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Grade 6
St. Francis Xavier Primary School

Unit Description
During this unit students explored different ways
in which electrical energy can be created.
Students developed a basic understanding of
circuits through testing batteries and
experimenting with food as an electrical energy
source. They investigated solar energy and wind
energy throughout the unit by participating in
discussions about environmental significance
and how renewable energy sources can be used
in everyday life. Students worked collaboratively
to research, design and construct a studentdesigned investigation (wind powered car or
solar oven). They then presented their findings
to peers. Students were given opportunities to
evaluate their own learning individually and as
part of a group.

Teacher Comments
Georgia had lots of ideas about electrical energy
including renewable sources such as solar panels,
wind turbines and hydro turbines. Throughout the
battery/light bulb experiment, her group tried
many different objects such as things in their
pencil cases to see what would produce energy.
Georgia and Grace worked well together to
construct their wind powered car. Georgia
understood how different design elements could
affect the effectiveness of her wind powered car,
this was shown by the decision to make the sail
bigger as it would be a bigger surface area.

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