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Parkers Preschool Sick Policy

Parents will be called to pick up their student should the following occur
during preschool hours:

Vomiting more than 1 time

Fever 99 or above
Excessive Diarrhea (more than 2 within an hour)
Extreme Lethargy
Rash or break outs
Eye drainage resulting in a pink color

Please remember for the betterment of everyone your child needs to

be Fever free for at least 24 hours and if your child has vomited at
home before school please keep them at home. Germs spread and
they spread quickly. All bedding will be sent home on Friday to be
washed and returned on Monday.

Parkers Preschool Discipline Policy

Immediate attention will be provided to the child that was bitten.
1st Offense The incident will be documented via an Incident Report for
the child that was bitten and will be documented via a Bite Report for
the child that was biting.
2nd Offense The child will be dismissed the same day of the incident if it
is within 30 days of the 1st incident and suspended for the following
school day.
3rd Offense Parent Conference and Possible removal from school.

Each group will have a behavior chart to let you know how your child did
for the day. Please be sure to ask your student what color they
ended with for the day.
In extreme cases the parent may be called to pick up their child. Melt
downs happen in preschool, its only normal. If we feel the child is
endangering other students or is excessively disrupting class we will
contact the parent for pick up and/or set up a parent conference to
determine a course of action.
Discipline/Incident Reports will go home in the event the teacher feels
the situation warrants it. Examples may be inappropriate behavior,
inappropriate language, kicking, hitting, or spitting.
*Parkers Preschool reserves the right to terminate any
arrangement/agreement with any parent/student if they feel
necessary for the safety and educational growth of the other
**Parkers Preschool reserves the right to make any changes to the
discipline/sick policy for the betterment of the students and teachers.

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