May 27 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam May 27, 2016

When we chant the Name of Lord Krishna, what thoughts should come to our
mind? What must we learn from the life Krishna lived? Bhagawan highlights
Lord Krishna made a sacred determination that he
would bring peace and happiness to all by setting
a personal example. He radiated happiness,
irrespective of whether he was in a battlefield,
cremation ground or in a peaceful place. This was
a great quality of Lord Krishna. We sing only in
our happy moments, but Lord Krishna was singing
even in a battlefield and was exuding happiness.
He was always in bliss. Look at the root meaning
of the name Krishna: One who is an object of
attraction to everyone is Krishna. The other
meaning is Karshayateethi Krishna - Krishna is
one who ploughs the field. Realise that the field
that Krishna ploughs is the field of your heart. By
ploughing your heart, He generates the fruits of
peace and distributes them amongst the human
beings. Such is the ideal picture of Krishna which
we should form in our mind.
- Summer Roses on Blue Mountains 1976, Ch 3

If you earn the grace of the Divine, even mountains of sin can be reduced to dust. Baba

27 meI,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: jd AsIN Bgvwn ikRSn dw nW jpdy hW qW swfy mn AMdr ikhVy ivcwr
Awauxy cwhIdy hn?Bgvwn ikRSn v`loN ibqwey jIvn qoN swnUM,ikhVI is`iKAw
imldI hY?Bgvwn,ies au`qy rOSnI pwauNdy hn[

auq`r: Bgvwn ikRSn ny,iek piv`qr pRx ilAw ik auh Awpxw audwhrx dy
ky,lokW iv`c SWqI Aqy KuSIAW ilAwaux gy[auh BwvyN ,lVweI dy mYdwn iv`c
sn, smSwn ivc sn jW iksy SWqmeI jgHw au`qy sn,aunHW dy ichry qy KuSI hI
ivKweI idMdI sI[ieh,Bgvwn ikRSn dw bhuq v`fw gux sI[AsIN qW KuSI
vyly,gwauNdy-bjwauNdy hW pr Bgvwn ikRSn,lVweI dy mYdwn iv`c vI gwauNdy sn
Aqy QoVI-QoVI kr ky, KuSI ivKwauNdy sn[auh hmySw,AwnMd mudrw iv`c rihMdy
sn[ikRSn nW dw mUl ArQ smJo[ikRSn Sbd dw ArQ hY auh vsqU,ijs nUM
vyK ky hr koeI,aus v`l iK`icAw jWdw hY[ikRSn Sbd dw dUjw ArQ hY auh
mnu`K ,ijhVw KyqW iv`c hl clwauNdw hY[ie`Qy Kyq dw ArQ hY ik ikRSn,quhwfy
idlW iv`c hl clwauNdy hn[quhwfy idlW iv`c hl clw ky auh,SWqI dw Pl pYdw
krdy hn Aqy auh pYdw hoey PlW nUM,lokW iv`c,vMfdy hn[ies qrHW dw AwdrS
ic`qr,swnUM Awpxy mn iv`c bxwauxw cwhIdw hY[(smr roizz Awn blU
mwaUntynz 1976, A`iDAwey iq`n)[
jy qusIN, Bgvwn dw AwSIrvwd hwsl krdy ho qW pwpW dw phwV vI,DUl iv`c
bdl jwvy gw[(bwbw)[

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