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Mathematics Assessment Interview Record Sheet Student Name: _ Date of MAL Grade:_|__ School __ LCityTown: _} Interviewer Name: _ !{ Cf i Date of Last MAT: 114 Previous Growth Point Profile: _{ Comments:. Comment on relevant factors or observations (attitude, confidence, oral lengeage diffie 3d Section A— COUNTING Growth Point ()_ DETOUR (ALSO RECOMMENDED FOR BEGINNING OF FOUNDATION YEAR) | Le Teddy task & | a. Estimate! b, Actual - F1) Simpler counting tasks/more or less/conservation 2 | Brror sequence (if any) a, Sort by one attribute (colour) ¢, How many teddies? 24) correct count CF bb. Count acollection of 4 a § | & How many now? CF (ome es eeout) et are | 2. Forwards/backwards/breaking sequence . Make a set, cardinal number $ aX eee (srr sequencs) |, Conserve aunt () Tdine moved 2) Hiding 3 (error sequence) hae 84> 1130 (error sequence) | Hewmaryblueteddies (+9) sereened A___* = 4.24109 (error sequence) | # Howmany blue teddies (543)not screened > elo 10 (error sequence) | F2) Location/pattera/ordinal number 3 = a. Follow directional language instruction 2 |3. More and Less beside QF behind 1 in front of © | a, One more than 56 b. Name colour pattern EF b. One less than 56 ciel acs e _ | 4- Counting from 0 by 10s, 5s, 2s. @. Continue pattem 7 Flats O #1 (0-110) ¢. Explain pattern witout iis ibe & 40s i [PS 7 ce £Ordinal number G3" Due GST _acn ~ c.2s : g El a's sage aoa 35 RHEL 3) Subitising/matching numerals to quantities! 3 | "“Xnown fact/Simore ordering/one-to-one correspondence/part-part-whole £1] Counton by ones Nar eliHo ode tet meat eos E | + Skip count from 0 £482000305305 940489305 E |e. 10 less than 70 a , Match numerals to quantities || + Known fact /10 less ee | + Count back by ones ¢. Order numeral cards 1-5 Bj, 3 U 2 § + Skip count up to 4. Order numeral cards 1-9. 5. Counting from x by 10s, 5s © Olds sina arse & | a. 23-108 (105) 3 f Show 6 fingers BS tf 24-44 (5s) O another way? another way? 2, Identify ‘more than “numbers 6. Counting from = by y (@l more 4-4) Gi) | more 10 O__ Gil) more 15. a. 11-35 (3s) Lee ed LIE ¢ ify “less than’ numbers ~ utc! 3 i b. 20-55 (7s) Eee eenaneee Lies 3 ¥)() (ii) L less 12 Dili) 1 Ness 200 4/7. Counting money f. One to one correspondence of straws and cups E] “Method prediction S correct sharing SO a, Stated total ($2.85) $ J. Order shortest to longest candles (with 3) bb. Money needed for $5 ($2.1 ik. Order shortest to longest candles (with 4) Page 1 Y Section B - PLACE VALUE Growth Points $1238 4 Growth Point _{ 8. Reading numerals: 1-4 digit numbers aA Ist difficulty 'b. Cards problem cards ions |. Interpreting I-digit numbers 7 teddies, ld. How many now’ 1B (one less /\fecounts), le. Quantities to 10: (circle strategy used) ‘Growth Point 2 (with bold strateres) GP3¢-08-01 GP4eoe1) aA ww ws eo sh a If 21 bse fab bob ub ub ub ub ub Jcount count eoiat count (count ‘count count aint count “count 9a. Writing numerals (Calculator) Ano Ist difficulty ‘9b. Reading numerals: 1-4+ digit numbers Ist difficulty 10. Ordering tasks ~ 1-4 digit numbers Ledigit 71 2-digit 1 4-digit 0 Interpreting 2-digit numbers: 11, Bundling (circle strategy used) a. Correct bundling ‘© 3 tens and 6 ones that's 36 10, 20, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,35, 36 © 1,2, 3 tens and 1-6 ones, that's 10, 20, 30, 31-36 «counts by ones # other, 'b. How many now? ___ #26, that’s one less ten OR that’s 2 tens and 6 ones © 10, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,26 © 1, 2 tens and 1-6 ones, that's 10, 20, 21-26 © counts By ones «+ other 12. 2-digit number line: Answer Bas55 Explanation a Interpreting 3-digit numbers: 13, 3-digit number line: Answer_ (130-170) Explanation 14. Some more 10more than $92, 15. Some less 10 less than 408 Dei 0 398) Interpreting 4-digit numbers: 16, Ten more 10 more than 2791 17. One hundred tess 2801) 100 less than 3027 D e927) ACU Research Version 2013, Extending and Applying Place Value Knowledge: 18. Capital cities a. Reading Darwin’s population (127 532) b. Reading Hobart’s population (2/4 705) 01 ¢. Reading Melbourne’s population (4077 036) 01 4d. Correct nomination of 4th largest (Perth) Explanation using place value a 19, Number lines a, Estimate on 0-100 line (55-75) b, Estimate on 0 2000 line (400-600) ¢. Estimate on 39-172 line (65 -95) 4. Estimate on 0 1,000,000 line (700,000 -800,000) o Quo NOTES Growth Pola § ‘Section C — ADDITION & SUBTRACTION 24, Derived strategies (circle strategy used) Growth Point_C} ai2-6 20. Counting on + Using doubles or known facts [aAnswer |) _S¥circle strategy used) + Count back (12, 11,...6) & | + Count on (either 9,10,11,12,13 0F 4,5,6,7, 8.01213) + Other... 3 | « Basic-Derived Strategy or Known fact “'5- 61) b.7+8 a & | Soman .234.56,789,011 1213) -« + Near doubles or known fact ol us * Count on (7, 8, 9,... 15 or 8, 9, 10,...15) g |rcomat PASE rea 001209 a & | aunt all (12305 5,6,7.88,101112513) «19-15 a Fact family or known fact 21, Count back/ modelling all (8 -3) a. Answer C (circle strategy used) + Basic/Derived Strategy (e.g. known fact 5+3=8) + Count back al, in head (76,5 0F 8,7.6,5) * Count back al, with fingers only used to keep track (76,5 0F 8,76,5) + Modelling all (Shows 8 fingers, then takes away 3) + Other b. Answer + Modelling all hows 8 fingers, then takes away 3) + Other 22. Count down to/eount up from (12-9) Answer __ 1 (circle strategy used) + Basic/Derived Strategy (2.g., known fact 9+ 3 =12) * Count down 10 (12, 11, 10,9) *+ Count up from (9, 10, Uy 12) + Fingers used during ‘count down to” or ‘count up from’ only to keep track + Count back all (12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6,5, 4,3) + Modelling all (Shows 12 ‘things "then takes eway 9 things,’ leaving 3) Growth Point 3 (bold strategy in Q22 atleast) + Other 23. Basic strategies (circle strategy used) aded a + Doubles or known fact + Count on (4, 5, 6, 7, 8) + Other b.2 419 a + Commutativity and count on (19, 20, 21) + Known fact * Count on from 2 (2, 3, 4,... 21) + Other c.4+6 a + Tens fact or known fact + Count on (6, 7, 8,9, 10 or 4, 5,6, 7, 8,9, 10) + Other iatiss 427+10 0 + Add 10 27, 37) + Build to next 10 (to 30 then 7 more) + Count on by 1s (27. 28, 29, 30,...37) + Other 10-7 a + Known fact or fact family (eg., 7 +3 =10) + Count down to (10,9, 8, 7 0r 9, 8 7) + Count up from (7, 8, 9, 10 or 8, 9, 10) + Count back (10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3) with or without fingers fo keep track only. + Modelling all with fingers (shows10 fingers, take away 7) + Other Growth Point 4 (AN23 correct & atleast} bold strategies) ACU Research Version 2013, * Count down to (19, 18, 17, 16, 15) + Count up from (15, 16, 17, 18, 19) + Count back all (19, 18, 17.... 6,5, 4) + Other 4.16+5 a *Build to next ten (to 20 then 1 more) «Known fact + Add units, then plus 10 (11, 21) + Other 6.3649 a + Add 10 take T(36,46,45) + Build to next ten (t0 40 then S more) + Known fact + Count on + Other Extending & Applying Strategies: 25, Multi-digit strategies a. 68 +32 b.25 +99 ©. 100-68 4. Half of 30 a. €. Double 26 a. 26. How many digits? (circle strategy used) a. 134+ 689 C1 (less than 1000) Explanation. + Focus on 100s digit + Other b, 1246-358 0 (less than 1000) Explanation + Focus on 100s digit + Other 27. Estimating and calculating addition a. Estimate. (Gnithin range 800-1000) O1 b. Mental answer ¢. Written answer 28, Estimating and calculating subtraction a. Estimate (within range 200-300) 01 b, Mental answer: a , Written answer: a Notes Growth Polat § (AN24 correct and at least 3 bold strategies) Growth Point 6 Section D - MULTIPLICATION & DIVISIO! rowth Poi GP Lor GP2 (with botd strategies) rowth Pot 3 (with bold strategies) G Modelling Multiplication & Division: 29. Teddy cars (circle strategy used) a.Answer__& J b. Alternate Strategy: “Skip cout by “Skip count by *Known fact *Known fact — * Count all by is * Count all by Ts + Other + Other 30. Teddies on the Mats (circle strategy used) a. Estimate, beAnswer i] sit + Uses groups * Trial & error (using groups) 38. Multiplication problems a3x10_ O ¢10x7_ Oe 4x30__ b.2x7__ 0 d3x50__ Tf 5x7__ 0 39, Cost of stickers (circle strategy used) aAnswer 983) + Known fact + Building up from known facts (e.g, 3x81) + Skip count +Other a b, Stickers in 6 packets? Answer + Known fact + Building up from known facts (e.g, 3x8 + Scr sx6x2) (48) « iy saee + Skip count Share by [5 * Other ae Partial Modelling Multiplication & Division: ~ ‘ Division Strategi 31. Unifix train (circle strategy used) 40. Interpreting division aAnswer Ob, Alternate Strategy: Read (ee, 12 divided by 4) “Skip count by “Skip count _ Comect drawing +Known fact “Known fact + Draws 12 and partitions into 4 groups of 3 (partitive) * Count all by Is + Count all by 1s + Draws 12 and partitions into 3 groups of 4 (quotitive) + Other. + Other. Explanation a 32, Tennis balls (circle strategy used) 41. Division problems a. Answer Alternate Strategy: a 16 Oct Fe3s95 8 *Skip count by “Skip count b.60-10 Od 24-39 £35+7__ 0 +Known fact +Known fact 42. Washing windows (circle sirategy used) * Count all by Is + Count all by Ts a. Mental answer C7 + Other, + Other + Known fact (6 mimes) 33, Dots array (circle strategy used) + Building up from known facts (2.2, 24:82) a. Answer Ob, Alternate Strategy: (oa coe +Skip count by *Skip count _ ‘oiers + Other strategy SEPP +Known fact +Known fact I reid aeeeercEc + Count all by Ts * Count all by Ts eae al + Other. *+ Other, re Abstracting Multiplication & Division: 34, Biscuits on a tray (circle strategy used) g | Answer a & | + Repeated adiition + Skip count * Known fact E |+Countall by 1s + Other | 35. Number of legs (circle strategy used) = | a. Answer b. Alternate Strategy: = | + Skip count by + Ship count 3 | + Known fact +Known fact & | + Count all by is * Count all by Is i + Other + Other © | 36, At the movies (circle strategy used) Answer + Uses groups + Known fact + Share by 1s + Other «a, | Multiplication Strategies: } | 37. Interpreting multiplication 2 | Read Des, € | Correct drawing 0 & [+ Array + Number line + Groups + Other Explanation a ACU Research Version 2013 Extending & Applying Multiplication & Division: 43. Offto the cireus (5 buses) Answer a 44, Stamp collection (circle strategy used) a. Mental answer 0 90 stamps) + Building up from known facts (e.g, 105 +8x5) + Doubling/ halving (ex, 510) __ + Skip counting (by 5s, by 18s) * Vertical method (visualised mentally) + Other strategy. b, Written answer Strategy. 45. Trees in an orchard (circle strategy used) a. Mental answer, D7 rows) * Building up from known facts (eg, Bo14=70-[4428-14) a + Double/double; Habve/halve (.., 98-14-497) + Skip counting (by14) * Other strategy. b. Written answer, + Strategy with bald strates tom Grave Poin bold seatroless Groth Point 7 iit hold srnteiens

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