Paulinogarcia Kevin-Careersbrochure

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Documentation Of Sources

Salaries Yearly Average Wage


The a v e r a g e sa la r y wa g e for
thi s c a r e e r i s $10 7, 140.

In thi s fi e l d of a s tr o nomy
the r e a l s o ot her job s tha t a r e
si mi l a r t o thi s fie ld. Ther e a r e
j obs l i k e a s tr ophy si c ist, P la ne ta r y G e ol og i st , a nd e v e n Nu-

clea r a nd Pa r tic le p hy sic i st.
Microsoft Word
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Me di a n A nnua l C o m pensa t ion s


Do not look at stars as

bright spots only. Try to
take in the vastness of the
universe-Maria Mitchell

Science, Technology,
Engineering, and

Average Salary







Kevin Paulino
1st Period


Astronomy compels th soul to look upwards and lead us from

this world to another-Plato
Nature & Work Environment
Goals & Employment
There is a very good potential in-

Duties & Responsibilities

Training Qualifications
& Career Path

Astronomers have many duties and

responsibilities to deal with. They
have to analyze data to determine the

website It is projected to grow 7% from 2014-2024,

about as fast as the average for all

Education Required

significance of celestial bodies, using

The education required for this career

computers. They also have to measure

radio, infrared, gamma, and x-ray

is mostly based on science, technology,

emissions from extraterrestrial sources.

on these subjects because astronomy

And even develop theories based on

personal and other astronomers

requires a lot of things to be able to be


crease for this career as stated by the

engineering, and math. Its mostly based

successful in this field. You will also

need a

doctoral degree which could

take from 5-10 years depending on

occupations. They say this because

there will be need of them in the
future either in colleges, universities,
or national laboratories. And also
because the competition for a spot
like that is growing bigger and bigger
everyday. And the outlook for this
career is very stable so it is a good

how quick and smart you are.

Work Environment
In this career there are many working

Opportunities for


Thanks to this unit of careers I

learned many new things. For example
I learned about the necessary skills to

There are many opportunities for

get qualified for the job, how much

advancements within this career. If you

they get paid, what they do, and they

physical demands and a lot of time

work hard to achieve your goal. For

even gave me some new interests. I

spent sitting down looking at a computer screen or telescopes for hours to

example astronomers with doctoral

already knew the basic stuff to be-

degrees can advance by moving into

come an astronomer but now I know

make an observation which also affects physical demands. The working

high-positions of research or teaching.

what other skills I need to work on to

They also get recognitions by being

be even better at it. Now I can focus

conditions for this career are very

good. The employee has its own office,

experts in their field of the career.

on getting the necessary education on

They usually get this recognition by

science, tech, math, and engineering

with most of the necessary things to

spending a lot of years on research

so that my dream career becomes a

feel comfortable. They also have a lot

of collages to socialize and receive

problems and then published so the


help if needed for an observation. So

being an astronomers has its many

because they could get a promotion or

conditions and physical demands.

There's little traveling which goes with

advantages, which makes it the perfect


world could see it. This helps them

a raise.

Astronomer Huntsville
Alabama-United States

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