Lesson 3 Adapted 2

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Assessment Task 2: Lesson Planning Template for Mini-Unit of Science

Names: Abby Cummins, Amy Pennington, Jaimee Mathieson, Shannon Lange
Unit Topic: Power of the Earth - Natural Phenomena
Level: 4
Lesson Number (in Unit): 3
Lesson Length (minutes): 1hr 15min
5Es focus of this lesson: Explore, Explain
How does the lesson
Explore: students articulate what they know about volcanoes, and participate in handsmeet the 5Es focus?
on experiences working in pairs exploring volcanoes.
Explain: students and teachers engage in small group and class discussion based on
ideas explored throughout the lesson. Teacher clarifies any misunderstandings.
Students present their posters to the class highlighting one key piece of information
they found.
Lesson Outcomes:
Students will be able to identify what causes volcanoes.
Students will be able to identify how volcanoes are formed and where they are located.
Students will be able to explain what happens within volcanoes that causes them to

Lesson Introduction (whole group focus):
Key Questions
Sticky Notes activity students individually
5 mins
What do you know about
Sticky Notes
write down what they know about volcanoes

Small Group Activities:
Key Questions
Create a Volcano Activity In pairs students
20 mins What happened to your
Writing paper
create a volcano out using bi-carb soda and

Baking Soda

Why do you think
Water Bottle
Students write a paragraph explaining what

combining bi-carb soda and
Baking Soda
they observed and how they think it relates to
vinegar creates this
real life volcanoes.



Red food



YouTube Video:
Class Discussion Students share what they
10 mins What are volcanoes?
Volcano The Dr.
observed in the volcano activity.

How are volcanoes made?
Binocs Show
Class watch YouTube video explaining

What is the difference
Learn Series for

between magma and lava?

Research, poster and presentation working 20 mins What do you want to know
in pairs students use iPads and books to

about volcanoes?
research into volcanoes. Students put

information into a poster.

Pairs present their poster to the class,
15 mins
conveying one key piece of information.

Lesson Conclusion (whole group focus):
Timing Key Questions

Class Discussion

5 mins

What did you learn from

the lesson?
What did you enjoy about
the lesson?

Safety & Management Considerations:
Distance from volcano class discussion to be arm length distance from volcano throughout investigation
Ingredients not to be ingested.
Students work in pairs throughout the lesson.
Students choose a pair of the opposite gender (boy-girl pairs) any unsuitable pairs are changed.

How will you observe achievement of outcomes
Evidence/Work Samples to collect
(Assessment Strategies)
Diagnostic Assessment sticky notes activity
Sticky notes (students write their name on the

back of the note)

Formative Assessment feedback and observations
Anecdotal notes
taken throughout the lesson
Making a volcano worksheet

Lesson Reflection:
(What would you change? Why?

Amy & Shannon:
ICT issues internet server was slow, therefore loading the YouTube clip and student use of the iPads were
not efficient. Fixing these issues took time out of the lesson.
Be more explicit in explaining the ingredients used to make a volcano
Create a Volcano activity organise timing of the activity between the 2 classes. As Abby & Jaimees class
did the experiment first our students could see the result and became less interested in the outcome.

Abby & Jaimee:
Complete the Create a Volcano activity at the end of the lesson the excitement from the activity
distracted the students from re-engaging in the classroom. Students were not as focused in the remainder
of the lesson because of this.
ICT issues YouTube clip would not load, therefore unable to show video explaining volcanoes. Some iPads
were not connecting to the internet, therefore some groups were unable to complete research online and
use other methods for research.

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