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Tips and Tricks

Ultimate Guide for Gamers

Travian: Tips and Tricks

The Importance of Building a Cranny

Build Crannies!

A cranny is a building where you can hide some of your resources from attackers. On the
village layout, it looks like a pile of stones next to a tree.
When you're a new player, you're protected from attacks for a short period, which could
be anywhere from three days to a week depending on how long the game has been going
on. One of the best things you can during this time is build a cranny and upgrade it all the
way to level 10. Two crannies are better if you're playing a Roman or a Teuton. Gauls
can hide twice as many resources in their crannies.
How many resources can you hide?
That depends on the level of the cranny. A level 1 cranny will only hide 100 units of each
resource (100 wood, 100 clay, 100 iron, 100 wheat). A level 10 cranny will conceal 1,000
units of each resource. The Travian Wiki has a cranny chart you can look at.
However, Teutons have a bonus that allows them to raid 1/3 of your crannied resources.
This is assuming your cranny is filled to the max. If your cranny is only 2/3rds full, the
Teutons can't touch it.
How big should the cranny be?
As big as possible! But in all seriousness, it depends on how often you're being attacked,
who's attacking you, and how often you'll be able to spend your resources.
If you're only being attacked by Romans or Gauls, your cranny should protect the same
amount of resources you can store in your warehouse. If you're being attacked by
Teutons, your crannies should hold the maximum amount of resources your warehouse
can hold, plus an extra 50%.

Travian: Tips and Tricks

Are You Getting "Farmed?"

Travian Farming and Attacks

Oh no, someone keeps attacking your village and stealing your resources! Your village is
officially a farm. What do you do about it?
The easiest way to resolve this is to prevent it from ever becoming a problem in the first
place. If you build up a high-level cranny and/or spend most of your resources, attacking
you won't be profitable. Sensible players will eventually move on and target more
vulnerable villages.
Another thing you can do is politely ask your attacker to stop. You can mention that
you're new and still trying to learn the ropes, so you'd appreciate it if he'd lay off for a
while. If need be, you could offer some resources as a tribute.
Whatever you do, don't taunt your attacker, cuss him out, or send him badly
worded messages! Many players will increase their attacks if you provoke them. Now
they're just interested in getting revenge and "teaching you a lesson."
There's a really good thread on the Travian forum that will give you more details on what
to do if you're being farmed.

Travian: Tips and Tricks

Forming Alliances

Travian Alliance Tips

It's a good idea to join an alliance, especially if you want to make your village less
attractive to farmers. People will attack you less often if you're part of a big, powerful
However, be careful of the alliance you join. Some of them have very definite agendas,
favoring only very active players who regularly attack other villages. Many are easygoing, but may not do anything for you if you get in trouble.
Consider location, too. Small alliances might not be intimidating, but even a big alliance
won't do you much good if all the players are located far away from your village.
While other alliance members might be open to the idea of doing trade with you, do not
beg them for resources. It's not going to make them respect you, and at best they'll just
tell you to make your own troops and raid other villages to get what you need. That's how
they did it, and that's what they'll expect you to do.

Travian: Tips and Tricks

Plans for Rapid Expansion

Here is a plan that I devised that you should use if you suddenly feel the need for a lot
more villages, another one every 3-5 days if culture points arent an issue for you and you
put enough effort into it. Ill guide you through in steps. Also, this is assuming you have
what I mention below, otherwise it wont work in 3-5 days.
#1. Pick a Support Village. This village needs to have at least 1500 production of wood,
clay, and iron and around 700+ of crop production for you to be able to start from scratch
in a new village and have another one in 3-5 days.. If you pick a village with 300 an hour
production this plan will take far longer than 3-5 days.
#2. Say youre trying to get another village, and you only have your capital and a 2 pop
village that you just founded. Obviously, it will be far, far cheaper and quicker to just
build a level 10 residence in the new village than get a level 20 residence in the old
#3. In your new village, build a warehouse and granary so that they hold 9600 units of
each resource. This is mandatory to level up the residence and train settlers, plus youll
have to do it eventually.
#4. Start building the residence in the new village. The reason you can get a new village
so quickly is because you can send tons of resources from your capital so you can have
8000 wood, clay, iron, and crop in a village with 6 production per hour. Do this, and level
up your residence as quickly as possible.
#5. If you have a level 10 residence and it has been 2-3 days, youre doing a good job. Do
the same thing and send tons of resources from your capital, except train settlers instead
of leveling up the residence.
Advantages of this:
Leaves a level 10 residence in each village so it cant be conquered right away.
Leaves lots of warehouse and granary space in each village, which is never a bad thing
Its quick! You can get 2 villages a week if you really work at it!!!
Disadvantages of this:
Slows down the growth of your capital
Lots of planning of when your shipments will arrive and when your settlers will be
done, which can get annoying if youre terribly unorganized, like me
Enjoy, and my expansion plan is working quite well for me, try it out!

Travian: Tips and Tricks

The time has come
Now that the days shorten and the nights become colder the people in Travian realize that
the end of this age is near. The fading stories of glorious battles and pompous buildings
of past ages were everything that would remained it seems. But the people decided that
this should not be the way this age should end. A wonder should be build, a building of
infinite greatness and power. This wonder of the world shall unite the inhabitants of
Travian. Sadly, however, the knowledge about the glorious wonders of the world was
now lost taken into graves by now long dead ancestors. Just before the people lost all
their hope, fate guided their attention to the ancient tribe of the Natars. That tribe which
already outlasted many ages and bloody battles might still own some of the construction
plans needed for the wonders of the world but an eerie and eldritch sensation seemed
emanate from them and it shouldnt take long until.
The tale of the Natars
Once upon a time, long before the Romans invaded Travian the now free tribes of Gauls
and Teutons were enslaved by the Natars. The Natars were a very peculiar tribe which
would have been long forgotten, if it hadnt been for the tales still being told by wet
nurses and old crones.
The Natars once ruled over all of Travian and in all their power and cruelty they had an
all-embracing knowledge about the elemental forces which would never be surpassed.
Only little is known about this tribe, only a single eyewitness report survived the past
ages. This report description of a Golden City tells whoever bothers to read it about a
glorious temple located in the center of the city , a wonder of the world of indescribable
greatness and power. Also one says that there are secret and arcane places where these
temples can be erected. Places where the wisdom and knowledge of the Natars might be
found to once again enslave Travian.
The Natars plan
However, the Natars have plans of their own and want to enslave the free tribes
themselves by constructing a wonder of the world. But whoever erects a wonder of the
world in their stead will achieve the ultimate goal of uniting Travian in a world of peace
and unison.
In the end one will see whether the free people of Travian are able to fulfill this daring
and glorious deed. The stories of the future, will they be about the valiant alliances or the
eldritch Natars?
I really hope that this guide helped you and improved you game even further.
If you want to contact me you can use my web site to send me an email
Good Luck Gamers

Travian: Tips and Tricks

Travian: Tips and Tricks

Travian: Tips and Tricks

Travian: Tips and Tricks

Travian: Tips and Tricks


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