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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

1. I cant go on the skiing trip. If only I . (not
break) my leg.
2. I wish you (not keep) leaving your dirty trainers in
the hall.
3. Im going to be late for the concert. If only I (not
miss) the bus.
4. I wish I .. (know) why Jane is so angry with me.
5. I wish you .. (not argue) all the time. Its really
6. I wish I .. (not forget) to pack my toothbrush.
7. If only we .. (live) in the country.
Rewrite the sentences.
1. Im sorry you dont love me.
If only
2. Unfortunately we dont have our own flat.
If only
3. Its a pity that you live so far away.
If only
4. Im sorry I forgot to call you last night.
I wish
5. I regret getting married so young.
I wish
6. Im sorry you dont like Matt.
If only
7. I regret telling Jane about my new boyfriend.
I wish
8. Its a pity that you cant come to the cinema.
I wish
9. Its a pity that it rained at the weekend.
If only
Write sentences with I wish would.
1. Unfortunately you dont remember Mums birthday.
I wish you would remember Mums birthday.
2. They dont invite us to their parties.

3. He makes a noise all the time.

4. I dont like you talking to John and Paul.

5. Its a pity you dont buy her presents.

6. Kate keeps saying nasty things to me.

7. Your brother bites his fingernails.

8. Tom always arrives late.

9. Jenny keeps phoning me.

10.They dont listen to what you say.

11.John lies about things.

12.Your pen-friend hasnt written to you.

13.Sandra keeps interrupting you.

What would you say in these situations?

Write sentences. Use I wish , If only and I wish would.
1. You spent all your money last weekend so you cant afford to go out tonight.

2. Your best friend ignores you when you go out together.

3. Its Saturday night but you cant go out because you have to do your homework.

4. Your neighbours are always shouting at each other.

5. Your boyfriend or girlfriend is upset because you forgot to phone him or her.

6. Your friend doesnt want to go out with you any more because he or she has got
a new girlfriend or boyfriend.

1. If only I was taller.
2. I wish Id never shouted at Carrie.
3. I wish I had more friends.
4. If only I hadnt listened to him.

Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs.

1. I wish I . (know) Katys phone number. I want to

phone her now.

If only we .. (meet) a few months ago.
I wish I . (go) out last Friday night.
If only she .. (not live) so far away.
I wish I .. (be) on holiday with my friends. They must be
having a great time.

6. If only he .. (not go) away to university. I miss him so
7. I wish Mark . (write) to me earlier.

Rewrite the sentences.

1. Im sorry I forgot to invite Emma to my party.
If only I hadnt forgotten to invite Emma to my party.
2. Its a pity that you cant drive a car.
I wish
3. Id love to a few years older.
If only
4. I regret telling Peter my secrets.
I wish
5. Unfortunately we arrived at the theatre late.
If only
6. Im sorry I cant go to the cinema with you.
If only
7. I regret not bringing more money with me.
I wish
8. Its a pity that you dont like Ellen.
If only
9. Unfortunately Max didnt buy Claire a birthday present.
If only

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