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Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form


Lesson Title:


CCSS or State
CE 3.1.1
CE 3.3.1
CE 1.5.1
Resources and
Vocab quiz, Notes from
the poem, magazines,
scissors, glue, paper

Rime of the Ancient


10th grade English


I can: use visual expression to describe a poem.

What students will know and be able

to do stated in student friendly
language (use Blooms and DOK
levels for higher level thinking

Essential Question(s):
Over-arching questions of the lesson
that will indicate student
understanding of concepts/skills
What is it you want the students to
learn/know? Why?

Can you interpret a poem and recreate a visual summary of the

Can you recognize key literary elements in poetry?
Upon completion of a close reading, can you draw meaning from a
piece of literature?

Inclusion Activity:
Describe an activity that will ensure
that all students and their voices are
included at the beginning of the

Sequence of Activities:
Provide an overview of the flow of
the lesson. Should also include
estimates of pacing/timing.

The inclusion activity will be done independently, but each students

voice will be heard through their reflection in a reading log. The
inclusion activity will be for students to read a piece of literature (of
their choosing) and then reflect on what they read.
15 minutes- Students will engage in independent reading and
reflection and will reflect on their reading in their reading logs.
20 minutes- Students will complete their weekly vocabulary quiz on
Latin roots and words comprised of Latin roots.
38 minutes- Students will create a timeline using nonlinguistic
representation to summary the poem Rime of the Ancient Mariner.
I have created an example of how they might choose to create their
timeline. I will use this as a tool to give them a visual idea of what I
am expecting. I also created a rubric that is attached to this lesson
plan, but is typed up as a word document and will be passed out to
each student. I will go over the directions before they begin their
project. The students will work with their partner to create the
timeline. The timeline will have two main highlights or images from
each of the seven parts of the poem. Students have been

Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

documenting important visuals about the play at the end of every
day so that they will have some ideas to refer to as they are
developing their timeline. This project will probably not be
complete by the end of the hour; which means that they will have to
finish the project on Monday. Once the projects are complete,
students will do a quick presentation of their timelines.
Instructional Strategies:
Research-based strategies to help
students think critically about the

The research based strategies that I am using for this lesson plan
come from Marzanos instructional strategies.
1: Cooperative learning will be used when the students create their
2: Summarizing and graphic organizing will be done by having the
students synthesize the images and literary elements in the poem to
create a timeline.

List both formative and summative
assessments that you will use to
assess student understanding.
Formative assessments are given
during instruction (check for
understanding), summative are after
completion of instruction (how will
you grade quiz, test, project,
paper, presentation, demonstration,

1: Non-formal formative assessment will be
done when I give instructions for the project
because I will have to check for understanding
and make sure that the students understand the
task at hand.
2. Non-formal formative assessment will also be
done on a one-on-one basis during the allotted
time for the students to create their timeline. I
will be going from group to group and assessing
their understanding of the project and their
progress toward the final product.
Summative: The timeline is a minor summative
assessment to assess how well the students can
convey meaning in literature through visuals
and to assess their ability to interpret and make
meaning out of the literature that they are

Describe who will need additional or
different support during this lesson,
and how you will support them.
Differentiated instruction could
include testing accommodations,
preferential seating, segmented
assignments, a copy of the teachers
notes, assignment notebook, peer
tutors, etc.

Summary, Integration
and Reflection:
List the way that you will bring

Students that have learning disabilities often struggle with writing.

This project will give them the opportunity to show understanding
using nonlinguistic representation; which will make things easier for
Students that need additional help getting started and while they are
completing their project will get additional help.
When the students are finished with their project, I will ask the
students to fill out an exit ticket that reads: Do you believe that you

students together to integrate and

reflect on their learning from this

Baker College Teacher Prep Lesson Plan Form

were able to understand the poem better because of creating your

Rime Timeline Activity

You can choose to create a timeline that represents the plot of the story in chronological order and use
the two most important aspects of each part.
You can choose to focus on a recurring theme in the story and use two images from each part to
represent that theme. (spirits, nature, people)
How to create your timeline.
1. Choose two images from each part of the poem to put on your timeline.
2. Make sure that you and your partner agree on what you are going to

put on your timeline.

3. Once you settle on your images, find and cut out images from the magazines that represent those
4. Decide how much space you will need for your images and cut off a piece of paper that will easily fit
all of your images.
5. Create a horizontal line on your paper to glue your images to.
6. Label your timeline and give a 1 to 2 sentence summary beneath your image explaining what the
image represents.
(Manage your time wisely. This project should be finished by the end of the class period.)

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