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Title: Globalization

I. Introduction
A. Hook: The world we live today is often referred to as a global village.
B. Connecting information: Just as almost everyone in a village knows each other,
modern technology has made it feasible to get to know about everything in the
whole globe.
C. Thesis statement: Although globalization has several interrelated factors, modern
technology, the increasing number of transnational companies and global financial
system are three main driving forces.
II. Body
A. Paragraph 2. Topic sentence: One major cause is significant advancements in
modern technology.
1. growth of global media
a. access to Internet.
b. online blogs
2. improved telecommunication
a. social network system
b. mobile phones
B. Paragraph 3. Topic sentence: Another cause is the increasing number of TNCs
1. TNCs mobilized labor migration
a. the number of migrant workers has significantly increased

b. foreign training program

2. TNCs encouraged international trade
a. more access to the local market
b. use of local resources and labor force
C. Paragraph 3. Topic sentence: the last factor can be seen in the increasingly
global nature of the financial system.
1. Advent of regulated control
a. The foundation of International Monetary Fund
b. World Bank groups
2. improved capital mobility
a. growth of integration process
b. Reduced tariffs
III. Conclusion
Restatement of the thesis
Expression of my own opinion about the largest factor of globalization

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