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Micros 3700
The managers world revolves around five aspects when it comes to your Micros 3700
point-of-sale system:

Powering Up! Enabling your operating system

POS Configurator
Autosequences and Reports
POS Operations
Maintenance Re-booting / Re-loading your system

This guide serves to provide clarity for managers within these five areas. Use the
reference guide below to efficiently navigate to the section you seek.

Powering Up!

POS Configurator

Autosequences and Reports






Report Profiles

POS Operations


Function Screen




Split a Check




Add/Transfer Check


Pick Up a Check


Manual Credit Card


Paid In / Out


No Sale



System Balance


System Summary

Micros 3700 Manager Guide
Revised 12/9/2011

Open Checks


Employee Open Checks


Serving Period


Clock In Status




Check Functions

Reopen Closed Check


Manager Procedures






Timecard Adjustments


Close Shift


Serving Period


Redirect Printer


Employee Shift


Employee ID


Employee Assignment


Menu Item Availability


Menu Item Prices


Assign Drawer


Cashier Reporting


Begin Till Loan






Rebooting your System


Reloading your Database


Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011

Powering Up!
Micros 3700 is essentially driven from your back-of-house server. For the most part, your
POS system is always running. If for some reason your system is not up and running, its
relatively easy to re-start the connection.

Your system is running on one of two operating systems: version 3.2 or 4.0. The means by
which you re-start the connection is subtly different for the two versions. Read through
the next couple of pages for to determine your course of action.

Version 3.2 Start up via MICROS Control Panel

Version 4.0 Start up via Start RES shortcut found on the desktop

Here it is in a little more detail:

Version 3.2
1. Initial programming should have all necessary icons on the desktop:

2. If these icons are not present, they can be found through the Start menu:

Start / Programs / MICROS applications / MICROS Control Panel

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011

3. With the MICROS Control Panel now open, you want to click on Front of House

Switching status
from Off
to Front Of House

Select OK

This means
All systems are go!

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011

Version 4.0

1. Double-click on Start RES icon, found on your desktop:

2. If its not found here, go through the Start menu:

start / Programs / MICROS applications / MICROS Control Panel

3. The MICROS Control Panel will look like this:

4. Your Log In screen should pop up on the server. Minimize this so you can work off
your server on other applications. Your Workstations will load and then be ready
to go!

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011

POS Configurator
Appropriately named, the POS Configurator services many of the
different ways in which your system is configured. Fortunately, the
bulk of these configurations have taken place during the initial
For you, the primary reason that you use the POS Configurator is
the adding and editing of employees.
Follow these steps to add or edit employee information:
1. From the desktop, sign into POS Configurator.

2. Log In using your manager code.

3. Select

from the Employees tab.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011

4. The first step when adding a new employee is to click the plus sign
towards the top of the screen:

5. From here, there are four tabs in which information for your employees
needs to be added/edited:
a. General tab

For this example, employee #67 has been generated.

This number can be changed by double-clicking on it; a
new available number can then be entered.

Fill in all applicable information.

When you move to the next tab, information from this tab
will be saved.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011

b. POS tab

c. Hourly Job tab

d. Security tab

6. Once these tabs are filled in, click the green check mark to save. Thats it.
The information will automatically be uploaded to the POS workstations.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Autosequences and Reports

Autosequences and Reports
Reports are reports are reports. There are no surprises here as to what you will
find. Autosequences, on the other hand, involve a little more definition:
Essentially, Autosequences are an automated sequence of events that can run
reports, stored procedures, and external programs (manually or at scheduled
periods of time).
Setting up the Autosequences for your business is truly a matter of preference,
based in large part on what information you value. We will cover this more in
depth shortly. And even though reports are still reports, we will have even more
detail to share on these options.
To get started
You can then start the module by double-clicking the icon on your PCs desktop.
If the Autosequences and Reports icon is not visible, from the Start Menu select:
Programs / MICROS 3700 Applications / Autosequences and Reports.
When prompted, enter your Employee ID number and password, and then click
OK. You must be specifically privileged to run reports.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

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The lists of Autosequence reports are generally determined early on in the
programming to suit the needs and wants of the business. Accordingly, what is
available on this screen will vary from business to business.
Running an Autosequence
Many autosequences are run automatically at programmed times. Some
autosequences, however, can be run manually. To run an autosequence,
start the Autosequences and Reports module.
When you log in, the module opens to the Autosequences folder. Any
autosequences you are privileged to use appear as buttons on the folder.
(Autosequence privilege levels are assigned to employee classes in
Employee Classes / Privileges / Autosequences. The privilege level
required to run a specific autosequence is assigned in Autosequences /

To run an autosequence, click the appropriate button. A window opens

with a message saying the autosequence has started. When the
autosequence is finished, the message DONE appears in the window.
Some autosequences may be programmed to prompt the user for
information, such as a date range. When this happens, a window opens
prompting for information.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Reports come in three formats: full-page, 40-column and POS. A full-page report
is designed for standard-size paper, and can be printed on any Windowscompatible printer, excluding dot-matrix printers. All reports include a full-page
A 40-column report includes basically the same information as the full-page
version, but is formatted to be 40 characters wide and is designed to be printed
on a MICROS roll printer.
A POS report is a 40-column report designed to run from the User Workstation for
the entire system. POS reports must be run through an autosequence and can
only print on a thermal or auto-cut roll printer. These reports look like standard 40column reports, but do not use Crystal Report templates and can not be
Most reports are designed to provide either revenue center-level or system-level
information. For example, the System Sales Detail Report is inherently a systemwide report; you cannot select the revenue centers to include in the report. You
can, however, specify a revenue center or range of revenue centers for the
Revenue Center Sales Detail Report.
The following are common report selection options:

Many reports include a from date and to date as selection options.
The default value is always todays business date. For reports that are not
consolidated, a report will be produced for each business day included in
the range you specify. For consolidated reports, one report will be
produced that provides combined totals for the period you specify.

Revenue Center
You can specify one revenue center or a range of revenue centers. All
revenue center reports include this selection option.

You can specify one shift or a range of shifts. The default is always the
current shift. This selection option is included on all employee and cashier

You can specify one employee or a range of employees. This selection
option is included on all employee reports.

You can specify one cashier or a range of cashiers. This selection option is
included on all cashier reports.

Menu Item
You can specify one menu item or a range of menu items. This selection
option is included on all menu item reports.
Micros 3700 Manager Guide
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Group By
This option is available only on menu item reports. You can specify if
menu items should be grouped by family group, major group, or menu
item group.

Time Period
This option is available only on time period reports. You can specify one
time period or a range of time periods for the report.

Regarding employee shifts The system tracks and stores employee shift information. When the option
Employee Classes / Clock In / Sign In / Increment employee shift on Clock In is
enabled, every time an employee clocks in and is not returning from a break
the system automatically increments the employee shift. Reports can be run
based on the employees previous shift, current shift, or a specified date
With that covered, lets get into the heart of the Reports
Switch the tab from Autosequences to Reports:

On the Reports folder, related reports are grouped together in general

category boxes. Within the general category boxes are more specific
category buttons.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Your Reports are grouped into the following categories:

Sales Balance
Cash Management
Guest Check
Menu Item

From these report categories, a host of reports are available. In just a bit, well
share the nutshell version of what each report entails. This will allow you to
better pick and choose what reports best suit your business
Before we get to the detail of the reports, we need to cover one more bonus
with these specific reports.
When you have selected the report you wish to generate, you will be
prompted for range information. This allows you to specify the information to
include or exclude from the report. Different reports require different range
information. You can see the possible options for each range by clicking the
icon beside each field.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Preview or Print
When you have made the necessary range selections, you can choose to
either preview or print the report by clicking the appropriate button at the
bottom of the window.
If you select preview, the report displays on your screen in the Report Viewer.
You can make the report larger or smaller on the screen by clicking the Zoom
button. You can also print the report from the Report Viewer. If you click the
Print button, the report will be printed on the printer designated as your
default printer in the Control Panel. You can select a different printer in
Report Viewer using File / Printer Setup.
Now, on to the reports
The 3700 reports are designed to be easy to learn and to use. Standard
blocks of related information are presented repeatedly in a consistent format,
so you can quickly recognize them and become familiar with them. These
blocks of information are called profiles. Each report is made up of one or
more profiles.
The explanation of each report includes a list of the profiles included in the
report. These profile descriptions are designed to give you a general
understanding of what each column in the report is and where the numbers
originate. This information is useful when you work with an unfamiliar report, or
when you decide which reports will provide the information you need.
Quick recap
After opening up Autosequences and Reports, select the Reports tab:

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

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Now, select the specific category. For example, if

you select Sales from the Sales Balance category
box, a host of options appears:

It is from here that you will select the specific report you want, and then
select the date range. As you can tell, you have more than a few

Beginning on the next page, we will breakdown the profiles of the

different reports available.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

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Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Report Profiles

Sales Profile The Sales profile provides sales quantity and gross and net value
amounts, as well as percentage of total amounts. Return quantity and
percentage amounts, and discount values and percentages are also included.

Consolidated Revenue Center Sales Detail - This report provides the

same information as the Revenue Center Sales Detail Report, but for a
range of business days.

Consolidated System Sales Detail - This report provides the same

information as the System Sales Detail Report, but for a range of
business days.

Daily Revenue Center Sales Detail - This report provides detailed sales
information, as well as guest, check, and table totals, percentages,
and averages for each order type in the revenue center. Tracking
group and labor category information is also included.
This information can be useful, for example, in balancing banks, and
comparing sales activity between outlets or departments. The report
can also be helpful for financial forecasting and determining staff

Daily System Sales Detail - This report provides detailed sales

information, as well as guest, check, and table totals, percentages,
and averages for each order type in the system. Tracking group and
labor category information is also included.

Detailed Sales Profile - This profile provides detailed information on

sales, including discounts, returns, voids, corrections, and check data.
o Included here are all the fields in the basic Detailed Sales
profile. Some reports that use this profile include additional
information in the profile. When this occurs, the additional
information is explained with the report.

Sales and Guest Profile - This profile includes information about sales,
guests, checks, and tables for different order types.

Credit Card Batch Detail Report - This report gives you detailed
information about each record in a settlement batch. Use this report
to balance your bank statement. You can print it before or after a
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batch is transferred. It can be printed manually or as part of an


Credit Card Batch Transfer Status Report - This report tells you the
status of a batch that was transferred to the credit card processor to
be settled. Any records that were not settled are listed under the
status line along with an explanation. Run this report after transferring
a batch and use it to determine if any records were not settled. This
report can be printed manually or as part of an autosequence.

Driver-Specific Information - Much of the Credit Card Batch Transfer

Status Report includes driver-specific information. Status and error
messages are often similar, but not the same, for different drivers.
Driver-specific information shows up in two areas on the report:

Tip Profile - The Tip profile includes information on gross receipts and charged
receipts, as well as tip details.
Detailed Sales and Tip Profile - This profile is a combination of the Detailed Sales
profile and the Tip profile.

Consolidated Revenue Center Tip Totals - This report summarizes total

tip activity during the selected period for a revenue center and
provides revenue center totals and a grand total.

Consolidated System Tip Totals - This report summarizes total tip activity
that occurred during a selected period for the establishment.

Tax Profile - The Tax profile is used for all the tax-related reports. It includes the
type, rate, and amount collected for each tax rate programmed on the Tax
Rates form. It also includes taxable, tax exempt and net sales information.

Consolidated Revenue Center Tax Totals - This report is similar to the

Revenue Center Tax Totals Report except the tax totals are
summarized for the date range, rather than being listed separately for
each day. Revenue center totals and grand total amounts are

Consolidated System Tax Totals - This report is similar to the System Tax
Totals Report except the tax totals are summarized for the date range,
rather than being listed separately for each day. Period totals are

Daily Revenue Center Tax Totals - This report summarizes tax collections
by active tax rate for a revenue center and provides revenue center
totals, daily totals, and grand total amounts.

Daily System Tax Totals - This report summarizes tax collections by

active tax rate for an entire system and provides daily total and grand
total amounts.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Labor Category Profile The Labor Category profile provides information on the
number of hours worked and the associated wages by labor category.
Labor/Sales Profile Information in the Labor/Sales profile is listed by revenue
center. Within each revenue center, the figures are grouped by job category.
Each job is listed separately, and totals are provided for each job category, as
well as for the revenue center.
Employee Labor Profile The Employee Labor profile provides information on the
number of hours an employee worked and the associated wages.

Clock In Status - This report is designed to indicate which employees

are clocked in at the time the report is generated. This information can
be useful for a variety of reasons. For example, at the beginning of a
shift, you can determine if anyone is late. You may want a list of the
employees that are currently working when you make decisions about
who to send home early. Or, before generating any of the labor
reports, you may want to verify that everyone is clocked out.

Consolidated Employee Job Summary - This report is similar to the

Employee Job Summary except information for each employee is
consolidated into one set of figures for each job, rather than being
individually listed by date. The report also provides totals for each
employee for the period of the report, and grand total figures that
include all employees on the report.

Consolidated Revenue Center Job Summary - This report is similar to

the Revenue Center Job Summary except information for each
revenue center is consolidated, rather than being individually listed by

Consolidated Job Summary - This report is similar to the System Job

Summary except information for each revenue center is consolidated,
rather than being individually listed by date.

Employee Job Summary - This report summarizes labor information by

job. It also provides weekly and period totals.
This information can be useful in analyzing scheduling and the wages
of employees. For example, by reviewing this report you could
discover that you have scheduled too many individuals in one labor
classification and not enough in another.

Employee Timecard and Detail Report - This report provides an

accounting of work performed by each employee: the dates, times,
and job of each clock in and clock out, the total hours of regular and
overtime worked at each job, and the gross pay earned.
Micros 3700 Manager Guide
Revised 12/9/2011


Labor Availability - This report provides a count of all employees (by

job) who are clocked in (including those on break) at the time the
report is generated. This is particularly useful for establishments that
need a quick summary, by job, of the number of employees that are
currently active in the system. It also provides management with an
efficient way to confirming that the scheduled number of employees
are available.

Revenue Center Job Summary - This report summarizes labor

information by job for each revenue center. It also provides labor
category totals, revenue center totals, and daily totals.

System Job Summary - This report summarizes labor information by job

for the entire system. Labor category totals and daily totals are also

Reporting for Cash Management is part of this software application.

Refer to your Cash Management Guide for detailed information.

Consolidated Employee Detail Totals - The Consolidated Employee

Detail Report provides the same detailed financial information as the
Daily Employee Detail Report, but for a range of business dates.

Consolidated Employee Detail Totals by Revenue Center - This report

provides detailed financial information for an employee or a range of
employees for a range of business dates for a Revenue Center.

Consolidated Employee Tip Totals - This report summarizes the total tip
activity by employee.

Consolidated Employee Tip Totals by Revenue Center - This report

summarizes the total tip activity, by Revenue Center, for employees
over several business days.

Employee Detail Totals - The Daily Employee Detail report provides

detailed financial information for an individual employee or a range of
Micros 3700 Manager Guide
Revised 12/9/2011


employees. This information can be used to balance an employees

bank, determine tips due, or track an employees sales performance.
This report includes the following profiles:
 Sales and Guest profile
 Tracking Group profile
 Detailed Sales and Tip profile
The profile has been modified for this report. It includes these
extra fields:
o No Sale
o Transferred In
o Transferred Out

Employee Detail Totals by Revenue Center - This report provides

detailed financial information for an employee or a range of
employees for a Revenue Center. This information can be used to
determine tips due or track employee sales performance.

Employee Sales and Tip Totals by Revenue Center - This report provides
a summary of sales and tip information for each employee within a
Revenue Center.

Employee Tip Totals - This report summarizes the total tip activity by
employee. (This report can be run as a UWS report and looks like the
40-column Crystal Report.)

Employee Tip Totals by Revenue Center - This report summarizes the

total tip activity within a Revenue Center by employees.

Cashier Detail Totals - The Cashier Detail Report provides detailed

information, including tracking totals, on one cashier or a range of
This report includes the following profiles:
 Detailed Sales profile
 Sales and Guest profile
 Tracking Group profile

Cashier Detail Totals by Revenue Center - The Cashier Detail Total by

Revenue Center report provides detailed information, including
tracking totals, on one cashier or a range of cashiers within a Revenue
This report too covers the following profiles:
 Detailed Sales profile
 Sales and Guest profile
 Tracking Group profile

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Cashier Summary Totals - Cashier reports are a means of tracking

financial information (tendering detail, amounts transferred in or out,
cash draw balance, etc.) for each cashier in your system.
This report provides a financial summary for one or more cashiers in a
concise format.
This report includes the following profiles:
 Detailed Sales profile
 Sales and Guest profile

Cashier Summary Totals by Revenue Center - This report provides a

financial summary for one or more cashiers in a Revenue Center.
This report includes the following profiles:
 Detail Sales profile
 Sales and Guest profile

Consolidated Cashier Detail Totals - The Consolidated Cashier Detail

Report provides the same information as the Cashier Detail Report, but
for a range of business days.

Consolidated Cashier Detail Totals by Revenue Center - The

Consolidates Cashier Detail Report by Revenue Center provides
tracking information for a range of business days for a Revenue

Consolidated Revenue Center Time Period Summary - This report

provides the same information as the Revenue Center Time Period
Summary Report, but for a range of business days.

Consolidated Revenue Center Time Period Totals - This report provides

the same information as the Revenue Center Time Period Totals
Report, but for a range of business days.

Consolidated System Time Period Summary - This report provides the

same information as the System Time Period Summary Report, but for a
range of business days.

Consolidated System Time Period Summary w/ graph This report is

identical to the Consolidated System Time Period Summary, with the
addition of a graph that charts net sales by time period.

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Revised 12/9/2011


Consolidated System Time Period Totals - This report provides the same
information as the System Time Period Totals Report, but for a range of
business days.

Revenue Center Time Period Detail - This report is identical to the

Revenue Center Time Period Totals Report, with the addition of
tracking group and labor category information.

Revenue Center Time Period Summary - This report provides a

summary of sales, guest, check, and table information for each time
period in the specified revenue center. Revenue center totals, daily
totals, and grand totals are also included.

Revenue Center Time Period Totals - This report provides sales

information for each selected revenue center by time period for each
order type. The report includes net sales, turn time, and guest, check,
and table details. Revenue center totals, daily totals, and grand totals
are also included.

System Time Period Detail - This report is identical to the System Time
Period Totals Report, with the addition of tracking group and labor
category information.

System Time Period Summary - This report provides a summary of sales,

guest, check, and table information for each time period in the
system. Daily totals and grand totals are also included.

System Time Period Totals - This report provides a summary of sales,

guest, check, and table information for each time period in the
system. Sales are listed by order type.

Employee Closed Guest Checks Report - This report lists all checks that
have been closed by an employee, including reopened checks that
were closed again, and memo tenders. In addition, symbols appear
in the margin next to the check number to indicate if the check was
split (s), edited (e), cancelled (c), added (a), transferred (x), part of a
block transfer (b), or a fast transaction (f). This information can be
used as an employee audit trail, and can be helpful if the hard copy
of the check is lost.

Employee Open Guest Checks Report - This report lists all checks that
remain open at the time the report is generated. It can be used to
identify the owners of open checks so they can be closed. This report
is usually run before running autosequences.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Daily RVC Group Sales Detail Subtotal by Category - This report

provides a detailed summary of sales quantities, returns, item
discounts, gross sales, and net sales for each group. Percentage
information is also included. Information for each day is presented
separately, with totals for each revenue center and each day, and
grand totals for the period of the report. Subtotals by category are
also included.

Daily RVC Group Sales Detail - This report provides a detailed summary
of sales quantities, returns, item discounts, gross sales, and net sales for
this group. It also includes percentage information for each of these
categories. Information for each day is presented separately, with
totals for each revenue center and each day, and grand totals for the
period of the report.
This report is similar to the Daily RVC Group Sales Detail Subtotal by
Category Report, but subtotal information is not provided.

Consolidated RVC Group Sales Detail Subtotal by Category - This

report provides a detailed summary of sales quantities, returns, item
discounts, gross sales, and net sales for each group. Percentage
information is also included. Totals are provided for each revenue
center, as well as a grand total and net sales total for the period of
the report. Subtotals by category are also included.
This report is almost identical to the Daily Revenue Center Group Sales
Detail Report Subtotal by Category, except the information for the
period of the report is consolidated into one set of figures, rather than
being presented separately for each day.

Consolidated RVC Group Sales Detail - This report is similar to the

Consolidated RVC Group Sales Detail Subtotal by Category Report,
but subtotal information is not provided.

Daily RVC Group Sales Summary - This report provides a brief summary
of sales quantities, and net sales for each group, as well as
percentages for each. Information for each day is presented
separately, with totals for each revenue center and each day, and a
grand total for net sales for the period of the report.

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Consolidated RVC Group Sales Summary - This report provides a brief

summary of sales quantities, and net sales for each group, as well as
percentages for each. Totals are provided for each revenue center,
as well as a grand total and net sales total for the period of the report.
This report is almost identical to the Daily Revenue Center Group Sales
Summary Report, except the information for the period of the report is
consolidated into one set of figures, rather than being presented
separately for each day.

Daily SYS Group Sales Detail Subtotal by Category - This report

provides a detailed summary of sales quantities, returns, item
discounts, gross sales, and net sales for each group. Percentage
information is also included. Information for each day is presented
separately, with totals for each day, and grand totals for the period of
the report.
This report is almost identical to the Daily System Group Sales Detail
Report, except it includes subtotals by category.

Daily SYS Group Sales Detail - This report provides a detailed summary
of sales quantities, returns, item discounts, gross sales, and net sales for
each group. Percentage information is also included. Information for
each day is presented separately, with totals for each day, and grand
totals for the period of the report.
This report is similar to the Daily SYS Group Sales Detail Subtotal by
Category Report except subtotal information is not included.

Consolidated System Group Sales Detail Subtotal by Category - This

report provides a detailed summary of sales quantities, returns, item
discounts, gross sales, and net sales for each group. Percentage
information is also included. Grand totals are provided for the period
of the report.
This report is almost identical to the Daily System Group Sales Detail
Report, except the information for the period of the report is
consolidated into one set of figures, rather than being presented
separately for each day.

Consolidated System Group Sales Detail - This report is similar to the

Consolidated System Group Sales Detail Subtotal by Category, but
subtotal information is not provided.

Consolidated System Group Sales Detail w/Graph - This report is

identical to the Consolidated System Group Sales Detail Report with
the addition of a graph. The graph is a pie chart showing sales of
each group as a percentage of total sales.

Daily System Group Sales Summary - This report provides a brief

summary of sales quantities, and net sales for each group, as well as

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

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percentages for each. Information for each day is presented

separately, with daily totals, and a net sales total with subtotal
discounts taken out.

Consolidated System Group Sales Summary - This report provides a

brief summary of sales quantities, and net sales for each group, as well
as percentages for each. Information for each day is presented
separately, with daily totals, and a net sales total with subtotal
discounts taken out.
This report is almost identical to the System Group Sales Summary
Report, except the information for the period of the report is
consolidated into one set of figures, rather than being presented
separately for each day.

Consolidated Food Cost Detail Report - The Consolidated Food Cost

report provides a comparison of food costs as percentages of net
sales by Family Group.

Consolidated Revenue Center Menu Item Sales Detail - This report

provides the same information as the Daily Revenue Center Menu
Item Sales Detail Report, but for a range of business days.

Consolidated Revenue Center Menu Item Sales Summary - This report

provides the same information as the Daily Revenue Center Menu
Item Sales Summary Report, but for a range of business days.

Consolidated System Menu Item Sales Detail - This report provides the
same information as the Daily System Menu Item Sales Detail Report,
but for a range of business days.

Consolidated System Menu Item Sales Summary - This report provides

the same information as the Daily System Menu Item Sales Summary
Report, but for a range of business days.

Daily Revenue Center Menu Item Sales Detail - This report provides a
detailed summary of sales quantities, returns, item discounts, gross
sales, and net sales for this group. It also includes percentage
information for each of these categories. Information for each day is
presented separately, with totals for each revenue center and each
day, and grand totals for the period of the report.

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Daily Revenue Center Menu Item Sales Summary - This report provides
a detailed summary of sales quantities, returns, item discounts, gross
sales, and net sales for this group. It also includes percentage
information for each of these categories. Information for each day is
presented separately, with totals for each revenue center and each
day, and grand totals for the period of the report.

Daily System Menu Item Sales Detail - This report provides a detailed
summary of sales quantities, returns, item discounts, gross sales, and
net sales for this group. It also includes percentage information for
each of these categories. Information for each day is presented
separately, with totals for each revenue center and each day, and
grand totals for the period of the report.

Daily System Menu Item Sales Summary - This report provides a

detailed summary of sales quantities, returns, item discounts, gross
sales, and net sales for this group. It also includes percentage
information for each of these categories. Information for each day is
presented separately, with totals for each revenue center and each
day, and grand totals for the period of the report.

Return/Void Reason Code Report - The Return/Void Reason Code

report summarizes returns/voids of menu items by revenue center,
employee and guest check. The report provides void total for each
menu item, employee void total, reason code, and authorizing
employee for each return/void.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

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Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


POS Operations
Function Screen

Upon selecting this navigation key, the Function Screen will pop up. Like the
Manager Screen, this screen is exclusive to managers.

For the most part, the Function Screen is broken down into three categories:
The pages to follow will explain the primary functions found under each of
these categories.

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Micros 3700 Manager Guide

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1. Upon selecting [Split Check] key, a table will appear with the entire
order listed on one check.
2. If the order is being split over more than two people (which is the
default), select [New} to add each additional check.

3. Highlight the specific item on the touchscreen, and then move it to

one of the other new checks.
4. Once all the orders are split accordingly, press
5. In this case, two additional checks have been
6. Complete the transactions by going to the Pay Screen.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

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Found on the same page as Split Check, the Share key allows the user to
split the cost of the check evenly over multiple checks.

1. From the Function Screen, select

2. A default of two checks will now appear. If the check is being
shared by more guests, select New at the bottom.
3. On the original check, highlight some or all of the items to be
shared, and then press Share. The check will now be divided
evenly over multiple checks.

4. If correct, select Done and proceed to the Pay Screen.

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Adding and transferring checks are two variations of the same action. Adding a
check moves the transaction detail from one check onto an existing check, and
closes the original to a zero balance. Transferring a check changes ownership of
that check from one employee to another.
The distinction hinges on whether or not a guest check is open when the
Add/Transfer Chk key is pressed. If a guest check is open, the two checks are
added. If no guest check is open, ownership is transferred to the signed-in
Adding checks
Employees add checks in order to combine guest checks from parties
who want to pay on one check.
George and Samantha arrive separately, are seated at separate
tables, and a new guest check is begun for each. They meet at
the salad bar and exclaim, I didnt see you come in!, and then
they decide to sit together. They flip a coin to see who wil0l pay
for lunch. George wins the toss, and asks that Samanthas check
be added to his.
Transferring a Check
Employees transfer checks to take ownership of a check from another
employee. This may be done when guests move from one part of the
restaurant to another (e.g., from the bar to the dining room), or when one
employee is leaving for the day and wishes to turn over open guest
checks to another employee. You cannot, however, transfer a check to
another employee.
Samantha and George linger over lunch for hours, and the
waiters shift is ending. Rather than ask them to pay the check, it is
transferred to the employee arriving for the next shift.
When adding checks, the system displays all open guest checks
belonging to the signed-in employee. If that employee is privileged to
pick up checks belonging to other employees, then the display also
includes all open checks in the current revenue center.
If the signed-in employee does not have an open guest check, and they
are privileged to use the Transfer Check key, then the system only displays
open checks that belong to other employees in the current revenue

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


As the name reads, this key allows you to pick up an existing check and
modify and/or close-out an order.
This pertains to Phone Orders, or for sit down service. A Check may be a
Guest Check Number or the name of the guest.

Select the order to Pick Up. Their order will then come up.

Complete the transaction by going to the Pay Screen.

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If the communication link between the 3700 system and the credit card processor
is down, you can call the processor directly and get an authorization code to
enter in the system. You may also need to perform a manual authorization if the
credit card processor responds to an authorization attempt with a message to
call for referral. More times than not, the credit card may be damaged and/or
de-magnetized, requiring a manual authorization.
1. Pick-up a guest check.
2. Call the credit card processor on the telephone and request authorization.
Write down the authorization code.
3. At the POS, enter the amount to authorize. (If you want to authorize the
balance due, skip this step).
4. On the Function Screen, press Manual CC.
One of the following happens:

The prompt Credit Card Info displays. Continue with Step 5.

The system prompts you to get permission in order to continue.

5. Run the card through the magnetic card reader, or enter the information
The system displays Credit Card Info.

6. Enter the authorization code that you wrote down in Step 2.

The credit card information and authorized amount are posted to the check
detail, and a credit card voucher prints.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


The Paid In key is used to record non-sales transactions that place cash in a POS
cash drawer.
The Paid Out key is used to record non-sales transactions that remove cash from a
drawer. Examples of non-sale transactions may include:

Money placed in a drawer at the beginning of a shift to be used for

making change (often called an opening bank) is a loan to the drawer.

Money removed from a drawer during the shift to be used to purchase

supplies is a Paid Out from the drawer.

No Sale is a function key that opens the cash drawer outside of a transaction.
No Sale keys are usually used when an employee wants to make change.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

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This report shows the balance of sales for the current business day.

The reporting with this report will vary with the programming for the
business. For example, it could feature a consolidated report over a
range of days. It could also reveal the sales for a multitude of revenue

This report will reveal the Open Checks currently on all of the workstations.

Similar to the report above, but specific to the employee signed in on that

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

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This report allows you to see how effectively revenues were generated
during a specific time period. These reports include operational statistics
such as the average turn time and average amount per table to help you
gauge the efficiency of the revenue center or system.

This report is designed to indicate which employees are clocked in at the

time the report is generated. This information can be useful for a variety of
reasons. For example, at the beginning of a shift, you can determine if
anyone is late. You may want a list of the employees that are currently
working when you make decisions about who to send home early. Or,
before generating any of the labor reports, you may want to verify that
everyone is clocked out.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

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The Dashboard key provides access to the current status of your sales and
labor along with Kitchen alerts and Employee information.

Sales information reveals:

Net Sales

Guest Count

Check Count




Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Labor report:
Labor Dollars & percentage of cost
Employees Approaching Overtime
Current labor hours for employees
Kitchen alerts:
Alerts will appear here based on pre-defined levels
For example, an alert can reveal the average time to prepare
Employee information:
Enables manager to drill down to individual Employee sales,
including up-sell information

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Revised 12/9/2011


A privileged employee can re-open a closed check to change the

following detail items:

Tender type and amount

Charged tip amount

Automatic service charge (on or off)

Covers count

Guest check ID

Tax exemption (on or off)

A closed check may be reprinted if it has not been edited.

To edit a closed check:

Type the check number and press the Reopen Closed Check key.
When the check is reopened, a privileged employee can void the
tender type and amount or charged tip amount.

The check must reside in the same revenue center as the POS that
the employee is using to access the check.

The check must have been closed to a non-zero balance.

Checks that were closed to a zero balance (including checks that

were reduced to a zero balance after all detail was added or
transferred to another check) cannot be edited.

The employee must know the guest check number. Closed

checks cannot be accessed by table number or guest check ID.

The employee may not be in Training mode.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


The Manager Procedure module is a software application that provides
privileged employees with easy-to-use shortcuts that modify the system and
Although many Manager Procedures perform tasks that can also be performed
through the POS Configurator, they offer the following advantages:

They limit the actions that an employee may perform. An employee

must be specifically privileged to perform a particular procedure.
Only procedures that an employee is privileged to perform appear on
the POS display.

Manager Procedures are easy to use. An employee can easily

perform tasks that would require more comprehensive training and
system understanding to reliably perform in POS Configurator.

Changes that you make to the 3700 using Manager Procedures are posted
immediately to the database. These changes are implemented as if they had
been made in POS Configurator.
From any workstation, managers can access a host of reports and functions from
Manager Procedures. This screen is privileged from the Managers access only.
By and large, this screen will look like this:

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


As with the Function Screen, what is found here is broken down into three



The following pages detail the most common elements of these three

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


The Reports found here, such as System Balance or

Clock In status are implemented during the
programming phase with the system. Basically, it is
a matter of preference regarding what information
to which the user wants immediate access. The
reports to the right are one set of examples, and
may be different for your system.
Refer to the section in this guide on reports to
determine which report(s) you would like to see

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Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Timecard Adjustments
Managing your labor is critical for running your business efficiently. That goes
without saying.
From time to time, it is necessary to make edits to your employees timecard.
Usually, this is due to their forgetting to clock in or out, whether thats the start or
end of their shift, or for a break.
Whatever the case may be, making these adjustments is easy enough. Simply
follow these steps:
1. From the Manager Screen of the POS,
select Timecard Adjust

2. Select the appropriate employee to edit

3. Higlight the appropriate Time Card Record, and then select Edit.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

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4. Select the field to edit, such as Clock In

5. Make all necessary edits and then click OK.

6. Click OK and Done to save changes.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Close Shift
This key goes by a variety of names, such as Employee Balance, Server Balance,
Cashier Report, User Workstation Balance Report, etc. The variety in names
generally speaks to the nature of the business, be that a fast-casual restaurant,
full service, or a bar.
Whatever the name of the key, the function is basically the same. Upon selecting
this key, a report will print out detailing the sales for this server for the duration of
their shift.

Serving Period
When Serving Periods are initially programmed, they reflect general times of
serving breakfast, lunch or dinner depending on the nature of your business.
For example, Jasons Bistro may define all orders that come after 5pm to be
dinner. From 11am to 4:59pm, orders are qualified as lunch.
In selecting Server Period, you manually can advance one period to another.
Back to this example If a special event is running for an Early Bird special every
Monday beginning at 4pm, the manager can switch the system over to dinner at
the touch of a button. Instead of dinner beginning at 5pm, it can now register an
hour earlier.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Redirect Printer
For instances when a printer is not working, it becomes necessary to utilize
another printer. Selecting this key tells the computer to temporarily look for
another printer.

To redirect a printer,

Select / Highlight the Name of the original printer, and then press
Redirect Printer (or Edit). A list of choices will appear.

Select the appropriate printer and save with OK.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Employee Shift
Use this procedure to change an employees current shift.
Additionally, the system can be programmed to increment an employees shift
each time they clock-in as long as the employee is not returning from a break.
Reports can be run based on a previous shift, the current shift, or a specified date

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Employee ID
Use this procedure to assign ID numbers to employee records. Enter the ID
number by typing it on the touchscreen, or by swiping an employee ID card
through the mag card reader.
Employees can change records only for employees with the same or lower
Manager Procedure privilege level as theirs.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

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Employee Assignment
Use this procedure to change some fields in existing employee records.
You can change names, employee class links, cashier and cash drawer
assignments, job assignments and grace periods, and effective dates.
Employees can change records only for employees with the same or lower
Manager Procedure privilege level as theirs.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Menu Item Availability

Use this procedure to change the availability and price of a menu item. If a
menu item is set to Unavailable, the system prompts Menu Item Not Available
when an employee attempts to add that item to a guest check. This procedure
selects and clears the Check Availability option in the Menu Items form.
This procedure may also be used to set the number available for limitedavailability menu items.
Menu item programming may be used to prevent specific menu items from
displaying in Manager Procedures. If this option is selected, the menu item does
not display and the record cannot be edited.

1. Select the Menu Item.

2. Edit this items availability:

a. Currently Available
b. Not Available
3. Limited Availability

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Menu Item Prices

This procedure changes prices for existing menu items. This option allows you to
add a new menu item price record. You can enter effective dates for changed
prices. You cannot add a new menu item to the file.
Menu item programming may be used to prevent specific menu items from
displaying in Manager Procedures. If this option is selected, the menu item does
not display and the record cannot be edited.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Assign Drawer
Your POS may have one or two cash drawers attached. There are two different
methods available for determining for whom the drawer will open. The drawer
may also be locked or opened in emergencies with a cash drawer key.
Ultimately, access to the cash drawer is defined through POS Configurator. Once
it is determined who will have this access, it becomes a matter of preference in
how restrictive you, as the manager, want the set-up to be.
To begin with, the simplest method of assigning cash drawers is to assign the
drawer to an employee in the Employees tab, found in POS Configurator.

Next, go to the POS tab. It is here that you will define the Cash drawer status for
your cashiers.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


One frequently-used method is to assign a cash drawer to one

person who is responsible for the money at that POS. A
privileged employee may use one of two [Assign Drawer] keys
to assign a cash drawer to any employee. Once an
employee is assigned a cash drawer, that person is the only
one who can open that drawer so long as the other
employees have a Cash drawer status of None. This
provides the highest level of security. The employee remains assigned to this cash
drawer until the [Assign Drawer] key is pressed again and a new employee is
In another scenario, a bartender may be allowed to use the same cash drawers
at more than one POS. This allows them to float between work areas.

Opening the Drawer

A cash drawer may be opened inside a transaction (as part of or at the end of a
transaction), or it may be opened outside of a transaction (when no transaction
is taking place).
Inside a Transaction
Any [Tender] key may be programmed to open the cash
drawer when it is pressed.
A revenue center may be programmed to prevent the cash
drawer from opening unless the balance due is zero. This
option is used by some establishments that wish to
discourage opening the drawer for partial tenders.
Outside a Transaction
The [No Sale] key may be used by a privileged, signed-in
employee to open the cash drawer when no transaction is
in progress (e.g., to make change for a customer).

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Assign Drawer - From the POS

Assign a Cash Drawer to One Employee

When an employee signs in and then selects the Assign Drawer key
(granted they have access), the reporting for their shift will exclusively be
theirs so long as no other employee signs on during this shift and repeats
the process.

Assign a Cash Drawer to Several Employees

All employees assigned to the same cash drawers (1 or 2) may open cash
drawers on this POS, or any other POS for which this option is cleared.

The difference between these two options is nominal. Ultimately, a manager can
control access to a cash register by updating the Cash drawer status within POS
Configurator between:

If multiple employees have a status of Cash drawer 1, all of them would have
access to working off of the register.
It then becomes necessary to run reports for all employees then that ring in a
transaction during the shift/day in order for the till to balance.
To heighten this security, the manager can grant access to only select
employee(s), and have all others status be None.

FYI Cash Management is a software application available that allows for

ultimate Single Drawer Accountability. For example, once an employee has
been assigned to a specific register by a manager, only that employee may
have access to the register for the duration of the shift. No till sharing is allowed.
Ask your Micros rep for more information.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Cashier Reporting
Cashier totals are assigned to individual employees so that they may balance the
flow of money into and out of a POS cash drawer. Thus, the purpose of a cashier
designation is to assign responsibility and accountability of revenue through the
3700 tracking system. You can use the Managers Procedures module to change
a cashiers shift.

Cashier totals may be used in one of two ways: they may be linked to an
individual employee, or they may be linked to a specific POS.

Cashier Totals Linked to an Employee

Cashier totals may be linked to individual employees with the Assign Cashier
This type of cashier link may be needed if each employee needs to
balance an assigned cash drawer.
Cashier Totals Linked to a POS
Cashier Totals may be linked to a specific POS. This method is used if cashier
totals are to be used to balance an entire shift.
This type of cashier link may be needed if:
The employee who begins checks is not the same employee who
tenders checks.
A consolidated shift total of several employees is required.

If cashier totals are linked to a POS, they remain in effect even when employees
sign in who are linked to their own cashier totals. In other words, the POS cashier
assignment overrides the employee assignment.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Display Cashier Name

The system can be programmed to display the name of the current
cashier on the POS transaction display.
If the signed-in employee is in Training Mode, then Training displays on
the status line instead of the cashiers name.

Link an Employee to a Cashier Total (Cash Drawer Balancing)

If the POS is programmed to assign cashier totals by employee, a single
employee may be linked to a cashier total.

Sign in to the POS.

Type a valid cashier number, and press Assign Cashier.

The employee is linked to that cashier total, and will remain so until
their cashier assignment is changed.

If the Assign Cashier key is pressed without pressing a number first, then the
system will display the cashier link currently assigned or Not Assigned if there is

Link Several Employees to a Cashier Total (Shift Balancing)

If the POS is programmed to assign cashier totals by POS, several
employees may be linked to a cashier total. This feature is used to obtain
a combined total for several employees. The procedure is the same as for
single employees:

Sign in to the POS.

Type a valid cashier number, and press Assign Cashier.

Each additional employee who signs in to this POS will be linked to
this cashier total, until the cashier assignment is changed.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


By selecting Begin Till Loan, you are attaching a starting bank to the reporting of
your sales.
For example, if your starting till is $200, the reporting of your sales will include this
amount with Gross Sales. Net Sales will account for the till loan, along with taxes
and other item discounts.

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Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Navigation keys are just that. By selecting on any of the examples below, you
leave the current screen and immediately navigate to your selected choice.
These choices are primarily selected during initial programming, but can by all
means be modified to better suit your needs.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Now and again, it will be necessary to re-boot your POS workstations as well as
your main server, or just re-load your database. Perhaps youve had an update
performed. Maybe you have new information on your database that you need
uploaded immediately. An electrical surge from a passing storm may have even
caused your system to freeze.
Whatever the case may be, re-booting and re-loading your system is easy
enough but it does require a couple of necessary steps.
Rebooting your system
The number one thing to remember for re-booting your server is that you
must always shut down the POS workstations FIRST! Otherwise, data on the
workstations could be lost.
To do this, follow these steps:
1. Open up MICROS Control Panel

2. On the Status tab, switch Front Of House to Off

3. Click OK to Changing state of Restaurant to Off.

4. Restart your system now.
FYI Your MICROS Control Panel will
automatically revert to Front of
House with the restart.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011


Reloading the database

Your server automatically updates the workstations every few minutes.
There will be times, though, when you dont want to wait.
For example, a new employee needs to begin working on the POS. After
entering in all the necessary information in POS Configurator, you can
speed up the time of having their information up front by reloading the
To reload the database, follow these steps:
1. Open up the MICROS Control Panel

2. Select Reload DB key

3. Youll note the status as the Restaurant index goes from a yellow circle
back to a check mark once the database has successfully reloaded.

Micros 3700 Manager Guide

Revised 12/9/2011

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