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Sarah LaBonty
Mrs. Di Somma
ERWC Period 2
15 February 2016
Verbal Torenado
One word can change someones day, one word can destroy someones self esteem, one
word can destroy ones life. The English language is used to communicate between humans;
language is the building blocks of humanity. The words we speak influence others lives.
Destructive words damage an individuals self worth and identity. Bullying is the imbalance of
power, intent to harm, cause terror, and to threaten aggression. Education is the most important
part of every young childs life. School is a place where you grow, feel safe, and build healthy
friendships. However, not every student feels safe at school or loved because of the words other
students say. Bullying occurs in todays society at school through students, teachers, and the lack
of anti-bullying programs.
Bullying occurs between students and other students at school. Most students at school
often feel threatened by certain students. Media portrays the bully as the big kid shaking the
nerd for his lunch money. The stereotypical bully is hardly ever the case. The bully can be any
student who has intent of hurting another peer physically or emotionally. A young boys story
about bullying, I was cornered and attacked. I was pushed to the ground repeatedly. I tried to
get away, but I could not...I was scared for many more days following this attack, and I was
scared about what was going to happen to me next at school (Walker). An 11-year old boy
scared for his life as boys inflicted pain to him. No kids should fear for his life because of
another student. Students at school should inspire and learn to love one another instead of

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potentially killing each other. When students endure bullying there are mental consequences for
the victims; victims can become depressed, high levels of anxiety, suicidal, and can develop
eating disorders. Students are being bullied about eating, the victim is targeted with dirty looks
if she eats her lunch or indirect statements intended to make her feel ashamed about how much
she eats (Johnson). This type of bullying can kill a student. Every human needs food to survive,
judging a friendship off of pounds is disturbing. The worst part about bullying at most schools is
the victim suffers more pain emotionally and physically than the one purposely inflicting pain.
The victims grades and social interaction can change, For instance, a child who has been
repeatedly bullied on the playground may exhibit oppositional behaviors in class or may turn in
incomplete work just to ensure that she has to stay inside while others are on recess (Ehiorobo).
Victims are physically, emotionally, academically, and socially different after their attacks.
Students deliberately can change someone fully because of their intent to cause pain. Bullying
exist through students words and physical alterations on the playground.
Bullying is also seen as two or more people hurting someone else. Another form of
bullying at schools is the bystander. The bystander is someone who observes bullying being done
but does not stop it. Doing nothing, is doing something for the victim. In most instances students
witness bullying but refuse to report it because of they fear to be the victim. Bystanders are also
the bully, Our finding that bullying and witnessing the victimization of other peers each
predicted higher levels of substance use suggests that students who witness bullying may share
some commonalities with those who engage in bullying behavior (Rivers). Rivers discovered
when you don't stop the bullying you are more likely to become yourself. The pain you witness
from victim can be duplicated by yourself. Within our society bystanders play a major role of
encouraging the bullying, Actively engaging with the bully or cheering him on causes even

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more distress to the child who is bullied, encourages the antisocial behavior of the bully, and puts
the bystander at risk of becoming desensitized to the cruelty or becoming full-fledged bullies
themselves (Coloroso 62). Students can either build up or demolish a bullys words. Bullies use
tactics of intimidation to gain support from their peers. Most students witness bullying but never
report it or intervene, Peers were involved in some capacity in 85% of the bullying episodes.
Peers intervened in only 13% of the episodes at which they were present (Coloroso 66). For
every action there is a consequence, for every right there is a wrong, for every life there is a
death. Bullying exist in todays society though bystanders and their passive mistakes to help the
victim. How many more kids have to take their lives before the bullies stop and the bystanders
For every wonderful teacher there will always be a teacher who abuses their power of
their students. Teachers motivate students lives academically and also set a role model. Teacher
bullying is: kept quiet, seems okay by the students, and goes unnoticed by others outside of the
classroom (Abuse of Power). Students are scared of what the teacher would do if they told the
administration on them. Educators mold students minds and are imperative to their growth
socially and academically. A concerned father received a phone call about his daughter Samaya
who wandered off school grounds. Samaya spilt her water bottle in class and her teacher dragged
her out of the classroom while she was still her chair. Samaya then left the school grounds and
traveled 2 miles off campus to escape her teacher from bullying her again. (McDonald). This
teacher deliberately picked on Samaya and threatened her safety. An educator has to ensure the
safety of all students regardless of how bad the pupil could be. But the bullying between teachers
and students isnt one sided, Eight in ten teachers said they have suffered verbal abuse by a
student in the last 12 months, an increase of 30 per cent from a year earlier (Espinoza). The

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degrading words said by students have been affecting the mental health of educators. There is a
lack of respect with students and teachers. The bullying between teachers and students is
disgraceful and is unacceptable; education is sacred and should not be tainted by educators
abusing their power. Bullying exist in todays society between students and peers.
Every life that was lost by schoolyard bullies could've been prevented by anti-bullying
programs. Anti-bullying programs and laws against bullying need to be more forcefully used by
administration. It is the schools responsibility to educate and keep all children safe. Antibullying policies are specifically designed to protect students from abusive behavior and to help
establish a safe ambiance where students can get a quality education (No bullying). Antibullying programs ensure a safe place to learn and keep students safe from their abusers.
Most children are frightened to admit they have been bullied. One of the features of an antibullying program at schools should be educating the parents on signs of victimization,
educating parents and teachers on what to look out for, and how to handle bullies and victims,
was thought to be a highly beneficial addition to bullying prevention programs to create
awareness of the problem and knowledge about how to address it (Ttofi and Farrington 2011).
There were will always be bullies in society. However, helping prevent bullies and knowing how
to identify victims is tremendous. Bullies are not one time offenders they continually abuse their
victims, When bullying occurs, school personnel need to respond quickly, to act in accordance
with school policies and procedures, and to address the issue in a professional manner. School
personnel should be sure to document the response to a bullying incident in writing (Gov).
Bullies should not be let off the hook; abusers are criminals and should be treated as one. Writing
down the complaint also gives reassurances to the victim that justice will be served. Bullying
exist in todays society because of the lack of Anti-Bullying Programs.

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The direct imbalance of power and verbal slander that happens in the hallways and in the
classroom is unbelievable. Students fear for their lives because of the words of their fellow peers
or even the actions of their educator. Bullying is destructive to a students academic performance,
emotional health, physical health, mental health, and social capabilities. Education is hands down
the most beautiful thing in the world and students are being stripped from learning because of
others. There needs to be an end to this type of behavior before there is another grave in the
ground with an angel under the soil. Bullying exist in todays society through students, teachers,
bystanders, and the lack of anti-bullying programs.

Works Cited
Walker, Tim. All Kids Deserve to Be Safe from Bullying: Jakes Story. nea Today 7
October 2014. Print.
Johnson, Melinda. Empty Plates: Kids Are Being Bullied to Skip Lunch at School. US News,
US News. 24 August 2015. Web. 21 February 2016.
Ehiorobo, Dr. Terry. Bullying in School: The Traumatic Effects of Bullying on Children. CPI,
CPI. 4 April 2012, Web. 21 February 2016.

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Rivers, Ian. Poteat, Paul. Noret, Nathalie. Ashurst, Nigel. Observing Bullying at School:
The Mental Health Implications of Witness Status. American
Psychological Association: School Psychology Quarterly. Vol. 24, No. 4,
Coloroso, Barbara. The Bully, The Bullied, and the Bystander. New York: Harper
Resource, 2008. Print.
Abuse of Power Tolerance. 23 April 2014: Print.
McDonald, Ian. Parents Accuse Teacher of Bullying Their Daughter Fox News 12
February 2014: Print.
Espinoza, Javier. Schools 'failing to expel students who bully teachers' as verbal
abuse in the classroom soars by a third. Telegraph. TelephaphUK, 4 April 2015.
Web. 21 February 2016.
Farrington, David. Ttofi, Maria. Successful Bullying Prevention Programs: Influence of
Research Design, Implementation Features, and Program Components.
International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 6(2) 273-282, 2012.
How Effective are Anti-Bullying Policies?. No Bullying, No Bullying. 22 December 2015,
Web. 21 February 2016.
Effective Evidence-based Practices for Preventing and Addressing Bullying. Gov Policy:
20 August 2014, JSTOR. PDF file.

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