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Warm Up Project
Warm Up definition:

To prepare for physical

exertion by exercising gently before hand.

Warm Up benefits:

It will improve the athletes

performance level and it prevents injuries

5 minutes:

Increasing Body Temperature/ Pulse Raiser (4 min.):

For the pulse raiser we are going to play toilet tag, in this game there are a few
taggers that have to go around tagging people, when they tag someone that person
has to go in toilet position and they can only be saved when someone goes to the
toilet and flush them, there are going to be 3 taggers and we will have 2-3 rounds.

Mobility: (1 min.)

Neck rotation (1o sec.)

Shoulder rotation (10 sec.)

Wrists and ankles rotation (10 sec.)

Finger mobility (5 sec.)

Torso Rotation (10 sec.)

Hip Rotation (2 laps each side)

Knee Rotation (10 sec.)


Shoulder stretch (20 sec. for each arm)

Triceps stretch (20 sec. for each arm)

Forearm stretch (20 sec. for each arm)

Upper Body stretch (20 sec.)

Back stretch (20. sec)

Hamstrings stretch (20 sec. for each leg)

Calf stretch (20 sec. for each leg)

Quadriceps stretch (20 sec. for each leg)

Glutes Stretch (20 sec. for each leg)

Butterfly Position (20 sec.)

Knee Rotation (10 sec.)

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