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SMART Targets and Career Plan Mohsin Rana

SMART targets relate to an acronym which lists the following

concerning goals or objectives of an individual or business:

Time bound

The table below shows the SMART targets I have gathered based on
my previous career plan summary also found on the site.
SMART Targets
Accounting and Finance Degree
(BA) This target of my career
plan is SMART because it is
specific in terms of the
qualification I am to receive, its
measurable as I know roughly it
will take 3 years to obtain with
holiday terms included, it is
achievable as this is my aspired
career path and with incredible
effort and teacher support I can
achieve the qualification, it is
realistic as I have already
applied for university and I have
a conditional offer to obtain my
place and achieve the
qualification, it is time bound as
I will have specified time on each
aspect of the course to complete
whatever is required whether it
be exams or coursework I will
have time set out.
ACA (Association of Chartered
Accountants) - This target of my
career plan is SMART because it
is specific in terms of the
qualification I am to receive, its
measurable as I know roughly it
will take 2 years to obtain with
study leave from work included,

I am going to review this target
in September of 2018 at the
beginning of my last year of my
degree, I will do this by looking
at where my current grades are
in my course and where I need
to improve to pass and obtain
my desired grade for the

I am going to review this target

in the summer time of 2020
which will be after the first year
of exams on my ACA and I
should have the results, with this
I will look at where my current
grades are on the qualification
and where I need to improve to

it is achievable as this is part of

my aspired career path and with
incredible effort I can achieve
the qualification and become
chartered, it is realistic as I have
already applied for university
and I have a conditional offer to
obtain my place and achieve my
degree and then obtain a job
with an accountancy firm and
achieve this qualification, it is
time bound as I will have
specified time on each aspect of
the qualification to complete
exams, I will also have time set
out for revision.
Interview skills improvement This target of my career plan is
SMART, because it is specific
meaning I have to improve skills
in job recruitment but specifically
my skills during interviews, it is
measurable as I am able to test
how much my interview skills
would have improved, it is
achievable as with technique I
will be able to improve my skills
during interviews, it is realistic
as its not impossible to improve
my skills of how to do well
during interviews, it is time
bound as I am fully aware of the
specific time when I will have to
improve my interview skills.
Microsoft Excel skills
improvement - This target of my
career plan is SMART, it is
specific because I am know
ledged on other main areas of
Microsoft office software except
excel, it is measurable as I am
aware of which aspects of the
software I lack knowledge on, it
is achievable as there are
numerous resources to learn
from very easily step by step, it
is realistic as with proper

pass and obtain my desired

grades for the qualification.

I will review this target

sometime around September of
2018 when 2019 vacancies open
for graduate positions in all
accountancy firms, I will review
it by seeing how much my
interview skills have improved by
practically doing a practice
interview with a friend or family
member, alongside other
methods such as memorizing
answers to various questions.

I will review this target around

the beginning of 2017, and I will
do this by experimenting with
different functions of the excel
software to make sure I can fully
use it proficiently as Im able to
use Word of PowerPoint, for
example I will make calculations
out of random numbers using
the excel software itself and
make sure I know the correct

learning and research I will be

able to improve my skills in
excel, it is time bound as well as
Im aware of when in my career
plan I will have to improve my
skills in excel.

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