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Learn To Forgive

ost people dont value what they have until they lose it. A lot of times we dont

value a friendship that we have until its gone. You see, it takes time and effort
to build a friendship but very little time and effort to destroy it. To have a lasting
you have to work continually on building it. Sadly, many wonderful relationships and
friendships have been destroyed by unforgiveness.
Is it possible for a human person to be faultless? Certainly not! In fact, the very air we
breathe is polluted with sin and unrighteousness. This is why man, with all his good
works, couldnt be justified before God. His righteousnesses were as filthy rags before
God (Isaiah 64:6). You can still use a rag for cleaning, but a filthy rag isnt useful for
anything. You wouldnt even want to touch it. This was the picture of self-righteousness
in the sight of God. Nevertheless, in spite of it all, He forgave us and gave us His own
righteousness. You also must begin to see people as God sees them and forgive their
mistakes as God does.
Refuse to be negatively-programmed. Instead, always train yourself to see people
positively. Such an outlook will change your life for the better. It will give you a glorious
life, where you dont know how to gossip, tell tales or speak unkind words about another
person, especially those whom God has brought along your path in life.
Never judge anybody on hearsay. Learn to look for and see the best in people.
Always believe the best about those you meet in life. Desist from talking about how
badly a brother or sister treated you; be quick to forgive and leave them to God.

"Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and ye shall not be
judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven"
(Luke 6:36-37).

Christian Character

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