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I Am Number Four

By Pittacus Lore
Aliens known as the Mogadorians have already destroyed the life containing planet
Lorien and have moved onto earth but not for resources but to live there since their own planet
is decaying and they somewhere new to live. One problem eighteen surviving loric nine of which
have powers know as Garde and their nine guardians the Cepan however the oldest of the
Garde were only 10 when they landed. The one good thing that the Garde had going for them
was that they had to be killed in order from One to Nine. When the book starts Numbers One to
Three have already been killed and Number Four destroys his old identity and moves to
Paradise Ohio where he meets Sam Goode and Sarah Hart. Sam Goode believes that his
father was abducted by aliens, so he gets super into alien conspiracies. Sarah Hart becomes
Number Fours, who is now posing as John Smith, girlfriend and her ex Mark James ends up
loathing John and they get in multiple fights but since John has super strength it calls attention
to himself and the school he goes to ends up being destroyed during a skirmish between John
and the Mogadorians. John ends up fleeing with Sarah Hart and Sam Goode.
I Am Number Four is a great book with many strengths; It has good pacing, strong
characters, and an undertone of if I mess up I die. I have no real complaint with the book other
than maybe that each book is only 350 ish pages and if they were just 50 pages longer

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