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Ben Schoenhals

Period 1/2
Senior Inquiry

Victor Frankensteins worst decision in Mary Shelleys Frankenstein was deciding to

abandon his creation, the monster. Because of his cowardly nature, Victor ran from his creation
and therefore, threw his and the monsters lives into a pit of despair, pain, and anguish. By
abandoning the monster, Victor was the first one to show the monster disgust, hatred, fear, and
rejection. This led the monster on a path of revenge and Isolation.
If Victor didnt abandon his monster, Victor would have been able to see if the monsters
personality was more affected by its own nature or by the way that Victor nurtured it. If Victor
would have stayed with the monster then it is also possible that his family and friends would not
have died. This can be seen when the monster is explaining his life life to Victor on the
mountain. The monster repeatedly explains his anger and predisposition toward the hatred of
humans by telling Victor that it is impossible for him to not be angry and resentful toward the
humans that condemn and injure him rather than showing acceptance.
The monsters true nature is not built upon rage and the infliction of pain, but rather on a
quest for love and acceptance. This can be seen when the monster explains to Victor the death
of Victors brother. The monster explains itself by asking Victor, Can you wonder that such
thoughts transported me with rage. In this quote, the monster shows Victor that he acted out
because the boy remindd him of the origin of his suffering and asked Victor if he too would not
feel those same feelings of rage. These emotions within the monster could have been
prevented had Victor stayed with the monster and showed it both affection and love.
Some may argue that it was not how the monster was raised, but instead the monsters
own nature which predisposed it to the life of murder and revenge that it led. Although this may
be true thus making the creation of the monster his worst decision, one cannot truly know since

Victor abandoned the monster leaving it to experience the hatred and aggression from others
without any form of love in its life. The monster repeatedly tried to get Victor to make the
monster a mate which it could show reciprocated love to; thus revealing that the monster, just
like many humans, only wants to be loved and accepted.
In all, abandoning the monster was Victors worst decision since it predisposed the
monster to a life of pain and anger. Because Victor abandoned the monster, he was not able to
see if it was the monsters nature or how it was cared for that affected its behavior. Overall,
Victors abandonment of the monster led to the destruction of his own life and his family making
it his worst decision throughout the story.

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