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Still More Proof of the

Dysgenics of Crime

This past Tuesday, a van driven by 18 y/o

Kayla Gerdes struck and killed Dr. Rebecca
Twine, M.D. PhD. As Dr. Twine mowed her lawn
around 9:45 AM.

Kayla Gerdes was allegedly high on Xanax and

Oxycodone at the time of the “accident.”
She’s been charged with 2nd degree
manslaughter, 2nd degree vehicular homicide,
driving while ability impaired by drugs and
unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle.

Allegedly, Ms. Gerdes insisted on taking the

wheel from the car’s owner and her co-
worker, Brian Steele, because she thought he
was driving too slow.

When you drive a motor vehicle while

impaired by drugs or alcohol and kill
someone, that’s NOT an “accident,” it’s
willful and reckless disregard for human
life and it’s vehicular homicide.

Kayla Gerdes is being held on $200,000 bond

or $100,000 bail. According to reports, she
was rushing because she was late to yet
another court appearance on charges that she
stole jewelry from “her mother’s boyfriend.”

Sounds about right.

Dr. Twine’s son Chauncey said, “I can’t even
put into words what my family is going
through, my mother was really the kindest,
just sweetest, most gentle person that
you’ll ever meet, and for her to die this
way is just horrible.”

I can’t imagine that that is a momentous


For her part, Kayla Gerdes noted, “The thing

that made me feel not so bad was she was
old…I man 70 years is a long time to live.”

Spoken like a true crackhead.

Here’s yet another testament to the

dysgenics of crime. Here, a brilliant
academic (Dr. Rebecca Twine, M.D., PhD) is
mowed down on her own front lawn by a
marginal, deeply troubled and drug addled
teen, devoid of the ability to replace the
talents lost in any appreciable way.

So the world loses Dr. Rebecca Twine and

still has the deeply troubled and woefully
self-centered Kayla Gerdes around. That’s
the very definition of dysgenic, the less
intelligent, less productive and less able
are displaced, via crime (especially violent
crime) by the less intelligent, less
productive and less able.

I’d call that a LOSE-LOSE proposition.

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