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The Pit

The Curse

This trap is simple,

the person falls onto
spikes via stepping onto
a pressure plate. The
robber will have a invigorating death.

This is a pretty straight forward

trap, if any one enters the tomb,
they will be cursed to die. The
gods will cast a spell on the robber
to ensure his/her death. To ensure
no robs the tomb, we have translated the hieroglyphs to Greek
and English .

You are cursed to


Tombraider Prevention Co.

lol ;)

About Us




Pyramid of Jon



We are a great company

that started way back in
2015 BC. Our tombs have
never been robbed hence
our great reputation.
Our tombs guarantee a
terrific afterlife that you
can enjoy without your
things being stolen. We
have hired the very best
engineers around and
we use the best materials
known to man. So when
you need a tomb, come
to T.P.C.

The Crusher
The robber opens a door which
in turn makes the floor fall out
from under him/her. At the same
time the door pulls a string which
releases a boulder. The robber
will have already fallen into the
spike pit, and about two seconds
later the boulder will fall into the
spike pit, crushing the robber.


Spikes on either
side of door ensures
the robbers death,
even if he is able to
get out of the way
of the falling floor

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