Gifted Hands

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Gifted Hands (The Ben Carson Story)

1. Why did the woman stand on the ledge at the beginning of the movie?
2. Why did Dr. Carson delay doing the cranial separation surgery for 4 months? How did he
prepare? ___he delay the surgery to do more research _______
3. How did Bens elementary teacher record math test results? Do you think this is a good or
bad way? Explain.
4. Benjamin said he was dumb, what did his mother say? __mother sad you are not
everything is inside you mind. ____________________________________________
5. When the Carson boys were not monitored (mother was at work) what did the kids mostly
do? They watch Tv all the time.___________
6. What did Benjamins mother notice about her son when trying to help him with his
homework? __Benjamin mother notice that she cant read to help them with there home
7. After he got glasses, what happened to his math grades? _after he got his glasses he
improve in his maths grades____________________________________________
8. When did Benjamin discover he had an imagination? Why is an imagination important to
have? ____Benjamin discover his imagination in a church. _imagination is important
because you can imagination new things._______
9. What did Benjamins mother reply to his announcement that he wanted to be a missionary
doctor? __________
10.How old was Benjamins mother when she was married? ____ Where did she live before she
was married?
_she was 13 years old when she got married.
11.How does Benjamins mother support her family? _she use to clean people house
12.Benjamin thinks his mom is the meanest mom in the world because while she is away Ben
and his brother cant go outside to play until they learn their times tables. Do you agree?
Explain. _____yes I agree, because of that meanest mon in the world he became want he is
today ________________________
13.What did Benjamins mother find in her suitcase? Is Benjamin a man of his word? Is that
important? Why?
14.How did Benjamins hard work pay off? ___he became a doctor

15.After cleaning a rich, educated gentlemans house, Bens mother came home and asked
her boys to start doing what activity in their spare time? __to read 2 books in
16.How was Benjamin able to improve his spelling tests? ________ben improve his spelling by
reading and writhing ______________________________________
17.What significance was the black (obsidian) rock that Benjamin found? _it was lava
18.Benjamin tells his teacher he is sorry after being asked to stay after school. The teacher
responds with Someone unlocked the door. What does he mean? ____you can
19.How did the television programs that the Carson boys watched change over time? Why?
__they know all the answer beforehand. they started more faces om there learning
20.Highest academic achievement in 8th grade went to Benjamin Carson. Why was his
achievement undermined?
Because he was black
21.How did Benjamin respond when confronted with information he didnt know anything
about, like music and art?
22.Why did Benjamins mother say he was talking smart but acting stupid?
23.He could have ruined his entire life by one impulsive act, what was it? ___it try to stab his
What kept his friend from being seriously injured? The belt
24.What did Benjamin do to manage his anger problem? __read Bible
25.Bens medical school professor says the following to the class about becoming a
neurosurgeon, Your dreams are all possible because of 3 lbs of gray matter. Incredible
hand eye coordination is a gift. What is he really saying? __he saying you need to have
hand and eye
26.How does Ben overcome his studying obstacle at Yale? _he use to read books
27.What caused him to be accepted to John Hopkins? __he said he like classical music and
brain is miracle _______________________________________________
28.How did Benjamin experience racism as a new intern? How did he overcome this barrier?
He stated to talk nicely to people in the hospital.__________________
29.John Hopkins medical director congratulated Ben on taking the proper action with a
critical patient in spite of the possible consequences. Would you like your doctor to have
this characteristic? How about your friends? Explain.

30.After his wife suffers a miscarriage, she encourages him to go back to work. How was he
able to do this and do you think this was the right decision? Explain. I think it was right
decision He want to save the twins because he couldnt save his child
31.Why do you think Benjamin is drawn to playing pool? What activity do you use to focus
your attention and use your strengths? ___watch
32.How did Benjamin Carson figure out a solution to the bleeding out of the twins? ___to stop
the hart for one hour ______________________
33.What was the result of the surgery? He successfully done the surgery
34.What was the most important lesson(s) or feeling(s) you got or absorbed from this movie
(emotionally and/or intellectually)? Most important lesson is nobody is dumb
35.Why do you think this movie is important? What is the main purpose of this movie and why
do you think teachers like showing this movie to their students? Because this movie
inspirational movies. Teachers like show this movies you can become whatever you want

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