Feasibility Study Introduction

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All companies even a small entities, will not function without a manpower who directly of
a business. Manpower level is required in a business venture concerning its activities and
operation leading to work efficiency and effectively, progressive and productive. Its official role
is to attain business goals and objective. In this aspect it includes the following details:

Four management functions.

Propose business name and sole proprietorship.
Sources of funds.
Organizational chart.
Number of employee with their qualification and responsibilities.
Steps in hiring employees.
Salary rates and benefits.


Grill Food House management are following the four management function such as:


Planning is the function of management that involves setting objectives and
determining a course of action for achieving those objectives. Planning requires that
manager be aware of environmental conditions facing their organization and forecast future
condition. It also requires the manager be good decisions makers.
Planning is a process consisting to several steps. The process begin with
environmental scanning which simply means that planner must be aware of the critical
contingencies facing their organization in term of economic condition, their competitors,
and their customer.
These are the types of planning used by Grill House:

Strategic Plans
Operational Plans

Strategic planning involves analyzing the competitive opportunities and threats, as well as the
strengths and weaknesses of the organization, and then determining how to position the
organization to compete effectively in the environment. Strategic planning has a long time frame,
often three years or more. Strategic planning generally includes the entire organization and
includes formulation of objectives. Strategic is often based on the organization mission which is its
fundamental reason for exercise an organization top management most often conduct strategic

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