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Senior Project Proposal

You must submit your formal written proposal for your senior project to your
Blackstone coach, a school administrator, your advisor and your senior seminar
teacher. Before you hand in your final proposal, you should draft a pre-proposal
and discuss/develop it with your Blackstone coach.

Senior Project Product

Each Senior Project will result in a product of some sort. This product should be a
logical and clear manifestation of your research, investigation, thinking, and work.
A product could be anything from a professional research paper to a performance to
a painting. The product of each Senior Project will be assessed using the general
criteria on the rubric. Some students complete a journal as product if they are
doing a particularly experiential project.
Projects need to be based on a question and begin to address a need in a particular
industry/ community. The project must demonstrate application of learning and
skills related to the research paper topic that showcases the application of
research. Project types include, but are not limited to:

physical project
written project
physical experience
service-learning based
education/ teaching

Essential Question:

Project Proposal

What is the problem that needs to be addressed in the industry/ community?


Who - specifically, and preferably locally- is being affected by this problem?

-The people being affected by this problem are the foster children who are to young
to speak up, the adolescents who have been silenced by the system for so long and
the community of Rhode island because people need to know how to create a better
foster system and without knowing what is going wrong with it nobody will be able
to help.
What is something you would like to do to help solve this issue?
-I would like to focus mainly on the children in the system who are taken out of
there home in an emergency. I would like to get some adults who have been in DCYF
when they were younger to speak about their experience. I would also like DCYF to
come to blackstone speak about the system as a whole.
How will this positively impact the community? (What do you hope to accomplish?)
- This would positively impact the community because it will raise awarness
and hopefully more people start to think about the system and how they can
help it.
What organizations could you work with?
I could work with DCYF, Foster Forward, Reach out to Dominic Carter.. Guest
Do you know anyone who could help you gain contact with that group?

Not necessarily. I could reach out to Stacy, Paul, and Greg for help.

Description of your Project: (3 paragraphs) Be sure to include what you hope to

accomplish and why, how you will do it, and how you will measure your impact.

As of right now I have the passion to give simply because that is what my heart is all
about. My intention is to give but not receive, maybe receive happiness from foster
kids but not receive anything more than that. My intentions are big and I know that
if I can can create some sort of happiness in someone's heart if not more. I plan on
reaching out to Dominic Carter, a man who had been in foster care he has dealt with
abuse and neglect from his mom and have him come to blackstone and speak. I
know that he is a strong speaker because I have watched him before. He will help
me portray the message that I want to get across and that is that there is hope in
the world for foster kids. I want him to speak about his experience to all of
Blackstone to clear misconceptions and to speak about what it is like to be in foster
care. If I am unable to get him I am pretty sure I will find someone else.
I also hope to create care packages with words of encouragement to foster kid who
get removed from their home in the case of an emergency. I want to include the
basic necessities for this children such as tooth brushes, soap, perfume, cologne,
pillow case, and maybe even books or something of that nature. I really hope to
accomplish this because every child deserves to feel like someone cares about them
and I want to be that person. My heart is big enough to worry and care about
everyone but foster kids are my main focus because it hurts my heart to know that
majority of them don't feel loved or worthy. I know that I will need money so I will
figure that part out but I will get it done. I plan to reach out to someone from DCYF
and speak to them about it also.
I know I can have a successful project and I will take it step by step one thing
at a time and by doing that I will know if I met all of my goals. I will continuously
meet with my coach and go over what is next when It comes to a project. I am
confident that I could create happiness in the lives of these foster children.

Rite aid

Name of the Off-Site Coach/ Possible organizations:

Department of Youth, and family services
Foster Forward

Habits of Mind

Explain how you project connects with at least 6 of the new habits of mind.

Community engagement

An approximate weekly/ monthly calendar for the steps in your project, this will be
modified once a week to demonstrate process and change:
List of materials and funds to complete project:

Research Sources and experts you plan to consult

Dominic carter

Senior Seminar teacher:
Administrator (Kyleen or Carolyn):
Blackstone Coach:


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