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First Session
Committee: Adam Rosario-Camacho, Harmanjeet Singh, Mike Wong, Ryan Yi
7th Period

Litter Retaliation Act

Preamble: We the People of the United States of America wish to pursue the goal of obtaining a
cleaner, greener, country, in hopes of aiding the global effort to rid the planet of excess garbage
polluting the environment by prosecuting violators and ensuring that a greater positive emerges
from their negative impact. There will be an increase in the severity of punishments in order to
ensure that the American population collectively helps repair the worlds devastating damage to
its numerous common and rare ecosystems, as well as creating a world for our future generations
to prosper in.
Be it hereby enacted by: The United States of America
Section 1:
The act of littering is frowned upon in society as well as harmful to the environment. There are
many conflicts littering creates including the destruction of the ecosystem in which the citizens
of the United States inhabit. In order to prevent any further harm to the environment, humans, as
a whole, must follow and respect laws that are best for the ecosystem.

If a citizen decides to litter, he shall be punished into doing community service.

They shall do up to 5 hours of managing waste for each offense. In the case of three or
more offenses, they shall be fined.

if a citizen disposes of trash in an improper way, he will be punished. He must

complete 1.5 community service hours, of recycling, for each offense.
In the case that a citizen does anything harmful to the forest areas, he is required
to plant trees for 5 years per offense.
If a citizen illegally tresspasses on preserved land, for hunting or destruction of
the area, he will be required to finance and care for the organisms he has brought any
harm to, amounting to one organism per offense.
Section 2:
This project will be funded primarily by violators of the bill and the municipalitys discretionary
All city & state officers will be allowed to fine any individual of their offence. Fines will require
the persons identification number as well as their address. If the individuals are not carrying
their identification they may receive a higher fine or possible jail time. The municipalitys
authorities are required to enforce the measures of this bill. Each state is responsible for the
enforcement of this bill; if not the state, violators may be fined by the federal government.
Section 3:
In the case that a citizen litters, he/she will be punished with community service in the form of
waste management amounting to 5 hours per offense. If he/she repeats the offense more than 3
times, they will be fined.
In the case that a citizen improperly disposes of his/her trash, he/she will be punished with
community service in the form of recycling facility aid amounting to 1.5 hours per offense.
In the case that a citizen performs arson in a wooded area, he/she will be required to plant trees
and maintain a plot of land for a period of time amounting to 5 years per offense.

In the case that a citizen illegally encroaches on preserved land, for either illegal poaching or
destruction of the area, he/she will be required to finance the care of other organisms of the
offended species for the entirety of their life, amounting to one organism per offense.
Section 4:
This bill will take effect thirty-five days after its release. This is a reasonable set time for
citizens to prepare and become aware of this new bill, as the populace will not have to make any
unreasonable changes to their lifestyles--it is the cost violators must pay for furthering the
damage we have caused the environment thus far. This bill will be active for a duration of 10
years, and all violators sentences are final regardless of whether the bill is renewed or dies,
unless of course, with proper evidence, one may be exonerated and shall be repaid for.

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