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Shiela Marie F.


BA 290 General Management

Winwood Performance Plus

Experiential Exercise - Planning

Problem: Hannah Paul, HR manager of Winwood Performance Plus, was instructed by Eric Winwood,
CEO of the same company, to create a company-wide program for controlling paper waste. She was
expected to set some goals and develop some plans for the said program.

Solution: In planning the paper reduction program, Hannah Paul must first identify the objectives (goals)
of the said program. She should determine exactly what the company wants to accomplish, and these
must be aligned with the organizations current mission and strategies.
It is important for her to set S.M.A.R.T goals (most commonly defined as Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound) She must be as specific as possible, so the company would be
able to determine when it has reached its goal. The recommended goal is Winwood Performance Plus
will reduce paper consumption by 15 percent by December 31, 2016, by 20 percent by December 31,
2017, and by 25 percent by December 31, 2018. This paper reduction program will help Winwood
Performance Plus to reduce costs, increase work efficiency, and become more environmentally
responsible. It is to be noted that the recommended goal contains specific target of paper consumption
reduction within a definite timeframe; this will put the goal into context.
The next step is to develop a plan to reach the identified goals. This includes the following steps:
1. Develop a policy that fits with the organization. Below are some strategies to implement:
a. Set computer default to print double-sided
b. Only purchase copiers and printers that will do double-sided copying and printing
c. Use e-mail to exchange documents and memos instead of printing or faxing
d. Use electronic data storage instead of hard copy files
e. Reuse single-sided paper, envelope, and file folder

2. Create a formal paper reduction policy which will support the paper reduction campaign. It
can help the company to concretize goals and measure its progress.
3. Dedicate and empower a champion. The company must find a person who will identify
significant areas for reduction, implement the process, and track progress. It is important that
this person has ongoing support from top management.
4. Organize a team of people to support the work. The champion will need the help of others to
successfully reduce paper consumption. It may be useful to develop a team of people from
various departments that meet and carry out implementation plans.
5. Provide training to the employees. Training the people in how to support paper reduction
goals is an important investment because they can eventually train other people in their
department. Trainings may focus on general education such as why reducing paper use is
important, and the benefits that will be reaped if the goals are achieved.
6. Promote the program. Posters must be placed near all areas where paper is used. A regular email blast can also be done to continually remind people to participate.
7. Create incentive programs for staff participation. Tying bonuses to paper reduction
performance can be a strong motivator. However, not meeting the goals could result in
reduced job performance evaluations.
8. Prepare a progress report to track results. Paper consumption should be tracked on a
scheduled basis. Consistent reports, preferably quarterly or semi-annually, will allow
adequate time to gather information and see measurable results.
9. Communicate the success to the organization. Promoting successes will encourage employees
to continually reduce their paper use. Additionally, it is a way to improve the companys
public image.

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