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Teacher: Mrs.

Grade Level: 1st grade

Subject Area: math

Length of Lesson: about 30-45 minutes

Desired Results
Indiana Academic Standard(s)
13-1: understanding the hour and minute hands
13-2: telling and writing time to the hour
13-3: telling and writing time to the half hour

Enduring Understandings
#1: the minute hand tells the number of
minutes and the hour hand tells the hour
#2: can be shown on both a digital or analog
clock, and can be written in two ways
#3: time can be given in the half hour

Essential Question(s)
Can you understand what time it is?
Can you read the clock?
What hand is the hour hand and which is the
minute hand?

Knowledge and Skill Objectives

being able to look at a clock and visually see the time, the students will be able to use the
knowledge in class for everyday instances

Assessment Evidence
the students were able to comprehend time very well

Learning Plan
Learning Activities
I will get a group of kids at a time together and practice looking at clock times and be able
to read the clock
I have made watches on paper, which will be photo copied. Each student will receive a
clock with a different time
The students will then look at each clock and write down the times on a provided piece of
My lesson is a combination of me teaching the how to understand the clocks and then
using what they have just learned in an activity to test if they know how to read the clocks.

Resources and Materials

Paper watches
Paper in which the kids can write down their answers
A clock to start on the lesson

Name Kylie Matusiewicz

Date January 28, 2016

Period 7

Lesson Plan Evaluation & Teaching Reflection

Was the content worth knowing? Support your response.
Yes, this lesson is part of the curriculum for first grade students. They will be tested o this on the
NWBA at the end of the year.

Describe how the activity was developmentally appropriate.

Most of the kids are visual learners, so having watches in front of them will help in that aspect.
Also students need to be able to have time to interact with each other, the students will practice
skill in which to talks to each other and to help each other achieve a certain goal.
Give an example of how you know the activity was interesting to the children.
The watches that I drew were designed with fun patterns and they were given a chance to not only
learn but at the same time enjoy what they were learning. I also connected time with actual
situation that happen in real life, like looking at clocks at home or at an activity they do after

Describe how the activity included opportunities for the children to test their knowledge.
I gave the students who seemed to grasp the idea more challenging times to figure out, and gave
them constant practice so they would be able to learn the skills of telling time.

Describe a follow up activity that would build on concepts you have presented.
A follow up activity would be Mrs. Johnson telling them to look at all the clocks they see in the
school during lunch or the clocks they see outside of school.

What behavior(s) did you observe while presenting the activity? What do you think caused
the behavior(s)?
The kids seems to really listen and focus in when I was teaching them about time. I was able to
make it interesting cause them to be more attentive. I also split them up in groups to eliminate the
amount of outside discussion that usually ensues during class time.
How did you involve the children in the closure of the activity?
Well o used this lesson as my bulletin board as well, so they were able to help me put together my
bulletin board by the materials we used in the lesson. They were part of something creative.
Describe what changes you would make and what you would keep the same if you
presented the activity again.
I would try and spread out the lesson more. I felt a little crammed for time with doing in all in one
class period. There was so much going on. Something else I could have done was taught the

lesson one day and then the next day done the activity witht the students to sort of spread out my

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