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Students as the new generation technology should be increased in schools? Technology
should be increased in institutions because it will personalize learning in that individuals will be
able to learn within the means necessary to them. For example students today are more incline to
use technology than a book, pen or paper. Just look around students are on cell phones, iPods,
tablets, laptops, and eBooks like never before. Even though people believe technology should
not be increased in schools I think technology should be increased in schools because it will
enhance real world skills, education, and prepare students for college and employment.
Increased technology is the future and it is the number one tool used in this era.
According to Huffington Post, when teachers and students are trained to use technology, there
are many tools to help track growth, give extra resources, and accelerate learning based on each
student's unique pace, (Hendricks). With this increased technology teachers can tract students
progress faster and give feedback as needed. This way students personalized learning with
technology is better enriched when they receive the needed guidance and help because of the
technology available. Technology is also the one thing that students use the most.
Technology also helps keep students engaged more in classroom activities and
assignments. In my opinion and what I have seen occur in classes before technology is that
students became bored and fell asleep. With increased technology students have become more
involved in what is going on in the classroom setting. According to Huffingtons Post, when
technology is involved students are more likely to be engaged in learning. Students need to press
buttons, think out problems, and manipulate the tools they have to achieve a goal. Educational


technology can and has improved focus among students and it caters to students who learn
independently and to those who are more collaborative (Hendricks).
Increased technology in schools allows students to learn better and faster. According to the
post of Huffington , Technology has proven to accelerate struggling students close the learning
gap between those at the back of the class and the A-students. In fact, 78 percent of Kindergarten
through Middle School teachers agrees that technology has had a positive impact in their
classroom (Hendrix). Technology makes information available and easy to find. For example,
students can utilize YouTube which is easy to access a vast amount of information. Technology
also is a tool that keeps students wanting to learn more every day. Increased technology is a tool
that everyone can benefit from no matter the age range.
As mentioned above increased technology can help students with real world skills, and
assist students with research projects. When students need to research information for a paper
technology is easily accessible. According to Huffingtons post Technology can improve focus
and boost students' self-esteem, not to mention teach them valuable skills like fast, accurate
typing and using online search engines to find trustworthy sources for research(Hendricks). The
flow of technology is quicker when accessing news and what is going on in different parts of the
world. Increasing technology causes students to become better as they use the technology around
Increased technology can be used in any subject pertaining to school whether math,
science, social studies, or English Language Arts. Technology is a big help when it comes to
English Language Arts. According to pew internet, the vast majority of teens and their parents
believe that the use of the internet helps students in the classroom and in their studies (The
internet at school). There are many times when students have an assignment and subject


technology helps make the information available and easy to discover. With increased
technology utilized in school students can look up a great deal of data during any class.
Technology also helps students with other resources like writing a paper, or using a scientific
Increased technology helps students access a great deal of learning opportunities. For
example, technology allows disabled kids with disadvantages attend school from home.
According to pew internet, The internet is an important element in the overall educational
experience of many teenagers. Schools are a common location where online teens access the
web (The internet at school). Schools should be the number one place where technology is
available. Increased technology allows students to become ready and engaged in a great deal of
power sources.
Technology can also be used to prepare students for colleges and jobs all over the United
States of America. As a college scholar technology would be used more and more every day.
According to CC daily, Colleges use technology to promote student success. As time
progresses students will need technology to do things while attending colleges and universities.
Technology needs to be increased in schools because in this age technology is more important
than ever before.
Technology is being produced more often than never before .In the article Genius Stuff ,
the argument is while we can sometimes feel like throwing our computers out the window,
ultimately technology gives us a wealth of opportunities to live more comfortable lives (cite).
Technology would open up a bundle of opportunities for students. Technology is the best thing


that has happened to schools everywhere, yet we still have individuals who think students do not
need access to increased technology because of the negative use of technology.
Many other sources however, argue that technology should not be increased in schools.
Students tend to depend on what technology has to offer. Students will not be as independent as
they should be. According to Washington Post, about 60 percent said it hindered students
ability to write and communicate face to face (smith). There will be times where students have
to work without technology. Students would become lazy when it comes to doing work school
work. Students will tend to just spend more time just playing games, on Instagram, and Facebook
with the technology.
Some students will tend to be distracted by increased technology and less engaged in
their school work. Students will make less effort pertaining to their schoolwork without
technology. According to Washingtons post, A Pew Research Center survey found that nearly
90 percent of teachers believe that digital technologies were creating an easily distracted
generation with short attention spans. Some teachers might feel that it would not be beneficial
for students to have technology in schools because some students use technology
inappropriately. Some parents might think that technology is making their children dependent
on technology. Technology is not affordable to some schools because they do not have funding
for increased technology.
Schools that are less fortunate will not have the adequate resources necessary to fund
increased technology. According to Google chrome, tight budgets are why many school
districts are wondering how they will pay for improvements they may need to make to their
technological infrastructure to test large numbers of students online under the common-core


initiative by the 2014-15 school year. Some school districts will not be able to find technology
for a low cost so some students will not have access to increased technology in schools.
In conclusion, even though some people believe technology should not be increased in
schools I think technology should be increased. It enhances real world skills, education, and
prepares students for college and employment. It personalizes learning, help with research
skills, and new jobs that require use of technology. Before our time students did not have
access to technology and they utilized pen and paper. Now that technology has increased in
schools districts will somehow have to make the necessary changes to increase technology.

Works Cited



Ashford, Ellie. "Colleges Use Technology to Promote Student

Success."Http:// N.P., 3 Mar. 2014. Web. 29 Nov. 2014.


HEIMBUCH, JAYMI. "5 Incredible Ways Technology Is Making Life Easier." 5

Incredible Ways Technology Is Making Life Easier. N.P., 28 June 2013. Web. 31 Dec. 2014.

Hendricks, Drew.(2014) "A Look at Recent Findings on Technology in the Classroom."

The Huffington Post., n.d. Web. 31 Dec. 2014.


Porter, Alfonzo. "The Problem with Technology in Schools." Washington Post. The

Washington Post, 28 Jan. 2013. Web. 30 Dec. 2014.


Page, Larry. "Cost+of+a+promethean+board - Google Search." Cost of a Promethean

Board - Google Search. Sergey Brin, 4 Sept. 1998. Web. 31 Dec. 2014.

"The Internet at School." Pew Research Centers Internet American Life Project RSS. Pew

Research, 01 Aug. 2005. Web. 31 Dec. 2014.


Talbot, Stobe. "Still Searching: Job Vacancies and STEM Skills." The Brookings

Institution. Robert Rubin, 01 July 2014. Web. 31 Dec. 2014.

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