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A. Background
English is one of the subjects that must be learned from elementary schools to
universities, not least in the Muhammadiyah University of Kendari. There are some
Faculties In Muhammadiyah University of Kendari one of them is Teacher Training and
Education Faculty, in the faculty there are some field of studies they are Administratsi
education, Outside school education, Religious Education, Pg early childhood education and
English language department.
In the Muhammadiyah university of kendari most of the students choose english
department because In the era of globalization people had aware that the English language
has a very important position. But, as we know that many schools which have not english
teacher. Therefore, english teacher is needed in the schools. To be a good english teacher
need many knowladge about how to teach students in the classroom. However, in the
English language department there are many subjects about how to be a good teacher, they
are Foreign Learning Teaching Media, Teaching English and Foreign Language, Belajar
Pembelajaran, CMD, Teaching Englih for Young Learner and Micro Teaching (PPL).
The aim of the course the English language will be easily achieved if the teaching
activity organized and directed. Based on the theory Dariyanto S.S, Kamus Bahasa
Indonesia, 1997 in Handayani, 2012. Teaching is the activities is done by teacher to transfer
their knowladge to students. With other words, teaching is a process of interaction between
teachers and students but the teacher-centered activities. But teachers also need strategies in
the teaching.Strategy according by (Wikipedia, 2015) is idea, planning, execution of activity
in pasrticular situation. Then, (Cathy and Robert in Sutanti,2014) argued that strategy in
teaching is used to make the learning environment come alive and make the lesson learned

last beyond next text. Therefore, to achieve a goal of planning needs to be done before we
perform an action and each teacher has strategies vary according to what they believe.
Besides, the most important is how teachers can make teaching a more attractive strategy to
get students interested in following that teaching.
If we look the students who had choose some subjects about teaching and learning
process they seemed difficulty during join the classrooms because they are have to prepare
many things, one of them is lesson plan. In lesson plan there is strategy who arranged by
student to make their teaching is succes when the student practice in the classroom. In the
seventh semester PPL is one of subject that took by students and they have to prcatice in the
classroom well. One of class of PPL is class A, after researcher did interview from five
participants of class A they said that there are some students did the teaching well one of
them is student X. Thus, researcher interest to know what types is the teaching strategy
applied by student X who teach PPL I.
Teaching strategies is an activity that can not be measured by the senses alone.
Therefore, we need to do some research and digging deeper information about the teaching
strategy used by student who teach in PPL I at the Muhammadiyah University of Kendari.
Because it can help in the development and advancement of teaching and can be input for
lecturers, especially in English.
B. Research Question
Based on the background above, the research questions of this study is:
1. What types is the teaching strategy applied by student who teach in class PPL I at
Muhammadiyah university of Kendari ?
2. Why the student is more using the teaching strategy ?

C. The objective of the study

The objective of this study is as follow:
1. To describe about english teaching strategy is aplied by student who teach PPL I at
Muhammadiyah University of Kendari.

D. The significant of the study

Thesignificant of this research is exspected to be useful information as followas:

1. For teacher, this research could be a good teaching strategy which aplied in the
2. For student, this research could be a good teaching strategy which applied when
they practice in the classroom.

E. The scope of the study

This research will focus in the teaching strategy specifically is applied by the
student in class PPL A at Muhammadiyah University of Kendari.

F. The defenition of the term

1. Teaching strategy is ways that will be used by teacher to choose learning activities
during learning teaching process. (Ghossani, 2014)
2. The teacher refers to student X which practice PPL I in Class A

Literature Review
A. Review of Related Study
1. English Teachers strategies in Maximizing Enthusiasm in Teaching at SMP Progresif
Bumi Sholawat Sidoarjo by Silfi Sutanti (2014)
The goal is to describe the teachers strategies in maximizing their antusiasm
in teaching at SMP Progresif Bumi Sholawat Sidoarjo. While the aim of this study is
to find out the strategies used by English teachers in maximizing enthusiasm and the
impact of using the strategies on teacher enthusiasm in teaching. This study had

research quetions are what are the English teachers strategies maximizing enthusiasm
in teaching at SMP Progresif Bumi Sholawat Sidoarjo and How do the English
teachers strategies impact on their enthusiasm in teaching at SMP Progresif Bumi
Sholawat Sidoarjo. The design of this study is descriptive qualitaive. The participant
of this study is teachers in SMP progresif Bumi Sholawat Sidoarjo. The data is
collected by triangulation, observation, and interview.
The result of this study is the first telling a musch humor which related to the
lesson material and improving the style of presentation are more effective used by
English teacher as practical strategies than the other seven strategies are preparing the
neweast topic of journals or articles as an additional English lesson material,
designing an interesting and different activity for each meeting in classroom,
controlling the self emotional, being a little bit hyperbola, giving special though to the
end of class meeting, and improving the style of presentation. The second, The
strategy is used in the classroom impact the teaching enthusiasm maximally.

2. An Investigation of How Lecturers Teaching Strategies Promote Productive

Classroom Interactions by Helena Hing Wa Sit (2013)
The goals of this study is to report an investigation of lecturers preferences
for teaching strategies at universities in Hongkong and how these strategies promoted
productive classroom interaction. This Study had research question as How
lecturers teaching strategies promoted productive interaction through surveys in the
discipline of English. The participant of this study was mainland Chinese students
and local hongkong students at the senior level of learning disciplines in English and
this study was conducted in the English departements are HKU (Universitas of Hong
Kong) and HKIEd (Hong Kong Institute of Education). The aim of this study is to

find evidence on the effectiveness of these strategies for enhancing classroom

interaction within the learning environment of Hong Kong. The design of this study is
Quantitative research, while the data were processed by SPSS (Statistical Program for
Social Sciences) software to generate means and SD (standar Deviation).
The result of this study is based on the seven teaching strategies was normally
to use, they are: students centred teaching strategy, Classroom Discussion, Small
Group Work, Cooperative Learning, Problem Soving, Students Research and
Performance Activities, the fact that the lecturer at HKU was inclined to use student
centered teaching strategy while lecturer at HKId was keen to use more kinds of
teaching strategies. Beside that, researcher found more problems HKId about the
relation to interaction between Mainland and Hong Kong students. It showed that the
rate of agreement on collaboration between Mainland and Hong Kong students in
class at HKU was upper than HKId statisticall. Then, the last result that Hong Kong
did not involved in improving quality of learning and teaching in higher education.
The different between two research previous above and this research are the first
research had participant in the School while this research had participant in the College.
Then, the dates of the study are collected by triangulation, observation and interview
while this research just use observation. Then, the second research design the research by
Quatitative research while this research using qualitative descriptive and the different
clearly both of the two previous researchs and this research are the first research was
more focus in the teachers strategy in maximizing enthusiasm in teaching and the
second research also more focus to lecturers teaching strategies promote productive
classroom interactions while this research will describe the teaching strategy generally.
The reseracher assume that these differences might bring different finding and result.
B. Definition of Teaching Strategy
Teachingv strategy is formed by two words are teaching and strategy.

According to ( Dariyanto S.S, Kamus Bahasa Indonesia, 1997 in Handayani, 2012)

Teaching is the activities is done by teacher to transfer their knowladge to students. In
other word Teaching is a process of interaction between teachers and students but the
teacher-centered activities. Then, Strategy according by (Wikipedia, 2015) is idea,
planning, execution of activity in pasrticular situation. While according (Drs.Ahmad
Rohani HM, M.Pd in Efisikawati, 2012) stated that the term of strategy is often used in
many contexts with a meaning that is not always the same. In the teaching context,
strategies can be defined a common pattern of action teacher-learners in the
manifestation of the teaching activity or in other words, it means to refer to the abstract
characteristics of a series of actions the teacher-learners in the teaching events.
According (Cathy and Robert in Sutanti, 2014) argued that strategy in teaching is used to
make the learning environment come alive and make the lesson learned last beyond next
text. Then, cite from (Nana Sudjana and Dr.Ibrahim, Ma in Efisikawati, 2012) in a book
entitled "Penelitian dan penilaian Pendidikan" are said that the strategy is 'tactics' used
by teachers in implementing the learning process (teaching) in order to influence the
students (learners) achieve teaching objectives more effectively and efficiently. Thus,
according to (Prof.Dr.Oemar Hamalik in Efisikawati, 2012) in his book entitled
Perencanaan Pengajaran Berdasarkan Pendekatan Sistem say that the teaching of the
theory of teaching strategies into the formulation of teaching that must be taken in
specific situations or in specific particular situation. While Accroding to (Murcia, 2011 in
Bulan, 2014) Teacher must give benefit by implementation strategy using for their
students, because successful process learning and teaching in the classroom when stdents
interesting to learn and teacher can share knowladge. From the description above, it can
be concluded that the teaching strategy is a planning decision teaching which has
objectives to be achieved.

C. The Components of Teaching Strategy

As said by (Harmuni, 2013:11 in Ghossani, 2014) that the components of
teaching strategy consist of ten components. First, teacher is a learning doer, therefore in
this case teacher is an important factor. It means that teacher is a controller to arange all
of activities which will done in a classroom in order that the aim of teaching can be
expected. Second is students are the component that does the learning activity to develop
skill pottential become real to achieve learning purpose. Third, purpose is the basis that
used as a foundation to determine the teaching strategy, material, media, and evaluation.
Fourth, learning material is medium to achieve learning purpose of material aranged
systematically and dynamic in accordance with the aim of purpose and science
development and society demand. fifth, learning activity is needed to determine teaching
strategy which learning activity is appropriate with standard of learning process thus
learning purpose can be achieved optimally. Sixth, method is a way that is used tp
achieved the learning purpose that has been set. Seventh, instrument that is used in
teaching learning process is a thing that can be used to achieve learning purpose. Eight,
learning source is a thing that can be used as a place or referral where the learning
material can be obtained. Ninth, evaluation is a component that function to know wether
the set purpose has been achieved or not. Tenth, situation and environment influence to
teacher in determineing teaching strategy.

D. The Types of teaching strategy

Based on (Majid, 2013: 11) and (Hamruni, 2013: 8) in (Ghossani, 2014) teaching
strategies can be classified into five categories, they are:
1. Direct teaching strategy
a. Defenition of direct teaching

Direct teaching strategy is the strategy that is directed by the teacher or

teacher centered, when carrying out this learning model the teacher must
demonstrate the knowledge and skills that will be drilled to the students step by step.
The teacher as the center of attention has a very dominant role. Therefore, teachers
should be able to be an interesting model for students.
b. Characteristic of direct teaching strategy
There is learning objectives and learning outcomes assessment procedures
The overall pattern and flow of learning activities
Management system and atmosphere learning support.

c. Implementation of direct teaching strategy

Formulate the Objectives
Good goal needs to be oriented to a specific student, contain a clear
description of the situation assessment (condition, evaluation), and

contain the level of achievement expected work (success criteria).

Select the contents
For novice teachers who are still in the process of fully mastering
teaching materials, it is advisable to choose teaching material that refers to

the applicable curriculum and textbook certain.

Perform the analysis tasks
This task analysis is a tool used by teachers to identify with high
precision essentially of a skill or item of knowledge that is structured,

which will be taught by the teacher.

Plan time and space
In this case the teachers should make sure the time provided
commensurate with the talents and abilities of students and teachers
should also motivate students to keep them perform their duties with
optimal attention.

Plan and class room settings

The classroom setting as well be something that is important to note.
the formation of the seat and the classroom setting should allow students
easily observe all demonstration sessions conducted. Teachers should be
in a position in front of the class, so it can be observed by all students
from every direction.

d. Stages direct teaching strategy

Delivering the learning objectives
Each teacher shall deliver learning objectives to be achieved by
students during or after participating in learning. In addition, it also can
help students to know what they need to master of teaching and learning

activities that will be carried out.

Preparing students to participate in learning
Teachers should focus their attention so that they are ready to follow
the learning activities. This is important for students to recall the
knowledge they already have that are related to learning will be
implemented. In addition, students can also be motivated to participate in

learning activities.
Presenting knowledge clearly
Requirements that must be owned by a teacher to achieve clarity of
presentation of information, namely: to master communication techniques
with good, full control of the content of the learning material that will be
presented, and teachers also have to do the planning and preparation when

it will make a presentation.

Demonstrate skills
Demonstrate a skill is the spirit of direct teaching strategy. Teachers
must pay attention to two things that the demonstration can be run

successfully is to do a demonstration properly and practicing before the

Guiding training
In this phase, the teacher must provide guided practice to the students
to exercise performed by the students can be more effective. There are
four principles that must be held by a teacher while doing exercises are
guided to their students: a short training but intact, skills must be
completely controlled, sustained exercise and pay attention to the early

stages of exercise.
Check for understanding
In this case, the teacher should show the part where the error occurs,
then demonstrate that skill back how it should be done. Checks
understanding teachers can do by giving some students were asked to

answer the questions based on their own language and understanding.

Conduct feedback
Teachers should give positive feedback so that the ability to perform

the skills that have been good to be retained by the student.

Providing advanced training opportunities and application
Type of advanced training and implementation are often carried out by

self-training of teachers is in the form of Assignment Home.

e. Advantages and disadvantages of direct teaching strategy
The advantages of direct teaching strategy
1. In a direct teaching model, teachers control the content of the material
and the order information received by students so that students can
maintain focus on what should be achieved.
2. Teacher concepts and skills is an effective way for students who have
less understanding.
3. This strategy can be used to develop teaching strategies in a particular
field of study.
4. Strategy emphasizes the direct teaching through lectures listening
activities and observing activities through the demonstration so as to
help students learn to match these ways.

5. The direct teaching strategies can provide a challenge to weigh the

gap between theory and fact.
6. Direct teaching strategies can be applied effectively in large and small
7. The students can learn learning goals clearly.
8. Time for various activities can be strictly controlled the learning
9. In thistrategy there is an emphasis on academic achievement
10. Student performance can be monitored closely
11. Feedback to the student's academic oriented
12. Teaching strategies can be used to stresses the important points or
difficulties that may be faced by students.
13. This strategy can be an effective way to teach factual information and
knowledge and structured.
The weakness of direct teaching strategy
1. The success of learning depends on the teacher as a teacher-centered
2. In direct teaching is very dependent on the way the teacher
3. Direct teaching model can not provide an opportunity for students to
process and understand the information conveyed if the material
presented is complex.
4. If the overuse of this teaching model will make the assumption that
the teacher will tell students all the information you need to know.
5. Demonstration relies heavily on students' observation skills
2. Indirect teaching strategy
a. Defenition of indirect teaching strategy
Indirect teaching Strategy is a strategy used to help students to learn well
without the direction of a teacher. In this teaching teachers act as facilitators and
helps students explore new ideas about life, school work and life with his friends.
This method was developed to make education a process that is active not
passive. How to learn this is done so that the students are able to make
observations of their own, able to conduct their own analysis, and able to think
for themselves.
b. Table Phases In Indirect Teaching Strategy



Teacher Activity

Students Activity

know for sure and

define the situation

Teacher promoting feelings. .


Guessing the

Students are asked to explain the

Teachers receive and clarify
feelings of students


Establishing a new

Teachers provide supporting.

Lessons to talk problem.


Plan and make


Teacher clarify the decisions that may be


Students devise to make a


Integration / Master

Teacher give motivate to students

Students gain an
advanced understanding
and establish positive



Students themselves are

taking the action.

c. Application of non-directive pengajarann strategy

Indirect Teaching strategies can be used for a variety of problem situations,

whether personal, social and academic. In personal problems, the students
explore their feelings about him. In social issues, he dug his feelings about his
relationship with others and explore how you feel about her effect on the other
person. In academic problems, he dug his feelings of competence and interest.
d. The advantages and disadvantages of indirect teaching strategies
The advantages

1. The indirect teaching strategies allow students actively involved in

their learning.
2. The process of learning and activity carried out by the students and
not forced upon students.
3. The teacher acts as a predisposing event or facilitator.
4. Learning is based on these sources allow applies the learning
experience in more depth and luassehingga Expressing understanding.
5. To encourage interest and curiosity of students. Creating alternatives
and resolve the issue. A better understanding.
1. The indirect teaching strategies are more learning pedestal. By the
way, due to take effect optimal learning will take a long time when

compared with direct teaching.

As a facilitator, the teacher should strive to escort the students
learning, and this might lead to a sense of ketidakselesaan among









implementation is to allow students achieve the learning objective that

has been set
3. Interactive teaching strategy
a. Defenition of interactive teaching strategy
Interactive teaching strategy is a strategy of teaching that is implemented by
way of learning in groups that can give students more opportunities to think and
argue through their questions. In order that students feel the need to conduct an
investigation into the question, based on the investigation students will
automatically gain new knowledge, the knowledge obtained from the construct
itself in nature will be more lasting and more meaningful.
b. Stages of Interactive Teaching Strategies
Stage 1: Preparation
At the stage of the initial activities of interactive teaching is that the
preparation of teachers and students seek background topics to be covered

in learning activities.
Stage 2: Knowledge early

At the stage of preliminary knowledge, teachers explore students'

initial knowledge to know the things that have been known to the students

about the topics to be studied.

Stage 3: Events
The activities carried out in this third stage is displaying activities that
provoke the curiosity of students. Furthermore, students are encouraged to

ask questions related to the topic of the event.

Stage 4: Question students
After conducting exploration activities through a variety of
demonstration events or phenomena, at this stage, each student is given
the opportunity to make pertayaan in the group, then students read the

questions made in the group.

Stage 5: Investigation
In the process of the investigation will be an interaction between
students and teachers, students and students, students with the media, as
well as students with tools. At this stage, students are given the
opportunity to find a concept through the organization and collection of

data mengnalisis in an activity which has been designed by the teacher.

Stage 6: Knowledge end
At the stage of final knowledge, students read out the results obtained.
Step 7: Reflection
The final stage is a reflection, namely the activities of thinking about

what had happened or had just learned.

c. Advantages and Disadvantages of Interactive Teaching Strategies
The advantages
1. Students are given more opportunities to engage his curiosity on the
object being studied.
2. Train the students express curiosity through the questions posed by the
3. To provide play facilities for students through exploration activities,
the teacher becomes a facilitator, motivator, and designer of learning

4. placing students as learning objects are active.

5. The results of learning more meaningful.
The Disadvantages
1. It depends on the skills of teachers in preparing and developing group
2. highly dependent on the skills of teachers in classroom management.
4. Experiential learning
a. Defenition of experiential learning
Experiential learning is an approach that is centered on the student begins
with the premise that people learn best from experience. Experiential learning is
done through reflection and also through the process of making meaning from
direct experience.
b. Characteristics of Experiential Learning
Learn more prepared as a process, not as a result.
Learning is a continuous process which is based on experience.
The learning process requires the completion pertentanganantara basic


modes to adapt to the environment.

Learning is a process of adaptation to the outside world as a holistic

Learning is a transaction between the individual and the environment.
Learning is a process of creating knowledge.
Implications of Teaching Through Experiential Learning
Provide a learning experience that allows students responsible in planning
learning activities, learning, and learning outcomes obtained. Thus,
creating an atmosphere conducive learning and teaching materials are
representative of the teacher's job. Teachers should provide a number of
activities that stimulate students' curiosity and encourage them to express

ideas and communicate scientific ideas.

Provide a learning tool that stimulates students to think productively.
Teachers should create the stimulation of learning through the provision

of problematic situations that allow students learn to solve problems.

Monitor, evaluate, and demonstrate the level of development of students'
thinking. Teachers can demonstrate and question the extent to which the
student's knowledge to face new problems related to their knowledge.

d. Advantages and disadvantages of experiential learning

The advantages
1. Improving students' participation.
2. Improving students' critical characters.
3. Improving students' analysis.
The disadvantage
1. There are some kinds of experiential teaching strategy are the
emphasis only on the process.
5. Independent teaching strategy
a. Defenition of independent teaching strategy
Strategy independent teaching is a learning process that invites students to
conduct independent action that involves one person or a group. Independent
action is designed to connect academic knowledge with everyday life in order to
achieve meaningful goals.
b. Implementation of Independent Teaching Strategy
Take action
Students who collect, touching and gather knowledge.
Asking question
Students are required to submit the questions interesting and sharp that can

enhance the confidence and explain events

Making choices
Students are required to participate in work plans that best suit their
personal interests and talents. As well as learning style most appropriate

for them while looking for links between schoolwork with their daily lives.
Build self-awareness
Provide motivation to the students to the limited knowledge they have.
Asking them to cooperate with each other so as to help students to

menemuka that their point of view just one among different viewpoints.
c. Advantages and disadvantages of independent teaching strategy
The advantages
1. Establish an independent learners and responsible
2. The students get the satisfaction of learning through tasks completed
3. The students gain experience and skills in literature search, research,
analysis, and problem solving.
4. The students can be a teacher for himself
The disadvantages

1. When applied to students who are minors, they can not be studied
2. what is obtained in independent learning is not be learning is not
necessarily true.

A. Design of study
Design of this research is qualitative. Qualitative research mean that data is
collected to derive from document of interview and others formal document. One of kind
of kualitative research is descriptive kualitative, the aim of this research is to describe a
empiric reality deeply, specifically, and completely. According (Rahmawan, Tizar 2007)
descriptive research study about the problems in society, as well as the procedure
applicable and specific situations, including on relationships, activities, attitudes,
outlooks, processes are ongoing and influences and influences of a phenomenon.
Therefore, this research use descriptive method is matching between empirical reality
and theories
B. Subject of study
The subject of this research is student who teach PPL at Muhammadiyah
University of Kendari who teaching english. There are three classes, they are: class A, B

and C but the rusult of recommendation of my counselor is student in class A as my


C. Instrument of study
1. Observation sheet.
2. Interview guideline

D. Data collection
Data collection is important step in a research, data collection is sistematic and
standar procedure to get date. In this research, researcher get the dates by two ways are,
1. Observation
Observation is the way of researcher to get date with using our eyes without
tools. The aim of this method is to write all of the activities which is done by the
teacher in PG early chilhood education major during teaching English. As proposed
by Marshall, 1995 in Nurhanna, 2014 ) that through observation the researcher learns
about behavior and the meaning attched to those behaviors.
2. Interview
According (Sugiyono, 2009 in Nurhana, 2014) state that interview provided
the researcher a means to get a deeper understanding of how the participant explained
a situation or phenomenon that could not be acquired through observation alone.
Interview is asking answer question process between questioner and respondent
directly using interview guide to get information for a research. The aim of this
method is to get date clearly and concretely about teaching strategy in PG early
chilhood education at Muhammadiyah University of Kendari. In this research,
researcher will be doing interview to teacher in PG early chilhood education.
E. Data Analysis
Data analysis is process of organize and sequence dates are documents,
comentar of researcher, picture, photos, biography, article and others in a model and
category. Then, researcher will be processed the dates by using descriptive kualitative

analysis. Descriptive kualitative analysis is a technique that describe and interpret the
meaning of the dates which have collected, then record all aspects of situation which is
researched at the time. Therefor, it can be found the general description about the real
situation. The result of this research was analyzed through three major types of analysis
in qualitative research.
Data reduction is the direction that the data is simplified and centered on the
main points. The important data and relevant data will be determined in order to
minimize the unecessary data. This refers to the process whereby the mass of qualitative
data you may obtain-interview transcripts, field notes, observations etc. is reduced and
organised, for example coding, writing summaries, discarding irrelevant data and so on.
Data display is the second step on data reduction. Generically, display is
organised, compressed, and assembly of information that permit conclusion drawing and
action (Miles and Huberman, 1984, p.11) in Zalfin (2015). Miles and Huberman suggest
that good display of data, in the form of tables, charts, networks and other graphcal
formats is essential. This is a continual process, rather than just one to be carried out at
the end of the data collection. This involves creating an organized, compressed way of
arranging data ( such as through a diagram, chart, matrix, or text). The display should
help facilitate identifying themes, patterns and connections that help to construct
The last analysis activity was conclussion/drawing/verification in which also
process of answering the research problem. During this last step, the writer revisited the
data many times to verify, test or confirmed the themes and patterns that have been
identified. Hence, in this study the writer used these threee steps to analyze the data from
observation and semi structured interview.


A. Findings
1. Finding of observation sheet from the first meeting (25 October 2016)
In the first meeting is the second meeting for the teacher and it is the first and
the last finding because the researcher did once observation only. In the second
meeting the teacher gave the topic descriptive text focus on describing family.
Before the teacher started the lesson, the teacher greet the students and check their
attandance. Next activity, the teacher brainstorm the topic with asked to students
about their members of family. After that, the teacher asked students to guess what
the theme based on the question and the teacher gave appreciation for students
answer with say very good students.
In the main activity teacher explained the defenition, purpose, generic
structure and language feature to students. Then, the teacher asked students
comprehension. After that, the teacher gave example of descriptive text and teacher
tell about her family. In the next activity the teacher put students in pair after that the
teacher gave reading text and asked students to read and underline the generic
structure and the language feature of the text with their friend. The teacher helped
students during student did the exercise, then the teacher asked students to answer
the question togeteher and gave review to students answer.
In the next activity, teacher teacher asked students to sit individual, then the
teacher asked them to write down about their family expecially about the charactebv
ristic of their family based on the exercise before was using simple present tense. It
is mean that the teacher not only want to know your understanding about reading but
also your production in writing. And then teacher collected their answer. After that,
the teacher asked some of students to tell about their family in front of class. It mean
also the teacher want to know their speaking ability.
In the post activity, Teacher concluded the material but before the teacher
choosed one of students to conclude the material and then teacher gave motivation to

students to keep study hard in their home and said see you. The characteristics above
refer to direct and interactive teaching strategy. While characteristic which refers to
indiret and experiental teaching strategy is teacher did brainstrom to students by
asked students about their family. Then, characteristics which refer to independent
teaching strategy are teacher divided students in some groups and teacher give
students chance to ask question about the material.
2. Finding of interview guideline from depth interview (26 October 2016)
In this part researcher tell about the result of interview to answer the second
question why the teacher is prefer using the teaching stargey ?.
The teacher said they did brainstorming to give stimulus to students to review
their knowladge because it stiil have relation with the material in the meeting. Then
the teacher give real example about the family in order students are easier to
understand the material. (See appendix 2, q3)
I give example to make them get more understanding and I give real example
which relate with their life.
Beside that, teacher also devided the students in groups in order they can share with
their friends because the teacher thought they were not really active in the classrrom.
(See appendix 2, q4)
I give them exercise in group to make them more active in the classroom and
they can share with their friends
Then, teacher gave guides to students to help students problems during they did their
The teacher answered their exercise with students in the classroom in order the
students could know their mistakes. (See appendix 2, q6)
I answer the question with students together in order they can know what they
mistake and we can correct it together.
Then, the teacher gave exercise to students to analyse reading text to know their
understanding about the teachers explanation. And the last teacher conclude the

material in the end of the meeting to review the material in order the students can be
more understand. In this topic the teacher said that she integrated in skill reading to
read text about descriptive text, writing skill to write about their family base on
language feature and general structure and speaking skill to tell their family in front
of their friends, demonstrate skills, guiding training, check for understanding,
conduct feedback and providing advanced training opportunities and application.

B. Discussion
In this research there are two research questions, they are : What types is the
teaching strategy applied by student who teach in PPL I



university of Kendari ? and Why the student is prefer using the teaching strategy ?.
The following is explanation to answer the questions based on results of observation
and interview.
Based on results of observation sheet, in the teaching the teacher did
brainstorm, explained the material, gave axample which relate about the material,
teacher gave chance to students to ask question, devided students in groups, gave
students exercise, gave students guide during the students did the exercise, answered
the exercise together in the classroom, and conclude the material in the end of
Beside that, researcher also claim that the teacher used interactive teaching
strategy. As (Majid, 2013: 11) and (Hamruni, 2013: 8) in (Ghossani, 2014) also said
that the stage of interactive teaching strategy are :

Stage 1: Preparation

At the stage of the initial activities of interactive teaching is that the

preparation of teachers and students seek background topics to be covered

in learning activities.
Stage 2: Knowledge early
At the stage of preliminary knowledge, teachers explore students'
initial knowledge to know the things that have been known to the students

about the topics to be studied.

Stage 3: Events
The activities carried out in this third stage is displaying activities that
provoke the curiosity of students. Furthermore, students are encouraged to

ask questions related to the topic of the event.

Stage 4: Question students
After conducting exploration activities through a variety of
demonstration events or phenomena, at this stage, each student is given
the opportunity to make pertayaan in the group, then students read the

questions made in the group.

Stage 5: Investigation
In the process of the investigation will be an interaction between
students and teachers, students and students, students with the media, as
well as students with tools. At this stage, students are given the
opportunity to find a concept through the organization and collection of

data mengnalisis in an activity which has been designed by the teacher.

Stage 6: Knowledge end
At the stage of final knowledge, students read out the results obtained.
Step 7: Reflection
The final stage is a reflection, namely the activities of thinking about
what had happened or had just learned.

Based on the explanation above reseracher take conclussion that the student
who teach in class PPL used 2 strategy are Direct and interactive teaching strategy in
the teaching.

The result of interview , the teacher said that she use the steps of the teacing
because in the meeting she still learn the same topic but she give different theme, it is
why she gave question about their knowladge. The teacher also wants the students be
easier to reseive the material with gave real example. Beside that, the teacher want to
did approach to students by helping the students problems during they did their
exercise. Then, the teacher want the students more be active in the classroom, it is
why the teacher asked students to make groups and read their answer and tell about
their family in the front of their friend.


The aims of this research is to describe about english teaching strategy is
aplied by student who teach in PPL I at Muhammadiyah University of Kendari. The
subject of this research is student who teach PPL at Muhammadiyah University of
Kendari who teaching english. There are three classes, they are: class A, B and C but
the rusult of recommendation of my counselor is student in class A student. A as my
Based on the findings from observation presented on the previous chapter,
the researcher found that from the five teaching strategy, they are: Direct teaching
strategy, indirect teaching strategy, interactive teaching strategy, experiential
learning, and independent teaching strategy, the teacher mostly used two teaching
strategy in her english teaching in class PPL, they are direct teaching strategy and
interactive teaching strategies. The direct teaching strategy is strategy that is directed

by the teacher or teacher centered, when carrying out this learning model the teacher
must demonstrate the knowledge and skills that will be drilled to the students step by
step. The teacher as the center of attention has a very dominant role. While
Interactive teaching strategy is a strategy of teaching that is implemented by way of
learning in groups that can give students more opportunities to think and argue
through their questions.
Based on findings from interview, the researcher conclude that the teacher
prefer use the direct and interactive teaching strategy it is caused from some aspects,
they are : the first is the teacher want to know the basic knowladge of students. The
second is the teacher want to make the students are easier to reseive the material.
The third is the teacher want to make the students more active in the classroom by
asking students to read their answer and practice in the front of their friend. The
fourth is teacher want to did approach by helping their problem. The fifth,the teacher
want to make the students are easier to reseive the material and the last is the
teacher want to make the students get clear understanding after she closed the class.

A. Appendix 1
Observation sheet
1. Direct Teaching Strategy

The role of teacher







kepada siswa

Guru melakukan brainstorming kepada siswa

Guru menanyakan tentang

tentang materi yang telah dipelajari yang masih

keluarga siswa, dan


pertanyaan itu masih







berkaitan dengan materi


Guru menyampaikan dan menjelaskan materi.

Guru menjelaskan tentang

descriptive text.

Guru memberikan contoh tentang materi yang

telah dijelaskan.

Memberikan pertanyaan untuk menilai tingkat

Guru memberikan contoh

real tentang keluarganya

Guru menanyakan siswa

apakah mereka sudah

pemahan siswa.

paham atau belum


Guru memberikan latihan kepada siswa baik itu

Guru memberikan latihan

secara individu atau kelompok.


Guru memberikan bimbingan selama siswa

dalam bentuk grouping

Guru membantu kesulitan

mengerjakan tugas latihan.


Guru mereview sekaligus membetulkan hasil

siswa selama mengerjakan

Guru menjawab latihan

kerja siswa

bersama siswa didalam


Guru memberikan tugas mandiri (PR) kepada


siswa untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mereka

terhadap materi.

2. Indirect teaching strategy


The role of teacher





Guru mendorong ekspresi perasaan secara bebas

Guru menanyakan tentang


keluarga siswa

Guru mendorong siswa untuk memilah masalah


Guru menerima dan memperjelas perasaan siswa


Guru meminta siswa untuk mendiskusikan

masalah dan guru mendukung siswa






Guru mengklarifikasi kemungkinan keputusan










mengembangkan kegiatan

Guru memberikan dorongan kepada siswa

selama proses pembelajaran.

3. Interactive Teaching Strategy


The role of teacher





Guru mempersiapkan media sebagai bahan ajar


Guru melakukan brainstorming

Guru bertanya tentang

keluarga siswa.


Guru membagi siswa dalam beberapa kelompok

Guru membagi siswa

kedalam beberapa

Guru menunjukan media yang berhubungan

dengan topik pembelajaran.


Memotivasi siswa untuk mengajukan pertanyaan

yang berkaitan dengan topik. (brainstorming)


Guru mendemonstrasikan topik pembelajaran

Guru menjelaskan materi

descriptive text.


Siswa diminta untuk membuat pertanyaan dalam







Siswa diberikan kesempatan untuk menemukan

Guru meminta siswa untuk

konsep dengan cara menganalisis data dalam

menganalisis struktur dari

sebuah kegiatan yang telah dirancang oleh guru.

descriptive text.

Siswa membacakan hasil yang diperolehnya

Guru meminta siswa

membacakan hasil kerjanya.


Guru memberikan feedback tentang materi yang

telah dipelajari.

Guru menyimpulkan materi


4. Experiential Learning

The role of teacher





Guru melontarkan cerita atau ide-ide yang

Guru menanyakan tentang

berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari.


keluarga siswa.

Guru meminta siswa untuk mengungkapkan

pengalamannya ynag berhubungan dengan topik

yang dipelajari.

Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa








dengan gagasan yang dimiliki siswa


Guru meminta siswa untuk menyampaikan hasil

dari pengalaman tersebut kepada teman-teman

dikelas dan pengungkapan hasil pengamatan
tersebut dilakukan sesuai minat siswa.

Guru mengajukan pertanyaan untuk menguji

kebenaran konsep yang dimiliki siswa.

5. Independent teaching strategy


The role of teacher





Guru meminta siswa untuk menentukan topik







Guru meminta siswa untuk


membuat kelompok.

Guru meminta siswa untuk menentukan langkah







penyelesaian masalah, atau menciptakan sebuah


Guru memberikan bimbingan atau arahan kepada

Guru membantu kesulitan




Siswa diberikan kesempatan untuk bertanya


Siswa diberikan kesempatan untuk menampilkan

hasil kerja mereka baik itu dalam bentuk tulisan

ataupun performance

Appendix 2
Interview guideline

Why did you do brainstorming ?

Why did you explain the material and give real example to students ?
Why did you asked students to make groups ?
Why did you give students exercise to analyse ?
Why did you give guides to students during they did the exercise ?
Why did you answer the exercise in the classroom together ?
Why did you gave conclution in the end of meeting ?


: Say e bisa sa tanya tentang video PPL nya kita ?


: Ooh iye, tanya apa itu ?


: Ini waktu yang pertama itu divideonya kita itu kita brainstorming, untuk apa
itu ?


: Ooh itu brainstorming saya lakukan untuk menstimulus students untuk

mengingatkan kembali pengetahuan-pengetahuan yang sudah ada yang masih
ada kaitannya dengan materi sekarang.


: Oh, terus itu sa lihat juga kita berikan contoh itu untuk apa ?

Respondents : Oh, itu sa berikan contoh supaya mereka lebih paham lagi, kemudian contoh
yang sa berikan itu kaya econtoh yang real yang tentang keluargaku karena
supaya apapi mereka itu yang sama dengan kehidupan sehari-hari.

: Oh, ee selanjutnya itu dalam videonya juga sa lihat itu kita berikan mereka
latihan itu dalam bentuk kelompok, itu kenapa ?


: Oh itu dalam bentuk kelompok karena sebelum-sebelumnya sa lihat mereka

itu kurang aktif, makanya sa berikan kelompok supaya mereka bisa share
sama teman-temannya begitu


: Selanjutnya itu kenapa sa lihat divideonya kita itu kita berikan bimbingan itu
untuk apa ?


: Oh bimbingan, supaya sa mo lihat mungkin ada masalah-masalah yang

mereka hadapi kah dalam mengerjakan itu ada kesulitan apa supaya sa bisa


: Dan itu yang sa mau tanyakan juga yang selanjutnya itu kita tentang kenapa
kita menjawab sama-sama siswa didalam kelas kenapa tidak dirumah saja ?


: Oh, gunanya itu kenapa kita harus menjawab sama supaya mereka tau
kesalahannya dimana supaya bisa diselesaikan sama-sama.


: Oke, selanjutnya e itu didalam video juga siswa e diberikan latihan untuk

menganalisis text dalam bentuk kelompok, sebenarnya tujuannya untuk apa ?


: Oh sebenarnya tujuannya itu, kan sebelumnya sudah sa jelaskan kemudian sa

berikan juga contoh, nah tujuan itu sa mau lihat e apakah mereka sudah
paham pemahamanya mereka tentang penjelasan dan contoh tadi itu apakah
mereka sudah paham atau belum khususnya itu dalam reading text.


: Selanjutnya itu tadi sa lihat kita berikan feedbacck itu sama students itu
untuk apa ?


: Oh, itu feedback untuk mengingatka kembali pelajaran dari awal supaya
lebih clear lagi.

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