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Name: Julie Torre

Date and time of the lesson: 3/31/16 at 11am

School: PS 20 The Anna Silver School
Grade: 2nd Grade, Dual Language
Cooperating teacher: Ms. Lenahan
Room number: 210
Content area: Literacy
Central Focus/Essential Question (Standard 3.3)

As we are reading sometimes we get off track. We need to remember to stop reread and
answer questions so that we understand what is going on.
Goal of Lesson

In my lesson, I will read through some pages in my book and I will not comprehend what I
I will stop, reread the pages slower, making some notes and answer questions about plot,
further making inferences
I will use post it notes to help me remember important things in my book so I can revisit

Common Core Standards (Standard 2.1, 2.8)

CCSS ELA Literacy RL 2.1/ RI 2.1: Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where,
when, why and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text
CCSS ELA Literacy RL 2.2: Recount stories and determine their central message, lesson
or moral
CCSS ELA Literacy RI 2.2: Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their
development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas
CCSS ELA Literacy SL 2.1: Participate I collaborative conversations with diverse
partners about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups
Prior Knowledge/ Key Misconceptions
Students have been learning how to pull out important information from the story they are
Students have learned to use post its to only specify what they need to know about the
book such as important events or changes in point of view
This lesson will help students to remember the importance of going back and rereading
because sometimes we doze off while reading and miss things
Materials & Resources (Standard 3.1)
Minnie and Moo Go Dancing
Post It Notes
Excel markers
Large lined paper
Assessment Papers (attached)

Lesson Development (Standard 3.1, 3.3)

First, I will confess to students that sometimes when I read I get tired and I dont remember
what I just read
I will say that, we have been focusing on how to pull out important information from our
books using post it notes.
We cant read books and understand them if we do not pull out valuable information and
we wont know we missed valuable information if we arent understanding what we are
Thankfully, there is a cure to this and it is fairly simple. All we have to do is stop, reread
and answer questions about the plot
I will model incorrectly how we should read books and I will read quickly and without a lot
of attention
I will ask the students to turn and talk to their neighbor to come up with some ways I could
be a better, more attentive reader
Once the students have finished their conversations I will take their suggestions and re
read the passage again, going slower, thinking aloud and also using post it notes if I feel
something is important.
After reading the passage, I will answer some plot questions. (What is the character
doing? How does the character feel? Etc.)
These questions will model for the students the questions that they have to answer with
their partners during the assessment
Before sending students back to their seats to read their books, I will reiterate what I did
during the lesson saying that if you get stuck to stop, reread and think about questions
I will also bring up some of the tactics we thought of as a class during our turn and talk
that helped me when I reread my book for a second time
I will ask the students to go back to their seats and read books from their book baggies.
Students will participate in a partner share and they will tell each other what their books
were about

Assessment (Standard 4)

Students will read from their book baggies

Students will answer the questions on their papers (attached) that question plot
When they answer these questions they will make sure that they understood their books
and know important facts about them
Students can use post its to help them remember
Students will turn to the person next to them and partners will take turns summing up their
books and telling each other about them!

Stay on Track Questions

1. Who is the main character? ___________________________

2. What is the main character doing? ________________________


3. What is happening in the story? __________________________


4. Are there important events happening? Describe them.


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