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Farewell to Manzanar

Chapters 1-6

(Discussion questions & Student activities)

Chapter 1:
Why was Papa forced to leave the family? Explain in two or more

Chapter 2 & 3:
1. Period 1: Summarize chapter 3 in four or more complete
2. Period 4: In 1 sentence, predict what will happen in the chapter
2. In a second sentence, explain why you think this prediction will
3. Summarize chapter 3 in four or more complete sentences.

Review Chapter 3:
Discussion questions:
1. Who is Woody?
2. What role does Woody take in the family?
-Woody is one of the Jeanne brother and he take the responsibly of
being the leader of the family. He was the positive one. He had also
just turned 24. Jeanne describes him as if he was always the only one
to be happy when everyone is upset.

Chapter 4:
Discussion questions:
Define a latrine and partition.
Partition: (Verb ) to divide into parts, division (a room) into smaller
rooms or areas by erecting partitions.
Latrine: (Noun) a toilet or outhouse, especially a communal one in a
camp or barracks.

Student questions:
1. What were the "Manzanar runs"? Answer in a paragraph
of four or more complete sentences.

Chapter 5:
Student Questions:
1. Compare and contrast the family meal that Jeanne and
her family had at and before the camp. Use your
double bubble chart to outline the similarities and

2. What was most surprising about the Mess hall at

Manzanar? Why? Explain in 2 or more complete
Quiz Time! Chapters 1-5

Chapter 6:
Discussion questions:
1. What is Feudalism? Draw the diagram.

Student Activity:
1. What comparison is being made in the following?
Explain in two or more complete sentences.

"He kept that cane for years, and it served him well. I see it now as a
sad, homemade version of the samurai sword his great-greatgrandfather carried in the land around Hiroshima, at a time when such
warriors werent much needed anymore, when their swords were both
their virtue and their burden."
"Farewell to Manzanar"

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