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Shkolla 9-Vjecare dhe e Mesme Jopublike "Migjeni"

Emer Mbiemer:_____________________

_____ Janar 2016

Lenda: Gjuhe Angleze

Mark: _______

Klasa: VII

/ 45 points
Testim Drejtorie 2

A. Choose the correct item. (5 pts)

1. Sally doesnt eat much / many sweets.
2. There are only a few / a little apples left.
3. We havent got some / any coffee.

4. How much/ many meat do you need?

5. Mike eats very little / few vegetables.

B. Fill in a, an, the, or where necessary (5 pts)

6. A: Can you tell me the way to the nearest supermarket?
B: Sure. Turn right here and youll find it on _____King
7. A: Have you ever travelled to ______Africa?
B: No, I havent but Ive been to _____Asia.
8. A: Is this _______Nancys car?
B: No, _____red car over there is hers.

9. A: Where are _______ Browns going

for their summer holiday?
B: Theyre going _______ Canary Islands.
10. A: ________ Tom is going to _____
Spain on business. B: Is he going to stay
at ______ Ambassador Hotel again?

C. Use some/ any/ no/ every + body (one)/ thing/ where to complete the sentences.( 6 pts)
1. A: Theres a magic sword........................on
this level
B: Oh look! There it is!
2. A: Theres ............................coming along
the corridor.
B: Its a dragon! Kill it or youll lose a life.
3. A: This games difficult! Tell help me.

4. Theres nothing in this cave. Ive
5. A: Were lost. Can ........................ tell
us what to do?
B: But theres


D. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive or ing form. (4 pts)
She refused to try (try) parkour
1. He likes ..(do) risky things.
2. Let me (help) you with this
3. He is interested in ..(learn) how to
4. Id better (go) now.

Id rather ..(stay) in tonight.
6. We look forward to .. (see) you.
7. Id rather . (not/ talk/ to him
8. Let me ..(help) you with this

E. Match the words (10 pts)

F. Complete the sentences using the passive or

the causative.


1. They made the building of stone. The building.......................................................................................

2. People hunt blue whales for food. Blue whales.......................................................................................
3. They held the first Olympic Games in Greece. The first.........................................................................
4. A lot of tourists will visit the Pyramids this year. The Pyramids.............................................................
5. He has repaired the roof. The roof...........................................................................................................
6. The city council runs the zoo. The zoo....................................................................................................
7. A big fire has destroyed the forest. The forest.........................................................................................
8. Hell ask Jane to cut his hair. Hell have.................................................................................................
9. Bill is fixing our fence. We......................................................................................................................
10. Mary tidies Sues bedroom. Sue............................................................................................................
G. Explain the meaning of the following idioms:
1. A piece of cake.____________________________________________________________________


2. Too many cooks spoil the broth.______________________________________________________

3. A couch potatoe.___________________________________________________________________
4. Its selling like hot cakes.____________________________________________________________
5. Crying over spilt milk.______________________________________________________________



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