th gunaiki¢ autou¢ Metebehl
¢ ¢
qugathr ¢
Matraiq this dream which I dreamed! I imagined
and the name of his wife – Mehetabel, daughter of Matred, 1473 1195 1403.1 1722 3319 3588 3977.1
umaV ¢
desmeuein ¢
dragmata en ¢
mesw tw ¢
5207 * 3778 3588 3686 3588 2232
¢ Mezoob
uiou ¢ ¢
36:40 tauta ¢
ta onomata twn ¢
hgemonwn you all were binding sheaves in the middle of the plain.
son of Mezahab. These are the names of the princes 2532 450 3588 1699 1403.1 2532 3718.1
kai ¢
anesth to ¢
emon ¢
dragma ¢
kai wrqwqh
* 1722 3588 5443-1473 2596 5117-1473 1722
Hsau¢ en ¢ autwn
taiV fulaiV ¢ kata
¢ ¢
topon ¢ en
autwn And there rose up my sheaf, and it was straight up.
of Esau, in their tribes according to their place, in 4058.4 1161 3588 1403.1 1473 4352 3588
peristrafenta de ¢
ta dragmata ¢
umwn ¢
prosekunhsan to
3588 5561-1473 2532 1722 3588 1484-1473 2232 *
taiV cwraiV autwn ¢
¢ kai en toiV eqnesin ¢ hgemwn
autwn ¢ Qamna
¢ [4moving around 1And 3sheaves 2your], did obeisance to
their regions, and in their nations – prince Timnah, 1699 1403.1 2036 1161 1473 3588 80-1473
¢ dragma
emon ¢ ¢
37:8 eipon de ¢
autw oi adelfoi¢ autou¢
2232 * 2232 * 2232 *
hgemwn ¢
Gwla ¢
hgemwn ¢
Ieqer ¢
36:41 hgemwn ¢
ElibemaV my sheaf. [3said 1And 4to him 2his brothers],
prince Alvah, prince Jetheth, prince Aholibamah, 3361 936 936 1909 1473 2228
mh ¢
basileuwn ¢
basileuseiV ef' ¢
hmaV h
2232 * 2232 * 2232 * 2232
¢ HlaV
hgemwn ¢ hgemwn
¢ Finwn
¢ ¢ Kenez
36:42 hgemwn ¢ ¢
hgemwn Do you mean in reigning you will reign over us, or
prince Elah, prince Pinon, prince Kenaz, prince 2961 2961 1473 2532 4369 2089
kurieuwn ¢
kurieuseiV ¢
hmwn kai ¢
proseqento ¢
* 2232 * 2232 * 2232 *
¢ hgemwn
Qeman ¢ Mazar
¢ ¢ Magedihl
36:43 hgemwn ¢ hgemwn
¢ Zafwin
¢ in dominating you will dominate us? And they added still
Teman, prince Mibzar, prince Magdiel, prince Zaphoi. 3404 1473 1752 3588 1798-1473 2532 1752
misein auton ¢
¢ eneken ¢ autou¢ kai eneken
twn enupniwn ¢
3778 2232 * 1722 3588 2733.2 1722
outoi ¢
hgemoneV ¢
Edwm en ¢
taiV katwkodomhmenaiV en to detest him because of his dreams, and because of
These are the princes of Edom, in the buildings in 3588 4487-1473 1492-1161 1798 2087 2532
twn rhmatwn autou¢ ¢ de
37:9 eide ¢
enupnion ¢
eteron kai
3588 1093 3588 2934.3-1473 3778 * 3962 *
th gh ¢
thV kthsewV ¢ outoV
autwn ¢ Hsau¢ ¢ Edwm
pathr ¢ his words. And he saw [2dream 1another]. And
the land of their property. This is Esau, father of Edom. 1334 1473 3588 3962-1473 2532 3588 80-1473 2532
dihghsato auto¢ tw patri¢ autou¢ kai toiV adelfoiV
¢ autou¢ kai
he described it to his father, and to his brothers. And

37:2 †See Bos for variants.

37:10 G E N E S I S 55
2036 2400 1797 1798 2087 5618 3588 1473 1519 1520 3588 2978.1 2532 2046 2342
eipen idou¢ ¢
enupniasamhn ¢
enupnion ¢
eteron ¢
wsper o ¢ eiV
auton ¢
ena twn ¢
lakkwn kai ¢
eroumen ¢
he said, Behold, I dreamed [2dream 1another]; as if the him into one of the wells! And we shall say, [2wild beast
2246 2532 3588 4582 2532 1733 792 4352 4190 2719 1473 2532 3708 5100 1510.8.3 3588
hlioV kai h ¢
selhnh ¢
kai endeka ¢
astereV ¢
prosekunoun ¢
ponhron ¢
katefagen ¢ kai oyomeqa
auton ¢ ti ¢
estai ta
sun, and the moon, and eleven stars did obeisance to 1A ferocious] devoured him. And we shall see what will be
1473 2532 2008 1473 3588 3962-1473 2532 1798-1473 191 1161 * 1807 1473
me 37:10 kai ¢
epetimhsen ¢ o
autw ¢ autou¢ kai
pathr ¢
enupnia autou¢ ¢
37:21 akousaV de ¢
Roubhn ¢
exeileto ¢
me. And [2reproached 3him 1his father], and of his dreams. [3hearing 1And 2Reuben], rescued him
2036 1473 5100 3588 1798-3778 3739 1797 1537 3588 5495-1473 2532 2036 3756 3960
eipen ¢
autw ti to ¢
enupnion ¢
touto o ¢
enupniasqhV ek ¢ autwn
twn ceirwn ¢ kai eipen
¢ ou ¢
said to him, What is this dream which you dreamed? from out of their hands. And he said, Do not strike
686 1065 2064 2064-1473 5037 2532 3588 1473 1519 5590 2036 1161 1473 *
¢ a
ar ¢ ge ¢
elqonteV ¢
eleusomeqa ¢ te
egw kai h ¢ eiV
auton ¢
yuchn ¢
37:22 eipe de ¢
autoiV ¢
Is it so indeed in having come I will come also, and him as far as his life. [3said 1And 4to them 2Reuben],
3384-1473 2532 3588 80-1473 4352 1473 1909 3361 1632 129 1685 1473 1519 1520 3588
mhthr sou kai oi adelfoi¢ sou proskunhsa
¢ i¢ soi epi¢ mh ¢
ekcehte ¢
aima ¢
embalete ¢ eiV
auton ¢
ena twn
your mother, and your brothers, to do obeisance to you upon You should not shed blood, put him into one
3588 1093 2206 1161 1473 3588 80-1473 3588 2978.1-3778 3588 1722 3588 2048 5495 1161
thn ghn ¢
37:11 ezhlwsan de ¢ oi adelfoi¢ autou¢ o
auton ¢
lakkwn ¢
toutwn twn en th ¢
erhmw ¢
ceira de
the ground? [3envied 1And 4him 2his brothers], of these wells of the ones in the wilderness, [4a hand 1and
1161 3962-1473 1301 3588 4487 4198 1161 3361 2018 1473 3704 1807 1473
¢ autou¢ diethrhse
de pathr ¢ ¢
to rhma ¢
37:12 eporeuqhsan de mh ¢
epenegkhte ¢
autw ¢
opwV ¢
exelhtai ¢
but his father kept the saying. [3went 1And 3not 2bear] against him, that he might rescue him
3588 80-1473 1006 3588 4263 3588 3962-1473 1519 1537 3588 5495-1473 2532 591 1473
oi adelfoi¢ autou¢ boskein
¢ ¢
ta probata ¢ autwn
tou patroV ¢ eiV ek ¢ autwn
twn ceirwn ¢ ¢
kai apodw ¢
2his brothers] to graze the sheep of their father in from out of their hands, and that he might give him
* 2532 2036-* 4314 * 3780 3588 3588 3962-1473 1096-1161 2259 2064-*
Sucem 37:13 kai ¢
eipen ¢ proV Iwshf
Israhl ¢ ouci¢ oi tw patri¢ autou¢ ¢
37:23 egeneto de ¢
hnika ¢
hlqen ¢
Shechem. And Israel said to Joseph, Did not to his father. And it came to pass when Joseph came
80-1473 4165 1519 * 1204 649 1473 4314 3588 80-1473 1562 * 3588 5509
adelfoi¢ sou poimainousin
¢ ¢
eiV Sucem ¢
deuro ¢
aposteilw se ¢ autou¢ exedusan
proV touV adelfouV ¢ ¢
Iwshf ¢
ton citwna
your brothers tend in Shechem? Come, I will send you to his brothers, they took [4off 5Joseph 3garment
4314 1473 2036-1161 1473 2400 1473 2036 3588 4164 3588 4012 1473 2532 2983 1473
¢ eipe
proV autouV ¢ de ¢
autw idou¢ ¢
egw ¢
37:14 eipe ¢
ton poikilon ton peri¢ ¢
auton ¢
37:24 kai labonteV ¢
to them. And he said to him, Behold, I am ready. [3said 1the 2colored], the one around him. And taking him,
1161 1473 * 4198 1492 1487 5198 3588 4495 1473 1519 3588 2978.1 3588-1161 2978.1 2756
de ¢
autw ¢
Israhl poreuqeiV ¢
¢ ide ei ¢
ugiainousin oi ¢
erriyan ¢ eiV
auton ¢
ton lakkon o de ¢
lakkoV ¢
1And 4to him 2Israel], In going see if [2are in health they tossed him into the well. But the well was empty,
80-1473 2532 3588 4263 2532 312 1473 2532 5204 3756 2192 2523-1161 2068 740
adelfoi¢ sou kai ta ¢
probata ¢
kai anaggeil ¢ moi
on kai ¢
udwr ouk ¢
eicen ¢
37:25 ekaqisan de fagein ¢
¢ arton
1your brothers] and the sheep, and announce it to me! And [3water 1it did not 2have]. And they sat to eat bread.
649 1473 1537 3588 2835.1 3588 * 2532 2064 2532 308 3588 3788 1492 2532 2400
apesteilen ¢ ek
auton ¢
thV koiladoV ¢
thV Cebrwn ¢
kai hlqen ¢
kai anableyanteV toiV ¢ eidon
ofqalmoiV ¢ kai idou¢
he sent him from the valley of Hebron. And he came And looking up with the eyes they saw. And behold,
1519 * 2532 2147 1473 444 4105 3597.1 * 2064 1537 * 2532 3588
eiV Sucem ¢
37:15 kai euren auton ¢
¢ anqrwpoV ¢
planwmenon ¢
odoiporoi ¢
Ismahlitai ¢
hrconto ek ¢
Galaad kai ai
into Shechem. And [2found 3him 1a man] wandering journeying Ishmaelites having come from Gilead, and
1722 3588 3977.1 2065 1161 1473 3588 444 3004 5100 2574-1473 1073 2368 2532 4488.2 2532 4712.6
¢ hrwthse
en tw pediw ¢ de ¢ o
auton ¢
anqrwpoV ¢
legwn ti ¢
kamhloi ¢ egemon
autwn ¢ ¢
qumiamatwn ¢
kai rhtinhV ¢
kai stakthV
in the plain. [4asked 1And 5him 2the 3man], saying, What their camels full of incenses, and balm, and balsam.
2212 3588 1161 2036 3588 80-1473 2212 4198-1161 2609 1519 * 2036
zhteiV 37:16 o de ¢
eipe ¢ mou zhtw
touV adelfouV ¢ ¢
eporeuonto de ¢
katagagein eiV ¢
Aigupton ¢
37:26 eipe
do you seek? And he said, [2my brothers 1I seek]; And they were going leading down into Egypt. [3said
518 1473 4226 1006 2036 1161 1473 1161 * 4314 3588 80-1473 5100 5539 1437
apaggeil ¢ moi
on pou ¢
boskousin ¢
37:17 eipe de ¢
autw de ¢
IoudaV ¢ autou¢ ti
proV touV adelfouV ¢
crhsimon ¢
report to me where they graze! [4said 1And 5to him 1And 2Judah] to his brothers, What profit if
3588 444 522 1782 191-1063 1473 615 3588 80-1473 2532 2928 3588 129-1473
o ¢
anqrwpoV ¢
aphrkasin ¢
enteuqen ¢
hkousa ¢
gar autwn ¢
apokteinwmen ¢ hmwn
ton adelfon ¢ kai kruywmen
¢ ¢
to aima autou¢
2the 3man], They have departed from here. For I heard them we kill our brother, and hide his blood?
3004 4198 1519 * 2532 4198-* 1205 591 1473 3588 *-3778 3588-1161
legontwn ¢
poreuqwmen eiV ¢ kai
Dwqaeim ¢
eporeuqh ¢
Iwshf ¢
37:27 deute ¢
apodwmeqa ¢ toiV IsmahlitaiV
auton ¢ ¢
toutoiV ai de
saying, Let us go unto Dothan. And Joseph went Come let us give him to these Ishmaelites, and the
2733.5 3588 80-1473 2532 2147 1473 1722 * 5495-1473 3361-1510.5 1909 1473 3754 80-1473
katopisqen ¢ autou¢ kai euren
twn adelfwn ¢ ¢ en Dwqaeim
autouV ¢ ¢
ceireV ¢
hmwn ¢
mh estwsan ep' ¢ oti
auton ¢ ¢ hmwn
adelfoV ¢
after his brothers, and found them in Dothan. hands of ours, let them not be upon him! for he is our brother,
2532 4561 1473-1510.2.3 191 1161 3588 80-1473
kai sarx hmwn ¢
¢ estin hkousan de oi adelfoi¢ autou¢
Joseph Sold into Egypt and [2flesh 1he is our]. [3hearkened 1And 2his brothers].
4275-1161 1473 3113 4253 3588 2532 3899 3588 444 3588 *
37:18 ¢
proeidon de ¢
auton ¢
makroqen pro tou 37:28 kai ¢
pareporeuonto oi ¢
anqrwpoi oi ¢
And they spied him far off before And [2came near 1the men], the Midianite
1448-1473 4314 1473 2532 4188.2 3588 1713 2532 1828 2532 307 3588 *
eggisai ¢
auton proV ¢
autouV kai ¢
eponhreuonto tou ¢
emporoi ¢
kai exeilkusan ¢
kai anebibasan ton ¢
his approaching to them. And they acted wickedly merchants, and they drew out and hauled Joseph
615 1473 2036-1161 1538 4314 3588 1537 3588 2978.1 2532 591 3588 * 3588
apokteinai ¢
auton 37:19 ¢ de
eipe ¢
ekastoV proV ton ek ¢
tou lakkou kai ¢
apedonto ¢
ton Iwshf toiV
to kill him. And said each to from out of the well. And [3rendered 4for Joseph 1the
80-1473 2400 3588 1797.1-1565 2064
¢ autou¢
adelfon idou¢ o ¢ ekeinoV
enupniasthV ¢ ¢
ercetai * 1501 5552 2532 2609 3588 *
his brother, Behold, that dreamer comes. ¢
IsmahlitaiV ¢
eikosi ¢
cruswn ¢
kai kathgagon ¢
ton Iwshf
3568 3767 1205 615 1473 2532 4495 2Ishmaelites] twenty pieces of gold. And they led Joseph
37:20 nun oun ¢
deute ¢
apokteinwmen ¢ kai riywmen
auton ¢
Now then, come, let us kill him and toss
56 G E N E S I S 37:29
1519 * 390 1161 * 1909 3588 1473 2532 4815 5088 5207 2532 2564
eiV ¢
Aigupton ¢
37:29 anestreye de ¢
Roubhn epi¢ ton ¢
authn 38:3 kai ¢
sullabousa ¢
eteken ¢
uion ¢
kai ekalese
into Egypt. [3returned 1And 2Ruben] upon the her. And she conceived and bore a son, and she called
2978.1 2532 3756 3708 3588 * 1722 3588 2978.1 2532 3588 3686-1473 * 2532 4815 5088 5207
lakkon kai ouc ¢ ton Iwshf
ora ¢ en tw ¢
lakkw kai to ¢
onoma autou¢ Hr 38:4 kai ¢
sullabousa ¢
eteken ¢
well, and he did not see Joseph in the well, and his name, Er. And she conceived and bore a son
1284 3588 2440-1473 2532 1994 4314 2089 2532 2564 3588 3686-1473 * 2532
dierrhxe ta ¢
imatia autou¢ 37:30 kai ¢
epestreye proV ¢
eti ¢
kai ekalese to ¢
onoma autou¢ Aunan
¢ 38:5 kai
he tore his clothes. And he turned towards still again, and she called his name, Onan. And
3588 80-1473 2532 2036 3588 3808 3756-1510.2.3 4369 5088 5207 2532 2564 3588 3686-1473 *
¢ autou¢ kai eipe
touV adelfouV ¢ to ¢
paidarion ¢
ouk estin ¢
prosqeisa ¢
eteken ¢ kai ekalese
uion ¢ ¢
to onoma autou¢ Silwm
his brothers, and he said, The boy is not, adding she bore a son, and she called his name, Shelah.
1473-1161 4226 4198 2089 2983-1161 3588 5509 3778-1161 1510.7.3 1722 * 2259 5088 1473 2532
¢ de pou
egw ¢
poreusomai ¢
eti ¢
37:31 labonteV ¢
de ton citwna ¢
auth de hn en Casbi¢ hnika
¢ ¢
eteken ¢
autouV 38:6 kai
and I, where shall I go yet? And taking the garment And she was in Chezib when she bore them. And
3588 * 4969 2056 137.1 2532 3435 3588 2983-* 1135 * 3588 4416-1473 3739
tou Iwshf ¢
esfaxan ¢
erifon ¢
aigwn ¢
kai emolunan ton ¢
elaben ¢
IoudaV ¢
gunaika Hr tw ¢
prwtotokw autou¢ h
of Joseph, they slew a kid of the goats, and tainted the Judah took a wife for Er his first-born, whose
5509 3588 129 2532 649 3588 5509 3588 3686 * 1096-1161 * 4416
citwna tw ¢
aimati ¢
37:32 kai apesteilan ¢
ton citwna ton ¢
onoma ¢
Qamar ¢
38:7 egeneto de ¢
Hr prwtotokoV
garment in the blood. And they sent [3garment 1the name was Tamar. And it came to pass Er the first-born
4164 2532 1533 3588 3962-1473 2532 2036 3778 * 4190 1725 2962 2532 615 1473 3588
poikilon ¢
kai eishnegkan tw patri¢ autwn
¢ kai eipon
¢ ¢
touton ¢
Iouda ¢¢
ponhroV ¢
kuriou ¢
kai apekteinen ¢ o
2colored], and they carried it to their father, and said, This of Judah was wicked before the lord; and [2killed 3him
2147 1921 1487 5509 3588 5207 1473-1510.2.3 2316 2036 1161 * 3588 * 1525 4314
euromen ¢
epignwqi ei ¢
citwn ¢ sou estin
tou uiou ¢ ¢
qeoV ¢
38:8 eipe de ¢
IoudaV tw ¢
Aunan ¢
eiselqe proV
we found, do you recognize if the garment [2son 1is of your] 1God]. [3said 1And 2Judah] to Onan, Enter to
2228 3756 2532 1921 1473 2532 2036 5509 3588 1135 3588 80-1473 2532 1918-1473 2532
h ou ¢
37:33 kai epegnw ¢ kai eipe
auton ¢ ¢
citwn ¢
thn gunaika tou adelfou¢ sou ¢
kai epigambreusai ¢ kai
or not? And he recognized it, and said, The garment the wife of your brother, and ally to her by marriage, and
3588 5207-1473 1510.2.3 2342 4190 2719 450 4690 3588 80 1097 1161
tou uiou¢ mou esti¢ ¢
qhrion ¢
ponhron ¢
katefagen ¢
anasthson ¢
sperma tw ¢ sou
adelfw 38:9 gnouV de
[2of my son 1is], [2wild beast 1a ferocious] devoured raise up seed to your brother! [3knowing 1And
1473 2342 726 3588 * 1284 1161 * 3754 3756 1473 1510.8.3 3588 4690 1096
¢ qhrion
auton ¢ ¢
hrpase ¢
ton Iwshf ¢
37:34 dierrhxe de Aunan ¢
¢ oti ouk autw ¢
¢ estai to ¢
sperma ¢
him, a wild beast seized Joseph. [3tore 1And 2Onan] that [4not 6his 3will 5be 1the 2seed] – that it came to pass
* 3588 2440-1473 2532 2007 4526 1909 3588 3752 1525 4314 3588 1135 3588 80-1473
Iakwb ta ¢
imatia autou¢ kai epeqeto
¢ ¢
sakkon epi¢ thn ¢
otan ¢
eishrceto ¢
proV thn gunaika tou adelfou¢ autou¢
2Jacob] his clothes, and placed sackcloth upon whenever he entered to [2wife 1his brother’s],
3751-1473 2532 3996 3588 5207-1473 2250 4183 1632 1909 3588 1093 3588 3361 1325 4690 3588
¢ autou¢ kai epenqei
osfun ¢ ¢ autou¢ hmeraV
ton uion ¢ ¢
pollaV ¢
execeen epi¢ thn ghn tou mh ¢
dounai ¢
sperma tw
his loin, and mourned for his son [2days 1many]. he discharged upon the ground, to not give seed to
4863 1161 3956 3588 5207-1473 2532 3588 80-1473 4190 1161 5316 1726
37:35 sunhcqhsan de ¢
panteV oi uioi¢ autou¢ kai ai ¢ autou¢
adelfw ¢ de
38:10 ponhron ¢
efanh ¢
[6came together 1And 2all 3his sons 4and his brother. [3wicked 1And 2it appeared] before
2364 2532 2064 3870 1473 2532 3756 3588 2316 3754 4160 3778 2532 2289 2532 3778
qugatereV ¢
kai hlqon ¢
parakalesai ¢ kai ouk
auton ¢
tou qeou¢ oti ¢
epoihse ¢
touto ¢
kai eqanatwse ¢
kai touton
5daughters]. And they came to comfort him, and he did not God that he did this; and he put to death also this one.
2309 3870 3004 3754 2597 4314 3588 2036 1161 * * 3588 3565-1473 2521
hqele ¢
parakaleisqai ¢
legwn ¢
oti ¢
katabhsomai proV ton ¢
38:11 eipe de ¢
IoudaV ¢
Qamar ¢
th numfh autou¢ ¢
want to be comforted, saying that, I will go down to [3said 1And 2Judah] to Tamar his daughter-in-law, You sit
5207-1473 3996 1519 86 2532 2799 1473 5503 1722 3588 3624 3588 3962-1473 2193 3173 1096
¢ mou penqwn
uion ¢ eiV ¢
adou kai ¢
eklausen ¢
auton ¢
chra ¢
en tw oikw ¢ sou
tou patroV ¢
ewV ¢
megaV ¢
my son in mourning into Hades. And [2wept 3for him as a widow in the house of your father! until [4older 3becomes
3588 3962-1473 3588-1161 * 591 3588 * 3588 5207-1473 2036-1063 3379 599
o ¢ autou¢
pathr 37:36 oi de ¢
Madihnaioi ¢
apedonto ton ¢
Silwm o ¢ mou eipe
uioV ¢ gar ¢ pote
mh ¢
1his father]. And the Midianites gave 1Shelah 2my son]. For he said, Lest at any time [3should die
* 1519 * 3588 * 3588 4680.3 * 2532 3778 5618 2532 3588 80-1473 565
¢ eiV Aigupton
Iwshf ¢ ¢
tw Petefrh ¢
tw spadonti ¢
Faraw kai ¢
outoV ¢
wsper kai oi adelfoi¢ autou¢ apelqousa
Joseph into Egypt to Potiphar the castrato of Pharaoh – 2also 1this one] as also his brothers. [3going forth
749.3 1161 * 2521 1722 3588 3624 3588 3962-1473
arcimageirw de ¢
Qamar ¢
ekaqhto en tw ¢
oikw ¢ authV
tou patroV ¢
the chief guard. 1And 2Tamar] settled in the house of her father.
4129 1161 3588 2250 2532 599 *
38:12 eplhqunqhsan de ai ¢
hmerai ¢
kai apeqane ¢
CHAPTER 38 [4multiplied 1And 2the 3days], and [5died 1Shuah
3588 1135 * 2532 3870 * 305
Judah and Tamar h ¢ Iouda
gunh ¢ kai ¢
paraklhqeiV ¢
IoudaV ¢
1096-1161 1722 3588 2540-1565
2the 3wife 4of Judah]. And being comforted, Judah ascended
38:1 ¢
egeneto de en tw ¢ ekeinw
kairw ¢ 1909 3588 2751 3588 4263-1473 1473 2532 *
And it came to pass in that time, epi¢ touV keirontaV
¢ ta ¢
probata autou¢ autoV
¢ ¢
kai HraV
2597-* 575 3588 80-1473 2532 864 2193
to the shearing of his sheep, himself and Hirah
katebh ¢
IoudaV apo¢ twn adelfwn
¢ autou¢ kai afiketo
¢ ¢
ewV 3588 4166-1473 3588 * 1519 * 2532
Judah went from his brothers, and he arrived unto o ¢ autou¢ o
poimhn ¢
OdolamithV eiV ¢
Qamna 38:13 kai
4314 444-5100 * 3739 3686 *
his shepherd the Adullamite, unto Timnath. And
proV ¢
anqrwpon ¢
¢ tina Odolamithn w ¢
onoma ¢
EiraV 518 * 3588 3565-1473 3004 2400
before a certain man of Adullam, whose name was Hirah. ¢
aphggelh ¢
Qamar ¢
th numfh autou¢ ¢
legonteV idou¢
2532 1492 1563 * 2364 444-* it was reported to Tamar his daughter-in-law, saying, Behold,
38:2 kai eiden ekei¢ ¢
IoudaV ¢
qugatera ¢
anqrwpou ¢
Cananaiou 3588 3995-1473 305 1519 * 2751 3588
And [2saw 3there 1Judah] a daughter of a Canaanite man, o ¢ sou
penqeroV ¢
anabainei eiV ¢
Qamna ¢
keirai ta
3739 3686 * 2532 2983 1473 2532 1525 4314 your father-in-law ascends to Timnath, to shear
h ¢
onoma ¢
Saua ¢
kai elaben ¢ kai eishlqe
authn ¢ proV 4263-1473 2532 4014 3588 2440 3588
whose name was Shuah. And he took her, and entered to ¢
probata autou¢ 38:14 kai ¢
perielomenh ta ¢
imatia thV
his sheep. And removing the garments of the
38:15 G E N E S I S 57
5503.2 575 1438 4016 2327.1 2192 1473 235 3379 2606
chreusewV af' ¢ periebaleto
eauthV ¢ ¢
qeristron ¢
ecetw ¢ all' a
auta ¢ mh
¢ pote ¢
widowhood from herself, she put around a lightweight covering, Let her have them, but lest at any time we should be ridiculed,
2532 2566.5 2532 2523 4314 3588 4439 * 1473 3303 649 3588 2056-3778 1473-1161 3756
kai ekallwpisato ¢
kai ekaqise ¢
proV taiV pulaiV ¢
Enan ¢ men
egw ¢
apestalka ¢
ton erifon ¢
touton su de ouc
and bedecked herself, and sat by the gates of Enaim, I indeed sent this kid, but you have not
3739 1510.2.3 1722 3938 * 1492-1063 3754 2147 1096-1161 3326 5150
h estin en ¢
parodw ¢
Qamnan ¢ gar
eide ¢
oti ¢
eurhkaV 38:24 ¢
egeneto de ¢
meta ¢
which is in the byway of Timnath. For she knew that found her. And it came to pass after three months,
3173 1096 * 1473-1161 3756 1325 1473 1473 312 3588 * 3004 1608 * 3588
megaV ¢
gegone ¢
Silwm ¢ de ouk
autoV ¢
edwken ¢ autw
authn ¢ ¢
anhggelh ¢
tw Iouda ¢
legonteV ¢
ekpeporneuke ¢
Qamar h
[3older 2was 1Shelah], but he did not give her to him it was announced to Judah, saying, [3fornicated 1Tamar
1135 2532 1492 1473 * 1380 1473 3565-1473 2532 2400 1722 1064 2192
gunaika 38:15 kai ¢
idwn ¢ IoudaV
authn ¢ ¢
edoxen ¢
authn ¢
numfh sou kai idou¢ en gastri¢ ¢
as wife. And [2seeing 3her 1Judah], assumed her 2your daughter-in-law]. And behold, [2in 3the womb 1she has one]
4204-1510.1 2619-1063 3588 4383-1473 2532 3756 1537 4202 2036 1161 * 1806 1473 2532
pornhn ¢
einai ¢
katekaluyato ¢
gar to proswpon ¢ kai ouk
authV ek ¢
porneiaV ¢
eipe de ¢
IoudaV ¢
exagagete ¢
authn kai
to be a harlot. For she covered up her face, and [3not out of harlotry. [3said 1And 2Judah], Lead her out, and
1921 1473 1578-1161 4314 1473 2618 1473 1161 71 649
epegnw ¢
authn ¢
38:16 exekline de ¢
proV authn ¢
katakauqhtw ¢ de
38:25 auth ¢
agomenh ¢
1he recognized 2her]. And he turned aside to her let her be incinerated! [3her 1And 2while leading], she sent
3588 3598 2532 2036 1473 1439 1473 1525 4314 1473 4314 3588 3995-1473 3004 1537 3588 444 3737-5100
thn ¢ kai eipen
odon ¢ ¢
auth ¢ me eiselqein
eason ¢ proV se ¢ authV
proV ton penqeron ¢ legousa
¢ ek ¢
tou anqrwpou ou tinoV
in the way. And he said to her, Allow me to enter to you. to her father-in-law, saying, From the man whom
3756-1063 1097 3754 3565-1473 1510.2.3 3588-1161 3778 1510.2.3 1473 1722 1064 2192 2532 2036
ou gar ¢
egnw ¢
oti ¢
numfh autou¢ estin h de ¢ a
taut ¢ ¢ en
estin egw gastri¢ ¢
ecw ¢
kai eipen
For he did not know that [2his daughter-in-law 1she is]. And she these things are I [2in 3the womb 1have one]. And she said,
2036 5100 1473-1325 1437 1525 4314 1473 1921 5100 3588 1146 2532 3588 3731.1 2532 3588
eipe ti ¢
moi dwseiV ¢ eiselqhV
ean ¢ proV me ¢
epignwqi ¢
tinoV o ¢
daktulioV kai o ¢
ormiskoV kai h
said, What will you give to me, if you should enter to me? Recognize whose ring and pendant and
3588-1161 2036 1473 1473-649 2056 137.1 4464 3778 1921 1161 * 2532 2036
38:17 o de ¢
eipen ¢ soi apostelw
egw ¢ ¢
erifon ¢
aigwn ¢
rabdoV ¢
auth ¢
38:26 epegnw de ¢
IoudaV ¢
kai eipe
And he said, I will send to you a kid of the goats rod these are! [3realized 1And 2Judah], and said,
1537 3588 4263-1473 3588-1161 2036 1437-1325 1344-* 2228 1473 3739-1752 3756
ek ¢
twn probatwn mou h de ¢
eipen ¢ dwV
ean ¢
dedikaiwtai ¢
Qamar h ¢
egw ¢
ou eneken ouk
from out of my flocks. And she said, You should give Tamar has done justice rather than I, because I did not
728 2193 3588 649-1473 3588-1161 2036 1325 1473 * 3588 5207-1473 2532 3756 4369
arrabwna ¢
ewV ¢ i¢ se
tou aposteila 38:18 o de ¢
eipe ¢
edwka ¢ Silwm
authn ¢ tw ¢ mou kai
uiw ou ¢
a deposit until you send it. And he said, give her Shelah my son. And he did not add
5100 3588 728 1473-1325 3588 1161 2036 2089 3588 1097 1473 1096-1161
tina ton ¢ a
arrabwn ¢ soi dwsw
¢ h de ¢
eipe ¢
eti tou ¢
gnwnai ¢
authn 38:27 ¢
egeneto de
What deposit shall I give to you? And she said, any longer to know her. And it came to pass
3588 1146-1473 2532 3588 3731.1 2532 3588 4464 3588 2259 5088 2532 3592 1510.7.3 1324 1722 3588
¢ on
ton daktuli ¢ sou kai ton ormiskon
¢ ¢
kai thn rabdon thn ¢
hnika ¢
etikte ¢
kai thde hn ¢
diduma en th
Your ring, and the pendant, and the rod when she was bearing, that thus there were twins in
1722 3588 5495-1473 2532 1325 1473 2532 1525 1064-1473 1096-1161 1722 3588 5088-1473
en th ceiri¢ sou kai ¢
edwken ¢
auth ¢
kai eishlqe gastri¢ authV
¢ ¢
38:28 egeneto de en ¢
tw tiktein ¢
in your hand. And he gave them to her, and he entered her womb. And it came to pass in her bearing,
4314 1473 2532 1722 1064 2983 1537 1473 3588 1520 4275.1 3588 5495 2983-1161 3588 3103.1
¢ kai
proV authn en gastri¢ ¢
elaben ex autou¢ o eiV ¢
proexhnegke ¢
thn ceira ¢
labousa de h ¢
to her. And [2in 3the womb 1she conceived] from him. the one put forth first the hand. And taking it, the midwife
2532 450 565 2532 4014 3588 1210 1909 3588 5495-1473 2847 3004 3778
38:19 kai ¢
anastasa ¢
aphlqe kai ¢
perieileto to ¢
edhsen epi¢ ¢ autou¢ kokkinon
thn ceira ¢ ¢
legousa ¢
And rising up she went forth. And she removed tied upon his hand a scarlet thread, saying, This one
2327.1-1473 575 1438 2532 1746 3588 2440 1831 4387 5613-1161 1996 3588 5495
qeristron ¢
authV ¢ kai enedusato
af' eauthV ¢ ¢
ta imatia ¢
exeleusetai ¢
proteroV 38:29 wV de ¢
episunhgage ¢
thn ceira
her lightweight garment from herself, and put on the garments will come forth prior. And as he retracted the hand,
3588 5503.2-1473 649 1161 * 3588 2532 2117.1 1831 3588 80-1473 3588 1161 2036
thV chreusewV ¢
authV ¢
38:20 apesteile de ¢
IoudaV ton ¢
kai euquV ¢
exhlqen o ¢ autou¢ h
adelfoV de ¢
of her widowhood. [3sent 1And 2Judah] the straightway came forth his brother. And she said,
2056 1537 137.1 1722 5495 3588 4166-1473 3588 5100 1249.2 1223 1473 5418 2532 2564
erifon ex ¢
aigwn en ceiri¢ ¢
tou poimenoV autou¢ tou ti ¢
diekoph ¢
dia se ¢
fragmoV kai ¢
kid of the goats by the hand of his shepherd the Why was [2cut 3because of 4you 1the barrier]? And she called
* 2865 3844 3588 1135 3588 728 3588 3686-1473 * 2532 3326 3778 1831
Odollamitou ¢
komisasqai ¢ thV
para ¢ ton arrabwna
gunaikoV ¢ to ¢
onoma autou¢ FareV
¢ 38:30 kai ¢ touto
meta ¢ ¢
Adullamite, to deliver by him to the woman the deposit. his name, Pharez. And after this came forth
2532 3756 2147 1473 1905-1161 3588 435 3588 80-1473 1909 3739 1510.7.3 1909 3588 5495-1473 3588
kai ouc ¢
euren ¢
authn ¢
38:21 ephrwthse ¢
de touV andraV o ¢ autou¢ ef' w
adelfoV hn epi¢ th ceiri¢ autou¢ to
And he did not find her. And he asked the men his brother, of which was upon his hand the
3588 1537 3588 5117 4226 1510.2.3 3588 4204 3588 1096 2847 2532 2564 3588 3686-1473 *
touV ek ¢
tou topou pou ¢
estin h ¢
pornh h ¢
genomenh ¢
kokkinon ¢
kai ekalese ¢
to onoma ¢
autou¢ Zara
of the place, Where is the harlot, the one being scarlet thread. And she called his name Zarah.
1722 * 1909 3588 3598 2532 2036 3756-1510.7.3 1778.2
en ¢
Enan epi¢ thV odou¢ kai eipan
¢ ouk hn ¢
in Enaim upon the way? And they said, There was no [2here CHAPTER 39
4204 2532 654 4314 * 2532 2036
pornh 38:22 kai ¢
apestrafh ¢
proV Ioudan kai ¢
eipen Joseph in Potiphar’s House
1harlot]. And he returned to Judah, and said, *-1161 2702 1519 * 2532
3756 2147 2532 3588 444 3588 1537 3588 5117 ¢ de
39:1 Iwshf ¢
kathnecqh eiV ¢
Aigupton kai
ouc ¢
euron kai oi ¢
anqrwpoi oi ek ¢
tou topou And Joseph was carried down into Egypt. And
I did not find her, and the men, the ones from the place, 2932 1473 * 3588 2135 *
3004 3361-1510.1 5602 4204 2036 1161 * ¢
ekthsato ¢
auton ¢
PetefrhV o ¢
eunoucoV ¢
legousi ¢
mh einai ¢
wde ¢
pornhn ¢
38:23 eipe de ¢
IoudaV [2acquired 3him 1Potiphar], the eunuch of Pharaoh,
say, There was no [2here 1harlot]. [3said 1And 2Judah],
58 G E N E S I S 39:2
3588 749.3 435- 1537 5495 2532 3756 5224 1722 3588 3614-3778 3762 1623
o ¢
arcimageiroV ¢ AiguptioV
anhr ¢ ek ¢
ceirwn ¢
39:9 kai ouc uparcei en th ¢ tauth
oikia ¢ ouqen† ektoV
the chief guard, an Egyptian man, from out of the hands and not exists in this house one thing outside
* 3588 2609 1473 1563 2532 1473 3761 5227.1 575 1473 3762 4133
Ismahlitwn oi ¢
kathgagon ¢ ekei¢
auton 39:2 kai emou¢ oude¢ upexhrhtai
¢ ap' emou¢ ouden
¢ plhn
of the Ishmaelites, the ones that led him there. And of me, nor is [2secretly removed 3from 4me 1one thing], besides
1510.7.3-2962 3326 * 2532 1510.7.3 435 2013 1473 1223 3588 1473 1135-1473 1510.1 2532 4459
hn kurioV meta¢ Iwshf
¢ kai hn ¢ epitugcanwn
anhr ¢ ¢
sou dia to se ¢ autou¢ einai
gunaika ¢ kai pwV
the lord was with Joseph. And he was a man succeeding in things. you, on account of you [2his wife 1being], then how
2532 1096 1722 3588 3624 3844 3588 2962-1473 3588 * 4160 3588 4487 3588 4190-3778 2532 264
kai egeneto ¢
en tw oikw ¢ tw kuriw
para ¢ autou¢ tw Aiguptiw
¢ ¢
poihsw to ¢
rhma to ¢ touto
ponhron ¢ ¢
kai amarthsomai
And he was in the house by his master the Egyptian. should I do [2thing 1this wicked], and sin
1492 1161 3588 2962-1473 3754 3588 2962 1510.7.3 1726 3588 2316 2259-1161 2980 3588 * 2250
39:3 hdei de o kurioV ¢
¢ autou¢ oti o ¢
kurioV hn ¢ tou qeou¢
enantion ¢ de elalei
39:10 hnika ¢ ¢ hmeran
tw Iwshf ¢
[3saw 1And 2his master] that the lord was before God? And when she spoke to Joseph day
3326 1473 2532 3745-1437 4160 2962 1537 2250 2532 3756 5219 1473 2518 3326 1473
met' autou¢ kai ¢
osa ¢
ean ¢
poih ¢
kurioV ex ¢
hmeraV kai ouc ¢
uphkouen ¢ kaqeudein
auth ¢ ¢
met' authV
with him, and whatever as much as he should do, the lord by day, and he did not obey her to sleep with her,
2137 1722 3588 5495-1473 2532 2147-* 3588 4773.1 1473 1096-1161 5108 5100
euodoi¢ ¢ autou¢ 39:4 kai euren
en taiV cersin ¢ ¢
Iwshf ¢
tou suggenesqai ¢
auth ¢
39:11 egeneto de ¢
toiauth tiV
prospered the way by his hands. And Joseph found to be intimate with her. And it came to pass on such a
5484 1726 3588 2962-1473 2532 2100 2250 1525- 1519 3588 3614 4160 3588 2041-1473 2532
carin ¢
enantion ¢ autou¢ kai
tou kuriou ¢
euhresthse ¢ eishlqen
hmera ¢ ¢ eiV thn oikian
Iwshf ¢ poiein ¢
¢ ta erga autou¢ kai
favor before his master. And he was well-pleasing day, Joseph entered into the house to do his works, and
1473 2532 2525 1473 1909 3588 3624-1473 2532 3956 3762 1510.7.3 3588 1722 3588 3614 2080 2532 1986
autw ¢
kai katesthsen ¢ epi¢ tou oikou
auton ¢ autou¢ kai panta
¢ ¢ hn
oudeiV twn en th oikia ¢
¢ esw ¢
39:12 kai epespasato
to him, and he placed him over his house; and all no one was in the house inside. And she drew
3745 1510.7.3 1473 1325 1223 5495 * 1473 3588 2440 3004 2837 3326 1473 2532
osa hn autw ¢
¢ edwke ¢
dia ¢
ceiroV ¢
Iwshf ¢ twn
auton ¢
imatiwn ¢
legousa ¢
koimhqhti met' emou¢ kai
as much as was his he gave through the hand of Joseph. him by his clothes, saying, Come to bed with me! And
1096-1161 3326 3588 2525 1473 1909 2641 3588 2440-1473 1722 3588 5495-1473 5343
39:5 egeneto de ¢ to
meta ¢
katastaqhnai ¢ epi¢
auton ¢
katalipwn ta ¢
imatia autou¢ en ¢ authV
taiV cersin ¢
¢ efuge
And it came to pass after placing him over leaving behind his clothes in her hands, he fled
3588 3624-1473 2532 1909 3956 3745 1510.7.3 1473 2532 2532 1831 1854 2532 1096 5613 1492
tou oikou autou¢ kai epi¢ panta
¢ ¢
osa hn ¢ kai
autw ¢
kai exhlqen ¢
exw 39:13 kai ¢
egeneto wV ¢
his house, and over all as much as was his, that and went forth outside. And it came to pass as she saw
2127-2962 3588 3624 3588 * 1223 3754 2641 3588 2440-1473 1722 3588 5495-1473
huloghse ¢
kurioV ¢
ton oikon tou ¢
Aiguptiou ¢
dia ¢
oti ¢
katalipwn ta ¢
imatia autou¢ en ¢ authV
taiV cersin ¢
the lord blessed the house of the Egyptian on account of that leaving behind his clothes in her hands,
* 2532 1096 2129 2962 1722 3956 3588 5343 2532 1831 1854 2532 2564 3588 1510.6
Iwshf ¢
kai egenhqh ¢
eulogia ¢
kuriou en ¢
pasi toiV ¢
efuge ¢
kai exhlqen ¢
exw ¢
39:14 kai ekalese touV ¢
Joseph; and he became a blessing for his master in all he fled and went forth outside, that she called the ones being
5224-1473 1722 3588 3624 2532 1722 3588 68-1473 1722 3588 3614 2532 2036 1473 3004 1492 1521
uparcousin ¢ en
autw tw ¢
oikw kai en tw ¢ autou¢
agrw en th ¢ kai eipen
oikia ¢ ¢
autoiV ¢
legousa ¢
idete ¢
his possessions in the house, and in his fields. in the house, and said to them, saying, See! he brought in
2532 2010 3956 3745 1510.7.3 1473 1473 3816-* 1702 1473 1525 4314 1473
39:6 kai ¢
epetreye ¢
panta ¢
osa hn ¢
autw ¢ paida
hmin ¢ Ebraion
¢ ¢
empaizein ¢ eishlqe
hmin ¢ proV me
And he committed to care all as much as was his to us a Hebrew servant to mock us. He entered to me,
1519 5495 * 2532 3756 1492 3588 2596 3004 2837 3326 1473 2532 994 5456 3173
eiV ¢
ceiraV ¢
Iwshf kai ouk ¢
hdei twn kaq' ¢
legwn ¢
koimhqhti met' emou¢ kai ¢
ebohsa ¢
fwnh ¢
into the hand of Joseph. And he did not know the things about saying, Come to bed with me! And I yelled [2voice 1a great].
1478 3762 4133 3588 740 3739 2068-1473 2532 1722-1161 3588 191-1473 3754 5312 3588 5456-1473
eautou ¢
ouden ¢
plhn tou artou ou ¢
hsqien ¢ kai
autoV 39:15 en de ¢
tw akousai auton ¢
¢ oti ¢
uywsa ¢ mou
thn fwnhn
his own – not one thing, except the bread which he ate. And And in his hearing that [2was raised 1my voice],
1510.7.3-* 2570 3588 1491 2532 5611 3588 3799 2532 994 2641 3588 2440-1473 3844 1473 5343
hn Iwshf ¢ tw
kaloV ¢
eidei ¢
kai wraioV ¢
th oyei ¢
kai ebohsa ¢
katalipwn ¢
ta imatia ¢
autou¢ par' emoi¢ efuge
Joseph was good to the sight, and handsome in appearance – and I yelled, leaving behind his clothes by me, he fled,
4970 2532 1831 1854 2532 2642.3 3588 2440
sfodra ¢
kai exhlqen ¢
exw ¢
39:16 kai katalimpanei ¢
ta imatia
exceedingly. and he went forth outside. And she left the clothes
3844 1438 2193 2064 3588 2962 1519 3588 3624-1473
par' eauth ¢
ewV ¢
hlqen o ¢
kurioV eiV ¢
ton oikon autou¢
Potiphar’s Wife by herself, until [3came 1the 2master] into his house.
2532 1096 3326 3588 4487-3778 2532 1911 2532 2980 1473 2596 3588 4487-3778 3004
39:7 kai egeneto ¢ ta rhmata
meta ¢ ¢
tauta ¢
kai epebalen ¢
39:17 kai elalhsen ¢ kata
autw ¢ ¢
ta rhmata ¢ legousa
tauta ¢
And it happened after these things, and [4put And she spoke to him concerning these things, saying,
3588 1135 3588 2962-1473 3588 3788-1473 1909 * 1525 4314 1473 3588 3816-3588-* 3739 1521
h ¢ tou kuriou
gunh ¢ autou¢ touV ofqalmouV
¢ authV
¢ epi¢ Iwshf
¢ ¢
eishlqe proV me o ¢ on
paiV o EbraioV ¢
1the 2wife 3of his master] her eyes upon Joseph. There entered to me the Hebrew servant, whom you brought in
2532 2036 2837 3326 1473 3588-1161 3756 2309 4314 1473 1702 1473 2532 2036 1473 2837
kai eipen ¢
koimhqhti met' emou¢ 39:8 o de ouk ¢
hqelen ¢ empaixa
proV hmaV ¢ i¢ moi kai eip
¢ e¢ moi ¢
And she said, Come to bed with me! But he was not willing. to us, to mock me. And he said to me, I will come to bed
2036-1161 3588 1135 3588 2962-1473 1487 3588 2962-1473 3326 1473 5613-1161 191 3754 5312 3588 5456-1473
¢ de
eipe th gunaiki¢ tou kuriou
¢ autou¢ ei o ¢ oV
kuri ¢ mou ¢ sou
meta 39:18 wV de ¢
hkousen ¢
oti ¢
uywsa ¢ mou
thn fwnhn
And he said to the wife of his master, If my master with you. But as he heard that I raised my voice,
3756 1097 1223 1473 3762 1722 3588 3624-1473 2532 994 2641 3588 2440-1473 3844 1473 5343
ou ¢
ginwskei di' eme¢ ouden
¢ ¢
en tw oikw autou¢ ¢
kai ebohsa ¢
katalipwn ¢
ta imatia ¢
autou¢ par' emoi¢ efuge
does not know on account of me one thing in his house, and I yelled, leaving behind his clothes by me, he fled,
2532 3956 3745 1510.2.3 1473 1325 1519 3588 5495-1473 2532 1831 1854 1096-1161 5613 191
kai panta ¢
osa ¢ autw
estin ¢
¢ edwken ¢ aV
eiV taV ceir ¢ mou ¢
kai exhlqen ¢
exw ¢
39:19 egeneto de wV ¢
and all as much as is his he gave into my hands, and went forth outside. And it happened as [2heard

39:9 †See Bos for variants.

39:20 G E N E S I S 59
3588 2962-1473 3588 4487 3588 1135-1473 3745 1492 297 1798 1722 1520 3571 3588-1161 3706
o ¢ autou¢ ta
kurioV ¢
rhmata ¢ autou¢ osa
thV gunaikoV ¢ ¢
eidon ¢
amfoteroi ¢
enupnion en ¢ nukti¢ h de
mia ¢
1his master] the words of his wife, as much as [2saw 1both] a dream in one night. And the vision
2980 4314 1473 3004 3779 4160 1473 3588 3588 1798 3588 749.5 2532 751.1
elalhse ¢ legousa
proV auton ¢ ¢
outwV ¢ e¢ moi
epoihs o tou ¢
enupniou tou ¢
arcioinocoou kai arcisitopoiou¢
she spoke to him, saying, Thus [2did 3to me of the dream of the chief wine taster and the chief baker,
3816-1473 2532 2373 3709 3739 1510.7.6 3588 935 * 3588
paiV sou ¢
kai equmwqh ¢
orgh oi ¢
hsan tw ¢
basilei Aiguptou oi
1your servant], that he was enraged with anger. the ones who were in service to the king of Egypt, the ones
1510.6 1722 3588 1201 1510.7.3 3778 1525 1161
onteV en ¢ hn
tw desmwthriw ¢
auth ¢
40:6 eishlqe de
Joseph Cast into Prison being in the jail, was this. [3entered 1And
2532 2983 3588 2962 * 1685 1473
39:20 kai labwn o ¢
kurioV ¢ enebalen
Iwshf ¢ ¢
auton 4314 1473 * 4404 2532 1492 1473 2532
¢ Iwshf
proV autouV ¢ twprw+ ¢
kai eiden ¢ kai
And [3taking 1the 2master] Joseph, put him 4to 5them 2Joseph] in the morning, and he saw them, and
1519 3588 3794 1519 3588 5117 1722 3739 3588 1202
eiV to ¢
ocurwma eiV ¢
ton topon en w oi ¢
desmwtai 1510.7.6 5015 2532 2065 3588 2135
hsan ¢
tetaragmenoi 40:7 kai ¢
hrwta ¢
touV eunoucouV
into the fortress, in the place in which the prisoners they were disturbed. And he asked the eunuchs
3588 935 2722 1563 1722 3588 3794 2532
tou ¢
basilewV ¢
katecontai ekei¢ en tw ocurwmati
¢ 39:21 kai * 3739 1510.7.6 3326 1473 1722 3588 5438 3844
Faraw oi ¢
hsan met' autou¢ en th ¢ para
fulakh ¢
of the king were held there in the fortress. And of Pharaoh, who were with him under guard, by
1510.7.3-2962 3326 * 2532 2708 1473 1656 2532
hn kurioV meta¢ Iwshf
¢ kai kateceen
¢ autou¢ ¢
eleoV kai 3588 2962-1473 3004 5100 3754 3588 4383-1473
tw ¢ autou¢ legwn
kuriw ¢ ti ¢
oti ta ¢
proswpa ¢
the lord was with Joseph, and he poured down upon him mercy; and his master, saying, Why is it that your faces
1325 1473 5484 1726 3588 747.1 2532
edwken ¢ carin
autw ¢ ¢ tou arcidesmofulakoV
enantion ¢ 39:22 kai 4659 4594 3588 1161 2036 1473
skuqrwpa ¢
shmeron 40:8 oi de ¢
eipan ¢
he gave to him favor before the chief jailer. And are looking downcast today? And they said to him,
1325 3588 747.1 3588 1201 1223 5495
edwken o ¢
arcidesmofulax to ¢
desmwthrion ¢
dia ¢
ceiroV 1798 1492 2532 3588 4793 1473 3756-1510.2.3 2036
enupnion ¢
eidomen kai o ¢
sugkrinwn auto¢ ouk estin
¢ ¢
[3gave 1the 2chief jailer] the jail over to the hand [2a dream 1We saw], and the interpreting it is not. [3said
* 2532 3956 3588 520 3745 1722
Iwshf ¢
kai pantaV touV ¢
aphgmenouV osoi en 1161 1473 * 3780 1223 3588 2316 3588 1285.1
de ¢
autoiV ¢
Iwshf ouci¢ dia
¢ tou qeou¢ h ¢
of Joseph, and all the ones being taken away, as many as were in 1And 4to them 2Joseph], [2not 6through 7God 3the 4explanation
3588 1201 2532 3956 3745 4160 1563 1473
¢ kai panta
tw desmwthriw ¢ ¢
osa ¢
poiousin ekei¢ ¢
autoV 1473 1510.2.3 1334 3767 1473 2532 1334
autwn esti¢ ¢
dihghsasqe oun moi ¢
40:9 kai dihghsato
the jail, and all as much as they do there, he 5of them 1Is]? Describe them then to me. And [3described
1510.7.3 4160 3756 1510.7.3 3588 747.1 3588
hn ¢
poiwn 39:23 ouk hn o ¢
arcidesmofulax tou 3588 749.5 3588 1798-1473 3588 * 2532
o ¢
arcioinocooV to ¢
enupnion autou¢ tw ¢
Iwshf kai
was doing. For not was the chief jailer of the 1the 2chief wine taster] his dream to Joseph. And
1201 1097 1223 1473 3762
desmwthriou ¢
ginwskwn di' ¢ ouden
auton ¢ 2036 1722 3588 5258-1473 1510.7.3 288 1726 1473
eipen en ¢
tw upnw mou hn ¢
ampeloV ¢
enantion mou
jail knowing anything concerning him – not one thing. he said, In my sleep there was a grapevine before me.
3956-1063 1510.7.3 1223 5495 * 1223 3588
panta gar hn ¢
dia ¢
ceiroV ¢
Iwshf ¢
dia to 1722-1161 3588 288 5140 4435.1 2532 1473
40:10 en de th ¢
ampelw ¢
treiV puqmeneV ¢
kai auth
For all was through the hand of Joseph, because of the reason And in the grapevine three lower branches; and it
3588 2962 3326 1473 1510.1 2532 3745 1473 4160
ton kurion met' autou¢ einai
¢ ¢
kai osa ¢ epoiei
autoV ¢ 2281.1 399 986 4005.2 3588 1009
qallousa ¢
anenhnocuia ¢
blastouV ¢
pepeiroi oi ¢
the lord [2with 3him 1being]. And as much as he did, flourished offering [2buds 1mature] – the clusters
2962 2137 1722 3588 5495-1473
kurioV ¢
euwdou en taiV cersin¢ autou¢ 4718 2532 3588 4221 * 1722 3588
stafulhV 40:11 kai to ¢
pothrion ¢
Faraw en th
the lord prospered the way in his hands. of the grape. And the cup of Pharaoh was in
5495-1473 2532 2983 3588 4718 2532 1570.2 1473 1519
ceiri¢ mou kai elabon ¢
thn stafulhn ¢
kai exeqliya ¢ eiV
my hand, and I took the grape cluster and squeezed it into
3588 4221 2532 1325 3588 4221 1519 3588 5495 *
Joseph Interprets Dreams ¢
to pothrion ¢
kai edwka ¢
to pothrion ¢ Faraw
eiV thn ceira ¢
1096-1161 3326 3588 4487-3778 264 the cup, and gave the cup into the hand of Pharaoh.
40:1 egeneto de ¢ ta
meta ¢
rhmata ¢
tauta ¢
hmarten 2532 2036 1473 * 3778 3588 4793.1 1473
And it came to pass after these things, [6sinned ¢
40:12 kai eipen ¢
autw ¢
Iwshf ¢ h
touto ¢
sugkrisiV autou¢
3588 749.5 3588 935 * 2532 3588 And [2said 3to him 1Joseph], This is the interpretation of it.
o ¢
arcioinocooV tou ¢
basilewV ¢
Aiguptou kai o 3588 5140 4435.1 5140 2250 1510.2.6 2089
1the 2chief wine taster 3of the 4king 5of Egypt], and the oi ¢
treiV puqmeneV treiV ¢
hmerai ¢
eisin ¢
40:13 eti
751.1 3588 2962-1473 935 * 2532 The three lower branches [2three 3days 1are]. In yet
¢ tw
arcisitopoioV ¢ autwn
kuriw ¢ basilei¢ Aiguptou
¢ 40:2 kai 5140 2250 2532 3403-* 3588 746-1473 2532
chief baker against their master the king of Egypt. And ¢
treiV hmerai ¢
kai mnhsqhsetai ¢
Faraw ¢ sou kai
thV archV
3710-* 1909 3588 1417 2135 1473 three days and Pharaoh will remember your office, and
wrgisqh ¢
Faraw epi¢ toiV dusin
¢ eunoucoiV
¢ autou¢ 600 1473 1909 3588 749.4-1473 2532
Pharaoh was provoked to anger over [2two 3eunuchs 1his] – ¢
apokatasthsei se epi¢ thn arcioinoco+an sou kai
1909 3588 749.5 2532 1909 3588 751.1 2532 restore you to your office of chief wine taster, and
epi¢ tw arcioinocow
¢ kai epi¢ tw arcisitopoiw
¢ 40:3 kai 1325 3588 4221 * 1519 3588 5495-1473
over the chief wine taster and over the chief baker. And ¢
dwseiV to ¢
pothrion ¢
Faraw eiV ¢ autou¢
thn ceira
5087 1473 1722 5438 1519 3588 1201 1519 3588 5117 you will give the cup to Pharaoh, into his hand
eqeto ¢ en
autouV ¢ eiV to desmwthrion
fulakh ¢ ¢
eiV ton topon
he put them under guard in the jail, into the place 2596 3588 746 1473 3588 4387 5613 1510.7.2
kata ¢
thn archn sou ¢
thn proteran wV ¢
3739 * 520 1563 2532 4921 according to [3office 1your 2former], as you were
ou ¢ aphkto
Iwshf ¢ ekei¢ ¢
40:4 kai sunesthsen
where Joseph had been taken away there. And [3combined 3632.2 235 3403 1473 1223 4572
oinocown ¢ mnhsqht
40:14 alla ¢ i¢ mou dia
¢ seautou¢
3588 747.2 3588 *-1473 2532 3936 of the wine servers. But remember me of yourself,
o ¢
arcidesmwthV tw ¢ autouV
Iwshf ¢ ¢
kai paresth
1the 2chief jailer] them to Joseph, and he stood beside 3752 2095 1096 1473 2532 4160 3326 1473
otan eu genhtai¢ soi ¢
kai poihseiV met' emou¢
1473 1510.7.6-1161 2250 1722 3588 5438 2532 whenever good happens to you, and you shall do with me
¢ hsan
autouV ¢ de ¢
hmeraV en th ¢
fulakh 40:5 kai
them. And they were some days under guard. And
60 G E N E S I S 40:15
1656 2532 3403 4012 1473 4314 2400 5618 1537 3588 4215 305 2033 1016 2570
eleoV kai ¢
mnhsqhsh peri¢ emou¢ proV idou¢ ¢
wsper ek tou potamou¢ anebainon
¢ ¢ boeV
epta ¢ kalai¢
an act of mercy. And you shall remind [2concerning 3me behold, as if from the river ascended seven oxen good
* 2532 1806 1473 1537 3588 3794-3778 3588 1491 2532 1588 3588 4561 2532 1006
Faraw kai ¢
exaxeiV me ek tou ¢
ocurwmatoV ¢
toutou tw ¢
eidei kai eklektai¢ taiV sarxi¢ kai eboskonto†
1Pharaoh], and lead me from this fortress. to the sight and choice in the flesh; and they were grazing
3754 2829 2813 1537 1093 * 1722 3588 884.2 243-1161 2033 1016 305
40:15 oti ¢
kloph ¢
eklaphn ek ghV ¢
Ebraiwn en tw ¢
aci ¢
41:3 allai de ¢ boeV
epta ¢ ¢
For by stealth I was stolen from the land of the Hebrews, in the riverbank. And another seven oxen ascended
2532 5602 3756-4160 3762 235 1685 1473 1519 3588 3326 3778 1537 3588 4215 149 3588 1491
kai wde ¢
ouk epoihsa ¢
ouden ¢
all' enebalon me eiV ton ¢ tautaV
meta ¢ ek tou potamou¢ aiscrai¢ tw ¢
and here I did not do anything, but they put me into after these from out of the river, shameful to the sight
2978.1-3778 2532 1492 3588 751.1 3754 3723 2532 3016 3588 4561 2532 3500.1 3844 3588 1016 3844
lakkon ¢
touton ¢
40:16 kai eiden o arcisitopoioV ¢
¢ oti ¢
orqwV kai leptai¢ taiV sarxi¢ kai enemonto
¢ ¢ taV boaV
para ¢ ¢
this pit. And [3saw 1the 2chief baker] that rightly and thin in the flesh, and feeding by the oxen by
4793 2532 2036 3588 * 2504 1492 1798 2532 3588 5491 3588 4215 2532 2719 3588 2033
sunekrine ¢
kai eipe ¢
tw Iwshf ¢ eidon
kagw ¢ ¢
enupnion kai to ¢
ceiloV tou potamou¢ ¢
41:4 kai katefagon ai ¢
he interpreted, and he said to Joseph, I also saw a dream, and the edge of the river. And [9ate up 1the 2seven
3633 5140 2582.2 5521.2 142 1909 3588 2776-1473 1016 3588 149 2532 3016 3588 4561 3588 2033
wmhn ¢ kana
tria ¢ condritwn
¢ airein
¢ epi¢ ¢ mou
thV kefalhV ¢
boeV ai aiscrai¢ kai leptai¢ taiV sarxi¢ taV epta
I imagined three bins of groats, lifted upon my head. 8oxen 3shameful 4and 5thin 6in the 7flesh] the seven
1722-1161 2582.2 3588 1883 575 3956 3588 1085 1016 3588 2570 3588 1491 2532 3588 1588 1453 1161
40:17 en de ¢ tw epanw
kanw ¢ apo¢ ¢
pantwn ¢
twn genwn ¢
boaV ¢ tw
taV kalaV ¢
eidei ¢ hgerqh
kai taV eklektaV ¢ de
And in the bin above, items of all kinds of things oxen good to the sight and choice. [3arose 1And
3739 * 2068 2041 4620.1 2532 3588 4071 * 2532 1797 3588 1208 2532 2400
wn ¢ esqiei
Faraw ¢
¢ ergon sitopoiou¢ kai ta ¢
peteina ¢
Faraw ¢
41:5 kai enupniasqh to ¢
deuteron kai idou¢
of which Pharaoh eats – the work of a baker. And the birds 2Pharaoh]. And he dreamed the second time. And behold,
3588 3772 2719 1473 575 3588 2582.2 3588 1883 2033 4719 305 1722 3588 4435.1 1520
tou ouranou¢ kathsqien
¢ ¢ apo¢ tou kanou¢ tou epanw
auta ¢ ¢ stacueV
epta ¢ ¢
anebainon en tw ¢
puqmeni eni¢
of the heaven ate them from the bin upon seven [4ears of corn 5ascended 6in 7the 9lower branch 8one
3588 2776-1473 611-1161 * 2036 1473 1588 2532 2570 2532 2400 2033 4719 3016
¢ mou
thV kefalhV ¢ de Iwshf
40:18 apokriqeiV ¢ ¢
eipen ¢
autw eklektoi¢ kai kaloi¢ 41:6 kai idou¢ ¢ stacueV
epta ¢ leptoi¢
my head. And answering Joseph said to him, 1choice 2and 3good]. And behold, seven ears of corn, thin
3778 3588 4793.1 1473 3588 5140 2582.2 5140 2250 2532 417.2 399.5 3326 1473 2532
auth h ¢
sugkrisiV autou¢ ta ¢ kana
tria ¢ treiV ¢
hmerai ¢
kai anemofqoroi ¢
anefuonto ¢
met' autouV 41:7 kai
This is the interpretation of it. The three bins [2three 3days and destroyed by the wind grew up after them. And
1510.2.6 2089 5140 2250 2532 851-* 2666 3588 2033 4719 3588 3016 2532
eisin ¢
40:19 eti ¢
triwn ¢
hmerwn kai afelei¢ Faraw
¢ ¢
katepion oi ¢
epta ¢
stacueV oi leptoi¢ kai
1are]. Yet in three days and Pharaoh will remove [7swallowed down 1the 2seven 6ears of corn 3thin 4and
3588 2776-1473 575 1473 2532 2910 1473 1909 3586 417.2 3588 2033 4719 3588 1588 2532
¢ sou apo¢ sou kai kremasei
thn kefalhn ¢ se epi¢ ¢
xulou ¢
anemofqoroi ¢ stacuaV
touV epta ¢ ¢ kai
touV eklektouV
your head from you, and hang you upon a timber, 5destroyed by wind] the seven [4ears of corn 1choice 2and
2532 2068 3588 3732 3588 3772 3588 4561 575 3588 4134 1453 1161 * 2532 1510.7.3 1798
kai fagetai ta ¢
ornea tou ouranou¢ taV sarkaV
¢ apo¢ ¢
touV plhreiV ¢
hgerqh de ¢
Faraw kai hn ¢
and [5will eat 1the 2birds 3of the 4heaven] the flesh from 3full]. [3arose 1And 2Pharaoh], and it was a dream.
1473 1096-1161 1722 3588 2250 3588 5154 1096-1161 4404 2532 5015 3588
sou ¢
40:20 egeneto de en th ¢
hmera th ¢
trith ¢
41:8 egeneto de prw+ ¢
kai etaracqh h
you. And it came to pass in the [2day 1third], And it came to pass in the morning and [2was disturbed
2250 1078 1510.7.3 * 2532 4160 4224 5590-1473 2532 649 2564 3956 3588 1834.2
hmera ¢
genesewV hn ¢
Faraw ¢
kai epoiei ¢
poton ¢ autou¢ kai aposteilaV
yuch ¢ ¢
ekalese ¢
pantaV ¢
touV exhghtaV
[3day 2the birth 1that it was] of Pharaoh, and he made a banquet 1his soul]. And sending, he called all the expositors
3956 3588 3816-1473 2532 3403 3588 * 2532 3956 3588 4680 2532 1334
pasi ¢ autou¢ kai emnhsqh
toiV paisin ¢ tou ¢
Aiguptou ¢
kai pantaV ¢ authV
touV sofouV ¢ kai ¢
for all his servants, and he remembered concerning the of Egypt, and all her wise men. And [2described
749.5 2532 3588 746 3588 751.1 1722 3319 1473 * 3588 1798-1473 2532 3756-1510.7.3
arcioinocoou ¢ tou
kai thV archV arcisitopoiou¢ en mesw
¢ ¢
autoiV ¢
Faraw to ¢
enupnion autou¢ kai ouk hn
chief wine taster, and the office of the chief baker in the midst 3to them 1Pharaoh] his dream. And there was no one
3588 3816-1473 2532 600 3588 749.5 3588 518 1473 3588 * 2532 2980
twn paidwn autou¢ 40:21 kai apokatesthse
¢ ¢
ton arcioinocoon o ¢
apaggellwn auto¢ tw ¢
Faraw 41:9 kai ¢
of his servants. And he restored the chief wine taster reporting it to Pharaoh. And [3spoke
1909 3588 746-1473 2532 1325 3588 4221 1519 3588 5495 3588 749.5 4314 * 3004 3588 266-1473
epi¢ thn archn ¢
¢ autou¢ kai edwke to ¢
pothrion eiV ¢
thn ceira o ¢
arcioinocooV ¢
proV Faraw ¢
legwn ¢ mou
thn amartian
to his office, and he gave the cup unto the hand 1the 2chief wine taster] to Pharaoh, saying, My sin
* 3588-1161 751.1 2910 2505 363 4594 * 3710
Faraw 40:22 ton de ¢ ekremasen
arcisitopoion ¢ ¢
kaqa ¢
anamimnhskw ¢
shmeron ¢
41:10 Faraw ¢
of Pharaoh. And the chief baker he hung, as I call to mind today. Pharaoh was provoked to anger
4793 1473 * 2532 3756-3403 3588 3816-1473 2532 5087 1473 1722 5438 1722 3588
sunekrinen ¢
autoiV ¢
Iwshf 40:23 kai ¢
ouk emnhsqh toiV paisin ¢
¢ autou¢ kai eqeto ¢ en
hmaV ¢ en
fulakh tw
[2interpreted 3to them 1Joseph]. And [3remembered not against his servants, and he put us under guard in the
3588 749.5 3588 * 235 1950 1473 3624 3588 749.3 1473-5037 2532 3588 751.1
o ¢
arcioinocooV ¢ all' epelaqeto
tou Iwshf ¢ autou¢ ¢
oikw tou ¢
arcimageirou eme¢ te ¢
kai ton arcisitopoion
1the 2chief wine taster] Joseph, but forgot him. house of the chief guard – both me and the chief baker.
2532 1492 1798 297 1722 3571 1520 1473
41:11 kai eidomen ¢
enupnion ¢
amfoteroi en nukti¢ mia
¢ ¢
And we saw a dream, both in [2night 1one], I
2532 1473 1538 2596 3588 1473 1798 1492
Joseph Interprets Pharaoh’s Dreams ¢ ekastoV
kai autoV ¢ ¢
kata to autou¢ enupnion
¢ ¢
1096-1161 3326 1417 2094 2250 * and he, each according to his dream saw.
41:1 egeneto de ¢ duo
meta ¢ eth
¢ ¢ Faraw
hmerwn ¢ 1510.7.3-1161 1563 3326 1473 3495 3816-*
And it came to pass after two years of days, Pharaoh 41:12 hn de ekei¢ meq' hmwn
¢ neaniskoV
¢ ¢
paiV EbraioV
1492 1798 3633 2476 1909 3588 4215 2532 And there was there with us a young Hebrew servant
eiden ¢
enupnion ¢
weto ¢
estanai epi¢ tou potamou¢ 41:2 kai
saw a dream. He imagined standing at the river. And
41:2 †CP enemonto – feeding.
41:13 G E N E S I S 61
3588 749.3 2532 1334 1473 2532 4793 1520 4134 2532 2570 243-1161 2033 4719
tou ¢
arcimageirou ¢
kai dihghsameqa ¢ kai sunekrinen
autw ¢ eni¢ ¢
plhreiV kai kaloi¢ 41:23 alloi
¢ de ¢ stacueV
epta ¢
of the chief guard. And we described to him, and he interpreted 1one], full and good. And another seven ears of corn,
1473 1096-1161 2531 4793 1473 3016 2532 417.2 399.5 2192 1473
hmin ¢
41:13 egenhqh de ¢
kaqwV ¢
sunekrinen ¢
hmin leptoi¢ kai anemofqoroi
¢ ¢
anefuonto ¢
ecomenoi ¢
to us. And it came to pass as he interpreted to us, thin and destroyed by the wind grew up next to them.
3779 2532 4819 1473-5037 600 1909 3588 2532 2666 3588 2033 4719 3588
outw ¢
kai sunebh eme te ¢
apokatastaqhnai epi¢ thn 41:24 kai ¢
katepion oi ¢
epta ¢
stacueV oi
so also it came to pass, both me being restored to And [7swallowed down 1the 2seven 6ears of corn
746-1473 1565-1161 2910 649 1161 3016 2532 417.2 3588 2033 4719
¢ mou ekeinon
archn ¢ de ¢
kremasqhnai ¢
41:14 aposteilaV de leptoi¢ kai ¢
anemofqoroi ¢ stacuaV
touV epta ¢
my office, and that one being hanged. [3having sent 1And 3thin 4and 5destroyed by the wind] the seven [4ears of corn
* 2564 3588 * 2532 1806 1473 3588 2570 2532 3588 4134 2036 3767 3588 1834.2
Faraw ¢
ekalese ton ¢
Iwshf kai ¢
exhgagon ¢
auton ¢ kai
touV kalouV ¢
touV plhreiV ¢
eipa oun toiV ¢
2Pharaoh], called for Joseph. And they led him 1good 2and 3full]. I told it then to the expositors,
575 3588 3794 2532 3587 1473 2532 236 2532 3756-1510.7.3 3588 518 1473-1473 2532
apo¢ ¢
tou ocurwmatoV ¢
kai exurhsan auton ¢
¢ kai hllaxan kai ouk hn o ¢
apaggellwn moi auto¢ 41:25 kai
from the fortress, and shaved him, and changed and there was no one reporting it to me. And
3588 4749-1473 2532 2064 4314 * 2036 2036-* 3588 * 3588 1798 * 1520-1510.2.3
thn stolhn ¢
¢ autou¢ kai hlqe ¢
proV Faraw ¢
41:15 eipe ¢
eipen ¢ tw Faraw
Iwshf ¢ to ¢
enupnion ¢
Faraw en estin
his apparel, and he came to Pharaoh. [3said Joseph said to Pharaoh, The dream to Pharaoh is one.
1161 * 4314 * 1798 3708 2532 3745 3588 2316 4160 1166 3588 * 3588 2033
de ¢
Faraw ¢
proV Iwshf ¢
enupnion ¢
ewraka kai ¢
osa o qeoV ¢
¢ poiei¢ edeixe ¢
tw Faraw ¢
41:26 ai epta
1And 2Pharaoh] to Joseph, [2a dream 1I have seen], and As much as God does, he showed to Pharaoh. The seven
3588 4793-3756 1510.2.3 1473 1473-1161 191 1016 3588 2570 2033 2094 1510.2.3 2532 3588 2033 4719
o ¢
sugkrinwn ouk ¢
estin auto¢ egw
¢ de ¢
akhkoa ¢
boeV ai kalai¢ epta ¢
¢ eth esti¢ kai oi ¢ stacueV
epta ¢
[2not one interpreting 1there is] it. But I have heard [2oxen 1good 4seven 5years 3are], and the seven [2ears of corn
4012 1473 3004 191-1473 1798 4793 3588 2570 2033 2094 1510.2.3 3588 1798 * 1520-1510.2.3
peri¢ ¢
sou legontwn ¢
akousanta¢ se enupnia
¢ ¢
sugkrinai oi kaloi¢ epta ¢
¢ eth esti¢ to enupnion
¢ ¢
Faraw en esti
concerning you, saying, In your hearing dreams you interpret 1good 4seven 5years 3are]; the dream of Pharaoh is one.
1473 611 1161 * 3588 * 2036 2532 3588 2033 1016 3588 3016 3588 305
auta ¢ de
41:16 apokriqeiV ¢
Iwshf tw ¢
Faraw ¢
eipen 41:27 kai ai ¢ boeV
epta ¢ ai leptai¢ ai ¢
them. [3answering 1And 2Joseph] to Pharaoh said, And the seven [2oxen 1thin], the ones ascending
427 3588 2316 3756-611 3588 4992 3694 1473 2033 2094 1510.2.3 2532 3588 2033 4719
aneu tou qeou¢ ouk apokriqhsetai
¢ to ¢
swthrion ¢
opisw ¢ epta
autwn ¢ ¢
eth esti¢ kai oi ¢ stacueV
epta ¢
Without God [2shall not be answered 1deliverance] after them, [2seven 3years 1are]; and the seven [4ears of corn
* 2980 1161 * 3588 * 3588 3016 2532 417.2 2033 2094 1510.2.3
Faraw ¢
41:17 elalhse de ¢
Faraw tw ¢
Iwshf oi leptoi¢ kai ¢
anemofqoroi ¢
epta ¢
eth ¢
to Pharaoh. [3spoke 1And 2Pharaoh] to Joseph, 1thin 2and 3destroyed by the wind 6seven 7years 5are] –
3004 1722 3588 5258-1473 3633 2476 3844 3588 5491 1510.8.6 2033 2094 3042 3588-1161 4487 3739
legwn en ¢
tw upnw ¢
mou wmhn ¢
estanai ¢ to
para ¢
ceiloV ¢
esontai epta ¢
¢ eth limou¢ 41:28 to de ¢
rhma o
saying, In my sleep I imagined standing by the edge there will be seven years of famine. And the saying which
3588 4215 2532 5618 1537 3588 4215 2046 * 3745 3588 2316 4160 1166 3588
tou potamou¢ 41:18 kai ¢
wsper ek tou potamou¢ ¢
eirhka ¢
Faraw ¢
osa o ¢ poiei
qeoV ¢
edeixe tw
of the river. And as if from out of the river I have said to Pharaoh, [3as much 1God 2will do] to show to
305 2033 1016 2570 3588 1491 2532 1588 3588 * 2400 2033 2094 2064 2112.2
anebainon ¢ boeV
epta ¢ kalai¢ tw ¢
eidei kai eklektai¢ taiV ¢
Faraw 41:29 idou¢ ¢
epta ¢
eth ¢
ercetai ¢
ascended seven oxen, good to the sight and choice in the Pharaoh. Behold, for seven years there comes [2prosperity
4561 2532 3500.1 1722 3588 884.2 2532 2400 4183 1722 3956 1093 * 2240 1161
sarxi¢ kai enemonto
¢ en tw ¢
aci 41:19 kai idou¢ ¢ en
pollh ¢
pash gh ¢
Aiguptou ¢
41:30 hxei de
flesh, and they fed at the reed-grass. And behold, 1great] in all the land of Egypt. [5shall come 1But
2033 1016 2087 305 3694 1473 1537 3588 2033 2094 3042 3326 3778 2532 1950 3588
epta ¢
boeV ¢
eterai ¢
anebainon ¢
opisw ¢
autwn ek tou ¢
epta ¢
eth limou¢ ¢ tauta
meta ¢ ¢
kai epilhsontai thV
[2seven 3oxen 1another] ascended after them from the 2seven 3years 4of famine] after these, and they shall forget the
4215 4190 2532 149 3588 1491 2532 3016 4140 3588 1510.10 1722 3650 1093 * 2532
potamou¢ ponhrai¢ kai aiscrai¢ tw ¢
eidei kai leptai¢ ¢
plhsmonhV ¢
thV esomenhV en ¢
olh gh ¢
Aigupou kai
river, in a sorry state and shameful to the sight, and thin fullness being in all the land Egypt, and
3588 4561 3634 3756-1492 5108 1722 3650 355 3588 3042 3588 1093 2532 3756
taiV ¢ oiaV
sarxin ¢ ¢
ouk eidon ¢
toiautaV en ¢
olh ¢
analwsei o ¢
limoV thn ghn 41:31 kai ouk
in the flesh, what thing [2I saw not 1such as] [2in 3the entire [3will consume 1the 2famine] the land. And [3shall not
1093 * 149 2532 2719 3588 1921 3588 2112.2 1909 3588 1093 575 3588
gh ¢
Aiguptou ¢
aiscroteraV ¢
41:20 kai katefagon ai ¢
epignwsqhsetai h ¢
euqhnia epi¢ thV ghV apo¢ tou
4land 5of Egypt 1a shameful thing]. And [7ate up 1the 4be realized 1the 2prosperity] in the land because of the
2033 1016 3588 149 2532 3016 3588 2033 1016 3588 3042 3588 1510.10 3326 3778 2478 1063 1510.8.3
epta ¢
boeV ai aiscrai¢ kai leptai¢ taV epta
¢ boaV
¢ taV limou¢ tou esomenou
¢ ¢ tauta
meta ¢ ¢ gar estai
iscuroV ¢
2seven 6oxen 3shameful 4and 5thin] the seven oxen – the famine being after these things. [4strong 1For 2it will be
4413 3588 2570 2532 3588 1588 2532 1525 4970 4012-1161 3588 1208.1 3588
prwtaV ¢ kai taV eklektaV
taV kalaV ¢ ¢
41:21 kai eishlqon ¢
sfodra 41:32 peri¢ de ¢
tou deuterwsai to
first, the good and the choice. And they entered 3exceedingly]. And concerning the repetition of the
1519 3588 2836 2532 3756 1237.1 1096 3754 1798 * 1364 3754 227-1510.8.3 3588 4487
¢ autwn
eiV taV koiliaV ¢ kai ou ¢
diadhloi ¢
egenonto ¢
oti ¢
enupnion ¢
Faraw diV ¢
oti ¢ estai
alhqeV ¢ to ¢
into their bellies. And it did not [2apparent 1become] that dream to Pharaoh twice, it is because [5will be true 1the 2saying
1525 1519 3588 2836-1473 2532 3588 3799-1473 3588 3844 3588 2316 2532 5035.1-3588-2316 3588 4160 1473
eishlqon eiV ¢ autwn
taV koiliaV ¢ kai ai ¢
oyeiV ¢
autwn to ¢ tou qeou¢
para kai tacunei¢ o qeoV
¢ ¢
tou poihsai auto¢
they entered into their bellies. And their appearance 3by 4God], and God will hasten to do it.
149 2505 2532 3588 746 1825-1161 3568 3767 4629.4 444 5429 2532 4908
aiscrai¢ ¢ kai thn
kaqa ¢
archn ¢ de
exegerqeiV 41:33 nun oun ¢
skeyai ¢
anqrwpon ¢
fronimon ¢
kai suneton
was shameful, as also in the beginning. And after awakening, Now then, look about for a man intelligent and discerning,
2837 2532 1492 3825 1722 3588 5258-1473 2532 2525 1473 1909 1093 * 2532
ekoimhqhn ¢
41:22 kai eidon ¢
palin en tw ¢
upnw mou ¢
kai katasthson ¢ epi¢
auton ghV ¢
Aiguptou 41:34 kai
I went back to bed. And I saw again in my sleep, and place him over the land of Egypt! And
2532 5618 2033 4719 305 1722 4435.1
kai ¢
wsper ¢ stacueV
epta ¢ ¢
anebainon en ¢
even as if seven ears of corn ascended in [2lower branch
62 G E N E S I S 41:35
4160-* 2532 2525 5116.1 1909 3588 1093 3588 5495-1473 1909 3956 1093 * 2532
poihsatw ¢ kai katasthsatw
Faraw ¢ ¢
toparcaV epi¢ thV ghV ¢ autou¢ epi¢
thn ceira ¢
pashV ghV ¢
Aiguptou 41:45 kai
let Pharaoh make and place toparchs over the land. his hand over all the land of Egypt. And
2532 633.5 3956 3588 1081 3588 1093 2564-* 3588 3686 * * 2532
kai ¢
apopemptwsatwsan ¢
panta ta ¢
gennhmata thV ghV ¢
ekalese ¢ to
Faraw ¢
onoma ¢
Iwshf ¢
Yonqomfanhc kai
And let them take a fifth of all the produce of the land Pharaoh called the name of Joseph, Zaphnath-paaneah. And
* 3588 2033 2094 3588 2112.2 2532 1325 1473 3588 * 2364 * 2409
Aiguptou twn ¢
epta ¢
etwn ¢
thV euqhniaV 41:35 kai ¢
edwken ¢
autw ¢
thn Aseneq ¢
qugatera ¢
Petefrh ¢
of Egypt of the seven years of prosperity! And he gave to him Asenath, daughter of Poti-phera, priest
4863 3956 3588 1033 3588 2033 2094 * 1473 1519 1135 *-1161 1510.7.3
sunagagetwsan ¢
panta ta ¢
brwmata ¢
twn epta ¢
etwn ¢
HlioupolewV ¢
autw eiV ¢
gunaika ¢ de
41:46 Iwshf hn
let them bring together all the foods [3seven 5years of Heliopolis, to him as a wife. And Joseph was
3588 2064 3588 2570 3778 2532 4863 2094 5144 3753 2476 1726 * 935
twn ercomenwn ¢ toutwn
twn kalwn ¢ ¢
kai sunacqhtw ¢
etwn ¢
triakonta ¢
ote ¢
esth ¢ Faraw
enantion ¢ basilewV
2coming 4good 1of these]! And let them bring together [2years old 1thirty] when he stood before Pharaoh king
3588 4621 5259 5495 * 1033 1722 3588 * 1831 1161 * 1537 4383 *
o ¢
sitoV upo¢ ¢
ceira ¢
Faraw ¢
brwmata en taiV ¢
Aiguptou ¢
exhlqe de ¢
Iwshf ek ¢
proswpou ¢
the grain under the hand of Pharaoh! foods [2in 3the of Egypt. [3went forth 1And 2Joseph] from the face of Pharaoh,
4172 5442 2532 1510.8.3 3588 1033 3588 2532 1330 3956 1093 * 2532 4160
polesi ¢
fulacqhtw ¢
41:36 kai estai ta ¢
brwmata ta ¢
kai dihlqe ¢
pasan ghn ¢
Aiguptou ¢
41:47 kai epoihsen
4cities 1to be guarded]. And [4shall be 1the 2foods and went through all the land of Egypt. And [3produced
5442 1722 3588 1093 1519 3588 2033 2094 3588 3042 3588 1093 1722 3588 2033 2094 3588 2112.2 1403.1
pefulagmena en th gh eiV ta epta ¢
¢ eth tou limou¢ h gh en toiV epta ¢
¢ etesi ¢
thV euqhniaV ¢
3being guarded] for the land in the seven years of the famine, 1the 2land] in the seven years prosperity of sheaves.
3739 1510.8.6 1722 1093 * 2532 3756-1625.3 2532 4863 3956 3588 1033 3588 2033
a ¢
esontai en gh ¢
Aiguptou ¢
kai ouk ektribhsetai ¢
41:48 kai sunhgage ¢
panta ¢
ta brwmata twn ¢
which will be in the land of Egypt, and [3shall not be obliterated And was brought together all the foods of the seven
3588 1093 1722 3588 3042 700 1161 3588 4487 2094 1722 3739 1510.7.3 3588 2112.2 1722 3588 1093 *
h gh ¢
en tw limw ¢
41:37 hrese de to ¢
rhma ¢ en
etwn oiV hn h ¢
euqhnia en th gh ¢
1the 2land] in the famine. [4was pleasing 1And 2the 3saying] years in which there was prosperity in the land of Egypt.
1726 * 2532 1726 3956 3588 3816-1473 2532 5087 3588 1033 1722 3588 4172 1033 3588
¢ Faraw
enantion ¢ ¢ pantwn
kai enantion ¢ ¢
twn paidwn autou¢ kai ¢
eqhke ta ¢
brwmata en ¢
taiV polesi ¢
brwmata twn
before Pharaoh, and before all his servants. And he put the foods in the cities. Foods of the
3977.1 3588 4172 3588 2945 1473 5087
Joseph Made Ruler Over Egypt ¢
pediwn thV ¢
polewV twn ¢
kuklw authV ¢
¢ eqhken
plains of the city of the places round about it, he put
2532 2036-* 3588 3816-1473 3361 2147
¢ Faraw
41:38 kai eipe ¢ toiV paisin
¢ autou¢ mh ¢
eurhsomen 1722 3778 2532 4863-* 4621 5616 3588
en ¢
auth ¢
41:49 kai sunhgagen ¢
Iwshf ¢
siton wsei¢ thn
And Pharaoh said to his servants, Shall we find
444 5108 3739 2192 4151 2316 1722 1473
in it. And Joseph gathered together grain as the
anqrwpon ¢
toiouton oV ¢
ecei ¢
pneuma qeou¢ en ¢
autw 285 3588 2281 4183 4970 2193 3756
[2a man 1such] who has spirit of God in him? ¢
ammon thV ¢
qalasshV ¢ sfodra
polun ¢ ¢
ewV ouk
2036 1161 * 3588 * 1894 1166-3588-2316
sand of the sea, much exceedingly, until they were not
41:39 eipe de ¢
Faraw ¢
tw Iwshf epeidh ¢
¢ edeixen ¢
o qeoV 1410 705 3756 1063 1510.7.3 706 3588
[3said 1And 2Pharaoh] to Joseph, Since God showed ¢
hdunato ¢
ariqmhsai ou gar hn ¢
ariqmoV 41:50 tw
1473 3956 3778 3756-1510.2.3 444 5429
able to count it, [3no 1for 2there was] number.
soi ¢
panta ¢
tauta ¢
ouk estin ¢
anqrwpoV ¢
fronimwteroV 1161 * 1096 5207 1417 4253 3588 2064 3588
to you all these things, there is not a man more intelligent de ¢
Iwshf ¢
egenonto uioi¢ ¢
duo pro ¢ ta
tou elqein
2532 4908 1473 1473 1510.8.2 1909 3588 3624-1473
And to Joseph were born [2sons 1two] before the coming of the
kai sunetwter ¢
oV sou ¢
41:40 su esh epi¢ tw oikw
¢ mou 2033 2094 3588 3042 3739 5088 1473 * 3588
and more discerning than you. You will be over my house, epta ¢
¢ eth tou limou¢ ouV ¢
eteken ¢
autw ¢
Aseneq h
2532 1909 3588 4750-1473 5219 3956 3588 2992-1473
seven years of famine, which [2bore 3to him 1Asenath], the
kai epi¢ tw ¢
stomati¢ sou upakousetai
¢ paV o ¢ mou
laoV 2364 * 2409 * 2564
and by your mouth [3shall obey 1all 2my people]. ¢
qugathr ¢
Petefrh ¢
ierewV ¢
HlioupolewV ¢
41:51 ekalese
4133 3588 2362 5242 1473 1473 2036 1161
daughter of Poti-phera, priest of Heliopolis. [3called
plhn ¢
ton qronon ¢
uperexw ¢
sou egw ¢
41:41 eipe de 1161 * 3588 3686 3588 4416 * 3754
Except for the throne – [2will excel 3you 1I]. [3said 1And de ¢
Iwshf to ¢
onoma tou ¢
prwtotokou Manassh ¢
¢ oti
* 3588 * 2400 2525 1473 4594 1909
1And 2Joseph] the name of the first-born, Manasseh, for
Faraw ¢
tw Iwshf idou¢ ¢
kaqisthmi¢ se shmeron
¢ epi¢ 1950-1473 4160 3588 2316 3956 3588 4192-1473
2Pharaoh] to Joseph, Behold, I place you today over ¢
epilaqesqai ¢
me epoihsen o ¢
qeoV ¢
pantwn ¢
twn ponwn mou
3956 3588 1093 * 2532 4014-* 3588
[3me forget 2made 1God] all my miseries,
pashV ¢
thV ghV Aiguptou ¢
41:42 kai perielomenoV ¢ ton
Faraw 2532 3956 3588 3588 3962-1473 3588-1161 3686
all the land of Egypt. And Pharaoh removing the ¢
kai pantwn twn ¢ mou
tou patroV 41:52 to de ¢
1146 575 3588 5495-1473 4060 1473 1909 3588
and all of the things of my father. And the name
daktulion apo¢ thV ceiroV
¢ autou¢ perieqhken
¢ ¢ epi¢
auton thn 3588 1208 2564 * 3754 837 1473 3588
ring from his hand, put it upon the tou ¢
deuterou ¢
ekalesen ¢
Efraim ¢
oti ¢
huxhse¢ me o
5495 * 2532 1746 1473 4749 1039 2532
of the second he called, Ephraim, for [2increased 3me
ceira ¢
Iwshf ¢
kai enedusen ¢ stolhn
auton ¢ ¢
bussinhn kai 2316 1722 1093 5014-1473 3928-1161 3588
hand of Joseph. And he put on him [2apparel 1fine linen], and ¢
qeoV en gh ¢
tapeinwse ¢ mou
wV ¢
41:53 parhlqon de ta
4060 2827.2 5552 4012 3588 5137-1473 2532
1God] in the land of my humiliation. And went by the
perieqhke ¢ crusoun
kloion ¢ peri¢ ton trachlon
¢ autou¢ 41:43 kai 2033 2094 3588 2112.2 3739 1096 1722 3588 1093
he put a collar of gold about his neck. And epta ¢
¢ eth ¢
thV euqhniaV a ¢
egenonto en th gh
307 1473 1909 3588 716 3588 1208 3588 1473
seven years of prosperity, which came to pass in the land
anebibasen ¢ epi¢
auton ¢
to arma ¢
to deuteron twn autou¢ * 2532 756 3588 2033 2094 3588 3042
he transported him upon [3chariot 2second 1his]. ¢
Aiguptou ¢
41:54 kai hrxato ta ¢
epta ¢
eth tou limou¢
2532 2784 1715 1473 2783 2532 2525
of Egypt. And [5began 1the 2seven 3years 4of famine]
kai ekhruxen ¢
emprosqen autou¢ khrux
¢ ¢
kai katesthsen 2064 2505 2036-* 2532 1096 3042 1722
And [2proclaimed 3in front of 4him 1a herald]. And he placed ¢
ercesqai ¢ eipen
kaqa ¢ ¢
Iwshf kai ¢
egeneto ¢
limoV en
1473 1909 3650 1093 * 2036 1161 *
to come as Joseph said. And there became famine in
auton ¢
¢ ef' olhV ¢
ghV Aiguptou ¢
41:44 eipe de ¢
Faraw 3956 3588 1093 1722-1161 3956 3588 1093 * 1510.7.6
him over the entire land of Egypt. [3said 1And 2Pharaoh] ¢
pash th gh en de ¢
pash th gh ¢
Aiguptou ¢
3588 * 1473 * 427 1473 3756 1808 3762
all the earth; but in all the land of Egypt there were
tw Iwshf ¢ Faraw
egw ¢ ¢
aneu sou ouk exarei¢ ¢
to Joseph, I am Pharaoh, without you not [2shall lift 1anyone]
41:55 G E N E S I S 63
740 2532 3983 3956 3588 1093 * 4159 2240 3588-1161 2036 1537
artoi ¢
41:55 kai epeinase ¢
pasa h gh ¢
Aiguptou ¢
poqen ¢
hkate oi de ¢
eipan ek
bread loaves. And [5hungered 1all 2the 3land 4of Egypt]. From what place have you come? And they said, From out of
2896 1161 3588 2992 4314 * 4012 740 1093 * 59 1033 1921 1161
ekraxe de o ¢
laoV proV Faraw ¢
¢ peri¢ artwn ghV ¢
Canaan ¢
agorasai ¢
brwmata ¢
42:8 epegnw de
[4cried out 1And 2the 3people] to Pharaoh for bread loaves. the land of Canaan, to buy foods. [3recognized 1And
2036 1161 * 3956 3588 * 4198 4314 * 3588 80-1473 1473-1161 3756 1921
eipe de ¢
Faraw ¢
pasi ¢
toiV AiguptioiV ¢
poreuesqe proV ¢
Iwshf ¢ autou¢ autoi¢ de ouk
touV adelfouV ¢
[3said 1And 2Pharaoh] to all the Egyptians, You go to 2Joseph] his brothers, but they did not recognize
* 2532 3739 302 2036 1473 4160 2532 1473 2532 3403-* 3588 1798-1473
Iwshf kai o an ¢
eipe ¢
umin ¢
poihsate 41:56 kai ¢
auton 42:9 kai ¢
emnhsqh ¢
Iwshf ¢ autou¢
twn enupniwn
Joseph, and what ever he says to you, you do! And him. And Joseph remembered his dreams,
3588 3042 1510.7.3 1909 4383 3956 3588 1093 455 3739 1492-1473 2532 2036 1473 2685-1510.2.5
o ¢ hn
limoV epi¢ ¢
proswpou ¢
pashV thV ghV ¢
anewxe wn ¢
eiden ¢
autoV ¢
kai eipen ¢
autoiV ¢
kataskopoi¢ este
the famine was upon the face of all the earth. [3opened of which he himself saw. And he said to them, You are spies
1161 * 3956 3588 4619.1 2532 4453 3956 3588 2657 3588 2487 3588 5561 2240
de ¢
Iwshf ¢
pantaV ¢
touV sitobolwnaV ¢
kai epwlei ¢
pasi toiV ¢
katanohsai ta ¢
icnh thV ¢
cwraV ¢
1And 2Joseph] all the granaries, and sold to all the to study the tracks of the place in which you have come.
* 2532 3956 3588 5561 2064 1519 * 3588 1161 2036 3780 2962 3588 3816-1473 2064
AiguptioiV ¢
41:57 kai pasai ai ¢
cwrai ¢
hlqon ¢
eiV Aigupton 42:10 oi de ¢
eipan ouci¢ ¢
kurie oi ¢ eV
paid ¢
¢ sou hlqomen
Egyptians. And all the regions came to Egypt And they said, Not so, O lord, your servants came
59 4314 * 1947.2 1063 3588 3042 1722 3956 4248.1 1033 3956-1510.2.4 5207 1520 444
agorazein ¢ epekrathse
proV Iwshf ¢ gar o ¢
limoV ¢
en pash ¢
priasqai ¢
brwmata ¢
42:11 panteV ¢ uioi¢ enoV
esmen ¢ ¢
to buy from Joseph, [4prevailed 1for 2the 3famine] in all to buy foods. We are all sons of one man;
3588 1093 1516-1510.2.4 3756-1510.2.6 3588 3816-1473 2685
th gh eirhnikoi¢ esmen
¢ ¢
ouk eisin oi ¢ eV
paid ¢ sou ¢
the earth. we are peaceable. [2are not 1Your servants] spies.
2036-1161 1473 3780 235 3588 2487 3588
CHAPTER 42 ¢ de
42:12 eipe ¢
autoiV ouci¢ alla
¢ ta ¢
icnh thV
And he said to them, No, but [3the 4tracks 5of the
1093 2064 1492 3588 1161 2036 1427
Joseph’s Brothers Seek Food in Egypt ghV ¢
hlqete ¢
idein 42:13 oi de ¢
eipan ¢
1492 1161 * 3754 1510.2.3 4621 4237.2 6land 1you came 2to see]. And they said, [3twelve
42:1 idwn de ¢
Iakwb ¢
oti ¢
esti ¢
sitou ¢
prasiV 1510.2.4 3588 3816-1473 80 1722 1093 *
[3seeing 1And 2Jacob] that there is grain for sale ¢
esmen oi ¢ eV
paid ¢ sou adelfoi¢ en gh ¢
1722 * 2036 4314 3588 5207-1473 2444 4468.2 1We are 2your servants] brothers in the land of Canaan;
en ¢
Aiguptw ¢
eipe ¢ autou¢ inati¢ raqumeite
proV touV uiouV ¢ 2532 2400 3588 3501-1473 3326 3588 3962-1473
in Egypt, said to his sons, Why are you lazy? kai idou¢ o ¢
newteroV ¢
hmwn ¢
meta ¢ hmwn
tou patroV ¢
2400 191 3754 1510.2.3 4621 1722 * and behold, our younger brother is with our father
42:2 idou¢ ¢
akhkoa ¢
oti ¢
esti ¢
sitoV en ¢
Aiguptw 4594 3588-1161 2087 3756 5224 2036 1161
Behold, I have heard that there is grain in Egypt; ¢
shmeron o de ¢
eteroV ouc ¢
uparcei ¢
42:14 eipe de
2597 1563 2532 4248.1 1473 3397 1033 today, and the other does not exist. [3said 1And
katabhte ekei¢ kai priasqe†
¢ ¢ mikra
hmin ¢ ¢
brwmata 1473 * 3778 1510.2.3 3739 2046 1473 3004 3754
go down there and buy for us a small amount of foods! ¢
autoiV ¢
Iwshf ¢ o¢ estin o
tout ¢
eirhka ¢
umin ¢
legwn ¢
2443 2198 2532 3361 599 2597 4to them 2Joseph], This is it that I have said to you, saying that,
ina ¢
zwmen kai mh ¢
apoqanwmen ¢
42:3 katebhsan 2685-1510.2.5 1722 3778 5316 3513
that we should live, and not die. [5went down ¢
kataskopoi¢ este 42:15 en ¢
toutw ¢
faneisqe nh
1161 3588 80 * 3588 1176 4248.1 4621 1537 You are spies. In this you shall appear exposed, by
de oi adelfoi¢ Iwshf
¢ oi ¢
deka ¢
priasqai ¢
siton ex 3588 5198.1 * 3766.2 1831 1782
1And 2the 3brothers 4of Joseph], the ten, to buy grain from ¢
thn ugieian ¢
Faraw ou mh ¢
exelqhte ¢
* 3588 1161 * 3588 80 * 3756 the health of Pharaoh, no way should you go forth from here,
Aiguptou ¢ ton adelfon
42:4 ton de Beniamin ¢ Iwshf
¢ ouk 1437 3361 3588 80 1473 3588 3501 2064
Egypt. But Benjamin the brother of Joseph was not ¢
ean mh o ¢ umwn
adelfoV ¢ o ¢
newteroV ¢
649 3326 3588 80-1473 2036-1063 3379 if [4should not 3brother 1your 2younger] come
apesteile ¢ twn adelfw autou¢ eipe
meta ¢ gar ¢ pote
mh 5602 649 1537 1473 1520 2532 2983
sent with his brothers. For he said, Lest at any time ¢
wde ¢
42:16 aposteilate ex ¢
umwn ¢
ena ¢
kai labete
4819 1473 3119 2064 1161 3588 here. You send [2from 3you 1one], and take
sumbh ¢ malakia
autw ¢ ¢
42:5 hlqon de oi 3588 80-1473 1473-1161 520 2193 3588
should come to pass to him an infirmity. [5came 1And 2the ton ¢ umwn
adelfon ¢ ¢ de
umeiV ¢
apacqhte ¢
ewV tou
5207 * 59 3326 3588 2064 1510.7.3 1063 your brother! But you shall be taken away until
uioi¢ Israhl
¢ ¢
agorazein ¢ twn
meta ¢
ercomenwn hn gar 5318 1096 3588 4487-1473 1487 226
3sons 4of Israel] to buy with the ones coming; [4was 1for ¢
fanera ¢
genesqai ta ¢
rhmata ¢
umwn ei ¢
3588 3042 1722 1093 * *-1161 1510.7.3 [3apparent 2become 1your sayings], if you be truthful,
o ¢
limoV en gh ¢
Canaan ¢ de
42:6 Iwshf hn 2228 3756 1490 3513 3588 5198.1 * 2229
2the 3famine] in the land of Canaan. And Joseph was h ou ei de mh nh ¢
thn ugieian ¢
Faraw h mhn
3588 758 3588 1093 3778 4453 3956 3588 2992 3588 or not. But if not, by the health of Pharaoh, assuredly
o ¢
arcwn thV ghV ¢
outoV ¢
epwlei panti¢ tw law
¢ thV 2685-1510.2.5 2532 5087 1473 1722 5438 2250
the ruler of the land; he sold to all the people of the ¢
kataskopo ¢
i¢ este 42:17 kai eqeto ¢ en fulakh
autouV ¢ hmeraV
1093 2064 1161 3588 80 * 4352 you are spies. And he put them in prison [2days
ghV ¢
elqonteV de oi adelfoi¢ Iwshf
¢ ¢
prosekunhsan 5140 2036-1161 1473 3588 2250 3588 5154
land. [5coming 1And 2the 3brothers 4of Joseph] did obeisance treiV ¢ de
42:18 eipe ¢ th
autoiV ¢
hmera th ¢
1473 1909 4383 1909 3588 1093 1492 1161 1three]. And he said to them [3day 1on the 2third],
¢ epi¢
autw ¢
proswpon epi¢ thn ghn ¢
42:7 idwn de 3778-4160 2532 2198 3588 2316 1063 1473 5399
to him upon their face upon the ground. [3seeing 1And ¢ poihsate
touto ¢ ¢
kai zhsesqe ¢
ton qeon ¢ foboumai
gar egw ¢
* 3588 80-1473 1921 2532 245.1 You do this and you shall live! [4God 1For 2I 3fear].
Iwshf ¢ autou¢ epegnw
touV adelfouV ¢ ¢
kai hllotriouto 1487 1516-1510.2.5 80-1473 2722 1520
2Joseph] his brothers recognized and alienated himself 42:19 ei eirhnikoi¢ este¢ ¢ umwn
adelfoV ¢ ¢
katasceqhtw eiV
575 1473 2532 2980 1473 4642 2532 2036 1473 If you are peaceable, [3of your brothers 1let 4be held 2one]
ap' ¢ kai elalhsen
autwn ¢ ¢ sklhra
autoiV ¢ kai eipen
¢ ¢
autoiV 1722 3588 5438 1473-1161 897.2 2532 520
from them, and he spoke to them hard. And he said to them, en th ¢ autoi¢ de
fulakh ¢
badisate ¢
kai apagagete
in the prison! but you yourselves proceed, and take back

42:2 †CP agorasate – buy.

64 G E N E S I S 42:20
3588 60.1 3588 4619.3-1473 2532 3588 80
¢ thV sitodosiaV
ton agorasmon ¢ umwn
¢ ¢
42:20 kai ton adelfon Joseph’s Brothers Return to Canaan
the purchase of your provision! And [4brother 2064-1161 4314 * 3588 3962-1473 1519
1473 3588 3501 71 4314 1473 2532 4100 ¢
42:29 hlqon de ¢
proV Iakwb ¢ autwn
ton patera ¢ eiV
¢ ton newteron
umwn ¢ ¢
agagete proV me ¢
kai pisteuqhsontai And they came to Jacob their father in
2your 3younger 1you lead] to me! and I will trust 1093 * 2532 518 1473 3956 3588
3588 4487-1473 1490 599 4160-1161 3779 ghn ¢
Canaan kai ¢
aphggeilan ¢
autw ¢
panta ta
ta ¢
rhmata ¢
umwn ei de mh ¢
apoqaneisqe ¢
epoihsan ¢
de outwV the land of Canaan. And they reported to him all the things
your sayings; but if not you shall die. And they did so. 4819 1473 3004 2980 3588
2532 2036 1538 4314 3588 80-1473 3483 1722 ¢
sumbanta ¢
autoiV ¢
legonteV 42:30 ¢
lelalhken o
42:21 kai ¢
eipen ¢
ekastoV ¢ autou¢ nai en
proV ton adelfon coming to pass to them, saying, [7spoke 1The
And said each to his brother, Yes, [3in 444 3588 2962 3588 1093 4314 1473 4642
266 1063 1510.2.4 4012 3588 80-1473 3754 ¢
anqrwpoV o ¢
kurioV thV ghV ¢
proV hmaV ¢
amartiaiV ¢
gar esmen peri¢ tou adelfou¢ hmwn ¢
¢ oti 2man 3the 4master 5of the 6land] to us hard,
4sins 1for 2we are] on account of our brother, for 2532 5087 1473 1722 5438 5613 2684 3588
5237 3588 2347 3588 5590-1473 3753 2610.2 ¢
kai eqeto ¢
hmaV en ¢ wV
fulakh ¢
kataskopeuontaV thn
upereidomen ¢
thn qliyin thV yuchV ¢
¢ autou¢ ote ¢
katedeeto and put us in prison as spying out the
we overlooked the affliction of his soul when he besought 1093 2036-1161 1473 1516-1510.2.4 3756-1510.2.4
1473 2532 3756 1522 1473 2532 1752 3778 ghn ¢
42:31 eipamen de ¢
autw eirhnikoi¢ esmen
¢ ¢
ouk esmen
¢ kai ouk
hmwn ¢
eishkousamen ¢
autou¢ kai eneken ¢
toutou land. And we said to him, We are peaceable, we are not
us, and we did not listen to him, and because of this 2685 1427 80 1510.2.4 5207 3588 3962-1473
1904 1909 1473 3588 2347-3778 611 1161 ¢
kataskopoi ¢
42:32 dwdeka adelfoi¢ esmen
¢ uioi¢ tou patroV
¢ hmwn
ephlqen ef' ¢ h
hmaV ¢
qliyiV ¢
auth ¢ de
42:22 apokriqeiV spies. Twelve brothers we are, sons of our father;
[2came 3upon 4us 1this affliction]. [3answering 1And 3588 1520 3756 5224 3588-1161 3397 3326 3588
* 2036 1473 3756 2980 1473 3004 o eiV ouc ¢
uparcei o de ¢
mikroteroV ¢
meta tou
Roubhn ¢
eipen ¢
autoiV ouk ¢
elalhsa ¢
umin ¢
legwn the one does not exist, and the younger is with
2Reuben] said to them, Did I not speak to you, saying, 3962-1473 4594 1722 1093 * 2036
3361 91 3588 3808 2532 3756 ¢ hmwn
patroV ¢ ¢
shmeron en gh ¢
Canaan ¢
42:33 eipe
mh ¢
adikhshte to ¢
paidarion kai ouk our father today in the land of Canaan. [8said
You should not wrong the lad, and you did not 1161 1473 3588 444 3588 2962 3588 1093 1722
1522 1473 2532 2400 3588 129-1473 1567 de ¢
hmin o ¢
anqrwpoV o ¢
kurioV thV ghV en
eishkousate¢ mou kai idou¢ to ¢
aima autou¢ ekzhteitai
¢ 1And 9to us 2the 3man 4the 5master 6of the 7land], By
hearken to me? And behold, his blood is required. 3778 1097 3754 1516-1510.2.5 80-1473
1473-1161 3756 1492 3754 191-* 3588-1063 ¢
toutw ¢
gnwsomai ¢
oti eirhnikoi¢ este¢ ¢ umwn
adelfon ¢
42:23 autoi¢ de ouk ¢
hdeisan ¢
oti ¢ Iwshf
akouei ¢ o gar this I will know that you are peaceable, [3of your brothers
And they did not know that Joseph heard, for the 863 1520 5602 3326 1473 3588-1161 60.1 3588
2058.1 303.1 1473 1510.7.3 654-1161 ¢
afete ¢
ena ¢
wde met' emou¢ ton de ¢ thV
¢ anameson
ermhneuthV ¢ ¢
autwn hn ¢ de
42:24 apostrafeiV 1you leave 2one] here with me! and the purchase of the
translator [2between 3them 1was]. And turning 4619.3 3588 3624-1473 2983 565
575 1473 2799-* 2532 3825 4334 4314 ¢
sitodosiaV tou ¢
oikou ¢
umwn ¢
labonteV ¢
ap' autwn ¢
¢ eklausen ¢ kai palin
Iwshf ¢ ¢
proshlqe proV provision for your house having taken, you go forth!
from them, Joseph wept. And again he came forward to 2532 71 4314 1473 3588 80 1473 3588 3501
1473 2532 2036 1473 2532 2983 3588 * 575 1473 ¢
42:34 kai agagete ¢ umwn
proV me ton adelfon ¢ ton newteron
¢ kai eipen
autouV ¢ autoiV ¢
¢ kai elabe ¢ ap' autwn
ton Sumewn ¢ And you lead to me [3brother 1your 2younger]!
them, and spoke to them. And he took Simeon from them, 2532 1097 3754 3756 2685 1510.2.5 235 3754
2532 1210 1473 1726 1473 1781 1161 ¢
kai gnwsomai ¢
oti ou ¢
kataskopoi¢ este ¢
all' oti
kai edhsen ¢ enantion
auton ¢ ¢
autwn ¢
42:25 eneteilato de and I shall know that [2not 3spies 1you are], but that
and he tied him before them. [3gave charge 1And 1516-1510.2.5 2532 3588 80-1473 591
* 1705 3588 30-1473 4621 2532 591 eirhnikoi¢ este¢ kai ton ¢ umwn
adelfon ¢ ¢
Iwshf ¢
emplhsai ¢ autwn
ta aggeia ¢ ¢
sitou ¢
kai apodounai you are peaceable, and [3your brother 1I will give back
2Joseph] to fill up their containers of grain, and to give back 1473 2532 3588 1093 1710 1096-1161
3588 694-1473 1538 1519 3588 4526-1473 2532 1325 ¢
umin kai th gh ¢
emporeuesqe ¢
42:35 egeneto de
to ¢
argurion ¢ ekastw
autwn ¢ ¢
eiV ton sakkon autou¢ kai dounai
¢ 2to you], and [2in the 3land 1you can trade]! And it happened
their silver to each in his sackcloth, and to give 1722 3588 2621.1-1473 3588 4526-1473 2532 1510.7.3
1473 1979 1519 3588 3598 2532 1096 1473 en ¢ autouV
tw katakenoun ¢ touV sakkouV
¢ ¢ kai hn
¢ episitismon
autoiV ¢ eiV ¢
thn odon kai ¢
egenhqh ¢
autoiV in their emptying their sackcloths, and there was
them provisions for the journey. And it became to them 1538 3588 1199 3588 694 1722 3588 4526-1473
3779 2532 2007 3588 4621 1909 3588 3688-1473 ¢
ekastou o ¢
desmoV ¢
tou arguriou en tw ¢
sakkw ¢
outwV ¢
42:26 kai epiqenteV ¢
ton siton epi¢ ¢
touV onouV ¢
autwn [3in each 1a bundle 2of silver] in their sackcloth.
so. And placing the grain upon their donkeys, 2532 1492 3588 1199 3588 694-1473 1473 2532
565 1564 3089 1161 1520 3588 ¢
kai eidon ¢ tou arguriou
touV desmouV ¢ autwn
¢ autoi¢ kai
aphlqon ¢
ekeiqen ¢
42:27 lusaV de eiV ton And they saw the bundles of their silver to them, and
they went forth from there. [3untying 1And 2one] 3588 3962-1473 2532 5399 2036 1161 1473
3139.2-1473 1325 5527 3588 3688-1473 3739 o ¢ autwn
pathr ¢ kai efobhqhsan
¢ ¢
42:36 eipe de ¢
marsippon autou¢ dounai
¢ ¢
cortasmata ¢
toiV onoiV autou¢ ou their father, and they feared. [4said 1And 5to them
his bag, to give fodder to his donkeys where * 3588 3962-1473 1473-815.1 *
2647 2532 1492 3588 1199 3588 694 1473 2532 ¢
Iakwb o ¢ autwn
pathr ¢ eme¢ hteknwsate
¢ ¢
katelusan ¢
kai eide ¢
ton desmon ¢
tou arguriou autou¢ kai 2Jacob 3their father], You are making me childless; Joseph
they rested, and he saw [2bundle 3of silver 1his], for 3756-1510.2.3 * 3756-1510.2.3 2532 3588 *-2983
1510.7.3 1883 3588 4750 3588 3139.2 2532 2036 ¢
ouk esti ¢ ou esti
Sumewn ¢ ¢ lhyesqe
kai ton Beniamin ¢
hn ¢
epanw ¢
tou stomatoV tou ¢
marsippou ¢
42:28 kai eipe is not, Simeon is not, and will you take Benjamin?
it was upon the mouth of the bag. And he said 1909 1473 1096 3778 3956 2036 1161
3588 80-1473 591 1473 3588 694 ep' eme¢ egeneto
¢ ¢
tauta ¢
panta ¢
42:37 eipe de
¢ autou¢ apedoqh
toiV adelfoiV ¢ moi to ¢
argurion Upon me [3happened 2these things 1all]. [3said 1And
to his brothers, [3was given back 4to me 1the 2silver], * 3588 3962-1473 3004 3588 1417 5207 1473
2532 2400 3778 1722 3588 3139.2-1473 2532 1839 3588 ¢
Roubhn tw patri¢ autou
¢ ¢
legwn ¢
touV duo ¢ mou
kai idou¢ ¢
touto en ¢
tw marsippw ¢
mou kai exesth h 2Reuben] to his father, saying, The two sons of mine
and behold, this is in my bag. And it startled 615 1437 3361-71 1473 4314 1473 1325 1473 1519
2588-1473 2532 5015 4314 240 3004 ¢
apokteinon ¢ mh agagw
ean ¢ ¢ proV se
auton doV ¢ eiV
¢ autwn
kardia ¢ kai etaracqhsan
¢ ¢
proV allhlouV ¢
legonteV you may kill if I do not lead him to you. You give him into
their hearts, and they were disturbed with one another, saying, 3588 5495-1473 2504 321 1473 4314 1473 3588 1161
5100 3778 4160-3588-2316 1473 ¢ a
thn ceir ¢ mou kagw
¢ anaxw
¢ ¢ proV se
auton 42:38 o de
ti ¢ epoihsen
touto ¢ ¢ hmin
o qeoV ¢ my hand, and I will lead him to you. And
What is this God did to us?
43:1 G E N E S I S 65
2036 3756 2597 3588 5207-1473 3326 1473 3754 3588 4314 * 3588 3962-1473 649 3588 3808 3326
eipen ou ¢
katabhsetai o ¢ mou meq' umwn
uioV ¢ oti
¢ o ¢ ton patera
proV Israhl ¢ autou¢ aposteilon
¢ ¢
to paidarion met'
he said, [2shall not 3go down 1My son] with you, for to Israel his father, You send the lad with
80-1473 599 2532 1473 3441 2641 2532 1473 2532 450 4198 2443 2198 2532 3361
¢ autou¢ apeqane
adelfoV ¢ ¢ monoV
kai autoV ¢ ¢
kataleleiptai kai emou¢ kai anastanteV
¢ ¢
poreusomeqa ¢
ina ¢
zwmen kai mh
his brother died, and he alone is left behind. And me, and rising up let us go, that we may live and not
4819 1473 3119.1 1722 3588 3598 599 2532 1473 2532 1473 2532 3588 643.1-1473 1473
sumbhsetai ¢ malakisqhnai
auton ¢ en th ¢
odw ¢
apoqanwmen ¢ kai su kai h
kai hmeiV ¢ hmwn
aposkeuh ¢ ¢
43:9 egw
suppose it shall come to pass that he be infirm in the way die, and we and you and our belongings. I
3739 302 4198 2532 2609 1473 3588 1094 3326 1551 1473 1537 5495-1473 2212 1473
h an ¢
poreushqe ¢
kai kataxet e¢ mou to ¢
ghraV ¢
meta ¢
ekdecomai ¢ ek
auton ¢ mou zhthson
ceiroV ¢ ¢
which ever you go, and you will lead me in old age with will look out for him. [3from out of 4my hand 1You seek 2him].
3077 1519 86 1437 3361 71 1473 4314 1473 2532 2476 1473 1726
luphV ¢
eiV adou ¢ mh
ean ¢
agagw ¢ proV se
auton ¢
kai sthsw ¢ enantion
auton ¢
distress into Hades. If I do not lead him to you, and set him before
1473 264-1510.8.1 1519 1473 3956 3588 2250 1487
CHAPTER 43 ¢ esomai
sou hmarthkwV ¢ eiV ¢
se pasaV ¢
taV hmeraV 43:10 ei
you, I will be sinning against you all the days. [2if
3361 1063 1019 2235 302 5290
Joseph’s Brothers Return to Egypt mh gar ¢
ebradunamen ¢
hdh an ¢
3588-1161 3042 1765 1909 3588 1093 4not 1For 3we slowed], already even we should have returned
43:1 o de ¢
limoV ¢
eniscusen epi¢ thV ghV 1364 2036 1161 1473 * 3588 3962-1473
But the famine grew in strength upon the land. diV ¢
43:11 eipe de ¢
autoiV ¢ o
Israhl ¢ autwn
pathr ¢
1096-1161 2259 4931 2719 twice. [4said 1And 5to them 2Israel 3their father],
43:2 ¢
egeneto de ¢
hnika ¢
sunetelesan ¢
katafagein 1487 3779 1510.2.3 3778 4160 2983 575 3588 2590
And it came to pass when they completed eating up ei ¢
outwV esti¢ ¢
touto ¢
poihsate ¢
labete apo¢ twn karpwn
3588 4621 3739 5342 1537 * 2532 2036 If so it is, this you do! You take from the fruits
ton ¢
siton on ¢
hnegkan ex ¢
Aiguptou kai ¢
eipen 3588 1093 1722 3588 30-1473 2532 2609 3588
the grain which they brought from Egypt, that [2said thV ghV en ¢
toiV aggeioiV ¢
umwn ¢
kai katagagete tw
1473 3588 3962-1473 3825 4198 4248.1 1473 of the earth in your containers, and bring to the
autoiV o ¢ autwn
pathr ¢ palin
¢ ¢
poreuqenteV ¢
priasqe ¢
hmin 444 1435 3588 4488.2 2532 3588 3192 2532 2368 2532
3to them 1their father], In again going, you buy us ¢
anqrwpw ¢
dwra ¢
thV rhtinhV ¢
kai tou melitoV ¢
kai qumiama kai
3397 1033 2036 1161 1473 * 3004 man gifts of balm, and of honey, and incense, and
mikra ¢
brwmata ¢
43:3 eipe de ¢
autw ¢
IoudaV ¢
legwn 4712.6 2532 5059.2 2532 2594.5 2532 3588 694
a small amount of foods! [3said 1And 4to him 2Judah], saying, ¢
stakthn ¢
kai terebinqon ¢
kai karua 43:12 kai to ¢
1262.2 3140 1473 3588 444 3588 2962 balsam, and turpentine, and walnuts! And [3silver
¢ memarturhtai
diamarturia ¢ ¢ o
hmin ¢
anqrwpoV o ¢
kurioV 1364.1 2983 1722 3588 5495-1473 2532 3588 694 3588
[3bore witness 4by testifying 5to us 1The 2man], the master ¢ labete
disson ¢ en ¢ umwn
taiV cersin ¢ kai to ¢
argurion to
3588 1093 3004 3756 3708 3588 4383-1473 2double 1you take] in your hands. And the silver
thV ghV ¢
legwn ouk ¢
oyesqe to ¢
proswp ¢ mou
on 654 1722 3588 3139.2-1473 654 3326
of the land, saying, You shall not see my face ¢
apostrafen en ¢
toiV marsippoiV ¢ apostreyate
umwn ¢ meq'
1437 3361 3588 80 1473 3588 3501 3326 1473 being returned in your bags, return it with
¢ mh
ean o ¢ umwn
adelfoV ¢ o ¢
newteroV meq' ¢
umwn 1473 3379 51-1510.2.3 2532 3588 80-1473
if [4should not 3brother 1your 2younger 6with 7you ¢ mh
umwn ¢ pote agnohm
¢ a ¢ esti ¢ umwn
43:13 kai ton adelfon ¢
2064 1487 3303 3767 649 3588 80-1473 you, perhaps it is by ignorance! And [2your brother
elqh 43:4 ei men oun ¢
apostellhV ¢ hmwn
ton adelfon ¢ 2983 2532 450 2597 4314 3588 444
5come]. If then, you send our brother ¢
labete ¢
kai anastanteV ¢
katabhte ¢
proV ton anqrwpon
3326 1473 2597 2532 59 1473-1033 1you take], and rising go down to the man!
meq' ¢
hmwn ¢
katabhsomeqa ¢
kai agorasom ¢ soi brwmata
en ¢ 3588 1161 2316-1473 1325 1473 5484 1726 3588 444
with us, we will go down, and we will buy foods for you. 43:14 o de ¢ mou dwh
qeoV ¢ umin
¢ carin
¢ ¢ tou anqrwpou
enantion ¢
1490 649 3588 80-1473 3326 1473 And my God give to you favor before the man,
43:5 ei de mh ¢
apostellhV ¢ hmwn
ton adelfon ¢ meq' hmwn
¢ 2532 649 3588 80-1473 3588 1520 2532 3588
But if you do not send our brother with us, kai ¢
aposteilai ¢ umwn
ton adelfon ¢ ¢
ton ena kai ton
3756 4198 3588-1063 444 2036 1473 3004 even to send your brother, the other one, and
ou ¢
poreusomeqa o gar ¢
anqrwpoV ¢
eipen ¢ legwn
hmin ¢ * 1473-3303 1063 2509 815.1
we will not go, for the man said to us, saying, ¢ egw
Beniamin ¢ men ¢
gar kaqaper ¢
3756 3708 1473 3588 4383 1437 3361 3588 Benjamin. [3I indeed 1For 2as much as] have been made childless,
ouk ¢
oyesqe¢ mou to ¢
proswpon ¢ mh
ean o 815.1 2983 1161 3588 435
You shall not see my face if [4should not ¢
hteknwmai ¢
43:15 labonteV de oi ¢
80 1473 3588 3501 3326 1473 1510.3 2036 I have been made childless. [4receiving 1And 2the 3men]
¢ umwn
adelfoV ¢ o ¢
newteroV meq' ¢
umwn h ¢
43:6 eipe 3588 1435-3778 2532 3588 694 1362 2983 1722
3brother 1your 2younger 6with 7you 5be]. [3said ta ¢
dwra ¢
tauta kai to ¢
argurion ¢
diploun ¢
elabon en
1161 * 5100 2554 1473 312 these gifts, and the [2silver 1double] they took in
de ¢
Israhl ti ¢
ekakopoihsate me ¢
anaggeilanteV 3588 5495-1473 2532 3588 * 2532 450
1And 2Israel], Why did you do evil to me announcing taiV ¢ autwn
cersin ¢ kai ton ¢
Beniamin kai ¢
3588 444 3754 1510.2.3 1473 80 3588 1161 their hands, and Benjamin, and rising up
tw ¢
anqrwpw ¢
oti ¢
estin ¢
umin ¢
adelfoV 43:7 oi de 2597 1519 * 2532 2476 1726 *
to the man that there is to you a brother? And ¢
katebhsan eiV ¢
Aigupton ¢
kai esthsan ¢
enantion ¢
2036 2065 1905 1473 3588 444 2532 3588 they went down into Egypt, and stood before Joseph.
eipan ¢
erwtwn ¢
ephrwthsen ¢ o
hmaV ¢
anqrwpoV kai thn 1492 1161 * 1473 2532 3588 * 3588
they said, In asking, [3asked 4of us 1the 2man] and ¢
43:16 eide de ¢
Iwshf ¢ kai ton Beniamin
autouV ¢ ton
1074-1473 3004 1487 2089 3588 3962-1473 2198 2532 1487 [3saw 1And 2Joseph] them, and Benjamin
¢ hmwn
genean ¢ legwn
¢ ei ¢
eti o ¢ umwn
pathr ¢ zh kai ei 80-1473 3588 3672.2 2532 2036
our family, saying, Does [2still 1our father] live, and if ¢ autou¢ ton
adelfon ¢
omomhtrion kai ¢
1510.2.3 1473 80 2532 518 1473 2596 his brother, the one born of the same mother. And he said
estin ¢ adelfoV
umin ¢ kai aphggeilamen
¢ ¢ kata
autw ¢ 3588 1909 3588 3614-1473 1521 3588 444
there is to us a brother. And we reported to him according to tw epi¢ ¢ autou¢ eisagage
thV oikiaV ¢ ¢
touV anqrwpouV
3588 1906.1-3778 3361 1492 3754 2046 to the one over his house, Bring the men
thn eperwthsin ¢
tauthn mh ¢
eidomen ¢
oti erei¢ 1519 3588 3614 2532 4969 2367.3
this questioning. We did not know that he would say eiV ¢
thn oikian ¢
kai sfaxon ¢
1473 71 3588 80-1473 2036 1161 * into the house, and slay the things offered for sacrifices,
¢ agagete
hmin ¢ ¢ umwn
ton adelfon ¢ ¢
43:8 eipe de ¢
to us, You bring your brother! [3said 1And 2Judah]
66 G E N E S I S 43:17
2532 2090 3326 1473 1063 2068 3588 444 1473 3588 1435 3739 2192 1722 3588 5495-1473 1519 3588
kai etoimason met' emou¢ gar fagontai
¢ oi ¢
anqrwpoi ¢ ta dwra
autw ¢ a ¢
eicon en ¢ autwn
taiV cersin ¢ eiV ton
and prepare! [5with 6me 1for 4will eat 2the 3men] to him the gifts which they had in their hands, into the
740 3588 3314 4160 1161 3588 3624 2532 4352 1473 1909 4383 1909 3588
artouV thn ¢
meshmbrian 43:17 ¢
epoihse de o ¢
oikon ¢
kai prosekunhsan ¢ epi¢
autw ¢
proswpon epi¢ thn
bread loaves at midday. [4did 1And 2the house. And they did obeisance to him upon their face upon the
444 2505 2036-* 2532 1521 3588 444 1093 2065-1161 1473 4459 2192 2532
anqrwpoV ¢ eipen
kaqa ¢ ¢ kai eishgage
Iwshf ¢ ¢
touV anqrwpouV ghn ¢
43:27 hrwthse de autouV ¢
¢ pwV ecete kai
3man] as Joseph said. And he brought the men ground. And he asked them, How have you been? And
1519 3588 3624 * 1492 1161 3588 435 3754 2036 1473 1487 5198 3588 3962-1473 3588 4246
eiV ton oikon ¢
Iwshf ¢
43:18 idonteV de oi ¢
andreV ¢
oti ¢
eipen ¢ ei
autoiV ¢
ugiainei o ¢ umwn
pathr ¢ o ¢
into the house of Joseph. [4seeing 1And 2the 3men] that he said to them, Is [2in health 1your father], the old man
1521 1519 3588 3624 * 2036 1223 3739 2036 2089 2198 3588 1161 2036
eishcqhsan ¢
eiV ton oikon ¢
Iwshf ¢
eipan ¢
dia on ¢
eipate ¢
eti zh 43:28 oi de ¢
they were brought into the house of Joseph, said, On account of whom you spoke of? Still he lives? And they said,
3588 694 3588 654 1722 3588 3139.2-1473 3588 5198 3588 3816-1473 3588 3962-1473 2089 2198
to argurion ¢ en toiV marsippoiV
to apostrafen ¢ ¢ thn
hmwn ¢
ugiainei o paiV sou o ¢ hmwn
pathr ¢ ¢
eti zh
the silver returned in our bags in the He is in health – your servant our father, still lives.
746 1473 1521 3588 4811 1473 2532 2532 2036 2128 3588 444-1565 3588 2316 2532
archn ¢ eisagomeqa
hmeiV ¢ ¢
tou sukofanthsai ¢ kai
hmaV ¢
kai eipen ¢ o
euloghtoV ¢
anqrwpoV ¢
ekeinoV ¢
tw qew kai
beginning we are brought in – to extort us, and And he said, Blessed be that man by God. And
2007 1473 3588 2983 1473 1519 3816 2532 2955 4352 1473 308-1161
epiqesqai ¢ tou labein
hmin ¢ hmaV
¢ eiV paidaV
¢ kai ¢
kuyanteV ¢
prosekunhsan ¢
autw ¢
43:29 anableyaV de
to place charge upon us, to take us as servants, and bowing they did obeisance to him. And looking up with
3588 3688-1473 4334-1161 4314 3588 444 3588 3788-1473 1492 * 3588 80-1473
touV onouV ¢
hmwn ¢
43:19 proselqonteV de ¢
proV ton anqrwpon ¢ autou¢ eide
toiV ofqalmoiV ¢ ¢ ton adelfon
Beniamin ¢ autou¢
our donkeys. And coming forward to the man, his eyes, he saw Benjamin his brother,
3588 1909 3588 3624 3588 * 2980 1473 1722 3588 3672.2 2532 2036 3778 3588
ton epi¢ ¢
tou oikou ¢
tou Iwshf ¢
elalhsan ¢
autw en ton ¢
omomhtrion kai ¢
eipen ¢
outoV o
the one over the house of Joseph, they spoke to him in the one born of the same mother. And he said, This is
3588 4440 3588 3624 3004 1189 80-1473 3588 3501 3739 2036 4314 1473
tw ¢
pulwni tou ¢
oikou ¢
43:20 legonteV ¢
deomeqa ¢ umwn
adelfoV ¢ o ¢
newteroV on ¢
eipate proV me
the vestibule of the house, saying, We beseech you, your brother the younger whom you spoke to me
2962 2597 3588 746 4248.1 1033 71 2532 2036 3588 2316 1653 1473 5043
kurie ¢
katebhmen thn ¢
archn ¢
priasqai ¢
brwmata ¢
agagein kai ¢
eipen o ¢ elehsai
qeoV ¢ se ¢
O master, we went down in the beginning to buy foods, of bringing? And he said, God show mercy to you child.
1096-1161 2259 2064 1519 3588 2647 2532 5015 1161 * 4962 1063 3588
43:21 egeneto de ¢
hnika ¢
hlqomen eiV to ¢
katalusai kai ¢
43:30 etaracqh de ¢
Iwshf ¢
sunestrefeto gar ta
and it happened when we came to rest up, and [3was disturbed 1And 2Joseph]. [3contracted 1For
455 3588 3139.2-1473 2532 3592 3588 694 1781.1-1473 1909 3588 80-1473 2532 2212 2799
hnoixamen ¢
touV marsippouV ¢
hmwn ¢
kai tode to ¢
argurion ¢
entera autou¢ epi¢ tw adelfw
¢ autou¢ kai ezhtei
¢ ¢
we opened our bags, that thus, the silver 2his innards] over his brother, and he was seeking to weep,
1538-1722 3588 3139.2-1473 3588 694-1473 1722 1525-1161 1519 3588 5009 2799 1563 2532
ekastou en tw ¢
marsippw autou¢ to ¢
argurion ¢
hmwn en ¢ de
eiselqwn eiV to ¢
tameion ¢
eklausen ekei¢ 43:31 kai
was in each of his bag. [3our silver 4with and he entered into the storeroom to weep there. And
4712.4 654 3568 1722 3588 5495-1473 3538 3588 4383 1831 1467
staqmw ¢
apestreyamen nun en taiV ¢ hmwn
cersin ¢ ¢
niyamenoV to ¢
proswpon ¢
exelqwn ¢
5the weight 1We returned 2now] in our hands, he washed his face, and coming forth he controlled himself,
2532 694 2087 5342 3326 1438 59 2532 2036 3908 740 2532 3908
43:22 kai argurion ¢
eteron ¢
hnegkamen ¢
meq' eautwn ¢
agorasai ¢ paraqete
kai eipe ¢ ¢
artouV ¢
43:32 kai pareqhkan
and [3silver 2other 1we brought] with ourselves to buy and said, You place the bread loaves. And they placed a setting
1033 3756-1492 5100 1685 3588 694 1519 3588 1473 3441 2532 1473 2596 1438 2532 3588 *
brwmata ¢
ouk oidamen tiV ¢
enebale to ¢
argurion eiV touV ¢ monw
autw ¢ ¢ kaq' eautouV
kai autoiV ¢ kai toiV ¢
foods, we do not know who put the silver in to him alone, and to them by themselves, and to the Egyptians
3139.2-1473 2036-1161 1473 2436 1473 3588 4885.2 3326 1473 2596 1438 3756
marsippouV ¢
hmwn ¢ de
43:23 eipe autoiV ¢
¢ ilewV ¢
umin ¢
toiV sundeipnousi met' autou¢ kaq' ¢
eautouV ou
our bags. And he said to them, Kindness be to you, dining with them by themselves, [4were not
3361 5399 3588 2316-1473 2532 3588 2316 3588 3962-1473 1063 1410 3588 * 4906 3326 3588
mh ¢
fobeisqe o ¢ umwn
qeoV ¢ kai o ¢ twn paterwn
qeoV ¢ ¢
umwn gar ¢
edunanto oi ¢
Aiguptioi ¢
sunesqiein ¢
meta twn
do not fear. Your God, and the God of your fathers 1for 5able 2the 3Egyptians] to eat [2with 3the
1325 1473 2344 1722 3588 3139.2-1473 2532 * 740 946 1063 1510.2.3 3588
edwken ¢
umin ¢
qhsaurouV en ¢
toiV marsippoiV ¢
umwn kai ¢
Ebraiwn ¢
artouV ¢
bdelugma ¢
gar esti toiV
gave to you treasures in your bags, and 4Hebrews 1bread loaves], [3an abomination 1for 2it is] to the
3588 694-1473 2107.1 566 2532 1806 4314 * 2523-1161 1726 1473 3588 4416
to ¢
argurion ¢ eudokimoun
umwn ¢ apecw
¢ ¢
kai exhgage proV ¢
AiguptioiV ¢
43:33 ekaqisan ¢ autou¢ o
de enantion ¢
your silver in approving I receive. And he led out to Egyptians. And he seated before himself the first-born
1473 3588 * 2532 5342 5204 3538 3588 2596 3588 4242.1-1473 2532 3588 3501 2596
¢ ton Simewn
autouV ¢ ¢
43:24 kai hnegken ¢
udwr ¢
niyai touV ¢
kata ta ¢
presbeia autou¢ kai o ¢
newteroV ¢
them Simeon. And he brought water to wash according to their seniority, and the younger according
4228-1473 2532 1325 5527 3588 3688-1473 3588 3503-1473 1839 1161 3588 444
podaV ¢
autwn kai ¢
edwke ¢
cortasmata ¢
toiV onoiV ¢
autwn ¢
thn neothta autou¢ existanto
¢ de oi ¢
their feet. And he gave fodder to their donkeys. to his youth. [5were looking amazed 1And 2the 3men
2090-1161 3588 1435 2193 3588 2064 1519 * 1538 4314 3588 80-1473 142-1161
43:25 htoimasan de ¢
ta dwra ¢
ewV ¢ eiV Iwshf
tou elqein ¢ ¢
ekastoV ¢ autou¢
proV ton adelfon ¢
43:34 hran de
And they prepared the gifts until [2came 3at 1Joseph] 4each] at his brother. And they lifted away
3314 191-1063 3754 1563 3195 709 3310 3844 1473 4314 1473 3170 1161 3588
meshmbriaV ¢
hkousan ¢
gar oti ekei¢ ¢
mellei ¢
aristan ¢
meridaV par' autou¢ proV autouV
¢ emegalunqh
¢ de h
midday. For they heard that [3there 1he was about 2to dine]. the portions from him to them. [5was magnified 1And 2the
1525 1161 * 1519 3588 3614 2532 4374 3310 * 3844 3588 3310 3956 4001.2
43:26 eishlqe de ¢
Iwshf ¢ kai proshnegkan
eiV thn oikian ¢ ¢
meriV ¢
Beniamin ¢ taV meridaV
para ¢ ¢
pantwn ¢
[3entered 1And 2Joseph] into the house, and they brought 3portion 4of Benjamin] over the portions of all – five-fold
44:1 G E N E S I S 67
4314 3588 1565 4095-1161 2532 3184 3326 3624 3588 2962-1473 694 2228 5553 3844 3739
proV taV ekeinwn ¢
epion de ¢
kai emequsqhsan met' ¢
oikou ¢ sou
tou kuriou ¢
argurion h ¢
crusion 44:9 par' w
over those. And they drank and became intoxicated with house of your master silver or gold? By whom
1473 302 2147 3588 2866.1 3588 3816-1473
autou¢ an ¢
eureqh to ¢
kondu ¢
twn paidwn sou
him. ever [3should be found 1the 2drinking cup] of your servants,
599 2532 1473 1161 1510.8.4 3816 3588
apoqnhsketw kai ¢
hmeiV de ¢
esomeqa ¢
paideV tw
let him die. [3also 2we 1And] will be servants to
2962-1473 3588 1161 2036 2532 3568 5613 3004 3779
Joseph’s Cup ¢ umwn
kuriw ¢ 44:10 o de ¢
eipe ¢
kai nun wV legete ¢
2532 1781-* 3588 1909 3588 your master! And he said, And now as you say, so
44:1 kai ¢
eneteilato ¢
Iwshf tw epi¢ thV 1510.8.3 3844 3739 302 2147 3588 2866.1
And Joseph gave charge to the one over ¢
estai par' w an ¢
eureqh to ¢
3614-1473 3004 4130 3588 3139.2 3588 it will be. By whom ever [3should be found 1the 2drinking cup],
¢ autou¢
oikiaV ¢
legwn ¢
plhsate touV ¢
marsippouV twn 1510.8.3 1473 3816 1473-1161 1510.8.5 2513 2532
his house, saying, Fill the bags of the ¢
estai mou paiV ¢ de
umeiV ¢
esesqe kaqaroi¢ 44:11 kai
444 1033 3745 302 1410 142 will be my servant, and you all shall be pure. And
anqrwpwn ¢
brwmatwn ¢
osa an ¢
dunwntai ¢
arai 4692 2532 2507 1538 3588 3139.2-1473
men with foods, as much as they are able to lift away. ¢
espeusan ¢
kai kaqeilan ¢
ekastoV ¢
ton marsippon autou¢
2532 1685 1538 3588 694 1909 3588 4750 they hastened, and [2lowered 1each] his bag
kai ¢
embalete ¢
ekastou to ¢
argurion epi¢ tou stomatoV
¢ 1909 3588 1093 2532 455 1538 3588 3139.2-1473
And put in each the silver at the mouth epi¢ thn ghn ¢
kai hnoixan ¢
ekastoV ¢
ton marsippon autou¢
3588 3139.2 2532 3588 2866.1 1473 3588 upon the ground, and [2opened 1each] his bag.
tou ¢
marsippou 44:2 kai to ¢
kondu mou to 2045-1161 575 3588 4245 756
of the bag. And [3drinking cup 1my ¢
44:12 hreunhse de apo¢ tou ¢
presbuterou ¢
693 1685 1519 3588 3139.2 3588 3501 And he searched [2from 3the 4older 1beginning]
arguroun ¢
embalete eiV ton ¢
marsippon tou ¢
newterou 2193 2064 1909 3588 3501 2532 2147 3588 2866.1
2silver] put into the bag of the younger, ¢
ewV ¢
hlqen epi¢ ton newteron
¢ ¢
kai eure to ¢
2532 3588 5092 3588 4621-1473 1096-1161 2596 until he came to the younger. And he found the drinking cup
¢ tou sitou
kai thn timhn ¢ autou¢ egenhqh
¢ de ¢
kata 1722 3588 3139.2 3588 * 2532 1284 3588
and the value of his grain. And it happened according to en ¢
tw marsippw ¢
tou Beniamin ¢
44:13 kai dierrhxan ta
3588 4487 * 2531 2036 4404 in the bag of Benjamin. And they tore
to ¢
rhma ¢
Iwshf ¢
kaqwV ¢
eipe 44:3 toprw+ 2440-1473 2532 2007 1538 3588 3139.2-1473 1909
the word of Joseph, as he said. In the morning ¢
imatia ¢ kai epeqhkan
autwn ¢ ¢
ekastoV ¢
ton marsippon autou¢ epi¢
1307.1 2532 3588 444 649 1473 their cloaks, and [2placed 1each] his bag upon
diefause kai oi ¢
anqrwpoi ¢
apestalhsan autoi¢ 3588 3688-1473 2532 1994 1519 3588 4172 1525
light shone through, and the men were sent, they ¢
ton onon autou¢ kai epestreyan
¢ ¢
eiV thn polin ¢
44:14 eishlqe
2532 3588 3688-1473 1831 1161 1473 3588 his donkey, and returned to the city. [3entered
kai oi ¢
onoi ¢
autwn ¢
44:4 exelqontwn de ¢ thn
autwn 1161 * 2532 3588 80-1473 4314 * 2089 1473
and their donkeys. [3going forth from 1And 2their] the de ¢
IoudaV kai oi adelfoi¢ autou¢ proV Iwshf ¢
¢ eti autou¢
4172 3756 566 3112 2532 * 2036 3588 1And 2Judah] and his brothers to Joseph, while he
polin ¢
ouk apescon ¢
makran ¢
kai Iwshf ¢
eipe tw 1510.6 1563 2532 4098 1726 1473 1909 3588 1093
city, not [2distance 1at a far], and Joseph said to the one ¢
ontoV ekei¢ kai ¢
epesan ¢
enantion autou¢ epi¢ thn ghn
1909 3588 3614-1473 450 1930.2 3694 3588 was there. And they fell before him upon the ground.
epi¢ thV ¢ autou¢ anastaV
oikiaV ¢ ¢
epidiwxon ¢
opisw twn 2036 1161 1473 * 5100 3588 4229-3778
over his house, In rising up, pursue after the ¢
44:15 eipe de ¢
autoiV ¢
Iwshf ti to ¢
pragma ¢
444 2532 2638 1473 2532 2046 [3said 1And 4to them 2Joseph], What is this
anqrwpwn kai ¢
katalhyh ¢
autouV kai ¢
ereiV 4160 3756 1492 3754 3634.5 3634.3
men, and you shall overtake them! And you shall say ¢
epoihsate ouk ¢
oidate ¢
oti ¢ oiwnieitai
oiwnismw ¢
1473 5100-3754 467 4190 473 2570 you did? Did you not know that [5an omen 4shall foretell
¢ ti oti
autoiV ¢ ¢
antapedwkate ¢ anti¢ kalwn
ponhra ¢ 3588 444 3634 1473 2036 1161 * 5100
to them, For what reason did you recompense bad for good? o ¢
anqrwpoV ¢
oioV ¢
egw ¢
44:16 eipe de ¢
IoudaV ti
2444 2813 1473 3588 2866.1 3588 693 1a man 2such as 3I]? [3said 1And 2Judah], How
inati¢ ¢
ekleyate¢ mou to ¢
kondu to ¢
arguroun 471 3588 2962 2228 5100 2980 2228
Why did you steal my [2drinking cup 1silver]? ¢
anteroumen tw ¢
kuriw h ti ¢
lalhsomen h
3756 3778-1510.2.3 1722-3739 4095 3588 2962-1473 shall we contradict the master, or what shall we speak, or
44:5 ou ¢ o¢ estin en w
tout ¢
pinei o ¢ oV
kuri ¢ mou 5100 1344 3588 2316-1161 2147 3588 93 3588
[2not 1Is this] in which [2drinks 1my master]? ti ¢
dikaiwqwmen o ¢ de
qeoV ¢
eure ¢
thn adikian twn
1473-1161 3634.5 3634.3 1722 1473 4190 how shall we be justified? For God found the injustice
¢ de oiwnismw
autoV ¢ oiwnizetai
¢ en ¢ ponhra
autw ¢ 3816-1473 2400 1510.2.4 3610 3588 2962-1473 2532
And he [2an omen 1foretells] by it? [2the wicked things ¢
paidwn sou idou¢ ¢ oiketai
esmen ¢ tw ¢ hmwn
kuriw ¢ kai
4931 3739 4160 2147-1161 of your servants. Behold, we are servants to our master, both
sunetelesasqe a ¢
pepoihkate ¢ de
44:6 eurwn 1473 2532 3844 3739 2147 3588 2866.1 2036
1You completed] which you have done. And having found ¢ kai par' w
hmeiV ¢
eureqh to ¢
kondu ¢
44:17 eipe
1473 2036 1473 2596 3588 4487-3778 3588 we and by whom was found with the drinking cup. [3said
¢ eipen
autouV ¢ ¢ kata
autoiV ¢ ¢
ta rhmata ¢
tauta 44:7 oi 1161 * 3361 1473-1096 4160 3588 4487-3778
them, he said to them according to these words. de ¢
Iwshf mh ¢
moi genoito ¢
poihsai to ¢
rhma ¢
1161 2036 1473 2444 2980 3588 2962 2596 3588 1And 2Joseph], Let it not be to me to do this thing.
de ¢
eipan ¢
autw inati¢ lalei¢ o ¢
kurioV ¢ ta
kata 3588 444 3844 3739 2147 3588 2866.1
And they said to him, Why speaks the master in o ¢
anqrwpoV par' w ¢
eureqh to ¢
4487-3778 3361 1096 3588 3816-1473 4160 The man by whom was found with the drinking cup,
rhmata ¢
tauta mh ¢
genoito toiV paisi¢ sou ¢
poihsai 1473 1510.8.3 1473 3816 1473-1161 305 3326 4991
these words? May it not be for your servants to do ¢ estai
autoV ¢ mou paiV ¢ de
umeiV ¢
anabhte ¢ swthriaV
meta ¢
2596 3588 4487-3778 1487 3588 3303 694 3739 he will be my servant. But you all ascend with safety
kata to ¢
rhma ¢
touto 44:8 ei to ¢
men argurion o 4314 3588 3962-1473 1448-1161 1473 *
according to this word; since the silver which ¢ umwn
proV ton patera ¢ ¢
44:18 eggisaV de ¢
autw ¢
2147 1722 3588 3139.2-1473 654 4314 1473 to your father. And approaching to him, Judah
euromen en ¢
toiV marsippoiV ¢ apestreyamen
hmwn ¢ proV se 2036 1189 2962 2980 3588 3816-1473 1726
we found in our bags we returned to you ¢
eipe ¢
deomai ¢
kurie ¢
lalhsatw o paiV sou ¢
1537 1093 * 4459 302 2813 1537 3588 said, I beseech O lord, let [2speak 1your servant] before
ek ghV ¢
Canaan pwV an ¢
kleyaimen ek tou
from the land of Canaan. How then would we steal from out of the
68 G E N E S I S 44:19
1473 2532 3361 2373 3588 3816-1473 3754 1473 1510.2.2 3568 3767 1437 1531 1519 3588 3816-1473 3962
sou kai mh ¢ tw
qumwqhV paidi¢ sou ¢
oti su ei ¢ eisporeuwmai
44:30 nun oun ean ¢ ¢ a
eiV ton paid ¢ sou patera
you, and be not enraged with your servant, for you are Now then, if I should enter to your servant [3father
3326 * 2962 1473 2065 3588 3816-1473 1161 1473 2532 3588 3813 3361 1510.3 3326 1473 3588-1161
¢ Faraw
meta ¢ ¢
44:19 kurie ¢
su hrwthsaV ¢ aV
touV paid ¢ sou de ¢ kai to paidion
hmwn ¢ mh h ¢ h de
meq' hmwn
after Pharaoh! O lord you asked your servants, 1and 2our], and the child should not be with us, then know
3004 1487 2192 3962 2228 80 2532 2036 5590-1473 1582 1537 3588 3778 5590 2532
legwn ei ¢
ecete ¢
patera h ¢
adelfon ¢
44:20 kai eipamen ¢ autou¢ ekkrematai
yuch ¢ ek ¢
thV toutou ¢
yuchV 44:31 kai
saying, [2you 1Have] a father or brother? And we said his life depends on this one’s life. And
3588 2962 1510.2.3 1473 3962 4245 2532 3813 1510.8.3 1722 3588 1492-1473 3361 1510.6 3588 3813 3326
tw ¢
kuriw ¢
estin ¢ pathr
hmin ¢ ¢
presbuteroV ¢
kai paidion ¢
estai en tw ¢ auton
idein ¢ mh on to ¢
paidion meq'
to the master, There is to us a father, an older man, and [2child it will be in his seeing [3not 4being 1the 2child] with
1094 3501 1473 2532 3588 80-1473 599 1473 5053 2532 2609 3588 3816-1473
ghrouV ¢
newteron ¢
autw kai o ¢ autou¢ apeqanen
adelfoV ¢ ¢ teleuthsei
hmwn ¢ ¢
kai kataxousin oi ¢ eV
paid ¢ sou
4old age 1a younger 3in his], and his brother died, us, he will come to an end, and [2will lead 1your servants]
1473-1161 3441 5275 3588 3384-1473 3588 1161 3588 1094 3588 3816-1473 3962 1161 1473 3326 3077
¢ de monoV
autoV ¢ ¢
upeleifqh th mhtri¢ autou¢ o de to ¢
ghraV ¢ sou patroV
tou paidoV ¢ de ¢ meta
hmwn ¢ luphV
and he alone was left behind of his mother, and to old age your servant [3father 1and 2our] with distress
3962 1473-25 2036-1161 3588 3816-1473 1519 86 3588 1063 3816-1473 1551 3588
pathr ¢ hgaphsen
auton ¢ ¢
44:21 eipaV de toiV paisi¢ sou eiV ¢
adou 44:32 o gar paiV sou ¢
ekdedektai to
his father loved him. And you said to your servants, into Hades. For your servant has looked out for the
2609 1473 4314 1473 2532 1959 1473 2532 3813 3844 3588 3962-1473 3004 1437 3361 71 1473
katagagete ¢ proV me kai epimeloumai
auton ¢ autou¢ 44:22 kai ¢ para
paidion ¢ tou patroV
¢ mou legwn ean
¢ mh ¢
agagw ¢
Lead him to me! and I will care for him. And child for my father, saying, If I do not lead him
2036 3588 2962 3756-1410 3588 3813 2641 3588 4314 1473 264 1510.8.1 4314 3588 3962 3956 3588
eipamen tw ¢ ou dunhsetai
kuriw ¢ to ¢ katalipein
paidion ¢ ton proV se hmarthkwV ¢
¢ esomai proV ¢
ton patera ¢
pasaV taV
we said to the master, [3is not able 1The 2child] to leave to you, [2sinning 1I will be] against my father all the
3962-1473 1437-1161 2641 3588 3962 599 2250 3568 3767 3887 1473 3816 473
¢ autou¢ ean
patera ¢ de kataliph
¢ ¢
ton patera ¢
apoqaneitai ¢
hmeraV 44:33 nun oun ¢
paramenw soi paiV anti¢
his father; and if he should leave his father, he will die. days. Now then, I will remain to you as a servant instead
1473-1161 2036 3588 3816-1473 1437 3361 2597 3588 3813 3610 3588 2962-1473 3588-1161
44:23 su de ¢
eipaV toiV paisi¢ sou ¢ mh
ean ¢
katabh tou ¢ oikethV
paidiou ¢ ¢ mou
tou kuriou to de
And you said to your servants, If [4does not 5go down of the child, as a domestic servant of my master. But let the
3588 80 1473 3588 3501 3326 1473 3756 3813 305 3326 3588 80 4459-1063
o ¢ umwn
adelfoV ¢ o ¢
newteroV meq' ¢
umwn ou ¢
paidion ¢
anabhtw ¢ twn adelfwn
meta ¢ autou¢ 44:34 pwV gar
3brother 1Your 2younger] with you, you shall not child ascend with his brothers. For how
4369 1492 3588 4383-1473 1096-1161 305 4314 3588 3962 3588 3813 3361 1510.6 3326
prosqhsesqe ¢ to
idein ¢
proswp ¢ mou
on ¢
44:24 egeneto de ¢
anabhsomai ¢
proV ton patera tou ¢
paidiou ¢
mh ontoV meq'
proceed to see my face. And it happened shall I ascend to the father of the child not being with
2259 305 4314 3588 3816-1473 3962-1473 1473 2443 3361 1492 3588 2556 3739 2147 3588
hnika ¢
anebhmen proV ton ¢ a
paid ¢ sou ¢ hmwn
patera ¢ hmwn ¢
¢ ina mh ¢
idw ta ¢
kaka a ¢
eurhsei ton
when we ascended to your servant our father, us, that I should not see the bad things which will find
518 1473 3588 4487 3588 2962-1473 2036 3962-1473
aphggeilamen ¢ ta rhmata
autw ¢ ¢ hmwn
tou kuriou ¢ ¢
44:25 eipe ¢ mou
we reported to him the words of our master. [3said my father?
1161 3588 3962-1473 897.2 3825 2532 59 1473
de o ¢ hmwn
pathr ¢ badisate
¢ ¢
palin ¢
kai agorasate ¢
1And 2our father], Proceed again, and buy for us CHAPTER 45
3397 1033 1473-1161 2036 3756
mikra ¢
brwmata ¢ de eipamen
44:26 hmeiV ¢ ou Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers
a small amount of foods! And we said, We will not 2532 3756 1410 * 430 3956
1410 2597 235 1487 3303 3588 80 1473 45:1 kai ouk ¢
hdunato ¢
Iwshf ¢
anecesqai ¢
dunhsomeqa ¢
katabhnai all' ei men o ¢
adelfoV ¢
hmwn And [2was not 3able 1Joseph] to withhold of all
be able to go down; but if then [3brother 1our 3588 3936 1473 235 2036 1821 3956
3588 3501 2597 3326 1473 2597 3756-1063 twn ¢
paresthkotwn ¢ all' eipen
autw ¢ ¢
exaposteilate ¢
o ¢
newteroV ¢
katabainei ¢ katabhsomeqa
meq' hmwn ¢ ou gar the ones standing beside him. But he said, Send all
2younger] goes down with us, we will go down; for not 575 1473 2532 3756 3936 3762 3588 * 2259
1410 1492 3588 4383 3588 444 3588 80 ap' emou¢ kai ou ¢
parhsthkei ¢
oudeiV ¢ hnika
tw Iwshf ¢
dunhsomeqa ¢ to proswpon
idein ¢ tou ¢
anqrwpou tou adelfou¢ from me! And [2stood beside 1no one] Joseph when
will we be able to see the face of the man, [4brother 319 3588 80-1473 2532 863
1473 3588 3501 3361-1510.6 1510.6 3326 1473 2036 1161 ¢
anegnwrizeto ¢ autou¢
toiV adelfoiV ¢
45:2 kai afhke
¢ tou newterou
hmwn ¢ mh ¢
ontoV ¢
meq' hmwn ¢
44:27 eipe de he made himself known to his brothers. And he let go
2our 3younger 1if] is not being with us. [4said 1And 5456-3326 2805 191 1161 3956 3588 *
3588 3962-1473 3588 3816-1473 4314 1473 1473 1097 ¢ meta
fwnhn ¢
¢ klauqmou¢ hkousan de ¢
panteV oi ¢
o ¢ hmwn
pathr ¢ o paiV sou ¢ umeiV
proV hmaV ¢ ginwskete
¢ with a voice of weeping. [5heard 1And 2all 3the 4Egyptians],
2our father 3your servant] to us, You know 2532 190.8 1096 1519 3588 3624 * 2036
3754 1417 5088 1473 3588 1135 2532 1831 ¢ egeneto
kai akouston ¢ ¢
eiV ton oikon ¢
Faraw ¢
45:3 eipe
oti ¢
duo ¢
eteke¢ moi h ¢
gunh ¢
44:28 kai exhlqen and [2audible 1it became] into the house of Pharaoh. [3said
that [4two 2bore 3to me 1my wife]; and [3went forth 1161 * 4314 3588 80-1473 1473 1510.2.1 *
3588 1520 575 1473 2532 2036 3754 2340.2 de ¢
Iwshf ¢ autou¢ egw
proV touV adelfouV ¢ eimi ¢
o eiV ap' emou¢ kai eipat
¢ ¢
e¢ oti ¢
qhriobrwtoV 1And 2Joseph] to his brothers, I am Joseph,
1the 2one] from me, and you said that, [2devoured by wild beasts 2089 3588 3962 1473 2198 2532 3756 1410
1096 2532 3756-1492 1473 891 3568 1437 ¢
eti o ¢
pathr mou zh kai ouk ¢
gegone kai ¢
ouk idon auton ¢
¢ acri nun ¢
44:29 ean [3still 2father 1does my] live? And [3were not 4able
1He was]. And I did not see him as far as now. If 3588 80 611 1473 5015-1063
3767 2983 2532 3778 1537 3588 4383-1473 2532 oi adelfoi¢ ¢
apokriqhnai ¢
autw ¢
etaracqhsan gar
oun labhte ¢
kai touton ek ¢
tou proswpou mou kai 1the 2brothers] to respond to him, for they were disturbed.
then you should take also this one from my face, and 2036 1161 * 4314 3588 80-1473 1448
4819 1473 3119 1722 3588 3598 2532 ¢
45:4 eipe de ¢
Iwshf ¢ autou¢ eggisate
proV touV adelfouV ¢
sumbh ¢
autw ¢
malakia en th ¢ kai
odw [3said 1And 2Joseph] to his brothers, Approach
comes to pass to him an infirmity in the way, then know that 4314 1473 2532 1448 2532 2036 1473 1510.2.1 *
2609 1473 3588 1094 3326 3077 1519 86 ¢
proV me kai hggisan ¢
kai eipen ¢ eimi
egw ¢
kataxete¢ mou to ¢
ghraV ¢ luphV
meta ¢ eiV ¢
adou to me! And they approached. And he said, I am Joseph
you will lead me in old age with distress into Hades.
45:5 G E N E S I S 69
3588 80-1473 3739 591 1519 * 3568 2705 3956 3588 80-1473 2799 1909
o ¢ umwn
adelfoV ¢ on ¢
apedosqe ¢
eiV Aigupton 45:5 nun ¢
katafilhsaV ¢
pantaV ¢ autou¢ eklausen
touV adelfouV ¢ ep'
your brother, whom you delivered into Egypt. Now kissing all his brothers, he wept on
3767 3361 3076 3366 4642 1473 5316 3754 1473 2532 3326 3778 2980 3588 80-1473
oun mh ¢
lupeisqe mhde¢ sklhron
¢ umin
¢ ¢
fanhtw ¢
oti ¢ kai
autoiV ¢ tauta
meta ¢ ¢
elalhsan oi adelfoi¢ autou¢
then do not fret, nor [2hard 3to you 1let it appear] that them. And after these things [2spoke 1his brothers]
591 1473 5602 1519 1063 2222 649 1473 3588 2316 4314 1473 2532 1227.1 3588 5456 1519
apedosqe ¢
me wde eiV ¢ apesteile
gar zwhn ¢ me o ¢
qeoV ¢
proV auton ¢
45:16 kai diebohqh h ¢
fwnh eiV
you delivered me here; [5for 1for 6life 3sent 4me 2God] to him. And [3was proclaimed forth 1the 2report] into
1715 1473 3778-1063 1208 2094 3042 1909 3588 3624 * 3004 2240 3588 80
emprosqen ¢
umwn ¢ gar deuteron
45:6 touto ¢ ¢
etoV ¢
limoV epi¢ ¢
ton oikon ¢
Faraw ¢
legonteV ¢
hkasin oi adelfoi¢
in front of you. For this second year a famine is upon the house of Pharaoh, saying, [4have come 1The 2brothers
3588 1093 2532 2089 3062 4002 2094 1722 3739 3756-1510.2.3 * 5463 1161 * 2532 3588 2322-1473
thV ghV ¢
kai eti ¢
loipa ¢
pente ¢
eth en oiV ¢
ouk estin ¢
Iwshf ¢
ecarh de ¢
Faraw kai h ¢ autou¢
the earth, and still remaining are five years in which there is no 3of Joseph]. [3rejoiced 1And 2Pharaoh], and his attendant.
721.2 3761 281.1 649 1063 1473 3588 2316 2036 1161 * 3588 * 2036 3588 80-1473
arotriasiV oude¢ amhtoV
¢ ¢
45:7 apesteile gar me o ¢
qeoV ¢
45:17 eipe de ¢
Faraw ¢ eipon
tw Iwshf ¢ ¢ sou
toiV adelfoiV
plowing nor harvest. [3sent 1For 4me 2God] [3said 1And 2Pharaoh] to Joseph, Speak to your brothers!
1715 1473 5275 1473 2640 1909 3588 3778 4160 1072 3588 5408.2-1473 2532 565 1519
emprosqen ¢ upoleipesqai
umwn ¢ ¢ kataleimma
umin ¢ epi¢ thV ¢
touto ¢
poihsate ¢
gemisate ¢ umwn
ta foreia ¢ kai apelqete
¢ eiV
in front of you, that there may be left to you a vestige upon the This you do, fill your carriages and go forth into
1093 2532 1625 1473 2641.1 3173 3568 3767 1093 * 2532 353 3588 3962-1473
ghV ¢
kai ekqreyai ¢ kataleiyin
umin ¢ ¢
megalhn 45:8 nun oun ghn ¢
Canaan ¢
45:18 kai analabonteV ¢ umwn
ton patera ¢
earth, and to nourish to you [2remnant 1a great]. Now then, the land of Canaan! And taking up your father,
3756-1473 1473-649 5602 235 3588 2316 2532 4160 2532 3588 5224-1473 2240 4314 1473 2532 1325
¢ me apestalkate
ouc umeiV ¢ ¢
wde all' o ¢ kai epoihs
qeoV ¢ e¢ kai ta ¢
uparconta ¢
umwn ¢
hkete proV me kai ¢
you did not send me here, but God. And he made and your possessions, come to me! And I will give
1473 5613 3962 * 2532 2962 3956 3588 3624-1473 1473 3956 3588 18 * 2532 2068
me wV patera ¢
Faraw ¢
kai kurion ¢ tou oikou
pantoV ¢ autou¢ ¢
umin ¢
pantwn ¢
twn agaqwn ¢
Aiguptou ¢
kai fagesqe
me as father to Pharaoh, and master of all his house, to you all the good things of Egypt, and you shall eat
2532 758 3956 1093 * 4692 3767 3588 3452 3588 1093 1473 1161 1781 3778
kai arconta ¢
pashV ghV ¢
Aiguptou ¢
45:9 speusanteV oun ¢ thV
ton muelon ghV 45:19 su de ¢
enteilai ¢
and ruler of all the land of Egypt. Hastening then, the marrow of the land. And you charge these
305 4314 3588 3962-1473 2532 2036 1473 3592 3004 2983 1473 261.1 1537 1093 * 3588
anabhte ¢ mou kai eipate
proV ton patera ¢ ¢
autw ¢
tade ¢
legei ¢ autoiV
labein ¢ ¢
amaxaV ek ghV ¢
Aiguptou toiV
you ascend to my father and say to him! Thus says to take for themselves wagons from out of the land of Egypt
3588 5207-1473 * 4160 1473 3588 2316 2962 3956 3588 3813-1473 2532 3588 1135-1473 2532 353
o ¢ sou Iwshf
uioV ¢ epoihse
¢ me o ¢
qeoV ¢
kurion ¢
pashV thV ¢
paidioiV ¢
umwn ¢ umwn
kai taiV gunaixin ¢ kai ¢
your son Joseph. [2made 3me 1God] master of all the for your children, and your wives! And taking up
1093 * 2597 3767 4314 1473 2532 3361 3588 3962-1473 3854 2532 3361
ghV Aiguptou ¢
katabhqi oun proV me kai mh ton ¢ umwn
patera ¢ ¢
paraginesqe 45:20 kai mh
land of Egypt. Come down then to me! and you should not your father come! And you should not
3306 2532 2730 1722 1093 * 2532 5339 3588 3788 3588 4632-1473 3588 1063 3956
meinhV 45:10 kai ¢
katoikhseiV en gh ¢
Gesem kai ¢
feishsqe toiV ¢ twn skeuwn
ofqalmoiV ¢ umwn
¢ ta ¢
gar panta
wait. And you shall dwell in the land of Goshen, and be sparing to the eyes of your items, [3the 1for 2all]
1510.8.2 1451 1473 1473 2532 3588 5207-1473 2532 3588 5207 3588 18 * 1473-1510.8.3 4160-1161 3779
esh ¢ mou su kai oi
egguV uioi¢ sou kai oi uioi¢ twn ¢
agaqa ¢
Aiguptou ¢ estai
umin ¢ ¢
45:21 epoihsan ¢
de outwV
you will be near me, you and your sons, and the sons good things of Egypt will be unto you. And they did thus,
5207-1473 3588 4263-1473 2532 3588 1016-1473 2532 3745 3588 5207 * 1325 1161 * 1473 261.1
¢ sou
uiwn ¢
ta probata¢ sou kai oi ¢ sou kai osa
boeV ¢ oi uioi¢ Israhl
¢ ¢
edwke de ¢
Iwshf ¢
autoiV ¢
of your sons, your sheep and your oxen, and as much as the sons of Israel. [3gave 1And 2Joseph] to them wagons,
1473-1510.2.3 2532 1625 1473 1563 2089-1063 4002 2596 3588 2046 5259 * 3588 935 2532
soi esti¢ ¢
45:11 kai ekqreyw ¢ gar
se ekei¢ eti ¢
pente ¢
kata ta ¢
eirhmena upo¢ Faraw
¢ ¢
tou basilewV kai
is yours. And I will nourish you there. For there is still five according to the sayings by Pharaoh the king. And
2094 3042 2443 3361 1625.3 1473 2532 3588 1325 1473 1979 1519 3588 3598 2532 3956
eth ¢
limoV ¢
ina mh ¢
ektribhV su kai oi ¢
edwken ¢ episitismon
autoiV ¢ eiV thn odon
¢ ¢
45:22 kai pasin
years of famine; that you shall not be obliterated – you and he gave to them provisions for the journey. And to all
5207-1473 2532 3956 3588 5224-1473 2400 3588 1325 1364.1 4749 3588-1161 * 1325 5145
uioi¢ sou ¢
kai panta ta ¢
uparconta¢ sou 45:12 idou¢ oi ¢
edwke ¢ stolaV
dissaV ¢ tw de Benaimin ¢
¢ edwke ¢
your sons, and all your possessions. Behold, he gave double robes. But to Benjamin he gave three hundred
3788-1473 991 2532 3588 3788 * 3588 5552 2532 4002 1813.2 4749 2532
ofqalmoi¢ umwn
¢ blepousi
¢ kai oi ofqalmoi¢ Beniamin
¢ tou ¢
crusouV ¢
kai pente ¢
exallassousaV ¢
stolaV 45:23 kai
your eyes see, and the eyes [2Benjamin pieces of gold, and five changings of robes. And
80-1473 3754 3588 4750-1473 3588 2980 4314 1473 3588 3962-1473 649 2596 3588 1473 2532 1176
adelfou¢ mou ¢
oti to ¢
stoma mou to ¢
laloun ¢
proV umaV tw patri¢ autou¢ apesteile
¢ ¢
kata ta ¢ kai deka
auta ¢
1of my brother] that my mouth is speaking to you. to his father he sent according to the same, and ten
518 3767 3588 3962-1473 3956 3588 1391-1473 3688 142 575 3956 3588 18 * 2532 1176
45:13 apaggeilate oun tw patri¢ mou pasan
¢ ¢
thn doxan mou ¢
onouV ¢
airontaV apo¢ pantwn
¢ ¢
twn agaqwn ¢
Aiguptou ¢
kai deka
Report then to my father all my glory donkeys carrying of all the good things of Egypt; and ten
3588 1722 * 2532 3745 1492 2532 5035.1 2254.2 142 740 3588 3962-1473 1519 3588 3598
thn en ¢
Aiguptw ¢
kai osa ¢
eidete kai ¢
tacunanteV ¢
hmionouV ¢
airousaV ¢
artouV tw patri¢ autou¢ eiV thn odon
in Egypt, and as much as you saw! And hastening, mules carrying bread loaves to his father for the journey.
2609 3588 3962-1473 5602 2532 1968 1909 3588 1821 1161 * 3588 80-1473 2532
katagagete ¢ mou wde
ton patera ¢ ¢ epi¢ ton
45:14 kai epipeswn ¢
45:24 exapesteile de ¢
Iwshf ¢ autou¢ kai
touV adelfouV
bring down my father here! And falling upon the [3sent out 1And 2Joseph] his brothers. And
5137 * 3588 80-1473 2799 1909 1473 4198 2532 2036 1473 3361 3710
trachlon ¢
Beniamin ¢
tou adelfou¢ autou¢ eklausen ep' ¢
autw ¢
eporeuqhsan ¢
kai eipen ¢
autoiV mh ¢
neck of Benjamin his brother, he weeped upon him. they went. And he said to them, Do not be provoked to anger
2532 * 2799 1909 3588 5137-1473 2532 1722 3588 3598 2532 305 1537 * 2532
kai Beniamin ¢
¢ eklausen epi¢ ¢
tw trachlw autou¢ 45:15 kai ¢
en th odw ¢
45:25 kai anebhsan ex ¢
Aiguptou kai
And Benjamin weeped upon his neck. And in the way! And they ascended from out of Egypt. And
70 G E N E S I S 45:26
2064 1519 1093 * 4314 * 3588 3962-1473 3326 1473 5207 2532 5207 3588 5207-1473 3326 1473
hlqon eiV ghn ¢
Canaan ¢ ton patera
proV Iakwb ¢ autwn
¢ met' autou¢ 46:7 uioi¢ kai uioi¢ twn uiwn
¢ autou¢ met' autou¢
they came into the land of Canaan, to Jacob their father. with him. Sons, and sons of his sons with him;
2532 312 1473 3004 3754 3588 5207-1473 2364 2532 2364 3588 2364-1473 2532 3956 3588
45:26 kai anhggeilan ¢
autw ¢
legonteV ¢
oti o ¢ sou
uioV ¢
qugatereV ¢
kai qugatereV ¢
twn qugaterwn autou¢ kai pan to
And they announced to him, saying that, Your son daughters, and daughters of his daughters, and all
* 2198 2532 1473 756 3956 1093 * 2532 4690-1473 71 1519 *
Iwshf zh kai autoV ¢
¢ arcei ¢
pashV ghV ¢
Aiguptou kai ¢
sperma autou¢ hgagen
¢ ¢
eiV Aigupton
Joseph lives, and he rules all the land of Egypt. And his seed he led into Egypt.
1839 3588 1271 * 3756-1063 4100
exesth th ¢
dianoia ¢
Iakwb ou gar ¢
episteusen Generations of Jacob
[2receded 3in his thought 1Jacob], for he did not trust 3778-1161 3588 3686 3588 5207 *
1473 2980-1161 1473 3956 3588 2046 5259 ¢
46:8 tauta de ta ¢
onomata twn ¢
uiwn ¢
autoiV ¢
45:27 elalhsan de ¢
autw ¢
panta ta ¢
rhqenta upo¢ And these are the names of the sons of Israel,
them. And they spoke to him all the sayings of 3588 1525 1519 * 260 * 3588
* 3745 2036 1473 1492-1161 3588 261.1 3739 twn ¢
eiselqontwn eiV ¢
Aigupton ¢
ama ¢
Iakwb tw
Iwshf ¢
¢ osa ¢
eipen ¢
autoiV ¢ de
idwn ¢
taV amaxaV aV the ones entering into Egypt together with Jacob
Joseph, as much as he said to them. And seeing the wagons which 3962-1473 * 2532 3588 5207-1473 4416 *
649- 5620 353 1473 329 3588 patri¢ autwn
¢ Iakwb
¢ kai oi uioi¢ autou¢ prwtotokoV
¢ ¢
apesteilen ¢
Iwshf ¢
wste ¢ auton
analabein ¢ anezwpurhse
¢ to their father. Jacob and his sons – the first-born of Jacob,
Joseph sent, so as to take him, [5rekindled 1the * 5207-1161 * * 2532 *
4151 * 3588 3962-1473 2036 1161 * ¢
Roubhn 46:9 uioi¢ de ¢
Roubhn ¢
Enwc kai Fallou¢
pneuma ¢
Iakwb ¢ autwn
tou patroV ¢ ¢
45:28 eipe de ¢
Israhl Reuben. And the sons of Reuben – Hanoch, and Phallu,
2spirit 3of Jacob 4their father]. [3said 1And 2Israel], * 2532 * 5207-1161 * * 2532
3173 1473 1510.2.3 1487 2089 * 3588 5207-1473 2198 ¢
Asrwn kai Carmi¢ 46:10 uioi¢ de ¢
Sumewn ¢ kai
mega moi estin ei ¢
eti ¢
Iwshf o ¢ mou zh
uioV Hezron, and Carmi. And the sons of Simeon – Jemuel, and
[2a great thing 3to me 1It is] if [3still 1Joseph 2my son] lives. * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 5207 3588
4198 3708 1473 4253 3588 599-1473 ¢ kai Awd
Iamin ¢
kai Acin ¢
kai Saar ¢ uioV
kai Saoul ¢ thV
poreuqeiV ¢
¢ oyomai ¢ pro
auton ¢
tou apoqanein Jamin, and Ohad, and Jachin, and Zohar, and Shaul, son of the
In going I will see him before dying. * 5207-1161 * * 2532 *
CananitidoV 46:11 uioi¢ de Leui¢ ¢ kai kaaq
Ghrswn ¢
CHAPTER 46 Canaanitess. And the sons of Levi – Gerson, and Kohath,
2532 * 5207-1161 * * 2532 * 2532
kai Merari¢ 46:12 uioi¢ de ¢
Iouda ¢ kai
Hr kai Aunan
Jacob and His Family Move to Egypt and Merari. And the sons of Judah – Er, and Onan, and
522 1161 * 2532 3956 3588 1473 2064 * 2532 * 2532 * 599 1161 * 2532 *
46:1 aparaV de ¢ kai panta
Israhl ¢ ¢
ta autou¢ hlqen ¢ kai FareV
Shlwn ¢ kai Zara
¢ apeqanon de ¢
Hr kai Aunan
[3departing 1And 2Israel], and all of his, he came Shelah, and Pharez, and Zerah. [5died 1And 2Er 3and 4Onan]
1909 3588 5421 3588 3727 2532 2380 2378 3588 1722 1093 * 1096 1161 5207 *
epi¢ to ¢
frear tou ¢
orkou ¢
kai equse ¢
qusian tw en gh ¢
Canaan ¢
egenonto de uioi¢ ¢
upon the Well of the Oath. And he sacrificed a sacrifice to the in the land of Canaan. [3born 1And 2the sons] of Pharez –
2316 3588 3962-1473 * 2036 1161 3588 2316 * 2532 * 5207-1161 * * 2532
¢ tou patroV
qew ¢ autou¢ Isaak
¢ ¢
46:2 eipe de o ¢
qeoV ¢
Esrwn ¢
kai Iemouhl 46:13 uioi¢ de ¢
Issacar ¢ kai
God of his father Isaac. [3said 1And 2God] Hezron, and Hamul. And the sons of Issachar – Tola, and
3588 * 1722 3705 3588 3571 2036 * * * 2532 * 2532 * 5207-1161 *
tw ¢
Israhl en ¢
oramati thV ¢ eipwn
nuktoV ¢ ¢
Iakwb ¢
Iakwb ¢
Foua ¢ kai Sambran
kai Asoum ¢ 46:14 uioi¢ de ¢
to Israel in a vision in the night, saying, Jacob, Jacob! Phuvah, and Job, and Shimron. And the sons of Zebulun –
* 2532 * 2532 * 3778 5207 *
3588 1161 2036 5100 1510.2.3 3588-1161 3004 1473 1473 ¢ kai Allwn
Sered ¢ kai Acohl
¢ ¢
46:15 outoi uioi¢ LeiaV
o de ¢
eipe ti ¢
estin 46:3 o de ¢
legei ¢
autw ¢
And he said, What is it? And he says to him, I Sered, and Elon, and Jahleel. These are the sons of Leah,
3739 1080 3588 * 1722 * 3588 *
1510.2.1 3588 2316 3588 3962-1473 3361 5399 2597 ouV ¢
egennhse tw ¢
Iakwb en ¢ thV SuriaV
Mesopotamia ¢
eimi o ¢ twn paterwn
qeoV ¢ sou mh fobou¢ katabhnai
am the God of your fathers; do not fear to go down whom she bore to Jacob in Mesopotamia of Syria,
2532 * 3588 2364-1473 3956 3588 5590 5207 2532
1519 * 1519 1063 1484 3173 4160 1473 ¢
kai Dinan ¢ autou¢ pasai
thn qugatera ¢ ai yucai¢ uioi¢ kai
eiV ¢
Aigupton eiV ¢
gar eqnoV ¢
mega ¢
poihsw se
into Egypt! [4into 1For 6nation 5a great 2I will make 3you] and Dinah his daughter. All the souls, sons and
2364 5144 5140 5207-1161 * *
1563 2532 1473 2597 3326 1473 1519 * ¢
qugatereV ¢
triakonta treiV 46:16 uioi¢ de Gad ¢
ekei¢ 46:4 kai ¢ katabhsomai
egw ¢ ¢ sou eiV
meta ¢
there. And I will go down with you into Egypt. daughters, thirty three. And the sons of Gad – Ziphion,
2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 *
2532 1473 307 1473 1519 5056 2532 * 1911 ¢
kai AggiV ¢ kai Qasoban
kai SauniV ¢ kai AhdhV
¢ kai AorhdhV
¢ anabibasw
kai egw ¢ se ¢
eiV teloV ¢ epibalei¢
kai Iwshf
And I will transport you to the end. And Joseph will put and Haggai, and Shuni, and Ezbon, and Eri, and Arodi,
2532 * 5207-1161 * * *
3588 5495-1473 1909 3588 3788-1473 450 1161 ¢
kai ArohlhV 46:17 uioi¢ de ¢
Ashr ¢
Iemna ¢
taV ceiraV autou¢ epi¢ touV ofqalmouV
¢ sou 46:5 anesth
¢ de
his hands upon your eyes. [3rose up 1And and Areli. And the sons of Asher – Jimnah, Ishuah,
2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 79-1473 5207-1161
* 575 3588 5421 3588 3727 2532 353 3588 5207 ¢ kai Baria
kai Ieoul ¢ ¢ adelfh
kai Sara ¢ autwn
¢ uioi¢ de
Iakwb apo¢ tou freatoV
¢ tou ¢
orkou ¢
kai anelabon oi uioi¢ and Isui, and Beriah, and Serah their sister. And the sons
2Jacob] from the Well of the Oath. And [4took up 1the 2sons * * 2532 * 3778 5207 *
* * 3588 3962-1473 2532 3588 643.1 2532 ¢
Baria ¢ kai Melcihl
Cobwr ¢ ¢
46:18 outoi uioi¢ ¢
Israhl ¢
Iakwb ¢ autwn
ton patera ¢ kai thn aposkeuhn
¢ kai of Beriah – Heber and Malchiel. These are the sons of Zilpah,
3of Israel] Jacob their father, and the belongings, and 3739 1325- * 3588 2364-1473 3739 5088 3778
3588 1135-1473 1909 3588 261.1 3739 649- hn ¢
edwke ¢
Laban ¢
Leia th qugatri¢ autou¢ h ¢
eteke ¢
taV gunaikaV ¢ epi¢ taV amaxaV
autwn ¢ aV ¢
apesteilen ¢
Iwshf whom Laban gave to Leah his daughter, who bore these
their wives upon the wagons which Joseph sent 3588 * 1177.1 5590 5207-1161 *
142 1473 2532 353 3588 5224-1473 2532 tw ¢
Iakwb ¢ yucaV
dekaex ¢ 46:19 uioi¢ de ¢
arai ¢
auton ¢
46:6 kai analabonteV ¢
ta uparconta ¢ kai
autwn to Jacob – sixteen souls. And the sons of Rachel,
to carry him. And taking up their possessions, and 1135 * * 2532 * 1096 1161
3956 3588 2934.3 3739 2932 1722 1093 * ¢ Iakwb
gunaikoV ¢ ¢ kai Beniamin
Iwshf ¢ ¢
46:20 egenonto de
pasan ¢
thn kthsin hn ¢
ekthsanto en gh ¢
Canaan wife of Jacob – Joseph and Benjamin. [4born 1And
all the property which they acquired in the land of Canaan, 5207 * 1722 1093 * 3739 5088 1473
1525 1519 * * 2532 3956 3588 4690-1473 uioi¢ ¢
Iwshf en gh ¢
Aiguptou ouV ¢
eteken ¢
eishlqon ¢
eiV Aigupton ¢ kai pan to
Iakwb ¢
sperma autou¢ 2the sons 3of Joseph] in the land of Egypt, whom [2bore 3to him
they entered into Egypt – Jacob and all his seed
46:21 G E N E S I S 71
* 2364 * 2409 * 3588 2036- 4314 * 599 575 3588 3568 1893
Aseneq ¢
qugathr ¢
Petefrh ¢
ierewV ¢
HlioupolewV ton ¢
eipen ¢ proV Iwshf
Israhl ¢ apoqanoumai
¢ apo¢ tou nun epei¢
1Asenath], the daughter of Poti-phera, priest of Heliopolis – Israel said to Joseph, I will gladly die from now on, since
* 2532 3588 * 1096-1161 5207 * 3708 3588 4383-1473 2089-1063 1473 2198 2036 1161
¢ kai ton Efraim
Manassh ¢ ¢
egenonto de uioi¢ ¢
Manassh ¢
ewraka ¢
to proswpon ¢ gar su zhV
¢ sou eti ¢
46:31 eipe de
Manasseh and Ephraim. And were born the sons of Manasseh I have seen your face, for still you live. [3said 1And
3739 5088 1473 3588 3825.1 3588 * 3588 * * 4314 3588 80-1473 305 518
ouV ¢
eteken ¢
autw h ¢
pallakh h ¢
Sura ¢
ton Macir ¢
Iwshf ¢ autou¢ anabaV
proV touV adelfouV ¢ ¢
whom [4bore 5to him 3concubine 2the 1Sura] – Machir. 2Jospeh] to his brothers, In ascending, I will report
*-1161 1080 3588 * 5207-1161 * 3588 * 2532 2046 1473 3588 80-1473 2532
¢ de
Macir ¢
egennhse ¢
ton Galaad uioi¢ de ¢
Efraim tw ¢
Faraw kai ¢
erw ¢
autw oi adelfoi¢ mou kai
And Machir procreated Gilead. And the sons of Ehpraim to Pharaoh. And I will say to him, My brothers, and
80 * * 2532 * 5207-1161 3588 3624 3588 3962-1473 3739 1510.7.6 1722 1093 *
adelfou¢ Manassh
¢ ¢
Soutalaam ¢
kai Taam uioi¢ de o ¢
oikoV ¢ mou oi
tou patroV ¢
hsan en gh ¢
brother of Manasseh – Sutalaam, and Tam. And the sons the house of my father, who were in the land of Canaan,
* * 5207-1161 * * 2240 4314 1473 3588-1161 435 1510.2.6 4166
Soutalaam ¢
Edem 46:21 uioi¢ de ¢
Beniamin ¢
Bala ¢
hkasi proV me 46:32 oi de ¢
andreV eisi¢ ¢
of Sutalaam – Edem. And the sons of Benjamin – Belah, have come to me. And the men are shepherds,
2532 * 2532 * * 2532 * 2532 * * 435 1063 2934.1 1510.7.6 2532 3588 2934 2532 3588
kai Bocwr ¢
kai Asbh ¢ kai Noeman
Ghra ¢ ¢ RwV
kai AgciV ¢
andreV ¢
gar kthnotrofoi ¢
hsan ¢
kai ta kthnh kai touV
and Becher, and Ashbel, Gera, and Naaman, and Ehi, Rosh, [3men 1for 4grazing cattle 2they were]. And the cattle, and the
2532 * 2532 * *-1161 1080 3588 * 1016 2532 3956 3588 1473 71 1437
kai Manfin kai Ofimin ¢ de
Ghra ¢
egennhse ¢
ton Arad ¢
boaV ¢
kai panta ta ¢
autwn† ¢
aghocasin ¢
46:33 ean
and Muppim, and Huppim. And Gera procreated Ard. oxen, and all their things, they have brought. If
3778 5207 * 3739 5088 3588 * 3767 2564 1473 * 2532 2036 5100
46:22 outoi uioi¢ Rachl
¢ ouV ¢
eteke tw ¢
Iakwb oun ¢
kalesh ¢
umaV ¢
Faraw ¢
kai eiph ti
These are the sons of Rachel, whom she bore to Jacob – then [2should call 3you 1Pharaoh], and he should say, What
3956 3588 5590 1177.3 5207-1161 * 2041-1473 1510.2.3 2046 435 2934.1
pasai ai yucai¢ dekaoktw
¢ 46:23 uioi¢ de Dan ¢
ergon ¢
umwn ¢
estin ¢
46:34 ereite ¢
andreV ¢
all the souls were eighteen. And the sons of Dan – [2your work 1is]? You shall say, [3men 4grazing cattle
* 2532 5207 * * 2532 * 2532 1510.2.4 3588 3816-1473 1537 3816 2193 3588 3568
Aswm 46:24 kai uioi¢ ¢
Nefqalim ¢
Asihl kai Gwuni¢ kai ¢
esmen oi ¢ eV
paid ¢ sou ek ¢
paidoV ¢
ewV tou nun
Hushim. And the sons of Naphtali – Jahzeel, and Guni, and 1We are 2your servants], from childhood until the present,
* 2532 * 3778 5207 * 3739 2532 1473 2532 3588 3962-1473 2443 2730 1722 1093
¢ kai Sellhm
Issaar ¢ ¢
46:25 outoi uioi¢ BalaV
¢ hn ¢ kai oi
kai hmeiV ¢
patereV hmwn ¢
¢ ina ¢
katoikhshte en gh
Jezer, and Shillem. These are the sons of Bilhah whom even we and our fathers; that you may dwell in the land
1325- * 3588 2364-1473 3739 5088 3778 * * 946 1063 *
edwke ¢
Laban ¢
Rachl th qugatri¢ autou¢ h ¢
eteke ¢
toutouV ¢
Gesem ¢
ArabiaV ¢
bdelugma ¢
gar AiguptioiV
Laban gave to Rachel his daughter, who bore these of Goshen of Arabia. [5is an abomination 1For 6to the Egyptians
3588 * 3956 3588 5590 2033 3956-1161 3956 4166 4263
tw ¢
Iakwb ¢
pasai ai yucai¢ epta
¢ ¢
46:26 pasai de paV ¢
poimhn ¢
to Jacob – all the souls were seven. And all 2every 3shepherd 4of flocks].
3588 5590 3588 1525 3326 * 1519 *
ai yucai¢ ai ¢
eiselqousai ¢ Iakwb
meta ¢ eiV ¢
the souls entering with Jacob into Egypt – CHAPTER 47
3588 1831 1537 3588 3382-1473 5565
oi ¢
exelqonteV ek ¢ autou¢ cwriV
twn mhrwn ¢
the ones coming forth from out of his thighs, separate from Jacob Settles in Goshen
3588 1135 5207-* 3956 5590 1835.2 2064 1161 * 518 3588 *
twn gunaikwn ¢ Iakwb
uiwn ¢ ¢
pasai yucai¢ exhkontaex
¢ ¢
47:1 elqwn de ¢
Iwshf ¢
aphggeile tw ¢
the wives of Jacob’s sons – all souls were sixty-six. [3came 1And 2Joseph] to report to Pharaoh,
5207-1161 * 3588 1096 1473 1722 1093 3004 3588 3962-1473 2532 3588 80-1473 2532 3588 2934
46:27 uioi¢ de ¢
Iwshf oi ¢
genomenoi ¢ en
autw gh ¢
legwn o ¢ mou kai oi
pathr adelfoi¢ mou kai ta ¢
And the sons of Joseph being born to him in the land saying, my father and my brothers, and the cattle,
* 5590 1767 3956 5590 3624 * 2532 3588 1016-1473 2532 3956 3588-1473 2064 1537
Aiguptou yucai¢ ennea
¢ ¢
pasai yucai¢ ¢
oikou ¢
Iakwb kai oi ¢ autwn
boeV ¢ ¢
kai panta ¢
ta autwn ¢
hlqon ek
of Egypt – [2souls 1nine]. All the souls of the house of Jacob and their oxen, and all their things, are come from
3588 1525 3326 * 1519 * 5590 1093 * 2532 2400 1510.2.6 1722 3588 1093 *
ai ¢
eiselqousai ¢ Iakwb
meta ¢ eiV ¢
Aigupton yucai¢ ghV ¢
Canaan kai idou¢ ¢
eisin en th gh ¢
of the ones entering with Jacob into Egypt – [2souls the land of Canaan, and behold, they are in the land of Goshen.
1440.3 575-1161 3588 80-1473 3880 4002
ebdomhkontapente 47:2 apo¢ de ¢ autou¢ parelabe
twn adelfwn ¢ ¢
1seventy-five]. And from his brothers he took to himself five
435 2532 2476 1473 1726 * 2532
andraV ¢
kai esthsen ¢ enantion
autouV ¢ ¢
Faraw 47:3 kai
Joseph Reunites with Jacob men, and stood them before Pharaoh. And
3588 1161 *-649 1715 1473 2036- 3588 80 * 5100 3588 2041-1473
46:28 ton de ¢
Ioudan ¢
apesteilen ¢
emprosqen autou¢ ¢ Faraw
eipe ¢ toiV ¢ Iwshf
adelfoiV ¢ ti to ¢
ergon ¢
And he sent Judah in front of him Pharaoh said to the brothers of Joseph, What is your work?
4314 * 4876 1473 2596 2267.1-4172 1519 3588 1161 2036 3588 * 4166 4263
proV ¢
Iwshf ¢
sunanthsai ¢
autw kaq' ¢
Hrwwn ¢
polin eiV oi de ¢
eipan tw ¢
Faraw ¢
poimeneV ¢
to Joseph, to meet him near Heropolis, in And they said to Pharaoh, [2are shepherds 3of flocks
1093 * 2200.1 1161 * 3588 3588 3816-1473 2532 1473 2532 3588 3962-1473
ghn ¢
Ramessh ¢
46:29 zeuxaV de ¢
Iwshf ta oi ¢ eV
paid ¢ sou kai ¢
hmeiV kai oi ¢
patereV ¢
the land of Rameses. [3teaming up 1And 2Joseph] 1Your servants], even we and our fathers.
716-1473 305 1519 4877 * 3588 3962-1473 2036-1161 * 3939 1722 3588 1093
armata autou¢ anebh
¢ ¢
eiV sunanthsin ¢ tw patri¢ autou¢
Israhl ¢
47:4 eipan de ¢
Faraw ¢
paroikein en th gh
his chariots, ascended to meet Israel his father And they said to Pharaoh, [2to sojourn 3in 4the 5land
2596 2267.1-4172 2532 3708 1473 1968 1909 3588 2240 3756 1063 1510.2.3 3542 3588 2934 3588
kaq' ¢
Hrwwn ¢
polin kai ¢ autw
ofqeiV ¢ epepesen
¢ epi¢ ton ¢
hkomen ou gar esti ¢
nomh toiV ¢
kthnesi twn
at Heropolis. And seeing him, he fell upon 1We come], [3no 1for 2there is] pasture for the cattle
5137-1473 2532 2799 2805 4104.2 2532
trachlon autou¢ kai ¢
eklause ¢ pleioni
klauqmw ¢ 46:30 kai
his neck. And he wept weeping greatly. And 46:32 †CP uparconta – belongings.
72 G E N E S I S 47:5
3816-1473 1765 1063 3588 3042 1722 1093 1765 1063 3588 3042 4970 1587 1161
paidwn sou ¢
eniscuse gar o ¢
limoV en gh ¢
eniscuse gar o ¢
limoV ¢
sfodra ¢
exelipe de
of your servants, [4grew in strength 1for 2the 3famine] in the land [4grew in strength 1For 2the 3famine] exceedingly. [5failed 1And
* 3568 3767 2730 3588 3816-1473 1722 3588 1093 * 2532 3588 1093 * 575 3588
Canaan nun oun ¢
katoikhsomen oi ¢ eV
paid ¢ sou en h gh ¢
Aiguptou kai h gh ¢
Canaan apo¢ tou
of Canaan. Now then let [2dwell 1your servants] in 2the 3land 4of Egypt], and the land of Canaan, because of the
1093 * 2532 2036- 4314 * 3004 3042 4863 1161 * 3956 3588 694
gh ¢
Gesem ¢ Faraw
47:5 kai eipe ¢ proV Iwshf
¢ legwn
¢ limou¢ ¢
47:14 sunhgage de ¢
Iwshf ¢
pan to argurion
the land of Goshen! And Pharaoh said to Joseph, saying, famine. [3brought together 1And 2Joseph] all the silver
3588 3962-1473 2532 3588 80-1473 2240 4314 1473 3588 2147 1722 1093 * 2532 1722 1093 *
o ¢ sou kai oi
pathr ¢
adelfoi¢ sou hkasi proV se ¢
to eureqen en gh ¢
Aiguptou kai en gh ¢
Your father and your brothers have come to you. being found in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan,
2400 3588 1093 * 1726 1473 1510.2.3 1722 3588 4621 3739 59 2532 4619.4
47:6 idou¢ h gh ¢
Aiguptou ¢
enantion sou ¢
estin en tou ¢
sitou ou ¢
hgorazon kai ¢
Behold, the land of Egypt [2before 3you 1is], in from the grain which they bought. And he measured out grain
3588 957 1093 2733.1 3588 3962-1473 2532 3588 1473 2532 1533- 3956 3588 694 1519 3588
th ¢
beltisth gh ¢
katoikison ¢ sou kai touV
ton patera ¢
autoiV kai ¢
eishnegken ¢
Iwshf pan to ¢
argurion eiV ton
the best land settle your father and to them. And Joseph carried in all the silver into the
80-1473 2730 1722 1093 * 1487-1161 3624 * 2532 1587 3956 3588 694
¢ sou katoikeitwsan
adelfouV ¢ en gh ¢
Gesem ei de ¢
oikon ¢
Faraw 47:15 kai ¢
exelipe pan to ¢
your brothers. Let them dwell in the land of Goshen! And if house of Pharaoh. And [4dissipated 1all 2the 3silver]
1987 3754 1510.2.6 1722 1473 435 1537 1093 * 2532 1537 1093 * 2064
episth ¢
oti ¢
eisin en autoiV ¢
¢ andreV ek ghV ¢
Aiguptou kai ek ghV ¢
Canaan ¢
you should have knowledge that there are among them [2men from the land of Egypt, and from the land of Canaan. [5came
1415 2525 1473 758 3588 1699 2934 1161 3956 3588 * 4314 * 3004 1325
dunatoi¢ katasthson
¢ autouV ¢
¢ arcontaV ¢ kthnwn
twn emwn ¢ de ¢
panteV oi ¢
Aiguptioi ¢
proV Iwshf ¢
legonteV doV
1able], you place them in charge of my cattle! 1And 2all 3the 4Egyptians] to Joseph, saying, Give
1473 740 2532 2444 599 1726 1473
Jacob Blesses Pharaoh hmin ¢
¢ artouV kai inati¢ apoqnhskomen
¢ ¢
enantion sou
us bread loaves! And why should we die before you,
1521 1161 * * 3588 3962-1473
47:7 eishgage de ¢
Iwshf ¢ ton patera
Iakwb ¢ autou¢ 1587 1063 3588 694-1473 2036 1161
ekleloipe gar to ¢
argurion ¢
hmwn ¢
47:16 eipe de
[3brought in 1And 2Joseph] Jacob his father,
[3has dissipated 1for 2our silver]? [3said 1And
2532 2476 1473 1726 * 2532 2127-
kai esthsen ¢ enantion
auton ¢ ¢
Faraw ¢
kai huloghsen ¢
Iakwb 1473 * 5342 3588 2934-1473 2532 1325 1473
autoiV ¢
Iwshf ¢
ferete ¢
ta kthnh ¢ kai dwsw
umwn ¢ ¢
and stood him before Pharaoh. And Jacob blessed
3588 * 2036 1161 * 3588 * 4to them 2Joseph], Bring your cattle, and I will give to you
ton ¢
Faraw 47:8 ¢
eipe de ¢
Faraw tw ¢
Iakwb 740 473 3588 2934-1473 1487 1587
Pharaoh. [3said 1And 2Pharaoh] to Jacob, ¢
artouV anti¢ ¢ umwn
twn kthnwn ¢ ei ¢
4214 2094 2250 3588 2222-1473 2532 bread loaves in exchange for your cattle, if [3has dissipated
posa ¢
eth ¢
hmerwn ¢ sou
thV zwhV 47:9 kai 3588 694 71-1161 3588 2934-1473 4314
How many are the years of days of your life? And to ¢
argurion ¢
47:17 hgagon de ta ¢
kthnh ¢
autwn proV
2036- 3588 * 3588 2250 3588 2094 3588 1the 2silver]. And they led their cattle to
eipen ¢
Iakwb tw ¢
Faraw ai ¢
hmerai twn ¢
etwn thV * 2532 1325 1473 * 740 473
Jacob said to Pharaoh, The days of the years Iwshf ¢
¢ kai edwken ¢
autoiV ¢
Iwshf ¢
artouV anti¢
2222-1473 3739 3939 1540 5144 2094 Joseph. And [2gave 3to them 1Joseph] bread loaves in return for
¢ mou aV
zwhV ¢
paroikw ¢
ekaton ¢
triakonta ¢
eth 3588 2462 2532 473 3588 4263 2532 473 3588 1016
of my life which I sojourned are a hundred thirty years; ¢
twn ippwn kai anti¢ twn probatwn
¢ kai anti¢ twn bown
3397 2532 4190 1096 3588 2250 3588 2094 3588 the horses, and for the sheep, and for the oxen,
mikrai¢ kai ponhrai¢ gegonasin
¢ ai ¢
hmerai twn ¢ thV
etwn 2532 473 3588 3688 2532 1625 1473 1722
small and severe have become the days of the years kai anti¢ twn ¢
onwn kai ¢
exeqreyen ¢
autouV en
2222-1473 3756 864 1519 3588 2250 3588 2094 and for the donkeys. And he nourished them with
¢ mou ouk
zwhV ¢
afikonto ¢
eiV taV hmeraV twn ¢
etwn 740 473 3956 3588 2934-1473 1722
of my life; they did not attain to the days of the years ¢
artoiV anti¢ ¢
pantwn ¢ autwn
twn kthnwn ¢ en
3588 2222 3588 3962-1473 3739 2250 3939 bread loaves in exchange for all of their cattle in
thV ¢ twn paterwn
zwhV ¢ mou aV ¢
hmeraV ¢
parwkhsan 3588 1763-1565 1831 1161 3588 2094 1565
of the life of my fathers, which days they sojourned. tw ¢ ekeinw
eniautw ¢ ¢
47:18 exhlqe de to ¢
etoV ¢
2532 2127- 3588 * 1831 575 that year. [4went by 1And 3year 2that],
47:10 kai euloghsaV ¢
Iakwb ¢
ton Faraw ¢
exhlqen ap' 2532 2064 4314 1473 1722 3588 2094 3588 1208 2532
And Jacob having blessed Pharaoh, he went forth from ¢
kai hlqon ¢ en
proV auton tw ¢
etei tw ¢
deuterw kai
1473 2532 2733.1- 3588 3962-1473 2532 3588 and they came to him in the [2year 1second], and
autou¢ 47:11 kai katwkisen
¢ ¢ ton patera
Iwshf ¢ autou¢ kai touV 2036 1473 3379 1625.3 575
him. And Joseph settled his father, and ¢
eipan ¢
autw ¢ pote
mh ¢
ektribwmen apo¢
80-1473 2532 1325 1473 2697 1722 1093 said to him, Lest at some time we should be obliterated from
adelfouV ¢
¢ autou¢ kai edwken ¢ katascesin
autoiV ¢ en gh 3588 2962-1473 1487-1063 1587 3588 694 2532
his brothers, and he gave to them a possession in the land ¢ hmwn
tou kuriou ¢ ei gar ¢
ekleloipe to ¢
argurion kai
* 1722 3588 957 1093 1722 3588 1093 * 2505 our master – for since [3has dissipated 1the 2silver], and
Aiguptw en ¢
th beltisth gh en th gh ¢
Ramessh ¢
kaqa 3588 5224 2532 3588 2934 4314 1473 3588 2962 2532
of Egypt, in the best land, in the land of Rameses, as ta ¢
uparconta kai ta ¢
kthnh proV se ¢
ton kurion kai
4367- 2532 4619.4- 3588 the possessions, and the cattle to you, the master, and
prosetaxe ¢
Faraw 47:12 kai ¢
esitometrei ¢
Iwshf tw 3756-5275 1473 1726 3588 2962-1473
Pharaoh assigned. And Joseph measured out grain to ¢
ouc upoleleiptai ¢ enantion
hmin ¢ ¢ hmwn
tou kuriou ¢
3962-1473 2532 3588 80-1473 2532 3956 3588 3624 3588 there has not been left behind to us before our master,
patri¢ autou¢ kai toiV adelfoiV
¢ autou¢ kai panti¢ tw oikw
¢ tou 237.1 3588 2398 4983 2532 3588 1093-1473 2443
his father, and to his brothers, and to all the house all' h to ¢
idion ¢
swma kai h ¢
gh hmwn ¢
47:19 ina
3962-1473 4621 2596 4983 but only our own body and our land, that
¢ autou¢ siton
patroV ¢ ¢
kata ¢
swma 3767 3361 599 1726 1473 2532 3588 1093
of his father – grain according to person. oun mh ¢
apoqanwmen ¢
enantion sou kai h gh
then we might not die before you, and the land
2049 2932 1473 2532 3588 1093-1473 473
Famine Prevails ¢
erhmwqh ¢
kthsai ¢ kai thn ghn hmwn
hmaV ¢ anti¢
4621 1161 3756 1510.7.3 1722 3956 3588 1093 should be made desolate, you acquire us and our land for
47:13 sitoV de ouk hn en ¢
pash th gh
[4grain 1And 3no 2there was] in all the earth.
47:20 G E N E S I S 73
740 2532 1510.8.4 1473 2532 3588 1093-1473 3816 3588 1722 1093 * 1177.2 2094 2532 1096
artwn ¢
kai esomeqa ¢ kai h
hmeiV ¢ paideV
gh hmwn ¢ tw en gh ¢
Aiguptou ¢
dekaepta ¢
eth kai ¢
bread loaves, and we will be to you and our land, servants in the land of Egypt for seventeen years. And [6were
* 1325 4690 2443 4687 2532 2198 3588 2250 * 1763 3588 2222-1473 1540
Faraw doV ¢
sperma ¢
ina ¢
speirwmen ¢
kai zwmen ai ¢
hmerai ¢
Iakwb ¢
eniautwn ¢ autou¢ ekaton
thV zwhV ¢
to Pharaoh! Give us seed! that we should sow, and we should live 1the 2days 3of Jacob’s 4years 5of his life] a hundred
2532 3361 599 2532 3588 1093 3756 2049 5062.2 2094 1448 1161 3588 2250
kai mh ¢
apoqanwmen kai h gh ouk ¢
erhmwqhsetai ¢ eth
tessarakontaepta ¢ ¢
47:29 hggisan de ai ¢
and should not die, and the land will not be made desolate. forty-seven years. [4approached 1And 2the 3days]
2532 2932- 3956 3588 1093 3588 * * 3588 599 2532 2564 3588 5207-1473 *
47:20 kai ekthsato ¢ pasan
Iwshf ¢ thn ghn twn ¢
Aiguptiwn ¢
Israhl ¢ kai ekalese
tou apoqanein ¢ ¢ autou¢ Iwshf
ton uion ¢
And Joseph acquired all the land of the Egyptians for Israel to die. And he called his son Joseph,
3588 * 591 1063 3588 * 3588 1093-1473 2532 2036 1473 1487 2147 5484 1726 1473 5294
tw Faraw ¢
apedonto gar oi ¢
Aiguptioi ¢
thn ghn autwn ¢
kai eipen ¢
autw ei ¢
eurhka ¢
carin ¢ sou upoqeV
enantion ¢
for Pharaoh. [4gave 1For 2the 3Egyptians] their land and said to him, If I have found favor before you, place
3588 * 1947.2 1063 1473 3588 3042 3588 5495-1473 5259 3588 3382-1473 2532 4160 1909 1473
tw ¢
Faraw ¢
epekrathse gar ¢
autwn o ¢
limoV ¢ a
thn ceir ¢ sou upo¢ ¢ mou kai poihseiV
ton mhron ¢ ep' eme¢
to Pharaoh. [4prevailed 1For 5over them 2the 3famine], your hand upon my thigh! and you will do for me
2532 1096 3588 1093 3588 * 2532 3588 2992 1654 2532 225 3588 3361 2290 1473 1722 *
kai egeneto h gh ¢
tw Faraw ¢
47:21 kai ton laon ¢
elehmosunhn ¢
kai alhqeian tou mh ¢
qayai ¢
me en Aiguptw
and [3came 1the 2land] to Pharaoh. And the people a charity and truth – that is to not entomb me in Egypt.
2615 1473 1519 3816 575 206.1 235 2837 3326 3588 3962-1473 2532
katedoulwsato ¢ eiV paidaV
autw ¢ ¢
ap' akrwn ¢ koimhqhsomai
47:30 alla ¢ ¢ twn paterwn
meta ¢ mou kai
were reduced to slavery to him as servants from the uttermost parts But I shall be gone to sleep with my fathers, then
3725 * 2193 3588 206.1 5565 142 1473 1537 * 2532 2290 1473 1722 3588
oriwn ¢
Aiguptou ¢
ewV ¢
twn akrwn ¢
47:22 cwriV ¢
areiV me ex ¢
Aiguptou ¢
kai qayeiV me en tw
of the boundaries of Egypt, unto the uttermost parts, except you shall lift me from out of Egypt, and entomb me in
3588 1093 3588 2409 3440 3756 2932 3778 * 5028-1473 3588 1161 2036 1473 4160 2596 3588
thV ghV twn ¢
ierewn ¢
monon ouk ¢
ekthsato ¢
tauthn ¢
Iwshf ¢
tafw ¢
autwn o de ¢
eipen ¢ poihsw
egw ¢ ¢
kata to
the land of the priests only [2did not 3acquire 4this 1Joseph], their burying-place. And he said, I will do according to
1722 1394 1063 1325 1390 3588 2409 * 2532 4487-1473 2036-1161 1473 3660 1473
en ¢
dosei ¢
gar edwke ¢
doma toiV ¢
iereusi ¢
Faraw kai ¢ a
rhm ¢ sou ¢ de
47:31 eipe ¢
autw ¢
omos ¢
on moi
[4a 5portion 1for 3gave 6as a gift 7to the 8priests 2Pharaoh]. And your saying. And he said to him, Swear by an oath to me!
2068 3588 1394 3739 1325 1473 * 1223 2532 3660 1473 2532 4352- 1909
hsqion ¢
thn dosin hn ¢
edwken ¢
autoiV ¢
Faraw ¢
dia ¢
kai wmosen ¢ kai prosekunhsen
autw ¢ ¢ epi¢
they ate the portion which [2gave 3to them 1Pharaoh]. On account And he swore by an oath to him. And Israel did obeisance upon
3778 3756 591 3588 1093-1473 2036 1161 3588 206.1 3588 4464-1473
touto ouk ¢
apedonto ¢
thn ghn autwn ¢
47:23 eipe de ¢
to akron ¢
thV rabdou autou¢
of this they did not give up their land. [3said 1And the top of his cane.
* 3956 3588 * 2400 2932 1473 2532
Iwshf ¢
pasi ¢
toiV AiguptioiV idou¢ ¢
kekthmai ¢ kai
2Joseph] to all the Egyptians, Behold, I have acquired you and CHAPTER 48
3588 1093-1473 4594 3588 * 2983 1438
¢ shmeron
thn ghn umwn ¢ tw ¢
Faraw ¢
labete ¢
eautoiV Jacob Blesses Joseph’s Sons
your land today for Pharaoh. Take to yourselves 1096-1161 3326 3588 4487-3778 2532
4690 2532 4687 3588 1093 2532 1510.8.3 3588 ¢
48:1 egeneto de ¢ ta
meta ¢
rhmata ¢
tauta kai
sperma ¢
kai speirate thn ghn 47:24 kai ¢
estai ta And it came to pass after these things, and
seed, and sow the land! And there will be 518 3588 * 3754 3588 3962-1473 1776
1081 1473 2532 1325 3588 3991 3313 3588 ¢
aphggelh ¢
tw Iwshf ¢
oti o ¢ sou enocleitai
pathr ¢
gennhmata ¢ kai dwsete
authV ¢ to ¢
pempton ¢
meroV tw it was announced to Joseph that, Your father is troubled.
produce of it, and you will give the fifth part 2532 353 3588 1417 5207 1473 3588 * 2532
* 3588-1161 5064 3313 1510.8.3 1473 1473 1519 kai ¢
analabwn ¢
touV duo ¢ autou¢ ton Manassh
uiouV ¢ kai
Faraw ta de ¢
tessara ¢
merh ¢
estai ¢
umin ¢
autoiV eiV And taking up [2two 3sons 1his], Manasseh and
to Pharaoh, and the four parts will be for you yourselves, for 3588 * 2064 4314 * 518-1161 3588
4690 3588 1093 2532 1519 1035 1473 2532 3956 3588 ¢
ton Efraim ¢
hlqe ¢
proV Iakwb ¢
48:2 aphggelh de tw
sperma th gh ¢
kai eiV brwsin ¢
umin ¢
kai pasi toiV Ephraim, he came to Jacob. And it was reported
seed in the earth, and for food to you, and to all the ones * 3004 2400 3588 5207-1473 * 2064 4314 1473
1722 3588 3624-1473 2532 2036 4982 ¢
Iakwb ¢
legonteV idou¢ o ¢ sou Iwshf
uioV ¢
¢ ercetai proV se
en ¢
toiV oikoiV ¢
umwn 47:25 kai ¢
eipan ¢
seswkaV to Jacob, saying, Behold, your son Joseph comes to you.
in your houses. And they said, You have delivered 2532 1765- 2523 1909 3588 2825 2532
1473 2147 5484 1726 3588 2962-1473 2532 1510.8.4 ¢
kai eniscusaV ¢
Israhl ¢
ekaqisen epi¢ ¢
thn klinhn 48:3 kai
¢ euromen
hmaV ¢ ¢
carin ¢ tou kuriou
enantion ¢ hmwn
¢ kai esomeqa
¢ And Israel growing strong sat upon the bed. And
us; we found favor before our master, and we will be 2036- 3588 * 3588 2316-1473 3708 1473 1722
3816 3588 * 2532 5087 1473 ¢
eipen ¢ tw Iwshf
Iakwb ¢ o qeoV ¢
¢ mou wfqh moi en
paideV tw ¢
Faraw 47:26 kai ¢
eqeto ¢
servants to Pharaoh. And [2established it 3to them Jacob said to Joseph, My God was appeared to me in
* 1722 1093 * 2532 2127 1473 2532 2036
* 1519 4366.2 2193 3588 2250-3778 1909 1093 ¢ en gh
Louza ¢
Canaan ¢
kai euloghse me ¢ e¢
48:4 kai eip
Iwshf ¢
eiV prostagma ¢
ewV ¢
thV hmeraV ¢
tauthV epi¢ ghV
1Joseph] as an order until this day for the land Luz, in the land of Canaan, and blessed me. And he said
1473 2400 1473 837 1473 2532 4129 1473 2532
* 3588 * 633.5 5565 3588 1093 3588 moi idou¢ ¢ auxanw
egw ¢ se ¢
kai plhqunw se kai
Aiguptou ¢
tw Faraw ¢ cwriV
apopemptoun ¢ thV ghV twn to me, Behold, I will increase you, and I will multiply you, and
of Egypt, for Pharaoh to take a fifth, except of the land of the 4160 1473 1519 4864 1484 2532 1325 1473
2409 3441 3739 3756-1510.7.3 3588 * 2730 ¢
poihsw ¢ eqnwn
se eiV sunagwgaV ¢ ¢
kai dwsw soi
ierewn ¢
monon h ouk hn ¢
tw Faraw ¢
47:27 katwkhse I will make you into a gathering of nations. And I will give to you
priests alone, which was not to Pharaoh. [3dwelt 3588 1093-3778 2532 3588 4690-1473 3326 1473 1519 2697
1161 * 1722 1093 * 1909 1093 * ¢
thn ghn tauthn ¢
kai tw spermati¢ sou meta
¢ se eiV katascesin
de ¢ en
Israhl gh ¢
Aiguptw epi¢ ghV ¢
Gesem this land, and to your seed after you, for [2possession
1And 2Israel] in the land of Egypt, upon the land of Goshen. 166 3568 3767 3588 1417 5207 1473 3588
2532 2816 1909 1473 2532 837 2532 ¢
aiwnion 48:5 nun oun oi ¢
duo uioi¢ sou oi
kai ¢
eklhronomhqhsan ep' ¢
authV kai ¢
huxhqhsan kai 1an eternal]. Now then, [2two 3sons 1your], the ones
And they were heir over it. And they grew and 1096 1473 1722 1093 * 4253 3588 1473 2064
4129 4970 1933.2 1161 * ¢
genomenoi¢ soi en gh ¢
Aiguptw pro ¢
tou me elqein
eplhqunqhsan ¢
sfodra ¢
47:28 epezhse de ¢
Iakwb born to you in the land of Egypt, before my coming
multiplied exceedingly. [3outlived 1And 2Jacob]
74 G E N E S I S 48:6
4314 1473 1519 * 1473-1510.2.6 * 2532 * 5613 1724.1 3588 5495 2532 2127 1473 2532
proV se eiV Aigupton emoi¢ eisin Efraim
¢ kai Manassh
¢ wV ¢
enallax† ¢
taV ceiraV 48:15 kai ¢
euloghsen ¢ kai
to you in Egypt, are mine, Ephraim and Manasseh, as crosswise with the hands. And he blessed them, and
* 2532 * 1510.8.6 1473 3588-1161 1549 2036 3588 2316 3739 2100 3588 3962-1473
¢ kai Sumewn
Roubhn ¢
¢ esontai¢ moi 48:6 ta de ¢
ekgona ¢
eipen o ¢ w
qeoV ¢
euhresthsan oi ¢
patereV mou
Reuben and Simeon they shall be mine. And the progeny, he said, The God in whom [2were well-pleasing 1my fathers]
3739 1437 1080 3326 3778 1473-1510.8.6 1909 3588 1799-1473 * 2532 * 3588 2316 3588 5142 1473
a ¢ gennhshV
ean ¢ ¢ tauta
meta ¢ ¢
soi esontai epi¢ tw ¢
enwpion autou¢ Abraam
¢ ¢ o
kai Isaak ¢ o
qeoV ¢
trefwn me
who ever should be procreated after these will be yours. By the in his presence – Abraham and Isaac; the God maintaining me
3686 3588 80-1473 2564 1722 3588 1565 1537 3503-1473 2193 3588 2250-3778 3588 32
onomati ¢ autwn
twn adelfwn ¢ klhqhsontai
¢ ¢
en toiV ekeinwn ek ¢
neothtoV ¢
mou ewV ¢
thV hmeraV ¢
tauthV 48:16 o ¢
name of their brothers they shall be called in those from my youth until this day; the angel
2819 1473-1161 2259 2064 1537 * 3588 3588 4506 1473 1537 3956 3588 2556 2127 3588
klhroiV ¢ de hnika
48:7 egw ¢ ¢
hrcomhn ek ¢ thV
MesopotamiaV o ¢
ruomen ¢ me
oV ek ¢
pantwn ¢
twn kakwn ¢
euloghsai ta
lots. But I, when I came from Mesopotamia rescuing me from all evils, bless
* 599 * 3588 3384-1473 1722 1093 * 3813-3778 2532 1941 1473 3588 3686-1473
SuriaV ¢
apeqane ¢ h
Rachl ¢
mhthr sou en gh ¢
Canaan ¢ tauta
paidia ¢ ¢
kai epiklhqhsetai ¢ to
autoiV ¢
onoma¢ mou
of Syria, [3died 1Rachel 2your mother] in the land of Canaan these boys! And [2shall be called upon 3them 1my name],
1448-1473 2596 3588 2461.1 * 2532 3588 3686 3588 3962-1473 * 2532 * 2532
eggizont ¢ mou
oV ¢
kata ¢
ton ippodromon ¢
Cabraqa kai to ¢
onoma ¢
twn paterwn mou ¢
Abraam ¢ kai
kai Isaak
at my approaching down by the course of the horses of Habratha and the name of my fathers – Abraham and Isaac. And
3588 1093 4253 3588 2064 * 2532 2735.2 4129 1519 4128 4183 1909 3588 1093
thV ghV pro ¢
tou elqein ¢ kai
Efraqa ¢
katwruxa ¢
plhqunqeihsan eiV ¢
plhqoV polu¢ epi¢ thV ghV
of the land, before coming into Ephrath. And I buried may they multiply into [2multitude 1a great] upon the earth.
1473 1722 3588 3598 3588 2461.1 3778 1510.2.3 1492 1161 * 3754 1911 3588 3962-1473 3588
¢ en
authn th ¢ tou
odw ¢
ippodromou ¢
auth ¢
esti ¢
48:17 idwn de ¢
Iwshf ¢
oti ¢
epebalen o ¢ autou¢ thn
her in the way of the course of the horses – this is [3seeing 1And 2Joseph] that [2put 1his father]
* 1492 1161 * 3588 5207 * 2036 5495 3588 1188-1473 1909 3588 2776 * 926
Bhqleem ¢
48:8 idwn de ¢ touV uiouV
Israhl ¢ Iwshf
¢ ¢
eipe ¢
ceira ¢ autou¢ epi¢ thn kefalhn
thn dexian ¢ Efraim
¢ baru¢
Beth-lehem. [3seeing 1And 2Israel] the sons of Joseph, said, [2hand 1his right] upon the head of Ephraim, [2wrong
5100 1473-3778 2036 1161 * 3588 3962-1473 1473 2701.5 2532 482-1473 3588 5495 3588
tineV ¢
soi outoi ¢
48:9 eipe de ¢
Iwshf tw patri¢ autou¢ ¢
autw ¢
katefanh kai ¢
antelabeto ¢
Iwshf ¢ tou
thV ceiroV
Who are these to you? [3said 1And 2Joseph] to his father, 3to him 1it appeared]. And Joseph took hold of the hand
5207-1473 1510.2.6 3739 1325 1473 3588 2316 1778.2 3962-1473 851 1473 575 3588 2776 *
uioi¢ mou ¢
eisin ouV ¢
edwke¢ moi o ¢
qeoV ¢
entauqa ¢ autou¢ afelein
patroV ¢ ¢ apo¢ thV kefalhV
authn ¢ Efraim
[2my sons 1They are] whom [2gave 3to me 1God] here. of his father to remove it from the head of Ephraim,
2532 2036- 4317 1473 1473 2443 2127 1909 3588 2776 * 2036 1161 * 3588
kai eipen ¢ prosagag
Iakwb ¢ e¢ moi autouV ¢
¢ ina ¢
euloghsw epi¢ thn kefalhn
¢ Manassh
¢ ¢
48:18 eipe de ¢
Iwshf tw
And Jacob said, Lead [2forward 3to me 1them] that I may bless to the head of Manasseh. [3said 1And 2Joseph] to
1473 3588-1161 3788 * 925 3962-1473 3756 3779 3962 3778-1063 3588 4416
autouV 48:10 oi de ¢
ofqalmoi Israhl ¢
ebarunqhsan patri¢ autou¢ ouc outwV
¢ ¢
pater ¢
outoV gar o ¢
them. And the eyes of Israel were weighed down his father, Not so father, for this one is the first-born;
575 3588 1094 2532 3756 1410 991 2532 2007 3588 1188-1473 1909 3588 2776-1473 2532
apo¢ ¢
tou ghrouV kai ouk ¢
hdunato ¢
blepein kai ¢
epiqeV ¢ sou
thn dexian epi¢ ¢ autou¢
thn kefalhn 48:19 kai
because of old age, and he was not able to see. And place your right hand upon his head. And
1448-1473 4314 1473 2532 5368 1473 2532 4033.2 3756-2309 235 2036 1492 5043 1492 2532 3778
hggisen ¢ proV auton
autouV ¢ kai efilhsen
¢ ¢ kai perielaben
autouV ¢ ¢
ouk hqelhsen ¢
all' eipen ¢
oida ¢
teknon ¢
oida ¢
kai outoV
they approached to him, and he kissed them, and embraced he would not, but said, I know child, I know; and this one
1473 2532 2036- 4314 * 2400 3588 1510.8.3 1519 2992 2532 3778 5312 235 3588
autouV 48:11 kai ¢
eipen ¢
Israhl ¢
proV Iwshf idou¢ tou ¢
estai ¢
eiV laon ¢
kai outoV ¢
uywqhsetai all' o
them. And Israel said to Joseph, Behold, will be for a people, and this one will be raised up high. But
4383-1473 3756-4732.1 2532 2400 1166 1473 80 1473 3588 3501 3173 1473 1510.8.3 2532
proswpou ¢
sou ouk esterhqhn kai idou¢ ¢
edeixe¢ moi ¢ autou¢ o
adelfoV ¢
newteroV ¢
meizwn autou¢ ¢
estai kai
[2of your face 1I was not deprived]; and behold, [2showed 3to me [3brother 1his 2younger 5greater 6than he 4will be], and
3588 2316 2532 3588 4690-1473 2532 1806 1473 3588 4690-1473 1510.8.3 1519 4128 1484 2532
o ¢
qeoV kai to ¢
sperma sou ¢
48:12 kai exhgagen ¢
autouV to ¢
sperma ¢
autou¢ estai ¢
eiV plhqoV ¢
eqnwn 48:20 kai
1God] your seed. And [2led 3them his seed will be a multitude of nations. And
2127 1473 1722 3588 2250-1565 3004 1722 1473
* 1537 3588 1119-1473 2532 4352 1473 ¢
euloghsen ¢ en
autouV th ¢ ekeinh
hmera ¢ ¢
legwn en ¢
Iwshf ek ¢
twn gonatwn autou¢ kai prosekunhsan
¢ ¢
1Joseph] from his knees, and they did obeisance to him he blessed them in that day, saying, By you
2127- 3004 4160 1473 3588 2316 5613
1909 4383 1909 3588 1093 2983 1161 * ¢
euloghqhsetai ¢ legonteV
Israhl ¢ ¢
poihsai se o ¢
qeoV wV
epi¢ proswpon
¢ epi¢ thV ghV ¢
48:13 labwn de ¢
with their face upon the ground. [3taking 1And 2Joseph Israel shall be blessed, saying, [2make 3you 1God] as
* 2532 5613 * 2532 5087 3588 * 1715
3588 1417 5207 1473 3588 5037 * 1722 3588 1188 1537 ¢ kai wV Manassh
Efraim ¢
¢ kai eqhke ton Efraim ¢
¢ emprosqen
touV duo ¢
uioV autou¢ ton te ¢ en
Efraim th ¢ ex
5two 6sons 4his], with Ephraim at the right, [2from Ephraim and as Manasseh! And he put Ephraim in front of
3588 * 2036 1161 * 3588 * 2400
710 1161 * 3588 1161 * 1722 3588 710 ¢ 48:21 eipe
tou Manassh ¢ de ¢ tw Iwshf
Israhl ¢ idou¢
¢ de
aristerwn ¢
Israhl ton de ¢ en
Manassh ¢
th aristera
3the left 1but] of Israel, and Manasseh at the left, Manasseh. [3said 1And 2Israel] to Joseph, Behold,
1473 599 2532 1510.8.3-3588-2316 3326 1473 2532 654
1537 1188 1161 * 2532 1448-1473 1473 ¢ apoqnhskw
egw ¢ ¢
kai estai ¢
o qeoV ¢ kai apostreyei
meq' umwn ¢
ek ¢
dexiwn de ¢
Israhl ¢
kai hggisen ¢
autouV ¢
[2from 3the right 1but] of Israel, and he approached them to him. I die, and God will be with you, and he will return
1473 1519 3588 1093 3588 3962-1473 1473-1161 1325 1473
1614 1161 * 3588 5495 3588 1188 ¢ eiV thn ghn twn paterwn
umaV ¢ ¢
umwn ¢ de didwm
48:22 egw ¢ i¢ soi
48:14 ekteinaV de ¢
Israhl ¢
thn ceira ¢
thn dexian
[3stretching out 1And 2Israel] the [2hand 1right] you to the land of your fathers. And I give to you
4608.1 1806.1 5228 3588 80-1473 3739 2983
2007 1909 3588 2776 * 3778-1161 1510.7.3 3588 ¢
Sikima ¢
exaireton ¢ touV adelfouV
uper ¢ sou hn ¢
epeqhken epi¢ ¢ Efraim
thn kefalhn ¢ ¢
outoV de hn o
put it upon the head of Ephraim, and this one was the [2portion 1a chosen out] above your brothers, which I took
1537 5495 * 1722 3162-1473 2532 5115
3501 2532 3588 710 1909 3588 2776 * ek ¢
ceiroV ¢
Ammorraiwn en ¢ mou kai toxw
macaira ¢
newteroV ¢ epi¢
kai thn aristeran ¢ Manassh
thn kefalhn ¢
younger; and the left upon the head of Manasseh; from the hand of the Amorites with my sword and bow.

48:14 †CP enallaxaV – crossing.

49:1 G E N E S I S 75
3382-1473 2193 302 2064 3588 606
CHAPTER 49 ¢ autou¢ ewV
mhrwn ¢ an ¢
elqh ta ¢
his thighs, until whenever should come the things reserved
1473 2532 1473 4329 1484 1195 4314
Jacob Blesses the Remaining Sons ¢
autw ¢ prosdokia
kai autoV ¢ eqnwn
¢ ¢
49:11 desmeuwn proV
2564 1161 * 3588 5207-1473 2532 2036 to him. And he is expectation of nations. Binding [2to
49:1 ekalese de ¢
Iakwb ¢ autou¢ kai eipe
touV uiouV ¢ 288 3588 4454-1473 2532 3588 1666.1 3588 4454
[3called 1And 2Jacob] his sons, and said, ¢
ampelon ¢
ton pwlon autou¢ kai th ¢
eliki ¢
ton pwlon
4863 2443 1473 312 1473 5100 528 3a grapevine 1his foal], and with the fetter the foal
sunacqhte ¢
ina ¢ anaggeilw
egw ¢ ¢
umin ti ¢
apanthsei 3588 3688-1473 4150 1722 3631 3588 4749-1473
Come together that I may announce to you what will meet ¢
thV onou autou¢ plunei¢ en ¢
oinw ¢ autou¢
thn stolhn
1473 1909 2078 3588 2250 4863 of his donkey. He shall wash [2in 3wine 1his apparel],
umin ep' ¢
escatou twn ¢
hmerwn 49:2 ¢
sunacqhte† 2532 1722 129 4718 3588 4018.1-1473
to you upon the last of the days! Gather kai en ¢
aimati ¢
stafulhV thn ¢ autou¢
2532 191 5207 * 191 * 3588 and in the blood of the grape his wrap-aroung garment.
kai ¢
akousate uioi¢ ¢
Iakwb ¢
akousate ¢
Israhl tou 5487.3 3588 3788-1473 575 3631 2532
and hear, O sons of Jacob, hear Israel 49:12 caropoioi¢ oi ofqalmoi¢ autou¢ apo¢ ¢
oinou kai
3962-1473 * 4416-1473 1473 2479-1473 [2causing joy 1His eyes] away from wine, and
¢ umwn
patroV ¢ ¢ prwtotok
49:3 Roubhn ¢ ¢ mou su iscuV
oV ¢ mou
3022 3588 3599-1473 2228 1051 *
your father! Reuben my first-born, you are my strength leukoi¢ oi ¢
odonteV autou¢ h ¢
gala 49:13 ¢
2532 746 5043-1473 4642 5342 2532 4642 the white of his teeth than milk. Zebulun
kai arch ¢
teknwn mou ¢ feresqai
sklhroV ¢ ¢
kai sklhroV 3882 2730 2532 1473 3844 3731.2 4143
and the beginning of my children, stubborn to bear, and stubborn ¢
paralioV ¢
katoikhsei ¢ par' ormon
kai autoV ¢ ¢
829 1851.1 5613 5204 3361 1566.1 [2on the coast 1shall dwell], even himself by the mooring of boats;
auqadhV ¢
49:4 exubrisaV ¢
wV udwr mh ¢
ekzeshV 2532 3905 2193 * * 3588 2570
self-willed. Overflowing as water, you should not erupt. kai paratenei¢ ¢
ewV ¢
SidwnoV ¢
49:14 Issacar to ¢
305-1063 1909 3588 2845 3588 3962-1473 5119 and he shall extend until Sidon. Issachar [2the 3good
anebhV gar epi¢ ¢
thn koithn ¢ sou
tou patroV ¢
tote 1937 373 303.1 3588 2819 2532
For you ascended upon the marriage-bed of your father. Then ¢
epequmhsen ¢
anapauomenoV ¢
anameson ¢
twn klhrwn 49:15 kai
3392 3588 4765.7 3739 305 * 1desired], taking rest between the lots. And
emianaV ¢ ou
thn strwmnhn ¢
anebhV ¢
49:5 Sumewn 1492 3588 372 3754 2570 2532 3588 1093 3754
you defiled the strewn bed of which you ascended. Simeon ¢
idwn ¢
thn anapausin ¢
oti ¢
kalh kai thn ghn ¢
2532 * 80 4931 93 1537 139-1473 seeing the rest, that it was good, and the earth, that
kai Leui¢ adelfoi¢ sunetelesan
¢ ¢ ex airesewV
adikian ¢ ¢
autwn 4104.2 5294 3588 5606-1473 1519 3588 4188.1 2532
and Levi – brothers. They completed injustice by their sects. ¢
piwn ¢
upeqhke ¢
ton wmon autou¢ eiV to ¢ kai
1519 1012-1473 3361 2064 5590-1473 2532 it was plentiful, he placed his shoulder to the toil, and
49:6 eiV ¢ autwn
boulhn ¢ mh ¢
elqh ¢ mou kai
yuch 1096 435 1092 * 2919 3588 2992-1473
[5into 6their counsel 1May 3not 4come 2my soul], and ¢
egenhqh ¢ gewrgoV
anhr ¢ 49:16 Dan krinei¢ ¢ autou¢
ton laon
1909 3588 4955.1-1473 3361 2043 became a man for farming. Dan will judge his people,
epi¢ th ¢
sustasei ¢
autwn mh ¢
ereisai† 5616 2532 1520 5443 1722 * 2532 1096-
[5with 6their joint-conspiracy 1may 3not 4be established wsei¢ kai ¢ fulh
mia ¢ en ¢
Israhl 49:17 kai ¢
genhqhtw Dan
3588 2259.2-1473 3754 1722 3588 2372-1473 615 as even one tribe in Israel. And let Dan become
ta ¢
hpat ¢ mou
a ¢
oti en tw ¢ autwn
qumw ¢ ¢
apekteinan 3789 1909 3598 1455.1 1909 5147 1143
2my insides††]. For in their rage they killed ¢
ofiV ef' odou¢ ¢
egkaqhmenoV epi¢ ¢
tribou ¢
444 2532 1722 3588 1939-1473 3505.4 5022 a serpent upon the way, lying in wait upon the road, biting
anqrwpouV ¢ autwn
kai en th epiqumia ¢ eneurokophsan
¢ ¢
tauron 4418 2462 2532 4098 3588 2460 1519
men, and in their passion they hamstrung a bull. ¢
pternan ¢
ippou kai ¢
peseitai o ¢
ippeuV eiV
1944 3588 2372-1473 3754 829 2532 the heel of the horse. And [3shall fall 1the 2horseman] upon
49:7 epikataratoV o ¢ autwn
qumoV ¢
¢ oti ¢
auqadhV kai 3588 3694 3588 4991 4037
Accursed is their rage, for it was self-willed. And ta ¢
opisw 49:18 thn ¢
swthrian ¢
3588 3376.2-1473 3754 4645 1266 the rear places, [2for the 3deliverance 1remaining about]
h ¢
mhniV ¢
autwn ¢
oti ¢
esklhrunqh ¢
diameriw 2962 * 3986.2 3986.1 1473
accursed is their vehement anger, for it was hardened. I will divide ¢
kuriou ¢
49:19 Gad peirathrion ¢
peirateusei ¢
1473 1722 * 2532 1289 1473 1722 * * of the lord. Gad, a marauder will maraud against him.
¢ en Iakwb
autouV ¢ kai diasperw
¢ autouV
¢ en Israhl
¢ ¢
49:8 Iouda 1473-1161 3986.1 1473 2596 4228 *
them in Jacob, and disseminate them in Israel. Judah, ¢ de peirateusei
autoV ¢ ¢ kata
auton ¢ podaV
¢ ¢
49:20 Ashr
1473-134 3588 80-1473 3588 5495-1473 But he will maraud against him by feet. Asher,
se ainesaisan† oi adelfoi¢ sou ai ¢ eV
ceir ¢ sou 4104.2 1473 3588 740 2532 1473 1325 5172 758
may [3have praised you 2your brothers]. Your hands ¢
piwn autou¢ o ¢
artoV ¢ dwsei
kai autoV ¢ ¢
trufhn ¢
1909 3577 3588 2190-1473 4352 plentiful is his bread, and he will give a delicacy to rulers.
epi¢ ¢
nwtou twn ¢ sou
ecqrwn ¢
proskunhsousi¢ * 4723.1 447 1929 1722 3588
are upon the back of your enemies. [4will do obeisance to ¢ stelecoV
49:21 Nefqaleim ¢ ¢
aneimenon ¢ en
epididouV tw
1473 3588 5207 3588 3962-1473 4661.1 3023 Naphtali, a trunk springing up giving [2in 3the
se oi uioi¢ ¢ sou
tou patroV ¢
49:9 sumnoV ¢
leontoV 1081 2566.3 5207 837 *
5you 1The 2sons 3of your father]; [3cub 2a lion ¢
genhmati ¢
kalloV 49:22 ¢
uioV ¢
huxhmenoV ¢
* 1537 986 5207 1473 305 377 4offspring 1beauty]. [2a son 3increasing 1Joseph is];
Iouda ek blastou¢ uie¢ mou ¢
anebhV ¢
anapeswn 5207 837 2207.1 5207 1473 3501 4314 1473
1Judah is]. From a bud, O son of mine, you ascended. Reclining, ¢
uioV ¢
huxhmenoV ¢
zhlwtoV ¢
uioV ¢
mou newteroV proV me
2837 5613 3023 2532 5613 4661.1 5100 1453 1473 [2son 3increasing 1zealous]; [3son 1my 2younger]; to me
ekoimhqhV ¢
wV lewn ¢
kai wV skumnoV tiV egerei¢ ¢
auton 390 1519 3739 1228.1 3058
you went to bed as a lion; and as a cub who will rouse him? ¢
anastreyon 49:23 eiV on ¢
diabouleuomenoi ¢
3756-1587 758 1537 * 2532 2233 1537 3588 you returned! against whom with deliberation reviled.
49:10 ouk ekleiyei ¢
arcwn ex ¢
Iouda ¢
kai hgoumenoV ek twn 2532 1758 1473 2962 5114.1
[2shall not fail 1A ruler] from Judah, and one leading from kai ¢
eneicon ¢
autw ¢
kurioi ¢
And [3pressed against 4him 1the masters 2of the bowmen],
2532 4937 3326 2904 3588 5115-1473 2532
49:2 †CP aqroisqhte – gather. ¢
49:24 kai sunetribh ¢ kratouV
meta ¢ ta ¢ autwn
toxa ¢ kai
and [2were broken 3with 4might 1their bows], and
49:6 †CP erisai – contend. 1590 3588 3505.5 1023 5495-1473 1223
exeluqh ta ¢
neura ¢
bracionwn ¢ autwn
ceirwn ¢ ¢
49:6 ††lit. livers. [5were loosened 1the 2nerves 4arms 3of their hand’s] through
49:8 †CP ainesousi – shall praise. 5495
the hand of the mighty one of Jacob; from there the one strengthening
76 G E N E S I S 49:25
* 3844 2316 3588 3962-1473 2532 997
¢ para
Israhl ¢ qeou¢ tou patroV
¢ sou ¢
49:25 kai ebohqhse¢ CHAPTER 50
Israel by means of God of your father. And [2gave help
1473 3588 2316-3588-1699 2532 2127 1473 2129
soi o ¢
qeoV o emoV ¢
kai euloghse¢ se ¢
eulogian Jacob Entombed in Mamre
3to you 1my God], and blessed you with the blessing 2532 1968- 1909 4383 3588
3772 509 2532 2129 1093 2192 3956
50:1 kai ¢ Iwshf
epipeswn ¢ epi¢ ¢
proswpon tou
ouranou¢ ¢
anwqen ¢
kai eulogian ghV ¢
ecoushV ¢
panta And Joseph falling upon the face
of heaven above, and the blessing of earth having all things; 3962-1473 2799 1909 1473 2532 5368 1473 2532
1752 2129 3149 2532 3388 2129
patroV ¢
¢ autou¢ eklausen ¢ kai efilhsen
ep' autw ¢ ¢ 50:2 kai
eineken ¢
eulogiaV ¢
mastwn ¢
kai mhtraV ¢
49:26 eulogiaV of his father, wept over him, and kissed him. And
because of the blessing of breasts and of the womb; a blessing 4367- 3588 3816-1473 3588 1780.1
3962-1473 2532 3384-1473 5244.2 5228
prosetaxen ¢
Iwshf ¢ autou¢ toiV
toiV paisin ¢
¢ sou
patroV ¢ sou
kai mhtroV ¢
uperiscusen ¢
uper Joseph assigned to his servants, to the embalmers
of your father and of your mother – he excelled in strength over 1779 3588 3962-1473 2532 1779 3588
2129 3735 3438.1 2532 1909 2129
entafiasai ton ¢ autou¢
patera kai ¢
enetafiasan oi
eulogiaV ¢
orewn ¢
monimwn kai ep' ¢
eulogiaiV to embalm his father. And [3embalmed 1the
the blessing [2mountains 1of the stable], and beyond the blessings 1780.1 3588 * 2532 4137
2345.1 166 1510.8.6 1909 2776 *
entafiastai¢ ton Israhl
¢ ¢
50:3 kai eplhrwsan
qinwn ¢
aiwniwn ¢
esontai epi¢ ¢
kefalhV ¢
Iwshf 2embalmers] Israel. And they accomplished embalming
[2hills 1of everlasting]; they will be upon the head of Joseph, 1473 5062 2250 3779-1063 2674
2532 1909 2884.2 3739 2233 80
autou¢ tessarakonta
¢ ¢
hmeraV ¢
outwV ¢
gar katariqmountai
kai epi¢ ¢ wn
korufhV ¢
hghsato ¢
adelfwn him in forty days, for thus they counted down
and upon the top [2whom 3he took the lead 1of the brothers]. 3588 2250 3588 5027 2532 3996 1473 *
* 3074 727 3588 4407
ai ¢
hmerai thV ¢ kai
tafhV ¢
epenqhsen ¢ AiguptoV
auton ¢
49:27 Beniamin ¢
lukoV ¢
arpax to ¢
prw+non the days of the burial. And [2mourned 3him 1Egypt]
Benjamin, [2wolf 1a predacious 4in the 5early morning 1440 2250 1893-1161 3928 3588 2250
2068 2089 2532 1519 3588 2073 1239 5160
ebdomhkonta ¢
hmeraV 50:4 epei¢ de ¢
parhlqon ai ¢
edetai ¢
eti kai eiV to ¢
esperaV ¢
diadwsei ¢
trofhn seventy days. And when [3went by 1the 2days]
3shall eat], yet even in the evening he distributes provisions. 3588 3997 2980- 4314 3588 1413
3956 3778 5207 * 1427 2532 3778
tou ¢
penqouV ¢
elalhsen ¢
Iwshf proV touV ¢
49:28 panteV ¢
outoi uioi¢ Iakwb
¢ ¢
dwdeka kai ¢
tauta of the mourning, Joseph spoke to the mighty ones
All these sons of Jacob – twelve. And these words * 3004 1487 2147 5484 1726 1473 2980
2980 1473 3588 3962-1473 2532 2127 1473 ¢
Faraw ¢
legwn ei ¢
euron ¢
carin ¢ umwn
enantion ¢ lalhsate
elalhsen ¢
autoiV o ¢ autwn
pathr ¢ kai euloghsen†
¢ ¢
autouV of Pharaoh, saying, If I found favor before you, speak
[2said 3to them 1their father]. And he blessed them 1519 3588 3775 * 3004 3588 3962-1473
1538 2596 3588 2129-1473 2127 1473 eiV ta ¢
wta ¢
Faraw ¢
legonteV 50:5 o ¢ mou
ekaston ¢
kata ¢ autou¢ euloghsen
thn eulogian ¢ ¢
autouV into the ears of Pharaoh! saying, My father
each. According to his blessing he blessed them. 3726-1473 4253 3588 5053-1473 3004 1722
2532 2036 1473 1473 4369 4314 3588 1699 ¢
wrkise¢ me pro ¢
tou teleuthsai ¢
auton ¢
legwn en
49:29 kai ¢
eipen ¢
autoiV ¢ prostiqemai
egw ¢ ¢
proV ton emon bound me by an oath before his coming to an end, saying, In
And he said to them, I am added to my 3588 3419 3739 3736 1683 1722 1093 *
2992 2290 1473 3326 3588 3962-1473 1722 3588 4693 tw ¢
mnhmeiw w ¢
wruxa ¢ en
emautw gh ¢
laon qayate¢ me meta
¢ twn paterwn
¢ mou en ¢
tw sphlaiw the memorial which I dug myself, in the land of Canaan,
people. Entomb me with my fathers in the cave 1563 1473-2290 3568 3767 305 2290 3588
3739 1510.2.3 1722 3588 68 * 3588 * 1722 ekei¢ ¢
me qayeiV nun oun ¢
anabaV ¢
qayw ton
o estin en ¢ Efrwn
tw agrw ¢ ¢
tou Cettaiou 49:30 en there entomb me! Now then, ascending, I will entomb
which is in the field of Ephron the Hittite! in 3962-1473 2532 1880 2532 2036-
3588 4693 3588 1362 3588 561 * 1722 ¢ mou
patera kai ¢
epaneleusomai 50:6 kai ¢ Faraw
eipe ¢
tw ¢ tw
sphlaiw ¢
diplw tw ¢
apenanti ¢ en
Mambrh my father, and I will return back. And Pharaoh said
the [2cave 1double], in the one before Mamre, in 3588 * 305 2290 3588 3962-1473 2509
1093 * 3739 2932- 3588 4693 3844 tw ¢
Iwshf ¢
anabhqi ¢
qayon ton ¢ sou kaqaper
patera ¢
gh ¢
Canaan o ¢
ekthsato ¢ to sphlaion
Abraam ¢ ¢
para to Joseph, Ascend, entomb your father! just as
the land of Canaan, which Abraham acquired; the cave of 3726-1473 2532 305- 2290
* 3588 * 1722 2934.3 3419 1563 ¢
wrkise¢ se 50:7 kai ¢
anebh ¢
Iwshf ¢
¢ tou Cettaiou
Efrwn ¢ en ¢
kthsei ¢
mnhmeiou 49:31 ekei¢ he bound you by an oath. And Joseph ascended to entomb
Ephron the Hittite, for possession of a memorial. There 3588 3962-1473 2532 4872 3326 1473 3956 3588
2290 * 2532 * 3588 1135-1473 2532 ¢ autou¢ kai sunanebhsan
ton patera ¢ met' autou¢ panteV
¢ oi
eqayan ¢
Abraam ¢
kai Sarran ¢ autou¢ kai
thn gunaika his father. And went up with him all the
they entombed Abraham and Sarah his wife. And 3816 * 2532 3588 4245 3588 3624-1473
1563 2290 * 2532 * 3588 1135-1473 ¢
paideV ¢
Faraw kai oi ¢
presbuteroi ¢
tou oikou autou¢
ekei¢ eqayan
¢ ¢ kai Rebekkan
Isaak ¢ ¢ autou¢
thn gunaika servants of Pharaoh, and the elders of his house,
there they entombed Isaac and Rebekah his wife. 2532 3956 3588 4245 3588 1093 * 2532
2532 1563 2290 * 1722 2934.3 3588 ¢
kai panteV oi ¢
presbuteroi thV ¢
ghV Aiguptou 50:8 kai
kai ekei¢ ¢
eqaya ¢
Leian 49:32 en ¢
kthsei tou and all the elders of the land of Egypt, and
And there they entombed Leah, in a property of the 3956 3588 3832.1 * 2532 3588 80-1473 2532
68 2532 3588 4693 3588 1510.6 1722 1473 3588 3844 3588 ¢
pasa h ¢
panoikia ¢
Iwshf kai oi adelfoi¢ autou¢ kai
agrou¢ kai tou ¢ tou ontoV
sphlaiou ¢ ¢ to
en autw ¢ twn
para all the whole family of Joseph, and his brothers, and
field, and of the cave being in it, the one from the 3956 3588 3614 3588 3967-1473 2532 3588 4772-1473
5207 * 2532 2664- 2004 3588 ¢
pasa h ¢
oikia h ¢ autou¢ kai thn suggeneia
patrikh ¢
¢ Cet
uiwn ¢
49:33 kai katepausen ¢ epitasswn
Iakwb ¢ toiV all the household of his father, and the kin.
sons of Heth. And Jacob rested giving orders to 2532 3588 4263 2532 3588 1016 5275 1722 1093
5207-1473 2532 1808- 3588 4228-1473 1909 3588 2825 kai ta ¢
probata ¢
kai touV boaV ¢
upeliponto en gh
¢ autou¢ kai exaraV
uioiV ¢ ¢
touV podaV autou¢ epi¢ ¢
thn klinhn And the sheep and the oxen were left behind in the land
his sons. And lifting up his feet upon the bed * 2532 4872 3326 1473 2532 716 2532
1587 2532 4369 4314 3588 2992-1473 ¢
Gesem ¢
50:9 kai sunanebhsan ¢
met' autou¢ kai armata kai
exelipe ¢
kai proseteqh ¢ autou¢
proV ton laon of Goshen. And went up with him also chariots and
he failed. And he was added to his people. 2460 2532 1096 3588 3925 3173 4970
ippeiV ¢
kai egeneto h ¢ megalh
parembolh ¢ ¢
horsemen. And [3became 1the 2camp 5great 4exceedingly].
49:28 †See Bos for variants. 2532 3854 1909 257 * 3739
50:10 kai paregenonto ef' ¢
alwna ¢
Atad o
And they came upon the threshing-floor of Atad, which
50:11 E X O D U S 77
1510.2.3 4008 3588 * 2532 2875 2064 4314 1473 2036 2396 1473 1473 3610
esti ¢
peran tou ¢
Iordanou kai ¢
ekoyanto ¢
elqonteV ¢ eipan
proV auton ¢ ¢
ide ¢ soi
hmeiV ¢
is on the other side of the Jordan. And they lamented coming to him, they said, See! we are your servants.
1473 2870 3173 2532 2478 4970 2532 2036 1473 * 3361 5399 3588 1063
¢ kopeton
auton ¢ ¢
megan ¢ sfodra
kai iscuron ¢ ¢
50:19 kai eipen ¢
autoiV ¢
Iwshf mh ¢
fobeisqe tou gar
him by beating the breast, great and strong, exceedingly. And [2said 3to them 1Joseph], Do not fear! for
2532 4160 3588 3997 3588 3962-1473 2033 2250 2316 1510.2.1-1473 1473 1011 2596 1473
kai ¢
epoihse to ¢
penqoV tw patri¢ autou¢ epta
¢ hmeraV
¢ qeou¢ ¢
eimi egw ¢ ebouleusasqe
50:20 umeiV ¢ kat' emou¢
And he made the mourning of his father seven days. [2of God 1I am]. You planned concerning me
2532 1492 3588 2733.3 3588 1093 * 1519 4190 3588 1161 2316 1011 4012 1473 1519
50:11 kai ¢
eidon oi ¢
katoikoi thV ghV ¢
Canaan ¢ o
eiV ponhra de ¢ ebouleusato
qeoV ¢ peri¢ emou¢ eiV
And [6saw 1the 2inhabitants 3of the 4land 5of Canaan] for evil, but God planned concerning me for
3588 3997 1909 257 * 2532 2036 18 3704 302 1096 5613 4594 2443 1303.5
to ¢
penqoV ¢
epi¢ alwni ¢
Atad† kai ¢
eipan agaqa ¢
¢ opwV ¢
an genhtai ¢
wV shmeron ¢
ina ¢
the mourning at the threshing-floor of Atad. And they said, good, that it should be as it is today, that he might maintain
3997 3173 3778 1510.2.3 3588 * 1223 2992 4183 2532 2036 1473 3361 5399
penqoV ¢
mega ¢ o¢ esti
tout toiV ¢
AiguptioiV ¢
dia ¢
laoV ¢
poluV ¢
50:21 kai eipen ¢
autoiV mh ¢
[4mourning 3a great 1This 2is] to the Egyptians. On account of [2people 1many]. And he said to them, Do not fear!
3778 2564 3588 3686 3588 5117-1565 3997 1473 1303.5 1473 2532 3588 3614-1473 2532 3870
touto ¢
ekalesan to ¢
onoma ¢
tou topou ¢
ekeinou ¢
penqoV ¢ diaqreyw
egw ¢ ¢ kai taV oikiaV
umaV ¢ umwn
¢ ¢
kai parekalesen
this they called the name of that place, Mourning I will maintain you, and your residence. And he comforted
* 3739 1510.2.3 4008 3588 * 1473 2532 2980 1473 1519 3588 2588 2532
Aiguptou o esti ¢
peran tou ¢
Iordanou ¢ kai elalhsen
autouV ¢ ¢
autwn ¢
eiV thn kardian 50:22 kai
of Egypt, which is on the other side of the Jordan. them, and spoke of them in the heart. And
2532 4160 1473 3779 3588 5207-1473 2531 2730- 1722 * 1473 2532 3588 80-1473
50:12 kai ¢
epoihsan ¢
autw ¢
outwV oi uioi¢ autou¢ kaqwV
¢ ¢
katwkhsen ¢ en
Iwshf ¢
Aiguptw ¢ kai oi
autoV adelfoi¢ autou¢
And [2did 3to him 4thus 1his sons], as Joseph dwelt in Egypt, he and his brothers,
1781 1473 2532 353 1473 3588 2532 3956 3588 3832.1 3588 3962-1473 2532 2198-
eneteilato ¢
autoiV 50:13 kai ¢
anelabon ¢
auton oi ¢
kai pasa h ¢
panoikia tou patroV ¢
¢ autou¢ kai ezhsen ¢
he gave charge to them. And [2took 3him and all the whole family of his father. And Joseph lived
5207-1473 1519 1093 * 2532 2290 1473 2094 1540 1176 2532 1492- *
uioi¢ autou¢ eiV ghn ¢
Canaan kai ¢
eqayan ¢
auton ¢
eth ¢
ekaton ¢
deka 50:23 kai ¢
eiden ¢
Iwshf ¢
1his sons] into the land of Canaan. And they entombed him [3years 1a hundred 2ten]. And Joseph saw Ephraim’s
1519 3588 4693 3588 1362 3739 2932- 3588 3813 2193 5154 1074 2532 3588 5207 * 3588
eiV to ¢
sphlaion to ¢ o
diploun ¢
ekthsato ¢ to
Abraam paidia ¢
¢ ewV ¢
trithV ¢
geneaV kai oi uioi¢ Maceir
¢ tou
in the [2cave 1double] which Abraham acquired; the children unto the third generation. And the sons of Machir, the
4693 1722 2934.3 3419 3844 * 3588 5207 * 5088 1909 3382- 2532
sphlaion en ¢
kthsei ¢
mnhmeiou ¢ Efrwn
para ¢ tou ¢ Manassh
uiou ¢ ¢
etecqhsan epi¢ ¢ Iwshf
mhrwn ¢ 50:24 kai
cave for a possession of a memorial from Ephron the son of Manasseh, were born upon Joseph’s thighs. And
* 2713 * 2532 5290- 2036- 3588 80-1473 3004 1473 599
Cettaiou ¢
katenanti ¢
Mambrh ¢
50:14 kai upestreyen ¢
Iwshf ¢
eipen ¢
Iwshf toiV adelfoi¢ autou¢ ¢
legwn ¢
egw ¢
Hittite, over against Mamre. And Joseph returned Joseph said to his brothers, saying, I die,
1519 * 1473 2532 3588 80-1473 2532 3956 3588 1984-1161 1980 1473 3588 2316 2532 321 1473
eiV Aigupton ¢ kai oi
autoV adelfoi¢ autou¢ kai pantaV
¢ oi ¢ de episkeyetai
episkoph ¢ ¢ o
umaV ¢
qeoV ¢
kai anaxei ¢
to Egypt, himself and his brothers, and all the ones and visiting, [2will visit 3you 1God], and lead you
4872 2290 3588 3962-1473 1492 1537 3588 1093 1519 3588 1093 3739 3660
sunanabanteV ¢
qayai ¢ autou¢
ton patera ¢
50:15 idonteV ek ¢
thV ghV tauthV eiV thn ghn hn ¢
going up with him to entomb his father. [5knowing from out of this land, into the land which [2swore by an oath
1161 3588 80 * 3754 2348 3588 3962-1473 3588 2316 3588 3962-1473 * * 2532 *
de oi adelfoi¢ Iwshf
¢ ¢
oti ¢
teqnhken o ¢ autwn
pathr ¢ o ¢
qeoV ¢
toiV patrasin ¢ Abraam
hmwn ¢ ¢ kai Iakwb
Isaak ¢
1And 2the 3brothers 4of Joseph] that [2died 1their father], 1God] to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
2036 3379 3422.2 1473 * 2532 2532 3726- 3588 5207 * 3004
eipan ¢ pote
mh ¢
mnhsikakhsh ¢
hmin ¢
Iwshf kai ¢
50:25 kai wrkisen ¢
Iwshf ¢ Israhl
touV uiouV ¢ ¢
said, Lest at any time [2should resent 3us 1Joseph], and And Joseph bound by an oath the sons of Israel, saying,
468 467 1473 3956 3588 2556 3739 1722 3588 1984 3739 1980-3588-2316 1473 2532
antapodoma ¢
antapodw ¢ panta
hmin ¢ ¢
ta kaka a en th ¢ h
episkoph ¢
episkeyhtai ¢ umaV
o qeoV ¢ kai
with a recompense, recompense to us all the bad things which In the visitation in which God will visit you, even
1731 1473 2532 3854 4875.1 3588 3747-1473 1782 3326 1473
enedeixameqa ¢
autw 50:16 kai ¢
paragenomenoi ¢
sunanoisete ta ¢ mou enteuqen
osta ¢ ¢
meq' umwn
we demonstrated against him, that they having come you shall join in carrying off my bones from here with you.
4314 * 2036 3588 3962-1473 3726 4253 2532 5053-* 2094 1540 1176
proV Iwshf ¢
eipan o pathr ¢
¢ sou wrkise pro ¢
50:26 kai eteleuthsen ¢
Iwshf ¢
etwn ¢
ekaton ¢
to Joseph, said, Your father bound us by an oath before And Joseph came to an end – [3years old 1a hundred 2ten].
3588 5053-1473 3004 3779 2036 * 2532 2290 1473 2532 5087 1722 3588 4673 1722
tou teleuthsai ¢ legwn
auton ¢ ¢
50:17 outwV ¢
eipate ¢
Iwshf ¢
kai eqayan auton ¢
¢ kai eqhkan en ¢ en
th sorw
he came to an end, saying, So say to Joseph, And they entombed him, and they placed him in the coffin in
863 1473 3588 93 2532 3588 266-1473 3754 *
afeV ¢ thn adikian
autoiV ¢ ¢ autwn
kai thn amartian ¢
¢ oti ¢
You forgive them the injustice and their sin! for Egypt.
4190 1473-1731 2532 3568 1209
ponhra ¢
soi enedeixanto ¢
kai nun dexai
the wicked way they demonstrated against you. And now you accept
3588 93
¢ twn
thn adikian
3588 2324
qerapontwn tou
3588 2316 3588 3962-1473
qeou¢ tou patroV
¢ sou
the injustice of the attendants of the God of your father! And
eklausen ¢
Iwshf ¢
lalountwn ¢
2980-1473 4314
proV auton
50:18 kai
2532 CHAPTER 1
Joseph wept during their speaking to him. And
Israel Multiplies
3778 3588 3686 3588 5207 * 3588
50:11 †Transliteration – thorns. ¢
1:1 tauta ta ¢
onomata twn ¢ Israhl
uiwn ¢ twn
These are the names of the sons of Israel of the ones
78 E X O D O S 1:2
1531 1519 * 260 * 2041 3588 4642 3588 4081 2532 3588 4141.1
eispeporeumenwn eiV ¢
Aigupton ¢
ama ¢
Iakwb ¢
ergoiV ¢ tw
toiV sklhroiV ¢
phlw kai th ¢
entering into Egypt together with Jacob [2works 1hard] in the mortar, and in the making of bricks,
3588 3962-1473 1538 3940-1473 1525 2532 3956 3588 2041 3588 1722 3588 3977.1 2596 3956
tw patri¢ autwn
¢ ¢
ekastoV ¢
paroiki autwn ¢
eishlqosan ¢
kai pasi ¢
toiV ergoiV toiV en ¢
toiV pedioiV ¢
kata ¢
their father; each of them sojourning entered. and in all the works in the plains, according to all
* * * * * * 3588 2041 3739 2615-1473 3326 970
1:2 Roubhn ¢
Sumewn ¢
Leu+ IoudaV ¢
1:3 Issacar ¢
Zaboulwn ta ¢
erga wn ¢
katedoulounto ¢
autouV ¢ biaV
meta ¢
Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, the works which they were reducing them to slavery with force.
* * 2532 * * 2532 * *-1161 2532 2036 3588 935 3588 * 3588 3103.1
Beniamin 1:4 Dan kai Nefqali¢ Gad kai Ashr
¢ ¢ de
1:5 Iwshf ¢
1:15 kai eipen o ¢ twn
basileuV ¢
Aiguptiwn ¢
taiV maiaiV
Benjamin, Dan, and Naphtali, Gad, and Asher. But Joseph And [5said 1the 2king 3of the 4Egyptians] to the midwives
1510.7.3 1722 * 1510.7.6-1161 3956 5590 1831 3588 * 3588 1520 1473 3588 3686 *
hn en ¢
Aiguptw ¢
hsan de ¢
pasai yucai¢ ¢
exelqousai twn ¢
Ebraiwn th ¢ autwn
mia ¢ h ¢
onoma ¢
was in Egypt. And were all the souls coming forth of the Hebrews, to a certain one of them with the name Shiphrah,
1537 * 4002 2532 1440 5053 2532 3588 3686 3588 1208 * 2532 2036 1473
ex ¢
Iakwb ¢
pente ¢
kai ebdomhkonta ¢
1:6 eteleuthse kai to ¢
onoma thV ¢
deuteraV ¢
Foua ¢
1:16 kai eipen ¢
from Jacob – five and seventy. [3came to an end and the name of the second Puah. And he said to them,
1161 * 2532 3956 3588 80-1473 2532 3956 3752 3105.1 3588 * 2532 1510.3
de ¢
Iwshf ¢
kai panteV oi adelfoi¢ autou¢ kai pasa
¢ ¢
otan ¢
maiousqe taV ¢
EbraiaV ¢
kai wsi
1And 2Joseph], and all his brothers, and all Whenever you act as midwife to the Hebrews, and they should be
3588 1074-1565 3588-1161 5207 * 837 4314 3588 5088 1437 3303 730-1510.3 615
h ¢ ekeinh
genea ¢ 1:7 oi de uioi¢ Israhl
¢ ¢
huxhqhsan proV to ¢
tiktein ¢ men
ean ¢
arsen h ¢
that generation. And the sons of Israel grew about to bear, if then it should be a male, you kill
2532 4129 2532 5559.1 1096 2532 2729 1473 1437-1161 2338 4046 1473 5399
kai eplhqunqhsan ¢
kai cudaioi ¢
egenonto ¢
kai katiscuon auto¢ ean
¢ de ¢
qhlu ¢
peripoihsasqe auto¢ ¢
1:17 efobhqhsan
and multiplied, and [2extensive 1became], and grew strong it! But if a female, preserve it! [4feared
4970 4970 4129 1161 3588 1093 1473 1161 3588 3103.1 3588 2316 2532 3756 4160
sfodra ¢
sfodra ¢
eplhqune de h gh ¢
autouV de ai ¢
maiai ¢
ton qeon kai ouk ¢
exceedingly, exceedingly. [4multiplied 1And 2the 3land] of them. 1But 2the 3midwives] God, and they did not do
450 1161 935 2087 1909 * 3739 3756 2530 4929 1473 3588 935 * 2532
1:8 anesth de basileuV ¢
¢ eteroV ¢
ep' Aigupton oV ouk ¢
kaqoti ¢
sunetaxen ¢ o
autaiV ¢ Aiguptou
basileuV ¢ kai
[4rose up 1And 3king 2another] over Egypt who did not in so far as [4ordered 5them 1the 2king 3of Egypt]. And
1492 3588 * 2036-1161 3588 1484-1473 2400 3588 2225 3588 730 2564 1161 3588
hdei ¢
ton Iwshf ¢ de
1:9 eipe ¢
tw eqnei autou¢ idou¢ to ¢
ezwogonoun ta ¢
arsena ¢
1:18 ekalese de o
know Joseph. And he said to his nation, Behold, the they brought forth alive the males. [5called 1And 2the
1085 3588 5207 * 3173 4128 2532 2480 935 * 3588 3103.1 2532 2036 1473 5100
genoV twn ¢ Israhl
uiwn ¢ mega
¢ ¢
plhqoV ¢
kai iscuei ¢ Aiguptou
basileuV ¢ ¢
taV maiaV ¢
kai eipen ¢
autaiV ti
race of the sons of Israel are a great multitude, and they are strong 3king 4of Egypt] the midwives, and said to them, Why
5228 1473 1205 3767 2686 1473 3754 4160 3588 4229-3778 2532 2225 3588
uper ¢
hmaV ¢
1:10 deute oun ¢
katasofiswmeqa ¢
autouV ¢
oti ¢
epoihsate ¢
to pragma ¢ kai ezwogoneite
touto ¢ ta
above us. Come then we should deal subtly with them, is it that you did this thing, and brought forth alive the
3379 4129 2532 2259-302 1473 730 2036 1161 3588 3103.1 3588 * 3756 5613
¢ pote
mh ¢
plhqunqh kai ¢ an
hnika ¢
hmin ¢
arsena ¢
1:19 eipan de ai ¢
maiai ¢
tw Faraw ouc wV
lest at any time they should multiply, and whenever [3to us males? [4said 1And 2the 3midwives] to Pharaoh, Not as
4819 4171 4369 2532-3778 4314 1135 * 3588 * 5088-1063 4250 2228
sumbh ¢
polemoV ¢
prosteqhsontai ¢
kai outoi proV ¢
gunaikeV ¢
Aiguptou ai ¢ tiktousi
Ebraiai ¢ gar prin h
2may come to pass 1a war], [2will add 1these also] to the women of Egypt are the Hebrews, for they give birth before
3588 5227 2532 1606.2 1473 1831 1525 4314 1473 3588 3103.1 2532 5088 2095
touV upenantiouV ¢
kai ekpolemhsanteV ¢ exeleusontai
hmaV ¢ ¢ proV autaV
eiselqein ¢ taV maiaV
¢ ¢
kai etikton 1:20 eu
the opponents, and waging war against us they shall go forth [3entered 4to 5them 1the 2midwives], and they bear. [3good
1537 3588 1093 1161 4160-3588-2316 3588 3103.1 2532 4129 3588
ek thV ghV de ¢
epoiei ¢ taiV
o qeoV ¢
maiaV kai ¢
eplhqunen o
from the land. 1And 2God did] to the midwives. And he multiplied the
2992 2532 2480 4970 1894 5399
The Affliction of Israel ¢
laoV ¢
kai iscue ¢
sfodra ¢ efobounto
1:21 epeidh ¢
2532 2186 1473 1988 1909 3588
people, and it became strong exceedingly. Since [3feared
1:11 kai ¢
epesthsen ¢
autoiV ¢
epistataV epi¢ twn 3588 3103.1 3588 2316 4160 1438 3614
And he set to them supervisors over the ai ¢
maiai ¢
ton qeon ¢
epoihsan ¢
eautaiV ¢
2041 2443 2559 1473 1722 3588 2041 2532
1the 2midwives] God, they made to themselves families.
ergwn ¢
ina ¢
kakwswsin ¢ en
autouV toiV ¢
ergoiV kai 4929 1161 * 3956 3588 2992-1473 3004
works, that they might afflict them in their works. And ¢
1:22 sunetaxe de ¢
Faraw panti¢ tw law
¢ autou¢ legwn
3618 4172 3793.1 3588 * 3588 5037
[3gave orders 1And 2Pharaoh] to all his people, saying,
wkodomhsan ¢
poleiV ¢
ocuraV tw ¢
Faraw thn te 3956 730 3739 302 5088 3588 * 1519 3588
they built [2cities 1fortified] to Pharaoh – pan ¢
arsen o an ¢
tecqh toiV ¢
EbraioiV eiV ton
* 2532 * 2532 * 3739 1510.2.3 *
Every male who ever should be born to the Hebrews [2into 3the
Piqwm kai ¢ kai
Ramessh Wn h estin ¢
HlioupoliV 4215 4495 2532 3956 2338 2225-1473
Pithom and Raamses, and On which is Heliopolis. ¢ riyate
potamon ¢ ¢
kai pan qhlu ¢ auto¢
2530-1161 1473-5013 5118 4183
4river 1toss], and every female bring it forth alive!
¢ de
1:12 kaqoti ¢
autouV etapeinoun ¢
tosoutw ¢
And in so far as they humbled them by so much, [2many more CHAPTER 2
1096 2532 2480 4970 4970 2532
eginonto ¢
kai iscuon ¢
sfodra ¢
sfodra kai
1they became]. And they were strong exceedingly, exceedingly. And Birth of Moses
948 3588 * 575 3588 5207 * 2532 1510.7.3-1161 5100 1537 3588 5443 *
ebdelussonto oi ¢
Aiguptioi apo¢ twn uiwn
¢ Israhl
¢ 1:13 kai 2:1 hn de tiV ek ¢ Leui¢
thV fulhV
[3were abhorred 1the 2Egyptians] of the sons of Israel. And And there was a certain man from the tribe of Levi,
2616 3588 * 3588 5207 * 970 2532 2983 3588 2364 * 2532 2192 1473 2532
katedunasteuon oi ¢
Aiguptioi ¢ Israhl
touV uiouV ¢ bia
¢ ¢
kai elaben twn ¢
qugaterwn Leui¢ ¢
kai escen ¢
authn 2:2 kai
[3tyrannized 1the 2Egyptians] the sons of Israel by force. and he took of the daughters of Levi, and had her. And
2532 2736.1 1473 3588 2222 1722 3588 1722 1064 2983 2532 5088 730 1492-1161
1:14 kai ¢
katwdunwn ¢ thn
autwn ¢ en
zwhn toiV en gastri¢ ¢
elabe ¢
kai eteken ¢
arsen ¢
idonteV de
And they grievously afflicted them by the life in the [2in 3the womb 1she conceived], and bore a male. And seeing
2:3 E X O D U S 79
1473 791 4628.1 1473 3376 5140
auto¢ ¢
asteion ¢
eskepasan auto¢ ¢
mhnaV treiV Moses Kills an Egyptian
that it was fair, they sheltered it [2months 1three]. 1096-1161 1722 3588 2250 3588 4183
1893-1161 3756-1410 1473 2089 2928 ¢
2:11 egeneto de en ¢
taiV hmeraiV ¢
taiV pollaiV
2:3 epei¢ de ¢
ouk hdunanto ¢
auto¢ eti ¢
kruptein And it came to pass in [3days 2many
But when they were not able [2it 3any longer 1to hide], 1565 3173 1096 * 1831 4314 3588
2983 1473 3588 3384-1473 2344.3 3843.1 2532 ¢
ekeinaiV ¢
megaV ¢
genomenoV ¢ exhlqe
MwushV ¢ proV touV
elaben ¢
autw h ¢ autou¢ qibin†
mhthr ¢ ¢
papurou kai 1those], [3older 2becoming 1Moses], he went forth to
[2took 3for him 1his mother] a wicker basket of papyrus, and 80-1473 3588 5207 * 2657-1161
2710.1 1473 805.1 2532 1685 3588 3813 ¢ autou¢
adelfouV touV ¢
uiouV ¢
Israhl ¢
katanohsaV de
katecrisen ¢ asfaltopissh
authn ¢ ¢
kai enebale to ¢
paidion his brethren of the sons of Israel. And contemplating
besmeared it with tar, and put the male child 3588 4192-1473 3708 444-* 5180
1519 1473 2532 5087 1473 1519 3588 1678.2 3844 3588 4215 ton ¢
ponon ¢
autwn ¢
ora ¢
anqrwpon ¢
Aiguption ¢
eiV authn ¢
¢ kai eqhken ¢ eiV to
authn ¢
eloV ¢ ton potamon
para ¢ their misery, he saw an Egyptian man beating
into it, and put it into the marsh by the river. 5100 * 3588 1438 80 3588 5207 *
2532 2684 3588 79-1473 3113 3129 tina ¢ twn eautou¢
Ebraion ¢ twn
adelfwn ¢ Israhl
uiwn ¢
2:4 kai ¢
kateskopeuen h ¢ autou¢ makroqen
adelfh ¢ ¢
maqein a certain Hebrew of his own brethren of the sons of Israel.
And [2spied out 1his sister] far off to learn 4017-1161 5602 2532 5602
5100 3588 576 1473 2597 1161 3588
2:12 peribleyamenoV ¢
de wde kai ¢
ti to ¢
apobhsomenon ¢
autw ¢
2:5 katebh de h And looking about here on this side and here on that side
what would result to him. [5went down 1And 2the 3756-3708 3762 2532 3960 3588 * 2928
2364 * 3068 1909 3588 4215 2532 3588
ouc ora ¢
oudena kai ¢
pataxaV ¢
ton Aiguption ¢
qugathr ¢
Faraw ¢
lousasqai epi¢ ¢ kai ai
ton potamon he did not see anyone. And striking the Egyptian, he hid
3daughter 4of Pharaoh] to bathe upon the river, and 1473 1722 3588 285 1831-1161 3588 2250 3588
10.3-1473 3899 1909 3588 4215 2532 1492
¢ en
auton th ¢
ammw ¢ de
2:13 exelqwn th ¢
hmera th
abrai ¢
authV ¢
pareporeuonto epi¢ ton potamon
¢ kai idousa
¢ him in the sand. And coming forth the [2day
her handmaidens came near unto the river. And they saw 1208 3708 1417 435 * 1277.1
3588 2344.3 1722 3588 1678.2 649 3588 10.3
deutera ¢
ora ¢
duo ¢
andraV ¢
EbraiouV ¢
thn qibin en ¢
tw elei ¢
aposteilasa ¢
thn abran 1second], he saw two men, Hebrews skirmishing.
the wicker basket in the marsh, and she sent the handmaiden 2532 3004 3588 91 1302 1473 5180 3588
337 1473 455-1161 3708 3813 2799 kai ¢
legei tw ¢
adikounti diati¢ su ¢
tupteiV ton
aneilato ¢
authn ¢
2:6 anoixasa ¢
de ora ¢
paidion ¢
klaion And he says to the one in the wrong, Why do you beat
to take it up. And opening, she sees a male child weeping 4139 3588 1161 2036 5100 1473-2525
1722 3588 2344.3 2532 5339 1473 3588 2364 ¢
plhsion 2:14 o de ¢
eipe tiV ¢
se katesthsen
en th ¢
qibei kai ¢
efeisato autou¢ h ¢
qugathr your neighbor? And he said, Who placed you
in the wicker basket. And [4spared 5him 1the 2daughter 758 2532 1348 1909 1473 3361 337
* 2532 5346 575 3588 3813 3588 ¢
arconta ¢ ef'
kai dikasthn ¢ mh
hmaV ¢
Faraw kai ¢
efh apo¢ twn ¢
paidiwn twn magistrate and judge over us? Is it that [3to do away with
3of Pharaoh], and said, [2from 3the 4male children 5of the 1473 1473 2309 3739 5158 337 5504 3588
* 3778 2532 2036 3588 79-1473 me su ¢
qeleiV on ¢
tropon ¢
aneileV cqeV ton
Ebraiwn ¢
touto 2:7 kai ¢
eipen h ¢ autou¢
adelfh 4me 1you 2want] in which manner you did away yesterday with the
6Hebrews 1This one is]. And [2said 1his sister] * 5399 1161 * 2532 2036 1487 3779
3588 2364 * 2309 2564 1473 1135 ¢
Aiguption ¢
efobhqh de ¢ kai eipen
MwushV ¢ ei ¢
th qugatri¢ Faraw
¢ ¢
qeleiV ¢
kalesw soi ¢
gunaika Egyptian? [3feared 1And 2Moses], and said, Surely thus
to the daughter of Pharaoh, If you want I will call for you a woman 1717 1096 3588 4487-3778
5159.2 1537 3588 * 2532 2337 1473 3588 ¢
emfaneV ¢
gegone ¢
to rhma ¢
trofeuousan ek ¢
twn Ebraiwn ¢
kai qhlasei soi to [3apparent 2has become 1this thing].
nursing from the Hebrews, and she will suckle for you the
3813 2532 2036 1473 3588 2364 * Moses Flees to Midian
paidion ¢
2:8 kai eipen ¢
auth h ¢
qugathr ¢
Faraw 191 1161 * 3588 4487-3778 2532
male child. And [4said 5to her 1the 2daughter 3of Pharaoh], ¢
2:15 hkouse de ¢
Faraw to ¢
rhma ¢
touto kai
4198 565-1161 3588 3494.1 2564 3588 3384 [3heard about 1And 2Pharaoh] this thing, and
poreuou ¢
apelqousa de h ¢
neaniV ¢
ekalese ¢
thn mhtera 2212 337 * 402 1161 *
Go! And going, the young woman called the mother ¢
ezhtei ¢
anelein ¢ anecwrhse
Mwushn ¢ de ¢
3588 3813 2036 1161 4314 1473 3588 2364 he sought to do away with Moses. [3withdrew 1But 2Moses]
tou ¢
paidiou ¢
2:9 eipe de ¢ h
proV authn ¢
qugathr 575 4383 * 2532 2730 1722 1093
of the male child. [5said 1And 6to 7her 2the 3daughter apo¢ ¢
proswpou ¢
Faraw kai ¢
katwkhsen en gh
* 1301 1473 3588 3813-3778 2532 from the face of Pharaoh, and he dwelt in the land
Faraw ¢
diathrhs ¢
on moi to ¢ touto
paidion ¢ kai * 2064-1161 1519 1093 * 2523 1909
4of Pharaoh], Carefully keep for me this male child, and ¢
Madian ¢ de
elqwn eiV ghn ¢
Madian ¢
ekaqisen epi¢
2337 1473-1473 1473-1161 1325 1473 3588 3408 2983 1161 of Midian. And coming into the land of Midian, he sat at
qhlas ¢ moi auto¢ egw
on ¢ de dwsw
¢ soi ton misqon ¢
¢ elabe de 3588 5421 3588-1161 2409 * 1510.7.6 2033
suckle it for me, and I will give to you the wage. [4took 1And ¢
tou freatoV 2:16 tw de ierei¢ Madian
¢ ¢
hsan ¢
3588 1135 3588 3813 2532 2337 1473 100.1 the well. And to the priest of Midian there were seven
h ¢
gunh ¢
to paidion ¢
kai eqhlazen auto¢ 2:10 adrunqentoV
¢ 2364 4165 3588 4263 3588 3962-1473
2the 3woman] the male child, and suckled it. [4maturing ¢
qugatereV ¢
poimainousai ta ¢
probata tou ¢ autwn
patroV ¢
1161 3588 3813 1521 1473 4314 3588 2364 daughters tending the sheep of their father
de ¢
tou paidiou ¢
eishgagen auto¢ proV thn qugatera
¢ * 3854-1161 501 2193 4130 3588
1And 2the 3male child], she brought it to the daughter ¢
Ioqwr ¢
paragenomenai ¢
de hntloun ¢
ewV ¢
eplhsan taV
* 2532 1096 1473 1519 5207 2028-1161 Jethro. And they came to draw water until they filled the
Faraw kai ¢
egeneto ¢
auth eiV ¢
uion ¢
epwnomase de 1186.1 4222 3588 4263 3588 3962-1473 *
of Pharaoh. And he became to her for a son. And she named ¢
dexamenaV ¢
potisai ta ¢
probata ¢ autwn
tou patroV ¢ ¢
3588 3686-1473 * 3004 3754 1537 3588 5204 troughs to water the sheep of their father Jethro.
to ¢
onoma autou¢ Mwushn
¢ ¢
legousa ¢
oti ek ¢
tou udatoV
his name Moses. Saying, For from the water 3854-1161 3588 4166 1544-1473 450
2:17 paragenomenoi de oi ¢
poimeneV ¢
exeballon ¢ anastaV
autaV ¢
1473-337 And coming, the shepherds cast them away. [3rose up
¢ aneilomhn
auton ¢
I took him up. 1161 * 4506 1473 2532 501 1473
de ¢
MwushV ¢
errusato ¢
autaV ¢
kai hntlhsen ¢
1But 2Moses] to rescue them, and he drew water for them,
2532 4222 3588 4263-1473 3854-1161 4314
2:3 †CP et seq. qhkhn – a case. ¢
kai epotise ta ¢
probata ¢
autwn ¢
2:18 paregenonto de proV
and he watered their sheep. And they came to
80 E X O D O S 2:19
* 3588 3962-1473 3588 1161 2036 1473 5100 4263 5259 3588 2048 2532 2064 1519 3588 3735 3588
Ragouhl† ¢ autwn
ton patera ¢ o de ¢
eipen ¢
autaiV ti ¢
probata upo¢ thn erhmon
¢ ¢
kai hlqen eiV ¢
to oroV tou
Reuel their father. And he said to them, Why sheep by the wilderness. And he came unto the mountain
3754 5035.1 3588 3854 4594 3588 2316 * 3708-1161 1473 32 2962 1722
oti ¢
etacunate ¢
tou paragenesqai ¢
shmeron 2:19 ai qeou¢ ¢
Cwrhb ¢
3:2 wfqh de autw ¢
¢ aggeloV ¢
kuriou en
is it that you hastened to come today? of God – Horeb. And appeared to him an angel of the lord in
1161 2036 444-* 4506 1473 575 5395 4442 1537 3588 942 2532 3708 3754 3588 942
de ¢
eipon ¢
anqrwpoV ¢
AiguptioV ¢
errusato ¢
hmaV apo¢ flogi¢ puroV
¢ ek ¢
tou batou ¢
kai ora ¢
oti h ¢
And they said, An Egyptian man rescued us from flaming fire from out of the bush. and he saw that the bush
3588 4166 2532 501 1473 2532 4222 3588 2545 4442 3588-1161 942 3756 2618 2036
twn poimenwn ¢
kai hntlhsen ¢
hmin ¢
kai epotise ta ¢
kaietai puri¢ h de ¢
batoV ou ¢
katekaieto ¢
3:3 eipe
the shepherds, and he drew water for us, and he watered burned with fire, but the bush did not incinerate. [3said
4263-1473 3588 1161 2036 3588 2364-1473 1161 * 3928 3708 3588 3705 3588 3173-3778
probata ¢
hmwn 2:20 o de ¢
eipe ¢
taiV qugatrasin autou¢ de ¢ parelqwn
MwushV ¢
¢ oyomai to ¢
orama to ¢
mega ¢
our sheep. And he said to his daughters, 1And 2Moses], Going by I will see [2vision 1this great].
2532 4226 1510.2.3 2532 2444 3779 2641 3588 444 3754 3756 2618 3588 942 5613-1161
kai pou esti kai inati¢ outwV
¢ ¢
kataleloipate ¢
ton anqrwpon ti ¢
oti ou ¢
katakaietai o ¢
batoV 3:4 wV de
And where is he, and why thus have you left the man? Why is it that [3is not 4incinerated 1the 2bush]. And as
2564 3767-1473 3704 2068 740 2733.1 1492-2962 3754 4317 1492 2564 1473 2962
kalesate ¢
oun auton ¢
opwV ¢
fagh ¢
arton ¢
2:21 katwkisqh ¢ kurioV
eide ¢ ¢
oti ¢
prosagei ¢
idein ¢
ekalesen ¢ kurioV
auton ¢
You call him indeed! that he may eat bread. [3settled the lord saw that he neared to see, [2called 3him 1the lord]
1161 * 3844 3588 444 2532 1554 * 1537 3588 942 3004 * * 3588 1161 2036
de ¢ para
MwushV ¢ tw anqrwpw
¢ ¢
kai exedoto ¢
Sepfwran ek ¢
thV batou ¢
legwn ¢ Mwush
Mwush ¢ o de ¢
1And 2Moses] by the man. And he handed over Zipporah from out of the bush, saying, Moses, Moses. And he said,
3588 2364-1473 * 1135 1722 1064 1161 5100 1510.2.3 3588 1161 2036 3361-1448 5602
¢ autou¢ Mwush
thn qugatera ¢ gunaika
¢ 2:22 en gastri¢ de ti estin 3:5 o de ¢
eipe ¢
mh eggishV ¢
his daughter to Moses as wife. [3in 4the womb 1And What is it? And he said, You should not approach here.
2983 3588 1135 5088 5207 2532 2028-* 3089 3588 5266 1537 3588 4228-1473 3588-1063 5117 1722
labousa h ¢
gunh ¢
eteken ¢
uion ¢
kai epwnomase ¢
MwushV ¢
lusai to ¢
upodhma ek ¢ sou o gar
twn podwn ¢
topoV en
2conceiving], the woman bore a son, and Moses named Untie the sandal from your feet, for the place in
3588 3686-1473 * 3004 3754 3941-1510.2.1 1722 1093 3739 1473 2476 1093 39-1510.2.3 2532 2036 1473
to onoma autou¢ Ghrsam
¢ ¢
legwn ¢
oti ¢
paroik ¢ eimi
oV en gh w ¢
su esthkaV gh ¢ esti¢ 3:6 kai eipen
agia ¢ ¢
his name Gershom, saying that, I am a sojourner in [2land which you stand [2ground 1is holy]. And he said to him,
245 2089-1161 4815 5088 5207 1208 1473 1510.2.1 3588 2316 3588 3962-1473 3588 2316 *
¢ †eti de
allotria ¢
sullabousa ¢
eteken ¢ deuteron
uion ¢ ¢ eimi
egw o ¢ tou patroV
qeoV ¢ sou o ¢ Abraam
qeoV ¢
1an alien]. And still again conceiving, she bore [2son 1a second], I am the God of your father; the God of Abraham,
2532 2564 3588 3686-1473 * 3004 3754 2316 2532 3588 2316 * 2532 3588 2316 * 654
kai ekalese to ¢
onoma autou¢ Eliezer
¢ ¢
legwn ¢
oti ¢
qeoV kai o ¢ Isaak
qeoV ¢ kai o ¢ Iakwb
qeoV ¢ ¢
and he called his name Eliezer, saying that, the God and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. [3turned
3588 3962-1473 998-1473 2532 4506 1473 1537 5495 1161 * 3588 4383-1473 2125-1063 2601.2
¢ mou bohqoV
tou patroV ¢ mou kai errusat
¢ o¢ me ek ¢
ceiroV de ¢ to proswpon
MwushV ¢ autou¢ eulabeito
¢ gar katableyai
of my father, my helper, also rescued me from the hand 1And 2Moses] his face, for he venerated to look
* 3326-1161 3588 2250 3588 4183 1565 1799 3588 2316 2036 1161 2962 4314
Faraw†† ¢ de
2:23 meta ¢
taV hmeraV ¢ ekeinaV
taV pollaV ¢ ¢
enwpion tou qeou¢ ¢
3:7 eipe de ¢
kurioV proV
of Pharaoh. And after [3days 2many 1those], in the presence of God. [3said 1And 2the lord] to
5053 3588 935 * 2532 2687.1 3588 * 1492 1492 3588 2561 3588 2992-1473 3588
eteleuthsen o ¢ Aiguptou
basileuV ¢ ¢
kai katestenaxan oi ¢ idwn
Mwushn ¢ ¢
eidon ¢
thn kakwsin tou laou¢ mou tou
[4came to an end 1the 2king 3of Egypt], and [4groaned 1the Moses, In seeing, I saw the ill-treatment of my people
5207 * 575 3588 2041 2532 310 2532 305 1722 * 2532 3588 2906-1473 191 575
uioi¢ Israhl
¢ ¢
apo¢ twn ergwn ¢
kai anebohsan ¢
kai anebh en ¢
Aiguptw ¢ autwn
kai thV kraughV ¢ akhkoa
¢ apo¢
2sons 3of Israel] from the works, and yelled out. And [2ascended in Egypt, and their cry I have heard because of
3588 995-1473 4314 3588 2316 575 3588 2041 2532 3588 2040.2 1492-1063 3588 3601-1473 2532
h ¢ autwn
boh ¢ proV ton qeon
¢ apo¢ ¢
twn ergwn 2:24 kai ¢ oida
twn ergodiwktwn ¢ gar ¢
thn odunhn ¢
autwn 3:8 kai
1their yell] to God because of the works. And the foremen. For I have seen their grief. And
1522-3588-2316 3588 4726-1473 2532 3403-3588-2316 2597 1807 1473 1537 5495 3588 * 2532
eishkousen ¢ ton stenagmon
o qeoV ¢ autwn
¢ kai emnhsqh
¢ ¢
o qeoV ¢
katebhn ¢
exelesqai ¢ ek
autouV ¢
ceiroV twn ¢ kai
God listened to their moaning, and God remembered I came down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians, and
3588 1242-1473 3588 4314 * 2532 * 2532 1806 1473 1537 3588 1093-1565 2532 1521
thV diaqhkhV autou¢ thV ¢
proV Abraam ¢ kai
kai Isaak ¢ autouV
exagagein ¢ ek ¢
thV ghV ekeinhV ¢
kai eisagagein
his covenant, the one with Abraham, and Isaac, and to lead them from out of that land, and to bring
* 2532 1896-3588-2316 3588 5207 * 2532 1473 1519 1093 18 2532 4183 1519 1093 4482
Iakwb 2:25 kai ¢
epeiden ¢
o qeoV ¢ Israhl
touV uiouV ¢ kai ¢ eiV
autouV ghn ¢ kai pollhn
agaqhn ¢ eiV ghn ¢
Jacob. And God looked upon the sons of Israel, and them into a land good and populous; into a land flowing
1097 1473 1051 2532 3192 1519 3588 5117 3588 * 2532 *
egnwsqh ¢
autoiV ¢
gala ¢
kai meli ¢
eiV ton topon twn ¢
Cananaiwn ¢
kai Cettaiwn
he was made known to them. milk and honey; into the place of the Canaanites, and Hittites,
2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532
kai Amorraiwn ¢
kai Ferezaiwn ¢
kai Gergesaiwn ¢
kai Euaiwn kai
and Amorites, and Perizzites, and Gergesites, and Hivites, and
* 2532 3568 2400 3588 2906 3588 5207 *
Moses and the Burning Bush ¢
Iebousaiwn 3:9 kai nun idou¢ h ¢ twn
kraugh ¢ Israhl
uiwn ¢
2532 * 1510.7.3 4165 3588 4263 * Jebusites. And now, behold, the cry of the sons of Israel
¢ hn
3:1 kai MwushV ¢
poimainwn ¢
ta probata ¢
Ioqwr 2240 4314 1473 2504 3708 3588 2346.1 3739 3588
And Moses was tending the sheep of Jethro ¢
hkei proV me ¢ ewraka
kagw ¢ ¢ on
ton qlimmon oi
3588 3995-1473 3588 2409 * 2532 71 3588 is come to me. And I have seen the affliction by which the
tou penqerou¢ autou¢ tou ierewV
¢ ¢
Madian kai ¢
hgage ta * 2346 1473 2532 3568 1204 649 1473
his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. And he led the ¢
Aiguptioi ¢
qlibousin ¢ 3:10 kai nun deuro
autouV ¢ aposteilw
¢ se
Egyptians afflict them. And now, come, I shall send you
4314 * 935 * 2532 1806 3588 2992-1473
2:18 †Cod. Alex. Ioqwr – Jethro. ¢ basilea
proV Faraw ¢ Aiguptou
¢ ¢
kai exaxeiV ¢ mou
ton laon
to Pharaoh king of Egypt. And you shall lead my people
2:22 †—†† See Bos for variants.
3:11 E X O D U S 81
3588 5207 * 1537 1093 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532
¢ Israhl
touV uiouV ¢ ek ghV ¢
Aiguptou 3:11 kai ¢
Euaiwn ¢
kai Amorraiwn ¢
kai Ferezaiwn ¢
kai Gergesaiwn kai
the sons of Israel from out of the land of Egypt. And Hivites, and Amorites, and Perizzites, and Gergesites, and
2036-* 4314 3588 2316 5100 1510.2.1 1473 3754 4198 * 1519 1093 4482 1051 2532 3192 2532
¢ MwushV
eipe ¢ proV ton qeon
¢ tiV eimi egw ¢
¢ oti ¢
poreusomai ¢
Iebousaiwn eiV ghn ¢
reousan ¢
gala ¢
kai meli 3:18 kai
Moses said to God, Who am I that I shall go Jebusites, into a land flowing milk and honey. And
4314 * 935 * 2532 3754 1806 3588 1522 1473 3588 5456 2532 1525-1473 2532
¢ basilea
proV Faraw ¢ Aiguptou
¢ ¢
kai oti ¢
exaxw touV ¢
eisakousontai¢ ¢ kai
sou thV fwnhV ¢
eiseleush su kai
to Pharaoh king of Egypt, and that I shall lead out the they shall hearken to your voice. And you shall enter, and
5207 * 1537 1093 * 2036 1161 3588 3588 1087 * 4314 * 935 *
¢ Israhl
uiouV ¢ ek ghV ¢
Aiguptou ¢
3:12 eipe de o h ¢
gerousia ¢
Israhl ¢ basilea
proV Faraw ¢ Aiguptou
sons of Israel from the land of Egypt? [3said 1And the council of elders of Israel, to Pharaoh king of Egypt.
2316 4314 * 3004 3754 1510.8.1 3326 1473 2532 2532 2046 4314 1473 2962 3588 2316 3588 *
qeoV ¢
proV Mwushn ¢
legwn ¢
oti ¢
esomai ¢ sou kai
meta ¢
kai ereiV ¢ kurioV
proV auton ¢ o ¢ twn
qeoV ¢
2God] to Moses, saying that, I will be with you. And And you shall say to him, The lord God of the Hebrews
3778 1473 3588 4592 3754 1473 1473-1821 1722 4341 1473 4198 3767 3598 5140
¢ o¢ soi
tout to shmeion ¢
¢ oti ¢ se exapostellw
egw ¢ en ¢
proskeklhtai ¢ poreusomeqa
hmaV ¢ oun ¢
odon ¢
this will be to you the sign that I send you in calls us. We shall go then on [3journey 1a three
3588 1806-1473 3588 2992-1473 1537 * 2532 2250 1519 3588 2048 2443 2380 2962
tw ¢ se ton laon
exagagein ¢ mou ex ¢
Aiguptou kai ¢ eiV
hmerwn ¢
thn erhmon ¢
ina ¢
quswmen ¢
your leading my people from out of Egypt, and 2days] into the wilderness, that we might sacrifice to the lord
3000 3588 2316 1722 3588 3735-3778 3588 2316-1473 1473-1161 1492 3754 3756 4290.2-1473
latreusete tw qew ¢
¢ en tw orei ¢
toutw ¢ hmwn
tw qew ¢ ¢ de oida
3:19 egw ¢ ¢
oti ou ¢
prohsetai ¢
you shall serve God in this mountain. our God. But I know that [4will not 5let you go
* 935 * 4198 1437-3361 3326 5495
The One Being ¢
Faraw ¢ Aiguptou
basileuV ¢ ¢
poreuqhnai ¢ mh meta
ean ¢ ceiroV
1Pharaoh 2king 3of Egypt], [2going 1unless] with [2hand
2532 2036-* 4314 3588 2316 2400 1473
3:13 kai ¢ MwushV
eipe ¢ ¢
proV ton qeon idou¢ ¢
egw 2900 2532 1614 3588 5495-1473 3960 3588
krataiaV ¢
3:20 kai ekteinaV ¢ a
thn ceir ¢ mou pataxw
¢ touV
And Moses said to God, Behold, I
2064 4314 3588 5207 * 2532 2046 4314 1473
1a fortified], and stretching out my hand to strike the
eleusomai ¢ Israhl
proV touV uiouV ¢ ¢
kai erw ¢
proV autouV * 1722 3956 3588 2297-1473 3739 4160 1722
will go to the sons of Israel, and I shall say to them, ¢
AiguptiouV ¢
en pasi ¢
toiV qaumasioiV mou oiV ¢
poihsw en
3588 2316 3588 3962-1473 649 1473 4314 1473 2532
Egyptians in all my wonders, which I will do among
o ¢ twn paterwn
qeoV ¢ ¢ apestalk
hmwn ¢ e¢ me ¢ kai
proV umaV 1473 2532 3326 3778 1821-1473 2532
The God of our fathers sent me to you. And ¢ kai
autoiV ¢ tauta
meta ¢ exapostelei¢ umaV
¢ 3:21 kai
1437 2065 1473 5100 3588 3686 1473 5100
them. And after these things I will send you out. And
ean erwthswsi¢ me ti to ¢
onoma autw ti 1325 5484 3588 2992-3778 1799 3588 *
if they shall ask me, What is the name given to him? What ¢
dwsw ¢
carin tw ¢ toutw
law ¢ ¢
enwpion twn ¢
2046 4314 1473 2532 2036-3588-2316 4314 *
I will give favor to this people before the Egyptians.
erw ¢
proV autouV 3:14 kai ¢
eipen ¢ proV Mwushn
o qeoV ¢ 3752-1161 665.1 3756-565
shall I say to them? And God said to Moses, ¢
otan de ¢
apotrechte ¢
ouk apeleusesqe
1473 1510.2.1 3588 1510.6 2532 2036 3779 2046
And whenever you might run from them, you will not go forth
¢ eimi
egw o wn kai ¢
eipen ¢
outwV ¢
ereiV 2756 235 154 1135 3844 1069 2532
I am the one being. And he said, Thus you shall say kenoi¢ ¢ aithsei
3:22 alla ¢ ¢
gunh ¢ geitonoV
para ¢ kai
3588 5207 * 3588 1510.6 649 1473 4314 1473
empty. But [2will ask 1a woman] from [2neighbor 3and
toiV ¢ Israhl
uioiV ¢ o wn ¢
apestalke¢ me proV umaV
¢ 4951.2 1473 4632 693 2532 5552 2532
to the sons of Israel, The one being has sent me to you. ¢
suskhnou ¢ skeuh
authV ¢ ¢
argura ¢
kai crusa kai
2532 2036-3588-2316 3825 4314 * 3779 2046
4fellow tent-dweller 1her] of items of silver, and of gold, and
3:15 kai eipen ¢ palin
o qeoV ¢ ¢ outwV
proV Mwushn ¢ ¢
ereiV 2441 2532 2007 1909 3588 5207-1473 2532
And God said again to Moses, Thus you shall say ¢ kai
imatismon ¢
epiqhsete epi¢ ¢ umwn
touV uiouV ¢ kai
3588 5207 * 2962 3588 * 3588 3962-1473 3588
clothes. And you will place them upon your sons, and
toiV ¢ Israhl
uioiV ¢ ¢
kurioV o ¢ twn paterwn
qeoV ¢ ¢ o
hmwn 1909 3588 2364-1473 2532 4659.1 3588 *
to the sons of Israel, The lord God of our fathers, the epi¢ taV qugateraV
¢ ¢ kai skuleusete†
umwn ¢ ¢
touV AiguptiouV
2316 * 2532 3588 2316 * 2532 3588 2316 *
upon your daughters, and you will despoil the Egyptians.
¢ Abraam
qeoV ¢ kai o ¢ Isaak
qeoV ¢ kai o ¢ Iakwb
qeoV ¢
God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob CHAPTER 4
649 1473 4314 1473 3778 1473-1510.2.3 3588 3686 166
apestalke¢ me proV umaV
¢ tout
¢ o¢ mou esti¢ to onoma
¢ ¢
sent me to you; this is my [2name 1eternal], The Rod of Moses
2532 3422 1074 1074 2064 611 1161 * 2532 2036 1437 3767
kai mnhmosunon ¢
genewn ¢
geneaiV ¢
3:16 elqwn ¢
4:1 apekriqh de ¢
MwushV kai ¢
eipen ¢
ean oun
and a memorial for generations to generations. Going [3answered 1And 2Moses] and said, If then
3767 4863 3588 1087 3588 5207 * 2532 3361 4100 1473 3366 1522 3588
oun ¢
sunagage ¢
thn gerousian twn ¢ Israhl
uiwn ¢ kai mh ¢
pisteuswsi¢ moi mhde¢ ¢
eisakouswsi thV
then, gather the council of elders of the sons of Israel! And they should not believe me, nor listen to
2046 4314 1473 2962 3588 2316 3588 3962-1473 5456-1473 2046-1063 3754 3756 3708 1473 3588
ereiV ¢ kurioV
proV autouV ¢ o ¢ twn paterwn
qeoV ¢ ¢
hmwn ¢ mou erousi
fwnhV ¢ gar ¢
oti ouk ¢
wptai¢ soi o
you shall say to them, The lord God of our fathers my voice, for they shall say that [2did not 3appear 4to you
3708 1473 3588 2316 * 2532 3588 2316 * 2316 5100 2046 4314 1473 2036 1161 1473
wptai¢ moi o ¢ Abraam
qeoV ¢ kai o ¢ Isaak
qeoV ¢ ¢
qeoV ti ¢
erw ¢
proV autouV ¢
4:2 eipe de ¢
appeared to me; the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, 1God], what shall I say to them? [3said 1And 4to him
2532 3588 2316 * 3004 1984 1980 2962 5100 3778-1510.2.3 3588 1722 5495-1473 3588 1161
kai o ¢ Iakwb
qeoV ¢ ¢
legwn ¢
episkoph ¢
epeskemmai ¢
kurioV ti tout¢ o¢ esti to en ceiri¢ sou o de
and the God of Jacob, saying, In overseeing I have watched 2the lord], What is this the thing in your hand? And
1473 2532 3745 4819 1473 1722 * 2036 4464 2532 2036 1473 4495 1473 1909 3588
umaV ¢
kai osa ¢
sumbebhken ¢
umin en ¢
Aiguptw ¢
eipe ¢
rabdoV ¢
4:3 kai eipen ¢
autw ¢
riyon ¢ epi¢
authn thn
you, and as much as has come to pass to you in Egypt. he said, A rod. And he said to him, Toss it upon the
2532 2036 307 1473 1537 3588 2561 3588 1093 2532 4495 1473 1909 3588 1093 2532 1096
3:17 kai eipen ¢
anabibasw ¢ ek
umaV ¢
thV kakwsewV twn ghn ¢
kai erriyen ¢ epi¢
authn thn ghn ¢
kai egeneto
And he said, I will haul you from the ill treatment of the ground! And he tossed it upon the ground, and it became
* 1519 3588 1093 3588 * 2532 * 2532
Aiguptiwn eiV thn ghn twn ¢
Cananaiwn ¢
kai Cettaiwn kai
Egyptians into the land of the Canaanites, and Hittites, and 3:22 †See Bos for variants.
82 E X O D O S 4:4
3789 2532 5343-* 575 1473 2532 2036-2962 2974 991 2532 5185 3756 1473 2962 3588 2316
ofiV ¢
kai efuge ¢ ap' autou¢ 4:4 kai eipe
MwushV ¢ kurioV
¢ ¢ bleponta
kwfon ¢ ¢ ouk
kai tuflon ¢ kurioV
egw ¢ o ¢
a serpent. And Moses fled from it. And the lord said mute, the seeing, and blind? Was it not I the lord God?
4314 * 1614 3588 5495 2532 1949 3588 2771.1
proV Mwushn ¢
¢ ekteinon ¢ kai epilabou¢
thn ceira ¢
thV kerkou Aaron Speaks for Moses
to Moses, Stretch out the hand, and take hold of the tail!
2532 3568 4198 2532 1473 455 3588
1614 3767 3588 5495 1949 3588 2771.1 2532 4:12 kai nun ¢
poreuou kai ¢
egw ¢
anoixw to
ekteinaV ¢
oun thn ceira ¢
epelabeto ¢
thV kerkou kai
Stretching out then the hand, he took hold of the tail, and And now go! And I will open
4750-1473 2532 4822 1473 3739 3195 2980
1096 4464 1722 3588 5495-1473 2443 4100 1473 ¢
stoma ¢
sou kai sumbibasw se a ¢
melleiV ¢
egeneto ¢
rabdoV ¢
en th ceiri¢ autou¢ 4:5 ina ¢
pisteuswsi¢ soi
it became a rod in his hand – that they might trust you your mouth, and I will instruct you what you will be about to speak.
2532 2036-* 1189 2962 4400 243
3754 3708 1473 2962 3588 2316 3588 3962-1473 ¢ MwushV
4:13 kai eipe ¢ deomai
¢ ¢
kurie ¢
proceirisai ¢
oti ¢
wptai¢ ¢
kurioV soi
o ¢ twn paterwn
qeoV ¢ ¢
that there appeared to you the lord God of their fathers, And Moses said, I beseech, O lord, to handpick another
1410 3739 649 2532 2373
3588 2316 * 2532 3588 2316 * 2532 3588 2316 ¢
dunamenon on ¢
aposteleiV 4:14 kai ¢
o ¢ Abraam
qeoV ¢ kai o ¢ Isaak
qeoV ¢ kai o ¢
the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God one able whom you shall send. And [2being enraged
* 2036 1161 1473 2962 3825 1533 3588 3709 2962 1909 * 2036 3756-2400 *
Iakwb ¢
4:6 eipe de ¢ ¢
kurioV ¢
palin ¢
eisenegke thn ¢
orgh ¢
kurioV epi¢ Mwushn¢ eipen
¢ ouk idou¢ ¢
of Jacob. [3said 1And 4to him 2the lord] again, Insert 3in anger 1the lord] over Moses, said, Behold, is not Aaron
5495-1473 1519 3588 2859-1473 2532 1533 3588 5495-1473 3588 80-1473 3588 * 1987 3754 2980
¢ a
ceir ¢ sou eiV ton kolpon
¢ ¢
sou kai eishnegke ¢ autou¢
thn ceira o ¢ sou
adelfoV o ¢
LeuithV ¢
epistamai ¢
oti ¢
your hand into your bosom! And he inserted his hand your brother, the Levite? I know that speaking,
1519 3588 2859-1473 2532 1627 1473 1537 3588 2980-1473 1473 2532 2400 1473 1831 1519
eiV ¢
ton kolpon autou¢ kai exhnegken
¢ ¢ ek
authn tou ¢
lalhsei ¢ soi
autoV kai idou¢ ¢ exeleusetai
autoV ¢ eiV
into his bosom. And he brought it from out of he will speak to you. And behold, he will come forth to
2859-1473 2532 1096 3588 5495-1473 3014.1 5616 4877 1473 2532 1492 1473 5463 1722 1438
kolpou autou¢ kai egenhqh
¢ h ceir autou¢ leprwsa
¢ wsei¢ ¢
sunanths ¢ soi kai idwn
in ¢ se ¢
carhsetai en ¢
his bosom, and [2was 1his hand] leprous as meet you; and seeining you, he will rejoice in himself.
5510 2532 2036 3825 1473 2962 1533 3588 2532 2046 4314 1473 2532 1325 3588 4487-1473
ciwn ¢
4:7 kai eipe ¢
palin ¢
autw ¢
kurioV ¢
eisenegke thn ¢
4:15 kai ereiV ¢ kai dwseiV
proV auton ¢ ¢
ta rhmata¢ mou
snow. And [2said 3again 4to him 1the lord], Insert And you will say to him, and you will put my words
5495-1473 1519 3588 2859-1473 2532 1533 3588 5495 1519 3588 1519 3588 4750-1473 2532 1473 455 3588 4750-1473 2532 3588
¢ a
ceir ¢ sou eiV ton kolpon
¢ ¢
sou kai eishnegke ¢ eiV ton
thn ceira ¢
eiV to stoma autou¢ kai egw
¢ anoixw
¢ ¢
to stoma sou kai to
your hand into your bosom! And he inserted the hand into into his mouth. And I will open your mouth and
2859-1473 2532 1627 1473 1537 3588 2859-1473 4750-1473 2532 4822 1473 3739 4160 2532
kolpon autou¢ kai exhnegken
¢ ¢ ek
authn ¢
tou kolpou autou¢ ¢
stoma autou¢ kai sumbibasw
¢ ¢ a
umaV ¢
poihsete 4:16 kai
his bosom. And he brought it out of his bosom, his mouth, and I will instruct you what you shall do. And
2532 3825 600 1519 3588 5548.1 3588 4561-1473 1473 1473-2980 3588 4314 3588 2992 2532 1473 1510.8.3
kai palin ¢
apokatesth eiV ¢
thn croan ¢ authV
thV sarkoV ¢ ¢ soi lalhsei
autoV ¢ ta ¢
proV ton laon ¢ estai
kai autoV ¢
and again it was restored unto the complexion of his flesh. he shall speak the things to the people, and he will be
1437-1161 3361-4100 1473 3366 1522 3588 1473 4750 1473-1161 1473-1510.8.2 3588 4314 3588 2316
¢ de
4:8 ean ¢
mh pisteuswsi¢ soi mhde¢ eisakouswsi
¢ thV ¢
sou stoma su de ¢ esh
autw ¢ ta ¢
proV ton qeon
And if they do not believe you, nor hearken to the your mouth. But you will be to him the things for God.
5456 3588 4592 3588 4413 4100 1473 3588 2532 3588 4464-3778 3588 4762 1519 3789
¢ tou
fwnhV ¢
shmeiou ¢
tou prwtou ¢
pisteusousi¢ soi thV ¢
4:17 kai thn rabdon ¢
tauthn thn ¢
strafeisan ¢
eiV ofin
voice of the [2sign 1first], they will believe you by the And this rod, the one turning into a serpent,
5456 3588 4592 3588 1208 2532 1510.8.3 1437 2983 1722 3588 5495-1473 1722 3739 4160 1722 1473
¢ tou
fwnhV ¢
shmeiou ¢
tou deuterou 4:9 kai ¢
estai ¢
ean ¢
lhyh en th ceiri¢ sou en h ¢
poihseiV en ¢
voice of the [2sign 1second]. And it will be if you shall take in your hand in which you will do by it
3361-4100 1473 3588 1417 4592 3778 3366 3588 4592
mh pisteuswsi¢ soi toiV dusi¢ ¢
shmeioiV ¢
toutoiV mhde¢ ¢
ta shmeia
they do not believe you in [2two 3signs 1these], nor the signs.
1522 3588 5456-1473 2983 575 3588 5204
eisakouswsi ¢ sou lhyh
thV fwnhV ¢ ¢
apo¢ tou udatoV Moses Returns to Egypt
hearken to your voice, you shall take from the water 4198 1161 * 2532 654 4314
3588 4215 2532 1632 1909 3588 3584 2532 1510.8.3 3588 ¢
4:18 eporeuqh de ¢
MwushV kai ¢
apestreye proV
tou potamou¢ kai ekceeiV
¢ epi¢ to ¢
xhron ¢
kai estai to [3went 1And 2Moses], and he returned to
of the river, and pour it upon the dry land. And [8will be * 3588 3995-1473 2532 3004 4198 2532
5204 3739 302 2983 575 3588 4215 129 ¢
Ioqwr ton ¢ autou¢ kai
penqeron ¢
legei ¢
poreusomai kai
udwr o an ¢
labhV apo¢ tou potamou¢ aima
¢ Jethro his father-in-law. And he says, I will go, and
3water 1which 2ever 4you should take 5from 6the 7river] blood 654 4314 3588 80-1473 3588 1722 *
1909 3588 3584 2036 1161 * 4314 2962 ¢
apostreyw ¢ mou touV
proV touV adelfouV en ¢
epi¢ tou xhrou¢ ¢
4:10 eipe de ¢ proV kurion
MwushV ¢ return to my brethren, the ones in Egypt,
upon the dry land. [3said 1And 2Moses] to the lord, 2532 3708 1487 2089 2198 2532 2036-* 3588 *
1189 2962 3756 2425 1510.2.1 4253 3588 5504 3761 ¢
kai oyomai ei ¢
eti ¢
zwsi ¢
kai eipen ¢ tw Mwush
Ioqwr ¢
deomai ¢
kurie ¢ eimi¢
ouc ikanoV† pro ¢
thV ecqeV oude¢ and I will see if they still live. And Jethro said to Moses,
I beseech, O lord, [2not 3fit 1I am] before yesterday nor 897.2 5198 3326-1161 3588 2250 3588 4183-1565
4253 3588 5154 2250 3761 575 3739 756 2980 ¢
badize ¢
ugiainwn ¢ de taV hmeraV
meta ¢ ¢ ekeinaV
taV pollaV ¢
pro ¢
thV trithV ¢
hmeraV oude¢ af' ou ¢
hrxw ¢
lalein Proceed, be in health! But after [2days 1those many]
before the third day, nor from which time you began to speak 5053 3588 935 * 2036 1161
3588 2324-1473 2477.3 2532 1018.2 1473 ¢
eteleuthsen o ¢ Aiguptou
basileuV ¢ ¢
4:19 eipe de
tw qeraponti¢ sou ¢
iscnofwnoV kai ¢
braduglwssoV ¢
egw [4came to an end 1the 2king 3of Egypt]. [3said 1And
to your attendant, [3weak voiced 4and 5slow of tongue 1for I 2962 4314 * 1722 1093 * 897.2 565
1510.2.1 2036 1161 2962 3588 * 5100 1325 ¢
kurioV ¢ en gh
proV Mwushn ¢
Madian ¢
badize ¢
eimi ¢
4:11 eipe de ¢
kurioV tw ¢ tiV
Mwush ¢
edwke 2the lord] to Moses in the land of Midian, Proceed, go forth
2am]. [3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, Who gave 1519 * 2348-1063 3956 3588 2212 1473
4750 444 2532 5100 4160 1423.1 2532 eiV ¢
Aigupton ¢
teqnhkasi ¢
gar panteV oi ¢ eV
zhtount ¢ sou
stoma ¢
anqrwpw kai tiV ¢
epoihse ¢
duskwfon kai into Egypt! For have died all the ones seeking your
[2a mouth 1man], and who made the hard of hearing and 3588 5590 353 1161 * 3588 1135 2532 3588
thn yuchn ¢ de
4:20 analabwn ¢ thn gunaika
MwushV ¢ kai ta
life. [3took up 1And 2Moses] his wife and the
4:10 †CP eulaloV – well-spoken.
4:21 E X O D U S 83
3813 307 1473 1909 3588 5268 2532 3739 2980-3588-2316 4314 * 2532 4160 3588 4592
paidia ¢
anebibasen ¢ epi¢
auta ¢
ta upozugia kai a ¢
elalhsen ¢ proV Mwushn
o qeoV ¢ kai epoihse
¢ ¢
ta shmeia
male children, and he hauled them upon the beasts of burden, and which God spoke to Moses. And he did the signs
1994 1519 * 2983 1161 * 3588 4464 1726 3588 2992 2532 4100 3588 2992
epestreyen ¢
eiV Aigupton ¢
elabe de ¢ thn rabdon
MwushV ¢ ¢
enantion tou laou¢ 4:31 kai ¢
episteusen o ¢
turned to Egypt. [3took 1And 2Moses] the rod, before the people. And [3believed 1the 2people],
3588 3844 3588 2316 1722 3588 5495-1473 2036 1161 2532 5463 3754 1980-3588-2316 3588 5207 * 2532 3754
thn ¢ tou qeou¢ en
para th ceiri¢ autou¢ ¢
4:21 eipe de ¢
kai ecarh ¢
oti ¢
epeskeyato ¢ touV uiouV
o qeoV ¢ Israhl
¢ ¢
kai oti
the one by God in his hand. [3said 1And and rejoiced that God visited the sons of Israel, and that
2962 4314 * 4198-1473 2532 654 1492 1473 3588 2347 2955-1161 3588 2992 4352
kurioV proV Mwushn¢ poreuomenou
¢ ¢
sou kai apostrefontoV ¢
eiden ¢ thn qliyin
autwn ¢ ¢
kuyaV de o ¢
laoV ¢
2the lord] to Moses, In your going and returning he saw their affliction. And bowing, the people did obeisance.
1519 * 3708 3956 3588 5059 3739 1325
eiV ¢
Aigupton ¢
ora ¢
panta ta ¢
terata a ¢
dedwka CHAPTER 5
unto Egypt, discover all the miracles which I have put
1722 3588 5495-1473 4160 1473 1726 * 1473-1161
en th ¢
ceiri sou poihseiV ¢ enantion
auta ¢ ¢
Faraw ¢ de
egw Moses and Aaron Before Pharaoh
in your hand, to do them before Pharaoh. But I 2532 3326 3778 1525 * 2532
4645 1473 3588 2588 2532 3766.2 1821 5:1 kai ¢
meta ¢
tauta ¢
eishlqe ¢
MwushV kai
¢ autou¢ thn kardian
sklhrunw ¢ kai ou mh ¢
exaposteilh And after these things [4entered 1Moses 2and
will harden his heart, and no way shall he send out * 4314 * 2532 2036 1473 3592 3004
3588 2992 1473-1161 2046 3588 * 3592 3004 ¢
Aarwn proV ¢
Faraw kai ¢
eipan ¢
autw ¢
tade ¢
ton laon 4:22 su de ¢
ereiV tw ¢
Faraw ¢
tade ¢
legei 3Aaron] to Pharaoh, and they said to him, Thus says
the people. But you will say to Pharaoh, Thus says 2962 3588 2316 * 1821 3588 2992-1473
2962 5207 4416-1473 * 2036-1161 ¢
kurioV o ¢
qeoV ¢
Israhl ¢
exaposteilon ton ¢ mou
kurioV ¢
uioV ¢
prwtotok ¢ mou
oV ¢
Israhl 4:23 ¢
eipa de the lord God of Israel. Send forth my people!
the lord – son of my first-born, Israel. And I said 2443 1473-1858 1722 3588 2048
1473 1821 3588 2992-1473 2443 1473-3000 ¢
ina ¢
moi eortaswsin en th ¢
soi ¢
exaposteilon ¢ mou
ton laon ¢
ina ¢
moi latreush that they may solemnize a holiday to me in the wilderness.
to you, Send my people! that they should serve me. 2532 2036-* 5100 1510.2.3 3739 1522
1487-3303 3767 3361-1014 1821 1473 5:2 kai ¢ Faraw
eipe ¢ tiV ¢
estin ou ¢
ei men oun ¢
mh boulh ¢
exaposteilai ¢
autouV And Pharaoh said, Who is he, of whom I will listen to
If indeed then you should not be willing to send them, 3588 5456-1473 5620 1821 3588 5207 *
3708 3767 1473 615 3588 5207-1473 3588 4416 thV fwnhV ¢
¢ autou¢ wste ¢
exaposteilai ¢ Israhl
touV uiouV ¢
ora oun ¢ apoktenw
egw ¢ ton ¢ sou
uion ton ¢
prwtotokon his voice so as to send out the sons of Israel?
see then! I will kill your son, the first-born! 3756-1492 3588 2962 2532 3588 * 3756-1821
1096-1161 1722 3588 3598 1722 3588 2646 ¢
ouk oida ¢
ton kurion kai ton Israhl¢ ouk exapostellw ¢
4:24 egeneto de en ¢
th odw en ¢
tw katalumati I do not know the lord, and [2Israel 1I will not send out].
And it came to pass during the journey in the lodging, 2532 3004 1473 3588 2316 3588 * 4341
4876 1473 32 2962 2532 2212 615 ¢
5:3 kai legousin ¢ o
autw ¢ twn
qeoV ¢ proskeklhtai
Ebraiwn ¢
sunhnthsen autw ¢
¢ aggeloV ¢
kuriou ¢
kai ezhtei ¢
apokteinai And they say to him, The God of the Hebrews called on
[3met 4him 1an angel 2of the lord], and sought to kill 1473 4198 3767 3598 5140 2250 1519 3588
1473 2532 2983-* 5586 ¢ poreusomeqa
hmaV ¢ ¢
oun odon ¢
triwn ¢ eiV thn
auton 4:25 kai ¢
labousa ¢
Sepfwra ¢
yhfon us. We will go then on a journey of three days into the
him. And Zipporah, taking a small sharp stone, 2048 3704 2380 2962 3588 2316-1473
4059 3588 203 3588 5207-1473 2532 4363 ¢
erhmon ¢
opwV ¢
quswmen ¢
kuriw tw ¢ hmwn
qew ¢
perieteme ¢
thn akrobustian tou uiou¢ authV
¢ kai prosepese
¢ wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the lord our God,
circumcised the foreskin of her son. And she fell 3379 4876 1473 2288 2228 5408
4314 3588 4228-1473 2532 2036 2476 3588 129 ¢ pote
mh ¢
sunanthsh ¢ qanatoV
hmin ¢ h ¢
proV touV podaV autou¢ kai eipenshe
¢ ¢
esth to ¢
aima lest at any time [4might meet with 5us 1death 2or 3murder].
at his feet, and said, [6is stopped 1The 2blood 2532 2036 1473 3588 935 * 2444
3588 4061 3588 3813-1473 2532 565 ¢
5:4 kai eipen ¢
autoiV o ¢ Aiguptou
basileuV ¢ inati¢
thV ¢
peritomhV ¢ mou
tou paidiou ¢
4:26 kai aphlqen And [4said 5to them 1the 2king 3of Egypt], Why do you,
3of the 4circumcision 5of my male child]. And [3went forth * 2532 * 1294 3588 2992 575 3588 2041
575 1473 3588 32 1360 2036 2476 3588 129 ¢ kai Aarwn
Mwush ¢ diastrefete
¢ ¢
ton laon ¢
apo¢ twn ergwn
ap' autou¢ o ¢
aggeloV ¢ eipen
dioti ¢ ¢
esth to ¢
aima Moses and Aaron, turn aside the people from the works?
4from 5him 1the 2angel], for she said, [6is stopped 1The 2blood 565 1538 1473 4314 3588 2041-1473 2532
3588 4061 3588 3813-1473 2036 1161 ¢
apelqete ¢
ekastoV ¢
umwn proV ta ¢
erga autou¢ 5:5 kai
thV ¢
peritomhV ¢ mou
tou paidiou ¢
4:27 eipe de Go forth each of you to his works! And
3of the 4circumcision 5of my male child]. [3said 1And 2036-* 2400 3568 4181.4 3588 2992 3588
2962 4314 * 4198 1519 4877 * ¢ Faraw
eipe ¢ idou¢ ¢
nun poluplhqei o ¢
laoV thV
kurioV ¢
proV Aarwn ¢
poreuqhti eiV ¢
sunanthsin ¢
Mwush Pharaoh said, Behold, now [5are numerous 1The 2people 3of the
2the lord] to Aaron, Go to meet with Moses 1093 3361 3767 2664 1473 575 3588 2041
1519 3588 2048 2532 4198 2532 4876 1473 ghV mh oun ¢
katapauswmen ¢ apo¢ twn ergwn
autouV ¢
eiV thn erhmon kai ¢
eporeuqh ¢
kai sunhnthsen ¢
autw 4land]; [2not 3then 1I shall] rest them from the works.
in the wilderness! And he went, and he met with him
1722 3588 3735 3588 2316 2532 2705 240
en tw ¢
orei tou qeou¢ ¢
kai katefilhsan ¢
allhlouV Pharaoh Oppresses Israel
in the mountain of God, and they kissed one another. 4929 1161 * 3588 2040.2
5:6 sunetaxe de ¢
Faraw toiV ¢
2532 312-* 3588 * 3956 3588 3056
4:28 kai anhggeile ¢ tw Aarwn
MwushV ¢ ¢
pantaV ¢
touV logouV [3gave orders 1And 2Pharaoh] to the foremen
And Moses announced to Aaron all the words 3588 2992 2532 3588 1122 3004 3765
2962 3739 649 4314 1473 2532 3956 3588 4592 tou laou¢ kai toiV ¢
grammateusi ¢
legwn ¢
5:7 ouketi
kuriou ¢
ouV apesteile ¢ kai panta
proV auton ¢ ta shmeia ¢ of the people, and to the scribes, saying, No longer
of the lord which he sent to him, and all the signs 4369 1325 892 3588 2992 1519 3588
3739 1781 1473 4198 1161 * ¢
prosteqhsesqe ¢
didonai ¢
acuron tw ¢
law eiV thn
a ¢
eneteilato ¢
autw ¢
4:29 eporeuqh de ¢
MwushV will it be added to give straw to the people for the
which he gave charge to him. [5went 1And 2Moses 4141.5 2509 5504 2532 5154 2250
2532 * 2532 4863 3588 1087 3588 ¢
plinqourgian ¢
kaqaper ¢
ecqeV kai ¢
trithn ¢
kai ¢
Aarwn ¢
kai sunhgagon ¢
thn gerousian twn brickmaking, as yesterday and the third day before.
3and 4Aaron], and brought together the council of elders of the 1473 4198 2532 4863 1438
5207 * 2532 2980-* 3956 3588 4487 autoi¢ ¢
poreuesqwsan ¢
kai sunagagetwsan ¢
¢ Israhl
uiwn ¢ ¢
4:30 kai elalhsen ¢
Aarwn panta ta ¢
rhmata Let them go and bring together for themselves
sons of Israel. And Aaron spoke all the words
84 E X O D O S 5:8
3588 892 2532 3588 4928.3 3588 4141.5 2532 2036 1473 4980 4980.1-1510.2.5
ta ¢
acura 5:8 kai ¢
thn suntaxin thV ¢
plinqourgiaV 5:17 kai ¢
eipen ¢
autoiV ¢
scolazete scolastai¢ este¢
the straw! And the rate of the making of bricks And he said to them, You are idle, you are idlers.
3739 1473 4160 2596-1538 2250 1911 1223 3778 3004 4198 2380
hV autoi¢ poiousi
¢ ¢
kaq' ekasthn ¢
hmeran ¢
epibaleite ¢
dia ¢
touto ¢
legete poreuqwmen ¢
which they produce each day, you shall put it upon Because of this you say, We should go, we should sacrifice
1473 3756-851 3762 575 1473 4980-1063 3588 2316 3568 3767 4198 2038 3588-1063
¢ ouk afeleiV
autoiV ¢ ¢ ap' autwn
ouden ¢ scolazousi
¢ gar tw ¢
kuriw 5:18 nun oun ¢
poreuqenteV ¢
ergazesqe to gar
them. You shall not remove any of them, for they are idle. to the lord. Now then, in going, work! For the
1223 3778 2896 3004 4198 2532 892 1473 3756-1325 2532 3588 4928.3 3588
dia ¢
touto ¢
kekragasi ¢
legonteV ¢
poreuqwmen kai ¢
acuron ¢
umin ¢
ou doqhsetai ¢
kai thn suntaxin thV
On account of this they cry out, saying, We should go and straw [2to you 1shall not be given], and the rate for the
2380 3588 2316 925 3588 2041 4141.1 591 3708 1161 3588
quswmen tw ¢ hmwn
qew ¢ ¢
5:9 barunesqw ta ¢
erga ¢
plinqeiaV ¢
apodwsete 5:19 ¢
ewrwn de oi
sacrifice to our God. Let [4be oppressive 1the 2works making of bricks you shall render. [7seeing 1And 2the
3588 444-3778 2532 3309 3778 2532 1122 3588 5207 * 1438 1722 2556
twn anqrwpwn ¢
toutwn ¢
kai merimnatwsan ¢
tauta kai ¢ twn
grammateiV ¢
uiwn ¢
Israhl ¢
eautouV en ¢
3of these men], and let [2be anxious 1these men], and 3scribes 4of the 5sons 6of Israel] themselves in bad ways,
3361 3309 1722 3056 2756 2686.4-1161 3004 3756-620 575 3588 4141.1 3588
mh merimnatwsan en ¢
logoiV ¢
kenoiV ¢
5:10 katespeudon de ¢
legonteV ¢
ouk apoleiyete apo¢ thV plinqeiaV
¢ to
not anxious in [2words 1empty]! And hastened in the saying, You shall not leave off from the making of bricks
1473 3588 2040.2 2532 3588 1122 3588 2992 2520 3588 2250 4876-1161 * 2532 *
¢ oi
autouV ¢
ergodiwktai kai oi ¢ tou
grammateiV laou¢ ¢
kaqhkon th ¢
hmera ¢
5:20 sunhnthsan ¢ kai Aarwn
de Mwush ¢
of them the foremen, and the scribes of the people. fit for the day, that they met Moses and Aaron
2532 3004 4314 3588 2992 3004 3592 3004 2064 1519 4877 1473 1607-1473 575
kai ¢
elegon proV ton ¢
laon ¢
legonteV ¢
tade ¢
legei ¢
ercomenoiV ¢
eiV sunanthsin ¢ ekporeuomenwn
autoiV ¢ ¢ apo¢
And they said to the people, saying, Thus says coming to meet with them in their going forth from
* 3765 1325 1473 892 1473-1473 * 2532 2036 1473 1929 3588 2316 1473
Faraw ¢
ouketi ¢
didwmi ¢
umin ¢
acura 5:11 autoi¢ umeiV
¢ ¢
Faraw ¢
5:21 kai eipon ¢ epidoi
autoiV ¢ o ¢ umaV
qeoV ¢
Pharaoh, No longer do I give to you straw. You yourselves Pharaoh. And they said to them, [2give 4over 1God 3you]
4198 4816 1438 892 3606 1437 2532 2919 3754 948 3588 3744-1473
poreuomenoi ¢
sullegete ¢
eautoiV ¢
acura ¢
oqen ¢
ean ¢
kai krinai ¢
oti ¢
ebdeluxate ¢ hmwn
thn osmhn ¢
in going, collect together for yourselves straw! from where ever and judge, for you caused [2to be abhorred 1our scent]
2147 3756-1063 851 575 3588 4928.3-1473 1726 * 2532 1726 3588 2324-1473 1325
eurhte ou gar ¢
afaireitai apo¢ thV suntaxewV
¢ ¢
umwn ¢ Faraw
enantion ¢ ¢ twn qerapontwn
kai enantion ¢ autou¢ dounai
you should find. For nothing is removed from your rate, before Pharaoh, and before his attendants, to put
3762 2532 1289 3588 2992 1722 3650 1093 4501 1519 3588 5495-1473 3588 615 1473
ouqen ¢
5:12 kai diesparh o ¢
laoV ¢
en olh gh ¢
romfaian eiV ¢
taV ceiraV autou¢ tou apokteinai
¢ ¢
not one thing. And he dispersed the people in the entire land a broadsword into his hands to kill us.
* 4863 2562 1519 892 3588-1161 1994 1161 * 4314 2962 2532 2036 2962 1223
Aiguptou ¢
sunagagein ¢
kalamhn ¢
eiV acura 5:13 oi de ¢
5:22 epestreye de ¢ proV kurion
MwushV ¢ ¢ kurie
kai eipe ¢ ¢
of Egypt to gather together stubble for straw. But the [3turned 1And 2Moses] to the lord, and said, O lord, for
2040.2 2686.4 1473 3004 4931 3588 5100 2559 3588 2992-3778 2532 2444 649
ergodiwktai ¢
katespeudon ¢ legonteV
autouV ¢ ¢
sunteleite ta ti ¢
ekakwsaV ¢ touton
ton laon ¢ kai inati¢ apestalk
¢ ¢
foremen hastened them, saying, You complete the why did you inflict evil on this people? And why have you sent
2041 3588 2520 2596 2250 2509 2532 1473 2532 575-3739 1531 4314 * 2980
erga ta ¢
kaqhkonta kaq' ¢
hmeran ¢
kaqaper kai me ¢
5:23 kai af' ou eispeporeumai ¢ lalhsai
proV Faraw ¢
works, the ones fit according to the day, just as also me? And when I went to Pharaoh to speak
3753 3588 892 1325 1473 2532 3146 1909 3588 4674 3686 2559 3588 2992-3778
ote ¢
to acuron ¢
edidoto ¢
umin ¢
5:14 kai emastigwqhsan epi¢ tw sw ¢
onomati ¢
ekakwse ¢ touton
ton laon ¢
when the straw was given to you. And they were whipped – in the [2being to you 1name], he inflicted evil on this people,
3588 1122 3588 1085 3588 5207 * 3588 2532 3756-4506 3588 2992-1473
oi ¢ tou
grammateiV ¢
genouV twn ¢
uiwn ¢
Israhl oi ¢
kai ouk errusw ¢ sou
ton laon
the scribes of the race of the sons of Israel, the ones and you did not rescue your people.
2525 1909 1473 5259 3588 1988 3588 *
katastaqenteV ¢ upo¢ twn epistatwn
ep' autouV ¢ tou Faraw
being placed over them by the supervisors of Pharaoh,
3004 1302 3756 4931 3588 4928.3-1473
legonteV diati¢ ou ¢
sunetelesate ¢
taV suntaxeiV ¢
umwn The LORD Remembers His Covenant
and saying, Why did you not complete your rate 2532 2036-2962 4314 * 2235 3708
3588 4141.1 2509 2532 5504 2532 5154 ¢ kurioV
6:1 kai eipe ¢ proV Mwushn ¢
¢ hdh ¢
thV ¢
plhnqeiaV ¢
kaqaper ¢
kai ecqeV ¢
kai trithn And the lord said to Moses, Already you shall see
of the making of bricks as also yesterday and the third 3739 4160 3588 * 1722-1063 5495 2900
2250 2532 3588 3588 4594 1525-1161 3588 a ¢
poihsw tw ¢
Faraw en gar ceiri¢ ¢
hmeran kai to ¢
thV shmeron ¢
5:15 eiselqonteV de oi what I will do to Pharaoh. For with [2hand 1a fortified]
day before and today? And entering, the 1821 1473 2532 1722 1023 5308 1544 1473
1122 3588 5207 * 2601.3 4314 * exapostelei¢ autouV
¢ kai en ¢
bracioni ¢ ekbalei¢
uyhlw ¢
¢ twn
grammateiV ¢
uiwn ¢
Israhl ¢
katebohsan ¢
proV Faraw he shall send them; and with [2arm 1a high] he will cast them
scribes of the sons of Israel yelled out to Pharaoh, 1537 3588 1093-1473 2980 1161 3588 2316 4314
3004 2444 1473 3779 4160 3588 4674 3610 ek thV ghV autou¢ ¢
6:2 elalhse de o ¢
qeoV proV
legonteV inati¢ su ¢
outwV ¢ toiV soiV
poieiV ¢
oiketaiV from out of his land. [3spoke 1And 2God] to
saying, Why do you thus do to your servants? * 2532 2036 4314 1473 1473 2962 2532 3708
892 3756 1325 3588 3610-1473 2532 3588 Mwushn¢ kai eipe
¢ proV auton
¢ egw
¢ kurioV
¢ ¢
6:3 kai wfqhn
5:16 acuron ou ¢
didotai ¢
toiV oiketaiV sou kai thn Moses, and said to him, I am the lord. And I appeared
Straw has not been given to your servants, and 4314 * 2532 * 2532 * 2316 1510.6 1473 2532
4141.4 1473-3004 4160 2532 2400 3588 3816-1473 ¢
proV Abraam ¢ kai Iakwb
kai Isaak ¢ qeoV
¢ wn ¢ kai
plinqon ¢ legousi
hmin ¢ ¢
poiein kai idou¢ oi ¢ eV
paid ¢ sou to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, [3God 1being 2their]. And
[3brick 1they tell us 2to make]. And behold, your servants 3588 3686-1473 2962 3756 1213 1473 2532
3146 91 3767 3588 2992-1473 to ¢
onoma¢ mou kurioV
¢ ouk ¢
edhlwsa autoiV¢ 6:4 kai
memastigwntai ¢
adikhseiV oun ¢ sou
ton laon my name, the lord, was not manifested to them. And
have been whipped. Shall you wrong therefore your people? 2476 3588 1242-1473 4314 1473 5620 1325 1473
esthsa ¢
thn diaqhkhn ¢ wste
mou proV autouV ¢ ¢
dounai ¢
I established my covenant with them, so as to give to them
6:5 E X O D U S 85
3588 1093 3588 * 3588 1093 3739 3939 1722 5207 * 4416 * * 2532 *
thn ghn twn Cananaiwn thn ghn hn ¢
parwkhkasin en uioi¢ ¢
Roubhn ¢
prwtotokou ¢
Israhl ¢
Enwc kai Fallou¢
the land of Canaan, the land which they sojourned, in The sons of Reuben first-born of Israel – Hanoch and Pallu,
3739 2532 3939 1909 1473 2532 1473 1522 * 2532 * 3778 3588 4772 * 2532
h ¢
kai parwkhsan ep' ¢
authV ¢ eishkousa
6:5 kai egw ¢ ¢
Asrwn kai Carmi¢ auth
¢ h ¢
suggeneia ¢
Roubhn 6:15 kai
which also they sojourned upon it. And I hearkened to Hezron, and Carmi – this is the kin of Reuben. And
3588 4726 3588 5207 * 3739 3588 * 5207 * * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 *
¢ twn
ton stenagmon ¢
uiwn ¢
Israhl a oi ¢
Aiguptioi uioi¢ ¢
Sumewn ¢ kai Iamin
Iemouhl ¢ kai Awd ¢
kai Iacein
the moaning of the sons of Israel, in which the Egyptians the sons of Simeon – Jemuel, and Jamin, and Ohad, and Jachin,
2615-1473 2532 3403 3588 1242-1473 2532 * 2532 * 3588 1537 3588 *
katadoulounto ¢ kai emnhsqhn
autouV ¢ ¢
thV diaqhkhV ¢
umwn ¢
kai Saar ¢
kai Saoul o ek ¢
thV FoinisshV
reduced them to slavery. And I remembered your covenant†. and Zohar, and Shaul the one from the Phoenician woman.
897.2 2036 3588 5207 * 3004 1473 2962 3778 3588 3965 3588 5207 * 2532 3778
6:6 badize ¢
eipon toiV ¢ Israhl
uioiV ¢ ¢
legwn egw¢ kurioV
¢ ¢
autai ai patriai¢ twn ¢ Sumewn
uiwn ¢ ¢
6:16 kai tauta
Proceed, say to the sons of Israel! saying, I am the lord, These are the families of the sons of Simeon. And these are
3588 3686 3588 5207 * 2596 4772-1473
2532 1806 1473 575 3588 1412.1 3588 * 2532 ¢
ta onomata twn ¢ Leui¢
uiwn ¢
kata ¢ autwn
suggeneiaV ¢
kai exaxw ¢ apo¢ thV dunasteiaV
umaV ¢ twn ¢
Aiguptiwn kai the names of the sons of Levi according to their kin –
and I will lead you from the domination of the Egyptians, and
* * 2532 * 2532 3588 2094 3588 2222
4506 1473 1537 3588 1397-1473 2532 3084 1473 ¢
Gedswn ¢
Kaaq kai Merarei¢ kai ta ¢
eth thV ¢
rusomai ¢ ek
umaV ¢ autwn
thV douleiaV ¢ kai lutrwsomai
¢ ¢
umaV Gershon, Kohath and Merari; and the years of the life
I will rescue you from their slavery, and I will ransom you
* 1540 5144.4 2094 2532 3778 3588
1722 1023 5308 2532 2920 3173 2532 2983 Leui¢ ¢
ekaton triakontaepta ¢
¢ eth ¢
6:17 kai outoi oi
en ¢
bracioni ¢ kai krisei
uyhlw ¢ ¢
megalh ¢
6:7 kai lhyomai of Levi – a hundred thirty-seven years. And these are the
with [2arm 1a high] and [2judgment 1great]. And I will take
5207 * * 2532 * 3624 3965-1473
1683-1473 1519 2992 1473 2532 1510.8.1 1473 2316 2532 uioi¢ Gedswn
¢ Lobeni kai Semei ¢
oikoi ¢ autwn
patriaV ¢
¢ umaV
emautw ¢ eiV laon
¢ emoi¢ ¢
kai esomai ¢ qeoV
umwn ¢ kai
sons of Gershon – Libni and Shimei; the houses of their family.
you to myself as a people to me. And I will be your God. And
2532 3588 5207 * * 2532 * 2532 *
1097 3754 1473 2962 3588 2316-1473 3588 1806 6:18 kai oi uioi¢ Kaaq
¢ ¢ kai Isaar
Ambram ¢ kai Cebrwn
gnwsesqe ¢
oti egw¢ kurioV
¢ o ¢ umwn
qeoV ¢ o ¢
exagagwn And the sons of Kohath – Amram, and Izhar, and Hebron,
you will know that I am the lord your God, the one leading 2532 * 2532 3588 2094 3588 2222 * 1540
1473 1537 3588 2615.1 3588 * 2532 ¢
kai Ozihl kai ta ¢
eth thV ¢ Kaaq
zwhV ¢ ¢
¢ ek
umaV ¢ twn
thV katadunasteiaV ¢
Aiguptiwn 6:8 kai and Uzziel; and the years of the life of Kohath – a hundred
you from out of the tyranny of the Egyptians. And 5144.9 2094 2532 5207 * * 2532
1521 1473 1519 3588 1093 1519 3739 1614 3588 ¢ eth
triakontatria ¢ 6:19 kai uioi¢ Merarei¢ Mooli¢ kai
eisaxw ¢ eiV
umaV thn ghn eiV hn ¢
exeteina thn thirty years. And the sons of Merari – Mahli, and
I will bring you into the land in which I stretched out * 3778 3588 3624 3965 * 2596
5495-1473 1325 1473 3588 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 ¢
Mousei outoi oi ¢
oikoi ¢
patriwn Leui¢ ¢
¢ a
ceir ¢ mou dounai
¢ ¢ tw Abraam
authn ¢ ¢ kai Iakwb
kai Isaak ¢ kai Mushi. These are the houses of the families of Levi, according to
my hand to give it to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob. And 4772-1473 2532 2983-* 3588 *
1325 1473-1473 1722 2819 1473 2962 2980 1161 ¢ autwn
suggeneiaV ¢ 6:20 kai ¢
elaben ¢
Ambram ¢
thn Iwcabed
dwsw umin¢ authn
¢ en klhrw
¢ egw¢ kurioV
¢ ¢
6:9 elalhse de their kin. And Amram took Jochebed
I will give it to you by lot. I am the lord. [3spoke 1And 2364 3588 80 3588 3962-1473 1438 1519
* 3779 3588 5207 * 2532 3756-1522 ¢
qugatera tou adelfou¢ tou patroV
¢ autou¢ eautw
¢ eiV
¢ outwV
MwushV ¢ toiV ¢ Israhl
uioiV ¢ ¢
kai ouk eishkousan daughter of the brother of his father to himself for
2Moses] thus to the sons of Israel, and they did not hearken to 1135 2532 1080 1473 3588 5037 * 2532 *
* 575 3588 3641.4 2532 575 3588 ¢
gunaika ¢
kai egennhsen ¢ ton te
autw ¢ kai Mwushn
Aarwn ¢
¢ apo¢
Mwush ¢
thV oligoyuciaV kai apo¢ twn a wife. And she bore to him also Aaron, and Moses,
Moses because of faint-heartedness, and because of the 2532 * 3588 79-1473 3588-1161 2094 3588 2222
2041 3588 4642 2036 1161 2962 4314 * ¢
kai Mariam ¢ autwn
thn adelfhn ¢ ta de ¢
eth thV ¢
ergwn ¢
twn sklhrwn ¢
6:10 eipe de ¢
kurioV proV Mwushn¢ and Miriam their sister. And the years of the life
[2works 1hard]. [3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, * 1540 5144.4 2094 2532 5207
3004 1525 2980 4314 * 935 * ¢
Ambram ¢
ekaton triakontaepta ¢
¢ eth 6:21 kai uioi¢
legwn ¢
6:11 eiselqe ¢
lalhson ¢ basilea
proV Faraw ¢ Aiguptou
¢ of Amram – a hundred thirty-seven years. And the sons
saying, Enter, speak to Pharaoh king of Egypt! * * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 5207
2443 1821 3588 5207 * 1537 3588 1093-1473 ¢
Isaar Kore¢ kai Nafek kai Zecri 6:22 kai uioi¢
ina ¢
exaposteilh ¢ Israhl
touV uiouV ¢ ek thV ghV autou¢ of Izhar – Korah, and Nepheg, and Zithri. And the sons
that he may send out the sons of Israel from his land. * * 2532 * 2532 * 2983
2980 1161 * 1725 2962 3004 2400 3588 ¢
Ozihl ¢
Misahl ¢
kai Elisafan kai Zecri¢ ¢
6:23 elabe
6:12 elalhse de MwushV ¢
¢ enanti ¢
kuriou ¢
legwn idou¢ oi of Uzziel – Mishael, and Elzaphan, and Zithri. [3took
[3spoke 1And 2Moses] before the lord, saying, Behold, the 1161 * 3588 * 2364 * 79
5207 * 3756 1522 1473 2532 4459 1522 de ¢
Aarwn ¢
thn Elisabeq ¢
qugatera ¢
Aminadab ¢
uioi¢ Israhl
¢ ouk ¢
eishkous ¢ mou kai pwV eisakouseta
an ¢ i¢ 1And 2Aaron] Elisheba daughter of Amminadab sister
sons of Israel do not listen to me, and how shall [2listen to * 1473 1135 2532 5088 1473 3588 5037
1473 * 1473-1161 249-1510.2.1 2036 1161 ¢
Naasswn ¢
autw ¢
gunaika kai ¢
eteken ¢
autw ton te
mou Faraw ¢ de
egw ¢
alog ¢ eimi
oV ¢
6:13 eipe de of Naahshon to himself as wife. And she bore to him also
3me 1Pharaoh], for I am not reckoned? [3spoke 1And * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 5207-1161
2962 4314 * 2532 * 2532 4929 1473 4314 ¢ kai Eleazar
Nadab kai Abioud ¢ ¢
kai Iqamar 6:24 uioi¢ de
kurioV proV Mwushn¢ kai Aarwn
¢ kai sunetaxen
¢ ¢ proV
autoiV Nadab, and Abihu, and Eleazar, and Ithamar. And the sons
2the lord] to Moses and Aaron, and he ordered them to * * 2532 * 2532 * 3778 3588
* 935 * 5620 1806 3588 5207 * Kore¢ ¢ kai Elkana
Aseir ¢ ¢
kai Abiasar ¢
autai ai
¢ basilea
Faraw ¢ Aiguptou
¢ ¢
wste ¢ touV uiouV
exagagein ¢ Israhl
¢ of Korah – Assir, and Elkanah, and Abiasar. These are the
Pharaoh king of Egypt, so as to lead out the sons of Israel 1078 * 2532 * 3588 3588 * 2983
1537 3588 1093 *
geneseiV Kore¢ ¢
6:25 kai Eleazar o tou Aarwn ¢
¢ elabe
ek ¢
thV ghV Aiguptou generations of Korah. And Eleazar the son of Aaron, took
from out of the land of Egypt. 3588 2364 * 1473 1135 2532 5088 1473
twn ¢
qugaterwn ¢ autw
Foutihl ¢ gunaika ¢
¢ kai eteken ¢
of the daughters of Putiel to himself as wife; and she bore to him
The Chiefs of Israel 3588 * 3778 3588 746 3965 *
2532 3778 3588 747 3624 3965-1473 ¢
ton FineeV ¢
autai ai arcai¢ patriaV
¢ ¢
6:14 kai outoi oi archgoi¢ oikwn
¢ ¢ autwn
patriwn ¢ Phinehas. These are the heads of the family of the Levites,
And these are the chiefs of the houses of their families. 2596 1078-1473 3778 * 2532 *
kata ¢
geneseiV ¢
autwn ¢
6:26 outoV ¢ kai MwushV
Aarwn ¢
according to their generations. This Aaron and Moses,
6:5 †CP diaqhkhV mou – my covenant.
86 E X O D O S 6:27
3739 2036-3588-2316 1473 1806 3588 5207 * 2094 3589 *-1161 3589.4 2094
oiV ¢
eipen ¢ autoiV
o qeoV ¢ ¢ touV uiouV
exagagein ¢ Israhl
¢ ¢
etwn ¢
ogdohkonta ¢ de
Aarwn ¢
ogdohkontatriwn ¢
is whom God said to them to lead the sons of Israel [2years old 1eighty], and Aaron was eighty-three years old
1537 * 4862 1411-1473 3778 1510.2.6 2259 2980 4314 * 2532 2036-2962 4314
ex ¢
Aiguptou ¢
sun dunamei ¢
autwn ¢ i¢ eisin
6:27 outo ¢
hnika ¢
elalhsan ¢
proV Faraw 7:8 kai ¢ kurioV
eipe ¢ proV
from out of Egypt with their force. These are when they spoke to Pharaoh. And the lord said to
3588 1256 4314 * 935 * 5620 * 2532 * 3004 2532 1437 2980 4314
oi ¢
dialegomenoi ¢ basilea
proV Faraw ¢ Aiguptou
¢ ¢
wste ¢ kai Aarwn
Mwushn ¢ legwn
¢ ¢ lalhsh
7:9 kai ean ¢ proV
the ones reasoning with Pharaoh king of Egypt, so as Moses and Aaron, saying, And if [2should speak 3to
1806 3588 5207 * 1537 * 1473-* 1473 * 3004 1325 1473 4592 2228 5059 2532
¢ touV uiouV
exagagein ¢ Israhl
¢ ex ¢
Aiguptou ¢ Aarwn
autoV ¢ ¢ Faraw
umaV ¢ ¢
legwn ¢
dote ¢ shmeion
hmin ¢ h ¢
teraV kai
to lead the sons of Israel from out of Egypt – Aaron himself 4you 1Pharaoh], saying, Give to us a sign or miracle, then
2532 * 3588 2250 2980-2962 * 1722 2046-* 3588 80-1473 2983 3588 4464 2532 4495
kai MwushV 6:28 h ¢
hmera ¢
elalhse ¢
kurioV ¢ en
Mwush ¢ Aarwn
ereiV ¢ ¢ sou
tw adelfw ¢
labe ¢
thn rabdon ¢
kai riyon
and Moses, in the day the lord spoke to Moses in [2Aaron shall say 1your brother], Take the rod and toss
1093 * 2532 2980-2962 4314 * 1473 1909 3588 1093 1726 * 2532 1726 3588
gh ¢
Aiguptou 6:29 kai ¢
elalhse ¢
kurioV proV Mwushn¢ ¢ epi¢
authn thn ghn ¢
enantion ¢
Faraw ¢
kai enantion twn
the land of Egypt. And the lord spoke to Moses, it upon the ground before Pharaoh, and before
3004 1473 2962 2980 4314 * 935 * 2324-1473 2532 1510.8.3 1404 1525
legwn egw¢ kurioV
¢ ¢
lalhson proV Faraw¢ basilea
¢ Aiguptou
¢ ¢
qerapontwn autou¢ kai ¢
estai ¢
drakwn 7:10 ¢
saying, I am the lord. Speak to Pharaoh king of Egypt his attendants, and it will be a serpent. [5entered
3745 1473 3004 4314 1473 2532 2036-* 1726 1161 * 2532 * 1726 * 2532 3588
osa ¢ legw
egw ¢ proV se ¢ MwushV
6:30 kai eipe ¢ enantion
¢ de ¢
MwushV kai ¢
Aarwn ¢
enantion ¢
Faraw kai twn
as much as I tell to you! And Moses said before 1And 2Moses 3and 4Aaron] before Pharaoh, and
2962 2400 1473 2477.3-1510.2.1 2532 4459 1522 2324-1473 2532 4160 3779 2509 1781
kuriou idou¢ ¢ iscnofwn
egw ¢ ¢ eimi kai pwV eisakouseta
oV ¢ i¢ ¢
qerapontwn autou¢ kai epoihsan
¢ ¢
outwV ¢
kaqaper ¢
the lord, Behold, I am weak-voiced, and how shall [2listen to his attendants. And they did thus, as [2gave charge
1473 * 1473 2962 2532 4495-* 3588 4464 1726
mou Faraw ¢
autoiV ¢
kurioV ¢
kai erriyen ¢ thn rabdon
Aarwn ¢ ¢
3me 1Pharaoh]? 3to them 1the lord]. And Aaron tossed the rod before
* 2532 1726 3588 2324-1473 2532 1096
Faraw ¢
kai enantion ¢
twn qerapontwn autou¢ kai ¢
Pharaoh, and before his attendants. And it became
1404 4779 1161 3588 4679.1 *
The LORD Gives Charge to Moses and Aaron ¢
drakwn ¢
7:11 sunekalese de ¢ Aiguptou
touV sofistaV ¢
2532 2036-2962 4314 * 3004 2400 a serpent. [3called together 1And 4the 5wise men 6of Egypt
7:1 kai ¢ kurioV
eipe ¢ proV Mwushn¢ ¢
legwn idou¢ 3500 * 2532 3588 5333 2532 4160 2532
And the lord said to Moses, saying, Behold, o ¢
Faraw ¢ kai
kai touV farmakouV ¢
epoihsan kai
1325 1473 2316 * 2532 * 3588 80-1473 2Pharaoh], and the sorcerers. And [6did 5also
dedwka¢ ¢
se qeon ¢
Faraw ¢ o
kai Aarwn ¢ sou
adelfoV 3588 1883.3 3588 * 3588 5331-1473
I have made you as a god to Pharaoh, and Aaron your brother oi epaoidoi¢ twn ¢
Aiguptiwn ¢
taiV farmakeiaiV ¢
1510.8.3 1473 4396 1473-1161 2980 1473 3956 1the 2enchanters 3of the 4Egyptians] their sorceries
estai ¢
sou profhthV 7:2 su de ¢
lalhseiV ¢
autw ¢
panta 5615 2532 4495 1538 3588 4464-1473 2532
will be your prophet. But you shall speak to him all ¢
wsautwV 7:12 kai ¢
erriyan ¢
ekastoV ¢
thn rabdon autou¢ kai
3745 1781 1473 3588 1161 * 3588 80-1473 likewise. And [2tossed 1each] his rod, and
osa ¢
entellomai¢ soi o de ¢ o
Aarwn ¢ sou
adelfoV 1096 1404 2532 2666 3588 4464 3588
as much as I give charge to you. But Aaron your brother ¢
egenonto ¢
drakonteV ¢
kai katepien h ¢
rabdoV h
2980 4314 * 5620 1821 3588 5207 they became serpents. And [4swallowed down 1the 2rod
lalhsei proV ¢
Faraw ¢
wste ¢
exaposteilai touV ¢
uiouV * 3588 1565-4464 2532 2729 3588
will speak to Pharaoh, so as to send the sons ¢
Aarwn ¢
taV ekeinwn ¢
rabdouV ¢
7:13 kai katiscusen h
* 1537 1093-1473 1473-1161 4645 3588 3of Aaron] the rods of those men. And [4grew strong 1the
Israhl ek ghV autou¢ ¢ de
7:3 egw ¢ thn
sklhrunw 2588 * 2532 3756 1522 1473 2509
of Israel from out of his land. But I will harden the ¢ Faraw
kardia ¢ kai ouk ¢
eishkousen ¢ kaqaper
autwn ¢
2588 * 2532 4129 3588 4592-1473 2532 3588 2heart 3of Pharaoh], and he did not listen to them as
kardian ¢
Faraw ¢
kai plhqunw ta shmei¢a
¢ mou kai ta 2980 1473 2962
heart of Pharaoh, and I will multiply my signs, and the ¢
elalhsen ¢
autoiV ¢
5059 1722 1093 * 2532 3756-1522 1473 [2said 3to them 1the lord].
terata en gh ¢
Aiguptw ¢
7:4 kai ouk eisakousetai ¢
miracles in the land of Egypt. And [2will not listen to 3you
* 2532 1911 3588 5495-1473 1909 * 2532
The Waters Turned to Blood
Faraw ¢ thn ceir
kai epibalw ¢ a¢ mou ep' ¢
Aigupton kai 2036 1161 2962 4314 * 916
1Pharaoh], and I will put my hand against Egypt, and ¢
7:14 eipe de ¢
kurioV ¢ bebarhtai
proV Mwushn ¢
1806 4862 1411-1473 3588 2992-1473 3588 5207
[3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, [4is weighed down
exaxw sun ¢
dunamei mou ton ¢ mou
laon ¢
touV uiouV 3588 2588 * 3588 3361 1821 3588 2992
I will lead out with my power my people the sons h ¢ Faraw
kardia ¢ tou mh ¢
exaposteilai ¢
ton laon
* 1537 1093 * 4862 1557
1The 2heart 3of Pharaoh] to not send out the people.
Israhl ek ghV ¢
Aiguptou sun ¢
ekdikhsei 897.2 4314 * 4404 2400 1473
of Israel from out of the land of Egypt with [2punishment ¢
7:15 badison ¢
proV Faraw toprw+ idou¢ ¢
3173 2532 1097 3956 3588 * 3754 You proceed to Pharaoh in the morning! Behold, he
megalh 7:5 kai ¢
gnwsontai ¢
panteV oi ¢
Aiguptioi ¢
oti 1607 1909 3588 5204 2532 1510.8.2 4876
1great]. And [4shall know 1all 2the 3Egyptians] that ¢
ekporeuetai epi¢ to ¢
udwr kai ¢
esh ¢
1473 1510.2.1 2962 1614 3588 5495-1473 1909 will go forth upon the water. And you will be able to meet
egw eimi ¢
kurioV ¢
ekteinwn thn ¢ a
ceir ¢ mou ep' 1473 1909 3588 5491 3588 4215 2532 3588 4464 3588
I am the lord, stretching out my hand against ¢ epi¢
autw to ¢
ceiloV tou potamou¢ kai thn rabdon
¢ thn
* 2532 1806 3588 5207 * 1537 3319-1473
him upon the edge of the river, and the rod, the one
Aigupton ¢
kai exaxw ¢ Israhl
touV uiouV ¢ ek ¢
mesou ¢
autwn 4762 1519 3789 2983 1722 3588 5495-1473 2532
Egypt; and I will lead the sons of Israel from their midst. ¢
strafeisan ¢
eiV ofin ¢
lhyh en th ceiri¢ sou 7:16 kai
4160 1161 * 2532 * 2509 1781 turning into a serpent, take in your hand. And
7:6 epoihse de ¢ kai Aarwn
MwushV ¢ ¢
kaqaper ¢
eneteilato 2046 4314 1473 2962 3588 2316 3588 *
[5did 1And 2Moses 3and 4Aaron] just as [2gave charge ¢
ereiV ¢ kurioV
proV auton ¢ o ¢ twn
qeoV ¢
1473 2962 3779 4160 *-1161 1510.7.3 you shall say to him, The lord God of the Hebrews
autoiV ¢
kurioV ¢
outwV ¢
epoihsan ¢ de hn
7:7 MwushV 649 1473 4314 1473 3004 1821 3588 2992-1473
3to them 1the lord] – thus they did. And Moses was ¢
apestalke¢ me proV se ¢
legwn ¢
exaposteilon ¢ mou
ton laon
has sent me to you, saying, Send out my people!
7:17 E X O D U S 87
2443 1473-3000 1473 1722 3588 2048 2532 2400 3563-1473 3761 1909 3778 3736 1161 3956
ina ¢
moi latreuswsi¢ moi en th ¢
erhmw kai idou¢ ¢ autou¢ oude¢
noun epi¢ ¢
toutw ¢
7:24 wruxan de ¢
that they may serve to me in the wilderness. And behold, his mind neither upon this thing. [5dug 1And 2all
3756-1522 2193 3778 3592 3004 2962 1722 3588 * 2945 3588 4215 5620 4095 5204 2532
ouk eishkousaV ¢
ewV ¢
toutou ¢
7:17 tade ¢
legei ¢
kurioV en oi ¢
Aiguptioi ¢
kuklw ¢
tou potamou¢ wste piein ¢
¢ udwr kai
you hearkened not unto this time. Thus says the lord, In 3the 4Egyptians] round about the river so as to drink water; and
3778 1097 3754 1473 2962 2400 1473 5180 3756 1410 4095 5204 575 3588 4215 2532
toutw ¢
gnwsh egw¢ kurioV
¢ ¢
oti idou¢ ¢ tuptw
egw ¢ ouk ¢
hdunanto ¢
piein ¢
udwr apo¢ tou potamou¢ 7:25 kai
this you will know that I am the lord. Behold, I strike they were not able to drink water from the river. And
3588 4464 3588 1722 3588 5495-1473 1909 3588 5204 3588 1722 378 2033 2250 3326 3588 3960-2962 3588
th ¢
rabdw th en th ceiri¢ mou epi¢ to ¢
udwr to en ¢
aneplhrwqhsan ¢
epta ¢
hmerai ¢ to
meta ¢
pataxai kurion ton
with the rod in my hand upon the water in [3were fulfilled 1seven 2days] after the lord struck the
3588 4215 2532 3328 1519 129 2532 3588 2486 4215
¢ kai metabalei¢ eiV aima
tw potamw ¢ 7:18 kai oi ¢
icqueV ¢
the river, and it will turn into blood. And the fishes river.
3588 1722 3588 4215 5053 2532 2025.3 3588
oi en ¢ teleuthsousi
tw potamw ¢ ¢
kai epozesei o
in the river shall come to an end. And [3will stink 1the CHAPTER 8
4215 2532 3756 1410 3588 * 4095
¢ kai ou
potamoV ¢
dunhsontai oi ¢
Aiguptioi ¢
piein Frogs Cover the Land of Egypt
2river], and [3will not 4be able 1the 2Egyptians] to drink 2036 1161 2962 4314 * 1525
5204 575 3588 4215 2036 1161 2962 4314 8:1 ¢
eipe de ¢
kurioV proV ¢
Mwushn ¢
udwr apo¢ tou potamou¢ ¢
7:19 eipe ¢
kurioV proV [3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, Enter
water from the river. [3said 1And 2the lord] to 4314 * 2532 2046 4314 1473 3592 3004
* 2036 * 3588 80-1473 2983 3588 4464-1473 ¢
proV Faraw kai ¢
ereiV ¢
proV auton ¢
tade ¢
¢ eipon
Mwushn ¢ ¢
Aarwn ¢ sou labe
tw adelfw ¢ ¢
thn rabdon sou to Pharaoh! And you shall say to him, Thus says
Moses, Say to Aaron your brother, Take your rod, 2962 1821 3588 2992-1473 2443 1473-3000
2532 1614 3588 5495-1473 1909 3588 5204 * 2532 ¢
kurioV ¢
exaposteilon ton laon ¢
¢ mou ina ¢
moi latreuswsin
kai ekteinon ¢ a
thn ceir ¢ sou epi¢ ta ¢
udata ¢
Aiguptou kai the lord, Send out my people that they may serve me!
and stretch out your hand upon the waters of Egypt, and 1490 1014 1473 1821 2400
1909 3588 4215-1473 2532 1909 3588 1377.2-1473 2532 8:2 ei de mh ¢
boulh su ¢
exaposteilai idou¢
epi¢ ¢ autwn
touV potamouV ¢ kai epi¢ ¢
taV diwrugaV ¢ kai
autwn But if [2should not 3be willing 1you] to send, behold,
upon their rivers, and upon their aqueducts, and 1473 5180 3956 3588 3725-1473 944 2532
1909 3588 1678.2-1473 2532 1909 3956 4921 5204 1473 ¢ tuptw
egw ¢ ¢
panta ta ¢ a
ori ¢ sou ¢
batracoiV 8:3 kai
epi¢ ta elh
¢ ¢
autwn kai epi¢ pan sunesthkoV
¢ udwr
¢ ¢
autwn I strike all your boundaries with frogs. And
upon their marshes, and upon all [2standing 3water 1their], 1829.2 3588 4215 944 2532 305
2532 1510.8.3 129 1722 3956 3588 1093 * 1722 ¢
exereuxetai o ¢ batracouV
potamoV ¢ ¢
kai anabanteV
kai estai †aima
¢ en ¢
pash th gh ¢
Aiguptou en [3will discharge forth 1the 2river] frogs. And in ascending,
and there will be blood in all the land of Egypt, in 1525 1519 3588 3624-1473 2532 1519 3588 5009
5037 3588 3586 2532 1722 3588 3037 2532 ¢
eiseleusontai eiV ¢
touV oikouV sou kai eiV ta ¢
te ¢
toiV xuloiV kai en ¢
toiV liqoiV 7:20 kai they shall enter into your houses, and into the closets
both the wood vessels and in the stone vessels. And 3588 2846-1473 2532 1909 3588 2825-1473 2532 1519 3588
4160 3779 * 2532 * 2509 1781 ¢
twn koitwnwn sou kai epi¢ ¢ sou kai eiV touV
twn klinwn
epoihsan ¢
outwV ¢ kai
MwushV ¢
Aarwn ¢
kaqaper ¢
[4did 5so 1Moses 2and 3Aaron], just as [2gave charge of your bedrooms, and upon your beds, and into the
3624 3588 2324-1473 2532 3588 2992-1473 2532 1722 3588
1473 2962 2532 1869-* 3588 4464-1473 ¢
oikouV ¢
twn qerapontwn sou kai tou laou¢ sou kai en toiV
autoiV ¢
kurioV ¢
kai eparaV Aarwn¢ ¢
thn rabdw autou¢
3to them 1the lord]. And Aaron lifting his rod houses of your attendants, and your people, and in
5445-1473 2532 1722 3588 2823-1473 2532 1909
3960 3588 5204 3588 1722 3588 4215 1726 * ¢
furamasi¢ sou kai en ¢
toiV klibanoiV sou 8:4 kai epi¢
epataxe to ¢
udwr to en tw ¢ enantion
potamw ¢ ¢
struck the water in the river before Pharaoh, your batches of flour, and in your ovens. And upon
1473 2532 1909 3588 2992-1473 2532 1909 3588 2324-1473
2532 1726 3588 2324-1473 2532 3328 3956 3588 se kai epi¢ ¢ sou
ton laon kai epi¢ ¢
touV qerapont ¢ sou
kai enantion ¢
twn qerapontwn autou¢ kai metebale
¢ pan to
and before his attendants. And [7turned 1all 2the you, and upon your people, and upon your attendants
305 3588 944 2036 1161 2962 4314
5204 3588 1722 3588 4215 1519 129 2532 3588 2486 ¢
anabhsontai oi ¢
batracoi ¢
8:5 eipe ¢
kurioV proV
udwr to en tw ¢ eiV aima
potamw ¢ 7:21 kai oi ¢
3water 4in 5the 6river] into blood. And the fishes, [3will ascend 1the 2frogs]. [3said 1And 2the lord] to
* 2036 * 3588 80-1473 1614 3588
3588 1722 3588 4215 5053 2532 2025.3 3588 ¢ eipon
Mwushn ¢ ¢
Aarwn tw ¢ sou
adelfw ¢
ekteinon th
oi en tw ¢ eteleuthsan
potamw ¢ ¢
kai epwzesen o
the ones in the river came to an end. And [3stunk 1the Moses, Say to Aaron your brother! Stretch forth in
5495-1473 3588 4464 1909 3588 4215 2532 1909 3588
4215 2532 3756 1410 3588 * 4095 5204 ceiri¢ sou thn rabdon
¢ epi¢ ¢ kai epi¢
touV potamouV taV
¢ kai ouk
potamoV ¢
hdunanto oi ¢
Aiguptioi ¢
piein ¢
2river]. And [3were not 4able 1the 2Egyptians] to drink water your hand the rod upon the rivers, and upon the
1377.2 2532 1909 3588 1678.2 2532 321 3588 944
1537 3588 4215 2532 1510.7.3 3588 129 1722 3956 ¢
diwrugaV kai epi¢ ¢
ta elh ¢
kai anagage ¢
touV batracouV
ek tou potamou¢ kai hn to ¢
aima en ¢
from out of the river. And [3was 1the 2blood] in all aqueducts, and upon the marshes, and lead the frogs!
2532 1614-* 3588 5495 1909 3588 5204 *
3588 1093 * 4160 1161 5615 2532 3588 ¢
8:6 kai exeteinen ¢
Aarwn thn ceira ¢
¢ epi¢ ta udata ¢
th gh ¢
Aiguptou ¢
7:22 epoihsan de ¢
wsautwV kai oi
the land of Egypt. [7did 1And 8likewise 2also 3the And Aaron stretched out his hand upon the waters of Egypt,
2532 321 3588 944 2532 307 3588
1883.4 3588 * 3588 5331-1473 2532 kai ¢
anhgage ¢
touV batracouV kai ¢
anebibasqh o
epaoidoi¢ twn ¢
Aiguptiwn ¢
taiV farmakeiaiV ¢ kai
4enchanters 5of the 6Egyptians] in their sorceries. And and he led the frogs. And [3was brought up 1the
944 2532 2572 3956 3588 1093 * 4160
4645 3588 2588 * 2532 3756 1522 ¢
batracoV ¢
kai ekaluye ¢
pasan ¢
thn ghn Aiguptou ¢
8:7 epoihsan
esklhrunqh h ¢ Faraw
kardia ¢ kai ouk ¢
was hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he did not listen to 2frog], and covered all the land of Egypt. [6did
1473 2509 2036-2962 1994 1161 * 1161 5615 2532 3588 1883.4 3588 *
¢ kaqaper
autwn ¢ ¢ kurioV
eipe ¢ ¢ de
7:23 epistrafeiV Faraw¢ de ¢
wsautwV kai oi epaoidoi¢ twn ¢
them, just as the lord said. [3turned 1And 2Pharaoh] 1And 7likewise 8also 2the 3enchanters 4of the 5Egyptians]
1525 1519 3588 3624-1473 2532 3756 2186 3588 3588 5331-1473 2532 321 3588 944 1909
eishlqen eiV ¢
ton oikon autou¢ kai ouk ¢
epesthse ton ¢
taiV farmakeiaiV ¢ kai anhgagon
autwn ¢ ¢
touV batracouV epi¢
to enter into his house, and he did not set with their sorceries; and they led the frogs upon
3588 1093 * 2532 2564-* * 2532
thn ghn Aiguptou 8:8 kai ¢
ekalese ¢ Mwushn
Faraw ¢ kai
7:19 †See Bos for variants. the land of Egypt. And Pharaoh called Moses and
88 E X O D O S 8:9
* 2532 2036 2172 4012 1473 4314 2962 2532 5495 3588 4464 2532 3960 3588 5560.1 3588 1093
¢ kai eipen
Aarwn ¢ ¢
euxasqe peri¢ emou¢ proV kurion
¢ kai ceiri¢ thn rabdon
¢ ¢
kai epataxe to ¢
cwma thV ghV
Aaron, and said, Make a vow for me to the lord, and 7hand 4the 5rod], and he struck the embankment of the earth,
4014 3588 944 575 1699 2532 575 3588 2992-1473 2532 1096 3588 4645.2 1722 5037 3588 444 1722
perieletw ¢
touV batracouV ap' emou¢ kai apo¢ tou laou¢ mou ¢
kai egenonto oi ¢
sknipeV en te ¢
toiV anqrwpoiV en
remove the frogs from me, and from my people! and there were the midges among both men and among
2532 1821 3588 2992 2532 2380 2962 5037 3588 5074 2532 1722 3956 5560.1
¢ ton laon
kai exapostelw ¢ ¢
kai qusousi ¢
kuriw te ¢
toiV tetraposi kai en panti¢ cwmati
And I will send the people, and they shall sacrifice to the lord. also the four-footed creatures. And among all embankments
2036 1161 * 4314 * 5021 4314 1473 4219 3588 1093 1096 3588 4645.2 1722 3956 1093 *
8:9 eipe de ¢ proV Faraw
MwushV ¢ ¢
taxai proV me ¢
pote thV ¢
ghV egenonto oi ¢
sknipeV en ¢
pash gh ¢
[3said 1And 2Moses] to Pharaoh, Order for me! when of the land there were the midges in all the land of Egypt.
2172 4012 1473 2532 4012 3588 2324-1473 2532 4160 1161 5615 2532 3588 1883.4 3588
euxomai peri¢ sou kai peri¢ twn qerapontwn
¢ sou kai ¢
8:18 epoihsan de ¢
wsautwV kai oi epaoidoi¢ taiV
should I make a vow for you, and for your attendants, and [5did 1And 6likewise 4also 2the 3enchanters] in
3588 2992-1473 853 3588 944 575 1473 5331-1473 1806 3588 4645.2 2532 3756
¢ sou
tou laou ¢
afanisai ¢
touV batracouV apo¢ sou ¢
farmakeiaiV ¢ exagagein
autwn ¢ ton sknipa
¢ kai ouk
your people, to remove from view the frogs from you, their sorceries, to lead out the midge, but they were not
2532 575 3588 2992-1473 2532 575 3588 3614-1473 4133 1410 2532 1096 3588 4645.2 1722 5037 3588 444
kai apo¢ tou laou¢ sou ¢ umwn
kai apo twn oikiwn ¢ plhn ¢
hdunanto ¢
kai egenonto ¢
oi sknipeV en te ¢
toiV anqrwpoiV
and from your people, and from your houses – except able. And there were midges among both men,
1722-3588 4215 5275 3588 1161 2532 1722 3588 5074 2036 3767 3588
en tw ¢ upoleifqhsontai
potamw ¢ 8:10 o de kai en ¢
toiV tetraposin ¢
8:19 eipan oun oi
for the ones in the river which shall be left behind? And and among the four-footed creatures. [3said 4then 1And the
2036 1519 839 2036 3767 5613 2046 1883.3 3588 * 1147 2316 1510.2.3-3778
eipen eiV ¢
aurion ¢
eipen oun wV ¢
eirhkaV epaoidoi¢ tw ¢
Faraw ¢
daktuloV qeou¢ ¢
esti touto
he said, During tomorrow. He said therefore, As you have said; 2enchanters] to Pharaoh, [2the finger 3of God 1This is].
2443 1492 3754 3756-1510.2.3 243 4133 2962 2532 4645 3588 2588 * 2532 3756
ina ¢
eidhV ¢
oti ¢
ouk estin ¢
alloV plhn ¢
kuriou kai ¢
esklhrunqh h ¢ Faraw
kardia ¢ kai ouk
that you might see that there is no other besides the lord. And [4was hardened 1the 2heart 3of Pharaoh], and he did not
2532 4014 3588 944 575 1473 2532 1522 1473 2509 2980-2962
8:11 kai ¢
periaireqhsontai oi ¢
batracoi apo¢ sou kai ¢
eishkousen ¢ kaqaper
autwn ¢ ¢
elalhse ¢
And [3shall be removed 1the 2frogs] from you, and listen to them, just as the lord said.
575 3588 3614-1473 2532 575 3588 2324-1473 2532 575
apo¢ twn oikiwn
¢ umwn
¢ kai apo¢ twn qerapontwn
¢ sou kai apo¢
from your houses, and from your attendants, and from The Dog-fly Covers the Land of Egypt
3588 2992-1473 4133 1722-3588 4215 5275 2036 1161 2962 4314 * 3719
tou laou¢ sou plhn en tw ¢ upoleifqhsontai
potamw ¢ ¢
8:20 eipe de ¢
kurioV ¢
proV Mwushn ¢
your people, only the ones in the river will be left behind. [3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, Rise early
1831 1161 * 2532 * 575 * 2532 4404 2532 2476 1726 * 2532 2400
8:12 exhlqe de ¢ kai Aarwn
MwushV ¢ apo¢ Faraw
¢ kai toprw+ kai ¢
sthqi ¢
enantion ¢
Faraw kai idou¢
[5went forth 1And 2Moses 3and 4Aaron] from Pharaoh. And in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh! And behold,
310-* 4314 2962 4012 3588 3725.1 3588 1473 1831 1909 3588 5204 2532 2046 4314
anebohse MwushV ¢ proV kurion
¢ peri¢ ¢
tou orismou twn ¢ exeleusetai
autoV ¢ epi¢ to ¢
udwr kai ¢
ereiV proV
Moses yelled out to the lord concerning the enactment of the he will come forth near the water. And you shall say to
944 5613 5021-* 4160 1161 2962 1473 3592 3004 2962 1821 3588 2992-1473
batracwn ¢
wV etaxato ¢
Faraw ¢
8:13 epoihse de ¢
kurioV ¢
auton ¢
tade ¢
legei ¢
kurioV ¢
exaposteilon ton ¢ mou
frogs, as Pharaoh arranged. [3did 1And 2the lord] him, Thus says the lord, Send out my people!
2509 2036-* 2532 5053 3588 944 1537 3588 2443 1473-3000 1722 3588 2048 1437-1161
kaqaper ¢ MwushV
eipe ¢ kai eteleuthsan
¢ oi ¢
batracoi ek twn ¢
ina ¢
moi latreuswsin en th ¢
erhmw 8:21 ¢ de
just as Moses said, and ended the frogs from the that they shall serve me in the wilderness. But if
3614 2532 1537 3588 1886 2532 1537 3588 68 2532 3361 1014 1821 3588 2992-1473 2400 1473
¢ kai ek
oikiwn ¢
twn epaulewn kai ek ¢
twn agrwn 8:14 kai mh ¢
boulh ¢
exaposteilai ¢ mou
ton laon idou¢ ¢
houses, and from the properties, and from the fields. And you do not want to send out my people, behold, I
4863 1473 2338.1 2338.1 2532 2025.3 3588 1821 1909 1473 2532 1909 3588 2324-1473 2532
sunhgagon ¢ qhmwniaV
autouV ¢ ¢
qhmwniaV ¢
kai epwzesen h ¢ epi¢
exapostellw se kai epi¢ ¢
touV qerapont ¢ sou kai
they brought them heaps upon heaps, and [3stunk 1the will send upon you, and upon your attendants, and
1093 1909 3588 2992-1473 2532 1909 3588 3624-1473 2952.4
gh epi¢ ¢ sou
ton laon kai epi¢ ¢
touV oikouV ¢ kunomuian
umwn ¢
2land]. upon your people, and upon your houses the dog-fly.
2532 4130 3588 3614 3588 * 3588
kai ¢
plhsqhsontai ai ¢
oikiai twn ¢
Aiguptiwn thV
Midges Cover Man and Beast And [5shall be filled 1the 2houses 3of the 4Egyptians] with the
1492 1161 * 3754 1096 2952.4 2532 1519 3588 1093 1909 3739 1510.2.6 1909 1473
8:15 ¢
idwn de ¢
Faraw ¢
oti ¢
gegonen ¢
kunomuiaV kai eiV thn ghn ef' hV ¢
eisin ep' ¢
[3seeing 1And 2Pharaoh] that there came to pass dog-fly, and into the land upon which they are upon it.
403 925 3588 2588-1473 2532 2532 3860.1 1722 3588 2250-1565 3588
anayuxiV ¢
ebarunqh h ¢ autou¢
kardia kai ¢
8:22 kai paradoxasw en ¢ ekeinh
th hmera ¢ thn
a respite, [2was weighed down 1therefore his heart], and And I will do an incredible thing in that day in the
3756 1522 1473 2509 2980-2962 1093 * 1909 3739 3588 2992-1473 1510.2.3 1909 1473 1909
ouk ¢
eishkousen ¢
autwn ¢
kaqaper ¢
elalhse ¢
kurioV ¢
ghn Gesem ef' hV o ¢ mou estin
laoV ¢ ep' ¢ ef'
he did not hearken to them, just as the lord said. land of Goshen, upon which my people are upon it; upon
2036 1161 2962 4314 * 2036 * 3739 3756-1510.8.3 1563 3588 2952.4 2443 1492
8:16 eipe ¢
kurioV proV Mwushn¢ ¢
eipon ¢
Aarwn hV ¢
ouk estai ekei¢ h ¢
kunomuia ¢
ina ¢
[3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, Say to Aaron! which there will not be there the dog-fly, that you may know
1614 3588 5495 3588 4464-1473 2532 3960 3588 3754 1473 1510.2.1 2962 3956 3588 1093 2532 1325
ekteinon th ceiri¢ ¢
thn rabdon ¢
sou kai pataxon to ¢
oti ¢ eimi
egw ¢
kurioV ¢
pashV thV ghV ¢
8:23 kai dwsw
Stretch out with your hand your rod, and strike the that I am the lord of all the earth. And I will make
5560.1 3588 1093 2532 1510.8.6 4645.2 1722 3956 1293 303.1 3588 1699 2992 2532 303.1 3588
cwma thV ghV ¢
kai esontai ¢
sknipeV en ¢
pash ¢
diastolhn ¢
anameson tou emou¢ laou¢ ¢
kai anameson tou
embankment of the land! and there will be midges in all a difference between my people, and between
1093 * 1614 3767 * 3588 4674 2992 1722-1161 3588 839 1510.8.3 3588 4592
gh ¢
Aiguptou ¢
8:17 exeteinen oun ¢
Aarwn th sou laou¢ en de th ¢
aurion ¢
estai to ¢
the land of Egypt. [3stretched out 1Then 2Aaron 6with the your people. And in the next morning [2will be 3the 4sign
8:24 E X O D U S 89
3778 1909 3588 1093 4160 1161 2962 3779
touto epi¢ thV ghV ¢
8:24 epoihse de ¢
kurioV ¢
1this] upon the land. [3did 1And 2the lord] so.
2532 3854 3588 2952.4 4128 1519 3588 3624
kai ¢
paregeneto h ¢
kunomuia ¢
plhqoV ¢
eiV touV oikouV Death of the Egyptian Livestock
And [3came 1the 2dog-fly] in multitude in the houses 2036 1161 2962 4314 * 1525 4314
* 2532 1519 3588 3624 3588 2324-1473 2532 1519
9:1 eipe de ¢
kurioV proV Mwushn¢ eiselqe
¢ proV
Faraw ¢
kai eiV touV oikouV ¢
twn qerapontwn autou¢ kai eiV [3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, Enter to
of Pharaoh, and in the houses of his attendants, and in * 2532 2046 1473 3592 3004 2962 3588 2316
3956 1093 * 2532 1842 3588 1093 ¢
Faraw ¢
kai ereiV ¢
tade ¢
legei ¢ ¢
kurioV o ¢
pasan ghn ¢
Aiguptou ¢
kai exwloqreuqh h gh Pharaoh! And you shall say to him, Thus says the lord God
all the land of Egypt. And [3was utterly destroyed 1the 2land] 3588 * 1821 3588 2992-1473 2443 3000
575 3588 2952.4 2564 1161 * * twn ¢
Ebraiwn ¢
exaposteilon ¢ mou ina
ton laon ¢ ¢
apo¢ ¢
thV kunomuiaV ¢
8:25 ekalese de ¢
Faraw ¢
Mwushn of the Hebrews, Send out my people! that they may serve
because of the dog-fly. [3called 1And 2Pharaoh] Moses 1473 1487-3303 3767 3361 1014 1821 3588
2532 * 3004 2064 2380 3588 2316-1473 1722 3588 moi 9:2 ei men oun mh ¢
boulh ¢
exaposteilai ton
¢ legwn
kai Aarwn ¢ ¢
elqonteV ¢
qusate ¢ umwn
tw qew ¢ en th to me For if then you do not want to send out
and Aaron, saying, In going, you sacrifice to your God in the 2992-1473 235 2089 1467.1 1473 2400 5495
1093 2532 2036-* 3756 1415 1096 3779 laon ¢ egkrateiV
¢ mou all' eti ¢ autou¢ 9:3 idou¢ ceir
gh ¢ MwushV
8:26 kai eipe ¢ ou ¢ genesqai
dunaton ¢ ¢
outwV my people, but still to have power over them, behold, the hand
land! And Moses said, It is not possible to be so. 2962 1510.8.3 1722 3588 2934-1473 3588 1722 3588 3977.1
3588-1063 946 3588 * 2380 2962 ¢
kuriou ¢
estai en ¢
toiV kthnes i¢ sou toiV en toiV pedioiV
ta gar ¢
bdelugmata twn ¢
Aiguptiwn ¢
qusomen kuriw¢ of the lord will be against your cattle in the plains,
For the abominations of the Egyptians we sacrifice to the lord 2532 1722 5037 3588 2462 2532 1722 3588 5268
3588 2316-1473 1437-1063 2380 3588 946 3588 kai en te ¢
toiV ippoiV kai en ¢
toiV upozugioiV
¢ hmwn
tw qew ¢ ean
¢ gar quswmen
¢ ¢
ta bdelugmata twn and against also the horses, and against the beasts of burden,
our God. For if we should sacrifice the abominations of the 2532 3588 2574 2532 1016 2532 4263 2288 3173
* 1726 1473 3036 ¢
kai taiV kamhloiV kai bousi¢ kai probatoiV
¢ ¢
qanatoV ¢
Aiguptiwn ¢
enantion ¢
autwn ¢
liqobolhqhsomeqa and the camels, and oxen, and sheep, [3plague 2great
Egyptians before them, we shall have stones thrown at us. 4970 2532 3860.1 1473
3598 5140 2250 4198 1519 3588 2048 ¢
sfodra 9:4 kai ¢
paradoxasw ¢
8:27 odon ¢
triwn ¢ poreusomeqa
hmerwn ¢ ¢
eiV thn erhmon 1by an exceedingly]. And I will do an incredible thing, even I
A journey of three days we shall go into the wilderness, 1722 3588 2540-1565 303.1 3588 2934 3588 *
2532 2380 2962 3588 2316-1473 2509 2036 en ¢ ekeinw
tw kairw ¢ ¢
anameson ¢ twn
twn kthnwn ¢
kai qusomen kuriw¢ ¢ hmwn
tw qew ¢ kaqaper
¢ ¢
eipen in that time, between the cattle of the Egyptians,
and we shall sacrifice to the lord our God, just as he told 2532 303.1 3588 2934 3588 5207 * 2532 3756
1473 2532 2036-* 1473 649 1473 2532 ¢
kai anameson ¢ twn
twn kthnwn ¢ Israhl
uiwn ¢ kai ou
hmin 8:28 kai ¢ Faraw
eipe ¢ ¢ apostellw
egw ¢ umaV
¢ kai and between the cattle of the sons of Israel. And there shall not
us. And Pharaoh said, I shall send you, and 5053 575 3956 3588 3588 5207 *
2380 3588 2962 3588 2316-1473 1722 3588 2048 ¢
teleuthsei apo¢ pantwn
¢ twn tou ¢
uiwn ¢
qusate tw ¢ tw
kuriw ¢ umwn
qew ¢ en th ¢
erhmw come to an end of any of the ones of the sons of Israel
you sacrifice to the lord your God in the wilderness! 4488.3 2532 1325-3588-2316 3735.1 3004
235 3756 3112 657.1 4198 2172 ¢
rhton 9:5 kai ¢
edwken ¢
o qeoV ¢
oron ¢
all' ou ¢
makran ¢
apoteneite ¢
poreuqhnai ¢
euxasqe in particular. And God gave confirmation, saying,
but do not [3far away 2to extend 1go]! Make a vow 1722 3588 839 4160-2962 3588 4487-3778 1909
3767 4012 1473 4314 2962 2036 1161 * en th ¢
aurion ¢
poihsei ¢
kurioV to ¢
rhma ¢
touto epi¢
oun peri¢ emou¢ proV kurion
¢ ¢
8:29 eipe de ¢
MwushV In the next morning the lord will do this thing upon
then for me to the lord! [3said 1And 2Moses], 3588 1093 2532 4160-2962 3588 4487-3778 3588
2396-1473 1831 575 1473 2532 2172 4314 thV ghV 9:6 kai ¢
epoihse ¢
kurioV to ¢
rhma ¢
touto th
¢ egw
ide ¢
exeleusomai apo¢ ¢
sou kai euxomai proV the land. And the lord did this thing in the
Behold I will go forth from you, and I will make a vow to 1887 2532 5053 3956 3588 2934 3588
3588 2316 2532 565 3588 2952.4 575 1473 2532 ¢
epaurion kai ¢
eteleuthse ¢
panta ta ¢
kthnh twn
ton qeon ¢
kai apeleusetai h ¢
kunomuia apo¢ sou kai next day. And there came to an end all the cattle of the
God, and [3shall go forth 1the 2dog-fly] from you, and * 575-1161 3588 2934 3588 5207 * 3756
575 3588 2324-1473 2532 575 3588 2992-1473 839 ¢
Aiguptiwn apo¢ de twn kthnwn
¢ twn ¢ Israhl
uiwn ¢ ouk
apo¢ twn qerapontwn
¢ sou kai apo¢ tou laou¢ sou ¢
aurion Egyptians. But of the cattle of the sons of Israel they did not
from your attendants, and from your people tomorrow. 5053 3762 1492 1161 * 3754
3361 4369 2089 * 1818 ¢
eteleuthsen ¢
ouden ¢
9:7 idwn de ¢
Faraw ¢
mh prosqhV ¢
¢ eti ¢
Faraw ¢
exapathsai come to an end – not one. [3seeing 1And 2Pharaoh] that
You should not add again, O Pharaoh, to deceive completely, 3756-5053 575 3956 3588 2934 3588 5207
3588 3361 1821 3588 2992 2380 2962 ¢
ouk eteleuthsen apo¢ ¢
pantwn twn ¢
kthnwn twn ¢
tou mh ¢
exaposteilai ¢
ton laon ¢
qusaikuriw¢ none came to an end from all of the cattle of the sons
to not send out the people to sacrifice to the lord. * 3762 925 3588 2588 * 2532
Israhl ¢
ouden ¢
ebarunqh h ¢ Faraw
kardia ¢ kai
1831 1161 * 575 * 2532 2172 of Israel – not one, [4was oppressed 1the 2heart 3of Pharoah], and
8:30 exhlqe de ¢ apo¢ Faraw
MwushV ¢ ¢
kai huxato
[3went forth 1And 2Moses] from Pharaoh, and made a vow 3756 1821 3588 2992
ouk ¢
exapesteile ¢
ton laon
4314 3588 2316 4160 1161 2962 2509 he did not send out the people.
proV ton ¢
qeon ¢
8:31 epoihse de ¢
kurioV ¢
to God. [3did 1And 2the lord] just as
2036-* 2532 4014 3588 2952.4 575 * Boils Break Out in the Land of Egypt
¢ MwushV
eipe ¢ ¢
kai perieile ¢
thn kunomuian apo¢ ¢
Faraw 2036 1161 2962 4314 * 2532 *
Moses said, and removed the dog-fly from Pharaoh, ¢
9:8 eipe de ¢
kurioV ¢ kai Aarwn
proV Mwushn ¢
2532 575 3588 2324-1473 2532 575 3588 2992-1473 2532 [3spoke 1And 2the lord] to Moses and Aaron,
kai apo¢ twn qerapontwn
¢ autou¢ kai apo¢ tou laou¢ autou¢ kai 3004 2983 1473 4134 3588 5495 127.1 2574.1
and from his attendants, and from his people; and ¢
legwn ¢
labete ¢
umeiV ¢
plhreiV ¢
taV ceiraV ¢
aiqalhV ¢
3756 2641 3762 2532 925-* saying, Take with you [2full 1hands] of soot of a furnace!
ou ¢
kateleifqh ¢
oudemia ¢
8:32 kai ebarune ¢
Faraw 2532 3956.2-* 1519 3588 3772 1726 *
he did not leave behind even one. And Pharaoh was oppressed ¢
kai pasatw ¢
MwushV eiV ¢ enantion
ton ouranon ¢ ¢
3588 2588-1473 2532 1909 3588 2540-3778 2532 3756 and let Moses strew it into the heaven before Pharaoh,
¢ autou¢ kai epi¢ tou kairou¢ toutou
thn kardian ¢ kai ouk 2532 1726 3588 2324-1473 2532 1096
in his heart also at this time, and he did not ¢ twn qerapontwn
kai enantion ¢ autou¢ ¢
9:9 kai genhqhtw
2309 1821 3588 2992 and before his attendants! And let there become
hqelhsen ¢
exaposteilai ¢
ton laon
want to send out the people.
90 E X O D O S 9:10
2868 1909 3956 3588 1093 * 2532 1510.8.3 3361 1821 1473 2400 1473 5313.2 3778
koniortoV epi¢ ¢
pasan ¢
thn ghn Aiguptou ¢
kai estai mh ¢
exaposteilai ¢
autouV 9:18 idou¢ ¢ uw†
egw ¢ ¢
a cloud of dust upon all the land of Egypt! and there will be [2to not 3be sent out 1for them]. Behold, I rain this
1909 3588 444 2532 1909 3588 5074 1668 3588 5610 839 5464 4183 4970 3748
epi¢ ¢
touV anqrwpouV kai epi¢ ta ¢
tetrapoda ¢
elkh ¢
thn wran ¢
aurion ¢
calazan ¢ sfodra
pollhn ¢ ¢
upon men and upon the four-footed creatures sores hour tomorrow [3hail 2great 1exceedingly], in which
5397.1 326.2 1722 5037 3588 444 2532 1722 5108 3756 1096 1722 * 575 3739 2250
fluktideV ¢
anazeousai en te ¢
toiV anqrwpoiV kai en ¢
toiauth ou ¢
gegonen en ¢
Aiguptw af' hV ¢
of boils breaking out among both men, and among such has not happened in Egypt from which day
3588 5074 2532 1722 3956 1093 * 2936 2532 2193 3588 2250-3778 3568 3767
toiV tetraposi kai en ¢
pash gh ¢
Aiguptou ¢
ektistai ¢
kai ewV ¢
thV hmeraV ¢
tauthV 9:19 nun oun
the four-footed creatures, and in all the land of Egypt. it was created, and until this day. Now then
2532 2983 3588 127.1 3588 2574.1 1726 2686.4 4863 3588 2934-1473 2532 3745
9:10 kai ¢
elabe ¢
thn aiqalhn thV ¢
kaminaiaV ¢
enantion ¢
kataspeuson ¢
sunagagein ta ¢
kthnh ¢
sou kai osa
And they took the soot of the furnace before hasten to bring together your cattle, and as much as
* 2532 3956.2 1473 * 1519 3588 3772 2532 1473-1510.2.3 1722 3588 3977.1 3956-1063 3588 444 2532 3588 2934
Faraw ¢
kai epasen ¢ MwushV
authn ¢ eiV ¢ kai
ton ouranon ¢ panteV
soi estin en tw pediw ¢ ¢
gar oi anqrwpoi ¢
kai ta kthnh
Pharaoh; and [2strew 3it 1Moses] into the heaven; and is to you in the plain! For all the men, and the cattle,
1096 1668 5397.1 326.2 1722 5037 3588 3745 302 2147 1722 3588 3977.1 2532 3361
egeneto ¢
elkh ¢
fluktideV ¢
anazeousai en te toiV ¢
osa ¢
an eureqh en ¢
toiV pedioiV kai mh
there became sores of boils breaking out among both as much as might be found in the plains, and what might not
444 2532 1722 3588 5074 2532 1525 1519 3614 4098 1161 1909 1473
anqrwpoiV kai en ¢
toiV tetraposi 9:11 kai ¢
eiselqh ¢
eiV oikian ¢
pesh de ep' ¢
men, and among the four-footed creatures. And enter into a residence, [3should have fallen 1and 4upon 5them
3756 1410 3588 5333 2476 1726 * 3588 5464 5053 3588 5399 3588
ouk ¢
hdunanto oi farmakoi¢ sthnai
¢ ¢
enantion ¢
Mwush h ¢
calaza ¢
teleuthsei 9:20 o ¢
foboumenoV to
[3were not 4able 1the 2sorcerers] to stand before Moses, 2what hail], it will come to an end. The ones fearing the
1223 3588 1668 1096 1063 3588 1668 1722 3588 4487 2962 3588 2324 * 4863
dia ¢
ta elkh ¢
egeneto gar ta ¢
elkh en toiV ¢
rhma ¢
kuriou ¢
twn qerapontwn Faraw ¢ ¢
on account of the sores. [4happened 1For 2the 3sores] among the word of the lord of the attendants of Pharaoh brought together
5333 2532 1722 3956 1093 * 4645 1161 3588 2934-1473 1519 3588 3624 3739-1161 3361
¢ kai en pash
farmakoiV ¢ gh ¢
Aiguptw ¢
9:12 esklhrune de ta ¢
kthnh autou¢ eiV ¢
touV oikouV 9:21 oV de mh
sorcerers, and in all the land of Egypt. [3hardened 1And their cattle into the houses. And he who did not
2962 3588 2588 * 2532 3756 1522 4337 3588 1271 1519 3588 4487 2962 863
kurioV ¢
thn kardian Faraw ¢ kai ouk ¢
eishkousen ¢
prosesce th ¢ eiV
dianoia to ¢
rhma ¢
kuriou ¢
2the lord] the heart of Pharaoh, and he did not hearken to take heed to the thought unto the word of the lord, he allowed
1473 2505 4929-2962 3588 * 3588 2934 1722 3588 3977.1 2036 1161 2962
¢ kaqa
autwn ¢ sunetaxe
¢ ¢
kurioV tw Mwush ¢ ta ¢
kthnh en ¢
toiV pedioiV ¢
9:22 eipe de ¢
them; as the lord ordered to Moses. the cattle to stay in the plains. [3said 1And 2the lord]
4314 * 1614 3588 5495-1473 1519 3588 3772 2532
proV Mwushn ¢
¢ ekteinon ¢ a
thn ceir ¢ sou eiV ¢ kai
ton ouranon
Hail of Destruction upon Egypt to Moses, Stretch out your hand unto heaven! and
2036 1161 2962 4314 * 3719 1510.8.3 5464 1909 3956 3588 1093 * 1909 5037
9:13 eipe ¢ de
kurioV proV Mwushn¢ ¢
orqrison ¢
estai ¢
calaza epi¢ ¢
pasan ¢
thn ghn Aiguptou epi¢ te
[3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, Rise early there will be hail upon all the land of Egypt; upon both
4404 2532 2476 1726 * 2532 2046 3588 444 2532 3588 2934 2532 1909 3956 1008 3588
toprw+ ¢
kai sthqi ¢
enantion ¢
Faraw ¢
kai ereiV ¢
touV anqrwpouV ¢
kai ta kthnh kai epi¢ ¢
pasan ¢
botanhn thn
in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh! And you shall say the men, and the cattle, and upon all pasturage
4314 1473 3592 3004 2962 3588 2316 3588 * 1909 3588 1093 1614 1161 * 3588 5495
¢ tade
proV auton ¢ ¢
legei ¢
kurioV o ¢ twn
qeoV ¢
Ebraiwn epi¢ thV ghV ¢
9:23 exeteine de ¢ thn ceira
MwushV ¢
to him, Thus says the lord God of the Hebrews, upon the land. [3stretched out 1And 2Moses] his hand
1821 3588 2992-1473 2443 3000 1473 1722 1519 3588 3772 2532 2962 1325 5456 2532 5464 2532
exaposteilon ton laon ¢
¢ mou ina ¢
latreuswsi¢ moi 9:14 en eiV ¢ kai kurioV
ton ouranon ¢ ¢
edwke ¢ kai calazan
fwnaV ¢ kai
Send out my people! that they may serve to me. [2in unto the heaven, and the lord gave sounds and hail. And
3588 1063 3568 2540 1473 1821 3956 3588 1303.6 3588 4442 1909 3588 1093 2532 1026-2962 5464
tw gar nun ¢
kairw ¢
egw ¢
exapostellw ¢
panta ta ¢
dietrece to pur epi¢ thV ghV ¢
kai ebrexe ¢
kurioV ¢
3the 1For] present time I will send out all [2ran across 1fire] upon the earth. And the lord rained hail
4876.2-1473 1519 3588 2588-1473 2532 3588 2324-1473 1909 3956 1093 * 1510.7.3-1161 3588 5464
sunanthmata¢ mou eiV thn kardian
¢ sou kai twn qerapontwn
¢ sou epi¢ ¢
pasan ghn ¢
Aiguptou 9:24 hn de h ¢
my events into your heart, and your attendants, upon all the land of Egypt. And there was hail,
2532 3588 2992-1473 2443 1492 3754 3756-1510.2.3 243 2532 3588 4442 5394 1722 3588 5464 3588-1161 5464 4183
kai tou laou¢ sou ¢
ina ¢
eidhV ¢
oti ¢
ouk estin ¢
alloV ¢
kai to pur flogizon ¢ h de
en th calazh ¢
calaza ¢
and your people, that you might see that there is not another and the fire blazing in the hail. And the hail was great –
5613 1473 1722 3956 3588 1093 3568-1063 649 3588 4970 3748 3756-1096 5108 1722 * 575
¢ en
wV egw ¢
pash th gh ¢
9:15 nun gar aposteilaV thn ¢
sfodra ¢
htiV ou gegone ¢
toiauth en ¢
Aiguptw af'
as I in all the earth. For now, sending exceedingly, in which was there not such in Egypt from
5495-1473 3960 1473 2532 3588 2992-1473 2289 3739 1096 1909 1473 1484 3960 1161
¢ mou pataxw
ceira ¢ ¢ sou
se kai ton laon ¢
qanatwsw hV ¢
gegenhtai ep' authV ¢
¢ eqnoV ¢
9:25 epataxe de
my hand, I will strike you; and your people I shall put to death; when there was [2upon 3it 1a nation]. [4struck 1And
2532 1625.3 575 3588 1093 2532 1752 3588 5464 1722 3956 1093 * 3956 3745
kai ektribhsh apo¢ thV ghV 9:16 kai ¢
eneken h ¢
calaza en ¢
pash gh ¢
Aiguptou ¢
panta ¢
and I will obliterate you from the earth. And because of 2the 3hail] in all the land of Egypt – all as much as
3778 1301 2443 1731 1722 1473 1510.7.3 1722 3588 575 444 2193 2934 2532 3956
toutou ¢
diethrhqhV ¢
ina ¢
endeixwmai en soi hn en ¢ apo¢ anqrwpou
tw pediw ¢ ¢
ewV ¢
kthnouV ¢
kai pasan
this you were carefully kept, that I might demonstrate in you was in the plain from man unto beast. And all
3588 2479-1473 2532 3704 1229 3588 3686-1473 1008 3588 1722 3588 3977.1 3960 3588 5464 2532 3956
¢ mou
thn iscun ¢
kai opwV ¢
diaggelh to ¢
onoma¢ mou ¢
botanhn thn en ¢ epataxen
tw pediw ¢ h ¢
calaza ¢
kai panta
my strength, and how [2should be declared 1my name] pasturage in the plain [3struck 1the 2hail]. And all
1722 3956 3588 1093 2089 3767 1473 1709.3 3588 2992-1473 3588 3588 3586 3588 1722 3588 3977.1 4937 4133 1722 1093
en pash th gh ¢
9:17 eti ¢ tou laou¢ mou tou
oun su empoih ¢
ta xula ¢
ta en toiV pedioiV ¢
sunetriye 9:26 plhn en gh
in all the earth. Still then you cause my people the trees in the plains broke. Except in the land

9:18 †CP brecw – rain.

9:27 E X O D U S 91
* 3739 1510.7.6 3588 5207 * 3756-1096 3588 4314 * 1473-1063 925 3588 2588-1473 2532 3588
Gesem ou ¢
hsan oi uioi¢ Israhl
¢ ¢
ouk egeneto h ¢
proV Faraw ¢ gar ebaruna
egw ¢ ¢ autou¢ kai thn
thn kardian
of Goshen, of which were there the sons of Israel, there was not to Pharaoh! for I oppressed his heart, and the
5464 649 1161 * 2564 3588 * 2588 2324-1473 2443 1836 1904 3588
calaza ¢
9:27 aposteilaV de ¢
Faraw ¢
ekalese ¢
ton Mwushn ¢
kardian ¢
qerapontwn ¢
autou¢ ina ¢
exhV ¢
epelqh ta
hail. [3sending 1And 2Pharaoh], called Moses heart of his attendants, that [3in a row 2should come
2532 * 2532 2036 1473 264 3588 3568 3588 2962 4592-3778 1909 1473 3704 1334
¢ kai eipen
kai Aarwn ¢ ¢ hmarthka
autoiV ¢ to nun o ¢
kurioV ¢ tauta
shmeia ¢ ep' ¢
autouV ¢
10:2 opwV ¢
and Aaron, and he said to them, I have sinned now, the lord 1these signs] upon them; that you may describe them
1342 1473-1161 2532 3588 2992-1473 765 2172 1519 3588 3775 3588 5043-1473 2532 3588 5043 3588
dikaioV ¢ de kai o
egw ¢ mou asebeiV
laoV ¢ ¢
9:28 euxasqe eiV ta ¢
wta ¢
twn teknwn ¢
umwn kai toiV ¢
teknoiV twn
is just, but I and my people are impious. Make a vow into the ears of your children, and to the children
3767 4314 2962 2532 3973 3588 1096 5456 5043-1473 3745 1702 3588 * 2532 3588
oun proV kurion ¢
kai pausasqw ¢
tou genhqhnai fwnaV¢ ¢
teknwn ¢
umwn ¢
osa ¢
empepaica toiV AiguptioiV kai ta
then to the lord, and let [3cease 4to happen 1the sounds of your children; as much as I mocked the Egyptians, and
2316 2532 5464 2532 4442 2532 -1473 4592-1473 3739 4160 1722 1473 2532 1097
qeou¢ kai ¢
calazan kai pur kai ¢ umaV
exapostelw ¢ shmei¢a
¢ mou a ¢
epoihsa en ¢ kai
autoiV ¢
2of God], and the hail and fire! And I will send you out, my signs which I did among them. And you will know
2532 3765 4369 3306 2036 3754 1473 2962 1525 1161 * 2532
kai ouketi ¢
prosteqhsesqe ¢
menein ¢
9:29 eipe ¢
oti ¢
egw ¢
kurioV ¢
10:3 eishlqe de ¢
MwushV kai
and no longer will I insist for you to remain. [3said that it is I† the lord. [5entered 1And 2Moses 3and
1161 1473 * 5613-302 1831 3588 4172 * 1726 * 2532 2036 1473 3592 3004
de ¢
autw ¢ wV an
MwushV ¢
exelqw ¢
thn polin ¢
Aarwn ¢
enantion ¢
Faraw ¢
kai eipan ¢
autw ¢
tade ¢
1And 4to him 2Moses], whenever I should go from the city, 4Aaron] before Pharaoh, and said to him, Thus says
1600 3588 5495-1473 4314 3588 2962 2532 3588 2962 3588 2316 3588 * 2193 5100 3756-1014
ekpetasw ¢ aV
taV ceir ¢ mou proV ton kurion
¢ kai ai ¢
kurioV o ¢ twn
qeoV ¢
Ebraiwn ¢
ewV ¢
tinoV ¢
ou boulei
I will spread forth my hands to the lord, and the the lord, the God of the Hebrews, Until when will you not
5456 3973 2532 3588 5464 2532 3588 5205 3756 1788 1473 1821 3588 2992-1473 2443 3000
fwnai¢ pausontai
¢ kai h ¢
calaza kai o ¢ ouk
uetoV ¢ i¢ me exaposteilon
entraphna ¢ ton laon ¢
¢ mou ina ¢
sounds will cease; and the hail and the rain will not shame me? Send out my people! that they may serve
1510.8.3 2089 2443 1097 3754 3588 2962 3588 1473 1437-1161 3361-2309 1473 1821 3588
estai ¢
eti ¢
ina ¢
gnwV ¢
oti tou ¢ h
kuriou moi ¢ de
10:4 ean ¢
mh qelhV su ¢
exaposteilai ton
be any longer, that you may know that [3is of the 4 lord 1the to me. But if [2should not want 1you] to send out
1093 2532 1473 2532 3588 2324-1473 1987 3754 2992-1473 2400 1473 1863 3778 3588 5610 839
gh 9:30 kai su kai oi ¢
qerapont ¢ sou epistamai
eV ¢ ¢
oti ¢ mou idou¢
laon ¢ epagw
egw ¢ ¢
tauthn th ¢
wra ¢
2earth]. And you and your attendants – I know that my people, behold, I will bring this in the hour tomorrow –
3764 5399 3588 2962 3588-1161 3043 2532 200 4183 1909 3956 3588 3725-1473 2532
oudepw ¢
pefobhsqe ¢
ton kurion 9:31 to de ¢
linon kai ¢
akrida ¢ epi¢
pollhn ¢
panta ta ¢ a
ori ¢ sou 10:5 kai
you do not yet fear the lord. And the flax and [2locust 1much] upon all your boundaries. And
3588 2915 4141 3588-1063 2915 3936 3588-1161 2572 3588 3799 3588 1093 2532 3756
h ¢ eplhgh
kriqh ¢ h gar ¢ paresthkuia
kriqh ¢ to de ¢
kaluyei ¢
thn oyin thV ghV kai ou
the barley were struck. For the barley was standing, and the [5will be covered 1the 2appearance 3of the 4earth], and you will not
3043 4690.1 3588-1161 4447.1 2532 3588 3653.1 3756 1410 2711.1 3588 1093 2532 2719 3956 3588
linon ¢
spermatizon 9:32 o de ¢ kai h
puroV ¢
olura ouk ¢
dunhsh ¢
katidein thn ghn ¢
kai katedetai pan to
flax was seeding. And the wheat and the wild oat were not be able to look down at the ground, and will be eaten up all the
4141 3797 1063 1510.7.3 1831 1161 * 4053 3588 2641 3739 2641 1473 3588
eplhgh ¢
oyima gar hn ¢
9:33 exhlqe de ¢
MwushV ¢ to
perisson ¢
kataleifqen o ¢
katelipen ¢
umin h
struck, [3late 1for 2it was]. [3went forth 1And 2Moses] extra being left behind which [3left behind 4for you 1the
575 * 1623 3588 4172 2532 1600 3588 5464 2532 2719 3956 3588 3586 3588 5453
apo¢ ¢
Faraw ¢
ektoV thV ¢
polewV ¢
kai exepetase taV ¢
calaza ¢
kai katedetai pan to ¢
xulon to ¢
from Pharaoh outside of the city, and he spread forth the 2hail]. And will be eaten up every tree germinating
5495 4314 2962 2532 3588 5456 3973 2532 3588 1473 1909 3588 1093 2532 4130 1473 3588
ceiraV ¢
proV kurion kai ai fwnai¢ epausanto
¢ kai h ¢
umin epi¢ thV ghV 10:6 kai ¢
plhsqhsontai¢ sou ai
hands to the lord, and the sounds ceased, and the of yours upon the land. And I will fill your
5464 2532 3588 5205 3756 4712.1 2089 1909 3588 3614 2532 3588 3614 3588 2324-1473 2532 3956 3588
calaza kai o ¢ ouk
uetoV ¢
estaxen ¢
eti epi¢ thn ¢
oikiai kai ai ¢
oikiai ¢
twn qerapontwn sou ¢
kai pasai ai
hail; and the rain did not drip any longer upon the houses, and the houses of your attendants, and all the
1093 1492 1161 * 3754 3973 3614 1722 3956 3588 1093 3588 * 3739 3763
ghn ¢
9:34 idwn de ¢
Faraw ¢
oti ¢
pepautai ¢
oikiai en ¢
pash th gh twn ¢
Aiguptiwn a ¢
land. [3seeing 1And 2Pharaoh] that [3has been ceased houses in all the land of the Egyptians, which at no time
3588 5205 2532 3588 5464 2532 3588 5456 4369 3588 3708 3588 3962-1473 3761 3588 4309.1-1473
o ¢ kai h
uetoV ¢
calaza kai ai fwnai¢ ¢
proseqeto tou ¢
ewrakasin oi ¢
patereV sou oud' oi ¢
propappoi ¢
1the 2rain], and the hail, and the sounds – he added have [2seen 1your fathers], nor their forefathers,
264 2532 925 1473 3588 2588 2532 3588 575 3739 2250 1096 1909 3588 1093 2193 3588 3778
amartanein ¢
kai ebarunen autou¢ thn kardian
¢ kai twn af' hV ¢
hmeraV ¢
gegonasin epi¢ ¢
thV ghV ewV ¢
thV tauthV
to sin. And [3was oppressed 1his 2heart], and the ones from which day they were upon the land, until this
2324-1473 2532 4645 3588 2588 2250 2532 1578 1831 575 * 2532
qerapontwn autou¢ 9:35 kai ¢
esklhrunqh h ¢
kardia ¢
hmeraV ¢
kai ekklinaV ¢
exhlqen apo¢ Faraw
¢ 10:7 kai
of his attendants. And [4was hardened 1the 2heart day. And turning aside he went forth from Pharaoh. And
2532 3756 1821 3588 5207 * 3004 3588 2324 * 4314 1473 2193 5100
Faraw kai ouk ¢
exapesteile ¢ Israhl
touV uiouV ¢ ¢
legousi oi ¢
qeraponteV ¢
Faraw proV auton ¢
¢ ewV ¢
3of Pharaoh], and he did not send out the sons of Israel; [4say 1the 2attendants 3of Pharaoh] to him, For how long
2509 2980-2962 3588 * 1510.8.3-3778 1473 4663.1 1821 3588 444
kaqaper ¢
elalhse ¢
kurioV tw Mwush ¢ ¢
estai touto ¢ skwlon
¢ hmin ¢ ¢
exaposteilon ¢
touV anqrwpouV
just as the lord said to Moses. will this be to us an impediment? Send out the men!
3704 3000 2962 3588 2316-1473 2228 1492
opwV ¢
kuriw¢ tw ¢ autwn
qew ¢ h ¢
so that they may serve to the lord their God. Or [2to see
Locusts Corrupt the Land of Egypt
2036 1161 2962 4314 * 3004 1525 10:2 †Ald. adds eimi – I am.
10:1 eipe de ¢
kurioV ¢ legwn
proV Mwushn ¢ ¢
[3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, saying, Enter
92 E X O D O S 10:8
1014 3754 622 * 2532 654 3756-5275 5515 3762 1722 3588 3586
boulei ¢
oti ¢
apolwlen ¢
AiguptoV ¢
10:8 kai apestreyan ou upeleifqh ¢
clwron ¢
ouden en ¢
toiV xuloiV
1do you prefer] that they destroy Egypt? And [5returned There was not left a green thing, not one thing among the trees,
3588 5037 * 2532 * 4314 * 2532 2036 2532 1722 3956 1008 3588 3977.1 1722 3956 1093
ton te ¢ kai
Mwushn ¢
Aarwn ¢
proV Faraw kai ¢
eipen kai en ¢
pash ¢
botanh tou ¢
pediou en ¢
pash gh
1both 2Moses 3and 4Aaron] to Pharaoh. And he said even in all the pasturage of the plain in all the land
1473 4198 2532 3000 2962 3588 2316-1473 * 2686.4 1161 * 2564 *
autoiV ¢
poreuesqe ¢
kai latreusate kuriw¢ ¢ umwn
tw qew ¢ ¢
Aiguptou ¢
10:16 katespeuse de ¢
Faraw ¢
kalesai ¢
to them, Go, and serve to the lord your God! of Egypt. [3hastened 1And 2Pharaoh] to call Moses
5100-1161 2532 5100 1510.2.6 3588 4198 2532 2532 * 3004 264 1726 2962 3588 2316-1473
tineV de ¢
kai tineV ¢
eisin oi ¢
poreuomenoi 10:9 kai ¢ legwn
kai Aarwn ¢ ¢
hmarthka ¢ kuriou
enantion ¢ tou qeou¢ umwn
But which and who are the ones going? And and Aaron, saying, I have sinned before the lord your God,
3004-* 4862 3588 3495 2532 3588 4245 2532 1519 1473 4327 3767 1473 3588 266
legei ¢ sun
MwushV ¢
toiV neaniskoiV ¢
kai toiV presbuteroiV kai eiV ¢
umaV ¢
10:17 prosdexasqe ¢
oun mou thn amartian
Moses says, With the young and the older and against you. Favorably receive then my sin
4198 4862 3588 5207 2532 2364 2532 4263 2089 3568 2532 4336 4314 2962 3588 2316-1473 2532
poreusomeqa ¢ kai qugatrasi
sun toiV uioiV ¢ ¢
kai probatoiV ¢
eti ¢
nun kai proseuxasqe ¢
proV kurion ¢ umwn
ton qeon ¢ kai
we will go; with our sons, and daughters, and sheep, still now, and pray to the lord your God, and
2532 1016-1473 1510.8.3-1063 3588 1859 2962 3588 4014 575 1473 3588 2288-3778 1831 1161
kai ¢ hmwn
bousin ¢ ¢
esti gar h ¢
eorth ¢
kuriou tou ¢ ap' emou¢ ton qanaton
perieletw ¢ ¢
touton ¢
10:18 exhlqe de
and our oxen; for it is the holiday of the lord remove from me this plague! [3went forth 1And
2316-1473 2532 2036 4314 1473 1510.5 3779 * 575 * 2532 2172 4314 3588 2316 2532
¢ hmwn
qeou ¢ 10:10 kai ¢
eipe proV autouV ¢
¢ estw ¢
outw ¢ apo¢ Faraw
MwushV ¢ kai huxato
¢ ¢
proV ton qeon 10:19 kai
our God. And he said to them, Let it be so! 2Moses] from Pharaoh, and made a vow to God. And
2962 3326 1473 2530 649 1473 3361 3328-2962 417 575 2281 4970.1 2532
kurioV meq' ¢ kaqoti
umwn ¢ ¢
apostellw ¢ mh
umaV ¢
metebale ¢
kurioV ¢
anemon apo¢ ¢
qalasshV sfodron¢ kai
The lord be with you, in so far as I send you; but should the lord turned [2wind 3from 4the sea 1a vehement], and
2532 3588 643.1-1473 1492 3754 4189 4343.3 1473 353 3588 200 2532 1685 1473 1519 3588 2063
¢ umwn
kai thn aposkeuhn ¢
¢ idete ¢ ponhria
oti ¢ ¢
proskeitai ¢
umin ¢
anelabe ¢
thn akrida ¢
kai enebalen ¢ eiV
authn ¢
thn eruqran
also your belongings? See! for wickedness lies near to you. it took up the locust, and cast it into the red
3361 3779 4198 3588 435 2532 3000 3588 2281 2532 3756-5275 200 1520 1722 3956
10:11 mh outwV ¢
poreuesqe oi ¢
andreV ¢
kai latreusate tw ¢
qalassan ¢
kai ouc upeleifqh ¢
akriV ¢
mia ¢
en pash
Not so, let [3go forth 1the 2men] and serve sea. And there was not left behind [2locust 1one] in all
2316 3778-1063 1473 1567 1544-1161 1473 575 1093 * 2532 4645-2962 3588 2588
qew ¢ gar autoi¢ ekzhteite
touto ¢ ¢
exebalon de ¢ apo¢
autouV gh ¢
Aiguptou 10:20 kai ¢
esklhrune ¢
kurioV ¢
thn kardian
God! for this they seek after. And they cast them from the land of Egypt. And the lord hardened the heart
4383 * 2036 1161 2962 4314 * 2532 3756 1821 3588 5207 *
proswpou ¢
Faraw ¢
10:12 eipe de ¢
kurioV proV ¢
Faraw kai ouk ¢
exapesteile ¢ Israhl
touV uiouV ¢
the face of Pharaoh. [3said 1And 2the lord] to of Pharaoh, and he did not send out the sons of Israel.
* 1614 3588 5495-1473 1909 3588 1093 * 2532
Mwushn ¢
¢ ekteinon ¢ a
thn ceir ¢ sou epi¢ ¢
thn ghn Aiguptou kai
Moses, Stretch out your hand upon the land of Egypt! and Darkness Covers the Land of Egypt
2036 1161 2962 4314 * 1614
305 200 1909 3588 1093 2532 2719 3956 ¢
10:21 eipe de ¢
kurioV proV Mwushn ¢
¢ ekteinon
anabhtw ¢
akriV epi¢ ¢
thn ghn kai katedetai ¢
let [2ascend 1the locust] upon the land, and it will eat up all [3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, Stretch out
3588 5495 1519 3588 3772 2532 1096 4655 1909
3588 1008 3588 1093 2532 3956 3588 2590 3588 3586 ¢
thn ceira ¢ kai genhqhtw
eiV ton ouranon ¢ ¢
skotoV epi¢
thn botanhn thV ¢
ghV kai panta ¢ twn
ton karpon ¢
the pasturage of the land, and all the fruit of the trees the hand into the heaven, and let [2become 1darkness] upon
1093 * 5584.1 4655 1614
3739 5275 3588 5464 2532 1614-* ghV ¢
Aiguptou ¢ skotoV
yhlafhton ¢ ¢
10:22 exeteine
on ¢
upelipeto h ¢
calaza ¢
10:13 kai exeteine ¢
which [3left behind 1the 2hail]. And Moses stretched out the land of Egypt – a tangible darkness! [3stretched out
1161 * 3588 5495 1519 3588 3772 2532 1096
3588 4464 1519 3588 3772 2532 2962 1863 417 de ¢ thn ceira
MwushV ¢ eiV ¢ kai
ton ouranon ¢
thn rabdon eiV ¢ kai kurioV
ton ouranon ¢ ¢
ephgagen ¢
the rod into the heaven, and the lord brought [2wind 1And 2Moses] the hand unto the heaven. And there was
4655 1105 2532 2366 1909 3956 1093 *
3558 1909 3588 1093 3650 3588 2250 1565 2532 ¢
skotoV ¢
gnofoV ¢
kai quella epi¢ ¢
pasan ghn ¢
noton epi¢ ¢
thn ghn olhn ¢
thn hmeran ¢
ekeinhn kai
1the south] upon the land [2entire 3day 1that] and darkness, dimness, and a storm upon all the land of Egypt
5140 2250 2532 3756 1492 3762 3588
3650 3588 3571 4404 1096 3588 417 3588 3558 treiV ¢
hmeraV 10:23 kai ouk ¢
eiden ¢
oudeiV ton
olhn ¢
thn nukta toprw+ ¢
egenhqh o ¢
anemoV o ¢
entire night. In the morning came the [2wind 1south] three days. And not [2know 1did anyone]
80-1473 2532 3756 1817 3762 1537 3588
353 3588 200 2532 321 1473 1909 3956 ¢ autou¢ kai
adelfon ¢
ouk exanesth ¢
oudeiV ek thV
anelabe ¢
thn akrida ¢
10:14 kai anhgagen ¢ epi¢
authn ¢
lifting up the locust, and it led it upon all his brother, and not [2rise up 1did anyone] from
2845-1473 5140 2250 3956-1161 3588 5207 *
3588 1093 * 2532 2664 1909 3956 3588 3725 ¢
koithV autou¢ treiV ¢
hmeraV ¢
pasi de ¢ Israhl
toiV uioiV ¢
thn ghn Aiguptou ¢
kai katepausen epi¢ panta
¢ ¢
ta oria
the land of Egypt. And it rested upon all the boundaries his bed for three days. But to all the sons of Israel
1510.7.3 5457 1722 3956 3739 2606.3 2532
* 4183 4970 4387 1473 3756-1096 hn fwV en ¢
pasin oiV ¢
kateginonto 10:24 kai
Aiguptou ¢ sfodra
pollh ¢ ¢
protera ¢
authV ¢
ou gegone
of Egypt – many, exceedingly. Prior of them there were not there was light in all places in which they occupied. And
2564-* * 2532 * 3004 897.2 3000
5108 200 2532 3326 3778 3756-1510.8.3 3779 2532 ¢
ekalese ¢ Mwushn
Faraw ¢ kai Aarwn
¢ legwn
¢ ¢
badizete ¢
¢ akriV
toiauth ¢ kai meta
¢ tauthn
¢ ¢
ouk estai ¢
outwV 10:15 kai
such locust, and after this there will not be so. And Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron, saying, Proceed, serve
2572 3588 3799 3588 1093 2532 5351 3588 1093 2962 3588 2316-1473 4133 3588 4263 2532 3588 1016
ekaluye ¢
thn oyin thV ¢
ghV kai efqarh h gh kuriw¢ tw ¢ umwn
qew ¢ ¢
plhn twn probatwn ¢
kai twn bown
they covered the appearance of the land, and corrupted the land, the lord your God! only the sheep and the oxen
2532 2719 3956 3588 1008 3588 1093 2532 3956 3588 5275 2532 3588 643.1-1473 665.1 3326 1473
kai katefage ¢
pasan ¢
thn botanhn thV ¢
ghV kai panta ton ¢
upoleipesqe kai h ¢ umwn
aposkeuh ¢ ¢
apotrecetw ¢
meq' umwn
and ate up all the pasturage of the land, and all the leave behind! but [2your belongings 1let] run with you!
2590 3588 3586 3739 5275 575 3588 5464 2532 2036-* 235 2532 1473 1325 1473
¢ twn
karpon ¢
xulwn oV ¢
upeleifqh apo¢ thV calazhV
¢ 10:25 kai ¢ MwushV
eipe ¢ alla
¢ kai su ¢
dwseiV ¢
fruit of the trees, which were left behind from the hail. And Moses said, But also you shall give us means for
3646 2532 2378 3739 4160 2962
olokautwmata ¢
kai qusiaV a ¢
poihsomen ¢
whole burnt-offerings and sacrifices which we will make to the lord
10:26 E X O D U S 93
3588 2316-1473 2532 3588 2934-1473 4198 3326 3588 4416 3588 2321.1 3588 3844 3588 3458
tw ¢ hmwn
qew ¢ 10:26 kai ta ¢
kthnh ¢ poreusetai
hmwn ¢ meq' ¢
tou prwtotokou thV ¢
qerapainhV ¢ ton mulon
thV para ¢
our God. And our cattle shall go with the first-born of the female attendant by the millstone,
1473 2532 3756 5275 3694.1 575 1473 2532 2193 4416 3956 2934 2532 1510.8.3
hmwn kai ouc ¢
upoleiyomeqa ¢
oplhn ap' ¢
autwn ¢
kai ewV ¢
prwtotokou ¢ kthnouV
pantoV ¢ ¢
11:6 kai estai
us, and we shall not leave behind a hoof. [2of 3them and unto the first-born of every beast. And there will be
1063 2983 3000 2962 3588 2316-1473 1473-1161 2906 3173 2596 3956 1093 * 3748 5108
gar ¢
lhyomeqa ¢
latreusai kuriw¢ ¢ hmwn
tw qew ¢ hmeiV¢ de ¢ megalh
kraugh ¢ ¢ pasan
kata ¢ ghn ¢
Aiguptou ¢
htiV ¢
1For] we shall take to serve the lord our God. But we [2cry 1a great] by all the land of Egypt, in which such as
3756-1492 5100 3000 2962 3588 2316-1473 2193 3756-1096 2532 5108 3765 4369 1722-1161
ouk oidamen ti ¢
latreusomen ¢
kuriw tw ¢ hmwn
qew ¢ ¢
ewV ¢
ou gegone ¢
kai toiauth ¢
ouk eti ¢
prosteqhsetai 11:7 en de
know not how we shall serve the lord our God until was not, and such as no longer shall be added. But among
3588 2064 1473 1563 4645 1161 2962 3588 3956 3588 5207 * 3756 1127.2 2965 3588
¢ hmaV
tou elqein ¢ ekei¢ ¢
10:27 esklhrune de ¢
kurioV thn ¢
pasi ¢ Israhl
toiV uioiV ¢ ou ¢
gruxei ¢
kuwn th
the arriving of us there. [3hardened 1But 2the lord] the all the sons of Israel there shall not growl even a dog with
2588 * 2532 3756 1014 1821 1100 575 444 2193 2934 3704 1492
kardian ¢
Faraw kai ouk ¢
eboulhqh ¢
exaposteilai ¢
glwssh autou¢ apo¢ anqrwpou
¢ ¢
ewV ¢
kthnouV ¢
opwV ¢
heart of Pharaoh, and he did not want to send its tongue, from man unto beast; so that you may see
1473 2532 3004-* 565 575 1473 4337 3745 3860.1 2962 303.1 3588
autouV ¢
10:28 kai legei Faraw ¢
¢ apelqe ap' emou¢ prosece
¢ ¢
osa ¢
paradoxasei ¢
kurioV ¢
anameson twn
them. And Pharaoh says, Go forth from me! Take heed as much as [2does an incredible thing 1the lord] between the
4572 2089 4369 1492 1473 3588 4383 3739-1161-302 * 2532 3588 * 2532 2597 3956
seautw ¢ prosqeinai
eti ¢ ¢ mou to proswpon
idein ¢ h d an ¢
Aiguptiwn ¢
kai tou Israhl ¢
11:8 kai katabhsontai ¢
to yourself yet to add to see my face! for whatever Egyptians and Israel. And [3shall descend 1all
2250 3708 1473 599 3004 1161 3588 3816-1473-3778 4314 1473 2532 4352 1473
hmera ¢
ofqhV ¢
moi apoqanh ¢
10:29 legei de oi ¢ eV
paid ¢ sou outoi
¢ ¢
proV me kai proskunhsousi¢ me
day you should see me, you shall die. [3says 1And 2these your servants] to me, and shall do obeisance to me,
* 2531 2046 3765 3708 1473 1519 3004 1831-1473 2532 3956 3588 2992-1473 3739 1473 860.1
¢ kaq' wV
MwushV ¢ eirhkaV
¢ ¢
ouk eti ¢
ofqhsomai¢ soi eiV ¢
legonteV ¢
exelqe su kai paV o ¢ sou
laoV ou ¢
su afhgh
2Moses], As you have said, no longer shall I appear to you in saying, You go forth, and all your people whom you guide!
4383 2532 3326 3778 1831 1831 1161 *
proswpon ¢ tauta
kai meta ¢ ¢
exeleusomai ¢
exhlqe de ¢
person. and after these things I will go forth. [3went forth 1And 2Moses]
575 * 3326 2372 2036 1161 2962 4314
CHAPTER 11 apo¢ Faraw
¢ ¢ qumou¢
meta ¢
11:9 eipe ¢ de
kurioV proV
from Pharaoh with rage. [3said 1And 2the lord] to
* 3756-1522 1473 * 2443 4129
Death of the First-born Foretold ¢ ouk eisakousetai
Mwushn ¢ ¢ Faraw
umwn ¢ ¢
ina ¢
2036 1161 2962 4314 * 2089 1520 Moses, [2will not listen to 3you 1Pharaoh] that I might multiply
11:1 eipe de ¢
kurioV proV Mwushn ¢
¢ eti ¢
mian 3588 4592-1473 2532 3588 5059-1473 1722 1093 *
[3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, Still one more ta ¢ mou kai ta
shmeia ¢
terat ¢ mou en
a gh ¢
4127 1473 1863 1909 * 2532 1909 * 2532 3326 my signs, and my miracles in the land of Egypt.
¢ egw
plhghn ¢ epaxw
¢ epi¢ Faraw
¢ kai ep' ¢
Aigupton ¢
kai meta *-1161 2532 * 4160 3956 3588 5059-3778
calamity I will bring upon Pharaoh, and upon Egypt, and after ¢ de kai Aarwn
11:10 MwushV ¢ epoihsan
¢ ¢
panta ¢
ta terata ¢
3778 1821 1473 1782 3752-1161 1821 And Moses and Aaron did all these miracles
tauta exapostelei¢ umaV
¢ enteuqen
¢ ¢
otan de ¢
exapostelh 1722 1093 * 1726 * 4645 1161
this he will send you from here. And whenever he should send en gh ¢
Aiguptou ¢
enantion ¢
Faraw ¢
esklhrune de
1473 4862 3956 1546 1544-1473 1473
in the land of Egypt before Pharaoh. [3hardened 1And
umaV sun ¢
pash ¢
ekbolh ekbalei¢ ¢
umaV 2962 3588 2588 * 2532 3756 2309
you, [4with 5all your things 3by expulsion 1he will cast 2you]. ¢
kurioV ¢
thn kardian Faraw ¢ kai ouk ¢
2980 3767 2931 1519 3588 3775 3588 2992 2532
2the lord] the heart of Pharaoh, and he did not want
11:2 lalhson ¢ eiV
oun krufh ta ¢
wta tou laou¢ kai 1821 3588 5207 * 1537 1093 *
You speak then secretly into the ears of the people! And ¢
exaposteilai ¢ Israhl
touV uiouV ¢ ek ghV ¢
154 1538 3844 3588 4139 2532 1135
to send the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt.
aithsatw ¢
ekastoV ¢ tou plhsion
para ¢ ¢
kai gunh
let [2ask 1each man] from the neighbor, and each woman CHAPTER 12
3844 3588 4139 4632 693 2532 5552 2532 2441
¢ thV plhsion
para ¢ ¢ argura
skeuh ¢ kai crusa
¢ kai imatismon
from the neighbor, items of silver and of gold, and clothes! The First Passover
2962-1161 1325 3588 5484 3588 2992-1473 1726 2036 1161 2962 4314 * 2532 *
¢ de
11:3 kurioV ¢
edwke ¢
thn carin tw ¢ autou¢ enantion
law ¢ ¢
12:1 eipe de ¢
kurioV proV Mwushn¢ kai Aarwn
And the lord gave favor to his people before [3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses and Aaron
3588 * 2532 5530 1473 2532 3588 444 1722 1093 * 3004 3588 3376-3778 1473
twn Aiguptiwn ¢
kai ecrhsan ¢ kai
autoiV o ¢
anqrwpoV en gh ¢
Aiguptou ¢
legwn 12:2 o ¢
mhn outoV ¢
the Egyptians, and they treated them. And the man in the land of Egypt, saying, This month is to you
* 3173 1096 4970 1726 3588 * 746 3376 4413 1473-1510.2.3 1722 3588
¢ megaV
MwushV ¢ ¢
egenhqh ¢
sfodra ¢ twn Aiguptiwn
enantion ¢ ¢
arch ¢
mhnwn ¢
prwtoV ¢ estin
umin en toiV
Moses [3great 1became 2exceedingly] before the Egyptians, the beginning of months. [2the first 1It is to you] among the
2532 1726 * 2532 1726 3588 2324-1473 3376 3588 1763 2980 4314 3956 4864
kai enantion ¢
Faraw ¢
kai enantion ¢
twn qerapontwn autou¢ mhsi¢ tou eniautou¢ 12:3 lalhson
¢ ¢
proV pasan ¢
and before Pharaoh, and before his attendants. months of the year. Speak to all the gathering
2532 2036-* 3592 3004 2962 4012 3319 3588 5207 * 3004 3588 1181 3588 3376-3778
¢ MwushV
11:4 kai eipe ¢ tade
¢ ¢
legei ¢
kurioV peri¢ ¢
mesaV twn ¢
uiwn ¢
Israhl ¢
legwn th ¢
dekath ¢ toutou
tou mhnoV ¢
And Moses said, Thus says the lord, Around the middle of the sons of Israel! saying, The tenth of this month
3571 1473 1531 1519 3319 * 2532 2983 1538 4263 2596 3624
nuktaV ¢ eisporeuomai
egw ¢ ¢
eiV meson ¢
Aiguptou 11:5 kai ¢
labetwsan ¢
ekastoV ¢
probaton kat' ¢
of the night I will enter into the midst of Egypt. And let [2take 1each] a sheep according to the houses
5053 3956 4416 1722 1093 * 575 3965 4263 2596 3614 1437-1161
teleuthsei ¢
pan prwtotokon en gh ¢
Aiguptw apo¢ ¢
patriwn ¢
probaton kat' ¢
oikian ¢ de
12:4 ean
shall come to an end every first-born in the land of Egypt; from of the families! a sheep according to a house. But if
4416 * 3739 2521 1909 3588 2362 2532 2193 3641.1-1510.3 1722 3588 3614 5620 3361
prwtotokou ¢
Faraw oV ¢
kaqhtai epi¢ tou qronou
¢ ¢
kai ewV oligostoi¢ wsin
¢ en th ¢
oikia ¢
wste mh
the first-born of Pharaoh, who sits down upon the throne, and unto there should be very few in the house, so as for there not
94 E X O D O S 12:5
2425-1510.1 1519 4263 4815 3326 1438 3588 3614 1722 3739 1473 1510.2.5 1563 2532 3708 3588 129 2532
¢ einai
ikanouV ¢ ¢
eiV probaton ¢
sullhyetai meq' eautou¢ ton ¢ en aiV
oikiwn ¢ este¢
umeiV ekei¢ kai oyomai
¢ ¢
to aima kai
to be enough for the sheep, he shall include with himself the houses in which you are there; and I will see the blood and
1069 3588 4139 1473 2596 706 5590 4628.1 1473 2532 3756 1510.8.3 1722 1473 4127
geitona ¢
ton plhsion autou¢ kata
¢ ¢
ariqmon ¢
yucwn ¢
skepasw ¢ kai ouk
umaV ¢
estai en ¢ plhgh
umin ¢
neighbor, neighboring him, according to the number of souls, shelter you; and there shall not be to you a calamity
1538 3588 714 1473 4882.2 1519 4263 3588 1625.3 3752 3817 1722 1093 *
ekastoV to ¢
arkoun ¢
autw ¢
sunariqmqhsetai ¢
eiV probaton tou ¢
ektribhnai ¢
otan ¢
paiw en gh ¢
each sufficient for him to be counted for the sheep. of the obliteration, whenever I smite in the land of Egypt.
4263 5046 730 299 1762.1
12:5 probaton ¢
teleion ¢
arsen ¢
amwmon ¢
eniausion Holiday of Unleavened Bread
[6sheep 3a perfect 4male 5unblemishled 7of a year old
2532 1510.8.3 3588 2250-3778 1473 3422
1510.8.3 1473 575 3588 704 2532 575 3588 2056 ¢
12:14 kai estai h ¢ auth
hmera ¢ ¢
umin ¢
estai ¢
umin apo¢ ¢
twn arnwn kai apo¢ ¢
twn erifwn And [2shall be 1this day] to you a memorial.
1It shall be 2to you]; from the lambs and from the kids
2532 1858 1473 1859 2962 1519 3588
2983 2532 1510.8.3 1473 1301 2193 kai ¢
eortasete ¢ eorthn
authn ¢ ¢
kuriw eiV taV
lhyesqe ¢
12:6 kai estai ¢ diatethrhmenon
umin ¢ ¢
ewV And you shall solemnize it a holiday to the lord unto
you shall take. And it will be to you for carefully keeping until
1074-1473 3544.1 166 1858 1473
3588 5065 3588 3376-3778 2532 4969 ¢ umwn
geneaV ¢ ¢
nomimon ¢
aiwnion ¢
eortasete ¢
thV tessareskaidekathV ¢ toutou
tou mhnoV ¢ ¢
kai sfaxousin your generations; [2law 1an eternal] you shall solemnize it.
the fourteenth of this month. And they shall slay
2033 2250 2068 106 575-1161 3588
1473 3956 3588 4128 4864 5207 * ¢ hmeraV
12:15 epta ¢ ¢
edesqe ¢
azuma apo¢ de thV
auto¢ pan to ¢
plhqoV ¢
sunagwghV ¢
uiwn ¢
Israhl Seven days you shall eat unleavened breads. And from the
it – all the multitude of the gathering of the sons of Israel
2250 3588 4413 853 2219 1537 3588 3614-1473
4314 2073 2532 2983 575 3588 129 ¢
hmeraV ¢
thV prwthV ¢
afanieite ¢
zumhn ek ¢ umwn
twn oikiwn ¢
proV ¢
esperan 12:7 kai ¢
lhyontai apo¢ tou aimatoV
[2day 1first] you shall remove yeast from your houses.
towards evening. And they shall take from the blood,
3956 3739 302 2068 2219 1842 3588
2532 5087 1909 3588 1417 4712.4 2532 1909 3588 paV oV an ¢
fagh ¢
zumhn ¢
exoloqreuqhsetai h
kai qhsousin epi¢ ¢ staqmwn
twn duo ¢ kai epi¢ thn All who ever shall eat yeast, [2shall be utterly destroyed
and they shall put it upon the two doorposts, and upon the
5590-1565 1537 * 575 3588 2250
5393.2 1722 3588 3624 1722 3739 2068 1473 1722 ¢ ekeinh
yuch ¢ ex ¢
Israhl apo¢ ¢
thV hmeraV
¢ en
flian ¢
toiV oikoiV en oiV ¢
fagwsin ¢ en
auta 1that soul] from out of Israel; it shall be from the [2day
lintel on the houses in which they should eat them in
3588 4413 2193 3588 2250 3588 1442 2532
1473 2532 2068 3588 2907 3588 3571-3778 3702 ¢
thV prwthV ¢
ewV ¢
thV hmeraV thV ¢
ebdomhV 12:16 kai
¢ 12:8 kai fagontai
autoiV ¢ ¢ th nukti¢ tauth
ta krea ¢ ¢
opta 1first] until [3day 1the 2seventh]. And
them. And they shall eat the meats in this night, roasted
3588 2250 3588 4413 2564 39 2532 3588 2250
4442 2532 106 1909 4088.1 2068 h ¢
hmera h ¢
prwth ¢
keklhsetai ¢ kai
agia h ¢
puri¢ ¢
kai azuma epi¢ ¢
pikridwn ¢
edontai [3day 1the 2first] shall be called holy. And [3day
by fire; and unleavened breads with bitter herbs they shall eat.
3588 1442 2822 39 1510.8.3 1473 3956 2041
3756 2068 1909 1473 5606.1 3761 2192.2 1722 h ¢
ebdomh ¢
klhth ¢
agia ¢
estai ¢
umin pan ¢
12:9 ouk ¢
edesqe ¢ wmon
ep' autwn ¢ oude¢ hyhmenon
¢ en 1the 2seventh 5called 6holy 4will be] to you. All [2work
You shall not eat of them raw, nor being boiled in
2999.1 3756-4160 1722 1473 4133 3745
5204 235 3588 3702 4442 2776 4862 3588 4228 2532 ¢
latreuton ¢
ou poihsete en ¢
autaiV plhn ¢
udati all' h ¢
opta puri¢ ¢ sun toiV posi¢ kai
kefalhn 1servile] shall not be done in them, except as much as
water, but roasted by fire, head with the feet, and
4160 3956 5590 3778 3440 4160
3588 1741.2 3756 620 575 1473 ¢
poihqhsetai ¢
pash ¢ touto
yuch ¢ ¢
monon ¢
toiV endosqioiV 12:10 ouk ¢
apoleiyete ap' autou¢
the entrails. You shall not leave anything from it is necessary to do for every soul, this only shall be done
1473 2532 5442 3588 1785-3778
1519 3588 4404 2532 3747 3756-4937 575 1473 ¢
umin 12:17 kai ¢
fulaxesqe thn ¢ tauthn
entolhn ¢
eiV to prw+ ¢
kai ostoun ¢
ou suntriyete ap' autou¢
into the morning. And [2a bone 1you shall not break] of it. by you. And you shall guard this commandment.
1722-1063 3588 2250-3778 1806 3588 1411-1473 1537
3588-1161 2641 575 1473 2193 4404 1722 ¢ tauth
en gar th hmera ¢ exaxw
¢ ¢
thn dunamin ¢ ek
ta de ¢
kataleipomena ap' ¢
autou¢ ewV prw+ en
And the things being left behind from it unto morning, [2in For in this day I will lead your force from out of
1093 * 2532 4160 3588 2250-3778 1519
4442 2618 3779-1161 2068 1473 ghV ¢
Aiguptou ¢
kai poihsete ¢
thn hmeran ¢
tauthn eiV
puri¢ katakausete
¢ ¢
12:11 outwV de fagesqe auto¢
3fire 1you shall incinerate]. And thus shall you eat it – the land of Egypt. And you shall appoint this day into
1074-1473 3544.1 166 1728 3588
3588 3751-1473 4024 2532 3588 5266 1722 3588 ¢ umwn
geneaV ¢ ¢
nomimon ¢
aiwnion ¢
12:18 enarcomenh th
ai ¢ umwn
osfueV ¢ periezwsmenai
¢ ¢
kai ta upodhmata en toiV
with your loins girded, and the sandals on your generations [2law 1as an eternal]. Commencing the
5065 2250 3588 3376 3588 4413 575
4228-1473 2532 3588 902.1-1473 1722 3588 5495-1473 2532 ¢
tessareskaidekath ¢
hmera ¢
tou mhnoV tou ¢
prwtou af'
¢ umwn
posin ¢ kai ai ¢ umwn
bakthriai ¢ en ¢ umwn
taiV cersin ¢ kai
your feet, and your staff in your hands; and fourteenth day [3month 1of the 2first], from
2073 2068 106 2193 2250 1520
2068 1473 3326 4710 3957-1510.2.3 2962 ¢
esperaV ¢
edesqe ¢
azuma ¢
ewV ¢
hmeraV ¢
edesqe auto¢ meta
¢ spoudhV
¢ pasca
¢ esti¢ ¢
you shall eat it with haste – it is the passover of the lord. evening you shall eat unleavened breads until [4day 1the first
2532 1497.2 3588 3376 2193 2073 2033
2532 1330 1722 1093 * 1722 3588 kai ¢
eikadoV tou mhnoV ¢
¢ ewV ¢
esperaV ¢
12:19 epta
12:12 kai ¢
dieleusomai en gh ¢
Aiguptw en th
And I shall go through in the land of Egypt in 2and 3twentieth] of the month, until evening. For seven
2250 2219 3756-2147 1722 3588 3614-1473 3956
3571-3778 2532 3960 3956 4416 1722 1093 ¢
hmeraV ¢
zumh ¢
ouc eureqhsetai en ¢
taiV oikiaiV ¢
umwn paV
nukti¢ tauth
¢ ¢
kai pataxw ¢
pan prwtotokon en gh
this night, and I shall strike all first-born in the land days yeast shall not be found in your houses. All
3739-302 2068 2220.1 1842
* 575 444 2193 2934 2532 1722 3956 3588 oV an ¢
fagh ¢
zumwton ¢
Aiguptw apo¢ anqrwpou
¢ ¢
ewV ¢
kthnouV kai en ¢
pasi toiV
of Egypt, from man unto beast; and among all the whosoever should eat leavened bread, [2shall utterly be destroyed
3588 5590-1565 1537 4864 * 1722 5037
2316 * 4160 3588 1557 1473 2962 h ¢ ekeinh
yuch ¢ ek ¢
sunagwghV ¢
Israhl en te
¢ Aiguptiwn
qeoiV ¢ ¢
poihsw ¢
thn ekdikhsin ¢ kurioV
egw ¢
gods of the Egyptians I will execute punishment – I the lord. 1that soul] from out of the congregation of Israel, unto both
3588 1069.1 2532 849.1 3588 1093 3956 2220.1
2532 1510.8.3 3588 129 1473 1722 4592 1909 3588 ¢
toiV geiwraiV ¢
kai autocqosi thV ghV 12:20 pan ¢
12:13 kai estai to ¢
aima ¢
umin en ¢ epi¢
shmeiw twn
And [3shall be 1the 2blood] to you for a sign upon the foreigners and native born of the land. Anything leavened
3756 2068 1722 3956 2732 1473 2068
ouk ¢
edesqe en panti¢ katoikhthriw
¢ umwn
¢ ¢
you shall not eat. In every home of yours you shall eat
12:21 E X O D U S 95
106 2564 1161 * 3956 3588 4416 3588 163.1 3588 1722 3588 2978.1
azuma ¢
12:21 ekalese de ¢
MwushV ¢
pasan ¢
tou prwtotokou thV ¢
aicmalwtidoV thV en ¢
tw lakkw
unleavened breads. [3called 1And 2Moses] the whole the first-born of the captive, of the one in the pit,
1087 * 2532 2036 4314 1473 565 2532 3956 4416 2934 2532 450-*
gerousian ¢
Israhl ¢
kai eipe ¢ apelqonteV
proV autouV ¢ kai pan ¢
prwtotokou ¢
kthnouV ¢
12:30 kai anesth ¢
council of elders of Israel. And he said to them, Going forth, and every first-born of the beast. And Pharaoh rose up
2983 1473-1473 4263 2596 4772-1473 2532 3571 2532 3956 3588 2324-1473 2532 3956 3588
labete ¢ autoiV
umin ¢ probaton
¢ ¢
kata ¢ umwn
suggeneiaV ¢ kai ¢
nuktoV ¢
kai panteV oi ¢
qeraponteV autou¢ kai panteV
¢ oi
take to yourselves a sheep according to your kin, and at night, and all his attendants, and all the
2380 3588 3957 2983-1161 1197 5301 * 2532 1096 2906 3173 1722 3956 1093
qusate ¢
to pasca ¢
12:22 lhyesqe de ¢
desmhn ¢
usswpou ¢
Aiguptioi ¢
kai egenhqh ¢ megalh
kraugh ¢ en ¢
pash gh
sacrifice the passover! But you shall take a bundle of hyssop, Egyptians, and there was [2cry 1a great] in all the land
2532 911 575 3588 129 3588 3844 3588 * 3756 1063 1510.7.3 3614 1722 3739 3756-1510.7.3
kai bayanteV apo¢ tou aimatoV
¢ tou ¢ thn
para ¢
Aiguptw ou gar hn ¢ en
oikia h ouk hn
and having dipped it from the blood, of the blood by the of Egypt. [3no 1For 2there was] house in which there was not
2374 2525 3588 5393.2 2532 1909 297 3588 1722 1473 2348 2532 2564-* * 2532
quran ¢
kaqizete thV ¢ kai ep'
fliaV ¢
amfoterwn twn en ¢ teqnhkwV
auth ¢ ¢
12:31 kai ekalese ¢ Mwushn
Faraw ¢ kai
door, you shall place it on the lintel and upon both of the one [2in 3it 1dying]. And Pharaoh called Moses and
4712.4 575 3588 129 3739 1510.2.3 3844 3588 2374 1473-1161 * 3571 2532 2036 1473 450 2532 1831 1537
¢ apo¢ tou aimatoV
staqmwn ¢ o esti ¢ thn quran
para ¢ ¢ de
umeiV ¢ nuktoV
Aarwn ¢ kai eipen
¢ ¢ anasthte
autoiV ¢ ¢
kai exelqete ek
doorposts, of the blood which is by the door; and you Aaron at night, and he said to them, Rise up, and go forth from
3756 1831 1538 3588 2374 3588 3624-1473 3588 2992-1473 2532 1473 2532 3588 5207 * 897.2 2532
ouk ¢
exeleusesqe ¢
ekastoV thn ¢
quran ¢
tou oikou autou¢ tou laou¢ mou kai umeiV
¢ kai oi uioi¢ Israhl
¢ ¢
badizete kai
shall not go forth – each from the door of his house my people, both you and the sons of Israel! Proceed and
2193 4404 2532 3928-2962 3960 3588 3000 2962 3588 2316-1473 2505 3004 2532 3588
ewV prw+ ¢
12:23 kai pareleusetai ¢
kurioV pataxai touV ¢
latreuete kuriw¢ ¢ umwn
tw qew ¢ kaqa ¢ legete
¢ 12:32 kai ta
until morning. And the lord will go by to strike the serve to the lord your God! as you say. And the
* 2532 3708 3588 129 1909 3588 5393.2 2532 4263 2532 3588 1016 1473 353 4198 2509
AiguptiouV kai ¢
oyetai to ¢
aima epi¢ ¢ kai
thV fliaV ¢
probata ¢ umwn
kai touV boaV ¢ ¢
analabonteV ¢
poreuesqe ¢
Egyptians. And he shall see the blood upon the lintel and sheep and the oxen of yours in taking up, go! just as
1909 297 3588 4712.4 2532 3928-2962 2046 2127-1161 2504 2532 2600.1
ep' ¢
amfoterwn twn ¢
staqmwn kai ¢
pareleusetai ¢
kurioV ¢
eirhkate ¢
euloghsate de kame¢ 12:33 kai ¢
upon both of the doorposts. And the lord will go by you say; and bless also me! And [3constrained
3588 2374 2532 3756 863 3588 3645 1525 3588 * 3588 2992 4710 1544 1473
thn quran kai ouk ¢
afhsei ¢
ton oloqreuonta ¢
eiselqein oi ¢
Aiguptioi ¢
ton laon ¢
spoudh ¢ autouV
ekbalein ¢
the door, and he will not leave off the annihilating so as to enter 1the 2Egyptians] the people with diligence to cast them
1519 3588 3614-1473 3960 2532 5442 3588 575 3588 1093 2036-1063 3754 3956-1473 599
eiV ¢ umwn
taV oikiaV ¢ pataxai
¢ ¢
12:24 kai fulaxasqe to apo¢ thV ghV ¢
eipan gar ¢
oti ¢
panteV ¢ apoqnhskomen
hmeiV ¢
into your house to strike. And you shall guard from the land; for they said that, We all shall die.
4487-3778 3588 3544.1 4572 2532 3588 5207-1473 2193 353 1161 3588 2992 3588 4712.5-1473 4253
rhma ¢
touto to ¢
nomimon ¢
seautw kai toiV uioiV ¢
¢ sou ewV ¢
12:34 anelabe de o ¢
laoV to ¢ autwn
staiV ¢ pro
this thing for the law to yourself, and to your sons unto [4took 1And 2the 3people] their dough before
165 1437-1161 1525 1519 3588 1093 3739 302 3588 2220 3588 5445-1473 1735.1 1722 3588
aiwnoV ¢ de
12:25 ean eiselqhte eiV thn ghn hn an ¢
tou zumwqhnai ta ¢
furamata ¢
autwn ¢
endedemena en toiV
the eon. And if you should enter into the land which ever the leavening of their batches, being bound in
1325-2962 1473 2530 2980 5442 2440-1473 1909 3588 5606 3588-1161 5207 *
dw kurioV ¢
umin ¢
kaqoti ¢
elalhse ¢
fulaxasqe ¢
imatioiV autwn ¢
¢ epi¢ twn wmwn 12:35 oi de uioi¢ Israhl
the lord should give to you, in so far as he spoke, you shall guard their cloaks upon their shoulders. And the sons of Israel
3588 2999-3778 2532 1510.8.3 1437 3004 4160 2505 4929 1473 * 2532 154 3844
¢ tauthn
thn latreian ¢ 12:26 kai ¢
estai ¢
ean ¢
legwsi ¢
epoihsan ¢ sunetaxen
kaqa ¢ ¢ MwushV
autoiV ¢
¢ kai hthsan ¢
this service. And it will be if [2should say did as [2ordered 3them 1Moses]. And they asked from
4314 1473 3588 5207-1473 5100 3588 2999-3778 2532 3588 * 4632 693 2532 5552 2532 2441
¢ oi
proV umaV uioi¢ umwn
¢ tiV h ¢ auth
latreia ¢ 12:27 kai ¢
twn Aiguptiwn ¢
skeuh ¢ kai crusa
argura ¢ ¢
kai imatismon
3to 4you 1your sons], What is this service? That the Egyptians items of silver, and of gold, and clothes.
2046 1473 2378 3588 3957 3778 2962 2532 2962 1325 3588 5484 3588 2992-1473 1726 3588
ereite ¢ qusia
autoiV ¢ to ¢
pasca ¢
touto ¢
kuriw ¢
12:36 kai kurioV ¢
edwke ¢
thn carin tw law¢ autou¢ enantion
¢ twn
you shall say to them, [4sacrifice 2the 3passover 1This is] to the lord, And the lord gave favor to his people before the
5613 4628.1 3588 3624 3588 5207 * 1722 * * 2532 5530 1473 2532 4659.1 3588
wV eskepase ¢
touV oikouV twn ¢ Israhl
uiwn ¢ en ¢
Aiguptw ¢
Aiguptiwn ¢
kai ecrhsan ¢
autoiV ¢
kai eskuleusan touV
as he sheltered the houses of the sons of Israel in Egypt, Egyptians, and they furnished to them; and they despoiled the
2259 3960 3588 * 3588 1161 3624-1473 4506 *
¢ epataxe
hnika ¢ ¢
touV AiguptiouV ¢
touV de oikouV ¢ errusato
hmwn ¢ ¢
when he struck the Egyptians, but our houses he rescued. Egyptians.
2532 2955 3588 2992 4352 2532 565
kai kuyaV o ¢
laoV ¢
prosekunhse ¢
12:28 kai apelqonteV Israel Departs from Egypt
And bowing, the people did obeisance. And going forth, 522 1161 3588 5207 *
4160 3588 5207 * 2505 1781-2962 3588 12:37 ¢
aparanteV de oi uioi¢ ¢
epoihsan oi uioi¢ ¢
¢ eneteilato
kaqa ¢ ¢
kurioV tw [5having departed 1And 2the 3sons 4of Israel]
[4did 1the 2sons 3of Israel] as the lord gave charge 1537 * 1519 * 1519 1812
* 2532 * 3779 4160 ek ¢ eiV
Ramessh ¢
Socwq eiV ¢
¢ kai Aarwn
Mwush ¢ ¢
outwV ¢
epoihsan from out of Rameses into Succoth, to the number of six hundred
to Moses and Aaron – so they did. 5505 3979.1 3588 435 4133 3588 643.1
ciliadaV ¢
pezwn oi ¢
andreV ¢
plhn thV ¢
Death of the First-born thousand footmen, the males, besides the belongings,
1096-1161 3322 3588 3571 2532 2532 1961.2 4183 4872 1473
12:29 egenhqh de ¢
mesoushV thV ¢ kai
nuktoV ¢
12:38 kai epimiktoV ¢
poluV ¢
sunanebh ¢
And it happened in the middle of the night, and and [2intermixed company 1a great] went up with them,
2962 3960 3956 4416 1722 1093 * 575 2532 4263 2532 1016 2532 2934 4183 4970
kurioV ¢
epataxe ¢
pan prwtotokon en gh ¢
Aiguptw apo¢ kai ¢
probata kai ¢
boeV kai ¢
kthnh ¢
polla ¢
the lord struck all the first-born in the land of Egypt; from and sheep and oxen, and cattle – many exceedingly.
4416 * 3588 2521 1909 3588 2362 2193 2532 4070.1 3588 4712.5 3739 1627 1537
prwtotokou ¢
Faraw tou ¢
kaqhmenou epi¢ tou qronou
¢ ¢
ewV ¢
12:39 kai epeyan to staiV o ¢
exhnegkan ex
the first-born of Pharaoh, of the one sitting upon the throne, unto And they baked the dough which they brought from out of
96 E X O D O S 12:40
* 1470.1 106 3756-1063 1063 4334 4339 1722 1473 2532 4160
Aiguptou ¢
egkrufiaV ¢
azumouV ou gar ¢
proselqonti ¢
proshlutw en ¢
umin ¢
12:50 kai epoihsan
Egypt – [2cakes baked in hot ashes 1unleavened]. [3not 1For coming forward to convert among you. And [4did
2220 1544 1063 1473 3588 * 3588 5207 * 2505 1781-2962 3588 * 2532
ezumwqh ¢
exebalon gar ¢ oi
autouV ¢
Aiguptioi oi uioi¢ Israhl
¢ ¢ eneteilato
kaqa ¢ ¢
kurioV tw Mwush¢ kai
2it was] leavened, [4cast 6out 1because 5them 2the 3Egyptians], 1the 2sons 3of Israel] as the lord gave charge to Moses and
2532 3756 1410 5278 3761 1979 * 4314 1473 3779 4160 2532 1096
kai ouk ¢
hdunaqhsan ¢
upomeinai oude¢ episitismon
¢ ¢ proV autouV
Aarwn ¢ outwV
¢ ¢
epoihsan ¢
12:51 kai egeneto
and they were not able to remain, nor [2provisions Aaron to them – so they did. And it came to pass
4160 1438 1519 3588 3598 3588-1161 1722 3588 2250-1565 1806-2962 3588 5207 * 1537
epoihsan ¢
eautoiV eiV ¢
thn odon 12:40 h de en ¢ ekeinh
th hmera ¢ ¢
exhgage ¢
kurioV ¢ Israhl
touV uiouV ¢ ek
1to prepare] for themselves for the journey. And the in that day the lord led out the sons of Israel from
2731 3588 5207 * 3739 2730 1722 1093 1093 * 4862 1411-1473
katoikhsiV twn ¢ Israhl
uiwn ¢ hn katwkhsan en gh ghV ¢
Aiguptou ¢
sun dunamei ¢
dwelling of the sons of Israel, which they dwelt in the land the land of Egypt with their force.
* 2532 1722 1093 * 1473 2532 3588 3962-1473
Aiguptw kai en gh ¢
Canaan autoi¢ kai oi patereV
¢ ¢
autwn CHAPTER 13
of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, they and their fathers –
5071 5144 2094 2532 1096 3326
tetrakosia ¢
triakonta ¢
eth ¢
12:41 kai egeneto ¢
meta Sanctification of the First-born
four hundred thirty years. And it came to pass after 2036 1161 2962 4314 * 3004
3588 5071 2532 5144 2094 1831 3956 3588 13:1 ¢
eipe de ¢
kurioV proV ¢
Mwushn ¢
ta ¢
tetrakosia ¢
kai triakonta ¢
eth ¢
exhlqe ¢
pasa h [3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, saying,
the four hundred and thirty year, came forth all the 37 1473 3956 4416 4409.3
1411 2962 1537 1093 * 13:2 ¢ on
agias ¢ moi pan ¢
prwtotokon ¢
dunamiV† ¢
kuriou ek ghV ¢
Aiguptou 12:42 Sanctify to me every first-born, first-born of its kind
force of the lord from out of the land of Egypt. 1272 3956 3388 1722 3588 5207 * 575
3571 4399.1 1510.2.3 3588 2962 5620 1806 ¢
dianoigon ¢
pasan ¢
mhtran en ¢ Israhl
toiV uioiV ¢ apo¢
nux ¢
profulakhV esti tw ¢
kuriw ¢
wste ¢
exagagein opening wide every womb among the sons of Israel, from
[2a night 3post 1It is] to the lord, so as to lead 444 2193 2934 1473-1510.2.3 2036 1161 *
1473 1537 1093 * 1565 3588 3571-3778 ¢
anqrwpou ¢
ewV ¢
kthnouV ¢ estin
emon ¢
13:3 eipe de ¢
¢ ek
autouV ghV ¢
Aiguptou ¢
ekeinh h ¢
nux auth man unto beast – it is mine. [3said 1And 2Moses]
them from out of the land of Egypt. That night itself 4314 3588 2992 3421 3588 2250-3778 1722 3739
4399.1 2962 5620 3956 3588 5207 * 1510.1 ¢
proV ton laon ¢
mnhmoneuete ¢
thn hmeran ¢
tauthn en h
profulakh ¢ kuriw¢ ¢
wste ¢
pasi ¢ Israhl
toiV uioiV ¢ ¢
einai to the people, Remember this day in which
is a post to the lord, so as [2to all 3the 4sons 5of Israel 1to be] 1831 1537 * 1537 3624
1519 1074-1473 2036 1161 2962 4314 * ¢
exhlqete ek ¢
Aiguptou ex ¢
¢ autwn
eiV geneaV ¢ ¢
12:43 eipe de ¢
kurioV ¢
proV Mwushn you came forth from out of Egypt, from out of the house
into their generations. [3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses 1397 1722-1063 5495 2900 1806 1473 2962
2532 * 3778 3588 3551 3588 3957 3956 241 ¢
douleiaV en gar ceiri¢ ¢
krataia ¢
exhgagen ¢ kurioV
umaV ¢
¢ outoV
kai Aarwn ¢ o ¢
nomoV tou ¢
pasca paV ¢
allogenhV of slavery. For with [2hand 1a fortified 4led 5you 3the lord]
and Aaron, This is the law of the passover. Every foreigner 1782 2532 3756 977 2219 1722-1063
3756 2068 575 1473 2532 3956 3610 ¢
enteuqen kai ou ¢
brwqhsetai ¢
zumh 13:4 en gar
ouk ¢
edetai ap' autou¢ ¢
12:44 kai panta ¢
oikethn from here, and you shall not eat yeast. For
shall not eat of it. And every domestic servant, 3588 4594 1473 1607 1722 3376 3588 3501
5100 3739 696.1 4059 1473 2532 th ¢
shmeron ¢ ekporeuesqe
umeiV ¢ en mhni¢ twn ¢
¢ h
tinoV ¢
argurwnhton ¢
peritemeiV ¢ kai
auton today you go forth in [3month 1the 2new].
any which was bought with silver, you shall circumcise him. And 2532 1510.8.3 2259 302 1521 1473 2962
5119 2068 575 1473 3941 2228 3411 3756 13:5 kai ¢
estai ¢
hnika an ¢
eisagagh se ¢
¢ fagetai
tote ¢ ap' autou¢ 12:45 paroikoV
¢ h ¢ ouk
misqwtoV And it will be when ever [3should bring 4you 1the lord
then he shall eat of it. Sojourner or hireling shall not 3588 2316-1473 1519 3588 1093 3588 * 2532 *
2068 575 1473 1722 3614 1520 977 o ¢ sou
qeoV eiV thn ghn twn ¢
Cananaiwn ¢
kai Cettaiwn
edetai ap' autou¢ 12:46 en ¢
oikia ¢
mia ¢
brwqhsetai 2your God] into the land of the Canaanites, and Hittites,
eat of it. In [2house 1one] it shall be eaten, 2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 *
2532 3756 1627 1537 3588 3614 3588 ¢
kai Amorraiwn ¢
kai Euaiwn ¢
kai Iebousaiwn ¢
kai Gergesaiwn
kai ouk ¢
exoisete ek thV ¢
oikiaV twn and Amorites, and Hivites, and Jebusites, and Gergesites,
and you shall not bring forth from the house of any of the 2532 * 3739 3660 3588 3962-1473
2907 1854 2532 3747 3756-4937 575 1473 ¢
kai Ferezaiwn hn ¢
wmose ¢
toiV patrasi sou
krewn ¢
exw ¢
kai ostoun ¢
ou suntriyete ap' autou¢ and Perizzites, which he swore by an oath to your fathers
meats outside, and [2a bone 1you shall not break] of it. 1325 1473 1093 4482 1051 2532 3192 2532 4160
3956 4864 5207 * 4160 1473 ¢ i¢ soi
douna ghn ¢
reousan ¢
gala ¢
kai meli ¢
kai poihseiV
12:47 ¢
pasa ¢
sunagwgh ¢
uiwn ¢
Israhl ¢
poihsei auto to give to you the land flowing milk and honey, then you shall do
Every gathering of the sons of Israel shall do it. 3588 2999-3778 1722 3588 3376-3778 1803 2250
1437-1161 5100 4334 4314 1473 4339 ¢ tauthn
thn latreian ¢ en tw mhni¢ toutw
¢ 13:6 ex ¢
¢ de
12:48 ean ¢
tiV proselqh ¢ proshlutoV
proV umaV ¢ this service in this month. Six days
And if any [2should come forward 3to 4you 1convert], 2068 106 3588-1161 2250 3588 1442
2532 4160 3588 3957 2962 4059 ¢
edesqe ¢
azuma th de ¢
hmera th ¢
kai poih to
kuriw¢ ¢
peritemeiV¢ you shall eat unleavened breads, but the [2day 1seventh]
and should observe the passover to the lord, you shall circumcise 1859 2962 106 2068
1473 3956 732.1 2532 5119 4334 4160 ¢
eorth ¢
kuriou 13:7 ¢
azuma ¢
autou¢ pan ¢ kai tote
arsenikon ¢ proseleusetai
¢ ¢
poihsai is a holiday of the lord. Unleavened bread shall you eat
[3of his 1every 2male]. And then he shall come forward to do 2033 2250 3756-3708 1473 2220.1 3761
1473 2532 1510.8.3 5618 2532 3588 849.1 3588 1093 ¢ hmeraV
epta ¢ ¢
ouk ofqhseta i¢ soi ¢
zumwton oude¢
auto¢ kai ¢
estai ¢
wsper kai o ¢
autocqwn thV ghV seven days. There shall not be seen in you leavened bread, nor
it. And he will be as also the native born of the land. 1510.8.3 1473 2219 3956 3588 3725-1473 2532
3956 564 3756-2068 575 1473 3551 ¢
estai soi ¢
zumh ¢
pasi ¢
toiV orioiV sou 13:8 kai
paV ¢
aperitmhtoV ouk edetai ap' autou¢ ¢
12:49 nomoV shall there be to you yeast in all your boundaries. And
Every uncircumcised one shall not eat of it. [3law
312 3588 5207-1473 1722 3588 2250-1565 3004
1520 1510.8.3 3588 1472.2 2532 3588 ¢
anaggeleiV tw ¢ sou en
uiw th ¢ ekeinh
hmera ¢ ¢
eiV ¢
estai tw ¢
egcwriw kai tw you shall announce to your son in that day, saying,
2one 1There shall be] to the native inhabitant, and to the one
1223 3778 4160 2962 3588 2316 1473 5613
dia ¢
touto ¢
epoihse ¢
kurioV o ¢
qeoV moi wV
Concerning this [3did 1the lord 2God] to me as
12:41 †CP stratia – military or host.
13:9 E X O D U S 97
1607 1537 * 2532 1510.8.3 1473 1821-* 3588 2992 3756 3594 1473
exeporeuomhn ex ¢
Aiguptou ¢
13:9 kai estai soi ¢
exapesteile ¢ ton laon
Faraw ¢ ouc ¢
wdhghsen ¢
I went forth from out of Egypt. And it will be to you Pharaoh sent out the people, [2did not 3guide 4them
1519 4592 1909 3588 5495-1473 2532 3422 4253 3588 2316 3598 1093 * 3754 1451-1510.7.3
eiV ¢
shmeion epi¢ ¢ sou kai mnhmosunon
thV ceiroV ¢ pro o ¢
qeoV ¢
odon ghV ¢
Fulistieim ¢
oti ¢ hn
for a sign upon your hand, and a memorial before 1God] in the way of the land of the Philistines, for it was near;
3788-1473 3704-302 1096 3588 3551 2962 1722 2036 1063 3588 2316 3379 3338 3588
ofqalmwn ¢
¢ sou opwV ¢
an genhtai o ¢
nomoV ¢
kuriou en ¢
eipe gar o ¢
qeoV ¢ pote
mh ¢
metamelhsh tw
your eyes, that [4may be 1the 2law 3of the lord] in [3said 1for 2God], Lest at any time [3should repent 1the
3588 4750-1473 1722-1063 5495 2900 1806 1473 2992 1492 4171 2532 654 1519 *
tw ¢
stomati¢ sou en gar ceiri¢ ¢
krataia ¢
exhgage¢ se ¢
law ¢
idonti ¢
polemon ¢
kai apostreyh eiV ¢
your mouth. For with [2hand 1a fortified 4led 5you 2people] seeing war, and they should return into Egypt;
2962 1537 * 2532 5442 3588 2532 2944-3588-2316 3588 2992 3598 3588 1519
kurioV ex ¢
Aiguptou 13:10 kai ¢
fulaxasqe ton ¢
13:18 kai ekuklwsen ¢ ton laon
o qeoV ¢ ¢
odon thn eiV
3the lord] out of Egypt. And you shall guard and God circled the people in the way – the one into
3551-3778 2596 2540 5610 575 2250 1519 3588 2048 1519 3588 2063 2281 3991-1161
nomon ¢
touton ¢
kata ¢ wrwn
kairouV ¢ af' ¢ eiV
hmerwn ¢
thn erhmon eiV ¢
thn eruqran ¢
qalassan ¢
pempth de
this law according to the times of hours, from days to the wilderness, to the red sea. And in the fifth
2250 2532 1510.8.3 5613-302 1521 1473 1074 305 3588 5207 * 1537 1093
hmeraV 13:11 kai ¢
estai wV an ¢
eisagagh se ¢
genea ¢
anebhsan oi uioi¢ ¢
Israhl ek ghV
days. And it shall be whenever [3should bring 4you generation [4ascended 1the 2sons 3of Israel] from out of the land
2962 3588 2316-1473 1519 3588 1093 3588 * * 2532 2983-* 3588 3747 *
kurioV o ¢ sou
qeoV eiV thn ghn twn ¢
Cananaiwn ¢
Aiguptou 13:19 kai ¢
elabe ¢
MwushV ta ¢
osta ¢
1the lord 2your God] into the land of the Canaanites, of Egypt. And Moses took the bones of Joseph
3739 5158 3660 3588 3962-1473 2532 3326 1438 3727-1063 3726-* 3588 5207
on ¢
tropon ¢
wmose ¢
toiV patrasi sou kai meq' eautou¢ ¢
orkw gar ¢
wrkisen ¢
Iwshf touV ¢
in which manner he swore by an oath to your fathers, and with him, for with an oath Joseph bound the sons
1325 1473-1473 2532 873 3956 * 3004 1984 1980-2962 1473 2532
dwsei ¢
soi authn ¢
13:12 kai aforieiV pan ¢
Israhl ¢
legwn ¢
episkoph ¢
episkeyetai ¢
kurioV ¢
umaV kai
shall give it to you, that you shall separate every offspring of Israel, saying, With a visit the lord will visit you, and
1272 3388 3588 732.1 3588 2962 3956 4875.1 3588 3747-1473 1782 3326 1473
dianoigon ¢
mhtran ta ¢ tw
arsenika ¢ pan
kuriw ¢
sunanoisete ta ¢ mou enteuqen
osta ¢ ¢
meq' umwn
opening the womb, the males to the lord, every offspring you shall join in carrying off my bones from here with you.
1272 3388 1537 3588 1009.3 1722 3588 2934-1473 1808 1161 3588 5207 * 1537 *
dianoigon ¢
mhtran ek ¢ en
twn boukoliwn ¢
toiV kthnesi¢ sou ¢
13:20 exaranteV de oi uioi¢ Israhl
¢ ek ¢
opening the womb from the herds among your cattle. [5lifted away 1And 2the 3sons 4of Israel] from out of Succoth,
3745 302 1096 1473 3588 732.1 3588 2962 4759.2 1722 * 3844 3588 2048
osa ¢
an genhtai¢ soi ta ¢ tw
arsenika ¢
kuriw ¢
estratopedeusan ¢
en Oqwm para ¢
¢ thn erhmon
As many as come to pass to you, the males are to the lord. and they encamped in Etham by the wilderness.
3956 1272 3388 3688 236
13:13 pan ¢
dianoigon ¢
mhtran ¢
onou ¢
allaxeiV The Pillars of Cloud and Fire
Every newborn opening the womb of donkey you shall barter 3588 1161 2316 2233 1473 2250 3303 1722 4769
4263 1437-1161 3361-236 3084 1473 13:21 o de ¢ hgeito
qeoV ¢ autwn
¢ hmeraV
¢ ¢
men en stulw
probatw ¢ de
ean ¢
mh allaxhV ¢
lutrwsh auto¢ But God led them, by day by a column
for sheep. But if you should not barter you shall ransom it. 3507 1166 1473 3588 3598 3588-1161 3571 1722 4769
3956 4416 444 3588 5207-1473 3084 ¢
nefelhV ¢
deixai ¢ thn odon
autoiV ¢ thn de ¢
nukta en ¢
pan ¢
prwtotokon ¢
anqrwpou ¢ sou
twn uiwn ¢
lutrwsh of cloud, to show to them the way; but in the night by a column
Every first-born of man of your sons you shall ransom. 4442 3756 1587 3588 4769 3588 3507
1437-1161 2065 1473 3588 5207-1473 3326 3778 ¢
puroV 13:22 ouk ¢
exelipen o ¢
stuloV ¢
thV nefelhV
¢ de
13:14 ean ¢
erwthsh se o ¢ sou
uioV ¢
meta ¢
tauta of fire. [4did not 5fail 1The 2column 3of cloud]
And if [2should ask 3you 1your son] about these, 2250 2532 3588 4769 3588 4442 3571 1726 3956 3588
3004 5100 3778 2532 2046 1473 3754 1722 5495 ¢
hmeraV kai o ¢
stuloV ¢ nuktoV
tou puroV ¢ enantion
¢ pantoV
¢ tou
legwn ti ¢
touto ¢
kai ereiV ¢
autw ¢
oti en ceiri¢ by day, and the column of fire by night before all the
saying, What is this? And you shall say to him, that, With [2hand 2992
2900 1806 1473 2962 1537 1093 * laou¢
krataia ¢
exhgagen ¢ kurioV
hmaV ¢ ek ghV ¢
Aiguptou people.
1a fortified] [2led 3you 1the lord] out of the land of Egypt,
1537 3624 1397 2259-1161 4645
ex ¢
oikou ¢
douleiaV ¢ de
13:15 hnika ¢
esklhrune CHAPTER 14
from out of the house of slavery. And when he hardened
* 1821 1473 615-2962 3956 4416 Israel Camps at the Sea
Faraw¢ exaposteilai
¢ hmaV¢ apekteine
¢ ¢
kurioV ¢
pan prwtotokon
Pharaoh to send us, the lord slew all the first-born 2532 2980-2962 4314 * 3004
14:1 kai ¢
elalhse ¢
kurioV proV ¢
Mwushn ¢
1722 1093 * 575 4416 444 2193 And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,
en gh ¢
Aiguptou apo¢ ¢
prwtotokwn ¢
anqrwpwn ¢
in the land of Egypt, from the first-born of men, unto 2980 3588 5207 * 2532 654
14:2 ¢
lalhson toiV ¢
uioiV ¢
Israhl kai ¢
4416 2934 1223 3778 1473 2380 3588 Speak to the sons of Israel! And turning
prwtotokwn ¢
kthnwn ¢
dia ¢
touto ¢ quw
egw ¢ tw
the first-born of cattle. On account of this I sacrifice to the 4759.2 561 3588 1886 303.1
2962 3956 1272 3388 3588 732.1 3588 ¢
stratopedeusatwsan ¢
apenanti thV ¢
epaulewV ¢
¢ pan
kuriw ¢
dianoigon ¢
mhtran ¢ tw
ta arsenika let them encamp before the property between
lord every offspring opening the womb, the males to the * 2532 303.1 3588 2281 1828.2
2962 2532 3956 4416 3588 5207-1473 3084 ¢
Magdwlou kai ¢
anameson thV ¢
qalasshV ¢
kuriw kai pan prwtotokon ¢ ¢ mou lutrwsomai
twn uiwn ¢ Migdol and between the sea, right opposite
lord, and every first-born of my sons I will ransom. * 1799 1473 4759.2 1909 3588
2532 1510.8.3 1519 4592 1909 3588 5495-1473 2532 ¢
Beelsepfwn ¢
enwpion ¢
autwn ¢
stratopedeuseiV epi¢ thV
13:16 kai ¢
estai eiV ¢
shmeion epi¢ ¢ sou kai
thV ceiroV Baal-Zephon! Before them you shall encamp by the
And it shall be for a sign upon your hand, and 2281 2532 2046-* 4012 3588 5207
761 4253 3588 3788-1473 1722-1063 5495 2900 ¢
qalasshV 14:3 kai erei¢ Faraw
¢ peri¢ ¢
twn uiwn
asaleuton pro ¢ sou en gar ceiri¢ krataia
twn ofqalmwn ¢ sea. And Pharaoh will say concerning the sons
unshaken before your eyes. For by [2hand 1a fortified * 4105-3778 1722 3588 1093 4788
1806 1473 2962 1537 * 5613-1161 ¢
Israhl ¢
planwntai ¢
outoi en th gh ¢
exhgage¢ se ¢
kurioV ex ¢
Aiguptou 13:17 wV de of Israel, These wander in the land, [4has closed 6up
4led 5you 3the lord] out of Egypt. And as
98 E X O D O S 14:4
1063 1473 3588 2048 1473-1161 4645 3588 2980 1722 * 4314 1473 3004 3935
¢ h
gar autouV ¢
erhmoV ¢ de
14:4 egw ¢ thn
sklhrunw ¢
elalhsamen en ¢
Aiguptw proV se ¢
legonteV ¢
1for 5them 2the 3wilderness]. But I will harden the we spoke in Egypt to you? saying, Disregard
2588 * 2532 2614 3694 1473 2532 1473 3704 1398 3588 * 2908-1063
kardian ¢
Faraw ¢
kai katadiwxetai ¢
opisw ¢ kai
autouV ¢
hmaV ¢
opwV ¢
douleuswmen toiV ¢
AiguptioiV ¢
kreisson gar
heart of Pharaoh, and he will pursue after them, and us! so that we may slave to the Egyptians. For it is better
1740 1722 * 2532 1722 3956 3588 4756-1473 1473 1398 3588 * 2228 599 1722 3588
endoxasqhsomai ¢ kai en pash
en Faraw ¢ ¢ autou¢
th stratia ¢ douleuein
hmaV ¢ toiV ¢
AiguptioiV h ¢ en
apoqanein th
I will be glorified by Pharaoh, and by all his military; for us to slave to the Egyptians, than to die in
2532 1097 3956 3588 * 3754 1473 2962 2048-3778 2036 1161 * 4314 3588 2992
kai gnwsontai ¢
panteV oi ¢
Aiguptioi ¢
oti ¢ kurioV
egw ¢ ¢
erhmw ¢
tauth ¢
14:13 eipe de ¢ proV ton laon
MwushV ¢
and [4shall know 1all 2the 3Egyptians] that I am the lord. this wilderness. [3said 1And 2Moses] to the people,
2532 4160 3779 2532 312 3588 2293 2476 2532 3708 3588 4991 3588 3844 3588
kai ¢
epoihsan ¢
outwV 14:5 kai ¢
anhggelh tw ¢
qarseite ¢
sthkete ¢
kai orate ¢
thn swthrian ¢ tou
thn para
And they did thus. And it was announced to the Be of courage! Stand, and see the deliverance by the
935 3588 * 3754 5343 3588 2992 2962 3739 4160 1473 4594 3739 5158 1063
basilei¢ twn ¢
Aiguptiwn ¢
oti ¢
pefeugen o ¢
laoV ¢ hn
kuriou ¢
poihsei hmin¢ shmeron
¢ on ¢
tropon gar
king of the Egyptians that [3have fled 1the 2people]. lord, which he will do for us today! [2in which 3manner 1For]
2532 3344 3588 2588 * 2532 3588 3708 3588 * 4594 3756-4369 2089
kai ¢
metestrafh h ¢ Faraw
kardia ¢ kai twn ¢
ewrakate ¢
touV AiguptiouV ¢
shmeron ¢
ou prosqhsesqe ¢
And [4was converted 1the 2heart 3of Pharaoh], and the hearts you see the Egyptians today, you will not proceed still
2324-1473 1909 3588 2992 2532 2036 5100 1492 1473 1519 3588 165 5550 2962 4170
qerapontwn autou¢ epi¢ ¢
ton laon kai ¢
eipon ti ¢ autouV
idein ¢ eiV ton aiwna
¢ ¢
cronon ¢
14:14 kurioV ¢
of his attendants against the people. And they said, What to see them into the eon of time. The lord will wage war
3778 4160 3588 1821 3588 5207 * 3588 4012 1473 2532 1473 4601 2036 1161 2962
touto ¢
pepoihkamen ¢
tou exaposteilai ¢ Israhl
touV uiouV ¢ tou peri¢ umwn
¢ kai umeiV
¢ sighsete
¢ ¢
14:15 eipe de ¢
is this we have done to send out the sons of Israel for us, and you shall be quiet. [3said 1And 2the lord]
3361 1398 1473 2200.1 3767 * 3588 4314 * 5100 994 4314 1473 2980 3588 5207
mh ¢
douleuein ¢
hmin ¢
14:6 ezeuxen oun ¢
Faraw ta ¢ ti
proV Mwushn ¢
boaV proV me ¢
lalhson toiV ¢
to not slave to us? [3teamed up 2then 1Pharaoh] to Moses, Why do you yell to me? Speak to the sons
716-1473 2532 3956 3588 2992-1473 4879 3326 * 2532 326.1
armata autou¢ kai panta
¢ ¢ autou¢ sunaphgage
ton laon ¢ meq' ¢
Israhl ¢
kai anazeuxatwsan
his chariots, and [2all 3his people 1he led] with of Israel, and break camp!
1438 2532 2983 1812 716 1588 2532
eautou¢ ¢
14:7 kai elaben ¢
exakosia ¢
armata ¢ kai
himself. And he took six hundred [2chariots 1chosen], and God Draws Away the Sea
3956 3588 2462 3588 * 2532 5151.7 1909 3956 2532 1473 1869 3588 4464-1473 2532 1614
pasan ¢
thn ippon twn ¢
Aiguptiwn ¢
kai tristataV epi¢ pantwn
¢ 14:16 kai su ¢
eparon ¢
thn rabdon ¢
sou kai ekteinon
all the cavalry of the Egyptians, and tribunes over all. And you, lift up your rod, and stretch out
2532 4645-2962 3588 2588 * 935 3588 5495-1473 1909 3588 2281 2532 4486 1473 2532
14:8 kai esklhrune ¢
kurioV ¢
thn kardian Faraw ¢ ¢
basilewV ¢ a
thn ceir ¢ sou epi¢ ¢
thn qalassan ¢
kai rhxon ¢ kai
And the lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh king your hand upon the sea, and tear it! And
* 2532 2614 3694 3588 5207 * 3588-1161 1525 3588 5207 * 1519 3319 3588
Aiguptou ¢
kai katediwxen ¢
opisw ¢ Israhl
twn uiwn ¢ oi de ¢
eiselqetwsan oi uioi¢ ¢
Israhl eiV ¢
meson thV
of Egypt. And he pursued after the sons of Israel. But the let [4enter 1the 2sons 3of Israel] in the midst of the
5207 * 1607 1722 5495 5308 2532 2281 2596 3588 3584 2532 2400 1473 4645
uioi¢ Israhl
¢ ¢
exeporeuonto en ceiri¢ ¢
uyhlh 14:9 kai ¢
qalasshV ¢ to xhron
kata ¢ 14:17 kai idou¢ ¢ sklhrunw
egw ¢
sons of Israel went with [2hand 1a high]. And sea on dry land! And behold, I will harden
2614 3588 * 3694 1473 2532 2147 3588 2588 * 2532 3588 * 3956 2532
katediwxan oi ¢
Aiguptioi ¢
opisw ¢
autwn kai ¢
euron ¢
thn kardian ¢
Faraw kai twn ¢
Aiguptiwn ¢
pantwn kai
[3pursued 1the 2Egyptians] after them. And they found the heart of Pharaoh, and [2the 3Egyptians 1all]; and
1473 3924.2 3844 3588 2281 2532 3956 1525 3694 1473 2532 1740 1722 *
¢ parembeblhkotaV
autouV ¢ ¢ thn qalassan
para ¢ kai ¢
pasa ¢
eiseleusontai ¢
opisw ¢ kai endoxasqhsomai
autwn ¢ ¢
en Faraw
them camping by the sea. And all they will enter in after them, and I will be glorified by Pharaoh,
3588 2462 2532 3588 716 * 2532 3588 2460 2532 1722 3956 3588 4756-1473 2532 1722 3588 716 2532
h ¢
ippoV kai ta ¢
armata ¢
Faraw kai oi ¢
ippeiV kai en ¢
pash th ¢ autou¢ kai en
stratia ¢
toiV armasi kai
the cavalry, and the chariots of Pharaoh, and the horsemen, and by all his military, and by the chariots, and
2532 3588 4756-1473 561 3588 1886 1828.2 1722 3588 2462-1473 2532 1097 3956 3588
kai h ¢ autou¢ apenanti
stratia ¢ ¢
thV epaulewV ¢
exenantiaV en ¢
toiV ippoiV autou¢ 14:18 kai ¢
gnwsontai ¢
panteV oi
and his military were before the property right opposite by his horses. And [4shall know 1all 2the
* 2532 * 4317 2532 308 * 3754 1473 2962 1740 1473 1722
Beelsepfwn ¢ proshge
14:10 kai Faraw ¢ ¢
kai anableyanteV ¢
Aiguptioi ¢ kurioV
egw ¢¢
oti ¢
endoxazomenou mou en
Baal-zephon. And Pharaoh led forward. And [4looking up 3Egyptians] that I am the lord glorifying myself by
3588 5207 * 3588 3788 3708 2532 2400 * 2532 1722 3588 716 2532 1722 3588 2462-1473
oi uioi¢ Israhl
¢ toiV ¢ orwsi
ofqalmoiV ¢ kai idou¢ ¢
Faraw kai en ¢
toiV armasi kai en ¢
toiV ippoiV autou¢
1the 2sons 3of Israel] with the eyes, they beheld. And behold, Pharaoh, and by the chariots, and by his horses.
3588 * 4759.2 3694 1473 2532 5399 1808 1161 3588 32 3588 2316 3588
oi Aiguptioi ¢
estratopedeusan ¢
opisw ¢ kai efobhqhsan
autwn ¢ ¢
14:19 exhre de o ¢
aggeloV tou qeou¢ o
the Egyptians were encamped behind them. And they feared [5lifted away 1And 2the 3angel 4of God], the one
4970 310 1161 3588 5207 * 4314 2962 4313 3588 3925 3588 5207 * 2532
sfodra ¢
anebohsan de oi¢
proV kurion uioi¢ Israhl
¢ ¢
proporeuomenoV ¢ twn
thV parembolhV ¢
uiwn ¢
Israhl kai
exceedingly. [5yelled out 1And 2the 3sons 4of Israel] to the lord. going before the camp of the sons of Israel, and
2532 2036 4314 * 3844 3588 3361 5224 4198 1537 3588 3693 1808-1161 2532 3588 4769 3588
14:11 kai eipan ¢ para
proV Mwushn ¢ to ¢
mh uparcein ¢
eporeuqh ¢
ek twn opisqen ¢ de
exhre kai o ¢
stuloV thV
And they said to Moses, Because there were no [2existing he went at the rear. And lifted away also the column
3418 1722 * 1806 1473 3588 2289 1722 3507 575 4383-1473 2532 2476 1537 3588 3694
mnhmata ¢
en Aiguptw ¢
exhgageV ¢ tou qanatwsai
hmaV ¢ en ¢
nefelhV apo¢ proswpou
¢ autwn ¢
¢ kai esth ek ¢
twn opisw
1tombs] in Egypt you led us to be put to death in of cloud from their sight, and it stood at the rear
3588 2048 5100 3778 4160 1473 1806 1473 2532 1525 303.1 3588 3925
th ¢
erhmw ti ¢
touto ¢
epoihsaV ¢ exagagwn
hmin ¢ ¢
autwn 14:20 kai ¢
eishlqen ¢
anameson ¢
thV parembolhV
the wilderness? What is this you did to us bringing us forth of them. And it entered between the camp
1537 * 3756-3778 1510.7.3 3588 4487 3739 3588 * 2532 303.1 3588 3925 * 2532
ex ¢
Aiguptou ¢
14:12 ou touto hn to ¢
rhma o twn ¢
Aiguptiwn ¢
kai anameson ¢ Israhl
thV parembolhV ¢ kai
from out of Egypt? [2this not 1Was] the saying which of the Egyptians and between the camp of Israel, and
14:21 E X O D U S 99
2476 2532 1096 4655 2532 1105 2532 1330 3588 2281 2532 3756 2641 1537 1473 3761 1520
esth ¢
kai egeneto ¢
skotoV ¢
kai gnofoV ¢
kai dihlqen h ¢
qalassan kai ou ¢
kateleifqh ¢ oude¢
ex autwn eiV
it stood. And there was darkness and dimness. And [3went by 1the sea. And there was not left of them not even one.
3571 2532 3756 4830.3 240 3650-3588 3588-1161 5207 * 4198 1223 3584 1722
nux kai ou ¢
sunemixan ¢
allhloiV ¢
olhn thn 14:29 oi de uioi¢ Israhl
¢ eporeuqhsan
¢ ¢
dia ¢
xhraV en
2night]. And they did not mix together one to another the entire And the sons of Israel went through dry land in
3571 1614 1161 * 3588 5495 1909 3588 3319 3588 2281 3588-1161 5204 1473 5038 1537
nukta ¢
14:21 exeteine de ¢ thn ceira
MwushV ¢ epi¢ thn ¢
mesw thV ¢
qalasshV to de ¢
udwr ¢
autoiV ¢
teicoV ek
night. [3stretched out 1And 2Moses] his hand upon the the midst of the sea. And the water was to them a wall on
1188 2532 5038 1537 2176 2532 4506-2962
2281 2532 5217-2962 3588 2281 1722 417 ¢
dexiwn ¢
kai teicoV ex ¢
euwnumwn ¢
14:30 kai errusato ¢
qalassan ¢
kai uphgage ¢
kurioV ¢
thn qalassan en ¢
sea. And the lord drew away the sea by [3wind the right, and a wall on the left. And the lord rescued
3588 * 1722 3588 2250-1565 1537 5495 3588 *
3558 972 3650-3588 3571 2532 4160 3588 2281 ¢ en th hmera
ton Israhl ¢ ekeinh
¢ ek ¢
ceiroV twn ¢
notw ¢
biaiw ¢
olhn ¢
thn nukta ¢
kai epoihse ¢
thn qalassan
2south 1a violent] the entire night. And he made the sea Israel in that day from the hand of the Egyptians.
2532 1492-* 3588 * 2348 3844 3588 5491
3584 2532 1294.4 3588 5204 2532 1525 3588 ¢
kai eiden ¢ touV AiguptiouV
Israhl ¢ ¢
teqnhkotaV ¢ to ceiloV
para ¢
¢ kai diescisqh
xhran ¢ to ¢
udwr 14:22 kai ¢
eishlqon oi
dry, and cut asunder the water. And [4entered 1the And Israel saw the Egyptians having died by the edge
3588 2281 1492 1161 * 3588 5495 3588
5207 * 1519 3319 3588 2281 2596 3588 thV ¢
qalasshV ¢
14:31 eide de ¢ thn ceira
Israhl ¢ thn
uioi¢ ¢
Israhl eiV ¢
meson thV ¢
qalasshV ¢
kata to
2sons 3of Israel] in the midst of the sea down on the of the sea. [3saw 1And 2Israel 6hand 4the
3173 3739 4160-2962 3588 *
3584 2532 3588 5204-1473 5038 1537 1188 2532 5038 ¢
megalhn a ¢
epoihse ¢
kurioV toiV ¢
xhron ¢
kai to udwr ¢ teicoV
authV ¢ ek ¢
dexiwn ¢
kai teicoV
dry land. And its water was a wall from the right and a wall 5great] by which the lord executed against the Egyptians.
5399 1161 3588 2992 3588 2962 2532 4100 3588
1537 2176 2614 1161 3588 * 2532 ¢
efobhqh de o ¢
laoV ¢
ton kurion ¢
kai episteusan tw
ex ¢
euwnumwn ¢
14:23 katediwxan de oi ¢
Aiguptioi kai
from the left. [4pursued 1And 2the 3Egyptians]. And [4feared 1And 2the 3people] the lord, and they trusted
2316 2532 * 3588 2324-1473
1525 3694 1473 3956 3588 2462 * 2532 ¢
qew ¢ tw qeraponti
kai Mwush ¢ autou¢
eishlqon ¢
opisw ¢ pasa
autwn ¢ h ¢
ippoV ¢
Faraw kai
[5entered 6after 7them 1all 2the 3cavalry 4of Pharaoh], and in God, and Moses his attendant.
3588 716 2532 3588 306.3 1519 3319 3588 2281
ta ¢
armata kai oi ¢
anabatai ¢
eiV meson thV ¢
qalasshV CHAPTER 15
the chariots, and the horsemen in the midst of the sea.
1096-1161 1722 3588 5438 3588 2192.3 2532
14:24 egenhqh de ¢ th
en th fulakh ¢
ewqinh kai The Ode of Moses and Israel
And it came to pass in the watch, in the early morning, and 5119 103 * 2532 3588 5207 *
1914-2962 1909 3588 3925 3588 *
15:1 tote ¢
hsan ¢
MwushV kai oi uioi¢ Israhl
epebleye ¢
kurioV epi¢ thn parembolhn
¢ twn Aiguptiwn ¢ Then they sang, Moses and the sons of Israel,
the lord gave attention unto the camp of the Egyptians 3588 5603-3778 3588 2962 2532 2036 103
1722 4769 4442 2532 3507 2532 4928.4 3588
¢ tauthn
thn wdhn ¢ tw ¢ kai eipan
kuriw ¢ ¢
en ¢
stulw ¢
puroV kai ¢
nefelhV kai ¢
sunetaraxe thn this ode to the lord. And they said, We should sing
with a column of fire and a cloud; and he disturbed the 3588 2962 1741.1-1063 1392 2462 2532 306.3
3925 3588 * 2532 4887 3588 tw ¢ endoxwV
kuriw ¢ ¢
gar dedoxastai ¢
ippon ¢
kai anabathn
parembolhn twn ¢
Aiguptiwn 14:25 kai ¢
sunedhse touV to the lord, for gloriously he is glorified; horse and horseman
camp of the Egyptians. And he bound the 4495 1519 2281 998 2532 4629.1 1096
516.1 3588 716-1473 2532 71 1473 3326 970 2532 ¢
erriyen ¢
eiV qalassan ¢ kai skepasthV
15:2 bohqoV ¢ egenet
¢ o¢
axonaV ¢
twn armatwn autwn ¢
¢ kai hgagen ¢ meta
autouV ¢ biaV
¢ kai he tossed into the sea. Helper and shelterer he became
axles of their chariots, and led them with force. And 1473 1519 4991 3778 1473 2316 2532 1392 1473
2036 3588 * 5343 575 4383 * moi ¢
eiV swthrian ¢ oV
out ¢ mou qeoV
¢ kai doxasw
¢ ¢
eipan oi ¢
Aiguptioi ¢
fugwmen apo¢ proswpou
¢ ¢
Israhl to me for deliverance; this is my God, and I will glorify him;
[3said 1the 2Egyptians], We should flee from the face of Israel, 2316 3588 3962-1473 2532 5312 1473 2962
3588-1063 2962 4170 5228 1473 3588 * ¢
qeoV ¢ mou kai uywsw
tou patroV ¢ ¢
auton ¢
15:3 kurioV
o gar ¢
kurioV polemei¢ uper
¢ autwn
¢ touV ¢
AiguptiouV the God of my father, and I will exalt him. The lord
for the lord wages war for them against the Egyptians. 4937 4171 2962 3686-1473 716
2036 1161 2962 4314 * 1614 3588 ¢
suntribwn ¢
polemouV ¢
kurioV ¢
onoma ¢
autw ¢
15:4 armata
14:26 eipe ¢
kurioV proV Mwushn¢ ¢
ekteinon thn breaking by wars; the lord is his name. The chariots
[3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, Stretch out * 2532 3588 1411-1473 4495 1519 2281
5495-1473 1909 3588 2281 2532 600 3588 5204 ¢
Faraw ¢
kai thn dunamin autou¢ erriyen
¢ eiV ¢
¢ a
ceir ¢ sou epi¢ ¢
thn qalassan ¢
kai apokatasthtw to ¢
udwr of Pharaoh, and his force he tossed into the sea;
your hand upon the sea, and restore the water, 1952.1 306.3 5151.7 2670 1722 2063
2532 1943 3588 * 1909 5037 3588 716 2532 ¢
epilektouV ¢
anabataV ¢
tristataV ¢
katepontisen en ¢
kai epikaluyatw ¢
touV AiguptiouV epi¢ te ta ¢
armata kai chosen riders – tribunes he sank in the red
and cover over the Egyptians, over both the chariots and 2281 4195 2572 1473 2616.2
qalassh ¢
15:5 pontw ¢
ekaluyen ¢ katedusan
autouV ¢
1909 3588 306.3 1614 1161 * 3588
epi¢ touV anabataV
¢ ¢
14:27 exeteine de ¢ thn
MwushV sea. A high sea covered them; they descended
over the horsemen! [3stretched out 1And 2Moses] his 1519 1037 5616 3037 3588 1188-1473
eiV ¢
buqon wsei¢ liqoV
¢ 15:6 h ¢ sou
5495 1909 3588 2281 2532 600 3588 5204 4314
ceira epi¢ ¢
thn qalassan ¢
kai apekatesth to ¢
udwr proV unto the bottom of the sea as stone. Your right hand,
hand upon the sea, and [3restored 1the 2water] at 2962 1392 1722 2479 3588 1188-1473 5495
kurie ¢
dedoxastai en ¢
iscu+ h ¢ sou ceir
2250 1909 5561 3588-1161 * 5343 5259 3588
hmeran epi¢ ¢
cwraV oi de ¢
Aiguptioi ¢
efugon upo¢ to O lord, has been glorified in strength; your right hand,
day to its place. And the Egyptians fled from under the 2962 2352 2190 2532 3588 4128 3588
kurie ¢
eqrausen ¢
ecqrouV 15:7 kai tw ¢
plhqei thV
5204 2532 1621-2962 3588 * 1519 3319
udwr kai ¢
exetinaxe ¢
kurioV touV AiguptiouV eiV ¢
meson O lord, devastated the enemies. And in the magnitude
water. And the lord shook off the Egyptians in the midst 1391-1473 4937 3588 5227 649 3588
doxhV sou ¢
sunetriyaV ¢
touV upenantiouV ¢
apesteilaV thn
3588 2281 2532 1879.1 3588 5204 2572
thV ¢
qalasshV ¢ to
14:28 kai epanastrafen ¢
udwr ¢
ekaluye of your glory you broke the opponents. You sent
of the sea. And in turning back, the water covered 3709-1473 2532 2719 1473 5616 2562 2532
¢ sou kai katefagen
orghn ¢ ¢ wsei¢ kalamhn
autouV ¢ 15:8 kai
3588 716 2532 3588 306.3 2532 3956 3588 1411
ta ¢
armata ¢
kai touV anabataV ¢
kai pasan ¢
thn dunamin your anger, and it devoured them as stubble. And
the chariots, and the horsemen, and all the force 1223 4151 3588 2372-1473 1339 3588 5204
dia ¢
pneumatoV ¢ sou
tou qumou ¢
diesth to ¢
* 3588 1531 3694 1473 1519 3588
Faraw touV ¢
eisporeuomenouV ¢
opisw ¢ eiV thn
autwn by the breath of your rage [3was parted 1the 2water];
of Pharaoh, of the ones entering after them into the
100 E X O D O S 15:9
4078 5616 5038 3588 5204 4078 1863 1909 1473 2962 3588 5204 3588 2281
epagh wsei¢ teicoV
¢ ta ¢
udata ¢
epagh ¢
ephgagen ep' ¢ kurioV
autouV ¢ ¢
to udwr thV ¢
[2a banked up 1as] wall were the waters; [4were banked up [2brought 3upon 4them 1the lord] the water of the sea.
2532 3588 2949 1722 3319 3588 2281 2036 3588-1161 5207 * 4198 1223 3584 1722 3319
kai ta ¢
kumata en ¢
mesw thV ¢
qalasshV ¢
15:9 eipen oi de uioi¢ Israhl
¢ eporeuqhsan
¢ ¢
dia ¢
xhraV ¢
en mesw
1and 2the 3waves] in the midst of the sea. [3said But the sons of Israel went through dry land in the midst
3588 2190 1377 2638 3307 3588 2281 2983 1161 * 3588 4398
o ¢
ecqroV ¢
diwxaV ¢
katalhyomai ¢
meriw thV ¢
qalasshV ¢
15:20 elabe de ¢ h
Mariam ¢
1The 2enemy], In pursuing I shall overtake; I shall portion of the sea. [8took 1And 2Miriam 3the 4prophetess
4661 1705 5590-1473 337 3588 3162-1473 3588 79 * 3588 5178.2 1722 3588 5495-1473 2532
skula ¢
emplhsw ¢ mou anelw
yuchn ¢ ¢ mou
th macaira h ¢ Aarwn
adelfh ¢ ¢
to tumpanon en th ceiri¢ authV
¢ kai
the spoils; I shall fill up my soul; I will take up my sword; 5the 6sister 7of Aaron] the tambourine in her hand. And
2961 3588 5495-1473 649 3588 1831 3956 3588 1135 3694 1473 3326 5178.2
kurieusei h ceir mou 15:10 ¢
apesteilaV to ¢
exhlqosan ¢
pasai ai ¢
gunaikeV ¢
opisw ¢ meta
authV ¢ tumpanwn
[2will dominate 1my hand]. You sent came forth all the women after her with tambourines
4151-1473 2572 1473 2281 1416 5616 2532 5525 1822.1 1161 1473 * 3004
pneuma ¢
sou ekaluyen ¢ qalassa
autouV ¢ ¢
edusan wsei¢ ¢
kai corwn ¢
15:21 exhrce de ¢
autwn ¢
Mariam ¢
your breath, [2covered 3them 1the sea]; they went down as and dancers. [3led 1And 4them 2Miriam], saying,
3432.1 1722 5204 4970.1 5100 3664 1473 103 3588 2962 1741.1-1063 1392
molibdoV en ¢
udati ¢
sfodrw 15:11 tiV ¢
omoi ¢
oV soi ¢
aswmen tw ¢ endoxwV
kuriw ¢ ¢
gar dedoxastai
lead in [2water 1vehement]. Who is likened to you We should sing to the lord, for gloriously he glorified himself –
1722 2316 2962 5100 3664 1473 1392 2462 2532 306.3 4495 1519 2281
en ¢ kurie
qeoiV ¢ tiV ¢
omoi ¢
oV soi ¢
dedoxasmenoV ¢
ippon ¢
kai anabathn ¢
erriyen ¢
eiV qalassan
among gods, O lord? Who is likened to you, being glorified horse and horseman he tossed into the sea.
1722 39 2298 1722 1391 4160 5059
en ¢
agioiV ¢
qaumastoV en ¢
doxaiV ¢
poiwn ¢
terata Bitter Water at Marah
among holy ones, wonderful in glories, doing miracles? 1808 1161 * 3588 5207 * 575
1614 3588 1188-1473 2666 1473 ¢
15:22 exhre de ¢ touV uiouV
MwushV ¢ Israhl
¢ apo¢
15:12 exeteinaV ¢ sou
thn dexian ¢
katepien autou¢ [3lifted up 1And 2Moses] the sons of Israel from
You stretched out your right hand, [2swallowed 3them 2281 2063 2532 71 1473 1519 3588 2048
1093 3594 3588 1343-1473 3588 ¢
qalasshV ¢
eruqraV ¢
kai hgagen ¢ eiV
autouV ¢
thn erhmon
gh 15:13 ¢
wdhghsaV th ¢
dikaiosunh sou ton [2sea 1the red], and he led them into the wilderness
1the earth]. You guided by your righteousness – * 2532 4198 5140 2250 1722 3588 2048 2532
2992-1473 3778 3739 3084 3870 3588 ¢
Sour ¢
kai eporeuonto ¢
treiV hmeraV en th ¢
erhmw kai
¢ sou
laon ¢
touton on ¢
elutrwsw ¢
parekalesaV th of Shur. And they went three days in the wilderness, and
[2your people 1this] whom you ransomed. You aided in 3756 2147 5204 5620 4095 2064-1161
2479-1473 1519 2646 39-1473 191 ouc ¢
huriskon ¢
udwr ¢
wste ¢
piein ¢
15:23 hlqon de
¢ sou
iscu+ eiV ¢
kataluma ¢ on
agi ¢ sou 15:14 ¢
hkousan they did not find water so as to drink. And they came
your strength in [2lodging 1your holy]. [2heard 1519 * 2532 3756 1410 4095 5204 1537
1484 2532 3710 5604 2983 eiV ¢ kai
Merran ouk ¢
hdunanto ¢
piein ¢
udwr ek
eqnh kai ¢
wrgisqhsan ¢
wdineV ¢
elabon unto Marah. And they were not able to drink water at
1Nations], and were provoked to anger; pangs took hold * 4089 1063 1510.7.3 1223 3778 2028
2730 * 5119 4692 ¢ pikron
MerraV ¢ gar hn ¢
dia ¢
touto ¢
katoikountaV ¢
Fulistieim ¢
15:15 tote ¢
espeusan Marah, [3bitter 1for 2it was]. On account of this [4was named
of the ones dwelling among the Philistines. Then hastened 3588 3686 3588 5117-1565 4088 2532 1234
2232 * 2532 758 * 2983 to ¢
onoma ¢
tou topou ¢
ekeinou ¢
pikria ¢
15:24 kai diegogguzen
hgemoneV ¢
Edwm ¢
kai arconteV ¢
Mwabitwn ¢
elaben 1the 2name 3of that place], Bitter. And [3complained
the princes of Edom, and the rulers of the Moabites; [2took hold 3588 2992 1909 * 3004 5100 4095
1473 5156 5080 3956 3588 o ¢
laoV epi¢ ¢ legonteV
Mwush ¢ ti ¢
autouV ¢
tromoV ¢
etakhsan ¢
panteV oi 1the 2people] unto Moses, saying, What shall we drink?
3of them 1trembling]; they melted away – all the ones 994 1161 * 4314 2962 2532 1166
2730 * 1968 1909 1473 5401 ¢
15:25 ebohse de ¢ proV kurion
MwushV ¢ ¢
kai edeixen
katoikounteV ¢
Canaan ¢
15:16 epipesoi ep' ¢ foboV
autouV ¢ [3yelled 1And 2Moses] to the lord. And [3showed
dwelling in Canaan. May there fall upon them fear 1473 3588 2962 3586 2532 1685 1473 1519 3588
2532 5156 3174 1023-1473 621.1 ¢
autw ¢
kurioV ¢
xulon ¢
kai enebalen auto¢ eiV to
kai tromoV ¢
megeqei ¢ oV
bracion ¢ sou apoliqwqhtwsan
¢ 4to him 1the 2 lord] a tree. And he put it into the
and trembling; by the greatness of your arm they are petrified, 5204 2532 1098.2 3588 1563 5087
2193 302 3928 3588 2992-1473 2962 2193 ¢
udwr ¢
kai eglukanqh to ¢
udwr ekei¢ ¢
ewV an ¢
parelqh o ¢ sou
laoV ¢
kurie ¢
ewV water, and [3was sweetened 1the 2water]. There he established
until whenever [2may go by 1your people], O lord, until 1473 1345 2532 2920 2532 1563 1473-3985
302 3928 3588 2992-1473 3778 3739 2932 ¢
autw ¢
dikaiwmata ¢
kai kriseiV kai ekei¢ auton epeirase
an ¢
parelqh o ¢ sou
laoV ¢
outoV on ¢
ekthsw with him ordinances and judgments, and there he tested him.
whenever [3may go by 2your people 1this], whom you acquired. 2532 2036 1437 191 3588 5456 2962
1521 2707.3 1473 1519 3735 15:26 kai ¢
eipen ¢ akoushV
ean ¢ ¢ kuriou
thV fwnhV ¢
15:17 eisagagwn ¢
katafuteuson autouV ¢
¢ eiV oroV And he said, If you should hear the voice of the lord
Bringing them in – plant them in [2mountain 3588 2316-1473 2532 3588 701 1726 1473
2817 1473 1519 2092 2732 1473 tou qeou¢ sou kai ta ¢
aresta ¢
enantion autou¢
klhronomiaV sou eiV ¢
etoimon ¢ on
katoikhthri ¢ sou your God, and [2the things 3pleasing 4before 5him
3of inheritance 1your]; into [2prepared 3home 1your] 4160 2532 1801 3588 1785-1473
3739 2716 2962 37.1 2962 3739 ¢
poihshV ¢
kai enwtish ¢ autou¢
taV entolaV
o ¢
kateirgasw ¢
kurie ¢
agiasma ¢
kurie o 1you should do], and you should give ear to his commandments,
which you manufactured, O lord; the sanctuary, O lord, which 2532 5442 3956 3588 1345-1473 3956
2090 3588 5495-1473 2962 936 1519 3588 ¢
kai fulaxhV ¢
panta ta ¢
dikaiwmata autou¢ pasan
htoimasan ¢ eV
ai ceir ¢ sou
15:18 kurioV ¢
basileuwn eiV ton and you should guard all his ordinances, then every
you prepared by your hands. The lord reigning into the 3554 3739 1863 3588 * 3756
165 2532 1909 165 2532 2089 3754 1525 2462 ¢
noson hn ¢
ephgagon toiV ¢
AiguptioiV ouk
aiwna kai ep' ¢
aiwna ¢
kai eti ¢
15:19 oti ¢
eishlqen ¢
ippoV disease which was brought upon the Egyptians, I will not
eon, and unto eon, and still! For [3entered 1the horse 1863 1909 1473 1473-1063 1510.2.1 2962 3588 2390 1473
* 4862 716 2532 306.3 1519 2281 2532 ¢
epaxw epi¢ se ¢ gar eimi
egw ¢
kurioV o ¢
iwmen ¢ se
Faraw ¢
sun armasi ¢
kai anabataiV eiV ¢
qalassan kai bring upon you. For I am the lord healing you.
2of Pharaoh] with chariots and horsemen into the sea; and 2532 2064 1519 * 2532 1510.7.6 1563 1427
15:27 kai hlqosan eiV Eleim ¢
¢ kai hsan ekei¢ dwdeka
And they came into Elim. And there were there twelve
16:1 E X O D U S 101
4077 5204 2532 1440 4723.1 5404 1510.2.4 3754 1234 2596 1473 2532 2036-*
phgai¢ ¢
udatwn kai ¢
ebdomhkonta ¢
stelech ¢
foinikwn ¢ oti
esmen ¢ ¢
diagogguzete kaq' ¢
hmwn ¢ MwushV
16:8 kai eipe ¢
springs of waters, and seventy trunks of palm trees; are we that you complain against us? And Moses said,
3924.2-1161 1563 3844 3588 5204 1722 3588 1325 2962 1473 2073 2907 2068
parenebalon de ekei¢ para ¢
¢ ta udata en ¢
tw didonai ¢
kurion ¢
umin ¢
esperaV ¢ fagein
krea ¢
and they camped there by the waters. It is in the [2giving 1the lord] to you in the evening meats to eat,
2532 740 4404 1519 4140 1223
kai artouV toprw+ ¢ dia
eiV plhsmonhn ¢
and bread loaves in the morning for fullness, on account of
3588 1522-2962 3588 1112-1473 3739 1473
The LORD Rains Bread to ¢
eisakousai ¢
kurion ton ¢ umwn
goggusmon ¢ on ¢
522-1161 1537 * 2532 2064 3956 the lord's hearing your grumbling which you
16:1 aphran de ex Eleim ¢
¢ kai hlqosan ¢
pasa 1234 2596 1473 1473-1161 5100 1510.2.4 3756-1063
And they departed from Elim, and [5came 1all ¢
diagogguzete kaq' ¢
hmwn ¢ de ti
hmeiV ¢
esmen ou gar
4864 5207 * 1519 3588 2048 complain against us. But we, what are we? For not
sunagwgh ¢
uiwn ¢
Israhl eiV ¢
thn erhmon 2596 1473 3588 1112-1473 1510.2.3 237.1 2596
2the congregation 3of the sons 4of Israel] unto the wilderness kaq' ¢
hmwn o ¢ umwn
goggusmoV ¢ estin ¢
all' h kata
* 3739 1510.2.3 303.1 * 2532 303.1 * [3against 4us 2your grumbling 1is], but against
Sin o estin ¢
anameson ¢ kai anameson
Eleim ¢ ¢
Sina 3588 2316 2036 1161 * 4314 * 2036 3956
of Sin, which is between Elim and between Sinai. tou qeou¢ ¢
16:9 eipe de ¢ proV Aarwn
MwushV ¢ eipon
¢ ¢
3588-1161 4003 2250 3588 3376 3588 1208 God. [3said 1And 2Moses] to Aaron, Say to all
th de ¢
pentekaidekath ¢
hmera tw mhni¢ tw ¢
deuterw 4864 5207 * 4334 1726 3588
And on the fifteenth day in [3month 1the 2second] ¢
sunagwgh ¢
uiwn ¢
Israhl ¢
proselqete ¢ tou
1831-1473 1537 1093 * 1234 the congregation of the sons of Israel! Come forward before
exelhluqotwn ¢ ek
autwn ghV ¢
Aiguptou ¢
16:2 diegogguze 2316 1522-1063 3588 1112-1473 2259-1161
they went forth from the land of Egypt. [7complained qeou¢ eisakhkoe
¢ ¢ umwn
gar ton goggusmon ¢ ¢ de
16:10 hnika
3956 3588 4864 3588 5207 * 1909 * 2532 God! for he has heard your grumbling. And when
pasa h ¢ twn
sunagwgh ¢ Israhl
uiwn ¢ epi¢ Mwushn
¢ kai 2980-* 3956 4864 5207 * 2532
1All 2the 3gathering 4of the 5sons 6of Israel] to Moses and ¢
elalei ¢
Aarwn ¢
pash ¢
sunagwgh ¢
uiwn ¢
Israhl kai
* 2532 2036 4314 1473 3588 5207 * Aaron spoke to all the congregation of the sons of Israel, that
Aarwn 16:3 kai ¢
eipan ¢ oi
proV autouV uioi¢ ¢
Israhl 1994 1519 3588 2048 2532 3588 1391 2962
Aaron. And [4said 5to 6them 1the 2sons 3of Israel], ¢
epestrafhsan eiV ¢
thn erhmon kai h ¢
doxa ¢
3784 599 4141 5259 2962 1722 1093 they turned into the wilderness, and the glory of the lord
ofelon ¢
apeqanomen ¢
plhgenteV upo¢ kuriou
¢ en gh 3708 1722 3507
Ought we died being struck by the lord in the land ¢
wfqh ¢
en nefelh
* 3752 2523 1909 3588 3003.1 3588 appeared in a cloud.
Aiguptou ¢
otan ¢
ekaqisamen epi¢ twn lebhtwn
¢ twn
of Egypt, whenever we sat at the kettles of the The LORD Sends the Mother-quail
2907 2532 2068 740 1519 4140 3754 2532 2980-2962 4314 * 3004
krewn kai ¢
hsqiomen ¢
artouV eiV ¢
plhsmonhn ¢
oti 16:11 kai ¢
elalhse ¢
kurioV proV ¢
Mwushn ¢
meats, and ate bread loaves in fullness. For And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,
1806 1473 1519 3588 2048-3778 615 3956 3588 1522 3588 1112 3588 5207 * 2980
exhgagete hmaV ¢
¢ eiV thn erhmon ¢
tauthn ¢
apokteinai ¢
pasan thn ¢
16:12 eisakhkoa ¢ twn
ton goggusmon ¢ Israhl
uiwn ¢ ¢
you led us into this wilderness to kill all I have heard the grumbling of the sons of Israel. Speak
4864-3778 1722 3042 2036 1161 2962 4314 1473 3004 3588 4314 2073 2068
¢ tauthn
sunagwghn ¢ en ¢
limw ¢
16:4 eipe ¢de
kurioV proV ¢
autouV ¢
legwn to proV ¢
esperan ¢
this congregation by hunger. [3said 1And 2the lord] to them! saying, Towards evening you shall eat
4314 * 2400 1473 5313.2 1473 740 2907 2532 4404 4130 740
proV ¢
Mwushn idou¢ ¢
egw ¢
uw ¢
umin ¢
artouV ¢
krea kai toprw+ ¢
plhsqhsesqe ¢
to Moses, Behold, I rain upon you bread loaves meats, and in the morning you will be filled of bread loaves.
1537 3588 3772 2532 1831 3588 2992 2532 1097 3754 1473 1510.2.1 2962 3588 2316-1473
ek tou ouranou¢ kai exeleusetai
¢ o ¢
laoV kai ¢
gnwsesqe ¢
oti ¢ eimi
egw ¢
kurioV o ¢ umwn
qeoV ¢
from out of the heaven; and [3shall come forth 1the 2people], And you shall know that I am the lord your God.
2532 4816 3588 3588 2250 1519 2250 1096-1161 2073 2532 305 3735.3
kai sullexousi to ¢
thV hmeraV ¢
eiV hmeran ¢
16:13 egeneto ¢
de espera kai ¢
anebh ¢
and they shall collect together the bread day to day, And it was evening. And there ascended the mother-quail,
3704 3985 1473 1487 4198 3588 3551-1473 2532 2572 3588 3925 4404-1161 1096
opwV ¢
peirasw ¢ ei
autouV ¢
poreusontai tw ¢
nomw mou ¢
kai ekaluye ¢ toprw+ de
thn parembolhn ¢
that I should test them if they shall go by my law and it covered the camp. And in the morning there was
2228 3756 2532 1510.8.3 1722 3588 2250 3588 1622 2532 2664 3588 1408.1 2945 3588 3925
h ou ¢
16:5 kai estai en th ¢
hmera th ¢
ekth kai ¢
katapauomenhV thV ¢
drosou ¢
kuklw ¢
thV parembolhV
or not. And it will be in [3day 1the 2sixth], and a resting of the dew round about the camp.
2090 3739 302 1533 2532 1510.8.3 2532 2400 1909 4383 3588 2048 3016
etoimasousin o an ¢
eisenegkwsi ¢
kai estai 16:14 kai idou¢ epi¢ ¢
proswpon thV ¢
erhmou ¢
they shall prepare what ever they should carry in, and it shall be And behold, upon the face of the wilderness, a thin thing
1362 3739 302 4863 3588 2596 2250 1519 5616 2882.1 3022 5616 3803.1 1909 3588 1093
¢ o
diploun an ¢
sunagagwsi to kaq' ¢
hmeran eiV wsei¢ ¢
korion ¢
leukon wsei¢ ¢
pagoV epi¢ thV ghV
double what ever they should bring according to day by as coriander – white, as ice upon the earth.
2250 2036 1161 * 2532 * 4314 3956 1492-1161 1473 3588 5207 * 2036 2087 3588
hmeran ¢
16:6 eipe de ¢ kai
MwushV ¢
Aarwn ¢
proV pasan ¢
16:15 idonteV de auto¢ oi uioi¢ Israhl
¢ ¢
eipan ¢
eteroV tw
day. [5said 1And 2Moses 3and 4Aaron] to all And seeing it, the sons of Israel said, an other to the
4864 5207 * 2073 1097 3754 2087 5100 1510.2.3 3778 3756 1063 1492 5100
sunagwghn ¢
uiwn ¢
Israhl ¢
esperaV ¢
gnwsesqe ¢
oti ¢
eterw ti esti¢ ¢
touto ou gar ¢
hdeisan ti
the gathering of the sons of Israel, At evening you will know that other, What is this? [3not 1For 2they had] known what
2962 1806-1473 1537 1093 * 2532 1510.7.3 2036 1161 * 4314 1473 3778 3588 740
kurioV ¢
exhgagen ¢
umaV ek ghV ¢
Aiguptou 16:7 kai hn ¢
eipe de ¢ proV autouV
MwushV ¢ outoV
¢ o ¢
the lord led you out of the land of Egypt. And it was. [3said 1And 2Moses] to them, This is the bread
4404 3708 3588 1391 2962 1722 3588 3739 1325-2962 1473 2068 3778 3588 4487
prw+ ¢
oyesqe thn ¢
doxan ¢
kuriou en tw on ¢
edwke ¢
kurioV ¢
umin ¢
fagein ¢
16:16 touto to ¢
in the morning you will see the glory of the lord, in the which the lord gave to you to eat. This is the thing
1522-2962 3588 1112-1473 1909 3588 2316 1473-1161 5100 3739 4929-2962 4863 575 1473 1538
eisakousai ¢ umwn
ton goggusmon ¢ epi¢ ¢ hmeiV
tw qew ¢ de ti o ¢
sunetaxe ¢
kurioV ¢
sunagagete ap' ¢
autou¢ ekastoV
hearing of your grumbling against God. And we, what which the lord ordered. Bring together of it each
102 E X O D O S 16:17
1519 3588 2520 1115.1 2596 2776 2596 2068 4594-1473 1510.2.3-1063 4521 3588 2962
eiV ¢
touV kaqhkontaV ¢
gomor ¢ kefalhn
kata ¢ ¢
kata ¢
fagete ¢
shmeron auto¢ ¢
esti gar ¢
sabbaton tw ¢
for what is fitting! A homer per head, according to You eat it today, for it is a Sabbath to the lord!
706 5590-1473 1538 1722 3588 4633 4594 3756-2147 1722 3977.1 1803 2250
ariqmon ¢ umwn
yucwn ¢ †ekastoV
¢ en ¢ umwn
toiV skhnaiV ¢ ¢
shmeron ¢
ouc eureqhsetai en ¢
pediw 16:26 ex ¢
the number of your souls; [2each 3with 4your tents Today you shall not find any in a plain. Six days
4816 2532 4160 3779 3588 5207 4816 3588-1161 2250 3588 1442 4521
sullexate 16:17 kai ¢
epoihsan ¢
outwV oi uioi¢ ¢
sullexete th de ¢ th ebdomh
hmera ¢ ¢
1let] collect together! And [4did 5so 1the 2sons you shall collect together, but the [2day 1seventh] is a Sabbath,
* 2532 4816 3739 3588 4183 2532 3754 3756-1510.8.3 1722 1473 1096-1161 1722
Israhl ¢
kai sunelexan o to polu¢ kai ¢
oti ouk estai en ¢
auth ¢
16:27 egeneto de en
3of Israel], and they collected together what was much and for it shall not be found in it. And it came to pass on
3739 3588 1640 2532 3354 3588 1115.1 3588 1442 2250 2532 1831 5100 1537 3588 2992
o to ¢
elatton ¢
16:18 kai metrhsanteV to ¢
gomor ¢
th ebdomh ¢
hmera ¢
kai exhlqos ¢ tineV
an ek tou laou¢
what was less. And measuring with the homer, the seventh day, and came forth certain ones from the people
3756 4121 3739 3588 4183 2532 4816 2532 3756 2147 2036 1161
ouk ¢
epleonasen o to polu¢ kai ¢
sullexai kai ouc ¢
euron ¢
16:28 eipe de
[3was not 4superabundant 1the one which 2had much], and to collect together, and they did not find. [3said 1And
3739 3588 1640 3756-1641 1538-1519 3588 2962 4314 * 2193-5100 3756-1014 1522
o to ¢
elatton ¢
ouk hlattonhsen ¢
ekastoV eiV touV ¢
kurioV proV Mwushn ¢
¢ ewV ¢
tinoV ¢
ou boulesqe ¢
the one which had less had not too less, for each 2the lord] to Moses, For how long will you not listen to
2520 3844 1438 4816 2036 3588 1785-1473 2532 3588 3551-1473 1492 3588-1063
kaqhkontaV ¢
par' eautw ¢
sunelexan ¢
16:19 eipe ¢ mou
taV entolaV ¢
kai ton nomon mou ¢
16:29 idete o gar
[2what was fitting 3for 4himself 1collected together]. [3said my commandments, and my law? See! for the
1161 * 4314 1473 3367 2641 575 1473 2962 1325 1473 4521 3588 2250 3778 1223
de ¢ proV autouV
MwushV ¢ mhqeiV
¢ ¢
katalipetw ap' autou¢ ¢
kurioV ¢
edwken ¢ sabbata
umin ¢ ¢
thn hmeran ¢
tauthn ¢
1And 2Moses] to them, Let no one leave behind of his lord gave to you [2Sabbath 3day 1this]. On account of
1519 4404 2532 3756 191 * 3778 1473 1325 1473 3588 2250 3588 1622 740
eiV toprw+ 16:20 kai ouk ¢
hkousan ¢
Mwush ¢
touto autoV ¢
¢ edwken ¢
umin th ¢
hmera ¢
th ekth ¢
into the morning! And they did not hearken to Moses, this he gave to you on the [2day 1sixth] bread loaves
235 2641 5100 575 1473 1519 4404 2532 1566.1 1417 2250 2521 1538 1519 3588 3624-1473 3844
¢ katelip
alla ¢ ¢ tineV ap' autou¢ eiV toprw+
on ¢
kai exezese ¢
duo ¢ kaqisasqe
hmerwn ¢ ¢
ekastoV ¢
eiV touV oikouV ¢ par'
but left behind some of it into the morning. And [2erupted for two days. Let [2sit down 1each] in your houses by
4663 2532 2025.3 2532 4087 1909 1473 1438 3367 1473 1607 1537 3588 5117-1473
skwlhkaV ¢
kai epwzese kai ¢
epikranqh ep' ¢
autoiV ¢ mhdeiV
eautw ¢ umwn
¢ ekporeuesqw
¢ ek ¢
tou topou autou¢
1worms], and it stunk. And [2was embittered 3over 4them himself! Not one of you go forth from out of his place
* 2532 4816-1473 4404 4404 3588 2250 3588 1442 2532 4519.1
MwushV ¢
16:21 kai sunelexan auto¢ prw+ prw+ th ¢ th ebdomh
hmera ¢ ¢
16:30 kai esabbatisen
1Moses]. And they collected it together morning by morning, during the [2day 1seventh]! And [3observed the Sabbath
1538 3588 2520 1473 2259-1161 1241.1 3588 2992 3588 2250 3588 1442 2532 2028
ekastoV to ¢
kaqhkon ¢
autw ¢ de
hnika ¢
dieqermanen o ¢
laoV th ¢ th ebdomh
hmera ¢ ¢
16:31 kai epwnomasan
each the fitting thing for himself. And when [3warmed through 1the 2people] in the [2day 1seventh]. And [4named
3588 2246 5080 1096-1161 3588 2250 1473 3588 5207 * 3588 3686 1473 3126.1 1510.7.3-1161
o ¢
hlioV ¢
ethketo ¢
16:22 egeneto de th ¢
hmera auto¢ oi uioi¢ Israhl
¢ to ¢
onoma autou¢ man hn de
1the 2sun], it melted away. And it happened in the [2day 5it 1the 2sons 3of Israel] – the name of it, Manna. And it was
3588 1622 4816 3588 1163 1362 5616 4690 2882.1 3022 3588-1161 1088.1 1473 5613
th ¢
ekth ¢
sunelexan ta ¢
deonta ¢
dipla wsei¢ sperma
¢ ¢
koriou ¢ to de
leukon ¢
geuma autou¢ wV
1sixth] they collected together the necessary double amount, as the seed of coriander – white. And the taste of it was as
1417 1115.1 3588 1520 1525 1161 3956 3588 1469.1 1722 3192 2036 1161 * 3778 3588
¢ gomor
duo ¢ tw eni¢ ¢
eishlqosan de ¢
panteV oi ¢ en
egkriV ¢
meliti ¢
16:32 eipe de ¢ touto
MwushV ¢ to
two homers to the one person. [7entered 1And 2all 3the pastry with honey. [3said 1And 2Moses], This is the
758 3588 4864 2532 312 * 4487 3739 4929-2962 4130 3588 1115.1 3588 3126.1
arconteV thV ¢
sunagwghV ¢
kai anhggeilan ¢
Mwush ¢
rhma o ¢
sunetaxe ¢
kurioV ¢
plhsate to ¢
gomor tou man
4rulers 5of the 6congregation], and announced to Moses. thing which the lord ordered. Fill the homer of the manna,
2036 1161 * 4314 1473 3778 3588 4487 1510.2.3 1519 596 1519 3588 1074-1473 2443 1492 3588
16:23 eipe de ¢ proV autouV
MwushV ¢ touto
¢ to ¢ a
rhm ¢ estin ¢
eiV apoqhkhn ¢ umwn
eiV taV geneaV ¢ ¢
ina ¢
idwsi ton
[3said 1And 2Moses] to them, This word is for reposit for your generations! that they might see the
3739 2980-2962 4521 372 39 3588 2962 740 3739 2068-1473 1722 3588 2048 5613 1806
o ¢
elalhse ¢
kurioV ¢
sabbata ¢
anapausiV ¢ tw
agia ¢
kuriw ¢
arton on ¢
efagete ¢ en
umeiV th ¢
erhmw wV ¢
what the lord spoke. A Sabbath rest, holy to the lord bread which you ate in the wilderness, as [2led
839 3745-1437 4070.1 4070.1 1473 2962 1537 1093 * 2532 2036-*
aurion ¢
osa ¢
ean ¢
pesshte ¢
pessete ¢ kurioV
umaV ¢ ek ghV ¢
Aiguptou ¢ MwushV
16:33 kai eipe ¢
is tomorrow. Whatever as much as you should bake – bake. 3you 1the lord] out of the land of Egypt. And Moses said
2532 3745-1437 2192.2 2192.2 2532 3956 3588 4314 * 2983 4713 5552 1520 2532 1685 1519 1473
kai osa ean ¢
eyhte ¢
eyete kai pan to ¢ labe
proV Aarwn ¢ ¢
stamnon crusoun ¢
¢ ena ¢
kai embale ¢
eiV auton
And whatever as much as you should boil – boil! And all that to Aaron, Take [3jar 2golden 1one], and put in it
4121 2641 1473 1519 596 1519 4134 3588 1115.1 3588 3126.1 2532 659-1473 1726
pleonazon ¢
kataleipete auto¢ eiV ¢
apoqhkhn eiV ¢
plhreV to ¢
gomor tou man ¢
kai apoqhseiV auto¢ enantion
being superabundant leave it for reposit for a full homer of manna, and put it aside before
4404 2532 2641 575 1473 1519 4404 3588 2316 1519 1301.1 1519 3588 1074-1473 3739
toprw+ ¢
16:24 kai katelipon ap' autou¢ eiV toprw+ tou qeou¢ eiV diathrhsin
¢ ¢ umwn
eiV taV geneaV ¢ 16:34 on
the morning! And they left of it into the morning, God for preservation into your generations! In which
2596 4929 1473 * 2532 3756 2025.3 3761 5158 4929-2962 3588 * 2532 659-* *
¢ sunetaxen
kaqa ¢ ¢ MwushV
autoiV ¢ kai ouk ¢
epwzesen oude¢ ¢
tropon ¢
sunetaxe ¢
kurioV tw Mwush ¢ kai apeqhken
¢ ¢
as [2ordered 3them 1Moses]. And it did not stink, nor manner the lord ordered Moses, even [2put 4aside 1Aaron
4663 1096 1722 1473 2036 1161 * 1473 1726 3588 3142 1519 1301.1 3588-1161
skwlhx ¢
egeneto en ¢
autw ¢
16:25 eipe de ¢
MwushV auto¢ enantion
¢ tou marturiou
¢ ¢
eiV diathrhsin 16:35 oi de
[2a worm 1was there] in it. [3said 1And 2Moses], 3it] before the testimony for preservation. And the
5207 * 2068 3588 3126.1 2094 5062 2193
uioi¢ Israhl
¢ ¢
efagon to man ¢
eth ¢
tessarakonta ¢
16:16 †See Bos for variants. sons of Israel ate the manna [2years 1forty], until
16:36 E X O D U S 103
2064 1519 1093 3611 3588 3126.1 2068 2193 5207 * 2532 1223 3588 3985 2962 3004
hlqon eiV ghn ¢
oikoumenhn to man ¢
efagon ¢
ewV ¢ Israhl
uiwn ¢ kai dia
¢ ¢
to peirazein ¢
kurion ¢
they came into the land to be lived in. [2the 3manna 1They ate] until sons of Israel, and on account of the testing the lord, saying,
3854 1519 3313 3588 * 3588-1161 1115.1 1487-1510.2.3 2962 1722 1473 2228 3756
paregenonto ¢
eiV meroV ¢
thV FoinikhV 16:36 to de ¢
gomor ¢
ei esti ¢
kurioV en hmin ¢ h ou
they came into a part of Phoenicia. Now the homer Is the lord with us or not?
3588 1181 3588 5140 3358 1510.7.3
to ¢
dekaton ¢
twn triwn ¢
metrwn hn Amalek Wages War with Israel
[2the 3tenth 4of three 5measures 1was].
2064 1161 * 2532 4170
17:8 ¢
hlqe de ¢
Amalhk kai ¢
CHAPTER 17 [3came 1And 2Amalek] and waged war against
3588 * 1722 * 2036 1161 * 3588
¢ en
ton Israhl ¢
Rafidin ¢
17:9 eipe de ¢ tw
Moses Strikes the Rock at Horeb Israel in Rephidim. [3said 1And 2Moses]
2532 522 3956 3588 4864 5207 * 1951 4572 435 1415 2532 1831
17:1 kai aphre ¢
pasa h ¢
sunagwgh ¢
uiwn Ihsou¢ ¢
epilexon ¢
seautw ¢
andraV ¢ kai exelqwn
dunatouV ¢
And [6departed 1all 2the 3congregation 4of the sons to Joshua, Choose for yourself [2men 1mighty], and going forth
* 1537 3588 2048 * 2596 3904.4 3588 * 839 2532 2400 1473 2476
Israhl ek thV ¢
erhmou Sin ¢
kata ¢
parataxai tw Amalhk ¢
¢ aurion kai idou¢ egw ¢
¢ esthka
5of Israel] from out of the wilderness of Sin, according to deploy against Amalek tomorrow! And behold, I shall stand
3925-1473 1223 4487 2962 2532 1909 3588 2884.2 3588 1015 2532 3588 4464 3588 2316 1722
¢ autwn
parembolaV ¢ ¢
dia ¢
rhmatoV ¢
kuriou kai epi¢ thV korufhV
¢ tou bounou¢ kai h ¢
rabdoV tou qeou¢ en
their camps, through the saying of the lord. And upon the top of the hill, and the rod of God in
3924.2 1722 * 3756-1510.7.3 1161 5204 3588 3588 5495-1473 2532 4160-* 2509 2036 1473
parenebalon en ¢ ouk hn
Rafidein de ¢
udwr tw th ceiri¢ mou 17:10 kai epoihsen
¢ ¢ kaqaper
IhsouV ¢ ¢
eipen ¢
they camped in Rephidim. [2there was no 1But] water for the my hand. And Joshua did as [2told 3to him
2992 4095 2532 3058 3588 2992 4314 * 2532 1831 3904.4 3588 * 2532
law ¢
piein 17:2 kai ¢
eloidoreito o ¢
laoV proV ¢ kai exelqwn
MwushV ¢ ¢
paretaxato ¢ kai
tw Amalhk
people to drink. And [3reviled 1the 2people] against 1Moses]. And going forth he deployed against Amalek. And
* 3004 1325 1473 5204 2443 4095 2532 2036 * 2532 * 2532 * 305 1909 3588 2884.2 3588
¢ legonteV
Mwushn ¢ doV hmin ¢
¢ udwr ¢
ina ¢
piwmen ¢
kai eipen ¢ kai Aarwn
MwushV ¢ kai Wr anebhsan
¢ epi¢ thn korufhn
¢ tou
Moses, saying, Give to us water! that we may drink. And [2said Moses and Aaron and Hur ascended upon the top of the
1473 * 5100 3058 1473 2532 5100 3985 1015 2532 1096 3752 1869-* 3588
autoiV ¢ ti
MwushV ¢ e¢ me
loidoreisq kai ti ¢
peirazete bounou¢ 17:11 kai ¢
egeneto ¢
otan ¢ MwushV
ephre ¢ taV
3to them 1Moses], Why do you revile me? And why do you test hill. And it happened whenever Moses lifted up the
2962 1372 1161 1563 3588 2992 5204 5495 2729-* 3752-1161 2524 3588 5495
kurion ¢
17:3 ediyhse de ekei¢ o ¢
laoV ¢
udati ¢
ceiraV ¢
katiscuen ¢ otan
Israhl ¢ de ¢
kaqhke ¢
taV ceiraV
the lord? [4thirsted 1And 5there 2the 3people] for water. hands, Israel grew strong. But whenever he lowered his hands,
2532 1234 3588 2992 1909 * 3004 2729-* 3588-1161 5495 * 926
kai ¢
diegogguzen o ¢
laoV epi¢ ¢
Mwushn ¢
legonteV ¢
katiscuen ¢
Amalhk 17:12 ai de ¢
ceireV ¢ bareiai
Mwush ¢
And [3complained 1the 2people] against Moses, saying, Amalek grew strong. And the hands of Moses became heavy.
2444 3778 3754 307 1473 1537 * 3588 2532 2983 3037 5294 5259 1473 2532 2521
inati¢ touto
¢ ¢
oti ¢
anebibasaV ¢ ex
hmaV ¢
Aiguptou tou ¢
kai labonteV ¢
liqon ¢
upeqhkan up' ¢ kai ekaqhto
auton ¢
Why is this that you hauled us from out of Egypt And taking a stone they placed it under him, and he sat down
615 1473 2532 3588 5043-1473 2532 3588 2934 3588 1909 1473 2532 * 2532 * 4741 3588 5495-1473
apokteinai ¢ kai ta
hmaV ¢
tekna ¢
hmwn kai ta ¢
kthnh tw ep' autou¢ kai Aarwn
¢ kai Wr esthrizon
¢ ¢
taV ceiraV autou¢
to kill us, and our children, and the cattle upon it. And Aaron and Hur supported his hands;
1373 994 1161 * 4314 2962 3004 1782 1520 2532 1782 1520 2532 1096 3588 5495
diyei ¢
17:4 ebohse de ¢ proV kurion
MwushV ¢ ¢
legwn ¢
enteuqen eiV ¢
kai enteuqen eiV kai ¢
egenonto ai ¢
by thirst? [3yelled 1And 2Moses] to the lord, saying, here one and there one. And [4were 1the 2hands
5100 4160 3588 2992-3778 2089 3397 2532 * 4741 2193 1424 2246 2532
ti ¢
poihsw tw ¢ toutw
law ¢ ¢
eti ¢
mikron kai ¢
Mwush ¢
esthrigmenai ¢
ewV ¢
dusmwn ¢
hliou 17:13 kai
What should I do with this people? Yet in a little while and 3of Moses] supported until the descent of the sun. And
2642.1 1473 2532 2036-2962 4314 * 5141.1-* 3588 * 2532 3956 3588 2992-1473
kataliqobolhsousi¢ me ¢ kurioV
17:5 kai eipe ¢ proV Mwushn¢ ¢
etreyato ¢
IhsouV ¢
ton Amalhk ¢
kai panta ¢ autou¢
ton laon
they will cast stones at me. And the lord said to Moses, Joshua routed Amalek, and all his people
4313 3588 2992-3778 2983-1161 3326 4572 575 1722 5408 3162 2036 1161 2962 4314
proporeuou tou laou¢ toutou
¢ ¢
labe ¢ seautou¢ apo¢
de meta en ¢
fonw ¢
macairaV ¢
17:14 eipe de ¢
kurioV proV
Go before this people! and take with yourself some of by a carnage of the sword. [3said 1And 2the lord] to
3588 4245 3588 2992 2532 3588 4464 1722 3739 * 2608.1 3778 1519 3422 1722 975 2532
twn presbuterwn tou laou¢ ¢
kai thn rabdon en h ¢ katagrayon
Mwushn ¢ ¢
touto ¢
eiV mnhmosunon en ¢ kai
the elders of the people, and the rod in which Moses, Write this for a memorial in a scroll, and
3960 3588 4215 2983 1722 3588 5495-1473 2532 4198 1325 1519 3588 3775 * 3754 250.2 1813 3588
epataxaV ¢ labe
ton potamon ¢ en th ceiri¢ sou kai poreuou
¢ doV eiV ¢
ta wta Ihsou¢ ¢ aloifh
oti ¢ ¢
exaleiyw to
you struck the river! Take it in your hand and go! put it unto the ears of Joshua! For as ointment I will wipe away the
2400 1473 2476 1563 4253 3588 1473 2064 1909 3422 * 1537 3588 5259 3588 3772 2532
17:6 idou¢ ¢ esthka
egw ¢ ekei¢ pro tou se ¢ epi¢
elqein ¢
mnhmosunon ¢
Amalhk ek thV upo¢ ¢
ton ouranon 17:15 kai
Behold, I stand there, before your coming upon memorial of Amalek from under heaven. And
3588 4073 1722 * 2532 3960 3588 4073 2532 3618-* 2379 3588 2962 2532 2028
thV petraV en ¢ kai
Cwrhb ¢
pataxeiV ¢
thn petran kai ¢
wkodomhse ¢ qusiasthrion
MwushV ¢ tw ¢ kai epwnomase
kuriw ¢
the rock in Horeb. And you shall strike the rock, and Moses built an altar to the lord, and named
1831 1537 1473 5204 2532 4095 3588 3588 3686 1473 2962 2707.1-1473 3754 1722 5495
exeleusetai ex authV ¢
¢ udwr ¢
kai pietai o ¢
to onoma autou¢ kurioV
¢ katafugh ¢
¢ mou 17:16 oti en ceiri¢
shall come forth from out of it water, and [3shall drink 1the the name of it, The lord My Refuge, for with [2hand
2992 4160 1161 * 3779 1726 3588 5207 2930.1 4170-2962 1909 * 575 1074
laoV ¢
epoihse de ¢ outwV
MwushV ¢ ¢
enantion ¢
twn uiwn ¢
krufaia polemei¢ kurioV
¢ epi¢ ¢ apo¢ genewn
Amalhk ¢
2people]. [3did 1And 2Moses] thus before the sons 1a hidden] the lord wages war against Amalek from generations
* 2532 2028 3588 3686 3588 5117-1565 1519 1074
Israhl ¢
17:7 kai epwnomase to ¢
onoma ¢
tou topou ¢
ekeinou eiV ¢
of Israel. And he named the name of that place – unto generations.
3986 2532 3058.1 1223 3588 3059 3588
¢ kai loidorhsiV
peirasmoV ¢ ¢
dia ¢
thn loidorian twn
Test and Reviling; on account of the reviling of the
104 E X O D O S 18:1
3754 1807 1473 2962 1537 5495 3588
oti exeilato ¢ kurioV
autouV ¢ ek ¢
ceiroV twn
that [2rescued 3them 1the lord] from out of the hand of the
* 2532 1537 5495 * 2532
Jethro Reunites with Moses ¢
Aiguptiwn kai ek ¢
ceiroV ¢
Faraw 18:10 kai
191 1161 * 3588 2409 * 3588 Egyptians, and from out of the hand of Pharaoh. And
18:1 hkouse de ¢
Ioqwr o ¢ Madian
iereuV ¢ o 2036 2128 2962 3754 1807 3588 2992-1473
[9heard 1And 2Jethro 3the 4priest 5of Midian 6the ¢
eipen ¢ euloghtoV
Ioqwr ¢ kurioV
¢ ¢
oti ¢
exeilato ¢ autou¢
ton laon
1059.2 * 3956 3745 4160-2962 Jethro said, Blessed be the lord, for he rescued his people
gambroV† ¢
Mwush ¢
panta ¢
osa ¢
epoihse ¢
kurioV 1537 5495 3588 * 2532 1537 5495
7father-in-law 8of Moses] all as much as the lord did ek ¢
ceiroV twn ¢
Aiguptiwn kai ek ¢
* 3588 1438 2992 1806 1063 2962 3588 from out of the hand of the Egyptians, and from out of the hand
Israhl tw eautou¢ law
¢ ¢
exhgage ¢
gar kurioV ton * 3568 1097 3754 3173-2962 3844
to Israel, to his own people; [3led 1for 2the lord] ¢
Faraw 18:11 nun ¢
egnwn ¢
oti ¢
megaV ¢
kurioV ¢
* 1537 * 2983 1161 * 3588 of Pharaoh. Now I know that the lord is great above
Israhl ex ¢
Aiguptou ¢
18:2 elabe de ¢
Ioqwr o 3956 3588 2316 1752 3778 3754 2007
Israel out of Egypt. [6took 1And 2Jethro 3the ¢
pantaV touV qeouV ¢
¢ eneken ¢
toutou ¢
oti ¢
1059.2 * * 3588 1135 * all the gods, because of of this – that they made an attempt
gambroV ¢
Mwush ¢
Sepfwran ¢
thn gunaika ¢
Mwush 1473 2532 2983 * 3588 1059.2
4father-in -law 5of Moses] Zipporah the wife of Moses ¢
autoiV 18:12 kai ¢
elaben ¢
Ioqwr o ¢
3326 3588 859-1473 2532 3588 1417 5207 1473 3686 against them. And [5took 1Jethro 2the 3father-in-law
¢ thn afesin
meta ¢ ¢
authV ¢ uiouV
18:3 kai touV duo ¢ autou¢ onoma
¢ * 3646 2532 2378 3588 2316
after her release, and the two sons of his – the name ¢
Mwush ¢
olokautwmata kai ¢
qusiaV tw ¢
3588 1520 * 3004 3941-1510.7.1 1722 1093 4of Moses] whole burnt-offerings, and sacrifices to God.
tw eni¢ Ghrsam
¢ ¢
legwn ¢
paroikoV ¢
hmhn en gh
3854 1161 * 2532 3956 3588 4245 *
to the one was Gershom, saying, I was a sojourner in [2land ¢
paregeneto de ¢ kai panteV
Aarwn ¢ oi ¢
presbuteroi ¢
245 2532 3588 3686 3588 1208 * [8came 1For 2Aaron 3and 4all 5the 6elders 7of Israel]
allotria 18:4 kai to ¢
onoma tou ¢
deuterou ¢
4906 740 3326 3588 1059.2 * 1726 3588
1an alien]. And the name of the second was Eliezer, sumfagein ¢
¢ arton ¢ tou gambrou¢
meta ¢ enantion
Mwush ¢ tou
3004 3588-1063 2316 3588 3962-1473 998-1473 2532 1807 to eat bread with the father-in-law of Moses before
legwn o gar ¢ tou patroV
qeoV ¢ mou bohqoV
¢ mou kai exeilat
¢ o¢ 2316
saying, For the God of my father is my helper, and he rescued qeou¢
1473 1537 5495 * 2532 2064 * God.
me ek ¢
ceiroV ¢
Faraw ¢
18:5 kai hlqen ¢
me from out of the hand of Pharaoh. And came forth Jethro, Jethro Advises Moses
3588 1059.2 * 2532 3588 5207 2532 3588 1135 4314
o ¢
gambroV ¢
Mwush kai oi uioi¢ kai h ¢ proV
gunh 2532 1096 3326 3588 1887
the father-in-law of Moses, and the sons, and the wife, to 18:13 kai ¢
egeneto ¢
meta thn ¢
* 1519 3588 2048 3739 3924.2 1909
And it came to pass after the next day,
¢ eiV
Mwushn ¢
thn erhmon ou ¢
parenebalen ep' 4776-* 2919 3588 2992 3936 1161 3956
Moses, into the wilderness of which place he camped at ¢
sunekaqise ¢ krinein
MwushV ¢ ¢
ton laon ¢
pareisthkei de paV
3735 3588 2316 312-1161 *
Moses sat down to judge the people, [5stood by 1and 2all
oroV tou qeou¢ ¢
18:6 anhggelh de ¢
Mwush 3588 2992 * 575 4405.1 2193 2073 2532
the mountain of God. And it was announced to Moses, o ¢
laoV Mwush ¢
¢ apo¢ prw+qen ewV ¢
esperaV 18:14 kai
3004 2400 3588 1059.2-1473 * 3854 3the 4people] Moses from morning until evening. And
legonteV idou¢ o ¢ sou
gambroV ¢
Ioqwr ¢
paraginetai 1492-* 3956 3745 4160 3588 2992 3004
saying, Behold, your father-in-law Jethro comes ¢ Ioqwr
idwn ¢ ¢
panta ¢
osa ¢
epoiei tw ¢
law ¢
4314 1473 2532 3588 1135-1473 2532 3588 1417 5207 1473 3326 Jethro seeing all as much as he did to the people, says,
proV se kai h ¢ sou kai oi
gunh ¢
duo uioi¢ sou met' 5100 3778 3739 1473 4160 3588 2992 1302 1473
to you, and your wife, and [2two 3sons 1your] with ti ¢
touto o su ¢ tw
poieiV ¢
law diati¢ su
1473 1831 1161 * 1519 4877 3588 What is this which you do to the people? Why do you
autou¢ ¢
18:7 exhlqe de ¢ eiV sunanthsin
MwushV ¢ tw 2521 3441 3956-1161 3588 2992 3936 1473 575
him. [3came forth 1And 2Moses] to meet with ¢
kaqhsai ¢
monoV paV de o ¢
laoV ¢
paresthke¢ soi apo¢
1059.2-1473 2532 4352 1473 2532 5368 1473 sit down alone, and all the people stand by you from
¢ autou¢ kai prosekunhsen
gambrw ¢ ¢ kai efilhsen
autw ¢ ¢
auton 4405.1 2193 1166.2 2532 3004-* 3588
his father-in-law; and he did obeisance to him, and he kissed him, prw+qen ¢
ewV ¢
deilhV 18:15 kai ¢
legei MwushV tw
2532 782 240 2532 1521 1473 1519 3588 morning until afternoon? And Moses says to
kai hspasanto ¢
allhlouV ¢
kai eishgagen ¢ eiV
autouV thn 1059.2-1473 3754 3854 4314 1473 3588 2992
and they greeted one another, and he brought them into the ¢ autou
gambrw ¢
oti ¢
paraginetai proV me o ¢
4633 2532 1334-* 3588 1059.2-1473 his father-in-law, Because [3come 4to 5me 1the 2people]
skhnhn 18:8 kai ¢
dihghsato ¢ tw
MwushV ¢ autou¢
gambrw 1567 2920 3844 3588 2316 3752-1063
tent. And Moses described to his father-in-law ¢
ekzhthsai ¢
krisin ¢ tou qeou¢
para ¢
18:16 otan gar
3956 3745 4160-2962 3588 * 2532 3588 to seek after a judgment from God. For whenever
panta ¢
osa ¢
epoihse ¢
kurioV tw ¢
Faraw kai toiV 1096 1473 485 2532 2064 4314 1473
all as much as the lord did to Pharaoh, and to the ¢
genhtai ¢
autoiV antilogia ¢
¢ kai elqwsi proV me
* 1752 3588 * 2532 3956 3588 3449 there is to them a dispute, and they should come to me,
AiguptioiV ¢
eneken ¢
tou Israhl ¢
kai panta ¢
ton mocqon 1252 1538 2532 4822 1473 3588 4366.2
Egyptians, on account of Israel; and all the trouble, ¢
diakrinw ¢
ekaston ¢
kai sumbibazw ¢ ta
autouV ¢
3588 1096 1473 1722 3588 3598 2532 3754 1807 I litigate each, and I instruct them in the orders
ton ¢
genomenon ¢
autoiV en th odw ¢
¢ kai oti ¢
exeilato 3588 2316 2532 3588 3551-1473 2036 1161 3588
the one coming to them in the way; and that [2rescued tou qeou¢ ¢
kai ton nomon autou¢ ¢
18:17 eipe de o
1473 2962 1537 5495 * 2532 1537 of God, and his law. [4said 1And 2the
¢ kurioV
autouV ¢ ek ¢
ceiroV Faraw ¢ kai ek 1059.2 * 4314 1473 3756 3723 1473
3them 1the lord] from out of the hand of Pharaoh, and from out of ¢
gambroV ¢ proV auton
tw Mwush ¢ ¢
ouk orqwV su
5495 34588 * 1839 1161 * 3father-in-law] to Moses to him, Not rightly do you
ceiroV twn ¢
Aiguptiwn ¢
18:9 exesth de ¢
Ioqwr 4160 3588 4487-3778 5356 2704
the hand of the Egyptians. [3was amazed 1And 2Jethro] ¢ to
poieiV ¢
rhma ¢
touto ¢
18:18 fqora ¢
1909 3956 3588 18 3739 4160 1473 2962 do this thing. [5corruption 3will be corrupted
epi¢ pasi
¢ ¢
toiV agaqoiV oiV ¢
epoihsen ¢
autoiV ¢
kurioV 505.1 2532 1473 2532 3956 3588 2992-3778 3739
by all the good things which [2did 3to them 1the lord]; ¢
anupomonhtw kai su kai paV o ¢
laoV outoV oV
4in unsufferable 1And 2you], and all this people, which
1510.2.3 3326 1473 926 1473 3588 4487-3778 3756
18:1 †Ald. penqeroV – father-in-law. esti ¢ sou baru¢
meta soi to ¢
rhma ¢
touto ou
is with you. [2is heavy 3on you 1This thing], you will not
18:19 E X O D U S 105
1410 4160 1473 3441 3568 3767 191 1473 2532 1438 1059.2 2532 565 1519 3588 1093-1473
dunhsh ¢ su
poiein ¢
monoV ¢
18:19 nun oun akous ¢ mou kai
on eautou¢ gambron
¢ ¢
kai aphlqen eiV thn ghn autou¢
be able to act yourself alone. Now then hear me! and his own father-in-law, and he went forth unto his land.
4823 1473 2532 1510.8.3-3588-2316 3326 1473 1096-1473
sumbouleusw ¢
soi kai estai ¢
o qeoV ¢ sou ginou
meta ¢ su CHAPTER 19
I shall advise you, and God will be with you. You become
3588 2992 3588 4314 3588 2316 2532 399 3588
tw ¢
law ta proV ¢ kai anoiseiV
ton qeon ¢ touV Israel Camps at Sinai
to the people, the one before God! and you shall offer 3588-1161 3376 3588 5154 3588 1841 3588
3056-1473 4314 3588 2316 2532 1263 1473 19:1 tou de ¢
mhnoV ¢
tou tritou thV ¢
exodou twn
logouV ¢ proV ton qeon
autwn ¢ ¢
18:20 kai diamarturei ¢
autoiV And in the [2month 1third] of the exodus of the
their words to God. And you shall testify to them 5207 * 1537 1093 * 3588 2250-3778 2064
3588 4366.2 3588 2316 2532 3588 3551-1473 2532 ¢ Israhl
uiwn ¢ ek ghV ¢
Aiguptou ¢ tauth
th hmera ¢ ¢
ta ¢
prostagmata tou qeou¢ kai ton ¢
nomon autou¢ kai sons of Israel from the land Egypt, on this day they came
the orders of God, and his law, and 1519 3588 2048 3588 * 2532 1808
4591 1473 3588 3598 1722 3739 4198 eiV ¢
thn erhmon ¢
tou Sina 19:2 kai ¢
shmaneiV ¢
autoiV ¢ en
taV odouV aiV ¢
poreusontai into the wilderness of Sinai. And they lifted away
you shall signify to them the ways in which they shall go 1537 * 2532 2064 1519 3588 2048 3588 *
1722 1473 2532 3588 2041 3739 4160 2532 1473 ek ¢
Rafideim ¢
kai hlqon eiV ¢
thn erhmon ¢
tou Sina
en ¢ kai ta
autaiV ¢
erga a ¢
poihsousi 18:21 kai su from Rephidim, and came into the wilderness of Sinai,
by them, and the works which they shall do. And you 2532 3924.2 1563 * 2713 3588 3735
4572 4629.4 575-3956 3588 2992 435 1415 ¢
kai parenebalen ekei¢ ¢
Israhl ¢
katenanti ¢
tou orouV
¢ skeyai
seautw ¢ apo¢ pantoV
¢ tou laou¢ ¢
andraV ¢
dunatouV and [2camped 3there 1Israel] over against the mountain.
yourself look about all the people for men mighty 2532 * 305 1519 3588 3735 3588 2316
2532 2318 435 1342 3404 5243 2532 19:3 kai ¢ anebh
MwushV ¢ eiV to ¢
oroV tou qeou¢
kai qeosebeiV ¢
¢ andraV ¢
dikaiouV ¢
misountaV ¢
uperhfanian kai And Moses ascended into the mountain of God.
and godly! [2men 1just] detesting pride. And 2532 2564 1473 3588 2316 1537 3588 3735 3004
2525 1473 1909 1473 5506 kai ¢
ekalesen ¢ o
auton ¢
qeoV ek ¢
tou orouV ¢
katasthseiV ¢
autouV† ep' ¢ ciliarcouV
autoiV ¢ And [2called 3him 1God] from the mountain, saying,
you shall place them over them commanders of thousands, 3592 2046 3588 3624 * 2532 312 3588
2532 1543 2532 4004.6 2532 ¢
tade ¢
ereiV tw ¢
oikw ¢
Iakwb ¢ toiV
kai anaggeleiV
kai ¢
ekatontarcouV kai ¢
penthkontarcouV kai Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob, and announce to the
and commanders of hundreds, and commanders of fifties, and 5207 * 1473 3708 3745
1176.1 2532 2919 3588 2992 ¢
uioiV ¢
Israhl 19:4 autoi¢ ¢
ewrakate ¢
dekadarcouV 18:22 kai ¢
krinousi ton ¢
laon sons of Israel, [4to them 1You have seen 2as much as
commanders of tens. And they shall judge the people 4160 3588 * 2532 353 1473 5616
3956 5610 3588-1161 4487 3588 5246 399 1909 ¢
pepoihka toiV ¢
AiguptioiV kai ¢
anelabon ¢ wsei¢
pasan ¢
wran to de ¢
rhma ¢
to uperogkon ¢
anoisousin epi¢ 3I have done] – to the Egyptians. And I took you as
at every hour. But the [2thing 1enormous] they shall offer unto 1909 4420 105 2532 4317 1473 4314 1683
1473 3588-1161 1024 3588 2917 2919 1473 epi¢ ¢
pterugwn ¢
aetwn ¢
kai proshgagon ¢ proV emauton
umaV ¢
se ta de ¢
bracea twn ¢
krimatwn ¢
krinousin autoi¢ upon wings of eagles, and led you to myself.
you; but the little matters of the judgments, they shall judge them; 2532 3568 1437 189 191 3588 1699 5456
2532 2893 575 1473 2532 4878 ¢ akoh
19:5 kai nun ean ¢ ¢
akoushte ¢ fwnhV
thV emhV ¢
kai koufiousin apo¢ ¢
sou kai sunantilhyontai¢ And now, if in hearing, you should hear my voice,
and they shall lighten the load from you, and shall give aid 2532 5442 3588 1242-1473 1510.8.5 1473 2992
1473 1437 3588 4487-3778 4160 2532 2729 ¢
kai fulaxhte ¢
thn diaqhkhn ¢
mou esesqe¢ moi ¢
soi ¢ to rhma
18:23 ean ¢ ¢ poihshV
touto ¢ ¢
kai katiscusei and guard my covenant, you will be to me [2people
to you. If this thing you do, then [2will strengthen 4041 575 3956 3588 1484 1699 1063 1510.2.3 3956
1473 3588 2316 2532 1410 3936 2532 3956 ¢
periousioV apo¢ pantwn
¢ ¢
twn eqnwn ¢
emh gar esti ¢
se o ¢
qeoV ¢
kai dunhsh ¢
parasthnai kai paV 1a prized] from all the nations. [6mine 1For 5is 2all
3you 1God], and you will be able to stand, and all 3588 1093 1473-1161 1510.8.5 1473 934 2406
3588 2992-3778 2240 1519 3588 1438 5117 3326 h gh 19:6 umeiV ¢
¢ de esesqe¢ moi ¢
basileion ¢
o ¢
laoV outoV ¢
hxei eiV ton eautou¢ ¢
topon met' 3the 4earth]. And you shall be to me a royal priesthood,
this people shall come unto their own place with 2532 1484 39 3778 3588 4487 2046 3588
1515 191 1161 * 3588 5456 3588 ¢
kai eqnoV ¢
agion ¢
tauta ta ¢
rhmata ¢
ereiV toiV
eirhnhV ¢
18:24 hkouse de ¢ thV
MwushV ¢ tou
fwnhV and [2nation 1a holy]. These words you shall say to the
peace. [3hearkened 1And 2Moses] to the voice 5207 * 2064 1161 * 2532 2564 3588
1059.2-1473 2532 4160 3745 2036 1473 ¢ Israhl
uioiV ¢ ¢
19:7 hlqe de ¢ kai ekalese
MwushV ¢ touV
gambrou¢ autou¢ ¢
kai epoihsen ¢
osa ¢
eipen ¢
autw sons of Israel. [3came 1And 2Moses], and called the
of his father-in-law, and he did as much as he said to him. 4245 3588 2992 2532 3908 1473 3956
2532 1951-* 435 1415 575 3956 * ¢
presbuterouV tou laou¢ ¢
kai pareqhken ¢ pantaV
autoiV ¢
18:25 kai epelexe MwushV ¢
¢ andraV ¢ apo¢ pantoV
dunatouV ¢ Israhl
¢ elders of the people, and placed near them all
And Moses chose [2men 1mighty] from all Israel, 3588 3056-3778 3739 4929 1473 3588 2316
2532 4160 1473 1909 1473 5506 ¢
touV logouV ¢
toutouV ouV ¢
sunetaxen ¢
autoiV o ¢
kai epoihsen ¢ ep'
autouV ¢ ciliarcouV
autwn ¢ these words which [2gave orders 3to them 1God].
and appointed them over them as commanders of thousands, 611 1161 3956 3588 2992 3661 2532 2036
2532 1543 2532 4004.6 2532 ¢
19:8 apekriqh de paV o ¢
laoV ¢
omoqumadon ¢
kai eipan
kai ¢
ekatontarcouV kai ¢
penthkontarcouV kai [5answered 1And 2all 3the 4people] with one accord, and said,
and commanders of hundreds, and commanders of fifties, and 3956 3745 2036-3588-2316 4160 2532 191
1176.1 2532 1122.3 2532 ¢
panta ¢
osa ¢
eipen ¢ poihsomen
o qeoV ¢ ¢
kai akousomeqa
dekadarcouV kai ¢
grammatoeisagwgeiV 18:26 kai All, as much as God said, we shall do, and we shall hearken.
commanders of tens, and judicial recorders. And 399 1161 * 3588 3056 3588 2992 4314 3588
2919 3588 2992 3956 5610 3588-1161 4487 3588 ¢
anhnegke de ¢ touV logouV
MwushV ¢ tou laou¢ proV ton
ekrinon ¢
ton laon ¢
pasan ¢
wran to de ¢
rhma to [3offered 1And 2Moses] the words of the people to
they judged the people every hour, but the [2matter 2316 2036 1161 2962 4314 * 2400 1473
5246 399 1909 * 3956-1161 4487 1645 ¢
qeon ¢
19:9 eipe de¢
kurioV proV Mwushn¢ idou¢ ¢
uperogkon ¢
aneferon epi¢ Mwushn
¢ pan de ¢
rhma ¢
elafron God. [3said 1And 2the lord] to Moses, Behold, I
1enormous] they offered to Moses. But every [2matter 1light] 3854 4314 1473 1722 4769 3507 2443 191
2919 1473 1821 1161 * 3588 ¢
paraginomai proV se en ¢
stulw ¢
nefelhV ¢
ina ¢
ekrinon autoi¢ ¢
18:27 exapesteile de ¢ ton
MwushV come to you in a column of cloud, that [3may hear
they judged themselves. [3sent out 1And 2Moses] 3588 2992 2980-1473 4314 1473 2532 1473-4100
o ¢
laoV ¢ oV
lalount ¢ mou proV se ¢
kai soi pisteuswsin
1the 2people] me speaking to you, and may trust you
18:21 †See Bos for variants.
106 E X O D O S 19:10
1519 3588 165 312 1161 * 3588 4487 2585.2 3650 1223 3588 2597-3588-2316
eiV ton ¢
aiwna ¢
anhggeile de ¢
MwushV ta ¢
rhmata ¢
ekapnizeto ¢
olon ¢
dia to ¢
katabebhkenai ton qeon
into the eon. [3announced 1And 2Moses] the words smoked entirely on account of God coming down
3588 2992 4314 2962 2036 1161 2962 1909 1473 1722 4442 305 1161 3588 2586 5616 2586
tou laou¢ ¢
proV kurion ¢
19:10 eipe de ¢
kurioV ep' auto¢ en puri¢ anebaine
¢ de o ¢ wsei¢ kapnoV
kapnoV ¢
of the people to the lord. [3said 1And 2the lord] upon it in fire. [4ascended 1And 2the 3smoke] as smoke
4314 * 2597 1263 3588 2992 2532 2575 2532 1839 3956 3588 2992 4970
¢ katabaV
proV Mwushn ¢ ¢
diamarturai tw ¢
law kai ¢
kaminou ¢
kai exesth paV o ¢
laoV ¢
to Moses, In going down, testify to the people, and of a furnace. And [5amazed 1all 2the 3people 4were exceedingly].
48 1473 4594 2532 839 2532 4150 3588 1096-1161 3588 5456 3588 4536 4260
agnison ¢ shmeron
autouV ¢ ¢
kai aurion ¢
kai plunatwsan ta ¢
19:19 eginonto de ai fwnai¢ thV ¢
salpiggoV ¢
purify them today and tomorrow, and let them wash And there were the sounds of the trumpet advancing
2440 2532 1510.5 2092 1519 3588 2250 2478 4970 * 2980 3588 1161 2316
imatia ¢
19:11 kai estwsan etoimoi ¢
eiV thn hmeran ¢
iscuroterai ¢
sfodra ¢
MwushV ¢
elalei o de ¢
their garments! And let them be prepared for [3day strong – exceedingly. Moses spoke, and God
3588 5154 3588 1063 2250 3588 5154 2597 611 1473 5456
thn trithn th ¢
gar hmera th ¢
trith ¢
katabhsetai ¢
apekrinato ¢ fwnh
autw ¢
1the 2third]! For [3day 1on the 2third 5shall come down answered to him by voice.
2962 1909 3588 3735 3588 * 1726 3956 3588 2992
kurioV ¢
epi¢ to oroV to Sina¢ enantion
¢ pantoV
¢ tou laou¢ Moses and Aaron Called unto Mount Sinai
4the lord] upon mount Sinai before all the people.
2597 1161 2962 1909 3588 3735 3588
2532 873 3588 2992 2945 3004 ¢
19:20 katebh de ¢
kurioV epi¢ to ¢
oroV to
19:12 kai ¢
aforieiV ¢
ton laon ¢
kuklw ¢
legwn [3came down 1And 2the lord] upon mount
And you shall separate the people round about, saying,
* 1909 3588 2884.2 3588 3735 2532 2564-2962
4337 1438 3588 305 1519 3588 3735 2532 ¢ epi¢
Sina ¢ tou
thn korufhn ¢
orouV ¢
kai ekalese ¢
prosecete ¢
eautoiV ¢
tou anabhnai eiV to ¢
oroV kai Sinai, upon the top of the mountain. And the lord called
Take heed to yourselves ascending unto the mountain, and
* 1909 3588 2884.2 3588 3735 2532 305-*
2345 5100 1473 3956 3588 680 3588 3735 ¢ epi¢ thn korufhn
Mwushn ¢ tou ¢
orouV ¢
kai anebh ¢
qigein ti autou¢ paV o ¢
ayamenoV ¢
tou orouV Moses unto the top of the mountain; and Moses ascended.
[2lightly touching 1any] of it. All touching the mountain,
2532 2036-2316 4314 * 3004 2597
2288 5053 3756-680 19:21 kai ¢
eipen ¢
o qeoV proV ¢
Mwushn ¢
legwn ¢
qanatw ¢
teleuthsei 19:13 ¢
ouc ayetai And God said to Moses, saying, Go down
by death he will come to an end. [2shall not touch it
1263 3588 2992 3379 1448
1473-5495 1722-1063 3037 3036 2228 1002 ¢
diamarturai tw ¢
law ¢
mhpote ¢
autou¢ ceir en gar liqoiV
¢ ¢
liqobolhqhsetai h ¢
bolidi to testify to the people! lest at any time they should approach
1His hand], for with stones they shall be stoned or with an arrow†
4314 3588 2316 2657 2532 4098 575-1473
2700 1437 5037 2934 1437 5037 444 ¢
proV ton qeon ¢
katanohsai ¢
kai peswsin ¢
ap' autwn
katatoxeuqhsetai ¢
ean te ¢
kthnoV ¢
ean te ¢
anqrwpoV to God to contemplate, and [3should fall 2of them
they shall be shot; if it be also cattle, or if it be also man,
4128 2532 3588 2409 3588 1448
3756 2198 3752-1161 3588 5456 2532 3588 4536 ¢
plhqoV 19:22 kai oi ¢
iereiV oi ¢
ou ¢
zhsetai ¢
otan de ai fwnai¢ kai ai salpiggeV
1a multitude]. And the priests, the ones approaching
he shall not live. And whenever the voices, and the trumpets,
3588 2962 3588 2316 37 3379
2532 3588 3507 565 575 3588 3735 1565 305 tw ¢
kuriw tw ¢
qew ¢
agiasqhtwsan ¢
kai h ¢
nefelh ¢
apelqh ¢
apo¢ tou orouV ¢
ekeinoi ¢
anabhsontai to the lord God, let them be sanctified! lest at any time
and the cloud go forth from the mountain, they shall ascend
525 575 1473 2962 2532 2036-*
1909 3588 3735 2597 1161 * 1537 ¢
apallaxh ¢ kurioV
ap' autwn ¢ ¢ MwushV
19:23 kai eipe ¢
epi¢ to ¢
oroV ¢
19:14 katebh de ¢ ek
MwushV [2should get rid 3of 4them 1the lord]. And Moses said
to the mountain. [3went down 1And 2Moses] from
4314 3588 2316 3756 1410 3588 2992 4320
3588 3735 4314 3588 2992 2532 37 1473 2532 ¢ ou
proV ton qeon ¢
dunhsetai o ¢
laoV ¢
tou orouV ¢
proV ton laon ¢
kai hgiasen ¢ kai
autouV to God, [3shall not 4be able 1the 2people] to ascend
the mountain to the people, and sanctified them. And
1519 3588 3735 3588 * 1473-1063 1263 1473 3004
4150 3588 2440-1473 2532 2036 3588 2992 ¢
eiV to oroV ¢ su gar diamemarturhsai
to Sina ¢ ¢ legwn
hmin ¢
eplunan ¢
ta imatia ¢
autwn ¢
19:15 kai eipe tw ¢
law to mount Sinai, for you testified to us, saying,
they washed their garments. And he said to the people,
873 3588 3735 2532 37 1473 2036 1161
1096 2092 5140 2250 3361-4334 1135 ¢
aforisai ¢
to oroV ¢
kai agiasai auto¢ 19:24 eipe
¢ de
ginesqe ¢
etoimoi ¢
treiV hmeraV ¢
mh proselqhte gunaiki¢ Separate from the mountain and sanctify it! [3said 1And
Be prepared three days, come forward not to a woman.
1473 2962 897.2 2597 2532 305 1473 2532
1096-1161 3588 2250 3588 5154 1096 ¢
autw ¢
kurioV ¢
badize ¢
katabhqi ¢
kai anabhqi su kai
19:16 egeneto de th ¢
hmera th ¢
trith ¢
genhqentoV 4to him 2the lord], Proceed, go down, and then ascend, you and
And it came to pass [3day 1on the 2third], happening
* 3326 1473 3588-1161 2409 2532 3588 2992 3361-971
4314 3722 2532 1096 5456 2532 796 2532 ¢ meta
Aarwn ¢ sou oi de ¢ kai o
iereiV ¢
laoV ¢
mh biazesqwsan†
proV ¢
orqron ¢
kai egenonto ¢
fwnai¢ kai astrapai kai Aaron with you! But the priests and the people shall not use force
towards dawn, and there were voices, and lightnings, and
305 4314 3588 2316 3379 622 575
3507 1105.2 1909 3735 * 5456 3588 4536 ¢
anabhnai ¢ mhpote
proV ton qeon ¢ ¢
apolesh ap'
nefelai ¢
gnofwdeiV ep' ¢
orouV ¢ fwnh
Sina ¢ thV ¢
salpiggoV to ascend to God, lest at any time [2should destroy 3some of
[2clouds 1overcast] upon mount Sinai; the voice of the trumpet
1473 2962 2597 1161 * 4314 3588
2278 3173 2532 4422 3956 3588 2992 3588 ¢ kurioV
autwn ¢ ¢
19:25 katebh de ¢ proV ton
hcei ¢
mega ¢
kai eptohqh paV o ¢
laoV o 4them 1the lord]. [3went down 1And 2Moses] to the
sounded greatly, and [7were terrified 1all 2the 3people
2992 2532 2036 1473
1722 3588 3925 2532 1806-* 3588 2992 ¢
laon ¢
kai eipen ¢
en th ¢
parembolh ¢
19:17 kai exhgage ¢ ton laon
MwushV ¢
people, and spoke to them.
4in 5the 6camp]. And Moses led the people
1519 3588 4877 3588 2316 1537 3588 3925 2532
eiV thn sunanthsin tou qeou¢ ek ¢ kai
thV parembolhV CHAPTER 20
for a meeting with God from the camp. And
3936 5259 3588 3735 3588 3735 3588 *
paresthsan upo¢ to ¢
oroV 19:18 to ¢
oroV to ¢
Sina Ten Commandments
they stood by the mountain. The mount Sinai 2532 2980-2962 3956 3588 3056-3778
20:1 kai elalhse ¢
kurioV ¢
pantaV ¢
touV logouV ¢
And the lord spoke all these words,
19:13 †or dart.
19:24 †CP mh badizesqwsan – shall not proceed.
20:2 E X O D U S 107
3004 1473 1510.2.1 2962 3588 2316-1473 3748 1806 2443 2095 1473-1096 2532 2443 3118
legwn ¢ eimi
20:2 egw ¢
kurioV o ¢ sou ostiV
qeoV ¢ ¢
exhgag ¢
on ¢
ina eu ¢
soi genhtai kai ¢
ina ¢
saying, I am the lord your God, the one leading that good should happen to you, and that [2a long time
1473 1537 1093 * 1537 3624 1397 1096 1909 3588 1093 3588 18 3739 2962
se ek ghV ¢
Aiguptou ex ¢
oikou ¢
douleiaV ¢
genh epi¢ thV ghV ¢ hV
thV agaqhV ¢
you from the land of Egypt, from out of the house of slavery. 1you may be] upon the [2earth 1good] which the lord
3756 1510.8.6 1473 2316-2087 4133 1473 3588 2316-1473 1325 1473 3756 5407
20:3 ouk ¢
esontai¢ soi qeoi¢ eteroi
¢ plhn emou¢ o ¢ sou didws
qeoV ¢ i¢ soi 20:13 ou ¢
There shall not be to you other gods besides me. your God gives to you. You shall not murder.
3756 4160 4572 1497 3761 3956 3756 3431 3756 2813
20:4 ou ¢
poihseiV ¢
seautw ¢
eidwlon oude¢ pantoV
¢ 20:14 ou ¢
moiceuseiV 20:15 ou ¢
You shall not make to yourself an idol, nor any You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal.
3667 3745 1722 3588 3772 507 2532 3745 3756 5576 2596 3588 4139-1473
omoiwma ¢
osa en tw ouranw ¢
¢ anw ¢
kai osa 20:16 ou ¢
yeudomarturhseiV ¢
kata ¢ sou
tou plhsion
representation, as much as is in the heaven upward, nor as much as You shall not witness falsely against your neighbor
1722 3588 1093 2736 2532 3745 1722 3588 5204 5270 3141 5571 3756 1937 3588
en th gh ¢
katw ¢
kai osa en ¢
toiV udasin ¢
upokatw ¢
marturian ¢
yeudh 20:17 ouk ¢
epiqumhseiV thn
is in the earth below, nor as much as is in the waters underneath [2witness 1as a lying]. You shall not covet the
3588 1093 3756 4352 1473 3762.1 1135 3588 4139-1473 3756 1937 3588
thV ghV 20:5 ou ¢
proskunhseiV ¢
autoiV oude¢ mh ¢
gunaika ¢ sou
tou plhsion ouk ¢
epiqumhseiV thn
the earth. You shall not do obeisance to them, nor wife of your neighbor. You shall not covet the
3000 1473 1473-1063 1510.2.1 2962 3588 2316-1473 3614 3588 4139-1473 3761 3588 68-1473 3761 3588
latreuseiV ¢
autoiV ¢ gar eimi
egw ¢
kurioV o ¢ sou
qeoV ¢
oikian ¢ sou
tou plhsion oude¢ ton agron
¢ autou¢ oude¢ ton
shall you serve to them. For I am the lord your God, house of your neighbor, nor his field, nor
2316-2207 591 266 3962 1909 5043 3816-1473 3761 3588 3814-1473 3777 3588 1016-1473
¢ zhlwthV
qeoV ¢ ¢ amartiaV
apodidouV ¢ ¢
paterwn epi¢ ¢
tekna ¢ autou¢
paida oude¢ thn paidiskhn
¢ autou¢ oute
¢ ¢ autou¢
tou booV
a jealous God, rendering sins of fathers upon children his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox,
1909 5154 2532 5067 1074 3588 3404 1473 3777 3588 5268-1473 3777 3956 2934-1473 3777
epi¢ trithn
¢ ¢
kai tetarthn ¢
genean toiV ¢ i¢ me
misous ¢
oute ¢ autou¢
tou upozugiou ¢
oute ¢ kthnouV†
pantoV ¢ autou¢ oute
unto the third and fourth generation to the ones detesting me; nor his beast of burden, nor any of his beasts, nor
2532 4160 1656 1519 5505 3588 25 1473 2532 3745 3588 4139-1473 1510.2.3 3956 3588 2992
20:6 kai poiwn ¢
eleoV ¢
eiV ciliadaV ¢ i¢ me
toiV agapws kai ¢
osa tw ¢ sou
plhsion esti¢ 20:18 paV o ¢
and having mercy to thousands loving me, and as much [2to 3your neighbor 1is]. All the people
3588 5442 3588 4366.2-1473 3756 3708 3588 5456 2532 3588 2985 2532 3588 5456 3588
toiV fulassousi ta ¢
prostagmata¢ mou 20:7 ou ¢
ewra ¢ kai taV lampadaV
thn fwnhn ¢ ¢ thV
kai thn fwnhn
guarding my orders. You shall not perceived the voice, and the lamps, and the sound of the
2983 3588 3686 2962 3588 2316-1473 1909 3152 3756 4536 2532 3588 3735 2585.2 5399-1161 3956 3588
lhyh to ¢
onoma ¢
kuriou tou qeou¢ sou epi¢ mataiw
¢ ou ¢
salpiggoV kai to ¢
oroV ¢
kapnizon ¢
fobhqenteV de paV o
take the name of the lord your God in vain. trumpet, and the mountain smoking. And fearing, all the
1063 3361 2511-2962 3588 2983 3588 2992 2476 3113 2532 2036 4314 *
gar mh ¢
kaqarisei ¢
kurioV ton ¢
lambanonta to ¢
laoV ¢
esthsan ¢
makroqen ¢
20:19 kai eipan ¢
proV Mwushn
For no way shall the lord cleanse the one taking people stood afar off. And they said to Moses,
3686-1473 1909 3152 3403 3588 2250 3588 2980-1473 1473 2532 3361 2980 4314 1473 3588 2316
onoma autou¢ epi¢ mataiw
¢ ¢
20:8 mnhsqhti ¢
thn hmeran twn ¢
lalhson ¢ kai mh
su hmin ¢
laleitw ¢ o
proV hmaV ¢
his name in vain. Remember the day of the You speak to us, and do not let [2speak 3to 4us 1God]!
4521 37 1473 1803 2250 2038 3379 599 2532 3004 1473 *
sabbatwn ¢
agiazein ¢
authn 20:9 ex ¢
hmeraV ¢
erga ¢
mhpote ¢
apoqanwmen 20:20 kai ¢
legei ¢
autoiV ¢
Sabbaths to sanctify it! Six days you shall work, lest we might die. And [2says 3to them 1Moses],
2532 4160 3956 3588 2041-1473 3588-1161 2250 3588 2293 1752-1063 3588 3985 1473 3854
kai poihseiV ¢
panta ¢
ta erga sou 20:10 th de ¢
hmera th ¢
qarseite ¢
eneken ¢
gar tou peirasai ¢
umaV ¢
and shall do all your works; but the [2day Be of courage! because [5to test 6you 2came
1442 4521 2962 3588 2316-1473 3756 3588 2316 4314 1473 3704 302 1096 3588 5401
ebdomh ¢
sabbata kuriw¢ tw ¢ sou
qew ou o ¢
qeoV ¢
proV umaV ¢
opwV an ¢
genhtai o ¢
1seventh] is a Sabbath to the lord your God. You shall not 1God 3to 4you], so that there might be the fear
4160 1722 1473 3956 2041 1473 2532 3588 5207-1473 2532 3588 1473 1722 1473 2443 3361-264 2476 1161
poihseiV en auth ¢
¢ pan ergon su kai o ¢ sou kai h
uioV autou¢ en umin ¢
¢ ina ¢
mh amartanhte ¢
20:21 eisthkei de
do on it any work – you, and your son, and of him in you, that you should not sin! [5stood 1And
2364-1473 3588 3816-1473 2532 3588 3814-1473 3588 3956 3588 2992 3113 *-1161 1525 1519 3588
qugathr sou o paiV sou kai h ¢
paidiskh sou o paV o ¢
laoV ¢
makroqen ¢ de eishlqen
MwushV ¢ eiV ton
your daughter, your servant, and your maidservant, 2all 3the 4people] afar off. But Moses entered into the
1016-1473 2532 3588 5268-1473 2532 3956 2934-1473 2532 1105 3739 1510.7.3-3588-2316 2036 1161 2962 4314
bouV sou kai to ¢ on
upozugi ¢ sou ¢ oV
kai pan kthn ¢ sou kai ¢
gnofon ou ¢
hn o qeoV ¢
20:22 eipe de ¢
kurioV proV
your ox, and your beast of burden, and all your cattle, and dimness where God was. [3said 1And 2the lord] to
3588 4339 3588 3939 1722 1473 1722-1063 * 3592 2046 3588 3624 * 2532 312
o ¢
proshlutoV o ¢ en
paroikwn soi 20:11 en gar ¢ tade
Mwushn ¢ ¢
ereiV tw ¢
oikw ¢
Iakwb ¢
kai anaggeleiV
the convert – the one sojourning among you. For in Moses, Thus shall you say to the house of Jacob, and announce
1803 2250 4160-2962 3588 3772 2532 3588 1093 3588 5207 * 1473 3708 3754 1537 3588
ex ¢
hmeraiV ¢
epoihse ¢
kurioV ton ¢
ouranon kai thn ghn toiV ¢ Israhl
uioiV ¢ ¢ ewrakate
umeiV ¢ ¢
oti ek tou
six days the lord made the heaven, and the earth, to the sons of Israel, You have seen that from out of the
2532 3588 2281 2532 3956 3588 1722 1473 2532 3772 2980 4314 1473 3756 4160
kai thn qalassan ¢
kai panta ta en ¢ kai
autoiV ouranou¢ lelalhka
¢ ¢
proV umaV 20:23 ou ¢
and the sea, and all the things in them. And heaven I have spoken to you. You shall not make
2664 3588 2250 3588 1442 1223 3778 1438 2316 693 2532 2316 5552 3756
katepause th ¢
hmera th ¢
ebdomh ¢
dia ¢
touto ¢
eautoiV ¢ argurouV
qeouV ¢ kai qeouV
¢ crusouV
¢ ou
he rested on the [2day 1seventh]. Because of this to yourselves gods of silver, and gods of gold; you shall not
2127-2962 3588 2250 3588 1442 2532 37 4160 1473-1473 2379 1537
euloghse ¢
kurioV ¢
thn hmeran ¢
thn ebdomhn ¢
kai hgiasen ¢
poihsete ¢ autoiV
umin ¢ ¢
20:24 qusiasthrion ek
the lord blessed the [2day 1seventh], and sanctified make them to yourselves. An altar from out of
1473 5091 3588 3962-1473 2532 3588 3384-1473 1093 4160 1473 2532 2380 1909 1473
authn ¢
20:12 tima ¢ sou kai thn mhtera
ton patera ¢ sou ghV ¢
poihsete¢ moi ¢
kai qusete ep' autou¢
it. Esteem your father and your mother! the earth you shall make to me, and you shall sacrifice upon it

20:17 †CP skeuouV autou – of his equipment.

108 E X O D O S 20:25
3588 3646-1473 2532 3588 4992-1473 1438 2364 3610.1 3756-565
ta olokautwmata ¢
umwn ¢
kai ta swthria ¢
umwn eautou¢ ¢
qugatera ¢
oiketin ¢
ouk apeleusetai
your whole burnt-offerings, and your deliverance offerings – his own daughter as a domestic servant, she shall not go forth
3588 4263 2532 3588 3448-1473 1722 3956 5117 3739 5618 665.1 3588 1399 1437
ta probata ¢
kai touV moscouV ¢ en
umwn panti¢ topw
¢ ou ¢
wsper ¢
apotrecousin ai ¢
doulai 21:8 ¢
the sheep, and your calves, in every place of which as [3run forth 1the 2maidservants]. If
1437 2028 3588 3686-1473 1563 2532 2240 4314 3361-2100 3588 2962-1473 3739 3756
ean ¢
eponomasw to ¢
onoma¢ mou ekei¢ ¢
kai hxw proV ¢
mh euaresthsh tw ¢ authV
kuriw ¢ hn† ou
ever I should name my name there. And I will come to she should not be well-pleasing to her master, who did not
1473 2532 2127 1473 1437-1161 2379 1537 3037 2527.1 1473 628.1
se ¢
kai euloghsw se ¢ de qusiasthrion
20:25 ean ¢ ¢
ek liqwn ¢
kaqwmologhsato ¢
authn ¢
you, and I will bless you. And if [2an altar 3of 4stones solemnly promise her; on payment of ransom he shall release
4160 1473 3756-3618 1473 5103.2 1473 1484 1161 245 3756 2962 1510.2.3 4453
poihshV moi ¢
ouk oikodomhseiV ¢ tmhtouV
autouV ¢ authn ¢
¢ eqnei de ¢
allotriw ou ¢ oV
kuri ¢ esti ¢
1you should make] to me, you shall not build them cut into shape; her; [8nation 1but 7to an alien 4not 2the master 3is 5to sell
3588-1063 1471.6-1473 1911 1909 1473 2532 1473 3754 114 1722 1473 1437-1161 3588 5207-1473
to gar ¢ on
egceiridi ¢ sou ¢
epibeblhkaV ep' ¢
autouV kai authn ¢
¢ oti ¢
hqethsen ¢ 21:9 ean
en auth ¢ de ¢ autou¢
tw uiw
for [2your knife 1you have put] upon them, and 6her], for he disrespected her. And if to his son
3392 3756 305 1722 303.2 2527.1 1473 2596 3588 1345 3588
memiantai 20:26 ouk ¢
anabhsh en ¢
anabaqmisin ¢
kaqomologhshtai ¢ kata
authn ¢ to ¢
dikaiwma twn
they are defiled. You shall not ascend by stairs he solemnly promised her, according to the ordinance of the
1909 3588 2379-1473 3704 302 3361-601 3588 2364 4160 1473 1437-1161 243
epi¢ to qusiasthri
¢ on ¢
¢ mou opwV ¢
an mh apokaluyhV thn ¢
qugaterwn ¢
poihsei ¢
auth 21:10 ean ¢
¢ de allhn
unto my altar, so that you should not uncover daughters he shall commit to her. And if [2another woman
808-1473 1909 1473 2983 1438 3588 1163 2532 3588
aschmosunhn sou ep' autou¢ ¢
labh ¢
eautw ta ¢
deonta kai ton
your indecency upon it. 1he should take] to himself, the things necessary, and the
2441 2532 3588 3657-1473 3756 650
CHAPTER 21 ¢ kai thn omilian
imatismon ¢ authV
¢ ouk ¢
clothes, and her companionship he shall not deprive.
1437-1161 3588 5140-3778 3361-4160 1473
Ordinances Regarding Servants ¢ de
21:11 ean ta ¢ tauta
tria ¢ ¢
mh poihsh ¢
2532 3778 3588 1345 3739 3908 And if these three things he should not do for her,
21:1 kai tauta ta ¢
dikaiwmata a ¢
paraqhseiV 1831 1431 427 694
And these are the ordinances which you shall place ¢
exeleusetai dwrean ¢
¢ aneu ¢
1799-1473 1437 2932 3816 * she shall go forth freely, without paying money.
enwpion ¢
autwn ¢ kthsh
21:2 ean ¢ ¢
paida ¢
before them. If you should acquire [2servant 1a Hebrew], Ordinances of Liability
1803 2094 1398 1473 3588-1161 1442 2094 1437-1161 3960-5100 5100 2532 599
ex ¢
eth ¢
douleusei soi tw de ¢
ebdomw ¢
etei ¢ de
21:12 ean ¢
pataxh tiV ¢ kai apoqanh
tina ¢
[3six 4years 1he shall serve 2to you], but the seventh year And if any should strike any, and he should die,
565 1658 1431 1437 1473 2288 2289 1487-1161 3756
apeleusetai ¢
eleuqeroV ¢
dwrean 21:3 ¢
ean ¢
autoV ¢
qanatw ¢
qanatousqw 21:13 ei de ouc
you shall send him free without charge. If he to death let him be put to death! But if it be done not
3441 1525 2532 3441 1831 1437-1161 1635 235 3588 2316 3860 1519 3588 5495-1473
monoV ¢
eiselqh kai ¢
monoV ¢
exeleusetai ¢ de
ean ¢
ekwn ¢ o
alla ¢ paredwken
qeoV ¢ eiV ¢
taV ceiraV autou¢
alone should enter, also alone he shall go forth; but if willingly, but God delivered up into his hands,
1135 4897 3326 1473 2532 3588 1135 1325 1473 5117 3739 5343 1563 3588
gunh ¢
suneiselqh met' autou¢ kai h ¢
gunh ¢
dwsw soi ¢
topon ou ¢
feuxetai ekei¢ o
a wife should enter together with him, also the wife I will give to you a place in which he shall flee there – the
1831 3326 1473 1437-1161 3588 2962 5407 1437-1161 5100 2007 3588 4139
exeleusetai met' autou¢ ¢ de
21:4 ean o ¢
kurioV ¢
foneusaV ¢ de tiV epiqhtai
21:14 ean ¢ ¢
tw plhsion
shall go out together with him. And if the master one man-slaying. But if any should set against the neighbor
1325 1473 1135 2532 5088 1473 5207 2532 3588 615 1473 1388 2532 2703 575
dw ¢ gunaika
autw ¢ ¢
kai tekh ¢
autw ¢ kai
uiouV ¢
tou apokteinai ¢ dolw
auton ¢ ¢
kai katafugh apo¢
should give to him a wife, and she should bear to him, sons and to kill him by treachery, and should take refuge; [3from
2364 3588 1135 2532 3588 3813 1510.8.3 3588 2962-1473 3588 2379-1473 2983 1473 2289
qugateraV h ¢ kai ta paidia
gunh ¢
¢ estai ¢ autou¢
tw kuriw ¢ mou lhyh
tou qusiasthriou ¢ ¢ qanatwsai
auton ¢
daughters, the wife and the children shall be his masters, 4my altar 1you shall take 2him] to be put to death.
1473-1161 3441 1831 3326 1473 1437-1161 3739 5180 3962-1473 2228 3384-1473
¢ de
autoV ¢
monoV ¢
exeleusetai met' autou¢ 21:5 ¢ de
ean 21:15 oV ¢
tuptei ¢ autou¢
patera h ¢ autou¢
and he alone shall go forth by himself. And if Whoever beats his father or his mother,
611 2036 3588 3816 25 3588 2288 2289 3588 2551
¢ eiph
apokriqeiV ¢ o paiV ¢
hgaphka ton ¢
qanatw ¢
qanatousqw 21:16 o ¢
responding [3should have said 1the 2servant], I have loved to death he should be put to death. The one speaking evil
2962-1473 2532 3588 1135-1473 2532 3588 3813 3756-665.1 3962-1473 2228 3384-1473 2288 5053
¢ on
kuri ¢ mou kai thn gunaik
¢ a¢ mou kai ta paidia
¢ ¢
ouk apotrecw ¢ autou¢ h
patera ¢ autou¢ qanatw
mhtera ¢ ¢
my master, and my wife, and the children; I do not run of his father or his mother, to death let him come to an end!
1658 4317 1473 3588 2962-1473 4314 3739 1437 2813 5100 5100 3588 5207
eleuqeroV ¢
21:6 prosaxei ¢ o
auton ¢ autou¢
kurioV proV 21:17 oV ¢
ean ¢
kleyh tiV ¢
tina twn ¢
free. [2shall lead 3him 1Then his master] to Who ever should steal any of any one of the sons
3588 2922 3588 2316 2532 5119 4317 1473 4314 * 2532 2616 1473 591
to ¢
krithrion tou qeou¢ ¢
kai tote ¢
prosaxei ¢ proV
auton ¢
Israhl kai ¢
katadunasteusaV ¢
auton ¢
the judgment seat of God, and then lead him to of Israel, and tyrannizing him, should give him over,
3588 2374 1909 3588 4712.4 2532 5168.1 1473 2532 2147 1722 1473 2288 5053
thn quran epi¢ ton staqmon
¢ kai truphsei
¢ autou¢ ¢
kai eureqh en ¢ qanatw
autw ¢ ¢
the door, unto the doorpost. And [3shall make a hole in 1his and should be found with him, to death let him come to an end!
3588 2962 3588 3775 3588 3692.1 2532 1398
o ¢
kurioV to ouV tw ¢
ophtiw ¢
kai douleusei
2master] the ear with the shoemaker’s awl, and he shall serve 21:8 †See Bos for variants.
1473 1519 3588 165 1437-1161 5100 591 3588
autw eiV ¢
ton aiwna ¢ de
21:7 ean ¢
tiV apodwtai thn
to him into the eon. But if any should give over
21:18 E X O D U S 109
1437-1161 3058 1417 435 2532 3960 2532 599 3037 3036 3588 5022 2532
¢ de loidorwntai†
21:18 ean ¢ ¢
duo ¢
andreV ¢
kai pataxwsi ¢
kai apoqanh ¢
liqoiV ¢
liqobolhqhsetai o ¢
tauroV kai
And if [3revile each other 1two 2men], and one should strike and either die; with stones you shall stone the bull, and
3588 4139 3037 2228 4435 2532 3361-599 3756 977 3588 2907-1473 3588-1161 2962
ton plhsion ¢
liqw h ¢ kai mh apoqanh
pugmh ¢ ou ¢
brwqhsetai ta ¢ autou¢
krea o de ¢
the neighbor with a stone or fist, and he should not die, you shall not eat of its meats; but the owner
2625-1161 1909 3588 2845 1437 1817 3588 5022 121-1510.8.3 1437-1161 3588 5022
¢ de
katakliqh epi¢ thn ¢
koithn 21:19 ¢
ean ¢
exanastaV tou ¢
taurou ¢
aqwoV ¢
estai ¢ de
21:29 ean o ¢
but lies down upon the bed; if in arising, of the bull shall be innocent. But if the bull
3588 444 4043 1854 1909 4464-1473 2769.1 1510.7.1 4253 3588 5504 2532 4253 3588
o ¢
anqrwpoV ¢
peripathsh ¢
exw epi¢ ¢ autou¢
rabdon ¢
keratisthV h pro thV ¢
ecqeV kai pro thV
the man should walk outside upon his cane, [2goring 1was] before yesterday and before the
121-1510.8.3 3588 3960 4133 3588 691.1 5154 2532 1263 3588 2962-1473 2532
aqwoV ¢
estai o ¢
pataxaV ¢ autou¢
plhn thV argiaV ¢
trithV kai ¢
diamarturwntai tw ¢ autou¢ kai
[3will be innocent 1the one 2striking]; except [2for his idleness third day before, and men testified to its owner, and
661 2532 3588 2394.3 1437-1161 5100 3361 853 1473 337-1161
apotisei kai ta ¢
iatreia 21:20 ¢ de
ean tiV mh ¢
afanish ¢ anelh
auton ¢ de
1he shall pay], and the physician’s fee. But if any he should not remove it; and if it should have done away with
3960 3588 3816-1473 2228 3588 3814-1473 1722 435 2228 1135 3036 3588 5022 2532 3588
pataxh ton ¢ autou¢ h
paida ¢
thn paidiskhn autou¢ en ¢
andra h ¢
gunaika ¢
liqobolhqhsetai o ¢
tauroV kai o
strike his servant or his maidservant with a man or a woman, they shall stone the bull, and the
4464 2532 599 5259 3588 5495-1473 1349 2962 1473 4325.1 1437-1161 3083
rabdw ¢
kai apoqanh upo¢ taV ceiraV
¢ autou¢ dikh
¢ ¢
kurioV autou¢ ¢
prosapoqaneitai 21:30 ¢ de
ean ¢
a rod, and one should die by his hand, with punishment owner of it shall die in addition. And if ransoms
1556 1437-1161 1226.4 1911 1473 1325 3083 3588 5590 1473
ekdikhqhsetai ¢ de
21:21 ean ¢
diabiwsh ¢
epiblhqh ¢
autw ¢
dwsei ¢
lutra thV ¢ autou¢
let him be punished! And if the one should continue to live should be put to him, he shall give ransoms for the life of it,
2250 1520 2228 1417 3756 1556 3588 1063 3745 1437 1911 1473 1437-1161 5207 2228
hmeran ¢
mian h ¢
duo ouk ¢
ekdikhqhsetai to gar ¢
osa ¢ epibalwsin
ean ¢ ¢
autw ¢ de
21:31 ean ¢ h
[2day 1one] or two, he shall not be punished, for as much as should be put upon him. And if a son or
694 1510.2.3 1437-1161 3164 1417 2364 2768.3 2596 3588 1345-3778
argurion autou¢ estin ¢ de
21:22 ean ¢
macwntai ¢
duo ¢
qugatera ¢
keratish ¢
kata to ¢
dikaiwma ¢
[2his money 1he is]. And if [3should do combat 1two daughter should be gored, according to this ordinance
435 2532 3960 1135 1722 1064 2192 4160 1473 1437-1161 3816
andreV ¢
kai pataxwsi ¢
gunaika en gastri¢ ¢
ecousan ¢
poihswsin ¢
autw 21:32 ¢ de
ean ¢
2men], and should strike a woman [2in 3the womb 1having one], they shall observe it. And if [4a manservant
2532 1831 3588 3813-1473 3361 1825.2 2768.3 3588 5022 2228 3814 694
kai exelqh to ¢ authV
paidion ¢ mh exeikonismenon
¢ ¢
keratish o ¢
tauroV h ¢
paidiskhn ¢
and should come forth her child not completely formed, 3should have gored 1the 2bull] or a maidservant, [4of silver
1933.3 2210 2530 302 1911 5144 1323 1325 3588 2962-1473 2532
epizhmion ¢
zhmiwqhsetai ¢
kaqoti ¢
an epibalh ¢
triakonta ¢
didracma ¢
dwsei ¢ autwn
tw kuriw ¢ kai
with a fine he shall be penalized, in so far as [5should put upon him 2thirty 3double-drachmas 1he shall give] to their owner, and
3588 435 3588 1135 2532 1325 3326 3588 5022 3036 1437-1161 5100 455
o ¢
anhr thV ¢ kai dwsei
gunaikoV ¢ ¢
meta o ¢
tauroV ¢
liqobolhqhsetai ¢ de
21:33 ean ¢
tiV anoixh
1the 2husband 3of the 4woman], and he shall give by means of the bull shall be stoned. And if any should open
515.1 1437-1161 1825.2 1510.3 2978.1 2228 2998 2978.1 2532 3361 2572 1473 2532
axiwmatoV ¢ de
21:23 ean ¢
exeikonismenon h ¢
lakkon h ¢
latomhsh ¢
lakkon kai mh ¢
kaluyh ¢ kai
what is fit. And if [2completely formed 1it should be], a pit, or a quarry pit, and should not cover it, and
1325 5590 473 5590 3788 473 1706 1563 3448 2228 3688 3588 2962
dwsei ¢
yuchn anti¢ ¢
yuchV 21:24 ¢
ofqalmon anti¢ ¢
empesh ekei¢ ¢
moscoV h ¢
onoV 21:34 o ¢
he shall give life for life, eye for [4should fall in 5there 1a calf 2or 3donkey], the owner
3788 3599 473 3599 5495 473 5495 4228 3588 2978.1 661 694 1325 3588 2962-1473
ofqalmou¢ odonta
¢ anti¢ odontoV
¢ ¢
ceira anti¢ ceiroV
¢ ¢
poda tou ¢
lakkou ¢
apotisei ¢
argurion ¢
dwsei ¢ autwn
tw kuriw ¢
eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot of the pit shall pay; [2money 1he shall give] to their owner,
473 4228 2619.5 473 2619.5 5134 3588-1161 5053 1473-1510.8.3 1437-1161
anti¢ podoV
¢ ¢
21:25 katakauma anti¢ katakaumatoV
¢ ¢
trauma to de ¢
teteleuthkoV ¢ estai
autw ¢ 21:35 ¢ de
for foot, burning for burning, wound and the animal coming to an end will be his. And if
473 5134 3468 473 3468 1437-1161 5100 2768.3 5100 5022 3588 5022 3588 4139 2532
anti¢ traumatoV
¢ ¢
mwlwpa anti¢ mwlwpoV
¢ ¢ de
21:26 ean tiV ¢
keratish ¢ tauroV
tinoV ¢ ¢
ton tauron tou ¢
plhsion kai
for wound, stripe for stripe. And if any [3should gore 1any 2bull] the bull of the neighbor, and
3960 3588 3788 3588 3610-1473 2228 3588 5053 591 3588 5022 3588
pataxh ¢ tou oiketou
ton ofqalmon ¢ autou¢ h ton ¢
teleuthsh ¢
apodwsontai ¢
ton tauron ton
should strike the eye of his man-servant, or the it should come to an end, they shall give over [3bull for sale 1the
3788 3588 2321.1-1473 2532 1626.4 2198 2532 1244 3588 694 1473 2532 3588 5022
ofqalmon thV ¢
qerapainhV autou¢ kai ¢
ektuflwsh ¢
zwnta ¢
kai dielountai to ¢
argurion autou¢ ¢
kai ton tauron
eye of his female attendant, and he should blind; 2living], and divide the money from it, and the bull
1658 1821 1473 473 3588 3788-1473 3588 2348 1244 1437-1161 1107
eleuqerouV exapostelei¢ autouV
¢ anti¢ tou ofqalmou¢ autwn
¢ ¢
ton teqnhkota ¢
dielountai ¢ de
21:36 ean ¢
[3free 1he shall send 2them] on account of their eye. having died they shall divide. And if it is made known
1437-1161 3588 3599 3588 3610 2228 3588 3599 3588 5022 3754 2769.1 1510.2.3 4253 3588 5504 2532
¢ de
21:27 ean ¢
ton odonta tou ¢
oiketou h ¢
ton odonta o ¢
tauroV ¢
oti ¢
keratisthV esti pro ¢
thV ecqeV kai
And if the tooth of the man-servant, or the tooth [2the 3bull 1that 5given to goring 4is] before yesterday and
3588 2321.1-1473 1581 1658 4253 3588 5154 2250 2532 1263 1510.3
thV ¢
qerapainhV autou¢ ¢
ekkoyh ¢
eleuqerouV pro ¢
thV trithV ¢
hmeraV ¢
kai diamemarturhmenoi ¢
of his female attendant he should knock out; [3free before the third day, and [2have been testifying 1they should]
1821 1473 473 3588 3599-1473 3588 2962-1473 2532 3361 853 1473 661
exapostelei¢ ¢
autouV anti¢ tou ¢
odontoV ¢
autwn tw ¢ autou¢ kai mh
kuriw ¢
afanish ¢ apotisei
auton ¢
1he shall send 2them] on account of their tooth. to its owner, and he did not remove it, he shall pay
1437-1161 2768.3 5022 435 2228 1135 5022 473 5022 3588-1161 5053 1473-1510.8.3
21:28 ¢ de
ean ¢
keratish ¢
tauroV ¢
andra h ¢
gunaika ¢
tauron anti¢ taurou
¢ o de ¢
teteleuthkwV ¢ estai
autw ¢
And if [2should gore 1a bull] a man or woman, bull for bull, but the bull coming to an end will be his.

21:18 †CP diamacwntai – fight it out.

110 E X O D O S 22:1
3588 4139 2596 3956 4488.3 92
tou plhsion ¢
22:9 kata pan ¢
rhton ¢
his neighbor. According to every particular offence,
4012 5037 3448 2532 5268 2532 4263
Ordinances Regarding Theft peri¢ te ¢
moscou ¢
kai upozugiou ¢
kai probatou
1437-1161 5100 2813 3448 2228 4263 concerning both calf, and beast of burden, and sheep,
¢ de
22:1 ean tiV ¢
kleyh ¢
moscon h ¢
probaton 2532 2440 2532 3956 684 3588 1458 3588
And if any should steal a calf or a sheep, ¢
kai imatiou ¢
kai pashV ¢
apwleiaV ¢
thV egkaloumenhV o
2532 4969 1473 2228 591 4002 3448 and garment, and every destruction being accused, the one
kai ¢
sfaxh auto¢ h ¢
apodwtai ¢
pente ¢
moscouV 5100 302 1510.3 1799 3588 2316 2064 3588
and should slay it, or should sell it, [2five 3calves ti oun an h ¢
enwpion tou qeou¢ eleusetai
¢ h
661 473 3588 3448 2532 5064 4263 who then should be, before God [4shall come 1the
apotisei anti¢ tou ¢
moscou kai ¢
tessara ¢
probata 2920 297 2532 3588 234.1 1223 3588 2316
1he shall pay] for the calf, and four sheep ¢
krisiV ¢
amfoterwn kai o ¢
alouV ¢ tou qeou¢
473 3588 4263 1437-1161 1722 3588 1357.2 2judgment 3of both], then the one convicted by God
anti¢ tou ¢
probatou 22:2 ¢ de
ean en tw ¢
diorugmati 661 1362 3588 4139-1473 1437-1161 5100
for the sheep. And if [4in 5the 6ditch ¢
apotisei ¢
diploun tw ¢ autou¢
plhsion ¢ de
22:10 ean tiV
2147 3588 2812 2532 4141 599 shall pay double to his neighbor. And if any
eureqh o ¢
klepthV kai ¢
plhgeiV ¢
apoqanh 1325 3588 4139 5268 2228 3448
3should be found 1the 2thief], and being struck should die, dw tw ¢
plhsion ¢
upozugion h ¢
3756-1510.2.3 1473-5408 1437-1161 3588 2246 should give to the neighbor a beast of burden, or a calf,
ouk estin ¢ fonoV
autw ¢ 22:3 ¢ de
ean o ¢
hlioV 2228 4263 2228 3956 2934 5442 2532 4937
it is not murder to him striking. But if the sun h ¢
probaton h ¢
pan kthnoV ¢
fulaxai ¢
kai suntribh
393 1909 1473 1777-1510.2.3 469.1 1437-1161 or sheep, or any cattle to guard; and it should break,
anateilh ep' autw ¢
¢ enoc ¢ estin antapoqaneitai
oV ¢ ¢ de
ean 2228 5053 2228 164 1096 2532 3367
should rise upon him, he is liable, he shall die for it; and if h ¢
teleuthsh h ¢
aicmalwton ¢
genhtai ¢
kai mhdeiV
3361 5224 1473 4097 473 3588 2809 or come to an end, or [2captive 1become], and no one
mh ¢
uparch ¢ praqhtw
autw ¢ anti¢ tou klemmatoV
1097 3727-1510.8.3 3588 2316 303.1
there be no possessions to him, let him be sold for the theft. ¢
gnw ¢
22:11 orkoV ¢
estai tou qeou¢ ¢
1437-1161 2641 2532 2147 1722 3588 should know, there shall be an oath of God between
¢ de
22:4 ean ¢
kataleifqh ¢
kai eureqh en th 297 2229 3361-1473 4188.2
And if anything should be left and should be found in ¢
amfoterwn ¢
hmhn ¢
mh auton ¢
5495-1473 3588 2809 575 5037 3688 2193 4263 both, swearing that assuredly he had not done wickedly
ceiri¢ autou¢ to ¢
klemma apo¢ te ¢
onou ¢
ewV ¢
probatou 3348 2527 3588 3872 3588 4139
his hand from the theft, from both donkey unto sheep ¢
metascein† ¢
kaqolou thV ¢
parakataqhkhV tou ¢
2198 1362 1473 661 1437-1161 to partake altogether of the deposit put in care by his neighbor,
zwnta ¢
dipla ¢ apotisei
auta ¢ ¢ de
22:5 ean 2532 3779 4327 3588 2962-1473
which may be living, [2double 3for it 1he shall pay]. And if kai ¢
outwV ¢
prosdexetai o ¢ autou¢
2602.1-5100 68 2228 290 2532 863 3588 and thus [2shall receive him favorably 1his owner],
kataboskhsh tiV ¢ h
agron ¢
ampelwna ¢
kai afh to 2532 3756-3361 1437-1161 2813 3844 1473
any should graze upon a field or a vineyard, and should let ¢
kai ou mh apotish ¢ de
22:12 ean ¢
klaph par' autou¢
2934-1473 2602.1 68 2087 661 and he shall not pay. And if it be stolen from him,
kthnoV autou¢ ¢
kataboskhsai ¢
agron ¢
eteron ¢
apotisei 661 3588 2962 1473 1437-1161 2340.1
his cattle graze upon [2field 1another], he shall pay ¢
apotisei ¢ autou¢ 22:13 ean
tw kuriw ¢ de qhrialwton
1537 3588 68-1473 2596 3588 1081-1473 1437-1161 he shall pay the owner of it. And if [2taken by wild beasts
ek tou agrou¢ autou¢ kata
¢ to ¢
gennhma autou¢ ean
¢ de 1096 71 1473 1909 3588 2339 2532 3756
from his field according to his produce; but if ¢
genhtai ¢
axei ¢ epi¢ thn qhran
auton ¢ kai ouk
3956 3588 68 2602.1 3588 957 3588 1it should be], he shall lead him to the game, and he shall not
panta ¢ kataboskhsh
ton agron ¢ ta ¢
beltista tou 661 1437-1161 154-5100 3844 3588
all the field should be grazed upon, [3best ¢
apotisei ¢ de
22:14 ean ¢
aithsh tiV ¢ tou
68 1473 2532 3588 957 3588 290 1473 pay. And if anyone should ask to borrow from his
agrou¢ autou¢ kai ta ¢
beltista ¢
tou ampelwnoV autou¢ 4139 2532 4937 2228 599 2228 164
4field 2from his 5and 7best 8vineyard 6from his ¢
plhsion ¢
kai suntribh h ¢
apoqanh h ¢
661 1437-1161 1831 4442 2147 neighbor, and it should break, or die, or [2captive
apotisei ¢ de
22:6 ean ¢
exelqon pur ¢
eurh 1096 3588-1161 2962 1473 3361 1510.3 3326 1473
1he shall pay]. And if [2going forth 1a fire] should find ¢
genhtai o de ¢
kurioV autou¢ mh h met' autou¢
173 2532 4332.4 257 2228 4719 1become], and the owner of it should not be with it,
akanqaV ¢
kai prosemprhsh ¢
alwnaV h ¢
stacuV 661 1437-1161 3588 2962-1473 1510.3 3326
thorn-bushes, and should set on fire a threshing-floor, or corn, ¢
apotisei ¢ de
22:15 ean o ¢ autou¢ h
kurioV met'
2228 3977.1 661 3588 3588 4442 1572 he shall pay. But if its owner should be with
h ¢
pedion ¢
apotisei o to pur ¢
ekkausaV 1473 3756 661 1437-1161 3411 1510.3
or a field, [5shall pay 1the one 3the 4fire 2burning with]. autou¢ ouk ¢
apotisei ¢ de
ean ¢ h
1437-1161 5100 1325 3588 4139 694 2228 4632 it, he shall not pay. But if a hireling should be with it,
¢ de
22:7 ean tiV dw tw ¢ argurion
plhsion ¢ h ¢
skeuh 1510.8.3 1473 473 3588 3408-1473
And if any should give to his neighbor silver or items ¢
estai ¢ anti¢ tou misqou¢ autou¢
5442 2532 2813 1537 3588 3614 3588 it will be to him for his wage.
fulaxai ¢
kai klaph ek ¢
thV oikiaV tou
to guard, and it should be stolen from out of the house of the
444 1437 2147 3588 2813 661
Ordinances of Conduct
anqrwpou ¢ eureqh
ean ¢ o ¢
kleyaV ¢
apotisei 1437-1161 538-5100 3933 285.2
man, if [3should be found 1the 2one stealing] he shall pay ¢ de
22:16 ean ¢
apathsh tiV ¢
parqenon ¢
1362 1437-1161 3361 2147 3588 2813 And if any should beguile a virgin not betrothed,
diploun ¢ de
22:8 ean mh ¢
eureqh o ¢
kleyaV 2532 2837 3326 1473 5340.1 5340.2
double. But if [3should not 4be found 1the one 2stealing], ¢
kai koimhqh ¢ fernh
met' authV ¢ ferniei¢
4334 3588 2962 3588 3614 1799 and should go to bed with her, [5with a dowry 1he shall endow
proseleusetai o ¢
kurioV thV ¢
oikiaV ¢
enwpion 1473 1438 1135 1437-1161 365.2
[5shall come forward 1the 2master 3of the 4house] before ¢
authn ¢
eautw ¢
gunaika 22:17 ¢ de
ean ¢
3588 2316 2532 3660 2229 3361-1473 2her 3to himself 4as a wife]. But if in shaking
tou qeou¢ ¢
kai omeitai h mhn ¢
mh auton 365.2 2532 3361 1014 3588
God, and shall swear by an oath that assuredly he did not ¢
ananeush kai mh ¢
boulhtai o
4188.2 1909 3650 3588 3872 he shakes his head in dissent, and [2should not 3be willing
peponhreusqai ef' ¢
olhV ¢
thV parakataqhkhV
do wickedly regarding all that was in deposit for the care of
22:11 †See Bos for variants.
22:18 E X O D U S 111
3962-1473 1325 1473 1473 1135 694 661-1473 1473 1325 1473 3779 4160 3588
¢ authV
pathr ¢ dounai
¢ ¢ autw
authn ¢ gunaika
¢ argurion
¢ ¢
apotisei sou ¢
dwseiV emoi¢ ¢
22:30 outw ¢
poihseiV ton
1her father] to give her to him as wife, [4silver 1he shall pay 1Your] you shall give to me – so shall you do with
3588 3962 2596 3745 1510.2.3 3588 5340.1 3448-1473 2532 3588 4263-1473 2532 3588 5268-1473
tw patri¢ kaq' ¢
oson ¢
estin h ¢
fernh ¢
moscon ¢
sou kai to probat ¢ sou kai to upozug
on ¢ ion
¢ sou
2to the 3father], according to as much as is the dowry your calf, and your sheep, and your beast of burden.
3588 3933 5333 3756 2033 2250 1510.8.3 5259 3588 3384 3588 1161 2250 3588
twn ¢
parqenwn ¢
22:18 farmakouV ou ¢ hmeraV
epta ¢ ¢
estai upo¢ ¢
thn mhtera th de ¢
hmera th
of the virgins. [3administers of potions 1You shall not Seven days it shall be under the mother, but [3day 1the
4046 3956 2837 3326 2934 3590 591 1473 1473 2532 435 39
peripoihsete† 22:19 pan ¢
koimwmenon ¢ kthnouV
meta ¢ ¢
ogdoh ¢
apodwseiV moi ¢
auto¢ 22:31 kai andreV ¢
2procure]. Every one going to bed with a beast – 2eighth] you shall give [2back 3to me 1it]. And [3men 2holy
2288 615 1473 3588 2378.1 2316 1510.8.5 1473 2532 2907 1722 68 2340.1
qanatw ¢ autouV
apokteneite ¢ 22:20 o ¢
qusiazwn ¢
qeoiV ¢
esesqe¢ moi ¢
kai kreaV en ¢ qhrialwton
agrw ¢
to death you shall kill them. The one sacrificing to gods 1you shall be] to me, and meat in a field taken by wild beasts
1842 4133 2962 3441 2532 3756 2068 3588 2965 641-1473
exoloqreuqhsetai plhn ¢
kuriw ¢
monw 22:21 kai ouk ¢
edesqe tw kuni¢ aporriyate
¢ auto¢
shall be utterly destroyed, except to the lord alone. And you shall not eat, [2to the 3dogs 1throw it away]!
4339 3756 2559 3762.1 2346
proshluton ou ¢
kakwsete oude¢ mh qliyhte
[3a foreigner 1you shall not 2maltreat], nor should you afflict
1473 1510.7.5-1063 4339 1722 1093 *
auton ¢ gar
hte ¢
proshlutoi en gh ¢
Aiguptou Judicial Conduct
him, for you were foreigners in the land of Egypt. 3756 3858 189 3152 3756
3956 5503 2532 3737 3756 2559 23:1 ou ¢
paradexh ¢
akohn ¢ ou
22:22 pasan ¢
chran kai ¢
orfanon ou ¢
kakwsete You shall not welcome [2report 1a vain]. You shall not
Every widow and orphan you shall not maltreat. 4784 3326 3588 94 1096 3144 94
1437-1161 2559 1473 2532 2896 ¢
sugkataqhsh ¢ tou adikou
meta ¢ ¢
genesqai ¢
martuV ¢
¢ de
22:23 ean ¢
kakwshte ¢
autouV kai ¢
kekraxanteV assent together with the unjust to become [2witness 1an unjust].
And if you should maltreat them, and crying out 3756 1510.8.2 3326 4183 1909 2549 3756
2601.3 4314 1473 189 1522 3588 23:2 ouk ¢
esh ¢ pleionwn
meta ¢ epi¢ kakia
¢ ou
katabohswsi proV me ¢
akoh ¢
eisakousomai thV You shall not be with many people for evil. You shall not
they should yell out to me, in hearing I shall listen to 4369 3326 4128 1578 2920 2532
995-1473 2532 3710 2372 2532 ¢
prosteqhsh ¢ plhqouV
meta ¢ ¢
ekklinai ¢
krisin 23:3 kai
¢ autwn
bohV ¢ ¢
22:24 kai orgisqhsomai ¢
qumw kai be added with a multitude to turn aside a judgment. And
their yell, and I shall be provoked to anger with rage, and 3993 3756 1653 1722 2920
615 1473 3162 2532 1510.8.6 3588 1135-1473 ¢
penhta ouk ¢
elehseiV ¢
en krisei
¢ umaV
apoktenw ¢ macaira
¢ ¢
kai esontai ai ¢
gunaikeV ¢
umwn [5because one is needy 1you shall not 2show mercy 3in 4a judgment].
I will kill you by the sword, and [2will be 1your wives] 1437-1161 4876 3588 1016 3588 2190-1473
5503 2532 3588 3813-1473 3737 1437-1161 694 ¢ de
23:4 ean ¢
sunanthshV tw boi¢ tou ecqrou¢ sou
chrai ¢ orfana
kai ta paidia† umwn ¢ ¢ de
22:25 ean ¢
argurion And if you should meet up with the ox of your enemy,
widows, and your children orphans. And if money 2228 3588 5268-1473 4105 654
1549.2 3588 80 3588 3998 3844 h tw ¢ autou¢
upozugiw ¢
planwmenoiV ¢
ekdaneishV tw ¢ tw
adelfw ¢ para
penicrw ¢ or with his beast of burden wandering, by returning,
should be lent with interest to the brother that is destitute close 591 1473 1437-1161 1492
1473 3756 1510.8.2 1473-2715.1 3756 ¢
apodwseiV ¢
autw 23:5 ¢ de
ean ¢
soi ouk ¢
esh ¢ katepeigwn
auton ¢ ouk you shall give it back to him. And if you should see
to you, you shall not be coercing him, you shall not
3588 5268 3588 2190-1473 4098 5259 3588
2007 1473 5110 1437-1161 1757.3 to ¢
upozugion tou ecqrou¢ sou ¢ upo¢
peptwkoV ton
epiqhseiV ¢
autw ¢
tokon 22:26 ¢ de
ean ¢
enecurasma the beast of burden of your enemy falling under
place [2upon 3him 1interest]. And if for collateral
1117-1473 3756 3928 1473 235
1757.2 3588 2440 3588 4139 4253 ¢
gomon autou¢ ou ¢
pareleush auto¢ ¢
enecurashV to ¢
imation tou ¢
plhsion pro its load of merchandise, you shall not go by it, but
you should take for security the cloak of your neighbor, before
4891 1473 3326 1473 3756 1294
1424 2246 591-1473 1473 1510.2.3 ¢
sunegereiV auto¢ met' autou¢ 23:6 ou ¢
dusmwn ¢
hliou ¢
apodwseiV auto¢ ¢
autw ¢
22:27 esti you shall raise it with him. You shall not turn aside
the descent of the sun you shall give it back to him, [3is
2917 3993 1722 2920-1473 575 3956
1063 3778 4018-1473 3441-3778 3588 2440 ¢
krima ¢
penhtoV en ¢
krisei autou¢ 23:7 apo¢ ¢
gar touto ¢
peribolaion autou¢ ¢
monon ¢
touto to ¢
imation a judgment of the needy in his judgment. From all
1for 2this] his wrap-around garment, this alone is [2cloak
4487 94 868 121 2532 1342
808 1473 1722 5100 2837 1437 ¢
rhmatoV ¢
adikou ¢
aposthsh ¢
aqwon ¢
kai dikaion
aschmosunhV autou¢ en ¢
tini ¢
koimhqhsetai ¢
ean things unjust you shall abstain. The innocent and the just
3for indecency 1his]; in what manner shall he go to bed? If
3756 615 2532 3756 1344 3588
3767 2601.3 4314 1473 1522 1473 1655 ouk ¢ kai
apokteneiV ou ¢
dikaiwseiV ton
oun katabohsh ¢
proV me eisakousomai autou¢ elehmwn
you shall not kill. And you shall not give justice to the
then he should yell out to me, I will listen to him, [3merciful
765 1752 1435 2532 1435 3756-2983
1063 1510.2.1 2316 3756 2551 asebh ¢
¢ eneken ¢
dwrwn ¢
23:8 kai dwra ¢
ou lhyh
gar eimi ¢
22:28 qeouV ou ¢
kakologhseiV impious because of bribes. And bribes you shall not receive;
1for 2I am]. [3magistrates 1You shall not 2speak evil of],
3588-1063 1435 1626.4 3788 991 2532 3075
2532 758 3588 2992-1473 3756 2046 2560 ¢
ta gar dwra ektufloi¢ ofqalmouV
¢ blepontwn
¢ ¢
kai lumainetai
kai arconta tou laou¢ sou ouk ¢ kakwV
ereiV ¢
for the bribes blind the eyes for seeing and lay waste
and rulers of your people you shall not speak wickedly.
4487 1342 2532 4339 3756 2559
536 257 2532 3025 1473 ¢
rhmata ¢
dikaia ¢
23:9 kai proshluton ou ¢
22:29 aparcaV ¢
alwnoV kai lhnou¢ sou [2matters 1just]. And a foreigner you shall not maltreat,
[4first-fruits 5of the threshing-floor 6and 7wine vat 3of your
3761-3361 2346 1473-1063 1492 3588 5590 3588
3756 2530.4 3588 4416 3588 5207 oude¢ mh ¢
qliyete ¢ gar oidate
umeiV ¢ ¢
thn yuchn tou
ou ¢
kaqusterhseiV ta ¢
prwtotoka twn ¢
uiwn nor in any way afflict. For you know the soul of the
1You shall not 2be late]. [2first-born 3son
4339 1473-1063 4339-1510.7.5 1722 1093
proshlutou autoi¢ gar ¢
proshlutoi ¢
hte en gh
foreigner, for you yourselves were foreigners in the land
22:18 †CP & Six. peribiwsete – preserve alive. *
22:24 †CP tekna – children. of Egypt.
112 E X O D O S 23:10
4383-1473 2532 1706.2 3588 3725-1473 3756
The Seventh Year and Day ¢
proswpou ¢
sou kai emplatunw ¢ a
ta ori ¢ sou ou
1803 2094 4687 3588 1093-1473 2532 your face, and widen your boundaries, you shall not
23:10 ex ¢
eth ¢
spereiV thn ghn sou kai 2380 1909 2219 129 2378.2-1473 3762.1
Six years you shall sow your land, and ¢
quseiV epi¢ ¢
zumh ¢
aima ¢
qusiasmatoV† mou oude¢ mh
4863 3588 1081-1473 3588-1161 1442 sacrifice with yeast the blood of my sacrifice, neither
sunaxeiV ¢
ta gennhmata ¢
authV 23:11 tw de ¢
ebdomw 2837 4720.1 3588 1859-1473
you shall gather its produce, but on the seventh ¢
koimhqh ¢
stear ¢ mou
thV eorthV
859 4160 2532 447 1473 2532 shall [3remain through the night 1the fat 2of my holiday feast]
afesin ¢
poihseiV ¢
kai anhseiV ¢ kai
authn 2193 4404 3588 536 3588 4409.4
[2a release from work 1you shall make], and spare it, and ¢
ewV prw+ ¢
23:19 taV aparcaV twn ¢
2068 3588 4434 3588 1484-1473 3588-1161 until morning. The first-fruits of the first produce
edontai oi ptwcoi¢ tou ¢
eqnouV sou ta de 3588 1093-1473 1533 1519 3588 3624 2962
[4shall eat 1the 2poor 3of your nation]; and the things thV ghV sou ¢
eisoiseiV eiV ton ¢
oikon ¢
5275 1473 2068 3588 2342 3588 68 of your land you shall carry into the house of the lord
upoleipomena ¢
autwn edetai ta ¢
qhria ta ¢
agria 3588 2316-1473 3756 2192.2 704 1722 1051
being left behind of them [3shall eat 1the 2wild beasts] of the field. tou qeou¢ sou ouc ¢
eyhseiV ¢
arna en ¢
3779 4160 3588 290-1473 2532 3588 1638-1473 your God. You shall not boil a lamb in [2milk
outw ¢
poihseiV ¢ a
ton ampelwn ¢ sou ¢ a
kai ton elaiwn ¢ sou 3384-1473
Thus you shall do with your vineyard, and your olive grove. ¢ autou¢
1803 2250 4160 3588 2041-1473 3588-1161 2250 1her mother’s].
23:12 ex ¢
hmeraV ¢
poihseiV ta ¢
erga sou th de ¢
Six days you shall do your works, but on the [2day Warning against Serving Other Gods
3588 1442 373 2443 373 3588 1016 1473
th ebdomh ¢
anapaush ¢
ina ¢
anapaushtai o ¢ sou
bouV 2532 2400 1473 649 3588 32-1473
23:20 kai idou¢ ¢ apostellw
egw ¢ ¢
ton aggel ¢ mou
1seventh] you shall rest, that [3may rest 2ox 1your], And behold, I send my messenger
2532 3588 5268-1473 2532 2443 404
kai to ¢ on
upozugi ¢ sou kai ¢
ina ¢
anayuxh 4253 4383-1473 2443 5442 1473 1722 3588 3598
pro ¢
proswpou ¢
sou ina ¢
fulaxh se en th ¢
and your beast of burden, and that [4may be refreshed before your face, that he may guard you in the way,
3588 5207 3588 3814-1473 2532 3588 4339
o ¢
uioV ¢
thV paidiskhV sou kai o ¢
proshlutoV 3704 1521 1473 1519 3588 1093 3739 2090 1473
opwV ¢
eisagagh se eiV thn ghn hn ¢
htoimasa¢ soi
1the 2son 3of your maidservant], and the foreigner. that he may bring you into the land which I prepared for you.
3956 3745 2046 4314 1473 5442
23:13 panta ¢
osa ¢
eirhka ¢ fulaxasqe
proV umaV ¢ 4337 4572 2532 1522 1473 2532 3361
23:21 prosece ¢
seautw ¢
kai eisakoue autou¢ kai mh
All, as much as I have spoken to you, guard! Take heed to yourself, and hearken to him, and do not
2532 3686 2316 2087 3756 363
kai ¢
onoma ¢
qewn ¢
eterwn ouk ¢
anamnhsesqe 544-1473 3756 1063 3361 5288 1473
apeiqei ¢
autw ou gar mh ¢
uposteilhtai¢ se
And the name [2gods 1of other] you shall not call to mind, resist his persuasion, for he should not avoid you,
3762.1 191 1537 3588 4750-1473
oude mh akousqh ek ¢
tou stomatoV ¢
umwn 3588 1063 3686-1473 1510.2.3 1909 1473 1437 189
to ¢
gar onoma¢ mou estin
¢ ep' ¢
autw ¢ akoh
23:22 ean ¢
nor should one be heard from out of your mouth. for my name is upon him! If in hearing
191 3588 1699 5456 2532 4160 3956 3745
The Three Holidays ¢
akoushV ¢ fwnhV
thV emhV ¢ kai poihshV
¢ ¢
panta ¢
5140 2540 3588 1763 1858 you shall hearken to my voice, and do all as much
23:14 treiV ¢ tou
kairouV eniautou¢ eortasat
¢ e¢ 302 1781 1473 2189.2 3588 2190-1473
Three times of the year solemnize a holiday ¢
an entellomai¢ soi ¢
ecqreusw ¢ sou
toiV ecqroiV
1473 3588 1859 3588 106 5442 as I give charge to you, I will be an enemy to your enemies,
moi ¢ twn
23:15 thn eorthn ¢
azumwn ¢
fulaxasqe 2532 480 3588 480 1473
to me! The holiday of the unleavened breads keep ¢
kai antikeisomai toiV ¢
antikeimenoiV sou
4160 2033 2250 2068 106 2509 and I will be an adversary to the ones being an adversary of you.
¢ epta
poiein ¢ ¢
hmeraV ¢
edesqe ¢
azuma ¢
kaqaper 4198 1063 3588 32-1473 2233 1473 2532
to do! Seven days you shall eat unleavened breads, just as ¢
23:23 poreusetai gar o ¢
aggel ¢ mou
oV ¢
hgoumen ¢ sou kai
1781 1473 2596 3588 2540 3588 3376 [3shall go 1For 2my messenger] leading you; and
eneteilamhn soi ¢
kata ton ¢
kairon tou ¢
mhnoV 1521 1473 4314 3588 * 2532 * 2532 *
I gave charge to you, according to the time of the month ¢
eisaxei ¢ kai Cettaion
se proV ton Amorraion ¢ kai Ferezaion
3588 3501 1722-1063 1473 1831 1537 he will bring you to the Amorite, and Hittite, and Perizzite,
twn ¢
newn en gar ¢ exhlqeV
autw ¢ ex 2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 *
of the new produce; for in it you came forth from out of ¢
kai Cananaion ¢
kai Gergesaion ¢
kai Euaion ¢
kai Iebousaion
* 3756 3708 1799 1473 2756 2532 and Canaanite, and Gergesite, and Hivite, and Jebusite;
Aiguptou ouk ¢
ofqhsh ¢ on
enwpi ¢ mou kenoV
¢ 23:16 kai 2532 1625.3 1473 3756 4352
Egypt. You shall not appear before me empty. And ¢
kai ektriyw ¢
autouV 23:24 ou ¢
1859 3588 2326 4409.4 4160 and I will obliterate them. You shall not do obeisance to
eorthn tou qerismou¢ prwtogennhmatwn
¢ ¢
poihseiV 3588 2316-1473 3762.1 3000 1473 3756
a holiday of the harvest of the first produce you shall observe ¢ autwn
toiV qeoiV ¢ oude mh latreuseiV
¢ ¢
autoiV ou
3588 2041-1473 3739 1437 4687 1722 3588 68-1473 2532 their gods, nor shall you serve to them. You shall not
twn ergwn sou wn ¢
ean ¢ en
speireiV tw ¢ sou kai
agrw 4160 2596 3588 2041-1473 235 2506
of your works, what ever you sow in your field; and ¢
poihseiV ¢
kata ta ¢
erga autwn ¢ kaqairesei
alla ¢
1859 4930 1909 1841 3588 1763 1722 do according to their works; but by demolition
eorthn ¢
sunteleiaV ¢
ep' exodou tou eniautou¢ en 2507 1473 2532 4937 4937 3588
a holiday of completion at the conclusion of the year in ¢
kaqeleiV ¢ kai suntribwn
autouV ¢ ¢
suntriyeiV taV
3588 4864 3588 2041-1473 3588 1537 3588 you shall demolish them, and by breaking you shall break
th ¢ twn ergwn
sunagwgh ¢ sou twn ek tou 4739.1-1473 2532 3000 2962 3588
the gathering of your works, of the ones from out of ¢
sthlaV ¢
autwn 23:25 kai ¢
latreuseiV ¢
kuriw tw
68-1473 5140 2540 3588 1763 3708 their monuments. And you shall serve to the lord
agrou sou 23:17 treiV ¢ tou eniautou¢ ofqhsetai
kairouV ¢ 2316-1473 2532 2127 3588 740-1473 2532 3588 3631-1473
your field. Three times a year [4shall appear ¢ sou
qew ¢
kai euloghsw ¢
ton arton sou ¢ on
kai ton oin ¢ sou
3956 732.1 1473 1799 2962 3588 2316-1473 your God; and I will bless your bread, and your wine,
pan ¢ sou
arsenikon ¢
enwpion ¢
kuriou tou qeou¢ sou 2532 3588 5204-1473 2532 654 3119 575 1473
1every 2male 3of yours] before the lord your God. kai to ¢
udwr sou ¢
kai apostreyw ¢
malakian af' ¢
3752-1063 1544 3588 1484 575 and your water; and I will turn infirmity from you.
23:18 ¢
otan gar ¢
ekbalw ta ¢
eqnh apo¢
For whenever I should cast out the nations from
23:18 †See Bos for variants.
23:26 E X O D U S 113
3756 1510.8.3 57.1 3761 4723 1909 3588 1093-1473 4245 * 2532 4352 3113
23:26 ouk ¢
estai agonoV oude¢ steira
¢ epi¢ thV ghV sou ¢
presbuterwn ¢
Israhl kai ¢
proskunhsousi ¢
It will not be barren nor sterile upon your land; elders of Israel! And they shall do obeisance far off
3588 706 3588 2250-1473 378 2532 3588 5401 3588 2962 2532 1448-* 3441 4314 3588
¢ twn hmerwn
ton ariqmon ¢ sou anaplhrwsw
¢ ¢
23:27 kai ton fobon tw ¢
kuriw 24:2 kai eggiei¢ MwushV
¢ ¢
monoV proV ton
the number of your days I will fill up. And the fear to the lord. And Moses shall approach alone to
1473 649 2233 1473 2532 1839 3956 3588 2316 1473-1161 3756 1448 3588-1161 2992 3756
mou ¢ hgoumen
apostelw ¢ ¢
on ¢
sou kai eksthsw ¢
panta ta ¢
qeon autoi¢ de ouk ¢
eggiousin o de ¢
laoV ou
of me I will send leading before you; and I will startle all the God, but they shall not approach, and the people shall not
1484 1519 3739 1473 1531 1519 1473 2532 1325 4872 3326 1473 1525 1161 *
eqnh eiV ouV ¢ kai dwsw
su eisporeuh eiV autouV ¢ ¢
sunanabhsetai met' ¢
autwn ¢
24:3 eishlqe de ¢
nations into which you enter into them; and I will give over go up with them. [3entered 1And 2Moses]
3956 3588 5227-1473 5435.7 2532 649 2532 1334 3588 2992 3956 3588 4487 3588 2316
pantaV ¢
touV upenantiouV ¢
sou fugadaV ¢
23:28 kai apostelw ¢
kai dihghsato tw ¢
law ¢
panta ta ¢
rhmata tou qeou¢
all your opponents unto exiles. And I will send and described to the people all the words of God,
3588 4969.4 4387 1473 2532 1544 3588 2532 3588 1345 611 1161 3956 3588 2992 5456
taV sfhkiaV ¢
proteraV sou kai ¢
ekbalw touV kai ta ¢
dikaiwmata ¢
apekriqh de paV o ¢
laoV ¢
the swarms of wasps in front of you. And I will cast out the and the ordinances. [5answered 1And 2all 3the 4people 7voice
* 2532 3588 * 2532 3588 * 2532 3588 1520 3004 3956 3588 3056 3739 2980-2962
AmorraiouV ¢
kai touV EuaiouV ¢
kai touV CananaiouV kai touV ¢
mia ¢
legonteV ¢
pantaV ¢
touV logouV ouV ¢
elalhse ¢
Amorites, and the Hivites, and the Canaanites, and the 6in one], saying, All the words which the lord spoke,
* 575 1473 3756 1544 1473 4160 2532 191 2532 1125-*
CettaiouV apo¢ sou 23:29 ouk ¢ autouV
ekbalw ¢ apo¢ ¢
poihsomen ¢
kai akousomeqa 24:4 kai ¢
egraye ¢
Hittites from you. I will not cast them from we will do, and we will hearken. And Moses wrote down
4383-1473 1722 1763 1520 2443 3361-1096 3956 3588 4487 2962 3719 1161 *
proswpou sou en ¢ eni¢
eniautw ¢
ina ¢
mh genhtai ¢
panta ta ¢
rhmata ¢
kuriou ¢
orqrisaV de ¢
your face in [2year 1one], that [3should not become all the words of the lord. [3rising early 1And 2Moses]
3588 1093 2048 2532 4183 1096 1909 1473 4404 3618 2379 5259 3588 3735
h gh ¢
erhmoV ¢ genhtai
kai polla ¢ epi¢ se toprw+ ¢
wkodomhse ¢
qusiasthrion upo¢ to ¢
1the 2land] wilderness, and many [2should happen 3upon 4you in the morning built an altar by the mountain,
3588 2342 3588 1093 2596 3397 3397 2532 1427 3037 1519 3588 1427 5443 3588 *
ta qhria thV ghV ¢
23:30 kata ¢ mikron
mikron ¢ kai ¢
dwdeka ¢
liqouV ¢
eiV taV dwdeka ¢ tou Israhl
fulaV ¢
1wild beasts] in the land. According to little by little and with twelve stones for the twelve tribes of Israel.
1544 1473 575 1473 2193 302 837 2532 1821 3588 3495 3588 5207 * 2532
ekbalw ¢ apo¢
autouV ¢
sou ewV an ¢
auxhqhV ¢
24:5 kai exapesteile ¢
touV neaniskouV twn ¢ Israhl
uiwn ¢ kai
I will cast them from you, until whenever you should grow And he sent out the young men of the sons of Israel, and
2532 2816 3588 1093 2532 5087 3588 399 3646 2532 2380 2378
kai klhronomhshV thn ghn 23:31 kai ¢
qhsw ta ¢
anhnegkan ¢
olokautwmata ¢
kai equsan ¢
and be heir to the land. And I will establish they offered whole burnt-offerings, and they sacrificed a sacrifice
3725-1473 575 3588 2063 2281 2193 3588 2281 4992 3588 2316 3446.2 2983 1161
¢ a
ori ¢ sou apo¢ thV eruqraV
¢ qalasshV
¢ ¢
ewV ¢
thV qalasshV ¢
swthriou ¢
tw qew ¢
moscaria ¢
24:6 labwn de
your boundaries from the red sea unto the sea of deliverance to God – of young calves. [3taking 1And
3588 * 2532 575 3588 2048 2193 3588 4215 3588 * 3588 2255 3588 129 1471.8 1519 2902.1 3588-1161
thV ¢ kai apo¢ thV erhmou
Fulistieim ¢ ¢
ewV tou potamou¢ tou MwushV ¢
¢ to hmisu tou ¢
aimatoV ¢
eneceen ¢
eiV krathra to de
of the Philistines; and from the wilderness unto the river of the 2Moses] half of the blood, poured it into a basin; and the
3173 * 2532 3860 1519 3588 5495-1473 2255 3588 129 4377.2 1909 3588 2379
megalou ¢
Eufratou ¢
kai paradwsw ¢
eiV taV ceiraV ¢
umwn ¢
hmisu tou ¢
aimatoV ¢
proseceen epi¢ to ¢
great Euphrates. And I will deliver up into your hands other half of the blood he poured upon the altar.
3588 1455.1 1722 3588 1093 2532 1544 1473 2532 2983 3588 975 3588 1242 314 1519 3588 3775
touV ¢
egkaqhmenouV en th gh ¢
kai ekbalw ¢
autouV ¢ to biblion
24:7 kai labwn ¢ thV ¢
diaqhkhV ¢
anegnw ¢
eiV ta wta
the ones lying in wait in the land; and I will cast them And taking the scroll of the covenant, he read into the ears
575 1473 3756 4784 1473 3588 2992 2532 2036 3956 3745 2980-2962
apo¢ sou 23:32 †ou ¢
sugkataqhsh ¢
autoiV tou laou¢ ¢
kai eipan ¢
panta ¢
osa ¢
elalhse ¢
from you. You shall not assent together with them, of the people. And they said, All as much as the lord spoke
2532 3588 2316-1473 3756 5087 1242 4160 2532 191 2983 1161 *
kai ¢ autwn
toiV qeoiV ¢ ou ¢
qhseiV ¢
diaqhkhn ¢
poihsomen ¢
kai akousomeqa ¢
24:8 labwn de ¢
and with their gods you shall not establish a covenant. we shall do, and we shall hearken to. [3taking 1And 2Moses]
2532 3756 1455.1 1722 3588 1093-1473 3588 129 2679.1 3588 2992 2532 2036 2400
23:33 kai ouk ¢
egkaqhsontai en th gh sou to ¢
aima ¢
kateskedase tou laou¢ ¢
kai eipen idou¢
And they shall not lie in wait in your land, the blood, he scattered it upon the people, and said, Behold,
2443-3361 264-1473 4160 4314 1473 1437-1063 3588 129 3588 1242 3739 1303-2962 4314 1473
¢ mh amartanein
ina ¢ ¢
se poihswsi proV me ¢ gar
ean to ¢
aima thV ¢
diaqhkhV ¢
dieqeto ¢
kurioV ¢
proV umaV
lest [2you to sin 1they should cause] against me; for if the blood of the covenant of which the lord ordained for you
1398 3588 2316-1473 3778 1510.8.6 1473 4012 3956 3588 3056-3778 2532 305-*
douleushV ¢ autwn
toiV qeoiV ¢ ¢
outoi ¢
esontai¢ soi peri¢ ¢
pantwn ¢
twn logwn ¢
toutwn ¢
24:9 kai anebh ¢
you should be a slave to their gods, these will be to you concerning all these words. And Moses ascended
4348 2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 1440 3588
proskomma ¢ kai Nadab
kai Aarwn ¢ kai Abioud
¢ kai ebdomhkonta
¢ thV
an occasion for stumbling. and Aaron and Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the
4245 * 2532 1492 3588 5117 3739
presbuterwn ¢
Israhl 24:10 kai ¢
idon ¢
ton topon ou
elders of Israel. And they saw the place where
2476 3588 2316 3588 * 2532 3588 5259
The Scroll of the Covenant ¢
eisthkei o ¢
qeoV ¢
tou Israhl kai ta upo¢
2532 * 2036 305 4314 2962 1473 [4stood 1the 2God 3of Israel]. And the things under
24:1 kai ¢
Mwush ¢
eipen ¢
anabhqi ¢
proV kurion su 3588 4228-1473 5616 2041 4141.4 4552 2532
And to Moses he said, Ascend to the lord, you ¢
touV podaV autou¢ wsei¢ ¢
ergon ¢
plhnqou ¢
sapfeirou kai
2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 1440 3588 his feet were as [2work 1a brick] of sapphire; and
¢ kai Nadab
kai Aarwn ¢ kai Abioud
¢ kai ebdomhkonta
¢ twn 5618 1491 4733 3588 3772 3588 2511.1
and Aaron and Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the ¢
wsper ¢
eidoV ¢
sterewmatoV tou ouranou¢ th ¢
as the form of firmament of the heaven in the cleanliness.
2532 3588 1952.1 3588 * 3756 1314.1 3761
24:11 kai twn ¢
epilektwn ¢
tou Israhl ou ¢
diefwnhsen oude¢
23:32 †See Bos for variants. And of the chosen ones of Israel, none dissented – not
114 E X O D O S 24:12
1520 2532 3708 1722 3588 5117 3588 2316 2532 2068 2532 3588 536 1473 2532 3778 1510.2.3 3588 536
eiV kai wfqhsan ¢
en tw topw tou qeou¢ ¢
kai efagon kai ¢
taV aparcaV mou 25:3 kai ¢
auth ¢
estin h ¢
one. And they appeared in the place of God, and ate and the first-fruits of mine. And this is the first-fruit
4095 3739 2983 3844 1473 5553 694 5475
epion hn ¢
lhyesqe par' ¢
autwn ¢
crusion ¢
argurion ¢
drank. which you shall take of them – gold, silver, brass,
5192 4209 2847 1362 2532 1040
25:4 uakinqon ¢
porfuran ¢
kokkinon ¢
diploun ¢
kai busson
The Writing-tablets of Stone blue, purple, scarlet doubled up, and linen
2532 2036-2962 4314 * 305 4314 2831.1 2532 2359 122 2532 1192
24:12 kai ¢ kurioV
eipe ¢ proV Mwushn¢ ¢
anabhqi proV ¢
keklwsmenhn kai ¢
tricaV ¢
aigeiaV 25:5 kai ¢
And the lord said to Moses, Ascend to being twined, and hairs of goats, and skins
1473 1519 3588 3735 2532 1510.5 1563 2532 1325 2919.1 2062.3 2532 1192 5191 2532 3586
me eiV to ¢
oroV ¢
kai isqi ekei¢ kai ¢
dwsw ¢
kriwn ¢
hruqrodanwmena ¢
kai dermata ¢
uakinqina ¢
kai xula
me unto the mountain, and you be there! And I will give of rams being dyed red, and skins of blue, and [2wood
1473 3588 4441.1 3588 3035 3588 3551 2532 3588 767.1 2532 1637 1519 3588 5337.1 2368
soi ta ¢
puxia ta ¢
liqina ton ¢
nomon kai taV ¢
ashpta ¢
25:6 kai elaion eiV thn fausin ¢
to you the [2writing-tablets 1stone] of the law, and the 1incorruptible], and oil for the giving light, incenses
1785 3739 1125 3549 1473 2532 1519 3588 1637 3588 5544.1 2532 1519 3588 4916.3
entolaV aV ¢
egraya ¢
nomoqethsai ¢
autoiV 24:13 kai eiV to ¢
elaion thV ¢
crisewV kai eiV ¢
thn sunqesin
commandments which I wrote to establish law to them. And for the oil of the anointing, and for the composition
450-* 2532 * 3588 3936 1473
¢ MwushV
anastaV ¢ ¢
kai IhsouV o ¢
paresthkwV ¢
autw 3588 2368 2532 3037 4556 2532 3037 1519
tou ¢
qumiamatoV ¢
25:7 kai liqouV ¢
sardiou ¢
kai liqouV eiV
Moses rising up, and Joshua the one standing beside him,
of the incense, and stones of sardius, and stones for
305 1519 3588 3735 3588 2316 2532 3588
anebhsan eiV to ¢
oroV tou qeou¢ 24:14 kai toiV 3588 1099.4 1519 3588 2036.1 2532 3588 4158
¢ eiV thn epwmida
thn glufhn ¢ ¢
kai ton podhrh
they ascended into the mountain of God. And [2to the the carving for the shoulder-piece, and the foot length robe.
4245 2036 2270 847 2193 390
presbuteroiV ¢
eipon† ¢
hsucazete ¢
autou¢ ewV ¢
anastreywmen 2532 4160 1473 37.1 2532 3708
25:8 kai ¢
poihseiV moi ¢
agiasma ¢
kai ofqhsomai
3elders 1they said], Be still here until we return And you shall make for me a sanctuary, and I will be seen
4314 1473 2532 2400 * 2532 * 3326 1473 1437
¢ kai
proV umaV idou¢ ¢
Aarwn kai Wr met' ¢
umwn ¢
ean 1722 1473 2532 4160 1473 2596 3956
en ¢
umin 25:9 kai ¢
poihseiV moi ¢
kata ¢
to you! And behold, Aaron and Hur are with you. If by you. And you shall make for me according to all
5100 4819 2920 4365 1473
tini ¢
sumbh ¢
krisiV ¢
prosporeuesqwsan ¢
autoiV 3745 1473 1166 1473 1722 3588 3735 3588 3855.2
osa ¢ deiknuw
egw ¢
¢ soi en tw orei ¢
to paradeigma
anyone should come for a judgment, let them go to them! as much as I show you in the mountain – the model
2532 305-* 1519 3588 3735 2532 2572
24:15 kai ¢
anebh ¢ eiV
MwushV to ¢
oroV ¢
kai ekaluyen 3588 4633 2532 3588 3855.2 3956 3588 4632 1473
thV ¢ kai to
skhnhV ¢
paradeigma ¢
pantwn ¢ authV
twn skeuwn ¢
And Moses ascended into the mountain, and [3covered of the tent, and the model of all the items of it –
3588 3507 3588 3735 2532 2597 3588 1391 2532 3779 4160
h ¢
nefelh to ¢
oroV ¢
24:16 kai katebh h ¢
doxa ¢
kai outw ¢
1the 2cloud] the mountain. And [4came down 1the 2glory even so shall you do.
3588 2316 1909 3588 3735 3588 * 2532 2572 1473
tou qeou¢ epi¢ to ¢
oroV to ¢ kai ekaluyen
Sina ¢ auto¢
3of God] upon mount Sinai, and [3covered 4it The Ark
3588 3507 1803 2250 2532 2564-2962 3588 * 2532 4160 2787 3142 1537
h ¢
nefelh ex ¢
hmeraV kai ¢
ekalese ¢
kurioV ton Mwushn¢ ¢
25:10 kai poihseiV ¢ marturiou
kibwton† ¢ ek
1the 2cloud] six days. And the lord called Moses And you shall make an ark of testimony from out of
3588 2250 3588 1442 1537 3319 3588 3507 3586 767.1 1417 4083 2532 2255 3588 3372
th ¢
hmera ¢
th ebdomh ek ¢
mesou thV ¢
nefelhV ¢
xulwn ¢
ashptwn ¢ phcewn
duo ¢ ¢
kai hmisouV to ¢
on the [2day 1seventh] from out of the midst of the cloud. [2wood 1incorruptible] – two cubits and a half the length,
3588-1161 1491 3588 1391 2962 5616 4442 5392.2 2532 4083 2532 2255 3588 4114 2532 4083 2532
24:17 to de ¢
eidoV thV ¢
doxhV ¢
kuriou wsei¢ pur flegon
¢ kai ¢
phceoV kai ¢
hmisouV to ¢
platoV kai ¢
phceoV kai
And the sight of the glory of the lord was as fire blazing and a cubit and a half the width, and a cubit and
1909 3588 2884.2 3588 3735 1726 3588 5207 * 2255 3588 5311 2532 2710.3 1473 5553
epi¢ ¢ tou
thV korufhV ¢
orouV ¢ twn uiwn
enantion ¢ Israhl
¢ ¢
hmisouV to ¢
uyoV ¢
25:11 kai katacruswseiV ¢ crusiw
authn ¢
upon the top of the mountain before the sons of Israel. a half the height. And you shall gild it [2gold
2532 1525-* 1519 3588 3319 3588 3507 2532 2513 2081 2532 1855 5558 1473 2532
24:18 kai eishlqe ¢ eiV to
MwushV ¢
meson thV ¢
nefelhV kai ¢
kaqarw ¢
eswqen ¢
kai exwqen ¢
cruswseiV ¢ kai
And Moses entered in the midst of the cloud, and 1with pure]; from inside and from outside you shall gild it. And
305 1519 3588 3735 2532 1510.7.3 1563 1722 3588 3735 4160 1473 2949.2 5552 4761.2 2945
anebh eiV to ¢
oroV kai hn ekei¢ en tw orei ¢
poihseiV ¢ kumatia
auth ¢ crusa ¢ strepta ¢ kuklw
ascended unto the mountain, and was there in the mountain you shall make for it a waved border of gold, twisted† round about.
5062 2250 2532 5062 3571 2532 1643 1473 5064 1146 5552
tessarakonta ¢
hmeraV ¢
kai tessarakonta ¢
nuktaV ¢
25:12 kai elaseiV ¢ tessaraV
auth ¢ ¢
daktuliouV ¢
forty days and forty nights. And you shall forge for it four rings of gold;
2532 2007 1909 3588 5064 2827.1 1417 1146
kai epiqhseiV epi¢ ta tessaraV
¢ ¢ duo
klith ¢ daktuliouV
CHAPTER 25 and you shall place them upon the four sides, two rings
1909 3588 2827.1 3588 1520 2532 1417 1146 1909 3588 2827.1
First-fruits and the Sanctuary epi¢ to klitoV
¢ to en ¢ daktuliouV
kai duo ¢ epi¢ to klitoV
2532 2980-2962 4314 * 3004 2036 upon the [2side 1one], and two rings upon the [2side
25:1 kai elalhse ¢
kurioV proV Mwushn¢ legwn
¢ ¢
25:2 eipon 3588 1208 4160-1161 399.2 1537
And the lord spoke to Moses, saying, Speak to ¢
deuteron 25:13 ¢
poihseiV de ¢
anaforeiV ek
3588 5207 * 2532 2983 1473 536 3844 1second]. And you shall make bearing poles from
toiV ¢ Israhl
uioiV ¢ kai ¢
labete moi ¢
aparcaV ¢
para 3586 767.1 2532 2710.3 1473 5553
to the sons of Israel! And take to me first-fruits of ¢
xulwn ¢
ashptwn ¢
kai katacruswseiV ¢ crusiw
autouV ¢
3956 3739-302 1380 3588 2588 2983 [2wood 1incorruptible], and you shall gild them with gold.
pantwn oiV an ¢
doxh th ¢ lhyesqe
kardia ¢
all the things which seem good in the heart! You shall take
25:10 †or chest.
24:14 †Ald. eipen – he said. 25:11 †or wreathed.
25:14 E X O D U S 115
2532 1521 3588 399.2 1519 3588 1146 2710.3 1473 5553 2513 2532 4160
25:14 kai eisaxeiV ¢
touV anaforeiV ¢
eiV touV daktuliouV ¢
katacruswseiV ¢ crusiw
authn ¢ kaqarw
¢ kai ¢
And you shall bring the bearing poles into the rings, you shall gild it [2gold 1in pure]. And you shall make
3588 1722 3588 2827.1 3588 2787 142 3588 2787 1722 1473 4761.2 2949.2 5552 2945 2532
touV ¢
en toiV klitesi thV kibwtou¢ airein
¢ ¢ en
thn kibwton ¢
auth ¢
strepta ¢
kumatia ¢
crusa ¢
kuklw kai
the ones on the sides of the ark, to lift the ark by for it a twisted waved border of gold round about. And
1473 1722 3588 1146 3588 2787 3588 1242 4160 1473 4734.1 3822.1 2945
¢ 25:15 en toiV daktulioiV
autoiV ¢ thV kibwtou¢ thV ¢
diaqhkhV ¢
poihseiV ¢
auth ¢
stefanhn palaistou¢ ¢
them. In the rings of the ark of the covenant you shall make for it a rim of a palm width round about.
1510.8.6 3588 399.2 185.4 2532 1685 2532 4160 4761.2 2949.2 3588 4734.1
esontai oi ¢
anaforeiV ¢
akinhtoi ¢
25:16 kai embaleiV ¢
25:25 kai poihseiV ¢ kumation
strepton ¢ th ¢
[3will be 1the 2bearing poles] fixed. And you shall put And you shall make a twisted waved border on the rim
1519 3588 2787 3588 3142 3739 302 1325 1473 2945 2532 4160 1473 5064
eiV ¢ ta
thn kibwton ¢
marturia a an dw soi ¢
kuklw 25:26 kai ¢
poihseiV ¢
auth ¢
into the ark the testimonies which ever I give to you. round about. And you shall make for it four
2532 4160 2435 1935.1 5553 1146 5552 2532 2007 3588 5064
25:17 kai ¢
poihseiV ¢
ilasthrion ¢
epiqema ¢
crusiou ¢
daktuliouV ¢
crusouV kai ¢
epiqhseiV touV ¢
And you shall make an atonement-seat, a lid [2gold rings of gold, and you shall place the four
2513 1417 4083 2532 2255 3588 3372 2532 4083 2532 1146 1909 3588 5064 3313 3588 4228-1473
kaqarou¢ duo
¢ phcewn
¢ ¢
kai hmisouV to ¢
mhkoV ¢
kai phceoV kai ¢
daktuliouV epi¢ ta ¢
tessara ¢
merh twn ¢ authV
podwn ¢
1of pure]; two cubits and a half is the length, and a cubit and rings upon the four parts of its feet
2255 3588 4114 2532 4160 1417 5502 5259 3588 4734.1 2532 1510.8.6 3588 1146
hmisouV to ¢
platoV ¢
25:18 kai poihseiV ¢ ceroubim
duo ¢ upo¢ ¢
thn stefanhn 25:27 kai ¢
esontai oi ¢
a half the width. And you shall make two cherubim under the rim. And [3shall be 1the 2rings]
5557.1 2532 2007 1473 1537 297 3588 1519 2336 3588 399.2 5620 142 3588 5132
crusotoreuta ¢
kai epiqhseiV ¢ ex
auta ¢
amfoterwn twn ¢
eiV qhkaV toiV ¢
anaforeusin ¢
wste ¢
airein thn ¢
wrought in gold, and you shall place them at both of the for holders for the bearing poles, so as to lift [1the 2table].
2827.1 3588 2435 4160 5501.4 1520 2532 4160 3588 399.2 1537 3586
¢ tou
klitwn ¢
ilasthriou ¢
25:19 poihqhsontai ¢
ceroub eiV ¢
25:28 kai poihseiV ¢
touV anaforeiV ek ¢
sides of the atonement-seat. You shall make [2cherub 1one] And you shall make the bearing poles from out of [2woods
1537 3588 2827.1-3778 2532 5501.4 1520 1537 3588 767.1 2532 2710.3 1473 5553 2513
ek ¢
tou klitouV ¢
toutou ¢
kai ceroub eiV ek tou ¢
ashptwn ¢
kai katacruswseiV ¢ crusiw
autouV ¢ kaqarw
from out of this one side, and [2cherub 1one] from out of 1incorruptible]. And you shall gild them [2gold 1with pure].
2827.1 3588 1208 3588 2435 2532 4160 2532 142 1722 1473 3588 5132 2532
klitouV ¢
tou deuterou tou ¢
ilasthriou ¢
kai poihseiV kai ¢
arqhsetai en ¢ h
autoiV ¢
trapeza 25:29 kai
[3side 1the 2second] of the atonement-seat. Thus you shall make And [3shall be lifted 4by 5them 1the 2table]. And
3588 1417 5502 1909 3588 1417 2827.1 1510.8.6 4160 3588 5165-1473 2532 3588 2367.1 2532 3588
touV duo ¢
ceroubim epi¢ ta ¢
duo ¢
klith ¢
25:20 esontai ¢
poihseiV ¢
ta trublia ¢ kai taV qu+skaV
authV kai ta
the two cherubim upon the two sides. [4will be you shall make its saucers, and the incense pans, and the
3588 1417 5502 1614 3588 4420 1883.1 4700.1 2532 3588 2939.1 1722 3739 4689
oi ¢
duo ¢
ceroubim ¢
ekteinonteV ¢
taV pterugaV ¢
epanwqen ¢
spondeia ¢
kai touV kuaqouV en oiV ¢
1The 2two 3cherubim] stretching out the wings on top, libation bowls, and the cups, in which you shall offer a libation
4951.3 3588 4420-1473 1909 3588 2435 1722 1473 5553 2513 4160 1473 2532
suskiazonteV ¢
taiV pteruxin ¢ epi¢
autwn ¢
tou ilasthriou en ¢ crusiou
autoiV ¢ kaqarou¢ poihseiV
¢ ¢
auta 25:30 kai
overshadowing with their wings above the atonement-seat, in them; [2gold 1of pure] you shall make them. And
2532 3588 4383-1473 1519 240 1519 3588 2007 1909 3588 5132 740 1799.1
kai ta ¢
proswpa ¢
autwn eiV ¢
allhla eiV to ¢
epiqhseiV epi¢ ¢
thn trapezan ¢
artouV ¢
and their faces to one another; [6towards 7the you shall place upon the table bread loaves face to face
2435 1510.8.6 3588 4383 3588 5502 1726 1473 1275
ilasthrion ¢
esontai ta ¢
proswpa twn ¢
ceroubim ¢ mou diapantoV
enantion ¢
8atonement-seat 5will be 1the 2faces 3of the 4cherubim]. before me always.
2532 2007 3588 2435 1909 3588 2787
25:21 kai epiqhseiV to ¢
ilasthrion epi¢ ¢
thn kibwton The Lampstand
And you shall place the atonement-seat upon the ark
2532 4160 3087 1537 5553
509 2532 1519 3588 2787 1685 3588 3142 ¢
25:31 kai poihseiV ¢
lucnian ek ¢
anwqen ¢ embaleiV
kai eiV thn kibwton ¢ ta ¢
marturia And you shall make a lamp-stand from out of [2gold
from above. And into the ark you shall put the testimonies
2513 5117.1 4160 3588 3087 3588
3739 1325 1473 2532 1097 1473 kaqarou¢ toreuthn
¢ ¢
poihseiV ¢
thn lucnian o
a ¢
dwsw soi 25:22 kai ¢
gnwsqhsomai¢ soi 1pure]; a turned piece you shall make the lamp-stand.
which I shall give to you. And I will be known to you
2737.1-1473 2532 3588 2562.2 2532 3588 2902.1 2532 3588
1564 2532 2980 1473 509 3588 2435 ¢ authV
kauloV ¢ kai oi ¢
kalamiskoi kai oi ¢
krathreV kai oi
ekeiqen ¢
kai lalhsw soi ¢
anwqen ¢
tou ilasthriou Its stem, and the branches, and the basins, and the
from there, and I will speak to you from above the atonement-seat 4968.1 2532 3588 2918 1537 1473 1510.8.3 1803-1161
303.1 3588 1417 5502 3588 1510.6 1909 3588 2787 3588 ¢
sfairwthreV ¢ ex
kai ta krina authV ¢
¢ estai 25:32 ex de
anameson ¢ ceroubim
twn duo ¢
¢ twn ontwn epi¢ thV kibwtou¢ tou knobs, and the lilies [2of 3it 1will be]. And six
between the two cherubim being upon the ark of the 2562.2 1607 1537-4104.4 5140 2562.2
3142 2596 3956 3745 302 1781 1473 ¢
kalamiskoi ¢
ekporeuomenoi ¢
ek plagiwn treiV ¢
marturiou ¢
kata ¢
panta ¢
osa ¢
an entellomai¢ soi branches going forth sideways – three branches
testimony, according to all as much as I give charge to you 3588 3087 1537 3588 2827.1 3588 1520 2532
4314 3588 5207 * thV ¢
lucniaV ek ¢
tou klitouV ¢
tou enoV kai
¢ Israhl
proV touV uiouV ¢ of the lamp-stand from out of the [2side 1one], and
for the sons of Israel. 5140 2562.2 3588 3087 1537 3588 2827.1 3588
treiV kalamiskoi thV ¢
lucniaV ek ¢
tou klitouV tou
The Table of the Bread Loaves three branches of the lamp-stand from the [2side
2532 4160 5132 1537 3586 1208 2532 5140 2902.1 1626.1 2594.4
25:23 kai ¢
poihseiV ¢
trapezan ek ¢
xulou ¢
deuterou ¢
25:33 kai treiV krathreV ¢
ektetupwmenoi karu+skouV
And you shall make a table of [2woods 1second]. And three basins being shaped nut-like
767.1 1417 4083 3588 3372 2532 4083 1722 3588 1520 2562.2 4968.1 2532 2918 3779 3588
ashptwn ¢
duo ¢
phcewn to ¢
mhkoV ¢
kai phceoV en tw eni¢ kalamiskw
¢ ¢ kai krinon
sfairwthr ¢ ¢
outw toiV
1incorruptible], of two cubits being the length, and a cubit on the one branch, with a knob and a lily; thus to the
3588 2148.1 2532 4083 2532 2255 3588 5311 2532 1803 2562.2 3588 1607 1537 3588
to ¢
euroV ¢
kai phceoV ¢
kai hmisouV to ¢
uyoV 25:24 kai ex ¢
kalamiskoiV toiV ¢
ekporeuomenoiV ek thV
the breadth, and a cubit and a half the height. And six branches of the ones going forth from out of the
116 E X O D O S 25:34
3087 2532 1722 3588 3087 5064 2902.1 1909 3588 5491 3588 831.3 3588 1520 1537 3588 1520
lucniaV 25:34 kai en ¢
th lucnia ¢
tessareV ¢
krathreV epi¢ ¢
tou ceilouV thV ¢
aulaiaV ¢
thV miaV ek ¢
tou enoV
lamp-stand. And in the lamp-stand, four basins upon the edge of the [2curtain 1one], joining the one
1626.1 2594.4 1722 3588 1520 2562.2 3588 3313 1519 3588 4822.4 2532 3779 4160 1909 3588
ektetupwmenoi karu+skouV en tw eni¢ ¢
kalamiskw oi ¢
merouV ¢ kai outw
eiV thn sumbolhn ¢ ¢
poihseiV epi¢ tou
being shaped nut-like. To the one branch, the part to the coupling. And thus you shall make upon the
4968.1 2532 3588 2918-1473 3588 4968.1 5491 3588 831.3 3588 1857 4314 3588 4822.4 3588
sfairwthreV kai ta ¢ authV
krina ¢ 25:35 o ¢
sfairwthr ¢
ceilouV thV ¢
aulaiaV ¢
thV exwteraV proV th ¢ th
knobs, and its lilies. And the knob edge of the [2curtain 1outer] for the [2coupling
5259 3588 1417 2562.2 1537 1473 2532 4968.1 1208 4004-1161 44.1 4160 3588
upo¢ ¢ kalamiskouV
touV duo ¢ ex ¢ kai sfairwthr
authV ¢ ¢
deutera ¢
26:5 penthkonta ¢
de agkulaV ¢
poihseiV th
under the two branches from out of it, and a knob 1second]. And fifty hooks you shall make for the
5259 3588 1417 2562.2 1537 1473 3779 831.3 3588 1520 2532 4004 44.1 4160
upo¢ ¢
touV duo ¢
kalamiskouV ex ¢
authV ¢
outw ¢
aulaia th ¢
mia ¢
kai penthkonta ¢
agkulaV ¢
under the other two branches from out of it, thus [2curtain 1one], and fifty hooks you shall make
3588 1803 2562.2 3588 1607 1537 3588 1537 3588 3313 3588 831.3 2596 3588 4822.4
toiV ex ¢
kalamiskoiV toiV ¢
ekporeuomenoiV ek thV ek ¢
tou merouV thV ¢
aulaiaV ¢
kata ¢
thn sumbolhn
to the six branches – to the ones going forth from out of the for the part of the curtain corresponding to the coupling
3087 3588 4968.1 2532 3588 2562.2 3588 1208 496.3 496 1519 240
lucniaV 25:36 oi ¢
sfairwthreV kai oi ¢
kalamiskoi thV ¢
deuteraV ¢
antiproswpoi ¢
antipiptousai ¢
eiV allhlaV
lamp-stand. The knobs and the branches of the second, facing headlong into one another
1537 1473 1510.5 3650 5117.1 1537 1538 2532 4160 2916.1 4004 5552
ex ¢
authV ¢
estwsan ¢
olh ¢
toreuth ex ¢
ekasth ¢
26:6 kai poihseiV ¢
krikouV ¢
penthkonta ¢
from out of it – let them be entirely turned from out of each. And you shall make [2hooks 1fifty] of gold.
1520 5553 2513 2532 4160 3588 2532 4882.1 3588 831.3 2087 3588 2087 3588
enoV ¢
crusiou kaqarou¢ 25:37 kai ¢
poihseiV touV ¢
kai sunayeiV ¢ eteran
taV aulaiaV ¢ th ¢ toiV
one piece [2gold 1of pure]. And you shall make And you shall join together the curtains one to the other to the
3088 1473 2033 2532 2007 3588 3088-1473 2916.1 2532 1510.8.3 3588 4633 1520
lucnouV ¢ epta
authV ¢ ¢
kai epiqhseiV ¢
touV lucnouV ¢
authV ¢
krikoiV ¢
kai estai h ¢ mia
skhnh ¢
[3lamps 1its 2seven]. And you shall place its lamps. hooks. And [3will be 1the 2tent] one.
2532 5316 1537 3588 1520 4383 1473
kai ¢
fanousin ek ¢ proswpou
tou enoV ¢ ¢
And they shall shine forth from the one before it. The Hide Coverings, Hooks and Hoops
2532 3588 1884.3-1473 2532 3588 5269.1-1473 2532 4160 1193.1 5155
25:38 kai ¢
ton eparusthra ¢ kai ta
authV ¢
upoqemata ¢
authV 26:7 kai ¢
poihseiV ¢
derreiV ¢
And its funnel, and its underparts And you shall make hide coverings of hair
1537 5553 2513 5007 5553 4629.2 1909 3588 4633 1733 1193.1
ek ¢
crusiou kaqarou¢ 25:39 ¢
talanton ¢
crusiou ¢
skephn epi¢ thV ¢
skhnhV ¢
endeka ¢
from out of [2gold 1pure]. A talent [2gold for protection upon the tent, eleven hide coverings
2513 4160 3956 3588 4632-3778 3708 4160 1473 3588 3372 3588 1193.1
kaqarou¢ poihseiV
¢ ¢
panta ¢ tauta
ta skeuh ¢ ¢
25:40 ora ¢
poihseiV ¢
autaV 26:8 to ¢
mhkoV thV ¢
1of pure] you shall make all these items. See that you shall make them. The length of the [2hide covering
4160 2596 3588 5179 3588 1166 3588 1520 1510.8.3 5144 4083 2532 5064 4083
poihshV ¢
kata ¢
ton tupon ¢
ton dedeigmenon ¢
thV miaV ¢
estai ¢
triakonta ¢
phcewn ¢
kai tessarwn ¢
you should make according to the impression being shown 1one] will be thirty cubits; and four cubits
1473 1722 3588 3735 3588 2148.1 3588 1193.1 3588 1520 3358
soi ¢
en tw orei to ¢
euroV thV ¢
derrewV thV ¢
miaV ¢
to you on the mountain! the breadth of the [2hide covering 1one]; [3measure
3588 1473 1510.8.3 3588 1733 1193.1 2532
to auto¢ ¢
estai taiV ¢
endeka ¢
derresi 26:9 kai
CHAPTER 26 1the 2same] will be to the eleven hide coverings. And
4882.1 3588 4002 1193.1 1909 3588 1473 2532
sunayeiV ¢
taV pente ¢
derreiV epi¢ to auto¢ kai
The Curtains, Hooks and Hoops you shall join together the five hide coverings to the same, and
2532 3588 4633 4160 1176 831.3 1537
26:1 kai thn ¢ poihseiV
skhnhn ¢ ¢
deka ¢ ek
aulaiaV 3588 1803 1193.1 1909 3588 1473 2532 1930.1
taV ex ¢
derreiV epi¢ to auto¢ kai ¢
And for the tent you shall make ten curtains of the six hide coverings to the same. And you shall double up
1040 2831.1 2532 5192 2532 4209 2532 2847
bussou ¢
keklwsmenhV ¢
kai uakinqou ¢
kai porfuraV ¢
kai kokkinou 3588 1193.1 3588 1622 2596 4383 3588 4633
thn derrin ¢
thn ekthn ¢ proswpon
kata ¢ thV ¢
linen being twined, and blue, and purple, and scarlet, the [2hide covering 1sixth] in front of the tent.
2831.1 5502 2039 5306.3 4160
keklwsmenou ¢
ceroubim ¢ ufantou
ergasia ¢ ¢
poihseiV 2532 4160 44.1 4004 1909 3588 5491
26:10 kai poihseiV ¢
agkulaV ¢
penthkonta epi¢ tou ceilouV
being twined with cherubim. A work of a weaver you shall make And you shall make [2hooks 1fifty] upon the edge
1473 3372 3588 831.3 3588 1520 3638
autaV ¢
26:2 mhkoV thV ¢
aulaiaV ¢
thV miaV oktw 3588 1193.1 3588 1520 3588 303.1 2596
thV ¢
derrewV ¢
thV miaV thV ¢
ana meson ¢
them. The length of the [2curtain 1one] shall be eight of the [2hide covering 1one], of the one in the middle by
2532 1501 4083 2532 2148.1 5064 4083 3588
kai eikosi ¢
phcewn ¢
kai euroV ¢
tessarwn ¢
phcewn h 3588 4822.4 2532 4004 44.1 4160 1909
¢ kai penthkonta
thn sumbolhn ¢ ¢
agkulaV ¢
poihseiV epi¢
and twenty cubits; and a breadth of four cubits [2to the the coupling. And fifty hooks you shall make upon
831.3 3588 1520 1510.8.3 3358 3588 1473 1510.8.3
¢ h
aulaia ¢
mia ¢
estai ¢
metron to auto¢ ¢
estai 3588 5491 3588 1193.1 3588 4882.1 3588
tou ceilouV thV ¢
derrewV thV ¢
sunaptoushV thV
4curtain 3one 1shall be]. [3measure 1The 2same] shall be the edge of the hide covering, of the one joining of the
3956 3588 831.3 4002-1161 831.3 1510.8.6 1537
pasaiV ¢
taiV aulaiaiV ¢
26:3 pente ¢
de aulaiai ¢
esontai ex 1208 2532 4160 2916.1 5470 4004
deuteraV ¢
26:11 kai poihseiV ¢
krikouV ¢ penthkonta
calkouV ¢
to all the curtains. And five curtains will be of second. And you shall make [2hooks 3of brass 1fifty].
240 4912 3588 2087 1537 3588 2087 2532 4002
allhlwn ¢
sunecomenai h ¢
etera ek ¢
thV eteraV ¢
kai pente 2532 4882.1 3588 2916.1 1537 3588 44.1 2532
one another, being held the other with the other. And five ¢
kai sunayeiV ¢
touV krikouV ek ¢
twn agkulwn kai
831.3 1510.8.6 1537 240 4912 3588 2087 1537 3588 And you shall join together the hooks by the hooks, and
aulaiai ¢
¢ esontai ¢
ex allhlwn ¢
sunecomenai h ¢ ek
etera thV 4882.1 3588 1193.1 2532 1510.8.3 1520
curtains will be of one another, being held the other with the ¢
sunayeiV ¢
taV derreiV ¢
kai estai en
2087 2532 4160 1473 44.1 5191 you shall join together the hide coverings, and it shall be one.
eteraV ¢
26:4 kai poihseiV ¢
autaiV ¢
agkulaV ¢
other. And you shall make for them hooks of blue
26:12 E X O D U S 117
2532 5294 3588 4121 1722 3588 1193.1 1519 297 3588 3313-1473 2532 1537 3588 3694 3588
26:12 †kai upoqhseiV
¢ to ¢
pleonazon en ¢
taiV derresi ¢
eiV amfotera ¢ autou¢ 26:22 kai ek twn opisw
ta merh ¢ thV
And you shall set the extra in the hide coverings for both its parts. And by the rear of the
3588 4633 3588 2255 3588 1193.1 3588 5275 4633 2596 3588 3313 3588 4314 2281 4160 1803
thV skhnhV ¢
¢ to hmisu thV ¢
derrewV ¢
to upoleleimmenon ¢ kata
skhnhV ¢ to meroV
¢ to proV ¢
qalassan ¢
poihseiV ex
of the tent. The half of the hide covering being left over tent by the part towards the west you shall make six
5269.3 1519 3588 4121 3588 1193.1 3588 4769 2532 1417 4769 4160 1909 3588 1137
upokaluyeiV eiV to ¢
pleonazon twn ¢
derrewn thV ¢
stulouV ¢ stulouV
26:23 kai duo ¢ ¢
poihseiV epi¢ twn gwniwn
you shall cover up for the extra of the hide coverings of the posts. And two posts you shall make at the corners
4633 5269.3 3694 3588 4633 4083 3588 4633 1537 3588 3693.1 2532 1510.8.6 1537 2470
¢ upokaluyeiV
skhnhV ¢ ¢
opisw ¢
thV skhnhV ¢
26:13 phcun thV ¢ ek twn opisqiwn
skhnhV ¢ ¢
26:24 kai esontai ¢
ex isou
tent. You shall cover up behind the tent. A cubit of the tent at the posteriors. And they shall be of equal
1537 3778 2532 4083 1537 3778 1537 3588 5242 2736.3 2532 2596 3588 1473 1510.8.6 2470
ek ¢
toutou ¢
kai phcun ek ¢
toutou ek ¢
tou uperecontoV ¢
katwqen ¢
kai kata to auto¢ ¢
esontai ¢
from this side, and a cubit from that side of the superior part below, and according to the same measurement they shall be equal
3588 1193.1 1537 3588 3372 3588 1193.1 1537 3588 2776 1519 4822.2 1520 3779 4160
twn ¢
derrewn ek ¢
tou mhkouV twn ¢
derrewn ek ¢ eiV
twn kefalwn ¢
sumblhsin ¢
mian ¢
outw ¢
of the hide coverings, of the length of the hide coverings from the heads unto [2coupling 1one]. Thus shall you make
3588 4633 2532 1510.8.3 4780 1909 3588 4104.4 297 3588 1417 1137 2470-1510.5 2532
thV ¢ kai
skhnhV ¢
estai ¢
sugkalupton epi¢ ta ¢
plagia ¢
amfoteraiV taiV dusi¢ gwniaiV
¢ ¢
isai ¢
estwsan 26:25 kai
of the tent. And it will be to cover up the sides to both the two corners, let them be equal! And
3588 4633 1759.3 2443 2572 1510.8.6 3638 4769 2532 3588 939-1473 693
thV skhnhV ¢
¢ enqen ¢
kai enqen ¢
ina ¢
kalupth ¢
esontai ¢ stuloi
oktw ¢ kai ai ¢
baseiV ¢
autwn argurai¢
of the tent on this side and that side, that it should be covered. there shall be eight posts. And their bases of silver –
2532 4160 2618.1 3588 4633 1192 1177.1 2532 1417 939 3588 4769 3588 1520 2532 1417 939
26:14 kai poihseiV ¢
katakalumma thV ¢ dermata
skhnhV ¢ ¢ kai †duo
dekaex ¢ baseiV
¢ tw ¢
stulw to eni¢ ¢ baseiV
kai duo ¢
And you shall make a covering of the tent – skins sixteen; and two bases to the [2post 1one], and two bases
2919.1 2062.3 2532 1942 1192 5191 3588 4769 3588 1520 2532 4160 3449.2
kriwn ¢ kai epikalummata
hruqrodanwmena ¢ ¢
dermata ¢
uakinqina tw ¢
stulw to eni¢ ¢
26:26 kai poihseiV ¢
of rams dyed red, and coverings of skins of blue to the other [2post 1one]. And you shall make bars
1883.1 1537 3586 767.1 4002 3588 4769 1537 3588
epanwqen ek ¢
xulwn ¢
ashptwn ¢
pente toiV ¢
stuloiV ek tou
on top. from out of [2wood 1incorruptible]; five to the posts from the
1520 3313 3588 4633 2532 4002 3449.2 3588
The Items for the Tent ¢ merouV
enoV ¢ thV ¢
skhnhV 26:27 kai ¢
pente ¢ toiV
2532 4160 4769 3588 4633 1537
one part of the tent. And five bars to the
26:15 kai poihseiV ¢
stulouV thV ¢ ek
skhnhV 4769 3588 2827.1 3588 4633 3588 1208 2532 4002
And you shall make posts for the tent from out of ¢
stuloiV tw ¢
klitei thV ¢ tw deuterw
skhnhV ¢ ¢
kai pente
3586 767.1 1176 4083 4160 3588
posts to the [2side 3of the 4tent 1second], and five
xulwn ¢
ashptwn ¢
26:16 deka ¢
phcewn ¢
poihseiV ton 3449.2 3588 4769 3588 3693.1 2827.1 3588 4633
[2wood 1incorruptible]. Of ten cubits you shall make the ¢ toiV
moclouV ¢
stuloiV tw ¢ klitei
opisqiw ¢ thV ¢
4769 3588 1520 2532 4083 1520 2532 2255 3588 4114
bars for the posts on the posterior side of the tent,
stulon ¢
ton ena ¢
kai phcewV ¢
enoV ¢
kai hmisouV to ¢
platoV 3588 4314 2281 2532 3588 3449.2 3588 3319
[2post 1one], and [2cubit 1one] and a half the width to proV ¢
qalassan 26:28 kai o ¢ o
mocloV ¢
3588 4769 3588 1520 1417 45.2 3588 4769
the one towards the west. And the [2bar 1middle]
tou ¢
stulou ¢
tou enoV ¢ agkwniskouV
26:17 duo ¢ tw ¢
stulw 303.1 3588 4769 1338 575 3588 1520 2827.1
of the [2post 1one]. Two joints to the [2post ¢
anameson ¢
twn stulwn ¢
diikneisqw apo¢ tou enoV
¢ klitouV
3588 1520 496 2087 3588 2087 3779
in between the posts – let it penetrate from the one side
tw eni¢ ¢
antipiptontaV ¢
eteron tw ¢
eterw ¢
outwV 1519 3588 2087 2827.1 2532 3588 4769 2710.3
1one] resting headlong against one to the other. Thus eiV ¢
to eteron ¢
klitoV ¢
26:29 kai touV stulouV ¢
4160 3956 3588 4769 3588 4633 2532
unto the other side! And the posts you shall gild
poihseiV ¢
pasi ¢
toiV stuloiV thV ¢
skhnhV 26:18 kai 5553 2532 3588 1146 4160 5552 1519 3739
you shall make to all the posts of the tent. And ¢ kai touV daktuliouV
crusiw ¢ ¢
poihseiV ¢ eiV ouV
4160 3588 4769 3588 4633 1501 4769 1537
in gold. And the rings you shall make of gold, into which
poihseiV ¢
touV stulouV thV ¢ eikosi
skhnhV ¢ ¢
stulouV ek 1521 3588 3449.2 2532 2710.3 3588 3449.2
you shall make the posts for the tent – twenty posts by ¢
eisaxeiV ¢ kai katacruswseiV
touV moclouV ¢ ¢
touV moclouV
3588 2827.1 3588-4314 3558 2532 5062 939
you shall insert the bars. And you shall gild the bars
tou klitouV tou proV ¢
noton ¢
26:19 kai tessarakonta ¢
baseiV 5553 2532 450 3588 4633 2596 3588
the side towards the south. And forty bases ¢
crusiw ¢
26:30 kai anasthseiV ¢ kata
thn skhnhn ¢ to
693 4160 3588 1501 4769 1417 939 3588
in gold. And you shall raise the tent according to the
¢ poihseiV
arguraV ¢ toiV ¢
eikosi ¢
stuloiV ¢ baseiV
duo ¢ tw 1491 3588 1166 1473 1722 3588 3735
of silver you shall make for the twenty posts. Two bases to the ¢
eidoV ¢
to dedeigmenon soi ¢
en tw orei
4769 3588 1520 1519 297 3588 3313-1473 2532 1417 939
form being shown to you in the mountain.
stulw tw eni¢ ¢
eiV amfotera ¢ autou¢ kai duo
ta merh ¢ baseiV
[2post 1one] for both its parts, and two bases The Veil
3588 4769 3588 1520 1519 297 3588 3313-1473 2532 4160 2665 1537
tw ¢
stulw tw eni¢ ¢
eiV amfotera ta ¢ autou¢
merh 26:31 kai ¢
poihseiV ¢
katapetasma ex
to the other [2post 1one] for both its parts. And you shall make a veil from out of
2532 3588 2827.1 3588 1208 3588 4314 1005 5192 2532 4209 2532 2847 2831.1 2532
26:20 kai to ¢
klitoV to ¢
deuteron to proV ¢
borran ¢
uakinqou ¢
kai porfuraV ¢
kai kokkinou ¢
keklwsmenou kai
And the [2side 1second] towards the north – blue, and purple, and scarlet being twined, and
1501 4769 2532 5062 939 1473 1040 3514 2041 5307 4160 1473
eikosi ¢
stulouV 26:21 kai ¢
tessarakonta ¢
baseiV ¢
autwn ¢
bussou ¢
nenhsmenhV ¢
ergon ¢
ufanton ¢
poihseiV auto¢
twenty posts. And forty bases for them linen being spun. [4work 3a woven 1You shall make 2it]
693 1417 939 3588 4769 3588 1520 1519 297 5502 2532 2007 1473 1909 5064
arguraV ¢ baseiV
duo ¢ tw ¢
stulw tw eni¢ ¢
eiV amfotera ¢
ceroubim ¢
26:32 kai epiqhseiV auto¢ epi¢ ¢
made of silver. Two bases to the [2post 1one] for both with cherubim. And you shall place it upon four
3588 3313-1473 2532 1417 939 3588 4769 3588 1520 4769 767.1 5558 5553 2532 3588
ta ¢ autou¢ kai duo
merh ¢ baseiV
¢ tw ¢
stulw tw eni¢ ¢
stulwn ¢
ashptwn ¢
kecruswmenwn ¢ kai ai
its parts, and two bases for the other [2post 1one] posts of incorruptible wood being gilded in gold. And the

26:12 †See Bos for variants. 26:25 †See Bos for variants.
118 E X O D O S 26:33
2777 1473 5552 2532 3588 939 1473 5064 3588 5357-1473 2532 3588 2906.1-1473 2532 3588 4444.1-1473
kefalideV ¢
autwn crusai¢ kai ai ¢
baseiV ¢ tessareV
autwn ¢ ¢
taV fialaV autou¢ kai taV kreagraV
¢ autou¢ kai to pureion
¢ autou¢
tips of them in gold, and [3bases 1their 2four] its bowls, and its meat hooks, and its censer,
693 2532 5087 3588 2665 2532 3956 3588 4632-1473 4160 5470 2532
argurai¢ 26:33 kai ¢
qhseiV to ¢
katapetasma ¢
kai panta ta ¢ autou¢ poihseiV
skeuh ¢ ¢
calka 27:4 kai
made of silver. And you shall put the veil and all its utensils you shall make of brass. And
1909 3588 4769 2532 1533 1563 2081.2 4160 1473 2077.1 2041 1350.2 5470 2532
epi¢ ¢
touV stulouV kai ¢
eisoiseiV ekei¢ ¢
eswteron ¢
poihseiV ¢ escaran
autw ¢ ¢
ergw ¢ calkhn
diktuwtw ¢ kai
upon the posts. And you shall carry in there, inside you shall make for it [3grate 4work 1a latticed 2brass]. And
3588 2665 3588 2787 3588 3142 2532 4160 3588 2077.1 5064 1146 5470
tou katapetasmatoV ¢
thn kibwton tou ¢
marturiou kai ¢
poihseiV th ¢
escara ¢
tessaraV ¢
daktuliouV ¢
the veil, the ark of the testimony. And you shall make for the grate four rings of brass
1357.1 3588 2665 1473 303.1 3588 39 2532 1909 3588 5064 2827.1 2532 5294 1473 5259
dioriei¢ to ¢
katapetasma ¢ anameson
umin ¢ ¢ kai
tou agiou epi¢ ¢
ta tessara ¢
klith ¢
27:5 kai upoqhseiV ¢ upo¢
[3shall separate 1the 2veil] to you between the holy and upon the four sides. And you shall place them under
303.1 3588 39 3588 39 2532 2619 3588 2077.1 3588 2379 2736.3 1510.8.3 1161
anameson ¢ twn
tou agiou ¢
agiwn ¢
26:34 kai katakaluyeiV ¢
thn escaran tou ¢
qusiasthriou ¢
katwqen ¢
estai de
between the holy of the holies. And you shall cover up the grate of the altar from below. [4will be 1And
3588 2665 3588 2787 3588 3142 1722 3588 3588 2077.1 2193 3588 2255 3588 2379 2532
tw ¢
katapetasmati ¢ tou
thn kibwton ¢
marturiou en tw h ¢
escara ¢
ewV ¢
tou hmisouV ¢
tou qusiasthriou 27:6 kai
by the veil the ark of the testimony in the 2the 3grate] for half the altar. And
39 3588 39 2532 5087 3588 5132 1855 4160 3588 2379 399.2 1537
¢ twn
agiw ¢
agiwn ¢
26:35 kai qhseiV ¢
thn trapezan ¢
exwqen ¢
poihseiV tw ¢
qusiasthriw ¢
anaforeiV ek
holy of the holies. And you shall put the table outwardly you shall make for the altar bearing poles from out of
3588 2665 2532 3588 3087 561 3588 3586 767.1 2532 4065.1 1473 5475
tou ¢
katapetasmatoV ¢
kai thn lucnian ¢
apenanti thV ¢
xulwn ¢
ashptwn ¢
kai pericalkwseiV ¢ calkw
autouV ¢
of the veil, and the lamp-stand directly opposite the [2woods 1incorruptible], and you shall brass plate them in brass.
5132 1909 3313 3588 4633 3588 4314 3558 2532 2532 1521 3588 399.2 1519 3588 1146
trapezhV epi¢ merouV
¢ thV ¢ to
skhnhV proV ¢
noton kai ¢
27:7 kai eisaxeiV ¢
touV anaforeiV ¢
eiV touV daktuliouV
table near the part of the tent towards the south. and And you shall bring the bearing poles into the rings;
3588 5132 5087 1909 3313 3588 4633 3588 4314 2532 1510.5 3588 399.2 2596 3588 4125.1 3588
thn trapezan ¢
qhseiV epi¢ merouV
¢ thV ¢ to proV
skhnhV ¢
kai estwsan oi ¢
anaforeiV ¢
kata ¢
ta pleura tou
the table you shall put by the part of the tent towards and let [3be 1the 2bearing poles] according to the sides of the
1005 2379 1722 3588 142 1473 2836.1 4547.1
borran ¢
qusiasthriou en ¢
tw airein auto¢ ¢
27:8 koilon ¢
the north. altar in the lifting it! [3hollow 4planked
4160 1473 2596 3588 3856.1
poihseiV auto¢ kata
¢ ¢
to paradeicqen
The Draw-curtain 1You shall make 2it]; according to the holding forth of the example
2532 4160 1985.1 3588 2374 1537
26:36 kai poihseiV ¢
epispastron th ¢
qura ex 1473 1722 3588 3735 3779 4160 1473
soi ¢
en tw orei ¢
outw ¢
poihseiV auto¢
And you shall make a draw curtain for the door, of to you on the mountain – thus you shall make it.
5192 2532 4209 2532 2847 2831.1 2532
uakinqou ¢
kai porfuraV ¢
kai kokkinou ¢
keklwsmenou kai
blue and purple, and scarlet being twined, and The Courtyard
1040 2831.1 2041 4164.1 2532 2532 4160 833 3588 4633 1519 3588
bussou ¢
keklwsmenhV ¢
ergon poikiltou¢ 26:37 kai ¢
27:9 kai poihseiV ¢
aulhn th ¢ eiV to
linen being twined, the work of an embroiderer. And And you shall make a courtyard for the tent in the
4160 3588 2665 4002 4769 2532 2827.1 3588 4314 3047 2476.1 3588 833
poihseiV tw ¢
katapetasmati ¢
pente ¢
stulouV kai ¢
klitoV to proV ¢
liba ¢
istia thV ¢
you shall make for the veil five posts, and side, the one towards the south, and shrouds for the courtyard
5558 1473 5553 2532 3588 2777 1473 1537 1040 2831.1 3372 1540 4083
cruswseiV ¢ crusiw
autouV ¢ kai ai ¢
kefalideV ¢
autwn ek ¢
bussou ¢
keklwsmenhV ¢
mhkoV ¢
ekaton ¢
you shall gild them with gold; and the tips of them from out of linen being twined, the length a hundred cubits
5552 2532 5560.9 1473 4002 939 5470 3588 1520 2827.1 2532 3588 4769-1473 1501 2532
crusai¢ kai cwneuseiV
¢ ¢
autoiV ¢
pente ¢
baseiV ¢
calkaV tw eni¢ klitei
¢ 27:10 kai oi ¢
stuloi ¢
autwn ¢
eikosi kai
of gold; and you shall cast for them five bases of brass. to the one side. And their posts – twenty; and
3588 939-1473 1501 5470 2532 3588 2916.1-1473
ai ¢
baseiV ¢
autwn ¢
eikosi calkai¢ kai oi ¢
krikoi ¢
CHAPTER 27 their bases – twenty, of brass; and their hooks,
2532 3588 5566.1-1473 693 3779 3588
The Horned Altar kai ai ¢
yalideV ¢
autwn argurai¢ ¢
27:11 outw tw
2532 4160 2379 1537 3586 and their clips made of silver. So also to the
27:1 kai poihseiV ¢
qusiasthrion ek ¢
xulwn 2827.1 3588 4314 1005 2476.1 1540
And you shall make an altar from out of [2woods ¢
klitei tw proV ¢
borran ¢
istia ¢
767.1 4002 4083 3588 3372 2532 4002 4083 3588 side towards the north you shall make shrouds a hundred
ashptwn ¢
pente ¢
phcewn ¢
to mhkoV ¢
kai pente ¢
phcewn to 4083 3372 2532 3588 4769-1473 1501 2532 3588
1incorruptible], of five cubits the length, and five cubits the ¢
phcewn ¢
mhkoV kai oi ¢
stuloi ¢
autwn ¢
eikosi kai ai
2148.1 5068 1510.8.3 3588 2379 2532 5140 cubits in length, and their posts – twenty; and
euroV ¢
tetragwnon ¢
estai to ¢
qusiasthrion ¢
kai triwn 939-1473 1501 5470 2532 3588 2916.1-1473 2532
breadth. [4four-cornered 3will be 1The 2altar], and [2three ¢
baseiV ¢ eikosi
autwn ¢ calkai¢ kai oi ¢
krikoi ¢ kai
4083 3588 5311-1473 2532 4160 3588 2768 their bases – twenty, made of brass; and their hooks, and
phcewn to ¢
uyoV autou¢ ¢
27:2 kai poihseiV ta ¢
kerata 3588 5566.1 3588 4769 2532 3588 939 4014.1
3cubits 1its height]. And you shall make the horns ai ¢
yalideV twn ¢
stulwn kai ai ¢
baseiV ¢
1909 3588 5064 1137 1537 1473 1510.8.3 3588 2768 the clips for the posts, and the bases being silver plated
epi¢ twn tessarwn
¢ ¢ ex
gwniwn ¢
autou¢ estai ta ¢
kerata 696 3588-1161 2148.1 3588 833 3588 2596
upon the four corners. [4part of 5it 3will be 1The 2horns]. ¢
arguriw 27:12 to de ¢
euroV thV ¢
aulhV ¢
to kata
2532 2572 1473 5475 2532 4160 with silver metal. And the breadth of the courtyard by
kai ¢
kaluyeiV ¢ calkw
auta ¢ 27:3 kai ¢
poihseiV 2281 2476.1 4004 4083 4769-1473 1176
And you shall cover them in brass. And you shall make ¢
qalassan ¢
istia ¢
penthkonta ¢
phcewn ¢
stuloi ¢ deka
autwn ¢
4734.1 3588 2379 2532 3588 2571.1-1473 2532 the west with shrouds of fifty cubits, their posts – ten;
stefanhn tw ¢ kai ton kalupthra
qusiasthriw ¢ autou¢ kai 2532 939-1473 1176 2532 2148.1 3588 833 3588
a rim for the altar. And its lid, and ¢
kai baseiV ¢ deka
autwn ¢ ¢
27:13 kai euroV thV ¢
aulhV thV
and their bases – ten. And the breadth of the courtyard
27:14 E X O D U S 119
4314 395 2476.1 4004 4083 4769-1473
proV ¢ istia
anatolaV ¢ ¢
penthkonta ¢
phcewn ¢
stuloi ¢
autwn CHAPTER 28
towards the east with shrouds of fifty cubits; their posts –
1176 2532 939-1473 1176 2532 4002.1 4083
deka ¢
kai baseiV ¢ deka
autwn ¢ ¢
27:14 kai pentekaideka ¢
phcewn The Priestly Sacred Apparel
ten, and their bases – ten. And fifteen cubits 2532 1473 4317 4314 4572 3588 5037 *
3588 2476.1 3588 5311 3588 2827.1 3588 1520 ¢
28:1 kai su prosagagou ¢ ton te
proV seauton ¢
twn ¢
istiwn to ¢
uyoV tw ¢
klitei tw eni¢ And you lead forward to yourself both Aaron
for the shrouds is to be the height for the [2side 1one]; 3588 80 2532 3588 5207-1473 1537 3588 5207
4769-1473 5140 2532 3588 939-1473 5140 2532 ¢ sou kai touV uiouV
ton adelfon ¢ autou¢ ek ¢
twn uiwn
stuloi ¢ treiV kai ai
autwn ¢
baseiV ¢ treiV
autwn 27:15 kai your brother, and his sons from out of the sons
their posts – three, and their bases – three. And * 2407 1473 * 2532 * 2532
3588 2827.1 3588 1208 1178 4083 3588 2476.1 ¢
Israhl ¢
ierateuein moi ¢
Aarwn ¢
kai Nadab kai
to ¢
klitoV to ¢
deuteron ¢
dekapente ¢
phcewn twn ¢
istiwn of Israel! to officiate as priest to me – Aaron, and Nadab, and
for the [2side 1second] fifteen cubits for the shrouds * 2532 * 2532 * 5207 * 2532
3588 5311 4769-1473 5140 2532 939-1473 5140 ¢ kai Eleazar
Abioud ¢ ¢
kai Iqamar ¢ Aarwn
uiouV ¢ 28:2 kai
to ¢
uyoV ¢
stuloi ¢ treiV kai baseiV
autwn ¢ ¢ treiV
autwn Abihu, and Eleazar, and Ithamar – sons of Aaron. And
is to be the height; their posts – three, and their bases – three. 4160 4749 39 * 3588 80-1473
2532 3588 4439 3588 833 2571 1501
poihseiV ¢
stolhn ¢
agian ¢
Aarwn tw ¢ sou
27:16 kai th ¢
pulh thV ¢
aulhV ¢
kalumma ¢
eikosi you shall make [2apparel 1holy] for Aaron your brother,
And in the gate of the courtyard a covering twenty 1519 5092 2532 1391 2532 1473 2980 3956 3588
4083 3588 5311 1537 5192 2532 4209
eiV ¢
timhn ¢
kai doxan 28:3 kai su ¢
lalhson ¢
pasi toiV
phcewn to ¢
uyoV ex ¢
uakinqou ¢
kai porfuraV for honor and glory. And you speak to all the
cubits in height, from out of blue and purple, 4680 3588 1271 3739 1705 4151 4678
2532 2847 2831.1 2532 1040 2831.1 3588
¢ th
sofoiV ¢
dianoia ouV ¢
eneplhsa ¢
pneumatoV ¢
kai kokkinou ¢
keklwsmenou ¢
kai bussou ¢
keklwsmenhV th wise in thought! whom I filled a spirit of wisdom
and scarlet being twined, and linen being twined in the 2532 144 2532 4160 3588 4749 3588 39
4163.1 3588 4475.5 4769-1473 5064 2532 3588
kai aisqhsewV kai ¢
poihsousi ¢
thn stolhn ¢
thn agian
poikilia tou rafideutou¢ stuloi
¢ ¢ tessareV
autwn ¢ kai ai and perception. And they shall make the [2apparel 1holy]
embroidery of the stitcher; their posts – four, and * 1519 3588 39 1722 3739 2407
939-1473 5064 3956 3588 4769 3588 833
Aarwn ¢
eiV to agion en h ¢
baseiV ¢ tessareV
autwn ¢ ¢
27:17 panteV ¢
oi stuloi thV ¢
aulhV for Aaron, for the holy place, in which he shall officiate as priest
their bases – four. All the posts of the courtyard 1473 2532 3778 3588 4749 3739 4160
2945 2673.1 694 2532 3588 2777-1473
moi ¢
28:4 kai autai ai stolai¢ aV ¢
kuklw ¢
kathrgurwmenoi ¢ kai ai kefalideV
arguriw ¢ ¢
autwn to me. And these are the apparels which they shall make;
round about being plated in silver, and their tips 3588 4058.1 2532 3588 2036.1 2532 3588 4158
693 2532 3588 939-1473 5470 3588-1161
to peristhqion ¢
kai thn epwmida ¢
kai ton podhrh
argurai¢ kai ai ¢
baseiV ¢ calkai¢
autwn 27:18 to de the breast-plate, and the shoulder-piece, and the foot length robe,
made of silver, and their bases of brass. And the 2532 5509 2889.2 2532 2787.1 2532 2223 2532
3372 3588 833 1540 1909 1540 2532 3588 ¢
kai citwna ¢ kai kidarin
kosumbwton ¢ ¢
kai zwnhn kai
mhkoV thV ¢
aulhV ¢
ekaton ef' ¢
ekaton kai to and [2inner garment 1a fringed], and turban, and belt. And
length of the courtyard – a hundred by a hundred. And the 4160 4749 39 * 2532 3588 5207-1473
2148.1 4004 1909 4004 2532 5311 4002 ¢
poihsousi ¢
stolaV ¢
agiaV ¢
Aarwn ¢ autou¢
kai toiV uioiV
euroV ¢
penthkonta epi¢ penthkonta
¢ kai ¢
uyoV ¢
pente they shall make [2apparels 1holy] for Aaron and to his sons
breadth – fifty by fifty. And the height – five 1519 3588 2407 1473 2532 1473 2983
4083 1537 1040 2831.1 2532 3588 939-1473 eiV to ¢
ierateuein moi 28:5 kai autoi¢ lhyontai
phcewn ek ¢
bussou ¢
keklwsmenhV ¢
kai ai baseiV ¢
autwn for officiating as priest to me. And they shall take
cubits from out of linen being twined. And their bases 3588 5553 2532 3588 5192 2532 3588 4209 2532
5470 2532 3956 3588 2680.1 2532 3956 3588 to ¢
crusion kai ¢
thn uakinqon kai ¢
thn porfuran kai
calkai¢ ¢
27:19 kai pasa h ¢ kai panta
kataskeuh ¢ ta the gold, and the blue, and the purple, and
were of brass. And all the furniture, and all the 3588 2847 2532 3588 1040 2532 4160
2038.1 2532 3588 3956.1 3588 833 5470 to ¢
kokkinon ¢
kai thn busson 28:6 kai ¢
ergaleia kai oi ¢
passaloi thV ¢
aulhV calkoi¢ the scarlet, and the linen. And they shall make
work tools, and the stanchions of the courtyard were of brass. 3588 2036.1 1537 1040 2831.1 2041
thn epwmida ek ¢
bussou ¢
keklwsmenhV ¢
The Oil Lamp the shoulder-piece from out of linen being twined, [2work
5307 4164.1 1417 2036.1 1510.8.6
2532 1473 4929 3588 5207 * 2532 ¢
ufanton poikiltou¢ ¢ epwmideV
28:7 duo ¢ ¢
27:20 kai su ¢
suntaxon toiV ¢ Israhl
uioiV ¢ kai 1a woven] of an embroiderer. Two shoulder-pieces will be
And you give orders to the sons of Israel! And
1473 4912 2087 3588 2087 1909 3588
2983 1473 1637 1537 1636 824.3 ¢
autw ¢
sunecousa ¢
etera thn ¢
eteran epi¢ toiV
labetws ¢
an soi ¢
elaion ex ¢
elaiwn ¢
atrugon for him, being held together the other to the other, [2upon 3the
let them take to you olive oil from olive trees free from impurities!
1417 3313 1821.5 2532 3588 5307.1 3588
2513 2875 1519 5457 2443 2545 3088 dusi¢ meresin
¢ ¢
exhrthmenai 28:8 kai to ¢
ufasma twn
¢ kekommenon
kaqaron ¢ eiV fwV ¢
ina ¢
kaihtai ¢
lucnoV 4two 5parts 1attached]. And the woven work of the
[2pure 1being beaten] for a light, that [2should burn 1a lamp]
2036.1 3739 1510.2.3 1909 1473 2596 3588 4162
1275 1722 3588 4633 3588 3142 1855 ¢
epwmidwn o estin ep' ¢ kata
autw ¢ ¢
thn poihsin
diapantoV 27:21 en ¢ tou
th skhnh marturiou ¢
¢ exwqen
shoulder-pieces which is upon him, concerning the making
always. In the tent of the testimony, from outside
1537 1473 1510.8.3 1537 5553 2513 2532 5192
3588 2665 3588 1909 3588 1242 2545 1473 ex ¢
autou¢ estai ek ¢
crusiou kaqarou¢ kai uakinqou
tou katapetasmatoV tou epi¢ thV diaqhkhV
¢ ¢
kausei auto¢ of it, shall be from [2gold 1pure], and blue,
the veil, the one by the covenant – [2shall burn 3it
2532 4209 2532 2847 1269.1 2532 1040
* 2532 3588 5207-1473 575 2073 2193 4404 1726 ¢
kai porfuraV ¢
kai kokkinou ¢
dianenhsmenou ¢
kai bussou
Aarwn kai oi uioi¢ autou¢ af' esperaV
¢ ¢
ewV prw+ ¢
enantion and purple, and scarlet being spun, and linen
1Aaron] and his sons from evening until morning before
2831.1 2532 2983 3588 1417 3037 3037
2962 3544.1 166 1519 3588 1074-1473 3844 ¢
keklwsmenhV ¢
28:9 kai lhyh ¢ liqouV
touV duo ¢ ¢
kuriou ¢
nomimon ¢
aiwnion ¢ umwn
eiV taV geneaV ¢ ¢
para being twined. And you shall take the two stones – stones
the lord; [2law 1for an eternal] unto your generations by
4665 2532 1099.5 1722 1473 3588 3686 3588
3588 5207 * ¢
smaragdou ¢
kai gluyeiV en ¢ ta
autoiV ¢
onomata twn
¢ Israhl
twn uiwn ¢
of emerald; and you shall carve on them the names of the
the sons of Israel.
5207 * 1803 3686 1909 3588 3037 3588 1520 2532
¢ Israhl
uiwn ¢ ¢
28:10 ex onomata epi¢ ton liqon
¢ ¢
ton ena kai
sons of Israel. Six names upon the [2stone 1one], and
120 E X O D O S 28:11
3588 1803 3686 3588 3062 1909 3588 3037 3588 1208 4028 5553 2532 4887 1722
ta ex ¢
onomata ¢
ta loipa epi¢ ¢
ton liqon ¢
ton deuteron ¢
perikekalummena ¢
crusiw kai ¢
sundedemena en
the six names remaining upon the [2stone 1second], being covered all around in gold and being tied together by
2596 3588 1078-1473 2041 3038.2 5553 1510.5 2596 4744.2-1473 2532 3588
kata ¢
taV geneseiV ¢
autwn ¢
28:11 ergon ¢
liqourgikhV crusiw ¢
¢ estwsan ¢
kata ¢
sticon ¢
autwn 28:21 kai oi
according to their births. A work of a stonecutter’s gold; let them be according to their row! And [2the
5078 1099.2 4973 1231.1 3588 1417 3037 3037 1510.5 1537 3588 3686 3588 5207 *
tecnhV ¢
glumma ¢
sfragidoV ¢
diagluyeiV ¢ liqouV
touV duo ¢ ¢
liqoi ¢
estwsan ek ¢
twn onomatwn twn ¢
uiwn ¢
craft, as a carving of a seal you shall carve the two stones 3stones 1let] be of the names of the sons of Israel,
1909 3588 3686 3588 5207 * 2532 5087 1427 2596 3588 3686-1473 1099.4 4973
epi¢ toiV onomasi
¢ twn ¢ Israhl
uiwn ¢ ¢
28:12 kai qhseiV ¢
dwdeka ¢
kata ta ¢
onomata ¢ glufai¢ sfragidwn
autwn ¢
with the names of the sons of Israel. And you shall put twelve, according to their names! Carvings as seals
3588 1417 3037 1909 3588 5606 3588 2036.1 1538 2596 3588 3686 1510.5 1519 3588
touV duo ¢
liqouV epi¢ ¢
twn wmwn thV ¢
epwmidoV ¢
ekastou ¢
kata ta ¢
onomata ¢
estwsan eiV taV
the two stones upon the shoulders of the shoulder-piece. each; [2according to 3the 4names 1let them be] for the
3037 3422 1510.2.6 3588 5207 * 2532 1427 5443 2532 4160 1909 3588 3051
liqoi ¢
mnhmosunon eisi¢ toiV ¢ Israhl
uioiV ¢ kai ¢
dwdeka ¢
fulaV 28:22 kai ¢
poihseiV epi¢ to ¢
[2stones 3of memorial 1They are] to the sons of Israel. And twelve tribes! And you shall make upon the oracle
353-* 3588 3686 3588 5207 * 1725 2924.5 4844.3 2041 253.1 1537 5553
analhyetai ¢
Aarwn ta ¢
onomata twn ¢
uiwn ¢
Israhl ¢
enanti ¢ sumpeplegmenouV
krossouV ¢ ¢
ergon ¢ ek crusiou
alusidwton ¢
Aaron shall lift up the names of the sons of Israel before a border, being a closely joined, [2work 1a chain] of [2gold
2962 1909 3588 1417 5606 1473 3422 4012 2513 2532 4160 1909 3588 3051 1417
kuriou epi¢ twn duo
¢ ¢
wmwn autou¢ mnhmosunon
¢ peri¢ kaqarou¢ 28:23 kai ¢
poihseiV epi¢ to ¢
logeion ¢
the lord upon [2two 3shoulders 1his], as a memorial for 1pure]. And you shall make upon the oracle two
1473 2532 4160 783.1 1537 5553 1146 5552 2532 2007 3588 1417 1146
autwn 28:13 kai ¢
poihseiV ¢
aspidiskaV ek ¢
crusiou ¢
daktuliouV ¢ kai epiqhseiV
crusouV ¢ ¢ daktuliouV
touV duo ¢
them. And you shall make bezels from [2gold [2rings 1golden]. And you shall place the two [2rings
2513 2532 4160 1417 2924.6 3588 5552 1909 297 3588 746 3588 3051
kaqarou¢ 28:14 kai ¢
poihseiV ¢
duo ¢
krosswta ¢ ep'
touV crusouV ¢
amfoteraV ¢
taV arcaV tou ¢
1pure]. And you shall make two bordered fringes 1golden] upon both the corners of the oracle.
1537 5553 2513 2650.3 1722 438 2532 2007 3588 2924.5 2532 3588 253.1
ek ¢
crusiou kaqarou¢ katamemigmena
¢ en ¢
anqesin ¢
28:24 kai epiqhseiV ¢ kai ta alusidwta
touV krossouV ¢
from out of [2gold 1pure], being mixed with [3flowers And you shall put upon the borders even the chain-works
2041 4143.1 2532 2007 3588 2924.6 3588 5553 1909 3588 1417 1146 1909 297 3588
ergon ¢
plokhV ¢
kai epiqhseiV ta ¢
krosswta ¢ epi¢
ta crusiou ¢ daktuliouV
touV duo ¢ ep' ¢
amfoterwn twn
1a work 2of wreathen]. And you shall place the bordered fringes of gold upon the two rings upon both of the
4120 1909 3588 783.1 2596 3588 3955.1-1473 2827.1 3588 3051 2532 1417 2827.1 3588 1417 2924.5
peplegmena epi¢ taV aspidiskaV
¢ ¢ taV parwmidaV
kata ¢ ¢
autwn ¢ tou
klitwn ¢
logeiou ¢ klith
28:25 kai duo ¢ twn ¢ krosswn
duo ¢
being plaited upon the bezels, on their shoulder straps sides of the oracle. And two sides of the two borders
1537 3588 1715.1 2532 4160 3051 3588 2007 1909 3588 1417 1708.1 2532 2007
ek ¢
twn emprosqiwn ¢
28:15 kai poihseiV ¢
logeion† twn ¢
epiqhseiV epi¢ ta ¢ emplokia
duo ¢ ¢
kai epiqhseiV
from the front. And you shall make an oracle of the you shall place upon the two wreaths. And you shall place them
2920 2041 4164.1 2596 3588 4503.4 1909 3588 5606 3588 2036.1 1828.2 2596
krisewn ¢
ergon poikiltou¢ ¢
kata ¢
ton ruqmon epi¢ ¢
touV wmouV thV ¢
epwmidoV ¢
exenantiaV ¢
judgments; a work of an embroiderer, according to the proportion upon the shoulders of the shoulder-piece right opposite in
3588 2036.1 4160 1473 1537 5553 2532 4383 2532 4160 1417 1146 5552
thV ¢
epwmidoV ¢
poihseiV auto¢ ek ¢
crusiou kai ¢
proswpon ¢
28:26 kai poihseiV ¢ daktuliouV
duo ¢ ¢
of the shoulder-piece; you shall make it from gold, and front. And you shall make two rings of gold.
5192 2532 4209 2532 2847 2831.1 2532 2532 2007 1909 3588 1417 4419 3588 3051
uakinqou ¢
kai porfuraV ¢
kai kokkinou ¢
keklwsmenou kai ¢
kai epiqhseiV epi¢ ta ¢ pterugia
duo ¢ tou ¢
blue, and purple, and scarlet being twined, and And you shall place them upon the borders of the oracle,
1040 2831.1 4160 1473 5068 1909 3588 206 575 206 3588 3693.1 3588 2036.1
bussou ¢
keklwsmenhV ¢
poihseiV auto¢ ¢
28:16 tetragwnon ¢
epi¢ to akron ¢
ap' akrou tou ¢ thV
opisqiou ¢
linen being twined – you shall make it. Four-cornered upon the tip from tip of the posterior of the shoulder-piece
1510.8.3 1362 4693.1 3588 3372 2532 4693.1 3588 2081 2532 4160 1417 1146 5552
estai ¢ spiqamhV
diploun ¢ to ¢
mhkoV ¢ to
kai spiqamhV ¢
eswqen 28:27 kai ¢
poihseiV ¢ daktuliouV
duo ¢ ¢
it shall be, doubled; a span the length, and a span the within. And you shall make two rings of gold,
2148.1 2532 2530.5 1722 1473 5307.1 2532 2007 1909 297 3588 5606
euroV ¢
28:17 kai kaqufaneiV en ¢ ufasma
autw ¢ kai ¢
epiqhseiV ep' ¢
amfoterouV touV ¢
breadth. And you shall interweave in it a woven work and you shall place them upon both of the shoulders
2642.2 5076.2 4744.2 3037 3588 2036.1 2736.3 1473 2596 4383
kataliqon ¢
tetrasticon ¢
sticoV ¢
liqwn thV ¢
epwmidoV ¢
katwqen autou¢ kata
¢ ¢
inlaid with precious stones, arranged in four rows. A row of stones of the shoulder-piece from below it, according to the front,
1510.8.3 4556 5116 2532 4665 3588 4744.2 2596 3588 4822.4 509 3588 4943.2 3588
estai ¢
sardion ¢
topazion kai ¢
smaragdoV o ¢
sticoV ¢
kata thn sumbolhn ¢
¢ anwqen thV ¢
sunufhV thV
will be sardius, topaz, and emerald – for the [2row according to the coupling from above of the woven part of the
3588 1520 2532 3588 4744.2 3588 1208 440 2036.1 2532 4969.6 3588 3051 575
o eiV 28:18 kai o ¢
sticoV o ¢
deuteroV ¢
anqrax ¢
epwmidoV 28:28 kai ¢
sfigxeiV to ¢
logeion apo¢
1one]. And the [2row 1second], carbuncle, shoulder-piece. And you shall clasp the oracle from
2532 4552 2532 2393 2532 3588 4744.2 3588 3588 1146 3588 1909 1473 1519 3588 1146
kai sapfeiroV ¢
kai iaspiV 28:19 kai o ¢
sticoV o ¢
twn daktuliwn twn ep' autou¢ eiV touV daktuliouV
and sapphire, and jasper. And the [2row the rings of the ones upon it, to the rings
5154 3033.1 2532 884.1 2532 271 2532 3588 3588 2036.1 4912 1537 3588 2828
tritoV ¢
ligurion ¢
kai acathV ¢
kai amequstoV 28:20 kai o thV ¢
epwmidoV ¢
sunecomenouV ek thV ¢
1third], amber, and agate, and amethyst. And the of the shoulder-piece banded together of the blue work,
4744.2 3588 5067 5555 2532 969 2532 3689.3 4844.3 1519 3588 5307.1 3588 2036.1
sticoV o ¢
tetartoV ¢
crusoliqoV ¢
kai bhrullion ¢
kai onucion ¢
sumpeplegmenouV eiV to ¢
ufasma thV ¢
[2row 1fourth], chrysolite, and beryl, and onyx, closely joined to the woven work of the shoulder-piece,
2443 3361-5465 3588 3051 575 3588 2036.1
ina ¢
mh calatai to ¢
logeion apo¢ thV epwmidoV
28:15 †Ald. & CP alt. spelling logion. that [3should not slacken 1the 2oracle] from the shoulder-piece.
2532 2983-* 3588 3686 3588 5207 *
28:29 kai lhyetai ¢
Aarwn ta ¢
onomata twn ¢ Israhl
uiwn ¢
And Aaron shall receive the names of the sons of Israel
28:30 E X O D U S 121
1909 3588 3051 3588 2920 1909 3588 4738 1524 2532 1510.8.3 1909 3588 3411.2 2596 4383 3588 3411.2
epi¢ ¢
tou logeiou thV ¢
krisewV epi¢ ¢
tou sthqouV ¢
eisiwn ¢
kai estai epi¢ ¢
thV mitraV ¢ proswpon
kata ¢ thV ¢
upon the oracle of the judgment, upon the breast, entering and it will be upon the mitre – in front of the mitre
1519 3588 39 3422 1726 3588 2316 2532 1510.8.3 2532 1510.8.3 1909 3588 3359 *
eiV to ¢
agion ¢
mnhmosunon ¢ tou qeou¢
enantion 28:30 kai ¢
estai 28:38 kai ¢
estai epi¢ ¢
tou metwpou ¢
into the holy place, as a memorial before God. And it shall be. And it shall be upon the forehead of Aaron;
2007 1909 3588 3051 3588 2920 3588 1213.1 2532 1808-* 3588 265 3588 39
epiqhseiV epi¢ to logeion
¢ thV ¢
krisewV ¢
thn dhlwsin kai exarei¢ Aarwn
¢ ta ¢
amarthmata twn ¢
you shall place upon the oracle of the judgment, the Manifestation and Aaron shall lift away the sins of the holy things
2532 3588 225 2532 1510.8.3 1909 3588 4738 * 3745-302 37 3588 5207 *
kai thn alhqeian ¢
kai estai epi¢ tou sthqouV
¢ ¢
Aarwn ¢
osa an ¢
agiaswsin oi uioi¢ ¢
and the Truth†; and they shall be upon the breast of Aaron, whatever as much as [4should sanctify 1the 2sons 3of Israel] –
3752 1531 1519 3588 39 1725 2962 3956 1390 3588 39-1473 2532 1510.8.3 1909
otan ¢
eisporeuhtai ¢
eiV ¢
kuriou ¢
agion ¢ domatoV
pantoV ¢ ¢ autwn
twn agiwn ¢ ¢
kai estai epi¢
whenever he should enter into the holy place before the lord. every gift of their holy things; and it will be upon
2532 5342-* 3588 2920 3588 5207 * 3588 3359 * 1275 1184 1473 1725
kai ¢
oisei†† ¢
Aarwn taV ¢
kriseiV twn ¢
uiwn ¢
Israhl ¢
tou metwpou ¢
Aarwn ¢ dekton
diapantoV ¢ ¢
autoiV ¢
And Aaron shall bring the judgments of the sons of Israel the forehead of Aaron always – accepted for them before
1909 3588 4738 1725 2962 1275 2532 2962 2532 3588 2889.1 3588 5509
epi¢ ¢
tou sthqouV ¢
enanti ¢
kuriou ¢
diapantoV 28:31 kai ¢
kuriou 28:39 kai oi ¢
kosumboi twn ¢
upon the breast, before the lord always. And the lord. And the fringes of the inner garments
4160 5267.1 4158 3650 1537 1040 2532 4160 2787.1 1039 2532
poihseiV ¢
upoduthn ¢
podhrhn ¢
olon ek ¢
bussou ¢
kai poihseiV ¢
kidarin ¢
bussinhn kai
you shall make [2undergarment 1a foot length robe] entirely shall be of linen; and you shall make a [2turban 1fine linen]; and
5191 2532 1510.8.3 3588 4058.3 1537 1473 2223 4160 2041 4164.1 2532
uakinqinon 28:32 kai ¢
estai to ¢
peristomion ex autou¢ ¢
zwnhn ¢
poihseiV ¢
ergon poikiltou¢ 28:40 kai
of blue. And [5will be 1the 2cleft 3of 4it] [2a belt 1you shall make], the work of an embroiderer. And
3319 5600.1 2192 2945 3588 4058.3 3588 5207 * 4160 5509 2532 2223
meson wan ¢
econ ¢
kuklw ¢
tou peristomiou toiV ¢ Aarwn
uioiV ¢ ¢
poihseiV ¢
citwnaV ¢
kai zwnaV
in the middle, [2an edge 1having] round about the cleft – for the sons of Aaron you shall make inner garments, and belts;
2041 5306.3 3588 4822.4 4943.1 1537 2532 2787.1 4160 1473 1519 5092 2532 1391
ergon ufantou¢ thn ¢ sunufasmenhn
sumbolhn ¢ ex ¢
kai kidareiV ¢
poihseiV ¢
autoiV ¢ kai doxan
eiV timhn ¢
a work of a weaver; [2in the 3coupling 1being woven together] of and [2turbans 1you shall make] for them for honor and glory.
1473 2443 3361-4486 2532 4160 2532 1746 1473 * 3588 80-1473 2532
autou¢ ina ¢
mh ragh 28:33 kai ¢
poihseiV 28:41 kai ¢
enduseiV ¢
auta ¢ ton adelfon
Aarwn ¢ sou kai
it that it should not be torn. And you shall make And you shall put them on Aaron your brother, and
1909 3588 3090.1 3588 5267.1 2736.3 5616 3588 5207-1473 3326 1473 2532 5548 1473
epi¢ to ¢
lwma tou ¢
upodutou ¢
katwqen wsei¢ ¢ autou¢ met'
touV uiouV autou¢ kai ¢
criseiV ¢
upon the hem of the undergarment below, as it were his sons with him. And you shall anoint them,
1816.1 4496.1 4500.2 1537 2532 1705 1473 3588 5495 2532 37
exanqoushV ¢
roaV ro+skouV ex kai ¢
emplhseiV ¢
autwn taV ¢
ceiraV kai ¢
of a blossoming pomegranate – figures of pomegranates from out of and you shall fill their hands. And you shall sanctify
5192 2532 4209 2532 2847 1269.1 2532 1473 2443 2407 1473 2532
uakinqou ¢
kai porfuraV ¢
kai kokkinou ¢
dianenhsmenou kai autouV ¢
¢ ina ¢
ierateuswsi¢ moi 28:42 kai
blue, and purple, and scarlet being spun, and them that they should officiate as priests to me. And
1040 2831.1 1909 3588 3090.1 3588 5267.1 4160 1473 4048.2 3042.2 2572
bussou ¢
keklwsmenhV epi¢ ¢
tou lwmatoV tou ¢
upodutou ¢
poihseiV ¢
autoiV ¢
periskelh ¢
lina ¢
linen being twined upon the hem of the undergarment you shall make for them [2pants 1flaxen linen] to cover
2945 3588-1161 1473-1491 4500.2 808 5559-1473 575 3751 2193 3382
kuklw to de auto¢ eidoV
¢ ro+skouV ¢
aschmosunhn ¢ autwn
crwtoV ¢ apo¢ ¢
osfuoV ¢
ewV ¢
round about. And the form of it as the figures of pomegranates the indecency of their flesh – from the loin unto the thighs
5552 2532 2965.1 303.1 3778 4033.1 1510.8.3 2532 2192-1473 1473 2532 5207-1473
¢ kai kwdwnaV
crusouV ¢ ¢
anameson ¢
toutwn ¢
perikuklw ¢
estai ¢
28:43 kai exei ¢
Aarwn ¢ kai uioi¢ autou¢
of gold, and bells in between these that are surrounding. they shall be. And Aaron shall have them and his sons,
3844 4500.2 5552 2965.1 3752 1531 1519 3588 4633 3588 3142 2228
28:34 ¢
para ro+skon ¢
crusoun ¢
kwdwna ¢
otan ¢
eisporeuwntai ¢ tou
eiV thn skhnhn ¢ h
By the figure of a pomegranate of gold, a bell, whenever they should enter into the tent of the testimony, or
2532 435.3 1909 3588 3090.1 3588 5267.1 3752 4365 3008 4314 3588 2379
kai anqinon epi¢ ¢
tou lwmatoV tou ¢
upodutou ¢
otan ¢
prosporeuwntai ¢ proV to
leitourgein ¢
and flowered work upon the hem of the undergarment whenever they should go to officiate to the altar
2945 2532 1510.8.3 * 1722 3588 3008 3588 39 2532 3756-1863 4314 1438
kuklw ¢
28:35 kai estai ¢
Aarwn ¢
en tw leitourgein tou ¢
agiou kai ¢
ouk epaxontai ¢
proV eautouV
round about. And it shall be [4of Aaron 1in 2the 3officiating] of the holy place; and thus they shall not bring upon themselves
190.8 3588 5456-1473 1524 1519 3588 39 266 2443 3361-599 3544.1 166
akousth h ¢ autou¢ eisionti
fwnh ¢ eiV to ¢
agion ¢
amartian ¢
ina ¢
mh apoqanwsi ¢
nomimon ¢
[2will be audible 1his sound] entering into the holy place sin that they should not die – [2law 1for an eternal]
1725 2962 2532 1826 2443 3361-599 2532 1473 2532 3588 4690-1473 3326 1473
enanti ¢
kuriou ¢
kai exionti ¢
ina ¢
mh apoqanh 28:36 kai ¢
autw ¢
kai tw spermati autou¢ met' auton
before the lord, and his exiting, that he might not die. And for him, and his seed after him.
4160 4070.2 5552 2513 2532 1626.1
poihseiV ¢
petalon ¢ kaqaron
crusoun ¢ kai ektupwseiV
you shall make a panel [2gold 1of pure]. And you shall shape
1722 1473 1626.2 4973 37.1 2962
en ¢
autw ¢
ektupwma ¢
sfragidoV ¢
agiasma ¢
kuriou The Sanctification of the Priests
on it an impression seal – Sanctified of the lord. 2532 3778 1510.2.3 3739 4160 1473 37
2532 2007 1473 1909 5192 2831.1 ¢ a
29:1 kai taut ¢ estin a ¢
poihseiV ¢ agiasai
autoiV ¢
28:37 kai ¢
epiqhseiV auto¢ epi¢ ¢
uakinqou ¢
keklwsmenhV And these are what you shall do to them, to sanctify
And you shall place it upon blue being twined; 1473 5620 2407 1473 2983 3446.2
autouV ¢
¢ wste ¢
ierateuein moi ¢
lhyh ¢
them, so as to officiate as priest to me. You shall take [2young calf
28:30 †i.e. Urim and Thummim. 1537 1016 1520 2532 2919.1 299 1417
ek ¢
bown en ¢ amwmouV
kai kriouV ¢ ¢
28:30 ††Ald. qhsei – bear. 3from out of 4the oxen 1one], and [3rams 2unblemished 1two],
122 E X O D O S 29:2
2532 740 106 5445.2 1722 1637 2532 3588 1161 3062 3956 129 1632 3844 3588
29:2 kai artouV ¢
azumouV ¢
pefuramenouV en ¢
elaiw kai to de ¢
loipon ¢
pan aima ¢
ekceeiV ¢ thn
and [2breads 1unleavened] being mixed up with olive oil, and [3the 1And 4remaining 2all] blood you shall discharge by the
2974.5 106 5548 1722 1637 4585-1537 939 3588 2379 2532 2983 3956 3588
lagana ¢
azuma ¢
kecrismena en ¢
elaiw ¢
semidalin ek ¢
basin tou ¢
qusiasthriou ¢
29:13 kai lhyh pan to
[2pancakes 1unleavened] being coated with olive oil. [3of fine flour base of the altar. And you shall take all the
4447.1 4160 1473 2532 2007 1473 4720.1 3588 1909 3588 2836 2532 3588 3047.1 3588 2259.2 2532 3588
purwn ¢
poihseiV ¢
auta ¢
29:3 kai epiqhseiV ¢
auta ¢ to epi¢ thV koiliaV
stear ¢ kai ton lobon
¢ tou ¢
hpatoV kai touV
4of wheat 1You shall make 2them]. And you shall place them fat, upon the belly, and the lobe of the liver, and the
1909 2582.2 1520 2532 4374 1473 1909 3588 2582.2 1417 3510 2532 3588 4720.1 3588 1909 1473 2532 2007
epi¢ ¢ en
kanoun ¢
kai prosoiseiV ¢ epi¢ tw
auta ¢
kanw ¢ nefrouV
duo ¢ kai to stear
¢ to ep' ¢ kai epiqhseiV
autwn ¢
upon [2bin 1one], and you shall offer them at the bin, two kidneys, and the fat upon them, and you shall place it
2532 3588 3446.2 2532 3588 1417 2919.1 2532 * 1909 3588 2379 3588-1161 2907 3588 3448 2532
kai to ¢
moscarion ¢ kriouV
kai touV duo ¢ 29:4 kai ¢
Aarwn epi¢ to ¢
qusiasthrion 29:14 ta de ¢ tou
krea ¢
moscou kai
and the young calf, and the two rams. And Aaron upon the altar. But the meats of the calf, and
2532 3588 5207-1473 4317 1909 3588 2374 3588 1192 2532 3588 2874.1 2618 4442 1854 3588
¢ autou¢ prosaxeiV
kai touV uiouV ¢ epi¢ taV quraV
¢ ¢
to derma ¢
kai thn kopron ¢
katakauseiV puri¢ ¢
exw thV
and his sons you shall lead forward at the door the skin, and the dung you shall incinerate with fire outside the
3588 4633 3588 3142 2532 3068 1473 1722 3925 266 1063 1510.2.3 2532
thV ¢ tou
skhnhV ¢
marturiou ¢
kai louseiV ¢ en
autouV ¢ amartiaV
parembolhV ¢ gar esti 29:15 kai
of the tent of the testimony, and you shall bathe them in camp, [3an offerning on account of sin 1for 2it is]. And
5204 2532 2983 3588 4749 1746 * 3588 3588 2919.1 2983 3588 1520 2532 2007 *
udati ¢ taV stolaV
29:5 kai labwn ¢ ¢
enduseiV ¢ ton
Aarwn ¢ lhyh
ton krion ¢ ¢
ton ena ¢
kai epiqhsousin ¢
water. And taking the apparels, you shall put on Aaron [3ram 1you shall take 2one], and [4shall place 1Aaron
80-1473 2532 3588 5509 3588 4158 2532 2532 3588 5207-1473 3588 5495-1473 1909 3588 2776 3588
¢ sou kai
adelfon ¢
ton citwna ¢
ton podhrhn kai kai oi uioi¢ autou¢ taV ceiraV
¢ ¢ epi¢
autwn ¢ tou
thn kefalhn
your brother both the inner garment, the foot length robe, and 2and 3his sons] their hands upon the head of the
3588 2036.1 2532 3588 3051 2532 4882.1 1473 3588 2919.1 2532 4969 3588 2919.1 2532 2983 3588 129
thn epwmida kai to ¢ kai sunayeiV
logeion ¢ auto¢ to kriou¢ ¢
29:16 kai sfaxeiV ¢ kai labwn
ton krion ¢ to ¢
the shoulder-piece, and the oracle; and you shall join it – the ram. And you shall slay the ram. And taking the blood
3051 2036.1 2532 2007 3588 1473 4377.2 1909 3588 2379 2945
¢ ion
loge ¢ ¢
proV thn ekpwmida ¢
29:6 kai epiqhseiV thn autou¢ prosceeiV
¢ epi¢ to ¢
qusiasthrion ¢
oracle to the shoulder-piece. And you shall place the of it, you shall pour it upon the altar round about.
3411.2 1909 3588 2776-1473 2532 2007 3588 4070.2 2532 3588 2919.1 1371 2596 3196
mitran epi¢ thn kefalhn
¢ autou¢ kai epiqhseiV
¢ ¢
to petalon ¢ dicotomhseiV
29:17 kai ton krion ¢ ¢
kata ¢
mitre upon his head; and you shall place the [2panel And the ram you shall cut in pieces according to its limbs.
3588 37.1 1909 3588 3411.2 2532 2983 3588 2532 4150 3588 1741.2 2532 3588 4228 5204
to ¢
agiasma epi¢ ¢
thn mitran ¢
29:7 kai lhyh tou kai ¢
pluneiV ta ¢
endosqia ¢
kai touV podaV ¢
1sanctified] upon the mitre. And you shall take of the And you shall wash the entrails, and the feet in water.
1637 3588 5545 2532 2022 1473 1909 3588 2532 2007 1909 3588 1371.1 4862 3588
elaiou tou ¢
crismatoV ¢ auto¢ epi¢
kai epiceeiV thn kai ¢
epiqhseiV epi¢ ta ¢
dicotomhmata sun th
oil of the scented unguent, and pour it upon And you shall place them upon the pieces with the
2776-1473 2532 5548 1473 2532 3588 5207-1473 2776 2532 399 3650 3588 2919.1 1909 3588
¢ autou¢ kai criseiV
kefalhn ¢ ¢
auton ¢ autou¢
29:8 kai touV uiouV ¢
kefalh 29:18 kai ¢
anoiseiV ¢
olon ¢ epi¢
ton krion to
his head, and anoint him. And his sons head. And you shall offer all the ram upon the
4317 2532 1746 1473 5509 2379 3646 3588 2962 1519 3744
prosaxeiV ¢
kai enduseiV ¢ citwnaV
autouV ¢ ¢
qusiasthrion ¢
olokautwma tw ¢ eiV osmhn
kuriw ¢
you shall lead forward, and put on them the inner garments. altar as a whole burnt-offering to the lord, for a scent
2532 2224 1473 3588 2223 2532 4060 2175 2378.2 2962 1510.2.3 2532
29:9 kai zwseiV ¢ taiV zwnaiV
autouV ¢ ¢
kai periqhseiV ¢
euwdiaV ¢
qusiasma ¢
kuriw esti¢ 29:19 kai
And you shall tie around them the belts, and shall put on of pleasant aroma; [2a sacrifice 3to the lord 1it is]. And
1473 3588 2787.1 2532 1510.8.3 1473 2405 1699 2983 3588 2919.1 3588 1208 2532 2007 *
¢ taV kidareiV
autoiV ¢ ¢
kai estai ¢
autoiV ¢
ierateia emoi¢ ¢
lhyh ¢ ton deuteron
ton krion ¢ ¢
kai epiqhsei ¢
them the turbans, and it will be for them a priesthood to me you shall take the ram – the second; and [4shall place 1Aaron
1519 3588 165 2532 5048 3588 5495 * 2532 2532 3588 5207-1473 3588 5495-1473 1909 3588 2776 3588
eiV ton aiwna ¢
kai teleiwseiV ¢
taV ceiraV ¢
Aarwn kai kai oi uioi¢ autou¢ taV ceiraV
¢ ¢ epi¢
autwn ¢ tou
thn kefalhn
into the eon. And you shall perfect the hands of Aaron, and 2and 3his sons] their hands upon the head of the
3588 5495 3588 5207-1473 2532 4317 3588 2919.1 2532 4969 1473 2532 2983 3588 129
taV ceiraV ¢ autou¢ 29:10 kai prosaxeiV
twn uiwn ¢ ton kriou¢ ¢
29:20 kai sfaxeiV ¢ kai lhyh
auton ¢ tou ¢
the hands of his sons. And you shall lead forward the ram. And you shall slay it, and take of the blood
3448 1909 3588 2374 3588 4633 3588 3142 2532 1473 2532 2007 1909 3588 3047.1 3588 3775 * 3588
moscon epi¢ ¢
taV quraV thV ¢ tou
skhnhV ¢
marturiou kai autou¢ kai epiqhseiV
¢ epi¢ ton lobon
¢ tou ¢ Aarwn
wtoV ¢ tou
calf unto the door of the tent of the testimony. And of it, and place it upon the lobe of the ear of Aaron – of the
2007 * 2532 3588 5207-1473 3588 5495-1473 1909 1188 2532 1909 3588 206.1 3588 4228 3588 1188 2532
epiqhsousin ¢ kai oi
Aarwn uioi¢ autou¢ taV ceiraV
¢ ¢ epi¢
autwn dexiou¢ kai epi¢ to ¢
akron tou ¢ tou
podoV dexiou¢ kai
[4shall place 1Aaron 2and 3his sons] their hands upon right one, and upon the big toe of the foot – of the right one, and
3588 2776 3588 3448 1725 2962 3844 3588 2374 3588 1909 3588 3047.1 3588 3775 3588 5207-1473 3588 1188 2532
¢ tou
thn kefalhn ¢
moscou ¢
enanti ¢
kuriou ¢ taV quraV
para ¢ thV epi¢ ¢ twn
touV lobouV ¢ twn uiwn
wtwn ¢ autou¢ twn dexiwn
¢ kai
the head of the calf, before the lord, by the doors of the upon the lobes of the [2ears 3of his sons 1right], and
4633 3588 3142 2532 4969 3588 3448 1909 3588 206.1 3588 5495 1473 3588 1188 2532 1909 3588
¢ tou
skhnhV ¢
marturiou ¢
29:11 kai sfaxeiV ¢
ton moscon epi¢ ¢
ta akra ¢ autwn
twn ceirwn ¢ ¢ kai epi¢
twn dexiwn ta
tent of the testimony. And you shall slay the calf upon the thumbs [3hands 1of their 2right], and upon the
1725 2962 3844 3588 2374 3588 4633 3588 3142 206.1 3588 4228 1473 3588 1188 2532 2983
enanti ¢
kuriou ¢ taV quraV
para ¢ thV skhnhV ¢ tou marturiou ¢ ¢
akra ¢ autwn
twn podwn ¢ ¢
twn dexiwn ¢
29:21 kai lhyh
before the lord by the doors of the tent of the testimony. big toes [3feet 1of their 2right]. And you shall take
2532 2983 575 3588 129 3588 3448 2532 575 3588 129 3588 575 3588 2379 2532 575
29:12 kai lhyh apo¢ tou aimatoV
¢ tou ¢
moscou kai apo¢ tou ¢
aimatoV tou apo¢ ¢ kai apo¢
tou qusiasthriou
And you shall take from the blood of the calf, and from of the blood, of blood before the altar, and from
5087 1909 3588 2768 3588 2379 3588 1147-1473 3588 1637 3588 5544.1 2532 4468.3 1909 *
qhseiV epi¢ twn keratwn
¢ tou ¢ tw daktulw
qusiasthriou ¢ sou ¢ thV
tou elaiou ¢
crisewV ¢
kai raneiV epi¢ ¢
put it upon the horns of the altar with your finger. the oil of the anointing, and you shall sprinkle it upon Aaron,
29:22 E X O D U S 123
2532 1909 3588 4749-1473 2532 1909 3588 5207-1473 2532 1909 2532 850.4 1510.8.3 3844 3588 5207 *
kai epi¢ thn stolhn
¢ autou¢ kai epi¢ touV uiouV
¢ autou¢ kai epi¢ kai ¢
afairema ¢
estai ¢ twn uiwn
para ¢ ¢
and upon his apparel, and upon his sons, and upon and [2a choice portion 1it will be] by the sons of Israel
3588 4749 3588 5207-1473 3326 1473 2532 37 575 3588 2367.3 3588 4992
taV stolaV ¢ autou¢ met' autou¢ kai agiasqhsetai
twn uiwn ¢ apo¢ twn ¢
qumatwn twn ¢
the apparels of his sons with him. And you shall sanctify from the things offered in sacrifices of the deliverance offerings –
1473 2532 3588 4749-1473 2532 3588 5207-1473 2532 3588 850.4 3588 2962 2532 3588 4749 3588
¢ kai h
autoV ¢ autou¢ kai oi
stolh uioi¢ autou¢ kai ai ¢
afairema ¢
kuriw tw 29:29 kai h ¢
stolh tou
him, and his apparel, and his sons, and the a choice portion to the lord. And the apparel of the
4749 3588 5207-1473 3326 1473 3588-1161 129 3588 39 3739 1510.2.3 * 1510.8.3 3588 5207-1473 3326
stolai¢ ¢ autou¢ met'
twn uiwn autou¢ to de ¢
aima tou ¢
agiou h ¢
estin Aarwn ¢
estai ¢ autou¢ met'
toiV uioiV
apparels of his sons with him. And the blood of the holy place which is Aaron’s, shall be to his sons’ after
2919.1 4377.2 4314 3588 2379 2945 1473 5548-1473 1722 1473 2532 5048 3588
kriou¢ prosceeiV
¢ proV to ¢
qusiasthrion ¢
kuklw ¢ crisqhnai
auton ¢ ¢
autouV en ¢ kai teleiwsai
autoiV ¢ taV
ram you shall pour before the altar round about. him, for them to be anointed in them, and to perfect
2532 2983 575 3588 2919.1 3588 4720.1-1473 2532 5495-1473 2033 2250 1746 1473 3588
29:22 kai lhyh apo¢ tou kriou¢ to ¢ autou¢ kai
stear ¢
ceiraV ¢
autwn ¢
29:30 epta ¢
hmeraV ¢
endusetai ¢
auta o
And you shall take from the ram its fat, both their hands. Seven days he shall put them on – the
3588 4720.1 3588 2619 3588 2836 2532 3588 3047.1 3588 2409 473 1473 1537 3588 5207-1473 3739 1525
to ¢
stear to ¢
katakalupton ¢ kai ton lobon
thn koilian ¢ tou ¢ ant'
iereuV autou¢ ek ¢ autou¢ oV
twn uiwn ¢
the fat covering up the belly, and the lobe of the priest replacing him from his sons, who shall enter
2259.2 2532 3588 1417 3510 2532 3588 4720.1 3588 1909 1473 1519 3588 4633 3588 3142 3008 1722 3588 39
hpatoV ¢ nefrouV
kai touV duo ¢ kai to ¢
stear to ep' ¢
autwn ¢ tou
eiV thn skhnhn ¢ leitourgein
marturiou ¢ en tw agiw†
liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat upon them, into the tent of the testimony to officiate in the holy place.
2532 3588 1023 3588 1188 1510.2.3 1063 5050 2532 3588 2919.1 3588 5050 2983 2532
kai ton braciona ¢
ton dexion ¢
esti ¢
gar teleiwsiV 29:31 kai ¢ thV
ton krion ¢
teleiwsewV ¢
lhyh kai
and the [2shoulder 1right] – [3is 1for 4a consecration And the ram of the consecration you shall take, and
3778 2532 740 1520 1537 1637 2532 2192.2 3588 2907 1722 5117 39 2532
auth 29:23 kai ¢
arton ¢
ena ex ¢
elaiou kai ¢
eyhseiV ta ¢
krea en ¢
topw ¢
agiw 29:32 kai
2this]. And [2bread loaf 1one] made with olive oil, and you shall boil the meats in [2place 1the holy]. And
2974.5 1520 575 3588 2582.2 3588 106 2068 * 2532 3588 5207-1473 3588 2907 3588 2919.1 2532
laganon en apo¢ tou kanou¢ twn ¢
azumwn ¢
edontai ¢ kai oi
Aarwn uioi¢ autou¢ ta krea
¢ tou kriou¢ kai
[2pancake 1one] from the bin of the unleavened breads, [4shall eat 1Aaron 2and 3his sons] the meats of the ram, and
3588 4388 1725 2962 2532 3588 740 3588 1722 3588 2582.2 3844 3588 2374 3588
twn ¢
proteqeimenwn ¢
enanti ¢
kuriou 29:24 kai ¢
touV artouV touV en ¢ para
tw kanw ¢ taV quraV
¢ thV
of the ones being set before the lord. And the bread loaves that are in the bin by the door of the
2007 3588 3956 1909 3588 5495 * 4633 3588 3142 2068 1473 1722
epiqhseiV ta ¢
panta epi¢ ¢
taV ceiraV ¢
Aarwn ¢ tou
skhnhV ¢
marturiou ¢
29:33 edontai ¢
auta en
you shall place the whole amount upon the hands of Aaron, tent of the testimony. They shall eat the offerings with
2532 1909 3588 5495 3588 5207-1473 2532 873 3739 37 1722 1473 5048 3588 5495-1473
kai epi¢ ¢
taV ceiraV ¢ autou¢ kai
twn uiwn ¢
aforieiV oiV ¢
hgiasqhsan ¢ teleiwsai
en autoiV ¢ ¢
taV ceiraV ¢
and upon the hands of his sons. And you shall separate which they were sanctified by them, to perfect their hands,
1473 873.1 1725 2962 2532 37 1473 2532 241 3756 2068 575 1473
auta ¢
aforisma ¢
enanti ¢
kuriou 29:25 kai ¢
agiasai ¢ kai allogenhV
autouV ¢ ouk ¢
edetai ap' ¢
them as a separation offering before the lord. And to sanctify them. And a foreigner shall not eat from them,
2983 1473 1537 3588 5495-1473 2532 399 1510.2.3-1063 39 1437-1161 2641
lhyh ¢ ek
auta ¢ autwn
twn ceirwn ¢ kai anoiseiV
¢ ¢
esti gar ¢
agia ¢ de
29:34 ean ¢
you shall take them from their hands, and you shall offer them for it is holy. And if anything should be left behind
1909 3588 2379 3588 3646.1 1519 575 3588 2907 3588 2378 3588 5050 2532
epi¢ to ¢
qusiasthrion thV ¢
olokautwsewV eiV apo¢ twn ¢
krewn thV ¢
qusiaV thV ¢
teleiwsewV kai
upon the altar of the whole burnt-offering as from the meats of the sacrifice of the consecration, and
3744 2175 1725 2962 2593.2 3588 740 2193 4404 2618 3588
osmhn ¢
euwdiaV ¢
enanti ¢
kuriou ¢
karpwma¢ twn ¢
artwn ¢
ewV prw+ ¢
katakauseiV ta
a scent of pleasant aroma before the lord – [2a yield offering of the bread loaves, until morning, you shall incinerate the
1510.2.3 2962 2532 2983 3588 4738.1 3062 4442 3756-977 37.1 1063 1510.2.3
esti kuriw¢ 29:26 kai ¢
lhyh to ¢
sthqunion ¢
loipa puri¢ ¢
ou brwqhsetai ¢
agiasma gar esti
1it is] to the lord. And you shall take the breast remainder with fire; it shall not be eaten, [3sanctified 1for 2it is].
575 3588 2919.1 3588 5050 3739 1510.2.3 * 2532 4160 * 2532 3588 5207-1473 3779
apo¢ tou kriou¢ thV ¢
teleiwsewV o estin ¢
Aarwn 29:35 kai ¢
poihseiV ¢
Aarwn ¢ autou¢ outw
kai toiV uioiV ¢
from the ram of the consecration, which is Aaron’s, And you shall do for Aaron and his sons thus
2532 873 1473 873.1 1725 2596 3956 3745 1781 1473 2033
kai ¢
aforieiV auto¢ ¢
aforisma ¢
enanti ¢
kata ¢
panta ¢
osa ¢
eneteilamhn soi ¢
and you shall separate it as a separation offering before according to all as much as I gave charge to you. Seven
2962 2532 1510.8.3 1473 1722 3310 2532 2250 5048 3588 5495-1473 2532 3588
kuriou kai ¢
estai soi en ¢
meridi 29:27 kai ¢
hmeraV ¢
teleiwseiV ¢
taV ceiraV ¢
autwn 29:36 kai to
the lord – and it will be to you for a portion. And days you shall perfect their hands. And the
37 3588 4738.1 873.1 2532 3588 3446.2 3588 3588 266 4160 3588 2250
agiaseiV to ¢
sthqunion ¢
aforisma kai ton ¢
moscarion to thV ¢
amartiaV ¢
poihseiV th ¢
you shall sanctify the [2breast 1separation offering], and the young calf, the one of the sin offering, you shall offer in the day
1023 3588 850.4 3739 873 2532 3588 2512 2532 2511 3588 2379 1722
braciona tou ¢
afairematoV oV ¢
afwristai kai tou kaqarismou¢ kai ¢
kaqarieiV to ¢
qusiasthrion en
shoulder of the choice portion which has been separated, and of cleansing. And you shall cleanse the altar in
3739 851 575 3588 2919.1 3588 5050 3588 37-1473 1909 1473 2532 5548 1473
oV ¢
afhrhtai apo¢ tou kriou¢ thV ¢
teleiwsewV tw ¢
agiazein se ep' ¢ kai
autw ¢
criseiV auto¢
which has been removed from the ram of the consecration – your sanctifying upon it. And you shall anoint it
575 3588 * 2532 575 3588 5207-1473 2532 5620 37 1473 2033 2250 2511
apo¢ tou ¢
Aarwn kai apo¢ ¢ autou¢
twn uiwn 29:28 kai ¢
wste ¢
agiasai auto¢ ¢
29:37 epta ¢
hmeraV ¢
from Aaron, and from his sons. And so as to sanctify it. Seven days you shall cleanse
1510.8.3 * 2532 3588 5207-1473 3544.1 166
estai ¢
Aarwn ¢ autou¢ nomimon
kai toiV uioiV ¢ ¢
it will be to Aaron, and to his sons [2law 1an eternal] 29:30 †Ald. & Six. toiV agioiV – in the holies.
3844 3588 5207 * 1510.2.3 1063 850.4 3778
¢ twn uiwn
para ¢ ¢
Israhl ¢
esti ¢
gar afairema ¢
for the sons of Israel, [3is 1for 4a choice portion 2this];
124 E X O D O S 29:38
3588 2379 2532 37 1473 2532 1510.8.3 3588
to ¢
qusiasthrion ¢
kai agiaseiV auto¢ kai ¢
estai to CHAPTER 30
the altar, and sanctify it. And [3will be 1the
2379 39 3588 39 3956 3588 680 3588
qusiasthrion ¢
agion twn ¢
agiwn† paV o ¢
aptomenoV tou The Altar of Incense
2altar] a holy of the holies; all touching the 2532 4160 2379 2368
2379 37 2532 3778 1510.2.3 3739
30:1 kai ¢
poihseiV ¢
qusiasthrion ¢
qusiasthriou ¢
agiasqhsetai ¢ a
29:38 kai taut ¢ estin a And you shall make an altar of incense
altar shall be sanctified. And these are what 1537 3586 767.1 2532 4160 1473
4160 1909 3588 2379 286 1762.1 ek ¢
xulwn ¢
ashptwn ¢
30:2 kai poihseiV auto¢
poihseiV epi¢ ¢
ton qusiasthrion ¢ eniausiouV
amnouV ¢ from out of [2wood 1incorruptible]. And you shall make it
you shall offer upon the altar – lambs of a year old, 4083 3588 3372 2532 4083 3588 2148.1 5068
299 1417 3588 2250 1734.2 2593.2 ¢
phceoV to ¢
mhkoV kai phceoV to ¢
euroV ¢
amwmouV ¢ thn
duo ¢
hmeran ¢
endelecwV ¢
karpwma a cubit in length, and a cubit in breadth – four-cornered
unblemishled, two for each day perpetually – a yield offering 1510.8.3 2532 1417 4083 3588 5311 1537 1473
1734.1 3588 286 3588 1520 4160 ¢
estai ¢ phcewn
kai duo ¢ to ¢
uyoV ex autou¢
endelecismou¢ 29:39 ton amnon ¢
¢ ton ena ¢
poihseiV is shall be, and two cubits in height; from out of it
of perpetuity. The lamb – the first one you shall offer 1510.8.3 3588 2768-1473 2532 2710.3 1473
4404 2532 3588 286 3588 1208 4160 3588 ¢
estai ta ¢
kerata autou¢ 30:3 kai ¢
katacruswseiV ¢
toprw+ ¢ ton deuteron
kai ton amnon ¢ ¢
poihseiV to will be its horns. And you shall gild these
in the morning, and the [2lamb 1second], you shall offer 5553 2513 3588 2077.1-1473 2532 3588 5109-1473
1168.1 2532 1181 4585 5445.2 ¢ kaqarw
crusiw ¢ ¢
thn escaran autou¢ kai touV toicouV
¢ autou¢
deilinon ¢
29:40 kai dekaton ¢
semidalewV ¢
pefuramenhV [2gold 1in pure] – its grates, and its walls
at dusk. And a tenth measure of fine flour being mixed 2945 2532 3588 2768-1473 2532 4160
1722 1637 2875 3588 5067 3588 1511 2532 ¢
kuklw kai ta ¢
kerata autou¢ kai ¢
en ¢
elaiw ¢
kekommenw tw ¢
tetartw tou in kai round about, and its horns. And you shall make
with olive oil being beaten to the fourth part of a hin; and 1473 4761.2 4734.1 5552 2945 2532
4700.2 3588 5067 3588 1511 3631 3588 286 3588 ¢ strepthn
autw ¢ ¢
stefanhn ¢
crushn ¢
kuklw 30:4 kai
spondhn to ¢
tetarton tou in ¢
oinou tw amnw tw for it a twisted [2rim 1gold] round about. And
a libation – the fourth part of the hin of wine to the lamb – to the 1417 1146 5552 2513 1473 4160
1520 2532 3588 286 3588 1208 4160 3588 ¢
duo ¢
daktuliouV ¢
crusouV ¢
kaqarouV ¢
autw ¢
eni¢ ¢ ton deuteron
29:41 kai ton amnon ¢ ¢
poihseiV to two rings [2gold 1of pure] for it you shall make
first one. And the lamb – the second, you shall offer 5259 3588 4761.2 4734.1 1473 1519 3588 1417 2827.1
1168.1 2596 3588 2378 3588 4407 upo¢ ¢ stefanhn
thn strepthn ¢ autou¢ eiV ta ¢ klith
duo ¢
¢ kata
deilinon ¢ ¢
thn qusian thn prw+nhn under [2twisted 3rim 1its] for the two corners.
at dusk, after the manner of the sacrifice – the early morning, 4160 1722 1417 4125.1 2532 1510.8.6 5566.1
2532 2596 3588 4700.2-1473 4160 1519 3744 ¢
poihseiV en dusi¢ pleuroiV ¢
¢ kai esontai ¢
kai kata ¢ autou¢ poihseiV
thn spondhn ¢ ¢
eiV osmhn You shall make them on two sides, and they will be clips
and according to its libation you shall do it for a scented 3588 4661.2 5620 142 1473 1722 1473 2532
2175 2593.2 2962 2378 taiV ¢
skutalaiV ¢
wste ¢
airein auto¢ en ¢
autaiV 30:5 kai
euwdiaV ¢
karpwma kuriw¢ 29:42 ¢
qusian for the staves so as to lift it by them. And
pleasant aroma, a yield offering to the lord; [2sacrifice 4160 4661.2 1537 3586 767.1 2532
1734.1 1519 3588 1074-1473 1909 2374 ¢
poihseiV ¢
skutalaV ek ¢
xulwn ¢
ashptwn kai
endelecismou eiV taV ¢ umwn
geneaV ¢ epi¢ taV ¢
quraV you shall make staves from out of [2wood 1incorruptible], and
1a perpetual] unto your generations upon the doors 2710.3 1473 5553 2532 5087 1473
3588 4633 3588 3142 1725 2962 1722 3739 ¢
katacruswseiV ¢ crusiw
autaV ¢ 30:6 kai ¢
qhseiV auto¢
thV ¢ tou
skhnhV ¢
marturiou ¢
enanti ¢
kuriou en oiV you shall gild them in gold. And you shall put it
of the tent of the testimony before the lord, in which 561 3588 2665 3588 1510.6 1909 3588 2787 3588
1097 1473 1563 5620 2980 1473 2532 ¢
apenanti ¢
tou katapetasmatoV ¢
tou ontoV epi¢ thV kibwtou¢ tou
gnwsqhsomai¢ soi ekei¢ ¢
wste ¢
lalhsa i¢ soi 29:43 kai before the veil being for the ark of the
I will be known to you there, so as to speak to you. And 3142 1722 3739 1097 1473 1563 2532
5021 1563 3588 5207 * 2532 37 ¢ en oiV
marturiou ¢
gnwsqhsomai¢ soi ekei¢ 30:7 kai
taxomai ekei¢ toiV ¢ Israhl
uioiV ¢ ¢
kai agiasqhsomai testimony, in which I shall be made known to you there. And
I will give orders there to the sons of Israel, and I will be sanctified 2370 1909 1473 * 2368 4916.4
1722 1391-1473 2532 37 3588 4633 3588 ¢
qumiasei ep' autou¢ Aarwn
¢ ¢
qumiama ¢
en ¢ mou
doxh 29:44 kai ¢
agiasw ¢
thn skhnhn tou [2will burn incense 3upon 4it 1Aaron]; incense compounded
in my glory. And I will sanctify the tent of the 3016 4404 4404 3752 1980.1 3588
3142 2532 3588 2379 2532 * 2532 3588 ¢ to prw+
lepton prw+ ¢
otan ¢
episkeuazh touV
marturiou kai to ¢
qusiasthrion kai ¢
Aarwn kai touV fine – in the morning by morning. Whenever he should trim the
testimony, and the altar; and Aaron, and 3088 2370 1909 1473 2532 3752
5207-1473 37 2407 1473 2532 ¢
lucnouV ¢
qumiasei ep' autou¢ ¢
30:8 kai otan
¢ autou¢ agiasw
uiouV ¢ ¢
ierateuein moi 29:45 kai lamps, he shall burn incense upon it. And whenever
his sons I will sanctify, to officiate as priests to me. And 1821.1-* 3588 3088 3796 2370
1941 1722 3588 5207 * 2532 1510.8.1 1473 ¢
exapth ¢
Aarwn touV ¢
lucnouV oye¢ ¢
epiklhqhsomai en ¢ Israhl
toiV uioiV ¢ ¢
kai esomai ¢
autwn Aaron should ignite the lamps late, he shall burn incense
I will be called upon by the sons of Israel, and I will be their 1909 1473 2368 1734.1 1275 1725 2962
2316 2532 1097 3754 1473 1510.2.1 2962 3588 ep' autou¢ qumiama
¢ endelecismou¢ diapantoV ¢
¢ enanti ¢
qeoV ¢
29:46 kai gnwsontai ¢
oti ¢ eimi
egw ¢
kurioV o upon it – incense of perpetuity, continually before the lord
God. And they shall know that I am the lord 1519 3588 1074-1473 2532 3756-399 1909
2316-1473 3588 1806 1473 1537 1093 * eiV ¢ umwn
taV geneaV ¢ 30:9 kai ¢
ouk anoisete ep'
¢ autwn
qeoV ¢ o ¢
exagagwn ¢ ek
autouV ghV ¢
Aiguptou unto your generations. And you shall not offer upon
their God, the one leading them from out of the land of Egypt, 1473 2368 2087 2593.2 2532 2378
1941 1473 2532 1510.1 1473 2316 ¢ qumiama
autw ¢ ¢
eteron ¢
karpwma ¢
kai qusian
epiklhqhnai ¢
autoiV ¢
kai einai ¢ qeoV
autwn ¢ it [2incense 1another]. A yield offering, and a sacrifice offering,
to be called upon by them, and to be their God. 2532 4700.2 3756-4689 1909 1473 2532
kai spondhn ¢
ou speisete ep' autou¢ 30:10 kai
and a libation offering you shall not offer upon it. And
29:37 †See Bos for variants. 1837.2 * 1909 3588 2768-1473 530 3588 1763
exilasetai ¢
Aarwn epi¢ twn keratwn
¢ ¢
autou¢ apax tou eniautou¢
[2shall atone 1Aaron] upon its horns once a year.
575 3588 129 3588 2512 3588 266 3588
apo¢ ¢
tou aimatoV tou kaqarismou¢ twn amartiwn
¢ tou
From the blood of the cleansing of sins of the
30:11 E X O D U S 125
1837.4 530 3588 1763 2511 1473 1519 2532 3588 5207-1473 1537 1473 3588 5495-1473 2532 3588
exilasmou¢ ¢
apax tou eniautou¢ kaqariei¢ auto¢ eiV kai oi uioi¢ autou¢ ex autou¢ taV ceiraV
¢ ¢ kai touV
making an atonement once a year he shall cleanse it for 2and 3his sons] from it their hands and
3588 1074-1473 39 3588 39 1510.2.3 3588 2962 4228-1473 3752 1531 1519 3588 4633
¢ umwn
taV geneaV ¢ ¢
agion ¢
twn agiwn esti¢ tw ¢
kuriw ¢
podaV ¢
autwn ¢
30:20 otan ¢
eisporeuwntai ¢
eiV thn skhnhn
your generations; [2a holy 3of holies 1it is] to the lord. their feet. Whenever they should enter into the tent
3588 3142 3538 5204 2532 3766.2 599
The Sacred Double-drachma tou ¢ niyontai
marturiou ¢ ¢
udati ¢
kai ou mh apoqanwsin
of the testimony they shall wash in water, and no way shall they die.
2532 2980-2962 4314 * 3004 1437
30:11 kai elalhse ¢
kurioV proV Mwushn¢ legwn
¢ ¢
30:12 ean 2228 3752 4365 4314 3588 2379
h ¢
otan ¢
prosporeuwntai proV to ¢
And the lord spoke to Moses, saying, If
Or whenever they should go to the altar
2983 3588 4817.1 3588 5207 * 1722
labhV ¢ twn
ton sullogismon ¢
uiwn ¢
Israhl en 3008 2532 399 3588 3646 2962
¢ kai anaferein
leitourgein ¢ ¢
ta olokautwmata ¢
you should take the assessment of the sons of Israel in
to officiate and to offer the whole burnt-offerings to the lord,
3588 1984 1473 2532 1325 1538 3083 3588
th ¢ autwn
episkoph ¢ ¢
kai dwsousin ¢
ekastoV ¢
lutra thV 3538 3588 5495 2532 3588 4228-1473 5204
30:21 niyontai ¢
taV ceiraV ¢
kai touV podaV ¢ udati
autwn ¢
the overseeing of them, then [2shall give 1each] ransoms
they shall wash their hands and their feet in water,
5590-1473 3588 2962 2532 3756-1510.8.3 1722 1473
¢ autou¢ tw
yuchV ¢ kai ouk estai
kuriw ¢ en ¢
autoiV 2443 3361-599 2532 1510.8.3 1473 3544.1 166
ina ¢
mh apoqanwsi ¢
kai estai ¢ nomimon
autoiV ¢ ¢
for his soul to the lord, and there shall not be among them
that they should not die. And it will be to them [2law 1an eternal],
4431 1722 3588 1984 1473 2532 3778 1510.2.3 3739
ptwsiV ¢ autwn
en th episkoph ¢ ¢ o¢ estin o
30:13 kai tout 1473 2532 3588 1074-1473 3326 1473
¢ kai taiV geneaiV
autw ¢ autou¢ met' auton
a failure in the overseeing of them. And this is what
to him and his generations after him.
1325 3745 302 3899 3588 1980.2
dwsousin ¢
osoi ¢
an paraporeuwntai ¢
thn episkeyin
they shall give, as many as pass the numbering – The Sacred Oil for Anointing
3588 2255 3588 1323 3739 1510.2.3 2596 2532 2980-2962 4314 * 3004 2532
to ¢
hmisu ¢
tou didracmou o esti ¢
kata ¢
30:22 kai elalhse ¢
kurioV proV Mwushn¢ legwn
¢ 30:23 kai
the half double-drachma, which it shall be according to And the lord spoke to Moses, saying, And
3588 1323 3588 39 1501 3588.2 1473 2983 2238.2 3588 438 4666 1588
to ¢
didracmon to ¢
agion ¢
eikosin oboloi¢ su ¢
labe ¢
hdusmata to ¢
anqoV ¢
smurnhV ¢
the double-drachma of the holy place – twenty oboli you take spices, the flower [2myrrh 1of choice] –
3588 1323 3588-1161 2255 3588 1323 4001 4608.2 2532 2792 2174.2
to ¢
didracmon to de ¢
hmisu ¢
tou didracmou ¢
pentakosiouV ¢
siklouV kai ¢
kinnamwmou ¢
to the double-drachma; but the half double-drachma five hundred shekels, and [2cinnamon 1sweet smelling]
1533.1 2962 3956-3588 3899 3588 2255 3778 1250 2532 4004 2532
eisfora kuriw¢ 30:14 paV o ¢
paraporeuomenoV to ¢
hmisu ¢
toutou ¢
diakosiouV kai ¢
penthkonta kai
is a contribution to the lord. Every one passing half of this – two hundred and fifty, and
1519 3588 1980.2 575 1500.1 2532 1883 1325 2563 2174.2 1250 4004 2532
eiV thn episkeyin apo¢ eikosaetouV
¢ ¢
kai epanw ¢
dwsousi ¢
kalamou ¢
euwdouV ¢
diakosiouV ¢
penthkonta 30:24 kai
in the numbering from twenty years old and above shall give [2calamus 1sweet smelling] – two hundred fifty, and
3588 1533.1 3588 2962 3588 4147 2463 4001 4608.2 3588 39 2532
thn ¢
eisforan tw ¢
kuriw 30:15 o ¢
ploutwn ¢
irewV ¢
pentakosiouV ¢
siklouV tou ¢
agiou kai
the contribution to the lord. The ones being rich of oil of cassia – five hundred shekels of the holy place, and
3756-4369 2532 3588 3998.1 3756-1641 575 3588 1637 1537 1636 1511 2532 4160 1473 1637
ou prosqhsei kai o ¢
penomenoV ¢
ou elattonhsei apo¢ tou ¢
elaion ex ¢ in
elaiwn ¢
30:25 kai poihseiV ¢
auto¢ elaion
shall not add more, and the ones needing shall not add less from the olive oil from olives – a hin! And you shall make it [3oil
2255 3588 1323 1722 3588 1325 3588 1533.1 5545 39 3464 3460.1 5078
hmisouV tou ¢
didracmou en ¢
tw didonai ¢
thn eisforan ¢
crisma ¢
agion ¢
muron ¢ tecnh
mureyikon ¢
half of the double-drachma in the giving the contribution 2scented unguent 1a holy], a perfumed liquid scented by the craft
2962 1837.2 4012 3588 5590-1473 2532 3460.2 1637 5545 39 1510.8.3
kuriw¢ ¢
exilasasqai peri¢ twn yucwn
¢ umwn ¢ 30:16 kai mureyou¢ ¢
elaion ¢
crisma ¢
agion ¢
to the lord to atone for your souls. And of a perfumer – [4oil 3scented unguent 2a holy 1it shall be].
2983 3588 694 3588 1533.1 3844 3588 5207 2532 5548 1537 1473 3588 4633 3588
lhyh to ¢
argurion thV ¢
eisforaV ¢
para ¢
twn uiwn 30:26 kai ¢
criseiV ex autou¢ thn skhnhn
¢ tou
you shall take the silver of the contribution given by the sons And you shall anoint with it the tent of the
* 2532 1325 1473 1519 3588 2716.2 3588 4633 3142 2532 3588 2787 3588 3142 2532 3956
Israhl ¢
kai dwseiV auto¢ eiV to katergon
¢ thV ¢
skhnhV ¢ kai thn kibwton
marturiou ¢ tou ¢
marturiou ¢
30:27 kai panta
of Israel, and you shall give it for the upkeep of the tent testimony, and the ark of the testimony, and all
3588 3142 2532 1510.8.3 3588 5207 * 3422 3588 4632-1473 2532 3588 3087 2532 3588 4632-1473 2532
tou marturiou ¢
¢ kai estai toiV ¢ Israhl
uioiV ¢ mnhmosunon
¢ ¢ authV
ta skeuh ¢ kai thn lucnian
¢ ¢ authV
kai ta skeuh ¢ kai
of the testimony. And it will be to the sons of Israel a memorial its utensils, and the lamp-stand, and its utensils, and
1725 2962 1837.2 4012 3588 5590-1473 3588 2379 3588 2368 2532 3588 2379
enanti ¢
kuriou ¢
exilasasqai peri¢ twn yucwn
¢ umwn ¢ ¢
to qusiasthrion ¢
tou qumiamatoV ¢
30:28 kai to qusiasthrion
before the lord, to atone for your souls. the altar of incense, and the altar
3588 3646 2532 3956 1473 3588 4632 2532
The Brass Bathing Tub twn ¢
olokautwmatwn ¢
kai panta autou¢ ta ¢
skeuh kai
of the whole burnt-offerings, and all its utensils, and
2532 2980-2962 4314 * 3004
30:17 kai ¢
elalhse ¢
kurioV proV ¢
Mwushn ¢
legwn 3588 5132 2532 3956 3588 4632-1473 2532 3588 3066.1
thn trapezan ¢
kai panta ¢ authV
ta skeuh ¢ kai ton louthra
And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,
the table, and all its utensils, and the bathing tub,
4160 3066.1 5470 2532 939 1473 5470
30:18 poihson ¢
louthra ¢ kai basin
calkoun ¢ ¢ calkhn
autw ¢ 2532 3588 939-1473 2532 37 1473 2532
kai thn basin autou¢ 30:29 kai ¢
agiaseiV ¢ kai
Make a bathing tub of brass, and a base for it of brass,
and its base. And you shall sanctify them. And
5620 3538 2532 5087 1473 303.1 3588 4633
wste ¢
niptesqai ¢
kai qhseiV ¢ ana meson
auton ¢ ¢
thV skhnhV 1510.8.3 39 3588 39 3956 3588 680 1473
estai ¢
agia twn ¢
agiwn paV o ¢
aptomenoV ¢
so as to wash. And you shall put it between the tent
they shall be a holy of the holies. Every one touching them
3588 3142 2532 303.1 3588 2379 2532
tou ¢
marturiou kai ¢
ana meson tou ¢
qusiasthriou kai 37 2532 * 2532 3588 5207-1473
agiasqhsetai 30:30 kai ¢
Aarwn ¢ autou¢
kai touV uiouV
of the testimony, and between the altar. And
shall be sanctified. And Aaron and his sons
1632 1519 1473 5204 2532 3538 * 5548 2532 37 1473 2407
ekceeiV ¢ udwr
eiV auton ¢ ¢
30:19 kai niyetai ¢
Aarwn ¢
criseiV ¢
kai agiaseiV ¢ ierateuein
autouV ¢
you shall pour into it water. And [4shall wash 1Aaron you shall anoint, and you shall sanctify them to officiate as priests
126 E X O D O S 30:31
1473 2532 3588 5207 * 2980 3004 752.2 2038 3588 5553 2532 3588
moi 30:31 kai toiV ¢ Israhl
uioiV ¢ ¢
lalhseiV ¢
legwn ¢
arcitektonein ¢
ergazesqai to ¢
crusion kai to
to me. And to the sons of Israel you shall speak, saying, to supervise construction; to work the gold, and the
1637 217.6 5544.1 39 1510.8.3-3778 1473 694 2532 3588 5475 2532 3588 5192 2532 3588 4209
elaion ¢
aleimma ¢
crisewV ¢
agion ¢
estai ¢
touto ¢
umin ¢
argurion ¢ kai thn uakinqon
kai ton calkon ¢ ¢
kai thn porfuran
An oil of anointing – [2anointing 1a holy] this will be to you silver, and the brass, and the blue, and the purple
1519 3588 1074-1473 1909 4561 444 2532 3588 2847 3588 3523.1 2532 3588 1040 3588
eiV ¢ umwn
taV geneaV ¢ 30:32 epi¢ ¢
sarka ¢
anqrwpou kai to ¢
kokkinon to ¢
nhston ¢
31:5 kai thn busson thn
into your generations. [2upon 3the flesh 4of man and the [2scarlet 1spun], and the linen
3756-5548 2532 2596 3588 4916.3-3778 2831.1 2532 3588 3038.2 2041 2532 1519 3588
ou crisqhsetai ¢
kai kata ¢
thn sunqesin ¢
tauthn ¢
keklwsmenhn kai ta ¢
liqourgika ¢
erga kai eiV ta
1You shall not anoint with it]. And concerning this composition, being twined, and the stonecutting works, and for the
3756-4160 1473 1438 5615 39-1510.2.3 5044.2 3588 3586 2038 2596
ou poihsete ¢
umin ¢
eautoiV ¢
wsautwV ¢ on
agi ¢ esti ¢
tektonika twn ¢
xulwn ¢
ergazesqai ¢
you shall not make any to you yourselves likewise – it is holy, woodworkers of the works of wood – to work according to
2532 37.1-1510.8.3 1473 3739 302 4160 3956 3588 2041 2532 1473 1325 1473 2532 3588
kai agiasma ¢
estai ¢
umin 30:33 oV an ¢
poihsh ¢
panta ta ¢
erga 31:6 kai ¢ dedwka
egw ¢ ¢ kai
auton ton
and it shall be sanctified to you. Who ever should make all the works. And I have given him even
5615 2532 3739 302 1325 575 1473 241 * 3588 3588 * 1537 5443 * 2532
wsautwV kai oV an dw ap' autou¢ allogenei¢ ¢
Eliab ¢
ton tou Acisamak ek ¢
fulhV Dan kai
likewise, and who ever should give of it to a foreigner, Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan. And
1842 1537 3588 2992-1473 3956 4908 2588 1325 4907 2532
exoloqreuqhsetai ek tou laou¢ autou¢ panti¢ ¢
sunetw ¢ dedwka
kardia ¢ ¢
sunesin kai
he shall be utterly destroyed from his people. to every one discerning in heart I have given understanding. And
4160 3956 3745 4929 1473 3588
poihsousi ¢
panta ¢
osa ¢
sunetax ¢
a soi 31:7 thn
The Incense they shall make all as much as I gave orders to you – the
2532 2036-2962 4314 * 2983 4572
30:34 kai ¢ kurioV
eipe ¢ proV Mwushn¢ labe
¢ seautw ¢ 4633 3588 3142 2532 3588 2787 3588 1242 2532
¢ tou
skhnhn ¢ kai thn kibwton
marturiou ¢ thV ¢
diaqhkhV kai
And the lord said to Moses, Take to yourself tent of the testimony, and the ark of the covenant, and
2238.2 4712.6 2532 3689.1 2532 5465.1 2238.3 2532
hdusmata stakthn ¢
¢ kai onuca ¢
kai calbanhn hdusmou¢ kai 3588 2435 3588 1909 1473 2532 3588 1286.3 3588
to ilasthrion to ep' ¢ kai thn diaskeuhn
authV ¢ thV
spices – balsam, and onycha, and [2galbanum 1luscious], and the atonement-seat, the one upon it, and the equipment of the
3030 1307 2470 2470 1510.8.3 2532
libanon ¢
diafanh ¢
ison ¢
isw ¢
estai 30:35 kai 4633 2532 3588 2379 2532 3588 5132 2532 3956
skhnhV ¢
31:8 kai ta qusiasthria ¢
kai thn trapezan ¢
kai panta
[2frankincense 1transparent], equal to equal it will be. And tent, and the altars, and the table, and all
4160 1473 2368 3460.1 2041 3460.2 3588 4632 1473 2532 3588 3087 3588 2513 2532 3956
poihsousin auto¢ qumiama
¢ ¢ ergon
mureyikon ¢ mureyou¢ ¢
ta skeuh ¢ kai thn lucnian
authV ¢ ¢ kai panta
thn kaqaran ¢
they shall make with it [2incense 1scented], a work of a perfumer – the utensils for it, and the [2lamp-stand 1pure], and all
3396 2513 2041 39 2532 4792.1 1537 3588 4632 1473 2532 3588 3066.1 2532 3588 939-1473
memigmenon kaqaron ¢
¢ ergon ¢
agion ¢
30:36 kai sugkoyeiV ek ¢ authV
ta skeuh ¢ ¢
31:9 kai ton louthra ¢
kai thn basin autou¢
[4being mixed 1a pure 3work 2holy]. And you shall cut of the utensils for it, and the bathing tub, and its base,
3778 3016 2532 5087 561 3588 3142 2532 3588 4749 3588 3010 * 2532 3588
toutwn ¢
lepton ¢
kai qhseiV ¢
apenanti tou marturiou ¢
31:10 kai taV stolaV ¢ Aarwn
taV leitourgikaV ¢ kai taV
these into fine parts, and you shall put it before the testimony and the [3apparels 1the 2ministry] of Aaron, and the
1722 3588 4633 3588 3142 3606 1097 1473 4749 3588 5207-1473 1519 3588 2407 1473
¢ tou
en th skhnh marturiou ¢
¢ oqen ¢
gnwsqhsomai¢ soi ¢
stolaV ¢ autou¢ eiV
twn uiwn to ¢
ierateuein moi
in the tent of the testimony from where I will be known to you apparels of his sons in the officiating as priest to me,
1564 39 3588 39 1510.8.3 1473 2368 2532 3588 1637 3588 5544.1 2532 3588 2368 3588
ekeiqen ¢
agion twn ¢
agiwn ¢
estai ¢
umin ¢
qumiama 31:11 kai to ¢
elaion ¢
thV crisewV kai to ¢
qumiama thV
from there. [3a holy 4of the 5holies 1It will be 2to you] incense. and the [2oil 1anointing], and the incense of the
2596 3588 4916.3-3778 3756-4160 4916.3 3588 39 2596 3956 3745
30:37 ¢
kata thn ¢
sunqesin ¢
tauthn ¢
ou poihsete ¢
sunqesewV tou ¢
agiou ¢
kata ¢
panta ¢
According to this composition you shall not make composition of the holy place – according to all as much as
1473 1438 37.1-1510.8.3 1473 2962 1781 1473 4160
umin ¢
eautoiV ¢
agiasma ¢
estai kuriw¢ ¢
umin ¢
eneteilamhn soi ¢
to you yourselves – it shall be a sanctified thing to you to the lord. I gave charge to you they shall make.
3739 302 4160 5615 5620 3750.1 1722
30:38 oV an ¢
poihsh ¢
wsautwV ¢
wste ¢
osfrainesqai en
Who ever should make likewise so as to smell by The Sabbath
1473 622 1537 3588 2992-1473 2532 2980-2962 4314 * 3004
¢ apoleitai
autw ¢ ek tou laou¢ autou¢ 31:12 kai ¢
elalhse ¢
kurioV proV ¢
Mwushn ¢
it, he shall be destroyed from out of his people. And the lord spoke to Moses, saying,
2532-1473 3588 5207 * 3004 3708
31:13 kai su ¢
lalhson toiV ¢ Israhl
uioV ¢ ¢
legwn ¢
CHAPTER 31 You also speak to the sons of Israel! saying, Perceive,
2532 3588 4521-1473 5442 1510.2.3-1063 4592 3844 1473
Bezaleel Appointed Chief of Construction ¢
kai ta sabbata¢ mou fulaxesqe
¢ ¢
esti gar ¢ par' emoi¢
2532 2980-2962 4314 * 3004
and [2my Sabbaths 1guard]! For it is a sign by me
31:1 kai ¢
elalhse ¢
kurioV proV ¢
Mwushn ¢
legwn 2532 1722 1473 1519 3588 1074-1473 2443 1097
And the lord spoke to Moses, saying, kai en ¢ eiV
umin ¢ umwn
taV geneaV ¢ ¢
ina ¢
2400 342.1 1537 3686 3588 * 3588
and among you unto your generations, that you might know
31:2 idou¢ ¢
anakeklhmai ex ¢
onomatoV ¢ ton
ton Beselehl 3754 1473 2962 3588 37 1473 2532
Behold, I have called by name Bezaleel the ¢
oti ¢ kurioV
egw ¢ o ¢
agiazwn ¢
umaV 31:14 kai
3588 * 5207 * 1537 3588 5443 * 2532
that I the lord am the one sanctifying you. And
tou Ouri¢ uiou
¢ Wr ek ¢ Iouda
thV fulhV ¢ 31:3 kai 5442 3588 4521 3754 39 1510.2.3-3778 1473 3588
son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. And ¢
fulaxesqe to ¢
sabbaton ¢
oti ¢ on
agi ¢ estin ¢
umin o
1705 1473 4151 2304 4678 2532 4907 you shall guard the Sabbath, for [2holy 1it is] to you. The
eneplhsa ¢ pneuma
auton ¢ ¢
qeion ¢
sofiaV ¢
kai sunesewV 953 1473 2288 2289 3956
I filled him [2spirit 1a divine] of wisdom, and understanding, ¢
bebhlwn auto¢ qanatw
¢ ¢
qanatwqhsetai paV
2532 1989.1 1722 3956 2041 1269.4 2532 one profaning it, unto death shall be put to death. Every one
kai episthmhV en ¢
panti¢ ergw ¢
dianoeisqai 31:4 kai 3739 4160 1722 1473 2041 1842
and higher knowledge, [2in 3every 4work 1to consider], and oV ¢
poihsei en autw ¢
¢ ergon ¢
who shall do [2on 3it 1work], [2shall be utterly destroyed
31:15 E X O D U S 127
3588 5590-1565 1537 3319 3588 2992-1473 1803 * 2532 1492 * 3618 2379
h ¢ ekeinh
yuch ¢ ek ¢
mesou tou laou¢ autou¢ 31:15 ex ¢
Aiguptou ¢
32:5 kai idwn ¢ wkodomhse
Aarwn ¢ ¢
1that soul] from the midst of his people. Six of Egypt. And seeing, Aaron built an altar
2250 4160 2041 3588-1161 2250 3588 1442 4521 2713 1473 2532 2784-1473 3004 1859
hmeraV ¢
poihseiV ¢
erga th de ¢
hmera ¢
th ebdomh ¢
sabbata ¢
katenanti autou¢ kai ¢
ekhruxen ¢
Aarwn ¢
legwn ¢
days you shall do works, but the [2day 1seventh 4Sabbath over against it. And Aaron proclaimed, saying, A holiday
372 39 3588 2962 3956 3739 4160 2041 2962 839 2532 3719 3588 1887
anapausiV ¢
agia ¢ paV oV
kuriw ¢
poihsei ¢
ergon ¢
kuriou ¢
aurion 32:6 kai ¢
orqrisaV th ¢
5rest 3is a holy] to the lord. All who shall do work of the lord is tomorrow. And rising early in the next day,
3588 2250 3588 4521 2289 2532 307 3646 2532 4374 2378
th ¢
hmera twn ¢
sabbatwn ¢
qanatwqhsetai 31:16 kai ¢
anebibasen ¢
olokautwmata ¢
kai proshnegke ¢
on the day of the Sabbaths shall be put to death. And he offered whole burnt-offerings, and he offered the sacrifice
5442 3588 5207 * 3588 4521 4160 1473 4992 2532 2523 3588 2992 2068 2532 4095
fulaxousin oi uioi¢ Israhl
¢ ¢
ta sabbata ¢
poiein ¢
auta ¢
swthriou ¢
kai ekaqisen o ¢
laoV ¢ kai piein
fagein ¢
[4shall guard 1the 2sons 3of Israel] the Sabbaths to observe them of deliverance. And [3sat 1the 2people] to eat and to drink,
1519 3588 1074-1473 1242 166 1722 2532 450 3815 2532 2980-2962 4314 *
eiV ¢ autwn
taV geneaV ¢ ¢
31:17 diaqhkh ¢
aiwnioV en ¢
kai anesthsan ¢
paizein ¢
32:7 kai elalhse ¢
kurioV ¢
proV Mwushn
unto their generations. [2covenant 1It is an eternal] with and they rose up to play. And the lord spoke to Moses,
1473 2532 3588 5207 * 4592 1510.2.3 166 3754 3004 897.2 3588 5034 2597 1782 457.1
emoi¢ kai toiV uioiV
¢ Israhl
¢ shmei¢on
¢ estin aiwnion
¢ ¢
oti ¢
legwn ¢
badize ¢
to tacoV ¢
katabhqi ¢
enteuqen ¢
me and the sons of Israel, [3sign 1it is 2an eternal]. For saying, Proceed quickly! to go down from here, [3acted lawlessly
1722 1803 2250 4160-2962 3588 3772 2532 3588 1093 2532 1063 3588 2992-1473 3739 1806 1537 1093 *
en ex ¢
hmeraiV ¢
epoihse ¢
kurioV ¢ kai thn ghn kai
ton ouranon gar o ¢ sou
laoV o ¢
exhgageV ek ghV ¢
in six days the lord made the heaven and the earth, and 1for 2your people], whom you led from the land of Egypt.
3588 2250 3588 1442 3973 2532 2664 2532 3845 5036 1537 3588 3598 3739 1781
th ¢ th ebdomh
hmera ¢ ¢
epausato ¢
kai katepause 31:18 kai ¢
32:8 parebhsan tacu¢ ek thV odou¢ hV ¢
on the [2day 1seventh] he ceased and rested. And They violate quickly from the way which I gave charge
1325 * 2259 2664 2980 1473 1722 1473 4160 1438 3448 2532 4352
edwke ¢
Mwush ¢
hnika ¢
katepause ¢
lalwn ¢
autw en ¢ epoihsan
autoiV ¢ ¢
eautoiV ¢
moscon ¢
kai proskekunhkasi
he gave to Moses, when he rested from speaking to him in to them; they made to themselves a calf, and they do obeisance to
3588 3735 3588 * 3588 1417 4109 3588 3142 4109 1473 2532 2380 1473 2532 2036 3778
tw orei ¢ taV duo
tw Sina ¢ plakaV
¢ tou ¢
marturiou ¢
plakaV ¢ kai tequkasin
autw ¢ ¢ kai
autw ¢
eipan ¢
mount Sinai, the two tablets of the testimony – tablets it, and they have sacrificed to it. And they said, These are
3035 1125 3588 1147 3588 2316 3588 2316-1473 * 3748 307 1473 1537 1093
liqinaV ¢
gegrammenaV tw ¢
daktulw tou qeou¢ oi qeoi¢ sou ¢
Israhl ¢
oitineV ¢
anebibas ¢ se
an ek ghV
of stone, written by the finger of God. your gods, O Israel, who hauled you from the land
* 2532 3568 1439 1473 2532 2373 3709
Aiguptou ¢ on
32:9 kai nun eas ¢ me kai qumwqeiV
¢ ¢
of Egypt. And now allow me! for being enraged in anger
1519 1473 1625.3 1473 2532 4160 1473
The Golden Calf eiV ¢ ektriyw
autouV ¢ ¢
autouV ¢
32:10 kai poihsw se
2532 1492 3588 2992 3754 5549-* against them, I will obliterate them. And I will make you
32:1 kai ¢
idwn o ¢
laoV ¢
oti ¢
kecronike ¢
MwushV 1519 1484 3173 2532 1189-* 2713
And [3seeing 1the 2people] that Moses passed time eiV ¢
eqnoV ¢
mega ¢
32:11 kai edehqh ¢ katenanti
MwushV ¢
2597 1537 3588 3735 4921 3588 into [2nation 1a great]. And Moses beseeched in front of
katabhnai ek ¢
tou orouV ¢
sunesth o 2962 3588 2316 2532 2036 2444 2962 2373 3709
to come down from out of the mountain, [3stood together 1the ¢
kuriou tou qeou¢ kai eipen
¢ inati¢ kurie
¢ qumoi¢ orgh¢
2992 1909 * 2532 3004 1473 450 2532 4160 the lord God, and said, Why, O lord, be enraged in anger
laoV epi¢ Aarwn
¢ kai legousin
¢ ¢ anasthqi
autw ¢ ¢
kai poihson 1519 3588 2992-1473 3739 1806 1537 1093
2people] by Aaron, and they say to him, Rise up and make eiV ¢ sou
ton laon ouV ¢
exhgageV ek ghV
1473 2316 3739 4313 1473 3588 1063 * against your people, whom you led from out of the land
¢ qeouV
hmin ¢ oi ¢
proporeusontai ¢ o
hmwn ¢
gar MwushV * 1722 2479 3173 2532 1722 3588 1023 1473
for us gods! the ones who will go before us. For Moses, ¢
Aiguptou en ¢
iscu+ ¢
megalh kai en ¢ i¢ sou
tw bracion
3778 3588 444 3739 1806 1473 1537 1093 of Egypt in [2strength 1great], and with [3arm 1your
outoV o ¢
anqrwpoV oV ¢
exhgagen ¢ ek
hmaV ghV 3588 5308 3379 2036 3588 *
this man who led us from out of the land ¢
tw uyhlw ¢ pote
32:12 mh ¢
eipwsin oi ¢
* 3756-1492 5100 1096 1473 2532 2high]? lest at any time [3should say 1the 2Egyptians],
Aiguptou ¢
ouk oidamen ti ¢
gegonen ¢
autw 32:2 kai 3004 3326 4189 1806 1473 615 1722 3588
of Egypt, we do not know what has happened to him. And ¢
legonteV ¢ ponhriaV
meta ¢ ¢
exhgagen ¢ apokteinai
autouV ¢ en toiV
3004 1473 * 4014 3588 1801.1 3588 5552 in saying, With wickedness he led them to kill them in the
legei ¢
autoiV ¢
Aarwn ¢
perielesqe ¢
ta enwtia ¢
ta crusa 3735 2532 1814.4 1473 575 3588 1093
[2says 3to them 1Aaron], Remove the [2ear-rings 1gold]! ¢
oresi ¢
kai exanalwsai ¢ apo¢ thV ghV
3588 1722 3588 3775 3588 1135-1473 2532 3588 2364 2532 mountains, and to completely consume them from the earth.
ta ¢
en toiV wsi ¢ umwn
twn gunaikwn ¢ kai twn qugaterwn
¢ kai 3973 3588 3709 3588 2372-1473 2532 2436 1096 1909
the ones in the ears of your wives, and daughters; and ¢
pausai thV ¢ tou qumou¢ sou
orghV ¢
kai ilewV genou¢ epi¢
5342 4314 1473 2532 4014 3956 3588 2992 Cease in the anger of your rage, and [2propitious 1be] to
enegkate proV me ¢
32:3 kai perieilanto paV o ¢
laoV 3588 2549 3588 2992-1473 3403 * 2532
bring them to me! And [4removed 1all 2the 3people ¢ tou laou¢ sou
th kakia ¢
32:13 mnhsqeiV ¢
Abraam kai
3588 1801.1 3588 5552 3588 1722 3588 3775-1473 2532 the evil of your people! remembering Abraham, and
ta ¢
enwtia ta ¢ ta
crusa en ¢ autwn
toiV wsin ¢ kai * 2532 * 3588 4674 3610 3739 3660
4the 6ear-rings 5gold], the ones in their ears, and ¢ kai Iakwb
Isaak ¢ twn swn oiketwn
¢ oiV ¢
5342 4314 * 2532 1209 1537 Isaac, and Jacob your servants, to whom you swore by an oath
hnegkan ¢
proV Aarwn ¢
32:4 kai edexato ek 1473 2596 4572 2532 2980 4314 1473 3004
they brought them to Aaron. And he took them from out of ¢ kata
autoiV ¢ seautou¢ kai elalhsaV
¢ ¢ legwn
proV autouV ¢
3588 5495-1473 2532 4111 1473 1722 3588 1124.1 2532 to them according to yourself. And you spoke to them, saying,
¢ autwn
twn ceirwn ¢
¢ kai eplasen ¢ en
auta th ¢ kai
grafidi 4181.5 3588 4690-1473 5616 3588 798 3588
their hands, and he shaped them with the stylus. And ¢
poluplhqunw to ¢
sperma ¢ wsei¢ ta
umwn ¢
astra tou
4160 1473 3448 5560.8 2532 2036 3778 3588 I will greatly multiply your seed as the stars of the
epoihsen auto¢ moscon
¢ ¢
cwneuton ¢
kai eipan ¢
outoi oi 3772 3588 4128 2532 3956 3588 1093-3778 3739
he made it [2calf 1a molten]. And they said, These are ouranou¢ tw ¢
plhqei ¢
kai pasan ¢
thn ghn tauthn hn
2316-1473 * 3748 307 1473 1537 1093 heaven in multitude, and all this land which
qeoi¢ sou ¢
Israhl ¢
oitineV ¢
anebibas ¢ se ek
an ghV
your gods, O Israel, who hauled you from out of the land
128 E X O D O S 32:14
2036 1325 3588 4690-1473 2532 2722 444 3739 1806 1473 1537 * 3756-1492
eipaV ¢
dounai ¢
tw spermati ¢ kai
autwn ¢
kaqexousin ¢
anqrwpoV oV ¢
exhgagen ¢ ex
hmaV ¢
Aiguptou ¢
ouk oidamen
you spoke of to give it to their seed, so that they shall hold 2man], who led us out of Egypt, we do not know
1473 1519 3588 165 2532 2433-2962 4012 5100 1096 1473 2532 2036 1473 5100
¢ eiV ton aiwna
authn ¢ ¢
32:14 kai ilasqh ¢
kurioV peri¢ ti ¢
gegonen ¢
autw 32:24 kai ¢
eipa ¢
autoiV ¢
it into the eon. And the lord dealt kindly concerning what has happened to him. And I said to them, Anyone
3588 2549 3739 2036 4160 4314 3588 2992-1473 5224 5553 4014 2532 1325
thV kakiaV hV ¢
eipe ¢
poihsai ¢ autou¢
proV ton laon ¢
uparcei ¢
crusia† ¢
perielesqe kai ¢
edwk ¢
the bad which he said he would do to his people. who possesses pieces of gold, remove them! And they gave them
2532 654-* 2597 575 3588 3735 1473 2532 4495 1519 3588 4442 2532 1831
32:15 kai apostreyaV ¢ katebh
MwushV ¢ ¢
apo¢ tou orouV moi ¢
kai erriya eiV to ¢
pur kai exhlqen
And Moses returning, went down from the mountain to me, and I tossed them into the fire, and there came forth
2532 3588 1417 4109 3588 3142 1722 3588 5495-1473 3588 3448-3778 2532 1492-* 3588 2992 3754
kai ai ¢ plakeV
duo ¢ tou ¢ en taiV cersin
marturiou ¢ autou¢ o ¢
moscoV ¢
outoV 32:25 kai ¢ MwushV
idwn ¢ ton laon
¢ ¢
along with the two tablets of the testimony in his hands – this calf. And Moses seeing the people, that
4109 3035 2608.1 1537 297 3588 1286.1 1286.1 1063 1473 *
plakeV ¢
liqinai ¢
katagegrammenai ex ¢
amfoterwn twn ¢
dieskedastai ¢
dieskedase gar ¢
autouV ¢
tablets of stone, having been written on both they have been dispersed, [3dispersed 1for 4them 2Aaron]
3313-1473 1759.3 1510.7.6 1125 2020.3 3588 5227-1473 2476-* 1909
¢ autwn
merwn ¢ ¢
enqen ¢
kai enqen ¢
hsan ¢
gegrammenai ¢
epicarma ¢
toiV upenantioiV ¢
autwn ¢
32:26 esth ¢ epi¢
their parts; on this side and that side they were written. to be a derision to their opponents. Moses stood at
2532 3588 4109 2041 2316 1510.7.6 2532 3588 3588 4439 3588 3925 2532 2036 5100 4314 2962
32:16 kai ai ¢
plakeV ¢
ergon qeou¢ ¢
hsan kai h ¢
thV pulhV thV ¢ kai eipe
parembolhV ¢ tiV ¢
proV kurion
And the tablets [2a work 3of God 1were], and the the gate of the camp, and he said, Who is for the lord?
1124 1124 2316 1510.2.3 2850.3 1722 3588 1509.1 4314 1473 4905 3767 4314 1473 3956 3588
grafh ¢
grafh qeou¢ esti ¢
kekolammenh en taiV ¢
itw ¢
proV me sunhlqon oun ¢ panteV
proV auton ¢ oi
writing, [2a writing 3of God 1is] chiseled in the Come to me! [6came together 1Then 7to 8him 2all 3the
4109 2532 191-* 3588 5456 3588 2992 5207 * 2532 3004 1473 3592 3004 2962
plaxi¢ ¢
32:17 kai akousaV ¢ thV fwnhnV tou
IhsouV laou¢ uioi¢ Leui¢ ¢
32:27 kai legei ¢
tade ¢¢
legei ¢
tablets. And Joshua hearing the voice of the people 4sons 5of Levi]. And he says to them, Thus says the lord
2896 3004 4314 * 5456 4171 1722 3588 3588 2316 * 5087 1538 3588 1438 4501
krazontwn ¢
legei ¢ fwnh
proV Mwushn ¢ ¢
polemou en th o ¢ Israhl
qeoV ¢ ¢
qete ¢
ekastoV thn eautou¢ ¢
crying out, says to Moses, It is a sound of war in the God of Israel, Let [2put 1each] on himself a broadsword
3925 2532 3004 3756-1510.2.3 5456 1822.1 1909 3588 3382 2532 1330 2532 344 575
parembolh ¢
32:18 kai legei ¢
ouk esti ¢
fwnh ¢
exarcontwn epi¢ ¢ kai dielqate
ton mhron ¢ ¢
kai anakamyate apo¢
camp. And he says, It is not a sound originating upon his thigh! And let him go through and return from
2596 2479 3761 5456 1822.1 5157 4439 1909 4439 1223 3588 3925 2532 615
kat' iscun oude¢ fwnh
¢ ¢
exarcontwn ¢
trophV ¢
pulhV epi¢ pulhn
¢ ¢
dia ¢ kai apokteinate
thV parembolhV ¢
from strength, nor a sound originating by a routing of the enemy, gate to gate through the camp! and let [2kill
235 5456 1822.1 3631 1473 191 2532 1538 3588 80-1473 2532 1538 3588 4139-1473
¢ fwnhn
alla ¢ ¢
exarcontwn ¢
oinou ¢ akouw
egw ¢ 32:19 kai ¢
ekastoV ton adelfon ¢
¢ autou¢ kai ekastoV ¢ autou¢
ton plhsion
but a sound originating from wine I hear. And 1each] his brethren, and each his neighbor,
2259 1448 3588 3925 3708 3588 3448 2532 1538 3588 1451 1473 2532 4160 3588
hnika ¢
hggize th ¢ ora
parembolh ¢ ton ¢
moscon ¢
kai ekastoV ton ¢
eggista autou¢ ¢
32:28 kai epoihsan oi
when he approached the camp, he sees the calf and each the one nearest him! And [4did 1the
2532 3588 5525 2532 3710 5207 * 2505 2980 1473 * 2532 4098
kai touV corouV kai ¢
orgisqeiV uioi¢ Leui¢ ¢ elalhsen
kaqa ¢ ¢
autoiV MwushV ¢
¢ kai epeson
and the company of dancers. And [2being provoked to anger 2sons 3of Levi] as [2said 3to them 1Moses]. And there fell
2372 * 4495 575 3588 5495-1473 3588 1417 1537 3588 2992 1722 3588 2250-1565 5153 435
qumw MwushV ¢
¢ erriyen apo¢ ¢ autou¢ taV duo
twn ceirwn ¢ ek tou laou¢ en th ¢ ekeinh
hmera ¢ ¢
trisciliouV† ¢
3in rage 1Moses] tossed from his hands the two of the people in that day three thousand males.
4109 2532 4937 1473 5259 3588 3735 2532 2532 2036 1473 * 4137 3588 5495-1473
plakaV ¢
kai sunetriyen ¢ upo¢
autaV to ¢
oroV 32:20 kai ¢
32:29 kai eipen ¢
autoiV ¢ eplhrwsate
MwushV ¢ ¢
taV ceiraV ¢
tablets, and he broke them below the mountain. And And [2said 3to them 1Moses], You filled your hands
2983 3588 3448 3739 4160 2618 1473 4594 2962 1538 1722 3588 80 2532 5207
labwn ¢
ton moscon on ¢
epoihsan ¢
katekausen ¢
auton ¢
shmeron kuriw¢ ¢
ekastoV en† tw adelfw ¢ kai uiw¢
having taken the calf which they made, he incinerated it today to the lord; each one on his brother, and his son,
4442 2532 2641.2 1473 3016 2532 4687 1473 1325 1909 1473 2129 2532 1096 3326 3588
puri¢ ¢
kai kathlesen ¢ lepton
auton ¢
¢ kai espeiren ¢
auton ¢
doqhnai ef' ¢ eulogian
umaV ¢ ¢
32:30 kai egeneto ¢ thn
in fire, and ground it fine, and sowed it to give upon you a blessing. And it came to pass after the
1909 3588 5204 2532 4222 1473 3588 5207 * 839 2036-* 4314 3588 2992 1473 264
epi¢ to ¢
udwr ¢
kai epotisen auto¢ touV uiouV
¢ Israhl
¢ ¢
aurion ¢ MwushV
eipe ¢ proV ton laon
¢ ¢ hmarthkate
umeiV ¢
upon the water, and made [4drink 5it 1the 2sons 3of Israel]. next morning, Moses said to the people, You have sinned
2532 2036-* 4314 * 5100 4160 1473 266 3173 2532 3568 305 4314 3588 2316
32:21 kai ¢ MwushV
eipe ¢ proV Aarwn
¢ ti ¢ e¢ soi
epoihs ¢
amartian ¢
megalhn kai nun ¢
anabhsomai ¢
proV ton qeon
And Moses said to Aaron, What did [2do 3to you [2sin 1a great]. And now I will ascend to God,
3588 2992-3778 3754 1863 1909 1473 266 2443 1837.2 4012 3588 266-1473
o ¢ outoV
laoV ¢ ¢
oti ¢
ephgageV ep' ¢
autouV ¢
amartian ¢
ina ¢
exilaswmai peri¢ ¢ umwn
thV amartiaV ¢
1this people] that you brought upon them [2sin that I might make atonement on account of your sin.
3173 2532 2036-* 4314 * 3361 5290 1161 * 4314 2962 2532 2036
megalhn 32:22 kai ¢
eipen ¢
Aarwn proV ¢
Mwushn mh 32:31 ¢
upestreye de ¢ proV kurion
MwushV ¢ ¢
kai eipe
1a great]? And Aaron said to Moses, Be not [3returned 1And 2Moses] to the lord, and said,
3710 2962 1473-1063 1492 3588 3731 3588 1189 2962 264 3588 2992-3778 266
orgizou ¢
kurie su gar ¢
oidaV to ¢
ormhma tou ¢
deomai ¢
kurie ¢
hmarthken o ¢ outoV
laoV ¢ ¢
provoked to anger, O master! for you know the impulse I beseech O lord, [2have sinned 1this people 4sin
2992-3778 3004-1063 1473 4160 1473 2316
laou¢ toutou
¢ ¢
32:23 legousi gar moi ¢
poihson ¢ qeouV
hmin ¢
of this people. For they say to me, Make us gods! 32:24 †CP crusion – golden.
3739 4313 1473 3588 1063 * 3778 3588
oi ¢
proporeusontai ¢
hmwn o ¢ outoV
gar MwushV ¢ o 32:28 †CP treiV ciliadeV andrwn – three thousand men.
which shall go before us, for [3Moses 1this
32:29 †See Bos for variants.
32:32 E X O D U S 129
3173 2532 4160 1438 2316-5552 2532 3361 4127 243 1473 1863 1909 1473 2532
megalhn ¢
kai epoihsan ¢
eautoiV ¢ crusouV
qeouV ¢ 32:32 kai mh ¢
plhghn ¢
allhn ¢
egw† ¢
epagw ef' ¢
umaV kai
3a great], and made to themselves golden gods. And [2do not 5calamity 4another 1I 3bring] upon you! and
3568 1487 3303 863 1473 3588 266-1473 1814.4 1473 3568 3767 851 3588
nun ei men afeiV† ¢ thn amartian
autoiV ¢ autwn
¢ ¢
exanalwsw ¢
umaV nun oun ¢
afelesqe taV
now, if forasmuch as you forgive them of their sin – should completely consume you. Now then remove
863 1490 1813-1473 1537 3588 976-1473 4749 3588 1391-1473 2532 3588 2889 2532 1166
afeV ei de mh ¢
exaleiy ¢ me ek
on ¢
thV biblou sou ¢
stolaV ¢ umwn
twn doxwn ¢ ¢
kai ton kosmon ¢
kai deixw
forgive! But if not, wipe me away from out of your book [2apparels 1your glorious], and the ornament! and I will show
3739 1125 2532 2036-2962 4314 * 1473 3739 4160 1473 2532 4014 3588 5207
hV ¢
egrayaV 32:33 kai ¢ kurioV
eipe ¢ ¢
proV Mwushn soi a ¢
poihsw soi ¢
33:6 kai perieilanto oi uioi¢
of which you wrote! And the lord said to Moses, to you what I will do to you. And [4removed 1the 2sons
1536 264 1799 1473 1813 1473 1537 * 3588 2889-1473 2532 3588 4058.2 575
ei tiV hmarthken ¢ on
enwpi ¢ mou exaleiyw
¢ ¢ ek
autouV ¢
Israhl ¢
ton kosmon ¢
autwn ¢ apo¢
kai thn peristolhn
If any sin before me, I will wipe them from out of 3of Israel] their ornamentation, and the attire at
3588 976-1473 3568-1161 897.2 2532 3594 3588 3735 3588 * 2532 2983-* 3588
thV ¢
biblou mou 32:34 nun de ¢
badize kai ¢
odhghson ¢
tou orouV ¢
tou Cwrhb 33:7 kai ¢ MwushV
labwn ¢ thn
my book. And now, proceed, and guide the mountain of Horeb. And Moses, taking
3588 2992-3778 1519 3588 5117 3739 2036 1473 2400 4633-1473 4078 1854 3588 3925 3112 575
¢ touton
ton laon ¢ eiV ¢
ton topon on ¢ a
eip ¢ soi idou¢ skhnhn ¢
¢ autou¢ ephxen ¢
exw ¢ makran
thV parembolhV ¢ apo¢
this people into the place which I told to you! Behold, his tent, pitched outside the camp far from
3588 32 4313 4253 4383-1473 3739 3588 3925 2532 2564 4633 3588 3142
o ¢
aggel ¢ mou proporeusetai
oV ¢ pro ¢
proswpou sou h ¢ kai
thV parembolhV ¢
eklhqh ¢ tou marturiou
skhnh ¢
my angel shall go forth before your face, and the camp. And it was called – Tent of Testimony.
1161 302 2250 1980 1863 1909 1473 2532 1096 3956 3588 2212 3588 2962 1607
d' an ¢
hmera ¢
episkeptwmai ¢
epaxw ep' ¢
autouV ¢
kai egeneto paV o ¢
zhtwn ¢
ton kurion ¢
in whatever day I should visit, I will bring upon them And it came to pass, all the ones seeking the lord went forth
3588 266-1473 2532 3960-2962 3588 2992 1519 3588 4633 1854 3588 3925 2259-1161-302
¢ autwn
thn amartian ¢ 32:35 kai ¢
epataxe ¢
kurioV ¢
ton laon eiV thn skhnhn ¢
¢ exw ¢
thV parembolhV ¢ d' an
33:8 hnika
their sin. And the lord struck the people unto the tent outside the camp. And whenever
4012 3588 4162 3588 3448 3739 4160-* 1531-* 1519 3588 4633 1854 3588 3925
peri¢ ¢
thV poihsewV tou ¢
moscou ou ¢
epoihsen ¢
Aarwn ¢
eiseporeueto ¢ eiV thn skhnhn
MwushV ¢
¢ exw ¢
thV parembolhV
on account of the making of the calf, which Aaron made. Moses entered into the tent outside the camp,
2476 3956 3588 2992 4648 1538 3844 3588 2374
eisthkei paV o ¢
laoV ¢
skopeuonteV ¢
ekastoV ¢ taV quraV
para ¢
[4stood 1all 2the 3people] watching, each one by the door
3588 4633-1473 2532 2657 548-*
The LORD Talks to Moses ¢ autou¢ kai
thV skhnhV ¢
katenoousan ¢
apiontoV ¢
2532 2036-2962 4314 * 4313 305 of his tent. And they contemplated Moses’ going away
¢ kurioV
33:1 kai eipe ¢ proV Mwushn¢ proporeuou
¢ ¢
anabhqi 2193 3588 1525-1473 1519 3588 4633 5613-1161
And the lord said to Moses, Go forth, ascend ¢
ewV ¢
tou eiselqein ¢
auton eiV ¢
thn skhnhn 33:9 wV de
1782 1473 2532 3588 2992-1473 3739 1806 1537 unto his entering into the tent. And as
enteuqen su kai o ¢ sou
laoV ouV ¢
exhgageV ek 1525-* 1519 3588 4633 2597 3588 4769 3588
from here, you and your people! whom you led from out of ¢
eishlqe ¢ eiV thn skhnhn
MwushV ¢ katebainen
¢ o ¢
stuloV thV
1093 * 1519 3588 1093 3739 3660 Moses entered into the tent, [4came down 1the 2column
ghV ¢
Aiguptou eiV thn ghn hn ¢
wmosa 3507 2532 2476 1909 3588 2374 3588 4633 2532 2980
the land of Egypt, into the land which I swore by an oath ¢
nefelhV ¢
kai istato epi¢ thn quran
¢ thV ¢ kai elalei
skhnhV ¢
3588 * 2532 3588 * 2532 3588 * 3004 3588 3of cloud] and stood at the door of the tent, and he spoke
tw ¢
Abraam kai tw ¢
Isaak kai tw ¢
Iakwb ¢
legwn tw * 2532 3708 3956 3588 2992 3588 4769 3588
to Abraham, and to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying, To ¢
Mwush ¢
33:10 kai ewra paV o ¢
laoV ¢
ton stulon thV
4690-1473 1325 1473 2532 4882 to Moses. And [4saw 1all 2the 3people] the column
spermati ¢
umwn ¢
dwsw ¢
authn 33:2 kai ¢
sunapostelw 3507 2476 1909 3588 2374 3588 4633 2532 2476 3956
your seed I will give it. And I will send along ¢
nefelhV ¢
estwta epi¢ thV quraV
¢ thV skhnhV ¢
¢ kai istato paV
3588 32-1473 4253 4383-1473 2532 1544 3588 of cloud standing by the door of the tent. And [4stood 1all
ton aggel ¢ mou pro
on ¢
proswpou sou kai ekbalei¢ ton 3588 2992 2532 4352 1538 575 3588 2374
my angel before your face; and he will cast out the o ¢
laoV ¢
kai prosekunhsan ¢
ekastoV apo¢ thV quraV
* 2532 * 2532 * 2532 * 2532 2the 3people]. And they did obeisance, each from the door
Amorraion ¢
kai Cettaion ¢
kai Ferezaion ¢
kai Gergesaion kai 3588 4633-1473 2532 2980-2962 4314 *
Amorite, and Hittite, and Perizzite, and Gergesite, and ¢ autou¢
thV skhnhV ¢
33:11 kai elalhse ¢
kurioV proV Mwushn¢
* 2532 * 2532 * 2532 1521 1473 of his tent. And the lord spoke to Moses
¢ kai Iebousaion
Euaion ¢ kai Cananaion
¢ ¢
33:3 kai eisaxw se 1799.1 1799.1 5613 1536 2980 4314 3588 1438 5384
Hivite, and Jebusite, and Canaanite. And I will bring you ¢
enwpioV ¢ wV ei tiV lalhsai
enwpiw ¢ proV ton eautou¢ filon
1519 1093 4482 1051 2532 3192 3756 1063 3361-4872 face to face, as if any might speak to his own friend.
eiV ghn ¢
reousan ¢
gala ¢
kai meli ou ¢
gar mh sunanabw 2532 630 1519 3588 3925 3588-1161 2324 *
into a land flowing milk and honey. [3not 1For 2I will] go up ¢
kai apelueto ¢ o de
eiV thn parembolhn ¢
qerapwn ¢
3326 1473 1223 3588 3588 2992 4644 1473 And he retired into the camp. And the attendant Joshua,
¢ sou dia
meta ¢ to ¢
ton laon ¢
sklhrotrachl ¢ se
on 3588 5207 * 3501 3756 1607 1537
with you, because [4people 3a hard-necked 1you o ¢ Nauh
uioV ¢ ¢
neoV ouk ¢
exeporeueto ek
1510.1 2443 3361-1814.4 1473 1722 3588 3598 the son of Nun, a young man, did not go forth from out of
einai ¢
ina ¢
mh exanalwsw se en th ¢
odw 3588 4633 2532 2036-* 4314 2962 2400
2are], that I should not completely consume you in the way. ¢
thV skhnhV 33:12 kai ¢ MwushV
eipe ¢ proV kurion
¢ idou¢
2532 191 3588 2992 3588 4487 3588 4190-3778 the tent. And Moses said to the lord, Behold,
33:4 kai akousaV o ¢
laoV to ¢
rhma to ¢ touto
ponhron ¢ 1473 1473-3004 321 3588 2992-3778 1473-1161 3756-1213
And [3hearing 1the 2people 5saying 4this severe], ¢
su moi legeiV ¢
anagage ¢ touton
ton laon ¢ su de ¢
ouk edhlws ¢
2664.2 1722 3996.1 2532 2036-2962 3588 you say to me, Lead this people! But you manifested not
katepenqhsen en ¢
penqikoiV 33:5 kai ¢ kurioV
eipe ¢ toiV 1473 3739 4882 3326 1473 1473-1161 1473-2036
mourned in mourning. And the lord said to the moi on ¢
sunaposteleiV met' emou¢ su de

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