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Unit 14 LO3: Be able to produce materials for use in an original

print media product

How I set up
(Explain how you
set up your
equipment for your
photo shoots).

How I used my preproduction

materials to help me
to produce my final
front cover and
double page spread.
(Explain how your
rough drafts and
mock ups helped
you make your final


Unit 14 LO3: Be able to produce materials for use in an original

print media product

How I followed safe

working practices
when making my
(Explain how your
risk assessment and
recces helped to
keep you safe when
working on your
magazine. Did you
have to put in
additional safety
measures when
making the final

How I made my
front cover and
double page spread.
(Explain which
software you used,
how you
manipulated images
and tools that were
used when making
your magazine).

Unit 14 LO3: Be able to produce materials for use in an original

print media product

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