World, / Have Mercy On Us

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Gloria In Excelsis Deo- Glory to God in the highest

Et In Terra Pax Hominibus- And on earth to people of goodwill

Laudamus Te- We praise you. / We bless you. / We adore you. / We glorify you.
Gratias Agimus Tibi- We give you thanks
Propter Magnam Gloria- for your great glory
Domine Deus- Lord God, heavenly King/ O God, almighty Father
Domine Fili- Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son
Domine Deus, Agnus Dei- Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of Father, you take away the sins of the
world, / have mercy on us,
Qui Tollis Pecata Mundi- You take away the sins of the world / receive our prayer
Qui Sedes Ad Dexteram- You are seated at the right hand of the Father, / have mercy on us
Quoniam Tu Solus Sanctu- For You alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, You alone
are the Most High, / Jesus Christ
Cum Sancto Spiritu- Holy Spirit
Ryom Verzeichnis meaning of RV, the compiler of the composition
Antonio Vivaldi compiler of Gloria
D Major Tonal center of choral piece
*yung iba, fill in the blanks daw na lyrics. Ang lyrics naman, nasa title na ._.
Ang alam ko, yung title, 2 points each ata ._.

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