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Bonner Chilton

Dance Event Task

1) Students will be split into groups of 4 and the Copperhead Road dance will be
reviewed one time through the length of the song

2) The groups will then work together to decide, find or create a single 8-count
to be inserted into the dance.

3) The added 8-count:

a. must replace any 8-count already in the dance (there are 32 total
counts, it should remain that way and not become 40 counts)
b. must not contain the same steps as any 8 count already in the dance
c. every person in the group must be able to perform the 8-count
4) Students and groups must:
a. Work together so that the 8-count can be done by every member
b. Demonstrate the ability to maintain a rhythm or beat
c. Be able to transition in and out of the added 8 count smoothly

Students will perform these very quickly at the end, so they must learn to support
teammates and work together without being embarrassed or shy.

Full Credit: (10 Points)


Added 8 count contains 8 full steps

Added count replaces 1 existing 8 count

Every group member performs the new count
Every group member has input into the new 8 count
The group transitions smoothly from the original steps to the new

Partial Credit (3-9 Points)


Added count contains less than 8 full steps

Added count replaces an existing 8 count
Not every member of the group is able to perform the steps
Certain group members are left out of the decision making process
The group has difficulty combining the existing steps with the
added steps

Improvement Credit (0-2 Points)


Added count contains under a full 4 count

Added count is added to the end of the existing dance
Majority of the group has trouble performing the steps
1 student decided to add the new steps
The group cannot remember where the new count is added, or
cannot transition
Only a few of the group members even applying effort

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