Aidan Aarts Enrichment 2

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How to handle Overpopulation

In 1967 the worlds population was at 3 billion people, just a little more
than 40 years later weve more then doubled that with, 7 billion people on
earth. This exciting growth may distract you from the real problems
population increase can bring. This mass amount of growth is depleting the
Earths natural resources, and causing a rush for alternative avenues for fuel,
housing, and food supply.
Theyre many different strategies already put in place in different
regions across the world to stop population increase. For example, China is
using a fairly extreme method of controlling the population by applying, the
one child policy. The communist state initiated this policy in the late 70s, to
control what is still the most populated country in the world. It was inevitable
that China would find away to slow the growth, but this however is not the
most outstanding method they could have chosen. Being that Chinas a
communist state they obviously had no issue with denying the human right
of childbirth. Theyre are plenty of other tactics countries are using to slow
growth that dont deny their citizens the basic right to childbirth, but instead
let them make the decision themselves. For example the Nigerian population
is exploding, and Africas total population is set to be equal to Asias in the
near future. To slow this growth more developed countries are stepping in
and aiding Nigeria with various resources, such as education and more
available contraceptives. Its very rare for women in LDCs to receive a
college education. It may seem this wouldnt effect population but it in fact

has a huge impact on the topic. When woman are empowered with education
and job opportunities they are far less likely to have a large family, thus
being able to spend more money on their child. Mothers being able to spend
more on their children will also break the poverty cycle, because they will be
able to spend money on education and other advanced opportunities.
Population is literally a growing problem. If this growth continues
there will be overpopulation, which will deplete all of Earths resources. Its
mandatory that countries team up and face this problem together so we can
prevent it from ever starting.

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