Servicelearningexperiencesledescriptionapprovalform Beatrizloaeza Diaz

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Service Learning Experience (SLE) Description/ Approval Form

Student:___Beatriz Loaeza
Topic of Service Learning Experience: genetically modified foods
1. What type of SLE will you complete? The type of sle i will complete is doing a survey and putting it on
social media so people can take it. Also created a poster board with 2 worlds such as a gmo world and a non
gmo world.

2. What materials will you need? The materials i need was fake fruits, grass, foam stickers and my


What expenses do you anticipate? $60


What timeline will you follow to complete this project? Working on it after school everyday

5. How does the SLE demonstrate application of research and synthesis of new knowledge? Because youre
doing more research and going more into the topic by doing hours. New knowledge because you can figure out
new things you didnt know about.

6. What artifacts do you plan to use in your portfolio and present to judges? Genetically modified fruit snacks
and non gmo fruit snacks also showing my posterboard to them.


Student signature




Teacher signature

______Not Approved



Parent/guardian signature

______Not Approved



Mentor signature

______Not Approved

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