Lee Stan Why

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Erika Alvarado

Most Influential AmericanResearch Project

On a cold December in 1922s New York, full name Stanley Martin Lieber who would be
eventually known as Stan Lee was born. Raised by two loving and supportive parents Jack
Celia Lieber, who was encouraged his knack for reading all sorts of literature, although his
were consist of various genres of fictions. He went to DeWitt Clinton High School, where his
favorite teacher and inspiration Leon B. Ginsberg had taught him learning that could be
enjoyable if added with a sense of humor. Stan carried this ideology to everywhere and applied it
to each action he took in everyday life. It was this support system at home and educational
encouragement that lead Lee to develop the incredible skill to cushion the cruel realities of life
for generations. Stan Lee, American comic book writer, publisher,and editor, is the most
influential American in the history of the United States. Reasons being that he revolutionized
comic book heroes of this and past times, changed moral in America, and impacted cinema
Office Boy! that was him, Stanley the legendary writer we know today started his first
real job as an intern editor in Timely magazine, which would soon develop into Marvel Comics.
There he made airens to the coffee shops nearby, refill Ink jars, and proof read articles. It was
until he prompted into a editor in chief. Martin Goodman the Comic Book publisher was soon
competing with Wheeler- Nicholson's company who was also producing comics with heroes,
soon be known as DC heroes. It was then that Martin had told Stan to create a group of heroes. to
think this simple request made by his boss would turn out to be the most influential heroes in pop
culture One day he came to me and he said you know one of our competitors has a book called
The Justice League and it's selling well and it's a bunch of superheroes, why don't we do some
superhero magazines? I said OK, I wanted to keep my job so I came up with The Fantastic Four.
(Stan Lee Comic Book Heros,CNN Interview). It was then he created a series of comic book
stories with heroes such as fantastic four , The Incredible Hulk and most famous was Spiderman.
Where the difference between the two comic companies was established. This was when Stan
Lee had transformed the perspective of comic book heroes. In Stan Lees graphic novels were
more down to earth when compared to DC comics. In the book Superheroes!: Capes and
Crusaders in Comics and Films Of Heroes and Gods it states Superman...he has preternatural
strength..he is also able to fly, heat things with his eyes and bounce bullets off his chest.
Daredevil on the other hand has keen senses as a by-product of his blinding with radioactive
material, and developing his senses. This was the difference in how comic characters were set
up, with how they got their powers and who they were. In DC they had superheroes who were
are exceptionally good people with extraordinary abilities. Supervillains who were maniacally
evil people with extraordinary abilities. Then both superpowers came primarily from aliens,

technology, and training. Meanwhile, marvel superheroes are people with extraordinary abilities
that fight the injustices they suffer. Then supervillains who were people with extraordinary
abilities that lash out against the injustices they suffer and both of their superpowers come
primarily from radiation, mutation and divinity. In other words, the heroes in DC were gods that
were acting as if regular person, while Marvel had ordinary people pretending to be Gods. This
new development of the comic book hero has changed how we perceive heroes. Since Stan had
an element of humanity, he had thrust the average person into new sense of power and
responsibility. This gave readers more of an opportunity to relate to heroes such as Peter Parker
in Spider man, who was an ordinary photographer in High School but was then given powers and
choice on how to use them and if he would want it to affect her everyday life. This brand of hero
would influence many other heroes to come, even in DC such Batman.
Another influence Stan Lee had in history was during the WWII period, where he
changed moral in America. A time where people were infected with hysteria and fear of
communism and bombs hitting unexpectedly. It was then in 1942 that Lee entered the United
States Army serving in Signal Corps. Here he wrote manuals, made training films, and slogans,
and once and a while cartooning (HerosforHire). It was around this time Captain America was
created. It was this character that would revitalize children and young adults alike to keep faith in
America and encourage soldiers fighting in the war. Captain America was the embodiment of
patriotism after all, with the United States flag colors plastered all over his costume with the Star
on his shield as well. Caps issues were of him fight along with Americans against the Nazi
threat, however this was changed into a villain that the embodiment of communism, Red Skull
(Captain America Origin). This influenced Americas zeitgeist especially children of fear to
those of hope. These issues of Captain America comic-books were sent to troops in huge
amounts, and the soldiers enjoyed them as a form of morale boost for a period of time was a
considered a good form of contact with their home. Considering this influence it had on people
during troubling time, it may have not national change but to America during that time it gave
regular people a sense of stability. It gave them an escape or even a soften way of seeing the
dangerous events that are taken place around them.
The final actions of Stan Lee that make him the most influential in todays cinema. In the
more present time there are many stories from comics coming onto the silver screen. However,
not as much as Stan Lees Marvel graphic novel stories such as Spiderman, X-Men, and
Avengers. The first few movies of Marvel to come out where movies such as Howard the Duck,
The punisher, and The Hulk. Then in the 1990s the movie Spiderman was released in 2002
and a few years after DC released Batmans Dark Knight. According to Flimmit, the film
grossed almost $404 million (domestically) and $822 million (worldwide). It was the No. 1
grossing film of 2002. On the other hand the Dark knight had, The film brought in $533.3
million (domestically) and $1,004.6 million (or over $1 billion) worldwide, with a production
budget of $185 million. This doesnt seem to be very persuasive on Stan Lees part, especially if
the story based on his comic is not one many deem not worth watching. Nevertheless, fast
forward to 2010s, and our current time, according to article Verge Marvel movies tramples
DCs most recent films Man of Steel, The Dark Knight, and Green Lantern by millions of dollars

with movies such The Avengers, X-men First Class, and many others. So what changed?
It all goes back to Stan Lees influential stories with more character development, diversities, and
appeal to humanity.
In contrast to Stan Lee, other many think he is not the most strong figure in American
History, it is argued that his stories are not too special compared to other more important
literature that was produced during his time and further on. In rebuttal to this if one looks at the
Marvel Sales or all it products movies, comic books and merchandise alike. Stan Lees creation
had made of 24 million fans are buying and watching, devoted. In comparison, Marvel has 100
thousand sold in comic book while other comic book productions had up to average of at least 77
sold this year.
If this is not influence on an American Culture of Media, arts, and literature, I there must
be more evidence to why it is not. In Conclusion, Stan Lee has made such amazing creations in
America that had influence history so much. To the time he was born until present day, is he still
influencing our culture with timeless stories and idea. Accomplishing this by revolutionized
comic book heros of this and past times, changed zeitgeist of the world in turmoil , and in film
productions today.

Annotated Bibliography
It was the support system at home and educational encouragement that lead Lee to develop
the incredible skill to cushion the cruel realities of life for generations. Stan Lee, American
comic book writer, publisher,and editor, is the most influential American in the history of the
United States. Reasons being that he revolutionized comic book heros of this and past times,
changed moral in America, and in cinema today.

1) Bacher, Krupen. "THE EARLY DAYS." Stan Lee. N.p., 2013. Web. 24 May 2015.
This was used to see what affected Stan Lees Creation of characters during his time.
Also what were the event during this time.
2. Booker, Keith M. Comics through Time. A History of Icons, Idols, and Ideas. Vol. 1.
New York: Praeger, 2014. Print.
This was to give me background knowledge on comic book and what they meant in
American culture. What part did they play for children, adults and people in between.

3. Dittmer, Jason. "Captain America's Empire: Reflections on Identity, Popular Culture,

and Post-9/11 Geopolitics." Annals of the Association of American Geographers 95.3
(2005): 626-43. Web.
The source provided me with information of Captain America and his origins and how
he influenced the time period of War. It also gave me a depiction of what role he played
for others and the comic book world.

5. Holland, Adrea. "Stan Lee." Heroes for Hire. N.p., 2012. Web. 24 May 2015.
This gave me more description on Stan Lees Life in detail, if not for this source I
would not know of him enlisting the war.
6. Kaveney, Roz. Superheroes!: Capes and Crusaders in Comics and Films. London:
I.B. Tauris, 2008. Print.
Another source provided me with background information on Superheros. More
philosophically what they stand for and how we define them. This helped me see how
Stan Lee changed that definition.
7. Lee, Stan, and George Mair. Excelsior!: The Amazing Life of Stan Lee. New York:
Fireside, 2002. Print.
This was biography written by Stan Lee himself giving me first hand say of what he
experienced in his life. Also on what actions he took and why.

1. All-Time Top Box-Office Films By Decade and Year." All-Time Top Box-Office
Films By Decade and Year. American Movie Classics Company, 2014. Web. 24 May
2015. <http://www.filmsite.org/boxoffice2.html>.
This source gave statics on the Marvel movies and DC movies, its box office amouna and gross
amount. This helped me understand how Marvels movies were growing in popularity. Also
giving me the proper number to compare.

2. "Movies | Marvel.com." Movies | Marvel.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 May 2015.

The source provided me with information, more of a list of when the movies had come
and in what order. I was able to see the year which helped me see if it was because of
the year that Marvel Trending of just content.
2. "Stan Lee." The History of Marvel. Weebly, n.d. Web. 24 May 2015.

This gave me basic background information on the writer and editor Stan lee. It was
also used as cross reference for other courses.
3. Curry, Neil. "Stan Lee's Universe - CNN.com." CNN. Cable News Network, 12 June
2013. Web. 24 May 2015. <http://www.cnn.com/2013/06/12/showbiz/comic-bookheroes-stan-lee-write/>.
This interview gave me insight on how Stan Lee created the first character and why.
This was also used to provide and support a point on how it was not out money. Also
given for background information.
4. The Editors of Encyclopdia Britannica. "Stan Lee Biography." - Childhood, Life
Achievements & Timeline. N.p., 2015. Web. 24 May 2015.
This was used in cross ference with other sources and background information.
Gambit. Also to establish when this character is developed and how it is important to
the X-men team. What was the inspiration.
5. "The Father of Modern Comics: How Stan Lee Changed the Industry." Web log post.
ComicVine. N.p., 30 Mar. 2012. Web. 24 May 2015.
This blog shares the opinions of many die hard fans and investigators, theories and
debates on the Marvel and Stan Lee, give me idea of how much Stan has influenced
people with his character. Such as debates on which is better or what Stan truly based
them on and why.

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