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Nombre: Kelsey Smith



Pre Investigation
1. What is Cinco de Mayo?
It is a Mexican holiday.
2. What does it celebrate?
I dont know.
3. Who celebrates Cinco de Mayo?
Mostly Americans, but Mexicans celebrate it too.
4. How is Cinco de Mayo celebrated?
People make food and have large parties.
5. List everything else you know about this holiday (prior to doing your
I dont know anything else.


a) History Hunters
Who were Benito Juarez, Porfirio Diaz, Ignacio Zaragoza,
Napoleon III, and Maximilian?
Benito Juarez was a Mexican president.
Porfirio Diaz was a brigadier general who later became the
president of Mexico.
Ignacio Zaragoza was a Texas-born general who was told to
defend Puebla.
Emperor Napoleon III was the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte
and in charge of the French Army.
Maximilian was made the reigning monarch of Mexico by the
What role did each of these people play?
Benito Juarez was the president of Mexico.
Porfirio Diaz used his cavalry to attack the French and eliminate
Ignacio Zaragoza was ordered by Benito Juarez to defend Puebla.
Emperor Napoleon III attacked Mexico to collect money that was
owed to France.
Maximilian was made the emperor and reigning monarch of
Mexico by the French.
What is the biggest misconception about Cinco de Mayo?
Many Americans think that Cinco de Mayo celebrates the
independence of Mexico.
What caused the conflict that led to the Battle of Puebla?
Mexico was unable to pay back France, Spain, and Great Britain.
Explain what happened at the Battle of Puebla.
The Battle of Puebla lasted from daybreak to early evening.
General Lorenz led his troops towards Puebla to take it over.
General Ignacio Zaragoza and Brigadier General Porfirio Diaz
were better prepared and able to drive away General Lorenz and
his troops.

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How long did the conflict last and in what year did it end?
It lasted six years and ended in 1867.
What was the end result of the conflict?
The victory of the Mexican Republic.
b) Festive Foods
Explain what mole, chipotle, chilaquiles, and enchiladas
Mole is a rich sauce made of chocolate, chilies, and many spices.
Chipotle is a smoked jalapeno chili.
Chilaquiles are tortillas stir fried with onions, spices, sometimes
chicken, and then topped with cheese and gravy.
Enchiladas are tortillas dipped in chili sauce and filled with meat
or cheese.
Name and describe three typical foods served at Cinco de
Mayo (not including the ones listed above).
Chalupas are thick fried tortillas that are topped with salsa,
shredded meat, chopped onion, and cheese.
Quesadillas are tortillas that are stuffed with cheese, folded, and
Tamales are cornmeal paste that is wrapped in corn or banana
husks and then stuffed with chicken, pork, turkey, or vegetables.
Describe a traditional tortilla.
Tortillas are made of flour or maize and are often served with
meals instead of bread. They can also be used for dishes like
enchiladas, tacos, and quesadillas.
What is recommended in terms of eating while traveling?
Try eating real, traditional Mexican foods instead of the Mexican
foods at familiar fast-food restaurants.
What food item accompanies almost every meal?
Tortillas accompany almost every meal.
What is the typical Mexicans meal schedule like?
Mexicans usually a light breakfast, a large lunch, a light dinner,
and a second light dinner afterwards.
What Mexican foods do we eat in the U.S. today?
Tacos, quesadillas, salsa, guacamole, and tortillas.
c) Modern Music and Moves
What are some common topics in Mexican songs?
Machismo, love, betrayal, death, politics, revolutionary heroes,
and even animals.

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What is Mariachi music?
It is a cultural revolution expressed through a group of musicians
who are dressed in popular clothing that encompasses the
essence of Mexico.
What kind of instruments are used in Mariachi music?
Trumpets, violins, guitars, basses, and vihuelas.
Identify at least two modern day Mariachi groups and give
a few details about each one.
Mariachi Mass was the idea of a Canadian priest.
Son Jacilenese includes a distinctive type of footwork.
What is Tejano music and why is it so popular?
Tejano is music that has a more modern sound. It has become
popular because it has started to include disco and hip-hop
d) Fascinating Facts
Other than the Battle of Puebla, what three things does
Cinco de Mayo celebrate?
Mexican culture, heritage, and independence.
What was Frances excuse for invading Mexico?
France wanted to get the money that Mexico owed it.
Why doesnt the whole country celebrate Cinco de Mayo?
The Battle of Puebla did not have as big of an effect on other
areas of Mexico, so for many places May 5 is just a normal day.
How many Mexican and French soldiers were involved in
the Battle of Puebla?
About 2000 Mexican soldiers and 6000 French soldiers were
Why was the initial victory at Puebla important in Mexicos
It represented a symbolic victory for the Mexican government
and also bolstered the resistance movement.
Why could Cinco de Mayo be significant to all Americans?
The United States has a very large Mexican population, so Cinco
de Mayo gives them an opportunity to celebrate and share their
e) Typical Traditions
What can you expect to see in a Cinco de Mayo parade?
Street performers, mariachi bands, and singers.
Other than parades, what other activities are common for
a Cinco de Mayo celebration?
Mariachi music performances and street festivals.

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Describe the typical costume for Cinco de Mayo.
People dress in bright colors and go to parades.
Why is Cinco de Mayo celebrated on a much larger scale
in the U.S?
The large Mexican population in the United States brought the
tradition of celebrating Cinco de Mayo to the United States, and
then the United States commercialized the celebration.
Name and describe two popular decorations made for this
Serapes are brightly colored ponchos that many people wear for
Cinco de Mayo.
Luminarias are punched tin or clay candleholders that shine starlike patterns around the rooms they are placed in.

Cinco de Mayo has many important components to its festivities, such as

music, costumes, and decorations. One of the most important components of the
festivities is food. Many traditional Mexican dishes are made to celebrate Cinco de
Mayo, such as chalupas, quesadillas, and tamales. Mole, tortillas, chipotles,
chilaquiles, and enchiladas are also important parts of the Cinco de Mayo festivities.
All of these foods are served at Cinco de Mayo parties and at regular Mexican meals
as well. They are also very popular in Cinco de Mayo celebrations in the United
States, not just in Mexico. The foods help give Mexicans living in the United States a
chance to celebrate their culture and heritage with traditions from Mexico. Without
the costumes, music, and foods served during Cinco de Mayo, the celebrations
would not be nearly as fun and exciting and would make it more difficult for
Mexicans to celebrate their culture.

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