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What is the picture of ?

- The picture is of radio waves in the air

travelling through a mountain, and into a

Why is this relevant ?

- Our project is on Television & Radio
waves. This picture explains how we get our
television, radio, broadcasting, microwaves,
satellite, etc, to work correctly. Even going
through solid object.

Where did you get the picture ?

- I just got it off some scientific-looking
website called

What is the wavelength of Television &

Radio waves ?
- These waves have the longest waves in
the EM spectrum. They have from about
0.04 inches to more than 64 feet. They are
longer than infrared light.

What is the frequency of Television &

- These waves have frequencies from 300
GHz to as low as 3 kHz.

What is the energy level of this wave ?

- Their natural energy is the lowest in the
electromagnetic spectrum. Going from 10-4
to 10-0. The Radio waves are even smaller
from from 10-0 to 10-3.

How are Television & Radio waves

produced ?
- Like all other electromagnetic waves,
they travel at the speed of light. Naturally
occurring radio waves are made by
lightning, or by astronomical objects.

What are some possible dangers ?

- Large doses of radio waves are believed
to cause cancer, leukaemia and other
disorders. Some people claim that the
very low frequency field from overhead

power cables near their homes has

affected their health,
Where might you find a radio wave ?
- There are many uses for radio waves,
but the most commonly known all natural
radio wave, would be a lightning bolt. But
we have now manipulated these waves for
communication and broadcasting.

Why is it used for radio waves ?

- There are many types of waves that
could have been used instead of the radio
wave, but the only reason that the radio
wave is a radio wave is because of its power
to diffract of move around things. Making it
easier to talk to someone if there is
something in between you

Interesting facts
Wireless internet routers also known
as wifi use radio waves in the range of
frequencies of 2.4 GHz to 5.8 GHz.

4G or(fourth generation) cell phone

service also use radio waves. This new
device allows data to transfer to
smartphones and other cellular
devices up to 1 GHz per second.
Nasa, the National Science Foundation
(U.S.) and other astronomers, use
radio telescope to study space.
AM (Amplitude Modulated) radio
waves are within a frequency range
of 550 kHz and 1600 kHz.

FM (Frequency Modulated) radio

waves are within a frequency range
of 88 Mhz and 108 Mhz.

Ultraviolet light waves (sunlight),

radio waves, microwaves, x-rays,
infrared (remote control), gamma
waves, bluetooth and radar are all
types of electromagnetic waves.

Works Cited
"PhysicsatKHS." PhysicsatKHS. Web. 25 Apr.
"Radio Waves." Radio Waves. Web. 25 Apr.
"Radio Waves - Boundless Open Textbook."
Boundless. Web. 26 Apr. 2016.

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